r Shep."''m tr. - bill, will, amendments from On mof ° n 0 *''' tl)e nianncr of taking certain oaths, was read, the Senate, *'!*"' % dopu d by the House s ,,d the am I cna ; ntro duced the application of the Legislature of Mr. LaWR , , t i, February last, for calling a Convention to cqnfi ■fJew-Voik, "5 w | uc h being read, was dilpofed of asthe Applica- Jer Amend™ > ins , entered on the Journals, and ttie ori t""lfrr ffijl ."the Clerk's otirce. ginal p^ ct rtfumed thefubjeftot Tonnage,and after some further T'" h" report of the Committee for laying 30 cents, pr. ton, on debate, tw w ; t h whom treaties had been lormed, wai (hcveffc'V 0 P -j- ne House then adjourned. adopted. Thursday, May 7. H of South Carolina, from the Committee appointed to 1' p r 'clident, toknowwhen it would beconvenient for him vaiton 1 ' Address of tne House, reported, That they had ae to'cce'r waited on the President, and that he had been pleated to cprdmgly ( j iat wou [d he convenient to him, and he mtnlI ° n j ,Ho'the pleal ure of the House to fix the place. '"tT'Houfe then resolved, that they would present their Address , nt htPreMen- on Friday, in the room adjoining the Reprefenuuves' C nation of Mr. Bland, a Committee was appointed to confer Senate, on the proper mode of prefentmg bills, resolutions, 'jJreffes to the President "1 H „ u fe then refifmed the fubjeft of Tonnage. Amotion was made by Mr. Madison, to reduce the tonnage 011 . fl,i ps n ot in alliance with the United States, from 50 to 40 ntspr ton, till the id of January, 1790, and then to be raised to ' s Tn!i motion produced some debate; and on the qur-ftiontoftrike out the 50, order to make way for Mr. Madison's motion, 11 waine°atived —25 to 20. A clause wasthen added to the report, which is intended to pre fnt an y vessels from trading coaf.wif., except those which are vholly ow" td b V cilizens of the United States. The report as amended was then agreed a by the House—and j coirmittee was appointed to bring in a bill. Adjourned. Friday, May 8. , Vpon the report of a Committee in favor of appointing a S rjr ant • Arms, and nominations !. :ing called for, Mr. Ames and Mr. Thachej made some observations in opposition tothe mcafure— contending, that the officer was fupei-nuiricrary, and the post a mere ' Vli GiRRY, from the Committee appointed to prepar" a bill orefcribin" the mode of collecting the Revenue, introduced a tem porary law, which was read, and a hundred , copies ordered to be printed for the Hoofe. Mr.S»iiTH,ofSouthCarolina,atthismomentcame in, and inform ed the House, that The President was ready to receive their addrels. The House immediately arose, and following the Speaker, attended The President in the room adjoining, wherrthe following Address was preltnted by the Speaker, in the name of the House. The ADDRESS Ofthtllovsr. of Representatives, to GEORGE 'WASHINGTON, President of the United States. SIR, The representatives of tliepeople of the Unit ed States, present their congratulations 011 the event by which your fellow-citizens have attested the pre-eminence of your merit. You have long held the firft place in their elteem—you have of ten received tokens of their attention—you now poffefsthe only proof thatremained of their gra titude for your services, of their reverence sot your wifdont, and of their confidence in youi •virtues. You enjoy the highell, becaule, the truest honor, of being the firlt magistrate, by the unanimous choice of the freeft people 011 the face ol the earth. We well know the anxieties with which you must have obeyed a summons, from therepole re served for your declining years, into public scenes, of which you had taken your leave forever—But the obedience was due to the occasion. It is al ready applauded by the universal joy, which welcomes you to your station, and we cannot doubt that it will be rewarded with all the fatil faction, vith which an ardent love for your fel low-citizens must review fuccefsful efforts to pro mote their happiness. This anticipation is not juftifted merely by the past experience of your signal ferviccs. It is par ticularly suggested by the pious iiuprelfions under which yoti commence your adininiftration, and the enlightened maxims by which you mean to condutft it. 'We feel with you the strongest obli gations to adore the invisible hand which has led the American people through so many difficulties, to cherilh aroiifcious responsibility for the destiny ot republican liberty, and to seek the only fui e means of preserving and recommending the pre cious deposit in a system of legislation, founded on the principles of an honest policy, and direct ed by thefpirit of a diffufive patriotism. The question ariling out of the fifth article of 'ne conflitutioi), will receive all the attention de manded by its importance, and will, we trust, be decided under the influence of all the confederati ons to which you allude. In forming the pecuniary provisions for the ex ecutive department, we lhall not lose fight of a wilh relulting from motives which give it a pecu ar claim to our regard.—Your resolution in a moment critical to the liberties of your country, to renounce all personal emolument, was among 'he many presages of your patriotic services, w hich have been amply fulfilled, and your scru pulous adherence now to the law then iinpofecl on canuot fail to demonstrate the purity, whilst it encreafes the Inllre of a cliaraifier, w liich ias so many titles to admiration.' Such are the fentiinents which we have thought t to address to you : They flow from our own e atts,and we verily believe, that among the mil '? ns „ w ' e " re P re fent, there is not a virtuous citizen n 0 heart will difovvntliem. All thatremains is, that we join in your fervent Supplication tor the bleHiiiajs of Heaven on our country ; and that we add our own for the choicest of thole blelfings on the moll beloved of her citi zens. "To -which THE PRESIDENT made the fulloviin& REPLY. Gentlemen, YOUR very affectionate Address, produces emo tions, which i know not how to express : I feel that my palt endeavors in the service of my country, are far overpaid by its goodness ; and I fear much that my future ones may not fulfil your kind anti cipation. All that I can promise is, that they will be invariably directed by an honest, and an urdent zeal. Of this resource my heart allures me. For all beyond, I rely on the wifddm ;»nd patriotism of those with whom I am to co-operate, and a continuance of the blelfings of iteaven on our beloved country. G. WASHINGTON. After this, The Presidfnt retiring, the Mem bers of the House returned to their leats. A motion which was laid on the table the 4th in ft. refpectinga request to the President, that he would procure an eilimate of exports andim ports, entries and clearances from the several States in the Union, for twelve months previous to the fourth of March last, was taken up, and after l'undry a mendments, one of which was, appointing a Com mittee to attend to the business, the motion was adopted. After this, the appointment of a Serjeant at Arms was taken into consideration again—and a vote for alfigning a time to come to a choice ob tained—Tuesday next being appointed. The Order of the day was then called for, and the House went into a Committee of the whole, when the second reading of the Bill, ascertaining the rates of Impost, was attended to. Dr. Tucker proposed, That the duty on distil led spirits, Jamaica proof, should be reduced to 6 cents, pr. gallon—this brought on a debate which lasted till the House adjourned. NEW-YORK, MAY 9. OF COMMENCEMENT. ON Wednesday the 6th inft. was held in St. Paul's Church, the annual COMMENCEMENT of COLUMBIA COLLEGE. The Proceedings on this pleasing occasion, were introduced by Dr. Johnson, (the President) with prayers. The Candidates for the Degree ot Bachelor of Arts, then perform ed the parts refpe£tively afligned them, in thefollowingorder : Viz. James Duane, delivered the Salutatory Oration. Matthew Mesier, an Ortionon The Passions. Peter Mesier, on the Rijing Glory of Amertca. Joh n Bamrr 1 dce, on Happiness. Willtam Lupton, on she Art of Printing Joun Van Ness, on Civiliutiov. John Rem son, on the Progress of Gover nmenr. Henry Izard, on Eloquwce. W' l li am Hu rst, on Hiflory. The Degiee of Bachelor of Arts, was then conferred on the follow ing young gentlemen, viz. Messrs James Duane, John Van Ness, Matthew Mesier, John Rkmsf.n, Peter Mesier, Henry Izard, John Bam bridge, Willim Hurst, and Wi lli am Lupton, John Mason. The Degree of Mafer of Arts, on Peter Stcdiford, Abraham Nun, Philif Livingston, Samuel W. Johnson, John Basset, Roger Alden. The Degree of Doctor of Dwinit\\ on the Rev. Abraham Beach, ) Rev Bsnjam.n Moot, C all of N , w . York . Rev. William Lynn, C Rev. John D. Gross, ) The Rev. Jeremi ah Leaming, of Conne&icut, and The Rev. Jacob R. Hardenbergh, of New-Brunfwick. After which the Valedictory Oration was delivered by Mr. John Mason. Th Performances were received with applause, by a numerous and rcfpc&able audience. Doctor Johnson, the President, concluded the whole with an as !' £honate, pertinent, and elegant Address to the Graduates—and a fervent Prayer to the source ot all Wildom and Felicity, for their ;uture prosperity and ufefu'nefs in lite. THE PRESIDENT —His Excellency the Vicc-Prefidcnt—the Senate, and House of R . preventatives of the United States— he GOVERNOR and princip.il Officers of this Republic, lonored by their presence, this highly ufeful and important literary Inihtution. The late public commencement in this city, affords a conspicuous Specimen of the progrefsof science, and the fine arts, as well as of moral and political researches. It is an happy presage to the future character and prosperity of this country, that its youth, when in pursuit of literary attainments, do not confine their attention to the dull paths of mere fcliolaftick study, but acquire some gene ral and ufeful ideas refpe<fting commerce, policy and ethics. Under such regulations, may we not hope to be, fucceflively furnilhed with patriots and legislators, who will come forth into public life, en - dowed with such knowledge, and guarded with such principles, as will render them both the or nament and fafeguard of our rising republic ? Men participating of such qualities will be equal ly remote from wishing a government of bigotry and despotism, as of llcentioufnefs and anarchy. The fpeiftatcrs who hear the debates of our na. tional representatives, are unanimous in their ap. plaufes of the candor and impartiality which ap_ pear in the deliberations. If the measures adopt. Ed Ihould fail of giving complete falisfucnon ;o the virtuous citizens of this nation, it will be no argument that thelegillatureare not influenced by the strictest integrity, and the purest patriotif'.i;. It will only be an evidence, that the taik to be ac complished, was surrounded with such various and complicated difficulties, in the adoption of plans, and had to combat such dive. fity of views and feel ings throughout the country where they were to operate, that it would be no left remarkable m thefirft inltance to ftrik i upon expedients absolute ly the belt, than to gain the entire approbation of all clalles of men, over this wide extended country. We peri'u&de ourselves however, that wife measures will be pursued, and a very general acquieflcence in them will prevail among our en lightened countrymen. They will no doubt je colleOt, that future legislatures may amend what i-i found ineligible, and correct any unequal ope;a tion, that the laws may be supposed to produce in different parts of the Union : For it is no lei"; requifite,that a spirit of accommodation and juf tlce lhould charadlerife the bulk of the citizens, than that it lhouldgovern those who have the ma nagement of public affairs. On Tliurfday evening, the subscribers of the Dancing Aflembly, gave an elegant Ball and En tertainment. The President of the United States, was pleased to honor the company with his prefenci—His Excellency the Vice President—most of the members of both Houses of Congress—His Excellency the Governor, and a great many other dignified public characters : His Excellency Count de Moustier—His Molt Chriitian Majesty's Am b'aflador—The Baron Steuben, and other foreign ers of diftin<ftion, were prefeMt : There was a numerous and brilliant colleiiiion of ladies, drefl ed with consummate taste and elegance. The num ber of persons present, was upwards of three hun dred, and fatistaiftion, vivacity and delight, beam ed from every countenance. Yesterday, THE PRESIDENT received visits of compliment at his lioufe. We are informed, that THE PRESIDENT, His Excellency the Vice President, His Excellincy the Governor ok this State, and'many other P rsonages of the> greatejl dis tinction, will be at the Tmlatre, on Monday night next. A correspondent remarks, that it is doubtless very improper, to give the ''Title of Excellency to THE PRESIDENT : because it places him, in his official capacity, upon a level with some public oiii cers, efpecijilly in the diplomatic Hue, who are to receive their cominillions from him. ELOGIUM. Dr. Franklin has had the happiness of living to lee science extended under his foftering hand, from one end of Pennsylvania to the other. What hath he not done ill the cause of literal ure and freedom ? Was. he not a principal agent in the foundation of the firft public school of any note in the State ? Was he not the principal agent in the foundation of the firft library in Philadelphia ! What feininary hath not partook of his bouuty ? Hath he not after a constant exercil'e of his extra ordinary abilities, at the very eve of life, exhibit ed a striking proof of the consequences of good habits, in taking by the hand an infant academy at Washington, the very extremity ofthe State ? Did he not some time ago endow it with fifty pounds? Hath he not within a few days past directed Mr. Redick, one of the trustees of that school, to receive from the State the whole afnount of his ac count for portages during the three yeaKS of his presidency, and which amounted to avery consider able sum ? Yes, all these things he hath done. But to all these things and as much more as would fill a volume of such things, would be but the dust of the balance to what this great, this good, this ornament to human nature,hath done for man. Thursday arrived the ffrip George from Glasgow. Papers brought by this veflel, give the following intelligence, viz. March 10, The Lords Commiflioners addrefled both Houses ofthe Britifii Parliament in a speech, by orders from the King. At the Cabinet Council, in which this speech was considered, the King presided. After the-Council broke up, the King took an excursion for two hours on horse back. The standard was hoisted and the guns fired at t-ie tower, and the city illuminated on'account of the King's recovery. His Majesty's firft public appeararjce, will be at St. Paul's Church, to offer his thanks'to the power, that has restored him. Mr. Pitt has been compared to a cocoa-nut,which has a rough out fide, but much milk at the heart. Great convulsions in Ireland, on account of the Lord Lieutenant's not forwarding the address of the Iridi Parliament to the Prince of Wales. Several thousand medals, it is said, have been struck off" by the opposition—the Prince 011 one fide, and a Crow n on the other—their disappoint ment on the King's recovery, and consequent cha grin preventsanyremarkson the indccency of their conduift.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers