THE DAILY EVENING TELEGItAFIT rmLADELrmA, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 18G4. (truing (Ictr,ii)Ii A DA1X.T ATTEKHOOir Kr.wsrATr.. OmCE No. 108 S. THIRD STREET. TrifG ftnmt rr$ rn CorT. or EionT Ov-t P Wee. ' farrier, and mailed 10 "uhaerlbere at e Ike (TO r AHKI'M Ok Dollai mi Firrt Carre mn Two M.)iini,lnTrlbl)r In advance , far Ik asrfcsa srtj.rlsd. iiniim tnsrs4 at tha osnal rates. A liborsl titMil auae lor extended laserUons. ! rrrolMii. Na notfiweaa be ranee) of Anonymous rrimmnnleaHnna. .1altMr It Intended for Inwnl 'n mint be aithni.-aled fcr th. siaaM and address ot the writer not ni'1-.'ssaril) for ptiblb Alton. but eiiarantee Inr his mo(1 faith. We (aihi ubamiaA m return nueeted Coainmiucauous. T AdvdrtlKvni. Ovtaf ft Increase la the rirrnlitlon of Tin fCTamira Ti. ..!(., oompelllnn us to vo to press t no early Boar, we nrsenlly renuoat that advertisements may e handed ki Hon ai 10 o'olm l, II po.slOle, lo cure theaa ti laaomoa In all of oar e-lltlons. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1SU. END OF MOSt-BY'S ARM K. We have been shown a private li tter from an oflleer serving in Colonel Lowki.i.'s Brigade of cavalry, now operating near Srili-k-ersviUc, Va., which gives an account of the capture and death of Colonel Mokkiiy, who bat been called the Trlnee ot I'urtisiin Bangers." lie was captured In a kirnilsTi, on 1 b 2d of September, and In attempting to make bis escape wns shot by the switlni'l. When eaptured lio had no jxiMtantu, strlpp., itars, or other Insignia to designate his rank, but was recognized by a Rebel deserter who viewed his remains. Nothing was found on bis jiernon which might not have belonged to ft private In the Rebel rank, and doubt were expressed about his being Moheiiy, until his Capture was reported in the Richmond papers A day or two since. Joiin II. Moskhy was a native of Bucklng lngbara county, Virginia, and was a mernlxT of one of the oldest and wealthiest lamil'os of that region of the State, lie had a lino ad dress, and was a man of excellent build, but not aVove the medium height IIo raised a com pany of partisan rangers in 1802, and has been engaged in the most successful predatory operations of the war since that time. He afterwards raised a battalion, and then a regi ment of outlaws, who were devoted to hi in, ud whom he led most successfully in his wicked work. He was commissioned a tnajor la the Rebel service for capturing General Popb's Staff and private baggage train, and M made a colonel during the present year. Dt lost will be as severely felt in Virginia as U the loss of Moboax on the Cumberland, and Qcamtrkll in the Southwest. OKUAMC niNl'ORDS We are not about to write a treatise on natural philosophy, astronomy, or medical i cience, ai to the eye of the learned reader iur caption to this article might import We imply wish to say a few words of persuasion and utter a few good-tempered growls upon the subject of the lamentable state of discord into which the majority of those popular instruments, 'yclept "hand-organs," and the like, have fallen In our community. We are not of those who look with stern and Indiscriminate disapproval upon all and every one of these peripatetic purveyors of " music for the million." On the contrary, we are not at all ashamed to confess that we have been " moved even unto tears" by tho notes of a well-tuned and well-durneci organ, beneath our window, on astarllght winter's night, play ing some sweet, sad melody, wIioho burden of words was sung in tho silent chambers of our own memory, as we listened ; and we have us otten, yes, far oftener, been roused to pleasant smllos, by gazing on the happy faces of chil dren, as they clapped their little hands and shouted, in the fullness of their glee, at tho evolutions of the puppets on the organ's tiny stage, or the antics of the " knowing" monkey, in uniform, who accompanied the instrument; and on such occasions we have involuntarily put our band in our not always well-lined pocket, and given the man a largess which corresponded far more suitably with our feel ings than with our purse. But with all our charity and good-will to these itinerant musicians, and admiration lor their harmonies, we cannot strain our benevo lence so far as to listen complacently to their performance when their instruments are pain- hilly out of tune, and the notes of "Old Dog Tray" more resemble the howls of the Iden tical animal, if bis tail were trodden on, than a pathetic lament for his untimely loss ; while the lonely weeping of the colored swain for his "Nelly," who "was a lady," seems changed Into the discordant "hoohoo" of a whipped schoolboy; and we feel at such times (which, alas! are all too frequent of late) very much in the mood ot Dr. Holmuk, on a siin'lar occasion, of which be gives a humorous ttketch. In verse, too long, unfortunately, to transcribe here. Like him when " The music all la ground. Auli si euce, like a poultice, cornel To beal the blown of soiitnl, ' being also a "smallish man," w j arc inclined to "drop a button iu the hut." There has long been an ordinance here against "organ grinders," hurdy-gurd) boys el id omne praus, which ranks them as vagrants, and punbhes them with Imprison ment as such ; but we rather rejoice that this Is but seldom, if ever, enforced. We would a ivocate, however, au ordinance which should order "sei.tcnee of banishment and confisca tion of property" (viz.: organ, etc.), against every street musician who should be found in flagrante delU tu, as a violator of the laws of harmony, by torturing the ears of humanity with the discoid of an instrument out of re , . Ir, and we think such an ordinance, rigidly enforced, would tend greatly to promote tho puLlio euci!, and create a " spirit of haruuny" in the Oicann of tie country, viz. the P.tjss; and any editor who lias endured the psi.auco of such a periurmuuce lu trout of bis sanctum, will af?rec with us, we ore con fld-'nt, and at such a time as the present, when the feelings of men are in a state of un usual excitement upon questions of nation; welfare, there seems to be a special need of soothing Influences. Give us, then, oh ye wandering minstrels, instead of the "harsh dUsonance of Ill-tutored reeds," that veritable music which bath clutrm9 to soothu the savage breast." A TKiri.FR. William B. Reed will never forgive the Tecrtttary of War for the silent contempt with widen he has been treated by the Govern nieut. Tie has toiled and struggled for the cheap enwa of martyrdom that nowr forms 0 golden, a halo around Vallanmuiiam, and W Ai,L,aud Boileau, Fort Lafayette baa been denied hira, and the ctvukLg hinges on Uie gules of Fort Dela ware aae Hisr thrilled his soul w,t,u their " music. Of course Mr. Rked foeU bitter ut being left severely alone, and ha opens the homuopatbic vtal of bis wrath upon Mr. ' JJiantos In mortal column of this morn . ... ..... a WAyt. The article l entitled, - A rer - , 144 RttUltoD," fUitl fcuoum uuy ou ngueo "A Swiss Reed," which is synonymous for a penny-whistle. It must be edifying to any ditlnc;uMiod foreigner, temporarily in oar midst, to And ta what an Ignoble use tho caustic ability of tho ex-District Attorney can bo applied in an epoch that craves and claims the employment of the highest genius In the discussion of the greatest topics that ever convulsed a nstlon. Mr. Rk.k.d flounders among tho ruts of cannon-wheels, brandishing a syringe with which be besputtcm the garments of his better., whose souls are In tho work of saving an Imperilled Republic from destruction. The Minister to IVkin has brought homo the manners of I'ekln. He has had furtive chats with tho dixirkecpeis of tho War De partment, and tho laundress In rhargo of its towels, and Hie engineer of its spittoons. He recites their grievances and bemoans their hurdships. lint the sting of tho artlrle is In its tall. The statesman of Cliesnui Hill has met something In his varied rending (lor he finds time in the midst of a gigantic civil war to read all the trash that lao can find, that to his jaundiced mind nwembles tho terse and vigorous style of the, war bulletins of Mr. Stanton, pub lished for the Information of the wives, and mothers, and llttlo ones of our gallant sol diers, nnd In which are recorded In fit and glow ing terms, the achievements of our bravo armies. Jir. Ri;ki, who, we believe, holds the pro mise ol General of the mission to England, should keep in view tho necessity of making some show of patriotism In a strug gle which lias elicited tho sympathy of the brightest Intellects and noblest heart in Eng land. How will ho feel If the London rimes, when chronicling his appointment, should copy from the same book from which he quoted, the Interview between the Grand Vizier and his "Chief Eunuch," In which that functionary manifests his entire fitness for tho post lie fills in the palace by his literary accomplishments and scholarly culture, in contradistinction to tho warriors of the old Arabian race facing the battle in defense of the throne or their sovereign, and the faith of their sires. Mr. Stanton maybe remembered in love and reverence by a grateful posterity (if he be denied justice now) by reason of his war bul letins, which according to Mr. Rekii are like nothing in history, but the ex-District Attor ney is certain to appear through all the future as a piping eunuch who toyed with flutes amid tho resonant clash of arms in the grand est struggle that ever engaged a free people In the tide of time. Trraanrr Trove. A quantity of tilvcr coin" have heen lately dis covered in Scotland, of wlilrh, out of l'WO ex amined, W were of Henry III, 19 of John, and 17 lit a ruile and then unknown type. It h is since hcen asc named that these last are silver pinnies of William 1, of Scotland, knuwn in hifttoiy as Willmni the Lion. The fjovermntnt, of course, gobbled up the tii'tMire. leaving the poor tinder only the j.ui pn ml-c implied in this aristocratic and insolent note : "Tkeahi iiy, August 17, ISO I. Treasure Trove, Eccles. Sir: Your letter of the l'-'tli August, Inciant, on the uiove subject, has been referred to me by the lords of her Majestv's Tr asury. 1 apreuencl that, tinner mo circumstances stuinu, tliu coins found are unquestionably ' Treasure Trove,' sad as such the property of her Majesty, bv viituo of the nival prerogative. There is no act of I'nrliainent under which tho Cruwn's ti'le di lived. Ilcr Majesty is cutitlcd under tho common law of England. I am authorized by the lords ol her slajosty's Treasury to req'ieit that y on will transmit to me the treasure bv s imii mfe conveyance. Your application ou behalf of ne tinder will no considered wnen niy torus snail Lave determined us to the disposal of the coins. I mn, sir, your obedient servant, " II. U. Rkynomis, " Solicitor, her Majesty's Treasury.' llealb or Park HpiiJhiiiIu. Mr. Pink Itcniatnin died at his liouso in this t l't iiiKht, in the flfiy-fit'th year of his av'o, sfii r a brief IiIdphs. Hu was born in 1809 at De- erura. in tlritisb Oiilami, where his lather was a ciihiiiit. lie studied two years ut Harvard, and as graduated at Trinity College, tu Hartford, in 'J'.i : N can to nracte law in Boston in 18't'2: uml wa one of the original editors of the S'fio m land Mniiizine. He removed to this city m 1(7. ai d wan connected at dllt'ercnt tmies with MVi nil ji'iirimlb, the Amntcan Monthly Majtizinfit the .Vrtn t'erAir, and the .Veto World. Later he r dime known as a lecturer ; and be was, besides this, a lreqtirnt contributor, in prose aim verse, to ihe magazines aud other journals of the day. Ills nunil was active, nis convcrt-ation nriuiani, and he wiote with remarkable tucility and viva city. A. I . I: rwng I oxl, 6th. 4'n.lilrrel -lor oirllee. A letter In m New Orleans says: The Rebel Genual Hamilton Privlean lice, a native of South Carolina, has been cashiered for cowardice in the face of the enemy. General Ree, ituppuars, had been iipKinted to commitnd tho division formerly led by Ueiieial Tom Green, of Texas, who was killed on Ked river, and who was burned with abunooning his command in a sub si queiil light wlih General Steele, in Arkttusn. Mince bis uisgrace, it is muicii, ue ns proieiseu lo be in bad health, and bus expressed conviction that a visit to Mexico would bo essential to bis recovery. He is probably there by this time. This General lite is the Individuil who got drunk on luiuor obta.nt d by exchanging military Morel belonging to the so-c.illed Confederate N ates Army lor if, and tied from brownsviile in a panic several dnys before our troops arrived. Hi tore leaving be Invested a iu.oiiu in sterling exchange. He will probub'y, ufler spending a time lu Mexico, visit l.urope. UeaerHl atlx-rinHii'M 4lrl-r ol' I'IihihUs for AllMIIIH. On the 3d lnst-Oeurral Mheriuan Issued the fol lowing order to bis troops : Hkaiiulautkhs Mii.itaiiv Division or Mis ussniM, near Lovejoy's station, Georgia, S.'i- timber 3, ltift4 Special Orders No. 6'2. The Gineial lommanding announces, wiib great Jileuuie. I but our troops under Msjor-Ueueral ilocmn (Mciipied Atlanta yestuiday at eleven i.'cloik A. M., the enemy baring evacuated the night hefoie, Ue-troiing vast magizines and sti res, and blowing up along their route eighty car-lends ol ammunition, which aeeouiits lor the sounds heard by us ou the night ot theltint. Your task has beeu well done, and all work of deetiucili n tu t lie railroad will ccsse. Br order of Major-tit norai W. T. Siickmvn. Signed by Lieutciiant M Davion. Wsr lliuse Inr lirneral Miemimi. The'er ( ib.u) (1 i:Me slates thtt the eitl.ciis of Lutieaster design presenting their dis tinguished townsiuau, (Mineral Sbor.nau, tho t't ! Luatctl hoisu ' llioi .c," now cwned by Missis. iteber and Kunt. of that place, as an approprii'e testimonial of their appreciation andreg trd of the Ginernl's services. .tni'NKMKm Amaiei u Italian Oceua. Slgnor Perelli, of tills city, i III Inaiuurate a uovHtv, the coining aeaioa, In tl'e shaj.e ol a Series of Amateur llaluill Opera. Th" V01-4I pi rf anu-ra will he exclusively his own pupllf, wl,o will he amisled ly a lull and ellicient orcheaira. su at-in l.iid iietrsa wnl re k'lvin. and Hie i.eif iriueis will he apiiro Iflule'y iimliiiiiid. Mr. I'erelh liailiiK Ul't I etiirued uoiu Kuri'lie. tiioiuilit with lilin the uii-essary dreirtck au.l dee., r.illi'M tor that .urlose. and also full scores 111' music of tin dn emu oper.n t.i be perl'.rint d. The X' irct will Ou l-rlvuie, and v. HI tuke plato lu November next. CITY INTELLIGENCE. 8t nooL Mahkiis. At a meeting of the Board uf Kelmol Ciintrollers, litlJ ye-ittrjay, the com. niltue of accounts reinirted ihclr approval of bills amounting in the uyfaiCKato to S1H3,'JS5 17, for wliieh an nnts wcio nrdered to be drawn. The Committee on llove'IIIgti School roporied the resignation ol' 1'roftssor itaud. Also, a rosolu. lion iirovidiiit? Ir a ievision of tbc salaries of tlio teachers of nuclaesllit'd and consolidated schools ; uleo, In rtlerent-u to the lime of issnini? tcai'her'e wairanu. The neeiions are to he taken iu orier In in the firat lo the teuty-ixih, when tho wm rami full due in January and July, and thu re ersHwli. ii ihev fall due iu April and October. I 1 he reuoit ol the Joint tJoiiuuuuio on mu uujue.. .- I ol eeiinnul uperintviideiicy wan cade J up, but - I uperintviideiicy ned. The (loiiiin I Maaiuo,!.....,..! 'I' I. t...,.,lfidUnn UftmAU WUJI - j--j; T 7na; adon I uirecuru tu impure into tlie pronaoie auainonai i j exiieuuuuro Vu eUai ((i would lousier necdsenry. I Tmn Nroi.HCTitn Bolmfb. The detention of the men In-longing to the lOTiih and 2H'.h Penn sylvania Ilrftmientr, whoso term of service has e xpirrd, and who for some weeks past hve been sabiistiog apon the courtcy of the Kofrenhment Saloons, 4s attributed to the negligence of the cticers formerly In command of these reiflnvnts. I'pon their arrival In this el'v, it is allcgrd til it tl'Pe oltlrers immediately left for their homes, without even so much lis providing for the pre partition of the muster-rolls of tho men, tipiiu vihli h they onlyrsn be iiititcrrdotitnf the service. Some of the ullli ers, hnwevrr, have been pro moted to commands In other regiment", nnd aro row in the Held, while the men of their former rnrmnHiiil have been left without mean to secure tbrir relcRfe. As the ca-e now stands, these sol diers are unable to walk even so fur as a square or two from the Helreslnncnl Saloons without being liable to arrest lor desertion by the Pro vost l.uaid. At t'atnp Cadwalailer, at the pr -fetit mnin"iit, there are semes ol" soldiers whoe term ol s rvico ha- expired, Mid who b tve been arres'od tind'-r .i'i.-t Mi ll cin iiinslnnees us we have alluded lo. Mo-t ol the ollirers have draw n all the pay due them, ami hence the regiments, or fragments of t i pinit'tits, have no In i cl dens to thoir conside ration, other than that of the simple c'uiin of humanity, which those men seem to have cn titely ignored. Who will care fur the neglected soldier under such circumstances ? Tin: N A.7IOMA1. S tA i k tic a it ii. Hut ween thirty ai d forty organizations have been grunted at tho State Inspector General's ulllcu to parlies recruit ing for the live regiments to be organized Inline dutch' for the Tonus) lv Ida Slate Guard. When autlioiity thus to recruit was Issued by tho In h en r-General, it was not calculated that troops could be immediately raised for the State sorviee. 1 he Impending draft and the fact that sub mlli taiv districts aro paying laigo boiin'ies to Sill quotas, acted a a bar to ail clloi ts to secure voluu tocis for the State Guard. As soon, however, as the dr. dt has been made, ai d the national authori ties close I heir reeiuuing olllccs, cil'orts will be made to si cure men tor the State. It Is proposed to locute Ihe camp for the reception, Instruction, and oiganiaiion of tin sn troops ut some point west ol the Susquehanna, probably In tho vicinity of Carll-le. 'Ihe object of this is to avoid ail conflict with theiJUited States authorities, who now have posessinn of the camps in this vicinity, mid to place ihe men to be organised us a State Guard as near the scene of their proposed service lis possible, while they are being disciplined. Tun Eiohi v-Tiiiiin Rkoimknt nia Voi.cntkhhs. The remnant of this gallaHt and veteran regiment, so widely and favorably Known, reached Washington, on Friday evening, miller command of Lieutenant-Colonel 1. ('. McCoy. After three years of unceasing hardship and piivations, participating in every contost of the Ai my of tho Potomac, and having received to their full regiment over eleven hundred re cruits, they lire returning with one hundred and three of their original members and seven olll 'ers. They lost one lirigadier-General, tho irnni'irtal Strong Vincent, at Gettysburg ; Colonel M' Lean, killed at Gaines' Hill; also, Mi.jr Naghcl; C olonel Woodward lost left leg at Wilderness ; two cspta ns, Stowe and Sell ; Company A lost thirty eight killed. Captain Drown is now a brig idi. r general, recently c inlincd at Charleston and wounded seven times. I he regiment is Shortly expected In this city. Ni.w Ahtillkiiy Kfoimknt. This regiment, which has been organized at Camp Reynolds, Tilts'. org, as the 5ih Pennsylvania Artillery, has received marching orders. The following is a list of the field and stuifofllcers : Colonel George S. Gallup. Lieutenant. Colonel Joseph Itrown. First Mi'jor Howard Morton. Second M.ijor Michael Ilaer. Third Major George Irwin. Adjutant Hubert (1. Hare. Quartermaster W. J. McClelland. The regiment is composed of twelve compa nies, commanded as follows: Company A, Capuin Hope; F, Captain F'lanneganj 1), Cap tain Lowman ; I, Captain Hawk ; L, Captain .eiglcr; 11, Captain Hani; C, Captain Young; K. Cap'ain Anderson ; K, C iptain Kent ; ti, Captain Koss; M, Captain Alward ; li, Captain Utilities. rrlHl. MAItTIN-HorKINS.-On tne nth Inst, by the Iter. Thumaali. Allen. Mr. JAMliS M Alt UN to Miss t'lt.V.N lt.sJS.ltolK.lMS. IU e1. TSi.onoKT. On Monday icternoon, Soptcmbor 12th, VIUUINIA, dauiilitur nt Louis uml Mary K. moibjut, asoil one. veur three and a hull months. HOW 1.11 Y.-On Munilav.Wfh last., MAUIAItOWLUY, otiaihterol ihehitA Kilward liuwlbr. Her trlfiulH mil tlmso or the fatally are respectfully Invited to attend her luaeral, on Thursday nttornoon. l..tli insi. ut 4 o'clock, from hur lata rea.deuco, i0. 4115 si. 1 lilrd stri ct. ltOWEN.-At her rel lence. In Snow Hill, Woroenter countv, Maryland. .Mrs ANNA wile or tho late Lilivarrt II. llowen aged iti years. K1.LIOT I -srotenilM-r l'lth, uiier a sh irt llloosa JO PI. I'll KI.I.lll'I T, In the tilst year of his aire. 'I he relative and frl' iids ol the nunlly ure respectfully Invlt d tu attend his luuerul, item tils Into rc.4ldince, So 3i 4 Oueeu Htrout on Saturday uiternoon, at 3 o'clock, viittuait lurtlior nollco. i'o procood to ltonaldfuu'a t'eineiery. l'AI. Alter A seve-e Illness, at Chester, Pean . Ivanlil. Septenilier l.lth, IS'd, SA.MI'KI, I'Ab.KU, tor lurnv ol l'lnlaili hilila, in the .Mstyenr ol hli age. lue notice will be kIvco of las luuerul. iNew York limiem please copy. J I'KAI.K. on the 1K b Inst., after s IhlK. rlnz illnen, Kl.lA, wile ol Ualiens I'eaie, In Ihe ti'llh year ol her awe. 1 lie luuerul will lake nlnce in l'oiisvlllo. from Trluity l lunch at 2 o'clock ou Friday uitornoou. l'I'TNAM. At Hanover, N. II., Heuteinner 7th. Mrs. BAIIAIIC. l'I'TNAM, widow ol the luie 1'rot. t'utnain, ol liartlnouth I'olleie. I IIKAI1. Departed this life, Heptemher Sth, 14S4. at tha remdence ol Mr. Wllsius, Mt. Mary a county, .Marvluud, (S'l ali it. lib AO. r... m the a; l your ol nn so. HAuKlt.-tin Hie in. mink' o' the l ull linlant, M AltU A Ttl.T I A. daui-literol toe late Miehael .S,ik,t. The r latlvi s and li lend uf the laiully urs reapec'fully li v lt d to a'tend her laiiertl, Irom her late ru-uui-oce, No. l:il Arch street, on Sa.Uidity luoriila, Itie 17tll lastAiil, at lOOclock. TIl.t.lNim ST.-0n the l:ali lnta"l, Mn MAK1A- ' r"VoVlhlV!'ii8T' """"""f ot toe lalo llioiuas litad- I he ri'liiiives and n a'o filnida tf the faiullv are re- apei Ifiilll Ills lied In ntlelia hur I'uaeril, rnuu her l.lta rt'l ileiae. So. l'17 s. Mmtii sirt-et, on 1'ndty .iliernuou, t'te l'.tli li.a aiit,at 'Joi lo.k. ' T O 1C UNITED STATES 11 H V K X U K AM) l'O STACK ST A MI'S. toil HIE MIDHI.K .NI) WKSVKUM .STAfK-t. No. 304 CEESNUT STBELT, PhiU lflphia. t.'nllel Ute. Toslaite 8tami. soid wh ie.l. ald retail. Two per ct-ut dt.ic-.unt nllowuil ou all s tin. from Vino U TwniO lel'ars; Ttu'ee eir 0'llt. ou Twenty lIUia and upward.. A U ordei a .hie ld tie aent to .JKNI'Klt H AUDI N( J, OolWct'ir of Firat District, II II l-'l So .'1114 I'llKsM I' street, I'lnla lelphla. 'It II T N 1 1 K S "S CO M M K ItC I A I. C'01,1. K(i K, No. I..I" (UK NUT mreel, cor .IT ot H vantn. ktahllsiii'd lie. lneorsrAted 14 Yonni,' tin li prepa. ed Inr the t'oiintiiiH hotide and II' -s ll'e. '1 holoauh uml liraetleal III- trui linn 111 ttiillK-KKhi'l N'l, III all It. h'aneliri, a. piau.uud ny the hunt aecoila'aal. and I'Usiiii-b. tuvii. I'KSwANslllf. I'latu and ornaini Dial, la lunula hy one ol' the uw.t cjm peleul ol pMiaien. C'ouiiuvicial CVieiiliHIona, lln.liiHia r'oriu. C'oniiui r ial Law, lielerlini; I'l.iinte.'telt Nvites, Ac. TKl.KliltAI'IIINi:, Ry sound and on paper, tain, lit la a thorough and practical liiaaii' r liv a lonn-1 i rti m i d operator. Hit IU. NIK INsiTUI t IKU B bl'A It ATKI.V, And i-ei ril at aa tune. Kveiiliik flessioiis after Krptcinber Ith. ( A I A I.' li il1 1'.ss, t'ontalninif t'-riuii. ato.Kiits' nauiei, (471 Ittit year), &c.t rornlfilii-d uiali. on uupll.-.ilioa. . II. I'lllTI KNl'KN A I'O. aell lm .o.i;;7 t UEsNl' 1' Street. T ELKGHAP11ING IIUV ANT, KTH TI UN IU V ISTKlt 3 '1 KI.Kl.K M'lllO INJtl'l n I K. H. K. cornel ol Sr.V l-M 11 an H II rN 1 r H rott. I'll hibt cxit'titlva and coinulctt' in (lie country. pfopti''(oi(tlnVi' jvct'Ully oruiii.ttcilaiul Intf'.Mlui d anew .lun tt-r Irihiriiftin yoiiii-.' m n in the a-"l ol ltlu Kiai'liijik' tlnouh tb fttad.liiluofiit of A KKi.l I. A It LINK, Hiinnlnn tlinuiKn Hnsoin sir ft. frum Si'venth to Tenth, cnniit-i tinK the Ti l.rtllilC lntitme and ihu Culle,'.', viviiiK ti e htu.l nu all the adv HHincs ni a lima fid- lint. On tliiH Mu then' are tour utaHonn, diHii;i.tfi H'Nix'Ctlvt-lv, Mthinton, halninori. I'hiia lu.ii'iiA, and hew ink, and it ira tua aad oiit-r-ttioiu tlitt.T In fii renpt tt trum that of a rial l'i:o cotim ctin tt.oao aith-H. 'J htn new plan It uronounv! hv le.i.llnrf ttlfprai'h in en BiJlu'r.or tn uii iUtn or yit"ii ld il d by itnv oth ir t 'tilUva In i be (tata tn iiai.tha only method by which a yon m mi can b inu'lu a tnuruuKh a id )p-trt iifu i ator nualiiud In avei rimi'l Ui nittuagu the duiiut uf aa ) otinif nu n are luvlted to call and axAoiina the facilttloa Of' tht JliHtltUtloll. Mttli Jt TCHK SriRITaS. .5ilGAIXS. TURK KPI. X J, I'. ilIIHX.fc.rON', BUSINESS ITEMS. Ir. Jarnf's P.rtrinl. All who hnva oe1 Mda taiKlaid M. .Ilcin- it ASTHMA, PRONCUITIH. wiKMirifta cou'in. ( Ot'lll'a AND COl.HS, (omtlMI'TION, I'l.y.iiRfty, citoor, ll'lAllSKNK-4'4, cr ftiif iMilmnnarr Complaint, tltiNit lt usfulnMt. In proof ol UtJs fftct, we wouM at Ate ItisU for (hirt fr i p-t ilic Kxp'K.ori.'nl Iihm ben hpfortt tht ptititie, unil fht -4' h Micrptyllng car 1m added to Iti pupulnrll, aii'1 6 tended the demand, until r.n It l known and appres-iiit'-'l In all itirtfra -f the wt.rld, and admitted tr lie tut treAt Uvmvdy of the Ae tor tliat clats of di-teniei f rwticiil la fupcclall designed. I KK' T.NT COl'OH AM C)!,r', Tin rlMf l'aim, are finit ely nnil i tiiitll) i iircd ' iU JJ ili'relir, nv!ti- inif , and oxp'( t'trant power. i ARTIIMA II alwava uni. It OT'irromea the i sia ltr ronlrnctlon uf the air i-pifl, rr-dnnin ct- t"'trati"B at one r-nrnvi'i all diillenllle- of bna(hlii(f. 1.1E0M lUTlfl Tfrtdily yiilli to the I .inv timiit. It iib din s the liilUnimation which evlcmH tlirnwh tho wind tn bet, pr.nlix o tree nxpi-cturfitinn, and atipprMN'i at om e tlio roiiih am) pain. CONrWPTION.- FrtMaliuhlioiii and fat l .Waie ,14 re umI yarn earth han ever Iwn found o eiTot Inal. It mih ilne.i tlio liidamrrnitlnn, rcllmoi tho -nufi and piln, rvmo en tlie dlthctilty of breadline, and prodiiren an risy ex ectoratloti, v hcrehy irrhutln and ol)Stnu;tiM(f mut ter. arc n nioveJfr 'iu the lunifi. WHOOPINtl CoUdH tn promptly relle ed hy thu Kitper tnrnnt. It ahorti n thr duration of thdiMaeoi.-liali.aii1 greutly tnJligatos the iiiiferliH; ol the patient. Ir. all Pl'LMON AKY COMPLAIN rS.lnCKOtri', PI.KH -KIHY, c, li will be f-'ii 11 J to be prompt, , Huiisiint, an 1 rt'Iluhle. Pre; ared oiil at No.'-M-' ( he-nnt street. Annther IJffftt Vlrlory. Th rrriMit Tictont h of Shfrmaii it Ailatitn and Karrnant at Mohiin, 1 aw lifu!etl n w lite into tin llt-pimltr ; anil imotKT vie tfDiy 1:hn caTK-il jov i?itt tt a home ol th'iiianmH. We P'fer to the victory ol Mr. W W. Ai'er, No. H.-7 N. Ninth jitrnet, OviT all ronipftttora. In the iiiatur of He'llmc Hie boil ad clerineil Coal at Uic hme-l jjr.c-i. tilve linn a -b d, Ilnrknlnn In lollilnji;. rtarenlfia in Clothn q. itrin-riint in rioimtirf. lUrKai'u is Cljtlnn. At t.KANVII I ! Stohkn'OM "a'id. At i(AN II. 1.1 Stokhh" Old Mtft'i I AI 11. i t Sti-kkh' Old Simml. At tillAh. ll.Lh HroKi-V OM Mluud. No. TrOf Chnnt atrei-t. No tiooCoiiniit -trfct. V,. (ji 1 heMint nfer t. No. 'Ai t hcbliut street. I.rnnd 4enliiK wf Fnll t'lothlny Thin Day. (Iran i Opaning of Kail nothing ThU Day. (irand Oponitnr of Kail I'lothinif I'UI Day. (Iraini opt-oiim of Fall ( luinlna Thin Day. Openlnt; of Kail lorl'in I'hll lty, ;mud Opi-nliiK of Kail CloihtnK Tnii fay, tirand Oi'uiiiiiK of Kill ''lotn'iitfThii Iay. t.tHiul 0enliiH of KiiH'Io'.hlni I'hUDar. (rand pe:iin; of Full CI tnuiK Tula lay. (rai d OptnlnKof Kali Cio hlmt Thli Uuy. PK Kit Y A CO.. EntnnWa Clothl'iK lloutia. PKHKY A CO , Kxtenul 'C ('! tluDK Iloii.o. PKKUV A KxtnmveCI tthliiK Houae J'lKltlt V rV CO., Kxtenlve ClothlfiK IlnU. 1'KI-KY A CO , i:xte!iiilve Cloihlinr Md iho PKhkY A CO.. Kxtenmvo Cloili tut ll xise. PKKKY A CO.. Kxtetislve ClotliliiK Hollae. PKKKY A CO., KxtennlveClothlnt Homo, PKKKY A CO , Kxteixive Clo'lilnn House. PKKKY A CO , Kxteniive Cioihlin. II uite. The. lark-eat and b. tit kIi ck of Clothing In the city. The lrnet an 1 bot aux k of Clothl g In tne el. 7. The larnest prntt eat ntm-a f Clotnlnif In tho city. 1 he larK't nd lu'ht httM-k of lothliiK In the city. The lnrtn at and belt to k of CIoUiImk In ihe city. The tarreft and bent mock of Clotiiln-f In the etiy. The liiruem an 1 beat utora of Clotliin in tnu city. The tarent aiid hal ut u-k of Clothlnv In the el y, 'I he lano-nt an J bent Htouk o Clothlnx in the city. The larKeat And bent ittck of cioihimt in the city. At pneei low tor the times. At p'lcen 'o fur the tlmei. At prici a liw for thi ticnm. At p Icch low for the time. At prices low tor the time. At iiri.Th low toi tlmen. At p-lrehiow lor ihe times. JM price low for the llmi-a. At prices Jnw for iliu times, Af prices tow for the times. Ki vf fctvles ot tiaotls and tww si via- ol (iarinnnts. New Htyteit ot (iootls and new siyh'V ol (ianiients. New nt lea ol Oooda and new atvlot of tiannimts. New niy hb of (oodn mil new styes ot OiiniiiMitu. New Htv en ti (itniiis and av.w a vlt'S ot oanueiits. New 1 ) It s f Hoods uml raw Ntyien of O.irmt-nts. New hi j lea 1 f Ootids and now Htylfh of armmits. New st vies ot Ootid and 111W ktyles ol ( trin- ittit. New sulei oi'tiooffH and new ot iarnjentH. New hhIh of (ioods and new htyles ol larm nti. 1 Kl.'Ki t 1 , I inni una t iiosnni m reels, pi- KKY .V CO., Third and Chesnut streets. PKKKY A ro.( Third and Chesnm streets. PKKKY A CO., Third nnd Chenut atreets. PKKKY A CO., Third and Cheiiui itroets. PKKKY A CO., Third ur.d Choanut atroeti. PKKKY A Co., Third and Choinut streets. PKKKY A CO , Third and Chitanut stree s. PKKKY A ( O., Thlni ana Chennnt streets. PKKKY A CO., Tnlrd and t'hesnut ttreets. N It. Halttuce ol Hum war Clothing Mulling oil at very low pricw. fine OrMrrlfi for lhr 'onniry. Uoaiding House and Hotel keopori andotliera can have their suppllen af Kin a ClnorKMBa aafely packed and forwardoa, free ol cha'ne, by applying l4j 1AV1W A Kit IIAKOA, Arch and Tenth airoots. F.lrrlrlrily. AU Acuta nd Chronic DI.Mo cur.d by mean of tbt d.P.icot m.dillc.tloDi of Electricity, al th r.LECTKICAI. INOTI TUTK, Vo. irtO WALNUT BTBBKT, rhUadelphtt. PBOF. O. D. B0LLE8 Will oounaeoc., O, TOl.lX. Acouraa of Lecture. n full In.tructlon far .pptyliK (ialvanl.ra, MaKuetl.av, ajid other modld ailcioi ot It lee txlcliy .a a rellabl Uieravtullc aireot for th oare of Acuw and Coroalc DlMiaaea, AT TirK IMSinUTIOK, K. l.s0 Walnut Street, Philadelphia Medical men and other, dcslilng to atti'-nd the coarse a -e wtuMted to make application early. Manutacturata ui Nw and lHlirtout 0oufaot4oni, Aliaoud raatt, Lhopoiatu (.aiatuoia, i nrai m aiuae aa farti, aaiiulaiiuly flavonvd. Itiaawd Jordan AlnincU. A,o , Ac Hu. ilti Chnut atruat.belotv Fourth. 11 f ok! 1Ihiuh1 H I I ( K .V f o a If A K O N II AMI.! N 'St CAOlN'T OlitiAhM. MASON IlAMl IN S AIU.NKT OKl.ANrl. DKCKKU 11 lt 1 8 riASts. i rtAxos. ,T. F.. (iiitll.D, Seventh and chesiiut sli wli. o IL STOCKS llOttlHT AND HOI.n Va ;iimmiimiiipi, lly utOKUK J. BOYI, llr.ik.r, auS.,l-0m Mo. 18 B.THIKU Miria't. Uo NEW 7-30 LOAN, a p, Hulisi rlptlons recelvett, aud the Notes furnished ire. o. all ci..c hy llankur, au'.'l-'.la Ho. 18 PI.TIIIUO Street. MEDICINAL COD LIVEE OIL. JOHN O. IlAKfill & CO.. Ho. 718 MAItKKT H i BEET, are now receiving their supplies frosti frum the fisheries. The superiority ol their Ol L In every resiiect, has ttalued lur It a reputation aud sale beyond any otlmr found lu Ihe oiai kit. To maintain It, they are determined to supply an artlola that may be entirely relied ou lor freshness aud purity. Hee teeliinoulala of I'jelusaors of Medical Collemia. anil I'tnTIlOSTON. A FIUB'F-CLASS "T.l ILL.Y B.,.n,.i.hi will sail for Huston, Itiitn f.Mit of Dirt et. on I KIOAY , Heptemker 111, at in A. M. ,,, ,rer,. whKh w,i. he !'z'0rt;!toL vrr aela-at' Ko. Illi S. HKI-aWaKE Avenue. "WANAMAKER & PROWN, 1C. W A li II A. V li C, WH CKRHOK TO W. II. CARKVI,, MAHONIO 1IAL.I., No. 719 0HEE1ITJT StreeU W I N I t W Mil. I IS , oiJKTAir z:, an MOSQ'JITO NRTTiNfiS RATIONAL UNION TICKET KMIt I'RKAIllENT, A I It Al I AM LINCOLN. or n.i.iNoifi run vie K-ritKSiE vr, ANUKKW JOHNSON. OK TK.HNfcSsll.B. ULECI OHALi TL'itKra-r. SKNAT' miAi.. !')ltT"M MeMII II A KI.. I'hll ld"llllia 1. CLM MI.M.11AM, Heaver County. HKI'llERKNTATIVK. 1 Itohe-t IV Klnt, '2. II. Morrt.on I'oatee. .'I. Hi .r linnim, 4. U lllt.uTi II Kern, A. ilartoo II . Jei. K h, (".. I liailes U 1 1 Ilk, 7, II. .herf I'arte. H. H imam I avlor, .lohn A lliesiand, 10. III. hard II Coivill, 11. Kdvaril llnllhay, I. ', t harles 1 . head, Kim. W. Ila.e. 11. I Imrle. II Mliriner, 1... John WKt.r. In. Iiavid Ma'onau ('iv, 1". liavlrt W W .iods. 1H. Isa.c Iteil.ou. V John I'at'oa. v. Hamuel 11 lilik. Jl. Kverarl III.t. j, 'j'J .lohn I. l'ei nr '.'1 t-.hllerer Mc.ltia.ln, at. JohD W. Ill.ui-nar l lly or 'er of Ihe State Central Committee. SIMON OAMI1KON, !- I'HAlltMVN AMUSEMENTS. c H HIST It K J E C T K 1) , Tht ureal and ctithraled pletur. by Vre.l, Hie chef d'o'Utrrct ihe hrtlst, IM M)VV OH KXIIIMTIOX AT Til K Al AllKMY "f UNK AKTS, No. iS CIIKMNI 'T hTUKKT, In audition to the KM 1Kb Art I'o lectloc of the A ldem. Ai loltli'nee.y ii-eiil. : !e isoa '1 lesiln.fjl reir. 'I 14 lni TV1US. JOHN DUliW'8 NEW AUCH ST. J.1A 1IIKATKK CKliWMSII ANI FASIIIONAni.K IIOtmKj. Hhl'llMl WKKK OK Mtts). JOHN IlKKVT. Hll'ia.lNllt'llMI'.l V AMI KAItt'K. TU1R (WKIlNfcsiliAV', KVKNINI1. September 11,164, T1IK hOl.lilrlli ll.vUlItl Kit. Wlfi w I'l eerly Mra John lire Irani llenrliil1 Mr.r.nlen 1 liuiitl.v Oiiamt Stuart UobloU To conelude vtlth the ulorlnas taree ol 1 'HO It I'lI.I.Il'OHDY. I'llllroildy Hlua'-t Itnbion Harah lllnin Mm C. Jedor.oa FltlHAV. link KM 1' (IK MILS. JOHN HIHCtY. KW CHKSNUT STUKET THE A IKE. i.ruvcr A Sinn I'mpr flora and M inanon. I.Nt'HK sNKll ai iitenin I'llhlTIN K.l.V TUB LAST WKKK 01 Ihe Ureal ltumiiiiilc, Mttslral, 1'iinioniimic Hpsctarular lirania, A I. A D I) 1 N; OU Tllfc WONDKHKUI. LAMP. THK 1.IVIN11 KOHNTAIS UK VOLOKKO WATKttS, KUOM HAlt.NI'M'8 MIIMCtJM, NEW YHIK. The Hiriirniaiic.u will cituineiicc wlih a popular Come. Met'a '1H1KU FAMILY MATINEE fl ATIIKDAY AffKlt- NOON. Do r upon at 1 o'elock Adinlsalon tn tho Matlneo 31) ....ttik i Mil n.ris it il. o Ihiiihi1 I'titldien. 'i.i centa. MONDAY, 8eiteiiibir 111, first null! uf the Fill anil WinliT SleaH'.l . H lien HIE 8KA OF K'K WILL 11 K PltODtlUKI). sel'J C U ft L. I.ADNER'S MILITARY II ALL, I . No. KII N. T It Streat. K.M1K1.K F.. the well known Muftitro. Il en- liaued at thin iHipular place ot resort, an the liirnctur of a l.iweitiil (irrhiistru, anil every evening cti'iice .aKicuona ul tare music are given to tue auuieucu graiuuuuiiy. auiiti-lMl T.TENSINOTON II ALL. THIS POPULAR I mace of Enterlalnruinl. Nol lOnTaml 1099 (ll VI IN- TnW Ave nue and llnl N NKOOMIMreet lenahli.lied ialjeara aKt- bv Mr. John MpO, baa been enlvifd anil reeovaiea. ana now ni luimui iiiibiuuibu ur .iiv other e.latillshment of the kind 111 ltl. CUT. A laofe and etllelant Orcheatra, under tlie dtrectina of rrot. r lsne, nan been eutta.ea, aim a cuoiee pros'raiDni. ofViK-aland Itiairiimenial Music will he prodm-cl each evi'iiiim. ree vf expen.e to Hie audleii -e. 'I'lie t'ouciri Koooi I. lartie. airy, and oomnimhou., the relre.l meuta uperior, and Ue altemltnta polite and aecomiiiiHlatla. auil liu iir.HHY IluHNUSil. 1'rorietor. IIIEK CONXERT SALOON. 1 he tmliM-rltior baa opened tlie large ani commoUoa HAl.uuN, wiui axtenKive bl MMKU OAHDKN, attnAhfd. X K. tiOHNKUOr FRANK 1. IN HTREKT A Nf (HUARI AVKNUK. and haa cngaytd a full rt'lntra. anrtcr tlie Icadcrihlp of ho will nlfhtly periotm a cUuke pronrauiuia of National anw oilier an a. ai. a nlt'HhMDt iila-a to Past an avenlmr free of chart?. tlm pinerleior U doU'rnilned bia aitUbllahuieiit ahatl aot be aiiriirttra. an.'.', lm CNUIftrTAK ItKH TSCMLEU. N X2W UllUtjiH (-OOI)H, r iirchaaed al A uctioa uce the KALI. IN O0LI), and wlllte acid at lesa tlun IMPOfiTATION OOBT. rBKHUH MERlNOK.-l, l-LAIH rOPUNS, man ii ii) poi'i.ims, B1CII rLAIl) M Kill NOB, RICH rLAlU OARHMKllBI, AnJ several lots choice atlet roil. l)K CMbiVKKS, G1 CKNTS 1'CU VAHD, In ca'ly re. cipt f N'.w (looila. which will he (did cheap. CUEWirJl STODrABT & BROTHER, Koa. 450, 45-4, aud 431 N.KEU0N1 ST11KET, 8-ll-Dl Ahjva Wllluw. fillEAT HALli ItlCHUIIilU VJI SPECIMEN EVEE3EEEN3, AT JIltlGIITS INIJltsKitY, OLD YOltK KOA1). The Balance of TWO THOUSAND LOTS WILL HE BOLD, WITHOUT KBSKUVE, OH T1IURF1AY MORNINO, BEPT. 1", AT 11 O'CLOCK, 11 XT K W SEA SHAD 1 '.Hi; harn ls iii'W Rieiioinv Bia Slwd, to arrive hy steamer "Saoruiau.1 S'..r l.w KKNNKUV. 8TUBH A CO.. seplu- m ho.l.munil 1 ti N. WUAUVEs). QREAT CENTRAL. CLOTIUNQ HOUSE, I. HELMBOLD'S REMEDIES. TLUID EXTRHOT BsTOPU Fir Non -Retati n -n I.trontlni.r f tlrlr., trnlitlin, It.fismniMtioa o niforati in Y th Rm.tder or Kitnis Cal'Ui (Ira I (' .-. -t,$t Ar,-v.iii, ah j ftsi nuraiei ;T L6 niAdl- r, l. 'n. , -, a. I Itf.p. al "v. -J I ,4s IIKI.M liOMi'S ruuii KXTiucT nucii'j Ktr Weaknpiiseii irl'ias fnim l:xoei;r Indl.TcreLloii. Tho con.ttliillon once alleetM wllh fir janic HVolnr.i require, the aMnrmedielne I i mm ylhen and invi-yoratc thf xyitrm, which Ili:,.IIHOI l)H KMIIllI 111 (11 U Invanat) f dtea, 11 lio tr"nlinsut la suhml:ti.d to, Coniamptlon ar rtmaalt nay er -as 11 KI.MIHII.D'H FLUID HXTKACT OF KUCUU, In affection peeallar to "FasiAi.ys," la unequaled by any other preparali a In Chioro-ls, or lt'tentioti, trri'nu- larttlea; ralnfulueiii, or Ruppiesslon of Cuttouiary Kvae. uatiooa; Ulceruod, or Hchirrous Stat, of the t'tenu; letlchorrha'a, and all complaint inoldent tc tne set, whetliar aruiir from hahlla of dia.iipatin, ni;irad?uclea. or In th? decline or ch.ue of lite. IIICI.MIIOIjD'H FLUID IiXTRACr BUCUU ANII tair'HOVBD ROBE TTA8H Will radical!? utermln tta Irota the sjsuvra Disrates tt the Vrtnaiy Oru aim arii-laif from llabitsof Uusipatlop, at little e-rpeme, i''l or no change Ih diet, niinconeiiifnce orcrj-osvrn; ct mph te nu.or.tillng those vnpUiuaM an4 damjeroul retm.ltn, Ofi( and Mercury, In all theao dlAdan.'a. I'SK llKLMliOLU B I'LL'ID EXTRACT BUCIIU la all llioae. ol the IMuary Orif.ns, whether exliting in "iale' oc "F tnmlt," (ttm vkatner ctuu original and no fM'tf ' o" long Handing. It Is pleasant In lat and oao'. "Immediate" in anion, and mora eirenalhi-oliH 'than any ot the preparations of Hark or Iran. Iboie luffe. nm Irani Hroken Dovn or Delicate Conttitu- Ifeni, yirocwrr tn Itemed al once. TU. reader nm.t be aware that, howaver alight may he the attack U lie aisive iliaeasas, It la oertain to affect AH llodil) BeaUh. Ufiinl 'wfri, epiitril, 0111 Ail I'oi ItrUV. PHV91CIAliS,PlEA8E NOTICE. WK MAKE NO SECRET OF INGREDIENTS DKLMliOLli'S FLVID EXTRACT BUCIIU Is of Diuhu, Cube', ani Juniper Jleirlei, w Itctid with meat eare and prepared In vacuo by II. T. IIKLMliOLD, Drnnit aud Chsmlbt of sixteen years' ex perience In :tl.a city of Philadelphia, and now prescrihad by the most eminent of the faculty, and have been ad mlttcd to use In the United States Army, and are also in vary ui-ncral use In Stato Hospitals and puMic Sunltary Instlluilonslhrouahout the laud. Trlco 1 per lottle, or six for V. Delivered to any address, acconipuuicd hy tx directions . Mreol letters to IlKLMBOIIi'S Drug and Chemical Woiehouse, Ko, 004 Broadway, Now York, Or I1KLMU0LU 8 Medkal Depot, Ko. 104 B. Tenth street, I'hlladi'lphla.Ta Beware of ceurtciMti. Ask fjr HELMBOLD'S, and luks no other, gold by Lruisisti everywhere. ll-tuihs-Sm TE LAR0E3T AND BEST AUCTION SALES. MAtTvKY'8 AUCTION KOOMS, tfo. 92 MARKET Htrrei. j (' C VAr KK.V. Anetlenee". itlel'. nnitr'iiii'il'l W (.IHiliS. WAKKK. AMI MS Kill ANM-iK., Of ell r Inil., f. tmhl r sals .i hi Auction Hoooia. aatfba wl I .tie. d o.-aora lv to sales ol I'K. I. kSfAl K. AN1 hUH.Kll I ? At Hie (a'hati.e. l OIIRKIOI.H VPRMTUUE At ana vtii'K OK MKUCIlAMllhK At II 'I oi r.te.r on' pr.i ( a.h v. II I e dvsiK-e.t when ds.ire.1 "n c insunni vita M H .Sis l ,r f h . ule VVANTSr . " - .1' - 1 - 1 - - I WANTl-.l) U) It KM', ON Oil IIKKelKU I"' n . .i ot 1 1. t -loT. a Tin'.loim .17. .1 hiui i wall a a''d " r.J ar sioi;il.e lor a i tnili's.iU' wan-in-a. : ea.t al s;i, .I,,., ( , i .,.,!, ,,f (o ... tr t ,tiet Jirol rr-d. IteMI Hem time lo iv l,un,r,.,l ,!oi ai . Adore" f h. rt . se'i f.i v,.niiiff i time . ,. ,. ...T ... . .. - I is I II', IT A.V I I'.ll, Vior.K Hilt ( illi.l l.AR ANI JIJ SivTH At AMU'sKN. lVIHiON 0 H I'ei.n I r.a'i Mr ie Kn-.lie n a i.I ship Vari, lir At il, hIjov.. Mtr.'il, Ke..itiion. i l'.'t I'hiia.i.'iobla. -it IKCfl AR AND .IIO 8AWINO f ''ii' t l'Aieli, f IN A CO. , - II not Ship Vard, .li E.xri.l'T M I I II 1IKS1V Cn rraaoinita, , rini St V Mil'Sil'N, ,AV ItVtl Ir I n 1 re" Mai tie It n wav Blot Ship I. a'jove II V s,,iv KII tirfrt. liie -11" Ken"ltvt..n, I liilad"lpa WAN 1 1.1) TO 111 NT. A I lUlNISlll Ru ij, House hy a privnlo family. Addrt..i J.ti i , Tor' i ,ui6 U ' FOH SALE AIMD TO LET. fin.' i.-Mij ai ti . .niii whim li in (i(i(n nrn lari'f nn-l Mnnll. on tiTtn lo suit tnrrhKnrfl ! 4 i-ii J. "f witti or wI'Ihmii lm uMitranr.i, f t citaa and goo af tridi- I tut i no of. ('nun I" to it o oiork A. M .. TIIOI. V. I1.0VN MAN. No . HH K1U Rtnat. EDUCATIONAL. J.-IITV Cl'.NTS. .lS0NS IN tthllMANil A N TIVK OK IlKUM V. 1 Willi Sl'EAKM K.Mil.lNIl IT.UKNTLV. AT KIKTV CPNTM AX HOfR. i I.. Mill, H AMI ( II 1 1.1 '11 K tl.M.y. Aiil heiwten 11 anil 1 o'eio.-k, al I tj?w No. 7'.M Kt.illirA Hereet. il TTt ATrTTTTfA TUfTT T T A T? V CflTTfVlT.' T ItI ...... i.w . . r. i ' a. i, .kicaw.lW .f jjl IUI 111 LA .Ml 0l .lir.Il.1 l.l.llltlb, '( i inrLV-iiiniQ ttu i liiarsL'i, DLTKeu. t ta. ItKOI'KNS SKITEMUKK . Addr.. anir-lra CitOFESSoK P.. D. SAUXOKUH, D. D. J l.'HIKNDS' AOADI.M Y l'Olt BOYS, UK AT I ol No II N. KI.K.VKN I H Strei t, reopen, on the fv tint 9-V pT term of 'li weiKi. All ds-ni'tn'nattotia) ? W. WIlirAJ.L,. U. 1 AYLOK, J V . No Ml,, II1.I.HV (trM K.T. 1 KAMI Kit HI NIMilHI ANI Pt AMI lul ..A.r.i tl.i. r..l(,,.t. hi. rillt!M. .1 7AMKSS.ltIltl),Ti:ACIlI-.ROKTHP.PIAN.J v no. aw mi.tkh.pi I ti nirei'i, neiow opruca. tun 'Y X-3 M 1 i. i: ov FASH ION. Quick Sales. Email Profits. HATS AND CATS. Nli WEST STYLEM Lowest Ptict't tn the cilj. 1IOHKNI5, cil-'liiw-llm No. 40 y. WXTH HTBSIT sOKSKTS AND SKIKl'S. MU3. 8TKKLE ' V ' 'I'F.NTil rltreut, helow ('I estitit, is now aupplylug tk(. muii . n mi iiitvsi i ni il a'jii-n ui fl.l 111. ClJIIShl'S A .SO SKIRTS. J. MEIER & BROTHER, 1 M K II J II A N T TAILOKH, .XI Hare removed (rem Do. 12.1 K. Baennd street to the 8.; corner af BKCOM) and AUCH Htret'ts, whert thtrra on hand a oood atock ol (,'I.Ul IU. I'AMal ME HES. a TB8TIN0H. iail3-lri Al.o. a Bolendid aHHortntoiitof readv-made CI.Oi'lHN 1 E M OV A L. TTiOMAS M. PL0WMP IL ff'ATTti' nnd HtilMir. hai removed hla ahoO Iro Mu WMtrawherry aireet U No, aw VAtt it.n irwei.a. JoinliiK U. old l iiat tnhco Hnlliilntf. lluvmi( Increi Ihp i h Inr rMirvmir no tlf InisIiiOitfi MxtOimlVUlV. Iia nnv to ro etTf a ul tare ot public iainnae jalj f y&J in, on lk.HinolitlH. Wiitcl.ft JcWrllV. I'laV. S MJlutl.l!iK Ac at ,mA OM 1.31 Alii. ISHKH I.HAM Url-I'JK. Corner of Till Kl and U-K1I.L 8l.eets, ; lit'-lnw Lomh.ird. V( N.n.lHAMONl)H. WATCIlfc-ft, JhWKLHY, OUHf? Jt, r ..r vain Mt A ltKUAKkAULl 1.UW t' mwwtw MILITARY NOTICES ' v i T13INTII VA.ltl. , 250 MEN WANTED ?! tn KILL THE OUOTA 01' THE TKNTH WAllll. . ki HUjhest Bounty raid. Apply to . 11 ci. uiiTcinttd ' I KBKT ' C ..J.if No. 513 MAhKKT SIRBKT VinllT W'AlllI IHIIINI V Kli.llU. rT I. Tl'H H rlileti. ul ihi KlBtitli Ward, who desire to anM,'in)'V V Hie renuireineill. Ol IUI oiiin, an- iioniii i" ui. yi is lasi " s-m Sv. 1, clnin ol tlie Waul is nrk.utly called on to raise subvcl lions einuiia ui. ucmuowin , w aton.eio J. (I. liOSHNOAitTKM, ' sei-i lw n. ri corner i . in ana nm,ii i UIHNliY'S S 11 A It I' 5 U O 0 T 11 Hfc I 1 AVOID TUB IiBIH, 2 aud enlist in a Corps of some etandliuj, ' Authorised b) the (lenarul and 8 late Oovcrameoi. 1 MA JO It J. W. MOOKH, 3 or TUX UINKTV-K1KTII PKNNHYLVAKIA VOLlMTliEa Is recruliliif to All up Sve Companli-a is this city. THE IIK.HK8T BOUNTIES OIVES For One, Two, or Three Tears Men. C'all at once, at Ko. V: C11K8NUT Street, below SDtTel Ifyou want to Enlist. MAJOR J. W. MOOSB tV a- Is prepared to pay promptly THK CITY AN1 VTAKII BOH UT Y u Immediately on the mustanng ofanymantohla Beirtas uni.Lot'K linos., l I u. w. iav i, juM.r. tuiiias, 1. 8. WINEIlllhNIIKIt, """"""Ti I CAItKT I.HK. , Al.r. ! JEHsjlir, auil-tf A. L. BONAKKOM. u HKADQUAKTKHS PROVOST MA J fl. he), first Mstnct. l'a.,No. 'ila 8. TUIBU 811. lll'liilailelplila, Auiiiisl II, iwH. - X To Uuure n piles to all questions on ordli" TB ....noueiail vtlth the Kiiroliuent, Drait, .ie 'W lion. I.lal.lll'lesto lirall, Credlls ai.d Accounla ul iJ ririilahed.Cltiseiis are rmiueated to make applies Itor: the l'ruvo.t .Marshal ol the Oonares.loiial Dlslrist tat i. i r . ....i tn ti.. Prnvmi .Vlarshal-Uenaia' I Inlormaliou, aud uol to the Provost .Marshal-Ueneia' Washington. . . . By order of the I'rovoni r A l'v,.v..Kt Marvh t. aulj-tf .-II v . . w rn:K'l'V FOR MARINES. WANT, ti i forth, fulled Status Marlua Corps, able-hiidied,,rl . ' . oi a .hi id or at our Navy r. , aud on board Culled Blaise siilps-uf-war on fok, l 1 arm of service. Four Yoars. a. . ... . ....un...i. .ai than the inuf. ALL THE LOCAL BtiUN I'lLS paid upon eiillstmeii a. ' j . I'rl.u MiillUV. I f or all iurther luiormaUon api'ly at the Recruld Keudcxt ous,;(ii g ri(0 KT 8lrwli below Bliruc, Sutl between Uieuoursoltl and 3 o clock, M,,04WI rv. Ml Malor and Kecrmlliix 01110 1 1 aun-tf ln'KLOVUUH-FURLOUaiWl t r l KI OCiillS-KI KI.dl'llMI. ,1,1 . ..... nu. llnl .kiijisisi ' e'n vlsltlnir the eltyon fiirtonnhs, nof V l'lll.llllLlTAltV E'.l'li;KM I IIKU M1I.1TAUV Ki.Lll'ilL 1 Onirrr nnd soliffcri HWOKl H ANI) OT 11 l-kl-l.lkl A hall fll'lll- B,, V4kA Miv, wani veil itiN'i :?'j-!;!!iE2l MAM.lACTl.UlMl LSI r nsrnn(lK W. BIMIIN'8 BHOTHVR, I to III K W HIMONM llltOTHKU, " HA NHOM h 1 KLET II ALL. SJnSonI hlltt.1T HALL, 8K8oM Btreet, above 8UU1 bUOcL I'ltKHKNTATlOS RWORDsI l-KKMLNTAIIOS BWOKK u .rt. to order at ihe . honest notice, v. In. h for rlcnnasf ,i,ii..nua ...miii-tllion. no other house . i ;,,. Ihe M.lNClACIUItlSd JLWt,' Willi Hit PatAt'TlCAL bWOUU il.mrn. 8. E. CORKER SIXTH AND MARKET 8 . (
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers