PRICE CURRENT. PHILADELPHIA. Febr ua r y B.—Do lla r s 100 Cents each. ANCHORS 7c 8c Allum, Englilh, pr.c. Ditto, Roch tie Alhei, pot, per too, god tood Pearl, 137 d 140 d Arrack pr. gall, id 33c 1 d bye Brandy, common, id 11c Cogniac id 20c 1 d 30 c Braziletto, pr. ton. 37^33c $cd Bricks, pr. M. 4d 5d Bread, Ihtp, pr. cwt. id 88c 2d Ditto, pilot 67c Ditto, small water 36c 40c Beer, American, in "j , bot. incl. j 1 C pr. bbl. 4d 67c 00 f Oak pr.M feet, qd lod 0 | Merch. pine i6d Iyd <( Sap, do. %d ,50c 9*/ O I N. Eng. nd [.Cedar 14d The above are the Shallop prices ; for the Yard puces add 1 d 33c pr. At. Brimstone rolls pr.cwt. 3d u- C InfW pr. bbl. < Boston id 8d 33 ( Country 6d 7d Butter pr. lb. 16c ——in kegs 10c 12c 2 fSper. 43c U | Wax 53c 56c P Myrtle Wax 13c 5 I Mould,tallow 11c q I Dipped 10c Cheese, Englifb, pr. lb. 19c Country 8c 10c Chocolate 15c Cinnamon 2d 40c 2d 67c Cloves id 33c Coal pr. bulhel 2cc 22c Cocoa pr. cwt. 10d67c \ id 33c Coffee 17c 18c Copperas pr. cwt. 1 d6yc Cordage jd6jcßd Cotton pr. lb. 23c 34c Currants 13c Duck, Ruflia, pr. piece 1 i^33C Ravens 8d 93c gd 67c Feathers pr. lb- 40c 44c Flax 10c Flaxfeed pr. bush. 85c 90c Flour, Superfine, pr. bbl. $d Common, 4d 74c Bur middlings,beft 4a 13c Meal, Indian 2d 67c —Ship-ftuff iW 1433 c Fufttc pr. 20d Gin, Holland,, \d \d33c Do. pr. gall. 80c Glue, pr. cwt. 20d zxd 33c Ginger, whitcrace 7^ 33c Ditto, common 7" Ditto, ground pr. Ib. 9c Ginseng, 2cc 24c Gunpowder,-can- > , , non, pr. q. c. J 0 Ditto, fine glazed 4^ f Wheat pr. bufti gec 93c Rye 5c c 5¥ ZL Oats pbc < <( Indian corn 40c 44c Barley 6or 6oc Best (belled pr. lb. 3c Buckwheat per bush. 40c Hemp, ton, 120 d 146. 67c American, pr. lb. 4c 5c Herrings, pr. bbl. 2*/67 c Hides, raw pr. lb. gc 11 c Hops 9-jc Hogftiead hoops, pr. M 15d Indigo, French lb. \dzoc id23c —.-Carolina 40c id Irons, fad pr. ton, 33c f Cartings pr. cwt, £ j Bar pr. ton, 82d O pig 26d 67c S j Sheet i; 3 rf 33 c (_ Nail rods g6d Jjnk, pr. cwt. 4^,5^ Lard, hogs pr. Ib. c,c ice Lead in pigs pr.c. $d33c ijd6yc in bars 7d Lead, white \odlod6yc red 6d 40c 6d 6 - c Leather, foal pr. lb. 14c 17c 20c Lignum vita: pr. ton, sd6oc 6d Logwood 24<i Mace pr. lb. 7^33c 6~c Mackarel, bed pr. bbl. yd • f cond quality 6d 6jc Madder, best pr. lb. 16c 20c Marble.wrought, pr.f. Mast spars 33c 67c MolaiTes pr.jall. 41c 45c Mustard per. Ih. 87c Mahogany pr. foot, toe >Jail>, \od\2d and 20d 10c Nntmegs pr. lb. 8d rLinfeed, pr. gall. 50c | Olive 87c j Ditto pr. cafe, 2d $cc , I Best fwetl in ) ~ <J flaiks, 101 w —baskets 12 bottles $d Spermaceti pr. gall. 48c Train 24C27C t Whale 22c 28c Porter pr. cask, 5^33c London,pr. dot. idfoc Porter, American ) , pr.doz. bot.incl. ) 4ciabzc IMPERIAL HYSON,SOUCHONG, and BOHEA teas, REr INED SUG.AHS, COFFEE, &SPICES.&e.&c Of the firft quality—by retail, ®9» Thwd-Strret-betwernChefntrt and MarketStreetj. MI QUANTITY Pitch, pr. bbl \i fee zi Pork, Burlington, »o<<33c Lower county yd 33c Carolina Sd Peas, Albany pr. bulh. 73c Pepper, pr. lb. 44c 47c Pimento 19c 20c Raisins, best, pr. keg 7d Sd Ditto pr.jar 3^ Ditto pr. box 4 d Rice pr. cwt. Rosin pr. bbl. ■_></67c f Jamaica pr. gall. 90c | Antigua 87c g j Windward 73 c 77c & S Barbadoes 73c t Country, N. E. Salt petre, pr. cwt. 33c Saffafraa pr. ton 6d 8d Shot 140^ j f German 9c W )Englifh, blistered cwtioj American pr. ton ; <0 ( Crowley's pr. fag iod6jc Snake root pr. lb. toe 45c Soap. Brown 6c White 8c Castile u c Starch y C Snuff pr. doz. hot. 4d $d 60c Spermaceti, refined, 48c Sailcloth, Englifh,~| No 1, per yard, J -Boston, No. I. 30c No. 11. 29 c R-uflia Iheeting, pr.p. \id Lump, pr. lb. 18c cC j Loaf, single refined 25c Ditto, double do. 33c j Havannah, white lCc 17c </a j Ditto, brown, 12c 14c L Mufco.or.cwt Spirit s Turpentine p. g. 33c 37c f Allum pr. bufh.24c2;c _3 89c < j Cadiz 23c 24c 00 (Lisbon 25c 27c Ship build. W. 0.1 . . frames p. ton, il2 *3 <33 Do. L O. isd 33c i6d6?c Do. red cedar, p. f. 33c 40c Shingles, fh. p. M. 2</33c 2d 67 Do. long drefled i2disd 33c Scantling,heart, Sap 8d 8d 67c C Pipe pr. 1000 qod { W. O. hogQiead 19 d 33 c > j R. O. do. lgd 50c < I Leogan ,6d in Barrel JO d I Heading j6« 6 c Otter, best pr. pic. 4d6yc Minks 20c 40c Fox, grey 40c80c red \d 20c Martins 24c id 5 Fibers 33c 6 7c £ Bears 3 d 27c 60c Musk-rats ncsoc ! Beaver, pr. lb. 67c \d 33c in hair 20c 30c Tar,N.Jerfey, 24 ga). p. bbl. 1 d —Carolina, 32 gall. idrftcidSfc Turpentine pr. bbl. I,i 67c 2d . James R. best 3*/ 6oe 73c -2 inferior 3d o old 4d 67c * Rappahannock id 50c 3d Q J Colo.Maryland Dark 2d 40c Long-ltaf id 40c cq Eaftern-ftiore 2d 2d 93c O ! Carolina, new 2d jc 3d H L old do. ( Hvfon pr. lb. gyidzSc £ I Hyson fk n, 53*- 67c < i Souchong, 5«93c I Congo, 43c SCC LBohea, 34 c 3 6t Tallow, refined gc fin pr. box, 67c Verdigreafe pr. lb. 47c ,53c Vermillion VarniOi, 33 c s?c f Madeira, pr. p. Lif}»on q6«/ ioo<f Teneriffe, pr. gal. $ic6oc w £ a y al 44 c J Port pr. p. ic6J 67c" i 2od JT Do. in dot. Claret 6d Sherry pr.gall, got IJ2OC Malaga 77c 80c Wax, Bees pr. lb. 25c 27c i3f3oc Wax. Whal COURSE OF EXCHANGE. Bills of Exchange, London, 90 davs 60 days pr.cent, prem 30 aays 2^) Ainfterdam, 60 dayi, n pr. guilder, 39C P 90 days q"8 c n Government bills, drawn at io divs per 11 guilders, 4*/44 c France, 60 davs 80c SALES Of the real Estate of JOHN KIDD, late of the Township of Benfelem, in the County ftf Bucks, Eiqnire, deceased, pnrfnant to the Directions of his Jaft Will and Teliament. OM Tuesday the 27th ot March next will be exposed to Sale, by way of Public Vendue, on the premises—One exceed ingly valuable and highly improved Firm, containing about two hundred and n'nety-nine acres, ficiiate on the liver Delaware; on which is ere&ed a handsome two-story brick house, with a new piazza in the front, two kitchens, a good barn, stables, hay-house, and other convenient outhoufc 5. A good orchard of the belt kind of grafted iruit,now in its prime; a large garden well fenced in, and in good order; and a shad and herring fiftiery before the door. This place is remarkably well timbered, has a fufficicncy of mea dow, a large front on the river, and runs back to the post-road. One other very valuable Farm, adjoining the above j containing about two hundred and seven acres, the greatest part of which is wood-land. There are on this farm a good house, barn, stables, and other outhouses, -ywrith a young thriving orchard of the best grafted fruit, and a shad and herring fiftiery. It has long been a well accustomed tavern; and the ferry belonging to it, known by the name of Dunks's, is noted for being well kept and much fre quented. Both the above places afford the best profpe&s on the liver, and are remarkably healthy. One other small Farm, containing about sixty-three acres, situ ate in the townftiip of Southampton, in the aounty aforefaid ; on which are erected two log-houses. There is a fmfcll orchard, and a great fufficiency of wood-land and meadow ground. One Lot. containing four acres, situate on the great post-road leading from Philadelphia to New-York, and ten miles from the former. On it is a good log dwelling-house, and work-ftiop ad joining, with a well ot excellent water at the doer : now in the tenure of the Widow Ward. Also, at the fame time and place, will be fold all the remaining Stock, Hou(hold-furniture, Farming Utensils, and Wheat in the ground. N. B. The conditions of falc will be, one-third of the purchase money to be paid down, and the remainder in two yearly pay ments with interest. JOHN SWIFT, ) JOHN M. NESBIT, >• Executors. (eptm 2 7) SAMUEL BENEZET, ) TO BE SOLD, THAT beautiful and elegant iituation on the banks of the Po tomack, adjoining the town of Alexandria, whereofrthe sub scriber now resides; abottt or 30 acres will be fold with the improvements, which are 9 neat and commodious twtJ story honft*, compleatly fin I (bed from the cellar to the garret, a kitchen, laun dry, meat-house, dairy, two story barn, and ice house, all 6ni(hed in the best manner, together with several other neceffarv outhouses, the yard and garden neatly paled, and a (killful gardner now em ployed inputting it in fine order; the land well enclosed with a post and rail fence ; a well, and springs of excellent water—the profpefl is equalled by few, and excelled by none in America its com iguity to Alexandria, the Federal Town, and George. Town, having a fine and full view of each place, must render it in a few years of great value, being direaif in a line of communica. tion from Alexandria to the other two to wns. Should a purchaser offer before the 15th of February next, a cheap bargain may be had. An indilputable title, clear of all incumbrances, will be made bv the subscriber. I will also fell with this place, 220 Acr«s of Wood Land, about 3 miles distant, which will suit well to fop., port the above in wood and timber. Decemier 14, 1791 A LOTTERY, '"pO raise the sum of £ 750 for the purpose of repairing the A Prnteftant Episcopal Church in the city of New-Brunfwick, agreeable to an ast of the Legillaturc of the State of New-Jersey, patted November 1791. SC H £ 1 } 2 5 10 3° 9° *675 Prize of 1814 Prizes. 3520 Blanks. 5334 Tickets, at 3 Dollars each, is 16002 Dolls, This Lottery is composed of 5334 Tickets, not two Blanks to one Prize, and fubjeft to a deduction of twelve and an half per cent, which is more favorable to adventurers than any Lotteiy \et offered to the public—and it being of such evident utility, that it cannot be doubted but the undertaking will meet with the mod liberal lupport. The drawing w.ll commence on the second Monday in April or sooner if the Ticket, are disposed of, in the otv of New' Biunfwick, underiheinfpeftionofCol. John Bayard, Prefideot t A Pa,^ r ' Efq ' M 'y° rof ,h e city of Ambov; and Archibald Mercer, Esq. Deputy Governor of the Manufaaur ing Society of New. Jerky. T ' C j e » S . to be had ° f lhe followin S perfoiu, who are dulv ap pointed Managers, are under oath, and have given security for the faithful performance of their duty. A lift of the fortunate numbers will be published, and the prizes paid immediately after the drawing of the Lottery JOHN PARKER, ) PETER KEENON, ( Managers. VRTk f • A u N T HON Y W. WHITE, $ g'.h; 7 pr,z ( " k w J' ch "<• not demanded within fix months ,r Cbtch. L ° ,tery ' WiU " e COnf,dC ' ed "1 6™ Nw-Bruvfwicky January <*o, 17g , ». American Lead Manufa&orv. STEPHEN AUSTIN, & Co TTAVH: juftnow opened their L»ad-War ehouse, two doors h " alnut-ftreet Wharf, adjoining their New Faflorv where they have now made, and ready for sale, a General assort memof SHOT of all with SHEET and BAR LFAD the production of the Mires in Virginia As ,W ** tAU « the n»mk„„r„ p „i,„ crf Enjlifc workmrn, ,V» ~.,3 "J, b " X w M acs- '• w: -«. ASSSri'^c'S-,;: fcoTeft SZ"' W '" bC thankfU " y »"n,ed Z N. B. Wanted, indubious, sober, LaVouiin<r Men said men"' "nT <mP '° y ' &°° d w •««' ™ Jo.hc,'r,£„ roX7oMh^:;"p ( Tor sofc, ' rtvesa ' ,cc ■«* " 3', ' * Co " Pht'iiae phia, Decemter 3, 1791. 328 BALDWIN DADE M E. Dollars is 2000 2QO« 1000 500 £00 100 50 SO 4 1000 J 000 1000 1000 *s*° 1800 €700 16000 [ep 3 m] American Apollo. SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR THE AMERICAN APO'LO A new Publication, just commenced in Boston "* ' ARE RECEIVED BY THE EDITOR HEREOF Public Securities, Bought and Sold, on COMMISSION K„ SAMUEL ANDERSON y Chefnut-S;reet,nextdnortoth>- Bank, No! q- John Pintard, SWORN BROKER & -AUCTIONEER PURCHASES and SELLS ' PUBLIC DEBT of every description, on Ctmmißn at the following rates: ' fPCCieamoUntOf a " fa '" " «*'eighth pt, On ditto at private faleor purchase, tne-halj per cem On remittances, ditto Receiving interest at the Lban-Office, one per cent nn .w. amount of the interest. Formaking tNaaFers >t p« r tF , n ,r tr C3T Such perlona as may incline to favor the fubferiber with their orders, may relv on their being executed with fidelity toi frfratch. Hi« long experience and extenC»e deaKn™' IB the public ftocka, together with a well eftabliflied oorrtfm* dence throughout the United Slates, enable him toCMdufihii .operations with peculiar benefit to his employers. JOHN PINTARD, New-York, No. 57l Rhg.Strut. O&obtr tg, 17Q1 War Department. TAN vary t, 1709 TN'FORMATIOV is hereby given to all the military invalid, A of the United States, that the sums to which they are infilled for fix months of their annual penlion, tiom the 4th day of Sep. tember, 1791, and which will become due on the s th day of March, 1795, will be paid on tHe said day by the Commiffione,, of the Loans withm the states refpeflively, under the utual rt-fra. lations, viz. b Every application for payment mutt be accompanied by the following v&uthers. I ft. The certificate given by rtie fete, fpttifyitjg (fiat At vir. lon poffcffinjr the fame i« in fact an irivalid, and afotrtainiW*t sum to which as such he i« annually entitled. sd. An affidavit, agreeably to the following form : A. B. camc before me, 6ne of the Jufticesof ihec'ouMyW intJitftatfeof and tfiade oath that be is rfi.efVftie A.TS.I* whom the original certificate in hisi>o(fiefUon-w»« given, ofwhfcjr the following is a copy (the certificate given by the state to be re cited) That he served (regiment, corps or vessel) at the time he was disabled, and that he now resides in the and coutlty of and has resided thtre tor the haft years, prtvious'td tfh&fc resided in In care an invalid should apdy for payment by 40 attorney, the said attorney, besides the certificate and oath before recired, must produce a special letter of attorney agreeably to the following form: I, A. B. of county of state of do hereby consti tute and appoint C. D. of my lawful attorney, to receive in my behalf of my pension for fix months, as an invalid of the Uni ted States, from the fourth day of September, one thOuTVnd (even hundred and ninety-one, and ending the fourth day of March, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-two. Signed and sealed in the pretence of WitneiTes. Acknowledged before me, Applications of executors and administrators must be accompa nied with legal evidence of t-htir refpe&ive offices, and also ot the time the invalids died, whose pcnfion they may tlaim. By command of the President of the United States, H. KNOX, Secretary of War. $3" The Printers in the refpeftive dates are requested to publish th." above in their newspapers, for the space of two months. Annapolis, January 1, 1792. At a Meeting of the Visitors and Governors of St. John's College, in the State of Maryland, on Thursday the loth of Novem ber last, RESOLVED, THAT this Board, at the quarterly meeting in May next, pro ceed to elect a Vice-Principal of St. John's College. That it be the duty of the Principal and Vice-Principal, to teach some of the higher Authors in Latin and Greek, certain parts of the Mathematics, Logic, and Moral and Natural Philoso phy; and that the departments of the said Principal and Vice- Principal shall heieafter be ascertained with precision, on consi derations of their mutual convenience and refpe&ive qualifications. That the Vice-Principal (hall be entitled to receive, for his ser vices, a salary of three hundred and fifty pounds, current money, rating dollars at fjS each, to be paid quarterly. 1 hat persons desirous of, and qualified for the appointment of Vice-Principal, be, by public advertisement. requested to makeop plication to Mr. Charles Wlllace, Mr. Charles Cairoll of Carroll ton, and Mr. Alexander Contee Hanfon, all of the city of Anna- P°li*- By order of the Board, JOHN THOMAS, Prefidenf. N. B. The fundamental Laws of St. John's College prohibit all preference on account ol religious tenets or opinions. As the appointment of a Vice-Principal is alone wanted, to compleat the plan of this rising seminary, the Board will certainly proceed to the ele&ion at the stated time; provided a person qua lified, in their judgment, for this important Ration, can be pro cured. The personal attendance of the candidates, although not positively required, will beobviouflv proper. It mav be ufeful to remark, that the salaries of all the profeffoTS sud teachers have huh'rto been paid with entire punctuality ; and that the funds of St. John'.s College produce a certain annual in come, superior to all the appropriations, which have been, or pio bably will be made. C-J The Printers of newspapers throughout the United States, are earnestly requested to insert the above resolve and remarks-— and 'o repeat the publication as often as convenience will permit. RUN AWAY from the Subscriber, living in Elfenborough, nearly opposite Reedy-Island, on the night of the 2Ctb of November, i 79lf an Apprentice Lad, named JOHN MORRIS: about 16 years of age; took with him a new le.'t hat, homespun doth co«t and breeches, corduroy jacket, two pair stockings, two homclpun (hirts, two pair shoes, and some fummerdeaths. I l ' s r uppofed he went on board some veflel, as he was seen going ' n a baticau towards some vefTels that were at the Piers, nrar Rredy-Ifland.— Whoever takes sard apprentice, and reiutns him 0 hss mart r again, (hail receive Two Dollftrs reward, by B'F.NIAMIN HQLMF. TO Ft SOLD THE ITU TOR, /\ T.A FV r :?;<ri v ingr pr> Ihe of t" c ' i Vr.'.u* Stnu<h ? w in r the Valor of Gold in Dollars and •">•-.<• »- 1 f ,nd p*"nv'.v eights—according tf> t* he Sumb; d and Value of Gold- Ast of C jlcrrti;?iin
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers