,•emoring lavh. There-aro rumors of coolness existlig be -o:ken the 'Emperor of Ruxsikirwl- Count orna3 which Will liketf iiitoifere with . the settlement of the eerineteial - 4reaty be, y w " iwaen Busit and Fiance:. • 4 1 - - -Turrs - rE, M - . 3 y mention the return tq . sonic of the I ,En: ' r.gimcnts from Persia. •• - A.dmirnir Seymour Was at ITong awaiting re-inforeement which w• - :re Pr in the-course of a few we - eks. • -In ambassador. _extraordinary ffl'im France to Chien, fKOM Toult-it on the 2t3.th C3itywurie and Feverll .other will,it said; become can didates to represent I.),stis in- eYti7 corps • • lr , i-datif. - • " -•- Dispatches - from Algeria 'mention that, _the French expeditionary corps had atiaelc _' ed Beni - Rattan, on tho 20,1 of May at • three _different 'directions., h a d 51e . L K: red tie lylsition Jtfter tiro bc rs fiping Thr, advadeed guard had Fen ate'l into t. The Mexican encrerlA I not vet been re •e ired by, the Qaet--,n'ef of: and the ar ranl-r.( ment of the differences between - (he ' tlvr - Er--.-ertncnt• has it is said encountered ER:* lialdlities. • • Plicute adviPos fr:•tu Lotilln.i state that the 'British geveranwnt hare gen'erously of. fend another v,e,s4:l,.erinal in all reTects to the' , l i2..g•lnwilltion, to take tlio slice of in ea% sc:aniTelegral h c Core. , . Ityr i 'nPOOL 3rAREESI=- TlStC3astunl. The' n,st:et is repartc.l firm ; same Circu lars, bowcier, say they arc, dull, r nncl Flonr has a declininfr tendency. ~ C orn pas .Icelined - G I. Mixed-Corn is twofrd at 33s Gd and ' ' RE . _ . Tei-'tre of the #ey to the ed. -Sea .._ _ , • .. , Th. last ' foreignnews - . 4 4trtr,uness that, the - P a l:A IndiaTorupany have .talten pos. se: of , . sron f tile Tilt:lid- of. Petitn.l . '1 his act . .. . , . -Nr7,9 l ' one of . those SUTTIIII:Iq_ Proceedings which are very muelicondenined'hy British toatestrien and jiritisit newspapors, , when . other than titc•ir otvn niltfßif them, Litt witii•li are 71 by tire art. l motive. A 11;-ititill ship wrecite4 and . -p . ill:lied' by th 6 nativo; The ::a4 India - 4,7,ruipany, believing:that. the authority. ez -6 istin- on the island w ttffi a: 7 inscient to , sire prytection toshipwreeked seamen, t0 ,, 1t pr;;.- . session of the Island aCtdhas-platecl.a gar rison there. .• Cornme.rcial policy , - .if . strati:4- : . er tifotive. prohably' Ny:is. tlth nal :Iry . nee tneirt to fliis akt-t:•- •Tlicrc is a stronz . prolni-1 biiify that the Isthmus of• Su - ....z will le I . . - qpp4ed . by a - a - nal. : Tito ri ject, .Ibi - ii talked of and '-the caleul - ' - a-1 lir- .. lib tnade:...4he liett 4,. , 1 .`_ ertld I,igh*ay k te't'w;ien • . . e and 1. .: ...Perim con:mai - Ids this aghway, rod , egad canpais without. the perniissi;'4o those trlio - pos:vs 1 .., It is blitra!yd.lled ~,tr.et.-n Art:l•ia ;iii,l.‘fri,:), rai the vcry i. 1 . p"lnt, at whi whir:: t,:e 1i,p.1 ....a m commt,s, 1 , * - 74oti• it ditid( a the -strait info 016 chins , , ~ la , r. ' . ... The -pas. - sage to !he ezt,t,.. on ,this slue of ra, 1 , II I i. 1.1, is only' three mileST. wide ; that to the, i f w -, on r the. African.aide, is'about. ten Or .. -;,•:, i • 1 , .. - ...,re. —Ott_ tifasothirest, towards the wi- 1 I dj-t cntronce ofithe straits, the island. form's! eile of the• fittei‘t - Poits i , n.igirtaLle: :-It is a I J -- ly.. j'- - 4 tifile, in , hngth;_anGl half a nate- tn,_brearltlt, . ' and . the depth varies friitil 7to 25 fathottv. _f_, - • ....I P: 1.... . . , , ~„ , horage is csCeMot, the entrance is I At 1418 °" 1 A ) tanti, C9rnerttriter,d, and it is fib - 6.xvrers t ion ••: - • I • PEAVER P.l, - • - •'of OM firle ' . ..tniglit, east. 1 • •,,.• _.; , ..„ , • THE•foltowing Patent medicines can 'alliaAtte-r, 700 Plrilz - . 1 iDe had at Young's New Drug Store; -i. . art( ' e iwi.,__ , 6- 1 1 Keyser'keough Syrup, Ayers Cherry' .PeCto. At[ w hi c h - -- " w , ral and Cathartic ,Pills,' Bowdon's Vegei4ble Ah ic ,•l i s 18.57 r - nmponnt.l;Sa.nford's Invigorator, Perrypavis' Pain 'Kilter; inulway's Resolvent:, 110 lier any Pills, Boorhave's Holland Bitters, %VUod - s Hair I Restorative, Prof be Grath's Or ,Tobias' ,Lin. i invent ,' Prof. - Reed's 31agnetic / 011, M'Lline's Vermifugei,and Pills, FahneStock's Verrrrifuge _and Cough Balsam. Darley's Anierican Heave llemedy,l Seller's Cough Syrup and - Verrnifuge, . Kennedfi Discovery, Swaina's Panacea, Myers' 1 Exikact of Rock Rose, Sine's Balsam .Trir; Wild 1 Cbel a and Hoar HoUnd, Sine ' s Dyserttary i • Com ncl, Brown's Essence of Jamaica :Gin- 1 . ger, odfrey's Cordial, Harlem Oil, Petroleum, Bouili's Worm Confections, Merchant'sDargling , Oil, Jayne Trask's magnetic Oint :, Merit, Ner've and • Bone•s.Liniment„ - Holloway's T' - ointment, land Pills, Thornfsori's and Cook's. F . !Eye Water, Kaiser• & Bros:, Arnica Ointment; I and many others too numerous to mention, al-t, ;bays on hand, • ' • •. may 6,'57. Rao 14;x. BE I E I 7 I ', FOR 'A.AY: A iplendid stock._ of . - Laaak, , - GnaglianiS, Caliaoes, 3luslins, 'Checks, &c, Opened l t.his day, and• will be-Sol ti Low. T. 31. TAYLOR; Rochekter utt - the hill. may, 8, 856. _„__________,...„.., _ _• - ' ':- [ JANE : LINE : li. , ' . • . 1. To the Public, , ~ .1 ; - Tliblders gned having finished two LIME 1. KILNS, ol the farm tortnerly ‘ belonging to Sain t nel Johnston , Vauport; would' respectfully in form the Nblic, that he is•preparril to furnish I • almoit en quantity wanted at the shortest no i tice. The Limela of the best quality, and near ly three-f4urths - ', of a mile nigherßeaver than 1 another in the - vicinity. J. J. POWE - 11 Refer tAI Hugh Anderson, Beaver; 1i 8' Ran ger, Bridgewater; ,or John Stiles, Rochester. • -f 1 serAddress, Rochester, rig. 1 Apr 2957. TI AFFLICTED. If you 4nt'l'atent nandieinea or any-other otmediclues, call at YoMag's,. and buy - them - oltealo MiO l pure. l . m*o '57. - 1 - _ _ ' iTTA - T.l - ' 'I atti Slioes,•nt _' YOUNO & TitOXAS SE t ...10r. ' '' o_ifierz .0 ",- ft ors, - -, -, - ~,,' tlerffiro*spci the like "ber that the creation z States nut of Culiforni, le the nutithcr Of *fat the temptation's - emus ' ed. • Tlinn, , ,, 'besides ll :ere' whole bo'stit of e 1;1nd -sin•eulotors, etc ,: lion of these now fte tli...p - rt..fi;-; to be aleriv . .scat' eapitola, cstabli. hiiii'lito , ; new public" !sort of — thin. i. Sup:osint; ; the proj Ct for ;Elision to stio , - coad'llfe (illegtion. nit rally arisz‘s as to tli conipdex:ou" of . tlio no. States in regortl, t.'' "ilavery.'•-TUro or the One, it is concoodelf I: THE , . MAIN LINE--;IIEPE4L. would be _free .. l, the ro ftlation, bning S'o - nti-1 , --- -, . f . ,' ..' • _ , Morons and decided y opposed to slave:4l.i! it is ndev se:itled beyond a doubtt,',' the sale • as.ro lo e no eltane tir. souther tfie Instittifit!,o - .x . But` the thi d or munst 1 !of the PubliciVorks is to he r on itivertantisSzte 11)1 in,tho coming election. The Democratic party, l at'e, it is thought, -304 become , eia " c e - has pieced itself in a position of decided and 11 , 11ltiln g s . nli , 1 ce , 61 . 1" o the t d ! N n lfi nuee u t I unequivocal hostility to the measure. At ° it, : Ino agr-letnturni 'locust. '"-• ' "'•- .1 ' i DVIY b e sod. j State CenventiOn last week, 'ft resolution eon 'but our_obsctyalton f airalik in t`aliforniii ge.s- to. shin; that alLe I :it . 10 r, rho. no4ve -o r 1 ~ I Aemning the sale Was passed without a dissent ' in; voice' Ari ittnendn4nt was offered to the Mexican population ;s loczitce.lin.,the South.! '' . .. that opposition to a sale at this time and that,it is heal o to slavery: Stilli effect. , . . ... . 1 thero - i„ so much jilgir. ;bit ire politics, al i , f l i eboub c i not be construct into-Opposition to a so . the will of the pen 'mkt' c I s se :often .set all herea.ter upon. more favorable terms, was i , nonght, that it tifielt , • t.f . • main/gel "other-. i d postponed. 1 .1 inih,b , Many of the. larger and .r ' . from eir cue trii , e. Its oracr. to iriellelor , pniutlatim 1 lesser lights of the party; - taking th et;;otigli in edii siiutil 61:section-to n. r i n it . the Convention, hays already taken up bell State, it ' would be Ile :sseary• to .tal,:e abnzt thrown to the:breezathe rallying cry of 'Belie/11'' lwo• itirOis. of tha . who a area of::;.,ealifornhil., oppo. , ititat merely . to the present hill providing. To eorniwnsate the .too t nortliern_ scctir.4 1 for a sale, wonid not be ai canie of- mach /Mr , .for this, the uriginal se6ento wis ((sal fol 3 l.l'ise,for it must tit c-jnfessed that it is not as the. Dew i s,tateF, ,OM 11011i.le situ ?t fro , n , Iree from objcetion.as it might be; yet the ex the aljzOxit . territurjr -r-1,7tak 1 ..:, This !night I pirionee of e:everal-Aisuceessful efforts Cot seii, be looked kipoit with. he,' tantil.favor in Con- : ha's demonstritted that unless favorable terms sequence of the Main pit troithles i . , S.lfoulo I are held out i to buyers, ibey never can, ; and.nee.' California, be divided, aS propnsol, and Or', ... ti er will 'be !disposed' of. i But, for the party to • . . : ! ees a boldness we did not expect to see. What egon adinittdd us: 'a Sate, .there w 01 : 1 : ', 1 • ri plant t o l i t e s y el_ w f i f l a i i „ r c ly on n s n e t t l i s t g o int o rely upon tlio ground thep be four States ilon the Panific, in 'r .sle 'under no cir tearl .of one, fr , rmin Itihite a lia2ifie 1) `" cumstances, and u • [ern sl t• . ' upon no ITJA tvcr, even vi-ion of t/te Ur.iou. - Iliiltc,....N;)i•th ;lota- l -- • icon. ' ' ' . i has produced; this wonderful change? Tsi'o I ! • • i years ago, they manifested .a "masterly inae -tivity'3 On ,this question. They oceupif i arid ground.. It was diffiodt at thlit find a lientociat wile possessed nerve eto i stand up in the thce of an iiaia-vilo.itiohicx I sentinient, '.4tel flee:are that OW :.:(Ate...11 it•l•refirsioisfi ' coni rot over her improvem Why Ois'elninge+. The ciirrnption Aud i , allegilif to halve been Van 'Led on in their n meta for mXt4 ye7irs rnsi. hive imither nor have they been circq m I..;ri I m.. 1. (ku 'teary, they have greatly A i.re:la !Ma 1114 The nrnt.e.t of unnecessary - plae.s-cro and filled 'y leirtii.:in fav , ,rite.4,liay., diminisliedr on the utter hand, they SE VEN ERABL is pi fuk varif EDE t eru al (:isordcrs,' . m try ausl i):r,m:„1:••1 La I many , ill , o 1 to elillll eer,LIS !irratel, Ly the Oifltmc.4l: ar„ , l tho r other in •illetire 3laßy practut4-tteri the herding of a.:: abet'";, tits rtatif 1)'ell, they ma'y of ildlowa.y's th et' f rnt= of ii ehif. But ho re tlict throAr z•rrr.aive r.• DENTIST.R W. F. FUNDEN ing returned - from resumed the practice of .office awl residence No. 118 Thi doors aboim Smithfield Street, Pit June 11=1p. Field and Ga UWWn BY the pelted, plet,•&e. Foy . A. S. .tewart A0w.13 eS ; ' Carriagesfor Sal, A friend leas left with the subs& n very fine one harse carriage, . 1 family It will.be - sold low. April 29, '.4 1 7. , ' DANI D, OLIN X. LILIESNS, a. 1. Lamois, LUKENS & Sth. Forwarding and Coimibsto. Roehd . ster, _Agents for ~ ro. between Pittsburgh and, VINE Sid biota for Ladies, at Or BASSES st. deW Stewart's Row, TELLI and Cashmere Shaw - $6, jast geceived at • march 18 1857. —SHAWLS, Paimas, comforts, woolen and buckskin, toc. cotton at Young & Thomas's. ADMINISTOR'S N ALL persons knowing themsel es indebted to the estate of JOHN 8. Ceases, JeedOste of Newl3ewickly township, Beaver aunty, are re quested to make immediate pay enS, and those haring claims against said estate Istilf present them to the. sub.seriber, properl authentiCated for settlement. JOH,. . B 1 • CH., I DAY 6 . . 'Allafrs D ERFEMEERY and Flavorin P ; found`at Pr: on of lifornta. s from „ owr 1 3 ,1eifie impire I of.4l4l,ifornia had 4 . to the peoltle the' onifetation to revise ztate.• Tfil e - . preteir tq,lepliz_e-her 'intyntetitof inter ; -, :ry,Fortfiy.,- object, atilid hotfoot, we ~ i , who (ICfcgt rep. that' the que , flon , tolthre6::States has'l ittaiter, l -, !Ind that 1 the ' Conit it ut inna 11 ?tie dubs will he! .„Statk -Is nverj, , iolliittian4, 'mostly! but!.litile figtare any-t, truinn., F The - nu aspire tO le'ading po'.l luecineeitible, ani, l ,- every •- vast i 3 sue,fli i osto tleFperat schentes!,l of things3,we do not! all h'e sitiiieus for intoltlireel :Slates Jfii . Unitetglates,:ie 'gluten, - Att,ortiteY; li.__ belt we,remom4l f two atl , liti6n-11 neWITI went l'erst4tly trebi tees extsitoz,- to ge:it to be e- pot i tien:lms giztlltun rig a c the ; air tritia itto the lEEE 11%e wet' , tii-tiles s. argica MIMS with ti it up it ch-no / hosen.f OM made the ho 1 innt in iri liiti+J ME r . ,_utr4ctors, bat unsiiti=For tat. ert , ca t'n or.k . rto secure , d kieving u ird ofFice , l , edilii•us; and tinq kISTAKES . , 11 • I ct 1 - , , . • ,/ /- ; , :tell„CctiOSl:cii nit extritt, Ord tin ',- ~ .,',H ' 1 ' 1 1 ;'/ , `/:: : ,. r . l in n, 0 .. 111.r . light than n.t , 1....,r.1....t I 1,.., 1 ~. la..rp . :VS, . !Lotting and fattening upon t l''' (.1 - the C.orrnonr.-,:mlth: The I•ear'.: 7 - a; lit t...:t- ~. . e i n6torion4 . 01 ibis , err , m: t..eern,7. their. in repnir, ntul in pa ) inp; . rie , of the - en u . .• '- r - ' ' t -11Ie, t's : ,, , iy. , . Vi'e Ii iVP .• - i 1."11("'ll•"• °.t."•'•. ' ", iitie.4 of w ,.. 1ue , 0.in,: 11:2 tt•rs, ul:clerste.tppeid..F...e., woull ni,l, vi . 1 .4, , 1w „ ...,1,!, it. i;: b .t, i l l . c: Okr . in impr,,cim,,t . the piC , ,li.; r.1.. , r•il I it' I • tr. &ito••tt .: :i rte . :at - t '''''''''" l.l % . Stab: taxation. ; Every 41,,y_t t f •.•,n zt l'i n e i az -,.: 1 , 04 , H i , 1 ,.,„ to 1....5: , ...i . the1r nine, nit every day 1, "I.rti!. Tki , fc! 11V41,qtr.11 the i'.r.i'ect Mnre rotneiet:-thitt the cl:rrt•:tny t? • • 2,1•15i eLiall i ever realize fi4.11 1!)0:11 nalli'.,tic, - )1::i.t , r• this (.1,,.,,;t. ,fi..:.....a...;,,...;:t..„ , -,. . 11,1.„,. ; „ .-.. : , . 1,.r. E..; :1 , ,,.. i,!„, 3.1".1" Ufr;i:(l to ttroieriftl: 1 Fin.:rol „ t . c.n.ti tml:cr,issic.:—:. hi tii \ re if rr a Ace', t.'eftte(f I junction' . hernr:,, thel:tideme ,: u.tr', t rtOn of a wen er a humor, • the 0- '' . ,;• fh "-'. ' t 4 ' .• i _.,,,.. ~ t .., .., tit u t .. , 601t,:s up,....1 ~ c i, f ol .' trttlt rho ett - ..t.piirto !,tl;at • ' ' Or! Intidietltt of tretttliz - . 1 , "Fi., . e• - •.•. 1.; 1 '1• . -, ' l'. • 1•:1 1 .Fc are , ‘ , ll..uir su t +rn: ';;, ~, ._,.. - .4 : . -”: ''''''-: ...'.. -P ..., ls tii...tli,: !Sat.,l n:,,u, .15.. ~..:::• • •m..', . :••, • ut let :1 . , : t- r up s , g ii.t if •Ite . i t..,:•.3, ~,•;,,,•••:. " 1 . t !1r. '. " . t'' r r"P i r'' 31 1' 1 e": , ii , .:t.i.•: -• 'not /o o • ', 9 ,7,i / ~.• : 1 • ~, , ,- , . i , ars 4 y. , I le , _c4i, into: eir..til:ttiertll t 010:: • ' t t ~ , .. . . , , . c lot/ to pay the, c,si -,:f k.,,, :2 ,,... 0 ,, 1 , ~..1:i.,,I11 1,-;ru tde. , • , , - ) 7 , //IV:1'1(101.: OPtit ' r. " yir.i .W hi r .i! thil I'ilo.•'; aro i ... ' , , I .i.N...r, let t h e - •fac-pay.....rs P1"..1 A...,pr . . - 111:4' ftlll upon the',l-in ..11, t 'lv Let them 1 • lettalui I - -----"g---. .;..--;-- wh'i , tl) .1. they 11 ' their ' Also WitidoW•rWrau:-,, ' PI n- 41 " 1 --- , .1.„ c:".,,,' ' i ' ‘, 5 prices" that will suit the Country Trade. Mar 4,±4851.. r . I ERG Ihtv , 11 Europe; ;o has n. ,treet, twu b r wrg. • ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ALL petsoAs knowing themselves indebted to the estate of r Ttobert Culbersou'ileed, late of South IteaYer township, 'Seaver county, ar% re. Ideated to male payment, tind those having clsime agalnst skid estate will present them to the subscriber, properly authenticated for settle; merit. - •i .1011 N CUIBERSON, . April 2.9 . f 1857. ' Administrator.. 1 i - 71rEi alp by ARVEY, , • "dieiiater. CHAMB $I IN & 4tterneyi.and COllll sellors'at Law. Office on Broadway j 3d door below Merrick Ilouacii New Brighton. aprl9 table for- a I 'll AGNEW. . - EIRE'S If leaiher . Bootslr Ladies and Misses, ner style for winter, made to order, at the Shoe store of BAUSE'S NIcUOLSON, dee 10 r Stewart's RoW, Bridgewater. BLACK and to ft colored. Gaiters, for Ladies LP Sad Ildissee,Jat the Shoe-et re of 1 1 • 1,1 "Basses & Ntcnin.sow, 'Stewart's Row Bridgewater pvitA .ifET RCM )1 mer Mictigna ap2 the Shoe atom cirotiox, riciseiraterr Coburg, Thibot and Madan» clotlis &deities, Pirsion and all . Wool P:aids, rubes and poplids, nt• Oct. - yopso Turmas. ,s, from $2, to ,TAxtotes. 'biatatts,glove • wOolett •• . - W 7 I.ITFE o . t.VDS.—Plain, dotte t, - barred Ai: v v - d . stnped swiss, plain and striped eansoolis and brillientes, Viettzia liwn, Berlin cord, di ity, mull! &c., just opened at • 'march 18, 1607 - TAYLOR'S JOSEPh U. WILSON A TTINEYI AT ...LAW-OffLei in the 140,- 11. ren e house, on •the North aide of the Di li:K.9A ileaverJ Pe. • Jan.l 1867 --- ALL intl. *inter- bonnets. silk and, straw F bonnet trintmitigs os all kinds et `, • ! j • YOUN4 & THOMAS et ABllloaid for Butter:end Egge r et Jae 7 [1857 j . B,_ IlAsgurite: - No. 8, §tewart's Bow, Bridgewater. Patiacts can YIOUNG'S. 1 : } *: iitlAyElt• .:,.ii--.(47-0..& r X. WILLA, ' J. WXY4XI).. t . &J . Viroyand, Editors & Proprietors t" • BEAVER; - •.; •-•• ED:NT:St/Ai% UNE FL M 57 ;.. • • FOR ,GOVERNOR, - DAVID WIT,MO T, ; - Of BrailArd, Cuun y. fiOR SUPitEME JUDGES. James Wed' , .0f Fayette C'ounti,, .Josephs.LLevis, Of FOR CANAL COMMISSIONER, W.M.IVIILLWA RD- Of Philatiellirtict. - • , To the phtrons .of 'the Argus. The b .44 . , nry . nngemeqts of the'raiblishers of this - paper wilfrethlige them: to ctll upon tletse :with whom they' have neevuls, for: n tiI'EEDV SETTLENIESI% nod. in tiFacr . that' vg.4 may be seen, one of the N. it. AiblerSen, rlsrj., tae while filling his npr4irt m eras to Wnshi i ps..r°- t - ,Trtillo f l eas of Rilnn to ring . IVeR. While other papers, ni- aro obliging their•pntrons to pay in ajran.7v, curs will eertainly not take it hard When we but ask theta to pay nn crredrs. ur at least to give us their clue bilis for what. , ever the antouut may be. • tt'R"This Nit. of the Argus Hoses onr current year. Those of ottr friends who wish to avail themselves of the advance rates citti . do so with ilts.the next few weeks, ~'"''. :~~ lEEE , , ----!----./x-,----z---7r•-:- , 1411ATTEit 80VERP,IGNTV.`;,' , ir _ il l',_k t T i m , f .s ii i .... - 1- i.w ito it a: 0 07 7; 7 c - ile . 11*.) Delneeraei, riordeal b efore the. lapse 1:447 •••,,, '''ti'- w bile,*. 4e L ttera: in 'Utah are 14 5 se cirsiWitig'.h - . - T4erillt(must be readliej. within'thtieikierti.:i Brig4;a*Tnungi,aad l 4t. fotowei tl .-, 4 -liiii,ll. i i i i 4 train of , wive s . ,, ; aitiri t , either getlib*lttell henegt of ithel.tgettsit.O.Sovt. --..... ieltlnly . i.prineile, anti hey*); free and . time:: ..stralrietl-f i sfto;tii robJ initrtler; 'd - ~...-,,, la*Lii;g**-tt4inUr/ljiiineit.sticl.Tiorpetrate the iiilOo' revolfitigthriitei,lantltinfilet: eill -,the tortures: and -nruelhei: : Wllinae ,41.; in ' hillaart a Terr eau -.. . suggest 'or , invent; or.the laws mesthiecrfcireedi; the neet'*". - innpires - breker, np, fnci - t.llell.ll'in ralitY Wit i''e 'steml with *all its intlrefliiii.q4.l tie's, ettstl o l!,b e : l v iii i tli: Viewed - lri any light, 1 the .questAn;roast be a 'PerpleSinir one to the ; Ailnahlistrntion • The great diffiCulty, beret, ' - 1 fore.miperenced, and ivilieb: bait nat. Yet been 1 overeenieVet intmating the right; kiiitt'of alnan. to Saitil there to supplant - BrighamYoung-in the eapacity ef Otiveriter;:nlitier's Ont :the Pres i dent is inibue4 itiltbi,'i due sea te of 'the di...Beate iintt_} , ter with l :irliteVim has' todo„ a nd !that be is (WI- ; • ..... • .. . .. falee4 to act tipin9liat easy, eantiouSiantl ten.--1 ii#, familial '0*(41111 i :toe ta ;tics' to '.lWhioh IJ:4 hies !, .onforniitinditAtiagly for : many ye l ,:i'r,';•piist. .4 to., Bat' cria4Ous_iit'4iett4e.i- sclmeihigeee,'lmetavitil :', t t :y4.i 1- itit . l l o l 4- i tie.tilne-fiir o'4 hatt . :paN',Sitlitv 4 ,1- 1 11 . • . • The peritl:444tern itiltitk4ecisiVe - tietien h.s-4 tir - • rived.- The Aeons [east of that 'terriotta 0 1 . : . . ' 11 C 11: i üb s iiircoiic t irosi -- wfiakci,P_?l, , pdAß.3-,---_.----,.._4. e y, . ~ . p - rA L : , Y. .• 1-* .'... ,": .1 •.. • he ....t - 7.1- ) 7- ' - 1---1--......;__ 0.0.1 dealt. wifli'' r tr. he Aleseiveft, he'willi_cie t - :. : • ••-:.:(lfah , affiii4; the; ii,hireltrf. - .f4s' operetions tesuchlon ilftetut t o _d ay lo . vsfa-she - -.Cab., that be 'May, :.Well bid defiance to all titiefdree. j a m; .- The- • - On. P. U. ThovriaS, ,that can he brought against hint. ; trPon.the trim hos t bec,it ,desieriviteti L . .for the ClocernOr linelt Cotigress Will devolve' the imperative' duty ;; *i Ship, is L vlaq oTrciiid',-' L In the event ; of II - , - rue-k g i s iinpi g this a l arthing ; e-iir out . of ex it..ll ',L. ; ni] accenbinee, ;the. indications are that ri . . I i CLIk'T. - i the riarty having the niejorityifitilli m1; 1 tonoliioitilinius t ,: who. t tintving onhe 'ttettli 7 i l doithis,tliey sitoulfl, Mid undoubtedly will, : be ' to' d, but is dpiti PppliCattt, will be' appointed. 1 -helti to: a rigid; accountability for mini:hie , . • , .. r ~i 1 is.„o ! ' ve t , impr,ll,4le' that • an ,entire and counteutur lng the monstrosities L le omm iimo, new set pf tE• rit01i,•.40 .. c er1y1),..1:b9 appoint l': in V. - at Aerrito y• *lhe" Repuli r lit - MO';'pnit‘rien of ,ed the „ Stu cy or i' ''3 tl . ~.....' .2. ,, ,.. uded.-The last_l three Jutlives will F + •-,-, . ,il ite d ' from the the 'feriitoriall;Coca*ilttee :of the Con g ress - - • reported a bil.Lexcludjrig.Poligitiny and Slavery I I o W, et,i and t g m.3 ,, 1 , 1tt5 , 11 " 5 , rml! ans w e rs wit, e- 1 ,,p. bef ore answers caui forever from that territory, but thedose.Wasstoo t c'v'eFai..ua•Yr reeeivid l if , rotit Ille-s to whom,. appoint strong for. the ;sensitive nitrites of those•Dpno. I bd :t reel I The corps of 1 ee'ats who hart :been P , reachiug, i ii the beauftesiTn"" have tpe-e*P;' ten d- ' ' T-_.. - 1. - . ..L. '. iolaets'ivillitraVel.to L all With the iftilita of "Squinter! goverelguty,", ant the bill tras,; :t, • • . , I ' i - ' • I j . ITy f orcer : j . .. ‘,. : , '. I conipelled -to go over. The - evil, however, eta 1 .1 . f 1 1 . , Tile Pc ' iStiiinStf . r Gen . ; sal has concluded, a grown if.. 0 fiat that ntir there•isno escape. The 1 1 eontraet foi earriii,!•; Irtlie.':innils between I ,picathn mils !be met in sellle'shrpc er other 7 r ; san,l,•;.ani4co antiSitt Diego with Mr. ,I 1 t i cither '?.1.1e principle cif -Squatter SoVercignty - : ; E Birch, j,nt - the'rai-b of Slso;ooo,Per au- ; niusi •be f - expi, tided ow the .Deniceratie pr i ,rty ; ntim '._.„ oll ,:i . I weekly service. ; . ".-* • - ; ; ilietirt,itlie-thilt of being.t'sli-Alitly Illicit" lit the ; -Nicaragua wu,s tranquil', and woulj*be oh- . . 1 i ..-. f • I , f 'Ventral . :% 1 . ~, year 'lm. ; • l ~;*,, 1 •'' ' 1 I cupted by Joint" /..incrican- States . ~.i -- r",. - 7 - . „: ~ • . ',until •the, eovernment i a -OrMly cstabikilicd- ', A isocruzits teens it I'IC•INSYLYANIA.-1% o , ~.. . t ? . ~ i ' .. , .. _,______,, , . . . , have received,' the first No' of the "Soutitern -- , '; i - • , , , .. . 1 , , , . • • , ' 1 From Columbus. 4.:oiiitr.,?' published l art Philatielphia l ,L by J. 11: :ri .. , 1- 1.. 1..., lAr TT f• - •!1 . I k,OLlP,Mptiri, ..d unlu t i -iv .- ..n.i. iinison, ,tone'• lt is lesigneti to he IL s i ictly Southern Trea;*. • tt rjr I i I the St ite, iesign cd hi s , ofi e e 1 ,jurnal, ani the ..uncopreiFll i i,pololt imm to d a) and the Cliirernor --;has: appOinted cintl iFfentlett 'of, Southern right i ti.inid StCtitlicrtilAL. P. Striae, of' ,Lk (. .1, 3 . , 'to fill o ie .: N .„ --- i r ca -- ne.y „, i institofiens.' ilt isratli,v qintsritnethlel . wiattb ...A; delii:k of *:5'500,900 has: been dishover-1 I l i-r:an t ,Y sash . ,:Bier Was;needed in this State It ied in the 'l'rea..tiry, i which .e.iitiktin 5:421 -ex • .litrtlitis Witt l at the lic.ritoeratie Pre;s esiie`c - fall,y 1 , 06,1 hen he came .into Office, ; - .L.cOused b) , - - , . ~ .„;, , , 11 . i • „1„ , e., •i tit au 4 phiboop.hi,i, iui r u l een as' facile ; the i lk 'l t , , i , o nt l ons in ~f: O 1),T) U. I.)tisitu.. toe iotv .l in ti , iifihe.Sooth' as eoild: well he ; de_' m ( r-Treasnrer. - Th'c Goveinin has a'pp. , int 7 ' sired! tiyi ,of them !tint.-Ilerititing :Ifttrotl in , ett Win:- )en'iSrin d . ,In. con unction with the , 1 i • '„ . theiri , :avoti JI LL and subserrlenhylto the interests 1 A.U.ltoi, to ninkeitlfull exaniiriatiett,,of ilie lof Shivery. The I,Youitnr, Ito clever, ' is' a fine ' i,edirditiontof the, Treasury; NottrithStatul-, i -. ..„ lookiii,g sae - r, of large siio and edited With tic- ling tl):d*:tlLfieit. theJtily interest:ll:ill be:paid.,‘ ,-....- I • - ; , • .:: - j ,„aiii -- s .';' - ' , ', - *T' - ”,:;,ii. -- • •,,,• It „ . ; : 1 : From Louisville.; ,; - . 1 .-. rt.. ~ ert,ina 3, in.. - •Leuisrillit 'June ' 5 --The rivet is rising Itenils t il to ply: betwe 'e n Pittsburg and nen vitr,,lnit.• • . . .... _ I with Si feet irif i 4iiter in the ; Canal, ; tad 6vo, now pea of the 11 heeling Packits,; we are glad , Ito tit h 3, , ,j11.,„ ; t , T I 6,;, , acre ~: li n i lp with, ti 1e.,)r0, is, L dOln,g . L i , prufliable lipsillestl r . She I "-ji lt ], t i l l i t itit.r , 11d: * .ighilling, PI .;a/itir' ll .*l 1 imile i r the C0r.1.1111,9111 . , ,1 ‘.f C.Lpt. : 1 1r,.1 ti not Our l yre - I:big, li vlt t t i I let prolitratitl :thc.i':lin*.es.lherck; yeo - ,r:o fitiruili i ,l . V.: 1 :i• -Allison.. has -1 e Trge ( 4 ' the 'l ur;- i a t ,•Nnw ...I banY, - 'anil (lerangin r i 010 ilert's efliee;• A recent triperiabl es us to hear ; 1 tesiiacmy tit.;her good c i utliiic,s, 'end to.TCOM • •cl;:..gi n,. lii, lit in every dzrcetion.....• Slig4 s i teeitlcrits tatein 'red ititr. , th l o,:Pierr Adhany . nietqliCrt 1),, 1 iv,,,vel ii,-, Public (15(1 1 ,) e , 3 sa.it, : raid,lefffi'pon %Ilk itakhrotrite94- iligintlay :,le ,niii.l tt4:ft . craft, an.l monne ,i I - y . a 1,,r1,3 Of ' at: ro - hltii iiii- 'v cle,lresVier;eiettiNer 9, iii'teritive itlfteertic.i cat ht found my whele! cur} QS qog., .r !-1 1 - ,',,,,, ~.‘'' ' ,-7 .;,....4, -,-,• • ! I - • - , 1 .......--, . :.-,,,,..,-..v on tile..riw.d.. . -, - - i ' ,•• . ; .. i ' ' - - ~- '...÷.1 1 L ;-" -,-..-;-, "" ----- ' l- L ---, ~i '-, , ?. i ' T , , ,, 4,, ‘ ,., ~S -- „\.,l:' !Ill'; .+. T 6 l ' ill1: IN Ti3l:',‘,.Aß r • ACTOT:1;:-..\ I.T1101' ,, F:•! oh., tir. , ‘,.• 11 /.... • 1.: St u n ~., . ~ S p, lia. Curi . l:i.'t , o'.•, hi It. , ,Aiei,i,-,-, aboit _mid I.ll9iiitorL ,I the, new o rgan recently starretnt :•• .: e vi;;;-..- ligift.• oil -Tne'''. l -V ." wit 'ititil h.l'tt thFeugh She;Philadelphia, for 110 protection of the in ',.4!, ,4 7 ,.),,„13-0, ilit r ;its cf. the eltlzeii.?„ it was speedily -it.;:res-ts pt die ' 1•, ; • . •• , , ,;- - Stml, ilHlrl ,rt notice to : tt l'4• i 11' vital 411Wilt"t4. it 11 " 1. - ' l ,g ll-- ml n'-' 4l. th e e " - 1 . , I ', •', t' sires . : 'ti tit'iinrrii . • -I. ' - : It. L . g, S i Ati Lliu•l'aiLl -I ,illers-c:.. 'A gimp tit,t of it; othsr, un '!•'(. "'i ll -, ..I, I , .: .. ~. r iu l` ''',•a-.1:• : ..: 1 ), -. . ~ eras ,.. it ~j , 4,. ~..,,,, i;e „h., tv , d. hints tci "dettioeratie" 'aspirants It die. the sai a -i. ier i -tt;.; i'i L ,I, '.) ~., . , .... , I ' : 1,..,,6.,,,1 i r' al le ~,L, j in 6u.tti et-IoL: willi t.t:L2' irxtty jo no l'' ,. lVeS 0t i ."11" CSIL ii's 0 it?l'dfiqn:}l •ftte,o4"tri:rl .1!•• ",--, ju e :,,,,:.! , ~,5,,,, „ 1 ,1 ,f-,,,;;;,,--:, i s i-stin--. a ci' t At L.IL•AIt !S I I:M I Ij1) ObScrre pat . ill&, only have of "110 ire' sue- i \ A . ittl,l ... n. t „ 1 , 1 „.„ 1 ,; if na:,ial ,;.r , ii4s stip. zee. taror is ; ; .' E , ; ... t ,j,p1,,,L i i . , ) ,; t i,,, ; „il ver i„ : 4 ,, i ii,i , , r v ii= -:I 1. r , ri..0...:7,4 '' '! 'rc. ' " L: l ' i • ""ra V ''. Tii* l i *" . "',." e r ' 2l. ti "', F '` a** cnit in: .-1 The lash Of their to kiii:viters may ! 1 I, it inal:,:i ;- ?N" se ' s ' arl Y '" l 'r''"i l '" !-r a I. " v ''''.. 4 . :• * .tusti* tli k dr * nosh to 'tiiii - o'r - , --- bitt----there is no). 1 . .!i 1( .....-'.i • , 1 ..., , ....c,,, , '1b0 ca. , e-u.ibli , ll- 1 ' .. _l t i • - i ,; .! ' • • i ; ----- 1 -- -- •tlitc vill !•' ".` '''', 1-. . ' `'' 'r • ' - --, I ; '•• . 'li 'in fri :Leto but ahieet - sitlonis , ,:i , f , n..., I rtt ,,, ,4.,..„ , , ; ill tt . i. , - 0 .;•i : -:„ ; L : , . , 11.--•-:::::il Y..... : ..e ~,. ,:, ." - . . , • .1 % . .41 ;0 : wa--of: ti n ` is liar l."-.1 F --1 1 * -': , 4. ' ---- i ; t•t ro. t.l - tin- ' J . 1, c 1 ' '''' n' • . ' . .' " 1 ., , '- " . r_ • - -I' l l.rtil GlZ..ide.. i• • I 1F,..... , Vd: i'. If • ~ Y..•tIA. ,1;1 1 '; I ' ti!. Iti g.tr . ! , : ..‘ . • I . , ; • , , I •, ' ‘. 11' ui 0 Cr:l t. /.4 Very gocil nil verY I . iiS .'!II: . . .0 ' ,1 , ) 5 . '11 .. . .II: . 1 ,. : ' d.,:, -. 3 LL 4- 1 , .%?[1 ',- ,' ,'•i i '.H, •II 7. - •' • ' , I. kit ' Tic?: rio doubt-niwe c:tritlid t a n his .ail . cAllo .-,.. s,•-i.i Tiot:lie of .-tzr•ty lii•tthe. - .'---' , 1 . • :, . ..1 -,„ , I ~... • , • 1,-,.., •ilia :o . ' iiolll:l , ifi`i. - L,ut, as -:t I - town -lan drift ;It 4 - ha -, .i- ..:•,!1-.:t - lill,-trli i -- - - - „. „,-, T',.i.,,,q. who (,•iSt.e a u CI.I j ail ' th e! 11 ti i ..t, 4 1.e..-:-.,11:11...: 1::-to.'. , :. is •ri S ' i . '''..:.... '). ,‘ - h . ' ' ! :". . .' ' , I. j ,Its -t• ~t ! ' % ..: iiiirili' he ‘f.routi, triakd better Ir. , * iII-111 ''' , -'`'"l!''' ,cr i.... .; i '. '- . L.; itali•';il.-- , -it: is ,tr.it-t, .o+6 - - `.Presitlonl 1 I''' ' ''.'' ; 1 ; I,' ' ' * l ''''' l. *'''''''' l•iii..' t; li - ' is tic ~ i -l•,:iit.itr - tlitl; Nortit.,- i l'hit. ii / i : . :-- -'- n ,' l '' t .z,'. r " 'lt ' I ":*'*.- ' ‘'-:.' ** t: . r i l" ii„J .''',,-'• ,I'. -'-'; it ' to t* erriallt; true - , , thtet-l-- - ttip - lwefH adA•ll I 0 L , •?n ,., ---' 'll, ~ i 21.4 , .1:.• - i. ~,* ' , IV .- ' f ' : ii . ,' : q " l , ''7' ,` ' . 1- '' .,-. 1i.. ! .,; 0,11, 1 , - :laztri., .pri.„;' , ,,l,r i ! t i rosioJkin - --ti-i---, - .! - 1, 11 ,.- , ,-,, -;,11., , g , .--ny. 1,a , , ..t:l•lr4'./.:,•:111 . :11.,1 (ti: I - ,;ii.-,T.,,4,. , . • , ~ , . ~.' 3. .71 '.1Ct t : LI '' .'hir H .:)4.a . /i " th e '' -l i' ll '7 I " l `''''' 1 r1 ,",'• ' l "l,' i .1 ; :ILL;u1, -- 1 • 1 ' t,44,1 „... 1 Di;tii3Oer: I te l i; , b... tlici •ii i tii, : .nl L cueir.v.a.ei, T ot eiryori Pittsburgh ttiiii ti iu, i t..tc. - e... .. ,, I , .. 1 41i y oi n ,li t i j , 6,0,, 1 1 1 ,, p eni „... )erne j.., ( .1 1 .7.,,s 1 , { , g r "' l ":';:''' I Nrc•l4 ' J . , I t ,-, p . ....,e......., ..,,ii..i.;:it , 116.. !bit 1v dint il -- tikatenanee' (if the-I -,...i.5.0,. i,„ f -. ..j .-. .: .. . l .:...;: f li s t es,. 'Sitegais C ; - 01i'ltii:iii61810L - '..-'''. ki,itititzitisi .. he .:3,1rit.1,1, jF 1 Yorw, 'and by Young & Thomas, Bea r er , •Jdne, .1857, at . ..2' „clock ~ . ...,_.__.......„, , t i 1 e '1 0 .., - n s :it Jon, end John Sargent, New Iltightort. •1' .' 1 1 acres of land, i the farm off John . Wiie,' u - ha - t. ai i v • yo,. i t i ,l .1' 18.57. " - P , • ; . . . • ,:1 I : situate in Franklin Township, Beaver County, ,• . t t -' ; ' i • 1; _,, „ .L.......___. . . ... 1') on the State road leading from Pittsburgh to I p",.,,,,i'etaisitts9rlTn. ,;the ; - - NF. Yi r STORE.!' .: ( -liiiir !Castle': SO 'acres i mproved and tinder C r o N N E !, L ' & B.E N T Elt L. good *fence,' 20 ;acres good white .nak .timber "' so . : . '! o l 1. I ~; .' . • . li'lnd, a good two story „Tellin g :hcuse, (SUccessors 0 P.l3eittei.) • i : good . rect. - , , - _-_,.t ; .11 i i'' ' new frame batik barn with,' stone wall and sta. man - • tii AVE jUst.toPened lone of the largest and I tiling 'Underneath. 'Some 1120 Choice bearing solo i _.",R e _;: stoelc c i t Gcioils. ever opted in Freedom, tipple trees; ninn 'of theinigrafted winter fruit, /age i :l id etas inlend tOkecip on hinuti.ever variety of 1 1 :: some pear, quinc e anti avariety of eherry.treCs. by-le a siiii y Good:, Ilardwure; Ogensioarc, - 7 /1-1 - I ).l..Sereitil neverifailing'springs, epringhonse, - sta-, Ig " ° -....., 7 ( j Oaii,s *coa l. 'Roni i rt,!, ;1: . i l :: l 'blesi',* Shells, &..e.i.ori the !premises near ' ' the: . • . :.I he rocerie end !,Provisions of all ;kinds. Fe gearing and other milts on; Slipperyrock cre k. ' it" or ours Ives that we teen; -.ion as cheap, 4 Soil productive and situatin healthful. . : v i : is t t cheaper than any other jestabliihrnent :Of 'Tgrt L its.---One thud'. of-the purchase gione„ t er - 0 kind in,thecentity: I - • ; 1 . - 1 - the con fi rmation of sale bythe,Court, one thus e invite all tii call and see us nab) C,ri. in one year' thierefro)n,: with ' intereet, and ;on, ed;thet'we do sell cheap gOods. il ' • • i' ji . 'third to be held t on annual"interest titUdeceitsi 11 kinds,* of produce ;tiiken, in exange ffdr ,ofl . the intestates widow . For, information en : , s, mull: the hightet; prices pai d . for.. IBM (quire of ' , ifosErtia ;11. Wir..sost, Beaver, :1-• n 1 li . • I 'II'COIELL,3t 11EPiTEL. 1.. !. : , ' - . 4 • i ' trustee of Bal; Dpposite P. Beriteni old stand.), Slar'C,ip, !,, ~ • •!AsnnEw. H .. Zunitzu, Harmon y , ,1 larch liW; 't , 1 I ! I -I !.-' '. I f' , !! . ' Joins. Zstoir.ti, near the, premi el - Attest , W... Boons, Ct'k. (Star copy ) aPi, 8 . 1837 ; - ii- . :: '!I . . ~ • ~'~ acne to ,ut! , 64A1,:ie iiiot etits l -L frau! hi , cpu tirl;o tell 1,, , ut be ii MEM MEE ti•; •ot ttl• 1•13 y ; 1.1 MEE ME EC Nei and A.! • .! Boos wick , "A.NIIPACTURER and Wholesale and AA tail Bealerin kind. o! 1, Copper,; and; Sheet-Iron Wares 'lug, Roofing; npot r i(s, rands! Co order. Shop on Broadway, one door above: trip ' treat, New Brighter', Pa. I :(ar4) _ Ti , ob' EAVI, Calf-Skin Booti for Ladies Wnd I . Misses with end wits oet heels, at the Raiz !e store e o DEB 'N , ICUOLfIOS, elO . z Stewart's Row: Bridgewater. PkENCII Morpeco heel Boots for iLaibe most fashionable styre; ihe Shoe 11 gamuts St*ICII I OLSON4 . 10 • SteWarCe R,ov« Bridgewa I Corn- Virtuited' - the' ROchestei Siarcij Faito Feed for Site 'atth e ' Reelatei , Stamik )facti!rb .> • • • r . . , rleirl*Vr Comer, irldehirai said to be utliavy Ing,neare*andaptirectheearth, fdlit:tr,,' the 7 ir.hole i t viajble,ltetioo, liit.ii ' iti,bal l'envelap . ing 'Om globe in Itlirii2ass,,;tirain"n' k e t a water ."-6ix4 of thetseas and elvers tktr: finalltaonftiti tiff, ' tho world into a beep of cinderti,!li . , - nod Ito , , mike ittiitpiiearancein eitlter ''',.ef , day s pre= diated:-13th 14th and IGt1;o . eats onto a earth looks green and nat . , . to t , ,an sissy.. very many or the [soutti ~z. , 7" ~ -,:q. ~, t ii 4 4a t a and Eve areyst ,perm i t tell :.' the-great:Vebster,—.'We Still live.'.: -- . , e 131 . - . .; • .",.:-:::: -. .,? -1- . "• P, the Trtixtees of IlciiiierjAaßom GENTT,:gmr.N: I desire :through you fir the citizens of the county, my twig!. the office [ 'of Truster; At Academy.., - that 'each member of the Benxi: htts ditties fernt,:ttncithitt he is neither :dning....jus " hiniself i, the instifigion or the people who ect, ed him: , whet. be neglects those duties.. Being tin engaged that it will be out of iny power to 'sert:e the people in that . capacity, I tiow resign the . place; thanking My fellow-citizens for the honor con ftirr4l' two , q par* two. • • ''r i • Respectfully, Yours. G. 31'011E00R. . By the 'above irWirt be seen that another va eitucy exiks "in the Board of ,Trusties of Beaver Academy, jlt thxfortfitlevelves upon the peo ple of the rant ''utt. Trustees 'at the coming °lid '• years, otie for three, ttnd onp •• • - I I CHAIRS TillikS !I , 1 .7 1 • Ton - II AI'CUNE still conthmes they; inanufac. tR ture of every kind ofplain and:rnfilhental Chairs. Call and examine my stock. fihopl i op. p write linO, Anderson'S Grocery; on Ad sl*oet The stolt,i islower thannver before 'offered in this Market: Old Ch*irsi painted or gr,eds to look as-well as new. Dec. 13. 1244. 1 ~ by thi Piece. ces b roached lituillits, assorted: , ies b rown , di) doi ff pieces eocheace, .u4l other pnnts. 50 pieces Lancaster girOarns. • ',nue 4. ,T. m. TATUM. SELLING' `AT REDUCED PRICES.—Thu uudereigneil Olihiug 4o- reduce his Stilcie will 'sill it reduced Priem -irout: thie idate r until apriT lei, for Cash or ippioved Produce. .F.eb. 4, 18* 4 iYgt. TILOUAL I= 111 Ell NE For the-Beaver Argus. 4 • , - ' ttIICATIONAI t , . . . ~ •:1 6____. ', .. DiEs4its.EDlTons:--At e'reeent meet ing held to the North Sow l ekly:Actulerny, and addiesied by, the Cnunty• Superintan, derit elSet,.(srr. .ii,.very,„),' it:was Teenii . Oto, huH '''- - Educational Convention in i tint' . pla - the, ...?.stlr of ..I,une, _to tvltill all -1-1 1 %V the ' Mt;lrg of r ilea ear Cvicht. ; , who " oneerned iu the educational The 1 , - N TiCc i ter . Beaver County are invited. i ..., •.- k • bt 4' this " -volition is to take rate 'the staialaid The c?ti4ens 0f'13.:; i:er , en i .iiity' , 10,0 ;t r:;. 4 ' °ll.r:43f • 4114 t ° O v i - to the Pievent - Nritiattst Adatieharatiou„ hirable that the its i'lliqe:thitepredetwsqc;r, wi!l meat , JVI . present that they ' rBAiIIiRDAMIJUNE 27th-1157 mo(bts, operand& st..::::•1;eloel: P. 3/., itt the harou, l 4hy, l ' ii ,/' 4: 't.tte hituatioci, C r o .-61; 11. Nt:-..in the naontry , ii: , i t t, r , i , ;!:; ,. . t ii f r i , n t o r i Ilea condition in nate-tw6 I.)eteg,ates from emit .I, !n er, it ln ( ~ 'cii,ek, 4. \-1., of aft.. e,,, lesirabie to have ''t-ct meet on the Mi ( )N2OAT toll' , wipi:o for 2Sti ~, , ..ae vireetcirs 0f ... , the' different ar,.„,,„,.. , in if,„,,,,„,., to - Tioni i i ,. it , c ,,,,, h , L1 _ , townships ,teaciters presetit, as, pnssible, 'the :\eipPciive' offices. to, he. 50z , .0.t0 It that togd they itriyicon st t,tlt and delib-itietot ? q election': att,i to. tr:in , :tet-v..-ii ~: (Tate the - n-bpst, -titilsti. rudent, and le [bWallel! 11% 010) . /1):Sy coo 4 - 1.1-r. wi i t , r..,44 r; --, S , (7`,7•11"; 4 I\l, li p l a ° !ve sa O t o hi r f t t ! a inl i o n n i !S h c 6 ll 4 ool b s, il b d ie ril li otua il- 1 1 ; ---l y -,°Alise-t"- u-iit'4l:!::::luinanini;)=U:r{:LiZ:(.l:7.l.l7linc• benefit rptiretits, teatheral und pupils. ,'- We Itt ny t, I 3,-4 1 . 1 .. 4 ;7 . 1 . give this - general invitation so that 'what; - --i----,z--4- --- - ----"---=,,--- eve? letiou may be. taken by this) • ti, , , , ; ilii4)zincenielits of tion may he,the result of the delibera?mit •I ' . ' atuajority - of ail, parlies e,..,neero'pd leav ing nb ground for , compiaint by_ 9'l who , . , way aosent toeniselies through traff ‘ t of-ici tcrtst., - • - This meeting tvi!to pr3p-).41 an'il tulvi is I ITTUEITCRTII7-- , A nofir• Id. ,.. 1 -1 1 -nr-- *,44117,,, f y_m1in tiOn And . pntire.competettey to Gil the, ,office of publictrust, committed' 0 Pli m ' py thi;i cotinti, awl -wlibse untiring efforit ;41, - } poN. . 'to 'know 'no pr • interest thau'llu: -Luse_ - in I ni,tolt he. tt . engaed. rt - wooltt there fore, be ungrateful on the part Of !t' i lie e itf-. zeUs,Of Beaver county if, after elee-t salalry;,ino ff'thiel ~,.• , gentletmin on' such an . inferior.andd he 'aCcepting-at the .sacrifiee of a tiositio&l afferdinff 'ii Liter one -I Witlt no otier too-ii , . ~ , , tiro t tan to alvancet,the7 education: I inter: II ests of the county, thef-do not cii-act with';'l 'hint in his worthy undertaking: i - Adilresse.s i.ill- -- be delivered upr 41 (1 if; , ferent i topics b.tattng 'tqtrt . the general; objeetlof the convention aS!.. , ,ivon s.i.iove.--1 The TSiiperintendent may .he experi.ted to ! speak ;upon ' the a.lvantae.es ami •bc.n t etits - Of I orgatiiizing,toacliers 1;:i;.34 . ia tions th.r ., ii - .rhOot itie, - C,,Mily and al' - ) t court.l , , _: Insti - ku . te. I - 7 'o , ,,ittier - -, There will _hia ati . zoldr6ss d's-liveied in Ile- i • - 'l' •-: , 'v. .. ..-- iiV.)re, in defence ofth e ofii - Oe' cif the t m ' u- ', ' W 11, ; 1 . 1 '\ .- \ I I )EN l '' • `', ' ''''''''''-r'' i ty ' t S.. ui,erintendcney and tti,o adlr t:.. 7 c.. :Jt / i l' f N (..t/illt 1'.,N;i:1 ... _:. it it . : ( t ;it'. eldsivtly to teachers at) , l . p . ;:iLnt& at.i.l rdeir i - . , ' c'..,.: .-1 - 1, - . .., 1 , -... • .- - ,• . (1. 1. 4-I/ -(4)11111 re,ative dutte4to et . teli'ether... .• • -. 1 ' -. '`-' ' '-. 7 .,. - ', , -j, ,- ~...- ., __i. ; It is Impel t i lt At. lid; eouventbm, r / i ) , 0 1.i. Ar ,,, R p : 1 ><, :.: m,.iii i t. , ; \ , ..it i5V .N.— . 1. 1 1..:t, 1 ject 'o l i- which kSO pr:l; , 6l*Ortliy, 17111 pro- VV it .V:i / . 1.`," 1: f.5t.)'11 , ..-h.;t'.;: - l .,_ .•-.' 1 duce ..favorabhi OIIIICTiI forlicaver '0. ,- ”int,, -- p. 11. :Mb' _ill,. I; -, roultlL i ---- ' 1 and licit such a't.te ton t , ' - t.' sji :41 of i.l•'. - • - - • - n 1 I iIL Li ..1... .L • 1 • .. . . .. . ~ ,i ucati on as :will accomplish its ivonted ol)..1 :- ' — 44,/ - 41il`SStoiten ' - ..,r:' -jec!.i _ - '.. , I. 'II. I A: B -',.', t.), Mi / it.'l'4 /N . :. `'ht it . 1..,r1 it! miht.nht.. be taut .pI,JC;,` to- iremarh i Jim E .. i , It-v. A R .. .1 0 ,1k._ . , .4 - ,...- 00 - ,...-,,.,.,.`,.it ' A ' that i thrillgb there is hold iu thr- ;nu; - ' , ng.: ... .mt. lit ..A imnie vieinity4t the Aenfiviny, yet iny-Ailin . enliVTrini a aigt r i anep will be' in:qpita- Teeive•i in the - inrynnnity. : : i BEV. JOHN PABK,I(AI.. ; ' BEV. It ANILY 117E1113E4. J. B. 1'1.1)1)00. ,-• .: .. Courilitt , Ila, aiati R ay by 1 I Gov. Geary ! • This gallant ~.., e ntloman b , ,en ;put forth by nearly 4111 . 111 e prominent I:Merl- I • cam! in thd Sh i tte. as th-ir ch0i4...T4 the; gu bertiatorial notilhiation. IL:fore rbe on-1 ventian at Lane %stet met I•tA week,ilo nen-1 d t I nedland sent.on, ai , c.ina,ton o.' • em • ed honor. \Ve could' have told th:t .pariy , 1 more titan a.month ho watu-.1 4. - Ve._ it me as inuch• We hay,: r,taqnne. for liclicivi i ng VII el Governor st -NV t I m•lt Rt4 3 4 4l:lcau, from tit• mos, soli ,1 emviotirmi n ec if the camplign p't brry, , ,l him prominewly oat as such -- Ilrts 6. iffibune .T 1111: Sur, 'T rims',; pre,llets he price; . just.•,tetw there is a etiacerted t .spee.tthtt i i.trt,•to it. :u p it it tint . . 1 ' .1 "I'lut prostter,.i f...1r tt fun' crop !ire 144 f Illy e7110. - oirt.4int The 11 tll p.ri&ps- whieh 11 .114 tho I , IA • two yerilllve • ; 1.. .1 1 • • I . pto,l!teliell, while 11e yI. t t.‘ i11ut: 1 ;.):1 I , f eotrsultri.hion. 711111 t!Ati ; l., I , •II , C 11F • •! ' ' ' ) ND ' I 11C-y- it'lir.rer .I > • Y sl h i s.tlic Crop of .1 1 .,,0tzi;1193 prott,tisem .- !:) 1 1" , ..! • Tsar!) , lin! Ct i ttl3l l- !treaterrtirtti It wt . .; i v_ st yelr, rtu , l't_he ltrtple sugar 17 to -bec.! -- rotteli..kr-ger. d'art Witt ever befob.. ! I.tfilwn." ly-A. ge thin-in of 1 - ntliaiii, a trt,tiye . of i _. . • I l'il'ol;tlteky, ,ilviits : "Front Oform It-ton, • 1 , I tat eir receivq , :i from tip brother, I - leant I , tilititi Not flami 'l.'!.x.as has a fow ~ ..lavoi..„ -n i tj the . 1 1,4 , -si of .it:lNt!..it:!nis will flvt,ur a Pref.... 1 • - : 11 1 ,..,,v } , 0 c„ l ,stcut lo n tv:,oti ilivi:Fioti ocenri4l as'i TL-Q-Illust.l.)4 , rt , long. If i c:in do-rin3 . r- I fl'iri. , •• 'V 'I 1•• -'-7- 1.Ttr • 41 ---- 1 - •• ,-- - t-ti ' l • •r -, fitu i • t, "'• • ‘; • .• • s, :, ---, , /L- ~••• 0 Hileld tLr f4ire , i por• iOll5 of oar e(mt i i-tq, , 4oilistilli“nally, I aill re:uly f(lr the work;' 1 , il.r.dllt link iio other ft , -. lti so 4voral.t6 is ', Noi-411 , , , rn Tox.ai Lut I:',-•st•rul -1 1. , 1-1 4 ioti V,)iir into.MB,l-31311.1; •Virgiiiih, Missouri, anti Northau "rex44." 1 ' • • 1 •-•-.4 , ltrk AN / Thu ', \Vnims 'Far scrotal. aa3tsmnst Acq rue:ire fires ha cil been raging lin ild wiriod inPianlilip, - Fe.ljiWrcacdanil.l 1 1 1cliutoU Cuuntics;- 4 New York. I, Barns, out ; ; Itouseiz, fi:net-,;, forests, 1 4,1., htii‘i. nil ;Wen !eurvsume(hrtid two or ',three lire lost,, ---.- Th. 3la!on. qa/itt:;l says • The Bras'.teririm vrorli3 .10 in utter ru ius. The l'oun4r , furnace, 31'):‘c hin e shp, enal. houcs, sltvl stoic, tmardi ng , house, barns, shc.is, vvern., Postoffice iltvelingF, with ,their eOuteuts, .u'ere :1.11 consumed. bri river 1C33 also burned. But.a bout five or six hotkes are left. • ;.•ieveral' atii,l scale calves were also biLtue lIDELL tri...l'before. . 0 - s 4 .. 11 Crivol ]and new- :and holt:grant testithony,has bcer --- `71 . 1 1 . public aie-_ gartrog. ..very indilferent rtli•ott the mattcr,;and care:very Fade. hoi , it,turris out bolero the': Surrgare., - ' • The cook. intends tl claiin a revrArd Of • -t ,sq,ooo ziffert:d by the Pa'or?,s fer.diseoVering:t that Mr. Snodgrass ouronlit-' ted the thurd j er. Snodgrass likely to be a lion once ntofe 4 I more coutirEavErrEL.:::4ll 9 amount of one dollar -nuteon the NOtthern Bauk of Kentucky seeiris to be ineihaustable; a new lot, ntackstipetior in rte - ention to,the recent spurion4 fissure, having been reer i ently uttered. I eountetNit.4 Are ealeu. 'wed to deceive ;, the . :Eignatures 'are very good, partreu.arly tb4t of the I rer.:tdrgit rj Gaz. I : El EMI 1 ~ IT Sugar . I vemeu t up, ba, ' r 1 wt., We r ,,,,,-- re ; questts,l tri airh , olturet t fererit IT teet , j -et tuo ctvet,luttl u UtrtotJ • lcuo ref, t Iva to , Ilb);g.VS Ni. TA Y (Ott, .1i1::-1211t..1.1. I t- - .' ' Slteriff:;-il , , .11 furox M. )11 tt2,1!1-1. ; I.).triii)i. on !1V I 1.141 A3I 41i. ' 'l' Ligli1;1::, illt.k.ito'i , 1 1 . 11.1.. V ti . 34014 Sz4 r '1 wilif,l.vm w. Ili v‘" IN, litio.sl l , ,ft t , • . • P* ) JOB N NO 31 , :1i . N JR, liAuver 1 , !.101.1,N l'. (4()Oli, 1) irii'lzttt:: !, WILL, lAN! 11.. '.‘i'll .1 Fi.' 0.2 K., 1; , r ,. u r j . !, - Tilos_-sw I.;_ki.ll NI ;EN,i il,auu - t:r. _ li.fig_ister ,- 14e.coiv1e.x. s'.-:ott:Ej, ,1. I,"f f,' 4, 05.;131.11 , ag , i. A I,Fiilll.) 1i... M'etttiii . c,' l'iri t . si t..ox lp. . J-4 1 1 : I'IENZI I.:, ii. , 1“.• 'i'..ii, i ,1 - (M. 11. Cif NNINf; if k K. Trl.l).`4l'z: 4 l),\". , ...4nritto; melell A ELT - I Co) . „iti NATI! , lS P. (X./I h.:lt, 1 1111 1..`1N; " tti ( "cb I / 1 00/ i[St.s?' JOIIN 11.V.•-•••:•tr_s. Now 11.101C.1), ti,2,v li - • 0/. :%IATTiI EN T. I LI) 6.. 31..111QT 1.1 MEM ll'e, a z: , ... . reit , t,-...5te,..1 iv' . I , lli. i,- I a: 'of W NI: 1.1. 1 .;; 3ik) . 1)1.: L rr,lti.... Itinkvs , ,o,lnc.., lt•ose.il; , i.tfo ., ll k...v. L, 311 4 1'14%.10:', l_Chii i +l. , ,, Sl,' 1,1 'l l* t'' ,, i is :4 . ti the r'o- ' 1 4 l' . 1 I ' . .. r p.'.... :rt.! ofir.-2,1 -. 1 ... v,.... -, ii, , Udell' ti tilt . : • \\*At . ', ME Et?! Witlt •ot` ' .l : lV I f . 1 \\e art_ r: , , 1 , 1 -,t• ti , ` 1VIt?01.1 tlll4*i nil :i1: date. for ,„ , , .1 .1 flit I, 1,, s•lnt, as 3. =OE Ci ('%'s that] KVI EIMMN OEM =I so: 1 - s.11?•)- , 'l).tv,olt, ?t,turtt.,4 ; 1' t Irrot..nl 11.4, .% pro,;:os itt rl;!it , . At ,pnt if t ITY 4 ..: , •?te.;li;lya 11C hilS W:1(L4:1 4 y f; l i t ' 111 It tl l. e i r 3l Vlrg4 yt op of wlEr.! the ev , t • L 5E1.1,1; larg( settlers: selling: 1 to fora tion )1. Tott will' 6. ves`ted fire. ," • , • . • 0 rig I; of swot. law alert work Upniltwr,Aca,i,hin.,:tila dud. Iteocniff etay' ban% - 11:" . ,; ut_t_ned, aid fell oh ftlaq• two. two TlTlta — cftl7-...1v0 soot. to out' a fourth h' 't.l , 4CP... a , to' A.tlqiheny wrili'fi;il it pro'A'l , , 611, at ttiejel ,tbiu . , iTint4ent)f J. I. ticftgliati, nor Ito! ‘: Ojlice,• , c Xa ill:0 gowhiani 1' 64 placu will be found literallyl ner : Fashion.' - 1 TONE) , • Franz Ca. Albert- Pike, - )ll..al r ''' . ' e '; - 't\r•,. ',,IGT N, • 1 DC: J 4.111 . I !itav - ‘l4 used t wo l igittle.*'cif'p ur, :i hal!e .3 LR:9 7l aillt BiOit'S; zipd 11,00 (cf . Ifitteful of lleado:elte, pWaA,ltut t laoi , ;trt valu:ll4, . • • ' . i. --, ... , t N i. -.::,i,,,:iA, f ; Jj,,,,el;i:„ fr .:.~~ ~,,1,~,,:~,,,t,,,y. Ell N. i::,_, 1% itre - toi wiel:',y ~ l'iio, tiELL.) 1. ME I 1 . - \ It ;•1 . ,r _ _~..~~.~.: ENE III) \ - ' r , EN MEM ;I 1 i' ME= [flr.3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers