I J . ta J m a3 aaw - r H EVENING H HlICK TllKKE CENTS. rnu,ni-;i.nnA, saiukday, novkmhkk ... ism. I'UICE TIIKEB CEXTS. rrpiTT it " J -11 A J jj. Of 8. ie4 ud s iu- - ent : Jii- .J llllil Mil, ' irn- )1UK , I it. V ana the din- ' irbor. furk, ll M ' I. ut Showing the routes of General Sherman s Two Columns, with the Important Slrate-icnl Toints Aim.MA" CDluai'jta, Charleston, Anrlcrsonvillc, &c Si ft. P.tf-- 7- MILITARY DIVISI07J OF THE Mississipri. Sherman's Great Jlovomcnts. WHERE IS UE G O I N Cr TDE i!'K8TlOX I'.IH I I.V AXSH I'MWX Western Wail's ami Sauthr.ra Scintillations. LUGUSTA. AND IMCON' P30 3- IN OUU II Cur Troops Nuir ?ein'.;i Menuii);; SENSATION IK SAVAH.VAH. Strength of SL. rniau's Army. Tin: rui.i:v v. nursw . Vv'Lat Will h? Vv.- ia Cixty Dry- kit.., l-K'. Tfci' nnwt n-f (.: t iy ' ' i''1 ' n-v f.-o.n itt.rral Stn-iii.an ! I vt !V hi '!; !t;, iin i.t II lull Ol SoMlulnj , :i- i.l ; niiiM ,Ui hi' i.-ss'-f.-nr. Och'T.-.I li i;.l i in ''i i"nl i i -5 it -ri'nii i'.;i If inuiilit t 1k y-i t T. iiii'4i. On t'n: -'t'lir imiril, we lew i1 rt.i-"iiio in tii-t, lr mi :Jk' iu -i infottpatif n whr li In ic fl.iu im, t!i:it Sii;-! m-u; iinyr.h to ovartuito At ':! i ii-lr iy. 'J'l t l.n v portion of Iii f'TtC, it iJ roi oit' .1, is r.'fo.nlv uioviuK towuulH SiItu:t, Alabama, mid if thi tmr, Mi)iii!c mutt lio li'n di'-tln itinn. A'.iroi.os t i tLU ooiijcctiiii', we learn lh:it mi immense Host of transport, laUcn Willi fct. ri'., 1 1 n arrived in H i- bile Uay, ulii' ti li'ulfi a- it u inovc'incQt 'is oon- triuplatcd ut nn eariy Uur in ih.it -lU.al-'r. Ve liuvi', Hkjh tin' Rtion liyi.i'tiu ch, ttio mo.'t .iinpii lar f ultirc of tl.e w ar. tlmt i. nf iwo larro in mles pissing tai li otl.ir liy a .-I'll "f i'mi.k tMavei.ci t, ana niovmp !i n k ." ; nnt'ct.rn. .i:Cim'iu tiiay lie a f.iul N r:i ii'uvr. i !id a ; :i- f !!vi c i-,. it'd'iito i'uV l'l'1 ill' ;1 -.1 li r' lr : bin urunl .re tl.e T.rcOictiitn tliitt lie lm l,-;-n uu.v cui.'.m.. - rnllrd tula tiir.f. V c -i . f. i I fo:i K" . Tl.o iltua tion is certaiuly Iutits::.g In iiitov.:' ; i.i"' i.'U Georgia. TIIK 1 1 1 1 IS THAT JfAVR FAI IF V. It is evident in '111 the l e iLat the c.l e kl.d towm of Oriiliu, Miikr, Muccn, Augupw, uud MilliilgOYillc liuve full u into oar liaaiif. The most important of thorn in a strategic!'.! piiiut of ' i view is Augusta a place of tumt impcrtanec n ' railroad centre, ami wliicli f-lienmia will ma o a tiuiporary ba.se for future woveuieuta. Y ilj of Neliiin. v J This place Ip In Ii.illas county, situate on ttii , rlgUt bank ofiLe Alabama river. '1 kc opiiU ' I uon In 1801 viui 8177. Tlie town L laid out ouuo 'v, tieated i,lattui, wliich t'.rmiLuiis abruptly in a . alocp blufl, turmiDC tLe bank of the r.i tr. keiigirs ateend anil dcureiid frnir. and to ateani- I hju by iueuD of loug tllfbti of btepb, aud mtr Ubaudlne U diuwn nn tbu biulf 1 V uiai biuerv. tiiloia btbe nuutliern teiiiiinua of the Alabama and Ttnnesaee railroad, and the Alabuma aud II Mmeinblppi railroad connect it with I'montowu end Muriuu. In ittGO it bad two iion foundries, a cairiai.' manufactory, two baukk, two public bal!, three daily niwbaH!n, ix cbun hea, and a number of public aud private atlioola. In the ,-rv- a:'. t 1 1 i- i i lONTCOMERV Vj, wi'i'iTnl is'.'.' - " I i ,i i-.'i. 1 no i"'y 'io lui'lr 1 li,. ii-.iu.l n.ilc- of i i.ltni. Ily lb I'Tir-i' i! ij livif, -l llll.l i. i.'il", '!!'' in I b I 'V M 'l - iii ry, tin- Hi ...ill i. h.a: ,t( 1'i.i '. i fed :i.;;o j j -iriiii.cnt. This movi'imnt towariH SoImi: Is tiUen by ibe Iti'bel pui'Cr as l,..!i,;vi..' cl' m n'.t is!i itioa Mobile, and we tin ruf iru i lpeml .t ske e'i nf lol,il iimt 114 :i i.'iln'K. Mn'iile in -.itiiH'ed n tli.i rbt b mkof tba rivjr nf tli.it iiainii, nb nil Mxiy mi los b no tlio j nie t ii m i.i f the Ai iiMiii i m I loiu'ii ;beo, an l i i i r tlio lonlliionce of ibi livei-aul tbo biy. I'lu n rs ilowinc iulo .in I fur inn ; M ibllo rive.r eoino iroin Hie rm.i e ) t iu-ji' in MijioiH of Ai'tbaiiia aini Miwn.i.i, i, miih. ! io Mo nl.) a i 1 Ohio iiii road. bieb li." berii e nti'in 'j.l un:j ls.',.'i, l.ip-m ii'lu r iin. 'hi. ril !,'i i' i Jl'ir.i I ill .trmt, llio pi. iiue o: v. bkin li uo . n . ml led to t'u lull I' l'lee of t ne r ti'. Hit- ei o-Mi' of Hie I riii i d S' it alioivi Mo'i'lo 1 1 I. .IV ". in-i ll, bel-'l'i' lie llili'd i'X,).,r!.iii ' oi iluiiie-tie iiro-liie--iit-liij i.rea :r onlv t !i ; oi'o liii'i I .ml ol tbo .v.li', a y ni 1 I iion, lh.1 v.il i.) .., "i' I'ifrii ' em'i' to Knr. io 'i i: li and Xcv Or- ie.iiiL fit l-np ir'.u mih, b j .' a i oi In r ."'u- n vn r. i . ii i v. r, 1 Ic; tlioio of i it b.'.ell lit all pviioriioii iln lo be" n"v li mil y ii M'1-1 .in tfi' 1 1 .-ir let In in V v V'Uk. II i i. a i i i P'lUllH. flit) ll Jit .1 '.1 I i.1 I'UK Ml W 1 1 s ll l'l ll .'.', :l. 'II '." llitl'lil.t1'!" Mill IK.tlllt'l'OI v'.'i. c i t: r Mi -,l.:nii d.-iiv -il I-1 I lb t e-t-v. ii r m Toliiiii'H ' i C'l.H.l'llp'.l III ill i.l 'l,i!lil illl lib lint) i i'.im ii ;1ij eon.itry ..ii.i an 1 3 nir .1 oiimhuh from Mni-i.,- li.is a i.i b:ir. .in tl lL' ll n i .1 pini; i in-i .i- nl I1 ''i; lir'l-t lll'lf-. liil'il III-' li. i .ii i of iie.b!, -iv 1 1. N M-lll 'ii'li' 'o 'l li i i', n linmlr- .1 '-i ri r s"ai'l bar 'in 1 ir:, ;r Hbip ib me t v.ni.'y- ' .'iro I ..I in oy :'.i oi .v iter Ii i.vver, i nv ill'H Ol SiM Ol .vli irv'is. wtiilo. - li til dl:!i -iii'v I'.llillKC.U'jlH -if -ti ;lll..-ll'pli i I ' in ," 'iii ii;i- I n ill . !..i" Xor'h m ib iti I- S- Mi.l'.H -i I" t"i?t ' b .nii"l a t. ill I Li be i ia Mil. ii.i 1.1 I'i. 'tl'-. P-li'll l-. Ml .'I bV ..ill. ! p-.ll t : 1 - ri'l .i. "' i I . i in ii 111' ' . A'abi'ii i r'v-T ..ii .i i, a id Oil t!ic i'i- i.liu la'.M' e-i'i- 'riot yf 'V l'ir,'7 . r 3i, l.no'Vii :i ii ;ei:i oi ib . i iv r-'n- i. l .'iilii: : in ni b 1 i i' i I 'u r l)"'!r. iH, I r llil.'d Kim. liver it n levol vln.di, and no ir lamiel v ill ih uii'd a redmi t. -li i ntill ami'lmr .on-. At Three i i railio.vl, is a not lejictl.tod n. M .!'. i ', l u l l I ', i.l ' !1 'I . ; .1 in, i i irn' i pn r j .!:.: p i'i 1 1 1 ii ' t I A n .in; a i'iii'i i ' 'I '''. At it V ll'.. !l l.li lb" I "'- oi I Tclou'ii in I'.r.v !.' I .ii ,'t :i Mile t iiri., i ,-. i :t. . mi'ill t t'.li hoi U I !i'i ' .1 a 'iji, lie' ent. ViVt nf Mi ' lie i- u .viiidii' earthworks ei ti miiii ii i.Mianee nf m -v. "-t.il uule-i, and out-i le of tln'rc, eMt tniiiif? 1 rout the abed roa ; entirely aruiiud llioiiiy to tl.cner, i.ie forini iab!c bie.iit Huiks. Bi'tmecn the Ainl-vtia iin.l the shell ro.id if tin, lichiliouM', r.nd ii:t bnelc ot this is a battery t'f lx iiebl plp.es. 'i'hete uv?, perhaps, otln-r ib'eiiiic wotkx, wuitU no Iniv..' uot ...uii ii '.sei.b'.'d. H ;l W;i -.Million - tfti. iliiriniii lliiiin t Siiiiiiniiii e 1 h 1 V.'.i .ii.t'i,i-'i4 M,n- Ian tvauinft ."ays th .: its i.i. in. n.pi iiiiiis, in tictibuir upon lb ! i.'v itetl v ov uni t ''i M. em. un ni the l otion st'tis, ll'C, : c tp.-ou ".he piubLbditiis oi uU btntt able to iibitate the luiro ininilt, i of prisoncis tbty tbie a Ui.k t Audi troi.viile, hotitb Carolhit. Souiv i f tue: t aceordiufily plau out a cmpaii;n for Lb. i, Luvinu for Its purpose amurcli to Auuer sniiiibi and the liberation of those prisoners, the o:(.',iti!nt:oii of l edernl authority, civil aud mili tary, in Vibtorn Nrrth Carolina, alter which the (upti.ie of ilmingion, and then a movement upou l'.iihiai iid in co operation with Or.iut. '( tue pupers uo not tceiu to be aware that the I'niou prisoners were removed from Anderson villi' some lime siuic. Wbeu SUoruiau eapturcd Atlanta they were hastily removed from Audersonvllle and scat tered at various points, tavauuab, C'Uurliston, and elsewhere, list fcherman should take a faiicv to siuil a ratdiutf ciedltion to Andereourllle to liberate them. Allied Oodcrkirk, a member of tbe 1st District of Columbia I'avalry, captured in May hut in the ti(,'hiiiiK below l'etersbnrg, aud wLo was sent to Audersonvllle, and atterwards (at the time of the Ki'lsil scare) sent to SvauuU, and made his escape by jumping from a prisoner train going oat of Savannah, aud whose arrival iu this city we have noticed, reports that the Kelieut bare now located their mam prison not at AudersoiiTille, but at Millen. Georgia, a point at the junction of tbe Georgia C'uutral railroad and MAP QF JIM milGll STATES fltt(RfORt V V.i.'t.'viiLl.tOCCviir.E . 1 the -.ua'.ii'uh ..n I u:ru a rillro.' 1, i.Vmr el h'v 11 1 lit h ll' 111 Mll'lin ll. M' V Until A liilt I, .ni l Him ty ti imi M 'II' il-'i'vn e. At'tbn point they leun ti'i v t'l'Tr I so.ni 'i.i.iiO l.ninn pri-onert - i very t'nii!iii lite : III. il enii-nl t-.l' ."liriin m In piv M ll"n -i v,;", stiin ni-in.' bin) to be ra ly in lUin ; tli-i lull : ii.lv-n.ee toiv.iri't s lit u ..t.ir ieine-t a-i; 'tis I i iibn. : l''urthi riiiini'. Mil eu Is oiiih 'dir ' il liti to bn tnlun by Sin rinuii, mipiio-iii ; him n liu ui mil . ' tint tit Churlrst'm, or M I'dic, or W ibniinJ 1. Im' at Savannah. A nln.c" a", tbu liiip iv.ll -Ut-v I lb it Miiv. inn. ih in the ll" ires' point oil III ) eoi't I Sheiinnn eould reneli from A'l '.nti, and Oa l'jr I link's statements, as w. II us otbers fo t ) iti i v lb it h.iiiinn ill more we .kly ileleu lo l ol tin land siiit-tlim are I'ltln-r I'mii 'c-iton or jiiil , whieli pliiec. have b--en fovi-ii-'ly torlt'1 -1 ll :i'n'o fore mi tl c l.unl aide. In iniiei ii'lon of a t ick ia tlmt difp.-tkm iroiu inn' I mil torees. ( bill-t kii k "tales, to", tint S ivinn ib wis very weakly ib fi nib d so miieb -o tb '. d r iivirii 'nM nf nmrini's lioiu the v scis in th li ir i ir v.'i ? eciin jiellt -I to do shoro n irl dirv eve.y thirl niglit. 'I ho eoiintn .tDo, tm eied ny D i I t kirk nn foot from Savaimu'1 to Viant I pr.M -m "I no nerious ob-i.tele- to a unlit ry in iv, ino -r, tin) eoiin'ry beini hvol and tbe KT-'a-ini nb iilom, for the lno-t put. Tin; iiuin'ry, tin, wis imp y stiA'k.'d with hwcet (to rt'-n 'i, i urn an I p as hii'.I cii nt lo Miitiim un urmy nun nu r.ipi lly tliro i't. Tuis line "I in ireli w iu' I tube Slim .n in dire 'tly tliroiii.'li tin' Uislrlet w'li'm "be Uib ls havj stnr.'d inilli 'iiH of biles i-f liti't.tii, and wnu'd enable him to pay iitleiition to ili-i iniiii.us,; iiiantif.ietories lor C:inii m, 'il I ifins, pjiv,i r, Ijioiin tive-, Ac., ii' M : -oil, ( 'nl llln h, ail AulisM, wl.ie'l Kllnld tin! ni ti l s ip ily 111 tills '.inn: for Hi bi lil-mi. S'l-'nun, s u'.uir iv th Mfy i!.iy.i' iro i-intis, i i.. d "i. '-y n;i;i:iis obt .lined on tin) mad, e nl I p r;.,r,,i tins .vjik uud reaeh tid.. water, vi i n i nib, prn'tiiiv without eneoiiu.rr.il t nil.' o'l .i '.'. 'hit his dniine; eeni'is rn.ild -'t 'iiei m n . Hut be win il tut be in nbb' u'e.r in.'h a rnai't'h, anil wo-'l.l ll-'' be fraih n-i- il !i ;tly, to i-uaL-le b'l.'i to i' il-iw a t i tbe ir re f ily. feinled en nli biiu llbe l-'.ai Ir " n 'in 1 M i 'il-i. The other prt'Kiiiiiinii i 1 ai I to hi n I v i n" of our con:enipor.!rk4 of a tntr li : !i . .i ; 1 1 in "r N-iltli C.-iH. in.i I p ,u -In;' to i-'t i'i'S'i a : i ni liiint) to Wi'ni'iiiitoii, :m l th li'irtb i ud, (s ten iinpriei liable, fro a it I - ,'t'n oi in i.i a I tl.e iiupo.-ilul.iy ol prnw-.i'iT i. , u i ariny, 'o have pro'iiiiinlny. Tin) wi li'lit of pre"n'ii''t o:i. t'l -n, i- Ib.i' li'S'tr mnn hub rt'iiliv eniered up ni a '.tirui n l ) in ; Keneonsf, be it headiu.t to a .i'i'. s , ,.n, m! ,n i, or there i1 ou' . Hi Hi nrl '-oil' .t.ai in nil i nn I l.lil.'ll' ilsll'lil eil sj eit lo titl.li. III'. The Cincinnati ( 'iwmvn uihif Thin -.I-iy .avs : There is u most in! nis" tl.'.iro tu hear frnni Siuruiun. 'i hn he ii a:.iui "(n t.m .var pith" :ind di'upetati !y la-el on mis lib f, no one ilmi its, , I'Ul il-.il ue ,i ii .vi.iiniii, or ;u ii in .is ;,ijni, : re yet complete nivsiciiw, nltliounh em h miy i have l is oan suiiiii-t-i. Asdraut s rnovetnonts will niot prol iibly depend and hin::e on tho e ol i Mieirtau, all tliinu'lils lire truvulir:,' with the bit- ! r. There is n nn -t e i nilerlul aim nee of news j tt'.'iti tliii'tiiuoo i ' ud NtihviHe about his iu- 1 ti.iitlolls Soil Ilil Vt Ul'.l.t-. I j h l.iihiii .ii 1 r.e.-p .nil'-Oi" fho iltli are sBid to loi.t that Miiril ns ticiv-i uii;:ht s-aon he s.ptct d Horn .l.eiiiu.ri, but v hethcr thi ins bused ou liiri'i't mid positive hiHnvledee of their own, or upon tlie hints a id state inet'ti to the suiuo effect iu New York pi.pers, is cot yet km-v, n ; but wa erptU the latter. The report that Sherman lias alroadv reached Aupusta, Ga., is, of course, t-n-tri.o; bcearse it would he impossible, supposing, as is n.ost likely tbe ca'O, that bis amy did uot eave Atlautu i. ut il the Hth. The latest news we liave irom lam is contained in the following; wueioi'r ii is ii n w uvi, wo u-aid oaeu rcauer w iudf:c for hiniseif : i The Illinois Stale Journal (German) of yester- day stutis, on the authority of tbe uuuy-vote couiutib doner of Iowa, wbo was passing through Cbicat-'O on his return home, tlmt wbeu be left Atlantu a considerable part of Sherman's army bad gone southward, and that the general opinion there at that they were goin to bavaunah, via Macon and Miiledfe-OTtlle. The wildest enibnsi. ' asm prevailed among the troops fjr their chief aud his uew emei prise. A large number of torches were iett In Atlanta to burn the town as soon as tbe last troops had left, and the barracks ot the -t'th Corps bad already bx n destroyed. When he left Home that city was in tlainet, and a lrge amount of cotton bad been buruud there, although it was claimed by 1'arisand llsui burg houses as being hypoihea'.ed to them. Immediately afurthe train which carried this Commissioner had passed the Chattahoochee, the A v-l 0 f!r al l.-rl.'ee vrr tha' river w H ile trovf I. 1' M.n ibe iiri nti.tii In U' -.troy tlni vh .le rul b te.m Allan' i .mil i lia t ui o :;i, in liiiicril Mlicrmiiii w.f, fully eonvui. etl oi Ins a i.liiy n siib-i-it bis nrinv ill the ri 'h mid ferti'i eo nerv throtuli whirl) ho was to pa s. Tbe I itc-t t.il -el'aplile iiciv-, net- nliint to wliieli .'I Re ill il" '!; Lull b en ri pillanl lit A'.l inta, .1 ies not en nil t with tbi-sit nt'eiii. id's Mo'i'iii'Tit lnr nly pr.iv.'S th it he in in's uuuy hid not yet all started on their eaiiipiiyn." MllllllltXOK I'll ft M Hf tl. Ibr lndliuuijiolis nii'c Juiirn il has the fol lt.wh'g: TLis velcran war ehii f i airi'n on t'n p it'i of the en. ni . What l-li d '-tin a ma is is kY' vsitbin his Oi. n ixibvnt lr.im. Svvinitiit el.'.ir of il.Hnl ami lila ar.uy, ho ir: reins f til to eip'iiri nil d't'i'oy. I'll i b iHIiiCsS of his movi iuen' nstoni lies, wlii'c it plia-mall. C in ioua and f i.tt-li. art 1 p ip'o ii in v i n iii I ilr lor ti i -i m ilVty, wiiu 1 1 ml ia r;i', but sin n il llooil a'feiiipt id follow Shrrni in, Ii" will lintl Tbonias ni'h ampin tnree Iniiiijin u;i.ni l:is own run , n most ilsni.xiin' fell.) v. The illstmii e from Atl.'iita to tin; ttiro eblef &liji eiio units bi'lore Sbvni in Is irriar, ai 1 would bo iip,'lliui,' ut any en inn i I'l.ir iv'i i d. I 11..! SO i 1 l.liOH .in helloes Ili'lV to'.l-t I lull' M"f lli aiiny. I'toin Ail lata to 'in'i ,ta is one b in Irml anilVi'ientv oia) miles ; from Aii.iumi ;o Uba h's ti'iionu liiiuiln d and t veiitv-oiie nillei j t i S i. viiiiii ih one hiii'dr. tl and ihii ty-six miles. Kio.u Atl iiit.t lo Moiil: jiu,ry Is one haii'lr;,! an I imty-two mib ; from Mnn uom. rv to M bi'oone Liu d:e and niiiety-neien Utiles. lint the eniiiiiry is nm ill limit; no nvi'in' ii i n n is lie in Hie wiy to mike tr i is,Mtr i'I iii lain i iuus, siii h m Itn-te.r in met ill Tiinn t'Seo. in li- i ;.u p.i:rn ii'-: linst t 'h itiaeon? i ; nn pis- n or lb I'.'es pie ei. I i a.siiy tlefru-lblo p uiti t-is r an opposing I- irre ; tbe vbnr iej;l Ml b a li to !b mil-'b . ml i a t i-rleli In i no 1, in I lm be n un t. m l. t il I y tbe n ir. An l in w!i ttevr .lire loa tl.ry U'lv iii: i"b. Sherman and hi- tm'H .'."'11 Know that at the nil if tl.e r note frieii 1 1 v eo opiiii'it.n anil ubuniliui. sii,-,i,s :i-vii' lb nn. Tin y are s .viuimia.t ton aid the bni ", ii.le ry i u.n.u liUi As iho in ir.il a lva:i'.;i,;" of tli it. .sIm-i-iiiiiii f'osHlhl.i nl tiitri-mni III-. Tie C'eve! i:.d t'liiin) .- i-' e o: yes er !-iy - ii' The b t'er we )'Ubl:-:h Ibis in rube.' fr en ' lama si. mv. ti. it tbe uiii'.eni.'ii' ol S'i nn in s ir.h tioln A ' 1 : 1 1 1 1 . 1 bi-e.'in on lb" "eh "' X iv.' i i i Tin li ieim.oll'l p ip i s .1 ,:to u.ee ,,u tb" l'hlj th l' stnrf in" in w- Ii i- i re" iv I, :' iltlv ill it pt in in t'iii sin iiiniu's ;.p'r.i: e'i t-iw tr.ls l n-nu. Aliii'i ti I- in out o'.r biuidi"' i) uiilt! a hub' so itii. i' i'-t ol Ml.iiit.i. And' Tsnnvlilr, whem ;i.i u in of i. ur I'uion soldiers ire c.-nliue I, is on il i.ii!rn;i I rniiiiiii-' -oti'li .riiui Maeouto 1'ort (i.itiris, ou the C'L'itti.in.o'. In e livir. it is abort bliv miles frnn Miiion. Slnrman probably first seized the railroad at M.icim, and i vtbis time may bae rcaehul AuJirsonvl'.io. if tbe Kebiis should attempt the removal of the I n ion piiJoners further soudi, they would ho obliged to move them towards Mobile or Muiit Ti :im v. li these prisoners me sccur-d, ititit y of thu i ini v he :it for fel'l service ; otLei n Cf.n be .-i nt Inn:'; la AtlHi'.ta. i'c waieh -.villi almo-l bumhles- ii.n ie-t the ie:-tilt-i of ll.is Rst.-iiis! iu nn vcii i'iit. II successful, it V.II1 pluie Sbiii.ii.ii ut the head of the nuUUri chif 1 tui I . - of iu' dcrn tiii.es. l.veiy 'oyi.1 hcuri NoitU piays devoutly for his iiicuss. Shermna'i Preliinlimry !lenieol. Slum an hud on Nnvembcr H torty-seven thousand men, ten ihou.-and of whom were ravulry. TLtse he dnidod iuto two columns. The fitst colntuu lilt Atiiintaon Noru.'.ber O.and marched south to Mi.con, lieorcia. I'roiii there it a s the utteutiou to ito to Miliedgivllle, the capital of the State, where a laige number of leJciul prisiuers were contioed. These are to be n leased, uud the colamu wiU then turn east to Augn.st. On Novemlier 12, the second column of Sher i, urn's arwv lett Ailuuta. coiuK directly towards Atiitr.Bta. It aa hoid that a uiuction of the two columns could be ejected by November Ui, when a march eastward to Savannah, or Charleston, was to be made. tShcrniau carries sixty dais provisions with him, principally droves ot entile, which can be taken along without much trouble. We bare lufurmution from Southern sources that a content had born fought at Koaph and Heady, on the railroad running from Atlunla to Macon, between tlie advance of one of Sherman's columns and some OeorKia (state troops. There is little doubt that the State troops were defeated, and then tlie column pushed successfully for . f :fT f : - A H-rtl -n CI . v . Vi ' 1 4 . ,.i Ml U ,S .- W" 1 V J - V ' w-A ,sy 'Pulaski..- ward. IT io l, on Nove ii'ior 1), wis nt Tu n ii bi.i, Ala'i.iin i, soiitli of tlie C i s I rii t ' ail v il m.iri Imi).' as ; to by as pnssibiu tomr In Atl.itu i. Tlio t'iiiiiiiiinlir if ITim 'iiniry vi ij.n' SJriiirnl JiiiIhiiii Kil.if rteti. si.rruinti h is ten thoa-nnil civilrir wiili blm, foriiilun n corps miller e tiniiuin I oft! 'iieril .1 1 1 f n Kilp ill ii I,. Ibisenrpiis "imposed of tri rtiviMnm, eiDnmnn led liv (ientsraU Stin'ey an I Wilder, lleiieral Kilp oriek, tlm d nhiai? divalry lemb r iias bom ne ir llieliertown, Sussex county, New J. rsey, on Ja m iry 1 1, Is-TI. Ha is, tb-rn-loir, but iwi'n'y.i'igbt years of a,'1. Disulayimr early in his otith a fondness for ill i 1 It irv III',), he obtiii. oil, lhron,'li the inline net) of his fit It, fiiloecl s. K'lpiirb'k, an udmis inn Into th.) West l'l lir Millttiry Aeademy, win nee ho gra in itul curly In isiil , fonro t-nlb In his class. He eiiteicd the I'litted Status Afiny O'l M iv it, ISt'tl, .n a Seeond l.ii titen int ol Co no ill y ll, of tl.e l-t Tti'giil.T Ariillc y. and on the irh of M iy nliia ntnl a lirst lien'eti mcy. He w is allowil heiv 'n atfepi tha I '.ipiii n -v of Co mpany 11, ."it It .e v York Vn'uiiii'"i.s (ll iriei's n ttvel. a id w ill it pauleipated in tin bitt'o of Hi.? H tlu'l, iliine lo, ls)l. Duri-nr ibis c-intoit hi) wis scveielv M tinded. On his n eovi ry hi was oiu. inis-iniii'il I. eiiteu 'iit-i'o o nel ol'ihu IIirriH L ifit t '.ii n li v ol New York Volunteers, with rink iVoiii A'o'iisi I. I v;l. tlis reitiiiie tt was s un ifier iiitncl i il to li e Army of mo I' it i n i a id en-na-nl mi i.niH) t duty", lie' wis a:' or.var Is ap p lint il its (.Vina I. linru Ktlie I'npo e unttiihtn with tha Army of Yiriiliili Ct'l'iiiel K'iipiitrie'i's r-'afmnnt was a -tielcl In (Jeiii'rul J hn lluf rd's lintCida, a id pHr'i" i'ite'l in the Ois'iu'lnns ailing tha bulks ol tin K.iptt'ihannni'k durinR n "ist, lS'U Ho look purl in Ibn M irvbiint t i nii :'n um). r'i "1". nl l'l ii-onlon, iiinl pirii.'iibirlv dl-tinrni-lii'it Itl'i si li while r.dmo it'i, iluriiiL" ieii ii.il H-irn. sn. 's eontiol of ibr Aiinv nl the I'.i O'ii-i'i, l)nr Ini: 'h i.iiiinus Stnmtnuti rill t) tui ivirnl iieieril l ie's Ueliel iiuuy, Cnonel Kl ivric.ll run tr I' .l il Hit- l-t (),i"n le oi in ;i ll.l ion of Sunn mill's C r)is. During this evpe. litimi In) ii 0 hi re . nil' nt .li'i'oiub t ie eneniv's trrrito.-y, : nil no!-, tbi in s -fi-ly to tihuicest. r I -int, on. io--ite Voil-linn. I be il ,s w is lull of a I 'ontur.', a: d n it tu) hundred iniiosii'rc traveled ia it -s I b in live days. I '.lull I Kilpiiirii'h s'l.'e. i il- il in eap'urin over '1 r . " biitiilr-'il pi i-onei's, ni b In s of miln n ie . I ' i i ' ' 1 r ami iblity-seven men. Hi r-i-ma mil arm I'i'. "n liaeli lo the It inp lb innnek by way of lb b 1'iini. inns multilist ii ei'lnnr of thu wlinlj of tin I els I army uiuh r (Jonersl I. e. I'or tbu -. -s ni this innvi i us nl , and for ot'ier luilli.i'it -I i-i.es, ; w s .iniiii)!eil imbe rank ol Ibv.' i-iier. tb i.i ni . ui oi u meet mill a t-oaiuiisoiou da' in ; In iu .lane I.l, lie:!. li.ii in'! the rcini-vlr in'a riinipiii'n or rntbur ii.i iiiovi'iiieiits preerdin; I', tieiier.il Kibei'.riek S I'.ri' i!c eie. tl V ilisiiiiimi-lied Itself, espeel illy at Aiille, June 17"; Middleburu, Juuu '.'l, nod II mo ver, I'a , .lulv I, 1'ittJ. DiuiiiK the battle of Cti tivsbur'f beeoniiiian led a diviioit of i'lcason- li u's Cavalry, und was engaged In the pursuit of thu Itibcls to the rotumac, after which ho came to New York city, where he commanded the cavalry force in 'tbo ul.-triut during the riot of July, i ",;i. Uo i.omn.andid an e'ipcuitiou nariiirr septetu. I r. ib;i, to rceantuie tbe gunboats SatiUiU- and ' . :. i , fmii us far as this totce w as concerned ll e in it i.e in ii us a louiplete Fiiecess, Duritig the adii.ncc oi tlie Army of tbe Potomac, in No il mbcr, l.so.b tbo cuvutry w ere very actively cu- -'H?..d. (Ltieral Ktlnati.ck is a man who Has suddenly btea lilt nloiio in the wor.d. About the hitter end of I ho 3 be loaf his wife, and ou the L'Oihof Ji.ui itiv, l.sci, his child died at Wes Point. t-rt nous to tual evens ue unu io ui miner, mother, hrotharn. and siaiers. Ue bus mot with Mine nairow escapes during the present war, and has neen wounueu aevi-iai iiuies. ma rtue io ltiihnioi.d was ono ot the most extraordinary adventures in history. General Kll atrick was ordired to Gitcral Sbermaii s army last spring, and was iu several battles in Georgia; was wounded near Kesiiea; returned home to New Yuri, i got well, and again joiued Sherman at At.auta two moutus ago. Allan Hon Rome r.ta'Wlesf svaid IHMlro7sl. Carrerponifitce of fSe Cincl'miWi Qm:etH. NvbiivtMR, November 14. What I tele graphed you on tbe night of the lltn instant, loocirniug the burning of Atlanta, was, at that time, strictly true. The Gate City of the bomb still stood that evemur, and communica tion with it, both by telegraph and railroad, was uninterrupted, before tbe present day is past, however, tbe appropriate Inscription for that city will be "Atluuta was." v rvs .1 ft AT t I ? o fvlTTlriMaVi ,111 I, 1U iu , W.lYllUUllU, Vr. .Lei- Ps V v k StJtS V 0 r J jo a .Tff i j fit to t,,t SCALE, or MILLS. The lb sti iietinn of the Western nnd Atlut i TiiiT' iul litis ulr. mly luarun; by to-ni trrotv morn ing Atlanta will proht'ilvho in rums; Hint tbo roniii'iiiitli r-ln-clm f of the military division of the Mississippi w ill b" on bis way for s line point I, now n mill to himself mi d the G iveniiiient at Washington, l'liilwinle, for a mouth t e inn, in v ihirg morn than this (exeent as we may get ieb'imutinn through tbo Itebel punt' ivill bj mere coi:j 'cturn anil p"ealaliiu. Iloini wis i va. until! und destroyed two days slnee, and on Sti'urihiy, the lu'h insiaut, the bends of our cnltiniti left Atlanta and moved towards their point of t'eatiniitiiiD. TU 4 onmc of lii'iicral Slicrmtil. It Is not reasonable to suppose that GenTal Sherman would, aihr leaving Atluuta, move directly eastward io Atn.'U.ia over the (Jeurii railway, leaving, on his march, i f trull. Utile an uvei.ue of communication as ilio Grand S nitnern Trunk, nbovo tii-scri'Kd. Should he do so, he would hivn a dis anei of 171 miles tn travel -e, wblief.oin M n: in to Milieu, wbieh is tbu junction of the Augusta br.ui.'h, is hut 101) a iles and Iroiu lb neo to Augusta i. .VI miles, linking a total of 1' J miles. Tu ' dilain."s on the A'lauia und iVest 1' iut, an 1 West l'oint am) Mnntgouioiy roads aic at f' liwws: I . I a. I l ititil tt iiil' I'd l.in'lifliiti i Tu K.irl'Uill W lull s 'l'i V-l.t-iiVa 1 o I'.ilpietlti 7 neies I I 'ht-nii w U m'ii . 7 iinl.'i ? lo '!- . 0 Hill. , ? Ul.l-1 , (lull- I Hi I s 7 till-ei II utiles I'tt Ni in. in Tj ilrsltliil." 1 llntMllsv I le... . In I a.niiiL-t' I'n I,, um I an T w fsi I'ttint o i IJ.it' n l i. II i., Ii.u.il I enly To i'1-sl Si Tu Aiitttini I net. t Tu I r.ntkiln tl' 111 Ies I it It) A'lfl J l' l el T I sh ii le, ' 1 I ml!". I'D I It'll! s il iti'li'H Ti II- unt Mi H mi e- !'u M iliU'iul 1! Ill li S a lull s T il il friiTa AUsiin I null's tu -M lliit!iiti.-y..lrt niili'l 4 llll'.t s From Ad .ma to M i lows : 1 ,i l-'ttsi 1'i.lnl C lirle.t I .t lio.vh l.r-e. . .1 ' Tit I li.in'nitii s 7 " "..J..n ts.- 4 " I o I mit'i tl " I . I at. tin '.I " 1 .1 ti'ill.r. S I it 'i li rnl -ti s il " In III il r li " u the d i.,t nme Is as f il- In H-i'iifivlIU', In ' ..'ii. Ill :t I nl' .lltt-r In S'liisvh I .i Sinn r II Tn .'i!tstiitj.. T.. O.,,. u.--H .. I n Mat en ... 1 ii .... 4 '1 ti Tin re are im ktru.uip. of c lu.s.' .ucaeo to era is on ibis route. M icon is si'nat' tl on the we t built of the Oi'innlgtc ri i r. nnd is tbe cauit il of liibb enu.i'y, Gcoigiii, t'l.'tv mib s .s'ltohiiest of Mdk ig"ville. It is in tbe h a l of stemnboit uavbrition an 1 tbej "li. lion ol tbe Oioifil aC' nlral wiib the M icoi nnti Wi stem radii aids, one bu, idled and niiiciy one. mil' s ir mi S v . un 'h. it i- n pbl . of some note. havi.iBelght eli'irelli -, n emit", e, io I en . t.i. tour printing oil! as. aud ula.li i si , lb ill" md i'llnib tauts. A In i ige tlireo liuiiiiiid and eij'.bty iiiue feet in li-urtb cio.-m.s the DUllll'grit. SVIIVIIH llf 4'llll'ISKO A new ccustis of Clili ago, taken by the Comp troller of that city, shows a population of PiViiS, an increase ol yl,l.7 since lmiJ. By the Uuitsd Ptutcs census of lSflO it was only 109,2li0. In crca'e In four years, ilO,u'J.'l. The presont census Is iiiailo up to tbo 1st of October iust, aud in detail Is ns follows '; '"' Tl' ..'ft l, l.r Jl. 2.7.'i 4,b!ii j,i 4 ,b'2;i 4,1 l-i ,0,1'. 3, A!i7 4 TSU 4,0!t fi.tiOH 3,9(V5 2.Sl 2,4i 6.147 4, U8 11" . H-'fl 6. 70tl 1 ,.r.MI i, l ;M 1,7 H 1,SW 2,ii 9 ,m l,::i.l 1 ,4:2 l.lll.H l,71i3 1,'2KD 1,071 2,810 l.StiS fi.; .. ;.. HOH :;:t 2 15 IS 9 rtt 73 20 4 2 0 2 eo I'iist Ward ..11 '.'7S Si i und Ward. Third Waul., l'l uith Ward. Utth Ward. .. Sixth Ward. . ..12...71 ..H.'o'i ..iO.lob . . S.Hl'.'i . . H. if'O Seventh Wind. .l.'(,H.'i4 Klgbth Ward... 7-'3 NiutU Ward.... lb.b-i!t Tenth Ward.. . .1 l,l: Eleventh Ward.lU.uM Twelfth Ward... H.Hll Thirteenth W d, 6,M Fourteenth W'd, S.245 1 ifteenth Ward 13,9t Sixteenth Ward. 13.M8 Total 109.353 65,948 27,137 2.114 Tbe total va'uation of property in the city is hh,7o2,72. Iu l&oo il was ;i7,053U. Ike nresent income from taxes Is H74,t55. On the 1st of July, li7, the city contained but four thousand inhabitants, and its receipts from taxes amounted to less than six thousaud dollars. The engagements for the great prize of Tarii, to be run for in tlie year 18o6, are now closed. T here are V4 horse entered. There are M entered for tbe year ltMiS.and 126 for the year lbi. There are 142 horses entered for the year 165. there are 63 French horse and il KnglUb. Ca tena Kir tue jear loot). .tSr:.-...A rich m o n o huvj,, m . T.i,IC V V.n,.....S FINANCE AND COMMERCL Orrir o Tui r.vi-M Ti-oarj,l stu'4u. Bo'tmum Ilk I The Stoek Market this morning reeorered friKU be ilepn sjIoii of tbe I st few ilat i, and at nooti KeTIng wan selling at OS in this mirk stand in XewYotk ntr,s. Gold row to 221, which In spired tbo bulls, who Md np the general list -i v ml per rent. TLe Ould Market Is exrltcl this marning, and p l.esbiiveatlvanerdaivtui 5 (r cent, since iast 'idling. Opening at 2H J ; rl ini and ,. 219 at 11 oVlork; 221 a' 12; (ell oTand sold at 22V!- t 12 ; and 21"4 ttt I p. M. jj irkat c,,mJ and uiiseit i d. , There is mo.e 9etl,lty (a the Rroi-k M irkit this inorniug, ami prites hive nn npward tendency owii g to the advance In gold. Government betel continue firm, with sale, of 5-20i at I0l(i044 ; of lssl at 1 Id i ; and 10-4'). at 9ill, an advance 0f 2i ; in w ( i y t's are se'llng at In Kadrond sbareuthcre is a drmer fcellng.and prices have advanced, with sale of Reading to notli e at f7"n'l, an advance of ; renasylvania ll'iilrond a! Oiji'i Jo. nn ndvanciof 4;and Phlla- Iclj'fa.'it and line at 3nj ; l.ii j wai bid for Cam. den un I A in hoy, nn .I'lvnaco of j ; 4S fir Little S.liuilklll; .WJ fur rbllsdelphia and Oerman town ; CD fur Minehill; 30j for North rennsylra ninjSO for Lehigh Valley ; 51 for Elmira pro crrid;liS for r.it.iwls preferred ; and 6j for riiiladelpbla, Wilm'ngt-in, and Baltimore. City Vitssenger lUllrood shares are firmer, bnl there Is very little doing, 25J was bid for Thir. ternth and Fifteenth; ,1lJ fur fiproce and Pine, an advance of ,J; and tin for West Philadelphia; 70 was asked for Seeond ard Third j 69 for Fifth and Sixth; 49 for Tei.th aid Eleventh; 48 for Chesnut and Walnut; and 2s J for Onion and) Crates. i In Tamil shires there Is very llt'le doing, bat prices uro better. Schuylkill Navigation pre ferred sold at 40, an advance of li j 321 was bid for Schuylkill Xavlguion common; 75 for laditgh Navigation ; 99 for MorrisOinal common ( ini for Susquelmnna Canal, an advance of J ; and lib for Delaware Division. t Ci nl Oil bbaies am more active, and prltrea are rather bitter, with sales of DaUell at 8i1,an aclvuitco of j; McClintocli at 5 ; MeBihduy at C; and Gcrmnnia at 1?; .11 j was bid for Uaple Shade, an advance of j; H for Nohle and Del sv matfr; 71 for Oil deck; and 4J for Egbert. ' I'.ai. k shsros continue, very firm and prices are rather better, with salos of Uirard at 4?jJ, an ad vance of J; Kensington ut 87, o advici of '2; 173 was bid for North America; 301 for Me chanics' ; .'I0J for Mauul'aeturi rs' and Mechanics'; rVi for City ; 4" fur Commonwealih ; and 45 for Vnion. ; Tbo Money Market continues very easy; loan oucull ate freely offered at 6 per cent, peranania; prime paper Is scarce and In demand al 7(e?9 per cent. I'IIII AUEI.rlllA STOI'K K.XOU.VS JEALB, SOV.W. lleixiilec by Clatkfim k Co , Brokus No. 121 s. Tulrd ill. lliSKOKR IDAHOH. 10 ill Ki'S'llns It , iW'i itist ou KiMhtor Oil.. IK iisi.a uo 1'"' sh dn IHifh en tsosti do , luiili d In i sh At Mill t!.u. I'lUBll do , 117 .' . Kl'i us j , IM 1 liDiliKn-wrt OH .... 4J 30i.iii:jrn PIoir.. 77 1'esli 7K 'ai an ltlb'ma....l,l 8 M.l.h dn bin m ftO.n do blO 3'f 71 K) an do av JISMll Wlneral OU.... 4 tank Briunr 3 SKlin dn I vm.n Fulntnol.... i'i 4si,a do t 4 IfHi all I'lirrrv Itiin.. in il, Clirllil Oil ..HI l'.'H' 210 sli do.... '.smth tin... Hush do... KSlsh tin... soi in Orsals Oil... IA rmsT noiHu. r.ioim j.jog f lOnl to .... ;.iii lill 4 i'i ikirminla ... I'i ....1'4 ....t"4 .hi in in.ittfbk C'l. ! li.l.h M. V , E. VS). on nr. st, m.... U si .a io un ii..u3o ue Vllstt do S7H In) .a do 'l 1 st .n do e S7i luO lb do S7U4 llsl.li tin. ..bo S ol M a i a ao s ll.ll Penr. RI 1' sh do ', 24.1 ah d M And ib It. A H. ,-op....lt) iisLli I'littrry Kno... 21 .V).n Amvitdaln'il ... 110 IS sli Ksiilii-tiia ilk. 67 i.iSI t'. R in. in, .. ": o u a. m, ai. . 'HI- lie il IKi I Year i r. , is. ll U Sl.it. Nv.ti 7-1. "J , l.t'ti'iili ai iil8.."s S'lf e St etui y E 7s 107 'ii-nrr. ii.. nv lnif li l l il. ,v In,.,,, li ., in sh t.ir.rtl Hank... 4''', liiOsM'lil .Vrlti... ;oli Jul "h Halnil OiL.bS It il.'itil! tin STjl -Ii n - h d i ni ! Pi li T-htl. .t Olll'k. Tj! "is1 si. Mt-r'nite'-k... . 7.'i, Mull M. i .iit-iij on . e ' Quotatiiiiis nf Go d at the rbiladeluhla Gold Exi bnnee, No. 31 S. Third street, aocond storv : le; A. M 2lii4 12 M. 2'23 11 A. M 21!) I P. M 2184 Market exe fug snd uctiv. Tin IIwtn Biio., No. 20 S. Third street, quoU! us follows J'lWtw. MMh. American Gold 211 vi-J Ainerienn Silver. Vs and i'i '2iS ..I Dimes nnd Half Dimes 203 .. Spanish quarters 203 ,.t Penn. Currency edit. Idle. New York Exchange .....1-10 " pari Quotations of the principal Coal and Coal Oil stocks nt 1 o'clock to-day : Aft. 0 tsj I Si a ti . 3 u i Fulton Coal .1 Hit. Mouieainl'ual N. V Iht'.l'ual.. Renflra OP 4 ; orsai.l Ol i . Kranslli, O J Hot... ejJyOII. IrviB, OU llre.-t, U . O. al.... 4 N i '.i.ih niaiit .... t Nl'Wl'reek W I-.. .1.1 1 ian, C.-td. . Clln'oiil-'oal 7i lllillrr I n.il Ill 1 11.11111 ii.i Cwl Hwataia MeiKfiiey lioii...l'i'4 2Vi.il Mhiliig IS) I'oiinisrik'ui ' He 1 sli.m inc.. .. 1 4 t . .'lliil UU B .. 1 11 1 -mk i'i ( n'lllt'lliUl il '0 Kbtrtttl Oil HiiH'k 7 i Mat'lt' Slit.li. 111!., ill M. i-nnii eii ou . . . r,'.' I'snntti Ivali'tt Pol . I p.rry 111' J Sltl.i'l.l 0... . s .. Kt'Vsltiiti. Oil 'i eraniitt 111! I'tilel- I'f rolriuu ., '-Mi Heat on nil 1 rooa Kana Oil. I lutlismoia......... .le. (la. xitll nli. " Mriaimii. .... Kl Hel er'B Oil.. 11 U mt'H'l i r.' I'i .i'i N 'iili'AiieUuiattr, lliDitanl H wory barm l 2 . Hrn-ittr .. W ftrii.nia Caatra. 3 Kiisiti ., 'Lis" lil.nl I '- Ailt-)i.iiv ill.tr.. H 714 '.itirni a .. 1'ini.i t ulI:r'B... 1 n in ;io ... . 3', 4 II It'r.stttiA 4 ''nrn I'Uauir . J-.'t 11- u i , lt.t..k nil ).i l'arr KtTn.,(t '." l(.ot-) r.r.u. .. I It I -s 4'' . n s The follow lug nn the receipt of Flour and Grain at ibis pore to-day : Flour .41) bills.; Wheut, 7ii) bushels; Corn, "I'M bushels; Oats, eboo bushels. 111 11, iii I. rin it ii'. hi: Four. Saithiivy, Novemb r in. Ivisln-ss uovee si' l. In nli , e;iai'linf iii", t'W I'nre Is tm ai. .ok :ra f t te rt'tiiii iu ink. i, '1 1.. e.ori dmis' df r riniir li luits l.mittHl. and fuTIy tk !,-. f I tel. we.e 'h-i'i.c'l -jt at iUa-Jt Vblil.lur etui and Sl."7 i.t i f.-r uiitii lots, cotrtllti io tiaalUr. 1 tare Is a llntli'-i.' i.i'u.i toiistuapiliii dn.nand w.thia the ruiu or ilusjft e.'ii r.. rtinatl .(:. of Ky l lcar al s a tlnf.lre ol .',c. In CVtrn M al. we r.nli.e salea or MKM 0.f. l'r.-iitl w ue oh tt rmi nnl ma It oub Ic. Hie dnimiiil t',,r W'fiit la Innlird, al the daillaara crdi tl jfti rils.v, and nb ul .'"'i suiti P msylTanla ard K uilifiii red sud at $- wni V buili. In Hi aeaca ofsiilisif whits, wini)te at SJ.aj'.'SOi katoeky Mi s atSI'Tn. iltiiii bn.li. yclioir Corn ao'd at Si 7a, a 4icUua irt .V. bnili nmit'are in g tod n in'. at iOo. i Tiii-ie l aa bt en a .tetiar deni.nid i.t hull olla at e.ir )lietalt"ll so... el Clliiln wa.la tt tl IV; HloacltBst tl .nnl tin til Sltli: ami tt 'inter S.rui at i'i-4all'4A. eaali. LiueedOti lis been In Itinlled rtsiusl. aad aaiali aalea art rel'titiid al tl ilNu-l iU raah, a doelloo. In l.ard Od out u im il"l" d tart III le liare ; small islei or muter l t.fti'M li.itu ailianof. a d 7u elm. Xn. 4 at tl 70. A tai ii4itn.la.Clii dl.i llt J I '! mi al tl'4'.ii 1-60, cash. In hB.ailOil i.t lliiiuidnli'S'- rtilrnttiuoi the itmuand bu brnn it.rt nnttemiitMiieaoiir Unt repiiit, but uri-i ar wU maii.tiilud ; aslet, el Ci'ilile Hi 4'1'11-4-V l Haflrietl, ta bond, at t ... Inc., at'd l'Psnts.v.i .sc.; Uut.tilntm as'li al ts-ocituti. M i ni.v ia dull mid di-clinliiK, . lea of 'Jtal bbls. Paiui svtttnitl i.iij Oh.i. at el ;i, and aouit PruJ.B at It 74. LATLST MARIXE I.VTLXLItiCCEa f'l.F.ARKII THIS ItOBHnrO. B;r.'iuiliE C. huislii, ilauanbor, J lork.W..Taj'. liarfi I'rowsst (Br.), Brown, l almoutk, for ordirt, B. A. siulider di I a. Una kiMi.ak, Visa.ri'noo!a, J, E. Baxlay A Ce. htlir Ouial.a, l.omiion. do. do. Kobr AIMvi la. Ken!, I artl.nsl, dn. HelirJ. Jl U. Crow lev, Crowley, Boston. do. Ki Lr Ajnl.. Kailin, turnadoa.C. U. Van narn. bcut Ida MtiLeod, Cobk, Itow Orlaaua, U.S. SJiataon Co. aRRmrn this" at obhtho. MamusFsUtUuiier, klobiatia,lU (Ufs front Fsnumla, In Iwllast U J. a,. Lazlvy at Co. Uris Adrlo (nr.), atuckentle, It days fram Wlnatsr, V. 8.. wtlii I'lHatur and pouttotB to C. c Van linni. Una Itla&l. Cimttry, Mi Lallan, days froia rertrsst Meatiw, U balltisi lo J. K bley Co. . . SeU A. liarUvlt, tlarUctl, 6 day Iron. BtaoJWt, la J" laal lo t-.iil.lu. nchr niitii,Vainn,14arfrom Frwiailea. " litat to ilauiui baiiaiu ... AT THE B"WjU;;rtins M ailt Brlu Albart adarna, AyrM, imui aw- " lul.ti, keen oidared lo b.w Vxrt- "-V'. SCUI VUlBl, kslUl Sit isaw rofS. I w '! J' 4 I.,, H-'-i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers