v .J .wt.'' TH 7 A TIUCE THREE CENTS riiiLAT)i:LriUA, tursday, octohku n, ism. PRICE THREE CEXTS. latest Southern News RICHMOXD PAPERS OF SITIBDAT. JEFF. DAVIS FIERCELY DENOUNCED. H His Interferences Bringing Us to Grief." "HIS SPEECH UNPLEASANT." MIt is in Bad Tasto and Worso Temper." BIS rNCEXTLEMWLY EPITIIEri About the " Dcpertcr" Statement. BATTLE OP DARBY TOWN. CENERAL LEE'S REPORT. SHERIDAN'S RETREAT. BICHMOND IN ADVERSITY. Jefferson Davis in tho Robol Capital. TEE BATTLE AT SALTVILLE. FURTHER PARTICULARS. MILITARY IMPRESSMENT OF NEGROES. Kle-, Ktc, Etv., Etc., E13., Elo., Ee. We have received Richmond papers covering dates from tlic Gib to tho 8tU instant, from whk-tj We tuko tbc following : Th liteninerei Mr. DmiIh linn honn, We hnr.ard little in say ing that tlie speech of the Prceidcnt at Miem la not snob, an the public bad a right te expect frra Mr. Davis at this criti cal junciure of onr affairs. The lca-( tlie Piosi dml lays abuut the late campaign in Georgia the tetter, lie ban shocked the country and tho army already enough by what bits transpired ander hie dirtctlon, to spare lliem a detcose of lie policy. The evidence accumulates that hid JobuMou been retained in oomniar.il of the Ten nessee army, Atlanta would not only have been laved, but Sherman's hosts would have b en detttoyed. In the very plncb of bis campaign, in the very vintage timuot victory, iho President, wiitout i. no word of warning or remoiisiran e, removed ".hat old und skiltul General" from tho army. Sherman in his report of his opcralons beUire Ailanu prtaents the reader with the sequel. These periodical iutirlciciicts of tho President are fast bringing Us to irricf, supping the co ill it rice of both people aud urmy in hi wisdom, encouraging our enemies, and paving the way f.r what we ebodtler to reU. rt umi. His tours to the Went aro usually tho pi eludes of disaster. Bis consultation with Biagg and Johnston In 1802, ending with bis ordenng twelve thousand to Vickfc burg against ih' prtittstof tlie.se (I'li'inN, kit as the battle of MurtreosiHiro and mad.', atmctmn of Rosecrans' army. Ill visit in ls!) ohnotd Hmrg's army in trout of Grant at Cnatta riougu, by sending Lonf street wnn twenty-iivo thousand rueii on u strategic errand to Kaox ville. perp trats d the terrible ulsmer of Mission , ary Ridge, where the Army of Tennessee cuuie High In lug annihilated. The President is again on his travels to ''confer with the generals." M iy God deliver tu thi4 tune from ihe dispensation which tlie past teaches Ob to ailiii ipuUi. MotUyoiiierii M ul. Auvtlitr frlllrlsiui of li'rltlent DavI'I NjMt-cli. Some portions of tbe Hpecch of the President, dehvrifdnt Macon, are unworthy of him, andgive evidence of had taste und worse temper, rl.s covert allusion to tlie great soldier ho dsgraccd ao far as bis olHeiul acilon could effect that end are indelicate, ill-timed, and reprehendoie. Tuny are not in keeping with the oignlikd silence of the nan who has not, ho tar an the public kn iw, ue rtd one word of complaint. It may he ddli tolt even ior the President to make a m ij ority of his fellow-citiiU'ns bel:eve twit Johnston was incapable ot "sinking an honest and niauiy blow for Atlanta." Many '-an honest" and many "a aianiy hlow" did he give, as the forty-live thou und Yankees kiiled or hurt Je oombul, in tiio advance to Atlanta, would testify. II iu let tins If we were illspo. ,1 lo act tho censor further we might add that the term "scoundrel," spoiled to ilium who bad unsrepreantd the Pro-ident's omcial fcciion, must liuvo laikb straugoly tipou tbe tars of a large audience of ladies aud gentle anen aM-embled lu a church to hear the highest civil dignitary in the land disc oitrso upjn puolic tonics uud the t ite ol the countiy ! The am. ounc ino.it by ih 1'iesident that two thirds of the army are nb cut lioin the li. ld, the lnot of them without le .ve, will lake tnu country by fcuiptir. W'hi.t could not tiime men ace un pliNb now if they were in tbe Hue of duty ! l.ymhburg I ugituan. I. it iv t Witr . TUE BATiLK Of ll.MUIYTnWN i'HE VNK.i:i:S UUVKATKn AMI 1III1VKN FOl'H MILKS. TrM U4 Ksantihtii OctuUr 8 Yesterday piornlng liroko npon one of those clear, bright tlaya ol autumn which are the glory of tbe declining year. I bu Yankee b st, forty thou mind strong, lay encamped ou the north side of James river, the main body in the neighbor hood of J-'olt Harrison, u u miles utlie iit of RlcJimond, the loth ( llu m y's) Army Oorpi and Kaula'a cavalry being live uud a ball'miioa u.mior tbe city, and In pol'iun between the UarhyioA'u and Clntrles City roads. With the brut curly light General Gary's Brigade of Citvaliy mid n c.inxidoraiile force of our infantry Ftiuik thetnemy's right, renting ou tbe t'lianeo City road, ut a point from to iruud a hall loUve mlli'N Iroin tiio city. The Yankee were eoinpli tcly surprised, and with littlo re-t-miee Hi d into their mtrri cl, incuts, u shorr dis tance in their icov. iUre they were in ttrong force and irt pr-d for u desperalo rc-Utance; but our troepi-, followiiifr up their lirst bluw with great impttno-ity, curled the worlti and drove the unkeos out, t aptunos niae pidee.s of cannon, one hundred artillery horses, and several hundred prl-oucrs. (Icnernl Gary by this time bud KmU on the Ilia, and tta. driving him aheud of the infantry. Our infantty coimnucd to press the 10th Coips bark. Our troops then pressed forward towar d a second line ot the enemy's intrenchtnents, wlih-li was carried after a sharp contest, aud the eudiuy routed aud pursued some distance t'ward. J' r, liarrison, when our men being muck fatigued by the heavy work ol the day, e:c withdrawn li':n the pursuit to tao cninj' ' line of iutreuthtU'.".ts just itikon. The battle, so far, baj .died uajj i:i0' glory upon our tiooi's, jt;t a frt.u ti niti.pii wad ia i efoi vo lor them. 1'hc- enemy, m tne course ol" an boor o two, laving l.fun rupidiy reudon-jd lioin tli grand urmyut lt liarrison, advanced witu c.u lidcncc to tho recuptuie t t tboir io.mer p'isriou. Tbey wire, i.ft.r a loop aud desperate liglit, repulted with t reat siuugliUr. and as ti'.it e.o.e 1 iu wo held all the ground wo had t ikeu. Ibis was a most sanguinary battle U tli" Yia ktes, tLe loss talluitr b. svtly, ss t:ui a!, upon C i t. e. Wc are not prenand to make au estimate i f their loss either iu kmcd or pnn,.iie.s. Tiro I um ber Ot piisOnt is who bate as yet arive 4 in the city is small, our Hoops being during tlie clay otherwise occupied. The only prisoner of note we have tcin is Ouptam Ascii?, (n n. ral Knut s1 Ad.iutaut-Genera1, who was captured by bcrgnui Mew, ot Gary's brigade. Our loss, we lctru irom a!! sotircej, was v tj stiiall as c mpiired with (list of tlie enemy, Among our lulled wui tho guilaul Lriv't li.-r-Oencral Joim Oreptr.ol Tcvas; llritralidr-Uene-ral lliatton, of South Caroaua, is a so icp .itia kcteit ly wt.undcil. Colonel Haskell iJ seriousiy wottudoj, ani has been I rought lo this ciiy. lu complimenting the stead v valor of our troop in this bltle, too lunch cannot be said for 'ul .lablug Geiietai Gary und bis rivalry. Thee drove that Dutcbmun Kaulz before them (ioiu the start, and uever allowed blm a pause until the M0 ot the tigltt. OBNltRiL Lf f's nrru iai. iihio.t r.r tiih BATTTH or v i i r h u v. At a la'e hur .t tight, 't r the aVive a fconf was wrr ten, an ctlienl dispa-'h win reelvid from d. u.rsl lee, n lnh atates 'ht jestentar morn tig m ral A .U r'nn atttw k.'d the en my ru ibu (.'larh.vi , ro 4 and drove tbfru out of two ltni" of ii reuehmeuta, c ip. tu'ing ten (10) p.etea of i nun n, wi'ri a I th 'ir ca s nrr und hor-e, and a n i'n1 r of pru m We then oriive the eintnv to the Niw in k t ra , WD' n , titii Ing them stroiwly lortitiei, we did in t ptvs then. Our H i- v rr ni t.i ; Hid enemy's nrknnwn. lh r.iv-j (Ktisral O g; dkd at tLe head vt bis ir-. TDK ci i v TH- I f,ltlV y. The city was nnnu .lly U "t yeatenlay. Owi'ig to the dl-eivion of the n.d, liorn ou-:i'sti.i norrii a't, seiri-e y n aounl of the uo -fir-.tr b t e brkrihe Biiline of ib" air. A iont.il o'cineh 1'. M as t e sun wji seitlng In g ave ins 0. stite and golden e tonus, the ('a . ol M lam i r.M'nti'd a seine as aweet an I p aei ful eye cou d wiah to rest niain, and t 'iico wis u c n n ciliary It, deed nou tb Idea tlie Yankees nev. r cen t to reacD aud pub'tn, ih it Kl.ili uon I Is i ally und nightly tho sernc of the wildest cxelrc n nt and panic. I-arge cr i vds of cititens and gsj ly drtaHed lHdl s and chil Iron hail ass.vn'il u, at o with f. rlitii'a of the pr. .roundest k untv prtmrnatbd to the dclighttnl strains of tiio A inory Hand, and onl with departure of d ty. Dgtit did tue trods disp rse, HlOM IK.TKIlSHrilO. There was a ret ort of a fih: on tbe Petersburg line yestcrcay. whieh wc ibscn IP. it what we hear he tiue, tjoueral Lee ha, by 'on e vi ty recent ditching, so checKmsao.t Grant at I'cter burg es to tnr, bim lo transfer bis ai t.vl y to this side of Jatnis n.-er. R A 11 DAN nillDOi; Ht'KVT. An nfllcial despitch from Oordonsvllln last night atali s lint i Yankee rava'rv force yesferd v taint the railroad bridge over tbe Uijildau ana made their escape. ruoM ti:b vai.lk.y shkhihan iw ri't.i, nnrKmr. An olllcial deaputeh from Geucr.il Karly, d ited thtfitti, und nceivetl here yesr. rday, aiiinni i.vs that " Mieridan's whole force ro.umeuce.l tailing back down the Talley last niirht ai mg no pike." New for .mother race over (ids f.nuous valley tra k ! Wo have for some days expressed t io belief that ihut would bo tho i .suit of this Val.ey campaign. from ttouTitrny vmaiNtA. Yankee papers announ"e that th'ir troops ara rehuilding the Manassas Gip and Oiangaand A'candna railroads. We arc not Informed for what that ex pensive work Is helng tindertiittcn, unless it may be that Sheridan is disposed to try hia fortune by a raid into Virsini t In the direction of Gordonsviilc. Aulcrvapl.iiu9ib.uD he have tried this route aud tailed. FounEHT STir.T, i onn carei r. Advices from Forrest to the fith Inst, bring ns tbc intelligence thai hi had eo upietoly destroyed tbe AlalMiinaaiid Tennessee rai.road from Krauk Im to Decatur, and had ctptined three hu idr. d prlstrntrs, lour gnns, seven luindrcd horses, and twenty -live bni.drid small arnis, together with a thousand ni groes. This is, when vii wed in every aspect, one of l'orre.'t's most important ra di. TUT. 11ATTLB AT SAT.TVII.LE. Tbe Lynchburg I irilnia,i says the battle com menced early in tbe day. Our position was well taken in an open Hold, ncir Sa.tvllle. lien', Irom nis n until dark, the Yankies r.:)eateilly chvirged our position; but wore nwi.ed wi'tt sueu a witl eiir.g lire as to be each time coiiijiclled to fa I hack In conlnslon, and wub heavy loss. Ac night fail tbe battle ceased, and ut id it clock th it night tho enemy commented rem a i' g, going tUr ougu Tl.cmpson's Puss, oil the suui.i road Usm winch tl ey advuncesl, leaving their .l"ad and s nn.i of their wounded ou tbe lield ; but c trryiut oj'sticb of tho wounded as could ho moved. The total loss of the K- s rves was eighteen, killid, seventy-one ivonn l.il, and twenty-one missing. The regular rc-ln,etits lost ttil."y n.ne wom ded, none killed. The men detuiled to hury the Ynkeo don t bul led ore hundred and six whites a id one hun dred and tifty-ticvtn negroes, hnt gentlemen who visited the held on Wednesday assure us Mat numbers of the dead, both white und nlurk, aro ami untiuried. They tliink tint thes.' will rearb tilty or sixty In number, wnlcu would unite tbe Yankee killed upaida ofthrea hundred. There are tighiy-six wounded Yankees in the bos mt tl nt Kmory, among ihem liitgul er-Genor .1 Tr.u Ben, of Kentucky, supposed to be mortally wounded, who is said to ho a i no her of GeneriU Kog. r Hanson, who was killed la tbe Ooui'ed.j rnle sciviee. A gentleman woo converse 1 with tlie General tells us that ho puts the Yankee loss nt otic thousand to twelve hundred, wuieh we nre inclined to believe is ail uud.'resii na:o. There are also included auio-'jj the wonnded six negroes. Our forces were eommnndod on the field by General A. K. (Jackson. Gun. r.tls iireckiuri Ige and Kchuls were also on tbe field after the tiUt bud progressed sometime. A soon as the retreat of the enemy w.is dis covered pursuit was comniem ed by our iviv tlry, but with wbatruercss has not neen learned. TU. ru was a rtport nt Sultvillc Wc inday night tint onr troops had overtaken 'hefi at the KUiUu Is, thirty miles from the bat lo field, and cp ure I five hundred prisoners. This report, however, needs continuation. Tho en. my had only throe pieces of artillery, and lhee arc. repor.ed to have fallen into the bunds of Colonel Giltner, who is conducting the puisuit. The enemy ou their ro'rct' threw away gans, pl-toW, sWoiils, kVinu.aut.iuU. oveicouts, knap tacks, h?.., in tho gieaust pioi'usion. Tbe ro id from tho battle tieid t- with n three m le of Thompson's Pass, thitty nu'ei from the battle tieid, was literally strewn wall these articles. A large number of pack mules were abandoaod and fell Into our bunds... tin portion of the salt w.-.r'rswere reached by the enemy. Tbey were met Pi an open tlo.d and dtfeated in a pitched bail u hv one-fifth tb jir numbers, and it will be long, we prodict, before 1. nothcr ntteuipt is irmi.'. 'o ci, turo these import ant WOlkB. Klt'timnntl I.ortil llrnH, El. it UN oFTitR l'RKNiinaja President DivU returned to tho capital yei play m truing ou tbo I'eiersbnrg train, troin bis visit to tho S iut i and tbe army of the Hoiithwes . Ue returua in good health and excclleut spirits, mid speaks wuh cou lidenee of the linal result in Georgia. 'i MB l'KKHIUKNT HCVIKIVIMI G EH KRVL JoifN- bto.n'hOi.u Army. The editor of this paper has received a private letter, d-ted September 2i, tioui ii n ollicer iu the uii.it , eonUiuing the fol lowing item : Tin President reviewed I '.c triKips in bivoua; to-day. and some of the men In Cheatham's aud Hates' Divisions culled ou' in loin to scud John ston back, and proposed mm ;uve three cheers for "old Joe " Tl.c writer al o states th f. t'u olllcors having received information ti nt s tuo such deaioastra nonwastobe umd", issued orders prouioltiug it, und threutt ning to piini-h I1 e olctiders. Some i.t the men, however, were li ild enough to sol thu Older ut finance. M,n-on (-'tru derate, PuisosrRM ooino hoi in. Thirteen tiuiulrod Yankee prisoners were suuted MimhwurJ yoster i.':.y Uiotnit'-', uud i. lite tin .tin .1 more will lolluvv tins morning, under gnar i o' a d itacuiucut of item tes detailed to neeoin . iy them. Among our wouatied ei I -ns who received line viounds Iu ilio ri.er i .i-.otitig In Virginia, is J'owbatun Wcislger, the nell-ktiotvn batter, Maiu slntt, v.ho rtciivt'd a severe wound in u cuvulry tight ut Water bridge on tho 25th ultimo. The Mono Ivi-iti smKxr btsiXKSs. Yester day was a day of real exciicuieut atuor.g the a'j'e honied mule neyro population, bond and free, lu rousC'iiu-Lcc of au order impro-sltig them for deli n.-e purposes. There was no pruinulgati bl thu order, and the nt f roes were taken unawares t n tl:e street, et the ma; Let, from the shops, and at every point wliv-re they woro found doing tne ernti ds of tht tinelti s or their masters and iu in to s-m. At an early boar tlie uegrocj begau to si a. IL sou.c tiling tut Lew ind, and rolling the whites ot tl. ur eyes, began to bi take themselves to in t.iio.s iii-.t! the mere secluded telrtatso' tlif negio d. 1 tl iwii towu. At noon au uble-bo linl negro, s..vi tliOst- tinder escort ol tlieimpri.-ii.ti.tguaid-, was a mm at i upon tho streets, lu sumo in stances the impiosmem Bfifuta ai Ud with rotn n c: t'.abio luaistretion, matching the i.egro fiom the r..uti.etiLg of Us masti r and leavin the tuar lt. ting to take cure ol itsi If ; takitig the negiotiom liisj urh on the cart uud leaving the fart drivor. Ii -d I i.bii.d. Cattle Tuundrr was made tlie tem porary depot of tho negroes, and they weio etU ii in '.hem eto the point where tbuv w :rc no-ded. N twiihstan.iieg tbo sodden nd stiin'uuv manner of their taUiug til, the negroe were in . ul.ilant spirits, and un$ and bailooJ ou th-ir way thr. ub the stieet... A few of tho'e im j resold, wbo.e impressment Kit thiir owners or tiiipli.teis dtsl.lutc tf Lel., Wire tileased upmi itp.i-eutation to that cil.it liein tua le to die f.'ovtincr; hut the print bit'k will l a made to tin The country a ertiee forthe r.cut few riavs, which f atr'otic citirei.f shonid not begrudgo forthe lUe id the cctnmoli cause. llattlo neur nirbiooatt llio Mt.ntllitn. 1'iotii iht e 'taioij t. 1'j'i.oiei , f tsb'r S. A I altle was fought near to itirhniot.il u jos. ,'erJay luoiuiug. It was a sigual victory f.,r toe tvultdcrute aims. '1 he imuitdiate cause of thu Colli'sion was an establishment of tho enemy much too m.sJr our liues. They gained the foothold on .Sutur.la l td th tittle atUlr alter which aa ait'l r.ry (' eer w srA'S ed ty Ids 'airi r In rai V to at e;i g ao 'i"v tic s i'l n.'i r'ti or bi lirc. Ont as t'ny the e. rmv int ut to b ifiilei tf :n at, try and a . y of cavalry onho 1) ri;to. n road, unt , ih y ..rrnel . In i fa I vii w ot on hi til" T '. illi ir lu.midatly iu command opined up n thin witii heavy arL,.li r ui.d easili oro. 1 1 1 li o. I ot ii . Hut Li- w t t tui . x p ndiiure ot Ut t'Org a am to u i, it oa l)c;u i s .e.li.y can -ke.l tyb'- inniii-.o -upi ri.r. tue om i.iy -t .,.,1 il in ih. ir it r. nt, v en- n i ,fo' c tl, ui I imew n j te Coi Ids Wi rkmg hy nay und n g it, uud uuoi lenus'ed lit t e fli.' .ni- nrtlbryoii .nrbri''. tin) loon p. t themselves v. ry strongly intrenebe.l ill. i, n ti e t. mi a u nt mi es of t'l i cny l.i -ue mrnn'iiiie. tiinnt nioted over b'-avy for et to .ha, tiertl.t rii It nit m.d trirew one eor(.s oir. lo the iu. per ot h.s nu- uNa. On lit- w,i gof b s annv an ntti. k wit m .do at lajhin.k )estireny, hy a piiti.iu of our inn ps under the pnn eoiatu coiuin m l of )ein.r. And. i un, wtiit b w u -nn .ly -u e .'--ful. Grmt's i ni of ii t.inlry was neitti u in:o raoid r treat. Hi- hat In a ions w. re rn.ii. il ov -, mit, n 1 1 n pit re- ot In.- r.iiiii'Hi, wuu -i vcral liun ir. d pri in- wi ie S' cured l y li.e Cuuf d rate troops Too I ist am In ntic accouiits rep eaeiit Ibueaoiuy to hate Lit t: ii uilveu lite iiil.es Irom iliu el , t.i.t it is iU'io td that all lur'tier auiioy.tnee troiu tu.f tl ti c on is now i tf e uallv priv utcd. U it do liii lewil proimO y lie reuewnd. Grant is tiu wil'iiiulo hi: tin Irii.icg aiu.ursee gained i.tst wei k a i toon obseuied ; he has henvy forces, and wii uoiiii It s uy totto S'liueiuiiig wuu ttiem wi I out uel. y Isi.h i n tlie IV u insula and on t.'m Im. s layouo IVu rshtiig. niii,i.ii.e attention Is niral.i at'ra fol io Mu riiii.n, that most extraordinary of all trag y.ir t t.hii l'o)s' not i xts pied "who ins long In i n ovi i.duf nt l.y uih'itirg, mid ii n iw retrat irg down tl.e vaiUy. but, d.s,,nu me ,.rv Invoialile aeeoiiiits la'elv receive. 1 of Karly's pn piiTiitioi.s, we cannot b, lieve h s movemcut 1 1 be inti getuir a nttes-liy. For some limn ptst liiiima.ii ns bate lueu mace ol" it l id 'ral eolu.nn li loin to advance down tlie line ol tie Orme and Ah xaudiia rnilr.ml. l.ascly wu have bumi assund ti ut this advance is soon to oe mide. Hut w hence ia ihu for e to conic ) I tie Lni ed rs,ai.-s h s uo tiony of troops unetn p oyeo, ucr is theie uny urmy wh.eu eoul.l Iw depieieil. Ifacoumn a.lv.moes on R ehuioml troin Ihut qnaurr, It must lie a portion, or ail, of tsheililaii's troops; and ou the siippo-ill a that bis loice is lo Ik used In lost oireciiou, hit retro gade nnirch is easily uud. r-t-a).. Tao advan lais are proisi-ct to d'aw Early om ot taa vaiiey, ai.u lo I'oim a j luetiou ,tu Oram on the n.'iu etn snle ol Kl. Liiioi.d. U t him tome, i'ue loug. r the line tlie hotter. H ei.linu.il eau never be e.r.uiuj vailau d, un t an aiiny suet' lung around a circa it of forty or I if y miles olics more opportunities to the Contedc rate G. uirais than they have ever yet had. Hiehuit nd is a pinw which can never te abut ioi,ei no, not while one ttouo rcuianu upon another. It ut.n's. llriler (it I'reveut Slriixuliiitr It In Ario I'liti atoMllttru lt-i.t S'lttu tit r-l li iit-i' sii.iiltrsi. I! II M d' AMl K11S Alt MY OP Tlt.VNVasKn, IN TUB Kin I., m p i ml -r U, Istti -l '1 1, il.'ca. i -..i.iii iienii ill . i ,. c;. i tl.e Mlteiiiion ul' ti Im cures tna it,vi-,,n ,-o.u-n.i. Il-er. t.i II. e lien li..Si'll e 1 1' i..vi.. tlie.r , o a u.j.i.ii. Hill in bano, Hint to r. tt-hl llracimi; a li..e I.H II e m.iri li He tv pslnfli to .Sr tint in lhi Isst mtr.-n f-.l-n At 1,'nt v ti. III 1 1.,'ll.t, tisu-lti lUa I III.' .11. Kit l's' as i.ii., a, ma lr. lu la.inai l-jr otr- l.i.-k'. tin L ui vi ul.l..lu.j III ! , III,' I IMI HI. .1 l. :ii..nV 1.1.1111,411,1,1., Al.ll .1.' Ul.;t Ill-Hie , II U.t'll 1 r .t'.lt II.).' t'M'ir I'WllllUMD in All I plan ,r tti s- Ha' i .tel.s 01 'It.' .'.i. n r.. i o I . r .'ei s i',..on.iid . a will lnv.l resis nsl'ili tio .tin l-'irs; Iriyit.sn In i, ae eoiiiiiiainl rt; S'ni Iv-i $ lieis llel' rs tin. mill .nil .;i,.i.v I'ltlr. rs r "ts'i Oilc r.r a.l i ir.e t l ue hi a ll.er it 'ewnlnililt t ai tlie niamti. II li.,listll I-' ,"ill.t Ii l.jfr eiilil'iieni'ins tttS mtti'tt. Int I - li 1. is li.n.-li.il"r n ill ha.t ihi-.r 0 ..iiina.iils ut t ,i e. j. ru:..ii. 1 1' ei.'i hm.r. u'A arint.Hi.i ti t e iin-ir n,lt tHi ! , re.tin .ea n he t s hi e.icli rt'S.'tar li.ilt. u.isai.s 0 run, si iters wi I hit' e r.-sleieiitnl una tott.a..v c mii in. en. is ii. nr. 1. hi .tic rti;,r ..!' lli.-ir r-inn ti-.c c ra n.-nls, anil ti ill tm n'sp i slblc 'in all tic n iftte'lr t o a-nino. rno hint trisi.;e. tie lueu i,l' ts, a bi lk..ati it It . ara an tine lu uisieli .H rai hi m itti Oeir e'liai.anuH tttl bi i'u.li',"e. lo.i ti. mi ai il pi .e. U ii..l. I' Ihe nari.i(..f H t'lnnui ,n.nlt..4 i. It., i r, w i n w ill ie .eAaiiil nu 1'ir lueu coiiil.io. wa.ie ua Ihi tiiu.ea. W i en I.e nisirli et lie (tit l s.-r, -he "nine, mar -ma Y, ine n i iu.tl-1 ui Hll ill .i.i.l. is m III hu sunt in ennui lesit litiiiltcrs Win s niHin r fit nmr ", ti li '.i .in.'s ii.-e.-Hsiirr ui fii ss a ci'i ll or .ai. it ti.i.l ) la"i . Ii . tt n.i a ba e..lu mi ,uay iM-ei ii e tn Ken. ti will ns reinl ed iliat 'lis ti ts.i,l:i e na il .r.ler n u,.lii In pi nni; suit tec his tit.mmintl tUij .i.iet hai. in. Wlieai ver an oftli-ir Is ("iimiJ neellvnt to iis-firiu-li-K Lis itet,t cr n He.iiiii iu iukvimu tir-u i.i, let utuu, wll I.e stilt ifrt itrtl tt mini t,i a''i'iaxte a fan lit. r.'t'it it men' at i. it il nt te bo tlrti)tttd limu the ru is or ihu r n. Hv r.ituniBlnl nf iMj'icral rftiil. M , K. flail ll t ai ei'Nt m, Aii'i aot-A.tiuttlit ileaoiai. He h'is n l-o oi di red all teamsters to he return"!, to it e r touimai.d-, their places to he supp io i by litgiocs. tXtiUK ItiiliK t'tsetllux I rum (.t'tirnlit W Ititl 1st II .' ficm the Hicimond Wit.j o-l 1. We have news, rhot ring, verr cheering, IVoiu Noi.b (iei.igia, wbieb, foi prutientiil reasons, ve Dei line unnslnug. Let our readi rs ho . tti. i t d'.y is Ine. king, and a.l will yet ne r gui in 'lie liiii iio Mute. I.r trr frurii Sjittit-riil litlilif n. To (' -.'iiYee tj fAs Cvufrr dtt l.'.ni. t7tv: Hirr-In fening to Mexican utftirs in ye-ter-dsy'a number of your dally paper, yon apeak of me In terms to highly rdtVusive Ut my honor that I feel compelled, in self-defense, to trouble, you pgaiti for the publication of a few lines. I repeat ence more that I never did solMt any. tbirg at all of the so-called Imperial Oovernnvnt of Mixico, nor do I intend returning thereto lul.nid to it j be who so suites falsely aittnua that I bave done so. It is a most Infamous calumny to insist upon fat Ii g tb ut 1 ptetonded to make an arrangement w.'tb il.a it.Vi dcrs to save my private property. t but I possess in tbe Mtate of Guanajuato bus bun acquired just as legally as any pniperty bought by any one else politics have uoihlug to do vitb n.y lortunc, which has been gotten by loiicst labor; for that very rea-on I need ask no p uatantie at all of the so-called Imperial Goveru lnent. My piorarty. like everv other (Arson's, is guarantied by the civil luws in vigor in Mexio Ivrg eft re the country was inva led. Of nil the national pro)erty sold in Mexico, I bought but one single bonse, and that 1 paid for aeeoidirg to the regulations of the laws of ref'iim nailed thereby tbe legltiui'ito Govcrn intiilof uiy tountiy. 1'he Fruiich intervention bus tcter dan d to derogate them, In spite of the ex'gcncles of the clergy and traitors, because evi ty one knows tint, owing to idem, tbe I n Hci rtsiumg iu Mexico l ave become possessors of n oic tliim one-third of the so-called Church pro pi n it e. Therefore, that person asserts what Is untrne W ho persists In i. MWnilrg Una I have endeavored to cult r into uny kind of arrangement with thu usurpti ol Mexlio to save uiy limine, end I dely any t nu to show n.y signature uiitxcd to any d a uii.ent oi the kind. 1 did pretend to savo my fortune legally tic tiiiiitd, but by tbo only menus honorable to a Mexican In tin so circumstances, vi., helping to ketp up ti o wnr i;i ni the usurper, thu frcn ill and iiuilors, und riptlling f. rco by force, to tltj utuiost ol in) potter. I Ihiiik, by so doing, I have dt re my duty a a Mcxie n. 1 1 migruuu to this cotii tiy afti'i the late oi war had proved adverse to me, and niter losing nearly all my soldiers. As to int object In timing to this country, allow tne to Sny I do i ot cui.m ler mys If bouiid to coi tide, it to any one, h.u! much less to writers wlo.oiilge io llghilt ol pirsciia whosti present unsloitiiue ectllits iliini to ibe rtsprct of all, I kniw, lerlap?, bet'er than nny i.ne olsc, tho little or i o la'iic of tbo fiuaraiilers the usurper's Goteii.mint might tender mr, tor I have not so s. on lo; gotten the worth of Mr. Knllgu'it sina luieoi the l'reiitniuitiie.s of La iroledad. Y Mir servant, M. Loulaoo. New Yoik, October ft, Ho I. Tl.a Iii.sbop of Mas.ittchu.etti couflrtued in f t. Jol.O: , ou the l'Uli io tin, o, and le. u th: cot-cir-stone of a new Ctiurih in Gs.tord. The Lord Lishop of Montreal and Men opo liti.ii oi Jamtd three liists uid two deai.ns at M'.utriu. on the 2'nh, T'.c corner-stone of tho new clutrJi of Pt Ji ra s li.o Less has bem laid at Huron, Caitnaa V mt. lli-lmp Tbrin,psoii, of tl.e M.K.CI tir'h.t n M- wuy to ledi i. stoppeda tew dais iu Ltiution, ui.U s-i lreiiiCd tl.e t 'toiuyan Committee. "'he Ilreeto-y of the Protestant Seiidu.iry of ru'J.n bas r uhbr litd a lattonalistic life of Joms. 'i he Council of liadta reluse to remove Lint. An Kuglisli (,'ourt at Lsodf hs rocoiHJy hwaidi 1 one If rtbir.g to a man of i fty-live. who lui.iiigl.t a su.t lor Uiai U ot jnoiutou aal j-t ta lutiy ol sixty-nine. The Ditcctora of the Sydculiatu Ciyst; l'alnie ni I keen open on ftnudar, amt the niil loua iurs 6iill iy to ard from it tilled with thoti sar.J.i of .i..-en?cra. No amount of religion, ai'rcul bus Ken able to utosu tue doors of tins' 1L(C. A biisk maiiiet exists for tho s'.c of in. ti, vuii'i ii, and chiloren in Couch Liu.,-, where it is sin J tl.at n.ia sill tin u wives quite in the ordi nal) Ionian) of lile, ami wouitn sell their cu.ldi eu l lit re Ihi y aie 1 inn. TUeie aie many kturtiiug levtluliena of this Inf-mous state of things iu seme pai crs which have been presented to the liengnl Gottri nivnt by the comiuiis.ouer of C iAh Kcl.sr. rru I i ih ; 1. 1 rv 1 1 i I ii I ill i'i If 1 i FROM PETERSDUHG. NEWS TO MCKDAY L'OrvNLNO. ALL QUIET AT THE FRONT. Heavy Firing on tho North Side of tho James. WAfiiiNoron, OfTniiKH 11. The mill s'tanwr 'iiii.ii II 1 6: ft r, from t'i y Tolnt, brings uo news fit ui tbc fiunt of importance. I'p to ten o'clock te- trd,,j morning all was quiet In frontof IV tiittniip, but on the nor'.b et lo of tint Jims Klier theie was a mo art lery drlng g dug op, I ut t.ot iiim. lt nt to Indicate that au ong tgeuit ut w as in pi i g i e s. Geneial Herron cameuponthe AnnV! IlVli.'.r. The pi cltil train leaving here this morning for Halt moto tcok on nbont ono Ih iu-an l M iry lautlcrs, going h. line to vo'c on th i new Con ti- tll'iOtl. Lit utemmt Patrick H. F, irly, of tho 1.1th Penn ) Ivnnla Carairy, who riialeted arro.t in this city while Intoxlentid, and eh d Lieutenant W. II. Tyrrell, commanding the night patrol, with a pistol, has been cn-hierod aod sentenced to two yeiiis' impiisonnient in the Albany Peiiituntiiuy. I ltOf THE ARWY Of THE IMtrovf, . Wasiiinoton, October 11. Information re reived from the Army of the Potomac to-day stales that on fiunduy nlgbt, betwoon 12 nnd 1 o'c'ck,tbe enemy opuned tiro towards the 3.1 Corps, ai d eiiiiilnucd the attack for ouly twenty mil utt s. Qur troop ill I not reply. It is not known that the enemy In'llc'ed any damage on our tro p. When the mail boat left City Point yesterday all was comparatively quiet. LATER FROM EUROPE. TUG KCROr.1" IT C1PK R,CK. Cai v It ai r, October 10, evening. Tho-tetraer l'.utofia fiom Literpo d on tho 1st instant' nud Quit ns'owu uu tho Jd, passed hero this evening tor H i-ton. Ha re was do change in monetary atriirs, and no fu i tin r failuies were reported on Saturday. '1 he Vnilttl State Utainer Kearsarge wa spi ken on the lOih tilt., in search of tho pirate .Viiii a. By the explosion of the Dittt'.ird powder milli, on Saturday morning, foity persona weie killed. I.i vi mot n October 1, evening. Cotton S lie to-day .'loot) bilee; msik. t easier, llreadsiull's iiiiel ; Provisions very tluii. Sj Consols closed in London on the oveuing of the 1st ol Octootr ut tjHifcbSl (or money. TIIECANK OK TIIK PKIVVIIIlia "HK I'KIHI'I'IOSJ." Tiifntow, N. J., October It. The cae of the l.tta, foinurly the Kchel privateer attribution, was decided in the Uuited States 1 l-ti i, t Court nt the present term in favor of tho Government. Judi e Fiede read his opinion on Thursday last, di ml slug the claim of the Uritl-h mr hunts nt Niwau, on tbe ground that vestcla of war of a belligeient caunot legally be sold to a neutral in lime of war. Thl n.orning Mr. Kenshey, T-'nltcd States Dis trict Attorney, moved for adecreeof oonBsci tna., and tho Jud-o direj ed a decree of for te, lute ULder the aet of August 6, lHtJl. 'I Ida ease Is novtl and inijioriiint, Involving the fame question time will prob.tWy srise iu the en e of the Givryia. Ctaiiis I'alwards, I'.s ;., of Xew Yo:k, rppoared lor the lliitish claimants. INVASION OF MISSOURI. Gen. Price Moving West. PLEASOjNTON in fdrsuit. Thayer Coming Down from Kansas. LATEST FROM JEFFERSON CITY. St. Lot in, October 10. From the Jell'erson CI y roireapondeiit of tho Demoeral, it aeem that the Hebol demonstration on that place on tbe 7ih wus merely to occupy our forces, while ttc cntnij's main boil y crossed the Osage river. Aftir filling our fortifications, and iiuding tbetn strong, tbey passed westward during tho night, some 20,000 strong, with slxteeu to twenty guns, and a long train. General Plcasonton arrived ou tho morning of Ibe Kth, assumed oouimund,anil in tbo afternoon followed the Rebels with about ftkJO cavalry. At night rejiorts reached Jell'erson City thnt we hud engaged Price's rear, while General Curtis, i inning from Kansas, was lighting them in front. The Vrmvaat Jefferson City despatch of to night lay a that a courier had ju.t arrive J from Cti Ifoihla, 23 miles west, bringing information that our cavalry were skirmishlnt; with the enemy nearly ull day yesterday. Iu the afternoon the rebels u.leied California, and burned tl.e depot and a tuiln of cars. Price issued a proclamation ttntlrg thut be bud come iulo the State lutendlng to remain, lie desired to make friends and not rucuilis, and that the depredations ho bad com mitted were a mili'ary necessity. About four o'clock our forces placed a battery outride of California, drove the Ilobels out, and killed and woundi d over 100 of tlicin. Our loss was only a ft v men wounded. Tin niiln ad w us torn up about a milo on each side of California. The ltcbel Colonel Stundevort is reported to have been at Tipton last n'gbt with OXtO men, moving towards Booneville. Ther.cbal Mnjcr ltowia and Lieutenant Key were killed, and Co'tonc! FbaiUs was mortally wounded. C'C'lontl ristchir, with bftceu mel, arrived here fromJIlr l!a;to-nipht,h!id rejions that 1 100 meu are ropaiiii'Sf tho Southwed Iirancli road. A Innljo r.nd water tank wcro buruel at Scott's, eight tit les west of Jcff.rsou City. TO-DAY'S WASHINGTON NETS. fipwL.l E;tg::tffaea to Ku-iiltis; 7i!cr:;i!:. Wasiun jiok, O.tol.or II. Tiio HmiaMN imp l(nilronl. The Msnasscs Gap Kaiiroad is nowg iarlol agWi,i ibo gtietiila ban.ll prow lingin its vtc.u-ty. rsHldiertt' tluir. One of Governor Seymour's ajonts visited Uurcwood Hoepital on Saturday, and fouud but one soldier who, would vow for Seymour und McCltllaa. The Ohio soldiers in thu vicinity are To'.ing to-day lor inemlier. ol Cot.grem. Tim Family ov Puiisiukm Jiariiz. The wile and children of President Juarer.,of Mexico, arrivod in Oils city ou Saturday from New Oi leans, on board of tbe steamship Arid, They weie accompanied by Oenortl Cuicouria, Mexican Consul at Nw Oileaua. -V. 1'. Tnbtint,, Act intxr onkw iiivrn railroad. Twrnly Prrannai latjam-t Tbe tmln that left New Havea at 0-45 f.-lTck yret rd. y morning met with an a-ddent ahout 10 o'eltxk .M ., bit ween 'Ovent . -tlxtb and S veoty eventh itireis Four pa-a ngerrars wcro hrovn wnh gnat violence Irom thu track, and a no nunr cf p. f sir get a were b,nlly Injtited. It a) pi ura that the train, win. h w as drawn by tti 1 1 gun a, wu moving at a rapid ran, wlteu the ft u i Hi car came in e n'ac.l w ub a dufuet vo lad. and wus ibri wu, witu iliteo oiu rs, tu n the ir.ok. One til the cars was unrooted, ami iom p ft ly diminished, and ibe others were oon sirersbiv nnniH ,'. d. Captain 11 ir t, of the Nnie tirnih Precinct, and Ca-piain Hal. lungs, of the 1 went) -iliiid l'n cinel, were priMiiptly oa hand with platootia of polnv, and witu Uio ruilroai men und others leiidcred speedy a-aisuuiisj to lue sntlertrs. I'pw ird of twenty piascngors were more or less injured. The cltir.en- iu iliu vicinity roud-T. d all tbe usaistance in tlielr ptiwi r. Ooronor K tn nct and Dr. Fireman dressed the wosinis and nppltsd restoratives to those who nee led ttscir help. Aa soon as Iheolllueia of the ro I beard of the ureierni tin y aent up a tr iluti ooneey the wounded tu the city. At noon the tras k wax suf rit ni Iv cleared to allow the waiting trains to pro crtd on i hi ir jonrnrys. In tne Twenty-first Station Homo there see silts beis, brats lets, gold spoctne.lat aud o her Titluatile articles awai tng the orders of their owners. A gentleman, who lost a go d w.ti h, hud it resion d to bun lyabiywbo found lu Mr Nit hols, the conductor, and Mr. Armstrong, of tho post-i lllee, weie very active In their e i dtators to relieve the wounded passenjr.; car riaj.e were readily procured by all needing them, and all the Injured were sent to their homos, or miit'e ns tomtoniibto as possible in bouses in the ne gtihorlitjod open to theiiu 'lhc lolluwlng Is the most complete list of tho unlortunate sulloiers that our reporttjr could on tain : Mr II. T. NirJviln.orV.w Yoik, ic.dp woootl anil back ai d Simula, ri. b.ili injured t.tsiri.. Ii. NieiiiuN, ni Newark, ear and ntk ent by a I'llliler In the eiir. i It I'tuuuuia, of Ru. k Rock. Csian., alkhily iniured In It'' llftd. lr. Mttrqtiantt, of Bnuthport, Cion , head sad anna bmtlt brulseil. air lwis, ul'Soiittiport, CVinn .ttttt assias the fvie, Mr. J-'tenb lUrtiaut. ul LttHcli ll.sk, Cjilll. ,liw ' uut S'ttl hi itr btulsi d. (Vleiiei I ren-a. ol ilwurtelil fVionth-ikiit, ( ittiitalier of Mi.r-iin,'riil Itieier . stall. waimae I ia tlie Im t u A .t.lititr. usine unkiuiwu, eul mid urut.td daiiiterautty. 111. Ine i tlt's.ittetl ul. yir taint . IttiiK ey head lirulis.l and rnt Airf.'i.fT. nf Nsrw.la, ismiu.- atighiiy I'dursd. Was able is tmict ed on It- r snirtmr. AtisniH.y sh a nf w Canaan. Conn soveroly in ).ire1 in tin-lie.tl and a ins. wuu i.,lri..u at t:i,tl,aeal our reuernr. vl-it. Hiiewa.oo bar way io Cohovs ia nursuu t,l eai.liiut ut. ji, rs. i iiN'il wt'.l, n iVorteo. wife of s t'nlnn anltssrnow a pioi,i'r,tutivei,iiini) itijiiied uu the tieatt ind ti'ut. H ie f an an n,f,,nl well lieri tile Inlsnt u.' StH'il willi.iiil Imliry, 1 brv are .lepplnK at Mf. kiHTnur'., comer uf eeveuty eib t suets nml s't.urib avenue. lir. Illrtli.i.l NiTAnlk, i milt., cut badly In the fieail, and lann d bv bril'st s In IIh- limb.. Air. liri'w.tsr.nt N. irw.,la, ent and brid.ed abottt ttia t'aes aril hind, ami butt lu ibu m.Iii.. .Mr. i.. iiik Kiie. i,r Nut m.ii, , O.aiu., hruiC'l ah mt tlai fa e, nml in e li.utt Inidly eru-li d. Ai'tia .nil H't-lniril tiib.irns is Sew ('anam, Csmn., It. .11. i r .in) .Ixtiir , eie'v liijurtid iu the lie td Mr. s.iuuel Ito.w i k . f slew in k. sl.i:' lly ai.Hin.le'I. All. Il.lieliy i,f hlikslte d. t'elin (tlldlv wtmilUsd 111 UlO licatl; be it as taken lu llw llelu-vuu ilnspual. Ill one of the cars Mr. Parke Godwin of tbe r.ttuiuq I'ttut, and Mrs. Godwin, wcro ttirowti liom tneir anus, the car was overturned, and tbe pustei iters thrown into a promiscuous beip, si veial weie wounded and blood Mowed freely. Mr. Godwin leleased himself from tlie struugling mass tl ai hud fal.eu iiain bim, and thrusting his I. cud Ihioiigh the ventilator, culled tor an axe aud ladder. Help soon came and thu snlferers weie ex'rieaicd. Aim. Goo win was eonsiileraU y injurtd, but she Is now doing well. Mr. Godwin was slightly bruised ubi ui ihe bind and fnoe. Mr. 1'. T. II irnuiii as ou iho train, but escaped w ithout injury. Mr. 1). Scott, of Puiladulphl i, wus Fevcre y injured In the head. The rail which caused the accident was broken in lour oiilert nt places, li Is supped that the ties under it weiu too far apart; instead of two, time tits have bi en i a ed under the new rati. Fuituuately ihere were uu etoi p em iankiueuis In the immediate neighborliuod of the disaster. If there bad been, uudouhtidiy mauy livus would Lave been sttcrlhccd. Tbe engine and three of tho cerspaa t d sulcly aittr oreaking the coupling. .N . 1 . limes. A I'm trnl t of tJriit-ritl Franlilln. F. Cn'ht un Adams, n his second book f "The Story tf a Trooper,'" pay s tho folljA'iiig hanJ ennie tribute tu tbo chnr.kctcr of Gem r.tl W. II. Fianklin : And here let mc any a few words touching the txnmple ai t by General Franlilln to bis men an 1 nlliteis He iUit t y pliched his tent on the oro v of a bill, in the om n held', nnd Ibis was bis I,ca.diUarteis during the w.nter. His style o living was of the pluimst kind, and such as becume the tiue Ki.hiiir. Nothing could indued him to enter Ibe huusi s of tho pe ipie, nor would he p. mill any one of bis stall to occupy tnein. 11 is lent was his home and bis headquarters ; and like a true roldier, he never forgot tintt he w is placed bete to do hia duty to bis God and bia country. Altai e und eour'eous In bis manners, with a nainre kicniy auso pilule to the demands of justice and Irue humanity, quick to interpret betwten light and wiong, a rimd disciplinarian, exacting in bis demands of duty from bia sub oioinutis. you could tlud no truer friend or moro ngiceat le companion when the work of the day was over. Luc uiraging, alike by tils triumph and prccct true maiilincss iu bis oilie r, it was bis highest aim to promote tbo interests of all under hiiii, ard to In, prove their discipline, that ttiey would rttltct honor on ifaclr country tu tbe day of battle, in short, be was not long in gaining the ronlidi uce and esteem oi bis soldiers, and with tin ni be found the basis of wbat was ntVrwards known in tho ai my as the "noble old 6th Corp," and which was so much feared by the enemy. Franklin was a sincere believer in tbe pilicy that it was onr duty to fight and conquer the enemy whtrt vtr we found turn in arms; but that const h nco mid humanity demanded that we pro tect tbe di tensele.-a and the innocent. lie saw that in the tarty stages of tbe war ottluors wore too intit h inclined lo yield to nuaece-sary fears; and in aiming thce frnra to use sucb means aa I rouebt ai-treas upon the Innocent. And be wa loo di ep a thinker not to know that justice and moderation exercised in an enemy ' country are ui ghtli r weapons thuu tlie sword. 1 nevt r saw a man who had a moro bono it and outspoken contempt fur hypocrisy in whatevor form it showed list II, and so tree was be to rebuko itwlicnivi r it interfered with tbo discipline of bis men that several of those tcltisb and purvcrse miiulcd dt inuj-OoUcs whci nu de It their business to iiii.-et nstiue tbe acts of Geueiuls and cause tlis sentioi s unning their men, In '.' in repaying Ins rebiikei by whlsricring doubts of bis patriotism. Ai d it was a misinriiino fr in which both thu urmy and the country sutTcred, that the reckless and the igtioiat.t touii.l uttnntivo listeners in liif'li places; und more especially when thev hud ctuirj'.cs to make nitainst GcneraN who refused to sink tbo moralities of 1 1 it i r manhood and curry oti the war alter the fashion of auvnt.-es. We me too apt to let our feelings predominate wbl e sicking a piini-lituei t for tlie errors of oilier;, anil rarely respect that ru lo we would npplv to our own. Mat y of the Noirburn poople, in (litiiiii.e tlie liebeliion. we:e either misguided by tin ir Iciideis or deluded by their ignoran ce, llty weie not only huiriid into wrong deeds, but even fostered into wrong sentiments aticr wuii's. And tl.e rtlkctlng mind v ill find uo di'li rnlty in discovering bow easy these things are brought about under the influence of that cupidity or revenge which is so continually changing tlie sentiments uud act ons of the hum in heart. 1 laiiklm .cotnpielieudt d this ni its broatlast Sitnsc ; trace bis anxiety lo ileal out mercy to tha ini oi nt and ptiuifett the guilty. He was respou su.,0 to bis country tor his aeu, and in perlortu ing hi duty ti lt Ctm.s. ious that God is the true guardii n of all .tust tutlgmeitta, and, whatever caitnlv ruicis luav do, He will mete out hia rewards to blm who talus for his guides con st ii it, c ai d rea- ou, truth and right. And front f-urh (-uhle no ajnouui of pc.idicalsjpa.it ids cvet bwcivcd Fiaiikan. Tlin Nit UK lor Iltiroiir. IIosion, O' tolxr II. The mails, 4t ths. at.;u h p Asia, ft r Llvtrpool, ria Halifax, will cl'60 at 61 o'clotk to-morrow (Wednesday) morning; but she will not sail until ubont 9 o'clock. Nark els ly Tltacrwpti. Niw Your, October 10. Flour alt. a. ad 10 .s sf r ; s. a. el s-sll lai at 7 tki its l. ..r is.'.vitj; St t, mla Jit IirClud; ana t-io x "All mr huuuisrti. wtis.t .diaii .'I ;tn ',c; tilts ui. line irlant. C.trn adtailted lu.'c. w.tli .....11 niics. n.' ij' il roik nraa ; i f ino l.b at at;t'iir"t V, l.aidstea atlk'n-e. W kiskt 4ud. Dr. C'olcr.so, ia duliuntx l.f the Itlsbop, n. pcand in ti ccbuii h hi Peter). orough iu bis eels-i-opul gsimciits. After i. nire be 1110111. ted a tali e on the tillage gtcca s.id addasiea tUs con l, gallon. The llngliib papers act tike old women over tbe driiioneliations lunde in Copenhagen upon the dandling of the fal.y Prince of Wales at the Lalaie window for the delectation ot tint popu ice. That the child did not cry excites "alir.eks ot ccslai y." FOURTH EDITION The (i reit Contest. Vmm AVASIIINGTOX. Soldicra Voting in tho National Capitil. THE UNION TRUTMPHANT. DEMOCRACY OUT OF 8ICHIT. Nnst in! Ut 1"j Kvitnlna; Trloic rnph. WAaiiinoTow, Cctober IL Voting tn-diy by aolillers from Pennsylvania and Ohio I going on at the various hospitals, c, imps, and birracks in and about Washington, and up to tills hour is largely Union. At the barrack of tbo Union Light Guard. Fifteenth atre t, tho vote of Ohio soldiers stood at 2 P. M., 1-2'j Union, 1 Democrat. At the Circle barracks, at noon, there bad been 3!) Pennsylvania votes cast, of which '21 wore Union and 9 Democratic. At the same barracks, there bad been at th it boar 19 Ohio voles cast, of which IS were Union and 1 Democratic. Keports from tbe Judiciary Rimare H upi til, Armory Square Hospital, Lincoln Hospital, 8hcr hnrne Barracks, and other voting places, show that the voting Is alt tbe same way overwhelm ingly Union. Oreat care has been taken to Insure to tho sol diers a fair opportuuity to exercise the elective franchise. ELECTION AT WEST CHESTER. HEAVY UNION CAINS. HMrlnl to The Kvttnlntf T-lgrh. West Ciihstbr, October 11, 1 T. M. Tho election is passing off very rinlctly. The Cop perheads are challenging the vote of every sol dier, and demanding the most convincing proofs of their right to vote. Our vote stands so far f mr hundred nnd tat a for llroomall (Union), and eighty-one for Ueitty (Copperhead). The comity will increase lior Union majority over that nf last year. Tlie Irnu-llHti 'Mnlatlllo-k.', Boston, October 10. Tho iron-clad Mtnnd nock, In company with tho United State steam ers JIAorle hlnnil, Miunaaitt and Little Ala, all from Boston for Fortress Mmroa, put into Holmes' Hole on tho H;,h inst., and sailed on tho Uth for their destination. CITY INTELLIGENCE. FrATK of Thkhuomktub To dat. Six A. M., i7J. Noon, o9. Ono P. M. rjO. Wind, W. N. W. Tun Election. The election of to-day ha absorbed everything else of interest. But little bnrlness la doing, and In what fewof theolllccsaro open little activity is presented. Items of all kinds, except election items, are few and fir be tween. Tha nsual police rep irts woro not in 1 lo to the Mayor ibis uioruuig, ueitliur were any of the Couria in session. Tbe election is progress ing quietly, and nothing of any moment, ao far as could be ascertained, has occurred wuhia the city limits to prevent our citizeus from exorcising their rights at tbe polls. As soon an the polls were opened this morula!,' large crowds Hocked aronud, which eeein to lu cres se In numbers as the day advances. Old grey haired men and some of our most respect 1 blu cit lit ns, who were nuvur beforo seen to tarry any longer than was Htilllt lent 10 deposit their ballots, linger around the polls watching anxiously how ibe day goes. Never befiro was such an lull rest k it, every tuu is up aud about, aud the rt suit is not feared. I'p to noon to-day we had reports from aoverat wards of the progress of tbe balloting, and tbe indications are that a large Union majority will be rolled np. Still our patriotic and loyal citizen should be untiring in their efforts, and should work like Leavers until tho chasing of tho polls. F.very vote polled strikes tenor tu the hearts of tbe 1 1 adore in car midst. Political Mebtimos. A number of political gathtrit ge convened in various parti of the city last night. The only two of any note, however, being one at Concert Hull aud tbe other at the Continental Theatre. Speeches wore made at the former place by N. K. Richardson, Hon. Chariot O'Ntil), William D. Pierce, and others. Iaist night the Union League of the Twenty third Ward and tbe Union cititens of Frankford, together with a delegation of tbe Republican In vincible nearly lour hundred strong, p traded through the princiiai streets of Frankford. The nsual ealvauade and mouoed transparencies made, np part of the attraction. A large portion of tho re-ldetits, including the ladies and even tho children, lined the sidewalks, applauding tbe processionists with cheers and waving h tu I ker chiefs. Residences on all tbe slice's marched through were brilliantly Illuminated. When tho procession bad pasted over Its route, which ended at tbe "Seven Stars'' hotel, a large mee.mg was held, presided over by Jamea Asbwortb, Jils... Inte Cuptbin in tbo 121st Regiment of Penn sylvania Volunteers. Throe gentlemen made ajieechta Rev. Mr. Dennison, Hon. M. Russell Thiiyer, candidate for Congress from the distri 't, and William fi. Mann, Lsii. Loot sTicxkts. This morning we were shown copies of two bogus tickets put in circulation by tbo Copperheads. They contained tho names of the Union candidates, but In such a way that if the tickets were pollu.l tbe votes would bo lost to Home of onr candidates. TI10 ticket for city olllccra baa the name of our candidate for Cny Oi miuissloiier printed Thomas Dickinson, instead oi Dickson, ihe ticket for county o beers has the namo of our candidate for 8 he rid printed Hirry S. Howell, insusd of Henry O. Howell, anil omits tbc name of the oitlee, sboritl', alto. getter. It has also tbo riaino of our rundidtto lor Clerk of the Orphan's Court, Kdwin A. M"r riek, printed Hdtvard V. Merrick. Our friends should carefully cmhiiihc all their tiekots, iiud see thut they aie correct. Ui'ON tbr niplit of the election the Fraukf.a-d Tel. priipb Otlici-, at tbe Second National Bauk, w ill be kept open for tho receipt ot tho election returns, which will be given to the public an fast as received, l.lection odicers and other, having returns for the city are requested to bring them to the otbee tor transmission. Lawinv of a, Caht. This momlnpt; at 3 o'clock, Fiauk Dillon and Albert Kilcy were arrested, while dtiviug around the streets in a curt which liny had aluicu. Tuey were ou tuelr way to the l ails to heve a good time geuoraliy. T biy were taken befcic Ali-rtuau Weldius, aud committed to ausw cr. buotKiita At i' ai u. About C o'clock 01 l&st Sunday night, a small boy, named Uocbler, living in Randolph street, below Oirard avenue, whi'e jumping the stalls iu the market, Girard avenue, itar Sii.lh, tell, and while tail lug, caught bis Imiid on a book iu the stab and tore it shockingly. The Pi-M.tAitii Tot itVAHENT. -Kstephe has ctriicdoff the fiist prize at tbr billiard touroa uiei t. He win six games and lost none. LlTLaT WAEIM: IVTLLLICKltCi:. ci.earku rum uonHixa. Ileir.jttc Two Itiol it. . rcj'j, l,ieip el, H'urHnim A Cj tintt i.'imuT Ci Ixtucaii. ltniit.ior, 4. II. iSUil C . 1st m ricle. A.'H'tiiili, i(taouiu,lt. A. 'u4r Ct- o, ht ( 'niiullA, Autl'i.uii.K.iaihort, do. , lu J. (ih.iun, Hon-fll, ton ..!, OaptAta. hcUr n. V. w. buumoiis, tiaJirvj, ai.uat. Wunouii"li'ir cur""!!t-.V'il r.rorUU.vtl,n S Rt.-ta , t r j. i-ihi H.1 ten, I it-i. AI-uar;,CtpUiu. H'-hi rr.s.c, 5!vu. fulfill ii. t..4 Ciu''''.l-iw,nt,Jlti'iuJ',(ll,a ' AKUrVKO TH14 WORHIVsl. RMT.l-."ii Htcwn, If davh ti jtu tiew Orlusvm, in b'- t" I. rt hifwun t o trK Mt-rlvVB Inif rfeoii if dayg from (MniftiBm, FINANCE AMD COMMERCE. Ornoa ov Ts r.wwrw. Tnnuie, I l"-l. Ootekat 11 The fork Market ia rather dull this mwnin bnt prices are ateady. United BtaSe bond asnX Railroad haro have an apwar 1 tendency, with sit a of 5-20 at 101 , coop ma off; and 7-331 sat 100; ns of 1SHI are quoted at lJoUJIOoJ. In Railroad shares there la a mq.Ji doln;' but prices are steady. Reading sold atHjCSnl. an advaneaj of 1 ; Phlladnlpaia and Erie at 8i. an advatie of ; Lehigh Valley railroad at 77 J andhorth Pennavlvania railroad bonds atOSjj ISO was bid for Camden and Unbov ;68 for Penn fylvanla railroad; 44 f, LUtle 8ehuy tklll ; 6 for Mint hill ; 2!4 for North Pennsylvania; 18 foe Cabtwlsaa common, and 974 tor prefarissd. New City r aro selling at 101 1, aud old do. at 98. City Passenger Railroad shares are dull, ami we bear of no sales. 69 wu hid f r Second suit Third, and 67 for Clnsnut and Walnut; 5S mm asked for Tenth and Klevuntb, and 30 fi Oret and Coatea. Theie la lem activity to notice hi Coal Oil state", but prices nre ateady. Oil Creek told ag 14 i aud Dcnsmote at 8. Bank shares are very firm, bnt them It little or nothing doing. lG7wasbid for North America; S3 for Commercial ; 44 for Ponn Township 8A f oe Western ; 28 for Mauafaelnrers and Mochinl'j' j "0 for Tradesmen's; and W for Union. Canal aharci aro dull, bat prions are steily. Sntquehauna Canal sold at 14; 2.SJ w is bid foe Schuylkill common, 3oJ for preferradj 95 tot Morris Canal, common, and 131J for prefenetL There is very little demand for tn)ncy. Lnn on call are offered at 6(o)7 pur otnt. per annum. IU st paper la selling at 0,C11 percent. Gold bas advanced 2 per cent, sinoo I lit evjn ing, but there is not much doing In the wtf of sales. Opening at 199 ; full off aod aol JUt 19JJ At 11 o'clock ; advanced and a ild at at 12 ; audi 201 at 124. Speculators aro alternating t aia tho IlDrllsh financial newt to advance the) price. The argument is thu tha London an! IJverpool pressure will add to (be exo irt de mand for gold from tbta side. Tbe defeat of Early caused a decline of 63 per cent, lath bogus Rebel cotton loan, aud a una of tne balk ing and mercantile failures reportej from Eng. land are of the moat desperate nature. ,, A despatch from Washington tbla morning aaya the subscription to the new 7 3) loin, as reported at the Treasury Department forthe Ut two days' amount to $1,81,440. The auUeerip t. ns during the last week were 91,021,000. rillLAOELI'lllA MTUCK K.VOII AJtlia, BAlJtS, OTT. tl.' aportsd tj ctaruoa A O., Broken, La 0. TkM Its' HS.FOIIB BOARON. inn ih Beailing R S'.sj 61 ,t, Knyt jneZluo.. 1ST trtsi h U et,ii. ftsi.b n.i..il iai...e ti2 4iih il" tssaoi 6U0auOiaiaiaa4 1 usi.a a.i 'iiss.i rtltST UOARt. ' fHonOU. R. 5 JO....C11U LU ' lisl.h ui. fan-d... t tn'ssl dt rK.I'ilSi Ti sh Lettish Vai stHsi uu ci np. uu aiMitt. a. j-soa list t UHllltv G. over ill. IIS hush an... 4ll0tlPhllltrl.. 'le.... ii ti .Ii AeaJ. of Alutlu : fiitlt'ltr tie. new. ...Int "i too sit ttaaains; H..1I11 l J th da nt HI I'Sl.n dt y' aim all a. iftiijlj Hai art ' on., .bialut st luu .a ao .10 til isi N Ca. us e list. 110 sa istm-i rrea .... 1 lOisb rul.ontial.... 8 1 Slsi Mi l.r. M.ainl 5 ifltl sh (ill Creek. ,.U0 'H 01 uan iHiismtin S'(. Qnotations of Gold at the Philadelphia Gold Exe.Cunge,No.31 8. Third street, second storv: 04 A. M 1!W 12 M 201 Id A. M I'.tSj 1 P. il idjj Market fluctuating. I)b Havrk & lino., No.' 20 S. Third street. quote as follows . fsniny. American iioiu is) American Silver, Ve and i'e...... ld . 01 Dunes and Half Dunes Is') Spanish Quarters 175 , .. lviiu. Currency ( dls. 1 5 di. New York Exchange .....1-10" par. Uiioiaiions ot the principal Ooai nd C.aU U. stocks at 1 o'clock to-day ; ilia ut.i BI4 riliten uaal s illeaeim oil uiu Aloniilaln tlual. .. a .steniKe OU.. . V dt Mai. ('"!. .LI'.' 14V nr. aiiio oil.. (irisnkl.t'ol,. lis 6 . rnutaJIn Oil N Cai-rniiiifale. a uioives amaoti., lt lmui( Oil 1 'PMne Farm Oil Net C'rvek.... h'eeder li.rn Coal. l union coal Inal.r l.'nal Inaun nil CimI... Snalara American Kaolin ( iiiinueili'iit Keystone Inc., txetlslorOll...., his 1 nlik , ('oiililieulat .... Karrell Oil (Inek 1 sf fterMinore . Is 14 lfai.ell.ii. ... VI Meh..U.u.., 1.1 HSinerU Od , JS. ( iil"tla . '1 K'lOk? ljsutetar.lliZ 5S, llibtwrd. ......... 1 hums; ram a 1 Manner I t ivtr-.loum Oaaw. i a triUM ii7 4 , 1 il 3 4V lliwe I.Und .. Ill', Alkwheiij Klvex.. .. - , Ciinin 4 I'tiPliiladtinlOniek.. i SS Hiili Orosx. 4', aitioni eiaawr..MM i 1 .llrmaa 8 si 1 Kuok "t 4 II-MiTair Karra ii alanle Hh.tlf OU.. t'i Wrt'linieek Oil.... '4" renn.ylvauut i'su. .. 1'erry on 4 Mineral Oil t key.iiine Oil 1 VenanimOtl 'S tnlnu t'euulcuin.. 'iU ii The following are the reoelpU of Flour an 1 Grain at Ibis port to-day : Flour. I'iXIboU.r Wheat, 6700 bnsbols; Corn, KW0 bushels j Oatau fi"00 bushels. - , , The weekly Associated Bnk return showi moderate gain on tbe specie line of dxpoeits. I4 otln r respects the movement of the week was ro maikably suady. The weekly average of tbe old Baakt of th city of New York, ou Haturdty, Octoior 8. ltstil, present, in tho aggregate, tbe following changes from the previous exuloit of Uck. tier 1 : Decrease In Toans. 92t 6,11 Incicose in Sfastile iftj.lis Decrease in Circulation 24 711 Increase in Undrawn Deitosita ilti.JAJ Including tbc Clearing House operation 01 ihej week, wbleb show the inter-exehaagee betweeai tbe Bunks, including also the Halt- i'reasury h tl ance at the close of the week. Tbe following Is tiisj general comparison with the previous eitoihit, and also with the inovomeut this time la', a aou : . i Oct. in, UK. d't. 1 1 11 .. 1 T KNi ' Sis' ... . t.st iv a 14 OiuS.IWif. Ot I l 'I. ttU.4VI.M4 ' t .' t im n:t:iw is J m I MtWI l'l,l nit 4.III1.IH t .-4 Si,7l3.a7l !',.J HI...MU.I19 i .. ' I4tvtai.au. ; ii i r ai,tna..0ti V 4 Cnnltal Siill,4lll.tKlll Iy'MIIS Hpeclc Ciri ul.tt m (its. .a litlsiaiu,.. , KM'li.etie..., I'mlrHti n lu Hut.-'l rehit . I.SI,!..K,li. !ftl,W7im 6.,.H..,lH Ili.,'ev,.'l in,,.',is,iuri bm,.';,t a'i,i.',,"ls Tho New York 7Vma this morni'4 ( The interest iu the New Lun of !').!).. lie an urdi d next Friday is on the inure is" -' private capitalists ut well at with tha 1 .. Bunks and UaiiUfiig linns in Wall str c biddmg now promises to be on a liner il m V w ill be stimulated by the ollor of tbt So - rteeive one-tourth the amount iu Treis t' ' tihciitcb of lmicbtrdness. These are -elii ii;,. nuirket at (UU'IHA. percent. Thoacruell it win ueatiowt ii oy tne nop irtuient hi .y . i . iusl., and the Certilicatcs received at p ir " Tbc following: shows the export4 of ' from the port of Netv Vork , . , Hit., t ,1 muary 1, IM I.. . -if fSnmo lime isisi. .sVmI,4,,.',IJ 1 a.ituv lima 1M It . . nt .s.tii.e lane Isci.. 4'i,sti,.4 r,i,ni. lime Iv.J., ya.Vii,. aj tsitme time Isiil.. ll,'sl,nsn Hume tiutu W-... S-t.lal.aitr S.tue ttnio Ihu.. 4l..nli,7'iil sliiine t me 1M4.. 81,4-v,.'tx bauia tune ls-.H.. &ss,Ct:l Haiue tltttti ts.'ki. 16,1. ill ,'.14 b.utti tluia likS.. 'Jl ,ccj;.ita Siuim' tluic lsal., tl.lu.StU Tbe total amount of National Hank currency issued to OeUila r 1, ISOl, was $ jl,7 lO.ti id. The) i.mount issued during tbe week ending Ooiobor. , ltiOl, was S.l,774,td. Total, jj.jlo.iao. FIIIItSiLtKLPHIA. TU4DI KBPOtlT. Tt'KtuAV, October 11. As usua'Joa "election" day, there is very little doing in any dopartm.-ut of trade. Querciuoa Bark it quiet but firm at $lo pee ton. Cloverseed sells in a small way ut $J-87i tj"'Gl li s. We quote Timothy at S.6 biuhel. Flaxseed scds in a amall way at 9'Jto.3-l0. Theie it little or no activity in the Flout Maikct, and prlcet art almost unchanged. TUej demand for export has fallen off, and Hie transac tions bave been ecuQued to homo lota at j'J .2,501 9 50 for suianflna, $0iil0-2o for extras, and. 10-50(112 25 for extra fumily fancy lots, a In quality. Rye Flour and Corn Meal are dull. Tbrie has been uo iniiroveinuiit ia th demand for Wheat, notw ithstanding the d. eliu recorded yestetdi.y. Th market baa again been exee. sivcly dull, and we quote, In the aosetieeof aatw, red at 'Mi'i(.Mi; aud white at tA'-st-'ej f Prices ol lly are weak w uuole at irU ia in l.nnted request at 1 d for small sales. Out art dull at Cr" und Malt art quiet. ..ijutiia,, 1 but is very linie er no ""ilf5tk 1 Oh.o bble. U at l-7 i Vmf f ... ' . ,'. : .1 ,?.-v-,J J
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers