THE DAILY wVJSNINt TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, MAY 29, 187i. SriItIT OF TEE MESS. I DITOBIAL OPINIONS Or THE LBADINO JOURNALS UPON CT7BRENT TOPICS COMPILED XTEBT SAT FOB THE EVENING TELEOBAPH. HOW A GREAT RAILROAD WHEN PRO PERLY MANAGED SUCCEEDS. From the Harrisburg State Journal. We seed not tell the reader wh is ac quainted with the railroad developments of the country, that New York railroad interests for years controlled the passenger and trans portation business of the country. The cen tre of commercial wealth, the port of entry for foreign importation, aDd the financial headquarters of the continent, New York rail road men simply treated with contempt all efforts of other men who presumed to com pete with them in this business. They ruled railroad stocks just about as corruptly and as arrogantly as Napoleon ruled France, and just as that bloated imperial adventurer fell in disgrace and impotence, when be eame in direct contact with a rival whom he treated with contempt, so are railroad men fading away or being overleaped in a contest with the superior skill and honest and energetio management of the Pennsylva nia Railroad. This contest has been sharp, quick, and decisive. For years, the boast was on the side of New York the journalists of that city regaling themselves with "brag" of what they could and would do in this particular, but when the final con test came, it resulted in fixing the Pennsyl vania Railroad as the controller of that inte rest on the American continent. This is now unquestionably the situation of railroad affairs in this country. Pennsylvania is not only the Keystone of the Federal arch, but she is the key which unlocks the natural resources of the continent, affording means of travel and carriage for freight between all our great markets. From the Atlantio coast to the shores of the lakes; thence to the Gulf, and in a wide reach over the prai ries to the Paoifio Gcean, this mighty enter prise now holds supreme oontrol of our inter nal commerce, and before long will exercise a potent influence on the trade of the world. There is something sublime in the contempla tion of such a fact, for the reason that it proves what can be accomplished by fair en terprise and correct dealing. In restoring the trade and prosperity of the South, there is no doubt this road is now accomplish ing as much if not more than 'is done by acts of Congress and Ku-klux legislation, for the reason that, however just and essential a law may bo, in cases like this, it irritates and antagonizes, while a great enterprise which invites to rival ries, which stimulates industry in com munities, is always sure to mark its progress by prosperity. It is a singular fact, too, that the Pennsylvania Railroad, more than any other, was directly identified with our military operations to crush rebellion, Mr. Lincoln frequently expressing his re liance on this corporation as an efficient auxiliary in the work of defense and attack. By it Union armies, almost en masse, were hurled with the speed of lightning to annihi late Rebel hosts, and by it now, the regions once devastated by war are reinvigorated with trade, and brought in communication with markets to whioh they never before had ao cess. The same influenoe and results apply and will affect the ereat West in all direc tions. The produols of the prairies will ere long be carried to the markets of the world, with only one transhipment and by the same bill of lading. By the connections of this extending and consolidating lino, goods can be earned from our Eastern sea board to any part of the country where a railroad extends, . in the same car in which they were first loaded. Its links ex tended to every commercial mart. It holds in ' one mighty chain the rice, cotton, and tobacco fields of the South, the inexhaustible grain growing region of the West, the iron, coal, and oil of the North and the Middle States, and the manufacturing localities of the East. It is the veritable golden cirole set in iron bands a medium of communication so tremendous in its power and irresistible in its influence, as to make self-government and the prosperity of a free people no longer a mockery and a subject of ridicule among the aristocracies of the old world. And as long as such enterprises can be kept within the channel of their legitimate usefulness, whereby this road secured its power for suc cess, they will add annually to our pros perity as a people and greatness as a nation. THE CHICAGO ASSEMBLY. From the N. T. Tribune, Country ministers will be apt just now to regard with especial interest the reoent pro ceedines of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church convened at Chicago, Among other efforts to promote the spiritual health of the now reunited Churoh, the As sembly is endeavoring tor solve the knotty problem which has bo long vexed the souls of the elders, yclept "ministerial relief," to hit upon the nice rate of salary which will satisfy both congregation and clergyman the wsle milieu between a rank excess of filthy lucre for the priest, on the one hand, and starvation on the other. The expedient proposed is that each congregation shall pay, beside the usual salary to its minister, an an nual Dreniium for the assurance of his life; and the question is submitted whether the assurance should not take, in all cases, the farm of an annuity. Looking at the matter from a secular, ordi nary business point, this arrangement ap pears to us an uncertain effort by the Assem bly to dodge a very certain sense of wrong doing. 1 he salaries paid to ministers (out side of the large and wealthy towns) is, in all the religious sects, too small to enable a maa to support and educate a family without con etant, caiking care. The average salary aiiowea uy mm very denomination in ques tion to its boiLe missionaries does not reach $300 per annu. a dollar a day is poor wageB ior a iauonng man, whose tastes or habits call for little more than decent clothes, bed, and victuals, and eduoation for his chil dren sufficient to nv them to fill hon estly the position ne himself holds. Hut trial a man whose very work and position demand cmte aud mental power, and whose employers hr6 m08t rior, ous in exacting constant ana ir8a evidence that he possesses them, should . sentenced to a condition of penury in niiaait. ail!j pauperism in old age, simply because ne Ua, chosen to devote tnese tils best guts 0 nu Master's service, is an injustice which i 86. cular code of work and wages would dare to w a till. 1. l ! advocate, in almost an ennrcues mere is t larking sense of 6hame and delinquency in this matter, and in consequence an effort to atone by gifts, "bees," or donation parties, until finally, the old clergyman, no longer able to work, is put upon a superannuated list, and is looked upon as a burden and pen sioner ever after. Now, there is but one way of placing this subjeot in a oommon-sense'light. Either the servioe a clergyman renders his hearers in the cause of religion ought to be paid for in money, or it ought not. If not, then all sects Bhould adopt boldly the platform of the Friends and one branch of the Baptists, who hold that every man should have a trade or profession, and preaoh and pray as the spirit gives him utterance, without wages. But the objection urged to this system of non payment is that a man cannot praotice sur gery or shoemaking through the week, and keep his mind clear for the elimination and forcible urging of higher truth in Sunday's sermons. Wny tuen, 11 tne money paid is intended to relieve the preacher's mind from worldly cares, is it, as a rule, bo miserable a pittance that he is more tormented than any other man with anxiety from the beginning of his life's work to the end, and 'would be glad if the chance were allowed him to dose patients or cobble shoes, in order to help keep his mind at peace and body and soul together? Congregations are apt to argue that a man of God should set his affec tions on things above, not of this earth, and that he should not lay up for himself trea sures which moth and rust can corrupt. But the injunction is given to the man of God, as it appears to us; his parishioners are nowhere ordered to deny him the chance to use his money well or ill; to treat him as a person in a state of nonage or idiocy, of whom they are guardians. The teacher of God's word ought to be His faithfullest steward in doing good with money; at any rate, it is hardly Christian justice to restrict him of his just dues, under the presumption that he is the one man who will not apply them to the highest aims. The matter will never be set right until each denomination prescribes at least living salaries for its ministers, and in the case of poor churches neips to pay tnem. me tax ation levied by the pauperizing system of "superannuated lists," "help for aged and in firm pastors, etc., would more tnan Bulhce to accomplish this. The present movement will no doubt be nailed as true (Jnristian be nevolence; yet what man would insult his physician or lawyer by refusing to pay his fees and offering him instead, with or against his better judgment, a life assurance policy i When clergymen who do honest and good work are honestly paid for it, as mechanics or auy otlier prolessionai men are lor tneirs, they will give better service, aud be much less apt, we suspect, to "set their affections on tbijics below." It is when there is too lit tle enrtliiy treasure in the chest that wo are likely o think most of the moth and rust that can corrupt it. When we are sure of to morrow h lood tor wile and children, our thoughts are freer to rise to something higher. A PENNYWORTH OF ENGLISH RE PUBLICANISM. Frm the London Saturday Review. The English Republicans differ from their French fellows, or, as they prefer to call them, "brethren," in having no traditions The Trade-Unionists and tap-room orators of the manufacturing boroughs can scarcely re cognize Cromwell as a practical interpreter of their theory of the republic, nor can they ex pect the mass of Englishmen to accept Citi zen Tom l'aine or Oitizen Hunt as tne glorious ideals of the English politician of the future. Neither that English republio which actually did exist in the seventeenth century, nor that English republio whioh f ran tin ruinoritv wii"" ta hrinur inta axmt. ence a generation ago, can, ever innanie any great proportion ef the English people with the fire and passion which the recollections of 80 and 5)2 can always awaken in tne mass or workmen in French cities. The founders of our Republican clubs have neither political nor literary .fclneiisn names to conjure witn. A slight perusal of the English Republican organs by any person wno nas tne least acquaintance with French Republican jour nalism will bring into cruel prominence the deplorable poverty of our noisy little English political Beet in journalism, une cmei oasi noes of every xtepubiican meeting appears to be abuse of the London newspaper press. All the daily iournals. we are told, are in the hands of the middle classes, and the con sciences of their editors and contributors are regulated by the kings of the money market. A Republican club, or a branch of the Land and Labor League, almost lnvanaoiy meets in a nublic-houBe: so we judge from all the reports of their meetings m jteynoias jvews' .... 7 v'. ,.. paper. isut whether tne landlords grant tne regenerators of sooiety a tai&ing-room. Dear, and tobacco, for love oi tne coming uepaoiio, or whether the regenerators of sooiety spend something out of their wages for "the good of the house." the reports do not Bay. A Tobacco Parliament, as Mr. Carlyle would tell them, is at once so monarchical and bo Prussian an institution that we can scarcely believe that any true Republicans and lovers of the sacred nation of Franoe do their business amidst the fame of pipes. As the Queen is the subjeot of the first toast at the ordinary convivial meeting! in such places, the Republicans, possibly un able to liberate themselves completely from the genius loci, are generally inspired to make )he Queen tne subject oi tneir nrst resolution. She is the great robber or "tne people. Every Republican conceives that he is drink ing half a pint less beer, or smoking a screw less of tobacco, in consequence of her last robbery of the working-classes by the dowry of the Princess. Their next resolution runs parallel with the next toast of the less august societies who use the same room, and em braces all the royal family. The Prince of ales, thanks to the great crime of his Bis ter's dowry, has been let alone for the last few weeks; but the like indulgence could not be expected f er hisjehild. The English Re publicans appear to be indignant alike at his birth, at his title of "infant prince," aud at his funeral, whioh the penny-a liner of their organ chronicles, under the beading "Mummery at Sandringham," in language so revoltingly vile and brutal that quotation is impossible, They discern, however, a bright side in the same event; for, in another part of the news paper, under the heading "A Happy Re lease, the child's death is thus reoorded: "We have much satisfaction in announcing that the newly-born child of, the Prinoa and Princess of Wales died shortly after its birth, thus relieving the working-classes of Eng land from having to support hereafter another addition to the long roll of btate beggars they at present maintain." Our only apology for polluting our columns with this pieoe of ruffianism is that it is well the public should know what this "Republicanism" aotually is, as represented by its accredited and favourite oieau. A set of persona who call themselves the Universal Republicans are, it seems, ens Vmer of the Lord Clyde Tavern, Yauxhall Gardens they might surely find some less aristocratic sign somewhere in the borough of Laiubeth and address each other at their meeting as "citizea." Their ambition to receive some sort of title is evidently as great as their eagerness to take the titles of other Englishmen away. . The reporter, it appears, knows how to honor them: "The Chairman, Citizen Patrick Iiynes, opened the meeting with an address on the principles of Repub licanism, and their recent development in Great Britain. He was followed by Citizens Tainish, Wood, Southam, Rinnaird, and others. Citizen Southam, Secretary of the Republican League, stated, etc. etc. Whether It be a grand aggregate meeting of "the peo ple of London in Hyde Park, or the thin symposium in a beer-house parlor of a branch of the Land and Labor League, of the "Universal Republican," or of a local Repub lican club, the editors of the liberal news papers are freely blackened with the same filthy brush which is applied to the Queen, the royal family, the House of Lords, aud the House of Commons of course with the ex ception of Mr. Peter Taylor, Mr. Fawcett, and Sir C. Dilke, who has just received a speoial vote of thanks from Trafalgar Square. All past flattery of the mob by Parliament-men or press-men is to count for nothing. I he preps, however, like the Parliament, has its Abdiels. In each case the faithful are num bered by three. The Land and Labor League, whieh sent its vote of thanks to the three good men in the House of Commons, has also sent from the Cock and Castle, Elizabeth street, Hackney road, a vote of thanks to the three good newspapers, "Reynolds' Newspaper, Na tional Reformer, and Eastern 1'ost, for the publicity given to the Democratic move ment." The Cock and Castle is bo little known to fame that a meeting held there must needs have publicity "given" to it, for it can have none by any other means. (Jlerk- enwell Green, which shares with Hyde Park and Trafalgar Square the honor of being one of the three central meeting-places of "the people," has not been behind the rest in put ting its imprimatur upon the penny Kepub lican organ. It passed this resolution: This meeting, composed of bona fule workingmen of London, hereby expresses its abhorrence at the abominable misrepre sentation of the great xtepubiican events in Paris during the past few days by the London press, with a few honorable exceptions, Rey nolds Jxcicupaper being one. We have looked through Reynolds' Newspaper for foar weeks, and do not una that it keeps a special correspondent at raris to give the true re presentation of events; it merely reprints extracts from the "misrepresentations" of the daily "caitiffs of the press." We should like to get from Citizen Murray, the author of this resolution, the Republican ineaiiiDg of the word "caitiff," and to learn whether he adopted it from the haro of a tragedy at a oheap theatre, or from one of those penny-number romances of which Mr. Reynolds has been bo profuse an author and publisher. Ii is evident from the resold tions of the Republican clubs that Reynolds' Newspaper holds the highest place amongst the pure Republican journals. The ninth number of "the Republican, conducted by men of the canaille class," is advertised; but its conductors think that it requires tho fol lowing testimonial: "A cheap and clever journal." Reynolds Newspaper. Mr. Ed ward Rymer writes from Knarsbro Dyke, Barnsley, to the editor: "We are about to form a Republican olub here in Womb well. about four miles from Barnsley, where we meet every week to read Reynolds , and dis cuss the politics of the world." Citizen Rymer seems to imagine that the mere read ing of Reynolds' is as heroio and dangerous an aot in this age in Yorkshire, as the read log of the Uiblo has been in certain the Book of Common Prayer in certain others, The great inquisitor Gladstone is supposed by the citizen to have his eye fixed upon this sacred germ of the Commune of Barnsley: for after a talk about the priestly tyrants who fatten upon his industry by which he may mean the pence he paid at the National School for learning to read he goes on to declare, with the spirit of a martyr, "We are deter mined to form our club, whether Gladstone will or not.' Many people would be glad to believe that there was some foundation for Citizen Rymer's very gratuitous assumption that he and his like have an enemy in the Prime Minister. It is certain that this distinguished organ of the people is unknown except by name to the mass of Englishmen. It did indeed gain a transient flash of notoriety a short time ago by the prurient exactness with which it re corded the unclean details of a certain law case. We should like to knew if the handful of regenerators of the social system who read it together at Womb well demand, as "the people," to have this sort of thing provided for them, if they do, it is certain that Republican purism in politics does not in the least involve a corresponding purism in private tastes and in social life. Indeed, if we may judge by the number of ' suspi ciously suggestive advertisements which tn organ of English Republicanism contains, it involves the very reverse. There are adver. tisements in Reynolds' Newspaper too filthy to be reprinted in any decent journal. . Ad vertisers are presumed to be wary and know ing men, and a practised advertiser will not pay for the insertion of notices of his wares in any journal unless he thinks it will come under the eyes of persons who are likely to become purchasers. Republicans who are always looking for the year One are naturally credulous and gullible persons; hence we are not surprised to find a great many quack advertisements in their organ, or to see that the statesmen of the future are entreated to invest eighteen stamps in "The Magio Mirror," the marvel of the age. As the Lnglish Kepublican under takes to cure every disease of the State, he may possess some secret sympathy with those quacks who have a specific for every disease of the body. In the "Notices to Correspon dents" we find the following: "A Republi can. Not being a qualified praotitioner, you cannot charge, Possibly the mere fact of being a Republican fits a man for any post; if he can rule the State, if he can command the army, he can heal diseases. It seems, too, that not only royal, aristocratic and sacerdotal tyrants, but medical tyrants also, have to be brought down to , their proper level. Hence it is, we presume, that the Re publican organ chronicles the triumphal pro gress from Derby gaol of a martyr of the Anti-Vaccination League. The League led him through the town at the tail of a band of music, in reward for his noble pre ference of fourteen days imprisonment to submission to the cruel laws of a medical oligarchy. As "several thousands of pounds, all of which will coma out of the people pockets," are to be spent in fitting out a yacht for the Princess Louise and the Mar- .quia of Lome, so the people's own doctors are robbed by the unjust privileges granted by a class Government to medioal practi tioners. There was an advertiser in West minster some time sinoe (and he may be there still) who combined in his own person free-trade in doctoring and English Repub licanism. His premises were placarded with recommendations of his medicines and at tacks upon the Constitution of the State. Persons who went to buy physio for their bodily corruptions were enlightened about the corruption of the body politic and the kind of physio it needed. Although we do not wonder that advertisers should take for granted that people who buy Reynolds' Nempajier have a good deal of credulity, we are a little surprised by the evi- dent belief of other advertisers that English Republicans are full of personal vanity. "Captain Stafford (U. S. ) heads this adver tisement, "To Short Persons." He possesses a remarkable physiological disoovery by means of which he can give to the little pa triot that "increase in height and symmetry of figure" which a Republican ought to have if be ought to have no superiors. Any Re publican who intends to submit to the old system of marriage to One wife can have an exact portrait of that wife, and the date at which he will marry her, if he will send thir teen stamps to a certain citizen. More than one advertiser offers to provide English Re publicans with ''luxuriant whiskers and moustaches," or "moustachios" as one firm persists in calling them. A certain citizen has "a formula which guarantees whiskers. etc., to crow heavily in six weeks to the smoothest faoe without injuring the skin." As bo large a proportion of the English re publicans are mere boys, there must probably be some demand ior this formula. The specialty of these Republicans, how ever, in the evident estimation of a still greater number of advertisers, is neither cre dulity nor vanity. There is a certain disrepu table class of merchants who have for sale the most beastly and disgusting wares whioh are ever on ered for money, it is perhaps only through the long prevalence ef an anti-Republi, can morality that they are reckoned disrepn table. Whatever the English Republicans may really think of them, the owners of filthy books and filthy piotures have evidently great faith in the English Republicans; for they go on advertising in the organ of English Re publicanism week after week. The nation which is the source of all political purity ap pears to' be the source also of all the impure books and plates offered to English Republi cans. Cartes de visite at 80s. per dozen are recommended as "French;" the beautiful set of richly-colored prints are "French livery week the Jngusn republicans are invited to buy "Paris by Night." This guido to the Holy City of the new moral or immoral world "contains a description of all the casinos, cafes chantants, tmddemi-inonde; a complete epitome of everything connecte 1 with gay life in Paris." The advertisers also presume that there is a great demand amongst English Republicans for some insight into the life of convents. No less than three books on the Mysteries of Convents are advertised in the last number, one of them bearing a suggestive title which we forbear from trau scribing. Some of these merohauts appear to have in the background a library of beastli ness for English Republicans to draw upon, as thoy oner to forward catalogues of books and prints for a few stamps. The most sur prising thing, considering the exponsivenes of Borne of theRo wares, is where th9 Republi, cans can find the money to bny them. The Queen, the aristocracy, And the priesthood are every moment robbing thorn of the very necessaries of life there is scarcely a page ot their organ ever printed on whiu this statement does not occur and yet "the people are invited to give half a crown for one filthy picture. We presume that the ad vertisers place their hopes in the future, aud believe that when the year One has come, and "the people" receive their own hard-earned property, now held back from them by the ' my, lurf Will 11V 1U iuuu- sands to the dingy ehops where piles of nasty photographs, pictures, and books are being stored up for them. On the whole, we can only come to the conclusion that the foulest vices which democratic envy ever imputed to "corrupt and effete oligarchies" have nowhere better patrons than in the new political sect of English "working-olass Republicans." WHISKY. WINE. ETQ. "yiNES, LIQUORS, ENGLISH AND SCOTCH ALES, ETC. , The subscriber begs to call the attention of dealers, connoisseurs, and consumers generally to his splendid stock of foreign goods now on hand, of his own Importation, as well, also, to his extensive assortment of Domestic Wines, Ales, etc., among which may be enumerated : coo cases of Clarets, high and low grades, care fully selected from best foreign stocks. loo casks of Sherry Wine, extra quality of finest grade. 100 cases of Sherry Wine, extra quality of finest grade. 88 casks of Shorry Wine, best quality of medium grade. 25 barrels Scnppcrnong Wine of best quality. CO casks Catawba Wine " " 10 barrels " " medium grade. Together with a full supply of Brandies, Whiskies, Scotch and English Ales, Brown Stout, etc, etc, which he is prepared to furnish to the trade and con sumers generally la quantities that may be re quired, and on the most liberal terms. P. J. JORDAN. B 8 tf No. 220 PEAR Street, Below Third and Walnut and above Dock street. CARSTAIR3 & McCALL, Ho. 126 Walnut and 21 Granite Sti., IMPORTERS OF Er an die i, Wines, Gin, Olive Oil Etc., ' WHOLESALE DEALERS IN PURE RYE WHISKIES, IN BOND AND TAX PAID. 83? FUKNITUKt, joskph H. Campion (late Moore Campion), WILLIAM SMITH, B1C1IAB0 B. CAMPION, SMITH & CAMPION, Manufacturers of FINE FURNITURE, UPHOLSTERINOS, AND IN. TKRIOR HOUSE DECORATIONS, PO. 24V bOU'l'H thiku street. Manufactory, Nos. 816 and 811 LEVANT Street, PjUjadelphUk; 8H GAXOW GREEN li Brighter, will not Fade, Costa Less than any oln because It will Paint twice as much surface. BOLD BY ALA. DEALERS IN PAINTS. Corn Exchange Bag Manufactory. JOHN T, DAILEY, IT. B. Cor. WATER and MAEKET Eti. ROPE AND TWINE, BAOS and BAGGING, for Grain, Flour, Salt, buper-Phosphate of Lime, Bone jjust, tc. Large and small OUNNY BAGS cons Hand. Also, WOOL 8ACK8! w I L 8 O N ' 8 CARPET CLKANINO ESTABLISHMENT, 4 1 8m No. tl South SEVENTEENTH Street 'fjl II K ST. C Ii O U D ." This new elegant and commodious Ant-class Hotel, uji jmva Dcrwt, kuutb oa i lu. JMOW open. Terms. IS Der day. lim Q. W. Ml'LLIN KtlQ., Proprietors. LEGAL NOTICES. CITY AND COUNT OF PHILADELPHIA, 83. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, to the Sheriff of Philadelphia county, greeting: we commann yon, as oerore we am, mat you summon Utt.Mti t duwjninu, late ot your county, so that he be and appear hcrore our Judges at Philadelphia, at our District Court for the City and County of Philadelphia, to be holden at Phlla- aeinnia. in ana ior brio cut ana county oi rnuauei- phla, the first Monday of June next, there to an swer Hannah Mary Aiaer. assignee oi Tnomas Earn. Oeorce Earn. Jr.. and Mary Ann Barp, execu tors of Robert Earp, deceased, ot a plea of breach of covenant sur around rent deed made between Thomas Knrn. Oeorcre Earn. Jr.. and Mary Ann Earp, executors of Kobert Sarp, deceased, and Jienry J. Downing, dated tne ecn nay oi Marcn, a.. T Irnl a . .. -1 .a . 1 i V A 11 1QII ii 1001, huu recorded iitu "y "i kJ o., in deed book A. C. II.. No. 6, page 8rt0, etc. And have von thpn and there this writ. ,. Witness the Honorable J. L CURK l. s. II AUK. President of our said Court, at Phlla- delDhia. the 83d davof May. tn the year of onr Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy one. B. E. FLETCHER, 6 25 lawsw protnonotary. niTY AND CJUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA, SS. J The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to the Blierirrof Philadelphia uounty, irreetlni?: We command you, as before we did, that vou sum mon l hum as MCLrAKBi , late or your county, so that he be and appear before our Judires at Phi ladelphia, at our Coart of Common Pleas for the city and county of Philadelphia, to be holden at Philadelphia, In and for the Bald city and county of Philadelphia, the first Monday of June next, there to answer Abraham m. Lamrieid. Aaron Llchten, and Charles Lancfeldt, asHlsrnees of William Howell and Rebecca T., his wlfe.who were assignees of Samuel Vaughn, Trustee, who was assignee of George N. Townsend, Trustee, who was assignee of Samuel Townsend and Ann his wife, of a plea of breach of covenant sur ground-rent deed from haniuel Townsend and Ann his wife. Recorded In 1). B. A. D. U., No. 3, page 806, etc. And have you men and mere mis writ. Witness the Honorable JOSEPH ALLT- 1 1.. p. SON. Doctor of Lhwb. President of our s.itd Court at Philadelphia, the sixteenth day of May, In the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-one. R, DON AO AN, 6 22 8w Prothonotary. CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA, SS. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, to the Shrriil of Philadelphia County, greeting: We command yon, as before we aid, that you summon WILLIAM FRANKLIN, lute of your rountv. so that lie be and appear before our Judges at Phtlbdelphia, at our District Court for tho City and County of Philadelphia, to be holden at Phila delphia, In and for Raid city and county of Phlladel phla, the tirst Monday of Jane next, there to an swer John J. Rldgeway, assignee of LodewjK Sharp, who was assignee or liiias ujuuinor., wr.o was as signee as to one moiety or Thomas uraarora, neir ai-l'iw of William Bradford, deceased, of a plea of breath of covmant sur ground-ient deed, Ellas Boudinot and William Bradford and wivea to Wil Ham 1'raiJklln, dated 84th November, 1794, recorded Ctli SlHrch, 1 707, in l. . N. J.. Ko. 61, p. 17, etc. Ano have rou then and there this writ. Witness the Honorable J. I. CLARK 1 h. s. V HARE. President of our said Convt, at Phlla- t--l delphla, the 83d day of May, In the year of onr Lord one thousand eight hundred nnn seventy- One. U. a. f, 6 25 law2w Prothonotary. "MTY AND COUNTY OFP1I1 LAUKLPIIl A, S3 J The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to the Sherlir of Philadelphia county, greeting: We command you, as before we did, That, you summon JOHN E. MOOR Is and JOSEPH p ANDREWS, late of your caunty, so that they be and appear before our Judges at Philadelphia, at our Dlbtrlct Court for the city and county of Philadelphia, to be holden at Philadelphia, in and for said city and county ot Philadelphia, the nrst Monday oi June next, there to answer J. rnugie J ones of a plea or breach of covenant tur ground-rent deed reserved by deed Henry Seybert to Johr K. Moore and Joseph P. Andrews, dated November 2. recorded In deed book G. W. O. Mo. 22, page 419, etc And have you then and there idis writ. Witness the Honorablo J. I. CLARK 1 !... HARE. President of our said Court at Phtia- l-rv I delphla, the eleventh day of May, In the year or our Lord one tnousand eignt Hun dred and seventy-one. jAiur.3 r. w h,l,su, 6 25 law 8w Pro Prothonotary. ("1TY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA, S. j The commonweaitn or reunsyivania to tne Sheriff of Philadelphia Oonnty. greeting: 1 Wff I'firil III H II fl Villi. 1LH lit-1 II U WB QUI. TUU I summon BARNEY BYRNE, late of your county, go inaineoo ana appear Derore our judges at Phila delphia, at our Court of Common Pleas for the cltv and county of Philadelphia, to be holden at Phila delphia, in and for the said city and county of Philadelphia, the first Monday of Jnne next, there to answer uames u. uagieton, executor ana trustee n,rinP til. luuV will ami tafita.nunf rt O.mital DaIL M J ... .BUI. Ob.l.lVUU U iU,Uk deceased, of a plea of breach of covenant. And have you then and there th's writ. - Witness the Honorable JOSEPH ALLT- h. 8. SON, Doctor of Laws, President of our said uourt at rnuadeinhia. the autn day or Mav. In the year of onr Lord one thousand eight hundred, ttuu ueveuiy-oue. K. r ON AO AN, B82 8w Prothonoury, CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA, SS. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to the bheriff of Philadelphia County, greeting : We cemmand you, as before we did, that yon summon WALTER GNOLA, late of your county. so that he be and appear before our Judges at rnnaueipnia, at our c ourt or common I'leaa or tne uuy ana county or rnnadeipnia, to be holden at Philadelphia. In and for the said cltv and countv of Philadelphia, the first Monday of June next, there to answer JoBeph Harrison, Jr., of a plea of breach or covenant Bur grouna-rent qeea, maae between said parties, dated August 8, IS 07, recorded In deed book J. T. O., No. 80, page 303, etc. And have yon men ana mere mis writ. Witness the Honorable JOSEPH ALL!- L. s. SON, Doctor of Laws, President of our said Court at Philadelphia, the nineteenth day of May, in tne year oi our Lord one thousand eight nunarea ana seventy-one. R. DONAGAN. 6 22 8w Prothonotary. "MTY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA, S3. ine commonwealth or Pennsylvania to the bnenrr or Philadelphia County, greeting: We command vou, as before we did, Hint yon sum mon ALEXANDER P. BL'lsT, late of your county, so that he be and appear before our Judges at Phlladel- pnia, at our comt or common fleas ior tne city ana county or rnuadeiphiu, to be noiden at puuadeipuia, la and for the said City and County of Philadelphia, tne erst Monday of Jnne next, there to answer Barnabug Uamnett, Assignee of George K. Zelgler and wife, of a plea of breach of covenant sur ground rent aeea. recorded in aeea oook j. t. o.. imo. va. page 84, etc. And have you then and there this writ. Witness the Honorable JOSEPH ALLISON, l.i. Doctor of Laws. President of onr said Court. l-v I at Philadelphia, the twelf tn day of May, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventv-one. . li. duaauajn. 6 88 8w Prothonotary. rMTY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. S3. KJ The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to the bheriff of Philadelphia County, greeting: We command yon, as before we did, that yon sum- monWILLIAM DORANS, late of that ne oe and appear before our Judges at muaaeipnia. at our Court of Common Pleaa for the city and county of Philadelphia, to be holden at Philadelphia, in ana ior tne saia city ana county oi rniiaaeipuia, the first Monday of June next, there to Answer Sarah Harper, who was vendee of Jacob Strombeut. Slierlil', and devisee of Mary Harper, deceased, who was also vendee of Jacob btrombest. Sheriff, of ground rent belonging to the estate of Benjamin Say, deceased, of a plea of breach of covenant, sur ground rent aeea, recoraea in aeea dook L. C. No. 1&, pages 8U9, 810, 811, etc. And have you then and thtre this writ. (- Witness the Honorable JOSEPH ALLT EL. & SON, Doctor of Laws, President of our said Court at Philadelphia, the 8oth day of May, In the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred ana Beveniy-one. It. UONAUAN, 6 88 8w Prothonotary. pITY AND COUNT If OF PHILADELPHIA, 8S.- vy j no commonweaitn oi renusyivania to tne bnenrr or rnuade nhiaConntv. crer ino': We command you, as before we did, that yon sum mon JOHN ACHESoN, late of your county, so t hat he be and appear before our Judaea at Philadel phia, at onr Court of Common Pleas for the city and county or Philadelphia, to be holden at Phila delphia, In and for the said city aud county of Philadelphia, the erst Monday of June next, there to answer Lydla' Longstreth, William . x.uugBvreiu, auu uuiia cooite 1jOiiksuei.ii, cieuu. tors and trustees under the will of Tuomaa B. Long, fct'eth, deceated.who vd assignee of Charles Noble and wife, of a plea oi breach of covenant, sur ground rent deed to Charles Noble and wife to John Ache Bon, dated November 18. 166, recorded November 81, l6tf, in deed book L. R. B , No 26, page 878, etc. And have you then and there this writ. Wltneaa the Honorable JOSEPH ALLI- L. s. SON, Dcctor of Laws, President of our said Court at Phlladelpnla, tho liu day of May, in the year of our Lord one thouaaud eight hundred and seveuty-one. B. DONAGAN, 6 88 iw Prolhonoiary. LEOAL NOTICES. CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA, SS. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, to the Sheriff of Philadelphia conntyf greeting: We commiind yon, as before we did, that yon ummon ABRAHAM W. JUVENAL, late of your connty, so that he be and appear before our Judges at Philadelphia, at our District Court for the City and County of Philadelphia, to be holden at Phil. . oeipnia, in ana ior saia city and county oi rnuaaei phla, the first Monday of Jane next, there to answer Amos Ellis sur ground rent deed, Amos Ellis and wife to Abraham W. Juvenal, dated 15th September, 18S4, ana recoraea sotn June, ism, la D. B. T. iu No. 176, page 881, etc., of a plea of breach of cove nant. And have yon then and there this writ. (, Witness the Honorable J. I. CLARK HARK, L.s.V President of our said Court, at Philadelphia. I vi the 83d day of May. tn the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and seventy-one. 5 85 law2w Prothonotary. IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADEL PHIA. Notice is hereby given to all persons ln- rT terestsd that the Honorable the Judges of our said Conrt have appointed MONDAY, the firth (nth) day of June. A D. 1971. at It o'clock A. M., for hearing applications for the fol lowing CHARTERS OF INCORPORATION, and unless exceptions be filed thereto the same will be allowed, viz. : 1. Tne t airmonnt Microscopical society. 2. Peon Treaty Be tiding and Loan Association. Amendments. 8. Nineteenth ward tsuiiding Association. 4. Oakdale Building and Loan Association. The Undine Barge Olub of Philadelphia. 6. 6 7. Paragon Building and Loan Association. The Sonthwarx Building Association jno. . Our Building Association. 8. 9. The Hector, t hurch Wardens, and Vestrymen of the Church of the Good Shepherd, of the city of Philadelphia. iu. The American AirisaBS' museum couege, oi the city of Philadelphia. li. cneiten uina Mutual improvement Associa tion. Amendments. 12. The Union Benevolent Association. Amend ments. 13. The Sarsneld Male Beneficial society or Phila delphia. 14. l ne I'oweuon morning Aiwcmunn. 15 The Independent German Evangelical Lu theran Congregation of St. Paul's. 16. The Mount saint Mr.cent luuiuai uenenciai Society of Germantown, Philadelphia conuty. 17. The South Broaa street Building ana Loan Association of Philadelphia. 18. Purity Lodge, iso. 1, urotners auu sisters oi Honor end Friendship. 19. The Commonweenn lsunaing ana Loan Asso ciation of the City of Philadelphia. 20. Teutoula Building Association. 21. The Goethe Loan and Rullrituff Association. 82. Olnev Building and Loan Association. 2. The Bethany Baptist Churcn of Kox Chase, in the Twenty-third ward of the city of Philadelphia. v i The Samuel Miller Savings and Building Asso ciation. 25. The Seamen's Beneficial Society of Philadel phia. 2. The Rector, Church Wardens, and Vestrymen Of the hurch of Saint Timothy. 27. The Congregation Adath Israel 28. The German Union Building Association. 29. The 1'raukford Avenue MuhoUist Episcopal Church of the City of Philadelphia. so. Henry Grattan Benenciai society or rnuaaei phiu. 81. The Eagle Building and Loan Association of Philadelphia, No. 8. as. The Penn Sewing School of Philadelphia. 8:t. The Logan Square Building and Loan Associa tion. 34. The Sepvlva Building Association of Phila delphia. 86. The German Evangelical Reformed Emanuel's Church, at Brldesburg, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. bo. Anthracite Loan Company. Amendment. 87. The Old Oaks Cemetery Company of Philadel phia. Amendments. 88. The National Savings Loan and Building As Bociatlon of the City of Philadelphia. Amend menis. 89. West Glrard Avenne Methodist Episcopal Chnrcb. 40. 'i he Lcverlngton Saving Fnnd and Loan Asso ciation of Koxborutigh. Amendment. 41. The Franklin Saving Fund and Loan Associa tion of Roxborough. Amendment. 42. The Rector, Church Wardens, and Vestrymen of ihe Chnrch of the Mediator, Philadelphia. Amendments. 4X The Ninth Presbyterian Church in Philadel phia. Amendment, 4-1. The Port Richmond Building and Loan Asso ciation. 45. The Board of Trustees of the St. John's Re formed Church of WeBt Philadelphia. Amend ments. 46. The Journalists' Fnnd of Philadelphia. 47. The Ring Association. 48. The State Building Association. 49. The Columbia Beneficial Society of Philadel phia. 60. The Twenty-seventh Ward Land Association, 61. Kensington Building Association No. 8. 63. The Safe and Snre Loan and Building Asso elation. ' i . 619 RICHARD DONAGAN, Prothonotary. IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FOR THfl CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. - Notice la hereby given to all persons ln L.js.iteie8tei, that "THE PARIIAM SEWING MACHINE COMPANY? have filed an ap plication for change of name to the "KEYSTONE SEWING MACHINE COMPANY," and that the Honorable the Judges of onr said Court hava ap pointed MONDAY, the 6th day of June, A. D. 1871, at 10 o'clock A. M., for hearing the said application, and unless exceptions be filed thereto the same will be allowed. RICHARD DONAGAN, 6l Prothonotary. IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA.; Q ( Notice la hereby given to all persona lute L.s. rested that "The Germantown and Chesnut l-v-J Hui Cemetery Company" have filed an appli cation for change of same to "The Ivy Hill Ceme tery Company," and that the Uonorable,the Judges of onr said Court have appointed MONDA Y.the 6th day of June, A. D., 1871, at io o'clock A. M.. for hearlnir the said application, and unless exceptions be Hied thereto the same will be allowed. RICHARD DONAGAN, P 19 Prothonotary. IN TnE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FOR THB CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. a. Notice is hereby given to ail persona lnte l. a. rested that the "Union Club" have filed an Wv-J application for change of name to the "City Club," and that the Honoraole the Judges of our Bald Court have appointed MONDAY, the 5th day of June, A. D. 1871, at 10 o'clock A. M.. for hearing the said application, and nnlesa exceptions be Hied thereto the same will be allowed. RICHARD DONAGAN, 6 19 Prothonotary. IN TnE ORFnANS' COURT FOR THB CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of HENRY ZELLBR, deceased. Notice la hereby given that CAhOLINK BCnULZ, a daughter of Bald decedent, has filed la the Bald Court her petition and appraisement of the personal estate of Bald decedent which she elects to retain nnder act of Assembly of April 14, 1851, and its nup plfementa, and that the same will be approved by the Court on SATURDAY, June 3, A D. 1371, unless exceptions be filed thereto. FREDERICK HEY Ed. No. 841 South THIRD Street, 6 82 mth4t Attorney for Petitioner. IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of WILLIAM 1L FLANAGAN. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and.adjust the accounts of S. FLANAGAN and H. B. TATHM, Assignees, eta. of the said estate, to report distribution of the balance, will meet the parties Interested for the purpose of his appointment on TUESDAY, June 6, 1871, at S o'clock P. M., at his office, No. 183 S. FIFTH Street, In the city of Philadelphia. 6 86 fmw 6t L. R. FLETCHER, Auditor. IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEA8 FOR TUB CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. September Term, 1869, No. 89. In Divorce. SOPHIA BARN ED, by her next friend, etc, vs. HENRY N. DARNED. To 11EMRYN. BARN ED, respondent :-Please take notice that the Conrt baa granted a rule on you to fchow cause why a divorce a vinculo matrimonii should not be decreed iu the above case. Return able on SATURDAY, the 3d day of June, 1871. at 10 o'clock A. M. L. R. FLETCHER, 6 86 fbtuth4t Attorney for UbeUant. 17 STATE OF FRANCIS SMITH, DECEASED !i Letters testamentary upon the above eitate having been granted to the undersigned, all persona Indebted to the said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims to preaent tnem, without delay, to HARRY PEALE, Executor, 4 4m6t No. 884 WALN UT Street. MACHINISTS' TOOLS FOR ANT CLASS OF work, Founders, Forgora, and Boiler Makers, combining iiie latent Improvements. GttlND b'lONJC boxea, Truing aud Hacking Machines, will keep the sumes true and sharp for quick and pleasant grinding. No dust. GfcoKOB C. HOWARD, 6 ml No. IT b. EIGHTEENTH fcireet.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers