If MriNDAV, OCrollKR 10. ISM. VIIT I A.M. BY HICHAM) (JOB. I nm nn AholitiniilM i And havu bmn irom mr youth ; 1 mn tor l'lcrdoin ami ilir Kulit, For Ood, my Country, Trutti ; 1 nm lor Hit. tly to nil Wlio dwell wi Inn thn world; Till tyrant Irum their lilr m! tlirouc Mull In th. iiu .-i tie liurU'l! I nm ad Ahiliti"ni-t! The r.inkmi i( li rank ; Mr imttli'-rty l ''l.i'imty," Ctir-ctl SlKvuy i i Hank. 1 I noil Ul ulliu iTrry lorm Of nm iliinc an t Intr ; Look tip, look up y fru'ri'I- of Mm, '1 be On Is it-iwiiing clear '. I am in Al. .ll'lnnist, Nor do 1 ti-.ir vi ur ar-nin . rsinrir- iimli.i-e fi'.oin wait a jince, lint 1 was n 0 Ircr tiotu. I wcmlil iiliolixii w.iin in's ttiri, And mmr i aru-ii inm; h, ,) ; And place within u,mr tli u t ot lie in The smile of joy in-tca-l. I am nn Al.olnl .mist, And j! lory in tin iiun.c ; I.t t Ijiiii ho h-.irn to own as mtu!i, I J II tiling Inn lii'Hil i I sllium-. 00 let lilin lorc iiib leimr To hind til-. 1'ulliin-niitu : Atid look Ui io In Patlmr, Ood, tor hlijiciii).', if he cau. 1 nm an Atiolitnnit. No trnitor lue Kin I ; I tk the irreant i Mid of all Wliodwr; 1 lit-nraib tlio kr. Tin l'rcsld. tit, 0 hi lil.-ss hi u, Lot pntrlots my "Ami-n!" Am) We him in the Chair of Stiile, To mlu in love agiuu. And now for three time thrco loud ehccrj A hearty tnrr, too. For tboi-e who hear the Stnrs and Stiljii't Our rountiy'a atriiKtclu Uiro-mli. Three chin m lor Oram and Karragtit, llehclilon oon must fill ; And he the g.oy unto Him Who rules uud reign o'er all, XTEACTS IBOU EEBEL rAITBS. JtMT. lnl'N(.h ml AiiKiiota, J. lf l havit'ton Com-trr, Xrptrmhcr'll. is Kxcellcncy President Davis dinsc! thrniiirh tista on Thursday at'ternotm. On his arriv.il io Augnsta and havannnh railroad dopot ho greeted hy n larne com otirse of eklmm. who lly cheered the respeeto'l Chief M itfistrato of nation at bis apiH-aranre from the c.ir in i"h be was travelin.tr. In answer to these iifontatiotih of popular applauan, he appcara.l he plntform of the cur nud miide a few re ks, in wliieh he paid he was nappy to greet iaiiy of his fcllow.cttlr.3ns of Ueorgia ; that It i) timo for dopalr or despondency; that tho nv must he ilrivin from tlm noil ri. JIthBt the men of Georgia must aid in tho great liiey must leave for awhilo their wives and radren. nud east thi-ir iold to thn tvimta iin.i ijtoidvo bu-k the itiHolent foo from their er. Ve are struirclinir. said thn Prnil.ii.i V4 reserve the hrrltaue hcittcathed to us by our J re the right to govern ourselves tho" right ofroemen. If we sae.iced we shull ho huppy prosperous ; inn it our l.oiiteiloracy should constitutional government, political free , will fall with it, uml we shall ho suliiet to i sutraocs as that Inely cnaeted ut Ailanti in I'Hul-huient of women and chlldreo from their ee an outrage which would surelv hrinir nnpontho perp. trators the vengeance of a t Ood. He exhorted thn Deonle. therefor c firm and faithful, and all would yet be well. Jf ir. Dnvin nnl 44enernl Ilennroicartl. the Auyutta Conttitutionalut public curiosity Is much excited concerning uiniwKMipiM'ii iicro, una more particularly at ent with regard to his assumption of com- a in ooortilri, we are permuted to give the tance of a brief colloipty between a gentleman President Davis : fntleman Mr. I're-idcnt, we have heard here uenerai itood na Deen superseded. Is it so ? csiilent If an, I have not heard it. and do know It to be so. ntleman We understand that General Bcau rd was to as-time command. u loiui ui wrurint iicaureii iru Wl I lilKO any jBLnand lo serve his country, lie will piss f f'gh Ansusta In a tew days. le qui tnuncs are welcome to draw whatever lusion tbey pleauo. irrnlMbermnn'H Pertee Pliin fjnveriior lown'H ltt'ly to leuernl Nhnriiutii'ii nuNKtiAi. rukhm.vn's riiorosiTio.vs. Itie Confviitrate Union. much has een snld about the informal i-sge sent by ;ueral Sherman to Governor m, V tce-l'iesiilent htuphuns, and Senat ir ison, inviting them to vi-it t'leOeneril in nta, fur a con ference in reference to the state of unUtu.with (i i tap to neiinttntiom for wrdce.and e public mind has b, en nun h ex. ited upon t io .'ft, some ca ing that it is tho duty of these Icmcn to accept the duncral g invit ition an I eanellort to tuttle our duncultiei by nego jn ; others contendiin; that it was the duty of lovcrnor to have neized tho Oonoral's mes er. and havo l.itn bung us a tr dtor we havo, ho gratification of our own and tho curio-iiv stir readers, caded upon tho Uovernor and ireu aticr tne tacts. ie (lovcrnor, in reply to our inqairles, stated, Mr. William King, who represented himself I he bearer of a tnes-ago from Uenerai man, called upon him nnd attted subbtance. that Oenrral Shormin had lested him to say to the Governor that ho d be pleased to receive a visit from htm and - distinguished Georgians, with a view to a crenco upon tho slate of tho country, and Lf.ftlitmt.nr rf rflti.il,u. . !. . I... afid give tho Uovernor a oassnort through lines, with an caeort, if desired, to and return at such timo as might .recable to tutu; that bo (Umetal Shcruuu) ui.ed him (tiovernor Drown) as tho Govor- if thn alinln Klklu uml au . . . . L.in.lH..l gioi the tetritory of the State is now behind ninei, he (Geuoral hhcrman) would allow tho Horror to go and visit his ueonle in the rear If Hosired to look after their condition, and return i. pleasure ; that be would receive him and r distinguished Georgians at his he.idijuar and treat them with the respect and con ation due their positions during the confer wnlch be invited; that be did not wish to onipellcd to overrun and desolate mure of erritory of the State, &c. OOVBHNOH BROWN'S BBI'I.V. tor bearing the statement of Mr. King, the imor replied : ease make to General Rhermnn an ikViia. luent oi .TV obligation for the nersonnl , ,,i.r. it which s say Q propose! to ex tend to me. lias be Is only a general commanding an urmy tv ueiu. mii a iuo uuveruor oi a ol.tte, ueittier ronslitutlon of bis country nor ol my own jera upon us any power to negotiate a treaty Icace. We probanly bold but few sentiments nmion; but, If wa should agree iu every i iilur, we would have power to bind noouo tiy compact we might make. i our interview could therefore roinlt Is lug practical, I must decline the invitation. io the portion of the State now in tho rear of ral Hberman's anny is held bv him. and the iiitlon of the lawi of tho State suspended by j u tuiuc, a kuuw ui on service wiiicn 1 CJtlltl jor to tho people of that section by a personal i i eouiu oetier incirconiiitlon or initlgate ulferlngs, I would, on their account, cheer- go, at uie expense oi any inconvenience or ual sticrillce which the trip might co,t ine. tne remurK mat uenerai ."Sherman does not to be compelled to overrun and desolate ui mo icrriiory oi ueorgia, 1 reply mat no itlslon rests upon him to attempt i his, unless the cruel orders of his Government. If lm t tho eifort, be will tint! much greater ditti sin the way of bis advance for the mv ired miles than those encountered during iimcu Hum uiiiion to Atlanta, uoorgutmay hly be oveiTun, but can never be submitted. her people will never treat with a conqueror nur sou. as a sovereign state she bad the ubtcd risht to di-solve I iflr i'nnntrriftn wirli lioVLTtiiiicut of (he i nit d Kr ates when tlin a .act bad been violated by the other States of luuicuuracv, uu w loriu ft new compact, U DUO UIIB UUI1U. I Is its sovereign to-dar n site wai tho diy teceded from Uie old Union, and has tha : power, by a convention of her laioule. which .ben had, to resume all delegated powers and ie uiuiouica oi sovereignty, una men to de i war, negotiate treaties of peace and do all r acts which a sovereign State may do. While power rests in her people, who aro the origi. sources of all sovereignty, her constitution. Used tlV tllAln baa ,o..-wl a,t..h .w,... tt'. fc. 'i:,r- " v,"""''"' 3 " o' maht not bo overlooked, however, While Georitla UOSMLSikiii thn snwArniirii x to act separately, her faith, which never and I trust never will be violated, it pledged ' rong implication to her Southern sisters, that ni t not exercise this power without conseut lielrpart and concert of action with thein. eague wilU her BomUwa isti (Slates, aha L enter ! Into this eontest with fnll knorledof all the responsibilities which atti hed to tho act; and, come weal or woe, "ho will never withdra ftom It in ili-honor However nne inal in ty bo the proportion or millming or saerl'l o which her peoplo may have to endure, she will never make cp"ra e l im with the em my which may Iree ber terriifirv from invasion and leavo her con federates in the lurch. Whan v,r may be the opinion of herpnonle as Ui the jit-tic.- done ber by the Cnutedei a e ai iimi ir u t mi, sin- will triumph with her C uif rate sisl- r , or she will sink wiih tin in In eoin u in rum. 1 1 , inteiliiri ut peop of tie or ri.t alresiv in ih l-t.i.,11, slid our enemy will so n Ie im, that tlii ii'iji in nocnt expression of conde nnatmn ut tin Aon mi ti atton ts one t'd'n;, an-i d sloy illy to i i,i -,.Lri il cause Is another nd iiioe a iliiKir cm thills. Winn-the peoi. lent (i,',.,n. Hiink I' ir tin in-- vi s.niid will not blind, y app ami thi m( Ttian. f:i'iui in of tin ir rn eis, they "ill ooor vn I in- iru .ciplt lornxpcdiefiry, nr iiCi ep; ills honor for n ,til. Tin lound ition of our Government and the lilH-iiiisof tiie i-eopi,' i, .i iifioii n,e n iver-1 j i'v ol tho State1 as their rh'ef coiner-st ine. lie r .f the foun UMi y ot tlic M ros and t li h oe laone Inlis to tin-c, oiind, a id ce ntr iit,e I po ver w it:i iin paiy di-puii-ni tases the place if on-tiu-tionul fbt'i iv , When the pi-hns of the people N rth an I South have sutlii 1 1 tly suit ided, wfl nn nnkt s nee b I eg. I n t ion, bin never ny the s vorl. It Mr. Lincoln would bivn peace and pios erity re-e-i it, i-h' d nou a lirin tiios, lo: Inm slop the war, an!, pliuinig Irn-elf iioori 1 1 1 s ptii eiph sol the I) elii, alio i ef In l.'p'Mid"nre ot' l?7ti, lit htm rtiMgine i li : soeriirmv of '.he St.iti s, and a::r t to h-av e cic'i - i r, ifii st e io ileie, mini for hcrseil.br a ('onv.or.ioii of h -r pt-ople, whose delegates sli ill be 1 1 i 1 1 V" chosen ly the legal voters ol the State, with nit in litarv iu l rti rem e or liitiinid.i'ion, whu shill be her lutnrc connec'ion whether -ho will ronn ita, or, if out. n turn to the old I'nioii, or adhere to lo r present li- .Kiie. There may be (lou'its whehetr Kentie'r, Mis foiui, and prob ibly other Mates, d. sire to c.in tin lie tin ir Colineilioii with the Inicd S'n.os or to cast thdr lot wi'h the Conicdi rate Srnti . Tho only just mode of so.ving tlie-c doubts is thn una above indicated. If theso or anv other of ihn Sonth'Tn States should, In pcl -mn cotiven ion, deeido tn go with tho I't.ln d Stvm, n t In r the Ootileilcraie Oovcrnnn tit northe other St i'es ( in ohicet. We cinnot govern Ken'tukv, for in stance, against her will, unb3 wc can autiiuito her. This we have no power ti do.wlthtbe Nor'h rn F tales at hi r back ; and if wo hud the power, wa have no right to coorce a sovereign statu into a connection which is not of hor ovn choice. If this wero dmio we must, in future, govern her people by the bayonet, which would convert our icputilicanism into the worst speclmot desp itia-n. So It must tie with the N irth if Mr. Lincoln suc ceeded in his policy of conquering us. If we were overrun, and lor a time stt'itlued, onr territory is so vast in extent, and our popu lation so large, that it would take a regular army of two bundled thousand men to govern and hold us in subjection. The support of such an army wolud not only continue the coun'ry in limk rupcy, but in the baudsof the Kxecutive It would soon be used to subvert even the form of tho Government, and change it from a republic to a monarchy. Thus to destroy our liberties must cost tho Notthern people their own; and the republicanism, of Amcri a must in future bo a reproach nnd a byword among all nations. If I'rcsidcnt Lincoln and I'lcsidont lUvli will Bgr.e to stop tho war and transfer tho settlement of the issues from the b.ittlc-lield to thn li lot fox, leaving each sovereign Stale to determine for herself what shall heb r connection, ami wno her luture alms, the present devast ition, b'o d shed, nnd cart itgo will cease, and iwtco auJ pros perity will be restored to tho whole countrc. On the other hand, if this is not done, tin: war will last for years to come, till both sides arc exhausted and overwhelmed with dolit ami Uxit tion, when It may degenerate into a guerilla strife, the end of which may not be seen hy tie present gem ration, and tho ham engendered by wii.cll will last through many future generations. Neither General Sherman nor I cau on'.rol this, however much we may deplore it If those on both Bides who havo tho constitu tional power of negotiation, from obstinacy or rmbitl'iu, rctnse. to recognize tho s tvcrcigiity of the States, and to leave tho settlement or tho question to Ilia States w hen thev cannot them selves agree, and insist on continual ell isl on of blood to gratify their capri-o, all the States, North and South, In their ollleial capacity , may then be justlliable In taking the matter into their own hands aud settling it as sovoroigus in their own way. NIIKUIIIAM AND t:ltl.V. Pair) .Tubal to Thilip, you'ro a pretty ni"c man, And Iwoubl likeatasteof your best .S'lerry-dan : I will furnish the treat, said l'uil, so it be, That you in return will re treat, Jiili.il K. "Lis a bareain, said Jubal (ho thought l'hll Was punning), Hut the tc-tiiat be gave all ended in running; For wine that is good, I'hil, I am a great sticker, But I think of the two, you've proved the best litktT; When of YankecB I next (ind that I am in need, I'll avoid .SieT7-dan and try and t ike Aleailc. "iriHF.MNr.a." Tho Coperhoad papers aro n'wiiy s praiing of ' Lincoln's hirelings," b it their candxla'c still per Ists in holding the po. ition of one of Lincoln s hirelings, ut a lii'gij salary, too. Vk.vu a Smii.r. You can, If yon w ill, livo among beiiutitul llowcrs and singing birds, cr in the Intro, surrounded by fogs and frogs, l'he nmouii' of hap dues which you can prod tea is in calculable il yon will show a smiling f.ice, a kind In art, nnd pleasant words. On the other ban I, by sour looks, cross words, and a fretful dispo-itton, you cun make hundreds unhappy almost beyond endurance. Which will you do ? Wear a pleasant countenance let j v beam In your eve, mil lovo on your I'orclieaifT There is no joy -o great as that which springs from a kind art or a pleasant di ed ; and yon may feel it ut night when yo t rest, anil nt morning when you lise, and through the, day when ubout your daily business. F.x mAORMNAKV Mkmoiiy. Senooa aiys of bini-elf, that by tho mere ell jfts of his natural inimorybe was able to repeat two thousand Wi rds upon once hearing them, each in its order, though they hud no dependence or i ounce ion up in each other. Alter which ho mentioned a friend of his, 1'ontius Latro, who returned In his monio.y all the orations be had ever spoken, aud never found bis memory fail him, even in a single word, lie also mentions C'yucas, ambassador to the Unmans from King Tyrrhus, who In one day no will learned the names of his inspectors, that the next day be saluted the whole S-nste, ami all the populace assembled, each hy his name. Flinv says that Cyrus knew erery soldier in hm army by narmt ; aud L. Sciplo all tin people of Home. Ilerr von Nicublin, Ibo celebrated Ger man scholar, was once a clerk lu the Dink of Copenhagen, in which capacity he give proof ot the miraculous power of bis memory by restoring, fiom recollection alone, the who e contents of a leal in the bank ledger which b id been lout by fraud or accident. Eachkl Stcovino her Part. It seems from the testimony of M. Jatiin, one of It tchel'i most profuse admirers, thaf'the Muso of Israel" was unything but the laborious student which might have been inferred from the cuaugcle-a style of ber acting. Referring to the revival of "F.sthor," Btid to Hacbcl's failure when she tried the p irt, M. Janin very coolly suggests that she under stood nothing about It. having never read the Old Testament. (She died, recollect, In strict Hebraism, though her rooms wero docked w.th ft. Veronica handkerchiefs, rosaries, an j cruct lixes.) The lively critic goes on to clench this upposltion with a fact cotnmunl ated to him, he says, by M. Alexandre Dumas, the younger. When Rachel was rehearsing in the elderDntu as' play, the part of "Mad'lle de belle Isle," watch Mara bad created so admirably at the moment when "La Marquise" says to the heroine, "Ho you recollect the 111 fortune of Fouiiuct f" Mad'lle Kaehel made an admirable gesture. "Good," cried Alexander the Greater, "that is just it. Yon know, then, the story of Fouuet ?" "1!" was the answer; "not a word! but whou you say to me , 'Do you recollect the ill fortune of Fouquet f'of course I must tremble and be afraid. "What need is there for mo to trouble myself about Fouritiet and his ill fortune r " Atlienu urn. Statistics op Si'icide. M. Legoyt, who has written a very extensive work on this subject, is of opinion (l)that suicide increase more rapidly than either the population or general mortality in all the following countries : liav.iria, Hanover, France, Mecklenburg, Prussia, the kingdom of Saxony, and Sweden. (2) Contrary lo the usual opinion, Knglaud ranks lowest in the scale, as regards (Ire'tuency of suicides. Denmark and Mortli Germany stand bighorn, and F rance occu pies a middle position. (.1) There are generally about thirty suicides of women to a hundred male enii ides. (4) The number Increases with age up to about sixty or seventy years. (5) The number is smallest in January una greatest iu July. ((') Women are more iulluenced by moral agencies, men by material ones. (7) Among married per sons the number of suicides is smallest; u is larger among the unmarried, and attains its greatest limit among those who have been sepa rated or divorced, (b) In Prussia it has been calculated, that of every million of Inhabitants the Protectants give 163 suicides, the Jews 61, and the Catholics only 47. (0) Suicides are far more frequent in large towni than in other portions of the country. Of all the conclusion! deducible from the foregoing statistical account, the most astounding one is that suicide is generally and rapidly increasing; and this the author supposes to be due to the natural consequence or the Intensely clvllutlJ ( ) CUn4iligu luto which w.0 are pamiug. AlLY JlYN0 mEGnAPnPinLADKLriirA, The Rev. Dr. Stone, of Boston, has accepted a call Irom San Francl-ro. Tbe rrsideac of 1',. IVsblne Smith, In V'itts fnrrl, Monroe conn'y, Nvw York, was destroyed by lire on Wcdncsd .y nigi.t iat. Kxrsfrlcnce take- very high ti hool wages, but she teaches tike no o her. Good .nature.1 wnmon are angel. T S. Alw iys (.opposing thnnto bo g od looking. ofi.iA. Dr. Months vs. "Ths ta'e bearer and th lal--he.-nci should be handed u ,i together, Hn) lot .nor by the toi guo and the latter by the ear." Two lovers, like the to halves of a dlvlds I bank tut", bo.vever wblely snpar.ited, al.fsis corifspond wl'b esch other. The wife is the sun of this an-IV syjt.ou. Vu!e-s she attm is. there is n thlng t , , ,, lnsv.nl; liodies like huslninds from lljingoir iuto spai t . "1 live in J'lliVs eves," said an ail'.-e M dandy, in Col neiti's h 'irn-.r ! doti'i w n icr t I'," rep d (" or.'e, -s-oce I 'sei vo s ic ha 1 a 'i in tin in ivheii I saw bi-i last " An or itur In J't-n illi , I'l., ai I f,. inoiitbs inm waei. ttie war wis nor t ie "biaie toi-Hlo.' of t,n MoihI: w i-jl I cone Noitn and c! urn tin ir f iir De demon as.' " Mr. Spergeon In- n -tiled fiom the Kvan geltcal A Mi nice, on in-; t . th - il:sssii-.f,ir i-m gin ti to the Church ol Kng and iy s. rrtious oa'n i,--tism and ie:o netai: -n. A h i r wrote thus to , sv, e-!i, a- t (). Icila'-l curling von a e s ,iui,.K, t,. h.T wou d blu-h In lour piesi-u.-e, an I gneu tre ic o stand appalled." "Wat thar," said a lloosii-r wo-n in, arter lls teninK to th, no'i s of a gu. tar in the hmd. of a la-ty. "I've In ered of i latint rs ufoip, but th it's the Inst one I ever seed.'' An Irldnn in who had been asked to furnish tirool of Id- m irri igi, took oil hi- b it Hn 1 ri li hited a scar on bis lo ad. ' Il-re"sail he, "is itic inarriage c rt ti -is'i-. Tli it's Judy', in irk." A philosopher writes to a tailor who had failed to got readv his ivedd'n.'" nlt. "It was no serious disappointment ; only I slioul 1 h ive lic-n tiiarnctl if I had received the goods." That man will never be scrl msly disappointed. Aduin was fond of his join s, and when ho saw his sons and daughters marrying one ano ther, he dryly n m irked to F.ve, that il there bad been uu apple, tacio would havo been no ywimn7. A French General, well known In Kngtish circles, who had tho misfortune to bo bald headed, said that he wished to make a present to a lady, nnd to give her -omething rare. "Give her a luck of your h iir," a nd a friend. Miss llatenian has arrived safely In F.nglan I, and commenced an engigetnent at Livurp nil. She go. a thence to Hirmingh am, Dublin, unit Maiicbe-tcr, uud w ill appear at the Adclphl, Lon don, In January next. James II remarked one day to his courtiers : "I never knew a modest man make bis way at court." To this a g-ntloinaii present roplie I : "Please, your Majesty, ieiue fault iithit r" The King was Btrtick with the answer, and remained silent. A person In pttblh romnanv, accusing the frish nation with b .ing tho mo-t unpolished in tho world, was inlidly answered by an Irish gen tleman : "Tha: It might to be otherwise, for the Irl h met with hard rubs enough to pulishany nation upon earth." Not long ago somo work neoplo from Slief In Id took uu excursion to lladdon Hall. Pari liusscll hnpicned to pass, was recognized, and a-ked to "part ike of a glass of old Knglish chi-cr." Tha means beer, lie did drink a gla of beer; anil tho glass "so honored" was at ono,o purchasiil as a valtiablo souvenir! Late developments prove that on the spot nn which the present Hotel Dicu, or hospital, at Pit-m. Stands, there existed t a very remote period, ol course a temple of F.sctiluplus, where pagan priests professed to cure diseases by dosing t ieir patients with sacred lire. It Is stated that upwards of three bundled brlgandB are now congreg tted on Papal territory, and that their number is constantly increase I by the innlctaetors escaping from tho Putitilleal jails, or allowed to e-cape on the understanding that they are to make their way without lo -a of timo across the Italiau I'routi jr. A Paris corrosnnndent of the Loudon llernhl gives to bis p iper this profound bit of inform i tion: "Whilst on American afl'drs I may state that the reported fall of Atlanta is generally dis believed, and the report of the total discomliture of Grant is very generally prevalent." A married ladv, who was in tho habit of upending most of her time In thn s iclety of her neighbors, happened ono d ly to be suddenly taken III, and sent her husband in great baste for a physician. The hush and ran a short distan but soon n turned, nnxionslv exclaiming. "My dear, where shall I tind you when I re urn ?" A dancer nt Marseilles, named M id'do Pan ca'di, lately made i falsu step, a id fell into tho promp cr's box, which is sunk bcioir the s age, close to the footlights. She was not tiiuelihirt by the fall, but ber firms canto iu contact with the gas, nnd was instantly lu a Maze. Sue, h 'W cvir. promptly ex ricBled herself, and w is running aeioss the stage, w In n the iniiu iger can ,'ht her iu his arms, nnd succeeded in extinguishing tuo Humes bei'oie any f ital I jury was dime. A young woman threw her-elf into tho Scioto rivir at C dtinilnis, Ohio, last week ; Mr. was lescitcd bv a party of tui-ii working near bv. She bnd, however, taken so huge a dosn of laudanum that she iped In a shoit nine. At the rvcr side was found a bun-lb 'X, in vlileti s ic had plui-t'd ber bonw t anil a note of explauat on, requt sting that tho piled bn sunt to Asli oy, Ohio. She died calling upon "Gilbert," thi naiuo of her deci iver Children should never be entertained with stories of glin ts or iniir I-ri. Tho sooner the " raw bead anil bluodv hone" school of cine oj m Is abolished the better. 'I heso horrible tils make a most forcible impiesslun on the m n Is of ynurtg people, which it may re pi Ire yoa'9 to eradicate. Never (tighten a cbH. If of a deli cate, timid temperament, it may be injured f-T lite by such a practice ; and even hold chil.li'ei may bo convened nto arrant cowards. Mum si. A Indywho bad b itste.l highlv at a dinu r party of the good manners of her little darling, a Idresscd him thus : "Chnrlio, my dear, won't you have onie beans " "No," was tho ill-mannered reply of the petu lant cherub. "No!" (jxeluimcd the astonished mother: "No what )" "No beans," said the child.' The cliler Mathews one day nrrived at a for lon coun'ry Inn, and mldr sslng a litgiibrl ous waiter, intitilred If ho con It! hivo a chicken and asparagus. The mysterious serv ng-m in shook bn bead. "Cau I have a duck, then ?" ' No, t r." "Havo you uny itiutiou-cb ips i" "Not one, sir." "Then, as you have no eatables, bring mo some thing in drink. Have you any spirits ?" ''Sir," r'-plit d the man, with a profound sigh, "wears out of spirits." "I'hen, In woinlnr's na ua, what have jou got in tho hottso " "An executloo, sir!" A gentleman briggltig of having killed a paniber whose tall was three feet lung, llrovn observed that the animal died seasonably, aj the tail was long enough not to he continued. -I Tf-ini-uititr th hour. I rcruenila.r ths eUv, 1 art! saw thee, ln- love il duriii a pise, Vt were thfii Ititriatuefu:, ami I utleri-a iiiyrta, And vsf-nrted ibre h.ans in irol4H-t llieo rrom hana. I luld tluss iuv luve tin- ih ti'itir esnui to iiurt. And Ntr,.tui il ttn-n with uril..r nlots, clots to nv heart ; ILul there cams rrnm thv parted lips, era mine they uipt A tlni-il ot mast iiil,ni I nu'er can Turst. Kecently In Parma, a funeral proceslon, on its return from an Interment in the cemetery without the walls, was stopped at the gates by an over-zealous Custom House otllcial, who tarilt'ln hand, assessed at in much a pound the wax cau dle carried by the mourners, uud insisted on the payment of the duty. Tbe-e candles two or even three feet in length, nnd thick In proportion ore th perquisites of the mourner, who aro generally persons of humble condition, and the dispute waxed hot ; but, or its being distinctly shown that the candles, having been bought in the city, must have already paid the duty, the sapient official proved open to couvictlon, aud consented to waive his claim. Dead Rings are forgotten nearly as Boon ns ordinary folk. In February lust, at Copenhagen, all wero in mourning for the late king. It wa not tho outer show, but thero was deep mourning of the heart. His likeness in half ado.en uniforms, and in every shape, was hung in every window ; while it wasdilbcult to rind a portrait of Christian IX. Gradually the new king likenesses in creased in number, and they generally wero barging side by side with those of his predecessor. Now the marked and blull ligure of poor Frede rick Y1I i scarcely seen pietorially, while in every size and form the gentlemanly face of Christian IX in exhibited to Uie eye of till pois ing subject. A worthy old farmer, residing In the vicinity of Lake Mabopac, was worried lo death last sum mer Ly boarders. They found fault with hi table, and said he had nothing lit to eat. "Darn it," iaid old Isaac ouo day, "what'a fuss you're making. I can eat anything." "Cau you eat a crow ?" "Yea, I kin ent a crow." "Ilet you a hat," said the guest. The bet was uiade, the crow caught and nicely roasted, but before serving up Ibcv contrived to tt-ason it with a good dose of Scotch sun if. Isaac (at down to the crow, be took a good bite, and began to chew away. "Yes, I kin eat crow (another bit and an awful face) I kin eat wow ; but I'll W dtirccd tf 1 luuiktr tutor It." A GLAS3 OT MADEIRA. A few years ago the visitor to Madeira found the lindtiliiiitig hills and volcanic peaks on whi h the sngar-cntie now tlouiishos nukiy ti 1 i ova led with vineyard. For y different uneclos of rrnpi produced Ine. Hut In the autumn of Is'i" the w ino disease suddenly broke out, an I slid rapes unt heeled. With the return ol spring i-rrii es the deadly malady, whose Sole cause is a small ftingas, the olinm Tw'K ri, wl.ic i settles on the leans, In the form of a (itio white p w I t. Ihc l.-avrs dry up, and aro tina'dc to pi iform ti.eir mm inm of inhal t.g r, r n, an I ehahn osyi.t n. 1 he respiration i ml n in ishm ni of the t plant are chccl.i d, it gro s sickly anJ t esses to bear fruit, am! if not npiooted gradua .y p. io s to death . 'I in vme ni.si an his md only entailed ruin on m nv r. . ! , ,., i, ir ;n,.i n inttrcha-its, tint h ts il-o i m ni d n v i n lj i-xti noe l iml n n e nt, r tn so, hi ., I iti,i. ,, the il and. Wn. n he ln(ero,i tl-. II, iweive es,s ngo, tt was seeomp in e I tiy ill t an break of the. pon.t i oi-oase, mi.l the twi I--: e l.u-; iininccd ,-t ir .tion amirr tho poorut i'hsm .. S,.,i p, i. si mis died of hunger, an I tnoie won nl ban-sh nc.l the -a.ne I d , had not no- (on i li me ban s in 1- audi l form id a eo.n n It ii, tin, I olii.on d Itoui 1- n: Uu I and ihn tn ten Suites r limey and iirov.si ns to the vaiui ot t if to tin ui, ,,u pi,, hun-tied pounds. I is is tm. . in d t-.oii -iioi io the el'-ease tha avi rege i r. .tin - niiiotin rd to B'i, at ttitriy ttiou ..nil i ipi s, ot whe-h two thirds w.-re Or ink o i the i-lnnil or (m, tinted in o spirit-. Iu isi't. Pun tei n Ihoi'SHiid tour htnidr. d and thirty-two lies b !t the l-iai.d ; iil.s,','i oulvtwii tUo.i-aud linn cighty-livi ; in I . probali'y no: a single lm e w t I tie stiii.ed. Ttm gee, it. r fo tion or th t iptrtid wino torn rally went to l',n.;l in-l tlioiigh l. t'irli the cotisuuip lou Iheri) has sl'gh'li ih-cieHsi J, wh Ie it 11 is nsi n to the suno t r.n m in li u -sia nnd Ninth Ann rl a. I hm notiiiotis viu age of car i. r years is now all hut iii'iienl lo a cipher. O il n il M.iteira will soon Ik: a ran y e ven on the Island, a id Hu ll vine growing, for which the v. anic sod is adnnraiily suited, will only po se-s historic mte-le-.-t. 01 course ine wbo e world will coiiiiiiuo to dtlnk pr.ti titled Madeira, which will hardly be alb cud by milium, tnanks to our enterprising wiiie uiiiiiiilai tiit-ng m. reliant. All the remedies employed against tha disea-o wero in-eless. Su.phur sligh ly checked tho malady, but Hpolled the wina; varnish pr.nected the leaves fiom the tmigtia, but injur. l the health ot the p ut.t. At last the desperate resolution was loiuied of d-g;ting tin the old vities aud planting young ones. Vines Imported from Cyi rus and elsewhere, after being properly cud -valed lot a w hoe on the island, will ae, pure the propiriics id the old renowned vin-vards, always assuming hm they aro not assailed by the disease. L Is sup, .used that tho first vines wero brought to Madeira Irom Cyprus and Can, Ha about the year M'-o, and in time acquired lirst ruto piopi tties through thu character of the soil and the mngndiceiit climate. If Matleira vines now be conveyed to Cypius, thev produce lor the first few years a wino very like Madeira; but they gradually lose their peculiar qualities, aud eventually rcM-mble the vines which havo been grow ing lor centuries in their native laud. Although the vine naturalized inMileirt a lew ycai alter tho discovery of tho island, it was not cultivated to any exti-n' till tha hogjn. mug of the sixteenth century. In those ilas, we lead lurtlicr, thn vintage usually took placa in September in tho south, and three or four wcik.s atcr In the north, aecoidiug to tho sltua t i ii tif the vino arils and their elevation a hivo tl o sea. 1'ho nits and luards, whi u prop iga ed iu chorine Us number, usually destroyed one hlb s-t the crop; after the grapes were gatuerul, they were tbnmii into a clumsy wooden trough, and ptcssed by the naked feet o,' tho vintagers. This ptimltivo method of extructini; the juice litres tiom it veiy e.iny ;riod Tho picture of iho ancient Egyptians represemt this process, and iu the c-cr'ptuies, us well us in several Latin poms, piu.sng, uin found which seem to prove that the nut icnt lb brews und the tribe ol Italy adopted tins method. Wbcu tho lirst juice had been expressed, tho ten, iiiinng in, i s was collected, tied together, a d pressed once more. Tne must (mo-to), however, was collcctuil in a tub, trim ported to the cellars in goatskins, unit pl.tce-t thero iu casks, w heie t e piiieessof (cniicnt ition went on for four or live wei ks, niter w hi h thn wine w as transferred to other casks, for the pti po e of hung lined with eggs, bullocks' blood, or, more frequently gp. si, in. 1'iev ioiisIv, ho eiei, about leu b ntics of britudy were iid.ied to each plie, in order to pro vcut the I'oriiiution of ace in acid : tin brandy w h uf home lien utiicttiro, being ni uie ot tint worst sons of wine, such as Sao Vi -elite and l'nrio Santo. A ccit.nn amount of wa or was also milled to the dr, gs, mi h fearful bevoraga, ca led Agonpc (Tout wati r), was ihas predated, held iu gn tit esteem by the low er clas os. 'J he w mes wero kept in cedar of moderate and settled teiiiperiituie; tne only exception wn the Tiutii, pti sentiy to oc mentioned. Ihn purer doit werr submitted for six tn nitlis alter ferine n t it Ion to a tempi rattirn of fifty ur aixyd grtc Ccnligr de; lor ihc heat was supposed to rentier n timber leyingdown untie, -ess iry. IWhs iolcnt piot-e-ss the wine actpnred a eeitatn II i'or ot age , hut with it a diy uud s.uohy taste, winch cotihi in vi r be entlrtlv reu.ovcd. 't lie bsttcr sur s, howi vcr, war.- In d by for year- ii. the i t d tniiy ti iii.etaiurc. The -n stw iin wero prod tcod uitong the soiit i c nisi, and ivere pro l iMy anri vil, eil in the wold lor bouquet, -o'tuuss, and Hai r. The re is ni why they h ive, g.-adu illy sunk in the esiieiu of hng ish c ins'itiier.s v i , I bo lound iu the iiii-t. ttiat, oning to the gr :at dum and (or tho w-int a an I their high price e-pc ally during the N.ipnlnmic war, many lucrch n lj of I nnehiil Here t'.h.ptel ti sell lilfcil r nines a, brt-t e-lnss. l or iho pTtcding remark wo nrc ehicllv in eb bti tl lo u w ine tnirchaiit of Santa Crua, who bus livid on tlic bland for nearly li lly years, has ucquiitii an iiinncnse f rtunu, ami Is universally p gurci o as i lie authority on tin- s inject Accord ing io tins (.i i .firman, the following sort were tin most en ii lua o I : 1. Mai.a'.i.. A hright-co'orc I, Iienvy, very liroii.iuic Mm, , m nn-. Ir nn the iio.-oi rnnlida. It is pro'tatilc ilia' the la-ter w ir.l Is a corruption ol C.Mlia, tne l nt vu I .nil of this gripe. Tuo beriy is boge, oval, and of a golden huu wli-u llpe. I he liuest n ines of this class wero made ut Fa.rnda dos Pad es, which f irmt rly I'donge I to the J suits, and at Paul do Mar, b ah pi a 'in west id Fiiuelhil. As this rape was very de idle, and easily spoilt d, it was tin- nearest ol all the wines ; the p pc In iuv put a hi o, id for from sen ntr-tive lo eiphiy-llve pounds, or ic.irly thr-e shill ugs a Ixiille ilrst co-t. I hi wine is no longer exported, and the- small stock slid in existence, fctcuus teu gbillii gs a t ait He ou thu island. 2. SmciAi. A dry, bright-colored wino, with a powerlui boinpict, produced Irom the Ktienish iraa. Ii was um drunk till it was tight yours oi age, but then it was considered by conn iitoitra the best und hculthiust sort. The young winu hail an ( M-ectliiigly ilis grrc.ible taste, and the grape itself whs so sour and nneatuble tuat even the lizard wouid not much it, which Is saying a good deal. The cost prl :e was from seventy to eighty pounds per pipe. 3. '1 1 nta. or Midtdra-Rurgnndy. A dark, pl.-asuntty flavored wino, made from tho small black burgundy grata). It almost black color eniuna'ed Irom the skin-, which remained in the wine during termeniatioti, aud imparted to it the astringent tsistu of port. It was usu illy drunk out mg the lirst or second year. After lint period it gradually lost its debcitc nroin l and bouquet. Thu pipe fetched from sixty to seventy pounds. 4. HfAL. A pleasant wine, ra'her light, made from a handsome, round, straw-colored grape, which huu to be cut as s .on as it rip-med, or it dried up uud yielded but little juice. This wino wa equally good, whether young or old, aud fetched from evenly to eighty pounds pur pipe. 6. Day Madi:iha (most made in the island, and most extensively Imported) w as composed of a mixture of various sort. The best winu w.n produced from Fnuehul and the village of Cotn pauario, in the districts of Cam do Lobos und Kslreito. It was supposed that this wine was dried and Improved by a voyage to tho Kan or West Indies ; hence it reached the Loudon market under the title of "Hast or West India Madeira," while that which was shipped directly from Madeira to Kngland was called "Loudon pui'tlcu lar." Thi is the only Madeira at present pro curable in Kuropo. Tho usual prico was lormei ly twenty-live to Inly pound the pipe, but alter tha outbreak of the vino disease it became from i.l'y to toj-hty pounds. Other mixtures of ibllereut ort produce Verdelho, Uasuardo, Ncgrlnhi, Ao. It was generally as-timed that an acre of aver age latnl yielded a little over a pipe of wino, b,:t four i es were the largest inutility ever grown on a single r.cre. The best Soil for tho vines was a mixture ef red and yellow tufa: a wenther worn busult was uiso Itiioivn a yielding aod, While a slilf clayey one was of no use. The grapes never ripened at a greater height than littecn hundred feet above the sea level; for, though vine were planted at two thouand feet, and bore grur ', the wine made from them was ulways of a very moderate quality. It wa believed that if tho grupca were to regain their good quailties, a fresh til ol vine was requ.site every twenty year. A great deal, however, depends on tne soil and the week of cultivation. A vino which is carelessly attended to in poor soil loses it virtue iu eight or ten year; yet the same vine, if rartdully tended in good sod, will lose uoue el iu disliuguUliiug qualities iu litty year. l ead In I lie Or A wg fayi thit the reason, why MoClcUaa look rtfuge on bouJ the UaUna wi tbul bti r ferred Uil iu Hie vre raUier tliua 10 Uitj luuun MONDAY, OCTOBER 10, Iprenf of "Hell NinltH." Tho Cincinnati paper announce the death In that city of Mrs. Louisa P ait, wife of Judge Don Plait, and widily known In literary circles by the not di-plome of " Hell Smith." Mr. Pratt bad been an occasional contributor, con amnre, to tho lli-ne Jimrnnl, of New York, aud to ev ra! of Iho b adiini nisgaxtnes lu this coun'ry, nnil sho was the fio'hunss of a sparkling vo limn entitled " Ih II Stn ths Tiavels," which Ine liter try world received II itteringly a few years ago. Iheden-asrd was a laiiv of rare attainments end fi lm, mei t ; she ha I mingle I in the highest f.rniti-s ot cultivs'i-d society in Ktiroia" aud Vne in a at d in ti e con-act had eattl, il nay and etiiim d no m re ol Cut Mist there found than she nmi ty it-panl from the ni nes of her ostii Milllntit tnPiii and polished manner. Sim ban- i V "bl titled ressun with ph a ur", and wis lotn w uh ninth." In r bio whs more I liana mere walk ing shallow, 1 1, s er ill tn1 fr-s-a t.), ,.lf t, ,n t.f t ers, At ii b-tt Is li, hi J t in ,rt " Though yoitin In yenra, her life was Inn?, s-ni-H il ai siterid life's great f-tnl, a-id t t th ise who kiiev It. r In Intately, she is 'u it if id, but goiiO la foic " lip rnitk't tiistitsn at tiist t tsir flitht." IJOOI'lillH yVlU VAUI.TH, S.E.Cor. THIRDand CUESNUr Eu., T tidcr U. S Telegraph O.'Hce. f)ll STOCK ALU ALWAYS ON HANI). fit It I'ltAf I'll 1, WiKI. I.KC-", WIIISKIKH. CAI,ir'OI.NT (JATAWIbV WINKS. SCOTCH AND AMKP.ICAN ALKS Alfl) PltOVtN S10UT. TMs rel'-h-tleS o it t'und hsvi-R lsen rottova'i-'l an.t thi.lnnrlil rrrt'i-d t ii imp nt ti.e flastl staikt ef Met S'ltrlin rr l.tfju ir. In the cit) . t is prer-rMnr Inttt-i th liiihlet.1 give tnntit l, tunodrnt at lis l nf tlirir an piovl. t 3d (mw la iOIIA It I tV. ., APOTHEO AKIES, ltilci tn fin) I1UM.. I'cvarrii mr ry, U'ollot Artlolo r.UAMJlL'A, V'INK(4,iio.,soiiIoii;y for Meillc.nl pur ro'ti. lo ti lm No. 1228 CHESNUT STREET- DKAI'NESS, HMNHNKSS, AND OA TrVltRU. -.1. ltAA H. M. l , pMifwK.r ( f tri.- hr mml Kr, HfHfit Mil tilit n-c tritrtuitiii- to lie h'mvi- iikiui.it w Ii Uie lilliiool Mli:crai. I'm lim nlnlg liuid h nwtilt nwUhln S'Mii cv in thi rn v run n i ti ' hi ufllff, Nn. .'ill l' K Ht'i-H. Th Mi'lhni mi-ii It v mrv invitftt lo aivoim'Mi v thuir ptttirittn, uu hv. h.i, no hi-cruti 111 lux iruoUce, lit-si f 1'IIITI VIHfilV V OV AXTIMiK. IT 'I 'ti1' ?xiiilrwff ( uMU'tif Imi no p'lu! fur iM'Aiiti'V It'ir. Wiifinhif , (Utd j.M' fi liijf tic coinpirxi irt It ! ro (rrif fWmi Miir w Mii' ax, licii'-c Uu t'xtratinllnary tjunll tit ' It r rr i ii)i tliu tkln, utftkhiK it null, Tmii, juii Niifi, nil trariT'rt-nt. It h moU iv.ih(i ( iiMcr Inf, rurtr-i rliipftt Hm 'Is mut li, r iiivi- ihiuiiIm, blott 'iui, tin, fn'nlc, ni Mii.l'.iin iti.-l Impart A frl lint 'c tin n ",ajit an nv I'rtre . , :. an-l ;s i-tn:i. IM'r A i O., o. itri.M.;VKNTH hmai, amlNo.41 a.RtuHTil huuii. lu 3in 1ATUNTI'.1 JULY 19, 1801.- J O S R I' U I Mill rKT. Kleve lu Paris. French Ntimra Urslni ftiitl Hceiirlus' mi any ktn.t ot wsBt-lii apparal, hir l.ml'si, llenta. abil I hll.tren. I'atfnt aei-aratiia ir streu-htiuj t-ants rrem o ti to IWa ttieesa. s,. 7;w RACK Htrttai, Iranab Mo. nv a. NIN rn Htrsat. fsilaa.-liihia aulllm SHIPPING. aTK STEAM WEEKLY TO LIVKR- tn'iiiSian pxl toiicMn(T at Qui t first, wn, ( ork Harbor. - lid win kiiom n tueamni-a of thn ci mmI, Nnw Yark, aid 1" hi in-lit iMti tStt'MUilnp ( ouipany art TntuuUeU to Ail an lollowa i'l lY UK HAI TIMOItf,. Hatunlajr, October (l. VINA,' tMrti.Y. om.txrr 1ft. KI)JMU:it(. Haiunlnv,i-tier Y! Aril vvi-i v BiicrtMttiHK Hatuntay. ai noon, rnni Pier No 44 Ntftji kivor. Fir-t al'iii ltii tut Mr(o $ iO ()) K r' ;;dthi t I,' rdoti I "mut Stiemve ts I '.titloii... t;n in) r iiMt n. a to n., !itUt MttM-rani' t I'arU H' (h) 1-I'ni OHhlr tftHtimor n'Ht' liii 8ie rrit t Uiunirir. 74. "W I'a s ist tit-it a mIhu ioiwarili'tl to llavra, Itrvuien, Hot ten in in Attu eri. Ac , at riialv lowmtua. Iuriii (r in l,ivi rnn.l or iuf tiotoH n Tmt OaSIn, $1.hU, f. I7ii, f ilf H'tt-rakt rrutu l,lvrio. and QtiiMit tosA u. 7it. Tin r-ih. wUh i rjnjfnf Uimr Irtuaa cui buy ttt kr liero at idem ra. xoi luitJ er tinoitiintiuu ai'p'y Ht XV e (Vm,iaij otTii!a. JoiIn !AliK. Aicnt. Ho. Ill tVALNL I 8. reel, L'liiidoltliia. fWs, noNTON AND PHILADELPHIA JUtiiMKZ Hfttmai 1 Lin,-, aiiilinc rr ru onvh (ort on b.. i t i(l',Wf. iiom flt v.l r' xlm.a I' INK iifimf , Pfilla (I i I a a, d 1T(. Hh'irf, ItoNtori. Knuu ft rut wtuu-f anovc 11 N fc Ht i rt" . s-ii Haiu dm . OiMo!pr H, Vui. I h nt nt li HA Xlj . , ftlnithi vth, will aiil ram t'hlla tli iio( fi.r (t.itj'oii.ou Unlt, Ut'iidi. r M, a n' ok A M ; nni' the . amislMf Nt K , . Ut-kor. rrum R Uitn In' lti)ui'l hi, -ill udiiip lajr,4t 4 I . M. Titihr in ami at.ltiianiiai lU-Hnivn-Mi ftrm a rKi'-kr I'fi. , (.rt in x fi(,n. t'jpt (i .fi run. :itlly alllrll IiihuaiTt tilt r.iti) hi iiil L&tf Ui fruauuui OfiAitfvd on lilt Vl'flHt'lN. 1 rci. hta takfii at iar ra'oa. hni(MTH r n-r-i)otii tJ 'o fjcnrt Blip HWulj.U and BUli LaOliih witt thftr ummIm. -r I' teiht tt I iwrniKB fhctiiK flrf aioomnoiAttiini) apply to liKNKt WiNhiitt A ., Jt.4-U Ho. Mi I'KI.AWAKr. Ammiu. .tf . no -v n.iiM I.. m a, via I'tciwirv and lilrtial. 1't t )!., lut 'k nf In ill linfla ru .MaviiiK oa u IV eluck M ai h o'clock P. U., frou ttiiad pier l. o ainui htf(n Kor Tfi.lit, rhirh mV bi- in on arr(imn.Ja.tfn T.ifc, Hppi.v toll MAM M. HAJUh 4 Ci..No.)iin. DKLA W.iur. Aveinia RAlLhOAD LINES. NOIiTH PENNSYLVANIA ItAII.HOAD. H.IC BUlll MUM, itY t.fcH MiWN KASHIX, MAIH II l lll NK. UAi.LJ'O.S, Wn.Klii.SUa.UUi!., WIL J.iAtoblcltl FAl.I. Alt K A N IKMK VTM. O'luirtttCar MiMiA,,(Httfiiiii r li Pairncr luiini Mlu Unt n ti c M-.W I -It tjr, TMIKI tri-i't, iljvn 1 1n ii,iiM,)ut 1 1 1 i jntlL liiia. ituiiy (Uutitlttwa xciuid), aa loliVi,; . ai ? :ui A M OxprfKn) tor Iti-tltlrMieiu, AUeatown. Mini li 1 1'iii.K. M ilk fbrnrt. Wi iniii-.'irt. At H i A. M ( a t oiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiti) mr .uyltiwn. At 10 if A M. Ai-t:'iiiiuniia toitj tor ro'i xVrirJntjtoa. Ai i ;n f. M (At04'ntio.itii'i ) icr n vit.w,,. At :i 11 1. (v (Hr' in) lor Htttlfh' 'n. V mioii, AO. 'I Ink IimIii rVNi-l rh K 'Ut li it- IN ''. M,, nnd luaki'a cl090 conne ;i it'll wiin thr Na .h rnuv i chitmI lr Nw korh. y I ', I . P M Vail) l r !..vk- .t'.u n Ai 6 if . 51 ( AiHJontuu uatiuii) IV r Hothlcl.uw, AJIea ti'W ii. und Mauclt l.'ltuiik. i tr. P Xt ( ac..'Hiu.' tltio-) I ana.ialo. II V M, ( Arooliuiit daijou) tor Kori A'u.tliliin. 1 1 r-'ii'f. 'run t j ii t lr iTin-iin-1 at ihe lu Ret Ofllce, TIMKli Mtiati, it liUtf- ttticct, in nrder to (.t.uroili low vat mttn v( lari 'lhAlNH l-OH P(ULATKIiPIII4 Lat liphl i. in at A M , Vi 1- uoju.aiid ''li P.M. In H.-.t wn at r . o A M., li J'. M .ufid&ij P. U. l.iuiMinla in t.-l'i A. M r urt WaohliiHton at ld-.'4 A M. and 1 r. 11. ON HI SiA. I liilmlelphla f.T lit Oil. t m ut " A M. 1'liltmti la )r ii' tottit til i'. (, lilimti)Mit r i hila cli'ln ut 't 'Jii K. M. iw il.l. in in ioi 1'hl.t.tliiU'liiM mi 4 I. Si. )iilln.tH N r.MK iikiu KxiriRH will t all f r and ifaUvor baKVNo toe (Juol. otJi r uiay bo lot. ut Ho. iii ty. , llliiL ."Uict. It- ly EI. US Cl.lfiK, kifut. leTTl PHILADKLPH1A AND ioi? 4 1 V4. KhIK KAILHOAD. JOU'4. i l'ia 'r-at line tiuvcttfia tio Aii)iu.rrn nm Ntrtlwat coiintit-k w 'riiiiaiitiua to Hit tit nt V.rio wn Lakw Kr. II M.Uul dftil l llt IK WHY l, ASM UilLHOAU t'Oiklt'ANY, and umtt-r their ftiitoict-a U bi'lug ntKllf u'i.Ml throuU'-iu Its t i llvt- Ui'h It in nuvr iu uoo 'or I'aut-titiur nd KreilU bulnai froio Hirrii-Utrk to Y uil-ortum, I'v nilliij, n la Lu ut -iu Divi sion, aid uoni hl,tlwld to t rli (id iuilu).ou Urn (Vectors lvlUli. iimis or 1'AaakKOKn thainat rim. AMtLi'riiv. Mall'l r.iln !.".v- tixAK. M. tjaii.c- Tram icavm lo- kP M. .'ia i uu tt nn.i,h ni i r iiiamii; Utifh navion then tTdlii Letwt-4H PMUiU-li'fijauud Lock Ujvvu.aud WtwvoD li-t M ir huu Iaii Httvi-n. ly.U-vum fi-.iii.it ( in un tlio Krres Truln bntti wiyi. i ;r tiiiuniiat'tui rt ppcimimk pvmvr tiuiui'tH, i:ily at U.m H. K. n.riH!i oi'KI.KYKN UI aod AI A KK !i V Hi.oqim. Antl lor 1- ri'iklit tniBiman ft llie Ci jti.my a Anvil h. tl Kin .h:. ii,. Ir .coriAf M i l l.&S IU und aJAUKU'l lrt!i TH, l-M'HUl-HlijA. J. It. f.. oi, Kr. J- M. 1'iiU, AU, 4. N C. Il.t lUillliut r. II H01'flTW. (; nt-rttl Krtlht Aufiii. 1 l.iind. .lA. l , IS L. II'H l i, Ui lit ml Tli -l UtMit, I'h.l.,,!. Inh.a .H'MKI'll 1. HUTS, Jtvl-tf 'H aortal MiikMin r. WUluiiuatvo TUKKCT N 0 fl T It K H N IIATLUOAD J ht)L"IKI Mill Al.l.l.l III A TO NniiTHR KM"! KKN IIN'Jf il VNIA, I-..V1 UAL A'.'l Vi-:sit.l.N XKVf i Cit II, Ml IIO AMi 11. K lMi-'M. Mv PtiK-'tti Ma nn I iitnii n HalJrri.l, lu Ivultro, and I'tmiii H,.iiot,i. in titnurf, UtiotHAiiQ, and Wctttvu It .iii'tj.ti, tujtl k.r- hiitiHy. l! !Wu i lillhMh I i tut i tl I'M'H'Mi llift Ahll DVIu. Ko itiauif lux lu fl nn tit. ;iij Mll.lii liHOAIt OAlMKt THiiKiuftt .a H.tt tyii t'Krt . n t.ic iiifiit nil c (lie rvn'a. OinF. Nir:V --I.fci.vi- M.i,n.ili:..At M.'A. .,lrom U KriittiiR'ti u lCfM'l ol tl. 1 f Llai.fliMa uml 1 jvntoit K iW rouil , . l.auKf 4k Vnrtinka f'l.mk l f h Mr owl tiaiiL-c ,ari CI I tit lr i nurt', J ..i kuMui.oa, i.d Wi-t'eru K.Ur.iV aiul ut Orht And to lite Llo iUilMaj'.itrfiv.ikV at UiU4uat b ."i A. AI. iiin Kouth Take the P.rl lUtlwAjr Kxprn frnin lintialo at 10"-'.' V. M. . rl amo at i.n i.t ..tinl t, the i.,,t mui,1 atkani.a,nnd Wi itt rn Ki.ina.uud at Mamma a ) unk tu ttiv iilt-if ltlwnrv Kailn ad um, wlmh U rtui.'h MulMdfli lua, nrnvl:tv at t. -!Lf. M. i-awfc nj-tm cin.' inrtli clur at In law,! Nutlon ft tin Jtir, Lackawanna ud WHi rn Htklrtad,at l'i'M P.M., old hnv Hint' for l UrcM Uend, wmio Ihc lull clitnkC in.tdv ato'Vi P, H Ttiufo V'n' SouiL r.aheihu Hm famiH n t.rw.t nnd.ai ft &) A M ., nnd litvfUiii r brtttklaxt tl'fi takmit leiuwaro, LicW wanna and WtoUrii Kailiittd trtatu ; tuUi- U l'i4W al 1-4U P. M. 'I rirmvh Tirkcta to Md iitm Puffnk). 7unk!rk, H t.t 1 t r, .linlrn. Iil.aia, lWtvo, H'nj. In.mittai, Itrat iiriid, H ranton, Wtikolrri, ltclawara Watt r 4Up., Av, Pare butwt-vu PliiiMilvl.'Ma ami BurJiu( $11. Ak for Uckttt) Yltt OUtii li-d. . , -lt WM. II. OATZMCK.iftnf. 18G4. RAILROAD LINES. 1in,Anvi,VllIA, M'lLMINOTOcf, AND X IIAI.I IMOHi. HAH. Komi ' nNi.r. or iiotiRH Oass.l.n.s ,.miav,,k .rfiit lm ri.Wr,.rl,..n. l-MIMnp,,,, ,,, ' m" k m.7?-.I! J- r .' A. r 1 J," ""' . 11 14 !. I aft, -o, I an tl-Off Hilinlntn at s 1 (M,M ,v."MI, I as i;-a. II , I t i'-i. nn.:, : , !,. ins,t II twp M Net- I s-iss ni s e A . H tn.t lit) f, J, I titv- M. an I uu I'. M. Men ol a a , A 1 Kslu! ui n' a i ; A. W THtisa t OK f-IIlt AtlFI tain Ij -vs Ita't.iii.srs ml s l.i. la A. M. (Kip; -), 1 1 I mi. I Ii. J- I . if . ' ttiiu.itiu-n t 1 1 7 r,, .j A. u.,U Jl.l m, ii,a i, 4 . ,ti si 4 't in I' M H. i .slant si ll-s.. a H. Mi.li.r,. : il I'. M. Iwi-tti i. it a M., utd I t I". W N, i-i t s , e A. M . an.l i ttr. II. ti st- lt..li,,.t.H,hu.U',l I'l, f.-.m, T-?i), I M r. m 1 1 ni it ,ltt-n'.rs f ,r sttulal'tiry mel InU-nti.tlAi ftftlctnt at in J l M I . -i ,- i.KH.tiiotv r.r It vor anJ Inl.-roir list latiurtf at l in I' M TU-lN-i tiH RALTIMSti.lt .vrv' ,.,, ni h in ,. i t ,i r. An,l II isi P W. I. -.ts Weisoc;i.i at ft ii tt, a M.. 14 nd 11 I P. U. tn-'c'.i Trn-nt. s-lth (tar altscSr.1. will run e i.,is -- I..-AW t ,lm,iB ur poor rvl I'ft mi intrtntstistsptsrAil at 7 mi ". M. Ml, mii imtv at m A. M .10 an P.M., from Pll- rti-'iiliia I,, Ita'.iiiiirfs. t M.e. i-i , ,,i. .iiia I., W,iiaii,-t .a at t-.K) A. M., 15- a). at, 1 1 on i . a. I r.au lis t, .to e t.- 1-MlatlFiitMa at 1 4a A. M sna 1 P. M tit 1 at 10.-'. f M . Ir I-.smi n so ;t C'ies.liiaia. 4 II y. ti KN N K , suiisillllsl, l .iil, j) E A 1 I N ti IUIUUAU, ..KMT TttUNK I.INE Klif Pllfl.AIMK Ml, ni T.IK INTKIMOR Of 11" - r-l I A, I UK it'll 1 1 V.K 1,, H(IA. Wl If.iJA Mk A . I I MMKKl AN I, AMI VlOHlNi VA1.1XV, NI WORTH, NOKTnWFUI. ANOTIIK CAHADAfl. PA.SKN(1-.K THAI Mi Ta.- rrniKM'a J- 't. at TUIItTRP.NI and Ai I nft'iiiM, f,ii. ot. rbliaJ'-U'lua, at do (x1oriu$ hlHIII ' Blill.MNt M Ml. At bmi A. M , fur Kr-ain,a, I ftiMnon, Kohrata, C- hmii'ia lirri.hnn(, ronimti, p,nrriiT. rarnHia Hniii.ur, Wtitianxif'ttt, Kitu'm, ,l lmtir, Nlas'tva P'nl t, UnMaJo. All tuw, WI kfiuiura. Pltutoa ork, t'arllaio, 1 licniMrrttur-', llKt rftiOMu. Ac 'I hi train rnn-ti at hKAlilNU wt'h Pi tat PnnrlTA Bta Bilrtatl fitimi ior A innt-ntn, Ac tho Oa lniK and il-'lninbla Kailroa t tor Kiihrata. I.tl r. And S nntiia and with Hit- lytN.rthi.n Vail. y tram rr lUrH.butf, An. ; u Pf CI,. NTT N wlih 'Atav1n, halin-nd UAlna lur Willi oa 'rra, W iliiiiiUNpt-rt lock Marin, P.iuilra, Ae ; at llMUliH lt( lUi vrltti ' Northarti t'fintrrU' "( 'iimtxirlani VlttT," and f"t-r tk 111 and Hmnur-ha-ina" trann fur tlort mm lNtlAnd,VV liliav-p k.t'ha-nhn-rnlnirn, Pldo(Tovo,Ao AVTKHMK)N rM'KI'ilN f .itOTat Phllad-l.Ma at .. JO P. M. Pr Kaa llnt, P 4t Mlt , rtnayrnvo, llarrlshnrv, Aa , mpuitln at llarrla huu rr till pan it yiv cnia 4iitri tralaa tnr PuuirK, htirthrti ' nital Kallroad trntit t.r Hiinr.urr, Noritima t.f t lainl, Kluiirri, Ac, hihI at Port (Hlut.n with t'NtAwlmo Halinmd tra;i fbr MO ton, WUllamiMrt. Elmlra. iiuiialo, Ac. KE A1H N(l AOt'OMMODATION. Loatci beadii K at ii 00 A. M ., topmii at 0 WAT stA llot'S. atrih,ic in I'lilladflplila at ti t. A. M. Kftiiruliud linr.- PliiUdoljiln ai ftw P. M.i arrlres la Krruiiti m n-ui p M. Train lor Piulntli lpiila Iravf llarrlhtirit at7Mf A. M and Potifviiu at H lb a. M .arriving in Phiindiim at li M) V. M. AlirtniHiti tr.iloi It'avu llrirrUnikrir hi 1 i.S P. M., r-Htj-vllie at a-.'Hi P. M., arrlin In I'lit'udMhla at 7 P. M. Mikii iiaui". wnu a prn'niri'r --ftr attarhott, Philartt-it.l.la at 1 P. M , fn? Ha.1iiw an I all war "tattona; li f H'-Htliiu at 12, nuon, anl Itwnlutown at U JU P. M lor 1 MiaiK lhla ami nil why trttl mh. All tlio ni.nvf initna run dally, Xnnrtayi moeptM. Hun-la trnina hn a Pniin villa f T-.to A. u .. u.i PltI dt'j)iiaaty: P M C'MKS l Kit VALT.KV R AlLROAf. Pfttnkri fnr I'mvnlnctown ami ii.liirmrs ilt iwtfnta UkntlifH K'A. V. nnd a irtP. M.trrtlti" ffmu PhUadalphia, I reinnilrf froiu I'owulngtown at 0 10 A, M., and U U norn. i hkw vork r.xniKrt for pirrsuma and tub W K tT. I-oarrnNt w Tork ntUA. m. and 7 P. M.,pMtnir ftfa'lln - .iiiiihukiii aim i .w r , .h., ant. riinnm'iiyv i narna- 4rn with Ptniolvn)nU lUHroad lixprum nam for Pitla- Jnrn, CMrakti. ttt'd I tin Wtit. Kt'lnn.inn Kxtm-f. trmn Iravoa flarrlahiirvon AtrtrAl of ti Pfiiimylvatilft l-'.xtnooa from Pltt-ourK at .1 1 and 7 ;t0 A. M , pa-tiliw KtmlhiK at 4 7 ana : i A. M , and nrrtvlnit at New ork at M A. M. nud 4" P. XI. Slmp 1 B t'ai" a'f otritnuy tlitton tratni ihri)Uiih,tMtwocn Jumvr Ciiv and IMtiaitirt', withmtt chanu. Mnli irath nr New York lfat llrnihrir at 1'4A P. M. Aiail train n.r tUrrhorn ltvia Nw York at li M M-m;t i kii i, vali bv kailkoai Train It avt Pot'ivlila at HMO A. M. and B P.M.,ra tiuniiie trrnn Tiucarora at rt U A M. and 4 Vt P. M. HtMII l.hll.L AM) M'HOI'Ktl ANNA liM.KOAD. Train laav Auhiirn nt M- A.M. f--r Puititcmva and llarrifbur.', and nt p.'tO p. M for Pluoffrnvo onlyj rnttirn h K irom Hr.rrt.,ir)r nt 1JU p. M., and trota Piuaamvoat 7 A.M., and ' P.M. T1CKT.TR. Throuirh firat-rlapa tirtiiaand omltmuit tlnkfta to all lite irlitial i-)li't In th North and Wmr and CmtiUi, 1 lie tii- in tit kU ara ititiifnai lt onlv ai the ofM. R HtAIK("KI),1rrnfurtr. Nn W7 H. KOTKIH Strwot, rtd'aoc pl la. or of u. A. Mi.xX.Lrt, tl-nurai HuporUttau-dt-nt, litsMdiiiy - tHlMMPTATlOV TKKF.Tt. A' prc. t diciMint, between any pointa doilrad for fmilica and ttimn. MIl.r.AflK Tlf'KKTW, liMd fnr?0 noim.iiatwarnall olnta, at $M 60 eaaa, for famlliOK and tlrni. HKAN TIPKr.TfiJ, For ttrt a, ili, iiin. r iwi lvu luuntlia, for holdera only, io all poind, at rrdnrrd ratt. ri.l KllVMRN Ri Pldlnr on ttm Hm' of tho nrnd will ftimUhttd with rard, untitling Uivutifsvea aud wivu to llc&ula at hail huts. FStntttRK.K TIPKV.VR Prnm IMiiladfloi ta m irinripal ntutlonn, nid nr Hatur rtay hiifxliiv, in id Mm diy, nt rmlnc d f.tfo. to lift lim! only at tht? Tu ki tonii-o.ai Till UTKKN iH aud CAJLLUWUILX blrveia. KHKH1HT. il.odi of all clfrrtp'tnng fitrwtrdM to all th abira potKM. lim th-(oni.aii'4 ntw In-Ulit do put, ili DAD aod ft 11,1 m ftuei i t KKItMIT TRAfSH l.i ).vp Phllad.-lplila ii.iii a; A. M , I P. M ,aod C P. f t ft r K a"i . l.tnnin. Hum.ihurK. J'ottiTtiia, Port L'iiQ Ua, and puliiu Uoyond. MAU.H Cloae at tha Vtipad'phia P.m-Orflrn f.r all pia-vw on tha n-ait and ill liranchi!. nt ft A- M., and for the prloc'pal ataUoiihouly at 'V L. P. M. IlUII.ADF.I.l'llIA, OKKMANTOWV, Ar KKl.ltl.slUWh KMI kll.M.. TilIK TAltl.P. On ai.tt arlirMuMiAV, Alar H, 11, unlU turtuar iiwtiL-a. HK tlKltM.M.TIIWN. Leave I'hllniltli.nia li. 7, H, I V II, 12 K. M. : 1.1 , i'lt 3,, 4.H ',., 7.8.1", III. II, It P M Lt-avr I.Krniallti'ttii.li, 7, 7 lln, H,H 'ill, !), 1(1, II, tl A. Aa. l.M.it.4 il,,li, H, II.. 7, H. !, III. II an.l li I'. M. 'J lirHMiiown, ai.il ilir it'; jnd train, up, ilj not ito fti tli. i.;is-iaiitn lira-ii-fi. I IIK-Nt r mi, I. ItAII.ItUAD. I.i-ai. Pbilim. Iil,la, . a, 10. li A.M.: 1, .IV.SV.1. 1 un,l 1, P. M. Itan- I li.siiiit n il. 7-ln,ll,IH0, 1110 A.M 1 lO.J-44. 411, e-H'.N 411, an.l III 4ti p. M. t'UK (ONHIKHIiti'KK.N AND Ni IHLISTOWN. Lfavf Phila.ii-Iiliia , il.i, II U A. ai.; 1, . J . 4 '4, t,l e, .Mlii. ami P. M l-av. Nrrl.u,n.(.';,7, 7-N, Anil 11 A. M. IK, 4X t and II I'. M 1 r train an, "III ,l.,p it Wihl. loo, MnBirk Slid Cfl,itliM:aao url Knit MtNATPSK. I-avp PliltnnV'iilit u, t, il'iii A M., 1, S,4,,R., .. h i-;, and li.H r. M. l.'Hvr Uaua;ui.k.l,'.7t.',g"i0, UViHS A.M., J,, 7, aud J), 1- H. II. K. HMIT1T, f tniral Hupartrtandent. tnjil Iiopoi, MMri and i.ar.KM ,sus-t. "V" EV RAILROAD LINK NORTH. 1 I'll I I.A) iK .I'll I A. 'Id HltilOM.r, lllltlll till I MVK llUIUt.S. KAi.K tl. Kr TIOKKTM .i, I.IHHI rIK TIIRKR ItATH. tin nnd a! mr I(IN lt. , til ii si I, Istil, trail,, will iMav, nsut " VINK htrefl, PhMadl'liia. t'vi-ri- nwrnin at H A. W. (8i mlajra rxi't-ptrt: ). il ei ( a l.v i!h faiudait and At lantic and Jtantaa und llflawara hay KaliniaJa Ut Pi1 aioBau nlii, aud t. 1 1 1- c.'iitui'iiti.iiu aluauinr Joaaa Hot I, tuti otnf Atlantic straet. Itruuklrn ; raturninir, Itiava At lantic Mmut W Uafl .veryda t.HuHda aaueplisJl, al 11 A M. TiatMara in tn. tsity of New York ara nnUAad nm to aniily itir pa.Hnt;. b ttil, line, th riiat" nf Sum dutty liavinti yramt-d tu tl.e l annian and Amuoy mi,i,oa-.ly tli aicliihivi pilvllLK. it earrjlnu pa.i-rjivi'i-s and f.i-iK it lia- . tsttt-B tli. rltli-, i.l PtliKkll toa au.t Nuw Yd k. v4-i tl W. r. (Iltll-HITS, Uonaral HupartntMi.ljnU -iri'ST CHESTKK AND PIlILADKLnilA 1 HAIIeUOAI.. VIA VHjU. 8 lMNil AiiltANUHMKVT. Ou and ftfttr 1- HlUA . , A.u.1 1, I.n,., iic Iralua will Ir art a UilJ.iWi : I.fuve PMtA.lflphla from the P(iot, corn or of THIltrT PllM'l and MAIIKKT Hinuti. 9 A. M , 11 A.M., w .H5 P. M.,4'!p. M.,6'4 I. M. I ti'iadtitlila 1'rjMit chKfiMcd ftm Khlli rKKN CH and V A l; hi. . btitHt. to '1HIUIY HiiiSf Oaad Jl AKiii-.r Stit t ra. Lravt- Wft C(,etr, ftom the Tirnrt on Fat MVIIKICT Bin A. A!., -A.. M, II A. M ,'. P. M.,4 4 . P M. pit) t un "l tin Weit Pli;..nU I tliln I' r Unilwy f-mi m ( Mark'-t t-tr-tit) Mli coi.v vy Patvu-nra tu and frviu tht i'lihJfli'ina lK it. ON HTNOaV. I f ae Ptillndi'lidita at h ::j a.m. AiidU-'yi P. M. 1 i'ne S i ni i su r nt S . .M. u'ul i ii p. u. Yialii Unvliiii Phliu.if jiiiiii at H A M. and 410 P. M.. and ''t i'Ut r ai . M. uml 4 Vt p. M.,roLmi'ii wtlU tri'li.a tu the I'ti.iaiiutplnci and UiHIiu-iiu tuutial Kiti.K.iiti fui Oxi.rl an tl Inti'i .( - tl it-1 wm: a. jMi-cf ill.:. It v ol, jjiiti.J unnttjtn.'cnt. vr.ST JKUM'.Y ItAILUOAD LINKS fl v Arrmi;t mm i,t. On a -.1 ait'T IO N I) V, t'i'itir lu. M,, ti. u will It.iv Jfuw Att n. it tSUoul 5' i r at foilm t I'nr i'tpr Mnv ar.d ami all i.:u'm south i f iMIv lie ur J , l. pi Millv.iV, KriiVc-c"' S"lt m md all aUu'lk aoutU at' y o. ill iuy at it A. A ,tu ;i P. M ri r Vut ,ll .ny, (,U :ttttiT. V ' . ' 'J A. M , li M. . J ft-nl P. M. l.i .vc C..r Mav i.t tn . M A. M. i.,i. ,il 1 .M...i4iJ P. M I liklkii It u t7 I A d.,:i Itil'.M. " i.: V A. ACuttd I P. M. " Vix.ul.ii) ut i uiitla il A. .v.. a tdiuidl I P.M. J. VAN liKS'StKl.AKH, TLiU.(U.,Cit. 10, lht i 10 -b HuperwitcuilauU "r)JULAPr.l.lvJHA ANJ. TAIdTlMOUE CKN- J Tli I. LMI hLAU. OPKN TO OXFOAUHPHlNvJ AKUAJ.I.irlNrVv T. 0 and MUi 1 avlA . , Au J 1. lo.lfca Uatu wJJ Iwavt At U Iowa LkAVU KAttrWARU. , IEAVK WSrVA)iU. ai.ritixri. tAtlt A- U Phi'a.ii iphta.... m r. . 4 ) 411 U li 6-4 14 a V t I 7 OJ rutbrd t; JJ Vt Cirovi- ii 7 Avond. 1 7 vi Kt'iiMWit 7 "V t'l.au.l i Koid... .7 ii C-u-'oTtl hi V A' JuntticB.. tr.-t I ft.iftd- ?J j.ij Wtii'ii'ir... 1 -ti 4 i 1 W. C Jmicuwi,. l- l' 4 17 Vnc"rd f : 4 41 ( till...! a kVrd,... . Kvnik'tt 1" t-1 6 V, Aowi 10 -1 t. . vVv-'l tfMa li .'J a ii o iturd lo i4i H'Mt t ttavft-r. ... 7 .0 likitiiitr lrot m PfiJitdriptna h- b tn ch.in:fi1 ffin lltyr Ttfrinti aai almkt t n.ct. lu 1 H1H 1' i - ItH I and kiAP.KPX irtii Writ J t.tu.tt lfliia. alaik-t Htrt-tt 1 gn RjUlwa Caa ,fijvtji Pk.iiiteik w aud uvu Ui liol, i toMr$ 1 IhrvUe-h witr,ont chanf of rar. a w tanui irveodV. b.iwiuwCttav RAILROAD LINES. 1N5J AKRAHOV.MKNT8 Or in' 4 ln4mi,r! Phiiadautt,. t aw lirm roH wAi.wtrr utrrbt wiiabv Will MfiTa aa Mwwa. via. 1 "T WUAr At k A M , t a Cawdf ind Am boy, O. a4 A. 1. rtaarntdaitn , . ill A M . va f'am.1.t ftnrl V..'J V.' .' TMm At li IH . iaCmdfi and Atnboy ,0 a AVAiav At P.M. vtat'amottB and Am boy', U aad 4 rit At I P. M..TI rjinifVn and Amhay,AotaMBrVija At f- f. M , a ('iTiitit'n m d Arnl-oy, rSr'ifmitmiixtom .'J '"t' "d PwtnM f) lut :iata Ttckni.... 1-1 l)W (1.) A.7 ,1 M' tf,ntrtn and Aiaiy Anrrt'Vindaw J - V,rrN'' fcni afca nKer), lit aaa Twkat..,. 1T 1(4 t- f 1 0 ,i,ft. Zr' Aiifnvwn. i.uiirn. ftalrtdarai. r'-I M,!!,1f,7,:, V "ta'-mirat '.uaa.,ap. M. fc- J.'''''"1'1 t A. M, and P M. Ind! P M . IuJjI M ,rV ta I nn' n 1 ' M irit throiuk t. i i Vn,Mr' Bur AM a M..(iilklii la Rflitlnt-on Ma ,w T a-"i tu,. i 1 N.v nrk Mail .. At II l A. M.. via k.nlriirn anil limiir'j 'li'.'r ' P-s-'" ' Ai is 1 P. M., ill Ki-iiiiuin tin J.-rtor 'cUfKi- Ai i.-if- p. ii ,' vu i,ii-Vt''i;n4"y;'-.;,u.y; '' W ai.nni1,.n and N. w Vor r.i., "' ' "r. Hin,.lnT llnt-A li-as-r al 4 A . M. and A 4i'i"at'".'rKL .m bo tin IIim, al I A. M. ( MV) i.a M. nsat,.' m For tvator Hin uil.tmu, nr-anton WI'tukiM Mnitirr.o.ilrral ll.-nil. Mn.irt, rttiin. Ailvna' iui2 lii-m. Is.-I il.-n., I ai.11,11. I,snilr'tiis, Fl..ainaitn An. Ta 7 tf, A. H Tt U Un.- c- iiii.t-l. itO Uw Inun lMr.'iiJZ fi.t Mau.ih fl unk si it ! M lT l.sntlsirt.il-o an Int-nnisttai. ataUitn. at I r at Fit UrMol, Trenitm. Ac. at i Vt and 11 la A. M ' aiaa P.M. F,.r llnlmoiunr, Tar-onr. Wil-iootlnf . Riidnahnr a4 rraakr. ni ,n li A. M , ft, A I.'., ami HI. H. rim A. Ji. Uu run. 'ti II rlrltil. I r,.r Nrw Ynrk anil r Mum liuttlnir K.nittM4aa i.-nl. tithr fl.r c ira uli I- ilih i I i tt.it, atiovtt V allint. half aa liour lM,..it ,i, ,ariiirn. Tltt-( 'ara niti luutUi. JlvpsK, anal on artttal f eu.n Ir.lli nm frs.iii ifi llt..,t. h lit IMillllda Al bavllil .ml allAm-al ....It - - rakHi iiiioia an- piiiil.iit..l l.um taainir anvutui aa ttaua in tl,i-i wi-ailnt apt.n'i I l tl.t wpa.i.i. an I til t....... ..... ..a .411 htua. a ,.iir lift, n.n.4. t. I pal, i h.r am a 1 t,i ' - t'ai,, mi .ma ii,i- i oilman y u ait tattlr is-spoaaa. bllnv l.,r tiaa-.-a.a tn (in. Ii-dlar pr tntunit, and trOi atti .. .... j . ...... . ., v . j, v1 . ..kju aaaa trart Ittatiam', Ttatiirair fxprasii will raitlhr and ilrll.ar Snr i at tl-alit-puta. Oritur- t..t tail at Ho I WAl.tliY fift. . . W.a. II. UATr.MI'.K, Aaa Auun.tK.lHM. LK8 HIUM SEW YOltK rOR Plllt,A!KLPBTA Wtl.l, LKAVK rrnm font of rnnrtlan l urtsi al H M. ant If II tk larsry I'lly audi anidan.ai7 and 10 A. M.,f r. M .Ao4 II ( M lul l) Tia Jar..-y l llv and kaOhlna-lnn. Frm,il,s.ti.i Han-iay strtiat, at A.M. and t P.M.. rta Atntsit and t int, ten From Pl.r N... I N.irth Rlvar, at If M., 4 anil p. M . (1 rllit and Pattauastri tla Ainlmr aud Oamtloa. ;K10I1T LINKS VOU NRW YORK AND -1 all Uie alatlniia uu tt.a Cauidva and AUmtMj kid ko. not tin Kailri,a,l. INttltPAsr.D llRaPATfH. Tha r.m.lrn und Aiulx.y liailmad ard TrantwrtaUn Company'. rfulit I In., fur M-w Vork will Inay aMa alris t ttliaif on ini- allnr Janaarv H, dattr ( aaatlan at. t-i- t, c I at 4 o'clock P. M . I plf'"1"11, iK'v l-'n' IU lure Ki-wTork all aa4l ri lt-ht mn.t b di llvrrcd bafor 8 P. M.vo b tat Warilrd tl mmiii day. h'rrlalit tnr 1 n-nion, Prttirsdon, KJniiatnn, Mow tl , wlrk. and nil p.tlnls uu the l.'nmdon and Amkny Kallruadi alsunn th It.-lvldi-np. Itaiatvarn, ant1 Flemlnirton, lit Naar Jtrtt-r, iln- rnt-hnlt and Jameahura-. and Ut Kuril la-toa and M. iint Hi, lly Hllr,,,lt, ri-i u,l and f,it tranli-d u ta lyi. o'cli.i k P. M. small packatfoa for MouiitUdUrroi?adl up to o i I.M-k P. M. The Itelvtd.re, alaware Ratlmad oonnant, at Pbrfltn. buri; with tne l.efnth Valley Itallioatt. 1'lie New Jitrvasy ' Ifailrnad ronnetia at tlixalieth wrtfi tiie Nuw Jaraar ( antral Itallrnad, and at Newark with Ui Mum at4 IC.ii'X Italimad. A a lip inrnmranitniii. aperlfytn tha anarlti and m ttera. alilppers aud ooimbinei .. iiiu.t tn every Inntanoa ba a.-nt wMi each Inntl nf tioodii, ur un receipt will be utvata. I ncti-aai-rl fHi-titit.-a tiavtnt.' been made fhr the traneuorta. tion ot 1.1 VI?'. H'l'ill'k , L.ivirs are luvlted tu try Un. matt. W hen t e .t.K-k la runilslieit tn .iiiantntea of TWO UaB Li ia Its ur more. It will be d.-llvred at tu font of KorueUt etres-t, iititr the Itnne Yards, or at Pier No 1 Nurtsi Hiter'.a. the .hlpi,ira may dealRnate at the tint of Uu aliipuitllt. W AI.TKH Htl.KMAN,rrt.lhtAs.nt, Uo. V"H ft. Iielaware avanua. I'hUadaiphtav. tlKO. B KK MONIi. Krelhl Auent, nf tf l'ler No 1 North Hirer. New Yark. I)HILAlKLrUIA AND TRENTON AND CAidUf-N AND AMIiUY KAILJiUAU t'OMl'ANia. NO I'll K 4, fn and alter MllNDAV. Januaay 4, li4. the Train far hew Ymk, Pavinx KetutiiKicn licua, Philadelphia, al I A. M ( N ijrht). and 'i ;i t. M , and tiie train, leasin Ist-w Yrk i- it nt. and 7-ltn I. M., will hura.itar b nta pxcli-Mtfly ft-r Wa United Nlat.ia Matt, anil New York and tVaalilliM'on I'a.aaiiirera, and wIM But laka ta nor ka) out ant pii-m-iik.-r hi-tw.-i-n aal.l cill.a. '1 he lu A. M. anil VJ MidnUihi Liu, from New Tork Wa.iilnirtoli.and tho II un A M and ft P. M. I.lnea fro H akhlrytou to Ni-w York, will cmitlnue as at pre. ant, and carry pa-ni-riccr- to and trmn ttie tutertttediataatauona aaat Halmpurc. Wssliltmion, a-d Ni-- York. AJtltANIIKMK.NTH llf 1 KKNt-lllLAlKLrin, AND NVW itiKK Line, leave TTil!,1'pMa. rtoni Ke't.lnaSytn Tie pot, at lllliA.M ,IH0. aud il , P. at., and U'Ni nttdnlnt, ana rtoutAaUmt auent Wharf (via (aiudau). tl aud A. M., t M.,4 ardSP M .forHaw Ytrk. And leave. New Yoik. from fu-d uf Courtlandt strMi. at 7 A. M , i A M . li M ,4 and U P. M , ami ai 1J mi I nt.tit, aud lium.tuutui ttacalaji ,tret at 8 A. t..aadj t. l. HM. A. UAI7.MK.it, jai tf An int. Kill PKNN8YLVANIA ItOlM K.N iJtAla kAll.lt.OAI. IH 4. 1JIK iK-AT iHX'MI.K'-TKAf K Hi .OUT ROHTR TO IHK WbhT. NOICI IIU fNP, ANI HiVJTHWRtr. Pjiiiiii. iiir. ai.d ta JLtica K tit aura, -,.rtdy, and onm ftt i.i ti nt uiia tun ut a-"(tii4'r, uauriaai.d oy aajy ritnti- In it i: I'i.iinirv. 'I rrtiiii leavp thit th'iMt at r.I.EVfclNTU and MARKET Run th ah tt.iMiwa i Mail Tihiu a...., . 7-t A. M. but. nt 11 A. M. TlTiih 1.x iitcat at ti'-WP M. Parfi-ftl'iitt' Trmn. IS . at KM 4. M , Pittkfkliurif 1 ruin, Nft. 1. al l-fkip M. Ilmniiuiic Aut tiL.miMlatUm at..L I Mt P at. LaiH-aoifi 'I i am nt .IMP At, Paoli Ac.i uiuoditUir. (It-avti ,Vvt Phllaiel- ihia) at.... 6WP M. 1 hioii.:). Pas-vu t by tna Pat t.lti rvaca A fw mtipci . i.trirc wtil ic ft mod t x akloni auumiuiHtalimii far Uitt iiUr.t at itir lt. an lloin, and iu tti uttriditK mp tAhP ell tier 1 1 rt) t'lil atlt h.Iiih or Kvlti'utt Pxti"i, tit which nirtkra otrinc't,.n at Pl'tntmrt f'tr all polnta. A dM.iltKln vifw la thus aihmlcd of ttie entira lute and Ua D m tilllrcrt utanuty 'I he Triroiinii t iprnat Train rum daily; all tha oibar trama dititj. ciir4-ii Miiidwyn. t('U PiriHUI UU AND THK WET. Ttie Sii 'I nun. f-t i.lne. ai.d Tnr.irh Ktrtna r&m ti at Pitt's! k with ti.nuwli trama i d ni, dlvertrtoc nada from tiiat pilit, Nnriti ti the I, Woit In ti afiaia ai tn aitd Mio(lsi Kivi rt. and tio'iiti aad Nritbwt tu alt t.ti'nta a(VtltU' hy raliioMtl. Tfiriiuffn Tiotktia u O aa ard, iM Iii.l;. t i-U (.", h Paul, C'.litttihna, i.dlartaMtkla Nt It'iiilN, ltkwt'iiwnrrh. Katiattf, W hiti'llnif. lavion. Olow cn nati. liouiatvillt , 'uii, and all u tl. or piiiKiai taia and baakai-r oh"t kt-n tiiri.in.li. INJ'lANA lhASClIIt wt.ito r. Tlte Thit.nj.li rx.ifn lt-avtiu at Il C M4 eonnaota a Kialtfivtl e I' it mirrtlmi witli a tralu oo thi roai tot 11' Ir lilt . I ml li f a, A r. tltp.NMH In. Mi It ! HSOtf 1tn 0ir RATT.VOiD. '1 In 1 hn.Hkh Kvpii 1 ralo.leaviOR at ID H P. M .oan I. ft tj ai i ri null, at I- ift A M , wiih a train oo tha mv I bfiiiiiti A trtiln a'ku luavtia CruaMta f'r Juaaiiaburs 1 P. At. liOl.l.lllAVMtURO It It AN OH RO A Jl. Th lmrirm:i, 7V ' A.M., anil Tlirnigti Kipwi at 10 au P. Al ., csji.ii." i at AlliMMia Willi ti-aioafuc Uiiidaja burn at 7 W P. Al. And ad" A. M 1l,itNK AMi ri.l.ARI IkJ.O KHNOQ R AIMtOD. The 1 hrtmti K&ireim I raJj, Kavlni; it lu W f, M , aoa r6.i ai T'T.-ih' mi.) a train Ur Hanoy Kittle and IliUlina l.'irir. and hy ftalil Ktitiu Valla a,allrHid tor Port Mail Id Mii-bin,', ana Hf-ipioitie. Ill Nl'lsfM'ON AMI H ItO AH TOP RAll ROAJ). 1 b '1 hruiifrii P,Rpraa Train, leavltifc at lu JfJ P. M , oao a rtp at I 'umi tiaa u w lih a train fur litiiwU and BatxMir Kur a fi-S A M OK laJi.lt l K.M DAI. A Nil PlIILALlKLPlllA AMD P.ltth ItAll.lt'l ut. F.r Hurt nr, Wl luuixp .rt t l,o-k Ha-o, Hmura, Hy. fht-hCT, btil.iilit. nnd Nim-aiti Call, nusit-nmn iak iiit tu iv-ml Irnhi ai A. M,, and iia T'Toiik') Kxraa at llr eti p M.. c'aii i hrt t Miuday t. (.u dua-tl tnruuwU, wltiwDt ilaia of cara b-twotu PUiladv.iiiiia aud Wd-liainM-rt- ur VOi.'K. IIANOVRH. and t.KTTYHHnitti.lt! traltia Ifavintv at H A. M, md i'ii P. M , connect ai Cuiumbtav lUt tx-.ihp t li Nothnni (.'t-niruiV Kmlr-d. t'l'MHKKI.aMi VALLKV KAILItOill. I'ticMail lrain nt 7 W A.M. und through i:(rea a H'Xii p m , etiiim ci ui tlnrrhiimiit with tralu ftr i-ailiala,, t taiuti-r !..!., hnil Utw. ntfu. HANLrH h(. HKAhCU KA!LK0AI. Thv train inNvltn.- ut 7 A. M a d J P, M ., oonnaaa at Jtoa wn with trHlna ou tUia toad to V ayaaatiuirB and ' 1 '!'-- uf I'iNi) i-t- ti nt. 1 1. fu:ir vt ! t't.iMjl'itn ttfplv ni :f PriHinrr StaUuav 8. fc. ciar .i P.l.KVP.N-i II :.d MA UK K I iiret. .X hrt it Vlr.h. I h kl .itreut. ( MMI T. i lit l C ivK 1 . For 1, ', H, r 1'J iu.mil. i, .i vitj 1-iw rtd, fr the ao ct ti it.oi'noij t.f iM'niin nv.n out of luvvn. ot lucatad uaH. or i t.n tit uue ur t' i rn.id t'tirpoS Tl'K.TS, Pur'Ir trf I ttn oi n mt t iv(. pi, mi h. ut aliout two 0nt iir iJ.Vt. 1 In 3V litAct iHti'iulatl nf thu ubo ot fautdvav triiif uii iri'iiiTlly, and Hie of m. udvuuta((0 to yvrauu aiakiUk txcrwUjn.il r.-. K('H,.(L Ili'KP.Tft, Pi.r ene or t' rta muiitha.forthaut of schoUraUndilBfj' Klul in tt,t : WKS'ITRV r-HHIKATIOy. An Uruwrui't ALk.muu'ilat.tu trttin It ave Ko. 117 Hock' t iii' c-LU.it ( tt'il i at 4 u'r.i:Ck P M .mtWin a t i 'i till i tttl'lr mH!erf iravt-l to lannhfi f. ln.' Wit. ia oit-l j.t thv mhu I im o futa. PaiiK-uliar dti"nti..nU '!tl to t .1i'f '1 u Licit cut iVl nrc gUk.0, (Uld bUdiaAtjit luiwaiU a hi ii atiut.'aa ilt ijfci-iiM' ir iu4ijiK iii.a..u in . . PltANv.'lH t l'NK, FrntKiuit Atfnt, 0. l.i? LHH,'k aivaia v s nA'iiAtnc Kxritis. An at "f tit 1 1 t) re: .HLH txpra-' ( wniaiiy wtU pat a) tftfL.-jh , t.t.d'n Utic r.c'.itifc tl,(t-,Hit,andt44ite uaj ri.t . t a.tn il- nv. b,v;, -int to any at oi (ha f tt'. it.in- K ivti will ! i-'i.it n tor ..itjiifilv wi.m ordt ra au lA at tii4 1 u.M-i.B. i ln.o:,k.a u h...d ikvt imu. T!iutravp f nvlic ait mt.rtd thnt u ft nry rj&4- l'viltia ronf trut oi all rt rr1(-tlona ca b wuititd to ui d ir ia uiy ptoJii'n oa Ua: ruirt'nii Ot Oliioa Htr-in-ti'l ' li.l.MuH. HI mi si, Vit-i:oU'tii, lowu.t.r Mikkoiirt, I y ( Ir- itd i r,r to any v I'M oiivtyla wattut W the Wc-I, I'V -I lit in l -i iron, t ,'Ubtrg. l tif r.iu-t r.i f.tMk to and tn-ui an pdnt tn tia Wt -y tl.v l-i:iwlvnJcuii fctihrjad ara at alltnnea aa lnviti.tllt a i ' urt-tjd i-f t-iV r Itailr.a l t't-inpanlea. Airrd.ut ual U ;t ra eniruatlnir tha tr;inivirtuiia ot ihfir tr iM to tfiiu Coup4Ui vaa riy with jiiBdrioa q Iln tiu itan. i. or in 'i. -it iuir.ractB or iMrrlnf directiou, apply U o aiVrib thu AFfri el th t'oni, jiiiy : - H. It, klN'.'-T'.'N, I hiUdtlpliiA, V. A. S'lT.WAK'P, Pi'tturg. t l.A I K a ID-, t a,ii.a.a. ! u;i il A O ,No l AiiurlUnaa.or'No.l 8."V'Wum Iim t few V k, I PM II ,t tt.., "Nrt. 77 Witr.vtrn Mreat, Botta. V, II Ll AM hLOH S, Wo, t-t Noitu lUMt, kuMOf AJuit4.uroCiJus l.iulaay. H. Tl. HOT'STO. Utntra: rraltrfct A-nt i'l.d.-'! Ui.4ral Tlckt i
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