... aaia TI7K DAILY EVENING TEIEGRAriT. riTIL APKL PI fl A. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER It, 18Gi. (Svnnnrj aclcflvaph vi:inksday, sk.imt.mukr n, isr.i. BPIBIT Or THE NEW YORK PRESS. Lrndliig Kdliorlftln rriim the Xevr York i m: I'lii'M'H r. frrtp the T i ' ' Thus fur, ell i'iiun lr.ie litis viar li"M in tlif Kfit'rs of Nrvr llitiiipoliirr, (,' I'uiivMc it. Klioili.' IiIkimI, Ori'iinn, Vt rin nit, an I M ' cni h of viliirli lius turn nrrk- l hj the 1'in.in '( pnrty I y nn rr itn lii.-ri"f.,i nn tin- miii-i'y of tl'f (ivi-i ilinu tear The loir form"! vnti'.l Id'fori', t lie two !nit' r since, tin' riv il nom nttioin lor ril'Nulrllt , hilt till' result it I'll not -t'l'lll n have turn ml.- to. I l.y that i in"iin-t:i:u". Wo ' may. svth prenl fnnliilinci', nMiin, tln ri'forc rciiFonltii; f.om .it.sotiito ilutu shut the clu'ti.ins of this yi.nr will siilisinntiully rciti'Mtc tin' p.ipu .lnr convirtioiif ixpnsM'il In tlinaf of Hi), vvitli the prol i.i cx.cpilon ot Ki-nturky, wh.'io the Urimi let ic - i ;i t In iu fuctloii, which lust yc.ir sii i pottril the I'mmi ilrl.i t, tins slnre gimp over to .the Opposition, unit nn; liktlv to curry the St itn I with ihcm, it Iteli. l Kiieril nnil rct'irni'il J Foliliem Irom tho Conl'eiler itn armies shall he f alli.vtiil to vote, nn they prohihly will he. I T his in pri'i'tsely what is ineiint hytlnt pi. ink ' 111 the ( bienuo Kenioi'i.itie l'linl'.irin which oV- nonnei h "the ilirert ItUerleience ot tho niilitiuv- miihor ty of the I nil. I stiiti-s In the recent elej ' tioiid held in Kentucky, M iryl mil, Mi. utri, an 1 f DilHwaie.-' Tlint Intel lerenco in iMml purl pro j l imit il voting Iit mill for avoweil, tiotorioiiH, l active traitor- 1 only that nml lnlliiiii: more.' Tl.e llniiiili'tlc-Oialirie luc Ion of K -ttnekiimn ' tlioimlit this n nice operation so Ions liey ami the Heh' In vo'ed opposite tk-ki-ts; now tb.it they want to vntc the sumo ticket, they Mtitfnmtic it at 1 atrocious. Wo Iipk leave to areo with their old opinion ratio r than their new protest ition. Still wo la lievc them strong ennujrli, with llelml help, I to rarry their Mate for MKIi'llati, tbotiitli the uniontliiiotuil Vnionists of Kentucky nro linking , a gallant liirht. anil have hopes of success. ' The follow ing talilu shows the popul ir rote of the respective Suites In lsti.'i, with the nutniier of elector to he tlio-on by each, eight weeks ; hence I l." in T.i. A'VWo.'. f ti'atri. t'.wsef.,!, HemifrnHr. J'rr'l. 'til Name iM.'.'li:) .0,."iS.t. New lLinipsnirc. :t'i,lll" MiiNacl.nselts. . . 7ll,tH.t It bode I itin . . . ln.H'JK Contifcikut H.l'.t'i Vermont 2i,i;lt New oik :tl 17 New Jcrcy tn.OoO 3-s:W 'J!H7 7,.l:t7 r.s.:i!" n, i ; 2S1H2 .VI.IM).) 2V1.171 M.lllt l.i,'t 1V00I lS7,."t2 til.Ul 1 1VM,IH0 !)'),Mii 5',21S 12,722 .V!,0''.S 17,:ts!) 47,22't n,wt 41,71'. .t.l.O rctini.vlvaiila....'Ji'.ll.tlii; TjjrDilHware H.l.Vl i niaryianii ;it;,3iii) went Virginia.... W,hoO Ohio 2ss.rc,l I MicblKHa m.'.m I Indiana UH,."il7 Illinois vi.vm ..21 .. S ..II ..111 .. n .. 4 .. 8 .11 . .11 . . :i .. r, .. .1 VViaconsin 7','.'i!t Minnt'ota. 1 '.,." I i Iowa Kentucky.... ML-souri Knsas California.... Oregon x-).7tl , f.stor, ir.its 01,117 Total l.OIO.Otir. I11.12: 2:11 t'nion majority i:i!i,6l.l Neiessarv to ehooie Uti "Notk In New .lriiey. thrre was no rainlnlittr riin nlnii lhoUM)iiut ttiv hour in li;l; liit tliu a.ji.'euttir v.ae ot ili rlal l.urtlev was very lu-rly a. jiiYi'U aituv,.. Tti.Ttf will 0P8ome4ii.i'iMi MiMinoitHl vutes ii'.ll. d Oils la'l in Deiawi.re, ihn Jniecr.tli' p.iriy renisi'd t vole lnt yi-'ar, alianlnir military coercion; no we huva iiven above the vule ter llovernor tti lrv2 'I he vot lant year 1 1 -r Cn Brevii) fti4il-riili'iilM.HVO; icitttet in J 1 In MHrvUnd, bull csiiilhtHtes n era old tVhlLS, hut ive have Kivrn tile vote ot the prn xlnvrrv man f Malllt) to Hie lii'inocratu, Who can m I ill.lioo more when they try. Went Virginia vu.fdtrie linioQ ticket Ro!M ; hpr nill vote when (lo'h'd wl 1 vary hltle troni the totalii (eHtcnatcdi Above, Ohio polleil her uie lleinocratl': vote for y iliau tJIghion, hut an extraordinary airurflxatt' aualntt him lirohalily .rii.,llsl more than If anv one e:no hot oeea the lietnoi'iatlc enmliihito Inillfina he.il none hut loc 11 el .c tlona last yeHr: ao we have eiiltsMtle.l tier vote of lHti 111 our tnhlu Her local eleivlotiN of Islll nhowd Tnion itiins on that veto II Inoli la sti:l chose local ofttceri or:ly ; in niniiv eotmtles there was hut ot ticket; In all, arty hnea Were loin-hlerahly ovei leaped. Fri m severH ci antics wu have majorities only; so that the total! hhoiilu at least tie Msi h'Klier than those fiivaa In cur tuhle In the arxlcualo. f, oai vMlisourl, there are aeveial coiilitleti utterly Hantinir ; fuil returns woulilcon ahle'ahl) increahe hoth avun'ates Oregon voted a.illn las! .lime, at d elei-teil IhitonUts hy fully as itooil a vote as ttlven In uar tahle. which Is that for lioverieir In li S iOur trlencs to aln cerik-d the Htnte bsndsonoely last me,) Kansas held no elections. We alvo her vote In IttHJ 1 uttlue Kentucky (icalnst as, where oho pro tiably hcloiiL's, and tho popul. r vote of la-it ye ir would give Mctllelhui tho ileetrirs from New Jcrkey, IntlUi.ti, Kentucky, and Mitts utri It in all leaving 1N7 to Lincoln. And that Is jut about tho prohahlu result, unless the llubels in urn h ahi uld nicatitime win import int victories. Our triumph sieius toll r.thly aafe ; but not i bttfe as to Justify an abatement of ellort. rot ii)iitATi: iti:iir axu ins. (HKuir. Ft-om the Timet. The financial affairs of the Confederacy arc getting Into a wore condition every day. The Dew Secretary of tho Treasury is at his wits' end, and has nothing better to offer by way of remedy than the following suggestion : "Our people arc committing an act of great folly to lie buying property ot all kinds at ten tinits what It will bring when the war is over, while foreigners are buying their six, tev. n, and eight per cent bonds and carrying them abroad." This piece of counsel can only have boon die tatcd by an exceedingly contemptible opinion of the Confederate public ; for they know perfectly well and Mr. Trcnholiu knows they know that foicigners are buying Confederate cotton bonds because those bonds are payable in cotton at a low rate iti tbe Confederacy, which carried through the blockade, nells at a high rate abroad. It tit Confederate notes are not payable in cotton, and are based liuip'y on ConfedcraMo good faltb, ami this Mauds ao low in the estimation of tbe Confedeiate people that these notes are worth now tire cents oti the dollar only. The pec s is making desperate etlortt to put a itood lace on the iiiuitir by drawing glowing pictures of C m federatc resources and of ibe Confederate, future, and says mige'y : " There is but one cure for the agony which the uiu'titude is now suttering from tb.a anomalous condition of ulfiirs the public confidence in the currency must be restored." This is like raying of a dangerously sick man : "There is but or, remedy for this man's rase, lie must be cured." "Mr. I'ilkins," said Dr. l'arker l'eps, when called lu 10 attend Mrs. Ooai bey, "it of opiutou with me, th it nature must be cat ed on to make a vigorous ellort in this In stance, and that if our interesting friend Mrs. I)i mbi y should not bo able to make th it ellort successfully, then a crisis 111 lulu arise w'llch we should all -deplore." This is vtry much the con dition of the Confederate credit. It has to make an itf rt to be good, and if it should not succeed, something disagreeable will happen. )y way of raising the public faith in it, or, in other words, satisfying the So itheru public that the Rebel debt will not lie repudiated, the ICnim t'nif uuikis u.-e of foine choice arguments. The first is tb.it tbe South is ' composed of a haughty, proud people, whose es'clul weakness of e'lame ter is etippohtd to be a quixotic regard for their (lersnnul honor." We do not think this, bovever, s likely to bavo mueb weight, iunsmucb as the Southerners know as well as anybody that per sonal pride docs not make men pay their dents. tio capitalist ever lout money ou, any such scctirliy. The prouder aristocracy is in every country, tho more it is apt to one, and the less willing is it to pay. If "personal pr;de" were considered it good guarantee 111 tho money market, wo should Lave proud gcutleuiou swarming on every ex change iu the world, and easing the humble and credulous of all their spare casta. Moreover, it is pieity well known that "personal pride" bus not euvid our Southern brethren from the c immis cion of one or two very dirty tricks. Mi-sissippi, for instance, though the imputation is, in the mat ter of personal pride, a mutch for Lucifer himself, was not inevcnted thereby from repudiating a very small debt in a very barefaced manner, under the lead of no less a persouage than Mr. Jellersnn Davis, who, on that interesting occa sion, laid down the doctrine that one generation was not bound to discharge obligations coutr.icted iy a pieccdit g one. In other words, we suppo-e that each generation his ju.-t pridi enough to pay debts ol Its contracting, hut not etrmgii to cancel thoso of its lathers. Supposo, therefore, the men of 1'KIU should tlud their stock rumiiug low, under tho pressure of li.ud tunes, what would become of the bills run up by the ineu of lttiil The second argument is, that o many of the Cotift'dcia'o obligations have gone and are going abroad, that the Confederacy would not bd al'owcd to repudiate even if it wure disposed to do so. This may ho true of tho Confedeiate cot ton bonds, but we have to hear of any demand ptirpsd for Confederate currenrv an yt it l the currency which is just now very low, an I is rsib d on "to n nk " an etlort." Hut we d n't it, urn as rrg ,nl the bonds, fir the cl one of thi Confedeiatr I onstilutmn whi h psriniti K'Ci sion at plraenrr, reallv deprives foreign cre lito- of the Confederacy of all remedy In ce of its bankruptcy. At y one, two, or three Ktvea, w hich tind the liuri'cnof the debt troublesome, have only to M-ci t'e to escape Lability. Ii would lie useless t make war nituiust the remainder in order 'o rctixrr. fur th rcmsdnder would folliw the exnn ple of tl r tlelimiuenta, n aivn asthev fouii.l tl.ty were to hear the whole burden. A'l l oven it they tlid not, the torriirn creditors woul I Run nothing by hotiiiies, for in such r.ses the 0 iv. f'llti etit Would, ilouiitles., apply to the in th. rn'. thry np Led to Norlliem mereh inis at the imhriiik of the ar ordered t e ir d. 'i ors to puv all . sums duo to them in'o tlic public Tre 1 Miiy. So tl'.it the creditors wonhl hive the rnn-olv tion of knowing tb it the expenses of robbing tin In wl f re part'y paid out of their own nockets. To atti mpt opetatioiis tiiin-n-t r ich of the N'ates it.itividiiHl!y. for an assertion of the c! dins ai linst ti e tntire bedv, would, we need hut dly s iv, be i ipiiillv foo'ish. Thev could n"t be subdu d without such an nrmv as no l''.itronein p iwcr r-uilil send against thein, ami they would probt My make common cause ftiMinst the dins, with the most extraordinary hcroi-111, Ixsdde abusing them ami railing them names. T he iiiMdime of the base traders', who pro stiiried to tinnoy "gentlemen" with the r 1 t I , would tie duly exposed in the ICriimrr. The fotegn creditors would be moused ol hnvimr "nuked out the life-blood of the South;' tne interest they hnd nlreidv received woul 1 bo added tip. and probably found to exceed In vilne the capital itctually mhan -cd origlunlly, and at Inst "the Southern heart would hu so fired" that the eiiicns would begin openitions ai'sinst the Knglish and Kretich agents, with t.ir und lonthcrs nnd fence rails. The I'ml of tln ('Iri'HHiliin Slnvo Triilltc. It has a'ready m en announced that the Sultan of Turkey 1ms prohibited the Circissian slave trndo. The f.n nnt llnaltl of Constantinople gives tho following particulars ; "We feel lively satisfaction in reporting that the Porte has at length put its definitive rrtn on the tratlic In Circassian slaves. Last week firmans were despatched toSatnsoun and Troniiond, abso lutely abolishing the trade, and forbidding tho further pnrchaso or sa'e of slaves of eithor twx. This excellent decree comes, it may be said, rather late; but it has been accompanied by action on the part of the Immigration Commission, which goes far to atone for tho tardiness. Very ninny of the sales which have been hitherto ctl'ected took place under pressure of the captains of the va rious transports, who, though chartered by th i Porte, drove, it now appears, a regular and most profitable trade, by exacting passage-money from, w retcht d mountaineer in every case in which it could be forred out of them in either money or 'kind.' In the latter event, tho custom had been to take one slave for every thirty passengers, lots being drawn for the wretched boys and girls who were thus sacrificed for tho transport redemption of their fellows. This fact having romo to the knowledge of the commission, an inquiry was instituted, and a largo number of free-born youths and girls wbo had thus pas-od into tho posses, sion of tho dealers and private purchasers have been summarily set free and rentored to their parents." Tim Ocf a h Tni.v,on.i'U. The few miles of cablo for the Atlantic telegraph, which hive arrived In N iw York, are Intended not for the main line, hit for some branch connection on this side. Recent advices from Kngland state that the m ean cable is being rapidly manufac tured, nnd as fast as made, is coiled up on burd the (Irrat Kdhtirn, under water. It is supposed that the long exposure of the first cable tu the sun and air was Ibe trne cause of its failure. 1 he present precaution is adop cd to prevent the recurriiico of that calamity. The cable will un doubtedly he finished early In June. It will be laid from this side as a starting point. A rhymester of tho St. Louis Democrat ex presses his opinion of the pence men thus : ''Take two of ea-th's detested names, 'Iscarlor and 'linei,' Ana 'irenihiiiiu eon ard.' and you have The conclave cf I'hlcaKO." Common salt is, in most doses, a perfectly indispcnsiblo article of human food, without which we should perish miserably; in medium doses it is a safe and useful emetic medieiuo; while in extremely large doses it is an irritant IMilson, nnd bus caused death in several cases. S7i'nitiin and Snrcotics. By Francis li. Anstic, M. IK, M. It. C. P. SPECIAL NOTICES. UNION! LIKCOLN AND JOHNSON ! GEKESAL CARL SCEURZ WILL ADDUKSS THK CITMKNS OK I'UII.ADKl.l'lIIA OS TI1K 18s)UH OK IUK Pit KM; NT POLITICAL campaign, at CONCKUT 1IAI.L,, CHESNUT STUI'.KT, ABOVE TWELFTH, OH FRIDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 1G, at a O CI.0OK, fll t II) liiMtaiuj ol tha I'NION I. MAO IT.. JPLAO lMtfciHlSNTATIOrf at CAMI' WILLIAM I'KNN, Ou 1EURSDAY, September, 15, 18G4. AN KXl UltHIOM TIIA1V will leave tli 1KUKS Hon Depot of tha NOHTH PENNSYLVANIA H.VILllO.VD, ON TIIUHSHAV, 8KPT IS, ISWI, At I 30 P. M , lor Cliy I ins ( u.'aia.t Stall . n tu tha Caiai. Itelurniiii.', leave Clt Due I' d P. 3i. IAKK nlt TUB KM fltsllN,4U CKNI -I. Tl'ketstnutt h prueunilat the Ticket Olllce. N.sifl sole uu the ca: s. KI.I.l. CI, UiK, 9 13 3t A.'llt. IP- DEAFNESS, NOISES IN THE HEAD, IlllIllAT IIIHKIHKM, CATAKItll. Those who mfler rrntn these maladies have now the vsr Ih-sI iihisirtiiliity tor tlnd nit relict. The apparatus ocnm-ueleJ liy In . VON Muse li.ISK Kit I, uml iuiiiHtlly the Bii.st perfectly crlecllve asent ever used fur reachlng Uieieatof thedtsi-ase te which It Is directed, and eradi cating It Willi wonderful rafdoltv. The appllcalieu Is ealiilssl. OlUce, o. IM7 WALNllT Street. IK.triMiiMAI.M. To the Deaf. fr. T.n aiutchalaker, Aurfst, No. 1037 Valnut street. oirated most succeisruUy ell my ears, realurlhtf me to perteut hearluv. I lutftred front what tha plu slciaiii called a IMckt-nlti ofttie ilrtiin ol the ear. WILLIAM Clt ANH, llililder, Kesldenee, No. IsLf H. Hccond struet. Philadelphia. Aumi.t 2, Iw.t. PnllAl'Kl ciltA,;'''lh June, NH -This If to certify, that for four years 1 was troubled with an otlenslve discharge, acceiinpstiled with deufncis. 1 have heetl treated liy nu Ineroiis physicians without rei eivlnif any beiu-rlt. Some months aiio I applivd to Ir. You Moarnjl sker, who has acculuplifehed a perfect cure. JOHK.PII RIIOEMtKKn, Of the Arm of Shoemaker A Usual, M.rrhtuitf. No ill N. 11 road street. Private residence. No. 722 Oreea itruet. F. E. Tr. VOV MOHCIIlMKK.R can be eonsn'tedoa all Boila.il nt HieK;e. The . SI KG1CAL opuali.ul U restore HK.U'l skUfully iMTiormed. Olhce, ho. lUiT WAI.XUT Street, Where hundreds of similar testimonials as the above eaa ta t'laauued. auti-u KB- DEAFNES8 AND BLINDNESS. J. Bx' Isaacs, M 1)., Profetsorof the Eye and Car, treats all diseases apperiaiiitiiK to tne above-named lueutOers wlia the utmost success, lestlmouiala Iron the moat rehahia sonrcea tn the elty and country can be seen at hta oilloe, Ko.SlI PIXKHlreet. Artificial Kyea Inserts without pain. jo enaises aiaae ior esauiiiutoou. umue oours uoui s to 11A.M. .1W1P.M. Xs.WmlswM, au7-lm SILK AND DRY GOODS JOBBERS. pALL AND WINTER GOODS, PUHIilAH.n AT At't TiW IM Nt-s-v Yorlt nnd I'lillntltslpliln, t-INC'E Till'. FALL IN COLI I-'Itl-'.NCII MKIUNOHS, it V T I I Atl POI'I INS. OAT Pl.Ain ( AMIMKKKrt, I1A r I'l AID all K1NDKH. P01I I'K ( IIKVKK.H, A. As tie i.fls..it a Ira.-icea w win t,s lis UJ ri"tp'. i (1. da st Tin: lowest run i;s CURWIN STODDAET & BROTHER, N"S. I'll), ,irl l l ti. Ml. i JNH .MIKM'. fit Aooe Willow Ii LANUfl'H or ad mi1 ,h, iiiiAnK.1. ati'i M.MvK.s t th :..,( I'll, es Wli .lcHrtls licsVr-. Il.'t.-l Keepi'ts, ao'l Kaanliei a H- plied in lots or .Ins'le pslr, t the low. -at pi-i.-ea Cl'nWEX STODP.MIT it liltOTIU'K, Nii.1',0, lrV,antl 111 N HKt '' N 1 ) St i , n I : ' Ale ve wi:..w JNDIA SHAWLS AND SCARrS. GEORGE FRYER, Nn. lll CIll'.SMIIT STUI'.KT, received los FALL IMI'Olt V Al IOM M nKALll)lASllWL8, I.OU AD SQUAIIK. With a few Cl.olce FALL HOOKS, to which the attention ol the Ladles Is Invited acT-I Jl J luNN jtiiltH A llOLTONi No. 322 CHESNUT STREET, Kw atTer to Ibe Utile gorier a! 17 a fuil Lo of every docrilion ot Wl IITH (H)OUS, LACK 1)()IS, I'. M 1JKO 1 1 K U I KS. AND REAL WELSH FLANNELS, ALL OP T1IKIB OW.V K1RKCT IMPORTATION. e;-lrt FALL. ) HTOCK FALL, lM. J SOW IN STORE. !-, l. EDMUND YARD & CO., Nob. 017 GhcBnut and 614 Jayna Streets. IMI'01t1KI!3 AMD JOUBP.KS OP SILKS AND FANCY DRY GOODS, K1IAWLH, LINHNS, AND WIII'I K (H)OUH. LA HO E AND HANDSOME STOCK OF DRESS GOODS. I-TI.L LINE OF FOREIGN AND DOMF.STIC HALMOHALS, iscLUDihii au20-2m llBL'NER'H AND OTIIKIt MAKES. HEAP DRY (inni)S, CARPETS, OIL Vt loO.a and Window Sbailra -V. K. AHCIUM IIAI'l.r'M, N. K. om.-r KI.KN P.NTH and MlltKKC Htreeia, willop-D ttta morning, from aii'-tloD.Iintrain lUr teie. all wool, at SI as. t 117. tl :4 $1 1,1. tl 7'. lot.': lusmin (tsri-ts, wool fllln. 7' and S7 cents ; Kntry and Malr Carpets. 7.'.. !, tl.tlllA, tl 7 and 1''; lltinp. Yarn and itsu Carpets, .'si. Hi. 7s and S7 cents; rioor oil (loll. a. 7ft icnta 'o tl -lift; lilll Knrdired Window Hhados, tl to t'."'0; Hlnir Oil Clo h, Wl ard ;l cms. CHEAP DltY Id 10 1 its AND TKI MMISOS. fti.litiiis'. Hhi eilmr and I'tl'ow Case Mualliia, ), 35, a t?i. and 7tc ; Ni'W Pall lielaloea, .rsi at.d .'sic; Alpa.-as, allcolnia ll7r.totl; lllai.kels. tl I to elti; Co utonsl.lei, t-r;All wool li'lslnoa, H7c ; Chintes, '.' to a.Vc. ; Cassl Dl ri-s. 7.':. to 'i .'.0 ; plannils 6oc to tl 1 Coali-s" Wpiol Cottcn,17r ; I'ma.tlc ; Itrald 10c' ; Cot'on Hose, 'ift to oc flriawl. 1 1 to tlo. Whoesate an.1 R.-tsil diore. N. K. comi-r KLLVKN I II and MAUKCT Htie ts. selo tl 10-41 CIIKSNtlT STIlI.t r. 1031 1 IU OIDKHIRH, LACES, Will i K sCDS, V BUS, HAMiii i:itcnii;i"H. E. M. NEIDLES. IU I CUKSM T SlriKKl'. Ii w 9 K N It I It I I I- W reftMid tbt aiuiijr, u rtr vry lot of SUrti vblcta fall Id ny reapect FINK NHIlirs CUT LKNOiaw.K OK MUrtl.IM. aVU4 of Nw Vcrk Mill Muslin, nd ory flna Unm BuNcm )nl 75 U.uaI urtf? 000. WtUiD)vtl. Mllli HuiW. ttne t.uiDQ Botoau. Only M--K I tutkl irt 'Mt. GKNTLEMKN'8 rURNI8UIa GOODS. HMITU fc .IA IIW. myS-en o. 1-446 CHKhXUT HtrMt, f'oo iioor SKIRTS roo UO MiiLufavtury.No.o.'s AK"H StroW. UO Above bixxn iiaee, liiili.U iiii.ia. Uli.ilf -ale ftiul ltfltail. Cliiidrtii i 1Uki frkiru lu itie utiy, In evury n ii-ect Hrt- tin, rnUU ti for hlyle, tluUli, durability, aiitt clu-tii'iiubi, OttVf iiu ttjuui 111 itif aiurkt-i. tkirtH timUa lu ur(ltr,Hl(u(eO And rcnulml . J4-ly WM. iH01'KINS, MRS. M . A. D I N D K Jl ' 3 TKMPLK F OFASIIIOW, NO. l(rt, i'llKSNU'l' 8TKKBT. Crani Opt niiig. Netiniiir 1. Pftria, Loiitim,an4 New t rli I- uuliit-iil. Jut r eiv. d. Ufa 111u l'aer Mi.dt li ol' ail it ti re I m hie ana lute it I'urii dt-atK im, f..r J ml us mud 1'iiiMrcn ii jTfai, Mrfmivt'd itiid eli-Kantly Irliumi d, at to ptuktnt litu must pvjiect rwsvuibiuco tu lUu uninul ttriii lea. rAiti rni of Pnmnarle, Evonln?, Hum, Uriilal, and Kamy lict m an, Clak, AUiuUi, WrlsU, Jut ktu, t:vrvfii, Auioiii, riackt,l'ttic. KoOa de 4'hambr). l ihUr (l.triuoiiti, Jtc, and eery i(a of Kariunt aUit l in hoyn, Miie, and Infauta, that has any oUim f..r i ithr novelty or utility, all acca rawly reprodu-i d lu Titiue l ui.vr ao 10011 ai ihtty ara "rtirtd m1, r 111 I'urla or Lon don, lire. and Cloak making In ail Ilk braa h-j, and a iHTiM-l lit warranted. C'uiuiiKand HasilnK. Kroucli Hut. tut; mid CoilimiK. Mina lmt.r,t m bktrl. Tadx, Shlfldv, rt i 1 h t'orBtta. Huoaji,ie)CtjaTU.aud Quarterly Mirror 01 .Vftauion. aul-wiutliu "PATENTED JULY 10, 1861. JOSEPH J MOTThT, Kleva de Pnii, rrnrjch Nteam Hvelnf and Hcourln on any kind ol' HtarliiK aiarl, tur Lidi, tivi U, and 4 hikirvn. Patant ai'i-aratui tor t cu bintf t ai U rrnin ona to Are ln N". 74 k AL'bi Htrovt. lirt oah Mo. iW 8. sNi-Ml'U fitrwat, I-tLtladwl(.ia. auU -Jia St Y l.rstlF FALL 'I I s i il..t'i'n, I f s'l I ..lluoH ..t I I I I I..O1111, .' I' 'il C'oit ins ot 1 . 1 . - .i',ms ot I s I I 'lo'lnhf i'a I 1 !.' h off I') ,1 , V .In i A' .1"M "1 , f M JlK . S, At .It! M,H Al .IHNP', .S Al .IMMS', H Al JnM '. S SMUM S , H. Al .11 N I s. , ,s CiTIH-l 1 (Virile, "im - ii1) a-. 1 MnrKct (iri'di,, ii h in. I M 'it f- - i s'n- 't 1 11 Ii Are' M irki'l ( '(( 1. - "'ri :it d yvkw 4fr , rt"i iiii-l lll ht iri.n ".Ii tl tl M uKct atreelf. c ti At'l MtrkiM t f t'ii. ei'ih 'i I M likcf ir-'ii. -mil 'i-l Virh.-t trot. Al ,'lM ,S', S. ( MiniT HI r .INK. r4 r-t 1 n ,'( 111 Tiill'' I .1 i'b ii'i'i 3 1 leim t I II I It t Sttrti in- it iiii'l 1 iriir- tin-l . HIlAt HIT Hi it trtim r- j.i'f' 1 .i'l.inkr' i ! ' in i'7.- I'liMU if int "H.i'ns Mr.in 1 - - nt.-l , Micmh Im it -Ml tn r nil ii'il cwi-ittf fin t'M k In 11 . il to 1 nil i-nmtiipi.itri.i k InvilPil to ( nil 1 m 1 timiiiP i-nr nt k Ii .111 il to rut I a '! rvnmine our M.rk h viicil in r.m (fl x n in rn niir at rk Itivili l to raH tn hi r Miiiim "iir siork 1 'i Meil to Ci 1 1 hltj I' I II) 111 C Olir nt irk I in itrtt (o rrtll a nil 'Mmliii' our to, k Im im o tt. r,tl a it o nittic our k 1 H it to v aII Aii-1 i'v Min ni our utiH'k lieinri' imn liaih rlM'w:,('io . Hrttntii mnr' iiniii u ".( Iifi ItBttWti 1 1 I. viit: t.c ; l-ll' I'l'f Ti' nri ' li'nv clu wlirre . It nn tip piirrlMiinu riHfwin ti n I'iri oi'-i I .i-'iiir Hn'w line HH'mH iu r inn in .o'W tic 1 1 lii'lnrt j'lm ti"nMij rlnrtr. htirr I'.t'l'n i pin CL as n 4 rlsi-w iiprr . Ilelofi ntirri umi".1 p tiwhi'ro 's ' ' ',"Mi'nif. H V. coni.T M lo-iih nnd Virk.'t al. ri ;iink, s K. r.rm- ntn and M.irk"t n. Mini s ri.iiii., h. I'.. rorniT s..nHi ami Ma k.-t t. M (' In-htnu. S. K hut Hi'VPiiih Hii.l M.irktUs'a. iTurr rrnt!i And M irKel -hit rn h Arwl VArk"t tti. inn-r Scnth itnd Mrki't itt 'riior Si venth anil M iiktsi. ninr Si-voiHli ami M.irki't t k .MINKS' fit th-iii?, K J'SVH- ("oftHPst, N K .HM t ( lutl inc. H 1-: .loSVH1 r;.itlihm, H. K .MNKH' 1t.tr.iiiK, H. V. JNK! notion,, s K ur H-vn,th ami Miirkct N . It UnlHitt c of Suninu-r tor (O .t -& w Im .ili'ni low. TJ H1IOHMAH IIU 4V: CO., OHILDEIN'S CLOTHING EMrORIUSf, No. t N. KKiUTK STRr.KT. nur.Ai'Ki.riiiA, t4 & r.:: ' 'tr.rvj. ' ' v" v We ri'api'oiriill lnit lal attention tj out oloitant a.iortment of ('IIILl)UKN S CI. OTI II NO, Oliiptlslnir llWh', I'.IKI.sl , INFANTS , and MIHIF.ts' Clolhliiit In every rariet. tn the iste.t st lea, sod ol'supe riorwoikn.ansMp. Mneival am nit .11 .al. to MUSKS IlKF.SHMAKlXtl. Tho public are invlleil lu roll and esauilne. M. SlIOKMrt K 10 K iV; CO., Se7 wsm '.'m N i I N. K1I1UT1I HTKKKT. JOHN KF.LLY. TAII.O It H, No.dl'J CUKSNUT sSTKMKT, lla.e rucslrrd lli.'lr FAI.I. S'lTtKI, iui.1 a largs stoi-k of KAl.l. and WIMBll t)0')ll, Im 'Imlinij rholce AMKIU CAM (IOOHS, all bonsht lefore the rl In pilces, which ehoy w ill oiake up to tho bet a'yl.'a at moderate prices. TKHMM-NSfiT C'AHtl. seT-lnl 1 sJ. 1VILL1.VMH, 1. Ko. 16 H. SIXTH ETREET, Maiitita.'tu''.'r of V I'. N 1". T 1 A N HLINDH . AMI W I IV I O W 811 A I H. Tlir I.arseet aitd Finest Aisortip.ni fa the aiij. a, the LOWEST I'KICKS. BKI'AIUIMI ATTKNliK.il TO PIPMI'TtV. BTOUK RIIAl'K1! MAHK AMI I.KTTKKKIK . tia WALL PAPERS, HOW V.IjU A ISO II It K K, N. Y . f .ll.'.tll rOUETII AND HAKKET STREETS, MANUr' 11 ' I I.-K1U l r a r n k u v m 1 n t. s A - sol? tin "WJIVim "flAlfrW, J OOKINiJ-O I.AMH AND PICTUIIE FUA If. M.VM'l'ACTOHV. WM. 1 I. vnllO N, h j'M s ni rii sriiKKr, Oilt Ovnl l'l. . . iinpli I'ri.i.-. selO-nm I'ONHTAMl 1 US lli.NI). li-UlllNITi i: Having bought Dieat o a. .niter . ,t. se-'i-e ttilule ureal rise, I am euabled to ' r oiy .io s. ot FIKST-CLAS.S .' i ; I ! IT U E At a soiall advance on old , 1 . I I.I'IZ, atlO Om Jfa-l'il s. KI.KvK.Mil si'ltK.Kr. QliOHjl3 HXlXXJei, J 11., MANUFACTURING MACHINIST AMD ENGINKEIt, at27-lm Ko. 10'Jl K. BKCOSD ST., Philadelphia. OTF.AM 1IKATINO FOU FACT0UIK3, IO Mills, Ac. Mi-ali-rl v. Ilh dire.-t r wiisti. ateato. Also, I tolls lor h-ulurs,coiid. iinT, evaiHiralora, ills for 1 sel-Joi M M. 10JitM.VS.No. SI.VTII Street. BRirEBBUBQ MACHINE WORKS, OFFIOK, NO. 5 IV. KllONT HTl.KiaT, PUlLAIiKLPlUA. We art prepared to fill orders to anj exWnt for our wsuV kuuvta MACUlMJtl r08 COTTON AND WOOLEH HILLS, Inelndlnt all racest Improvements In Cardlog.BplnnlMt and W savins. , A Ti . invite the attention of manafaetiifan to our exlea- alve wof la. laU-uf ALFRED JKNKB A BON. yoiIN OllOMI', CABI'ENTEB A WD nrfTLnER, Mo. 213 I-OlKlB STB RET. A Urns fore of DulUlcs; luecluaUis ot all branches aja a; a on hand. K-wmaHus "V 1 AV AM l'KSl!i; i il I'M'. Inn Nf-w hi (1 itn-l.tf N i flt'il il''ir;h'- 1 . SrV nr.d 1cilir;lhlf " New mm ilff-lrnblc ' N'W m.l rl. -irihic .ti Nfm nnl ,)-iiM( New and it' irll niiJ ilcn ?' r Opflll'iu M'i 1' ' 1 OlM'tll If ( Ol-'.. 1 (ittxtt , i .'ipn.t' , il"H' - t' OllliM'K I i 'lPI('l 1 8 JJ N I T II I H T A. T M H 7-30 LOAN. Th Rwrriar of the TfMinry girt uU that ao crlitlo will tx rw!! I or Cnujwi Tratiirr otM( paaMe thr)r from Anntut l 1'.4, with tml-annual Intftrfit it Die mt of it-h and thr-tentht r t nt t -r iniiMDi,- i-rtiii ip it and mtorcft bth to b paid ) liw'nl noitpy. II ir niM will ronMrtHi! at fha option of Iht ti;'! T, at inat'iritir, nit" nix vt ct'i.t. tt"' I"i1tn tumiU, pij al'i" t tlimi flva nnr woip t'tan twenty jiart fuin 1i.clr (')!, ni tfie Unvrrt.nirnt maT fleet. T'lrj will l In (i''ii'H.lniti 'ii of $t, fim, f .n), li-f"), and sV-Ow. pii I all mriiptiins nai-t l f jr Ally ilaUara or a me n-oitipio t-r mty ii-j.ua. A the ii. 'tes draw Intt-rt 1th A-iiftit 1 pt-rt u itiaHef 1 f i 1 1 iib.liiPiit to that 'im limit pvyiht Invrcot ni run il ttmn i1tr of imlr lu da'o of ite.mtlt. raitii! (1- p'Hlt!iin tcutv ilvtj Ui Minaml tlnlUri an1 npwardti ir (liar n't--t at any otif tiin . lil V it I a t muiN. n if oiu" 'jiiar'c cif 0110 ptr aant. HIM'.CLVr, .XDVANTAOl'.sS 01 THIS LOAN. 1 1 h i N ' iiinai H vim, - V tMi , df. rliis, a Iii :!iit ra't? if liiicn" t limn tin) nt)i r, an1 ; V ''.'f i---nm;v. Any ivinv4 hank v M h pa Itt iti",,U"ni In I'nnvii Hltoi Noli'- roil Men lliftt It in piivlntt 1 r tHo Tnt firi ulatlti? tn ilium nt thr e -untry. aim. It r-ttino' piv in ri(,yiimi hot t-r, f.r tin nwti Huti'l. are oil!.rr In vi'riuiini K.ourl -Mt i-r In n.'tfrt 01 bt'ii.li piiy.ii.lo Ib 1 iivcrnuient i-aitor. CONYP.m PiLK LNTO A sSl LKK CKN I. ft-'-M) GOLD HOND. In n.l litli'ii to tho wry lilaral Inter t on tin nolc ftr threp yeiii n, this privileno nf Cuiirr'lmi in now worth al'.'tit tliife pet lent, fi-r animai.for iti current rate for ri-J-i tiiidi i-t tint 1?k tt'fia tune f 'r rnt. prernittfi, and ht lor Hie ar tiie ptrmium on nx per cent. I nlied Slates htrn ka wut over tweiKT per relit. It will bt teetl (hat th actual profit on (hi loan, at tie present luatkei raio.it not Ian than tn por rent per ann-iin. ITS LXLMrTION FllGM STATE OU MU NICH AL TAXATION. Hut a.Mf(Yom all tl; a,lviintujei we hare ennm Tatrd, a prctal Act of t'onnrmm trfmf( all on-ls an t Trrmury fti'yj f'rvtn lOi-al ttLrattun. On th nerLa, ttilaeoip tNo Ii worth admit two pur cent. pT annum, according to thr rata o! taxation In axiom paita ot the country. It U tM-ilevptl tlint im MCurltiAt oiler 50 rat Induca menta to lrndori ai tiiost liitvutsl by tho Oorrrnmenl. In all otlirr twiina of lndelit-diieaa th faith or ability of prrrat part tea. or atock companlca, or tepar.it tj o.intuunl tVa. only. In pledgrd for payment, while the whole pro perty of the country la iM ld to arc ure lh dlscbaryij ol all the obligation! of the United Htatei. Pna-M-nii'it'iM win. nit RM tivin hy the (Treasurer of thsI)nltrd 8tnta, at Wa-hinnton, the anvoral Alta:it Trvaaartra and ilealesnated I'vpualtarlaa. and by the FIUHT ATIOAL ItA.N'K OK PII ILA HKIJMII A, PA., tHKCOND MATIoNAl. BANK OK Fill I.AOEU'ill . PA., TlilHD ATK'NAL KAMA Or I'HILAIMa.PHlA, PA , fOt'kTH Al IOsN AL HANK OF FHILAIiKr.l'lllA.PA., liy all Nation! KanXf which are deposltartod of public Biowy; and -IS J ALL KKMPKCTAHLE BANKS AND BANRKIC8 Thron((t.nt tne coontry will ilT further inform t ion aod ArKOKO KVKHT KACILll T TO sSlTBHC'UIBKKfl. 1US. JOSKPH HUKTY 1KSIKK3 TO IN iy form hrr fr inula iht tlit tiai rniofi from Ho. 4of t llhMNI'T Htreau No. .H, HH;itril HiroU HAsSK WJKTY'S NKW UT.AN TnoOKS and StaUonory, No. M. KOI Hill .itroot, 0peue4 To-ly. Tf.M'INK ARNOLD'S WRITING FLUID VJI andtXipylng Ink, direct (mm 1 ,011. ton Ht niA.-K it UI KTYH Hp Blank B.h-K ami Stall nerv rttore, ho. iff HK(tiltm itroet. ON TDK IUsOCKADK-UUNNKR "PRIN cca Allctt," wan ruptured an Invoice ot tha World's Pair trUi Cap Taper, a portion ol which la for na(o at CIIASK t HUKI V 3 New BlutiK Book and Stationery Store, Ho. Ti S. Koi'ltTU stro.t 1 ) L A N K HOOKS OK KVKUY I)K.SCRU. J) tlon on hand, or made to ortlnr.ataaniA.il aaaaco oil Old pilcel, Ht t'li ASK A Itl Ki'V 8 ISew Blank Book mid Simlnnorr store, No. Tl S. Ko"Kl'H Street MANY OF THK OLD VAR1KT1KK OK Letter, Cap, and Notu Tapor, much auportor to thus? ol Inter manufacture, can U rm.i at t il ihK A ItUKTr fl, Nuw Biank Book and Stationery Htore, No. iiS. KOUItrit Stieot. OLD VKNS AND PKNC'ILS TO SUIT ALL " 1 prulert'iicea, and warraiit-d for one vear, ran Lm at CIIASK A HUtTY'S New Blank Btnk and mat I in rv Storo, ho WS.KoUKril .-tn'et. 20 I'KH CJ1NT CAN BR SAVKU BY rUlt cliasiiiK your fitauonery st 1'iiaMf. iiiirTv yew lllank itisik and ststlonerv stn-a, ai.'.s) lm Nu. ."J H. HHHtrll Mir.wt. JIiW UAMK OF O.VIlI!S. TEE MEW MUSICAL 0AED3 (Palronled tiv tlie ltnyal Vamllv of Knatand). aro aentliy u..slf.r 1II1CKK lilil.l.AKS. riiey are a must atiinsli:K lin.tlnie. anil leach Aluslial lime iul.'Kur tliau an uillur BoelliKj. "A most Intereatlnirand rlover same " Tims,. (lA.lnilriil y a Jsnie.l lor tcarhil.s Musical 1 line." fllm traten 1 entim hetsa. Aildn as A. aim K, Nu. C W. TIIIBTY.BIXTII Blroet, New ura. auiS-lio johtii .: i .i:a 11 illicit. GOLD AND SILVER iiiirsci co3ii.visv, GILPIN COUNTY, COI.OKAUO 1 ERKIXORY. TrUMlcesi Host. JOHN' A. 1X, Hon. EUWAHDS I'lKRP.KI'ONT, JOS1TH FUANCIS, Ksn., T. B. BI NT1NO, l'.su., A. (i. BOm iSH, Es.4., Cul iru.U lrsstflent i Host. JOHN A. DIX. 'J'reiiMii re r I JOSKl'H IttANCIS, Ks.i. t'o II llst'l I CHARLKS V. Ul.AKi:, K. TLe aruperty nt tlita onnipanr oonaisla ol feotoa tbe "tin. una lliti." "Ilrcaory Ss I." 'B!nouiiDe," "Uaa onril,' and oilier colatirali-d deselnpeil Gold-beallos Iilea Ib Uie d inltiu dlairlct nl Colursdft. Alto, Die lleo.ler.ui MI'l, u runnloa, ai.d In escellent order Capital Stock $1,000 000. Whole Kumber Share. 100,000. Par, $10. A lartte portion nt ihe mrk lia alrradr beii takfti hy prltaiu fiitM-t ripiion. ltMikk it re im i.on .it too uillce ot ti te tompMi v. al So. W liti ei ntrett New rt, where a llu Pt tl iiLinher ot liaieH b tub ontoj-t lor at par, by apnhiBK to t e I leanrt r ol the t oinpauy ttrtweu tuo hoiiriot It A M. aiid'J I. M. ( i pttoio' the I'ror-pffttu Uiay be nutalncd at the orn , tin- t i innHiiy. anlH-litt OKIEUTAL DETEESIVE BOAP. Tlila fsTurlte b..sp la now ov. r aeven years lu use by at leaat Oue Hundred Thousand Tamilies In rennaylvanla aler.e. It is mude uion euilrely iniw iirlncli'lea, of perfectly pure aiatrriala, and alnaya In the same way. It does away with tha use of a Wnah-lsiard, and will wash twice as iiitKh clothes wlili iiv.i th.rds less labor than aay other 8o.ii muds lu tlie I'nitt d Hiau a. ITS GREAT I'Oin-LARlTY Has Induced several brainless soap-makers to Imitate H la sppearmicconly, and, b odcrlns sreat loduceiuenu to nnprliH l U t dealers, put llielr apurloua ank le on tl.s mar ket on th lust reputation aniulmlbymir Iieterslve. Ttoje deslrliiK to urihase our Bo.ip alsjnll eiamlue and st tbat OUK NA.MK AND TItAUiiMAUK la atanipul upon tYEHV POt'ND of th Heap l.f.re they lake It. VAN HAQEH & MoKCONE, auM-lin rUII.AIiELriUA. FINANCIAL. W IA)AN Ol' 1 -KSl. 1 II V. BALANCI, Of Tills $75,000,000 LOAN lUvlinthrti.yheen aoarsxt. an. our Met ptovtne; aisr reaafnl.we as s nrepaird to aeil to ou.lemev. al once In lare r small aunts, any am mst t thla most av.lrabli GOLD SIX PER CENT. LOAN AT THE MARKET PRICK. Wcrive aHvaj a Mi.U'mil tiieae ls HINT) avike BUST'LOA.V ON THE MARKET. Their la but a SMAI.I. AMOt VT KOR HAI.E, anj Hi rri'Bjl"ui will, In our 01 -vu .it. advance rap. dly. Tartlei hsvlr r.-'io LOAN Wil.ilaw.-ll lo all and L'l MANUK th'lr 5-OT's fur this MDl:K ri'.HMANKSr I.OAlf, e.peclally aa uow, owing to thi i ierman .leiuan I ter live te entles, a l.K'lt rate can I e i bta.ned t'.r Ih.-ui JAY COOKK .6 CO., K III .1. llllltl) SIltt KT, ael'i m 1 1 llsdrlp'ils. r UlWl? NATlONAli If A IN It. FINANCIAL AOEN'T or TIIK INI T IC I H T A T I H . U. H. HISKH 1Ml. IVn.ls of this vary dcalriblo Ltn nn band and for aals at this BANK. 7 3-10th NOTES, Of all denoiulna'Jona anil tn any amount, onstanlly on basil. 1 - 1 O LOAN AT PAR, 1NTKUEST 1'AYAllI.E IN COIN. Hiihscttlisra have the vrlvllef e of paying the back Inte rcit fr..m H.'i teml.rr 1 lu Unlteil Htatts Hole, aujlns M perecnt premium. t'ouveiaion ol 7 s loth, per cent. Treaiury So'.ea to th Loan nl lsst altemlcdlo. All hatlonal Hank Notes received on deposit at par. C. 11. CL.AKK, rilEfMIKNT. lVIorton AlolMtt'l.n.p.1. tit . CAslltlK. aeli int QOLD, ti O L. J, J O X. KILVEU AND BANK NOTES WANTKD, DE HAVEN & BE0THER, aal-tf Xs. HO 8. TUIHD STREET. jtXAXi HHON ; CO., JtANKKItH, No. 121 S. THIUU STREET, riiir.ADKi.ruiA. tiovernnient 3oc?rllleaof all Issues I'urrhaaed and for Sale. Blocks, Bonds, ati'i Onld nought and Hold on Coin mission. 1NTKBKST ALLOWED ON Ill'.rOftlTS. Ciillectlona Promptly tl tide. feVif MITII A XI A IN DOIjl'U, No. 10 IS. Till KD STUKET, 1 1ANK MliS A N I ) liKOliKUS. flls.tcle,Stockl,Quatteriuasters' Vouchers and t 'hecks, ais all Coveniment Sncurltlaa Itouiibt and So d. uihlj jTjaw loan, isr.w luav. U. S. 10-40 JAY COOKE CO.. OKPKU 10H 8AI.E Tilt: KEW GOVERNMENT LOAN, BKAKlptil HVK I'KU CKNT INTK.RKSr IV Clllls", ndismaWe any time after TKN YKA.lt. at the pleasure of IheOarernment, and payable t'OIITT TK.VK i alter dat. IH.TII (Ol'PON AND. ItK(llSTKREI) BONDS are Issued for this l)an, ol earn denomination as the &-J0. Ihe Interest on f '.isi and $i0na payable yoa'lyi on all other denonilDailona, half yearly. Th lo-lo bonda sir duled March 1, 1HB4 The half-yearly I aterest falling due isepteciber 1 and March 1 of eacs year: until lat sept.ui her, the acosui'tl Interaat from 1st of March la required to be paid by turchasora 'go un or In i.snaL rL'aaaM-r, add tnitntts percent, fiir premium, until further notice. ALL OTIIKIt UOVKRNM KNT sKCUiilTIKS UOIMllir AMI SOI. II. JAY 000KE & 00., 0jh2'l-tl No lit N. Tlllllll HTIIKKT. pitBDK. M T U E II A C .. HA N KICKS, Mo. 30 8. THIRD ST RE K T, airt asm asLL aOLU, ajtl.VEIt, AND UUVt-UNMrNT HBCUKtTUtlt H T O O K fci 80UUBT AND HOIJI ON COMMIHHKia Uahll jTOCKM AND llCUltl I 1 ICH BOt'OUT AM) SOLD ON COM MIH8ION, DE HAVEN & BROTHER, fee tf Ko. UU B. TU'.ltD MUKET. I A. TSl O IV 1) H reracDi having lIaniond or oUier -Pre Jioui Btonei to dlopofee of will do well by culling on LEWIS LAD0MUS & 00., Diamond Dealorsniul Juwelor rvo. h(U ClIliHJNlJT Htroct, Who v. Ill give th helical mah prlc. aulO-lm JA BI JZ M II A 11 II 11 1( H eiic.n.sii.a asD naTAiL CLOCK KHTAHLI8HMENT, I. K. oornar SECOND and rtlNUT gireais, PhlUd a. ai.fcM.r r th rarr-NT EQT'ALIINU TlUKtr-DAY CLOCKS, A very desirable artlcl fur Cburubea, lloula. Daoka. Ct'antius-lli'use. 1'arl.na. Ac. Aio, MAN! KAI Tl HKK OT F1N OOT.II P:X8. ( LUI'KM HRPAIettU AND V) AltHAM 1 atl. jalt-ly lilock Truubiiuas of every duaenpuoa. 'M. A. OKAY, N. E. COHNKU Ob" SIXTH If and MINlilt Mretla, buy lllaiuwllds. Watches. Uuld, tsUver, and Loan 'I I. kela. 'lai.-'t IS WANT OK MO.NtY CALL. AUbualness contidentlal. u1I.qi b rtTAtf.8 Nl'fctS'AL fiRTENUK. firai f oiieclion Dlslrlrt of PannsTreanla. snmprtatng th ft.cofid. IMrrt. Fourth, rifllr, rtlalh. Anil KMrrenth War As of n.ellty of Philadelphia, HOTirT. Th Ann-el Assessment for .M, fisr the abrrrs-nasMal Iil.trlct. of persns Itshl to a te oti Carriages rktaaar 1 arhls, Milliard Table, and (Kiid and Hllrer Plata, aa al.nofrs.'ii renulri'd to take out Irmaes, harlnf bejast completeil, KDTICK 19 Itf'.nrBV OIVKf, That the Taxea aforesaid will b rorerevd dally by the) niiile'atgned. beiareen th hours of 9 A.M. and I P. If ., (Mmi.tnya esreplnl.) at th Office, No. KM CI1KSNT1T fllrrel, second II. .or, on and after Tilt KSIIAT, flepteaalsir l.an.l iiutll and Including, 8ATIHDAY, September II, esisuing. TKNAI.TIKS All persrma vthn failitopay tt.elr AnnualTasesunonear'. rlaies,piraure yarhla, billiard tables, gold and all var plate, on or b. fwp ihe ilth day of September, 14, will looera M.ealty ort.Ai per centum additional of Iba amount thoreof. and lie llableln costs. a proeliled for In th 19th teotiMI of the rsrlae I.awa of July I, lHSD. Allwrsnnashala like manner shall fall to tak Mtt Ihelr II. en.ea, as reeulaled by law, on or hefor th Mtk AaynfHeptemher.lHRi, wtu Incur penalty of ten per centum additional or th amount thoreof, and b aubjac ! s pmaecniioii for three time, the amonnt of aald tax, 1st arc. mis me with the provision of the bsth sactlo of Ui law atore.nid. All payments are ro-iulred tribe made InTreasury Notes, tir drr a-ilh. rlty of thr rolled States, or Is note of Rank ornanljed ni dcr the actio provides National Currenoy, kn iwn aa Nstionsl Itanka. HO I't-KTIII.K NOTIt'K WILL IIR firVBlf. JKhTKIt HAItlllNH, Colleotor. 'fl-ft Ho. S04 CHESNUT Street. ri KKAMIItY Dl 1'AnTMKNT, OFKICK OF 1 the 1 'oniptroller of the Currency, VI ashlngloo, HeotaaA" tier 7, 1Mb. Vt ht-reas, astisfaclory notice has been tranamllted t lh) Con plrnller of Ihe t'lirrem y that the capital auiek ef th "Hrr.i.d National Hank of Dulii lalphla, ' t'eoniyltranla, at Kiai.ki.iril, h.a twen Increased In the sura of line Ilunlra4 nnd f Illy 'I huiisand Dollars itl.l.lari). In aeeordano with Tie ptnvislon.ol lla Articles of A.aoctallon, and that tn v. hi'le amount or such increase hsa bin paid in. and thai tie psld n taptlal abs-k of said Hank now amounts las fhe sum of Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand DeUar lt".'0.isl'): Noiv it la hereby rartlfled, that the canltal stnek f "Th cts-onii .-sHin.iiai nans u rinia it'iania, ennayivama. aioreasld. has heen Increased as afureaafd in the Bum or One Hundred ami fttly Ihliaand Ih.llara f tl.Ml.lsslI ( that said tncrraae of capita! haa been paid Into aald Hank as part ol .he cspltal sio. k thereof, and that Ihe said Inrraaas) f capital Is approval hy the Comptroller of the Currency. In v itness vthereol 1 hareuutn a ills my nflVlat alciiaiurt. IHIllU McCI'LLOCfl, sel3 St Comptroller. 'I' It K A 8 U R Y lUil'ARTMENT, Auodst N, IMA. KOT1CK TO 1I0LIKRS OK TIIRF.P. TEAR SKVBN. Till 111 r NOTK8 DATED OCTOIIEB I, 18UI. Rulder of Sevan-Thirty Notes, dated October 1, 1MI, are hereby notified that they may be presented Imme diately, In any amotint.to b aeaangd for 81k Vac Caaat. Bonda falling due after June HO, UMI. The ialareat on th Sevtn-Thlrty Wots will be settled fj to dale of maturity, October l.and th 81a fr Csatt, Ilonds will bear full coupons from Jsly 1. The adjustment of interest will b mad kydtdictiaf froui the smount of Interest found to ) 4ae on the Sesresa Thirty Notra np to October 1, th Interest eocrned oat Us Btx Pas Cent. Bonds from Ju.y 1 to October 1 ; th haianost will be transmitted by tlx Treasnrar's coll draft bants. diately upon settlement. Tlie followliig regulatfewis In relsthsn to endorsmata mual be csrefulty observed : Wrer rote tranamltted for aettlement wr lssn4 payatile to order, and are held and tranamltted by tha orlslnal owner, thoy muat be endorsed be thm.'PaT la the Secretary of the Treasury tor redemption," ant boada will laiu In their nam. Wheienoteapayatila to order are held by oth i i Uian theotujiaal owners, tt. notes muat have theaaaorasl ment of Uie otlgiaal owners, and also bndora4 bytha present owners, "Pay to the Secretary of th Treasury fr redemption." For note laaued In blank, endorsed 'Pay to th Secre tary of th Treeaurv for redemption," bonds will b Issue! to th parties trsnemlttlng tliem, and la such manner aa they nisy direct IV hen notes ar endorsed or tranamlttad by an attorney, administrator, esecutnr, o-. vfer agent, they must be) accompanied by a duly certified copy or oertlflcatof tha authority under which ka arts ; and In all eases by a letter slating the kind (registered or coupon) and the denomina tion of tli Sis Por Cent. Bonds wanted In exehang. When llfidstered Honda are ordered, parties should stata at which of the following places they wish th Interest paid, viz.: New York, Pnlladetvhla, Boston, Balttowra, tow Orleans, Chleuso St. Loula, or Clnotnnatl. W. P. KKSHKNIlRN, au30 3w Secretary of tha Treasury. UM1K1 STATKS, EASTEttN DISTRICT OK PKNNHV I.VAN1A, HV.T TIIK I'liKMIiKNT OK TIIK I-KITKU STATKS TO'lilK MAUSHals OF TUJ6 KAiIKIlN mdCHlCT OK 1 KSN8U.VAMA. UHEt. TISii: VMIKHKAH. Thf IXitrict Court of tho United Htatr In nd tor the Kstfitcrn JiMirict of Pennsylvania, rJprai.7 and tfirl pri.retl!itr 011 a IiUml. HlM In tilt name oftfi Unlfrr4 t tat of iiiiifrri-a, lutUi ileoretHj ail nonon In ffeoaral wit hava. or prricud Co have, any riKOt. rilla, or lafrrostln lortj -tnre.- bales, ot cotton. hiiJ ta rorcodol sale taereof. Cfiiured Uy the m earner Anotooli," a vevaei o war m the nitd Htaiea. nndtr rotxuiatid of H. K. Franklin. l.istit('iiBiit(UniUsaiiOliiK.an,l broiiKii Into this district, to Da diodiImm), ciitMl, and aalk-d to nii;nieDt. at the time andi plat iindePrvrttti ii, and to iho etloct htrstitfr expres4 (itiKttre m rtiiulrlfiK) Yon are. therefore, charsed q4 firlctljr enjoined and coiiimanited, that 7m om l not, hat that by pubilnhli k ttaeae prenanU lu at tewt twoofth dully m'Wvaperi printed and puhUhed In the elty ot 1 liHadr iptiia, and In Uie Ltoat lniHitfnser yon domon ih Hiidctte.o can no to be tnoiilahed. and ol led IHTt-niptorlly. all person In general who have, or pretend to have, any rntht, title, or Interaat In th aid torv three iit;lee of cotton, and ihe proceeda ol tte tale thorvot, to apper tie fore the Honoraot JOllN C AOW ALADKIC, lie Judge of the taM Court, at tlie iMetflct t'ourt room In the I'ltr of Pnlta-di-lpbia, on the tnentieth day after publication of tneew ,ire'iiti.lt It iea comt dar. or eUeon the uext oourt day loliowlnK. between the uual hoori ol bearlnc miiwi. lieu and tiere to show, or alletre 1q dtte tor in of law. a reaMonablo and lawful excuse. If any tliey hTe, why the aMid fortv-tbree bailee of e tion eli uid net be , pronounced to betonf. at the time of he oaoture of the 1 nn. tu tie enemite of Ute I nlted ritntea end, aattoode ol thrir em U-'ca oroiherwlee, llitbre and eubiect to 00a-d-nnation, to be aliadtf d and condemned a goid and lawiul pnr.te; (vnd further to do aud receive in thle b-hn.l aa to jo-tk-e khall appertMiu. And tbat 90a del hitlinft'e, or caue 10 be tntliuated, nnti al' pranue alore amd, nei eiaily (t( whoubt tne teiwr of theae pre rite It JaUo Itiiltnettdl.that 11 tliev ehall tio app-ar at the time ai d plce aiw ve menttoned, or apiear and ehall do ehow raMonuble ami hiM tu cHime to the contrary, th-m naid I H-trict t'ourt doth Intend and wlll pticeed toailf 0I ailou on the euld capture, and ma piMuounoe thmt thr ad fory-tiirte btiiee o4 cotton and the pr 01 de ot the tele thfrrof did belong, et the time ot ihe cat ture of the Kane, to the enemlea 04' the I. 11 i u-d KiatM of Amriit-a. and aa vooda nf thetr ein-inifi, or othervitfe, It nolo and au'eot to conntca ttoti am c nitpniiirtir, to be ailja-iKed and condemned aa lawful prize, ih abace, or railier coniauitcy.of tlie per tvorik u cited and Intlointed in anv wine notwlthnUndlnf, utd that jou dul crtuy 10 the ald lUetrkt Court what M.11 hall do In 'lit preiut'o. '"fiftrivr with tnete preaenie. ' WiriifK be Honorable JOHN C l w AL lOKfl. Judf ol tie tain Court m lbiia ivlpala, thle ninth day of Ht'P'ctMbur, A 1. IHi4, and lu the eitr-itv-nlata year of tlie liidepeudinue ol tlie ald l'nlivd Hmtea keli O. K. KOX, Clerk, UMrlct Court, M"ahsual's 8ALK by viktuk of a. Writ ot bale, by ibe Hon. John Cndtvalader, Judge 01 Uie I Hut net rmtrt of tbe riil'eil tliat e. fti a.tdfur th Knk.tTii liUrrictot reniiktlvanta. In Arimlraltv, to medl rei tfd. w HI b f-o d at public utile o the hiit.-at end beet bxi.l.r for ,ah, at Mil HKNKK'M HroitK. Ko. U2 H. J-IM'M Mmt, i n MoNJMY. nepien Vr IhhI.m l nc h'cfc IK .. the catvo o f e Ktaiif r "lUMan," ooniltUnc vi vl boJca ol tot'ot; aUo, 62 bJt ot cotton, the cai ol ve 1 uukuoM n. WU. 1,1AM MIT.I.WAKO, K H. M nr. toil K D ot .Villi. I'll 11 fhi t'i ia. 8 pti tub. r 10, xn4. aaLV-lut lll'RND' C O T T A Q K. 1 i his esvi populHr. oosi , end Mwll-known plaeeof vie cine tisi'Mtuiii at ll.e K. V. co'tiur of isixl'll aud ailMilt- tsire ts, Is I'miia s m.t tin is him fia.luuss, uudar the aus.lci-s ano itutni'iilatt- suiiui s tsii.lt of AliUlKAL J.VMK-s NK.LSON. 1'UiU-KlKltiK The Admiral aparca nctner time, money, nor attention toauppl his patrons vi Ith Hi choicest Wines aud Liquors, aud superior tscotch aud Old Stuck Ale on draiuiUt, wbica cannot b squalled In Philadelphia. l.t ery man who loves hi country and Is fond of a good diluk. sl ihe Admiral a tail. auJO-lia 1;lovkisuing hotki.s. amongst tub X puhlh-hmisea In and ari.uiid Philadelphia, there aro none to auipa.s tbe new 'TON riNK," to SKt ESifll Klxsl, shi.vt' ( HKsSt'r-, or. tile old and wsll tones "HlU l.ilSi ' Hole), at tne roruer ot Nil Ei'OWN Lana ar.d TOWN.SIUI' LINK Hna.l. Mr. ;r,.m..K W. Klllll. hi Prnisyielor r.f txilh, whh ta ia indeed sauftlcleut giiarantaai for tlM.tr eiilir success, 't'lie very best ot every luias eat able oml blliiole will ha found al eai.li Plaoe, aud.nolwltli sluliuilitf the limes are out of joint, the terms will be quit lev. . A splendid Luitcb every dMy, from 11 to U o'ukssk. auSO lut 1 I OOl'liR'S ALE VAULTS, 8. K. COUNlitt J 1 -I HIHD and CHKSNI'T Streets, LIiPll V ft I HI' PI, IB" i r.L.r.i.n -n Ul r ICE. I KNISTAK s OLD tH AND. TUB COOIKs.!' AND Btsr AI.CS 1 THE C1TT. OLD IlKASHIKS, WINE, til NH, WlllklKS, CAl.lll'UMA AND CATAWIIA WINBlj AND HKAMiiKrt, KNi.l.lSll.llllSlt, IK,yit II. ANtiAMKKK'AN ALlut AMI UkOtvli BluCT. This celebrated old aland having tieen renovated ant thi.rotikhlv rediled, with on ot th ttneat stuias ol Alea and twice Llqimra la th city, th proprietor tnvilea us l.llti Ic to alva llllu a eall. auittldeut as he la !' II. Mir eu. pruvaL aius-lu -rAK CLAIMS, KOUNTIliS, PENSIONS, IT PAY, and all discrtptlua of claims aseui.i th X'lillt'il States t.overnuietil a.liuateil autluoih't-biii. fKIsl Wuhtl-We kav a lull lial of prices new payaiue, au Ui lnwite- vaa Le coUet't..,l al once. Apl-ry or write UI.OIH.K CIIAUil 4 Hltullltll. ruty end Isavf Claim Axilla, aul7-lui Ale. fc'i IliLt" IT t I 8. . COCKf a PT ANJ UARIUT SI. ItEADf-MADE ,9XU1(. AND riSS I4IL.0BINQ K0TD foil II.aM?s?0M5 STYLES,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers