rrm httr TT ITT1 BKG-MA CD" O VOL. XV. NO. 12C. FIEST EDITION PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, MAY 29, 1871. DOUBLE SHEET THREE CENTS. ANOTHER AVONDALE. The Massacre at Pittston. A Nfght of Horror. Nineteen miners Hilled. ! Unremitting Efforts at Rescue. Interviews with Survivors. Description of tho Scene. Pittston, Pa., May 28. From midnight to noon to-day the excitement around the West Pittston shaft has been unabated. Thousands of people arrived on the ground last night, and the period of suspense was trying and intense. Everybody had his own theory as to the chances of life for the men in the depth beneath. Some thought that the miners would be saved on ac count of the copious supply of water running through the mines, but all the mining engineers, superintendents, foremen, and experienced miners thought the chance of salvation very meagre. Avondale was a tale-telling and sor rowful precedent, and the surging crowd, argu ing more from analogy than any scientific knowledge of the facts in the case, concurred in the belief that the unfortunate men who were lying in the subterranean channel of death were beyond ail hopes of recovery. Mothers and wives participated in the same FEELING OF DESPAIR, and loud were the lamentations heard on all sides, finding an echo in every heart, and draw ing tears from every eye. The whole scene around the r baft was a perfect illustration of hopelessness and resignation, but the brave men working incessautly, with no other incentive than love of their fellow-men, did not diminish their energy nor allow their . ardor to cool. Towards midnight preparations were completed to enter the shaft. A temporary platform carriages had been constructed and a hoisting apparatus prepared. The rope attached to the carriage was manned by five hundred willing hands, and an efficient officer, Mr. J. E. Patter son, had charge of the signals and hoisting. To keep the crowd away and clear passages for the transmission of fresh air, a circle of rope was formed around the mine and nobody allowed inside the enclosure. At 11 o'clock P. M. four men volunteered to enter the shaft. They were lowered down, but conld not penetrate further than 100 feet. When hoisted up they reported INDISTINCT VOICES COMING FROM BELOW. A fluttering of hope ran through the crowd. At 11-80 three miners voluteered again, but after reaching the depth of 200 feet the signal was given for hoisting. They reported a noise, but it might have been an echo. At 12 M. three miners were let down, and nothing was heard from them for half an hour. The suspense was intolerable. Many apprehen sions oi danger were afloat whet at last tne signal was given to hoist. The explorers went as far as the barricade built by the miners, and on that they found, written with chalk, the fol lowing inscription: "WE ARB ALL IN HERE." From that time till noon to-day the men were brought up gradually, sometimes one at a time. Medical aid was plenty, there being a large number of physicians on the ground tarnished with restoratives and other medical stores. The men around worked bravely, sus tained by the hope that every new arrival at the top of the shaft would be a live man. The sonorous voice of Patterson at the meuth of the shaft proclaimed the fate of the men. The air resounded at regular intervals with the announcement "dead," "dying," "breathing hard,", "groaning heavily," "insensible," and many other equally descriptive and sad qualifi cations. Those who volunteered to enter the mines in search of the men were often over come with choke-damp, and many of them are sot yet free from its effects. THE LAST MAN. At 1130 A. M. thirty-six men had been hoisted up. and another man was reported misslnz. Several parties went down in search of him, but did not succeed. lie was supposed to be at the bottom of the than, buried under the debris. Men were sent with shovels and picks to clear the rubbish, and others volunteered to explore the mines east and west. For two lone hours the men worked with a wilL and for two long hours the people outside were held in breathless suspense. At last the long-expected signal to hoist was given, and the man brought up alive. He was found lying on his side, with his arm under hlo head, about fifty feet lrom the place in which he usually. worKea. lie naa crept into an airway, aid tne water near the airway was waist deep. Had he been there an hour longer he would hive been drowned. After being brought to the open air the reaction was too strong for him, and at 4 O'clock he was added to the list of dead. One of the miners working at the shaft was saved providentially. A short time before the fire broKe out he was suddenly seized witn a severe toothache. Without auy delay be went out to have the tooth extracted, aud before he was a dozen rods away the breaker was in flames. One of the men who died (Martin Crehan) could have been saved, but, anxious for the safety of his fellows, he ran lo the east gangway to lntorm tuein oi tne impending ca lamity, and returned too late to seeure his own aie. INTERVIEW WITH THE SAVED. At fonr o'clock this afternoon I repaired to the house of Thomas Edwards and his ton George, two of the men who had been within the gates of death. Neither of them had suf fered much, and both were able to converse freely. The following is the conversation which took Place: Reporter George, I wnt you torelate, as far as you can remember, tue events of the last twenty-iour hours: how you ieil in tne mines, and what occurred there r George We went into the mines this morn ing at f. At 2 we were preparing to come oat. Upon approaching the loot I noticed some burning timbers fulling down, and the truth came on my mind that the shaft was on fire. aud that we would all be shut in as they were at Avondale. J he carriage above came down with a crash, and we ru back along the east gangway. Robert SmaUcombe gave the first warning. After ne got back about two hundred feet we commenced building a wall across the gangway to keep awav the smoke. Vo of the men. John Burroughs, wrote on this barricade. "We are all inside here," and after we got inside wo encouraged each other, and held a prayer meet ing, and prepared for the worst. Few of our men were calm. At 6 o'clock some of them beuan to sleeD. I tried to wake them, but they would no sooner wake than they wguld fall asleep again. I opened, tue door and went towards the shaft, but was nearly overcome with the smoke and sulphur, i went back to the men and lound most i tnein aexeep. i remem ber nothing further. , STATEMENT OF THE BMALLCOMBIS. From Edwards' house I went to the home of tbe 8maIlcombes; four of the family were in the mine, and the father lay dead while the three eons were lively and almost convalescent. The explanations given by these three sons are very clear and Interesting. Each of them talked in his turn. This Is their statement.- ThomaB saw tbe smoke about two hundred feet from the foot of the shaft; at 2 30 1 went to look for Thomas Crehan, and saw him go up tbe shaft jnst as I reached it; I went back to look for father, and met him and my brothers going towards the floor; we tried to get there, but tbe fire was too hot and the smoke too thick; we then went back to the east gangway and as sisted the men to build a barricade across the gangway; we built it of calm and stone, and some of the men stripped themselves of their clothing to put in tho crevices; it took us an hour and a half to put up the wall; all the men in the mines were assisting us as far as their feelings wonld allow them; many of them were overcome with grief, and could not work; Mar tin Cooney, eighteen years old, died in half an bonr after the barricade was built; he died of a broken heart; the three men found on the out side tried to get into the enclosure, but were suffocated in the attempt; two of the men on the outside were doing sentinel duty, watching the current of air at the foot of the shaft; the air went upwards after the first half hour, and continued so for two hours, so we opened the door; Robert and Thomas had just been re lieved, when Andrew Morgan and Hiram Mor gan and Hiram Cuftls went there, and they must have fallen under the influence of choke damp, but we could not say why they did not come back to us. At 7-30 we held a prayer meeting. Some were cursing and others sing ing hymns. We saag this verse: Before Jehovah's awful throne, Ye nations bow with sacred Joy; Bnow that the Lord is God alone, lie can create and he destroy. Many were crying, and one little boy, James Jones, cried out, "I shall never see my dear mother again." Information just received shows that John Burroughs died this evening at the hotel near the shaft. This makes EIGHTEEN DEAD AND NINETEEN LIVING. An inquest will be held to-morrow morning on the dead bodies. There is no doubt as to the criminal oversight of the operators in the eva sion of the ventilation. This law forbids more than twenty men to work in the shaft at one time until two openings are secured. Black fc Co. worked sixty-five men. Tbe inspector had visited tbe mines on Thursday, and should have enforced the requirements of the bill. The men who have loot their lives in this dis aster will be buried on Tuesday. A. Y. World. THE MURDEKEl) HOSTAGES. Sketch of the Albo Duguerry. There appears now to be no doubt of the fate of the poor Archbishop of Paris and his compan ions, among whom was the Abbe Gaspard Du guerry. The latter was born at Lyons, in 1797, of a family who originally came from Switzer land. His father was a wood merchant. In 1812 he entered the College of Villa franca, and in 1814 he began his eccle siastical studies. In 1820 he was or dained priest, under a dispensation, and de voted four years to the study of philosophy and theological oratory, when he began to preach, officiating in Lyons and Paris. In 1827 he was appointed by Charles X almoner to the 0tn Regi ment of the Royal Guard, accompanying it to Rouen. Orleans, and Paris. In Orleans, in 1830. he pronounced an eulogy on Joan of .Arc, and twenty-eight years afterwards was invited to repeat it. in low ne visited Kome, and ou nis return was made Canon or JNotre Dame, and subsequently was appointed cure of the Church St. JLustacbe and ot the Madeleine, in laoi ne was nominated Bishop of Marseilles, but re quested the Emperor to permit him to decline tbe nomination. In 1868 he had charge of the religious education of the Prince Imperial a circumstance tojwhlch he was prob ably indebted lor his selection Dy toe com munist leaders as a hostage He received the order of the Legion of Honor in lolo, and, was made a commander in 1868 at the first com munion of the Prince. Among his contributions to ecclesiastical literature are: "Kulogy of Joan of Arc." in 1828; "LaTrappe Better Under stood," m 1844; "History ot tne uid and New Testaments," in 1846; "Lives of the Saints," 1845;. "Notice ef the Count de ClocheviUe;" a second "Eulogy on Joan of Arc," in 1856; "Re treat," preached at the conference of St. Yin- cent de ram; "ine uominicai uratory, ser mons delivered at the Chapel of the Tuilerles, 180o. THE WEATHER. The Detailed Meteorological Report for ro-aay. The following Is the meteorological report of the Signal Bureau of the War Department for thtg morning, all the observations being taken at 7-43 A. M., Philadelphia time. Tbe barometrical reports are corrected tor temperature ana elevation, l ne velocity of the wind Is given In miles per hour. and the force Is an approximate reduction to tue Beaurort scale : u U it t li i o ra 3s s - h 5 $i 80-20 70 N. E. 1 .... Cloud 80 08 71 W. 6 Gentle. Fair 30-16 78 S- K. 6 Gentle. Fair 88-90 ftf E. 6 Gentle. T.stm 29 98 73 8. 0 Gentle. Fair 80-05 75 8. 2 V. gent. Fair 80 00 72 S. 1 .. Clear 29- 98 74 B. K. 8 V. gent. Fair 80-06 82 H. K. 6 Geutle. Fair 30- 02 78 S. W. 7 Gentle. Fair 80 24 47 N. W. 20 V.black Fair 29-99 75 8. 2 V. gent. Cloud 130 18 81 8. W. 6 (Jentle. Cloud 80 17 75 8. 8 Gentle. Fair 80 17 74 H. ..!.... Clear 180-17 73 N. W. ..I.... Clear 129-95 72 S. K. 1 Fair '30-17 69 B. B. I V. gent. Cloud 30 '20 1 63 8. 9 .... iFalr Place of Obser vation. Baltimore. KoHton. Charleston, S. C. cneyeane Chicago Cincinnati Detroit Indianapolis Key weii, Dia.. Mobile Mt. Watdilngton. New Orleans .... New York Norfolk Washington . . THE FORTUNATE FEW. A Lottery Drawing -Chlcagoans lu Luck, The Chicago Jitpullican, after giving an account of the drawing of the Milwaukee Musi cal Society's gift scheme, says: Strange to relate, the winners of the $25,000 prize and the $5000 prize are both residents of Chicago. The ticket No. 19,215, which drew the first prize, was purchased by Mrs. Celle, residing at No. 224 South Leavltt street. This estimable lady is the widow of Captain Adam Celle, a member of the New York Marine Cavalry, who died in Llbby Prison in lsGo, ot wounds received. Mrs. Celle has been in poor health and in straitened circumstances, and it was only as a birthday present for her little boy, a bright little chap of seven summers, that the invested in the ticket a sum which repre sented much to her. On reading the prize list the fainted with joy, and could not credit the fact that fickle fortune had been so kind to her. She left for Salem, Mass.. where her parents reside, a happier woman than she has been for many a day. The second prize cf $5000 was drawn by Charles . Straubenzle, a printer in the Repub lican office, a native of Beloit, Wis., whence he only arrived last week, lie is a steady and un assuming; young man, of sober and quiet habits, and the sole slay ef a widowed mother and a family of young brothers and sisters. Every one in the establishment heartily congratulated him on his good fortune, as he started out trembling with joy to carry the good news to Lla worthy mother. SECOND EDITION TO-DAY'S CABLE HEWS. The Commune Dead. Desperate Expiring Struggle. Sixty Thousand Lives lost. Murder of Hostages. General Vinoy Appointed Governor. Great Rejoicings at Paris. The Fire Under Control. No Insurgent Bands Remaining. Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc.. Etc., Etc. FROM EUROPE. Iby associated press.J Exclusively to The Evening Telegraph. The Murdered Hostages. Versailles, May 28 Evening Sixty-nine hostages, Inducing the Archbishop of Paris, the Apostolic Proto-Notary, nineteen priests, the President of theCour des Comptcs,and the Mexi can banker Jecker, were shot on Wednesday in La Roqnette prison. There has been Fighting in Paris All Day. The cemetery of Pere la Chaise, which had been reoccupied by the insurgents, was bom barded and retaken. MacMahon telegraphs that he-is absolute master of the city. The I,ess of the Insurgents is immenpe, and cremation is seriously proposed as a sanitary measure. The Death of Dclescluze. Versailles, May 23. Delescluze, Delegate Minister of "War under the Commune, was shot by his guards and instantly killed last night in attempting to escape. The Trial of the Communist Leaders taken alive commences during the present week. Conviction is inevitable, and it is generally be lieved that every one will suffer death. After a desperate and bloody conflict, the Government forces succeeded In Capturing the Insurgent Positions at Belleville and Pere la Chase late last night. Firing then ceased, and this morning on the troops ad- ioIdr om th. ... rixitloa ,r held vy tne Commune, the insurgents Hoisted a White Flag and Surrendered. They were immediately disarmed, and the great rebellion of Paris in 1871 had ended. Thirty-eight regiments of the line belonging to MacMahon's army have returned to Versailles in triumph, the men having flowers and branches in the muzzles of their rifles, and bearing also a magnificent banner of red eilk captured from the Communists. General Vlnoy Is Appointed Governor of raria by Thiers. It is proposed, as a temporary mea sure, to divide the capital into twenty military districts, each strongly garrisoned, and this ar rangement will be maintained until order is completely restored and the passions aronsed by the insurrection have disappeared. Owing to the admirable plan adopted by MacMahon for Storming the Barrleudes, the Versailles troops did not suffer heavily during the seven days of fighting in the streets ot Paris. The Loss of the Army Altogether is only 2895, while, according to the most relia ble estimates, the losses of the insurgents are over fifteen times as great. Among the unfortunate persons hold as hos tages in the prison of La lloquette who were murdered were ten nuns. Yesterday The Insurgent Prisoners at Sartoy made a desperate effort to escape. They set fire to the straw given them to sleep upon, and in the confusion which followed sixty-five effected their escape, but twenty-four were recaptured. Tbe French Government will ask the Extradition of all Communist leaders who take refuge in England. The Paris Fires. Paris, May 28 N?ght The firemen from Antwerp are now entering Paris. The fire in the Hotel Dieu is extinguished. Paschall and Grousset, two of the principal leaders of the insurrection, have not been discovered, and it is believed they are alive and hiding. Since 8 o'clock last night, when the entire city was in the bands of the Versailles troops, priests and cabs had been again seen making their appear ance on the streets. Ten Thousand Prisoners are now passing through the Rue Lafayette, mostly bareheaded, and with uniforms turned inside out. Among them are two thousand regulars, who went over to the insurgents on the outbreak of the rebellion. The bystanders are quiet, and do not uKer words of reproach. The Fighting at Belleville. Paris, May 29 The fighting at Belleville, Menilmontant, and Pere la Chaise was despe rate, ( No Quarter was Given to man, woman, or child. Military law is esta blished in the city, and executions are progress ing at the Champs de Mars, Park de Monceaux, and Hotel de Ville. Fifty to one hundred insur gents are shot at a time, and no one is permitted to leave Paris without a pass fclgued by Marshal MacMahon. Among the Hostages Shot by the Insurgents were Abbes Sicla and Du guerry; the Jesuit fathers Olivarl, Caubert, Ba regy, Abbe Allard, banker Jecker, and twenty five gendarmes. ( . The last band of insurgents was crushed yes terday at the cemetery of Pere la Chaise. Three thousand prisoners arrived here yesterday. Disarmament of ths National Guards Is proceeding. 'Multitudes of people have been arrested. The population of Paris are enthu siastic over their deliverance. Nearly Every Member of the Commune has been Shot or executed immediately after capture. The Western and Orleans Railway lines were opened to-day to goods traffic. The Exit of Persons from Paris Is forbidden. Provisions are scarce, and the markets empty. London, May 29 The Times' special from Paris says that Favre and Simon are likely to be replaced in the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Public Instruction. The Bavarian general commanding at Cham- plgnythas asked for passports for the insurgent officers who were captured by his troops at Vin cennes, and was referred by General Vinoy, as an answer, to the text of the Peace Convention. FROM NEW IQRK. I BT ASSOCIATED PRESS.! Exclusively to The Eutning Telegraph. The Yachting Season. New York, May 29. The Yacht Club has conceded Ashbnry's claim that but one yacht shall race against the challenger for the cup won by tho yacht America. A private telegram announces the Woodson Fire at Chataugy Lake, Franklin county, in this State, on Friday, and summer cottages belong ing to Josiah Heddlng, banker, of this city, and Colonel Thompson, of Springfield, Massachu setts, and others, were totally destroyed. In sured. Baltimore Produce Market. Baltimore, May so. Cotton In fair demand, and firm; mtddllDg uplands, 16X(ai6o.; low middlings, lB,V(l6a Flour dull. Wheat dull; Pennsylvania, f 1-61-68. Corn weak ; Southern white, 76i73c. ; Southern yellow and mixed Western, 7475e. Oats dull at 62(S6Gc. Mess Pork quiet at fl717-SO. Bacon steady ; Bhoulders, 7Af7)$c. ; rib sides, Dtfc.; clear rib, 9c. Sugar-cured Hams, I0l7c. Lard dull at llll.tfc. FINANCE AND COMMERCE. Bvknino TautaBAVH Omci,t Monday, Mar 3. 187 L I There is a slight Increase in the demand for money to-day, but the very liberal supply offer ing is more than sufficient to meet all wants. Rates continue very easy at 45 per cent, on call, with Governments or other good collate rals, and at 5(5 0 per cent, on mercantile ac ceptances having three to four months to mature. The condition of the market is very favorable to reliable borrowers. The gold market is devoid of new feature, but firm, with the sales ranging from 111, closing at the lower figure. In United States securities there Is only a slight movement at about Saturday's closing prices. The stock market was exceedingly active and prices are higher. Sales of State Cs, second series, at 107, and City 6s at 103 for the new bonds. Reading Railroad was in brisk demand, with large sales at 5'.fa59'31; Pennsylvania also sold freely at 61K62: Camden and Amboy at 130 130; Mlnehill at 54; North Pennsylvania at 48, and Philadelphia and Erie sold largely at 28: 45U was bid for Catawissa preferred. In Canal shares there was more spirit. tSchuyl kill sold at 9Xi b o.; preferred do. at 183, and Lehlch 6old fieely at 3733. A few shares of Mprris sold .at 53... In BanK stocks there were sales or stecnauics at 32J. and Manufacturers' at 30. No further sales are reported. ttllLADKLPHlA STOCK EXCHANGE SALES. Reported by De Haven & Bro.. No. 40 S.Thlrd street FIKST BOARD, jficoo Pa es a se....io7$ 7 snMech Bk..., fiuou city es, jNew..iiis f wooo do i('3 f 4UIH1 O & A m 6s, 89 96 (900 Perklomen 6s. 80 600 sh Reading R... 59V 100 dO...D60 B9 8-1 S 100 do b5. t$ X 17 ah Penna It.... 6lf,' 800 do... .b60 63 800 do. D5. 62 sn do... allot. 6itf SCO do l 800 do b60. 6'i 17 an Mauu Bans 8 sit cam A Am. 17 sn Leh Nav St . SO .130 . 87itf 800 700 700 do 87 V qo 06. xiy. do b5. 87 800 do b60. 83 800 do 860. 87 tun ao c. m a DUO ao Dili). 81 800 do 860. 37V ssBannnenui k... tn- iv sa jm renna it.. i Messrs. William Painter fc Co., No. 86 8. Third street, report the following quotations : U. S. 6s of 1381, 117 '4117 V ; 6-80S Of 1869, 1111111; do. ISM nixm?i; do. issu, niKinx; ao., July, 1368, 118V114: do., July, 187, 113 ',(4114; do. July, 1868, 114(4114 Xi 10-40S, 109(1100. U.S. PaclflO K. B. Currency 6s, lisanojg. Gold, llixlia. Philadelphia Trade Report. Mondat, May 89. Cioverseed Is dull and nomi nal at 88fcc. per lb. In Timothy nothing doing to nx prices, f laxseed is wanted uy tne crusuers at I2-8W8-30. Bark In the absence of sales we quote No. 1 Quer citron at 30 per ton. Tanner's Ham Is selllutr at f 18 U per cord for cnesnut and So2l for Spanish oak. Tbe Flour market Is steady, without, however. any treat degree of activity. The demaod is princi pally from the home consumers, who purchase only to supply Immediate wants. 900 barrels changed lianJa, including superfine at f3-253'&0; extras at s-6'i6; Iowa and Wisconsin extra family at S6-7C; Minnesota do. do. at 7i7-12)tf; Pennsylvania do. do. at S6-2(k6-7B; Indiana and Ohio do. da at $7(s:.60; and fancy brands at S7-7Big9, as In qualty. Bye Fiour may be quoted at $5 7736 In torn meal nothing doing. Brandy wine is nomi nal it 14. Prime Wheat Is scarce and In demand at full prices, but the absence of supplies restricts opera tion. Sales of 2000 bushels Iudlana red at Srovrt, V0t; and amber at fl fiiMWO. Bye is heldatfi-ii 1 15 for Pennsylvania and Western and tl-O.Vqjl-lo forfcouthern. Corn Is quiet at the recent decline. Salesof yellow at 7Bc. aud Western mixed at 74i,75c. Oat are firm, with sales of Pennsylvania and Weak en at ou(d, .uc. Whisky The demand Is less active at J4X95c for Western lron-bouud. Philadelphia Cattle Market. Monday, May 29. The niaket for Beef Cattle was again excessively dull to-day, and prices favored bivers. The receipts were quite liberal, aud many renamed in the pens unsold. We quote choice at 77Vo., fair to good at BX(46)tfc., and common at 4J5c, per pound, gross. A few brought 8o. Re cfllpts, 8300 head. The following are the particulars rf the sales: 6 Owen Smith, Pennsylvania and Ohio, 7(27 v. (5 A. Christy, Ohio, 7,7V. 62 K. Maynes. Western, 77)tf. 15 James Christy, Western, 7T)tf. 45 B. F. McFilleu, Lancaster county, T7jtf. (2 Jobs McArule, Western, TViT3. 83 Decgler & McCleese, Cumberlaud CO., 6VT. 67 P. Jf. McFillen, Western, 6V(47tf. 62 Ph. Hathaway, Lancaster couuty, 6tf7tf. WO James McFillen. Western, 6V7i. 64 K. b. McPUleu. Western, 6)tf(47. J45 Martin Fuller Co., Western, 67tf. 79 M. Ullniau, Lancaster co., 60 1. Smyth A Bro., Western, 77J.'. 14ft Moouey, Miller 'o., Western, 73. 45 U. Smyth Co., Western, 6(!7. B9 L. Frank, Western, 6X(i(7 66 Thomas Moouey & Bio., Western, 7'. 85 H. Frank, Franklin CO., 6(6X- 8B Uus. Schamherg, Western, 6itf7V. 68 H. Chain, Western snd Penna., 6k7 v. 86 Elcorn k. Co., Lancaster co. and Mil., 73. 60 J. 8, Kirk, Lancaster co., 11. 30 Blum fc Co., Kentucky, 6(a7. Ki4 Hope & Levt, Western, 6i(aTi'. 49 S. FraDk, Western, 7T?4'. ut IV ltiu'tiinan. Incaster CO.. T47Jrf. Cows and Calves were not much lu request We quote at I45&66. Keceipts, uu neau. NhD attracted but Utile attentiou, and prices de cltned. bales of clipped at 4vBXu. 'v lb. Keceipts, 16,000 neaa. Bogs There was no vitality In this department nrit-M continue to drooD. under the Influence ol report of a heavy hog crop this summer. We quote common at osi 4u-. uu uu v vr coru-feu, Reueipia, awo neaa. THIRD EDITION TATTERS AT WASHINGTON. Army and Navy Orders The German Feaco Festival. Observances at Various Points. Decoration of Graves. Fire at Gloucester, Blass. Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc. FROM WASHIXQTOX. tBY ASSOCIATED PRESS. Exclusively to The Evening Telegraph. The Gleu Paper Mills. Washington, May 29, The employes sent from the Treasury Department to the Glen Pa per Mills, Philadelphia, nave made their report to the effect that fifty-eight millions of sheets of paper especially manufactured for Government currency purposes have been counted; and it further appears that that amount of paper, with out any exception, came safely into the posses sion of the Treasury Department. The Receipts from Internal Revenue for the month are not more than half of what they were during last May, owing to redaction of taxes, but the Receipts from Customs are larger than were anticipated under a re- uced tariff. Naval Orders. Lieutenant Samuel Beldon has been ordered to the Hydrographic Office, and Chief Engineer Edward Fanner has been detached from the Boston Navy Yard, and placed on waiting orders. Army Orders. Captain McClure, of the Army Commissary General's Office, has been ordered to pro ceed to Carlisle Barracks to make a detailed inspection of the subsistence stores at that post, and to report to the Commissary-General their quantity and condition, and what disposition should be made of them. President Grant has deferred his visit to Long Branch until Thursday. He will to-morrow attend the cere monies at Arlington, including addresses and the decoration of the graves of Union deceased soldiers. Government Weather Report. War Department, Office or tdu Chief Signal Officer, Washington; May 8910-80 A. M. Synop sis ror tne past twentv-iour nours: Tne Darometer has fallen on the Pacific coast, with light rains on Dvunnjl a lilt Buir l.lliaiDH WW, t IMlou, wtfrtl threatening weather andr Hunt rams this morning, at the Kocky Mountain Btatlon. The highest pres sure is off Cape Uatteras, whence it diminishes very slowly to the westward. Cloudy weather, with local light rains, has continued to prevail In the Ohio and Mississippi valleys and in the Southern States. Clear weather is trenerally reported from the lakes, and the rain of Sunday In the Eastern States has cleared away. Light and fresh winds from the southeast and south very generally prevail from Minnesota to the Gulf and the Atlantic coast. Probabilities. It Is probable that the barometer will rise, with clearing-np weather, on the Pacific coast, and that threatening weather will to-night be experienced In the Missouri valley. Light rain will probably pass over the Cumberland and Blue Ktdge. Partially clear and warm weather Is probable from Lake Erie to the Middle and East Atlantlo. FROM THE STATE. by associated press. I Exclusively to The Evening Telegraph. The German Festival at Reading. Reading, May 2J. The German Peace Cele bration was the largest affair of the kind ever held here. It was participated in by all nation alities, and by business men in general. The programme comprised religious services yesterday at the German Lutheran and German Catholic churches, and a grand procession to day. After the parade a celebration was held at Laner's Park, at which addresses were delivered in English and German, succeeded by the plant ing of the "Peace Oak," music, and festive enjoyments. Business was suspended during the day, and visitors were present from abroad. John Kep pleman Is President of the Fest. FROM JVEW EJVOLAJVD. BT ASSOCIATED PRESS. Exclusively to The Evening Telegraph, Naval Court Martial. Portsmouth, N. II., May 29. Rear Admiral Taylor arrived at the Navy Yard to-day to serve as Judge Advocate In the court-martial for the trial of a sailor for desertion from the United States (teamer Tlconderoga. Captain Bradford and other will constitute a court for the trial of this aLd other cases. The Drought. Farming Interests in this tection are suffering seriously from drought. Fire at Gloucester, Mass. Bostos, May 29.- A fire in Gloucester yes terday destroyed two blocks owned by Webster & Babson, and occupied by Brown, dealer in milllneiy poods; Alexander;Patt!di, dry 'goods; Barrett, clothing; and W. II. Perrln, lawyer. Total Ioes, 925.0C0, mostly 'nuur d. Decoration Day. To-moirow will be more generally observed than ever before. The banks will be closed, civil courts adjourn over, and many business firms clote their stores during the afternoon. The floral arrangements lire very extensive. FROM 3J7E DOMINION. BT ASSOCIATED PRESS. Exclusively to The Evening Telegravh. Supposed Drowning Case. Halifax, May 29. Captain Mathewson and D. McKean, of the Inman steamer City of Dur ham, are supposed to have been drowned while on a fishing excursion yesterday. Their boat was seen capsized. Neither it nor the bodies were found. I Halifax and Foreign Malls. Ottawa, May 29 The contract for carrying the mails between Halifax, Cork, and Liverpool was awarded by the Canadian and Imperial Governments to Hugh Allen on the terms for merly made with the Inman line. FROM NEW YORK. bt associated press. I Exclusively to The Evening Telegraph. Peace Festival In Buffalo. BcFrALO. May 29 The Great German peace festival watSt success. The thoroughfares are crowded with citizens and visitors from the surrounding country. Stores and private resi dences are handsomely decorated. At noon the procession Lad been moving an hour and a half, and still one-third remained at the place of ren dezvous. The emblems and decorations are magnificent. . FROM BALTIMORE. BT ASSOCIATED PRESS. Exclusively to Th Evening Telegraph. German Catholic Celebration. Baltimore, May 29. The annual conventloa of the German Catholic Central Union of the United States assembled yesterday at St. Mi chael's Church in this city, Delegates were present from all the German Catholic societies of the United States. To-day the visiting and local societies formed in procession, and several thousand paraded the principal streets with banners and bands of music. Vice-President Colfax Improving. In answer to a friendly despatch, sent Satur day evening, on receipt of discouraging news from Washington concerning the health of the Vice-President, Mr. Colfax himself on Sunday telegraphed as lollows-. I send you thanks for such earnest sympathy, and dictate this reply. The attack which prostrated roe was more violent than I supposed on Monday; but. since Tuesday, every symptom Is favorable, and, with Hod's providence, I hope for entire recovery. I am better as I telegraph you than at any hour since the attack. Schctlrh Colfax. A despatch from Washington at a late hoar last evening states that the Vice-President was bo much better yesterday that he was able to leave his bed for several hours at a time, and to see some visitors.- There Is no longer any cause for anxiety in regard to his recovery, and he is now hoping to be able to start for hla home in Indiana by Wednesday of this week. N. Y. Tribune to-day. LATEST SUUTISH IKTELLlttEyciT PORT OF PHILADELPHIA MAY S9 STATE OF THERMOMETER AT THE EVENING TELEGRAPH OFFICK 8 A. M 72 1 11 A. M.. ..... 78 1 9 P. M. 90 Sun Rises 4-85 I Moon Sets l-ee Sew Sets 7 19 Hioh Water Hi (EyCable.) London, May 89. steaoasnlp Wisconsin, from New ork, touched at yueeustown yesterday, and proceeded to Liverpool. CLEARED THIS MORNING. Steamer Ann Eliza, Richards, Mew York, W. P. Clyde & Co. Steamer Sarah, Jones, New York, W. M. Batrd & Co. Steamer C. Comstock, Drake, New York, do. Schr Alcora, Dennlson, Old Cambridge, Day, Hud dell & Co. Schr Geo. A. Twibiil, Longnery, Pawtucket, do. Schr Alfred Day Hnddell, Long, Boston, do. Schr J as. L. Maloy, Russell, Cambrl geport, do. Barge Great Western, Mo in tyre. New Verk, do. Schr Mediator, McLaue, New Haven, John Rommel, Jr. & Bro. Schr Edward Kidder, Baker, Amesbury Point, do. Schr Charles Carroll, Chase, Hyannls, do. Tug G. B. Hutchins, Muliord, Baltimore, with a tow of barges, W. P. Clyde Co. Tug Joe Johnson, iDgrabatn, Baltimore, with a tow of barges, W. P. Clyde 4 Co. ATtKIVED THIS MORNING. Steamship Norfolk, Piatt, from Richmond via Nor. folk, with mdse. and passengers to W. P. Clyde Co. Btearcer H. L. Gaw, Her, 13 hours from Balti more, with mdse. aud passengers to A. Groves, Jr. Steamer Bristol, Wallace, 84 hours from New York, with mdse. to W. P. Clyde 4 Co. ' Mor. barkentlne alert, Ehrenreich, 7S days from Gene, with iron to Naylor 4 Co. vessel to L. West erpaard A Co. Br. brig Escort, Baker, 6S days from Messina, with fruit to Isaac Jeanes & Co vessel to L. Wester- gaard 4 Co. ItaL brig Domlnico, Colotto, 70 days fm Palermo, with fruit to Isaac Jeanes 4 Co. vessel te Paul Poh), Jr. Schr A. M. Bliss, Mclntlre, 17 days from Port An. tonlo, with fruit to Stilson & Boyer. Schr Kansas, Uannon, 6 days from Concord. Del . with lumber to John L. Redner. Schr Onward, Evans, 8 days from Indian River. With lumber to John L. Redner. ' Schr A. H. Cain, Simpson, 10 days from St. Marys, Geo., with lumber to Patterson k Llppincott. Schr Mart It. Hickman, White, from Suffolk, Vs., With cedar logs to Clement 4 Dunbar. Schr Daniel Corblt, Eldrldge, 1 day from Odessa, Vel, with grain to John L. Redner. Schr Sarah C. Smith, Banks, from Mobile, with old iron to Phoenix Iron Co. v Schr Sarah Fisher,-Carlisle, from Norfolk, wlta lumber. Schr Hannie Westbrook, Littlejohn, from New York, with cement. Schr Maggie Cummins, Smith, from Cohassct, with nsh. Schr Zealous, Lankford, from Rappahannock, with wood. Schr Thomas Border, Wrlghtington, 8 days from Fall River, in ballast to captain. Schr O. Carroll, Chase, from New fork, with flan. Tugs Thomas Jefferson, Allen ; Joe Johnson, In graham; Chesapeake, Merrlhew; and G. B. Hutch legs, Mulford, from Baltimore, with tows of barges to W. P. Clyde 4 Co. BELOW. Ship Royal Charlie, from Ardrossan, and a ship, name unknown. MEMORANDA. Steamer Pioneer, Wakeley, hence, at Wilming ton, N. C, at 8 P. M. 2Sth Inst, By Teltgravh to the Philadelphia Exchange. Washington, I). C, Alay 89. The steamer Her cules (before reported sunk at Georgetown, D. C.,) has been brought to the navy yard hre, and is on the railway for repairs. We found her bottom badly damaged by grounding on the ledge of rocks In the harbor or Georgetown. D. C, while lying at J. G. Waten's wharf, awaiting a favorable tide for passing through the draw at Loug Bridge. VV. B. Gallagher. Correspondence of The Evening Telegraph. EASTON & McMAlluN S BULLETIN. New York Office, May 87. The following bursts leave in tow to-night for Baltimore, light: Eiia, Alex. Toms, Win. Walker, Sam. Morrell, Mm nun, City of Boston, Union Traveller, and Norrla. Baltimore Branch Office, May!7 The follow ing barges leav In tow to-night, eastward : C. H. Gage, A. H. Grlswold, Albemarle, Velocl. ptde, C. A. Slliluian, Ella, T. U Moore, K. M. KU ourr, V. McWUliaujs, Frank Sheldon, aud Ann Mo t'fcrtrey, all with coal, for New York. Oeprey, with coal, for Wilmington. Philadelphia Ukakcii Office, May 2X Te Athletic, with coal, for New York, and N. W. Futch, with coal, for Baltimore, left on Saturdav night. James O'Lonnel), with coal, for New York, left an Saturday. Weather. May 87, 7 P. M., wind W. V 0 V7. V S.; 10 P.M. S. K fresh, overcast: Sunday. 88th, it A. M., wind due East; lvM. S. 6 P. M., W. of South, beRuliiul, bright nlKhi; Monday, 8tth, 0 A. M., wind, the Irlshuiaus hurricane (upaud down the mast, dead caiiu), Kvfjjy; looked up at old Inde pendence Hall vane, Jmiicated K. W doubted its veracity ; came back 6 A. M., slight breeze, found the vane all ri!ht, 'ad of It, won t doubt it again. BaroRjeten-Siwiifay, War S, 5 A. Af., 80 16-80; 1 P. M 80 14-80:11 p M..o i o; Monday, May 89, 4 30 A.M,Boibo. It should rain to-day; but all signs fail lu dry weigher. L. S. C Si trial DttfaU h to The fvning Telegraoh. HAVRE- b-osack, Ut; t. The following boats leaelntowto-day: M Harry and John. Wyoming, Lady Washington, Lebanon, aud Isaiah Kroeser, with coal to 5. C. NotFor Joe and James R. Harris, with lumber to Paicrsou & Llppincott. j. p wcolverton and Wolverton 4 Tinsman. wlta lumber to J. U. Wool verton. Kd. Kennedy, with graia to Hoffman k Kennedy. J. M. Rlne, with lumber to Watson Maloas fc Son,' Carrie, with lumber to Craig & Blanchard. A. Page, Bon 4 Co., with lumber, lor Salem, Jf. Jj J. L. Sutton, with lark to order J, U,
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