FROM THE COLOMBIAN CENTINEL. THE REQUEST. Xf£ Lambkins that fporton yon mountain's green fide, With a fleece that's as white as its-snow, From your grazing O turn for a moment aiide, And then bleat a' foft echo to woe. Ye warblers that soar on the wings of the air, That distend with foft rapture the throat, Let pity induce ye to hear a fond prayer, And O ! lend to my sorrows a note. When Delta once fmil'd I were happy as ye We alike'were exposed to fate : The Jleel of detraction was aimed at me, And malice spread fnarts for my feet. Alike have we felt the keen pang of distress, For the Lamb to the altar is bound, The youug have been torn from your tender caress, And my Delia has cruelly frown'd. Go seek the fair Maid, ot-er till and o'er dale, In her ear go and whisper )mr pain, She'll certainly pity; then tell her my tale, And O, mark if (he pities again. But Ihould you not know her, if thousands you find, By these tokens diftinguilh your choice, You'll view all your innocence ftampt on her mind, Hear your mnlic excell'd by her voice. FROM THE CONNECTICUT COURANT. TANNED Sheep Skins at this day are in great demand for a variety of ufes—bnt for want of proper attention in taking off the wool, the ikin is ft)any times so far injured as scarcely to be worth dressing. The following method will he found beneficialAs soon as the Ikin is ta ken off the (heep's back, spread it on a horse or cow, and in fix or eight hoars the wool will come better than in any other way. After the wool is off, spread the ikin on a pole, and let it hang in the ihade (as the fun writ be very detrimental to it) till convenient to fend it to a tanner. This practice will render (beep skins of four times the value they now are, and save thousands of pounds to the country in a short time. BOSTON, June ij. The New-Hampfliire Bank commenced dif eounting at Portfmonth on Monday last. The Salem Bank will commence the ift of July. The votes for Governor and Lieutenant-Go vernor of this state, at the last ele<flion, were— whole number for Governor, 16,894, of which Mr. Hancock had 14,628. —For Lieutenant-Go vernor, whole number, 14,742, of which Mr. Adams had 12,609. LEGISLATURE OF MASSACHUSETTS The attention of the Legislature linceourlaft, has been occupifed in theconfiderationof the bill for incorporating the new State Bank. On this fubje<sl the debate has been very copious—and yesterday afternoon, 011 the question, Shall this bill have a third reading ? the numbers were— For it, 82. Against it, 61. This day, at 12 o'clock, is assigned for a third reading. ALBANY, June 14. The celebrated Indian, Col. Joseph Brandt, thief warrior of the Six Nations, pafl'cd through this city on Tuesday last, from the Westward, on his way to Philadelphia—we flatter ourselves this is an indication of Tome pacific measures be ing on the tapis. NEW-BRUNSWIC, (N.J.) June 19. On the 6th current, a coroners inquest was held 011 the body of a young Negro woman, late the property of Samuel Hunt, at the Prelbyte rian church at Maidenhead, where it had been sent the preceding evening for interment—the coroners inquest reports that her death was oc casioned by a most barbarous and inhuman whip ping, inflicfted by her said matter, which flie sur vived but a few hours—the a<ft was committed by liim and a connection of his by the name of Elias Hunt, under the diredion and fuperin •tendance of Mrs. Hunt, wife of the said mailer ; we hear they are all confined, and no doubt but they will have a fair and impartial tiial. " FROM an erroneous eftiniate of the requi sites to happiness, we often err in the application of the means of its attainment. Without consi dering how much more pleafingare the contem plations of virtue upon its difappointments,than of vice upon its successes, man has too often been beckoned from his duty by temptation, or driven from it by fear." Cure jor the Rheumatism. —Soft foapfpread upon brown paper, and applied to the part affected, ij recommended as fpecific in this complaint. TR.ISTITIA. EXTRACT JUST ARRIVED, In the Ship Molly, Captain Pitt, from Lissom, A FEW pipes and quarter-casks of LISBON WIN?", far superior in quality to what is generally imported And a few bales of the very best CORKS, TO BE SOLD BY George Meade, WHO HAS ALSO FOR SALE, Choice three and five years old Bill of Exchange MADEIRA WINE, by the.pipe or quarter-calk. London Market MADEIRA VINE, five years old, by the pipe or quarter-cask. Choice old SHERRY WINE, by the quarter-cafe. MESS BEEF, of a superior quality, and such as is fit tor an Eaft-Indla voyage, put up in this city- Choice fir ft quality BEEF, do. Ditto fecbnri ' ditto <J°- BOSTON BEEF, equal to any from that country. BURLINGTON PORK, of the firft quality, and 114 Hhd<. FLAX-SEED. &c. &c. Philadelphia, A'/jv 16, 1792 Bank of the United States, May 8, 1792. RESOLVED, That the specie proportion of the third pay ment due on the firft Monday of July next, on each (hare of the Bank of the United States, may be made at the Bank, or at any of the offices of difcoont and deposit; and that transfers of public on account of inch payment, may be made on the books of the Treasury of the United States, or in the office of any of the CommifTioners of Loans in any of the States, certificates of which transfers to be deposited in the office in which the specie proportion of such payment (ball be made. Refolvea, That the transfer books be closed fourteen days pre vious to the firft days of July and January of each year. By Order, JOHN KEAN, Cashier. WASHINGTON, in the Territory of Columbia* A Premium OF FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS, or a MEDAL of that value, at the option of the party, will be given by the Com miflioners of the Federal Buildings, to the person who, before the fifteenth day of July ne'xt, (hall produce to them the most ap proved PLAN, if adopted by them, for a PRESIDENT'S HOUSE, to be eretted in this Citv. The lite of the building, if the artist will attend to it, will of course influence tbe.afpeft and outline of his plan ; and it's dcflination will point out to him the number, size, and diftribgtion of the apartments. It will be a recommen dation of any plan, if the central part of it may be detached and erettcd for the present, with the appearance of a complete whole, and be capable of admitting the additional pans, in future, if they (hall be wanting. Drawings will be expe£led of the ground plats, elevations of each front,and fe&ions through the building, in such direction* as may be necessary to explain the internal ftru&ure; and an ellimate of the cubic feet of brick-work compofmg the whole mass of the walls. March 14, 179 a. WASHINGTON, in the Territory of Columbia A Premium OF a LOT in this Citv, to be designated by impartial judgrs, and FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS; or a MEDAL of that value, at the option of the party ; will be given by the Commis sioners of the Federal Buildings, to the person who, before the fifteenth day of July, 1792, flhall produce to them the moil ap proved PLAN, it adopted bv them, for a CAPITOL, to be eretted in this City ; and TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS, or a MEDAL, for the Plan deemed nexj in merit to the one they shall adopt . The building to be of biick f and to contain the fol lowing apartments, to wit • K c t* ) fufficient to ac-") A Conference Room / commodate 3 00 these room, A Room for the, pcrfons each d ! IO be of A Lobby or Antichambef to the latter J j full elcva- A Senate Jloom of 1200 square feet area j tion. An AntichamfTer or Lobby to the lafl J 12 Rooms of 600 fquarc feet area each, for Committee Rooms and Clerks' Offices, to be of half the elevation of the fortner. Drawings will he expected of the ground plats, elevations of each front, and fe&ions through the building in such di reft ions as may be neceflary to explain the internal ftru&ure; and anefti mate of the cubic feet of brick-work cotnpofing the whole mass of the walls. March 14, 1792 - if- A LOTTERY, TO raise the sum of £. 750 for the purpose of repairing ehe Protellant Episcopal Church in the city of New-Btunfwick, agreeable to an ast of the Legislature of the State of New-Jerfcy, pal Ted November 1791. SCHEME. Prize of 2(X*o 1000 s°o 200 t 1 5 10 3° qo *67 5 ißt 4 Prizes, 3,520 Blanks, 5334 Tickets, at 3 Dollars each, is 16002 Dolls, This Lottery is composed of 5334 Tickets, not two Blanks to one Prize, and fubjeft to a deduction ot twelve and an half per cent, which 19 more favorable to adventurers than any Lottery yet offered to the public—and it being of such evident utility, that it cannot be doubted but the undertaking will meet with the most liberal support. The drawing will positively commence on the second Monday in July, or sooner if the Tickets are disposed of, in the city of New-Brunfwick, under the infpe&ion of Col. John Bayard, Pre sident of said city ; James Parker, Esq. Mayor of the city ol Am boy; and Archibald Mercer, Esq. Deputy Governor of the Ma nufa&uring Society of New-Jersey. Tickets to be had of the following pei sons, who are duly ap pointed Managers, are under oath, and have given fccurity for the faithful performance of their duty. A lift ot the fortunate rturrtbers will he published, and the prizes paid immediately after the drawing of the Lottery. ' J N. B. Those ptizcs which are not demanded within fix months after the drawing of the Lottery, will be considered as a generous donation to the Church. %* Adventurers in the above Lottery have a chance of more than 3 per cent, per mouth for their mpney. To accommodate all those who may be disposed to purchase Tickets, letters direct ed to P. Ke s non, Manager, and Poftmaftcr, at New-Brunfwick, and enclosing good bills, will be attended to, and Tickets for warded on receipt of such letters. New-Brunfwick, April 20, 1792 28 THE COMMISSIONERS. THE COMMISSIONERS. Dollais is 100 5° 80 4 16000 JOHN PARKER, "> PETER KEENON, > Manag-rs. ANTHONY W. WHITE,) NEW TEAS. IMPERIAL HYSON and SOUCHONG, Of the very firll quality, and latest importation from Canton, »i a New-York, by retail, at No 19, Third, between Chefnut and Market Streets. No. 45, Great Dock-street, New-York, THE Suhfcriher intending to confine himfelf. entirely to th e PURCHASE AND SALE or STOCKS on COMMISSION, Bfgs leave to offer his services to his friends and others, in the line of a Stock Broker. Those who may pleafeto favor him wuj, their business, may depend upon having it tranfaileil with the uu most fidelitv and dispatch. Orders from Philadelphia, Boston. or any other part of the United Slates will be ftri£tly attended to. M'V 2 Jones & Burroughs, STOCK-BROKERS; (<W) STATE-Street, BOSTON, BUY and frl] every kind of the Stocks of the Uw'-d Staff f, on Commiflion, by Private Contra#, and Public Au&ion.—. Those gentlemen who may be plea/ed to favot them wjih their commands, may rely on fidelity, secrecy and dispatch. Boston, March, 1792. (tawgm) TO BE SOLD AT PRIVATE SALE, At any time between this date and the full day of July enluing, A very valuable FARM, PLEASANTLY fruited, and bounded on the East. by the river Delaware, 17 miles above Philadelphia; containing 203 acres, 40 whereof is firft rate Timothy Meadow, which may L»e watered in a dry time ; 25 acres, a rich low bottom, may be made very good meadow at an cafy expence. The upland iaysintbe lap of about 50 acres of rich out tnar(h, from which (by sn r«»fy ascent to the cleared fields) 130 acres of excellent upland meadow may be made, at a moderate cxpence ; 30 acrcs of woodland.. A never failing stream of water runs through this tra£l, on which is a feat for a mill, and in which is good sport with the net and hook; plenty of rabbits and small game ; and on the flats, al nr. dance of wild ducks in the season. A good manfiop-houfV, gar den, and neceflary out-buildings; an o/chard of the best kinds of apple, peach and cherry trees, bearing ; a crop of wheat and rye in the ground, and a spring crop putting in. Apply to Peter Le Barbier Du Pl essis, Esq. No. 86, Chefnut-ftreet, Philadelphia; Mr. Humphrey Waterman, at the Washing ton, on the Bristol road; or to Do6tor Tomb, at Neftiamany Ferry, Bucks County. The purchaser, paying one third of the price down, may have a term of years to pay the residue, paying interest. Mav 5. ( American Lead Manufactory. STEPHEN Co, HAVE just now opened their Lead-\Var ehouse, two doorj south of Walnut-street Wharf, adjoining their New F,a£tpry— where they have now made, and ready for sale, a general afforl ment of SHOT of all sizes, with SHEET and BAR LEAD, the production of the Mines in Virginia. As they have employed a number of experienced English workmen, they warrant it to be equal in quality to any manufa&ured in Europe, and at a reduced, price from the cost of imported. They also continue to manufacture all the above articles at Richmond, in Virginia. All orders addrcfled to* either of the : above Factories, will be thankfully received, and executed on the (horteft notice. N. B. Wanted, industrious, sober, Labouring Men, at the faitt Mines, whereconftant employ, good wages, and other encourage ments will be given, means of conveyance being provided, aoi houses for their reception. For further particularsenquire of Mcffrs. Mqses Austin & Co. at their Fa6tory in Richmond, or as above. Philadelphia, December 3, 1791 Twenty Dollars Reward. RUN AWAY ftom thefubfrriber, on Monday the 9th cur. rent, a NEGRO MAN named ROBIN, is 55 years of age, (tout made, and bred a farmer ; oneof his thumbs much fwcHtdf is 5 feet 6 inches high ; had on when he went away a big purple coloured cloth coat, a short linen coat, a pair of fuftian breeches, a ruffled ftiirt, an old beaver hat. with (hoes, stockings and bucklcs, all good. Also, a young NEGRO BOY named SAM, is 19 years of age, stout and well made, 5 feet 9 inches high, much marked with the small-pox ; had on when he went away, a big blue coat, a brown ftiort coat, overalls of a mixed cloth, fulled stockings, a new wool hat, new fyoes and buckles - Whoever will secure said Negroes in any gaol, or bring them to the sub scriber, (hall receive the above reward, and all reasonable charges paid. ALEXANDER ROBERTSON. Morris-Town, April 17,1792. 2000 ioco FOR PUBLISHING BY SUBSCRIPTION, In the Commonwealth of Majfachujetts t A SYSTEM for the DISCIPLINE of the ARTILLER.Y m UNITED STATES oj AMERICA; O R., THE YOUNG ARTILLERISTS POCKET COMPANION. 1000 1000 1000 1 1800 6700 IN THREE PARTS. # Part x. /CONTAINING the duty and practice of light he.d Vy artillery. Part 2. Containing the theory and pra&ice of heavy artillery . to which will be addled,''aft <fxtra& of a Treatise on the origin and principle of Courts-Martial, wrote by an experienced Ofacer in the line, and who did duty as Judge-Advocate in America. Part 3. Laboratory duty ; containing a great variety of directions for composition, and the method of making artificial s, and the formation of ammunition for the different kinds of or nance, WILLIAM STEt'EKS, Esq. An Officer in'the American Artillery through the whole of the This wotk to be printed on good paper with a handsome tvpe. neatly bound and lettered, in three pocket volumes, containing upwards of one thousand pages; illustrated with a great var.ei> of explanatory plates, executed bv able ar'.ifts. The price to fubferibers, One Dollar each volume—to non-tuß fcribcrs, One French Crown each volume : and those who lubicriDe for fixfetts, Thai! have a feventh^radJ. This work lhall be published as soon as five hundred copie fubferibed for. . _ ■ Subscription papers will be lodged with the prtncipa and Booksellers in the United States of America. _ ""PICKETS in the NEW-BRUNSWICK LOTTERY, JL be had a! the following placcs, viz.—Samuel 0 P.. F.rrv; at Builington, of R. Pierfon, Esq. Bor ? cn '" wn L°I n ,o ' John Van Ernbmgh; Mount Hollv, of J. Read, E f l' of John Singer, Eiq. Amboy.of James Paiker, Esq. *~,)« Town, of R. Gray; Powles-Hook, of Col. Smith and Judge Hunt; Cranbnry, of William Throckmoiton SpotTwood , the Managers in Brunfwii k. Stock Brokers Office, LEONARD BLEECKES. (ii) PROPOSALS late revolution, and since in the Militia, CONDITIONS April 27, 1792.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers