CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES AT THE THIRD SESSION, Begun and held at the City of Philadelphia, on Monday the sixth o» December, one thousand seven hundred and ninety. AM ACT for raising and adding another Regi ment to the Military Establishment of the Uni ted States, and for "making farther Provision for the Protection of the Frontiers BE it enacted by the Senate and Ho .fe of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress affeinbled, That ihere (hall be raised an additional regiment of infantry, which, excluiivc of the commifTioned officers, {Kali consist of nine hun dred and twelve non-commiflioned officers, privates and mufi eians. . , And be it further enafled, That the said regiment lhall be or ganized in the fame manner as the regiment of infantry d«fcnbed in the afi, intituled, " An a a regulating the military establish ment of the United States." And be it further enacted, That the troops aforefaid by this aB to be raised, inclodingthc officers, (hall receive the fame pay snd allowances, be fubjett to the fame rules and regulations, and be engaged for the like term, and upon the fame conditions, in all refpe£ls, excepting the bwunty herein-after mentioned, as are stipulated for the troops of the United States, in the before-men tioned act. And be it further enafled, That each non-commilTioried offi cer, private and musician, who has inlifted or who ffiall mlift pur suant to the ast aforefaid, or who (ball inlift pursuant to this ast, (hall be intitled to receive fix dollars as a boun'.y. And be it further enacted, That in cafe the President of the United States should deem the employment of a major-general, brigadier-general, a quarter-master and chaplain, or either of them/ cffential to the public interest, that he be, and he hereby is em powered, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to appoint the fame accordingly. And a major-general so appointed may chufe his aid de camp, and a bpgadier-geneTal, his brigade major, from the captainsol subalterns of the line. Provided al ways, That the major-general and brigadier-general so to be ap pointed, (hall refpcftively, continue in pay during fnch term only, as the Prtfident of the United States in his dilcrciion shall deem it requisite for the public service. And be it lurther'enaded, That in cafe a major-general, briga dier-general, quarter-master, aid de camp, brigade-major and chaplain should be appointed, their pay and allowances (hall be, refpeftively as herein mentioned : The major-general shall be in tituled to one hundred and twenty-five dollars, monthly pay, twenty dollars allowance tor forage monthly, and lor daily sub sistence fifteen rations, or money in lieu thereof at the contraft price. The brigadier-general shall be intitled to ninety four dol lars, monthly pay, with sixteen dollars allowance for forage monthly, and for daily fubliftence twelve rations, or money in lieu thereof at the contra£t-price. That the quarter-master shall be in titled to the fame pay, rations and forage, ar the lieutenant-colo nel commandant of a regiment. That the aid decamp he intitled, including all allowances, to the fame pa) , rations and forage as a major of a regiment. That the brigade major be intitled, in cluding all allowances to the fame pay, rations and forage, as a ijiajor of a regiment. That the chaplain be intitled to fifty dol lars per month including pay, rations and forage. And be it further enatled, That if, in the opinion of the Pre sident it will be conducive to the good of the service, to engage a body of militia to serve as cavalry, they turnifhing their own horses, shall be lawful for him to offer such allowances to encourage their engaging in the service, for such time and on such terms, as he shall deem it expedient to pre- fcri'be. And be it further enabled, That if the President ffiould be of opinion, that it will be conducive to the public service, to em ploy troops enlisted under the denomination of levies, in addition to, or m prai t r»ilitia. which in virtue of the powers veiled in him by law, he is authorised to calMnto £*rvice Q f t hc Uni ted States, it (hall be lawful for him to raise, for a term noi ex ceeding si* months (to bedifcharged sooner if the public service will permit] a corps, not exceeding two thousand non-commiflion ed officers, privates and musicians, with a suitable number of com miflioncd officers. And in cafe it shall appear probable to the Prrfident, that the regiment directed to be raised by the afore iaid ast and by this ast, will not be completed in timfc to pro secute such military operations as exigencies may require, it (hall be lawful for the President to make a lubftitute lor the deficiency, by railing such farther number of levies, or by calling iota the ser vice of the United States such a body of militia as shall be equal thereto. And be it further enaftcd, That the President bt, and he here by is empowered to organize the said levies, and alone to appoint the commiflioncd officers thereof, in the manner he may judge proper. And be it further enacted, That the commiflioned and non commidioned officers, privates and musicians of the militia or said corps of levies, (hall during the time of their service, be fubjeft to the rules and articles of war ; and they ftrall be intitled to the fame pay, rations and forage, and, in cafe of wounds or disability in the line of their duty, to the fame compensation as the troops of the United States. And be it further enacted, That the non-commiflioned officers, privates and musicians of the said corps of levies, shall be intitled to receive such proportional quantity of clothing, as their time of service shall bear to the annual allowance of clothing to the troops of the United States, fubjeft, however, to a proportional deduc tion from their pay. And be it further enaftcd. That cach of the non-commiflion ed officers, privates and musicians of the said levies, Ihall be en titled to receive three dollars as a bounty. And be it further enacted. That in cafe the nature of the ser vice, upon which the troops of the United States may be employ ed, should require a greater number of surgeon's mates than are provided for in the before-mentioned ast, the President of the United States may engage, from time to time, such additional number of surgeon's mates, as he (hall judge necessary. And be it further enacted. That the commiflioned officers, who shall be employed to recruit men lor the said regiments, shall beintitled to receive for every recruit who shall be duly in lifted and mustered, the sum of two dollars. And be it further enacted. That for defraying the expence, for one year, of the additional regiment to be raised by virtue of this ast; for defraying the expense, for a like term, of the offi cers mentioned in the seventh feftion of this ast; for defraying the expense of the said militia-horse, militia-foot, and levies, ■which may be called into, or engaged for the ferviceof the Unit ed Slates, pursuant to this ast ; for defraying the expense of such surgeon's mates as may be appointed pursuant to the fifteenth sec tion of this ast; for defraying the expense of recruiting the said two regiments ; und so defraying th„- expciife of any_™ ll "' poll, which the r,efidc ß (hall judge expedient and proper to lablith, there beaud li rd>y is appropriated a turn, • three hundred .lid twelve th mlaucl fix hundred an •> > dollars and twenty cent?, to be paid out 01 the monies , prior to the ft,ll day ol I.uuary next, lhall a-tlefrom toe: dou» uupofed upon fpirils distilled within the Lulled S.aies,W ft,lis, by the J, intituled, An ast repeal,ng alter the ft day of June next, the duties neretolore laid upon distilled fp ported from abroad, and 1ay,,., others in their (lead; and afo upon fpirils distilled within the United Stales, an ,or approp un« the fame;" together with the excels ol duties which may arifc from the duties impoft-d by the said act on impoiu pins, be yond those which Would have arilen by the act, inn.ulcc , n act nidkiug fartiiei piovilion iorthe pay meat ot the ae ts o ic | United Slates." t • i j c nr And to the end that the public fcrvicc may not be impeded tor want of neceifary means ; r , Be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for th- President to take on loan the whole sum by this a£t appropriated, .or o much thereof as he may judge reqnifite, at an intereil not excte - ing fix per centuin per annum ; and the fund ellablitned tort e above-mentioned appropriation, is iiereby pledged tor t e re payment of the principal and interest of any loan to be obtaine in manner aforefaid : and in cafe of any deficiency in ihe laid fund, the faith of the United States is hereby also pledged to make good such deficiency. _ FREDERICK AUGUSTUS MUHLENBERG, Speaker of the Hovfe cj Reprefentatwis. JOHN ADAMS, Vice-Prejident of the United States and Pr'Jidcnt of the Senate. Approved, March thi rd, 1*791 • GEORGE WASHINGTON, President ojthe United States. Deposited among the Rolls iri the Office of the Secretary of Stare. THOMAS JEFFERSON, Secretary of Mate- India Sales, at Salem. At the STORE of ELIAS HASKETT DERBY, Esq. On TUESDAY the sth of April next, at 10 o'clock, A. M, will commencc the sale, by AUCTION, of the Cargo of the Brig Henry, Lately arrived from Bengai, Madras, and Isle of FrAnce Consisting of a large and valuable assortment ot INDIA GOODS. As follows—viz. BAFTAS, 1 "white Cloths, proper for Carta?' a " S Shirtln S' or Shettl »g- Dureas—or striped Muslins. Durea Chintz, or painted ftriptd do. Chintz, a great variety. Striped Cottons, Jagrenant Muslins. Ditto Ditto Handkerchiefs. Ginghams, Blue Cotton Handkerchief.'. J Long Cloths, of a superior quality, fu it able for fliirting. " Madras Patches, beautifully figured. Camboys, or blue and white striped Cottons. Moreas, or plain white Cloths. Madras Cambricks. , *2 Ditto Ditto Handkerchiefs, with borders. Book Muslins. Ditto Ditto Handkerchiefs* a great variety. A quantity of China Silk Handkerchiefs. A quantity of Ostrich Feathers. Surat Cotton, 23 bales. Indigo, of the Isle of France, of a superior quality. An alTortment of fine Wincsof the Cape of Good Hope. Kaifins of do. A quantity of India Shirts and Trowfrrs, for Sailors' wear. To the above will be added, a great variety of other Goods, which are not enumerated. d/fo, ioo Casks Raisins, } 75 Chens Bohea Tea,/ f the bcft M j 30 Ditto Hyion, C 1 30 ditto Souchong, j The Goods may be viewed a few days previous to the sale. W. P BARTLETT artd CO. Auctioneers. Feb. 21* 179 1 A CO-PARTNERSHIP having commenced between Joseph Anthony, and his Son, Thomas P. Anthony, under the firm of Joseph Anthony and Son, They have for Sale, at their Stop and Anthony,) Northfic NEW-ENGLAND Rum, MolaflVs, Muscovado Sugars, Jamaica & Martinique Coffee, Pimento, Caflia, Old Batavia Arrack, Spermaceti & Wax Candles, Spermaceti, Right Whale, and Tanner's Oil, Best pick'd Mackarel, New Line of Stages. THE Subscriber has eftabliftied a line of STAGES from Hart ford to Boston, by way of Norwich and Providence, which will run thro twice a week during the Winter Season, and three times a week during the Summer Season. Oo"d Carriages. Horses, and careful Drivers are provided.—— Passengers pay ihree Pence per Mile, and are allowed i 4 pound Baggage«ch. Extra Baggage pays at the rate of three Pence per Mile for every 150 wt. As the Mail is to go in these Stages for the year 1791, fixed hours for darting from the refpettive Stage Houses is absolutely neceffary—from which there can be 110 devia. tion. The Stage tor the Eastward leaves Hartford Mondays and Thursdays, Norwich Tuesdays and Fridays, Providence Wednesdays and Saturday, For the Weft ward, leaves Boston Mondays and Thursdays, Providence Tuesdays and Fridays, Norwich Wednesdays and Saturdays. JESSE BR O W N. 6q—iw_qm ADVERTISEMENT A PAMPHLET,containing some remarks on the firft volume of 1 X. the '« Defenceof the AmericanConftiiutious," written by the V lce-Prefident of the United States, has been circulated in France as a production of the late Gov e r nor Livingston. Any pcr lon who will furaifh the Editor hereof with a copy of said pam phlet, lhall be paid a double price for the fame. -800 Bengal. ;s, (lately improved by Hewes le Chefout-Street Wharf, Souchong TE AS, of the firft & iiohca ) al "y' Boston Sail Duck, 2, 3, 4, and 7, 6 by 8 Window Glais, Boston Prime Beef, A quantity of choice Carrot Tobacco. N. England Tow Linen. Phi lade I. March 18. j^e.p^w.*] Norwich. Dec. 1 PROPOSALS tot PRINTING EY SUBS CK I PT! OS, A WORK, Entitled The Art of Writing, REDUCED TO A PLAIN AND EASY SYSTEM, On a Plan entirely new. IN SEVEN BOOKS. By JOHN JEN KINS, IVritmg.UaJicK HPHE firft book contains a very plain, easy and familiar intro. X duttioa to this art, 2nd leads the learner to a riglu undcr ftandiiig of the principles of the work. The small letteis arc dif. fe&ed—the principal ftrokesare placed by themfelve&.and accora p micd with particulai explanations. A table, or scheme, is a<j aed, which exhibits at oi»c view the coirp »nent parts of eacti let ter, Doih small and greui, placed in diflerentclaffes, that the learner may at once perce*ve, by infpe&ion, the relation and dependence wlnch one letter has upon another. To which is annexed, a Di*. lojue, calculatcd to fix the attention ot children, and imprcfstheir minds with right ideas of the letters. This work is defined for the benefit of ichools, and may be uled with advantage by all wU would acquire a knowledge ot penmanlhip. Five of the remaining fix are proper Writing Books, with Cop perplate Copies, and are designed as an fxecuuon of plan, each book proceeding by regular steps, from the firft princi ples to Joining-hand Copies, and gradually proceeding trom a large Round-hand, to an easy Running-hand; all which are pre paratory to the seventh and last book, which is a collection of Writing Pieces, Promiilbry Notes, Orders, Receipts, Bills ot £x change, &c. ____ CONDITIONS OF THE FIRST BOOK, I. It will be printed On fine writing paper, and contain about twenty-eight pages, quarto, with eight copperplate engravings. 11. The price will be Three Fifths of a Dollar, ftnche.d in blue, 111. As the author rilks the publication, he tequefhthat each fubferiber would advance One Quarter ot a Dollar. N. B. As the engravings are not yet completed, the price of the remaining fix cannot at present be afceitained. Gentlemen who have these fubfeription papers in their hands, are requested to return them to Isaiah Thoma», Esq. «£ Worcester, or Thomas and Andrews, Boston, by the firftof June next. The plan of the above work has been submitted to, and approved of by the Governors of several of the States, several members ot Congress—the Presidents of Cambridge, Rhode- Island, Yale, Columbia, the President and Vice- President ot New- Jersey, and several of the Profeffors of Pennsylvania Colleges— Also, by many of the Clergy, and several eminent Writing-Mag. tcrs and Inftru&ors of Youth. PhiladLtlphia, March 7, 1791. Cu/peper County, 25th Jan. 1791 To be SOLD by the Subscriber, THE PLANTATION, where on he resides, laying on both fides the Carolina road, in the great fork, of Rappahanock river, 36 miles from the town ot Dumfries, 30 from Frederickfburg, and 28 from Falmouth ; in a moil healthy part of the country : —Confiding of 2.000 acres—half clear ed, andingood fence, well adapted for farming and grazing—the foil is good, lays well, abounding with many excellent springs and streams of water, so dispersed as to afford great opportunity of making watered meadow of the Br ft quality,perhapsmore than 300 acres—of which 120, in one body, is already in grass, and all wa tered and drained at pleasure by a number of ditches, forthat pur pose, palling through the whole. Orchards of about 2000 bear ing apple trees—near as many peach trees, and a variety of rrtoft other kinds of fruit, natural to the climate. A good dwelling, house, the situation whereof is remarkably beautiful and plsafant; and many other valuable improvements of divers kinds. And one other Plantation about 5 miles nearer said towns, con fiding of about 1500 acres,on which is good merchant, gris, and saw mills, where nature, labour and art, have fully conspired to render them complete; a large constant stream, on which they stand, affords them water in great abundance ; convenient thereto is a kiln end house, for drying corn, a bake house, a dwelling house and several other improvements mostly new ; about 300 acres of the lands are in cultivation, very goodiu quality ; the other part thin foil, but abounding with timber, is an inexhauftable source for the saw-mill. Also several detached tracts within said county, of about 2, 3, and 400 acres each,and though not offo fertilea foil,their vicinity to the towns render them valuable, on fbme of them there aie foiali improvements, and the lands so fuuated, that they can easily be made convenient little farms. The whole or any part of the abovementioned pofltfflions will be disposed of, on very reasonable terms—a fynall proportion in ready money, for the balance, the payments will be made entirely to accommodate the conveniency or the purchafeis, who may be supplied on the fame terms, with all kinds of flock, work hor ses, oxen, &c. See. See. by JOHN STRODE, [t. f.] TO BE SOLD, The seat ok the late governor LIVINGSTON, situate about a mile from Elizabeth-Town, on the public road "> Morris Town. The farm contains between 90 and tco acres or land, 15 or 20 acres of which are wood land ; there is also apper taining to the said farm about 19 acres of fait meadow. Particular attention having been paid to the cultivation of fruit ; there is on the farm a very large colle&ion of various kinds of the choicest fruit trees, See. in full bearing; the house is large, convenient, well built and in veiy good repair. Enquire of the Printer, for further particulars. Nezv-Yorh, Jan. 1791. In the City of New-Brtuifwicl, A Commodious TWO STORY HO USE, alraoft new, pleafanrly situated on the banks of the Rantan, to gether with a large Lot in the rear, and a very good Wharf im mediately in front of the House. Said House is thirty-four feet fqyare has four rooms on each floor, with entries between thefaniCi and a good stone cellar under the whole. _ Any petfon inclining to purchase may have poffeflion the fir dav of May next, and know the price and terms ot payment wnic w1! be made eafv by applying to Lewis For man ,infa id city> ol the fubferiber in Borden Town. J. VAN EMBURGH. N. B. If not fold, to be rented from ill day of May next. Manuel Noah, BROKER, No. 91, Race-Street, between Sccond and Third-Streets, BUYS and SELLS Continental & State Certificate?, Pennsylvania and Jetfey P?per Money, And all kinds of SECURITIES of lie United Sut«, or o! 3' y |C 7» The prta oj tk'u Faperis 3 ar "' FOR SALE, narticnlar Sta'e. 80 3m
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers