Peter Pi.noar lias been often admired for his vein of fauricai humour; but in the followingeffuGon ot his niufc, he appeals Ib much the cheerful moraliit, that we doubt not our readeis will receive it with pleafurc, and perhaps piofii by bis original and plcafuut philoiophy AN 0D £. may be happy, it he will JLVI I've fa:d it often, and I think lo still Doctrine to make the million Hare ! Know then, each mortal is an actual Jove; Can bievv what weather he thall molt Or wind, or calm, or foul, or fair. But here's the mifchief-—Man's an als I fay ; Too fond of thunder, lightning, Uorm and lain; He hides the charming, chcerful lav, That spreads a smile o'er hill and pl«iin ! I/zik, he mufl court the fculi, and Ipade, and ftirowd— The millrefs of his foul muff be a Cloud! Who told him that he mull be curs'd on earth ?— The Gon of Nature ?—N T o such thing ! Heav'n whifper'd him, the moment of his b'rth, *• Don't cry, my lad, but dance and ling ; 44 Don't be too wife, and be an ape;— 44 In colours let thy foul be diels'd, uot crape ; •* Roses fliall finooth Life's journey, and adorn ; 44 Yet, mind me—if, through want of grace, 41 Thou meari'li to fling the blcfling in my face, ki Thou hall full leave to tread upon a thorn." Yet some there arc, of men I think, the worst, Poor imps ! unhappy, if they can't be cuis'd— for ever brooding over Mis'ry's ?g£s, As though, Life's pleasures were a deadly fin ; Mousing for ever for a gin To catch their bappinefTes by the leg!. Ev'n at a dinner, some will be trnblef&'d, However good the viands, and well drefs'd ; They always come to table, with a feowl, Squint with a face of verjuice o'er each dilli, Fault the poor fie lb, and quarrel with the fifh, Curse cook and wife, and, loathing, cat and growl. A cart-load, so, their stomachs steal, Yet swear they cannot make a meal. I like not the blue-devil-hunting crew ! I hate to drop the difcontcnted jaw ! O let me Nature's fjrnple smile purlue, And pick ev'n plcainrc from a ttraw ? L O N. D O N, July 20 RIOT KING'S BENCH. MONDAY night, there was an alarming in furredfHon in the King's Bcnch p'rifon, an attempt being made by the greater part of the prisoners to escape ; much inifchief was done to the inner part of the prison, and the outer gate would have been forced, had not a body of horse and foot arrived to restore order, which they liappily effected without any bloodflied, before eleven o'clock. The following are fonie of the particulars of the riot : The prisoners having dined together as a weekly Club, were a little elevated by li quor, and aflembling in the yard, began to mur mur at the delay of Mr. Grey's bill refpetlitig debtors. Some of them even threatened to ef fect their enlargement immediately, and tliey deputed Major Pitcairn to wait on the Mar/fral, and request that Colonel Harrington, who has been eight months closely confined for having at tempted to elcape, might be as much at liberty as thenifeives ; but instead of their desire being complied with, Major Pitcairn was 'detained in custody. This circumstance added to their discontent, and they became more clamorous and desperate ; when the Marlhal with some afiiltants went a niong them, and seized two or three of the ring leaders, but was so roughly handled thac he was obliged to retreat. The violence of the prison ers encreafing, the Marshal and all his officers armed, and going into the area between the two gates, they fired two guns into the air with a de. Jlgn of terrifying the mal-contents, who endea voured to provoke them, and threw a ftiower of brickbats over the wall, by which they fractured one man's JI.-ull very dangerously, wounded feve xal others, and obliged the whole to retire to the top of the Keeper's house, where they could fee Awhat was doing, without rifting their pcrfonal fafety. .Mr, Bowes went among the crowd and liar rangued iheni, but as lie advised peace and good order, lie was so ill received that he found it prudent to defifl ; and the Marlhal feeing the danger thicken, and tliat a general aH'ault at 11-ie gates might probably be made, he Cent a nieflen ger to Jjiltice Hyde, who communicated tile in telligence to Lord Ar.iherft ; two troops of horl'e Avere dispatched, and in about an hour afterwards they were followed by a party of the foot guards, who went within the walls, and drew up before the prison, when every renionltrance and periua lion being used to pacify the rioters, at length the majority of the prisoners retreated to their rooms, and the riot was fortunately quelled. A guard of twelve foot fbldiers within, aiul about tsvenry horse without the prison, were left liow ver all night, and it is supposed a party of mili tary will hcnceforwaid always be stationed there. Ycfterday fix of the ring-leaders iu the riot were brought into the Marihal's house, and exa mined before Justice Hyde, when several facfis being proved againlt them, they were committed to tlie new gaol in the Uorounh. •3 O Funds of the United States. A LL kinds of the Public Debt of the Union, bought, ibid, or ex /jL changed ; Foreign and Inland Bills of Exchange negotiated; Merchandize of all forts bought and fold on iornmij/idii, and allothtr Bufiuefk to the line of a Broker, i ran faded by WILLIAM CLELAND, At tht Office next door to the Cultom-Koufe, State-Street, BOST ON. Lectures on Government Lav/. Honorable JAMES WILSON, L.L. D. Protcilbi of Laws X in the College and Academy of Philadelphia, proposes to deliver, next Winter, two Courses of LeAurcs. One Course to begin on the Second Monday, the other on the Second Tuesday of December. WILLIAM ROGERS, Secretary to the Board ot Faculty. Philadelphia, October 12, 1791. ( e P l^) IMPERIAL HYSON,SOUCHONG, and BOHEA TEAS, REFINED SUGARS, COFFEE, & SPICES,&c.&c. Of the firft quality—by retail, No 19, Third-Street, between Chefnut and MarkctStrects. LOTTERY TICKETS. New-Jersey, 2d Class—to commence drawing 26th inft. ) Pofi. Ma'lachufetts Semi-annual, 2d Class, 13th O&ober. £ tivcly Mav be had ax abovr. Hazard and Addoms, BROKERS, HAVE removed their Office 10 the corner of Chefnut and Third Streets—where they purchase and fell CERTIFICATES, BANK STOCK, See. &c. Bufmcfs of all kinds, in their line, tranfa&ed oh Commifiion. They have for sale, TICKETS in the Second C 1«»fs of the Mas sachusetts Semi-annual Lottery (the drawing of which will com mence on the 13th inft.) and in the Twenty-Second Class of the Charleftown Lottery, at the Managers prices. To be let, on moderate Ground Rent, forevei, A Lor of Ground, eligibly situated, in Kcnfmpton, fronting on thiee streets. Tuere are improvements on this lot, which, added to its situation, make it worthy of particular atten tion. Phildd'lplia. Oct. 1, 1791. Public Securities, Bought and Sold, on COMMISSION, by SAMUEL ANDERSON, CheTnut-Sircet, next door to the Bank, No qy MASSACHUSETTS SEMI-ANNUAL, and NEW-HAVEN LOTTERY TICKETS, To be had at the fame place. Thirty Dollars Reward. RUN AWAY, Tome time in Augifft 1789, a yellow NEGRO . MAN, named Abraham, late the property of Nathaniel Wicklijf\ dectafed—about forty-five years of age, about five feci eight or nine inches high, pretty well set, with a large woolly head and large beard, walks with his knees bent, often complains of pains in his feet and ancles—by trade a bricklayer, stone mason and plasterer. He is a very handy fellow as a house-waiter, and is fond of such business. He is a great dilFembler, and no doubt pretends he is a freeman. He has been eloped so long that no description of his prefeut clothing can be given. It is fiippofed that he went to the Northern States, as he often mentioned having friends there. Twenty Dollars reward will be given to any person that will fe curefaid Negro in any jail, so that the fubferiber may get him again; and reasonable charges will be paid—or Thirty Dollars will be g;iv en if he is brought to Prince William County, Virginia, to Mr. John Kinchllor, by CHARLES WICKLIFF, Administrator. (r awqw) O&ober 12, 1701 MASSACHUSETS SEMI-ANNUAL LOTTERY CLASS 11, THE MANAGERS of th* STATE-LOTTERY a(Ture the Public, that the second Class of the SEMI-ANNUAL LOT TERY will positively commence drawing on the day appointed, viz. On Thursday the 13th of October next, 01 Jooncr, if the Tickets fliall be difpoicd of. As the Managers have in their fcveral monthly Lotteries commenced drawing at the hour afligncd, so they arc determined to be equally as pun&ual in tins. SCHEME. NOT TWO BLANKS TO A PRIZE. 25,000 Tickets, at Five Dollars each, are 125,000 Dollars, to be paid in the following Prizes, fubjeft a dedu&ron of twelve and an half per cent, for the use of the Commonwealth. Prizes. Dollars. Dollars bf ioooo is 3000 aie 2000 1000 50 0 200 100 5° 40 3° 20 1 o 8 1 2 3 6 to '4° 8o 9° 100 I?.© 161 J; CO 75»5 Prizes. 1661?. Blanks, 95000 Tickets, I ICKEI S in the above C l ass may be had of the fevcral Ma nagek s, who will pay the prizes on demand \ of the Tr easu r er of the Commonwealth; of James White, at his Book-florc, Fiankhn s Head, Court-flreet—and at other places, as usual BENJAMIN AUSTIN, iun.l DAVID COBB. I SAMUEL COOPER. GEORGE R. MINOT, | JOHN KNiiljL AND, Rollout April 14, 1791. TF THOMAS I"RANKS, lately ol Little York, in Virginia* X (but originally of Scarboiough, in Yoikfhire, Gieat-Bntain.) w'll make himfelf known, together with his present place of ret fidence, either to his brother John Franks, who is now in this I 011, or to the fubferiber, lie will hear of fomct'ning greatly to his auvantage. THOMAS ROBINSON. Portland, (Diflna of Maine) August 29, 1791. P. S. In cafe of the decease of Mr. Franks, his legal heir-os leirs arc requerted to forward their names and r.laccs oi abode to A.r. Roeinson, as above. 196 T!IE arrearages of Suhfcriptions for this Gjutte j,„ N at this time to upwards of Two Thousand Dollars.—The Edito* fat. ters himfef t/iat no apology can he tho't necejjary foi earvejlly requc/h ■>» a compliance with the terms of fubfriptnn, in a speedy dfcharge of tie sums due. Thnfe gentlemen of whom the papers are immediately re ceived, are authorised to receipt for any payments that may te offered Wanted, a good COOK, To whom genteel wages will be allowd. None need apply v ,-h* cannot be well recommended. Enquiieof the Printer. New-Haven Wharf Lottery. THE Managers of NEW-HAVEN WHARF LOTTERY have unexpectedly received information from abroad., of a cod! fiderable number of Tic kets yet unfold. Tins rcndeis it necefjuty for them (in order to answer the design of the Lottery) tr> adjourn the diawing to Monday the 17th of O&ober next, at which time the drawing will pojitively re-commence, and continue without in terruption until tiniihcd. New-Haven > Sept. 28, 1791 N. 15. The numbers already both prizes and blank* will be published immediately, in hand-hills, and in the ConneQi cut Journal, for the information of tiiofe who wiflt to puicliafe Tickets now undrawn. DANCING SCHOOL, Is now opened *t his School-Room, No. 28, Carter's Alley. HE returns his sincere thanks for the great encouragement Fie has experienced these eighteen years; hopes the reputation of his school <"or decorum and good order, as weli as the perform ance of his fchoiars, will ihll en fore hun a rcfpcCUble ftiare ot ihc public favor. A number of new Cotillions and Country Danccs will be taught during the fcafon. Thole who pkafe to honor him with the rui'ion of their chil dren, inav be allured, they will be taught \n the most approved stile, and that pioper attention will be paid to their carnage and manners. A general for the improvement of the fchoiars, will be held at the New Rooms, evet v other Wednesday ; when the employers, and ill angers of genteel deportment, will be admired. These will be attended with 110 cxpence. N. B. An EVENI N'G SCHOOL will be opened for grow® Gentlemen, as loon as a fufflcient number offer. Philadelphia, September 14, 1791 Pintard and Bleecker, PURCHASE and SELL all kinds of Certificates & Public Securities, On COMMISSION, at public and private fdle, on the following terms : ON the fpecicamount ot all Tales or purchases at au&ion, wic eighth per cent. On ditto ot all sales or purchases at private sale, on all sums below 5000 nominal dollars, onc-halj per cent. ; aud on ail fuins above 5000 nominal dollars, one-fourth per cent. For receiving interest at the Loan-Office, one per cent. For making transfers at dnto, one dollar each transfer. (pT* Such per Tons throughout the United Stiles, as may be pleased to favor the fubfcriocrs with their orders, may rely ou their being executed with puncluality y fidehty and dispatch, as consi derable experience in the public itocks, together with extensive connexions in the city of New-York and different parts of the continent, en-Lie them to conduct their operations with peculiar advantages. PIXTARD & BLEECK.ER, New-York, No. 57, Kivg-Stvect. (97 law 6ro) March 15, 1 791 Forty Dollars Reward. LAST night was broke open the Store of the lubfcribcr, at Bor denlowrt, and stolen from the lame the follo wing articles, viz. One hair trunk., containing womcns' wearing apparel; : small box, containing lour clocks and one dozen teftamcnts; j ditto containing our* bottle green cloth coat, one ftrjped velt and breeches, two Hiirts and a small bag with 36 dollars and 2qs. to 30s. lei fey coppeis; 1 ke» containing a large bibie, with other linall books ; 1 box containing 447 real oflrich leathers, lome of them large and elegant, and ol diifeient colours; 2 barrels rye meal, branded Stout and Imlav; i barrel pork, 1 ream paper, and 1 dozen pafte-boai ds. Stolen at the lame tune, a large Batieau, with black iides. A reward ot Twenty Dollars will be given for the security of the above property, so that the owners may have the articles agajn, or in proportion foi part thereof; also a further reward ot Twenty Dollais will be given for the security of the perpetrator or perpe trators, so that they may be biought to justice, by 10000 6oco 6000 Gooo: s OOc' 6000 80C0. JOHN VAN EMBURGH, Bordentown, N^w-lei fev. Sent. t. 17Q1. | eptfj Geok c etow n, September 9,1791. THE Sales of the I.ols in the Federal Cit) will cofuinrnce oq Monday the 17th day of O&obtr next. The Commiflioners finding they may engage materials and workmen for the public buildings to any ddirable extent; with a vivw to draw the fund into action, so as to facilitate the work, iivltead of a dcpofit of 8 per cent, will require 1-4111 part of the pUrchale money to be paid down, the residue to be on bonds wiih security, pa/able .with i.i tercfl in three equal payments. The manner of improvements ill be pubiilhcd ai the fal'c. 4500 4000 3600 322© 2 oca 60G80 12,5000 Philadelphia, 20ih July, 1 791. / Commiflioners appointed to rcceive Subscriptions to the X Bank ot the yuiied States, do hereby, agfceable to Jaw, in form the Stockholder of the said Bank, that an elcftionfor twenty five Dire6tors will be held at the Citv-Hall in Philadelphia, on Friday the 21ft day of O&obei next, at 10 o'clock in the morning. THOMAS WIJ LING, DAVID RITTENHOUSE, SAMUEL HOWU L. University of Pennsylvania October 7, 179 1 - The MEDICAL LECTURES will begin on the firfl Mud ay in November next. (p0" Blank Powers to receive Mflntereft, and for the transfer of the principal of public debt, agreeable to the Rules efiabhftied in the rea ' fury Department: Also Blanks for abjlrdtts of Certificates, to be fold bi the Editor. fCT The JOURNAL of the Tlllßli SESSION of the SES.ITI of the UNITED STATES, may be hud nf the Editor hereof. NOTIFICATION. W. M'D GUG ALL'S Thomas Johnson, David stl'art, > Commiflioncrs. Da nikl Carroll, ) _ (t. f.)
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers