CM MI j~r i w? ffif Mil tt .- 1 t i tWIMMEI . • .• • „•.:, S -NO c._ -.0,7 .• - • . ..' r'IIEAHVER-' .ARGIM. • if - WEYAZID,' Editor &•.I'iopzietor i 1 11,118--Pss Dokt.o and Firi:v Ostirs,pir. annum, IN 4ovanctn.. othervisis Two- DOLLARS wilt he charged: No irSpeidiscontinued, until all drz•ftrages ari settled, [except .at the option or t *Editor. t : - , . ' t . - .1 . vertiseteentis inserted' at the rate of - 50 ets. per square r - of.fifteen lineS for one inse ion-- 4 _*ti subsequent insertion 25 cents. st 'beral +idemade to yearli advertisers. _ - 1 1 eiali a tetiirs, and contdinniestionS, by loan,' aka hove protapt - atteetiim: -- ''. .1 , - 4 - - - ~-. .GOVERAIOn'S MESSAGE' , ... , -v_.:...-... r . . . TO , 'lloitivicilite;the 3anktirt4 /ital ternbers of ..4.. ; a i &Hausa. otaiiireoentitirivror 'de 111eniial . . _ ... ' I --"';''''' - - - ••••• - '.-: ' •EctL't l l l Ei'irlSY th Ott of yourj. - ...”zr" -- Yr it easl:r; to .the-eredi l i r ofi C. ..,ini fie l o t w iit e .r itizen_it, „ 72 , t! ... h i a Ti v . , nj bloi: t elf sp sar.' 1 . 3 4 e- i n - :, in & Il k! auc i , , ll p t iiobi e r ili ps ' ytta l era , o r I-, ! i c i 1 0' - • • i the publie _debt, the Commissiotters i ,of tIA ter sts o. the (~ommonw4.alitt, in the Logts- The . r e .: 1 fund now ihidd the suin of ''S7 ZOO' 00 00 1 lsti j e braneh of the Govlernment. ' p ..itilitie.s you have ImsSumed !and' the i botids, of lthe Ponnsylvania :AuilrOil Cunt:-; j &I s t; to he performed Should. ever be re.; PalaY, Plelii 6 d bY .law to , the , panicite. of ailfled as paramount to levery sentsbnild i the fundefl de b t -!r!iln Conlin Oweolkh . . ,' partisan .eonsidemtion. 11'he prosperity of 1 By the i •fth section of the Ith larlicle Of •,Lii state aad the geuer i al welfare ,of the:the Con't . itifution, as amended and 'lathed by peopl2, should receive your - carnel4. tate-la' inajorit.t of the .qualified voters of the • do l l, ,4 U,1 b e th e tin) andl end of `your lop- State, 'at the genera: elecli9j bold on the prouiru m es e• cil,j ee cs, I 1 second rftiesdry of Oct: 185 1, it iic iiiade lutiva action. 'co isiil c heerfully, in ~vet •} Ie gat and cioostitn. ! the duty of Vie Lagi,lature 'at, , 1it..4 firist ses .ty,nal Manlier, eliOng he conthitlaneb of 1 bleu after ' Ithe a4optiou of this latu . tillineni . , ot l y olftehd term, c)-opFrate with y?n. • i to create it Sinkipg P unil, which Istlall: t be i 14 'Plia ...t }el: with l ilt exception id re. tent-.tofsuffil l PAY the,Eieeruing_interes4 , 6o ihe 1 4' 1 " - • - , eitnt-financial e mbarrassment, has bCeu _one ' Pr°i' 4llll PladiFtlelit, and any idditio l,deht ' ~, ,,d geuelai prosperity. _,,,,, f ure li, u ' :Ara. ,. B .,_ tliereafterl. coltstilutionally etintraetetl, and -,n'ellfraternal b on bagiii'lurbed the pea e e.•-• annually t° 'c'Aue tLt PriuciPAi 1 • 11 "eicor nY i a sum uo(less. than 8250,000, ' / 00, srhich I f a ikoict of our es.l. Uniirorited hea:th, i with its Llessiogr,laas Ilipen vouchsafed to ; 'Slnkilig,,Fund shall coosist of 'libel net- j un- ' t;411 . Seed time antlarvpst have not failed lanai joco m of 'the pubLe,Works foul tune •—ithe earth hatb yieldedl her inerea4e, end to bate, o' nor by the State , or the proceeds iichly ,rewarded the d a hl.r of L it e G u ,b an d:l of t he s .of the . sarue, or any par there ` u, •I Le Arts and 1 8 cietices hnve been ! nfifaud , the income or nroceedsl (183113 of itdilanced . , and the gretl interest of Ed ' itiaidis owiled- -12 ,y-thr . Stale togeth e r , irith eat uu. ,ittiatity and 4,eligiou liberally co -1 . •• ; other funs or iest - turces that may' bdtisig- - e ..uraged anti sustained - . Our nation is in ; nated t'y law: The said siohitiglFund,may uuiy--our free institu4ns in their i nteg .,l he . inerra • Sed froth time to Owe by lassign -14, with our raTits 'find privilegei'l, civil ; tug to it 'any put of the orstol er rev. the 6tato, not reqoired f o r the ! " or /14 religious, liaP been preervcd. l!Re.- I eune B -nf cognizing in these hieSsings tic gm,daess of 1 or dinar and current ex mists oC gov i trn- Aii.iglity •God, we. Slit:l4ld rduder to Aim I client, and, unless in, ease of war, invasion, 61, buaiege (If gralefill heart and the de- os irtsurrt•cti , :l), DO part of said Binkico , N-ii.,11 •of our .ii.eere prais i ;- 1. . ppl .d lo herwise and „ha g . Fund sh 1 1 La nsed or a ' i,. t '- .' La4ll3y neknowledgiuc,-,I Ri g tric k s/to us , than in extmguislitneut of the Li.cblie d e th, •as ii peccole let us still iarthcr expr6ss our; übtil; the amount of SIJCii debt is T. : cloned --grj.i itrd - l ' eTldii.i, by ,trets r i or / individual :14.0'14c the Burn uf s s ,°c l o- 10 °- ' ! ,/ , elt.trity and Liminess, to the otir and help- '; 'TitiS'l2l2lll‘. the first Fes,lou of L.gisla- Usti- in our Midst. Selriowli.,ow- fill the' tare :duet il7e - ndopticii of this unieaddent, heirts, and advetsity dStkeris the lintoes or' the dot) ;herein enjoined .Elevoves tipau 0 eitt..eo . Our lit4ritlity l siMirld he gen.' you; nod slit•uld Lc promptly .iodtfaithfulli ercio, our benefactions! hatiolEceut; and thus , dtschari , A dt • I • • ' `.\ '7' '. / wilst..tho wants o f th rl pocir and suffering : 'The - funded and unfunded. Th. • lirrelieved 4 the geocreus giver will . find -a : State, iniludinr , temportirg / loaui ricit 'reward bailie pleallite tit:it:result; from . filet d . I f D r - ' I, , 19'' ' y• o eemn er, • ao, a; •- 1 , • •-- -,. ll ...- conintunicateu , g6ml. I , - i t - 1-pOrts' of - r .lkudittir General andStil I , • • •, 1 ••• r i pe finances of ihel, Coninietarealth are urer, waS as tollows, viz,: • 1 . fur'r very•satisfactory condition.• During! . I iI.;NDLD nto.t.l the past year tier} demand upon the Treas. :6' per cent loans, $ 511,78 l. PO ~ ury has ifeett promi,tly Ipsid, from the rev-- 1 i ,.5-- -. .I .. .P.,B,izoo.ttut :10 1 enite±-derived front the ; ordinary sources... ,'y} "- "1 ",, . 85.4,.‘14,0 00 ..; , 100 OGO 00 The -operation.s of this d.)epar. went will be i ," • 1 .1 ' of - Total ftilOcti.debt-------39 1 ft I P...Mt:La to yuU, ID (3C,..a1.1, iu the report 1 , 1 ,1 , , ./ in.:YU:COED DEBT. • We...Statc . .freat:urcr. ' • 1 . .- 1 .- . I T tiOil„ " • $220,3313 CO Fu: the ti.,` cal year entling'Nevetuber 30, ''t Et'llefil°lesuiclicula-1 '; . I . V,i;)l. i 1 . , :, receipts at . he Treasury, inclu.; Interest certl fi zate? I ding 1,11:111C3 ill the Tioasury , on the first; ",'gran rug, ' ' 25 ' 6 ' 4 ' 37 1 ,iy tf p c ,„,,,, 1i b er, ,-185, 3 _ , , af 06 , 0 win; 311 i i Intere.-t A certitica.tes .., ' a r ° uoctaimed, ' 4,448 iin hi t s(V and forth-feurbousand seven bun - 1 Lhanesti :,Icreditors„ ,1,164 tro dird Sail ; pinupfive ,do l lars and forty•two: Bel. orgy loa n , . tea s l ' •. '. ' • I , 1 I r: 1 - C'L/ ,(1 ,_44, . lla 4-) I were five tuillions I Apr. 11 , 1633, 1100,000,01 airy hundred and thirty-five thousand three . Bat. tem or,iry loan, ' 1854. , L d i tdred and c . iglity-three dullars and !Weti..l - ' T 3 ' o a t. ... v i 9 u ' Ey six cents, 0,93538.3 26) The &rte.:- ,-' ' ' - ; 1 44 expenditures far ille r saine periodllwerei: ~.. ' t • •55'407 27ci 79. llslaoein tho Treasuryti -:‘ - t 1 iuudeddeliC—• D . 1, 1857, 8528',10(k 47.! Exchdintr 1 -'-_; 'The funded and! unftadect t. th ' balance iu the ;TredsurYfiir the fir s t day ° 4 10 •10 of the last'fiseal year, Dec of Pecetubcr, I S:111, the teccipts• from all ; ." 8 as fO/ I °Ws) ViZ: 1 1 I FOL. rees,were 84,600,5817 - $4. The tiiclitia- l' Ty ;ipcnditures for dial /Same period rivere ''G et: cent. loan $ 445 14'00 *3 "992;370 2.0, exhibitho , an exceSs 'of re- ! -5 P. ' -. C.8,77: 1 ',"12 , 1 45`i i r ::41 1 7 0:1 f " u l ndetl debt ur:l3.-(jil °° ' ' . , , r a; 0 . , 1 1 ce pts liver ter expenditu 31 Sfit•T, 9 l7 5 , 5 . --, 160.0(X) 00 1 'II C.. extrsordivaryhaynients for the (year l -4 1 " w e. 5c1,414,906 ;A as follows to, wit: T. '1 i ' . ,t- . LNILNDLD DEB T . th•'er4tpletioti .of the 'ortar , e'llail !loud, Q. 44,061 92; to the Nerh bratielteXiCllsll4l, t l ,l*.S;7'9S - 85 to relay 41,e South lTrack. lhe tl4' l eolunabia limilroud, $91,405 46; tn en lake ale 'Delaware Division, $46,203 00; fo i motive power in 1856, $81,6 . 04 —.l; l for rit in 1855 and 'S6P 1 $.49 3 "iik 3 561 - for the e l a 1 C 3 . - - re,_ , mpttou of 1uau5,82.9,097 03; daun• get on :the Public Wars, 846;552 65; old • then ) e i'llrjl2l 'si . 111 t i u sr t if , u i r° l2 Be m a t via a l l d i e " r i later tr a l .ha a l , el, and'the b dt r n A : e C inE u l C o te : p t fa t‘B° August Li l i s 6la d tl Sl it : I . the' e t a. fn u - u e at u pl t . le a ai 11 upon s': ' kj .1 , 111 1 ut o nmg' n t e. 1 l th db4r . a. Payments sle:uae o ! el Id a ' T id 4 l u i r e i t e a s i ) b {talte 7 l ': e l34s4le ui ? dal)rr iy n i u°u i ' 3 y m4l3Fe c sda a tsa rs t aP b r u el7ltnr e s -:. G r p r S s i seinjienott, user; has i t i e be of a B l t . i l r i o e e a sp A s i u reda c r i t Y t . o u i l :sl ' ,uu l t gb b lY hi e - i ' cre s l co i t c 3 r e t ti t u u li fit d d i o ne f tl 342 l dc O e t e c h ii t o e .. 7, entitled "An Aict providini for the t l l ' s,la ig n h d' S fo c r ili e ' l .s l. l el s l (lC eb tors, ' the / I i 'teiTrer_snrcr will lie] enabled (6P3/ tie I crest duo in Pobruari, in ,--" specie or its ( 'ivalent. The credit -1 (f the Common ( ; 11th has been fully and honoiably sus • a ned.s The I routitneis with which every, ;and i ng 'puatteial reruhlibrit may cruttarrass t operations of the i fteasury,•and reduce, I !sonic extent the revenue , yet the ability e the State to weer per engagements and', l a , tataiu her credit, under nu honest and t . ,, notuical adulinistratilun of her . fulances,l uticuLted. Thu Vonor and credit of t ' 4 0 State !anal and. :tan be preserved in tact: i ' 1 [ I ille Cotutuisiouers of •thc Sinking `Fund t repcirt _the- isutu of .$414,720 29, as •uow iu 1, 1 'e Trea;cry to the credit of that fund =. lNis amount will be an' lied to' thet - caemP" i us t • • - $,. • -► i an i RAtef Notes )S. in etrettlatiol, and 1 -1 4ke l Payruent of the funded debt of the 111r' untionwealth, ~. c....i.ssionar; f this food; on the' r ili3 - of .. , ..i Sept. '" ),( At st, report l . to 'DIU ' 1 1 • ' I • 111 . . . .. . . . . . . . ... . . . ' .. . . . .• • ! : • 1 '„ c '.. •.1 : , 1 I- •_ . ... . , . _ . . . . . H . .-..., f , . ' 1 j'! , I ; [ . . . . . . . l • 474.11 ; - • - . •.•, - I. . ! I . • . _ 1 , . . . . . .. . . . 1• ! . . , . • 1 . .. _.,, .....,......•,,...., , --,a , ...--4,..,....,,.., xt.r....,,, znr . . - riv.3.:^r}4lo,4* - aksrs,*•,,,.. .t.... —,.,:.,,,^0 i i - e - . . 1 1')1 i t i • 1.• • • lt7-. ..,-,. .-- , ....,!- I L• :- , :,!,-. :. ~. •.•• ; •..,,,:'... . • ' ' i . - .-,-. • . T . .. -.- •\, ,_ that the iuti of -- 11t;0-12,13b71 1 64, 1 of the poni - monweal:h, title hold as fo!kolir, viz. ' ;-: - 7 . if rl ' ,. 1 ' I -II I ,LOMIS oilgti April ' 1853, oTer i- 1 • ; dile, f4Onlxiihry. , i "1 i 6 -. ' I ' ll 7 T , 0 000)) f' 21 (1 4 :::, 9 t /..3 :, -4 ,,p .1 :l';''. 2. ' /B ' s ' i '' . ?l; e li 4,60 t; do . 11/0 CertiOca4es 0 stock, r iitius Qt . : 4p' ,i , _ l 2 :1 ' ' • 11, 18tig: 6 per cext t ; : 4- f'.l . 11 - .- G 6 LOl 00 Certificideicif stack, Jowls dr yp.fri: : .1. ''' :I i. otks-dtticet. 4 • 1-.)v eept ; , , 11. .-. ,816 44. Relier Ni)te.s - cibeelled and le- istinyetf,‘. , 1 87 ,644 pal 1 RetirfiNoies i n Trtuunuy, setAtsiilo t 1 for iiiiiiileilatieri.. • ` 1 , 'il ' : 8 ;000 00 _l l ~ 1. . - To 1 " ' $ l l Ol l 8 0 7 6 4 " 'BAs :equired by:law, I direetil ! r p dertfi-, it n 4 evidebets of thelitidebte4itels i to f 4, ~._- 1 "the lOth i3i. j ' 857 Itetief u3t .31U cireu sl46,4:.'l 00 I,nter,esbt 4ertifica.tes . outstanding, 23,473'82 Interest 14,448;8 Pontesticteditoi . s bil2 50 "`• • • I,r • Total uufunded debt - • ! i - ; total 44bt Dec 1; 1856, 1' I 40,(70 , 1,8:45 , 25 I 4. .4 •.. 1, 1657, ... ' 1 39.'501,738122 . 1 Die 1I I during late' •1 : fiscal y ear l , - - - -$--1 I 8 . , .- 2 0,0 .... 979 3 These tatements.exhibit the Igratify . ng fact, that during the{ past (fiscal lyear, the public thbt has been reduced 12330,097 03. 1 During thc same period large appropriations and payments were made on account of our I public improvements, for - old and unsettled -1 claims anjusted under the Maiof last seseihnl - and for oither eatramilinary pirposes. (..The c ndition .of the 'Treasury prior to susp3nsi c of specie Paymeetsiby th 'Bois justified he approrsiatitio Of at le t lt tsro huudred housand dbllara more iiipayment of the, publitialebt, end arrangemen , were Made: by; the'Treasurer, under theirectian 1 .1 of the Cerniuis,ioners of the Sinhin kund, 1 to liquidfito that amountt hut I oft l er lib(' sits:J. peosioii l asi the coninqueue financial ember raiment; of the country, tbo prePos•d pay ment, from prodentinotives, was postponed llCut this payment ken made', in addition to die PaYtueuts already rePortedi tie state ' mtnts and calculations submitted int my last i anntit Message in relation to ith . early pay ment an final extiOguislonent of the pub lic debt, would' tiiusl far .hrtore ; been (sustain ed by th it actual verification! The causes. that pre coted their ' realization , t IS believ 1, ed, will foon,cease to affect iiijuiiiimily the 1 reveducalef the Commonwealth. siguat . ed i• ay that ludinnitable'moergy -that has ever uharactetized the Aniericar PeOple l - 1 , falter. in ing for i‘ mo,ent, but net d(ilelrt i ened by I la: ,adivorsceircutusiances i thit sioround us —loused to more lige roue tied by distie' l • oft 11 , ii I MEE 184,000 I 1 Lt, Dec• 1, 1857, Tutal d i i I, " the delft thetli, tei-and ch. e F clielf, 4 ,. l ruktel. erfal tige - AtrOngth.t w 9 1 .0, afriotifit , 'with II prfd fhwei qie !as'. i v . ljt mitig'tinct -, • ' i rtbo same r 0 the 'and 4144. ti 40tiviiib, . .. . rapsalent at try, atter a 1 etit Itti: pi ,c tiad:re ) 1 canslot !mai I ,lle time is I t . ia-ltill sta I siollor hp ' be relieved meet its a i faitli aud , . land %", :drmtfuep! oc,rasna s ni dektiY firoveniatit; i I abiliey dip); %f ilie.Stiito maylbe - ant fipatel wjtlieoufitleo , As etire lorstote.of, the opinio „ now, and lercLtturelFPres.4ed, aLi ittf-revi ! of OM operrtioas the rfrcat.ury duria tbe ,past :, three years, as eciptiecti4 - with lb , payment of the debt i thederutuouwealt , may not b;i, intippro fate.] Its. mffirrst a noel Ines ilele sage' to e the gislature Abe fact. AS stated, , that' i duriu the three years iuter Tann' be tiecin December 1,!1851; and D embrer 1, 1 1854 the public ! • debt has Leen inereased , $1,58.4,350 p i ; ,!ito that the tot 1 debt at the 'close of t the 4.4031 ,year, Deto-,1, 1854. as 811 GOB 59.5 75'. lAt the close of trash` '1! ' ; I 1 , /.-- the ate tiA f al year,De r cember, 1, , Bot three year'., hetet; the fuetleti end unfa.idett'clebt, as lleforc sh i ncu, itt!as S:',o 881,3,8 22; de. .- crea;-e'in tb ,Le year 5,51,816,857 52: ... • Thus iul tree beam the pnbli debt, has ; 'beea decre sold by actual pajibleut and without re'sbrtitt ,, to the expedient of ton t ' porpry loati i , eAlsichss.7 52. if p !LW be added the suM of 84 . 14920 20 dtvt in the Sinkin Feud, and, applicable to the , . ., paiftncut •-.f the funded debt, the 're-dm:dolt will be 82,i 31,177 81. i . Thew f. to are nut only graliyinm, =L as enceuragiu . 4 lies al r eady b T.ul.tated that there in the Sinking Peal theut same. ot 87,500, 00 . — ends of Pe tlivauis I , Railroad i t iotupaly, hearing jute stV tlt the _ „ - 4 10pt" . 61 Cu :he i s 1110 Re to!• Ttecus- rate of fiv. seniisiunu 'of ale fun . : ter t r iie red! _ senictl' to doereas'e, sholving,- delivof tb bcr 1.-5571 ll] n anti .141;ie and thel S tato seseiou, pue Ira equal to. a Sta'te pur fac't,s spe. - pc4le b. cioite dud hell , l pate the 1 State taxi Bulb arras uu4ise le_ dishanesti prey' cut t louUded The co general o ' 1 turcis esur scaled to 4,8.59 75 ,8::5 25 KM IE2I 705,54 52 Canal Co The t i the publ OE vein' bei.3 5,145;50 392881 738 22 • . -;' _ . 1 ~.., 1 -:::: :...... ,ii •i ' .- . ' '; 4 ' C. ;.. ; I ' er' I. :1 i -: 1 , ; , .. i., •a --. ~, SE EU I "I ' II3EII Vl] ' eat, ~ lir progress. can of long i be pit ou prosperity . lon l Pol Jutor r'onfileuceofic'sensiti e, yet paw.l ry, that tijiichH iii uhiti abil ci greja financial, cow 'eriiial /Ltd! 'Ater9 3 4 s Ot Put gown, y auf , 0 . been naticlouty impaircti, l lu; sif Fa' ' ' ':cominircial iliativ l a and: ie.riii aitiottlieContiiionutealtb; u:ad iuitagoa res'ultlak fiviii:the 40 pat' t, of our: resocirCes I during lixtua r `i fiil FAufql7--tlie immense i9Olit, c , a nr . curligrieti4tural, 11 4-_ ,aci :ictliring ' suaiti y" dpiing' ' r.tiltel'abnadanCiOrieits‘Of': - coritplete:i UlO liitefitii, or r .asperity: Li#•otabar. Ow •coon• f - the - pro s -* • float'. retifrutL lien' the pis o g ri l >i Y vlO3n c :i 'llit tie d ra i tio ll 0 u . per.ii •o' condition of soon f tbo Common tot 4 reaffirm My be of f distint wh en red coined :from . tl • public dobt; • 4nd - 1 11 - 14ux• o, taineion i ruiligjititilert a nd to i fedit lof tbo Cons hotistog strict moue ofj alb trovornment e poriditurc- 7 —refuni , n4U• tebemei of in nO'llildio,,n , " to a rig ro4itnng, and disburs ul the rojailoAtion of t teolitt, ;`I ief,,. sgthat ounsylva. ePPPr 6- et people posed ' to intuit) the • • rt nwealtb, y ift - 41 t .avoiding g to..un et Dal lilu. i eecoittit ; ug :ignite ose views 4...titulper - unnuc lelledpl6lked t 9 the ed &An:. If this sun; be,foru stras4, • 1, Flyable 1 1 , payment be I,titietl havp pre"- ;au. actual 31,77,81; tuufunded of.pocaul• ,818 41. the' , )I; a u Ntrtuat, If not the S l iatedcbt of f",' , 9,1 e -tot4ll . fivule& and 3 l St:ate on the'first da 9 have beeu ' 966 I ' le— of thr 1, •f ation o, ic.sakt ot e d2tire'ase la the pt Lx, b I au act of the I; ' I redyetl trout three ,1 Ils of the dollar; al e•sixti., ol l 'the tax it iscs prior! to that a for tlictullvC. WI iagt-,,itulated i on - such ag, i the procos ofi y thtiy;withicoufi.ler 1 . T of of theirl deliver on. IFioaneial and cot ulay postpone,— [ latioit and the in) 4 IP 1 • • o f , i I) nun milt -our nu earl reali•iatiOu of ticipa ions. it ti liana of the public is 43 1 1 i ,) , the rneipts a 1 ,, the mst &cal year L , 3 , . . . .1 ou to (detail in we re tie I 3laui /Mcldebt' ! I . ” regular i • to two a nti , I feductian I posed for t iec. I'llese, ) , 1 11 may the ' clu all id a a u tio r it / i , 1 pee atitici- i - pF_e frqm c a mmerelai I ottlin but` .iddeut or tUeel, can i leic r .cell ;1 . mabsif 1 rec. 0 erti. ,ipts at the. Trcaury l from for tlI) yiarpi}‘ling -to livorksi 11185 Pibio dtture kipts frpin , includin.l rc to 'the first d. ,308,598 (U. I for the ssme he er,penditure .107 05. • li . -... , i, the Ireasur were as follow .0 Aniust 1, 1F57, ) and No rth ant,l West t Jirision 287, 718 95 , ' i' , • viSio , 024,820 34. - cuptsfrom the Delswa Division i nith se of the previous year-- 1 . 1 btion of rival' railroa Wand other .vie lessened UM 'receipt from this Llivishin'of our public worksi and til will4outiq.ue to decrease them. wnontlbas been satisfactory, and ith olber divisions of ige nubile cuts, e'conomical. The uetTrete ti Treiry was. ,11'4,001 86, a 1 .P 0,093 53„' as compared with 4.0 f the preceedingyear. ' In ad (M. - *Wary; expenturFs, :tie ,263 was paid for t he enlarge• profement of this dtfrision. ~ ) I th Br`anch extension i ol f the Pa. 116tigh!so far.' comple od in the ,A, ihat boittk freighted. 'with her firoducts E p were successfullY . ' gh t!s entire length from Pitts ! 11 unction canal, yet l iu cause: ' large . iortion of ho "Horse ( sf 1 having been carrie l away by :„ ; 1 s f po la t t i t ed spr t in b9 g, g . re u . s te in s p s ar o t n oi t t h h o :3 it was rePairedduti g the km i• rs i the. 1 1 business w resumed I tiro.. ,, ogth. Seoul after, the ( 1 t 'wat a t eiteusivelY injured by itl hea vy 'Netter, antrthe 'great: ri ?, 1— j , The, aggro.' eriod werc exceeding 67; t ea 64, VILS101.) IBM Far : . ,-1 -- 1 1 , r., ........-- . . , ..., . 1111 L., it i Li•q, .pl. py, 4.1 tiw -, qrci thonstin4 tor .I,bo he a in te , ac t.l .. ift l eila Ali aers l with tli s s {do , - the 'sal 1 J. 1 tterbt..itti ally .4e. ay eaiof 1,., et: airi O ,ata, day, of by - 6., sot' iif ilte'Stai. i oitipoyi- , t, i ll I ain , Litutilif Ate, ?.iii atio4 k )ntid Pi 1 all tbet: 41,1,1fkR , iletiltind ti q i iiie C o w. ri.nili:i'iiiimitgoOtt .; r iuitidzwitoiting-4.6 1 .. 1 ' lib 111116 P4 1 4; 411 • °` Go, - 444 f :ril l owl ' , to 1 ' .. / ..1 Iv or ssebsion, of • 1 4*l -jet ielici'fit ay; lAtigini) 44'; . riiv 'to, ttllkkotpi • ' ' l' of 0 cOni*OrVea l I L og:clatiAlio Alit ' I a. utro , ,t,r:thili ,1 I ,- °- lho thuds of ttift '1 kiitibiiiii ‘itiOriti 1 '4el l ,fir-, 6 '1 8 - 4 ..1r,)t,11,,:l of t 4 , 4' in,i , ,,vi.m ;0.:t. , :i. beidi '' '4lfe i ci b et - dot 'totbtep4l4l ti appir,4to. ... d tno. : . . • Clinq l t) 'Liner . gilni,l4.;l4intruiintr 'gat° , :tf a t , iaeb Pk' trxt /.. . ~..I 'n. —, esse tl, ough r 4 i i k,. 1 1. 1 tor us gushy i üblil po ley an 1 idron .ealtir requ r t e / 'n3a y I approve; if /,wti t o fi..ive gat (1...0 ti,ill,, , 'a reelrles. C,I f acre ts, as exhi • if 1 :. ,luse ews i and fra di tt.,l'. - uronby for 1,1 ' } 1 rho t sale cf the it toil i ia artetificui to tsH , . 4Pl ttu ." (l 9 lp 'll l,l t a ,} 4 . tilat 7 / 3 rie 0, r 10 oue, p t if l e 4l t ' s i ot a lfl ia :j: t i ,: i t i ::t: l..i e lci ta o t tl e ll 4 ll r ag S of Of tlio 'public w 1 1 ,1 l i 1,.,r! to.'oll wko.bac , 1; tuilill afol' i irpttrtia 41 eebssitg is' leatiyi Si orof tbejr o couptr 4 eh y Intielfitled to a io le tznu onWell li Ito Stag, w ll'regit ri he erepaie atki ru it i I • .., i pet tug any revenu ,•, bl it 4.4 u,rit o cite u, I WLL t, ' Ia 1 1 I I 411. t ; ''.i C: , 1 , Cm ''lt. o -1" postl 1 separAtiLin isle j with dm paym i the ielirlet ou o Ms ttd, .ohjec • c•f , it. ..1 sale a I Fliefe of :pUr pu 1 ideration, 4 t., po purchasers. a pfy proteithre of t I li . c'peopli, shoul ;filature. Such 'of the,llioCeeds Ilia debt,, would i 4 • e#tinguislnt unteentled to yof a . i 1 '' 1 the 14F incerpin .aiiroad'CoMpany i 1 ailli, per ton, per i 1 3, I l i i $s ,over the road, spu cc ease ` in ,:the rev e. Fe• 104 Oat might . r iSI tad competition of t ri tie , . fof the :Main • e pro merits. This a` i the Oompsuy, but ttp a ri i"l• iv;beYr She owner s roidl f i t 11 1 gets iti its colte ' etio a tta '. . It is' virmali a u commerce of t a u , u the commerce • r it ctio nit seek" a : ;a1 hi road ;' andl the • f,ti l arges.end the c ' of pro ecelo the 1;W 4 i eotlpetieg railread dfl,t ti rr 1 other mar els than 1 ty thiti !,re l slttired' t i ti Comonwealth and er ceased. 1, Itir contie A lio fiaa is :a.reVenue leas the ,poliei !of. the t to i sloe i.f; the prod • L4e it/wintry' thre , 1 yr., markets, and, t cr 1 telies,ing.. the tr 0.1 1 inumkaifeaith law col ppou,it4,4; resp t ec ly boMiideritiei.. • la ookiselucuce, th, 1 , 1 t J' l:3, their, 1 exp-tacli ill be prc,- . , Ort of the pu • l ap cc flrora the vi* 90,530 33 .11 , , s • • I • , 1 da el. *V /be Ite' an 1.. , ;or bu 14itirea Irlt''s 4 , .1 , ii0)113 d,MisaEt'', ail unction iii* I or-, lit letini-1 1 la iof our ? lieftle* y i isi giii 1!" , . pihe , , I tbe WO 1 b , of4,e !in ' o , t k Copp, iV 3 !Mg. ice I)id rreo L ya . i il i llei eibi, - g! ataut MI 4 lurehtt l . Wiwi= indsin u and the of t itte govi (a t; e /:th 640 i tem in.,1,1 lUe 14 ltb ill y st. l ] ,' 8 1 57 1 YIVa .iinsl en- Lye dirreidd e t ' 'lrma e whole hlr IwiiL titta and Lrb.npsy,l- 44, loge Lkiasip c ileal ih 0 I, pert t000,6:01 0 # ;pc; Of me ;nii 1 taid Inft • ectitin Itb;‘ add of thejr = i I Nii 1 OCI I l ifit ‘ L 111) ~ ta an by 1 f Ju y .. ,1 IratiOn ~ 1g57, i.a . tile 11 . h : . ,5 ; Ittlikllllll , were nil ore 8 of the of ttio section _ Tulin" A t State EIM Ei Ltl wo, a o L I S alul }C ? . t itca g i b in 0 13 :agar }Min 1 0 e libli o fi M and Di 44 The rca us' ifiea ;I'pOr I ril al %It•Irle1.1,11:1. led I 'll,l, fcr4Oi p iety ofi nd eotik,! t only elf. j etibject ;it ! ,ibut tit,e i take liii -'" 1 I Faoutetif. ! , if reveuge ett l iued *1.,,y 13, uric'' The cnii ihe i 9, it i: i ert the; 11.41...vitr0 b andi t• a ¢!Clltlf 'C i r, C pCI • cn turn in a ely ci t. o lim r tlerititl 1 finestig , u U eonnee 7 )1 t lebt, n, it bi. , .- diary in -1 .. ?ariod, o f ir e a ,fair di. liicr i il opq ,tlino l lutereAts red ly,tlie T ~ • applica ri i a i uu ur desi,Cill 1 , i i hr se e l i fit • :,1 al.. , I.)nt 1 't o the ii, i iitat taxati 1 t - 1 [ 6-c ban o d ri st. 1 1 • i„ .7113,. we ; ipit u i • a I,tt. - .•ti li a t . , ut et i e itit i a I ' ;II 1 0 4, 1 ' ° ii -ell • ifel p . 1 . ' Thle s ~ uu linaK of tile ill i more F . ,ject is dousidera- ti. ilvatiis pf tkied og lie 20 ued O al t 1 nnage pas. t ai • al. oti ifor,iin,), 94 . *lt CrEutooo - 0 f l 014 t the antieipa.- .30 irk illie taisi -1 of tie public ill 3. is O t kmpuJed, opou 1) tl ' i t i tnikagortal ie ho f' • it ,tr neport ec Ow af.tiq`ka s Ad. tiy ent,to the 4, 1 4 11 1 (pi pp :I ,e trade eta cu - th, and of 8 t,. rrhOse air emarket over 1 da, ie r , the rite f flt t tied) the! 16 ;f4 et • upon the oth 8 atee i ttad to erre 'i Ito neeciesi az, l i MB • the ii#pl il 1 I e te, him e a of 1 ' i e justi irk e. lt, 'li 011 id I t i 6110 trans .of io iir s ections o t,2(.1 1 ) ler r t tory -to he info 1 e propriet , ard u twits :of ttid autr f oiltli,u t4s. ayib • Ifatlocix ,L i ins ion of tip' • i EMIIIIIIII if,-(1 1 - -, 17,..:N.':i - 13.' , i$5$V_'...i'''..'.''..!.N: ~,,,, 'll 1;! ( ' ' ' b it' •II ' ks' ' '`• 0 t Mymeat4 yet a i lln ,of tins ad lasi et ...States OfFithe.::llnip, ,tiled &hit Cannel i oll4toi,trolastltent,,,anti neral "pro le tutu , Aiwa, net . l.=,!,l i deeined my dotylt =II; : o.lllOttsetl. - by .the le ifituttm, J - Bs snipe *of taelLegs.l uteetto,mee at illa • f t t shurg Awn' kliel sixth day:of Oeteberilus / l i i tt a Try gli . S 't eg ' in re it li ol? r t 4 r i ci G ill e ed ite, r b il . iliea b t l -, **snot rui iimple as. the exigency. - ef. •tb .ease .inquired, 'yet it kras.poducti, ' 'of tn. Ifiborieheigl resnite, nerl'lseryesllttt ail t. t tointensetexeitement and 011irtit that .. - tided, tho' 0000 Commar.ity: e By the ..t riliding 'for the reinitentlfin of apacie p. .- epak.x4,xl y neAkinilthatikiti ioatitutio is fz i ott) A •Por coat. Iran n the capital it k ;.,t , o eimegat. ! reelizedt by the payment! of. th a - name}*lituk,oetlulyletrayed all It* expe s acs of Otat session, but will leave • a baler.. e Julie Wreasury of uot t lees than thirty-4.e Orusaad -4-- ,dollarsa result eertainty not i . ,jurioaa tee the I fineuces, of the ,Comsao E, - 111 - I • L ea l - , . ; 1 my view* expressed in fernier° . onimu ' -. c Lions on the sibject of banks 'and ban --, i g capital, in Oieir , relations to the etiire, •;• 1 ty and the gene' ra mal • luteresti of trade, ro unchanged. i llowever diverse our (vial; s may to on' this subject, it toust,be alinitt by nil, that the banking and 'credit Syste s '2O Eli intituately - interwtiven with tife-bu - and ionirrierin* of rho count ry,tha t their istidden si'itatation, mei rash innaV "•• , Tfiun r erould produce consequenees of fearf I 1 tnagnetaw i le: I That I • tho prett9lt,efstene f banking; is perfect,[ i is not p r etended; tie t it emild be essentially modified add imp' • ' t i al not be, denied.Th u'.' d v i , will ~ eECIIIi . rsogement Of thecarteney Ina r y and wi I suggest the 'necessity of reform, net only i Ile system itself, tii-inct6 u4nagemo t of our baking ios initials. I I I ' • t . ' ;I, Linlimited i 'cretb by corpo a ions or in viduals litivenad i ll' ever be art uumitig - 1 ted evil. They ntribute to bank expa - slime, r=ush epeculathme, exttivagatit living; end excessive overitrading; ,always sure to bolollowed loy ruinous revulsions.' Wit t tho remedy slhouldbe, I do not deLin it U 3• t, pTtiViliCC, raider e istitig circumstance..., p I euggest; but to bel!eerineueut and e ff eetua , 1 ii l tinu,tai,,co,d wit, -the natural antl twee .... nary laws of traded The eurreney of ;a con - I•try forme n'e exeePtionl to these laws, a tl. i houl.l lea lift 10 !their opera,tien and 'co - Itroll So' rar. ma as Y • •be toosisleut \title t e , . g . tiblie good- It le, therefore,. that asy - em of free . baokiiig. ' based on fruclou'A uolle securities, hod coin to such prop° - / I :on to 'eiredtation and deposits as way e waled - ilufileieut •to seem%) their cotiverki u 1 into specie, on detairid, with-pkoper limit • ?l i iene and restrietb.W.e, la deemed preferable to the presett I:ystene. its introducti u . would•corratt him! masque abusf:s not o • I ‘ • 1. - ' but 1' 6 - t iik i AG SEt..:UI i tself,a art..e : ode . of baukieg. Thesesieitiens, horse - r, with the{ reptedies necessaryk to prove t a retuerence r,ll the-evils under Winch e now suffer, togetlier with the nature ,ai d extent of the • :elle , if arty, thetleley yet . .e required by! ti n t Banks of the Cowa) - wealth, to tmehle 'them to re-inee the pal . ' . I, ' bent of their 1 liateliiies in specie, are . I 71 '*eftrretl to. the', wisdom. of the Legislatur .11t.ty are prtietiettlll and, importaut bit•ine s lutetions, and as hUe'll 4holllll _receive yo r r a -lit I - • •luttili • •eusideiatiou ' 1 L _. The Are Ant conolitute or our Comm° - Wealth moll country deserves at least d in Oieg rem irk! lAt: vere fivaeeial revul4 has. th•curred, indii e. eing, a suspension of sp - cif? payments by L i the Banks, not only. .f ...:11 ,this (•!amtneawealtit, but of 11,11thetates f :the Unicm, 'eletiveging the. currency.antl ti,f: ecting, disaetrouslY all' the great interes s m )f Comerce mid the iudustrial pursuits f the citizen. I .ther is without employment, u.l tliontinds; of Orong aCtive men are mete I.' 'shine' fur Welk or , bread. The causes as. igned for theca veil:: are almost as various 'tie the interests er prejudices of those who t. ' I t i , euedertake their exp mature. ••T u•w la ev r ' cause or Causes-they niay be referred, its ' neither just, :inn 'proper ke charge :111 o r ..recent,fiti—an i cial and coapnertial iiiitre s I , to the bJukt hull their maeagenient Lib w - ;lever ttincl, they may havecentribet . ed, oth ler C4U80!? Lave npe•rated still iie:tre direety ;cud powerfully , tit produe.o these result ; 1 .1 laud auvrag theta first iu iwporianeeaud i, - ,flueitee is the pros Ont system of lo*"deti '-, ;lle connection witilr:the warehousiugsyste , 'ladonted as the policy of the (.3o General ,-, r ' eronient in. 1!..1 i Th ua ba n donme n t f . the Protective polity. as embodied ;in t e , Tariff act of 18 , 42,4 was misted .by'' Pen - I 14ylvatiiaewith a unanimity almost unpar. - leled in history. '...', ller representatives a irboth branches et4he Natioual Ceogre s, llstrenueuslyepp i esed the, repeal of that 4 t. I:hu erne nailer which we kre uo* suffer[ e were predicted us a censequenee of such r i - peal.' But: other counseis prevailed,' - the. act *as repealed, and the industry of the country expeeed to a ruinous • coitipetition with i tilio cheap labor 4Pfpreign nations.-. The dieertrtr i us. effects ,of the repeal, we e 1 postpoutd by .the i .i ion• of .f causes i II uudereLoo4 by c cry lu!cti T lig4ot. , 'citize . .1 peret iltd Famine abroad produced in unpreeede demand for our br'adstuffs, and the . gol 13f California, altheugh it may [ have r i ededito the exciteinditt of Our progress, and contii . b. Oted'its full l aharelln produciiigr existing fi,.% !medal and commercial embiarasinneut, in millions supplied the Means Of, paying the overwhelmieg! balpncea agenutt us on our foreign impertattOns. Under the present system of lew , diiteS, the excess of impa ct s exports 'has *ea beyond the most , ex travegint larauts Itt t.hig country.' They hays i been enoimons and ruinuus--destree tive pf domestic. industry, and have:Ting t b home mautifiret firer and haute labor, in o 0 common ruin. 'tie have impoited• tu le than, we could',pay for, tied Lunch more tit a 1 I.i we needed. I ye nnseleepie abounds iii i... et ore. iron and it 4 inauutbetures are jus. ly regarded as'ilnlicilseat elements of her a • terial wealth j anti from in.r . abut:lll,lrue; it propealy foittereti,tuud proteetal. by a w s national polieyr, - could 'Aly the ' murk of the world; and yet, goat the passage ]1 i 1 .° 't - - 1 , , 'or tho ZIA ~ C eord• he Tat e was gents He poo -1 en SUM OA, AS ip anded One.— , .the•lo Wo rep , e ,pub r - turud yf H4u pur- MEM 1 •. - -.. - `I ; .t .. '-,.. 1 - ••1. . -{.' •-' -, 1 . .., . • •,.. I n - ,:,i., _, ' 1..! • I. i . • - -;i . '. ~-i .; . • - ....;•-• - .7; „ • ,i I - 'l, ' - • ' :. 1 1, • . . '.,; .., 2.- ~.. ...-• , •.' -r - I ,ri i:: rr • . - ~ ' . -Je. ''r''''.l' 77 "."•';'''''"?'"" .- ' • " —: - . --•- . 1, . I i'., ~..." .r * ..'rr , I f ' 1 i - 1 1 t ..., .... UM HIE d• • : I . ' I- - ~, ~_ , ;i•lid IMES ME IMO ME 111;1 y ).t la e i go• 1•1 • f - 'lf . RE .r 'I El theta% rif1:1846,• we flitreilimported - 0 Iron mai steel andliheir tirantiNetufei, in,thrin tivoinwirired*illibus l 'Of dollars 1n value; 'pairPlot 'in 'geld' of our 'titrdi•add *ticks, ow bold ',by• foreign eapitalists-T;the,lnter eat On; which but adds to the burde ns im- I t d poS t isl r opop nih3tiqur fateigli intlatt nen,' flihe Stinuels 'true of; many other 'important bratiehiks of Lorne industry. Many millions .; intvaltre`of 'eottori'arid *poled gicw7s have. during"-thihitde Oriiid,ltieen iMOried that should - laver• been triode ,in 'ruir7U-riork dhciptil stiould Ilpivhheen on Atnerrerri, Mild not ' on ßritfah,PrenCh or Germatloopis. •' ' ti t it'll e ' Aiatupl64- ttie,POctical i Of the"s item o I clailXreitmeids exhibit ;be I "' • • • ' t rrrjr, ":1e.t.e...,-t f tiz I our exports 18.1i002,165Fdellarsi as a eon- I sequence, the: drain of ;t4 precious e - metals,' • J Wari - ebtresPondingly'greit2\ \ ThoUnount ofi specie sent out-of theicem.l4Y during tire ; period, *as 213,•464,384'"dellarspecie • leaTorted'c??6,92 - 7,427;! .14iirig\rt . itialtince I againt,us. on specie uce'uut of 015f1,429,- I 957.' This , depletidAl lye 'process, 4griivateill • by'.eXcessjve' invert:du:lns, unstrtlied . `sti etirrency and induced an inflated plper fair; (illation' resulting in loin& su4ietisk l ons and fir4eial'' onbalitaisnretai. ,'-But , the cvii 1 Ades nor end'hete.: \ -;4li . inflated:pairei - ciirr reney,;•tiY ebeaPeriing4he'price of inroney,„ 4 increasesin this country the cost of froduc:, Itionilind thus / Width ttlie Ameritan, Natio I factater is exposed, runder a system of liiiv I dritieii, to 'a, ruinou s - ethupetition With the': ! cheap litter of Eur4e,'llie• is p a id tee bill goCsle '' it.ettirency less !Valuable than that 1 - ' '' k.• f paidto pi twerp' .: it 4 n o r ressary fisult the ilo* fabrie iA, ' driven fromithe ntaket, an d tbe home inatruFaetri Ter ralled.t- The operation of thew; Cinl9oB; titittl9 eirl hy tory duties, is suffieieto de 1/4c,i. stror t ' 'tidtriall energies'of any people-. Vilth these facts before tit!, it is Mo mat ter 'of surprise that our mills; - firctorieiand'l furuaccs kave been closed; and thotsauds of I honest laborers thrown oat of ernpli Yment ; 1 I that Commerce has;"scricely any existence,' 4 that bankruptcy and ruin are aronnd u°, and general '' para lysed" 1 "d•' t our prosperity i . allVO; • these disasters, to ;•sbielt We Levi wen pi- , riodically eipabe•i, •• ieform not only in our • system of hank' ug, but our rove ue laws, 1 beecnuas indispdusible. ,' ' ; I. • ,• ; '• . , • , If; the principle of the act of 1842 Lad i licen preserved—even it' ire rate of duties I I had ;been reduced; our specie iby imillions I I would not Laic fume into,forpiiitcoffers to I build 14; and sustain the foretell manufaer 1 -tatter : bowie industry would belpresperous, I and the Pry "we want I work,'''• issnivr-f I , . t .. 42 rem a thousand lips,4' in' . our large, ci ties ands i manufacturing-r4stricis, *oulg not Pow he 1 le;ard; HOT would .a foreign .detip of ne.afly :500,000,000 exist tostartle and alarm us. 'llvii.sySteur that practically' pref&ilbre /VP 1 to home:, itiber,--thai keeps our workshops i I in L'urepo, iestead of building and suf.:pert- I:ii,t; Orem here—:that . takes our gold to pry' the wageti of the ; British laborer, whilst our own;re witlibur employment ,aipl bread, • - , , • , I that fills the cpuntry..with, foreign melt:ban disc to the.exellOon of the Loofa fabric,' !that; lays' the British rail upon the road through our iron districts and by our rollin : r I mills, whist they'' are 'silent ; and deserted, I and ,that invites to ;peculation auti iektrava- I gauee, is at %star tt all ;very true American iutcrest and slieuld be at ouch abandoned. ,I, i ; At Period" of lOw'dirties.has always been ' marked .by excessive i -.-- Wportatiorpi,large! ,expires; of, speeie+overtradingr—bank ,ex-', l pausions•and suspensions,.and flbaricial and.; courallercial . ,revulsions Under the proiec- I dye wilicy these peculiar and startling char-I acteristies of Tree ,trade have all been went-1 lug. i The history of , the country establish .l es *se teas., A well regulatrid titriff, ad. I justed to protect the productiveladustry oft the country, is not onlyrthe true policy ell 'thei' ' t t " better ''t ' ' 0. ; .tovtrumeut, -but is a it gulaior ; ;•1 of "the currency; anka, more:certain securi- ) I ty against' bank expansions; than arry l .sys- I . teinlof ,Tripris: anti pedaliies yekdeVibed Tor i i •the. r eentrol of bilnking iustitiPputt; or the I• operittioti tq' capital To this We should re- is i • , i , turn. 'P e n nsy lvania Set true to per :pi- ; • .1• ; eient end long perished conyiletions °f l its i 1 brolirlety :Ind necessity. Si.o may bave Leell isied. Political anti Tr:Ml:lan pies- ' 1 SUifi. 'niay have-forced her train lier, true po- 1 I sitidn. • This, was her. nAsforttine,; uot her ; I fault. She sees and feels the Wrong, and ' with an emphasis,'intensified by her juju- . ries; will, demademand;redress; protection for herself and ,the l great industriallin9erests of I Iher : people . 1 ' ' . ,' . .- • ~ I i IThe agricultural interests_ of e ; country, 1 ti tlhie4 State. lll ~over be be festered . and s u stained by v iare first in nesity . and • usefulness, and constitute the 4sis' - of SiXti: I land National prosperity.:Upon ' Weil' prog reSs and deVelopthent, depend, the 'success I of our mechanical' razutufauturihg and eon:, 1 mercial interests '. 1 - , 1 1 1 2tgricultnre; in its varied and nialtiplicd telatien4; is the unfailing source f ,Natioual wealth, and to ita l proetkon all ishiniftl con % tritiute. ' lodivid al enterprise , ,nd liberal , i m itYi ut ' State and , C I. C ounty associations, hate done u?li ttfadsance this importer/ t branch ofjisroftlitctiTe indiistry; have collected and eirculatitimuch valuable inforMation ; and encouraged by their honorably exertions, the :progress of scientific and, prsetical og: rietilture. • Science and arts hare nobly proffered their at--- tltne State should not withheld her encouragement and support., . , i' - Id' • I have heretefore 'recommende the es , • 1- tablishment Of an ' Agricultural Bureau, mil connection with tome one of the Stale Da putt:errata, •to give efficieney-,th the collee r lion arid diffusiorr•of usilut , itioWlefige on, this subjects. Itapressed with the:necessity ; and usefulness of such a ' Bu r au,' t • again. r 1 eqi, ' 4 3 7 reconfret4 it to your favorable' t ideration. - ''' i i"Til;i3 Pariner'S high : School of y ;:atria,';' an institiniou incorporatt r- 144;lislatute,iu ' .1855 is riutitiO if peetal a ttention Of:,tbo . friintd.; of i 1 ttire. , In' the tettbhiuga tif ibis it ;,LititieteUtifie awl 'tho, ' ,„ii,t At liils't the art i tt ru 'fadisk,;•Ain• - 11 . 2 MIME gR . - ' r tl' tr.. 111.., ' . ?:,i: ' 1:.• - ( ' .' - - ,,;.:; . ',"' ' ', , J . •:' '. ' l7',' . i:,'' :;7. l:.';: . ::; ,, :: . ' '. .4 .. i . '. ' '.. 1 • , f '- - i' . .: 7j: . ., 7 : •.- '.;., --., \:-.--, i..7., ESTABLISHED 13, NM , ' . ~.- ' , • ..-• -: e, ~ I ,,, rta i us to rerinegetnet;liiinial4994o9E Of a faint, - ill. he the inbjeat or ristiiiviv,, '- iiii natural icienees In •tbeir',.. leilen i snd- 1 applieation,te'practiredtigOctili e,,iiitilf ,sle sto be : taiteht - .-; The student Of rttrititi,ine ,- tiori will lei ehibled to talc - 3[l'h itirq:4,se tupaiion; the trith - olerlgit a thoikot. eel fns caruirenie,ittitl!_"::: .'•,,,-::: •- . ,-,,,,,r,, 141.611 of the leifti-;eont , kerif : • ,wiiktits, 11, sehdof bus' ,loten euccii•efully pit tiaw Au. ring the;, pale. year. - C)rehe'r4, teeery,l'ite '/ioY:i i f fruit aud hegges,havcf , criTIPUJOs and inuni . ,velual?ieilPfic9',Tneln 8*(10 , - f A double storied barn barge.end convenient; . { as also the farmeri;licuers ana l , u 4:itt",,tbte 1 oiti:letilding,Phavbl4 , erect , -- Y. - . I:rienf the repo et iif lheTrelfeert; 'werii, -- ra . i --- 1 the til f'a contraitites been meths, birth 1 _,flen:Ofnu leAl'ifiee -eitlenlated , or the : till. deuce of Prnfossors, Iseettirei naps. sod t' ipormitories for stnclen6 - ,;fo be built' of .stone (tur stories high twit hundred and - thirty-t,hree feet iu front„ "_ _ with wingitosnd Ito Ofiet •fifty•fiyo thousand dbllets ~, The t building is 'ulreadi- ini ,progres.;'snd it is 1 hoped that a 'part of it m ay •he At:nyder . roof.and be sat fez completeritriet -, , onahle ,- the Board 'tie make dirrsitgeineniett• iee f eise i fere :students before the etese lot the ;eire rent .year:" . Tfie Legishitire, at theirlisit : session, appropria t e d fifty.thenisand; dra . . . . . , i ts Just/tartan, , one } half .- which.: dine. Ibr''en paid; the remaining twen y-fiiit,:tboU.• enntirdellere",to be paid , on conditiiin; this yen equal Agin : \be realized front otherlisoni i pee, isithin'thre i e years from the , pas's/go 'Of - 4 the out-making ` the appropriation' i•!. - \ e'•'' • 1 The ebjeet arid °erecter of th i s seestitst. • tion; ilet•relation Ito agrietiltnrsil; knowled, geoi and as the Pioneer in`the great work o f age • ricultural education ' commend it to the generous petronege of the\,'Legieltiltnesesid to the' , -honfelence and liberality of 'the pate pie of the s Conimourrealth -' , The 'report. to be submitted by - this Si. (periutenclent of Common Scheele will ' _pie. - ;sent a ;clear and satisfactory, strifetuent_ - il - the general operation of the syitemduring . , I the past year. I; 1 - ' - , • - • , ,---, ' Tate • o separation of' the school 'from ;the I ` State Department, by the 'act ' of • the: last' " sessiOn i was a.j-ust triblire ,to 'the irnporie ancetintl,velue of our Cont . mort School eye: 1 ',.. tem, The anent educational interests of 7 the State, the, care arid' guardianehip ' . iif the „ I intellectual, social and moral improvement ` l of the youth of the - Chiinnenwealth, should 1 oeccupy a pronnnent and iudependen posh- ,1 I thin. aulorlgthe Departments of the grof; E r eminent. s ; If the care of the treasure "of the COmmonwealth,„ the development of her i material wealth, encl • the advancement' . ' .of her polities-teenornical 'interesis haire, re. i ceLVed from 'the Government •• the marked I' and distinctive ree,oguition of their import- . I' auce how much more should the miud of I beryoUth—With its wondrous sativiiies—e 1 its Constantly unfolding energies, and its ii k :o 1 finite superiority to the meterial and phys. ice!, claim a 'still. higher consideration, and receive fFom the liepreseutati QS .of the people. a more honored reeogol tom Asee4eindependent department, greater e . fliciePci - will,be gi ~ ven to the eystit' more direct and iremediate superyistr be . secured—the details of he opt more carefully observed- 7 hs )11efie) discovered—it errors corrected7the z plieblent.Ol its noble proses ant o rendered nova certain, ,and the . , , syste self 'saved front the dangetous and de infleence of political excitanti mit and zen .. prejudice. `The Coecity , SuPeriurendency, tes . experience, has realized 'the just ea Aims of the friends °Nile meesure,an, now be regarded as a' permanent and) Vensible part of the system. , , _ When cam . anitte:d "to cotnpetent to ha,e accomplisheda noble work 'in - tlag ;bet success and ,usefuluess of on inon Schools ; and wherevitr ,thp .d 1 1 1 , the'uffice haio - been, faithfully" p.rf the clacter-bf the. Sehonts. ha l t beei vated7intekr number. and tile tun, ...:ellniars i r p ercased, la l id the cotfuled encouragement of th ' public:secure i o the hands of icamapetent men, those haven(); heen,obtained,.but au the I ry,-o - ppositiou liasbecii-proioketil - Tio causo of Cowman Sehmilr caucatiot dod. ' . - , ' ' ' 'i This should Lot be committed but "nem thorogglily qgialifital by 'IL I -..-_ don and experience for the perfurotfuee of its ardous and responsible . dttites; pull ,if the :School dill - rectors of any county, ht dia=l . 'regard of their obligations, frOtn Opppsition ''' either to the system ,or tbe - office, sele+t so incoralietent person for the place, thpledis urn of the aet,,and of 'failure ta securu the: benefite'resniting from it!propei and intelli.• gent , administrition of the office, shozild s rest, on -them, and not upowthe law autliori';! - - zingthe.eppointtnents. , ' -The defects of the -system when i' eStatliilred, should be propptly Coil bilt cbitnie is not always reform; a ninatio'n, induced by , selfishness oi• dice, may endanger its permanent destroy' its fficicney.' ' -,, 1: I Tbe:Act of the 20th ;day .ofildajg,l providing for the due trAining , of to i fur the emnistpn Schoultruf the State, ,by encouraging?, 'the establishment of tiormal. s c h o ol . * w ithin: the :distrietaidesiguaitediin the'lavi; has received the cordial approba.' tion of allinterested in- the aut.' of oar Conauctu ; Sehottrit-____lim passag7;an sot inaugurated.:a new era in the histoty ff. Citt3l• mon'Sehool education is l'ennsylvania. It lis a movement in tike•right direction ;I, fall of eileourageuient and -Lope fotiltlit a t t lgrestar. perfectiouland-usefuineba of the ay - m. i Large and enthusiastic ineetitigll ,u 1 dm friends of educati'un httv;.ts been helgt, iu,tane ny of the districts, to proinot t tug > estab,, lishinent of Normal Schools, ail cuutempla ted by the act ;. and liberal sums u' money. have been attLbraibed ato btu: till; thi deiira ible-Objeet. A bobie . , work 'lt'ts bee n 4:011P0 1. , - -, t I LI-Wile:A.; -ULM bt.l:-111111eAL by toulmuat cut,vt, IprisO cud- Itbetality ;. etcolk4o.4l fiY . ll4; . I Static and NitatliCe3tl.l, by it: ywn . uttuleie 1 , iPeutts7l d . by .; the Ito the les. t; ;- d thmt. IME;=IMMI ' , . E;'t ~k2l •.S 'ii MEM : ~. 1 ,:~•,= 5 3 .3' ,. 4.1 MEI .1 MBE S rn-41% 'a will' !ration / ensues R00m... bjeet& it" aswg ?aril., d by Pec 4 4- . may . iudie. en, it romti. COM. idol of ortnntl in ale- bet of ce and CfMak' I , Open tile itart 1 0 AEI • • Ilea- ctearli, Iv'eteil• ) rid in. r prej Ur y uu4 1857; hero Eli
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers