PRICE CURRENT. PHILADELPHIA December 13.—Dollars 10® Cents each, ANCHORS pr. Ib. 7c 8c fitch, pr. bbL Allum, tnglilh, pr.c. Pork, Burlington Ditto, Koch pr. Jb. iic . Lower county Afties, pot, per ton, god lccd Carolina P«rl» m dl i od Peas Albany pr. bufi, Arrack pr. gal!. id 33c id 6 7 c Pepper, pr. lb. Brandy, common, id 11c Pimento Cogniac id soc id 30c n „ , £razilctto,pr. ton. 3yd 33c 4Cd -J" ins ' P r ' f> 7 d 8d Brick,, ;r.M. 37 3 \d 5 d ®! 0 P'-J" 3d Bread, (hip, pr. cwt. id 88c id „" to P r ' box .4d Dhio, pilot 3d6 lc £' c , e pr< T/ 2d /'~ C 2 i 93C Ditto, small water 36c 40c oln pr.bbl. id33c zd6 7 c Beer, American, in 1 . f J ama,ca P r - g all - 9°' boi-pr.doz. bot. incl. J< d i oc ? I * ntl fi ua 87c pr. bbl. id6 7 c 6 J Windward 73 c 7 7 e «t f Oak pr.M feet, 9 d tod * j B"bado« 73 , g | Merch. pine i6d , 7 d L Country, N. E. sgc Sap, do. 6d 50c yd Salt petre, pr. cwt. 13^33c iqd 0 N. Eng. nd SalTafras pr. ton 6d 8d W (.Cedar 14d Shot 1 , 4 o^ The aleve are the Shallop prices •, j f German pr. lb. 9c Jorthe Yard pt ices add id 33c w JEnglilh, bliftercd cwtiod J''• H / American P r - 'on -.13d^ 3 c Brimstone rolls pr.ewt. 3d 33c m ( Crowley's pr. fag 10d'(, 7 c C Irish pr. bbl. Snake root pr. lb. 20c 41c £3 a Boston 7 d 8J Soap, Brown 6^ CO (Country 6d 71i White 8c gutter pr. lb. 16c Castile llc " in kegs toe 12c Starch 7< . W f®P fr - P r - ,b - 43c Snuff pr. doz. bot. 5 d 60c 5? W ax 53 c 5 6 ' Spermaceti, refined, 48c ■g Myrtle Wax 13c Sail cloth, English, "1 I Mould,tallow 13s No 1, per yard, J zßc UI. Dipped ji c Boston, No. I. 00c Cheese, Englilh, pr. lb. 19c No. 11. 29c - Country Bcioc ——-Ruflia Ihceting, pr.p. 12a Chocolate , s<; r Lump, pr. lb. 18c Cinnamon id 40c 2d 67c at ; Loaf, finglc refined 2 5 c C'ov" id 33 c "<j J Ditto, double do. 33c Coal pr. bulhel 20c 22c 1 Havannah, white i6ci 7 c pr. cwt. iod6 7 c lid 33c to Ditto, brown, 12c Coffee pr. lb. 15c 16c 121/11A33C Copperas pr.cwt. id6 7 c Spirits Turpentine p. g. qqc on Cordage 7 d6 7 cßd (Allum pr. bulb. 24c Cotton pr. Ib. 22c 30c o U . Cui rants , 3C «! )Cad\z Duck, Ruflia, pr. piece 11 (/33c w (Lisbon 24c 26c Ravens 8a? 93c yd 67c Ship build. W. O.*) Feathers pr. Jb. 40c 44c frames p. ton, J 12< * 1 3^3c S ax , , 10c Do. LO. 15J33C i6d6 7 c Jlaxfeed pr. bu(h. goc 93c Do. red cedar, p. f. 33c 4C( yiour, Superfice, pr.bbl. $d Shingles, (h. p. M. 2d33c 2d 6 7 - Common, $d 67c Do. long drefled 12 di-idwi Btirmiddlings,beft 13c Scantling,heart, 2q</qo< n i ian J d 67C Sa P *dßJ6yc ——Sh.p-ftuff l* 1433 c f Pipe'pr. 1000 oca J" tT „ ton ' 20d 3 W-O. hogrncad iQrf 33< Gin, Holland,, > J R.O. do. iqafso< "Do. pr. gall. , Boc £ I Lc °g'n 16c ~fue, pr. cwt. 20a 2id 33c % Barrel 10l Ginger, whitcrace 7 d 7 a 33 c LHeading 2 6d6 , Ditto, common yd 20c f Otter, best pr. pie. 4^67, Ditto, ground pr. lb. gc Minks 20c 40, G-Jn.eng, 20c 24c Fox, grey 40c 8«j, Gunpowder, can.; rcd 20( non, pr q. c. J3" 4 a « Martins 24c „ Ditto, fine glazed 4d J Fishers oo C fa, Wheat pr.buth 93 c97c « Bears g, 5! • 6oc Racoons 27c 60 2 P a , 1 ? zec Musk-rats 11c 20 S i nd , lan corn , | Beaver, pr. lb. 67c id 3,, U Rftn, 11 t /j L Deer, in hair zee 30, Beit fnelled pr. lb. ic t r .Buckwheat per bush. 40c T - a ;> N - 2 4S a l- P- bbl. 1, Hemp, ton, 120^146.67c T Caro >'n».3B g' ll - id3 3 cid6y. American, pr. lb. 44C l c Tur pr. bbl. id 67c 2, Herrings, pr.bbl. a d67c d f J ames best S 1 ' 60 '73< Hides, raw pr. lb. qcuc o inferior 2^67^31 Hops 9yc ° - olcl id 6 7 i Hogshead hoops, pr. M mii - £ a PP alj annock 50c 31 Indigo, French lb. id2ocido v R Colo.Maryland s rf33cß< r Carolina 8 Irons, fad pr. ton, i 3 orf o v < i " f " d 4°' fCaftings pr.'cwt. 3 4? c § r r"' Bar pr. ton, Bod ° Car »)^ a , new ai ;c 3 , 5 f Sheet 24< 173</33c [ P r " ib - 93' 1 Nail rods 73 gld J ? yf< i n lkm » 67. Jank, pr. cwt. 4led W 1 'l oucllon E> s oc 93 Lird hogs pr . Ib. gc i OC * Congo, 43 , 5 0, Lead tn pigs pr.c. 51/33 c7 e Tallow refined 34 ' 3& "> bars 20C ""° w i retined 9 , Lead, white iodiod6 7 c P""-box, 13d 33c 6 7 , -red - 6d iO c6J6 7 c Vetdigreafe pr . lb. 47 c Lather, foal pr. lb. 14c, 7 C2 OC Vermillion idooc id6 7 , 1-ignum vit» p r . ton, $d6oc 6d Varnish, logwood a 4 i f Madeira, pr.p. 106^200, P > r V 7</ 33c 67c Lisbon 961/100, Mackarel, best pr.bbl. g d Teneriffe, pr. gal. S ic6o ———rccond quality 6d 67c w 44 c 4 0, l«j?i e pr " lb- iGctoc J Por f pr-p. 106J67C 120. pr.f. 1 d 33 cid > Do. , n doz. 4, 33'67c Claret £ Muftarrf pr ' g ,l 4 IC 45C Sherry pr. gall, goc idsc Musta rd per ., b Byc Malaga » Mahogany pr. foot, ,oc ,n n „ Nails, \adl2d and 20a' Z pr - ,b - , »7« Niitmegs P r - lb. 8d2 3 c Q d, v Whale - bonc ' llogn gP r -Ib.i3c 3 0 'Linseed, pr . ga) l. 50C " ,7 e , 87c COURSE OF EXCHANGE. JJX'o pr. cafe, n n 1 r , Best fwect in > 5 Bllls " f Change, London, S <| < iod 458^67, ° -baskets , 2 bottles ,d M l "'/, 100 (6o> Spermaceti pr. gall. 4 8 c 3 ° 0a J") fterl. 4 6i</ 33 rain 24c 27c Amsterdam, 60 days, . 22c 28c pr. guilder, 4I Sorter pr. callc $d g 0 days Porter°Am°e n rica r n )° Z ' G °. Vernmcnt bills ;j ira «n at 1, »r.doz. bot incl £ idqcidGcc „ y s P er 11 g u, 'ders, 4d 44 ' France, qn da V< IMPERIAL hyson, SOUCHONG, and BOHE, Teas refined sugars coffee, & SPICES,&C.&C. Of the firft quality—by retail, No. T 9> Third-Street,belween Chefnut and Market Streets. PER QUANTITY Bank of the United States. December 3, 1791. NOTICE ishereby given that the Bank of the United States will be opened on Monday the sth infant. Transfers of the fubferiptions to the flock of said Bank may t-hen be made. On Monday the 12th instant, deposits will be received, and on Tuelday the 20th inllant, discounts may be made. id 73 c 2d 12 d n d Zd 9 d By order of the Prefidcnt and Directors, JOHN KEAN, CafhiiT. All Bills or Notes effered for Discount shall be delivered into the Bank on Mondays or Wednesdays, the Discount shall be fet tled on Tuefdaya and Thursdays, and (hall be reade known the next Succeeding days. 44 c 47c 19c 20c At a IHEETING of the DIRECTORS of the BANK ok the UNITED STATES, RESOLVED,. THAI the payment of the portion of the Capital Stock of the Bank of tire United States, confifling of Specie which will be due on the fcveral Shares on the firft Monday of January next, may be made ct the rcfpe&ive Banksof Majfachufctts and Ncw-Yo)k. Provided, That any Stockholder claiming the benefit of such payment, (hall, on or before the fuft Monday in January next, exhibit to the Cafliier of the Bank of the United States, a Certifi cate signed by the Cashier of the Bank into which such payment shall have been made—any thing in the regulations heretofore established to the contrary notwithstanding By order of the Prefidcnt and Dire&ors, Bank of the United States. Philadelphia, Ncvembsr 22,1701 THE Stockholders of the Bank of the United States are hereby informed, that according to the flatule of mcor poration, a general elcftion foi twenty.five Di re c tor s will be held at the Bank of the United States, in the city of Philadelphia on Monday the second day of January next, at ten o'clock in the' forenoon. And, pursuant to the eleventh feflion of the Rye-Laws the Stockholders of the said Bank are hereby notified to affembie in general meeting, at the fame place, on Tuesday the third day of January next, at five o'clock in the evening. By order of the Prcfident and Direflors, JOH N K E A N, 'Caflier. Second fundamental Article of Statute of Incorporation. " Not more than three-fourths of the Directors in office, exclu sive of the P.efident, (hall be eligible for the next fuccceding year But the Director who (hall be Prefidentat the time of an e&tion' may always be re-eleded." [epif] Public Securities, Bought and Sold, oil C O MM ISS I O N bv SAMUEL ANDERSON, ' Chefnut-Street, next door to the Bank, No. g;. MASSACHUSETTS SEMI-ANNUAL LOTTERY TICKETS, ' To be had at the fame place. Funds of the United States. ALL kinds of the Public Debt of the Union, bought, fold or ex changed ; Foreign and Inland BUh of Exchange negotiated •' Merchandize ol ail forts bought and fold on Commijfion, and all other Bufmefs in the line ol a BroKer, tra.ifaaed by WILLIAM CLELAND, At the Office next door to the Cnftom-Houfe State-Street, BOSTON. ' 2m George Meade Has for SALE, at his Stores on Walnut-Street Wharf A ipeS ,_ of A and 4 ycars old bills of exchange Made'ira W '" d ° sty ' he plpe ' h °g mead ° r London market Madeira WINE, 5 and 6 years old. quarter WINE ° f qUal '' y ' by the ho SG*«d or Three and 4 years old Lifton WINE, of a superior oualitv to Sntit S y SCner " V tHC PipC ' qUarter C3fk ' ° r ldr S er quan t i;"° ldCOniaCßßANDY ' by the '"ger A few quarter chests of firft quality Hyson TEA. He hasjuft received by the Pigou.Loxley, ma fter, from London a few quarter calks of old Madeira WINE—And ' B r y l^, b r r^c rC ! Jry ' Ca P'- Stcvcns - from Dublin, a few boxes of Info LINENS low priced and well aborted ; a few bales of rea and white FLANNELS, and some GLUE. A few boxes of Spermaceti CANDLES of tiie firft quality and Burlington PORK of prime quality. STAVES aK ° '° d ' fp ° fe ° f ' 3 quantit >' of dre{rcd White Oak He means to keep a eonftant supply of First Oualiiy Madeira and Ltfbon WINES, and whoever is pleased to~favor him with thctr custom, may be a (fin ed of being well trred. SPIKFS ' H roa " h th e Winter and Spring, b uy undreOVd HAND Lni ,i i•" Pi rcha(in R FLAX-SEED and BEES-WAX anc will give the higjieft price for them. 1 anc N.B. A few hampers of excellent London PORTER »n, lcccivcd ' and lo be difpoted of. rhiJadelphia, November 16, 1791. John Pintard, SWORN BROKERk AUCTIONEER DriDl ,„„ PURCHASES and SELLS ' PUBLIC DEBTof everydefcription,onC««»,^ fl „ 0.. a ' 'he foljoynng rales: cent. ' amoUDt »» at auction, „ e eigkth pcl S» ?S„ p cS ,te fa,c or purcllafe, "j-w pcr «-• a mourn' o'f* ?l 1 eVn t ere (I.' Lo^ percent, on the oerf nSfCrS d, " n <M»'y-S*< <™,s per transfer fidelity and di[batch " w ith punduafity^ in the public ltocks, to.ether a well eftabl.C/'co^r'"" 5 Hence throughout the United State, ,! u, , correfpon. operations with peculiar '° JOHN PINTARD, Acw-York, No. 57, King-Strat. 03eitn 5 , 179, 264 December 5, 1791 JOHN KEAN, Cafkier. (<*p 6w.) BOULTING CLOTHS Art extcnfive Aflo'tment, of very superior texture , .very branch of the bufmefs, jurt imported f.o.n Amfterdi m and for Sale hy ' daniel tyson No ; "4. South Front-Str EtT ; ' Where Millers and others mav always be f.inr.1,,,1 ... Cloths, and large allowance made to those who purcfTafei' n titles to (ell again. purchalein q uan . Also for Sale, a Quantity of Particular madeira wine ' mmCdialC UsC ' in P '"-' . ■ I ' J ' | lawj m"I American Lead Manufactory. STEPHEN A U S T I N, & Co HAVE juftnnw opened their , ' i south of Walnut-flreet Wharf, adjoining their New whcie they have now made, and ready for sale, a nenrnl ,tr ~ meat of SHOT of all sizes, with SHEET and BAR LEAD ,h" production of the Mines in Virginia. As they have employed a number of experienced F.nglifh wo.kmen, they wairant i« to br equal in quality to any manufatlured in Europe, and at a reduced pnee from the prime cofl of imported. caucea They also continue t° manufacture all the above articles at Richmond, in Virginia. All orders addressed to either of r . above Faflortes, will be thankfully received, and evented nn\K Ihorteft notice. " ine », Wanted, mduftrious, sober, Labouring Men, at the siM Mines, where conaant employ, rood wages, and' other encourage men s will be given, means of conveyance being provided and houses for their reception. 6 F oviaec, and For further particulars enquire of Messrs. Mosss Austin A- Cn at their Factory in Richmond, or as above. ' msTIN& C °- Philadelphia, December 3, 1791. f TO BE SOLD, BY JOHN CAREY, No. 26, Pea h-Str eet, A COLLECTION OF Scarce and Valuable books, Which may be seen every day, until five o'clock, v. m. Among them are the following : Folio. TTOMER, Xenophon, Plalo, Plutarch, Eufcbius, Soto. 1 n; m "' The < ,dorcr - Vir s !l . Horace, L.vy.Tacims, Pater. culus, Pliny, Concordantia Lat. Concordantia Gr. Thesaurus Ci. ceronis. Biblia Jurni and Tremellii, Bible de Martin,Wells's Mans" Scapulae—Phavor 1 m Martinii — Hoffmani Lexica, Voflii Etvmo logicon, Anhquit. Ecclef. Britannic®, See. ■ Jr' 9 - Pi " da , r - Cyrppadia, Bcntley's Horace, Terence and Phaidrus, Ovid, Juvenal, Manilius, Ciceronis op. om. Ciefer Su etonius, Julius Pollux, Hederici lexicon, Voflii Ars Gram Cluve ru Geographic, Justinian Code, See. el injra Homer, Anacreon, Ariltophanes, Longinus. Theophraftus, Hefiod, Poe.a; minores Gr. liberates, Fhalaril, vl nouseditions of Horace, Virgil, Terence,aod Ovid, Tibullus, Plau tus, Ucan, Martial, Clandian, Val. Flaccus, Aufonius, Buchanan, Sallult, Curtius.Florus, Jiilhn, Val. Maximum, A. Gellius Hid August. Scriptores, Engfijh and French Tranjlatwn, of Come of the Classics, a great variety of Greek and Latin Srammars, Sec. &c. ~W ata '°B uef may be had of MelTrs. Rice & Co. Bonkfellcrs, Market-street, or of ' JOHN CAREY. Oilober 31. (eptf.) TO BE SOLD, And poffeflion given immediately, That pleaiantly situated Farm I 'Whereon the subscriber now lives. T lies on the road from Princeton to Brunfwick, about a mile and a half from the former. It contains 213 acres, whereof 47 are woodland, upwards of 3° meadow, and 20 more maybe made. Also a young orchard of 200 apple trees, besides a variety ot peach and cherry trees, and a large garden; the whole under good fence. There are on the premises a two (lory stone house ana kitchen, with an elegant piazza, the whole pair.ted and 111 e . Also, a smoke-house, work-shop, granary, wagoon houfe; barrack cow-houses, two stories high and go feet long,°and a goo ain, with stabling. From the buildings there are charm ing view's of Princeton, the neighbouring farm's, and Monmouth hills. Any perlon inclining to purchase. may know the terms by applying to the subscriber on the premises, or to Isaac Snowden. No. 141, South Second-ftiect, Philadelphia. Princeton, Oflober 10, 1791 Forty Dollars Reward. r AST night was broke open the Storeof the fubferiber, at Bor. dentown, and flolen from the fame the following articles, viz. One hair trunk, containing womens' wearing apparel; : small box, containing four clocks and one dozen testaments; 1 ditto containing one bottle green cloth coat, one striped vest and breeches two shirts and a small bag with 36 dollars and 20s. to r° S *ii V Y co PP ers ' 1 keg containing a large bible, with other ma 00 s; i box containing 447 real oflrich feathers, foroe of t icm arge and elegant, and of different cojours; 2 barrels rye mea , randed Stout and Imlay; 1 barrel pork, 1 ream paper, and 1 lY? P a^ e ~^ oar^s - Stolen at the fame time, a large Batteau, with black fides. b A reward o( Twenty Dollars will be given for the security of t te a ove property, so that the owners may have the articles again, or in proportion for part thereof; also a further reward of Twenty oars v. i 1 he given for the security of the perpetrator or perpe trators, so that they may be brought to justice, by „ . JOHN VAN EMBURGH. Bordentown, New-Jerky, Sept.'i, 1791. [eptfj In the Press, and speedily will be published, HISTORICAL COLLECTIONS; Colliding of State Papers, and other authentic Documents, tending to elucidate the History of A mer ic a, and parhculaiiy of the United States. By EBENEZER HAZARD, A.M. *. ie P r ' ce to Subscribers will be a Dollar for each Number, containing 160 large quarto pages; or Four Dollars and a Quarter ,or ™ ch Volume in Boards ;to be paid as follows, viz. the firft and feeond Numbers, or Volumes, to be paid for on delivery of the firft ; and each fubfequeut one (except the last) at the time of delivery. Subscriptions will be recefved, in this city, by Thomas Dob son, and Hazard 8c Addoms, (who will exhibit specimens of the work) and in other places by the principal BookfVllers ''' ' r " Philadelphia, November §, 1791. Blank Powers to retcivtthe I ntcrffl, andfor the transfer cj the principal of public debt, agreealle to the Rub rjiahli/ked in the Trea sury Department : Also Blanks for a fir ads of tilefoldky the Editor. ISAAC SNOWDEN, Junior. ['p atn j
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers