( TIIE DAILY EVENING" TKLEGRAPI7. PHILADELPHIA. FKIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1864. Miring clcpapli A BAILT sVrTsWNOOaT JsKWrlPAI-KH. oit.ce No. to8 sTthird street. WW tsn sSsnrre rna.Ci.rT, or Riimtkhk Cr.T I'm Wan. ! Carrie, and matlM to 8.:wrlrir WiMtMnvU Wn Oouiu fa Ainuki On. 1 li firrr Cnra oa two J..iu..tnriirtl, in a-Wenc fe t nana irdoretl. A4vertuaat IneertM at t)is? osnal ratw. A !lborl fnairmeat n4i tor xtendi-d Insertions. To ATrrllviK. Cw1:if to txrt tns-rrs In the f'Jrcolvian f fn ptvei'.j TKl.koRiii. ci.mr.lllna m to o t j"-.. al 411 fiartT hour, vrsi n:nt! n-nnrttt tht vlv.-rn -i iMrr'.i ni.y hiinM 1st ionn 16 ovlix t, ,..lbi -, 10 .-cuie thtm tt tauitltl la til of our dltlon. FMDAY. NOVKMHF.lt IS, isci. , r Alio vl, i: i kkphisk " Westward tiio courso of f-inplre tiltc it. way" la a souUiivnt ion flnUorln to oir national vanity to bp allowed to ri Intu Oblivion. Tlie records of tho past nil do. l ira that civilization always follows tho ccine of Uio.fttin. .Starting amid the jilains of India, It gradually extended lu bimi.'ii lnflinineo over Syria and Egypt. Arm. rollm! by, n i l Greece rece.lvo tho warmth of lu llht; Still later, Europe beYaino illninliiod, anJ in tho flfteenth century It followed the or!) of .la v mcroM the broad Atlantic, and continue it, Vivifying journey over a wesk-rn worl I. N'esv England, the birthplace of all " Intr.-slus an 1 Bchlwnfi," baa also ushered Into cxlatencn .nil tlic great Ideas for moral and mental improve ment. Iler love of progress hi c:ri-, vl hr tj Commit many errors ;yut the Ide Vin i bIio has (riven to our common country far out number the evils he has iullinted. To thu Inventive pouluis of one of her Hons the Su.itli Oweathe cottou lenny, the mainstay of slavery- The Incentives to exertion which bIio hai radiattid over tho North, havo cannot' fiourish Ing village and Iron roadj to Hprinif up in all Our "desert places." Over the wlrjlc lin.l dasbe tho Iron-horse, hearing from point to point, from furm to market, the fruits of thu teeming Industry of our people. Tlio gr.i.il cause cf Internal improvements own a parent frortliy of Its magnitude. The Uro.it Com moner, with his living elo'iueuce,hls ii'resirit, bl -logic, and his ludomilalilo perseverau :e, fa thered, fostered, aud raised into successful ope ration tho glorious system of natural interna'. Improvement. Canals, railways, and highroads Dwe to him their existence. No .sooner was the system suggested than Northern enterprise took it In hand aud fostered It until it achieved perfection The grand crowning efforts of the system are now Bhortly to be completed. Alter years of defeat, throjgh the nou-a-lvam-inj principle: of the Southern autocrats, the Grand Taeilli; Railroad is fairly under way, and will shortly lie completed. The new road will hound a continent, and steam will bear the products of the Atlantic coast across a world, for shipment in the sister ocean of the West. The grand triumph of enterprise will bo accomplished, and the two great oceans of the globe be con nected. The boasted triumph of laying the electric telegraph acrons tho Atlantic tiinks Into insignificance when compared with this prcat victory over all the obstacles of nature. Mountains, rivers, plains, and deserts are' spanned, and the bulwarks of creation sub dued by the enterprise of man. The command of Xeiixes to remove a mountain In Greece received the Indignant scoflings of all the historians of antiquity. What would have been their comments could Tve have loresccu the determination of a great people to lay a road of Iron across a continent , leaping over rivers, crossing mountains, and scaling the battlements erected by Nature's Godt The conception of tho work was sublime, the execution is the greatest inomiincnt to tho el;IU of man. And Unit among the seven won ders of the world of tho nineteenth century r'ill rank, In futurity, the Pacific Railroad. (Vn'nvxlnre WiNHt.owV own words, la re gard to the light with th" UiVi-n I, will be rend with tho deepest inlere t by all. T!iy are as follow : " (JcMli n.i n. In rrfcivn'S? to tl.it lijj'it with tlio " A'nhamn. I Miy it w.ia liip-orttnt in it cotui'- " queue., a (rom the H I I tint it tool, place '. "teil'd' f t nit whn the lrri'irii ( .-i-im " eiiept: Aticricuns In hur-iix- I n.trn I L'im.mi " Ani('ri.-HU uR Mi ll s 1 hntl n ver s-s.i " In li re. It w a ilarl: ho ir nf the ilnr fnrtli"m ; " nnil wln-n ttip flnlit Hh ti e Ainbtmn took pluen, "whin It s (It-ioven-rt Ibn' iiotith-)itii'ltn " the mi ll thill were sent fro:n tlie F.rrrll nl. n.t " t iiliMlneilintf the pulil slu d areonn'.s hl ihitf " wen to whip us in a v ry tcliort luito, KM, tle'f " (t o lutein inio Ci er K.urj, n'i'l mk- " ct mmr ot the H'ni-1 ny, vhen It nil " f i iisul th', notwitli iHtnlm Nil thi, t!ie K-r-" nmr I. ml come ml' tlie ne or, no liin could " cm'ucI tho liplM Hint I.mi !"Hh "P 'a lli 'oyil " An: ricnm In r'tt'i-iie. It clt- im I til w iv ; the " i k iii) ns rt mntrrt, anil tin; sun dln.i-.fi f n tli m "nil Is Is-Hiitv nml rsd 'fee uii'.n tliuin. I "riemed the in r ii ;r''il .1 i v let'i rs f r Mil "nil (tiMters. 'I'L.iu w.-ro ni'-n co:ii.il, ' in.liTit wiioMiil in e l fers -a I . f, ij ! IH I "on! It' wi-r.iiil ..ly iiii' rire vou! If wo " runld oidv kl oi! If yi u to' lil oi.lv knn " h it ill pre pod nienwr have t) -i-ii ho wi: " l .'ive 1). n ipi.ress: I Hiid ilon Iro l-lin, nti'l " rt a'lzc how the wci-'ht lias h.-i-n re nove't, a:i I " ran lift tier hod", ) .m w--uNI ki iw li u a " i'i I't of prsii'u.k w oo to j ou ' " (Nmimodore Winsi.ow con-lud tiiis ncy sjieeeh in which, w uliout l" iii? supercilious or itillaled, he show thut lie :ipre:'iat.s tlie plea-nut fact of having done Ins duty with u chitco at the results of the dtjht between the Alabama mid tornne, a:id an outlinn of his troubles with Karl Kr.uKM.. As a sjin eltnen of the anecdotal st t:iko t''- f)l lowlng : " VI en I entered Hie Tii.mi". 1 sent to Mr. " A nMs u r"i!t'-'t tli.it I inu'lit l-j p run u-1 to " rtiu-r Iho d'leks lor the p""P '' of rriiir. Tl.i't wns in Hi-'-ord lin e w ill li t Ms'-Mtv'i " prnelHimi'lnn nml In ht otiUnno with ethiui tte. " I prneeeded up 'ho Thtmcs, nml en'iirej tin " ilockb, nml went on ivurU i utt rlt iii, uiiikini; " our n pairs. l5utpfourdays a'ter, I r.'C'-ivt'.l auolo " tr.mi Mr. Adamh, faviiiK tint Karl ItessiiM, " lind t.ent a le:ter to linn, eomolHinin of my "going on anil nml.inK rep drs without prmis ' Hion. 1 n plied Hi it p rinuvmn w.is zwa in " Ihr M.iji'siy'i pro. lunation. Well, Ii j not " txaetly loitnido with me In in) i i f whit " 1 i iin-iiiiTf d to In- my niits, ami the net d sv " lie replied to tne th it he had n-ceieil iin iiinir " letter from V'.-irl Iti'Khi.l.t., Ir.nn w'nii-li he. was '' obliged to i-ay tlinthc dc.-ired I liould prosoeil " to m a with repiiirs i r witii -ut repiirs. Well, 1 'replied the next dnytlnt I IK-Jtitcd he would " give my compliments to K.rl It'-hsni.i. uid stv ' ilia'. I did not in-end an.- o nishiyn In point of " ctiiniette ; tint, Miasma-h nslli tl mud -ii'liny " repairs,! w.s now out of the Joel;, and wis " f-'olrg to 8CH." The wliole of Commodore Win'.slow's sjieeeh is a happy illustration of what he has to say of our experiences, and of how lie says It. Si I It 11 II I'M TKOI'IIIKS. General MKintiTT rarely sjieaks for hlmielf, but le's his deeds tell the public whore ho Is and what he is doing. Since the campaign opened in the Shenandoah valley, under Siii.iiiian, he ha.s been continually in the saddle. No battle has occurred which did not witness tlie splendid h iroism and tlm effective charges ol his gallant cavalry. We is always at band, and ever just at the right place. jtiKr.iDAN knows bow totru.it him, and never has any fears hut that M.'iutiTr will execute his orders to the letter. . Within tho past sixty days his division has taken from the enemy fourteen battle-flat's, twenty-nine pieces of artillery, eighteen cais sons, a number of wagons and ambulance), two thousand prisoners, to which list we may add one thousand prisoners captured between May and August, In d'fferent encounters with the Rebels. This is doing service, with a will, and it proves conclusively that when our troops are commauded by a thorough soldier, lliey ore more than a match for the "gay cavaliers" orthc South. General Mm'.itlTT is a man of merit. All honor to him m J tho brave Lit Division of C'avulryl (N)IOI)IIKK WI.VNI.OIVS NlT.W'II, Last Tuesday evening a baurjuet was given by the merchants and ship-owners of lioston In honor of Commodore Winhi.ow. The Commodore made a most genial and pithy Bpcech, In which he referred to Rebel sympa thies In France, his experiences In Brest and elsewhere, the escape of the Florida, the fight with the Alabama, the way he was abused by the Timet, and attacks in I'arliament. Tho manner In which this speech reads, aud the Btyle In which the different allusions are made, suggest that It was delivered with a grace more nearly approaching to the French bon homie than anything we have seen for soma time. He thinks tho fight between t'ae Kcir- Mrge atd the Alabama nothing in comparison 10 ine Bcrvice renuerca on uiocitauo in tuiu wiider. Hero is the Commodore's experiences at Treat: " W hen we entered Brest, which we did b.-ciuso "ve had bcaru tiat the Florid was there, c " found all around us nothing else but stee-si n " levimg. It is trne that, us a matter of clique. le, " the. Aumirul of the port extended to me i c iu " 1 1 meutarj-dinner j anJ I must ay tintt, as f.iras " Lis own tec iiiKs were concerned, I helluva liiui " to be on the Union tide, hut 1 also hctievo liliu " to l c an exception. We were met every wtioru - " liy the senessioa Influence Why, tat) I'renca ' itople believed tbut the .onthern pcop'c were " tiKhtliiK tigaiimt sn iiiimeue North, nko had tlirir heels up' n their n . cks and were ir. :ui to ' Keep ihem down. They knew noih dk of tho " qucniion of kluvery at ull; tin y km nothing ' oi tho quehtions t issse. It was nimuly wiili ' ini a tiKbt of the minority atfaimt thu uuj -"t.u j it ou know uti)tliii'K of rn'ictiiu.-n, if "iii.':eid you know anything of l uiiiun n i-.ur -, yoo will know that iuo:u will u'.wtys he tor too inii.oiiiy." . The Commodore was told that he couhl not go out until twenty-four hoars after the Florida bad sailed, but he left at a time when the Admiral had drawn the chains u :r ss the Inner chaunel, and bad given orders that in ve-el should go out, piloting the ship him Bclt; Unable to And the waereabnts o! t!i s Georgia, which he bad received lnf-rtnUwa of from the American Minister, he passe 1 the Tagus and proceeded up the ch.mujl. lie proceeded to Queeustown, where bo w as greeted with a secession reception similar to the ouo he enjoyed at Brest. His retort to the Admiral, whose ldlosyn"ra;y it was to inform hira that ho must leave the port within twenty-four hoars, and who en led a long debut by asking him to dinner, seems to airord the Commcdoro elation In thrs remem France of It. The retort was that he (thu Commodore) always required twenty -four hours' natiee In accepttn,' ua Invitation to dinner! As nn evidence of one or many of ilie L'eararye' good wofk, the Com njjjio nays : "Wlen we entered tiie H'itMi Cliann-l, wo ' found it blf d w ho Arnciic.ni vessel, u'r.ii I it vei.iuru ir.iil to nun. lue t. ceasi m agents b id h, en uetive m fiutilishiug the n -.! th it t:ie " 1'ioriilu was in one place, nuU Hi ;---:.4 iq ai.oinei, and the I u'n-tfi la unot'i r, .' tu.it " ivei j in ictmiitmaii was e tto bt i.uee that they wtie eitr, here; aud ihctvou'd think if " th.y ii-ud the a:sr. 1J it m hen 1 ri.ieivj ' t hu I oii'it, Slid found a hir'tf nuui .-r of " Annuel n ' lb. ie air. .id fgo jU , ai.U a'..o " ul Iiarc. 1 ordered llicm out, un 1 e ,t word 1 1 " Uud, S'iiI to v -i.o. is poris in Hoi: mJ, duvet ' ii it i n: i on uls to order tuuiii tu p;o l d .u a ii;c cljKTii i-l, mm 1 would K'Vu tlim the a u " j hi ce that no ve-v 1 Hiould touch ttiuui ; Unit " Fi'T(...ni:h we mif:lit Ii"t be hMh to em h th 4 1 Ultuikl 4l.il liri't,ta uii! s;dt, 1 Collid l.e " . I. i in I ' 1 1 ' f 1 lil'UJ " of cir spatby, and even fiien tin- god elT-ct l- I ut moieenl.'iry, and w- go on our old way again, as beeilles of Wa i ter s.s if lire an I wider had no power to ric-troy. Wh -n two loconiiitlves tl.udi lulo eaeb other like a coupie cf mad bulls, and a mm or two ul l:vi;i, brealhing biimsn beings are crusli-d o'lt m" all pcuihlancc of Imniauily, lie t).v;iii to t!unk tin', a double track would be proper, a:i I lha', p.-.--Ii.'ipn, ndlrond corjMiratlons ought t b-, in come mtasiire at least, respon.-ilile for the lives destroyed through the careles-ness or iiiroin'teiicy of their servanlM, Win n a Htcan b"iat Is blown to juer-fs, or bin u d (o tiie water's ed:;e,wepa.s laws for the lictter protectnm of travelers; a-i.l when le t. Is are destroyt d I y lire, nml tho sieep!;ig bunnies hurried inlo eternity wil'.iout any warning nave that alibi d -diby th his i:ig (in nies mid cti;lint atnoke, if. S.i'l.l .iily occuri to our iiui.d that most of o ir lnl !- nr , a'ler ul!, very insceure .-diodes, and that aitn-'-h'.n ought to Ik: done to li.-wii l!ie danger atU-uJ li.g nn holel life. It in not often, even In Amrira, that so ffnrlling n calamity occurs as the burning of the rt.cil'.c Hotel in M. Louis, several yeurs eg.i; but ifcueh ot einrenees coTitrihulo in any way to t' acb us a v!iol"s iiiw lesion In regard to the culpable csreles-.n-s wo eviuec in building our hotels with Hin h nlender security in case ol lire, they will h ive served a uteful end. We Americans have a passion for i ' mammoth" hotels. There Is acvcely a city in the tliilon which does not contain one or more of tiice enormous pil , the pas.age v.'ays rf which are as it.trice.'e as tiio"r of lha Cretan labyrinth, and the stairea-es most miserably disproportionate m number aud hi.o to the want and .safety of the guests. Travelers invariably patronize the l.nl and largest monster caravan ; iry which is erected, content to Mccp ul a fatiguing d'.tdan"o from ti rrv Jlrmn, rather tba l go to what they term a "Second-class" lioteK A sudden alarm of lire arou-es them, and he must Indeed be a cool and lucky man v ho can e.i. ape unharmed. The hotels of our fashionable, watering plae.es arc even more dangerous than those of our citiis. Almost invariably built of wood, which tlie heat of summer parches into tinder, and filled by hundreds cd human beings, it seems as if an especial interposition of Divine Provi dence had thus lar prevented the oecurrtnee of seme frightful accident. We ore aware that it Is an almost hopeless ln.sk to undertake to bring about a relorin lu this matter. Legislative interference in such matters is never easy to obtain, and il is only such interference which can ctl'ect the desired object. We do not object to large hotels, provided the means of egress are proportionate to the tdze of the building; but we most strongly deprecate the criminal carelessness to danger which sliuls up live or six hundred souli in n collection of numbered cells, open iug upon long, narrow corridors, from which it is dillicull to Hud one's way at any time, and next to impossible when the mind is be wildered bj the alarm aud confusion Incident to a lire. That these evils can be remedied is pei fectly "plain, and the architect who will first effect the reform will deserve to be hailed as a public benefactor. fj A ll Id I W il l. OH HI T i ' I ', N T I U 1 . S T O C) K ') I ' LACE CURTAINS AT IOI TY I KK CI .ST J.I'WH 'I'll A. IV JOJ-IT Of IVVoUTATla-i. I. E. WALRAVtN, BUSIWLSS Iloi Hoi Von'ri itl'UK I'-'il'l nrp Yim' - Wi :i, i..it i,4 a m. .-. 'r ti 1 t. n 1 , ' t i Iji.iJI. I'.iM Y. It;jj f a fill' A . fi.p h i,.t 'j-'' .1 to 1 1 i i j rs nr lii ii. a li ti f li t. l n-rl n " lr. I .1 i ' Ilnli l ,'i:ic, in 1 ut little hrr1 . ! . i .'. 'J in- v! '. 1 a'fttl' n i Jti iton ti e Acs'!) Ij h i.i'wmil I.rt.ti!t.va '.'in. fit ..n:-rn It !i"T rc::n'R"'t tli'.i M i!', .;t vi".t- f!,p ) tir fr .u lii'ii-t if., rjrc- t! i. r o:ii;tuo iJ-'-iit't wine!, .. , fi .' tu t.i ti.t. lit.. I. h i il i . a Mi e ' i ! I v i f i' r 1 i - 1W i"nn(li n ! tv 1. m . Il .i! j: vci III hi.it I '.i h ,t 1 1 In Ki i.:u' ajj' iirr,!!';'-, uin -iiin ic i l y i:;; Ci i , - tl f Iwi. I In i mi t i ul), at Nt 'SU iig; ilr. '-t. Ivr, t'l.r, 1 lirnnt IKf mo, finrrli, A-t).ma,aiiil nil Ner'Mii An'i:h'ii tnivta-l vUh Hi" anrt't rnirn- by It. Von M ' ii -sK i.i: , with Mi n-iy crtMalnn-h-tl animi.-'in. An liliisti:t.l pr.neriiiB f n.n mi re , C(-nailiiii; (.oiiir .ilu.it tc -tuji li..l , n !ie l aJ pi ah", on a; i'licnlinn a: li.a m. .So Vt'J -tu' t. rre Bor, : Mi Mfis -r. I'i i: "0!!l 1, a. a -fl Imli Iavi- A Hi'.'! ;l i, Ar:u uml 1 chili. 1 STI Nn. 7' I ( III -M T H lin . tVn i.N.,!I AM AMI Sb8 I A :n..-,, M.ir mi l s. .VIM'-OW MIAMI'S, tN.. Mviiiin. r.Lrft , tVRVK TON' i no. s'.v"' v tiioits. 1 1 .--i s . 1 1- Mtni-.i'.r f... Tii . i" vn'i cn iCits, rm-.N'T t.i; ii'ii nt.M-x ii ; ii. cut f II:v.T. Al l.-.w I 'C : . tc-or- 'viT'Ty T ' V '" VTfl f, ; v ' - M , .i 's ti , -. V AV'lKsf.i'il! N'i'S A M y tie A I A I - I ' .M Y o I I L.i.VN!ii I.1MVI K .I . A HI.ISKI. I'itV F. KO.tl. Soap is scarce with Lkk soap cannot bu had at. Petersburg soap is missing on tho upper James, though water is plenty; but what is water without soap? Aud tho answer comes up In a doleful cry from tho dirty legions of Lk.e " Nothing I" Give us a piece not a SKYMOi'n-rKNui.KTON-Peace but a piece of soap a bar of soap soft-soap, or any kind ol soap, so it is soap 1 We baro endured Us absenco so ion1? that wo are part of the earth I Wo cannot wasli our clothe we look like the clay models of the sculptor we are unable to recognize one another wo havo lost our identity and have become an abhorrence to all clean-washed men and wo men. Give us soap, that we may once mora see what we looked like in the palmy days of soap. And so the wa'.l goes up for this desirable article throughout the wholo Ib'bul army. Without it their ablutions are vain, for tlie dust and dirt stick to face, beard, and cloth ing as tenaciously as if water had ncvor beeu applied. The l!ebels are in some trouble. They have taken a notion to bo cleanly, but h ive not the w herewithal to make thotn clean. The Examiner wants "a soap-bureau estab lished," a sensible idea, aud it would add another department to tho Confederate Gov ernment, l'y all means have a soap-bare iu, and sen soap to the men whoso daily cry is, fonp, Boap, scapl mi it it it: it K K.I.I, V HOi:(IIIKKTY.-On tln K.lh instsnt. e tlm r. Miicl-'P nl tie' l.rul"H -Mtli'T. by llov. 1'. M uln : i .uHtor List. 1'olrl.k'sCli.trli, WII.I.IAM K KH.I.V.oi Kill lynvlllp, t" i AltY F.,lullKlitoi nl I'Lill l.ojglc-uy. KM.., m l!urriburii, l'a. MAHON I1AI1.KY. On tlio ldlh Inxtant, bv (li llov. J. II. I ocvo, Mr. WILLIAM JalA.SIKs to Ml.sSAKAU J. UA1U.X. II1FII rnt(ltN.-On Hi" Ulh liiBtunt. KATF. r.K. cl.lMt f3mi.liter nl (ieiiri.c II. and kale A . l.ur.tin, tic.1 S ycurs Kiiii.tuI ut III ..Jl..nn Sulurilay, lillii lu.-latit, irm u. 11 l tieiten aviiiiuc, (iennnntoHii. IiKWl rr.on tho liilli Initiint Au-ldnlv nf til ros-f dei.cn In CrmiauloHll, ALbAAMii.lt Ilk. .VI I I'. in Die ft, Hi ear ol liib uko. " MA-OS fL II IMI.IN S ,.. CAIIIMI'.I oi:.i VNS i. . J O-1-rr.'llor es'h'.f i-,,... ffn. . '. K.,r I' Ht.uiin'i.n e.'ivc r s 'M Ii- ' JiT.!' Mr. II., '.nl t I. m.ina Ii c .ll H1M1-..1 t,.tj l-i-n-iisin. H. ..'lV.V "-'" ' ' ,'" 1 J K C.i'ULIl. I. 1.11-..S! fl.-MMltll UiUl Ch.'.ICJl lr. P!4 M'lITC! HCHOMACKKIl llll'l NS. cam n ' r II.". I s s . CAIIINIM' I) INS. ram N I: r einii ns . mil ttvfjl l.AIIOK IS HI .1 It Y I. M. It was lo be expected, of course, that tlia emancipation of the slaves In Maryland would ut llrtt create confusion amongst the agricul tural classes. The larmers there, however, nio taking a proper view of the matter, and ate accommodating themselves to circum stances. The scele of wages adopted by tho limners of l'rine. George county for ordinary Held service ul'ows to lirst-class negro luea one hundred uud twenty dollars per yeir, with beard; and to .-ceond-elass negro women (v. "ti'ont children), and boys un tir eighteen yeurs of age, sixty dollars per year, with I'liod. Similar measures arc aire ely being taken Ii. other pert., or the St ile. A further eti oiiniei iue.it to this new order of thing-i aii-es lioiu tlie fact that some of the old planters who do not relish them, are anxious to sell their lands, and so subject them to tho nKuiey-iiiiiliing genius ot Northern capitalists In the lower couutic the soil Is admirable for idoek-niising or planting purposes, for the cultivation of vegetables and fruits of every variety. This li'enh element of labor being devi lopt J, will take ho'd of the old resources uud evoke i.ew wealth from tbeui. tim: iN,sMi'i!!iv r in n iiotm.s. He rtelJ -.siicss ol'AutevieuiiS lu regard to .( r-oi.iil d.ini;i; e lias I.oco-u'3 us trite a subject cf touvci -alii n r.s t.V stale of iho weather or the I'lictiiiitioiis cf ti:e :.li"'ii market. We dui-U i.head on a Miig!.! r..ihvjiy track with an cpMisx'g train n.o:..ciitaii!y e.'jpected, sleep over thu high prc-buro of u cuttou-li'eight.!il tdcuiiboat, or lake lip our quarters in the eighth story of a crowded caravansary, with ft H'nif fi'oht that is perlectly iniinit.cile. As fer as non-an'iu:iiiita:icc' with fear goes, we are all Ni l -os, with the slight iliilerenee, how -ttir, Unit while the world-renowned Admiral was com titiilainally brave, we arc merely habitually reckless. It it only tlie occurrence of Bonn; frightful t-ulaiu't; ti..it liu t!. i.wor ta I'lurt'.' uj out QPINIKO Cf THE CATHEDEiL OK SAINT PETER AND SAINT PAUL, SIMMY, KOYE.V.UKK 20, 1S0I. l'llOaiUMMK : I. All i'iwbciii icfll.lnR aaml..ion to tho t'atle-lr.1 f ,r the DeJIcatinn Service mtit bo providM Willi Ticteti. II. Torhoin l.ulJ.iilj lU'.U and HI.U1S T.t't.eti, Uill.O Hum to eaifc In pw, ivl: enter at the 1,'ntui on t-iuatuer Ireet and u IUc street, bolow Klu'iteentli, In'twotii tlm tinllth i,f II and 10 o duck A. M Tlcse sain will 1)0 cloned at 10 o clock. a. Tl.t holdeu cf I.KKKX (1) f.ckaU will enter Luan H.ieaio at .ho Katea au Niiiet i. n'.h and K.i.s and Niua tronlh kail Viu liwl.s, fnnii9 tu: lialf-j 1st 10 o'clock, form In lire on tlia mnlii avenue, In mder to fellow tilt procehiilii Into tlie Catlie.tr.il ut llio mtn entrance on fulitctniti fctreet. 4. Tlck'.-ta may be i.htnineit on II e lU'.rniiiK of fie Hcdl cai on at tlie oltl.-es on Kaee tel and on Summer street, al.ev Hevctceutt., and at tlie western s' of L iiia finaie. 6. At Hie uemb.'i ofTi.eU Is loji'ed lo the cipjcllyof tl. bulldiini, no aoney will be mcjive-l at ti.e djr, nor an per.on adnilued wliliout allcliet. (1. Ileieiten of :). Pre.i and in.-iutn ci of llio Oh ilr (d Dilited by peclal tLkel) .ll enter at tt.e Kte ilr.-al Sate. ( 7 A. no carriages wiltb pernillled to eii.er tt-.e np:io . In front of UieCt:a'drdt, IJiuy w.II set il..ira at Seven ! teciilb and Summer s'.rect and Scvatt-eti'.i. &'id Hteu BtreeU. j S. The I'olnuiitl.'o of Arr;ile:''in'-iitl a-i 1 th I U -hrtr will meet til llio S. minify, K li tejn'.h and It.ic.; s:re-Dli,o:i Sued. Doming at s o'clock prcuuly. lu order ol (he I 11 IS-il l OM'KIT! KK OK A!tAN'.:i:vi:-.NH. AMUSEMENTS. 4 S.-I-.MIIIA III II.DINO-!, - ". w. i:..i:m:k m.N I'll AM0 !KSNIT SI 111 KI'.S. V. l.tiNK.Sh.W, ' ,.ve:rhi r'.'l. IS I. f.t bull -p.'.-' Oir. e c el SECe,M ( l.A.ssn a1, A..V1 l.sKI'. ii i in. rim u.l.i. i'i 1 1 1 cj.-.-.'Ai. i.'cis i t.r ix ; .r 1; .V. - . . VI .1. 1 :c,u, J .A V.:i, 1 1. 3i,i i. V I...1 A .NX, Ul.d f t 11.M1I. I'ltili.UA.MMR. Cr.n .1 Trie In Ii IMiin.r, t ,,, a;. Mcnd?Ni..hii i, i..nt. it.-. .No I . in il M" i i V e.lii. S (.. C'.e. cri'i In t. M iie.r It .to In Ii. I. lie. Ol I, In 11 I Ml II O'.l.ivi n i Mil.... in; i'.i. lit ful I he -. i son ol 'I w-'Mt ' - ;1 . e .a .. llii'.'s ' U ... M .... S'.i. ...Mi .1. I C... . 1. 1 . si'i .mi .. I I 1. 1 s'.i I. sue. In, . l.cr" el.-H.i'li.cnts ei jj: ii m ..mile .1 ii'e . In cr ..ill . I i...'. n. s.:n l lu. ! e.r tin s i . I i - I . i ' c 1 1 1 ; la-.i!.!. MjiI .s j!imv!s - H i Liit. s... i x ei I... 1 1: l!..'. I. . u.s. . Ill.ll I M. tv Hi .',, to he bad only ut the do ir. f:f:..-1 . I,' I) U It K S T , ( V i: 11 A, .V t. A' l'.NOWl I'.tlOl'.l. TO nn THE FINEST IN THE WORLD OI.I.KIIKATKI) FOH Tlir.llt MI'KlJItU TO.M: AM) FIMSH. KNOWN TO UK TilK JI0T LIVABLE IN?rBUMET3 MA.DE AND feOU UI'ON THK MOST HliASON A11I.E TKIIMS. AT T1IK VA UKIIOOMS, No. 1021 CHESKDT STREET. V.'c ri fp elf' l'y tnvltf .mi frlenda and the njlUe gener lUIy to rti:J ;it u"r wan-ro im anil cxanii.e our t'xtniv-u arlnii'tit ol lnlily improved ttuitrf it.iii tirnnJ PUnos. r nve :ect'J-t'J Uvi lnxlifit premiiuni At alt thtfrn-tt cxt i'.titi ! ft eviT liel'l (n tlii i oiintry, iMClinlui din iTUfi M(!al at the Wo M' Knir.Cryiia I'.iltno, Vow Vorh.anJ biip crdii tettiiiKMiljIb from II a bo-! nrtlan In tUt country uinl Kuioj o. We feel rmtiMlfd tlmt therf ro no I'lanot, mnile in tlii country aiijipri'ir to our own. An rin!Adrpn!a mtnufm turorn rlle our&clvcs In h kvlrg achieved a ri'hutaU.'ii for our ini'runicntd un-ix-ce ktihy nny other makers in th.i country. H Is wol' ki own f4tt ti at o'ir I'iauoi have fr many cai s tiin ta'nitl Lhcir liiKn lOputAilon, nitwHh.ituJiun tho p nviriul Ci'in lttlcn ut tlif tn.'tern nmkera. Krw York onil Ii- a on L'ihiio Iiavo h"sn fl ioilt d into tliU mar Let ihrouwh tlior n'neira, ami heralded y iliem a tl.e only Plums in tho country ; yrt a', tlu (.iimo tlmo Uiei.e tami-aijer.a vciy seldom ro:it!niic to 8t;ll anj one uiak''i'a initrmct nts fur any length ol time, for tlm re a -on that they are h.feiior, nuii they aro ccmpellutt to take hoM of utber makirfc', perhaps ftlll (nor inftrlor, altl.oi-jih piii!t d t.p by th-id as celebrated Pianon, n-hmi at the auint time audi makerf Imve novor been knuv n rr 1 'aid ut m Uieii own cHlei. The c msequciice 1b, tliat our o ti.ciia aro olltn in liiool to purcti suuh Inferior Jiiritninu'tits, wlthou. coanidorlng their own or the KCi.tral iicr ot a of tlu lr city. 'I he 4ilvuniHK'ti ut Litlzons havo In onc-mraiuK home uiat.ul'tti iun b certain iy should not ba.ovurluoked, (ot tlifl lVliK i;iMina: F.rl It In acknowledMcd that PlillaJelpliia is the great in un ufnciur Ink' city of thu oiintry, and ce.ebra:d fi lia fcjjerioi and aillnl w oik men. Btci'iid Tr.e purehuM r ohialns the piano directly from lii.U o niHt.ut'actun ra, uud suves thu aiuount nvade by ttio oi.t'iit. w Lo usually cluiuih ttn-dtor prollti than tho manu ft cturar. 'Ihl'd Th1 acent'a responsH.'llty am-riinti to notlilnn, tt ei n iio r.tliei-; lh inhiruiueiit ho peim U tn.tiie ior tl e mart !, ana ilie piri'iianer mu-t run tht- rtak. Wo rtiat, on th- ou.er ImiiU 9, a tliu in a nil cturj' , ru Held n t..iiH,h e ai 0 tunii. t rirk tliu repiisioi tty like th a. ut. ltir reputation it a. Make at ail ti. net and It U ti retort im our utterent to lure out n.u oihor Ui tu fliat c!a tntimuei.te'. Fou il., dunUli'K thnt iu."h instnnneiits m i,-ht he fiiiml t iiLr nvn when u w, t.'iey cannot u ve tlie inline f .nihil ctii.ii, or we-r ti e auihh Kiiij'ti ul' lit-te, t r tuo ie:iMon tintt ihe fluent th peiiiii Ut ii otlnm to keen ich pitiiiit as hi svAi in i.rtttir. una will o'' v. 'in ke nut expHiid m. ol hi pro tui lo h . whiUt we. t In inuufa 'tuiurt, Imv e ui.r own '1'iu.t vm I. men, wii-i fi ly iindirtand tin-h .fc;re-s, anil will fjio.i pi y tiive l iitr alttlitii.it, and ti.i p.ati. a tH ii.mtc ii w.-.tr ut'JJh lontttr. I'd' i si .i! 1 .( ; ii 1 1 ill is tie il ine mutt ixttMiilyt lu thi C'i ntr , ai d wi. ii i i-w iui.truvi iunts now In pi;iji f" f.tiip. el. It ui h'- .iiit m iit .trt"it in t'i wold, our ot.jt ct n i n.aki- lu i ran;h j1 lndutry uue u; the Kfi'at ti vllinth iis mi ttU city. On i iii.-ininit-iu u p., pi i-nem vvt iinirovMneiin ov.T otlnf', aii.1 our ej.iin-.ive iaciiito it ii- niainracrtiriiin bum Mi- u -o ktP i'.i'. hand u laiv tui.k o. luattu'iul, and p' ui ur ll. f be-t mweh nm . Ve. II 1 1 tu Miu- dt" rout) tu uu'cti ,e will ulv.t u h call, we ll. i ii-v all that vi Imvt imid in' rttid to our i-i.u i T'lin-aie, of toTke. 'ivaj,i ('i.li'iiMtc-is ul ti.iuiin'i, nn J prijntt' t d Mturc ai d Mhim whr- tnt'-rfhii -l tu Hie -all o; lithvr i:t i h.. r.i-.y iltiU'r from u ; n- Mien 'ive on to sa . tiiM il w.' ill j.' VI un mmlipiri-iiiiBtiiiir til: to t-'-t o.ir 11 !".. I lUtitS Will; tttlV Ol'uT UiK. '-nisll t.. y v -i i i.iH t. i e i.n , Uiumi lek nn r ti "l aii'J ttiM pi h ie to ra'l nd ex aintt: oi-r t-i i.r; 1 i,i -I' - .1 WV : t.:i iK-it t'i it m ti n a ii t'i.K :r,v c n ar.'i-to th i i, on ii-jeuj heuitf TBiiM': t if ki.d ,tru -i a.: oLUioCrt'iiie'. N I:. Sccor.Li-l.iunl IM mi. s taken in ex tiauK.. I'iANCK J ) UKNT Crdas f.i Tuning proiuptly aueiuHd to. ECHOMAOKER & CO, ll-r-.v.j-iffl IJo. li-'l fUE.HNLT STlthKT. iTciii'.irs, ry u i n v. r i ii L l c. i Lit.' i.v-.s oi cni: i'n;U.il KhH.. A r5TH''K!h li:it VKAS.iN 'j I ' Cur in-,' it'i il Hit (i -1 lit ri' iHimi i-'i-i- t i I y .VMiMi'Ii AN Al ' h Si t Ml -iC, n, lo ii,.' t .! -y of Juiy, 1.- ' , V,!1 bi -!.! nt a I.D. riiH L. A, i -t i.' y. h . WAi;; a - 11 ip f.'h.' C'.n k i m o; l..e l ; T a i m it a. u :i u u h tmm lii-LH"!.! ASU JiAfIL IJl.OUTi l ST A I lAy. Ii M f: Nr T, B.I.rr.rt'ir Hi.' ONT- and (MlK-M.T K.rtcts, ? ui 1 a. J.'-i Atl.IM! ) Ji.'it I Y-UaV CLt-'i'KH, i v.-ri"or'l'i- ertiie 1t Cbuiel-ua, Uo'.'ii, Hti tt, (.. . . i u..r.i'wi. tu. ...JJ. x I 11 ! -i r Vr ! ? 9. t i,(.i K t I tl'.Ml l.U AMI V. AU.- : tttJ. ii ly 'XiuiiU-.'ita I uy U- .ri( t.u-n M. A. OH vY.N. K. I'OltNKU OF filWM 1 t i 1 .ii'K (.liK'i-i, hu lvi..U,u!isi, Lu:wl L l J , r It i 1 1 t.t, ; I o4ii 'i i- !"e t. li.u. e. IV ANT Oi MO! KT f..LL . Tt.l A1 KV Dl-T'AlTMi SJ, i P. i I. 1 1 .-"- ' . i i I- . t K ( ' )' r is. I. ll ..recti, I '- uu ;ivt r i d at II- 1 it m u. p'ae -1 n n- lu ol Ui' j ut ti.e dl-p..b ilut tin: -c etty ,iM.l.. lo t..' (.: It the j. .'-.-" ii .1 'M of ,r tn i;tl..t.i' i.i nl i ii'ii lii-n nf tt Mii.ih ( in i'i t ,1 ii -1 .i,,iiii-n- i , tt 'l i. it '-I.M i.ot"-. i'-a. t 'on ui i-ur-r.:,- tiii.l o. ! M.iir i- h 1 lit- t "ii.ti-I Stu'i-B. t il. miwl l 'itV'-lt i. tt itf p. .,;:!. t ir.-.H-l- to ill '; T 1 s il' it i-; - . li.i ...i i I I.o ' n- ii m . unity ..!'. ' d ! a i e Ihqu m 1,. : h:,i I : H' -! It- ...Kii'l l ..."n, un 1 II, i' '.'fo. i, I ol Hu ll,, a fii-t, 1. 1' ir u to .ii-- ; i.i, i -I. h order ot V v -hut .r., .'..it i u.. urn. p .I. ati s..p. iv i .'-ii t'l ti.f iiiidt-rM nc-!. to t fin ...l l' i 1 1 1 1 1 U l , t . ' i ji rii.l:iv; ll.fie'o. "I I" I'.' r i, t j 'tiiil. ;.t it. ht.- ii:l ( .it'dr.'sf I'd l.i'.i iai K'-viit-.H I t i iiiii'ttUv l t il 'l'i lo 5-v(r:.l I'Hitltl who l.aVO rtt Itil )l: li i .i ,,,(, t. i ; ,-oti or c ,ii leid'Ui 1 Ii .t i yeii niitt lU 1 -1 i in t i 1 1 iI.uh o l' reil,n.!'1e' t' Ui. ill" 11 ( ', 1,1. II 1,(1 l.,l l It..I'U' JIIU-I M ' 1 "I ! ' .'.. n i i -iii.i . tu o iu io tiii; i i-' tn im- Ml il i:ie inttit.imt (int.. iii .i I.. t i! '-ar Jahi. all X t;lli-' o"'l it'oin. . i.. ii. iust l-v ih 1 p trt- I . f h . t dt n : l u'.le ""Ml. It is f.ie- m ii i. iim a hito Irdjci; of t.u U bvl e It. iuriui .'ii'. oin.--r.'iiti. o,.' 1 o'n-i.M a, m,' t...ui..'ii..n al" H.-,.'i ""v ',, r','u'iJllJ ' J -K ''t'.'iV'i'n, spnp.-rti thfti.'hont Hie eomrrvwlll r' i,. t-r -ii, lul r. i. . t" il'f r i ua. n t i.nd Uiu pu'iii ""'"'-";;,,.wATti.K'if. HI .'..in ' v. tlli l.u.t.nr. -..n.i .1 C ll I ' If. l it l.'.lT l, .1 j ll.ll 1I....I I.) Ii. kl. UII '. HUM VI I Vt 's-'I m;, V.v 1-: I .SA1 I....V 1- i .f.'fs 'l.'S.r,' of mtv n.ii.iv a. .ii tu-'. -t h .l lr I I 1 i ll'!. 1 ,V. it. n l. r rk n. J o.nv il, ..--a. I ll I I. , l, ilr' 11,1 'I V. ! CHAM. IH l.li I I'll CM, l,i,;l, , Itj I. . nl cr, i.l.iiinii .ii ll.Micn ;i; I ril ...l ,h r.c i ,1 . 1. , l 1,1 1. A I.e.- I AI III C.SC..1 KVIIII AMNKMIII.KR li. .1 i.i i ti...inl , . c ' ' .. i... n . I i, liit... in liiilii. n ii l.'ij I . ;i I's . ,-, nl hi; nivln li." clt'! K ..un m 'i..;a I '11 . i ,.- ' V . n 'In lAMilf.s I,')., il 'N 111. V 1 V A .. I.I I I I, I I.I" I'H .si . I! I I I I IIA ..'.111 A N N.sl.N ll. I.i. rf, t I'A . 11 1 1 . I- It I.' !'...- .tun ', , 1 1 I .H: I li 1 1.1 .MAN us I.i : j 'Cm .1,1 , I'll III l:MAs ,i 11 , - I A 1 MM. ( V.I..-.I ii Mnr Hlnr. 1. 1 I Mil, II ,s I i.i N i l i 1.. .ii ll.in I-, irro I .in i.i o. - "s , I,,., r (iiti. t'.'.ii,.', i. us .-t I. ! u i,lvn In I' i- CIIV. -Cl. l 'I'.H ,v , t' II. .. '.lll. I' ,1. 1 o on is,, ii . .1 n isi . iiiit ilrcw oiip o, lltn It ri c I Mid n. nl .11-. r Ilia linn a'l'li' l. l ' nl llio n.'.i ' .11. I' v., it, i l.c liilit priisc l lull il vri. a . i u 'I : n is. . ; .1 .vii- , vi it in tlm ' In.ti ll v.-.i. si i i ki, 1. o,-r . ii ii . nl t. iiii.c. I' ij , ll i, i tic roi ros". 1 1. i.i in com . oil lu rol .1, r II ono ol Hi,- jr. Hi.' ,t met . . n - ol f:.o -. In lly I t Islu i! i. ri,,--! ,. n i s ol 1 1 nil. i ml over j-ivi n in Hit. c tr. 1 ho . I . uu- - ;.i tri'..flil ,, hi I p. rt;. , llio in I:.' . ;i, .nn I :lv i .in . linn., .I cl .. ith a chIi I- Cue I lie ,: .rli, u at lie I'I. so ill , cm I'd,. Ho- . l.;.i-i.' 11 Ll'lil. I ..v ,o v lis r. .i"i'i-'l on W. .'no., l.tv r .. lint lo a li .isr-ort.wilt-tl v. HI. ,.iniio ,t.u-l.,.in'i'M, v. h I w.-ro mi ,iou. to I ' ur in it in M, Is .-l-.i Iloi (..o ra. I In- j, .-I or i ii: i .. . i.m i . . ii lioir i limn llio tlr.l, noil It I i o to m i .' lli.il tinii llci r ii, '11 on of I'l.li II.. uoul.l ..I't ii , j.nil.rr Inrno nnil culiiviiK 1 ntiilli'iici. hii.'Ii ll led fie tlio.itri. on I l.lh l:l.ili 01 .1 li: ti lioil Y. Mil V. ruill ut 'ell 1 :0 11 C. cvnr llOU . ' I ..II lllOIIlMCll li." t ilo i in.- Air. iirovor iicil.1 ilo n l..'1'or tliiiu II lir-omh- .-is us lii iij to llio "licrn tl.-sii lo pl.iy r, l.-lio tli.o..,)) a . oil t-ck l "ir irtsi noli o . 1 1-1 . .1 i.llio i, 1, d,i ol i. r ih ru im'o r .,: ,i ; un!. th ... ,, ,. lo-r ..r nio-i' ol i l l.-ii . Un-wo k .villi v. i.i- h Mr. ii,,iv,T', Conn ai..v lin. in olo llu il sl ami m-ist l:i.imk. im liii'-.iiii,a i-iii. vMcli ll. i- li st I. . .ton nu.l.. m.,1 w,ll n-ltvs loo . I litih' i.cccjil 11 ul... lu ii.li".. .1 our.ial ill Mils- lo. BA'l l'l.'D.W A I' I I'll Ml 'IN . N.iv l:'l, I AI.CWI.I.', MAI I M.h. IM.'.M. I.N'I I UK. Ailtni.sio,, lo iiill i.'i-, .Cm ImlUr. H"l inny 1,0 o C'ltcJ will, out cxtrii clmi jo HA'l ' HI) i N I'lll I'. N iv. l'Uli, I. X I i:A anv.ii : :i .'.n; r. flAI.A r .lll. Ii .'.. ol-IHiA KI'lllT. Hoiivrnlr 1'r.iri.iiitnc ol WliUo Halle, I'ijiiihoii nnl Hilvcr. Tlio rt, lire llrsl and "i"-,. ol nC of Ml l.l-.II.I.K N'ht Crnr.l llpora l-y (i,.u,i...l compojior of "Ktl i.t.' io"ti'..iic,i Hoc Iri.l.iv lor iic.ro ooiii.t nho-i-ii.. 'Ilie (.l.'ANIl I'INAl.Kaiol llin i It N M i N N Kit,!. I 111. Ill HlliJill.'ll, lln Ihr.'C l.'1-.r ir.lcl Arl. ol I. III. I II I' l.K IDA HI. I. I'on.l lilllliu u .r Knini'iio l aL...uiut.'ty Ull '.ti:il..d "ll. l.l lit. Ii.crluro al IH oY'o.'li. .souls in.iv lo scrnrcil :it llio roKu'nr irlco. for .-njr rl Ih.-Hl'ivu in HI lit' Mi. c sljr., nui it' tlio Acii.lciuv MHS. .ICI1N DKhW'S M'. AUCU KT. ,!lvllll'. IH. I -ili ( II, l-V, H.l) FliOvl I'll' TO 1.1MB. i.i. .si fi t hi iisiii:v im i.um I H l( K ' lli.illllllo.'i .'ll.Cr.s. I It 1 1 ) A 1 I . CM si I, -Jo.. nil,, r IH. H''l, II K I AlliV ccici.r. ( o:' O'f 'ai.-lini Mi. Il M;V i.t.;Ms Mulish- Mi iu.i.-;t w.i.i.iah IN ASH HUT 'I.-' ,', . ... Jtrh 1U1I.M.V IM I.I.I A li in 1 iv.. Uli:.1 'tors. i'Al .1 III.C.s. u II I'i," Hooi.f.. ir '.OIlNKV WI 1.1,1 VMS Mm . :.v -'1 l.K IAKI S OK K 1 I.I, KJs l-.Y H"i.,s -cciirt.i six days lo l Ivhiiivi ' A1.N U1S IKKKT 1 11 KATUK. 1 1 . M (Krlll.l.v I I'M'.s I Ml, .NoVlli.b.T IS HhNllll lls.Mfl'll' lil.Nr.I'lT ol llio ne'oi,,;ilish, ii v.-uiii' n-:;ri ii, I I l.'l 1.1 ,v. .VI sl i.li s, win. .t.v III.' , i-M runs io ir.ih.ion ul' Ma illi, lloi.ci, witl l.,.l'l ill 111 .- K.'l .ll I'll irnCII 'Isli'' ,i InT'iOntl'iill .it c .vii. i.i:: ,', I tip K..IC oi ii C."U It. Kil'.'lllls Mi, ll UNI Y, ' MUM.!!: l or li,-I on-1,1 o, IX'l'li l.K wkstkk:. Ill 'Co nr-wl, imit will iiimrilv In- p "iltl 'pi, i tA.Vl' Ll N N K. ; K s'l I.VNNEl nr. Tito Klopoiiioiit. Ho Office open liom 1, till 3 (Jur.Aia rmr.s at 7 S o'clujk. J'KW, eill'-KNUT STREET TUKATUK. THIS IKrlilnv) P.Vl.SIVi;, Hi.vemliar in. IAKKV1J.L liKNK -'IT M LAST M.llll' II fT USE UK KIM Ii. I'. I! .WK'iS. W ho will npifa- hi on itils or.-as..,ri In I'wo IvjciHr Pl.ces, 'I UK 1 All) UK Ll UN's, KA1NT I'K.lir NKVI'K WON K-IK I.ADT. NA'll-l'liAY AK t BNll'lv., ,N,v.. I, '1 IVr.l.r llll.HA.Ml KAMII.Y UAIINtli, When Hie OIITY TI.IKVI.M Wilt ho prcm ntc.l for the lu"t liiic. hutnri'u.v I. list Slfilit ul Mil lliJWHKS. j A. T a ; m -a- . W(QQ & CAKY, K. 7'4.' :l I I'.sNtiT NTKI'.KT. LADIES' AKD MISSErV IIATS, jiwr H'l vi.KM, MIWICHT I'UH'K. "KEV7 CONTINENTAL HAT." AT m oiii.i: -I i: v ii I v i; N. P. R.-OLD VM I.T llCl.N M.7R male o.pr. 'it II' and iionn '. n-st. .(1 WOOD Jb OAKY, Nn. ,! rilKWRL'r HTitJ'.iT. WANTS, WAN TKD, tAi:ri?.NTF!lS III Al"j".':T' " Nr-'. Vn-e-i'-' V'uiled liiiiiii'd.iti to I'i, Hit l-O'ii! ii-. M inl on Klieh wot, in 'I iat'pt)tMh,i Hi tu f'irijis! '"I h) tlfttoverjiinert lo- tli wormi.' tt a;id Un itoiMr in nuM'tti m t -an ii' nn, .MI1N A. hMSriN, t I- tt'jl and (Mo.-i yii.iri,--mait'-r. U 1 la'partni' iit oi W.ishiiij,' on. DH-Ai'iMKNT nr W tt'.-.r.ij,, ) ! koi C:m kk it Aim rv - tk.:, A : ti, .', W l'..in 'Ct r' ii ren, V Nt-u" e-v i L Ave iuo, i . i on . he .ftn!" r l1" , H I ) f, I it t.. ol l ' It I'l.N I'KltH.tt to :.. v hi ti,!. Wa.es f ?') h m nMi, .n-l n n will hrinK In oi.n kit nl tool: 4 rAUTNEK WANTKT), WITH A CA1H j' In I oi Irim ."fni to t''t tn a sure and liirjia l-i reivn. Addieh M. I) . al 1U oilir... 11-1 Si FUHNIHIIKD IIOUSK W A NT Kl, IN went Walnut r I,oeintt,or Arcli, or 1 benmit ut :0i?t , idicai "Furnjitx rl fl'MiMO,' at thl.i ullloe. 1') b VAl J.MY Ol' ML'MC. I.. j-aeeat;d Mann;iT Ti"i T. 1 0H!. fA.fO or Hi.iM iny st'oi't Thi-a-ro, luitimfe: Kord a N w '1 heatre, Wnatuiit-u, mid Hie Alexandria (.a) 'I houtru. K OlfKI lIt M TI KK VST. r.itT-yemi id, lor vfl iwiila only, ol tin- emmotit Trayft- In ti, vit F.nwiN r Kiir.n w ho win render, tor the Aral Unit in riiil-idi-iphla, his biil llaiit peihonatiun ul COUIOLANUH, IN MIAKSl'EAllK'S OKNI) ROMAS TKV.KDV OK l II VI' Ti I LK, Commrni h'd on MvMDAY N hill r, Nf-ember M. The t'otipHtij to nMtuin Mr. MjKKKS I' hiin neen verv raieftiMy hvU et t), embrael.'iK, dnioii),' oi bent, the cell rated Tracdienue, fit WAMK rOMSI. Tho aveiiery tned will ht- he urn1 ol" the produclioriB of . It. l. ItllStKl.L SMI I II. of ri.Uncielphhi, with iomi p;iimeJ tlrufaiytF JIH WIKlt. ol I'hlht'telphla, ftrd Si ornl new Koinan acenoH, emhrielng 'I LP 'l i:il'M'tlli Kl IIIKN or' i OK IOC AM 8, bv Mr.CIUI.I.KS H i-l.i, ot lultiiil'.re. Hit Mnehineiyby Mr HUiliKK. ot tin Aeademy. 'I he iOhtiimea, liHn.nr., litMMiila. tfce. Aj,weie made xprel for t hi piny a n eot ol over $ 4tn. 'J lie lUix Mut t ti r ll e avle of be -n red p'aceti, will hf o pet ifil at thtAraoern or '1 III KhaV. Novtrn'-ar i7.ttn 1 continue tjvi-rv d.i thereaf er during tho ieauii, benveen tlie L('iir ol 1j an i 4a o cock. Ailiiiifxioti, ( and v.'i cents. Secured he a in to centb Hdilltlonal, I'll UU- V AltltKN, TreamriT. BMY BALLOON ABCENSIOiSS, THIS AFII'.KNOON AND EVKNINO, AND lil'lUM! ALL CAl M ft tATlJKU THIS WEi.K. At Oor. of rirTLCNTfi and UOATLS Sts. The wcaihor brlt'd (lnft. thoia wntlilntr n aiouniiloi hhi-uiU hi ou hand cany. Tliu city liiiiud by gat pronii a mokt mj Ih i mo hpciai . AtliuttKhiu, Jb ceriti. ( h)ldretl. V) centl. A'-cenfeioiir Iruui to (j, uc.urdinu to atUtuuo and time IHTII ll'd. 1 1 -lli flltST LE01UEE OF TEE BEAS9N. MR UK CORDOVA Will nlvt? lil aiea: I.cctu-eon Co ii r tli 1 1 im.l A I ,i rrliiro, THURSDAY EVSiMNy, WOVEMBBE 21, (TIIANKSIIIYIMl.1 MlllU), AT CONOKI! T I t. !.!,. TI Kl-'IH f CKST.S, orTHllf.K I'.IK 11 Of), 1'iiiii an Ctioa .nl trpiiH A.h I tli.il, Ciruo ,li.v In ...l v ctj, 111.'. l or ail. a- -on Q . v-c 11. a , A' i van .', a il C, , cl-.r. i.i h ..'c ock. 1 1 ii i i' 1 1 i '.i i: 'VMiu. "il.'.h ui'ml-cMi! I li'liirt', Ihc troa'.nst pro liclii.n ol tin) j, an. lu ;vt M I. huh ext. I..: u ut tt.e A, 'A 1,1. MY OK II.sk AKIN, 'o I, l IIKsNCT Slrrel, 1 ., . tln-i V.11I1 ,!,i' mill f cull. ell in of ,l,c liistlluiloa. A, :i lili:co,TM tM Y-l IVK lENT.S. ll-li .a AM'UHI.'S NEW Ol'l.UA lull E. CllAlt; e-l fcl-Jl.T, M.'lWr.l..s Kr:UiM A.SU TH1KI1. HI CCI'SS t Nl'lihCKIlltN I Kll 1 1 It fl..'ih.j Cio.v .1. ,1 will. 1 1 . o Kill" ..r I In- f'ltv! Ill M hl.ll.s CJf LAIlll.S ICS Alll I. 10 lit I' Bt.AT.4' 1 111. I I.Mt'Atll U.u ii. ct t1 c .liVunv c ul :oi- a.iJI.ucc. 'I ll h . CHIH 'T Ma- l "ii f.r ....:. I.. 1 1 At f.n.ii'e. f i .r.i'.noi,ci', ii..-t.u, 't ir.luciont t'.i l,,. ,i i. i- ii..- i. ,, tu.s r :-,-. I'.c.'a i J tll .U .' o k l l.- : ! '0 . ..'...rlir U' '..ll S. CAIiCS l.K I.MI -Mil N, :'.' Ct .s ..s. "'"''" t,;, I i v .,ic Hi ,v, iii, i i. i :,. f, lii.i.l. In a. h. fiuuiiv clr.lc tin,i:i J I.. ilo L'll.i',' V. i.i t,i- i i,i ll II ,tii :. u J o r 1,1' iny n el s, i i: r. il Si nts, mil . e Ins; .' oi I'-iv..', I'.,,t .. "V A'l'K ' N A I. Cllii'fS, 1 I'li.vri1 sii i i'i'. amwb FUtii nl. I Ml li ini: ci in. i 1 1. is .it iii-,. i ii .ii.i.-i w u- v. it ?'" 1 ' l'A I-" '). l.r II. I'lo-niN K.'ini'sti. in lllrojlor. K. osi. I kk i, TilK KI. s,N. lllill.SM VI mi s, c, ami 1 1 K I KVcll'IVK.sT. Iliil li.l SM11. H Sil'.l I N OF I. A I . . 1 1 I KK. Mir.!.; II o vv.i-k i , l,l,rnu-, I.V'lllS' Ml. INK. Ilie HI T tt v. 1 1' 1 1 1 1 i I, Y , Mcs WaIIS I n , Mistiu , of iho J1'' 1 vt ,M ",11-1.0 i . 1,0 III N ZMt HUH ill r.US, tliu tl'cut liitoiiiii' l..'.,... Mi ii.iciu.i.i u, .,,. rrn'.KiiKl i,',l l.l.M.tli. i i.i'ol C , o ), 11,.. iii.nnt il.'lo l .i'i , o. n . o i- nr 1 , .rr . V ill n;,) . flr In a a.',i ly ol lc i- tiu' A ,'ic'r.ti. , anu l..ji.t .ii uii cvnt.'ll, iu.vu.cii a-l U.V. I,u '" s I n- t Tic: I e ,": II .11 CO CO.; n,ci:, I .V M i Si ru . , .1 1 I I.N.'liN s, , oi'ii,,,., ci. 'I i la iv to l, .r .i-r i.n. in 'if (-, t' Hi I Otlll T,T. -S!.t. , I V. 'IV O.'l'l.llw Ul ',,'.!., s. K-l, VY ., .1 sAl I II.1..Y AK- . . i '.",. o , i... k. r .'. iii.o iitir,i. ,ivo. y,' CIIY '1111' A5 I'll Kit's (il'FICH, NO .u i-.r;, si,i 1 1 ! I'un.i'i.i. i I HM8 r..'-cn' lu.-t ""'I 11 I'l'n I u. I.i.il ul Mil . o'll.e. IIESUY lll'.MM, 11 ii Oil lliiaau. or, OSWALD CRAY, AN ENTIRE NEW MOVEL, By Mrs. Kenry Wood. VIS. WOOD'S NEW C0PIBIG3T NOVEL, OKWALB CUAYI OSWALD CH AY! OSWALD CRAY! OSWALD CRAY! OHWAI.D CRAY, by Mn. IIF.NliY WOOD, Is printed Ircni the a'lthor'a iminuacrliit and ilvan.-;l proof-shells, pnrctiucil r Ul Ircm Mr. Honry Wood at an tiincnte of ovar Three Tbouna-il liollan, and I. putli!mdTlll DAY, nod 1 for ta e by II HooLk jllur. cverj whore, bulilii Issued lieic etcht wLekti in mlvAiiro of the coTiptellun or publici ties of tl.o work in btirojie. It I complete, tn ono lare oi.ti'.v o olume. frice Cl'50 in Paper, or $2 00 in Cloth. IH3. ItEMJt WOOD'S OTItElt 1I0OK3. TI o Kan I Iclr 7 The Runaway Mutch M) Ilie Mintery 7". A 1.11'e'a Hrcrct frl 'the Lohl llmiktiii'.i'..,, 71, Hollar for NVor.e 7J ALove are eael, in one volume, paper cover. Each one 1. also published In one volume, clotn, price 1 1 each. The Cl,annlns, 1 1 ' 0 Aurira Flojd r.O Tbe above are eacb id one volume, paper cover. Fine ecltloufc ar alao publlsbed In one volume, cloth, price J1-5II. Oswalt, fray f 1 AO The Castle' Itolr 1'V) hiiulro 1 revlyn'a Heir; Vt-iner I'ridi 1 fin oi 'Iruv ln'a Ho nl.... 1 Mi Hhaiiow ul' A.hlydyat. l'ou The abuve an- euh In one volume, paper cover. Each one lb tl.o pul.ll.hcl In utio volume, clotb, price $1. 'I he llaiii.tid Tower WI 1 lie I.anyer' Mecr. t ?5 Ki-H.. JNib. at Oil ij.... ji William AlUir V". Co.liof any if the above, or any oilier book.., will be it ul free ol puittv.c oti letetptof retail price, per Act mall. Ailflrcgi all ordiTd ai,d remltlancei to T. B. PETIEcON & B EOTflERS, 1'iiblib or. of I'tlrrtonf f.-terlor, H M) yearly, ho. 3110 Cl ISM'T 8 TF.EKT, 1'hlladelphta, P , All New llocL. .ire f.,r aalrM l'El KIISONS , It JRIAtUai OF THE UNITED STATES. I'lillii.!"l,liiii, Kuveiulier IT, 1SUI. tns.'vii lor Irccrcsl due lit ol January next, od the Vuli le liebt nr itn U:uteU iltatef.. will oe paid on preeuta Uou at lhi. OtUcc. AUiMUUALI) McINTYRK, 11 ih it Al-.-lrlTANT THKAJIUUKU I'. 8, () III V KLLH 'J'llll Oil.. COMI'ANIia I II TEE COMMERCIAL LIST . AND I'UHJKH Oir 1 It 13 NT i.- ii o. i.' in:n i.n:v satdboat. II Y Hi I'.I 'I II ,N N. WINMiOW, AT Fp. r-51 I0CE BTRL'ET, I'll 1 1 Mill.l'IIIA, AT FCUn D0l.LATs3 PE ANNUM. LETTEE-CUEFiT CIROOLARB AT 'i l'KIl ANNUM. 1 1 c -r I -.1 lie n ci. er,illv rov C-itil r.il i, -rIi- r-port ol Ik MAKKl'r 1'Oli It.M.K, 11 I MS AX, niti'Ai srin'r.s, PRY (HHJUS, (.KOnKnllvS. I'KOVlMONd. COAL, COITON, I'HltH, l'W:, utrns, 1KDN, NVV', .ITOUK, IS I 'I'-IH, TKS, XOIUCO, WINIM, WOOL, Ami nio.-t olier dc: criplions of M K UU II A N ll I y B. ALSO, (ioi.c ami urooK (jrorATiom, U'.VKI.ilf AKI. l'.ffANUB, I MT.1.S OH TUV WAY TO l'll!I.A!K.I.nlllA I.M'.lllTS, IMI'tlKTS, a l.Li ci T ok in:: lT:rt oi,i,.M mau&kt. A J-laletue'it c' tics CAM I Al. Met K, M in n: ok Hrri;K4, rAK VAl.t'K, ritlCKis IIII) ANO A.1KP. D, ASHKr.-l ANI lllYtlE5l8, Of ll.e followil.c on. coMrANii:s, RKl'RI', M' NT INC, A CAPITAL OP ovr.u )(, ((. Fo. 425 WALJIUT ETEEET. Pliilml. I.ni.lu, Nuvnisbrr, is, I so I. The imilerniin d , uniliorlzcd to i-n a llinltt d nunber ol Hi ares of anUII('.uiii.y whuie property Is malnl.rori Oil t'leek, Venaic.'o luiiiny, retinsyl.anU. and 1 lietlevej to be of .iial valoe to Miy upon tbe creek. The porttou developed and productive v.il. from tlie boHinnlni, lecure to the htoikhold.ra a Mvldend of Three per cent, per Aluittb. and these a.lii are liiere.slnn dally, lu addition to the.e produelui,- vveil-, they b.e a lare Inter.-st 111 Kleven olhers In d'.iloretit atK( of development, and le. eial of .hem tieurl.v completed. Thero U room also for an eniiul iiiiinijiT ot v ells upon the shine property. 'tbe: t'ompuriy ov. n, ulso. over '.f"0 ucres of un levelopod propi i-ty in ti.e in lliliorliond ol' the otl.ir, ulmii which 1 1 i n pose sliik.i.K fiv.rat w cUd, the in uiey having been provliu d lr 11, e p .rpioe. Si.cl, i.n opportunity ol cl.tfttTitr.tr. r.l a 1"W cost, a st'ick I j. ,;v iti. 1.1. nd tislii bi. luis 1 a purllou of 111 pr,pltyl M 'iicln i Pen 0- t ir lurtl cr )nii.n:r.ii:,'n apply r.t the otlke of J. D. KKIN110T1I, m K.-i. -i;t; WALis't.T sthi:l:t, K -IH r. -c cp.i Cm Lours of 1 and -' o v'-ock V. li. C. 15. Dl'NliAN, Oil., JIIMNO, COAL, AND OTlIKIt M'.W t C.Ml'A S I I.N, Ve nr pri -pared lo furnish Kow rorpurntloiu with all li e l'.i o!,a the v rcinlie, nt uliort notice uml low prices, of Ural iiu.it.v. All at.les ol lilndlul!. SIKH. 1'I.A I. I'ltltTI'ICATKH 01 STOCK. 1.1 l ll, ... I: veil l.l. do dn 'I I'A Nil r II I.O lli lil lUUS 11 I liAM.ll.lt. Mi.l It 1.1. Mil It. s 1 1 ,('h I H, wl II H M .Vfl. si, 111 .HIM I l: OK CAl'ITAI. 's'I ll'K. till, .IvKllh' I 1.111 1.1. OCtlC Al l nl si 01 Iv.lLLS. MYHi1;M HOOIv. 510 18 CO.. lilnnl. T'.iyfk MatmOtii en mid Kfatlondri 11 l-:-tl Ko. ft-' l HtCHNUr Bir-et KiiiiH s r f t'0"ipaiili't. f.ititt Oil ('" Ai'rn-ii' tn.i Ui Co A U ui ti On C" A) if I 'Ml Co , Al - -'".i ny ' -o AT'-, I t. 'j Hint t ti ihimr Al (v).t iiv unit Knliiut lUt.d.. An iii ii'i ! CO Art'Mni. t'ii t'u Allit- Oil t' Hi-m-Mi ni o Ivl 'lii' V Oil Co IHfCfc lMH!I'Olnl Ol (.'.i I'. iil.lrv i'll: Il.uu ' If tt Oil C I'.rai tli.i' Ih tl OilCu Hiitiis oi: C llll.ilU OU Cm ll lil.ci o hihI MlnlUK I lt,ii iit-nun Itn.nttv oil t 1U: I Cictk on t ti Iliirnltii' S. rtnif nil (Jj CiiWve'l il Ct ( tilt Creek OilCn C ntru'm -jl Co Clu-rrj linn OUCo Clmimi K ' r ( HI Cttnj'iny Cli nient. O I ( :o Colimil.U ull Co., I itiiburK C niint-n ia) il Co Coi h'dldtledOl Cu C. nllllTltAlf IICo t iini intrr Oil t it ( 'nw Crm k uid atilwcll Kun Cnrtin OilCn ;.!, i-.IOllCu Imrk Hollow nil Co I'M PIi)t-l L Oil Co iKi atur ou Co iM i i rn-K OlICi. I t iiFti.ori otl Vc Dhmiund ll Cn iMiiin l-J I nbritnliny OH Co liniiisUid Oi. Co , I n; If 1:olI. Oli C'O K bfii On Co Kl l.-f.inc'oftCCu P.intilrt iiid Od Ciiy ml Co 1.1111. at 01' C 1 xci'lutor Ml Co land Oil Co 1 U iittut, ana Ittouin Oil Co 1 Jjjei ct- oil C Iran Mm Liibr lent inn Oil Co Kinnhlin and Oil Citv oil C lifiudi Crctk Lubi hating Co (ihrlandtJllCn (Ulll.nn OdCo Oimid Ol! Co I. li.tip Oilt.'n llifut lanin tilt Co (li.-at Wtblrni Oil Co !,ri.iii Hill tii Co On fi, land Oil Co Ilildu rd til Co Hhii-i d lilK n Un,.! U 1AM 1 1 Oil CO TloiiftiitJ rfttcluuiu i'u lit ovi r O!) Co , II. .MWk Oil C i lioi"!.ek ai d Uurniiig .sjrin Hthim-rOIICo 1 0.vjr' KdUj Oil IlNf.'tlfr. JtlV.T O'l Co Juo Kami O.l Co Ijni'-;iai oil !j In in Oil Co Irwin otl Co Juii"'l.nn ti Co kiinawhR VnTuy Oil Co , Vu iMjBtom OH C l,Hiul4Tiilt Oil u nd Munul Co. Lan(;:ittT Oil Co Ldtif 1 -oiief'a ttll Co I.llilf Tov li'in Od Co Mai-It Miudr Oh ( c Mi-ri t n Ok Co. of liIU Mtl 'llhli.cklilflOll Co Mil ormli-k ar.d McKlaiock. Mrt.H.eni Oil (') Mi Khaili mi Co ltn-..uiie OIiC'o Mr Iti a A ( I't-rry Ifun Oil Co Mfi t -ant lit Oli ( n 1.1 dilk V tilunt Od Co Mi'LinU IH!" AlHUTMiC aHliif ral Otl Co AJJi.-OilCo MuLt; on t? i OH Co , N.iHoi;l OH Co JSi tlornd Oil Iti-llnltw C i Nou Jtuinlni.'ii Oil C ruaiiy, Va.,., hohlt A l '.Hliatfr Oil Cu tak I Oil C" Off infill..) ml Co Oil I'.a li. I-Vmlfiini Cu Oil Cil I'i tin f in and Ut ili.in Co. HC ffk I'cirolt um o ,,,, Oil .Mi-rjnt. I el. ai d Ui iiiunu Co Oil Vain-i I'trri'imnH.'o , Olo liin nim irinwa Ol. Co oin.ftt, A i oil Co Orn 'liv fidrolfiiui Of.fllC oil Co I'nrkiT l' trolc um Co r-ar. n I'etr. If not Co l i'i n lvmiia J'' Uo enni Co , I'l'iinavlvitn a -i nii.il oil Co lviM-leutti t tr.- t)H Co , Pi niifvu nt, ia on Crffk I'otroJf mu. , Pfniiv l vftjim oil Co Ptrtv t II C l'. lrolti in (' trt Oil Co I'f.ll.idu OH & M limit". i , rt'i:c ifhia V Oil cn-ek , IMiH.idt ipliu '1 Idt'Htit Irtiid I'l iliiiiu. A- Hoot. in lot. Co I'lnliil'S oil c? Vli-i nix Oil Co , I'll 11 lt'OiMn , I'lttaNlHK A" Oli (Trek I'.f Km in O l Co l'din r ttn C I tnurfrt'll Oil Co I Kutlilniiic A Ciihidfli Oil Cu ! l;.'inl..i il I I'll "leu m Cu : lUl'lHKf 1'HC I ht v im. Oil to I Kimt Oil ( n It,-! frit hi and Milium C IfOCh O.l ( ! I .l...id'i.C It.i-B t il oi r.;iuiir; :iit: l aim -il Co .l l en t'll Co hrt.iivIM!- and Oil Cifi k h- ii.-i it oil Co M-Linuin Oil ('. SI. 1 1 ork Oil Co., .1 Mar (Ml l-'f ht. l ' v'na ' 'il i o Mk iv 1 .nut Oil t o 8 i i j t i In Oii i ',. .S t ,tr i -'. o i Co , hi'f .1 D lIi' Oil Cm , Mi'i.i.irv oil C t u:l y I til- itat .ii.' Oil Cj i 'li.. u'o.i c 'li tr 1 iimii O l t o 'I nn lm :-'v.ld t Ml I o , 'l ii-i'iiiM j n.t Al'ibUMiy Oil Co.... 'I i tun Oil Co Dul i o;i 'i - 1 l it , .1 htaus oil Co t ,t,. I lA'Ul -.MiV IVt. CO .ui Km i-ii I'll ( - V.ii.i e Mi .MiM O I Co .-liu.iM) Oil Co V .if. on I .n "ll Co .iti...n l' ir tun Co........ V CHMllOlt IHIOI l it t " .,1 l.tJltllllj,'.., V t Vi.li' i ' "I '.-aiii-rn i Ml Co V I. tie Mill Oil C iik. li 1 .-nil Ml Co,.., , V ill. inn .'fin, Oil C , V ti r. Id ' ':1 Co F.... 'M'U!. No, .I.I ' . .'..nn . ?O.O0 , .vto.n h( . V"''.fOl O.t'i o , .' t:itf , r t, , .vm.O-i.) , im,n 4) . W,i,0'H .l,t.-t.i'i' . .'OH-OO . ;o,t,' .'J 'BO 0 .1) . ixa . I.IKI'MN'O .1,1-0 i. tv'if) , fi"tl."'X . ;i7r.,o.K) .SUU.txXJ . i kj.oim:) , isno.ooo . .r'0" (MM) .l,(l.'iy) , H 0,li:(J . .'AfUnw ,2,'on,0"v) , .ri(Ni,no'j , 6, H.tAtO . 4-0,'oj . A.tj.ON) . sVj-MKH) , M ), I It 4) . .MHi.'xO , .riix;,liiU . .'.KiO-O ,l,tH),,nlt) , ;..t.oio . .'ii l-O . ft 0,0" 1 , llKI.'HlO . fiO ' ,0 o , iim.iioo , 2.J.('M) . sV-t.,100 , l'"l,)00 . ;;oo,i'o . yo.n!ft , ;oi,inrt . fi'rt',0'0 . f'Jf),0'0 , .VOO.iKM , 6l0,(ii) , VAMM . tVXlOK) . ,KI , :ii,(.i'Vi . 6O,4)0 , IV "MM) . 6o,,04 . :u oo . 1, 01 10,1.1 Kl , i,l,i. 0 . r.oturtti . f,n,''0 . :i"i"0 . frn,lf"0 . l'.,(XM . :a itw .I.lOO.fnO . IHM ,DI . 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