ft O ME, April 20. THE departure of the Pope for themarihes ofPomini took place on the 26th infh It is his cuftotn once a year to vifttthofe works,which have now been, a long time carrying on, in order to restore ro fertility and cultivation an immense extent of uiarfl]v and unhealthy territpry. VIENNA, April 15. At the departure of Monlieur de B ifchoffs werder for Berlin, the fol lowing refolutitrtis were agreed to, on the part of his Apostolic Majelty and the King of Pruflia. r. Plati of operation against France, • condotfied'by the Dnk-e of Brunfwick, fettled by Prince Hohenloe, and mu tually adopted. 2. Letters of requefl: so be addreiP ed to all the Princes of the empire, who are able to grant supplies of men, and the meafOres furnifhing iheir contingent to beprevioully detertnin-j ed. 3. Circular letters to all the pow ers of Europe, who concur in the sen timent of fupporiing the Monarchi cal government of France ; elpecialJy to the Courts of Ruflia, Sweden, Prill-j fia, Spain, Naples, Sardinia and Swit zerland. Thefc letters propose—a full.refti tution of the Comtat of Avignon to| the Pope—a perfedt restoration of'the* rights of the German Princes land-j holders in Alfaceand Lorrain—A full l homage to be paid by ihe people of, trance to his Mod Christian Majesty, as Monarch of France.—An invitation to all the Powers of Europe, to in duce them to contribute all in their power toward the accornplifhment ofi these end 3. j The march of our troops continue •with the utmost expedition ; and our araiy in the Netherlands amounts al ready to 70,000 men. St. PETERSBURG, April 20. Intelligence is received of Captain Billings, who is employed in contin uing to make discoveries for Rulfia in the South Seas. This navigator during the year 1790, surveyed those clulters of islands denominated the] Kourilis and Aloutes, where he has disco vered many new species of plants —proper for the luftenance of manj and bead : Happy discoveries ! and a thousand times more ufefol to man than thqfe political systems which disturb, and will for a long time dis turb the peace of this little restless quarter of the globe, called Europe. BASIL, (Switzerland) May 3. The ariftocrais of this country are constantly giving the reins to their imagination in order to render odi ous the patriotic fpiric in France. The words propagande and Jacobins have, through their influence, a fort of talifmanic effetft, and entirely faf cinate the eyes as well as the under standing. They contrive a creed of the French political faith by their own fire-fides, and then fct about a busing it as if it were the real consti tution. BRUS SELLS, May 6. On the third of the present month were marched into this city a nuni berofFrench prisoners, together with a long train of carriages, bringing in the firft fruits of conquest over the frrench, among which are, one how itzer, four pieces artillery, called la Modefte.la Timide, rEcorcheufe,/the hide-flayer) and la Martiale, with co hered waggons, travelling forges,&c. In regard to the attack upon Mons, the Austrian accounts are as follow ■ that besides five four pound pieces of artillery, and a ten pounder howitz with their carriages, &c. there were taken from the French several forges, tor the put pose of heating their balls red hot, to be discharged against Mons ; a large quantity of hay and oats, and warlike stores of every kind: the prisoners were one lieute nant-colonel, two other officers, and eighty-nine men. The whole loss of •the' French was cftimared at 400 men Killed 111 the attack and purfutt. May 18 Intelligence has been just received jiere, that live little town of Bavay between Valenciennes and Meuburre' was yelterday taken by the Auftrians' JoS men, with 4 officers, who were there ported, tnade prifoiiers. Tills government lias received an account, tliat general Sztaray, who had been quartered at Charlcroy, to waich the movements of iVI. de la Fay ette's army, having understood that a large detachment was polled at a place ealled F lotenne, at no great distance from PliilipviJJe, he resolved to attack it, though his force was much inferior; M. de Gouvion's num bers being eltimated at seven thou sand, and thof'e ot General Sztaray at [ but three. The French, after an ob stinate refiftance,in the end gave way, leaving ijo dead, several wounded, three pieces of cannon, and all their baggage and ammunition ; the loss of the Auftrians was four killed, and twenry-two wounded. No uiorei par ticular cii cuinftances of this j>ctio: are as yet received PARIS, May 10, ! By a letter from Cologne, dated die jrh ot May, we are informed,that the Prnifian army is certainly on March in two columns, confiding each of 20,000 men. The firlt is command ed by the Duke of Brnrrfvvick, and the second by the Prince-Royal of Pruifia. LONDON, May 29 The London Gazette contains a • proclamation, forbidding any of bis J Majetty's fubjetfs serving at sea any (foreign power, or fining out priva teers againll any ; also notice of the | marriage of Prince Maximilian of DreCden, with the Princess of Parma ; the delivery of the Queen of Naples of a Prince, and the appointment of Sir Lucas Pepys, as physician in ordi nary to his Majesty, on the death of Sir Noah Thomas. A -report isgprevalent in the higher circles, that the Duke of Portland, with all bis interest, means to atS in future with the Mini Her. Lord Thurlow is likely to continue the Seals, though not to ad as a Ca binet Minister, for fonie time ; a cer tain personage having requeued him to hold them until he had gone thro' all his decrees on causes completely heard. The city of London yesterday vot ed an address of thanks to the king for his proclamation Very considerable improvements are to be made in the Light-houses along the coast. The Parent Lamps are to be generally adopted, and the North-Foreland Light-house is to be heightened twenty-two feet. I Last week Capt. Kartwell made a farvey of the, Light-houses upon the coast of Kent and Suflex, 111 conse quence of which the above important alterations are to rake place. On Friday the 2 ;th inft. in the 74th yeat Of his age, died, the RiehfHon GEORGE BRIDGES RODNEY, Lord Rodney, Baron Rodney, of Rodney Stoke. Somerfetfliire, Baron and K.B an Admiral of the White, and Vice Admiral of England ; his Lordlhip is succeeded in title and elfate by his el deft ("on, the Hon. Geotge Rodney who married, April roth,~i 7 S 2) Mar tha, daughter of the Right Hon. Al derman Harley, and his i(Tue. In honor of the memory of Lord Rodney, several veflelsinthc Dock had their colours half mart. Lord Rodney, on the morning of his death, walked out in the 1110 ft per fect health, returned todrefsfor din ner about four o'clock, when he re ceived a parylytic stroke, and expired aliiioli instantaneously ! A most alarming discovery was made at a Bali-Room in Bath, a few nlglvs ago—One of the company was pvilty of being a tradesman—the conflifion was general, and the delinquent was deltred to withdraw, to prevent the Ladies from falling into hyflcrics. Extract oj a leter from Paris, Jpril 25 " A robber and aflaifin was this a t I ex P er ' etl ce the fatal e.tetn of the new machine for the ex ecution of criminals. He was secure ly bound to an upright pillar, which turning upon a binge laid him in a horizontal position with his head in a kind of aperture like that of a pil. °<-y. Ibe boards that confined his head were double to admit between t lem a blade of enormous weight w ich rufiling down upon an inclined plane divided the neck with certain and lnftantaneoiis efFert, and no doubr 66 without mucli fenfatioh of pain to the fufFerer. A halket placed before him received ths bead ; the bleeditig trunk was again eretfted, and both were immediately fentaway. Though there is something awful in this pun ilhment, the populace wbo cooly dif cufled its merits, said " they (hould relish it better than hanging." The honor of the invention being due to M. Guillotin, physician, political wri ter, and a diltinguifhed member of the fir ft aflembly, it is universally called the Guillotine. Could his n>o- defty, however, have forefeen that he should go by this road to immor tality, it is much to be doubted whether he would have availed him felf of ihe versatility of his talents.'* BRITISH SARCASMS The ridiculous condntft of the French, seems fully to juftify one se vere tarcafm the late King of Prulfin addrefled to the Marquis de Valori, the French Anibafl'ador, in the Opera House of Berlin The curtain from lome obltacle not rising higher than to shew the legs of the performers— Frederick exclaimed " Monsieur de Valori—you now fee the French go vernment, many legs and no heads !" ■ " He that fights and runs away, May live to fight another day," fays Kudibras—but the French heroes out do him quire—by running away with out fighting ! Yesterday morning the renowned Thomas Paine, stole off from this me tropolis without beat of drum. LI BERTY, being the very foul of the rights of man, Thomas hesitated not to take the freedom of giving his sureties — teg bail; and of efcapingfrom Bai liffs—Conftables—Jailors—and, mod probably, from Jack Ketch himfelf— '* Ah ca ira, ca ira, ca ira J" DOVER (N. Ham.) July 5 We are informed from good au thority that a Canal is to be dug from Winnepifiiokee pond to unite the waters with Cochecho river and tha; a fubferiptron is filling for that purpose—and we hear that a gentle man of property in Port/mouth, has offered joal. towards the undertaking —and considering the rage for Canal ! cutting—it will be accomplished with ease—as 'tis said, that the water in the pond at the time of the great frefhet, a few years since overflowed, and found their way into Cochecho river. ALBANY, July 19. Gentlemen who reside on ihe Mili tary Lands, in the county of Herke nier, inform us, tliat that tratl of country contains avery great propor tion of rich land, well watered, and timbered-—T hat there is already a considerable number of settlers there, and that'it bids fair to people as ra pidly as any part of America—That 16 bushels of fait are daily manufac tured at Maj. Danforth's works, at the Salt-Springs—and that Mr. Isaac Van Vleck, formerly of Kinderhook is erecting other works at the fame place, for carrying on the likemauu ladory—That, whenever fufHcient works flial 1 be erected at these Springs a thousand bushels of fait can be made every day—That it now fells there at five /hillings per bushel— That iis [ weight is about j6lb. to the bufhe! ; and equal in quality (bv the lb.) to that of Turks-Jfland— That the fal mon-fi/hery in that country, must be come an objetf of great importance as that fine fifli (the salmon) abounds in their lakesand rivers, in ihe spring and fall that it is not uncommon for a party to spear 20 or qo in an even nig, from 14 to 3 olb. each—that if the nvers were cleared and seines made use of, some thousand barrels m'glit be caught in a season—that they are equal r„ ,he salmon of Cnn i)ec r ticut river—That a boat loadH with fait, going t» Niagara, where it « 24S- per luifhel, was lately seized by the Britifli at Ofwego. GEORGE-TOWN, July 21. On Sunday last the Prefidenr of the piTMJ fV" a, rived il-1 lhis citv I hiladelphia, and on Tuesday set out tor his .Seat at Mount Vernon On Monday and Tuefdav last the President of the United States, and the Couimiffioners of the Federal Buildings, examined the plans for a Capitol, and Present's IJoufe, to be i Cr;<T£eil in tiie r; v rf \t- «.• building, were presented The T »M.im for the Left p )an of t.ent s House, was adjudged to James Hoben from Cbarlefton, South* ■ olina, but no decision was ™iv en i„ favor 0 f any pJan for a Capitol-,three «r four of luperior merit are confide, at.on, and it is expend Z tbeCommiffioners.at their next men mK (the iff of Augurt) will then make their election. wAS HI NGT 0 N (N. C.) J„| y j. On Wednesday ]alt, abont midnighf, a fin broke out in the ftbre of Mr. Peter cWo ed rteTwHl' ' e i? e 7 llrin!? e ' lement soon r «cl'- « velf r e h,C i ,it tota,l - v coo! " u ™ei 1 th . e fcfchen and other o« iioifc The most vigorous efforts of the inhabitant were ,n <ran> everted. The houfc of Mr. Da v.d Shoemaker, and that of Mr. David foneV Mr cLl P ' rCy tothe „ fla J mes ' The Ul ed funher damage! which prevent- NEWBURYPORT, July ,g. Several Newspapers of the pad and prifent reek have prematurely mentioned Mr. Perkins t this town being sent for to Philadelphia for he purpose of superintending the coinage there • Perkins' abilities in that line are fully ade-' piate to such an appointment, as the fpecimeiw e has exhibited in that line amply tefttfV — nftead of the former method of performing th: lufinels, he has invented a new machine,-wliicii uts the metal into such circular pieces a? are vanted, and gives the impression at the fame ime—its motion is accelerated by a balance, fheei, and more than one third of the time md labor thereby saved—He hasalfoconftruft. d another machine, of his own invention, for lulling or lettering the edge, bv which a boy an mill fixtyeach minute— Were it foind ne .eil'ary, he could apply steam to perform all the noft laborious part of the bufineft. But what sos more importance, and will be found to be as more public utility than all the foregoing, is, a Check, which he has invented, for discover ing Counterfeits—this is so contrived, as that one eighth of a minute is fufficient to deter mine, without the poflibility of a mistake, whe ther a piece, of money is genuine, or not ; and any town or merchant can be supplied, at a small expense, with said Checks, and then reft allured that an imposition will be absolutely im pollible. BOSTON, July i 3. Concentrating the various public ofHces in tate-Street, is a measure that very much ac celerates business, and of cour/e is greatl.v ad vantageous to the commercial and manufac turing interests of the town—But the benefit of the measure does not flop here—the repairs and ornaments of the buildings add much to the beauty of the street; and must impress foreign ers, who enter' the town from the water, with lavorable ideas of its wealth and confequertce. Among; the ornaments above alluded to, a | very bandfome one was added a few days f.nce over the door of the Poft-Office. It is a wing ed Mercury, in the ad of bounding from a Globe, supporting his Caduceus in his left hand, and holding ?n his right a letter directed to u Russell, Esq. Merchant, Boston—per post"—conveying a handsome compliment to [ cbe mercantile interest of the town, and to one of its principal supporter?. The execution of the work was by Shillings—and mentioning that, precludes the necessity of facing it is elegantly done. ANECDOTE. Inflancesof honour and koncjly a*'e worthy <Jf record ior the imitation and gratification of mankind.—About a fortnight fince,a gent'eman of this State in travelling from the southward near Fairfield, Connecticut, loft a pocket-book containing much property. The stage was stopped some time that search might be made, but the earch proved in vain. At night, how ever, after the gentleman who fuffercd the loss was asleep, he was awakened by a countryman, who inquired, if he had loft a pocket-book—and being fatisfied with the replv, told the gentle man he had found it. Elated at the news, tiie gentleman sprang from his bed, and having re ceived the pocket-book, requeued the man who found it to take any fuin for his trouble he pleated—but he declined. The gentleman then off?red him Thirty dollars ; which was also re fused— as was troctit\-jive, and twcvt —the coun tryman obfervinn;, that his expectations were not great, and that four or five do'lars would filly fatisfv him.for his trouble. The centle man, almost vexed at the scrupulous feelings of the man, inilfted that unlefshetook twenty dol lars he should have nothing-*—but in vain. At length, however, after much intrcatw he was per suaded to accept of fifteen—but he declared, that he did it with reluctance, as the labourand trouble he iiad taken, were not worth the mo ney; and that he couM noS in conference, but give the child who picked up the book, two thirds thereof. THE EFFECT OF COVETOUSNESS; or a warning to Ml 5 er s, WE are informed by Valerius Msximu'— that whep Hannibal had besieged Caflilimini, ind reduced the garrison, for want of provision, to the last extremity, a fold'er happened to 4atch a half-ftar-ved pjoufe, and hi", co ve tonfne js jfcceeding his hunger, ■ e fold it to one of hi* comrades for e'eve flerUng; which roved a f bar; •r • ■ for he who bo t Ue"*n->n ? >, ftved ' by t e purchase, while - r e who fold it died til hunger.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers