CI 1 L GM. *AISE: 1 - plicity of the admit Au ii noling , l a it, auding WI utterance l f the - . fuendaeibus triessr L iess Ay Oil Presid, the jesuitism of tht.J iillity,z, and underw iivifitA in,zetin4„, 1 ' . , .i The &it listratinc. with I .3 ban. WI l atter o f l awn at norwiths} 1 . to fhe con-" - I' tiff ) . ill 1 1 A ge lately sent, to .a aut. 'This is. l Cart , iltotakin meat sent t 0 (3 .i Ili. 1:4 hick be tbinkS he was ii L'hef,ta . p as, fOli laws. i - " 1 . ittf - 47.Ercin information -cocked at this D natii eat there is reason to lelieve that, • -' 1; ' , . ,4 laWless- eisona arenaw. engaged within the .dimit o the United. States lia a .seating on ..., 'ola an ,•preparinir the mean ii for military eipedit 'Das to be Carded a against the ! L territo es of Mexico, Nicaragua mud Costal ;11iia cpabrtes wil whorl l the . U.. 1. 111 T. Tat peac in violation of the, sixth section;' . of the P 18et 'of Congress,. iirpproved .20th 1 i f ,Ap r a . . Anil antler -:lie eighth s•'.9 l' -;! - .8 ;lion ofjthe said act it is ulde Lawful Pa r .') IThe Pr i ` i.lent. ar such peasan3 as he shall= : entpow r, _•'ta employ the ltud. and naval forces i r t the Halted S'tates; and the militifri there° .for the purpose. of preceritiog the • 1 - of carrying on any suc h , expedition cr en-, terprise from, the Territorici or jurisdiction ! •af the U nited States." • Itam, therefol4, direct 'by the President, An call y air pit-1 tenth) to the sulject, and o urge you to -- t use -a l ;ilivaTal a illeac, and 2° avail yoursOn of all 11 egillaiiate mesns af your command to valor these and all otherlprovisionaot . thal iaid'aei of 2.(Jth4if . Apfil4 18118, -, - - agamitl saaaafa l ho . may be round k it be engaged :i. a I, setting on fat or preparinf military. expo .l dititrd's against territorits i f Mexico, PoS i ta ' Rica and Nicaragna, so mpiitestly raa•judi- i cial to the national t character and so inju-1 rious to the natio,nal interest." And you 'ire, - elso, hereby iostrudted praniptly tta . e onanlanicate to this Depattnent the midi- i , est i fortx,tatien you may ,e ice relative! to ``rauch l xpedition.l 1 • 1 1 j am, sir , y tit obedient servant, i i - piigned] , LEWIS Cass: 1 r 1 T 'e Commodore was instructed to: con= - 1 side ; these-instructions as'.addressello him -1 Pelf,,, nil to act ahcordingly. • .I ;any' , one is silly enough to regard these T. inst ctionS as mrani. to cover 'the arrest. of . Wal -er, 'after he had lauded, let him read t the taihnving dispatches from : Washington ti; tie N. Y. Times: -!: ' I " ceretary Cass denounces the airestl ,of i Walker au.i his pa en by"' ore. Paulding} 'as Hie • L 'il, inexcusable and unauthorized. ! I Om. - Paulding' ,ill deulalcss be cdurt.... Ina l ialeil imatediatela; l _ 1 1 11 . ( 1 i ---2:te -- Caannialora's ittat i .. actions were I in-' t..nitad oalv to dircet hiir to Walker's /1 nd. ' - .1, i i ingi 1 . , "lr.e AinzinistrrtiN is j Very emphatic in ' repi:diating the action \oil Caramcdore Haul- din , and dcnotiticing ieks - a violation of the sovereinty of Nicai•agua • and of; the; A• ! 'arican 'Constitution. Our power ovel• t 1:, tt filia,ll.iterS ' it is L e h, cease d the' Into-! me a they' had tritcred upon the juri l sdie- i tioof a foreign pit - liar-1 ! • i here is no,doubt that Camino Ir a re . Paul-1 At ' will be at I once ordered 'home, for a! tri l. . -! '' 'l 1 13 1 4 -le 'Southern men re very vieleola: in 1 th tr denunciation of_Paialding, denying his ri it to deeida that Wailicr is a eiiizcin df, th , Unitatatates, and itlaim it to be th e ! du y at the Government to send ' bitie' and i hi men back in a Datil:tat ship. , , o a then, these instructions were Meant on y to. prevent the lani/ing of Gen. Walker I a L to arrest or molest hj i rn after ho had! la ilea' The Admintstration took, good i ' • hate• h off '' e• a to, sorb ice-s 7, New Orleans as I w uld 'permit Walker te. , rope, and Such a vessel at Q , reytov:n as ire -old pcimit him tol , I it/, keeping Corti. l'ilulding • securely" out - 0 (thmway, intending ti 3 wash its hands and .d sclaim all rower over 'aim ' after he 1.a.1 J. iis'compliciiy,lgat t. non fOreian foraiga s 11; but Pauldina% - has j accomplished ! a fiat llf ' PVE r dIeUM eti cf iu tits praa:annne, and _ , he Adthiniatratie u einsichis'. i tself,; nutra -ed by - the Super-scrvicable6css of its Corn adore.. .'that Le nill be panisbed for tailiit its plans there can ate no dlubt. li AS to, Walker,. he lihs been bran - alit ho rna 1 , finly to be permitted t l ° co offn .n ootitcr ... • xpecutton. The N. Y - . Times says:l "Thojestilt 'of tbialm err m oil r. illprob -1 . Obly - l - c highly favorable to the altinnito 11 canstimmatien of Witikerts achenic )) a. Ile - P- 1 4, - -e4'in New be_ nut upcin trial., skillet,. there for suit an , of euee will be a rarer. He will be speedily -and trinmpla antly vim• tte--aril will forihnill ;Cater cipart .proparatior-s fc,r , a renewed invasion °E Nicaragua. 'f Veacelaf. of rite praceed- inns's: ill augment !di; army—and the un- F 1. aistakal , le favor of itho.. Giveeet/(1/:11t :Ti :I , - protect his departure I nd his landink. :Ca- \ sal offiecfa will be very 'careful It thsy a brave the terrors of a; Court!-Martial by any ' , ,'excess of zeal for his/err:7st. And the whole 1 I ? t t .•l' will be more than ever satisfied, that_i ,in spit - : - of all its profes,iims, the +vs and 1 : tripcs-,ore really in _league trial the flag of ; - ! l i the 'buccaneer." 1' ~ 1 There eau ha no doubt, moreover, front Itl..E.'irhole tene of the Southern -13.eas and 1 1 Southern paanatans that Walker rs acting in ceneert willi s npn r y of the mostjtc - natn-1 ii cut mem in diff ere n t! States that*section 1 , 1 or rather after a per i fect understandiug of I f their viewe, and.criaging their co-operation Now that the e parircient - of- endorsing Ir, Kansas is likely to tura tint a failure and 1 1 1 non-paying enterpr Se, the effort Will be to I 'concentrate aretion I sentiment" upon.Nic -Imule aragea, and tomule it art issue it:11860; as l' Texas was. made in 1844: Denineratic - 1 policy is already stiaping itself in ibis & di. .' rection. --\ ( ' 1 • \ P. S. It will be' seen by our dispitche's, that Gen. Cass has.' discharged Walker, and left him free to faci and do as be r plaases.— '; This completes tbe.first act of _.infamy.-- : For the next we.will not have long to wait. ' ---Pi:tturg/4 - Gitzette. ii ' _t____-__l ' r sit A • O I rN I It Seen?! that large quiintiats tLil worthless roptiey Lave Leen put into eirtTlation The Chicago wholcsaleidealers bavekcsolved to reehrnmend to cotiutry dealers not to take it and to proud-so that thy will extend to them every pessthlC ald in holding on to their pods ratl•er an sell than for such worthicss trash: • ' • --- . 'I Li • , _Chronic Diarrliair.—We have in pod srision the certificate of a respdetable viii. -zei., test-tfying thft? he was entirely cured of •' this dieadful disd,ase by using Bcerhave's Baked Bitiers.l 1 tine take pleasure in .1s I v ..-, itowing the certificate to .. ;tny :emu -doubting this state ment. • i\ For • - t I . ~ I . F th ; ..Sres., ovrroz u TE.apicors .. NSTITIITZ. li - • I • 1 • . - i • —.7 , i • , : .-1 i Pursuant to annotaneement. the Teache and .I , 'E-i'ends o Education, elnfotied itii flail-of , , -.. t . •;..-• - i I l-of the Ili ion School I.luilding, in Nei i Brighton; on..,lOntlaY, theBtli of - l l:keen her, 1857, at. 10 o'clock, A. Iti• I \ I:I . Meeting csllel to order 117 ICJIIII y lISa \ s NI A v e ry.. ' • I 1 1 l iri r iatertdcnt, itlr. R. N . .oery.. J. 1.1 - ,;.urigata,. J. ,11 1 , iGuiilford and i l Delyyr,,Tvere hppointeil a!emninittee oop r iicanrtit Orgat ization—whe retired, al i t(' ,in 1 a. few I ininuts • reported, las fallekvs:HOr President, .U. N. ' 4veiy; •I for i yid. - Preid. donts,i'D. Critkllow . and Dr.,l I. ,NVirt rts; St:eretaries, Win.; Reed ~ , ,and 4 .1 , gem II " wllich upon niotion 'was I 'a t i`opttd; The In.„ stiinte:being permanently organized,Nlbs i $: Guilfgi, Critchlow , and- (- - .,"tithhertson;Ti were , • _, , - 1, . at - point - out. a t•:l,lninii gee to preparelourn •ss . fug the lestit rte. • - 't t • I •11 • A,i i jo inidlto - meet at ..yA, oicloc., P. N. . - ( ~. 2 . ..9 ficr . neon. $ *'1 . 0i 1 :1 i Li . e •• L . ~ ~ ~.„ :: • " Meting c • tiredto order•lby the rrestde t, , . . • , 1.. I I , • , .i 4 1 ,1 minute; oft morninCee4sion adopt. .d. ..11r. _Guilford Cbaiinizil:;of Committee on InisineSs; ''airitatineed - that thql stibject of English 'Grammar _wouldllbe Oat , taken up, . - ,• , and 45-tiion,eit , devoted - P a !Lecture, i uto.n that subleetAy, Mr. Burt, of Pit:shu.o;, then ar-nrinnteS allowed for the disens4ion of the ,sitnelv • `Teachers present. , - To be folio Wed bY. a Lecture !_upon 1, Atit_lik,nt tic, by Prof eurry--subjset to tho .s'atue-iples l atiNd: TegUlations.:• ,, Tle subst4nce . ,f'r i lthe .abo inoot - be;giveri at!thik tme, . but ty, that the 4 - were truly f. -4 i intt duly • aPpreeiated b a ll . pre t in eanneCtion: with the .disc !,lowed; cannot faili.te , be . - ' , i: I of 1, all engaged . in !the: . noble it•oalt the 'Mind. ,11 1 11, . f ,-1 . 1 r i ! arnennee Is the - Ord i 'of exercises to}} ...teeing Session; a Lequ i e by Prof Pean,! ppon, the.,4njurtous Tendpney of.lthel.'en4iers . Profboon; to be:full6wed by•a,diseusitoe:upon the following que4ion, viz: : Shouid the Rules*f !Arithmetic!, ' •as laid down in the books• be \diSpensed pith ' Adjourned to titet, atl6l:l‘o t r\ elciek.' 1 : S 1 Eveniiiy e•zsf l7 .\! ' .. Meetinglealled to order b y the,Presi and opene , • With••,pra'Yer._j-y. .11t.kv r I • Reeves.. rtlinutese read-and InpproVed. • . Prof Dean, of • Pitt Aurgli,-• ti'ai - lie t treduceilici the audiert'ce,'.and in lila happy - andleloqueot style, Irldress4 ti upon the, sabje - nk zilot ! tedit , l4;, lafter. 11 quite :an animater] disc64sion.opcn the. - it lion submitted--Prof.llThrtnipson; of 'it burgh, • telling the lead,land beiug' 'follow by Messrsl Curry, Batt, GUilfird..imil of cis, affortling t quito a fund Sflautusein , Ti nt, well as itZperling much u.l.,Sibuti'al Onto. maticti to the: large O•ndiette ihat ; gl-bete theni with thcir i preseOce. l'• • 1' .'-iy: t • . Tatday Morniv, Pce.l2oth. t , • • - .4ustitutie convened ! and W l l ;iii open' with prayen•by IRev. .Criteb 11etv.1 • Sebret . • ,c -ing absent:,, upon motin S 04Orie ~..:,.. pi Ored secretary pro kern i i• ;!;•• `' 'i t ;. i ~. The. order of - exerei:teli ‘ as an ~, ~`-::". i . !' be first,4eture, , Natlito SeleticeS - Lin tWo. lie Sebool'it, by Prof Dekti ' - 11.kri. mgiic, 14,Fri:if:Thompson. I 11.14Cu 1 , ,, 5i0n! ti n -the cla r 4Ve subjects was participated ;014 ((sips. nth Dean, Burt, - 'ti•eWell !and - oth is up - ii to \ the hottr•nf adjournnicutk l affordm a rich faiA \ of ibformation to alllPr4Jut'il It'w as ' then anti. uneed thatlin• t 1.., , .afterne it Mr. Burt • ikefuld continue tit l e jsubject tlf• Bug. fish Grai l :inter,. to beifolloived by )121. New - - ell' • un , let \the . ru,:tebd of• teaching. G' coo 3 , - - 1 .. i- 11i t).• -° rayny-; ,\.. - ; ; . ... 4 a11i214/161.1 .0. ritee!,.l4t 1 I-2 f o'clo , ' 1 • 1 1 ;,, .4fiCrn . oitit •Sr.i.:iOn. 1,1 • I tte a.4seialled at .1 1-2...,0' _ NI - .1 1 1 t in the ehtiy; n Toes of cad and-tviovetl.' The the subsMlticf•- . Eug')isli - q ed .tiy, ,:inti: ires'o9nded • io .• - an able and iii;lolY,,,ratint sresvpll, ut Pittsb,ur,W9F i. tint tipngli c nt&iii eiteitO sttoc.osfitny',-- . --4iing ink) s o`f mutt Utility to :I th \ ese ittig• that branch of I - Seiti lo•tvetl,4 - 4, quite an•anumits IM . ,the . sacuci by, I.‘l.'s,lis. I.\ Guilford; fhrt,'.Nenell.l: 0 the auitnatiou and We tilt t, of the audience. I• 11 11 uraed tOnat:et atl 6 142 o!C ' , V7i ' '' i --. Et', ing . scsston: 1 . 1 1 Inst'tute. openedi with itrayes by 'Bev, Witi. ! caves. Minutes of .afterpoon ses iii ;AA read and aPprOved. , .31r. ddlifordop ..tmandiupon the stud and tieli4,id an ad .tiiirahle Tecture upbn the "Jdel l ation...of ,E , l- ueltion to its Age.'," - - On hisictleaSion we acre greeted with! an ovek•flowiNg house, showirig.' that the Ipe:,ple, were l a kin i , i , -, , up upan: !this subject.; • After khe Iletture,' the griestion,,, 'l-low far slituld jhe to provide for the Education f_ her e ildie'n," was in trotlue4 and Johd Cuthhe l risOn',l4l,4. cull : ed . - upps to •or;eu -1 - the diSliissiou. , Prof. 'fltompsan, Win. John Anisol'); Mr. Burt, Ti. B {Chamberlin; . Esq., 1:4..1 . 'Stanton lio and otherS, in turn, eoterMin4 the andi enee.Until• a late heur i upon thel discussionl if .ila:f. above question;* and ind ed• we:ve-1 ry retch regret that we -.C311114 t rush your readers witita •svuopsi , t,of their; everal - ad-! drossis.. r -, ' • .'1 . .1 • . • I. -- Caumittee to annOunce,as the':order of ei-; eteis'i's for to-morrow critinii,,,l first, .f'Pri- 1 , inary Schools," Mr. Burti ic:coud Fractions; Prof! Thompson; third, EmrlY"Relative ilitti4s Gl' .Parents and TeiiebCrS f ".• by Mimi . 31Thrdy. .. •, I . 111 .. • -'. -„ I 1 . Adjourned, till 9 o'clock, A. M. • i ! :... •!, Norniny Session i t lee.l - 30: , i' . De c . 30: histititto convened the ap l ppinted hour pre; -er by Rev. Critchlow; w.minites of--evenL . 14. ession read and _„anpioveld , 1 1 The I• Ellb- 1 jjeer . !‘Trimary -Schools,.. I talteniAp by Mr,' Burt, and dwelt ',upon In ,an *Able sod . Mai telly suihner, On tuotian_the 30 minittet allePed ttidiseuSsion i2pOn subjects present ed,lwai_ in tLis: - 'case diapeOse with; and the 'time apprOpriated toltre . it port_i_tltes4. jog " and the chair,atpotuteldi Prot.f4Dcaft l a to lead in the: exereises,-Ijoine. by Mr - Burt kid Prof.. Thompson. ..,•l . 1 - - I , , , • • 1 " Oritetians" was then; tilt up by Profs Thempsnn, pito • occupied the . 11 time allotj. tett to the Abject, giving tnOti. useful, and prOical - illustiutionlq la . .1.. cidatitig th;d el subject. . . : - I ...,-, . ' '... ' tkhiss Mceni44lerictiet i -. tli'..Grain ... , mir Department olNeir. "Bri 'non - Trilled F. 4001,, read to,thelastitufe, - well Written: Es' y, Von nil ".11.41ri re duties of Parente An TeAchers.". ,!. - . ,• - • Exercises fur .IfierizObii.Sessiera: 11 -First Continutiti f iel ofF:,ngl ei i Gistama'il, , M. Burt , . Seootti, ICcturekt I Penmanehipi i _ iii ' • I . 1 - I • BEAV2R. 'bolt l'resider tcPsion tine• Df tens c-11 1 t. 13urt tilll IMSI MEI I`~ 1':1 Ll l EMS ME Ml= 01 'ton i ttp i Curtly much, Adj \ I \ ‘,/ 11111 rl - ME by 4 1..,. it utb t I Roots' Al Sim i O'clojk;*i 11. I • i 1 lAne ~ .; pasittu eimet i minutes ; of Morn roil, 31r.,)3nrt n continuation of li , inar," his fectut , to thatpari of cl Nis of Sentences which hc.. k l i reatc. 1 frtif to receive m them, 1314 ouly l ti emcnt of pt ii(i le , re; uponl ‘.l ) i eft - •'• ' I ron , crifi:t: or, It i tho " . .t"Ertrpc , or - .A . .llo,lierkY Thompson nUd I hour of 1 -acljOU 'L' rcise "31Onutl ^l'ra mato Educatio jourued ;to riice , Institiltec i onv low, in,nute l o Onniotion, sons were appo, with the COun this a rierniane' Mattliews, Mr. aprinted Said! Mr. .temrell'' ing was ind...led tual featt. and Thow.Oon, l Cal Demi, Which 4 might be eipe periene'ed and 1, Ifolloni were offered b imoiislif adoptl "Whereas, ' l _ of Penpsylran dren should b. as the ipresen Sc44l&in thi parktfrieffici; educated; Fr 4." Robel;icve can' wily be e extended, by geriergl know ;let , . of Mei, Tient, Wm. Itelolved, by ml Rae hei sYStem of lish id i lariat; her ow n exp: 1 may ' - 3 rerp; i_.`tio(its witt u@!\ 4..3. il4ri, il olvsl, e4ll Seb4!s he t .. till ors G ftir,tlte. Gm lar Ealleat 1911 ti the S r 11/ il d, 1 < IS ii l s uritig i i.,_ ai l , ourityi §euck43, roe etitics of ti c ivhiti.h the illpt ilui4.. Oullnu , 1 I ltesolvedi TI d ir tf.:l4:a wit eel pf X j eel .Is, matillei in t vlii iic.+ tepied ass i r t e the h lit: .pa inlet itl , 11x-soh-el hat tlo ',or ,It . ' r i' ' , . 1.. La 1111:1 Il) 1 fi :11111i IliStitilto I , ur I[l3rightoo; 1 ,... i likinlinees 1, 11, lt eg.— ioruirg 'of inua- mumar by Mr. the r hand motioi Ilesolve `by .ittic TP.! izcus vf gave a i;u , * Ge rraoi- cagageci "jcl3 this dibeus a Oievrs, :1 Deazi, It ,)ek. plOe: Resolcl ci ut tuja tel l ,nran. t oer i citxiy?-'O4 qtesolv 1, irketings f 'l4l4resses t fad that j krtrahia c.] our V,, FILL SAMU I MINN' Tqlptrs co 3 by • have he ,, candiclat, :Ina :Ali totuatio thing yq tue volt tOOO bonestl coua ould hi ,A , --L - We lied in - the S-'. P i aui rts i li,ll:tf the election as annOun- ei to c' Vas.scrs. The Rep ablienes tl i che. cd ottt of the electiot of their : ti til s by ,iterjery,'the moit hareficed liog'she niost‘glaring' The Sys. ' sealqylptactieen, suipasSes Tiny: s' witnossed,cven in Kansas. The c'' or Ptivernbr, giies litensey Over jority. Had die 'election been t' conducted and the' returns lair- a l ed, the whole Republican " ticket vo hee' eleeted. 1 , aystPillS as a Rested . v or Dys- , No 'one Who has seen t o effect i [ nway' 'kills in cases of yspepsia, iir . 1 . a eve f r a moment that this depress- Lilian ernes disease is `tentincerable.L— ho has suffered froin it' "fort. hose sttength, appetite and cheer {seem utterly gone; to - vr6tte life ie en, stadi[who has long ceased to hope 4, •m4,y be radically cured by a course ewerful Stomachic and mild apedtdreda of instances of this kind are ...,..,„„„..._.,.a._ 1 • ' ' rains; } :Is Cloth ing—Carnglian, Al- CitY,,Whose adverthtement appears n. qiiiiean, is, it appears; notwith thltightLess of the times, having business, sine. his "closing ;t 1 nteticed, on Itlondy, Nov - 16. , tv for disposing of his stock at / ?sisa l are ,two fold. Ffrst, - fo! (get! -Ater, Goods in their season, and 1 the Spring trale with a stock peps Ea of Hot I 'can be tog an The p years, !nines a nun for re' of till eat. - tint on record Ba legbei t in swit, standr,t, a flu& on of out" flit _ suchlV rid o ? - nert emir p ope ly tie • 4 Indignation Areetin • • '1 1 wi M i l ntia I Jan. , c.--A great indignatio meetsmeets.g held here last night. Illteso 'miens we 'adopted censuring the Admin istmf on, fofifhe wham of Gen. Walker b Ceml PanlilMg, and demanding him recto / ation and be repeal of t'uo neutrality .14ws + 1 I H i 1\ , . , .1 =MU rircy l Extraction of oa twll-2, Li' `-. - 1 : - ,-'it' LWZOW ,', • : 'WI, itito adjarnanent; se ition read and Spina. peare npon*s star; in s sub ct, "English pram- Int th time, was d i evotedi p subj,et; stsltql "..1.41.Y -[_and ,rOnt the inanner in l'tbeject, Donal Coubi sO l ,eb intimation useful' to ,i'reati Crs, but in the re-. F lte al. LlNcit folloWed a nnan Pip,' by Mr. liouth; ""ty College Pittabargh; heitxte h a graphic e fortnition ofletterainpon IL Be ' IL =1 i • by Mr. Sitbpson Aloweil by 4 3 ruf ought us up to the tieing Session. ; Mr.' Newell. f; • TbOntpson.l!• Ad -2 O'Cloeh, AS'essioa. - rayer by Rev. . ittri SC .5.10,1 adopted. 'Wee .Of three' per . act inconneOtion, triteugur, in tire) kin ,, itutioni Mr.; J. B. 121 gMI MEI !nog, at :6 ' ing 7 Cie rafte r P corn • ted, Sup . t In Corr corn loot nd Mr. DufF vere C 3. upon , mentnl 'train* 1) , offort,an ky Prof IMr. Curry acid Prof ing-Oliort of, tchilt eir being ei lEduators. I. I . , I ble and resolutions tbbertson, and unan- •rusts:of the], people Je that all heir chit ii.trueted; and where. a s lw s e t e i ni l t h, o i f s rendered Cul cilon t e P:ailt of corlibetent, 'l'aelter t s; and whereas, 4ion of the Teacher ' nd their esefuln'ess i it ! . !them familial with :!, fin the theoryandFue il esr ll , Therefore it cent it a duty, , due hard; f. her eitize l a=, and etpul[mj education, to estitb ! seetia of •Pentisvlania.l at i ,se, . eel/ 1, normal Feltols,!;ds l 3 ed to f trnish her - Gumnion expefiiieed -Snd proilierlied r. ii 15. ii 1.• ,1 hat fh frica4tl - - of Oominno y esdrc i , •s‘ their' gratitudei to iLI ptlesk-nt ,Board ofi School 1 1, 11 , r4(711 of New Brighton'; 1 i ,MC to tle c-use' m.popu- • 1 in tlki ounty, by the etTe- - t i I I .ble, ''6•Mple t , f Instruetima, 4W' 4titu e iias held its sL;sion i s I. That tic)3 Aratulate the tilt-" lc j w ?nut ~ idol! heir . Ego tl tortunci I TIC le eqvi#s o klr. a: N. Ayery l of. t lup! i rintendent\ of , 'Common 'am „T i nizit:tgliia him a‘ I the ritialifi- ofee cut, 4d _cation, an eipprianea, Iry k a\ )ort n,i duties of the' 'offic i o v . , I i • toti in 1 • 'haj i 10 ,PS I t MEE ted :he regui he /11)1e- ntiti 'ey hpco tretkte va-1 thcin," auci r „ LkS cif (Us Elm • W. ; Teachers Abu friends zn ibroad, atter.lant I urn)), tt••• Il i to the eitiiens of New 6rtnet, thanks for the pitality espericneed at ' l l' their brief sok•urn l here. 11 • .1 he m itivi:ation be eitended 1 "', ll this County, 'and Citi• 'ontp the State Teaelteri I . • vs next meeting lin lb' 11. 1 0 7 lur ~'fi Tip ( at n Ipri . rfl lii i ipill i to. N,ly , 1 . : 1 l ii r l i 1 ' . . an:A. the 1 ,anides of T ) t the thanks of this Inqi- fro ' them. , Tbey 1) 1 ‘ ‘relii -tt the officers fir the effi- din and tte present i .tilir ich they performed / their' po 'thing-‘guLlty, '°. 1 191 .. I" '1 4- 1 e 4 p i d the inppresszd k - Th's;t, the :proceedings of the prdlisors ioking at ' Ili. :ftstitute, together tiff) the i d e s4ys, that 'eattlbe o tained in fl oto Hai territor 3t tea,in ircler to is i inssi,lbo ptuhlished iti thEi Penn- II ' , ,r, l, . Pen n• pe [ obedience to a•y oQii oonrnat and in tne papets 1 , • 7 1 .1111 I , I rode. of laws, uneonsti prren .o f y C I h i . I.4. : AVERY L , I' cs't ab iee. r f°e Tti . ), see ,, , i, , ility., ~ ", 1,. ..1 it these things n )4B11:4 r...c0 - y pro tem ' 'l. i , • ,6 fonnu a deep lo 1p Kur i l p[paae 'copy.) i I :I now ,: f, ad i ta n i a ss tl a iiti iintleted wrongs a c I I lion ts determine , the ?cterninent, ti support of this i i y -111 pton t onstituti. a l l them jority in h A , po4 fi n i l;t t r a se d n e ti ip m ,l m i ly uron the eitias , 1 F i tn i the , people of t e evitable doom Er! I. ;ii i i 1 P• 1"Tlie! knell, the a 1 4 , . _ 11144044' damp s . ;I I ir'orilit" t . [ 1 711 v, Patience r . 1 opli is well. nig. 6 . ottlloleinazem4 , [ an d ha t e ' i t ,Igh to endure. iotiel infliction, ~ i fi l litenranoe 1100 , • !', q nniferlibi lth 'arcing 1 4 1. 11 . 6 4 71 1 ? !It 1 up to l aippin . I.fatift iislgibil .. i tint , ape p3'o • E beck" 1 jills a E ' 11/,';th' glOati ' iotisnic4 +el' A i . I princjioe Oat • r 1 1 1 e- 1 :11 1 1 ' A nil , ' . - Otte t who war 1 i •!4 1 , a I ,Inatiest , .p.l t , ton Insion. T :,I nno prooptl fi: I ttr °lei., s4ow, 1 o fin,, t ) /ra tty n i L ' i II , Thei l re . t ( , , r • 1 iliiii.. a ej Aty e I- 1 , , 1 szazz I \ ..' NX O , , lEditfr 16.0 I SDAY; Id 11 • , - Drasorn 1 .s :nership ueretol & 3 1 Sirejund, in t ounty Argus, will I o n l;the 20th of , [ at At f 'themselves it ea I . requested to tlithe thew Deco , 15:1 . , # , l ' ea.. 234 857. 1 1 " M. Deaver consent, sons ling Are earri. Mee Bea 1 1 ver; COA desire t OA L t 1--Tho • ,tle thee seep please it 11.3 500 n rru"l wdl INT branch 514311 k,, his istimerocis hearing in et. 1 i 1 I AND THE I I TION. II President bast . I :Cations Of his Nor tb WI kanaas pol 1 That.he Las 1 i prekti o platforn epudfat tf"sqiiict o i lwn pie ges, an E .e i tt l tiered himsel f } i infltie e, is alsc I n thee lest nn i ; 1 ; n assum the 'a nd i 4r hei most tla 1 i e ' 11 . 1 pte tan es. is 3V i iiil ILouhle ;faced, hettai.. , 1 - I lacier'• but h sh . g for many years l is .. . I !I L ; eta Pd ut the ppb! e l orrice with Play', l b nd W; star, htsi I i ll wereeteci)ci pride bhip pas a Stet viten ofthe olden P 'I, far reins, 1341 f.. lent, and of strong C teat experien '., enlarged , v'tfews. feoutily i lhiive till th ir i titoprm been disap i i t Ifow far bevel thp;P; predictiOns; fall of I ful Ihnent 1 l i n t l i surrenderins his i i i i l ndefe . i de ti nce, ,atop erg .t 7g i luTnt l, elf ti t , I I In l i t ;Fin tte; !the; mos g subs rviency U. city. In the utter thel d claratior, a t the - Co siltation 'every into all ht l rritorics, h' went 1 I A • thaU,any Northern 1 ni tt., t of stan , mg ever dared fel gn In leort nein the elec itrals iin Kansas; its_ efrailt tin _ n! large nurube Of the eunties'to lesiin It tlisfriancl :Scil, and; ;di= t loan voi s in the fel ction lof delegates f . , 1 i ,, 1 to fur . Cons Mitten; r g ;sing i ns vaad the ' action; a , L ot ylthus cho el in della co If the i .l popu will; a d actiater n in th9 l :ate ., pt of i.: II 5M I iNifvori yl to force' :111 t boMICIt IC trustru intuit ailed a onititutio4,f upon as univilling f Mejo t s r, with rtt the r. 411 go of l a votp upon it, IN 131.14 1 i tau has evince Inu ahje gees, in, panel th e ing to anthem rat_ ace and diepttion, fi tudi acing rtp pith' le tit n that ; icp 'char- I l e rl :, cter i t i l d 'the ezgn of 6410 ierce. 1 l i Ty skesert, ion of the 1 p ssouriiC rnprotni4e 1 as 1. eked u op as a 4 ; t and tt juktfiable, f tln i f t on o g cid faith.' I t Itocked`st to feolings! th pea le cl prevo -; a very tempest d i r t it. ,1 ph City 'all S. eLby Ith , plautsible r I f s 0 ula: setter i f nt • " f ar/ il c ft-'' i .'" P 1 -,' o , pe 1;1 • rel nitiou thn he dew. 19 f Kant ! 4!) Ira 411 1 / ' Pte l ;1 5 ipahl i b cleft pe li fe r t y tree o r egu , 1 teii domec,ti institution, i their own }vas. I i he hue baps Missatirittn: invale Kunpa.s, nnd ;, I l — 1 t•-• I-eil 1 and, tra;t 'o thy 1 .ta lune, 1111 ,VO %ri .11 1 pL i 4 r to fUs o f the citizell f , I 1 1 / 4 1 folic /tpon theni L. it lati i relbody that iv then a ret of lawsf l i c, hi 1 for.eolol atrocit, hi d f , -rward, ,confes4 I Ilyi !Witltont a penile n, the bisiory of nnir vi, led govirnment. lii y hue sen 11ee.14 i id,ltar.not, and (lea y nil Wall er,l one a N r !I4t. other , seas oat II t, to cap lit ty i 1 of (-10,J -nfIX:e111 one poss .5 i 1.1, the cone tepee of tq 1..; . i 1 1 d. / l>kr4llMll,lllllC.lf It ore proznis.nga s,ocedy I A li o , flu bie 5 0 1anjoi ,f i tl) 0 ex is ing dilliettl -1 es Thpy r have st a e.ach ,sad; :al! of them hi - there,lsUldected t very' con 'eialible sp .- e f insul!t nit.; Ind gti -, and ti. ter f ithe InpCe l `- f - ,clef ppriod, co pll d to..tu tirir steps ItAward,.rentharrs ' &jock.; - disgrace,' KAN the Pr rereren question 1 .1 denpe, Clectedi ' I sificd tsu and en Sgniher Ilochan creme t. bloei him pelOsh bgen Calho in liol time • intellee • !low pointett , en sh person the morti6 ante Earriekt. forth afor re 1 ' lion I 11 7 [ Tli ird GEE „ I Is 1 Ai ; ,*.A. libil to y Ir Prop 111E1 :wain. of the ettinl fir i rci r- ,‘ rpm e RD, , fl iD I 6 sting bet ication I •c 3 by m .er. All to the at the WEYA WE A 4 1 °' I e pa ro ithtat ba 'which us belo 'II I. I BilllSl ip dilap support 11 allm 1 ed thei =MI vere • of his . . t , ro! o I viable, gestyro Hs of 0 ing and • oti hiok g, hcartl ~ 44 ejL _ , , t:.;',' ra Tit , xectxiice ithdral , 7 n r iL rol f 'seen: bolh the pred,e in-ini trttien itt.te ad Ilii 4 '1 r. " 1 nd PyotOcti 7, - the wrong.... titunl \ lsoz a din the .op 4ti 1 framis/Intld:inntr th troopS \ of t oy Gnit j otr :4'4' - ate, h ar i a 54 l i and coin rit f n of.-fyzj i kni ii anti! ft; i U ionnl,lblirliiiyons, ; • a l nd o ins and eetitinient of Nu- I i I t 1 v, 'teen wittafskett \.. tind • ni nt in the pnidie toild• ion to this cittal:ogne of lie" ' ttrae Cal 'l.ilmini‘ I 11. ,- , i ' f 1 . " \ , l on usi 1 g the patronage ' 1: hip i s ladlicrentslinto t crowning tact 'Of I vil. ~ 1 I i , .--; a def anCe ,of the, l arill. 11 1 t : n i e c e l' L o e 7 1: I il l. rKilTiln • i fi l e' u e in:l4 S lde t r n es t ' es 1 1, and. I i. J 'l' trahleonjuryl Dot territirry,l, bu up.. doe, As earli still -1... • ' 1 1 rt , • l,wialtrck.and tit II 1 II Inflittess toad th, . r l i f , • I ' 1 f Ild outraged I I ?joy have look- I tee# , Sikedito e - , t rWhich no eop e I 1 , a itfed un s er t e It submissiin old 1 4,1 t the demo -1 dministratioh, 11 1 4 infai7 l y - i \_, +d 1 , W. peoplo work- I W. inot fail 'lto teat party. i dt al: the caniet'. i - $, the popular i 1:1 and thel ia iidvaacelmend of be first! opp r !get', and de de enough to!give lapprolohing a Its tbeso Oise tY. The peti be heard, d ,ited. IL Let Y" i ft lib. l 16 th© adi irrep s of that e..4tire mca EDE 131 r, d=4.: fu A' .... tOSSIDN. if of th /la3t I . 1 tisyl h th i t ,ulatt... w r rl at .0 1 . ~, -r nor 1 , . , =I .tai i i l it . nt. a. MEM 1 is i.p yllll 1 I Et liteli i e... 11 Orekso. s. 81aiery. r. iii Om Cotr'smuttarr . 1 D 1", 'ruefullialug ttiat*ny Mop., pe erre Inthesse tillWi i s ti corse blrit ' golimterfeit ;Heiler 101 Bank ;les ie., T..11:[ tier:tor!: kl Brothe rt commenced lh pubßaltion of ' Phihidelphia 2 COrMterfeit IDetectlr Not ItSt. —A mnat c rly quil i rttspubhe ."' [ . . t contains all the inf rtmiti that i ;11 • 1. . ad ft l regard twat! 'aun, efeits, Bra Iti?tl i iiiho rates!, of discount Gn till'the ,ofthe' country, 3 les4rs . -trrexel yeti known-Beakers and Brokers, liii(i supervise it and Make the co each nuinbey of tha rit, ISo that it 1 ea ily 'relied on, ,while thewell kno ~`',W..elaric 1;k: Co.; CoMmission S I t ; ; • !sage Brdke s,;wi lt.corr i ect the 41 .fet being tut nded ; to ; subsetve t !soy banking tonse, as Most of t doh it willbe"ft Useful and reliabl to i 'the vrhole, business cotamusity, ,1 ; .l adviee •all of our renders to reml I' I e . 1 , one year's bscription to ' t h e odce for in. l ! Thepriee is hut 0 ye i Lr. ' To Ciabs,_Four c pies for ~ coides' f;lr $ 1 7,1',10;1 or weuti-fiv. $16,06. ,A d dre s s all or; ers to • .'.' elßrothers, ' lBo6 Chesnu st., Phi I ' l , i ,',' • ...1... • iltr. , ;;;. 1Y 4... . Q. ',T A , TI , OII . ptel.ll.l:;oflit i l thus, corn M ess recautl l ,v delivere g • utleman', - tate of this "ner. w. l l p. Tayier, T r on Chri! [ Amal, dap, jiry pbople, to a large Canir,, ) ' The; True i Theory I, l of 1' 111owedthe doty of eve I sp,etency-L, the waY, by ,w 11 1 i'i t cure a compete i ncy-th odor not. sieure o aompe . 'Li . 013.9 Of r age ,' wealth. hows' inuzlilptofourid all it ~. 1.,11 _ctica , milreu Rau ral kn• .- 1 . , i . Dn'ourNm - ) 'losit r ot 'week • held!in-hiquest 1 ; R 1 foutt . d•i J nth Ohio iver, near The body theta first dir covered, • bedded in the Isandj and .had es. init;positien for several week ' s. was apparentl r y about 4:,i years inches 1144'ilighil ) hi:lok hair; , wa and had ,• . and had pp..satinett pants, chec - l i net draweiO. There were no p, person bilwhich his nume Or !dal lie ascertained. ' ' r - 1 11 ' , i I ----, ---,;`-- -w -r, • (loony's L.Soy's 'Boo r ' bl t; i laary is a ou as a tra r 1 i - .' I and industry unrl a lo 11 , litrthotors can i ron 10. It. , ' • . ' tion, ~ r.e. l ~nre• exc'ent i difficult t [ 4 l .efecel. -'.l l .1, iLementali. 1 and trit e Instr ' edly ceetiiiies•tl,e fro! . ' I ,anuhm;. ~,, v , „, , i r „i ult.-U'u3 Nii:itit their na procure It l , - fa tilt, " • ' - ,1. J _- __.._ • Nnw Orr' 4 En Swo . i l the recetitlylpleeted entered non h e it is" du •re stront , ly [ cf-the; be i himself sta./lath e e Lone th.otiha4 eve be We w i ill l i dn :',l'r Treusuree; the jasti 1 a faithfrili and 'obligir ' tended by i t lie best,w for tutut-s. p t ro'spet l iti.. 1 : I ,•_ - , z.‘-' i r., , Ste w, art rrom this' Districi! ri 11 1; gresr i o n , I Floliday, % Aterc 4 ;tit ;medic i [ 'seat a-Ala Oa xiloori CoNyl44. l m—The ' oturdcr, A' Iltiettrird I • r 1 elo , c; hi Pitts' l Aurg t , 1 21 r ~ 1,. • . urne. . a I•Pr u zet 0 1 , $ 4 r [ First De-gretr" I A, trial; 1 li '.l ' • • ' 1 11 "__ L i • i I' OLD oi.Orens. 11812, hi 111 three C. at. PlillYtdeiplii-t i 1I t. :! 1' 4 :4. 1 i - , '[.• The Leglso ; girl 1 ocrati Seates--Al . r• . 1 Ca t rolinn...-i- ha l ve, I their respectiv e pba I .2.,SlThb•Stato day ra4tml Ntni frill [ on, Fridaylto eke 1 duties.l Fl ,' [ . ; 1 ' ' duties". ' l We-Th [ 6 tnimb 1 1 ' 'lVestern-Tenitent 1 rnont,. l l ,lve 187 7 - 1 i ( - :. ' •__ • ' 1. • 4 + ititif• f N 1 'ld J , . \ Till i e ,t tOuis -De9iocrat! Says that,pa Seas ar ,ived in bat city. 'report the fo l in,q:ko6Fritlry the 25t11 alt , bet's re, .Lest9.Worth't at an en;a l gentent_took betiveinthe tro Ips or Gen.Lape at bioulierind!tli • dr'sgoo' s. 'Tlic office dered f4:4 - 1,91te urrerale , - which he re' the di4goO9s ,liargedi but ,w-ere to _with the loss .f thredof their own i Ilie rgO,ttnii\T tired 'sii sent to Disk i ri reintireont u titti : -Den , r, sea 'orde ed.thre, .. .1 • agi2ns to the t • .. .1, Iptititsiof dr war it was exoeatc. there wo u ld "bloody i of l iii soon isth , news Of the e gagemc received, tie. teop . l9,eo ; wen' ed orga en‘barryitie otu9shir c sne4l rid it .t • pee ed that; fore fore t1i , 1 , ,1 dra oons a Lits would; b= reinforced to 500. I ; o exetteinent r.s.ists among the' eople o ret&kr wh9 , ardf . piertaii 1 k t takeith dialiroitti basilled from the le ritory. I - . . 1 . •. .r . i , 1 ' —4 fft i .d logic& lowl(jclga. SD.- Th 7 Coroner last .n the ,b . tly lof ti: man, Itiliipt.tbitrg.--- as . partly on- Llet ly •lain in The deceased i r 4e ; ii feet 16 , , ,1 netriy sitaceu.. [shirt, anti flan= pells about his resideria could x far th MEE g- array. Its eq 1 .3 in s, pogether, arc perie t rank. ir rcur. subs, ;nos :.nd EIII =I ies on .? t er that oient i nu ore: occu A l ndersi to say, I g(Aar , I JIICS uY MEM ;tiling li u.ipite. AL He wits trial or O'Leary, ,last tc "litlntl; MUM tcrs of rilvi Nya• tion i en th e iew" Yor •31:11 ' W isLin~ ttirei of hose. sinunelt D MIME abama, .. . gained . 10, egislat u , rio, our 'upon t ma= r or przs art at 85 males Om WASIUNG . I ti ,onfof tbis'ono 'atf i iira, saiiii 'int, uP 0 1 0 the very ,r,P i0;15 itlat , rlll3l nrr and niod been in c l rfit itriuctiori 'on al' ,i law. - : f l it etuctientico Ceffon th, e; azi not pro bable coknidaiifif of alto atiyath t enunciated. i It be pufan 1 "IP , wh°l 4 4 ' tglette vww { tibia to ( J uan --,,_.\ • ..tgtoityj_N r ewit. •ott CI , Jan. 4. 7 -Th I !ling, a ' is quite elem. that they , n. Wel u 'r'e, expediti Conte nplateil by tb prons, ho ever much tl of the i terruption Int . et with Corn.] pauldi the strict rut o bf lute ie not plpbablei that e ltempl l ted the ilaudi,u _ lit of Nicaragua but i that t biat goverame the oggreasion.l The i 'l, the pelt Yi of the 1 5 res t r the e sage irill'un , 1 I in' tali on . toNiearn 1 i tido is'u a enuli)ittitl i thu I of the ipittiiition uodore 1 aultling'it cou : bami , the rl/2 ICE I .llCcl - 1 11 1' ste! Litt - 1 ( tive just l'etarion't sm.; Bank I icin wbicli t.:.c obtain ; Ca Banks, Bank plates' 'I Co:. the f itiat,city, ,i. , • actions in per ci Iclll ntf le Eic °l. , toct 1.15 t 13 purpose of a .betectorii publication 1 wive would a 1 . tlt , pri c e of l'ubliblters at HE Dot.rau. a 3,00, or Ten , copies for 1 13J Veterson• cleiplria. tr. I posses;inn, relative to the it azure .lof I tilf yO r dc,llD l a here for pe-ecfnl purp oies t , prit. Ve . ittter and his et-unruly.' I 1 I:lr ° . e 7 i n al ; : s ril c i f e: l l ' e e onniclii the intent f i a nf iti lir i l l n :a t :lr ri ll:l n d ) l i d i s e :: :l na n -e i ri k e ll:l : l7r ..".-"..P`'n of 'ar We H e the gendeman to modify his riteolution rich, I°.rei tk ll' 1 ' • b t it being a report from 1 eommittee he 1 - ould not do so. aveeve: sue r r....,.1. th e A t lour „merest. ene nics Knew t o ll we lt i anti Y thoneh the wicked, with the Admi • • ' at tom. bead Late t ' nati, iii tbelnarne of Isriers God we nist!atio n trill , _have pence, even theuelt li , , .1 for re '' knerlled i our el:elutes to fi•dit at If it The togoltitv was received underl by • c• yo p er , a Ft "" sia in Tour sit -mot t linv•i tit died, for pe. , c4 , and c f a ii, s , t o o l : e a r l . l for io , formation re-pee:log the 1 ,• • , ••• - day iclT, g , a 4 fi ting nut of an expedition in this country 'Mr. Clittginan repli,..l that he wotild 1 ' i'' ' determined re!Fhall d iave i Tin race, except it „a to lie d4 s .„ h , edify ;Sts resolution if, he had the por4w.• pension of the rules by a vote of ly , us 117 - ibis e .1' s • I) Pr rrnaae ntlY,lnrate day 47. i _ ~., - 1 at. ir! Illy in 1• - 1 wishes and con k titutional riolits of,th‘ - After some deate‘thLyes ' olation was I p i e t h ere i n t y, ii • - . Ka. ['asset!. ' . , .is a , log ton A,lmi t it, tr „ Es ,„ After transacting some maim 1 111 their] ultY4-nved dr " t 4 to Pl/11/ ether' 1 CaS, the !louse adjourned. I oft I tita I i 'll I e rit l7l - 1 :I t i f l t t, ' l ffi c -IlL ° i .. ! . IT ' ln i: n . l.llltl-4' 1 :: : 11 . . ri (I 1 : c dP ni % : : e. c l' eu a t n i : l( ,, r r i el l i il Senail,• -- Mr• l'n' 7ll illietl 'ma obeolned • NI licro mas.,ets •iild mutt' , • Ivave to utrodueo a-bill to pear to for th e , sole ,- ~i-. l' it 'l3 r lii vv. of liansas into the l'afon, w hi c h i 1,,,p , , t1 „ 1 , , : t , P r n ... 1 :` 11, ' 5,„. - K i l .,, ,,`rfr i lit., --" . ? .11 Ind ) ,,, r l am tie ..,'/.ill , -f which yei •• tactitr, hit.. , , r • &Mr iot tras referred to the committee 011 . 4%711i11)7? ' rs i f le stated that' he, off:. ed the,' 1 1 i rs aLt in . '.. oiise, land explanud that, it pin\ itEis for 1)1^ lied Y ru , ri . - /11frr1111* " . i'i r' 2te i.a , h 34imirelion of K•me.e. into th.. UIUOII an I Pk) ' ell ~,''''' dell 1 lin ° ' ll''t ''` i `-' et thell.,ccomptori Con „ , iin'ti,ni nit!, alio ( .. ) . 11'1 , ,.‘ I'l l, f'l , p( ' slli ' lrt (.1' t° '' e'll'l ' 4l '' ll 1 1 eine hi tuidari, , s :IS (kneel by rho bill fit " 1 :' ' ° .4 fh t 1 1 )1111.1111't t I. I the I E I r l lin laist Gener'ess It also reep r , . th,tlth e 4 ,1 11 ,1 1 , P .. i c Y . rral''',„„' ' ni b . s . '':i oviliii•;' , •it 1 , i ill ill ti'cie ( - If Ili t eon -tundr), ra lathe t i" A „ a ,',;,,, n ,':' t n ici ', l .) ' urn f , 1 , 1 .. 1 Le1 ,. 1 " 1 !every, 1 shall he submitted to the dii•ect : ~, .. ;;- 1 ' s . '„,' r 1 1" p "' /11 '''• " '' , -' 4 lii‘ 'ate of i the (justified i le'tors on the, ith rt ; 'l t I . ' April next, and thit il tile retut l m. cf ea,,e l v,.-.1,1•2 t 1 i 1e , ,,,,, K , an d ip, Ithi, , i n ~ c...,ite L , rdilis or thei Col.stitatiOn election 11,111 he Wade to lii' Govern 4 3j ,'" 1 9 .1. 1 1 11 ,` I Li" - ‘'liiq; Ole lAdmini-•,,. the territory instead ',lt the President 0 the 1 1 ?, tt i l a t t - i t , d ,. l "Ill ' the Y Itav c ° .b rd r ed 1 1 z i• Convention, the election •to h. condu .:ed • 1 1 r i e • ' t ' ' '' t i th. tt c 7, 1 1 1 ,...,..,. ° , , 5 i t! " ( 5,, t :. , : u ; a n ti a ; - ; N i.i olnidit i •nee to the ,I tw I in force ou t he l 7•l, - 11 : ~ ' a ,! ll -Y t ° 1 ! ' ioi , isovejiitter inst. It , 10.0 i rot vies I that i .. „ 3 , , 1 11 1 r o 1 z . , - ! I N: a ching't on .% 7 . L 517 10, ill the Gou l slitution shall not lie so enust ucd ,;.,,'„` if ', lt 1 11 ' f1 , 1 1 1 ' 1 .. °. ''. ur G' l " 2 'Llnent, he .lilinitii,trat,(ll as high a s las to .lini,i4 or impair the right of the p, i plc 1 I , , - did ' , . .: 1 1 '171 , ' % I tl ° T ,, o t:it, ~,,.; 11 illl a ftt. bet• It any trait , to call aco tendonfa the mar t .' pose of nt r terinv :in let r ii, i• i • ter grace •L'il i'" a Innohi em eater .eih i e rt i ne , -• ' lug or " "` "lie of 1 1 1." 13 ~t 1-11hL-1., of the , ountry.." • their firm -of Govern: lent sub - •et t o l th' e ; ' --',--- i j - 1 J I.TuitedStates; the or, i n ,,,c eeu t , t h e .•• t Aft-r': i :mit si•iiilir i' •fi -t 1 , a„lin , 1- ~ q • ..- - •-•1 •J 1.0 , 41;90 p 01. 11.11.7011 l i p I i•efercuee to ,lit, poklie :ar4ls to' Youni:s.•3l: - be -,tell.iejcri :%Ir - litigh bi:AdAl . .lint he V t 1 - '1 I •aeurd,slail himself iit au early‘s , pnrtlitilty 1 ; ",',., 1 Y v ., 4- v e `',, f .1 11. t' effi ' l " a." . G o ‘ ' ro'ir of to explain the proti.,ions of the bill Fl.'Y'rel t driri j lt lr l " ;_ o ) r u y r •:r l oo li ns ! ‘ a •t h n . d i 'e t° s -n e ln t l lZ l 'f,.7r u itn. 'u r 4 i inidetaiq ' • 1 ~ '• 1 1 • i • a i - -..........1 _ 1 ' t iv, for- a dall be of nn r,o-i.ik• 1..,.., ii, ' THE I'IWO-FALIED ADMINISTRAT ON 1 I..iste tieaAncs arid bi i• . ' ' tI - 1° po , . in proseea , ,,, i; • I , • , 1 your coul.e upnti rii.) -i le of a - Ci .f , The donlale l'aee,l, hype •titic :1 adz Ani s ...! ai giiiii-t the t_lea• *ill' 0 ileri ' ilmmt b r r tl it c 4 • 6 l' .: ' 1 •ration cif Jalues Bud:au:in i; rhos b. n'. minisvator: ' Von have hail and .. ..till tt tv irP ) ~ .1 2 h i t off i l l an m oo t , w hi c h w „, vs f the l plenty t . 'into tv rc t+re witldu -each of -1. t runl . 1 , , t plie; at thel•Yle,› or t , ., F ) to Fort 11411- , S. Y. Clinrie,r and Enquirer : i , , wt ... r.. ~ ,,u, ~,, , i .I y, ur , i . 5!„:1,,,r ,„ ,,1 . 1 .„ a , , ,,, r3 as 1,•, ..,i i • ere sec ins to be seam st-ein;•_e u r inlity a. 41 0 t int,,li Altll , „,, r ~,t , as ii art ~,.1 , ,,, t, .ittc ottrig iris i lent-flue! atil +ls t - ulgivins, nth ary ;11111 lid di. ‘ - Ir.: rraln 1- 5 ,11 0 -• ---,Fometing which is pi riv:tu tili. brircsillt.-gi the. 411 , ,4e,-, - , ILL , — •i i 1 - 41 }.. mm rk variene b tram hi, (I,l%ititle, • not Iris acts se, i t ~ , -, ri t ' ' lci i '4's 'PI hi prof , ' ' 1 r . , ' -•' i, 1 ",n'ti, 116't. ' 4 uvmn p _it t tur- tot 111 .71.1,. . ~..1.• i i .y ~ v..ytt fr-,11 ;CI r , 1 In the lien"-ly of hi: lo•art no ' l ive: L is t r ii 4 l. n ,, ei , ~, „i t i, ~ ~,, „11, .1„ ) . t lions lit G Ive-nor W , llk r,. and si)00. in tl ' i l e i 'nal •,ii 1 ,y 1 .1,1 -, 11 ,7 tr i l i j i . -'1::L: ale''it'.F.'':itoti.,4C hen, sty of 1 , , , , heart he cuts „II tl, y. V r iunt- t out n, A , t , , I i f 'th e' , II - „I • i 1 ~•,' vett head tor Ctllr%ing out Til,• i n .t itte ,. o • , , ‘ .4.4,1,, 1 , , 1 r. I I . li ' l . 1 ' " 1 " " 1 ii 1. . , ~, c. ,,,., a i , i al l t. , Ilt i,,ear c iallo,• : lie Litr.s it brave blast agaiii- , t li it , ustor- ,1, rs. N.l ti t.„l ji i. 'the Lia ,h, li ut 1; Ism. and straii.thtwly lopen4 1 1, 2 ,A le f,, , s Jo ti , ,if - 1 ' " -ir W , 'lll:cr l and hi.. `till hit •,.tir 0. e . ' :-. 4 llto try!- . C 7 i . , i armther bout exit C' .1 Am - hie:lL 13tii ••.1.13i W I () wlui pariieul Imy t ,- ..i.01t-i.t. to now is time somewhat grotesque inconpri I'y be- 'neon his i 1ii.,, , b-pii, het di it:it ta., • g.i-tst p:- • per emireu^y in his , „ci , s3-,, Plll tI,F piper • urr97 measure lie ts non, iii sii•l3 10 t 1 hast&pushing through the Sent , -. ; ; It wits in a boastful as well as a thi.111.1%1 Gin - title the 'President said to Cotiere-s, tw„ n'eel,:: a„,.,•,i I,,s i k 'id •sdiy, ill trilis s to the il4l pe,..1 eut Iretstuy. the l.'s j•,tit su - nenda 1 p a y m e n t, :, R It , N ~ ,„, „ lip I, 1 .. , 1 ...q.1reel in Kansas Us - i - -it C '- by thq failure - of the 10u.',.• i 1, - ,7, I f , ' 4 - i' - 2' " `ln't , tztlz• rift r l ootintre to (lig harfl d". ii 3 bar 1 6,4 ~ ‘ ' L' l ,l -ii• i , : t'.l.•tii•i 1, al still ii... re , the rf'ai lc hi, ;,, ,, la and ,'•iil,' A d tm t t . ,74 1 1 rl' ..:.1: l'' .: Il i-- 4 f; 41 11 /r, S.V ::: % • ,1 11) n d xt thi ng. we b oar i, betty ,I, f . , i , ,5 , rt. , ,,.. : , I „: t' e r re-. ill ,t 11 1:•' , t • /me in tto.t Ten, i leciusl R ag s, or v i e d,', ~. '', •, , sty , nil! 0 ...' ..,,,-- ili :,,J t'oings es,'l hi . 0 . "Now NI, liether the desired ;iiii.sion. /,f .lily ' I " COTT. 1".11)11, ti.Pic ItPci by C Trealiry notes is er is - Let the c)(.11,11161-‘ r,f 14 '" ll°; ' L C"' '' 'i • I '' ''• nttiorl the 1 ',. supplying the fitinbiciel nee, ssiti• s of et,. ' ,l'ii l-1 1 - ",'"•ii lii ••• -1 . id tot. tiallet-b,2, Be shall not dt-et 1,-4 `''' lo ICii • It ....I , ,ti, a volt ....titrer of • t t have lunili to•bly that the call for It CO' I , ,-. / ru m , .„ "I'VI r l; b '' `' '''' l " l rl t ;'' thc •` 11 .'".9 with very po i. pe Flu! from Pit) nut het,'ai ci a !"-" t 1 h.s 1. c .ura,v, and we rire'`r ad endorsers , f the I al , irt,;,- e l niploy r d i t ,., t ; , ' mire • 1 - . I,',ltie': ,•, the fll,lllllln;vonsticri i .j. Exeentiy: M‘riss iile.",. - Hui 3, le or e• it •-s , ,- 1 " A :i :i -r , ' in ' loP•igre iaid liiii•orti ei there would n t lr's hit' b- i 1,,- tarn ti' .ii.) iiietsL , hat o 1.1; the will out q ,e,.. pll3n, 11 /Jet 1i).3 Pi c.i,lien ti wi ,i, i ce i-k ~,•i, ii on 3 .. ~,,, tar ,l I 4,1 {IT I his eorefory would I. is.. athei:ui 4to deer- I , n c" l '-1 'nil '''tall 1 C''''''' - • I ,°-f"l'' 1 dod o tadrantage tipping, in tO It• 3 1:11•11S111" 1 'l°.'l ' . 1, r' ''''Y :I ‘ .-1 P re P ar3 ` i 1. lee ' . 14.• the c r kegs of borrowed, pld 1 ' j ,2 : I ' lE ' r t t'' l ', l ' t"11 Hiatt LVe!l.lf the 51‘‘e , clause 11ia,,, been r -veted till; I• 13, matte link would hate chimed ini with the metal- ~ ,-, -, ' „ , lie rung of the 3lessage, and,. tv , l..ire say; s ° elr a m -" 1 ' t'-`l' Envy , couio 'Citron nee au, been pleasant mu-ie to the cars f the peti. hold tat ei in Nan :5.:14 in daring dc fitnee it piee,,, 1 But when we t h e p tern ,i, ~ avia ) • the nopitlar •.‘iil. • - from any such een-i dent m tie o f sli ppl ..l i no , Iptt,..they (h.:ermined , In make sure a. SL, fore, il throuz,h the slatat: their wants, awl c ram iitg pt rmi-si n to man- mluer, _lnd s° nfaeturel, the idly lags.t hey 'nal,. b.q la abn- 1 er' l ""'' - " ldi f• • 1-ing. l , it 'seems edd enough 1 h good-n 1- I \ Vei :,ave now to repeat, once for' till, th,t owed will laugh ,• the. ill-nu:bred!, we, fear, I ,. if thelPi-or le t•f IC-antis re to fai l or )'',... will (sneer. 1 VQCV did- slimali. htv> i' and Ir° *itt.ell e lust du, tY which tho•e li.Cube ewe ' prbtec i lt then, in it ; t out Wt.114(3 ill, + to the public; iiiiid the l'rcai a jut in his oPposecl th toteiug that or :lei' oto , m essage ; ~ i ; t ,t , 1,-, :tep ; 13 t h e i r i,, t i t i ts a Sufi_ I tic institution upon them 1.1 .1 hi , , _, cleat amou-t or pill and sil•.•e i r to insure 1 s e d to. '' lav ` !r y' 'i ' .lleir wl " ; •-- - the ceuvertibilitylof t h e i r nn i es i -„„ „i s at l idionn i j t since the Teirit lry 1, «l 1 nines ancliunder ale ci,.,,,„ ,„„,.„,, -„,d 1 i zed, , awl now nc I find th a t ha recommended tho pas,i.r,, , e oil a ceitinul. ito sec," 1t 11., in tlic face ell t spry bankrupt net f„r.banks which we'uld iP r g t r l ' Tills ii tivith " 311441 ' 1 ' ' s make it 'the irreversible orgdnie raw of eaei , i,ien ori, nur law. bank's existence that a suspension of sciatic 1 Wat, however, theyd, stied a I - , . • A . [,. ' ' payui, nts shall produce its civil I l ea tt,, , lf; t ( 4,..s to 1 ote up , 3n all• their 'mst. 'this principle be right in alrits 1...g0i,. w h y I arta t hi s : , i s th e ir humble petttion I sho l uld it not asw 1 . ell apply tp the paper mn . I gress now- We pledged ourselves .. ney of the Government ? Tile Government 10e a t Print i lh in 185(5 . We wills I suSpends specie I p l y m e n t s ..r, f t has asked and fulfil . this pledge in 1857. Congresst I th .. ' ' • ' o l an orize it emit twenty Speaking of the D o r • , 1 of t 1 • t . t i . coin atic 'the . ;million promises opi '-'-• twenty mil- Tf t i on •d a , n i n l it th,, Pies, "--, !lions which for the timi: are ab-olutoly itre- 1 . 1 ;- 19 - 7- 1 deemable. Does the Gore =cut, thereby 1 • A. soirrewhat significant and stettliß ' make -itself bankrupt ? ices it incur the I sode took place just before the resp:u stignea the repident "trio to fix upon the I were, read. The agent ,o the ter r brinks.?, An yet, why ,ot e • i 4 hereiii fie° l appared on the 13M dwithlb' i ' 1 the essential- ifference bet eel viper cur _ cant intelligence that the lertiv In K • ‘` rency enutte by l the Fed ial Government on. the 21s,t • bad resulted in a dee 1 ' sy 1 •I and paper currency ernitte• by banks char. t favor of slavery. IVe un e rstarri* l, - tered by State i Governrne, ts; I a difference 1 1 present refused to allo - rr •he despiltb:- : I whereby the ,lureiu t se ime ease to be (read, 1 1 • instantly convertible into e ' and thus prevente the wLI O,, in sh 1d be' f ' b • Hi • ed ins"' on a ll. rum eing turns turn a um y, rightand •-1 - 1 • • - proper, and the, ilure in tbe ott. , confining it to the legatinate object et case be visited with sum ' , tali' deserUction? 1 If there be a difference, wl y should it b e i n ' minerity, acid not, as we have been, daring in favor of, dip grhat dogma r f nabresrpeoe f i.6 ' t h bea ? issw;vehr.antraeveturt. ilirei!ri r stiitrilr bichk his 1 t,.ii,v 2, that the ni ... aj n twit should rub' . 1 ; j _an pa. i . per has and must hare a s seere liasie ? I,iit, 1 1 pr°/1/ 'Ku ' the President learn charit .. 1 These anath- 1 li i ixtzni ..aletta, J t an. 4 e rnes do not beconie him) ntr rhy ae they per te e th sa f e , L i , A cauLtis, of the lloue, ' I L ike otheret ise ~tnere 15 an- i , ~ ert ; of )ioutga ger of their. cooling 1101311 c to- i ll:10qt " ,r • tt'le)o., fit ballet."Lenilkie World a better Gehrg N. Smith, a '. "i itated is is. , Jadob Ziegler was re.u, ti ,eb orator, for } it 1 Illr i tnii iously. 5 ,.. ~,1 .., an d ext , en , 1 The Illepublicans nom akc fully known, rersl for , SPeakrr ; they', trii'd remedy, and ; foti Cliirk• They will , 1 for. Ziegler. . bin ji • 1 tr. , t 1 !in tang ea., , ..i ~etiato caucus I ly ;ll7r , tskurgh Dis y I pf _4n Ail abcive „named PEE limentari the Lace: n 1 repen equost of. 116 ilia lecture ,ou in!lwLieh lie 1 .- . of ITaren i P . e t lal regliion, liVellih," y mnn to secure n corn may se— lack manly)' icit ever reason " the tempt:a-1. ire, lit is 'snit?, 4 thought, re -:4 eney, an The leetu mor4ll - of Jan iyalitifnl as . Ar f neut.. con le o'l Lsentl, Or L. i t Tr.ii!s4-.-$53 p c • ribers FR O 3 ey, we ca m. Iftir.7,.Esq . f Beaver erAmt . i owing 111. t. IS 1 19% If. vvlll pro N popnlar, as itt l ied, thq of outly,ei r he• hals'lr.rt i'ctires, Cll 41,1411 ptrti ber or Cong): self or the C: 'home in doubtiet , s iu' io aim Lutz, for: iv ay' Lreukht Th 6 Jury of Miirtiti in gas tr.ivJo S he spspension: r e mil/m:4 on . Y, Representative o nots confined it he; einsp. ()Li the and 2 females. , I,llllll'r-4a en. Ord lace ~agar is or- j'aßed; ls?ci cr. 7 -- for COM- tend work t was 1 izing r S CX• rived, tense Law field. ;(1 agnan break -lln Was preei e man 111=1 g s in nation= NA) 115, of for. i& also .4 will Union{ dent no o on, but rfg.trd EIDE3 =I .11141 TY, .11FTH CONGRESS. I - • VASIIINGTON CITY, Jaw. . COnginnn, from the Conunittne ! on Fo'? n Affairs; reported a' resnintionl,thlt tt mider.t be reqnested, if id nPinion itif incompatible witht he piddle int, is, not lu th I:ivt!r•rtnecly or-• ctira (C.l tem then lir. ausfurtl's line been fully tied in. st ded praotiee till its resulti and Offered as al one , the*. can ; :1ied,1.12 I , tar 811,11,..V . Dr. iO. •rr and druggts:s•geuetsi GOVERN ,; • Am erg theidoetnients received at Ilrao : ‘, ington' from tl*Lead quorte}s f , t ta t army, is a lett?! from Brig'iim tea Oeta,cr'lotli, in Nslieb; replying t 4 Go' 1 .-~~---- =I I r I td , I;r s, Li s! Zl4 Elaveryl7r!) - •='.F.hlY..D, ENNA MI 0 11711 11 CLING: • 41;i the Xa'te.;,J f.:ll' i tor orati:el73icis Fioui Clip the the follow- 'dun —Tha l : nominatcd y, far Spe:: reeeiied a * - = f atithzii, , C-'' 'nateitTbr' 9 .. ado no o( Ls: rrios t pro r•- ill b,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers