• !Fzm II IS ffa / - ^ O 25 tjlig -N .3.- - 43cestrti - vult) rustasust)' 'lll. 5r:4...4141(4ND. . • 1T141.9..ti Dor; AR atidsfiri, enstrs,pir 0 4 0 jp-i.AniOatteit; otherwise DOLLARS Tithe charged • NO piper alwonihmel,...nt tim o v ios are settled,.lo!,eept at the ;option "NO FAiit •m • . u ffr iser O srnts inserted at the rate or. 50 ets. 40 , 4 „ 7 , of afteen: lines for one insertNi— lr:ci,ll‘,.eartent insertion 2 cents. A liberal -. loon , !Wade to yearly adiertisers. ennuntinications, by . 'moil, ,30 Yls . 4 prompt ' ' - I OWE NO MAN A.-DOLLAR. t t lenrkaty owelear . wife, ~. T I ,4„ith of our init-ditor Reighbor , Fir still to r betant.;of beart, .. I Artfc)!erfriily trtY! labort - Ynusielinay:, the InSt of those — little debts that hare thr-,h-rtrtg anrfow, Li lt paid th:s ni,11,10.' So we'll both go forth With bi;prier.herirts to-marrow. - ,1„ the libtor 13'bV, liir.lo4a-face dog, tt il, Ike creditor's naive 'on his'eollar a king and you ore It. queen, For . ctscie unman :I dollar • . 1r nei.-;itt , tr yol - ti'irt COntb tO- 11 Y, With 144 nift nn.1 : 16 , 3 flatinting, tlntyzltter,.. iie we..ftt down nt our eUrserless board, T , an`dtt cup of ly:tter. • • !,.trc . the tenr..irort st+Lin yOttic eye; T:ir , ti ,ii 3 ftit tried your ba•it to conceal it - -- L.;:ew tiidt the confrast reae )e.l your heart, .i:Il 1.4.:9 e.,vi1,1 tint help tit feel it ; i tit-kil.w..in noir that-nor scants fare .: 1 11:6:fre'ell - liiy,nei:k.frant 'j,the edllar, +1 . 11.3 , 11111 tilt lati.,th, :Intl lie/p me Amu!, - That we..L`dive no tada-a di , ll:ir. • .i. , !-nei„4 - 1;4•, . , - .1.m..,L , ...bow - I) l pis tlazzledytrti•pyt;s 1t fact is a Avretelied debtl)r":'s • . .. • -Ay hint oft froui my very:hc,•:irt, -- i _ fal 1 w,'.ill that his bit,weke betlet.. i - : AL 1 he.Tilatt i 5 the v'etiestslave alive, . • ... _ '-' r 11 - , , 1 14-'4l'lllg wife andfiaug,hter,,- -• . :: ;.:,,,•)li , I"tyle..tyoug,it rnit4 &twill conic - , 'a^ El..ie. , :Ike a•ttintt to ille--:gattrAliter ; ..,t, : '...,ei ; it th' , .ll-ghter*ory 4a:,•, - . - :' , : , i itrr:;Lie , lehtor's CE;lfl‘it! ' . • .. . p:. it 'wonl,l he give co , ki he say with us, - .:',:1,e - mw , A au man a ,tio!uar. but 11111 you more ; tilo hours 1 ineYitn :I`ivay with' a frightcineil air, - fiend I.Md beset : • I f 1; rum a very worti) man, k`. h,:a I met with, the Igrealest by name and roree , j tp_ bt , tp, sail he was not•at leisure. 1:61 la,t vote! so I 1144 him fast, `, T,Ellheittel my neck fri)ai the ,c9llar ; baiid.a_s I proudly sahl, oat no_man a tlollor !' !mow ,roirsmile, for you fcel.ltte force • te trtil r Jurg:tb# a .luwaright hunoet lienit • thm r cen:le tre:ist wasbgating: riie, -. xitll a giant's etrengti:, T•J labor"; • 7 111 ' • kk . :e !Cep, let us humbly pray wnztclatd. w•mt 10,viueigijiwr , %lain ',Alf shall be free •'i••••; tr..:e'weight..-.4.4 the tiet4ui's tollv..r— • iw , ,rest uf.1.11-; 7:oll:e,and cry • Now,:i'toke no wan „ eceuraiitz, If they' do not -- -----'= ---=..-----=------ - - - ' - ' l.l '-' l-• "- - - risk. of the e-usequences. tore Stptling, ilevelopmeats. • , ize,nivoi. Mat ip amt t reat, every W e stated in Saturia;,.... isime that': d.litional ~e tcr pending bet velopinent, vi tild he made ratti eeto ,the: , . .• , ~..... • • , .., '- - tin:. ;Guilty, Wc, the b igi men recta tly kmed on the 'rt.tlrom-1 at . . i. , • , J-,clison Count,),, will tho Ire:' - 112 y ma- as now fully.est4blislicd. ; and aratti with a critic's r ,',:me wee 4:•, 1 revious to s tli,ctiecident , of our officers. ir:ulted ii thi:tr death, thesclaien had'; itesidek.d, That 'VP Will, ...1 residcats :d our town, and occupied 1 one ', our Proper• officers neglec '''':. C°l k ler.6 1- iii'• , e:' in l';( ! itiii , str e et,” 0 1 , P 0- ' either of time, life or prop e_C;;ttc4i Mill. The circumstance which ' gation Of all counterCeitiii 1 !Li, 'f,i.covt:ry, aii.l to the,.sub,equefit 'le -' hor.e-ilieving and in all m :Taut :r.:: more important and startling t hi s cou n ty, we also w ill .;. ~, wos:detailed to us on Saturday,y by our penal code of this State as , - tit snd oblizing Coroner, Dr. W Barr. it Resolved, That we, the - , r„ilia't on Friday forenoon, a : fel 9- de c 9 ii - of Jackson County, State . 0! e of the Coroner, nud 'lskel him form all persons in office or ,: he men who Vad ticezi killed on'tlM-f must not commence process :,i. : t l te , seemed to 'be..pa great ilistress. 4 l ;i lly , ; ;,f th o .,e whc, helped-. . 11.11T , :iZeelF,: send said see feared t i nat ore • tiitr o rd. fit. we I,;elie v e he sr •ta "A.'', tei,i; husband. She hinded the i hpi . i ., ;, b efure he did. .; uerre.t.vpe li,ieliess, ,, and request- t •11f:solved, That we will . >w ',f it re,:embled ciihtr Of the ..le.A death of any cue of- tliiiConi 1 ' 111 . 1 . 4 n- -14 iting i'Cn' a reply, she asked' of life 'or property. . f f !./i l :2' iiii4 been Preserved, and if so. : ii,,:01,1.4, That we win _i „ .. , 1. , ,. ; ,-„ i l l see 4. ,, The Coroner at once any per,on or persons join' tlit eothing, to , ,her inspection; and` is•'•oin w,e find has been, of ' Lt! SAW-it stir be?'ilne exceJ'4e l Y l ; hcrse-stealing, , counterfeitit I, 3 , 31 oxclaiined, "thatiispopr fleorge's,-', and it appenrin that he it i, 1 1 f-1 , - , r iniarley's:" and lutmediately ii. -K. Landis, Postmaster ...,..!. leil:lir and fainted. After. a short son county, writes' that the s . i.!ia..a rc,:overed, wizen .she made a tweeiathreo: and four hunch. -' °I ialli.atiou of the - clothim* 'andldepti • I c ' . Telegraphic E7ET F • F , rl i,l e . sh e conversed ,vcfy freely , :Elf • - e understand that, for . 17oucr in iigard to herself, • statist l , `. - t:ie teen wits her himband;and his... , ,after the close of the re i gn) ' Itne the Montreal Telegrapl ...la.; tint she_ was from Turbot:olle, ~ ' • . '- tt" a d. 4 nd county in t‘ State ' tipl that function with the ,American' • '', ---, -' ' • ''• ' --,- .--.•11 liiiogher with ausband and Lis.:*',#tel thrvnigh the' States of ::-- - .:r. North street, opppsite th&Cotion 4iciii * 461 El - lin°is ' bare vitt „ Illinois to . r H- Ilan, .sati.& . 4 66111 prerioils (ie.,: i Sim:Cbcrigo i t l,, t t h e dead men 'p ad been een.. .! ;list, via Buffalo, Toronto a :-.:. i burglars, amt 'that the womagrl Lance, t ' y " 111 tel ' egt4l'ic sio 1 ..:. r .. ti the chuse , tt - disclose, d - efer qr 1,400 'milts— The 'objec /,, r - e i, the ' hmis i rti -H immedi4ely. sii commucation is to estatir; . tude; by solar observations • I 's , 1: ::..t . i . .... , departuiv li . eV.illed in 0 thcer . ' , :4 , 1i - he two visited the house fOr that I Places. Lieut. Ashe of Que ob.evittion;iii Chicago.: T. ' L' 4 TIJY; the progress of the search 1 - ti mtity of . , „,,- - mills and metal, drills 4 ' say that the lines workeirt e ;.; ; ti. mil ladies,. ti. xstne , L _..:ty et acids,cau ~ F, I on fine ' nights,-anil the, signs ~:t. f 3: l', ugers, anti n k, ar i ety d . oth.! instantaneously as l though t instead of 1.400 miles. The ' l. e ~ ,f t cool fur counterfeiting and bur :ll., Tit i..... is_r,iso, a , ~.. , , . t the Great Submarine 'Cable te•,.i t ' . • ''' t { o f. ‘ u nfin'sl i ed ; and America will;b l e about 1, ~ ,•v, n. The die.coveriei: wade fully i . -: , . 01 the difficult/ Ca or laying I ti - faCt that the teu ' ' i f '''.ll,.ezica.r.ried onriiievs2. Q. in extensively the ! f ir successfully oi . crcome, there • I .--,:- as liuntin reason can, fort , td:ti,,, 4 ri 7,lm resitys jai the , sau c e block , I I a to firr that whilst ile,''''. as enga. f---ope #o re Workingi l of it. Ti ''''F , 4; tl•e re in this city, who we . „. ;i 1 4 ,41 , 1erl t o t c ., • et i .. • . fro Chicago c , as, qi k . ' rri ( 1 1 t' a quantity •crf 1 tance eta twice as,great as it • : ' , ld, and other articles,, and , fluid . ' wo have bounded Itai-al • Juto - the privy, Numerouslitter- f quite as (platy • i e lifer:Ll , 10 ,,. j i _ • i - ,- - ~ ......4,tt-ots were di se4re k rd ..., fno tir.m"-itis the 'aignal• let ii ; r , ; ; ; , .contamino ...if, .. . , . 0 4 . ' I . l u.oti r• X* VjOaal rCaLh hl , " t ''"/:vi'hillis c . 'd, tl ,1. .... . is en y members of ,4. .0 Chibago time being' ahvi ; 11t.....tdactl gang u t ~,,,t erfi it , ,, ! t.L., u , quettc.--(torouto Globe , . I -.- - 1 • • .• ' E 2 4.7f;..- e- " - • ~. - -• .171. , -1 • ' • , • "i` 5 * - ' ' --- „ • , • - 7 .7„fk - v7:7 - tr.. : _ r •-• " - , . I .} • : A 1 • • ".% .1 „, - • 4 . 11.. ~ - • I i= ••, • _ - - • burglar:intact hone tisie ' $ city of; hiladelphia al Nebraska and Californi ed by as examination l man known here ae: V tingulshed s a personage' 116xse Tamer 'and Train Cherokee county, Texas Dottglcs, etc. •;This fel oneof the rink-leaders , ded to.. ' The other' man her husband. ' , She, &Lid iOnd that he had never a papers found during tit hia tomb one of hi Wussell. will ren ofDoitglos and Russell the papers, igi4 letters I , (pF.C.e_f_lera, 1 lettera are in possession will, no daubt, soon lea ! startling . def:cilopinentif,„ nertain,parties in - this oo of Lycoruitig, Northlimb ..81nrtour. The. woman ;,ealled-herself) left ver peetetilk;:9 Friday eve , Philadelphia. .lust E;efor, i•he seen to steps, take out tiq - uantii hlino chin, an hurried! tnink: When inforMed tier hnt , tened in pursifit .eats vete gone, and; the 6aturilfty morning, he tel t.o.4lpith) autheritieF, eta ilecrihed the woman, ono and searTll of her trunk. we have Act leoroed. Too-mitch calm ellicient-Cot•ener,.l.4. Bar creditable 'tanner in vh ivh , de effair. lie 'labore and per. , ,evi , rinelP.and for the imp - alma develop artiele—developments vvhl to the tietretionof some neeted . with the gani Or Driesbaeh was one of the risborg [Jerald Vigilance We Dade the strange in Lion of th i e people of Jact;' , fulten upon the .Califot111: qua order: It will be run derer ziatited Gitroril WaS itioutha took the res — pqnsibility in gnnized ns n Vigilnuee,ao tined st proclamation zei linye no confidence in the charging that those oPncee the-school fund, been 'con , of county but a gang of tniu the platfortu lk•sufve.l Ham:E. Comp. inat Iriw uC county a , t Ite's9Lvetl, Juakial of .cy ~ fsc4i=, "leavt.t..thvir eei extending front the over tho State, 1111 d to It was also disbover the document, that the ckroy,- was no less die titan the widely knoWn r, G tlr. Dreisbach, ( 1 :11' alias GeOrge Vieltroy,l w it is Supposed, was f the gang above San" •tite woman Ulaitned al his name was Williams. same& any',other. _But search, showed that 'names) i was George llectej that the names ccurred frequently to and upon the • persens _ _ our - otner - roit - Joirs — and f the Coroner. width to further and more and the implir.ation of nty, and the cturoties o Ilan& Columbia and :Mrs. Williams as she suddenly and unex ingi in the train for getting° Into the Aim- Ise one of the stair of something reseM- thrust it into tier this the 'COro - . f the,woinan, but the bird had flown! On graplie_d to the Phil ietl The circumstances, btiggesteil the selzuh What the result n)sa t be awar:del to our. „'fur the skillful and eit' mttnage,l patiently, faithfully; arc indebt l etl i to dents detuPed in•this! c.:Lt will no doubt lead the scoundrels ltich the late famou!i rir g • ltmlers 6r- E Ei tee in lowil cliigence that a roir ilan county, .16, have to ctte.re embored that a'n.iar ung by a mvb•in that Ingo. Th men at case are now Gr- c, mud have is ' forth tout they 4 ' pr 'Ter officers"— have meddled with 4 I erned in' a r2bbery.e. EIZEI MEM criminal else, non' ore the tiillunnAs of anec. Committee, of hughly r invst;pte, j'e,.tlie. proceedings when we find thnt J.t, spare no pains, sty; in the investi of moneys, in all I rders committed in bp governed by the ar as is convenient. 1 , igilanceCoMmittee !f lowa, hereby in : - ont of it,'that they f any kind against a hang Alexander i multi hare Imaged venge the- uliju'st s ncittee, at the etAt I ttill.kl), with tfeath, i g this Cctivnittee, are concerned in g or murilering,- as a 4),y at Iron Hill, Jack igilanL V are be- Etrotig. , e 14st few nights, r husiness of the Company, in con- I Telegraph Compa 7 ! New ; York, Ohio, I ! en working direct 1 Quebec in Canada. d d Mon a die , te, of se* 1,300 of tlts.'l' lengthy ..the correct longi r cif ~the different ..ec, cclekted the ll 1 , .'e2operntort-tnere, roti,gh beantifiily, , l s vent 9nOugh as ,e distance was 14 longest stretch of between England 100 miles; so that the cable can be. ; appears to be, as 1 Tsee, no difficulty ilale opinion o tho I toa . -'the' siknats 1 that had the dis is, the '-electri, vet. the distance ' y in "lessAhatt raving Quebocc, at. Igo at it:loutal.3o tt I an-bot 4 sidwqr - T,.. -- a• --- „ a •-. -- I I • I SUGA 4R. at a taa"`"- '' - '7 l= ra• 4 l l.!" - • , , - , Is the fruitful cause of sickness, disease It the development 4 made and death, to,multituldes everyjear. Heat Society of Natural Riatory laiartAeiareittlil; is constantly gettersied within the human there is little to be hoped foi , fittilt till:enl.. l body, by the chemieul disorganizatiod, the tivation tattle phloem Sugka .. •iifitt,thfa, combustion Iwe eat. There are seven million country a It was, stated, tlttirt;, ` - 1 1 i ~,r__ tribes or poria on t 6 surface of the body, which in health are I constantly open, urn- tests: Hays, who had ' pat the .matt 'fie that Sorghum ataltilaterf,hilt enins• veying from the sys(tan by what is called try does not secrete, Impart:an , insensible perspiration this internal beat, gar: its saccharine matter hr' which having answered .its purpose, is pas.. cose in.a semi:lipid forra. sad off like the jets of steam which are Properflesfatally four, pout thrown from the escape pipes,; in puffs, of case would be rf,tepairedlte et an ordinary steam engine. But ibis in- sugar; but as a raw renter sensible perspiration-carries with it, in a due Con of )taitut and se an dissolved torsi, very muchof the rn waste forage cropathe plant taay matter (If? the syatem,-._ta tla-aatasat al A 4,44- arh'scirror!ntriestlinfrrsi poland or tor mote every twenty-four 1 Proimor John. Bacon Lotus. It must be , apparent, then, that if results et which i Dr. Hager Ulf pores of the skin are closed; if the Mna. Ile was, unable to obtaina deride of valves, Which are placed over the cane sugar in the Sorghum. , 1 whole surface of the human body are shut Taking this for greeted, thsAltivation down, two things take place. First, the of the Sorghum affords no wiped of internal heat is prevented from passing off, 'ol'caP sugar.' We musklook . to other ROW'- . tt necumulatPs every- moment, the parson aces for it. ' 'a • p a expresses himself as burningnp, and then. Sugar has became Wank &twin:sari of 1 large draughts of water are swallowed to U ife, in this country. The American peo ple quench the internal fae—this we call "Fe. use more of it that any`` similarazimut: l , Sr vet. " When the warm steam is constant- Pi people elsewhere in'the ' " Ad ) and ' so escaping fro* the body in health, it keeps long as they are prosperous and Well.teedo ( - the skin moiht, and there is a soft, pleasant ( . iii worldly matters they are not likely to feel aril .warmth shunt it. But' when the I give up - the use of •it, voluntarilar. . But poresame closed, the akin feels,. harsh, and what if the production does riotleep'pace hot, anddry. ' ' - with the -- demand? Th l e partial failure of Butanother result, follows the closinga a d , the Louisiana Saga? crop, list aienr," haa the pot:p a t:if the akin, and more immecli:tai's- braught in immense supplies Rum the West ly darga,e iriiust a main outlet for the waita India islantl ; bUt still jthe price! keep up of the body is closed it remiugl9 m s with the to a pahpainte l tren*ly• above thelinor 0 / 30 'S Slood a which, 'in a few bouts, be,coes iiu- pocket. Stimulated by , aparcktiliandlhigh pure, and bogies to engender Idisensein prices ,the production of ' maple sugar ham evert fibre of the syStem--the 'whole ma-1 gone up from 31,000,000 ibial an I85(litel chinery of the man becomes a at once disor- I 100 : 0 00 611 0; lbs. it: ISST; aid stid - PliCesl dered, and, he'exptesses himself as ileeling 1 are unaffected. "Idle supply, iticrous4d as miserable. " The terrible eff,eis of check- li' hat thus been-from other sources, is still 1 inadequatc:. f, 4 ! ~... ' 1 ed perspiration , of a dog who sweats by his tongue, is evinced by his becoming i "mad.'' the 'prociactiri of cam ,Slag in the 1 1 The water runs in ,streams frem la (.11:g's , United l S'tates 1550 was; 237, -' • QtAll.fs mouth in summer, if exercising, freely. If 1 The product 'of 11tisc year di: 't exceed it ceases to run, Val is - hydrophobia. It :100,000,000 iba; Ilrliat t: probable Las been asserted by ii Freucji physician, , yield of this year may bh it is- too soon as that if 1 a person is suffering under bydro-i yet to say; Lint tile experiene; of ova yoab I phobia i can:Alas be made to perspire freely, 1 past ought to hd sufficidut toleach us not; he is eared aVonce. It is familiar to the 'to rely absolutelyl'upon Louisiana cor t supr a ; coninalheat obaerver a that in all ordinary i and to look for do mestic sources o€ supply; 1 forms of disease,, the patient begins to get iif it i,i.o....Abie ,to fled' . theni. l a ll Sorg-1 hetter themoment he,perspires, simply be-1 lime will net dai 1, t u fall !back . upon a ; caul a thAieternal heat is passing off, and ( wore cal:treed tatentiou 'to the Maple, 1 there is an uaiNt for the waste,of the sys- - a tree wrath the .N f oith, yieldi rio abund-, tcna. Thu:, it is thi s . one o . f , the most int. 'antly. ' ' ' pertant freanalor ering sickness, is bed- ilia pro Ittat fr o nt this sotieee fur thle I , . . . ily cleanlineas e wilieli is simply, removing j pi, , ,,,,f p ate , i t trill ha, w ee ' ikf u li v l 4 1 ., t o o fruits the months of these little. pores, that I t h at f r „h i the, Su tar came t* et j•Ii• Thi 1 gum , and : d "ti and oil, 'di" ciao' them I has' all Pen obt4vied by lsi sapih t -`a*.a. i 4 t i e; up. Thus it il3 also, that personal cleanli- I f orests ; I n a ails is one of the main elements of health drawhig, the! sup; a- eat any , : care or treal.4, i , • ''' "ofti t- i a ' - '• that fi lth •id - alisease_hanit.eata a :50 - 111117,b 1 " - iiiTre 11t)tat: _ F t. this iOtnf , , ' 6ady 7 40 1 00 avoretahea: ra , :ahv inztritnight be dona if ' P er 'r et ' at "": elm , the etl i 't'''' ''i . C. 1% k 1, ,, ir lo ;,., !:,I , .11 , 1 iteu we s' c dr"l'l 1 i ;.t ; ll 4 : ) ' 'I .k/..:'11 . i , I the baly a, ti, • :,,, . .1, „ ~, ~ i . : . .-!.. 1 it . If ~: i .o , : of fovir, ,„ a' • . „„.. 1 ,L' ,a , •• •Ia ell 1 : a n (4•1 . 0 g liZ , 1 ty i , ..a, •, . i ;at , Ile a a .. :; , a at" I 1 "'a l''' . `l'irlii 11 ,Ia- . r, , ~_ .7 i.'.7 7 ~r. ex' i at b e date: t.• Ito :, o _, , ,;,,„ a :I, ~: a a , ' to ,lA. Iv ai whoa no ineistura a aa l, , 1 ,l 1.. t ' i : •; - f C., 1:aa : tin , I am i° ris only by I tareats, I rsa. l'e- . k ,t , LI , aare,st l itt all'i, .t is insensible Ucr , •l'i • ea:ultra, ..kal a •leat le ... ar.• taaiould,d-• . worthy r:t on and is d nth!, that it rp: i y he che:•k: d, ' 7 cur , u ,ll, , 11 ,,, r ii i,t,l . t-, 0 , t. ~I L .. 1 -,ly d e run the to a very canaiderable extent without spa--; a h a !, 1 7,„ p l e `i„ L • ti 4," 1:t1it. ,,, 1 . ..„ ,.c „ a 01 , , , a. I dal injury. _ lint to use popular lauguagr,l gar if th••re war'; hut latar too ns ant I' ~ i • ' which eanuot !be rill: taker: adieu a man is' i a,, y ' c a a , at :art ; it . , p 1; -„, ,„, r eitaiog sweating frealt; and it is taken,: check - ,is ~,,,,,la n , a,,,i,,,a• eas' t": - a spring • 'ed. I : and the sweat is brought out 'again in a aniZsaiu6nt .i ' lwirig cc:et:try folks, aliol . , very few rnodyents, sudden and painful as " m a lts ot • I , rt , Et. awl sickness is ;a !very certain result. What ' •li : : t ; 1 ' 1. " i' •ni, well' i • 1 oraanizea sys.ein, ; ti.upto in r , g 1, 4 , 1 then cheeks perspiration?, A draft of air I i t. ' I , , while we are at' rest, after exercise, or I I'getting our clothing wet and remaining I The .'ortl.tern 'es?nnties of this State pro - ! 1. .. at rest,' whilh it is so. Getting out of 1 duce the Maple in abundance, and the ma. l- a warm bed ,anci i - going to_ au open door I king of sugar might there be extended to a or window, has h6en the death of multi- 1 high Hilt of pioucti,iu. The , ;tame as tales. I a, ;true of 3lichigau, and , Wisconsin -, rand ' through all pat tar of Pennsylvania, Ohici - and Indiana wherever' the maple has behn left statidin aa : the , manufacture might be largely, increased. It requires but little .-care to preserve, such trees ; and the experience of the present•year hhs shown that an acre of Maple trees will yield more profit, if right. fully attended to, than any Other acre on a man's farm. It is t 3 be hoped that the people a( the Northern states will lid:leafier learn to 1 place a higher value upon a tree ' that has, such rich es , couring ,thrmgli its ceitl9.—'fails. GUI. Chepked rempiratioi. I ' ( Eastward. Ho. - .0 The tide or J taavel sets st ron gly :his sea i SJI) across th'e Atlantic. ;Never before was i there 80 large a . number of passengers ta- I king a. run tigress to Europe. The Asia, I'which sailed f l e n Weinesday last for Liver - r pOol, took 172 passeir*ers; the Queen of the South, which saiied on the' same day for Southampton I and Bremen, took 194 pas- I stingers ; the City of Manchester, which sail- ic& .on Thursday for Liverpool, took 2401 p4sseugers; 'and the ..kirego, which sailed ou ! Saturdarfor Southampton and Havre, took AO , I o 7 passengers—a largeri number, we be ; litive, than nits evor carried from this port liti'ati Atlantic Steamer. During the pre's -1 eat month fiemeu steamers are anounced to ' leave New York for Europe, making an av erage departure on every other day. Four 1 . of these steamers wit' leave during the pres lent week, and we utidersanci that each will ( array a larger number of travelers, whose i passiges are already engaged. . 1 i The number of American 'travelers annu , lally ci,iting Europe hat greatly increased lof late years.; 'Prior to 1850 the number never exceeded' - 7,500 in any ono year, ' and. the averago number for the ten years previous was; not ' more than 5,000: In' 1850,the.Cullins 'steamers commenced run ning, and .'1.9 1 ? 3,13 Americans crossed -the Atlantic during that year. In 1856, the number. of American travelers returni,g from Eur pe-ttra4landeti at this - port one was was 39,319. 1 In 1855, the nurubcrA'anded at all ports was 29,599; but ' - 1824 'it reached; 32,e41.. ,Ei. • . ,• , I This great' 'increase of uropcan travel indicates a-general prosperity at Lome, but part of it is owing to She natural increase of the basin* and ,trial relations of the Old and the New 1)7141(1, aud part to the iuereas- • ed facilities for travel offered by our steam I I packei:S. /l3ui, if the number of Americans , I going to Europe increases, so does the number of Europeans coming to this coun -1 t* . fcr a few months' travel„ yearly in crease. At every adjournmnt of Parli4 ' Meta there area score or tw of mambas 'a, who run over hero to take look at 16 practical working, of our instit 1 dons, instead 1 of going. on the Continent, ors° -tit° Moors 1 talbhuot grol4vc.-7 - N. E. Times. 1 -f , _ i _ - BEAVER, PA . . A printer, says , -Oliver, is the most cuL! rious befog liiing.: fie may have a Pug:l, and coins, and not worth a cent ; bave,, sm4ll ,thps, and ,have neither wife nor, children.' Others .',ruay„ run fast,,,lgit he . ' gets nlong swifter by sating/us':..., ,'p'in4y., 7be making impressions with ' eltAtience‘; ‘; May ate the lye, ~withous t ' ending*, and'he, telling. the *rut!: 'lv ' ts • others cannot . 1 stand while theynci ht7can sit standing, lawitlo both at thels,:arite tirue ; haVe to use , juniiture and ' 14i. •"41.4 no dwelling ; , may I make and ant. away pi, and never ;see' ' a pie, 'Much lasS eat it during.. his whole life ;i.rtiay press a gno:/.. deal and not ask a tapir; may handle a sligoting iron, and know clothing about a cannon;" gun'or' pis- I tel ;: Spread I slieetslwithout being a house wife! ;, he mayluy his form on a bed at.d I yet be obliged, to. sleep ou the floor, he may use the dagger Without • ihedding hlood, 1 and from the earth he limy handle stars;, ho may be of a roliing 'disposition, and yet never desire "A(?,1 ti4Vel ; never with Ont a ease, awl konw nothing. 'af. law or physiej; I I be aways corr(editg :hiserrors and, be ; growing worse every dity I have ens braces ,withaut even 'liavinst. the', anus of a lass, , thrown around iduil; have hi' form lac4ed up, and , at the saul! tithe ha free from pul, watch house; ; orany, othOr r confatement ; his nice may havell'kell in i...., and not be a bad.. place after . -all* he might be plagued by the.tievit, and_liti a . christiin of the. best kiwi ; , and what is I . trauger still, be honest or disonest, yieh or poor, 4rAmik or sober, indlistrious or lazy; be always stands' up to his .business.. . I; . .. Printers and Paradoxes. i o - 1857i ,1, '':'.43(iizirth 'l9uf - tbrater. i_)[:c.f :1711terl!, oh s bright heti talfal , water 73ti me I Water! - lea A ven-fifie 'ear th esslbg, „ ower-lOvlng wAtet lt rug th e ' Atihklof Adim in the Ipurity of _ b s Eden ; home ; ' it:Mirrored hack the bunt."' f Eve 4 0 in-bet unblushing toilet ; it wake to life 1 .again the crushed and ;fading, floi ' er,; it; ..__ - illy ! the hed invalid;;; t falls i i rahOwerafrom its igstars - ;, it descends tof ono* i'4l !Smiles at the glad . itch iir '-jlrOlt - '- - - l'al, '..thee# , S* " . .lON;, ` . fr it' ./Otek 0 4 4" 14 - 0061it4iiii4a , ar :1414 'Mt 16 - tort paitittlokfilittl-4 ,- --; - geneeestreaset,':#lo4--.Youri winter-wiudaw ; It'clingaipon the 4. 166 E 01 pf trees inlrost-wmk.ofldeliCate• beauty;" ' itlarilla in the icicle; it - iiiii in (kit moun tain gin4er ; it forms thet vapory ground work upon which God paints the ;" it gushes in pearly streams fron)ltheigentle hill-side ;At - makes glad' suritiY, 'yalei\;, it riltinnitrieheerful souglin the eei of the' humble Cottager; it answers ribs& the smiles of happy children; "ititiasei tbepnre e of water-lily ;it mindereil o tle a rein of m olten silver, away, Barak ' tit's!' distant sea.; Oh_! btight, beautif,sl, health inspiring, heart -gladdening water t'. Xveiy wbereatitittd im defelleth the nitwit ; prey ence ; twin . lF!gel sister of all.ihitt is good' and preetOns 'bare ;tin the wild; foresti one • the grassy,. plain, sluMbeilni.inhe boson: of the lonely tinnutitin;silliniitith7view r I , less wings through the itit l uild air; floating over us in curtains' . of more than rigal , splendor;' home of, t he healing Mika when , hvrorldis kylog§ head to the - Woes of thilkallen, .",. 1 . :- li • -1 ' • f at,. 1 1 " "ph water for ale, r ight water for'ras ! _Arakariiito for th 4 tre tam. debauches:" ..„ , . 1 ' ' Uncle Bifs *Mpg. 1.. . 1..., It's an dhi . saying . that* story 'does . not lege much-by being Often Midi but t Ih:tete • Billy's story seems lei have proishl -an es ; ception to this rule, alt.the ' folleitring ;will. i ellew:7- 8 0,Me Sears ag6 there was ;an old , gun:Oen:tanlying ittiCentucky, bytthe name , ~of Brown, timiliarlY known as "Pitcle Bil- ; i,11y." Being particularly 'partial' :to "011 . ' IBourbon '! ,he tyak usiapyfound in the int i'metliate, vicinity of 'where it., sras -Ifept.--- Oee day , seme;ona told' Unele Billy the . ' j story of the Kilkenny cats.. It was - the Lfirgt tinie h' i e, had ever heard it, and think ing j ,it atuditngly rietwhe posted ofl lb the 1 iitaver u-to rill it, laughing all the Way as he •-:_ , •, wont. _sltonning in ho announc e d to-vu ,1 J:1;4; erenta - tuan - itrsemtrracr mar. utr,--hua 1 %earl thd hest story in the world: - 'Cliiis- 1 reritl: , _around, they all ,pressed him to be.- !:11.:•, , 'i , ut its was 'some !time before Uncle , l';i :, t..T. , :.lrtpre.-1 his ristlotes sufficient tor Ati , ,tilpt the tor . y. Finally, after 'eseitini,*' 'e it t:11:-,:ity to the uttnoz , t l by his pro- 1 r I:in..; ',lax, he tkAtl. it tlatts: 1 "( it e topic was two cats got to fighting' in,' le , ‘l.:lof;':,,,it/ iii(2/ bit (di /h n cii , / of eaCh' 'otht.r . . t,i;ls:' , , , , 'Wr•lll'' saitl half al l dozen in a hreathi ii?. that all?",' N • IN tale Billy had been itnbibiug pretty frc .I . y; his mind, wakr slightly• iangted.--1 ll.tti , in , his he.:(.l a moment, in drunken' gravity, us 'lf trying to catch the gist of the tiling, he raised it, and saich— - • - ''- 1 “IVell,hoys, it does look kinder poor now, but it zr(,,, mg . At li rich when Ifitst heard it.' Get Enough Sleep . We have often beard Youngtmen remark ! that four or five hours sleep was all they, ; ; wanted, and all that the human system TC i lui red . The habit of going without snfil-1 ident sleep is very injurious. Thousands. . Go doubt, permanently injure theii health in this way. ' We live in a fast age, when everybody seems to be trying to invert the I order of nature. .If folks will, Persist,,in 1 turning night into day, it is not to beiwon dered at that few last out the allotted ;term of life. No matter what 'a man's oceupa. I tion, phy:Acal - or mental, or, like Othelle(s, I"gone," or living in idleness, the constitu= tiou cannot last, depend, upodit, without ,a , & 1 sufficiency, of regular and refreshing cep. ?`Johnt punier, the great surgeon, died cud 1 Mealy Of spasmodic affection of the heart, a, diseasC encouraged greatly by want of sleep. In a yolume just publisH by a medical man, ; there is one great lesson that bard I studenti and literary men' may learn, and that is that Hunter pr3bably killed .him self by taking too little sleep;;"Four hour's rest at night,land 30e after . din ner, inest ; assuredllyi cannot Ini-deemed sufficient . to mink the exhausted. ;powers of mind awl body." Ceartaily not ; and 'the consequence was, that Hunter died early ; If men will insist on cheating sleep, , her ".twin sister death," will avenn.e'the insult.' \ OAS MADR FROM WATER.—A French chemist, Mr, °Ward, has, at last discover ad and put ixfo discover "a use the gas made from water, n ot, in the laboratory, or at an exhibition, but in silluniinating at whole rosin. The ,ancient'of Naibonne; France, glerie4 na. light the elements of which are dratiri - from its antique' and beau tiful 'caniil; -- - , the ilaumlooking dee trical light,' dazzling. but )mit tirecenie, as wilith 'as can be, without vascillation or , steellii all burners being similar to inin.tany planets.—Courier des Etas Unis. . FA3tur flovnatuunivt —An . eicentric elergyman, lately alludin gin his pulpit to tba subject of family goverrnmeat, remark ed that h is' often said,' 'ghat now-a-days there is no auchl thing as fatnilfgoveinment. But it is all false—all false ! There is just as much, family goveinment now as there ever was.:--Inst as much ps in the days of our fathers and grandfathers.; , Thw only difference is, that thou the old;' folks did the governing,and now it is done by the young ones, . 1,1 • ME RIZZI Beta on the C 01314.: ' I We ought hove pOliahed long ago thepropoeititini of the-tirbatia ); Can atitution'entioerninelnkeianet, * Zimmer man, afterollein ttirt,lferitter" cerfullY with the initrtimenta of ' thitrrb.unt Brasa Band, comes to the conclusion,: WEI • , ' Ist: The CCuaet will not strike' the - earth ; I but , 4- . -... ~ -i ' - 1 I 2d. If it dpeietrilte it will never 'do it the second thwe,' , ,, , ' '• :In esse,,,hoWeier; any genslematP, ••• • opinions .arefelli ftem ire abevef;end i willilij, 45ttkialgibislrlews to a. limited ex; teg,tri,-I 4 ii*liiiirive'et the truth ip;thil momentous miittira - ire,::.4eß 0* hereby 6 11401e.. - :;,,,.i• - _- 4 !"' , ''','''''..': 2 •l';;'N'',.:',: , '" ,,,, --"• ~1%:...4..,.,-,,,, .. - . 4 o4oiihtiiSteitt •:1,-.:1 -1-: -il *-Ist.,k4 l4 will Wager': $20,000,-,lqore O 4 litorAat--..lflhe - -tomet offers to strike we will dodge' like - it deis it, ; in othei Words lietLll . em that 'it c an't be brought to the iscra h. '1 i - , . strike , 1 ' 1 2d. :A Ililie fintri that if it does it williwknocked higher nor a kite. - ; - ' '.. 3d; Tvienty r tivertimes the above :amounts that'in dale -the ,comet strikes; it 'won't' budge the earth six inches by actual Meas. *Mint, ! ! r - 1 '),!"! 1 ' 4th A likd amount that after thtldetnet strikesj . tta !rut drops- - - ' • ''.„,.., nth ~ .!' sth An optional aum that the e - ear eau knock the cometturther Oian the comet can knock tlio „sank nine ! times out of , tide:gen. l -• .!, - ' • ath. ) - That after 1 thicoMet gets thr ough !ttrikirig the earth, it ; will never want to itrikeinybodY else. --, .....1--,-; - 2 - -- ' - ' I Thu:se,propOsitisins' are intend covor 'te - enkt of any' gentleman on th is, Oche, or on the comet or elsewhere :, ' ' I All wageraltb be deelded by the - Judges of the 'Supreme Court-, , , _1 Money to be deplaited in the, Ban ks o Newfoundland. :,. = • , `l - ':` Time of attikiugapd other arrangements Ito be fixed by, the-parties. ; , ;I Applicants for 'bets' base a right to! ae•• lect any comet they ch4ose. - ~ I . I, *,. '.The INorth and South. 4 . •.• , 1 ,T most eloquent; of alb Southerners, g ink, 4r, Prentis,.s.4 'Miss , lit' ad. dins' a prowd kof 4000 people in that !Stale; 4011fmtl i psg the turq, and,. in the JcouAp of an eloquent period which' ron griadially to some beautiful _elimax,' !mated the thrift, .Iteleuergy, the comfolk. 'the' wealth the ciriliatie,a of the Noilt, ,u 2 glowing eolors, when there rose up on 'the vistba of the'assemblY,7 - itt , tß open air, la, horseman of magnificent *portions; and, ljuskat the ,moment of hushed. attenfitib, when the voice of Iftinatiss had ceased, 'and !An a louse lwas about to break fortKitke :—rte—the Aorta. ' The nursoom so muchunison .with tte haßitual foe . sig it a ppi audience, that it ciu et_ husiasat, and nothing but it r for the speaker kept the crowd from lauding the horrse mat: Prentiss turned 'his lame font around and said, "Major Moody, will you rein ip that steed a moment ?I' He assented. Said he "Major, the horse on which'you sit came from Upper Missouri ; the caddie that sur mounts him came from Trenton, N.. 7.; the hat on your b l eed • was made in Danbury, Conn.; thetbobts you wear came from Lyon, Mass. ; the linen of your shirt is Irish, and Boston made it up;' year broadcloth coat t . s of LowiZl facture, and was cut in New. York; and day you surrender what yeti owe tt. i 1----North,'you would ! • E it stark naked."(laugnter and loud applause.) --#s.pbecli of }Pendell Peillips. Railroad Logic. • . ' The Suprerneaatitt of Indiana, Judge Perkins vestding,- - ;;; - has juste rondered tbel followtagliunainou,s' legal 'opinional— Thd ease was; that °Me 0. Co.ive. the City of Aurora. It seems that the corporation of that city; under an act of the l&egislature,•au-, thorising.it tq take stock :in any road!,to that place, had subscribed' stock in the 9. k M. Co.; and true to ,its instincts, after, the-road was . l l finiAed; refused to pay its subscription, tesisiing that a 5" the road: ran thro"ugl,l the tilaze to Cincinnati,,, they•had no power-to subscribe the stack as they had I' Judge Perkins decided- 7 ' ; I I. That a road is &road.' • 2. If a icitid runs to alown, it must also run front ; hence it ig Imo roads) 3. If a road runs throu:qh a town, lit must run. two it •in two directions, ttud from it in two I directiOns; hence it is bur roads. •-- . j f • • 4. A subscription to build four roadslis within a power to "build one road. .- 'lherefore, as Alio Legislature had'' r thorized a subtieription by the Cityi iof stock to build a road to it: ancjias the o.i d; M. Road runs, through it, and ~was"real!yi four roads, the City was liable for the Sub= scription ; sued on; on the'irouind thaf ; the less power: alWays includes the greatei.. 4 7 - Jour. 'L , ;• , " '1 TIIE UNIVERSE.--SUppo.9o the earth to be a ball:of, one foot in diameter. , On that scale of proportion the 'sun would be oue hundre& - feet in diameter,' and the moon three inches. The sun _would be (wo i miles from us,, the moon thirty feet-Jupiter , ten miles from ( the sun, and, nymphal forty.=- Thee highest. mountains:cm the. Lie of . the earth wouldpne eighteenth "„of an-lbCh in 'height. Man wOultf,be imper,ceptlble A6O , • • ' - • . I _ • • Ttin.i3An'' Surieroe Court ;of Ohio bas that - a wife is of no pecuniaiy value .to her husband ; . that it sheii killed b. , a railroad noeident canuot;rendver . , .damages therefor. • '• 10)„, Of all the Projects of reformers and enthusiasts, no one has done so muoli to enlarge the sphere of woman in 'a practical way as---Hoops., • t Ed - s E t..401A-811F-0 ,~" 4 _. ISMS ‘; ; • The;Consideriste , Doctor. 1 • , , - • A;toOr who had lost recovered frpm a spelpeit her scan ty earnings, tiad wont to . the, doctor's. ofce k : to settle her et- - the &tor t - Alte , Z; . : thelawyer of Tjaie passed into . 'Well doctor , aa~d 6e, 'I believe lam in' before en a de,b_,t r edte'yett ttan I 'Fes,' said tbe:deeter, l -dtat,teded [Via you about t'.*6014 - isliatilreold :yeti elattga" . .-'":'' . Sere lees;- : -.-or.- &Ale' yotr , ' realize, on a* average, ifor 4:. look's); sets Oh r aid the law y er,'perhapi seventy } .. 1 ,4* 1171 Y. Atte. feiertiri.i*ls valuable as •7, -7'7 - , The ponrzirl's heart sank' within, her,for should her hill,ha anything like that how toUld"she evekipay ,it ? The-;lawyek paid: his bill and pied out, wh 'a CI he (locum turned to young woman, nd kindly id the, - gaited ter e r rand.. +I . . t r gI Came:, said she; 'to kno hat I'owe yen, although I kdow not as flf. cAn overpay you.' . - , •• • 'I attended y ou about a — iict:.k,' said the' doctor. - .li 'Yes, sir.' - • - - : - ,''What - do you. get per week?! -, ASetenty-filre cents.' 'ls that all?' :Yes, _sir!. sThen your bill is 75 , eants.' The poor girl paid bun thankfully, and vent back with dight heart, . . A. Singular Trial in - California.. i ' ) A suit was-bronght - byli,Chinaman iLit tho court of Justice Jenks, against a wo:nait of his tribe, for the recovery-ef j SGO„ elle.. ged to - have- been :paid by the 'plaintiff in_ behalf of-the ant t- defend fer - ber 'and t wo companions.frore - Idarysville to'Sau Fran cisco. ,-- Duting tire, progress of tin trial it was proposed that the,test of- thii ,, •C hiues, .. - ,oath bebronght into reeaiiitiork. The - idea is as followst-=-Two live . roosters,..are pre; seined, and : the, parties each take: the oath '' ; and-nt" the' same time cut off the'boad of .- the fowl before-then. The one who heal.; lPates is azknowledged to be in fault. ThiS j manner °loath 'is considered to be most tat, I cred, and a chinaman would as shim cut ,hia own throat as that of the fowl; that if enii r tribe tr • If undei. these circumstances be swea t falsely, he . is cut off from. his entire tribe ' The roosters were brought 'into court, ala tlkigirl' took the knife.-. The room wait crowded with Chinese, and, ~,a.i sla s&dpal :, 4 over the fowl, they all stared at-her - whir - 11'S much iaterbeLas if_ she was *out tollOiL ' toution r %up e onto wasi oettig l - diniiiia• j• tered when - she struck. ;Seven!, of h er 1 Nends . sprang forward to prevent tm, , 1 _; Alley ovikutly 'thought her -guilty an t i about to `S•wear Ifale,ely, but : they were too ' 1 -late,tthe floor was already ocverd with _ . . blood, The plaintiff at once gave-up the ease4ld paid, the, nests, If however -, the si4i'cions of her tribe prove correct, and she is subsequently shown to be guilty), sI.M will suffer severe PPrsecution, and gually banishhient I .IC. lady named Bentky talertook, awl ._ 'has acoomplished the fetitot.wayr with , . mt lkit out sleep -food or,dtliav fur. die ) space of . thirty hours. Thelperfarma!nee tool Place. at the Tabernacle, New. York, the point of pedestrian operatiotirbeing a stage of eone 20 or 30 feet, i on whieh she Walked Lick • mid forth. She comnieueed at, 4 . o'ch - eli . tm • : on-Koriday afternb, and continued her 'foil ill 10 on Tuesday U'ght, gettiog(yery \ much, 'exhausted. Mrs. ) . - t is represetitql to be a, widow, of about T years of age, and the mother Of three , fi e thildren,Avo girlstund a boy; of the ages,, f‘i, 0 - :end 11; and for whin support she had undertaken this task. Ti e lady appears tu . 'he seer.. '.- , i, rig from ', pt i musty, consMilpti.iin l'l'lle ziwAlve for performing ;the feat was, vy. po to ot4e T f •:,- taln m o ney, tut .the regilfzwas `11 , 1 11e., euniary loss.. ,- ~ -,e_ ItAILROADS -BENEFIT' EVERYBODY —, The enormous sum of .530.: ,0,000,00 Q i. in vested in Railroads couutry. ,81 rO,= ' 090,000 - in New' -.Englard ,alune. It is saying but little to assert, that these mable improvements have quadrupled the ;- value of the lands through which Of y_run making what was worth $800,00,000 %%Wl out-jraaroad _ communication, worth ' 200,000,000. This is the lea* , of -their 1 advantages: They have - achoiriplished more for human brotherhood chin any, ,or, ill other iutlucnces. They have annihiha-, ted time and-space and made our country wa g e torever. TLeY, are scion to tiring . the, extremes of our wide spread t mit(irY Intcv, one meaifot ial center, where shall yeti stand [ the scat of empire for the largest' watinent on the glabe. A Goon YxasT.—One of the; best: hest aid-, cles of its kind that has ever fallen ,under, our obi.ervatian was reeefitly handed us for • examination, by a lady whose,r,itiutation as a domestic eennpulist ii-..deservedly high wherever she is Itnown. The iecipe for Its, manufacture—kindly furnished:Jlß , by the same fair hand—is as follows "Take ' ,' 3 . half a dozen comon-siz.ed putt tees, lltl, lee!,' and strain through al, iconanum •iii` %ve 7 —first +adding half a pint warm-water:then stifle lent wheat flour, sifted, to Mike the vrhole in a' thinlbatter; with thia mix..tWo table- i spoonfuls otordinary--.ba \ kera' yeasr,_ If prO r . 'pared - ifiaiglit it will b fit for use in;the: - natirning.' "It is said tba any quality' DMA , «eused i tor eukeil,•breid, ki.; as it ous - s not. communicate communicate the usual bitter taAte, which, . attends the, excessive use of other articles of yeast. '' . . • • . '• . 1 - . ' , 11ne editor ih 4 georgia aslis inotber I.l w hi , e ihe,.eatt bite the battota at .a fry tug I)iiout - piithout swittlirg, ht nose _ *)," MI 5 , - f"- ‘l. er ■ MI . 1 -Y! El * : ' ,7 :'- - % -- • . ,-,:r...,;. 081 A Sbiglai.reat NM =I T 7 `.z:li a`C: , i~3: ,+k +µy ~., I 1 I IM ME MEIS ME 1111
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers