A NATIONAL PAPER, PUBLISHED WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS BY JOHN Ff.NNO, No. 69, HIGH-SI REE P, PHILADELPHIA [No. 55, of Vol. IV.] Saturday, September 22, 1792. General Poll-Office. Philadelphia, Sept. 10,1792. PROPOSALS 'Will be received at this Office until the fifteenth day of November next, in clusively, tor carrying the Mails of the United States on the following Post Roads, from the fir ft day of January next, until the firll day of June, 1 794* In Massachusetts and New-Hampshire 1. From WiJ'caJJct to Portland in the diftri£tof Main: : The mail to leave Wi leaflet t very Tuesday by fix o'clock in the morning, aud arrive at Port land the next day by one in the afternoon :—He turning, to leave Portland every Thuffday by fix in the morning, aud arrive at WifcalTct the next day by one in the afternoon. 2. Fiom Portland to» Portsmouth : The mail to lea? 1 Poitland every Monday and Thuifdav by fix o'clock, in the morning, and arrive at Ports mouth every Tuesday and Fridav by ten in the forenoon:—Returning, to leave Poitfmouth eve ry Tuesday and Friday at one in the afternoon, and arrive at Portland 011 Wednesday and Satur day bv fix in the evening. 3. From Fortfmouth to Bojlon : From November fir it to May firft, the mail to lea\e Portsmouth every Tuesday and Friday, at two o'clock in the a ,11 nr.oon. ar-d arrive ilol "> «>n W.idiitiday and Saturday by fix 141 the evening : — Returning, to leave Boston every Monday and Thursday, by fix in the morning, and arrive at Portsmouth on Tuesday and Friday by ten in the forenoon : — And from May firft to November fir ft,'he mail to leave Poitfmouth Tuesday, Thursday and Satur day, by four in the morning, and arrive at Boilon the fame days by fix in the evening : — Returning, to leave Boston every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, by four in the morning, and air.vr at Portsmouth the fame days by fix in the evening. In Massachusetts, Connecticut and N f w-Yor k 4. From Bcjlon,bv Worcejler, Springfcld^Hartford, Middletown, and New-Havev y to New-York : From November fiift 10 May firft, the mail to leave Bos ton every Monday and Thursday, at one o'clock in the afternoon ; and arrive at New-York every Saturday and Wednesday (the fixrh day from its departure) bv ten in the forenoon : Returning, to leave New-York every Monday and Thursday, at one o'clock in the afternoon, and arrive ar Bol ton every Saturday and Wednesday, by ten in the forenoon : And from May firft to November firft, the mail to leave Boston every Monday, Wednes day and Fiiday, by three o'clock in the morning, and arrive at New.York Sar^r day and Tuesday (the fourth day from its de parture) by eleven in the forenoon : Returning, to leave New-York everv Monday. Wedtiefday a/>d Friday, by one o'clock in the afternoon, and ar rive at Boston every Thursday, Sa-urday and Tuesday, by fix in the evening. In New-York, New-Jersey and Pennsyl- V A N I A. 5. Between New-York, (by Newark and Eliza bethrown) and Philadelphia, every day in the week, Sunday excepted :,The mails to leave New-York at noon, and Philadelphia ar one o'clock in the afternoon; and arrive at Philadelphia and New- York refpe&ively, the next day afier their de parture, by ten in the forenoon ; excepting the mails of Saturday, which are to arrive at the fame bour on Monday. In Pennsylvania and Maryland, C. From Philadelphia to Baltimore: The mail to i leave Philadelphia every Monday, Wednefdav j and Friday, at noon, and arrive at Baltimore each succeeding day by noon : Returning, to leave Baltimore every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, by four o'clock in the morning, and arrive at Phi ladelphia each succeeding day by eleven in the torenoon. 7. From Baltimore to Alexandria: The mail to leave Baltimore everv Tuesday, Thi rfday and Sa turday, at one o'clock in the afternoon, and airive at Alexandria each succeeding day by eight in the morning: Returning, to le-we Alexandria every Monday, Wednesday and Frjvfay by four o'clock in the afternoorv rnd arrive at Baltimore on Tuef diy, Thuilday .ad Saturday by ten in the fore noon. In Virginia. 8. From Alexandria to Richmond, Peter/burg, Suf folk and Portsmouth : The mail to leave A'exan dria every Monday, Wednesday and Fridav, at nine o'clock in the morning, and arrive at Rich- mond every Tuesday,■ ThuHday and Saturday, by fix in the evening ; at Peteifburg, every Wed nefdav, Friday and Monday at ten in the forenoon ; at Suffolk everv Thursday, Saturday and Tuesday I>> fix in the afternoon ; and at Portsmouth every Friday, Monday and Wednesday. by ten in the forenoon : Returning, to leave Portsmouth the lame Fiiday, Monday and Wednesday, at one o'clock in the afternoon, and arrive at Suffolk the fame days by seven in the evening ; and at Peters- rargthe next Monday, Wednesday and Friday by eleven in the forenoon; leave Peteifburg the Tame eiays at two in tiie afternoon, and arrive at Rich mond the fame days by fix in the evening : leave Richmond on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, by four in the morning, and arrive at Alcxrndria the next Wednesday, Ft iday and Monday, by three in she afternoon. 9. From Richmond, by William (burg, York-Town and Hampton, to Norjolk. Ttie mail lo leave Rich mond every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, by *our o'clock in the morning, and arrive at Notfoik each fucceecling day, by five in the afternoon : Returning, to leave Norfolk every Wednesday, Friday and Monday, by (ix in the morning, and arrive at Richmond each succeeding <lav, by fix in the evening In Virginia and North-Carolina .10. From Pctcr/iurg,. by Hali/u >, E<" horou, h and J Smithjitld, 10 faycUcvli'tr. The mail to leave Petcri burg every Friday, at one o'clock, in the afternoon, and arrive at Riyetteville the next Monday, by eight in the evenrng : Returning, to leave Faj ette ville every Tuesday, by tour m the morning, and arrive at Peter the next' Friday, by eleven in i (he forenoon. In North Carolina an d Georgia -11. From Fayt tteville, by Ciieraw Court- Houfc, Camden, Columbia and Ojnbiidge, to Augulta, The mail to leave Fayeitcville every Tueiday, by tour in the reach Camden ihe ncxx day by five in the afternoon, and arrive at Augulta the next Saturday by noon : keturn ing 10 icave Auguitarvery Ihuilday, at five ini'ie morning, anive at Camden the next Sunday by five in the morning, and at Fayettevtilc the next Monday, by eight in the evening. 12. From Augujla tc 6avunnah. The mail to leave Augusta eve: y Saturday, at one o'clock iii the afternoon, and arrive at Savannah the next Mon day morning by ten : Returning, to leuve Savan nah evirv Monday, at two o'clock in the after noon, and arrive at Augylia the next Wcdneiday, by five in the afternoon. 13 From Carr-c*' n i<» icn'Jc C«.i."jden every lhurlday by tour iii 0- morning, and an ive at Siauiburg by eight : i<c -1 urning, to leave Stalt Iburg ever y Salurday, at tv\ o in the afternoon, and arrive at Camden by fix. In Massachusetts, Rhode-Island and Con- NF.CTICUT. 1 14. From Bojlon 10 Providence. The mail to | leave Bolton evciy Monday and lhuriday, by fix in ihc morning, and arrive the fame days at Pro vidence, by five in the afternoon : Returning, to ; leave Providence every Wednesday and Saturda), ■ by fix in the morning, and arrive the lame days , at Boilon, by five in the afternoon. i Per (cms offet ing proposals for this eontraft. are defued also to (late the terms on which they will carry the mail between Boston and Provi dence, three times a week, and every day in the week (Sunday excepted ) in calc a itagc waggon should run so often between those two places. 15. From Providence, by Norwich, to Haulorcs. The mail to leave Piovidence every 7 uelday and Friday, by fix o'clock in the morning, and arrive at Norwich the fame days, and at Hartford or Wednesday and Saturday, by five in the noon : Returning, to cave Hartford every Monoay and Thursday, at fcven in the morning, arrive at NOl - the lame days, and ?r Promde.nce on Tttt'l. cfay aiu-i Jiiday, by live 1:1 the alter noon. Pei sons offering proposals for this arc also desired to ftatc the terms on which they will carry the mail between Piovidence and Hait ford three times a week, if a stage waggon should 1 run so often between those two places. 16. From New-London to Newport, thence by Brijlol and Warren 10 Providence, thence by Green wick to Newport, and from Newport to New-London. The mail to leave New-London every Tuesday, at two in the afternoon, and arrive at Newport the next day by fix in the evening ; leave Newport I every Friday at eight in the morning, and airive at Providence the fame day by fix in the evening ; ! have Providence on Saturday at eight in the mom j ing, and palling through Greenwich, arrive at Newport the fame day by fix in the evening; leave- Newport the next Monday at eight in the ing, and arrive at New-London the next day by ten in the forenoon. 17. From New-Haven to New-London : The mail to leave New-Haven every Monday, at eight in the morning, and arrive at New-London every Tuesday by ten in the forenoon :—Returning, to leave New-London every Tuesday at two o'clock in the afternoon, and arrive at New-Haven every Wednesday afternoon by fix. 18. From Midd/etown to New-London. The mail to leave Middletown, from November fiift to May fir ft, every Thursday morning, and from May to November, every Friday morning, by eight o'clock ; and arrive at New-London by fix in the evening of the day of its departure : ,Retuining, to leave New-London each next succeeding day by eight in the morning, and arrive at Middletown! by fix 111 the evening In New-York. 19. Between the city of New-York (by Kingf bridge, Poughkeepfit, and the city of Hudson) and Albanv. The carriers, with the mails, to leave Mew-York and Albany every Monday and Thurs day, by loii r in the morning, meet, and return to each place on Wednesday and Saturday, by fix in the evening. In Pennsylvania. 20. From Philadelphia, by Lancajler, York-town, Carlisle, Shipper/burg, Lhamberjburg, Bedford and Greenjburg to Pitt/burg. The mail to leave Phila delphia every S-itui day at noon, and arrive at F'ittf burg the next I"i iday by noon ; remain there not less than four, nor more than fix hours, return to Philadelphia the following Friday by noon. In the State cj Delawakf. 21. From Wilmington, by Kew-Cajile, Can tw til's Bridge, ana Duck Creek, to Dover. The mail to leave Wilmington everv Monday afternoon, by five o'clock (or as soon as the mail from Philadel phia is leceived) and anive at Dover by five in the evening of Tuesday : Returning, to leave Dover every Wednesday morning by five o'clock, and arrive at Wilmington by seven in the evening of the fame day. In Delaware and M ar y l a n d. 22. From Ctnidiana Bridge, by Middletown, Warwick and George-town Cross-Roads, to Ches ter-town, and thence to Eafton. The mail to leave Chrifliana Bridge every Monday afternoon, I by fix o'clock (or as (con as the mail /torn Phi la 129 delphia is received) aud arrive at Eafton by fix in the evening of J uelday : Returning, to leave ii,al ton every Wednesday morning by five o'clock, and arrive at Chriltiana Bridge in the evening ul the fame day, by eight o'clock. Persons ottering proposals for carrying thib mail, are desired to (tale the terms on wlneh tl.cy will carry it from May firft to November full, by leaving Philadelphia every Monday at half pail nine, A. M. and reaching Cailon the next day by Isou r, P. M.—and ieturmng, leave Eafton every Wednesday by four, A. M. and arrive at Philadel phia tue next day by noon : And perform the lame tour, during the other half of the year, be tween half pail nine o'clock of every Monday, and noon ot the next Sattuday. And also their teirns tor carrying an additional mail between Philadel phia and Chcftertown, leaving Philadelphia every Wednesday and Friday at hajt past nine, A. M. and returning the fourth day after by noon. 23. From Baltimore to Annapolis. The mail to, leave Baltimore every Monday and Friday, at eight in the morning, and arrive at Annapolis the fame days by five in the afternoon ". Returning, to leave Annapolis every Tuesday and Saturday by eight in the morning, and arrive at Baltimore the j fame days by five in the afternoon. In Virginia avd Nokth-Caroi '.ka 24. I'lom tfujfein, f»ytdenton, Plymouth,V/a/hmg and Newl/cru, to Wilmington : ihe mail to leave Suifolk every Wednefdav at tour o'clock in the morning, and arrive at Wilmington the next Sa turday, by iix in the evening : Returning, to leave Wilmington every Monday by four in the morning, and arrive at Suffolk the next Thursday by fix in the evening. In North-Carolina ?5- From Halifax by BlountJvilUy Willizmjlown, I and Baileys, to Plymouth, once in two weeks:—The mail to leave Halifax every other Mondav by five j o'clock in the morning, and ariive at Plymouth] the next day by fix in th? evening : Returning, to leave Plymouth the next Thursday by five in the morning, and arrive at Halifax on Friday by Hve in the evening. / Note i. If during the continuance of the con tra£ls here proposed, any other times of arrival and departure of the mails Ihould become necef lary, to preserve a proper connection with other mails, the contra&ors are to conform to any ar rangement which for that purpose shall be made by the Post-Master Genera!, such arrangement not Irffening the number of hours above allowed for rarrying the mail* rcfpt&ively, without their con sent. .v-y ;i.. fc .'irr4T"rnT?cinnrrprTTtsn len minutes, nor exceeding halt an hour,for opening and closing a mail is to he allowed at each I'oft-OHicejat which the time of its ar rival and departure is not hetein fpecificd 3. For every half hour's delay (unavoidable ccrdents excepted) in arriving after the times pre scribed in any contratt, the contrattor to forfeit one dollar ; and for the non-peiformance ol a trip, double the sum which the value of one trip fha 1 i bear to the value of the whole number of trips to be performed. 4. The mail may be carried on any of the port roads herein described, either in stage waggons or on horses : but when the state of the roads pre vents travelling in waggons with the necellary ex pedition, the mails are to be carried on horses.— Every niail-flage mult have in it a box in which the mail is invariably to be carried, under lock and key. 5. News-papers, as well as letters, to be sent in the mails : and if any coivtraftor would wish to be authoiized to carry news-papers, other than those conveyed in the mail (agreeably to the 22d feCtiori of the pod-office law) he mud, in his proposals, date the relbedlive sums for which he will carrv the mails with and without the emolu ments which may atife from such ieparate carriage of news-papers. NEW POST ROADS, In New-York, Massachusetts & Vkrmost, An extension of the Poll roads having been de fired,from CorinojorharricxoWhitcS'town, and thence to Kan.anda.iqua, in the date of New-York ; from to Bennington. in the dates of MaHachu fetts and Vermont ; and fiom Rutland to Windjor, and Rutland to Fairhaven, in Vermont : Proposals for carrying mails on those routs, (at the expense of the contra&ors) will he received at the General Pod-Office, until the fifteenth day of November next mclulively. — Persons offering such proposals, mud date the days and hours when t hey will re ceive and deliver the mails at each place here mentioned, and the length of time (which cannot exceed eight years) for which,they will contra#. The contractors, refpe&ivelv, will have the ex clusive privilege of carrying letters and packets on these roads, for hire ; and be authorized to re ceive, to their own ulc, all the podages which diall a rife, on letters, packets and newfp'ftpers by them carried, at the rates edablifhed by law : but mud carry, free of podage, such letters and packets as by law are, or (hall be declared free. Forever) hour's delay (unavoidable accidents excepted) in delivering a mail, after the time a greed on, the contra£lor to forfeit one dollar; and for the non-performance of a trip, one dollar for eveiy ten miles didance, as far as the failure extends. The persons whom the contra&ors nate for Postmasters, on these routes, —previous to their atting as such, mud be approved by the Post- Maller General, and take the oaths required by law. They are to agree for their compensations with the contractors, to whom alone they are to account for all the postages they shall receive. Thl fame oaths mufl be taken by the contra&ors and their riders who carry the mails. TIMOTHY I'ICKERINC, v Pojt-M aster-General [Whole No. 555.] EOWEN's FXHIBITION OF w ax-Work & Paintings, AT the House lately occupied by Mrs. Pine, in Eighth-ilreet, is ndw ready for t!ie en tertainment of the Public. Among a great variety of Paintings, are a number of ITALIAN & FRENCH PIECES, which are new and very pleating. Alio, a collection of NEW WAX FIGURES. The Exhibition is operr every day, from nine o'clock in the morning, until nine in the even ing. Admittance Half a Dollar for Ladies and Gentlemen, and hajprice for Children. Ticket", for the season, (not transferable) Two Dollars. For Sale, at the Exhibition Rooms, LIKENESSES of the PRESIDENT of the UNITED STATES, in WAX, And a variety of Elegant PRINTS in Frames. Sept. 21. • (eptf) Grand Family Bible. PROPOSALS FOR PRINTING BY SUBSCRIPTION, An ELEGANT EDITION of the SACRED SCRIPTURES Of the OLD and NEW TESTAMENTS, with the Apoc r y pha, 0n a very Urge and beanlijul vew Type, and/uperjtnf to., j.— Paper, THE great importance of the JHoly Scriptures, interesting to every individual; the divine excel lence of its do&rines and precepts, and the beauty and fublimitv of its paflages, have so long made it a capital objedl of attention, as to preclude occa sion or opportunity for eulog'iim. The piety or enterprise of individuals has pre sented this invaluable book to the public in a va riety ot forms ; in some editions it has been highly embellilhed with superb engravings, which have greatly enhanced its price ; in others it has been accompanied with voluminous commentaries, which neceflarily encreafed the Cue; while a va riety of plain cheap copies have generally diftuffd the knowledge of the Scripui»e, and, made the ourchafe easy to every class. Without wishing in the smallest degree to lessen ih«_ nu-iita P» whether pJaitt or ornamented, which the public aie already in polfcflion of, it is pertinent to remark, that very many readers of taste and judgment have expreflcd a wish tor a Family Bible unencumbered with ad ditions. There Hill appears room ior another edition on a beautiful new type, superior in fise and elegance to any bible that has yet been printed in the English language, and which, leaving the adventitious circumstances of ornament or com ment, may exhibit the Oraclcs oj God in their na tive limplicity. SPECIMEN OF THE TYPE. 5 And God said, d Let there be light: and there was light. With refpetlful fubmifHon to the judgment and candour of the puirlic, the following are offered : I. The wotk shall"be printed with thegjr?teft fidelity and attention to corre&nefs both in the text and marginal references, on a fuperfine Paper made on purpose, with an elegant new Type call for the work of the size of the above Specimen. 11. The work will be comprised in twenty numbers, nuking two elegant volumes in Folio ; to be lurnifhed to fubfetibers at one cfollar each number. To prevent any complaints of want of punctuality, no patt of the work will be delivered unless paid tor. 111. The full number, containing sixty folio pages, elegantly printed, will be furnifbed on the rtrft Saturday of July next, when fubferibers are to pay the price of the firft and second numbers, and the price of one number to be always in ad vance till the work is completed. The subsequent numbers to be published regularly on the firlt Sa turday of each fuccecding month, till the whole is finilhed. (p3T Subscriptions will be received in Philadel phia by the Publi{hcrs, Thomas Dob son, No. 41, South Second-street, and John Parker, No. 259, North Second-street; and by all the Bookfcllers : in Charleston, by William B. Young ; Richmond, hv Aichibald Currie ; Baltimore, bv James Rice ; Wilmington, by Peter Brynberg ; New-York, by Thomas Allen; New-Haven, bv Isaac Beers; Providence, (R. I.) bv William Wilkinfon; Sa lem, by Thomas Cnlhing ; Boston, by David. Weft, Benjamin Guild, and Thomas & Andrews. NEW TEAS. IMPERIAL, HYSON& SOUCHONG, Of the very fiift quality, and latefl importation from Camou, via New-York, by retail, at No. Ip, Th-ird,between Chcfnut and Market Streets. WANTED—TO RENT, From the last of O£lober next, (f3T A convenient House, zn or nefbr the centre of the City.—Enquire ojthe Editor.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers