The ADDRESS of the CORPORATION of the City of RICHMOND, Virginia, To GEORGE WASHINGTON, Eft. PRESIDENT of the UNITED STATES. SIR, IF in you the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonality ofßichmond beheld only the chief Magistrate of the United States of Ame rica, they would indeed feel all that refpefl which is due to the ruler of a free people ; but when they contemplate those virtues which have excited the universal approbation of your own coun try, and the admiration of all mankind, they cannot approach you without emotions of veneration too big lor utterance too pleafmg to be foppreffed. If the voice of the people be the trumpet of the Almighty, the univeifality of that gratitude which pervades every bosom in Ame rica, will ever remain an inconteftible proof of the plaudit of Heaven on the fortitude and wisdom which secured to our com mon country independence and empire, and which now leads her to wealth and glory. We well know that to a mind like yours, fraught with bene volence and affe&ion for all mankind, the gratitude and love of the nation which you have saved mull be the best and moll pleas ing reward ; yet we are aware that to such a mind nothing could be more painful than that servility which would convert the sen timent of love into the language of adulation ; we shun therefore the expreflion ef the one, leoft we ftiould incur the imputation of the other ; and while we beg leave to congratulate you on the astonishing success which has heretofore attended all your endea vors for promoting the public welfare, we look forward with confidence and joy to the continuance of that administration, which, through the hlefling of the Supreme Being, hath been al ready productive of so much general happiness to the American empire ; and we implore that Being, propitiously to smile on all your future designs, to guard and protest you in your intended tour, to grant you every earthly good, and that, when his provi dence fliall fee fit to summon you hence, you may be wafted to the regions of eternal happiness, lamented by men and welcomed by angels. The PRESIDENT'S Reply to the above. Gentlemen, THE very distinguished manner in which you are pleased to notice my public services, and to express your regard towards me demands and receives a grateful return. If to my agency in the afFairs of our common country may be ascribed any of the great advantages which it now enjoys, I am amply and moll agreeably rewarded in contemplating the happi ness, and receiving the approbation of my fellow citizens, whofc freedom and felicity are fixed I trull for ever on an undecaying bafisef wisdom and virtue. Among the bleflings which a gracious providence may be pleased to bellow on the people of America, I shall behold with peculiar pleasure, the prosperity of your city, and the individual happiness of its inhabitants, Fredericksburg, April 14. To the PRESIDENT of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA. SIR, WE, the Mayor, Aldermen and Common-Council of the Cor poration of Frederickfburg, are happy in this opportuni ty of tendering you the sincere and unanimous congratulations of the citizens, on your arrival in this town. The inhabitants of Frederickfburg, Sir, as they can boa ft the firft acquaintance with your virtues, claim a peculiar pleasure in tcftifyingto the world, your exalted merit ; and in joining with the reft of America, to express their entire approbation ot your conduit througk life ; which has been so productive of bleflings to its citizens. The long and fatiguing journey you have undertaken, will fur ther manifeft your unremitted attachment to that country, whose obligations to you can be better felt than described ; and we trust will not only influence the present generation, to admire public and private virtues, from your example, but teach your fucceflors how to watch over the welfare of this extensive Union. We have the fulleft confidence in Divine Benevolence, that the Disposer of all good will be graciously pleased long to continue you in health, and reward you here and hereafter, with bleflings adequate to your merit, which he alone can give. I have the honor to be, In behalf of the Corporation, With sentiments of esteem, and refpeft, Your mod obedient, And very humble servant, WILLIAM HARVEY, Mayor, To which the PRESIDENT made the following reply. To the MAYOR, ALDERMEN, and COMMON-COUNCIL of the Corporation of FREDERICKSBURG. GENTLEMEN, AT all times flattered by the esteem, and grateful for the good wilhes of my fellow-citizens, I am particularly so, when, to my refpeft for their public worth, is united the endearments of private acquaintance. In this regard, I have the pleasure to receive your congratula tory address on my arrival in Frederickfburg, and, thankingyou with sincerity for the sentiments itexpreffes, I desire to assure you of the affe&ionate gratitude which they inspire. GEORGE WASHINGTON. LIVERPOOL, March 3. JOHN WESLEY. On Tuesday evening died, of a gradual de cay, the Rev. John Welley, in the 88th year of his age. This extraordinary man was born in the year 1703, at Epworth, a village in Lincolnlhire, of ■which place his father, Samuel Wefley, was Redtor. At a proper age, John was sent to Chrifi: Church College, Oxford. About 1725 he was eledted Fellow ©f Lincoln College. In 1729, he joined a society of fellow students in private devotion, and from this his spiritual career may be dated. In 1735, he embarked for Georgia, in order to convert the Indians, but returned to England in 1737, where Mr. Whitfield had commenced the ■work of reformation. In 1738 he visited Count ZinzendorfF, at Hernhuth in Germany, the chief of the Moravians. We find him in England a gajn in the following year, and on April 2, he preached his firft field sermon at Bristol, from which time his disciples have continued to en creafe. He remained the reft of his days in this kingdom, travelling through every part of it, and eftablifhiug congregations in England Scot land, and Ireland. GEORGE WASHINGTON. In 17jo he married a Lady, who died in 1781 — by her he has 110 children Mr. Wefley's income was prodigious, not less than io,cool. a year; but oot of that he appro priated no more to his own use than was fuffici ent to supply the necefl'aries of life. The money went to build chapels, and pay his preachers throughout the kingdom. Matthew M'Connell, In Chesnut-Street, No. 66, BUYS and SELLS all kinds of THE PUBLIC DEBT OF THE UNION ; has frequently occasion to NEGOCIATE INLAND BILLS OF EXCHANGE—and will rcccive Orders for making SUBSCRIPTIONS to the BANK of the UNITED STATES. Philadelphia, March 30, 1791, Gallaudet andEwiNG, No. 54, South Second Street, HAVE imported in the Lady WalterJlorJ\ from London, KTan chcjlcr and Adriana from Liverpool, and the Birmingham Packet from Bristol, a GENERAL ASSORTMENT of SEASONABLE GOODS, which they will fell on reasonable terms. On hand for sale, a few hogftieads of OLD JAMES's RIVER TOBACCO. Philadelphia, April 9, 1791. 100 epiin Pintard and Bleecker, PURCHASE and SELL all kinds of Certificates & Public Securities, On COMMISSION, at public and private sale, on the following terms : ON the specie amount of all sales or purchases at au&ion, gne eighth per cent. On ditto of all sales or purchases at private sale, on all sums below 5000 nominal dollars, one-half per cent. ; and on all funis above 5000 nominal dollars, one-fourth per cent. For receiving interest at the Loan-Office, one per cent. For making transfers at ditto, one dollar each transfer. Such persons throughout the United States, as may be pleased to favor the fubferibers with their orders, may rely on their being executed with punduality,fidelity and dispatch, as consi derable experience in the public flocks, together with extensive connections in the city of New-York and different parts of the continent, enable them to condufl their operations with peculiar advantages. PINTARD & BLEECKER, New-York, No. 57, King-Street. (97 law 6m) March 15, 1791. IMPERIAL, HYSON, SOUCHONG, and BOHEA TEAS, REFINED SUGARS, COFFEE, and SPICES, &c. Of the firft quality—by retail, No 17, Third Street, between Chefnut and Market Streets. |C7= A few New-York LOTTERY TICKETS come co hand, for sale. To be disposed of, BY PRIVATE SALE, A COLLECTION OF and Valuable Scarce 800 In the Hurew, Greek, Latin, French, and Italian Languages—being part of a private Library; Among which are the following : FOLIO. Euripides, Homer, Demosthenes, Xenophon, Plato, Lucian, Plutarch, Paufamas, Procopius, Eufebius, Nicepho rus, Cicero, Virgil, Horace, Livy, Tacitus, Seneca, Pliny, &c. Quarto. Pindar, Aristotle, Terence, Ovid, Suetonius, Juvenal, Manilius, &c. Otlavo (3 infra. Septuagint, Ariltophanes, Longinu , Theo. phraftus, Epittetus, Hefiod, Orpheus, M. Antoninus, Phalaris, lfocrates, Polyanius, Lucretius, Catullus, Tibullus, Propertius, Paterculus, Florus, Lucan, Statius, Gellius, Aufonius, Vida, Bu chanan, Boethius, Poctae minores Latini, Callipsdia, Stiada L Valla, See. A Catalogue is left at the Book-Store of Mejfrs Rice and Co. Market-Street, where further particulars may be learned. FOR SALE, In the City of New-Brunfwick, A Commodious TWO STORY HOUSE, almost *• new, pleasantly situated on the banks oi the Raritan, to gether with a large Lot in the rear, and a very good Wharf im mediately in front of the House. Said House is thirty-four feet square has tour rooms on each floor, with entriesbetween thefame and a good stone cellar under the whole. Any person inclining to purchase may have poffcflion the firft day of May next, and know the price and terms ot payment which will be made eal'y by applying to Lewis For man, in said city, or the fubferiber in Borden Town. J. VAN EMBURGH N. B. If not {old, t» be r«nted from ill day of May next NOTIFICATION. Colonel Thomas Procter, Lieutenant of the City and Liber ties of Philadelphia, being neceflarily absent from the city, his Excellency the Gover nor hath thought proper to authorise me to discharge the Duties of that Office until his return : NOTICE is therefore given, to the MILITIA of the City and Liberties of Philadelphia,theNorthern Libertiesof said City, the Townfliips of Moyamenfing and unk, that they are to meet and exercise under their rcfpeftive Officers on the fol lowing Days, viz. First Battalion on the ad Day of May next, Second Battalion on the 3d of do. Third Battalion on the 4th of do. Fourth Battalion on the sth of do. Fifth Battalion on :he6'.h of do. Sixth Battalion on the 9th of do. Seventh Battalion on the 10th of do. ELEAZER OSWALD, Lientenant, pro tern, of the City and Liberties of Philadelphia. Philadelphia, April 6, 1791. |C 7» The price of this Paper is 3 Dollars per ami. 828 (96 tfj K S, PRICE CURRENT. PHILADELPHIA. APRIL 22. —Dollars at y/S. ANCHORS pr. Ib. 6|</ Allum, Engliih, pr. cwt. 33 s Ditto, Roch pr. lb. 10d A(hcs, pot, per ton, 40/42/ Pearl, 52/ 531 Arrack pr. gall. icx 12s 6d Brandy, common, Cogniac 9 r Braziletto, pr. ton. 16/ Bricks pr. M 351 Bread, ship pr. cwt. 17s ißj6 Ditto, pilot 35J Ditto, small water 401 45c Beer, American, in bot. f rc pr. doz. I ,0 / 6 pr. bbl. 27 s co f Oak pr.M feet, 4/IOJ 4/18,r ® j Merch. pine 5/ < i Sap, do. 3/ O I N. Eng. 2/ l-oj 03 LCedar 5/ "1 he above arc the Shallop prices ; for the Yardp? ices add isspr M. Brim stone in rolls pr. cwt. 27/ J*- ( Irish pr. bbl. £3 < Boston 55/ ( Country 455 Butter pr. lb. 14d in kegs gd Cedar,red timber pr.foot 2S2s6d Chocolate pr. lb. 12d Coal pr. bufliel 1 s 6d Coffee pr. lb. is 2d Cinnamon ißj 20s Caflia £s Cheese, Englifli » Country 6d y±d fSper. pr. lb. 3s 2 d 3J6d a I Wax 3 s p Myrtle Wax 12d | Mould,tallow io£d U L r>ippea 9£d Cotton 1 j 9d Cuirants u6 2s Cloves ioj Copperas pr.cwt. 155 Cordage 6oj 62s6'd Cocoa 6256 d 6ys6d Duck, Ruflia, pr. piece Boj- Ravens 6jsj2s6d Flour, Superfine, pr. bbl. 37.16 Common, 35s 6d Bur middlings,beft 345 Middlings 2 6s Snip-ftuffpr. cwt. 9s6d 12s Flax pr. Ib. 9d Fustic pr. ton, 135J 150s Feathers pr. lb. 2s -.od Flaxfeed pr. bush. §s Glue, pr.cwt. 7/1058/ Ginger, whiterace 52s 6d Ditto, common 50s Ditto, ground pr. Ib. gd Ginseng, 2s 2d Gunpowder, cannon,pr. > quarter caflt, \ & os Ditto, fine glazed 35J 6d Gin, Holland, pr. gall. 6s Do. pr. cafe, 33/ f Wheat pr. bush 7s 6d z Rye 5S _ I Oats is 8d 2j 6a? < <{ Indian corn 2s yd Barlev 45 gd « Best (helled pr. lb. 3 d Buckwheat 2j6 Hemp, pr.ton, 50/56/ Hogshead hoops, pr. M 5/ 6/ Herrings, pr. bbl. 22J 6d Hides, raw pr. lb # gd 10d Hops ?s Indigo, French, ioj — Carolina Irons, fad pr. cwt. [ Castings 28s £ | Bar pr.ton, 29/30/ 2 < pi s / 5 j Sheet 65/ t Nail rods 36/ Junk, pr. cwt. 30 s 40J Lard, hogs gd lod Lead in pigs 40J 42/ 6d in bars 450s Lead, white 80s red s o s Leather, foal pr. lb. is 2d Lignum vita: pr. ton 42s 45s Logwood 7/£ S 81 Meal, Indian, pr. bbl. iys —Rye 2 5 s Mackarel.bcll 63s Common 30J 581 6d Mace pr. lb. 705 Mustard Madder, best 15^181/ MolatTes pr. gall. 218 d Marble, wrought, pr. foot, :4s Mast spars 2s 6d 6s Mahogany 81/ 10 d Nutmegs pr. lb. 67s 6d Nails, lodizdSc iod~~ 8d B£dgd "Linseed, pr. gall. 3s gd Train is lod 2s Spermaceti 3/ 7d _j Whaie u 10d 2s 2 <{ Olive 6s 6d I Ditto pr. cafe 28j 30J , Best sweet in ) c, r^eo, L—baikets 12 bottles 28* Oak timber pr.ton 40* Porter in casks, pr. gall. 2s London,pr.doz.i2j6<i 15* Manuel Noah, BROKER, N0.91, Race-Street, between Second and Third-Streets, BUYS and SELLS Continental & State Certificates, Pennsylvania and Jersey Paper Money, And all kinds of SECURITIES of the United States, or of any particular State. PER QUANTITY Porter, American pr. doz Pitch, pr. bbl. I Pork, Burlington, .! f "-J ■ —Lower county ' - Carolina Peas, Albany . Pepper, p r . lb. £ 6 « Pimento R'ce pr. cwf. 'J *. Rof m pr. bbl. ® Raisins, best, pr. keg Ditto pr. jar 5 ' , J Ditto pr. box f Jamaica pr. gall. j Antigua § Windward J' £ Barbadocs ** ■ Country, N. E. 3*£ Sa(T f Taffia 21 2j6J Salt mm' pr - ton «' 6o ' o, ? etrc ' pr-ewt. 4 / 10j Sulphur, flour 4C ,,,, J TGerman pr.cwr. 6 s ,- ot £j )En g lifh, bliftertd h /American pr. ton 40/4J « (Crowley's pr. fag. 821 Cj Snake root pr. lb. u6i 2sU ooap, Common ,j Brown Starch l ° d \ Snuff IJ 6d g, l d Spermaceti, refined, Sail Cloth, English, } J pr. yard, -Boston, No. I — INO. 11. 2 J2d Rufha (hecting, pr. p. q ox (" Lump, pr. lb. u,d J Loaf, Tingle lefined \szd 2 <| Ditro, double do. I Havannah, white qj <s> Ditto, brown, gfj L Mufcovada,pr.cwt. 6oj; J Bj Spirits Turpentine pr. gall. 'j s ( Allum pr. bulh. 2S •J i{ « IJInJ Liibon is 2 j Ship build. W.O. frames > go, P- ton > 5 '00/ Do. LO. & red C. do. 6/6/ 5 j Shingles, Ihort, p. M. i 7, 20s ■ long dressed 90 j tooj Scantling, heart, goj 150* — JJ P 4" 45' r ripe pr. 1200 pieces id y!W. O. hogihead 71 r; > | R. O. do. s l 5 , £ I Leogan 5 l IJX to Barrel 4 /, 5 , LHcdding g/, 0 , Otter, best: pr. piece 30/ Minks u&sr Fox, grey 2J 6d 5 s red 4' Martins ~ Fifhcrs 2*6^s* 00 Bears t2s6d2ss Racoons 2* 4; Musk-rats 9*/ u64 ! Beaver, pr. lb. 5J 10/ l_ Deer, in hair is6d2ssd Taf,N.Jerfey, 24 gal. p. bbl. gr Carolina, 32 gall. 11 s Turpentine 22j64 . C James R. new best 30J ~ — inferior 23*25* o old 35/ 38* Rappahannock 23s 6d O J Colo. Maryland aos 60s Dark 20 s Long-leaf ( ® Eaftcrn-fhore P ! Carolina, new f L old f Hyson pr. lb. I Hyson fkn, 2 Souchong, H I Congo, l.Bohea, Tallow, refined 3 s 7* s °s Tin pr. box, Verdigreafe pr. lb. 4*4s 6d Vermillion, B[6 10/ VarniOi, Madeira, pr. pipe 40/75/ Lisbon 37/ Teneriffe 20/10J 30/ w Fayal pr. gall. 3' Z Port pr. pipe 36/ 40/ Ditto pr. gall. 7' >** Do. in bottles, pr. doz. 301- Claret 30* 45/ Sherry pr. gall. 6s gd 9/ Malaga 5s 6s :,Bees pr. lb. 2/ ile-bone, long pr. lb. short, pr. lb. 1* Wax Wha! COURSE OF EXCHANGE. Bills of Exchange, London, 90 days, 69 Ditto 60 days 7 1 Ditto 30 days 7 2 Amsterdam, 60 days, pr. guilder, 2s nd 3* 30 days 3s id France, 60 days,pr.s liv. 6.f Sd 30 days 6s Sd "3^ 15J 16s 23 s2sr 30 s 7/ Bjpi 4 s 4 s 6d 3J 6d is z s i d 3 J 9^ 2J 74 84^ 100 s 2J 6d
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers