• _.--• Sherirslale. f virtue of a testattixo . Vend. 'Exp. Writ, IV, issued out of the Coen of Common Pleas of Allegheny County. to ,ate directed, will be exposed to slide by public rreztatie or out-cry at the Court House in Betiver, on, MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 1857, at I o'c.ock P. NI. All the rignt, title, interest r.nd claim of ile fendont, of, in end to the foliortih described - properti. situate in the Boi-ough of Rochester; Deaver count., Pa., bounded on the Korth Harrison street, e.ist by New YOrk street. south by Ntitthr street, anal rest bi lot of 'Woodruff ; o n which is erected a•lafge stone...building, cal led the. Car Fnetory. and a number of frxtue Ltn meats, with engine, sliartifig: &c. S ei sed and taken iu execution as the property of the Rochester stnnufacturing Cothran) , at the suit of Haigh Hartupee it Co. JAS.PAR AG ST Sh'ffs °face, Dec.. 24. I ktIITORS' . NOTICE. : I LETTEIiS testanientary.itpon the estate cif James Scott. Esq., late of Chippewa tp.. Liturer coan.y, dezeasei, hovio 7 hero granted lii.the undersigned. notice is iCert-hy, given to All . persons indeldra to said estate to make Uri- mediate payment ; and, those 41:ev,ing c!aims will present them properly ant hioiticate.l for settle : 1 loent. —Jonx NeW; Brighten, tsertithrs ;The A.:Onsble Fnrni, with ftrst rAtt. Improvements. , lateLt- -- oacupied by decent:v.l, will 'be for sale tnrly..4 , n the spring. - --i . • . . I ' COUNTY , OFFICERS; .-I .1 -----;----- ---- 1 Asmciate Judges—Jno. Carothers. Jos. Irvin' Chrisimas Gifts, .- , District Attorney-31oses Er Welsh. I I - ' , Iterilf—James D.irrtgh. A -picture of a lore.' face is ge.nerailly, the.; Prothonotarr—M S Quay -11, most appropriate and acceptable memento , p 0.,.. .. czi -,,, m .. 7 1 .r, ir , i 1 ; ~t,ti.r • .._co tr, r b.t.l.llle 11 , WPM. . .that can be•plissed fromfriend to friend. , . : Clerg of Courts—Willi - inn K I.l.Jileta• ! ' ' • ._, 1 S T s r a c i a v v y ta r , r- 1 11 z t l igl a t ;I A i l i v ,l.! l rson. -- -- r I T . 1 : _ 0 —. ..t _t 3 in. • . 1 ; Coroner—Eli Reed.' ' • i with litic.gr — niir.ils to quit the fancy of her ens-' - (701oPni•s Witters—Williain P Phillipi . s, Philip towers, and neatly-put up in Ca..Ci to suit tireir i Cooper, Itugh Sutherland. - 1.111.005 tastes tur..) , he had at It. WEAVER'S. I:' , er)t to CoUrnil3iollos-1 1 M,3>ra. i Daverrean • liallery, New Brighton. 'She has , ' Court CrierL-Anrou Moore. • , 1 .on handful atisortment of beautiful ration Cases ; , Anditirs—Tliont.ts Buggi, James W Pander., which she will 80t...-lat ideture.„ :it re , lticad Johtfit Eakin: , i rises.k , '. . • . :' tee 17 l'-isti Poor Ifous llh e Directors -Wiitu Edgar, Roht . Petter, William Marne'. ~.. I • I . ' Kinar Ir. r.: ••••.... a awl, ' . - ' Trustee‘ of Academy—Thos. Cunningham, IVOTICE: ii 1 , ells airen that the partner- . John A \Mill. Jos. 11 Die r ,kson, Wm Dachisott,• . it G 31:Gregor, John 31iniay, Charles 11 .31:MI:ty 1 1 l ship:lierat..!' „ r: ciistin4 under the ionic ._.. , ' and gtyle of ..%iliiitin 'Lowrey ,s: Cl., in the cell --- •. • • wrung operations at Clinton work;i to in /-, dissolre t, by the witlyiraw:ll or Wit!i im K innie _ , . - . , .:. -; Tll2 , siTrantv t:VEYING POST. /.. - 11 y. and William Lowrey from the e•mc..rn. Itte • . ~ • • . settierne. or .1,1 in at ,„. , ,, , , , ,. 1 1 ,,, B ,,j urii „ l by , r ; ,.. a ...bi b t i ,i ... ,,.. , .1 jr Aii ! ,,-,. 1 ..ath -1,42 t. . pit i 6 hers , tots of awl firmly estab '. ;Ai or by our . elli.,•1:- D. Goop, , r, I:ste _manager, , I_ li,h e d paper take pleasure in eallinoi I the , ~ ,_, tii. D "5! . ....t,N, ntllsturt, -: „ 0, ___,, L -.,..,, ..,,,,,,,,, v , I . •„, . : :Mention of the . pOdie, to' their programmel far V its rt.t......r..i , r, _lt w •rt , ,1,011. • - the coming year. Surfeited - with p.)llties, ithq .-l7 I~oi th q 6. New Castle :Gazette e,, r ly ;.; ja ,,,, t i i. , u „.l on ,/ ch!inis of literature will he more th3ll ever;ap. bill to thi• office. ---, ' preciat o ,l by the remling World. ' We - have -._. -...-.. _ • therefore already ina-le,nrranginnent; 'with i the , followiipr. brillihtit list - Of writers: ~; - I - William liowitt. (of England.) Alfet. Cidtry, dee 24 164.)G Natictl, MEM , . ... .. • ' „.. k LL perscas interested are herehr - notified , T. S. Arthur, Mr.,. Surithwurth, Augu.tine I;Du. ‘ that the undersigned 6i:it:lois:dons spi.....,int. gitime, 'Mrs. .m: A. Denison,' the 'author of , i) v •he court of i.;uarter .Se.i.isims of Beaver ' "Zillah," xei. - . . - • . county to inwire into the pn.priety" . - of trreting - We design commencing iiitlar , .. first nunth l r in . 1 , a new ,township out of p a rts ..f ecunimy and dantlary neat; the ,; (9lWlS'illg,6llglll,ll NOVe r •plt. 1 New :L1011'164 Ity.flishipt in said county, will , . t ilea... a qui,- or-. thup_p ,f t, i lr i ii , t z uitz fi i on of Dutchmans ruti . ..:f7.r the ' B y . sviljA,..ta rrot i .. " the (1 ~ .- .. I -- meet a t' the mouth k purpose of running the bouitiharyllue,424l4- , - , r 1, , ,c , i , I : st. rs of -- ;it j .str t alla;l.l!;:, .tlr c ...lll cl iitt I , i prspused new te . ' wit•-h_'.l2. int .... N . ot lz t I I ‘i .. • . ~., - • • • • hiving visited ,s ustriOia expressly_ with 'hie lob , 1... day of Jun. A. 1) - l''! 4 - .,11 :'... 5. ( - 1, :: . - - ject 'or rierpt ;tinting hil)isolf with - the novel iind : • I.OII N II: w [.ll -sl , Elt , l . , •••• romantic ; aSpeets under which tinture'itini ,ss,ci i lite. 17: '56. 111;t311 JACK SO. - • .: els prtsent themselves intat:it siii.Mlar region. • -.''------.-- --------- • - - •-•'••- --- -. TT - ! ,Tne' following l Novelets will th ' en be gisien, 1 - . i , NOTRE. , - • .-: ' ~ - . .., - th e • , 1 . ij , . , - .. , thou ..h prol.h.th.y nut in ern: L .4lA- here ilirliErsilas,i,.Ro) (lit M . LtKILbio. of NewZsue*tionedt -- . 1 • • • 'I - • ' Lfll f Castle. Piii; have taken out - letters oft The ......t?r(of a Country Girt.-By .Viceen l y* V adnfinistrstion ..iiiithe county y - of Lawrence,. un i An original Novelet, writtmaespressly fir the I the estate of Jan's 'Kibbin. ft pedlar . iii. Ilea-' Nisi.' . . • , • . !I I ! ! / i : NV ! couLty ; this is tore tuest aft.pers...:ll•••who' rke pilfered Irolrt.--An originid NA-ele!l i - . know themselves indebted to the said dames writt4/expressly fi.t . the \Post r. by T. S. Artiihr. I I- M'Eabbin, that I have appointed lames Irons;, f.iyhth,,ll:s.r.hland.-Ati orig„,011 Novelet,.:by i E gg , o f 11.4.0w e i1,-my . Lawful .flgsc4-1,0 culiet,:,t , the author' of "My Confession F' "Zia th; or the 1 lany+-outstaroling nezoititi4 for. me as if I were Child of Iciliurn." &c.' . , I - .1 present. -d c .17.,...51; Rumor 31'liiiitioss. I , Tie I'`ttake.c . 3, Pridetle.-An criginal novelit, I . _ . _,...4 . _______,______. _____ ._..- ,_______- 'by 3lrs.3lary A. Denison,..,...Autliur of "•11:tr,k, NOT IC E.. : . the ....;‘,-..“,,,,." "Home Pictures,!' Vic. i i.,. „ ,i , •r, ). 7 • , I s .'my wine, .4.11r . r.,_ has left my heit; an i .' Th e -..../... V ...sir.; ithdy_r_A T a l e of the 5.4:,., :1 .. _board withiiiii , i cause . r "pruiocntiln,. I . Citatuns. .its original .Novelet,_ by Augustine • . hereby In.ticy the! public 'that I will-14 ti ; Duganne, author - oft`The Last of the Willies. 4." debts cautraeted,lay ber after this date.: i : , We liiive also the proihise of'. skirt :sad enn• ' I • Ihe 1.-1556 • . ' _ABEL Ut:Nrpat; - ; lensed Novin.t...r, by Mrs- . Sunthwurtli, to run ; -i•-,-- i through ttboht ti= or sight numbers of, the POst, . -1 ' •.11.1531 1 1N15f1i.. - VIOR'S NcErtcq. i i iwi r.i.,, ~-I•liti. to the 0b0e... list of coutri toALL persons kn , lVring theniselves indebt;el ' bi - liti.M.S. We design cuntinning the usual auto - tint • .I_ s 4 the'estato of lbsvid„kivirt x •w,, I s t° of paiii i ig- o d'orei,m Letters/ . Original 'Sketches, Choice . ; I . w township. Beaver c.tuntY,tdee'd nt.e , re.juest. i Selections.front . 'allcsoureei, Agricultural Arti i I 'd to make immediate inment., and those hut u.s.„ Id i:neral Yewlr liumorons Anecdotes, Vies -1 le g claims egtail.aka.lllo-stitte, wil ; pr.-sentthein . of the Ploduee 41--Stock . Markets. - the Phila. i I - t' the subscriber, inlaid township,properlY iiti- . di - i'lplia Retail 31iirkets,. Bank Nute•Liiit,:•Edito- thenticated for settlement. . . riots, &c., Se.. our object being to give ft COM- ! i 1 ' , ROBEZT 111. - GIIESe . til , ..:te reeuril, as I.r as our Baths will adroit ,'of .. December: 14 1,956. Adininistrtior ' ti.C - lirtint it orld.• ," ' 1 I -:- ,:i._;............_•--. -- --- --- .. --!--- , ,---i,' E i ,./r,/.4,:y.t.-:-In the way of Engravings, we ; To School Directors,. 'titipervisos..,!.armlly• present. twu weeklY-one of. an in- I . _.., ... .. ? ;,...:D• t - 731,1 4 1.: ( ;1•01 1 s . - ;.,,,,, : : , ,,,,,,.fltd the_uther-c-f a humorous uature.. . Im.• p: . -1..-..g . e utz Vie . Posts...any part oar tree L. .'. The ComitiSsioners of Beaver CJ1111::„7 17 g 1:1:' :. Itt , , :.ikt quitted% or eearls in ridraii,:i. id '• earnestly cu j. the attinition ci . ' the' :lb .) , .Te naat..il . :.• - • ... - t . •.• t , 1 ere it is receivri - fis only 2.licenXii I .. officers to hie following seottatis of an Actpa ~ I (he " . '11" 'Nth •3 • 1 ft y.nr. ,ell in lfirifi:" .. , • . , (cash i . terms c n advancej.-Isi'ngle ;-; copy s•_' 00 R'e/q/ire to tie stile 'of Lczaril for ;On - i .1 " copie= 500 • 1 . ; payment qf ,Tacna. , ; S' - :., (full I to the geeter.oftlio,clult) 10.91) .___. - . ,I_ (and Ito the getteref the club) 130 ! - Section 2' .Tirtt from awl after Cie passage ' _IJ " i . _and Ito the getter of the chili) 2.0, 1 0•. of this net, asse4sori, - saptirsi.v.rs, :in I eollec- i A 1..1re,5, altreys I;art-paa,- -- tors Orronfl ant school tar.e., be, ao.I .111.:y are/ DEACON 4; .1 - 17:TEilSON, .• ; h'erebyrequired to make their return far vie ;.• No. 6'.; South Mill street, Philadelphia. I ' ~. e 0 I I.c tant of all taSe,SOLI I.lllSelltqd Tana- - - . , on - it ; ft g r'ziittuple• numbers sent gratis to any one !before 'the first day of January in each au' ;whoa requested, . Dec. 19, 1856. I, every year, said if not so tnade....hy said 'asse--is .. i 073 and collector stich returns:shalt:mt . :here:- ''. "Pllb l .lie - Sale of Heal 141 state. 1 I _ atter, be reetived, nor shall litt.7l: flies be it lien I , I i lin:HE - will be a:Tared:at public ;ale. on the ion: rest estate: Provided, That this section k I pretnises.:the nil est:tte of the heirs of I ;shall wit be con-true Ito ceeiriii.t 7.1:1S St4eh.:l.l- r,,lrehihnbi ilarper, ileo'fl, situate .1 mile east of i -• ses.tors an.l colie'etors. and liitir ba , l, f . - i r...a I.t•i- • •itarp..es Mill, in Hanover' towits tp -11 . Bearer , • ,• • bility for n u t...making tli•zirrodri ts i.i..-;. , ...r..m g t ; county, on a Friths - , the 2.611 i of December, 1'356 1 law.. t , tosistin'g of Shoat 5 ) acres of land, 011:WhiCh ' : 1 SCCtiOn 3. That tt shill be . co the-. iiies, .ty r.•sttp.er- t-e. the is erected a two story frame ilwelli4 `visors ip.o and of all ; lomse' - frame st:tble, and other out buildiugls.- 1 - Illeettrs of Tool ta.t j eollectors'imf any othe . titaxes•xliale!er, to make There is also a saw mill on 'the premise., in I lltuitt to the County COmmirsioners of any ex , .. p,, , mtl rulming order. There will idSo be. ofDred lionerations claimed 13, h. it on Cr before the :Out of household and Kitchen Fnrniture. ruvl stet day of January in 'cae'a -a ye-; A:11 it slia:l otlier artiele4 toa honerous to "mention. Sale fit bed:m(olos the said County C.;:iimissiou- ; to tmittn.:l - 1.-:e'at lOo'clock, A. 11., when terms '4l to grant an-exhonerati.tps attiti that time, -; of sale will be made' known. i . , noir for, the county Treasarerto sell any lands 1 I If the above property is not-sold, it will'be which shall have been I':turtle...l and taxes ea.- !I,r rout far the term of three yedis: t horitrated, after the said t Iy order of the Heirs: . . -- , i -- i --- , - -'• • Dv; 10. Jomi. 11. 11.111,Pfla, A ge nt nil nu 'runt 'nll7- (Mug in th e way of :______ . __ -French i or k.;...1 cialarsi suss trimmingsi ' i‘A/ - 1N1)1311' _111,158.----20 boxes assorted sizei . Salk bon:iett,. . *pa i.. 1 or qa . :lltedl - i:iz'rt-i. - s.tays, ; 111 T r , r7slTo by .A. S. HAR.VEV, knit alesvis, M $l, nest atty Ar_tielv. in the Dry !i• sec 17 . .No. A. Stewart hew; Bridgeiratee,;- Ge'ods line, either Foreign ,n- mu mastic, yeu'l Will find a full•assortment,freA from the im psrter and mlnufaeturer, it th.t.. !wrest cash price., at , Dee 3 .---- 1.411.1.)P;S , .-- --- A _I.),,.IINISTRATOIt'S-NOTIC;:.---.llliiersons rl. in.lebtel to the e.utte ,f 13rriet er , mell, late uNlorough.township. Ilea v r C , 311(1t, dee' , l. are requested to make iltimeliatt; I , :Lytnont, :I tl I 12•4 C Itav:aig claims again-gt !gall e ,, trtt.!: will _p , aient them to the subserilv.:i, in 5314 town 4'dp, properly,authentieatel for ....ettlensent. .4.NPREIV srtilsivitr, Adufr, • • . , Bridgewater, Nor )2, 15:.,.i1 . - .. .1.... , 7 - :, EXIXU'IOIL'S NOFICE. ' persoas _knowing.' tliemselves indebted estate Andf.6,rson B. (duly, Ilec'd, ,_.„ste of Borough tp., Bearer edunty,...are-requel t.d to mske payment, und those haring, claims s:inst said estate." wilt . lireseut theM to the' _____ . ‘uhsesibers,.praperly uuthentieated for settle - tmnt. JOHN B. 31'CORD, ritt;iburgli, MATTHEW S. QUAi", Bsaser, Oetone . r 15;11150f'. Executors.. - TAILORING--'-------- A. D: 8. GERLN would restfectfaily inform litilents of „Beaver and vicioi& that-fit has sp-ned a Tailor'Shcp in As.clarion's Row, low ra where he is propsred-ibi do anything is its line which.- ay be entraSteil to his care. November 19, 1* ' , 1 - 11011iE Kid biota for Lidies, nt the Shoe stare • , , AILIVY CAI' Skin Boots tor , Ladies a, 171 •" I *cf. . . BARNES & NICECoLIO!7, ' , 44 . Mine., Wk . 13, ' ,di w i t i v , ut h e ck , , at: the 'i 1 : del° • Btewart's Row, Wriitgew•iter - .: 1 :: '-' 3ll store ot , BAtirts-& .'effotsoN, • ; !eV) EtewarVe Bow ril t• I s . . • gewa ....r. i OFFICIIL DIRECTORY. OFFICERS - 0V TEL UNITED STATES. President—Franklin Pierce. ' Vice Prosident--(de facto) Jesse D. Bright '-Secretary of Sta e---Willicnt L. Marc). L Secretory of Interior-z-Bobert NVClellmtd. Secretary of Tre .sdry--/Ittnes Outbrie. Secretary. of War---4ellerson Dar's. Secretary of Navy—James C. Dobbin. `Post \lasttr Cleueral--damis Campbell. Attorney tioneril—en' cb Cushing. : : (,'bier Justice—Roger B. •Taney. Pcasitm Com'missisher—L. P. Waldo. . , STATE OFFICERS. Gorerner.—Jarncs See. of commonsrealth—A• G. Ccirtin. ' Surveyor General—john Rowe. • . Adaitor General—JacobYry Jr,'" Stare Treasurer-If. -S. Magraw„ t • _ Judgv.s Sirprerne Conrt-LJ S Rlnck, E. Lew-; 1-, W Lowrie, G W.Woodwar4, .1. C V. S. Sarators—RiChard Brodhead, William" Bigler Canal Comrei.sioners--11eiry 9 Mott'', Arnold' Plurne4:i.George S..cott• • DIkRICT OFFICERS.' frelident Jusige—thtniel Agtievt. _ 741 ember of Cntigte3.f--Johu All San. - Senator—John norgaiou. - As.,embly—De Lonna Imbrie, P &taw. \. Crawler& Prok:iectus for. 1857. (ALA:4S WARE—A llrge stock juse received acd. for sale by A: 8; 11AltVET, i Lite 17 No. 3, Stevrarei sow , Bridgewater • ,______ : • - i CALIF' fine heel Gaitera,, the latest stylc l r I-4 at the Shoc store of • , - 1 Bs UN ES - A: NlcrriV.sax, _ I Stewart's, Row, Bridgewater: de:) IoRENCII 31oroccoheel Balt* for Lvlies; the luost fa.hionable'style at the Shoe store DAuNEs Nwitotsog. Stewart's ItoW; Bridgewater. .77_4 , GLA.) Uri 'E lesther patent tip Boots for Ladies l 1 at the Shde store of !; i l ‘ L' Bsasts'd: Nicnotsosi ' t tielo - Stew art's Raw, Bridgewater—. ----1 , . 1 3 LACh. awl tan cohoro-1 'Gaiters, fur LadieS 1 ; , 'and 3lisses, at the store or, .! Btaants ;5: NicnoLsox , LI jdel° _ ' Stewart's itnw • Bridgewater. _. _4. __. ___:— • FR, Nell !either Boots for' Laißes.:tut! AI isses: ti flex style for winter, tuadil.,) order, at Ith e Shoe store ofatastst; & litettot.soz, dell) ewait's Row, Bridmewater. 7 ID and Freneki )lorocco Buskins; a very fine article; at the Shim store at Bettsree — ic NICHOLSON, Stewirt's Row" Bridgewater. del° 'lie IS. Pim. at ys 8114 at the old nor, , 19, '56. !Arcot's. - Just Received at the New - 1. Drug - and CILBMIOAL BTORE • _ Ost Meal, Pesti Barley,•Pearl Sago. „ • Tapiato, Arrow•ltoot, Lae Sulphur. Ground Ginger, Cinnamon, ?dastard, Clotes; Cayenne Pepper, extracts fot cooking &d. Lemon, Strawberry, Raspberry, NUtmeg, Vanilla, Pine Apple Ste. • , puppera l , Oxedio Acid. white and common Glue, Matialer, Extract Logeood, ground do. Camwood, intrnt, Blither, Vermillion, Chromic iG ream, Yellow do. 1i elloW flthre, Ve netian R. 61, Spanish Drown, Vandyke Erown, Btareh, Rosin. Chalk. Putty, Oils, Glass Tin- . pentine,lVaraish, Carpenters Cough Syrup of llcniihog*nd, Carrigreen, and Slippery. Elm. Sellers Cough Syrup, 3leLane's Vermifuge, Carpenters do. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Ayer's Pills,'Davis' Pain Rillcr, Dalley's Pain Extrac tor, Ilolland Bitters, Terrell's Tetter Ointment, Tooth I ante and. Powder, Clothes Brushes, !fair BrUshes, Tooth Brushes, White Wash do. Trus ses, Fancy Soap, Glaziers Tacks, Perfumery generally, Vials, Betties by the gross or oth erwise, Paint and Varnish Brushel, Nursing Bottles, Brandy and Wine for Medicinal piirpo -ses. . ' • 0. CUNNINGIIA3I. Oet. 21, IS Have you Subscribed lb the , COSMOPOLITAN ART ASSOCIATION FOR TILE WIRD YEAR? SEE THE RARE INKCEMENTS".—The management( have the pleasure of announc ing tliiitt the collection of Works of Art design ed for distribution among the subscribers, whose names.sre received previous to . the 24th o January, 1857, is much larger and more eoviy. than on any previmis year. Among the leading works In sculpture—executed in the, finest at:Ale—is the new and beautiful Staines of the "WOOD NY. the busts of the three grent Alnerican Statesmen', CLAY, WEB ; STEtt and CALIIIJUN ; a 150, .: the exquisite ideal bust, APOLLO and DIANA, in marble, life size. • Together wit's the 'follow ; in; groups mud statues in Carrara marble, of the Strogibt for the Ileart ; Vella& cad Apple; Psyche; clay lalcp; Child of the '&'s ; lond t tenet.; Captire Bird; and Little Truant ; rwitb.numerous works In bronze, and a collec tion Of _SEVERAL austuizo mos; by leading artists. The - whole of:which ivretok l be distributed or sillotted amolo• the subseri hers whose names are receired.p - reriens to the MONTY-EIGHTH or JAMVAUri, l8;i7, when the 'distribution will take! place.' • , • TCRM OP stalsourrioN: Ecery subs,triber of tkr'el. dolbtra is entitled to A copy of the splemlitt Steel Engraving, '..S.t7uttu3s*Nuitir," oe , • A copy 'of any or the follotying's3.MagaFlue,4 I ane year . ;:.also, , - ' I copy of , the -Art .Tourned one yenr, and 1 ft - Ticket in the . Aninintlbstribution of Works , of Art. . . Thus, for 'every $ 4 l p ti 1, a•-pT.on not only gets a. beautiful . E 0..; raving , .lag.( „ trine, one but ills° 'receives ...the Art Journal ... one :year, find a Tic4o - . 1 . in the 'Annuli!. Distributto , making forir dollars O•orlls of re. dint' mrt(ier lie sides,the by %Flack , a - valuable, painting 1 pr pieee . of statuary truiV be received:M . . w y..„; ; ., hi; prettFe. Aragaiino.•to'xhi, Euirav -1 in• , .stiaturlay Night, can (N/I hare either of the lowin„.• one year: If arpees . .Ntagatine, Fodey's . Unite.l litotes 19gar.ittei "erlpo:ker GrOatr's NjogazipP; 111aelt , • wood Magazine, Southern Liter.u-y Messenger,. - No person-is restricted to a single, share.— , Those t:iking-tive theinberships, remitting , l 5; I are entitled to six I:.:lgr.tviztAs, •t I to six tialt= eta in the distrkbutiotii or any five of the mag.; azines; one year, and six'...tickets. • . Per:4°w , , inreutitting fun'ls fur membership, trill please'regieo.r the letter at the Pest Mire, to prevent ldsii; - . on receipt of which, it certift eate of 3leMberslijp, together with tire.Engraki jag Magaiineilesired,.will be forwarded to 'iv. I part or the - cnuntry. • For further particulars, see the Novemlier Art Jburnal sent free on application. I ! For membership. khlress C. L..DE:t BY; Ac tuary C, S. A., - 11rolway, ,New York ; or 'Weetern . Otlice,' 1G j Water street; .• Ntiv. • saitilusky, Ohio. • Jai. Appoiattinplits. DR., 11. TUBBS, 11711 he .at Ws room, Beidgete4icr, Lch.nter . .e llotel, • _Monday, Jaitudry 12, 1857. . 1 • : • For consultation - upon all- , diseases. of Alto Throat, • Lungs, Ileart, Liver, StontaCti,"DOwels, Kidneys and Spleen; also Dropsy, `Drivel, lthe untati*lll; - Nen - oiLittesv, Debility, Dyspepsia,.Fe male diseases, Ague and Fever, Fits, Impurititis of the blood. Eruptions, Cancers, I.7kers,,and all other varieties of long standing conipl4nts, both axtertial and internal. For some ten years Ur. T. hasdevotlnllis en . tire tine to chronic diseases, triMting tti?ti suds annually, many of whom had 'exhausett s every 'other resource within reach. In' .no case are mineral or other poisens employed, nor thie , , he Make sick to make well, or tear dorn to tiP again. The medicines can be fatten with safety by the most deli Cate, and patiens may re main at home; and continue with prti4ence their ordinary-diet and2excercise. ' Many bare recov ered-under the treatment after friends and phy7 sician3 inudgiven ap all hope; the indisputable evidence of which can always to furnished. -In. horrever reduce& or despairing, are liui to call, and may be assured that no encourage mentwill be giteu or expense incurred, without a corresponding prospect of recovery. CURAVILITY Bractrille, Trumbull co., O. duly ISsti. Dr. Tutins.=—Deai Sit:: Two years ago, last Ipril, I besought My :ion to you to be .tre.atel. fur fits. Ile had had them every feW weeks fur the year and a half-before. After you prescrf bed be hal but One and his hal none nee then. Various other medicines : lml been uitel before, but without benefit, and our Physician said he • could never be cured. Yours truly. SOLOMON ;II ÜBE Nov. 19. 1806 Orphan's Conti Sa Pursuant to an Order of the Orphan's Court of the county of Beaver, will be exposed to sale byl public vendee or outcry, atl the Court diouse in theborough of Beaver, on Tuesday Dee 80A8'46-, the undivided two-fifths of all that certain tract of land, the property of Geor. getta.B. Kinney and Martha Elizabeth M'Lean, minors, lying and being situate in Greene tp,L _Beaver co., bounded and described no followil, iii,-begi'ming at a poet, 'thence by land pf James .AllTson, S. 11 deg., East 140 perches to a White Oak, thence by hint of. James south 49 degrees, east 5 , 1 perches to a chesnut, thence north Si decrees, east 29 perches to a chesnut, thence south 66 degrees, east 63 per ches to a chesnut, thence by lend of John :11'1,nughlin, gouty 751 degrees, east 214 per ches,-thence by lend of 'Alexander Robinson, Worth 321 degrees. east 173 3.10 perehes, and thence by land of Jelin 'Mitchell north 75i deg. north 434 6-10 perches to the biginning, con. (Alain; 366 acres and 52 perches. • Tr.p.sis--One-third in hand, and the batance in three equal annual payments, with intivest from count-illation of sale. The unpaid pay ments to be secured by bond and Mortgage on the land so sold. Fin further particulars apply to Baines Allison, Guardian of said 'minors. .- h ojder of Court. WM. K. BODEN, Nov. 26, 1856. ' Clerk. ADM INIS'rRA'rOR'B NOTCE. W i IIERE.IS letters of administration have , been granted to the subscribers, on the estate of James Renton, late of Patterson tp , deed.. Those having claims against the deceas ed will please present, them far settement, and all persons who are indibted to said estate will please make immediate payment. Jaxes Cruswsc.c., Adm'r. EurairrießE,:troit, Achirx. • --.Nciv. 19 }856. I) RILL' ANTS AND LAWNS—A fresh sup- LP plijnst received, cud selling low, at TAYLQIVS April 1 30, 185€1. Rochtster milhe hill. • GEOs -R HITE &. Co. ' 59, Murloee j Se.; Pittsburgh HAVING pads 9(eii full pareassee,'are en abled to i olfer to the-piiblic generally: the ler gent„ betit seldcted,.auctelkeitpeat `easortmelit of FANCY., 86-VTOCC 7 Tr Dry 'H Goads. ; in ilte western. ;nitrite.' Their' , stock compri•?` Sde the _ • • ' • I BEST/ From F4BRIC_?__- the moskcelebrat;!ql umuuttcturers of gomls, suitable fór, I , 1 • 110USEHOLD pURPOS'ES,. AND TItIiILATFIST • ors I • i • . 'Paris :E. shoris 1. o,f eirctry de*.ription of DaPoSS, GOODS, EMBIWIDERIgS,' SHAWLS. CLOAKS' MAsTiLtAs, 44, • ; 11-31 r. Whitoharing perztonally 'attend ed the receut largo. , • .•. , t i()11 Sa /64 In New York, will ofT4r nen small nilvnn'n'n, Krone GRHAT 13 - A It Cs' AtNiS IN. . Musdelaines, Silks, CaAhrneres, French ,Mermoc.s, &c.! Besides hacin~ itapOrted largely ,this , sellset; from the first i• , European lionsei. They are hble to otter Irish Linens, llarre‘l and Plain Chmbrids, Jacooets. Nain•sooks, Welsh no !.1 Puteut Flanaels, stn•l Caii:wed hi, New .1 7 unx and price's.: eept 24 1846. , OS P.III P:UM M kl 11; IVholesale D.':aler 0 T' , S; S E , • ll:tts, Cap,. a; - ally Bartets' 'No. 105 /Food st., Pittsburuh, 1.4 now on baud'is receiving 'the Inegt --,' Hfresh siock , of (10(ids,.that has been brought to this intirket thr years. • • COnmistinis of n complete astmrtment of,Nlen's Boy's Y.,ittlitt, atariiitii.lren s Kip; Oaf and Thick Boots; YOuth's lihrgans, .Woitwti'S uu l !fix-tes i Cont;. lit6trielZA aril Kip Boots, liihntins; att: Boot.; nod Shot* Also Gnat • Shoes of !every discription, with a lirge itssolitmetic K9ss . p.th anA Wool liatso.itips, .kc - . i '.. The: abmre stock: was parelmsed early in the Seasom - prior_to Ali: great advince, fur l cash, dir&.;ly from the E : rtern Manufitctares m 1 , 1 .1411 he 4m141 la as isvorai4 terms as :my 61' the Ne 4 York or l'hiladeriMia houses.. Merinitito will titrl it ta their advantage . tme..lll and ex.atn in,: my stock b..fore their parstitn4es in this trotr.'et or zoing East. Sept. 17. 18,36: - oricg. is heiiiby—gil'..ln that the Dirt.ctors 11 or -the Bevaer eqattti-l'lyar and 'louse of employuieut, will receive Sctle , l PropOsalti frl9it this qate.to December 31ith,1856, far a Physt cia:u f,ir the coming yeal. Proposals to left at the •0 of Sun Wilsow" Esq Beaver. N.tiee is also given that the. A said Directors aflf ee, reive Sealed Propigaisfromhis tLite•to riecenther 311th, rropo -Bas-to he left'at the olftbe of Sam..B. Wilson, 'Esq.; Beaver-, Dec 3, 1856. C(OARS ' owl fin e oota..for bleu and Boys, ready made, and made to ordetvnt the Shoe store. .of Bausa,s Nictiohsos, ' dell) ; • Ii Bow, Bridgewater. ,LTEAVY °TorAU:Its, ['pots add Via 44, fur date' 11:at the Shoe store qT IiARSErt A tit ictlOLsoN, - Stew:trt's Raw. Itridgewnter. . _ y;ADIES d,ieci li'es morocco. .bciots. 20 (10z. git:4i'over ihoas and sfui 'dais. just reeeird Kt, • TAYLOWS. • Noveruber 19; /8511. t IF You wapt a rich eilf. F'reuili ineriuy, wow pl#l or ildnine. you will bind it at/ MC 3 is I TA 'lO R. S. • A fC ; sr ;note 11r% r 1,3 Prcser?ingl" ttles nt Ilk lot. 8 T 8561 • A. U 9twicK7B. Avacribty of siz6.9 of (.lowing'Co',YCistern PittnpA:lolr tor cash, at A. BESTIViCK'S. 1554. ---- ill P.M LIANTg-20 Atiec,csi be:iu 1." 2 . 0 • ...,1,tjne.4,\155 , 1 M. TAYLOR t Jbil N 11. LI7 lA 0.• F, IttrlCENS.'r W. LUALNS• TAESS L k:SONS • - Fo`rwatyliri. , and Contutissioa :krerelt:tuts • lioeltest2r, 'Aget'l ft. f4steainer•Nlinhizon . bet % Tom sp2 13; ONNETS of iittosP styiei trimiliiogs to matCh, nt "i TAY4OIt'S April 1 . 11, ISSIII Roebeter 'on the. bill. - It. P. 1 1 t0fillitTs. .1 1 - M. S. QUAY ' Rd !JERI'S - .4,llornelis at ,grit, Peaq a. E.: L 1 511.1.15'1 1 8.--1.413 oeaut trot Article of qrels,"togetiAr Crape, black thibet ad& ot.4!'• boantifa styl,cs, of slimmer .shawls j i umt rocelyed . lit june 4. TAYLOR'S; U1111.1STl: Centent nn! Orindltones.--t!las- V • ter-for land and Stueeo world Cement for public wtirlis, cisterns, etc. GrindSttines of all sizes on ithnd, at 819, Liberty st rittsburgh, M 1 y 21,'1846. . IV. 1W Wst.t..spm- I r NfT Wool Goods.--Sacii, Hoods, - Opera caps; cult-, sleeves:- ,Ladtes merino vests, victorines kg.: just opened it . 4,.1110ES —The best asOnt rtelet for . /ludies tnisseti andchildren , TAYLOß'S,. Apra 1 4,15:56. it..ehester i)n the bill. , 'A'„,...''...'..:BOS.tit*.lCk-:, / 2111:14.1.1:1.1 llr IIIIRIZI:=111L - wo 4• ..-.,.‘....= —...........A.,..a.,... tt ,....... r „ „. 1 : i i ". t . , : .1. , 5 , - ( mo d ; :, .' 4 . .._ : _. i 1 :, i l i 1 , _. . .. , - _-„,..--„...vi.:,,,,,,„{„.,,,__Ai. r.... ....... . ANFAIMIIIMW SMNWININIMORMUMMILI Er ANNIML 7 1 I-3 = , ,-.: [ .-_. l --. ..1 .ET . x . .__ .2' + ,TN Tin, Copper awl Sheet Iron ware, corner of Browlway,and Apple 'streets, ton, Pa., where - may be found a geneial assort• meat of the above ware, as good and at prices as low as they can be got at any other house.. 1 ,0 A L A'N D ~ 11 X A hI'LN . Oct:-8,1856. ' - CIHAWLS, Sbawls.—DO shawls, 13rochi, Bay State, long land _equare,!.at prices' varying from $2 to $l5, just :volved at • November 19. 1856. TIALOIOS. HATff, Caps, Boots aid Shoes, ar - 2 Oct. 22. Vouso THOMAS tIOULD yon want 'gook, cape or talm n, yotroatt Sod them a, TAYLOR'S. SHOULD yen want. - Cana what lady , does Rot ty either hilt 1 . 1 a,, Bay State, long or ; uarei"call - TAYLOR'S, A1031.1.A8, .abawli, fancy Imminets, mi s s e s -0.1:f oat infanta flattand hats at may z. , 1&56. ' Youria, TrromAs. & IUBBttiS, IVe ere receiving XI fro* supp lies eve* week- OsLoughont the seasenotthe most lasOnsOle styles. , .I`utat,f ,} T. Nt.-TAnos. . Every day Brings .spmething New 1. N. Atkins has AA received from Philalel phia a large stock of the ' Fall and Winter style of silk, Felt and !Soft Mats Of a:1 kiudA and prices. •AlsO oft hands and manufacturing laelaiy stock of fur. wool hats, whtch lie willsell vbry cheap. • • • Lambs wool and all,liinds of furs taken in ex change for hats nt the highest prices. COme, all who wani good, serviceable, and fashionable hnts and caps, and be supplied. girl:member the sign of the BiG lIAT. Beaver, N0v.19, 1856; - - YOUNG THOMAS'S ..31erchasiVs Hotel, clowten. secoND_ AND SMITIIPIEtD STREW.; PITTSBURGH, PENN'A. Tux Subscriber would respectfully inform tltis community; that he has recenily fitted out this llduse in the most modern and approtietr stifle; and earnpstly isks• for a share, of your patronage.' Charges moderate. JAMES C. WKEE marl 4 - ' • • bAilitED FLANNELS--Rob limy Flannels, IP Heim barred country flannels, a very su perior article, at nova R ° ' TAYLO ' S. LADEES and .Infants hoods, ladles zephyr sleeves and ends, woolen cuffs and scarfs, Young S Thenut. Sll,llVLS...pclmas, comforu, blankets,gloves woolen and , buckskin, socks, Woolen and cottori-at Young &Thomas's. VALE and winter bonnets., silk awl straw -12 bonnet trimmingsits all kindi . YOUNG t T 119314.5: ARA.VETA, Coburg./ Thibet MadamP cloths, detainee; Persian and all Wool, P.aids, robes and poplitis, at', • Oct.' 22.. Yousa & TROMAS. Agood assortment of pressed Japaned wares and mine* lamps,, cheaper than any other home, at. A. DESTWICr'd. 1 .1 . , =I , . ' ' o . • • B Al Fa nes'toek ;54: , :. - , Corner of Wood : _ a nd tin t -iflt s Patsburgh. Pealed 1 k 1 • j - ' I j .1 Wholesale D'ril,ogis s.anu maim-fa 1 1 - . -, , , turers of white &re lead Lithorg &., ~, , L a , t —___ _, (tarn • in Storeland ger for .gao,' ' ' i -124 baskets °Heel oil, ' 100 bb's. rosin . ' 1007carbuys mutintic acid 100 boxes castild aodp 21 ds beetled spelt* dii 160 'C s ises) extract logwood 100 bbls. venetian red 'l4 do , posed iihn bark ---- 2001,kegs - sup, earl). soda 600 lbs. oil saisafits ' :10 do spanish brown 600 gallons sweet oil 200 tibia. slye weeds 12 cases gum shellac( . 100 )lbs. citric acia- , don ,lbs oil origaruna 4f) kegs emery 800 Ide 'oil !prude .> ---. 20 cases 'gum arabic 16 bbls: refined hor,ar. . 21)0 Tounces todin4'.. 60 bbls. ,ep.som silts 31) cases British lustre 100 'lbs. Baglidit calomel - ' , ,,60 yellow ochre 1 . 12 casks chalk ' 100 do blue mail 34.,bb1s black lead 60 casks sat soda k 126 bbls. lampblack. 60 'do_ alum l3 bbls. rotten stet))) 100 r do whiting 2O de - lour salphur 16 tin Irish moss 100 Ido putty , 2G do rolt - bustose 16 b tles cloves El . - 1 • atinwilesldent partners in New York and Philadelphia to Like a Ivantage of a cii chang s in themlarket, we are ertabled'to sell fin Clalr oi•to prO i t'upt fluid deale,rs, • as,f+ablo terhi4-as EtstPrn jobbing houses: i . Oar branl of white lead we guarantee to be strieriy pnrequil ticiqhf; and not sir , passed, by any forifinenesq and whiteness, , i (I,:tober 1.5. 1856. I . 0a •iG I NAY! FI F T 11:. - ,ST13:141T - , Asi S - 4 1 )c - 1 iii4f7fac - ioi - Y, . _ (Est illed - 1837. ) --- --.: H Ii Hole al the eor er - of Fifth Slret l aria Market 411e.y;• Pittsburgh:. `V HERE every, iarticle in tile Hosiery line • • is manufactared. Wholesale Depot fur Etradley'B Stocking, lora. To prevent mistakes and. consequent iliSanpointment; remember the corner is the salesroom of our Factory.' Oct. 1,186 G. j / 1 A NEW STGC 4. Fall andi Winter TI.TS'I" received at the corner of \ 'Nlarket and J Bridge streets,': 13ridgdwiticr, Pa. I have: just retleived ; and nm now opening-a very 'desi rable stock or goods suitable for the presenr and 'cot - tiling aeaSon, ttioillich I invite the alien- , . my old - custoMers arid the public itt eral to an examination, as • I feel confident-it Will compare and price to any other house in this DRESS • GOODS ,SL TRIMMINGS. , . I ioulit e..speciallp invite Owe:ladies to) call' and exainine my stock of silk, French tuerinoes,' an iy.Aml del'aincs, cn:slimeres, coburgs, poplids,! , ( Persian cloths, Persian tiyills, gingham, cham4 bros, paper l cambrics, cambric, 't,j:iconet; swilS! and !mu .1 Muslim,- shawls, dre'es . , trimmings,, lace 'fringes,' bonnet ribban, sleeves; collars; Waist bands,, hose so' Also a large assortment of men and boys wear, consisting of black and colored Frenclifeluthii, ! doe skins. fauey; cassi r - 'inures, i.weedsi cord's,- jeans, satin and fancy vesting, nett i.hirtsamdidrawers, silk cravats, handkeetliefsstoikS,'suspenders; comforts &e. . !,' 110U8EGOLD GOODS. ' - i . . Colored, white tilid bArred flannel,' canton flannels, linseys, broWa and bleactiod muslms, shirting .cheeks, drilling, arinkeensl tie:lags So'. ;loots aullshoes fur man, boys, lailies and chi'? dren, fur dUrability and :neatness mina it loft!, surpassed. Also a large - assortment of soft Lat cloth, plush andoil ilk 'caps., . Ilardwa, qhrensware, glass, nails and groceries; 'all (of which will be 6011 loir for cash or 'pr‘idinie. 1, I 0et..'15, 185+;.. HTIIONIAS ALLISON.'', , Bernard Rouse. , S. 9 I Foui•th ij i del; &dwelt: Wood find Pa. • , D. 13 RNAILD PROPRIETOR,. UilIS house is eligibly situated, convenient to business, has just been opened for the reception of guests, it fitted up in the best sfyie. Room? large and well furnished. The House is conducted upon the iEuropean ; all . the deliCacies of the market purchased, and 'cliaige made in propertionite amounts , oidered,' with. moderate charge for multi. The Propri cLor having )ong experience *in Ws_ business, feels confident in being able to render salisfac= Lion to all who may favor him with their potion-, age. Terms always reasonable. A share of patron age is solicited t way 7080. NEW STOCK OF , GOODS Just Received at .IYO , Stewixrea 1?ow . -Bridgewater. • i I IrE subgcriberhaS received' Ind is now open, L ing A:very desirable stock' of FALL '..S; IVINTER GOODS whlth he will take pleasure in showing to liis ea4toluers anti the public generally, Con sisting in part of the following artieles; Fr. Cloths, doeskin 'eassitneros, fancy demi =yes, all wool tweeds, jeans, , satin tWeedsi satinetts, corduroy. knit drawe'.rs and - under . - slurts,_Canton flannels; flannels, gentts , gloces; half hose, .stoe6, cravats, h'diefs, etc. ' ...• Ile, wishes to inforin the •Lad . lcs that lie has a very desirable stock; of Dress Goods and Trtnzmings ) Blacr,.. and colored silks, 'French inorinos; thibit cloths, F r r. merino plaids, all wool .de banes, coburgs, PariSian twills, debages, de, laines„ giughanis, prints, collars, nntlersleeva, shimizetts, bounds, mantua and waiit_ ribbons, brocha and long shawls, dress trimmings, gloves and hosiery, etc.. • Also, gr9ceries, hardware, queensware, boots and shoes,* which he will utter at it small ad vance either for .Cash ur produce. tgo,.All kinds' of produce inken-qu exchange Cor'goods. Oct. 23. 1855. ' I . IIOS. -ALLISON. FALL AND WINTER GOODS nur , Coiner of Third and Elk streets, Beaver Pa. There- they can be boUght clicap for cash or country produse. - Oct. 22. Sidi Bt3.E i SV - 4' S itfß CELRBRATED 1101.1..iND ..RFAIEDY FOR irSR to. . t , DISEASE`; OF 'TILE KIDNE 1 LIVER COMPLAANT Nc*ARTNES 6 , 14 1 AN : lr , • FEVER AND ACME, And the various affections coneequeut upon a diserderedrl I STOMACII AND - LIVE:11, Such as Indigestion, 'Aci tty of the stomach, Co- liaky pains, Heatbura, Loss of Appetite, Des pondeney,-COstiveness, Blind and Weeding Pilc4.7 In all Nervous, Rheumatic and Neuralgic :affec tions, It has in numerous, instances proved high. I I.i bene.ficial and in others effected a decided cure. ! , is ' a purely vewetlble compound, prepar ed Oti Strictly scientific priucipies, after the matt. 1 ner,of the celebrated Holland Professor, Doer- hive. Because of its great succes s in niost of 1 the EUropean f l tates, , its introdUction ;hut the' ', United. Stat 6 was intended more e-Apecially Sore. those Elf our fatherland scattered here ; and there ' , over the tide of this mighty country. Meeting with great success among them;•l now dffer it to the AMerican public , knowing 0 1 E1CDs...truly 1 wonderful medicinal virtues mast be act dowleil- It is particularly recommended to those int.- sons whose constitutions may bilve been impair ed by the'continnous use of ardent Spirits, or other forms Of dissipation. Generally iostanta !mous in effect, it finds its way directly to: the scat' of life, thrilling and quicxeningl every nerve raisellnp the drooping - spirit, And,lin - fact, in- - 'fusing:new health and vigor in the system. NOTICE!--IVhoevet expects to pry' in this abevernge will be 'disappoiuted ) hot to the - sick' weak and low spirited, it will - prove a greaVul• aromatic. cor.lisl, posses,.] 14 singular reme Elia. properties. .; • 27' CAtrricx.---The great popularity of this de lightful Aroma has in -limed many imitations, which the public should gutird against purchas ing. Be•ndi peTramlecl to tiny anythito., else un til you itav e given poet-naves Holland .I.iiiters a 'a fAiririal. One bottle will convince you how .infinitely saperiorit is these imitations. 9"..,M; „Still at $1 00 per bottle, o r six bottles for sold . ‘ toy the proprieto r ,, •Benjamin.Puge, Co, 4inntactufink • hartuacentista and Chetnisks,iPittsburgh, Pyt., • V. /•-• 11....-; A 1 0 , 4.... 2(45 1 ' n vi „ ' .1 ,4 ~ = • g El iii-bi.c 1 .614136 -,..-. ---, - 1 . . ~...,- 1 !"_ - ':- 2. ~ • .•., - R - A•j-.0 ,t.)- r 4: _ ' , ..• ~.r ~.,..„.... •,..., - . c .: ) ' ; 0 ,•,, . ; t. '...i.. c.. , . A „.. H . _, ;,..,- .72 . C..)' Pm Ze. N.- ~,. Qo':... • , ~ Lisom , z, mit• a i ' cz :- ..ii •1 1. ~. , ' 4' % - Q st_ - 1 •10 F:::: ) : - ~ '.l ) .. 1 's . 0 i i iiii'''. itlt C 6 i 1 - 1-P .IC 72 4 .e. g•I . . ,1 1 • ' L..) ' ° I ,„:, eu ~ 1 .441 ' ). , 41 , 1 ‘ ,. • , A _,... '*" cz:+_= :,- . r ' :41) ‘: 4 .- . sl c• " V Hr, - 9 * t... P.lllll ~__ CR ! ....4 . ; ,= ....... ' : i . 111 '•. .. - , ; .0: .'" I' l3 g" • '' . i . 'I. '1 ' . - MCI_ • faint broty pQs. T S VEDI;11 & Co. respectfully inform , ; the al • citizens of Beaver, andvi.iinitY, that) hey, have opened a gallerydn the Court Rottie, where they may be found fora short time,: prepared. to ;furnish beautiful andilife,like picturls tn.l those who may favor them with theirrpatronake. IlieloEvery , picture warrauted. I'rices, sl,oo' ana upwards. ' • HALL (Sticomsoh, to J 044 • IVIIDLESALE- -AND r RETAiL at aml Cap Mandartattr, 11 DE:I.LEILS IN u S, TR I Jim! N s NO S 9 FOOD ST., Pri'TSBU c iROH Pa. u[i have just received a,splen id stock - of V V N•i , mid Fashionable _Fall and, 'Winter Goods. %his firinistomposed of practical men, who makn and warrant their "work: Country Merchants are requested to call and examine our stock.i • ' Sept. 19,''5 AND WARRANTEL—Highest. Market price .1.4 paid in gold for 120, 160 and 80 'ere Warrants. Any sent to us, we will deposit he amount to ,their credit in' bank*, Or. semi to them by return of snail, at the tnarkel.'. •I WIL A. HERRON & CO. Baxicas AND EXCIISSGE PHOICERS Corner of Wood and Sixth stripts, Oitts. Pi: CLIAMVERLIki tt OUVIBEEPTSOIN iittorneysia6d Counsellins at Li*: Offre on Broadwiy, 3d door below Merrick nonce! NewArightoit.' . S'IrRAY COW& •• , STRAYEI) from the snbsoribei, residing in iallatoti, a_ small black. Cow, between b and 6 years old: Any one Airing infornmtion" Oist will lead id her:reoorerl t will he rewarded.. Dec. 8,1836: NANCY ELLIOTT. MEI t IVlll, * ;Alit "WE SICK - "'Li-4vas been the , dot of the huntri.t.wie to i'o weighed - ilown by lisease and, suffering. loway's Pills fire spaebillY i adapted to 'the ielier of the Weak, the Narrows, the Dall'e.ite end t,hn" , Infirin, of all cl/rdsa. agei, sexes., and_ coststiti• tious.' l'rofessOr liollorray, personally tends tho ntanithietnet of his oteikiehtei a the United State:4; and ottera thent to a frao and enlightened people, ;Ls thO best renienY the I world ever saw for the removal TIIESE PILLS PURIFY TIIE BLOOD. These (anions Pills are espressiv2ly combined to operate on the stomach, the liver, the Lneys the lungs,, the skin, and the - bowels, cot % feeting-auly derangement in their funetionso Tatrifyint-the jitan.l the very fountain of 11 ` 1 - 11 ,1 11 s disease in allits & LEVE , R CO3I LAINTST , I Nearly half the human race hive titkettihese PillS. It has been proved jin.-tall parts of the : - • world, that nothing has been - found equal — to I then fit eases of disorders of the liver. dyspep. sia, stomach' auntplaints gdnerally, They' -soon give a healthy tone to these organs, how, ~eier much deranged, app when all other meant) have failed. —' 1)}.1 B I tITY ILL 'HEALTH Inost.de3potic Gakernments have opened their illtistom /lenses to-the intr .- eduction of these Pills, that they may became the l jtnedi•• eine, of the; masses. °Learned Colleges admit that this medicine is the best remedy ever known for person ,- of del,icate health, or where-the Syl tem has been iinpaireA, as its invig•frating yfop* ernes never fail to afford relief. i'E'IIILE COMPL IINT,. No female, yoqug or old, should he without this celebrated tnediciue.l It corrects' and regt ttlutes the uMnthiy courses at ail periods. act. 'Mg in many eases •like' a charm, 1,141._a150 the best and eared medicine that eatybe given tv. Children of all noes, and (or any complaint: consequently no family showld he rithout It. °I • I Hulloway , s Pals are the best remedy ibwnlo • A. bin the world for the fullog: iggy Diseases: Blthtna, Diarrhoea, . Indigestion, wel Compls, Dropsy, lnfluenza, Coughs, , Jittlamtnation, Colds° Fever and Ague, Ydneral Affe'n Chest Diseases, Fetnale`Comprts, l'iles, ler Compl:ts, Headaches, wneis of Inw'd wean'l irits. Manuflieicries orProfesaoe,,/ tiden Letne, New YOrk,• ' ?n, by all respectable•Drngr If Medicine throughout the the civilized world in boxes, ti, and Tl considerable''saving brtag- I_ Costiitnesss,..• Li • Whruioill kinds, Lo Ditpepsia, .Sp • *.,.1( - -Sold at the ifou,OwAY. • 80 Alj Strand, Londe gists and Dealers United States,•and at: 2.5 cents, ce, l There is ci I the largpst sizes. : N. L Directions in e every disordr a • for the guidance of patients e affixed to each box. (no 2 EM IEI , EL; Childs it Co , •iy . WHOLESALE. SHOE WAREHOUSE, 133 1 Wood street, PittsbUrgh, - . - ET 'extensive jast received a large and 'extensiv 1-1. stock otBoots; Shoes and Bon,net., of tint latest and most fashionable stylesjor fall aq4 purchased principally fir ciSh'' direct from the eastern manufacturers, and `se.' ected,.Aith great care as tp quality and sizes hest .a;olapted to the country trade. • : With our lqng experience in husinesp nnd in creasea facilities both for_ buying and se ling, we can, offer superior inducements to qiir clisto mers, and we invitiMerchants visiting, thq city to an examination of. our stock. assuring them • rve will not be undersold by any honsd east or - west. .Particular attention given to orders. Oelohr 1, 1866, - - • . SP 'CIAL . NOTICES. • , • . A _Ii1E01311S: I NT, my 19, to to , cer tify that we e used H. M. lloituthu.s- eon pound in our fa ily for Cough ,aud Bt ciachitis, and we;believe - ts be tlie.bcst preper - ation in the World fore hose---cumididtit4 and we linvo trio lnlapy of er inedieinces for the Briiiichitis,. but O'one of t eta done the good that, this atria hone,! in fact, it never failed to sure iu our RH& ily and some of our friends have Useltil with . ; - the sanie success. , • We cheerfully ree,ommend-it to the 'JOSEPH BlGhs , , • • 11.4NNA lIIGt S. TEE GREAT ENGLISH REffiEDY MM=MMI Celebrated Female rills. Prepared from a ',prescription of Sir James Clarke,• M. D. Physician•Extraordinsty' tti the Queen. This invaluable;utitailing • in the,cure of allftVese.piiitiful..--tiiiitidangerous di.seascs iiMitieut .the female 'constitution. It Moderates all excess, reuiefO,S• all obitruh.- tiont4 ' and brings-ou the- mouthly period with regulari'yl These Pills shouldi he used tiro or 1 three Weeks previous, to' confim neent; thoy for- . tif,y the coustitutione andlessen -.suffering - du.- ritig labor, enabling the mother to perform` her • duties t With safety to 'herself - and, These Pills shouldmot he biktary-fernales da ring the - FIT:ST THREE MUFTIIS of ['regatta- cy aas they are Sure to bring on Misearrige, but at any other time they are safe. - In all cases ofNervons ',Spinal Affections', pain irithe Back and Limbs, Heavinesi, Fatigue .' in Slight Exertion,' Palpitlti;on of the Heart-,; LOwness of Spirits, ilysterici, Sick Headache Whited all the painfal diseases oectisioned , - by a disrodered system, these Pills will oliectw. cure wheu.all other means leave failed, and al. trough n powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony on any other mineral. • Full directions accompanying each .package; Price, in the _United States and Canticle; One , ' = Sole,Agtints . for thin country. 's • „ 1. C. B.I:LDWIN & Co. • , • t • lloc.hester;N.Yu T IIIITLE Bc.MOSES,. Auburn, .N. Y. (3ener al.Agebts.l - - „N. 13. 4.1,00- and 6 pOstago stamps • enclosed to any _authorized Agents, mill insure a.bottle of the ill,by retain mall. ..Nor sale by (I:. KAIS :Rochester, Pa. •-• " Willisale- agents .PLEMTICG.I3StOTIISIt. "Pittiktnigh Pa. Deo. 12 -Low builie Piece. 100-pleeea bleached niuslinS, .asaorted• 6 hales brown '•ro .do 200 pieces _Sockeye and other prints. , 50 Pieces Lancaster gingham'. June. 4. 1111e2ixpiiire-.. ..ti'iTll4ll4lS. . gapes aucktackskii...l4)u jinn, Opened, front $2 to tiV , I II 13 . I . =C° GM. = E EMI El IE2I MI MS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers