2 UMUMIIM4M . TOK DAII.T EVENING TET.EGItAHI. rniLADELFIIIA, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, lSCt. A inT utteritoov vr.wtrtm. OFFICE No. 108 S. THIRD STREET. Prie Timns rti Put Corf, or RtouTim Caters t Wm.W'liKiM Carrier, and asalsed to RutMoHbori 4 OS lb. ('Ity At Nies TOU.Aa. Pi n 1 OssDeu." m Firrr Or-ars rrs. Two Moimts,la:Tarlaatrla 4t'im, t Ibr tl !. KimfcMWU tnaerted at t uml rats. A iferal t Ibr aste-aded fsuatrUpns. Ts rrrptialmiM ttnalea m be Mtaa af Anonm" O..mmnnkiitlotill. nln ta latanded fbr laseolni must a. snlhenilraiert br (he Sam. an. aldrii of Uie wrlter-oH neceaaril tor Bnblieatton, but aa (rnarantee r Ills : rellh. H a o.aoot aadanate M return roxowl oosauiuriieauaa.. Darts A pl tnereas. I the CtrclllelMSn at? Tn KisaiKo Tel aoasm, eonipelllna " In so t. ir at an arty'Soar, we anr.ntly fwiwt that Mvprtliiainti nmr l sanded hi a. enna ea 1 nelK, II possible, to (ocura gieea aa bseantoa in all of oar edition,. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, ISO I. Jl cCI.EI.I. A N " I.KTTIR A Si OF.. OK ACf'EFr- But twenty-three unconditional pence men In the Chicago Convention had the pluck to tow their real sentiments. They all voted for Mr. Sktmouh, of Connecticut, an their cundl date for the Presidency. Thore were, how ever, In that same Convention two hundred and three unconditional peaco men, who had neither the courage nor the honesty to declare and standby their principles. They voted !!r Gkokgk B. McCi.Ki.i.Asr, and he was nomi nated. The platform had been previously arranged so as to express anything and mean toothing. This bit of work was so Ingeniously done as to conciliate men of all Bhadu.s of opinion, from the extreme peace proclivities of Vaixanpioiiam and the Wooi,to the more discreet, but less Ingenious, professions of the men who were for war, if peace could not be made without It. General McClkli-AN, It was supposed, would either not accept the platlorm at all or not accept it without qualification. lie cer tainly niut have been considerably puzzled to know bow to act, and what to say. But be lis worried through the dilemma In which the Convention placed him, and yesterday his let ter accepting the nomination was the chief topic of conversation and discussion among the street and bar-room politicians. Opinions as to the character of the document were very n.uch divided, and while we saw many Demo crats who entirely condemned It, we saw but few Wbo entirely approved of it. The truth is, that McClkllan has taken position that Is too equivocal to suit any man of decided views and Intrepid candor. lie avows himself in favor of an armistice for tlio purpose of negotiating a peace, which is, no tloubt, quite agreeable to the ultra opponents of the war ; but he takes all the virtue out of that confession of faith by declaring, just as emphatically, that If the Rebels will not con ent to return to the Union with a proper guarantee of their constitutional rights, he Ul exchange the sword lor theo'lve branch aiuu SVUI b lit: 114 lulu DUU1UU3IUUI Now, this assertion of a determination to coerce the Southern people to accept peace on prescribed conditions, is highly offensive, to those amicable gentlemen of the Democratic party wbo think there Is no power In the General Government to make war on a sove reign State or Its people, for the purpose of enforcing obedience to the national authori ties, or that If such a power ever legally ex isted, Its exerclso could accomplish no good result whatever. Nevertheless, these honest malcontents will, we expect, be persuaded Into votiDg for McCi.bli.an for the sake of a party victory, which, If won, will Involve the early dispensa tion of an enormous amount of Executive joatronage, a large share of which will, no "Cyubt, be promised to the peace wing of the Democracy as a consideration lor their ac quiescence In the ticket and the resolutions, against which they arrayed themselves at Chicago. Thia jugglery, however, will hardly win. The people are in no humor to be cajoled and trifled with by political tricksters, at a mo ment when the life of the nation Is In I mini , nent peril, and they will probably say that If both McClklan and Mr. Lincoln are for the war, they had better fight it straight out at once, Instead of risking all they have gained In vile truces and temporizings. THE FA III, TRADE. The inactivity which midsummer ever brings to the mercantile community is already dissi pated by the return of the business season, from a careful study of the elements of a prosperous trade during the present fall, we are well assured that it will meet tMa expecta tions of the most sanguine. The leading bouses In the dry-goods, grocery jkardwaro, Crockery, and drug lines, are amply prepared for their customers ; and wherever we have Visited the warehouse of our manufacturers, ire find well-assorted and abundant stocks prepared for the examination of the trade. The importers also, without having redundant supplies, have mado Importations entirely adequate to moot all the requirements of the market. An excess of Imports Is, to all con Cerned, a manifest disadvantage. There will. however, be no evil of this character during the present year. With regard to our own manufactories, speak ing from personal observation, wo can pro nounce the preparations for tho lull trade en tirely satisfactory. Cloth, tin, Iron, chemicals, drugs, books, fur, etc. ; aud in flue eviry I'.ibrlc, in ready to meet the wants of buyers. It is not only a source of pride to us tlut as manufacturing city we :ir ', perhaps, the largest in the Union, but ti:it, as u rule, our Biauu.actiirji ure of the very host detcripiiou, And, what to purchasers Is of vast Inrxirtne.e, t; e facilities for manufacturing, the cheapness and abundance ol our coal, and the un;; u ul lelcd means for transportation to all sections , of tho country, aie such that no rival mart can olfer equal inducements to Ueulers from tke interior. Leaving out of view the coastwise shipment Of goods, we aie much nearer to the West than any rival city, and cim ship westward with far gi eater certainty and despatch thnu New York Cun do. Unfortunately, It is too true that the Ohio li frozen for one half the year, and dry the other half, but to us such Is the multiplicity of roadj running from Pittsburg, and rcticu- latlug the entire West, that merchandise never need be delayed while in trannltu betw een purchaser and seller. Ihese facilities are con stantly improving. That tho Pennsylvania tilruad la the very best lino runulng to tho r fcBt' ta ct which everybody, nolens rolens, 1 obliged u concede ; and this should, aa it certainly d(s, gue rUiladclpUa commercial i , advautige. wiucU no other city can wrest floin her. Concerning the honorable mode of trans " acting business prevalent lu tu. clly, and the hVb.-f,onfld character of our merchants, it Is Buneceisary to upeak. Their commerolal f ; ability and Integrity are everywhere acknow le lged and ropectud,' aud have exerted a marked Influence In building op the commer cial prosperity ofrhllado'ph.a. Visitors, too, wbo resort to ns to test the market are not as strangers In a strange land ; nor do they, In making purchases, frcl that they are advanc ing the Interest of persons who are constantly endeavoring to undermine those of their cus tomers. The patriotism which characterizes our business community, and which welcomes all Americans as citizens of the same great con federacy, Is one ol Its happiest features; and while dealers from the Interior find them selves cordially greeted, and are received with courtesy and hospitality, they will encounter none of that importunate entreaty to pur chase, which In other places has proved so fertile a source of dissatisfaction. In fine, the more we see of the various com mercial cities, and their manner of transacting business, the more satisfied we become tint Philadelphia, In point of sound, healthy com merce, which benefits alike the seller and th buyer, can fairly claim pre-eminence over every rival. Till; LOAN OK IHHI. Philadelphia capitalists have agiin come nobly forward to tho aid of the Govcrnm'Tit In the hour of her financial need. A largo amount of the Government six per cent, loan, Irredeemable before 1881 (having absolutely seventeen years to run), was awarded to Messrs. J at Cook r A Co., who Inform the public by their advertisement, that they will supply the bonds to the public in any amount at their banking house. Thk Amkhicak Amoi.kh's Book, embracing the Natural History of Sporting btsli, and the Art of ttiking them, with Instructions in Kly-flsh-Inp, Kly-mskiDK, and hod-making, and Direc tions for Fish lireedinft. To which is appended, l)ies riscatorhe, describing noted Fishing I'lnccs and tho pleasure of Solitary Kly-tlshing. Illustrated with eighty ongravint; on wood. Ity Tbail. Nortis. Philadelphia : published by V.. H. Iiutlcr A Co. London: Sampson, Low K Co. WA. We have before us an entirely new work with the above title. Issued by tho well known pnl lishirs whot-c imprint it lciirs, anil in the usual exquisite taste for which the house is so cele brated. It Is difficult to do fall justice to this work la the space allotted to new books in a daily journal. There is to much which should bo tioti. ed, and the author hxs brought to his subject such a tbotongbly practical knowledge of tho details, that It is hard to particularize the valuable por tions of the work. Alter a short nddress to the render, the author begins In bis first chapter, by telling us of the quiet pleasures of angling, and of Its soothing inline nc s, and gives -onie amusing sketches of tho dilb rent sty 'es of anglers he has met with. He then treats of Fishes, their order in creation, habi's, manner of propagation, tlioir external nd Internal oranlz ition, their beauty, wonder ful instinct and migrations, and in the chap ters devoted to riiliurent genera and species, he duscribes every fish that furnishes sport to tho angler, from the lordly salmon to the humhlo ai.d homely catllh. Ho tells us wlut tatiklo should be used, mid when, how, and whore to ungle for tin in, and even how to cook aud cat tin in This book is no compilation from other works, nut is thoroughly original in all im details. F.vcry branch of tho "science," which theautlior handle in to practical a way, la familiar to him. He takes the tyio to ihe iebbly stream, or the glassy bike, and shows him how to throw the artitKial II v for the bold bass, the fairy trout, and tho silver sided salmon. He shows him all the myste ries of knots, loops, Ac., and how to splice his .broken rod or line. He takes hiininto bis worlt- i-hoii. shows him bis bench, his tools, and lathe. and gives loin lessons in ro.l-tnaklng, and, sitting colly down, and shutting out the busy world, ponalpingly explains tho uses of furs and fea thers, anil drawing diagrams for his pupil, in ducts him into the art ef tying trout and salmon flies. This is followed by a description of tho salmon rivers of New Brunswick, Canada, and Labrador, and an article on artilkial fish-brecd-ti sr. After tho serious business portion of the book is completed, tho author in his "Hies I'iseatori.e" (days of fishing), which ho has substituted for an appeudix, gives us tho experiences of a party of quiet anglers, related on the banks of the bright noisy mountain stream, while discussing their trout and claret at their noonday roost. Here Mr. Nestor describes the fishing places he has visitod, and his adventures by Hood and field, and "strange tules are told, and jokes are gi'on and taken." Tin re pleasant and laminar dialogues, wn:cn hu denominates " Noonings," are succeeded by delightful chanter on " r ly-lishlnp; Alone. This we consider a most charming description, nd every one who lores to ramble alone tbroagn forest or by stream we are sure will read it, as we have done, with unalloyed pleasure. la this, as well as in the preceding chapters, thero is an evident manliness, mingled with the modesty of one unaccustomed to write lor publication, as well ns a keen appreciation of the ridiculous, mid a quiet vein ot humor, mis is perceptible, uow ever, through the whole book. I lie wora is pnuieu on oeauuiui paper, wr.u clear type, and we have seldom seen a more ex quisite display of wood engravings than is con tained in tms volume. We have no doubt It will prove as popular wilh the general reader as wltn the angler. Nkw PriiucATiOMH. Mr. Johu G. Kromer, No. 4(13 Cbesnut street, has sent us late copies of the llhi'tratrd lAMidnn Sttni, Illustrated Timet, C'us' Family Vajier, Itcynnldt' Murellany, 1'uneh, and the ll'eeAy Timet, for which our thanks ure due. HEW OOBSTnUTION OF MAKYiAND. The (tiniiitea) l'roponesl Therein Action of ihe JUssle Si'siatvetitinit PMritimmut All4EfMIre to Site (AViternl (Jovermneiit Abolishment or Slavery The Klerllve Hn-hlM t.lrt-lloM of Ntnte Ollirer The JiMllriHry lernicnl. Tho Consti utioti just pissed tho Marylaud hute Convention, whu h is to be submitted to tho voters of this State on the 12th of October next In Haltimore city, and in tbu c -unties on the 12th aud l'lib, t etween the boms of H A. M. and 5 1'. M., pit cou'S many new mid impor ant features. In addition to tbj two pro iiliit-iit principles In corfora'ed lu said constitution, to wit: :he decla ration of t! e pa' amount allegiance to the (iuner ,1 (iovt'i i mi 1 1 on tlits pan of every c tlm n of tho State, til d the clause in the bill of rights aboli-li. lug rlsvi ry o;i ihe first of Xovcm'wr n -xt, many other in uges have been made, the m -t l u pollul, t of wi.lcli ure the folio ring: Ilr elective fiai.cbi-u has been liuil e I an 1 rj stiietid to .hosi only wh . have co l inu'l "Ijy U to the (ioveinineut ot the I' .ited .Males," mi l hy n pimision of the C ui-ti ution it.c'll, th i.u who vote lor or against the Coiisiitutioti a e reipiired to Hike a Vtry siiiugmt oa h tli.t they have never "uii'td tie se in lubel io:i," an 1 that th y ai l "delind tho Vnion of the Unfed States," etc. It provides for taking the votes of Maryland sul diirs out of the Stale on the adoption of the C in stitution and at all elections lorsuve otllcers. Xim LxtcvuvB. The next election for Gov ernor is to bo held on the " Tuesday next utter the lirst Monday In November, lMil,"kiit the Governor elected is not to take ollko nntil Janu ary, ltu il, and be is to hold his ollke for three y i ins only. The term of tho succeeding Governor vt.llleluur yeuts. The new constiliitioii on tiiii.s no jnovisioii e-tahlishiiig guberii itoriil di.-liii: e, and the Governor may lu elected frjtn any nirt of the Stale. The Governor, in c mj ine tion wilh the comptroller and treasurer, will be, ex ollieio, one.ol the hoard of public works, and those cominis-ioneis w ill not be elected as hereto- loie. 'Ihe Governor will appoint tlio supcriu Imdeiit of public educ iti hi, au.l aU justices of the pence throughout the Stale. '1 ho Governor is a io one of the beard of education His salui v is !ncrcu-cd from 'l UK) to ywisj per year, anil tlio saluiiiB of all oilieers increased by this eon. blitution are to take cllcet from January 1, Hu;, I.ikctfnantCovkunok, The Constitution iitovides for the election of a new otlleer tho .letiiniitut-Goveruor of tho State who is to act as Governor during tho absence of the latter, and ho is to be fex (itfieio) the President of the Senate, wilh tho riht to voto only in eai-e of a tie, and wilh ihe same salary us tho Speaker of tho House of Delegates. Tim ConiT ov Aitkais. Tho Constitution piowiie for an addiiloual judge to tho Court of A) peals, uml the number of Judicial districts has been Increased to live. The judges selected from their resiectlve districts are to bo voted for by the people ol the wliiile Slate, on general ticket. Tli salary of the judges is lucreaiod flout fr-WJ to $2.'00 per year, and the term of office of all the Jurtfrs in the State. Is increased from ton to ufteea years. , Thu Cihcvit CorT. The number of Judi cial district In tlie Nlutc Is Increased from eight to thirteen, thereby Increasing the number of judges from eleven to sixteen ; anil an eleatlon is to le held In Noremtwr next for all the near judges. The salaries of tbn county Judges are Increased from JMOoo to S2.VX) per year, nnd the snlaries of the Judges of Italtlmore city are In creased from ,f2.iOM to )o00 per year. Tho Juris diction of the Cnurt of Common Fleas is increased (rem rases involving the sum of $ "oo to 1001). Tlieoltlreof crier of court is abolished, In clfcct, tliroiigtiout the State. The ('(institution provides for the election by tho people of un Attorney General, for four years, at a suliiry of $-'.'iO0 per yeiir. The intitleis of the peace throughout the State are to be appointed by the Oovernor, and the con stables ami supervisors of roads are to be ap pointed by Die County Commissioners, so that there will not be hcroutVr, 11 this Constitution U adopted, any election of "district olllccrs." Three Cheer for Olllemt "(Jillem Isatrnnip! (lillcm startles the world ' Nofoily ever beard of Oillem until September 1th, when In? annonnccd, from "Hull's (lp," tho startling anil glorious tact mrpriirrt, Hrfratrd, and kitlrd John Mnrian"' Olllcin passes into history. lletwecnhim'andFHrragtit two Morgans have fallen John Morgan und Fort Morgan. Wo reH at, "(lillcm is a trump." 1 hree cheers for (iillem!!! May his stars increase." If 'a-iAiny-tutt Ht jrtibtiran, (Oillcin is ono of the rising young men of tho army. He has boon trying ever since the war commenced to get a position, where ho could render his country a service, but lacking political lntlucticc, he ho but just now been created a pro visional Ilrigadier. His assumption of command of his little brigade of Home Guards has been signalized by the defeat and death of John Mor gan. This shows the value of military gonius. (iillem Is a good man, and can commanu an army better than somo of our Major-9enorals. F.n. Tklkokapii Mnjor-Henernl Jorlon IJrsni(r. "This iilllcer, who has so lately ai rived in this Department, and has already ho distinguished himself, is from Now York, and a West l'oint rndct of the class of lull. He was lire voted Second Lieutenant of Infantry, July I, 1HI.5, and in the Mounted Uifles, July, 1MK. For gallant und meritorious conduct in the battles of Cn trera" and Clierubusco, August 2(1, 1817, h was breveted First Lieutenant, August 2S. In March, lNI'.i, be was btevc ed Captain fur gallant and meritorious conduct in the battle of Chcpultepcc, lain .September, 1 K 17. lie has been ever since in service, and is now a Major -Oenoral in the united states Army. 1 he above is taken from our neighbor, the J'traiunr. e will only ad 1 that General Oran ger distinguished himself In the battles of An tii tain and Gettysburg, und is a connection of tho Granger who was prominent in the cabinet of General Harrison. .V. O. Timet. HlMrrlect. IIOC.O-llANNA.-iin the 7lh Inst Iiv n-v. Wn.SKf roti, Mr. w 1 1.1,1 A M IKllKI to Mnu MAIlOAUKr 1IANNA. Doth ol llils city, HAltliAN KS Kr.Y. - n i Thursilsy evening. Anir. 21 mm, Mr. .IKSSK II A HI. s N Mth, IHfil. 1T Her. IK. ('. Curs Miss MAICV NK.WKIil, K.HHhV, all ol Wot l'lillailtl phla. diemer contitv pnitprs oleaso copy. MellKIIlK KNOKK On the 2sth tilt, at thn Pnr soiiukh. No. SW H. Nifonrl strei't, hy the Pastor, Hor. O. U. Il.tlSJ U Mi.UUIIlhf Ml.. hi A It V A KNOKK. ul s-outtiwnrk. all ol I'lilladrtlpnla- MK'lZI.KK-WAdNKIL On tho evening or thn sth, at the ri'S Oenre of the tirtilv'R tntlnr. tiv Ihe Itnv- IliMirr J. Morton. Ii. II , Mr. W.M. (ll.il. MKTXI.hlt to MU KM MA MATILDA WAONKIl all of tills citr. IMed. AllMHTttONtl At nennlsvllle, Capo Mny county, N.J., Ml Thnrnlnr. Sth Hoiit., 114. MAKY AttlHtsTA. wile of lr. Ileurj A. AnnstrouK. a-(si 49 Toars, 10 mom lis 'iA tlays. HKAH. Altera shorl lltrieM en the 1th Inst, 1IEN11Y E. liKAK. In llio ftlst yenrol ills aire. The rt-lalivi's anil Irien ' are respeetiullv Invlteil to atteml his Mineral. Inmi his late roslitemre, N .1. 161 N. Twi'lilliMtrevt. aliove Oxlonl, to-niorrow, the I Ith Inst., at I o'clock 1'. .M. inlieiucnl at OiM Fellows' Ceuiftery. llltl'NKK. On the 7tll Inst., KI.IZ HKTII B., whlow of the late W in. limner. In the 77th year of her aire. The rWntlvi'S anil irhanls ol the lanillv aro respi..t fufv invltisl to atteiiil llio llinvnit from Ihe riislilonco of hvr Ron. John A. llruteT, No. Sl'2 N. Kront street, oo Monday alternoon. at 3 o'clock, without further notice. Funeral to procotsl to Monument Cemetery. ('AUWALAI)KH.-SuJ lenlr, on the 6th Inst., AT. TUFA I- wile of Isaac (1. Cailwnla.l. r. 1 he relatives ami Irlemls of the lamilv are respenttully Invlli-il to attenil her tuncral, from the rosiil.-nce of tier hushand, No. iici.l Mount Vernon strei't, on Momlar mornliiK. at 7 o'clock. Kunrrat to proceed by boat to lirffltoL luteruient at the Klscopal Church, lirlstol, 1-a. rowi.F.lt. At her residence, In KUzalieth. K .1.. on Wcslnesilay. 7th Inst. Mrs. M Alt III A KM. A KOWI.KK, diiuuliter ol Klias llrovourt, and wU'a of l'rof. O. 8. Fow ler, in the olth year of her aKO IIKKIINH.-On 81h Inst. Mrs. PAltAH H II HUMS, 1 witeol Kev. H. HlKulns, In the b4tb yenr of her aire. Her relatives and nlcnils are respectf ully Invited to at tend tier Mineral, Irom her lata residenco, No. 627 N. I 'Ixelllli ntreet on Monday ,lilh Inst. , at lu o'clock. To J proceed to Lauiel 1 1111. JiillvsTON.-Oo Ihe 7th Inst, J AS. K. JiUINSTON, ! as' d 4o venrs. I Ills male irlends are Invited to attend his (tinerat. from . hl-i late restilem-o. No. 170S pine street. Moll lay. 12th ' Inst., at S o'clock A. M. Interment at Laurel iitll Coiuo terv. I MTTI.K.-On the flth Inst., MAROAHF.T, wife of I Tbeliuts 1. title. In the 32d year oi lier bko. The relations and irlends ol -he lamtly am reapectAillr Itivlteil to attend her funeral, fioin the residence ot her husband. No. 41.2 Henry street, on Monday iiiorntnsr Uio I'Jth ir.st. .at fl o'clock. Funeral to proceed to Wood lands Cemetery. Kll.KY. Juno in, 1hc4, killed by a sharp-shooter, near Kcnusilw Mountain (la.. WAMb. C. Hll.bY, Co. li, HIUl Kent. I". V. A ed M years. ltlcil. on the 3d Inst, of wounds received at Reams' Station, Wcldon Kallroail, Lieutenant JOHN U. IUCU, Ol ( o. K. I'ith lleirtlllelit. New Jersey Volunteers. The relatives and friends are Invited to attend his funeral, Irom t lie residence of bis father, three miles Irom ( amden, on the Mooreatown I'lke. on Sunday alternoon, : lith Inat., at 1 o'clock, without lurtlier notice, luter I uientnt HetbeL 81 UK K On the 3 it Instant, at the Hattoiiee Hospital, West Philadelphia, of a wound received on the Istli ol Aiiuiiii, at Ile. p llottoin. Va, Corporjl IlKt HKN MO I' l it, Co. (1, 2d M. Y. Heavy Artillery, in the mi year ol bis a:e. WDlll KHS.-Iln the 7th Inst, after a llnnerlns lllnoas, Al A li 1 Ann nni'ir.Ks, in inexiHiyear oi ner ase. The relatives and Irfeuils of the tainlly. also til mom Iters of Monilnu l.liihl, No. '2 1. of F. are respeutlully Invited to attend llio funeral, from ihe residence ol ber uncle, Moses. Wooters, No. 501 Itlchinond street, above rainier, on Sunday afternoon, at I o'clock. tiil'NO.-uiithe Tin mst, LI.ZIK. wife of James P. Y.-uiiu, and second ilaiuhter ol tho late William Moat uotiierv . F.s,)., I.ellast, Ireland. 1 he relailvea and friends of the family are respecting? Invltisl to attend her Mineral. Irom the resld-Di ol her husband. No. 6:14 Catharine street, on Monday next, the liib Inst., al 2 o'clock F. M., without lurthor notlee To proceed to Woodland Cemetery, tbehast papers pjeaae copy RELIGIOUS NOTICES. - TAIil llNACLK UAP1TST CIICUCH, CIIHsNI T rllreet.ab ve Kil-IiU' -miIi I I e Kev. HAMKI. C. KIlliY. II II.. will pre.irli Sna l ly M .riiliig at !L; o'clock, and KvenlUK at 7.V o'chKik Soais pro vliletl li r sirsii.ers. It IKJiT NOH1H PKKSHYTKRIN C11UK0II, K' Nl. I II SlieU, slum. I Irceu.- Ke . It W. IIKN- 1(Y. I. li I'a.tol eleiil, ivfl preacli tn-lnorrow Moriiluif at In1, o i lock, anil ilininlsti r the Cotuiiiunl.in at :tk4 lu tl o Artcrnonii lt rZJ WV'.STMINSTKB CHURCH, HUoTd and KriZWATK Sinets.- Ber. lev on Sabbath, by Hi". IT IliVIMB.at lu- n A At. ami 7 al I'. M. It -JT" AKC1I STKKKT 1'KKSHY rKltlAN w--' Ch rcti 'I lit, Chiirch will Ihi open fir Invuie setslce 'o in r: ow inori li ti . at loVi o clock, and evenl'ig a 71,. I'reachlna by the Kantor. the Itov. N, VY. C INK L1MI. It" ST. MAIIIv'S KVANUKLICAL 1,1, IIIKItA-J I -liil ic It. 'I'lie Lis: ure Hon ,1 of HI. Mu. k's K...n. tielieiil Lutlierun Ctiuri'li. on Ht'HIMi (I A HIIKN' Stre t, above 'I hlrteenrn will be oia'ncd tor lllvlni. slervlcii on aii.'iiili'rTo-iiinrriiis. Sor UcscotnuieiiciUb'ut II .S o'clojlc A.M. end IS o'clock I'. L - v- WAtiSKIt KIIKK ISisTITI'TK UK SCIKSCfc, ; M;v. N I KKS 11 tret nl ove ( '.,la nliU A v. tine 1 ri ..ch.n: at ihis lu.titiitli.it (o mnr -..'v s.ib ith) Illler II all o'i ini'll h liev. K.iANK 1IOIIII1.N.S. Heats tree. Invitation nenertil. aervrr CtNlllA', ( oNilltr.HATHlN' t f, rlll'Itl'll. ltev. liKoltOK noi l.l) of Worcester, .las., will lui neli al COSCLIII' MALL to-luorrow at ID '4 A. SI. anil ;H 1'. .l. M-ats in s to all. Pvu. HALL, MXTII AM) (ill!AHI AVI.SI E. "v Ri-y. II. s. Hon MAN will l'naeh To-morrow tie'ilim, at 7s o'clock. rj-i,, ( lll'KCII, Kllill'lll hie. .MornliiK' s.T iees L veiling by llev.li. COLLIN'S. HTHKKI by llev. , AIIOVK No F. S. ll.Vi. ON. HJJ HKCOND CIlNdltKU.VTION AL LHt'ltf'll, "W ElOltTII and tllir.K.N. ltev. (1. W ttMlLkr W HI preach Snl.lialli at Ill's A M. and 7H P. M. LI.KVI.N I'll ANI WOUIl STM.-ltKV. II. s). Iliil i'M.VN ofllie Moravian Chiireli. aaniialU I iM.iritMie. leS oelo' k. Plea' hinu nluai 1 V. M. --vr ( ill IK II OK THK i OVI.NANI'. Kil.lll'.lli' IS Niric't, lltiove Hevenleeilill. Iliv.no Hervice I's. im,rr-w iMnnhiyi, at la's A. M.. a-nt 7 s K. M. TliO lienor v. ill ili. .) pleach uiuriiiiig ami evening. , WI'.hTKHS 1' li KS It V T K H I A S ClU Kril, SKVKNT I.KSTll ami KILIIKIIT Htnets. ltev. Jill'. WILLI-. U.I.I' y.lli preach Snl.l.ulli Hi's A, M.,7li I'. M ( HI'lti II IIKTI1K. MKSSIAII Locl'ST tNH Jl M I'l. II. Iter. L. L. IllUlill, I'astor.olllelaies niiirri'V, ci' in, im nl In o ,-loi li. -.iiiiilai ."school ut :t . NA IIuNM, lllANkM.IYIN.i. - IHYINK service lu I'lumanini I liiirch, M AltlJIiiltol'ii 1 Htitet, nlioio liirurit uvciiue, oil buuduy. ticnL 11. ut llis A. SI., ami at ,'-. l f (ihKI N MTIIKKr M. K. K(JJ nriale f liaiiksuivilnr HeTMi t1 HIM ll.-.Vl'I'll l. to-.ilnri'ow I Slln.iut'l Morning and Kvcnlug. '1 tiaiiksglvin Hcruion, at ilii A. M , hy the I'u-tot, ltev. II. K. urns'. js-vic Hf.l.t K l.'H LI I lll.itl S l lllTil'II, llllltlll A'SrjJ Rlret t, above (llrard avcu.ie. I'reaelilng to- u,ir rov. ut 111 A. .M an.17'1 1' M. bv th Kev. J. '. KAIH, of Ailemi su, 1'a Hulili.itb i Imh.I in J 1'. M. . 1I. ii A I ION. Till; t KM Y-Korill It Ward ( lliiin llssion I'tnoiel silimteil .mil IV I.' II. s'oltll Htrwt, Kaat ol Logan, uill be Ueilicate.1 on to llioru.sv i.sn,luy. I'reacblug at ol o'. In k bv KjV. 'i'. A. KKJtNLEY.anil aUby I'niT. II A UN II A UT. GX SAIIIIATII, BK.I'TK.MUKIt Urn. -THANKS AoW giving Hervbes I iilon M U. Church, KOIMU'II Hlreet below Arch ; Drsver meeting at 111 o'clock pruacli. tug at 10 s o'clock, bv llev. TltllH. T. 1'AHKl: H, A M auo byl'ioi. i. W. UAllMlAltf la H to K. il, I. 12. W A L It A V 11 rv. U( CF.SHOR TO W. II. CAKRYL, MAHONIU HALL.. Ko. 713 ODESirrjT Street, WINDOW Hit AIE CUHTAU MOSQUITO NETTING. BUSINESS ITEMS, ;iorln Ww. Th npi from nil III tO li'r7 ilrpiimtt r miit Krnryln. An! no :riililyin(( t lioutcki'pp'Til in fin hit li(wure that Mr. VV . W. Alter, tt Mh Mninux Nt-w Yrl. Snt.7 N. Nm'ti tre-t, U ncilliiK thr ptirit nrt Ix-nt Ofttl hi Uw cily al tht loet jfi'ti. (t.Ttihlin a trial. Iln Old I'orl Hint- luijiorlrd xpri'ily for M'H lUfll plirpnAPI, ur tialo I JlAVI.l A- Rli IH, A ret) iid J'oiitti. Rnrfcftln in 4 lolliliitf TlarcHlni in lolhu ltnrkiilni In ( lotdiii!. Ilni,t'j In CJjIhiiiK- At ttKANVIt.t.K S TOK i.i' Old Stand. At liKAIVtl.l.H ST IK K 1' Old Hlail'l. At tUUvil i.K Htukki' Old Stnntl. At OitASVii.LH SrnKH Old Hund. No. t.ff) GIM'unut street. No. 0r! ChL'!tnut ntri'uu No. IrlNl ( lientliit trtt-t. No. COOCIii'MIiut ittiet. SJrnnil Openliisr or t'nll (nothing This liny. (Iranil (nlni of Kail PlnthlnK Tlifa Day. liranil (Jn.niiis of I all Clntliln, flits liar. (inin.l I 'I'HiHiB of KailClotnlng This Bar. (Irainl (ipaiitiiK of Kali Ciotliina This lias. (irand npnlii l Kali Clnllilmi Thn liar. liran.t (lemtiH of fall CMIiIiik This llay. (Iranil (liiiliilis of Kali I'lothliiK full Hay, (iranil llsniiiK of rail Cli.ttiliiK Tnls liay. (lrainHlicniiiKnf Kali C'lo'lilnir This liaj. I'KIIIIY I'l . Kxtoo.lv, Clnttiltiii llousa. I'KKIIY ( O , K.xtrnsl'S (1 .Unua lloasa. PhliKY A CO,, K.ati lisiveClothinK llouso. fKIIKI' A CO., Kstnsisa I'lotlllna House. I'KIIIIY Ai CO , r.iteusivo Clolhln House. I'KhHY A CO.. Kstainlvii Clolhlnrt Homo. 1'KllltY CO., KsicliilvoClotlilinr II . I'KHHY A CO., K.ati nslrol'l'itliliia Home, I'KKHY A I'll., Kxfaslre CSillilim House I'l.KIIY A 00 , Kxtcnslve CioiIiIiik House. Tlio larppst anil b.'.t str.ck or ClolhliiK In the city. The lamest an 1 bost slock of C,.IIiltg In the clij. Tho larnost anil la-si nlo. lt of ClotlilnK In tliecity. IbalarKeat snd InwI alwft of lolhln(f In tlio cll . Tlio larui'St anil boat stock of Cfilliing In tbe city. T he largest and best stock of Clothlna In the elt)r. Hie laruest an i boat stork of Clothins Hi the citr. The lanreat and best st n k of Cl..thlnK In the cl r. T be lanii'.t and bost stock o' Olotlilna In the city. The largest and bi'st stick of ClolhniK in tho city. At prices low for lb, tlinee. At pilccs losr for the tluiHs, At prlci a low for the times. At plies low fortho times. At prices low for the tlmos. At prices low foi t!i tiiiics. At p-tces low tor the limes. At prices low for tho times. At prici-a low fa- Hie tiuios. Ai laliH'i low for the timet. New styles of ilwnls anil new styles of llarments. Now st1ei, ol (ioods and new sly lea oriiaruieots. flew styles of (oh1s ami new atvlos ol (iai iiionls. New stilts uH ioods and now styles of (larinenls. New sty.es of (l-soli and Dew a yloi of llarments. New ,n les of (looits anil new styles of llarnients. New styles i fOisid and new styles of llarments. JSew styles of (lootls and new styles of (iarnn-iits. New ntyles of i iooffs and new styles oftlarmcnts. Kew atslca of Hoods and new styles of llarnients. KKicltY A('o , Third and Chesnu t streeu. I'KKIIY A CO., Third and Chesuut slreeta. 1 KIIKY A CO., Third ami CLi inut street,. I'KKHY A CO., Third and Chostmt atreets. I'KKIIY A CO., Third and Chesntit streets, I'KltltY A CO., Third anil Cbesnut streets. I'l. II II Y A CO., Third and (Tieinut streets. I'KKIIY A CO., Third and Chesnill slreels. I'K.KHY A CO., Third and Cbesnut streets. I'KltltY A CO.Tnlrd and fhnanut streets. N II. Haiuace ol Hummer Clothing selling oil at rcry low prices. Klrelrlrily. All Acsite and Chronic DiMate, cur,J by mean, of th, dnTereot modification, of Klcolrlcity, at th, ELECTS IC At INhTirUTE, Bo. 1W0 WALNUT STKBKT, rhllailelphlil, mor. C. II. BOLLBS Win commence, Oi Tinit.a 4, A course of Lecture, an full Instruction for applying (lalranlim, Mametlsai, and otlior modifications or Elec- titcliy as a reliable therapeutic atcnt for the euro of Acute and Cnroalc Dlseas,,, AT Till! INSTITUTION, Ko. VTiO Walnut Street, Philadelphia. Medical men and other, desiring to attend the coarse a 'e requested to make application earlj. K. fi. Wlillmnn A 4'o.. llanufaeturer, iri New and lelicloiis Oonfeollon,, Aliuoud fasts, Uhoealata Caramel,, creams La Alode do Kail,, eaitulalinly rlasored. Boaaled Jordan Almond,, Ac , Ae Ko. illb Chesuut ,treM, below Pourto. Flniionl einnosil STKI'K A CO S -'M ARO .t A HAMLIN'S CAM MKT OHI1ANH. MASON A HAMI.IN'H CAII1NKT UHCKEB II H08 for? I-IANOS. OKI1AN8. ) riAHOS. J. E. (ioULll, Revenlh and Jhesnul strode. (RITTKNDKN'S COMMKKCIAT.COI.LKOK, x ' No. (i.17 ( .11 r.MN u T Btreet. ooraur or neveuth. E-lahllslnsl lass. Incorporated M, Young men prepaied for the Ciaintlng house and bust uess Hie. T hoi ouch and prartlc.il Instruction In VnoK-KKKI'INIi. In all Its brai cite., as piaotised by taie best ac.'oiin'asits ai.u ousuiess men. I'KNMANHIIIH. rialn and ottiamelital, i taaht by one of the must o im. netelit of pfliniru. Ciilnmeicial Calenlstlons, alts- Ine a r firms, Coiumeielsl Law, lia'.ec.iou Countoj'tait Notes, ,Vc TKI.Lllll U'lll.M.. By sound at.d on paper, iaiuln In a ilioruo b and prac.leal uiMncer os n li. im-es i riei'e, a nuera'iir sri DKNIS INSTUI .'TlVll SKPAIIATKLY, I Aud Ic-aiM-il al an) tini-. livening ts.lniis after Si'iceinh'T I'.t'i. CVALnilllKS, ( ontnlii'liif tintiS stini- lits' II. Hues (4.1 last year), , fiiriilsln d iiiatis on sn:tll. .nmii. I S. II Cl!l Tl K.Mil.N A I'D. I III) lm No. II 17 CIIKSNI-' I' Htioet. cr(K)' isio! H'm" ioo! HTKKL I'OLTKAIT 1'ixlM OK CK.VKRAL M' CXELLA. Ii0. do. I'-il-U "F OENE11AL OltANT. Do. do. H'a2i 01" rilliSlI'bST LINCOLN. Sent by mall oil receipt of unv. a. W. nTOHE'R, six-It Jfo. 808 CliKSNL'T Siroct. 0X STOCKS lion. iit and s.ii.n ON i I'M MIaiDV, lh nLoiiiii. j. noYii, tn k- r. sii'.'ii'.'m No.is S.TIIIItii rsircet. IJ. s. NEW 7-30 LOAN. Siib.i rii.tli.ris rei.i-ived. and the Vi.t... furnished tree ol all chaiL-,, hy (iKomiE j. novo, Hanker, nuJS-Sm Ko. 18 8.THIKU Ulliot. avN WD.M'.K 1UA fe npiill III monils O (At.otliilig. c, at MOM K Y TO AN Y AMOUNT LOAN F.I) mon.ls, Watches, Juw,iry, 1'iate, 8 A ro.'S (iI.H I ST Il I.ISII 111 I OAS' OKI'H'I', Collier of 'iJIIUD and (1A.SK1IX 8frets, IWliiW Liiiiil.alil. K. B.-IiIAMOKl'h, WATLIltb, JEWKLIll', dl'SH, Ai'.. lor viuo at IIIJ.WAIIK.UII.Y l.OWPHICKS. SL'l-3m OP.I-WUI s7000, AND OTUlill BUMS TO O.HH Loan on Mortaa of Clly I'r.'paity, at 6 ber oviH. lor a twin ol yiais. . , (TIAKI.E lilMADI, i(..'it Cenviynnccr, No. 3o a. SKVEMll sir. el. ANAMAEB & BI'vOWN, AMUSEMENTS. Il.M. JOHN DttKW'8 MKVT AUCII 8T. THKATKK. flliKtr USTt'RPsT VMT'T MM.. KKVFM'II NlltMT OK Mill. JOHN DRr.W. THIS (HATIIKHAVi r.Vf.NINll, Hpteils lo, ISA4, A mil. H uTi.ohr. roit A ii u -ii a n i. Iv anaOlivle Mr.. John Drew Alter which, Uie ihiinina iirsma of 1I1K WILLOW I'orSR. R"le rie'l)ln Mrs. John T'w ate, Miss C.Jeirersias Luke Kieidlnn Mr- Card'-a .iinii.tii Stusrt Kolison WONKA V, Mil JOHN IHtKW. iNtnrs open at 7. ('onim'-n.si at iurt-r to S. HOVEK'8 NK W Cll KS.N UTHT.THHATKK. THIS KVKNIHU, The treat romantic, muiical, pantomimic, spactacalar drama, AI.AIilitN, (lt TIIR WONHKIlKfTr, I.AMr THK LI VI Nit Mill NT AIM OF COLOKI'll WA I KRS, All 'he New ami Mal'iltl'tnt Scenery, F.leisnl Proper ties. Womleilul Kllen., Hunelb I'o.tnnies. Mlartllim Trans formations, drand Chorusos, Ueaul llnl Mimic, Dances, H..ni.a, Ac, Ac. KsinUy Mutlrr-o, flntiinl.ij AflTiirvn, t 2 rt'rl.ifk. A'ltiiiiitrcti au cut ; ('Mldrfn,2'i Cftiti. Per- T? A- I.. liAONFfH'S MILITAUY HALL, No. iYi2 K. TMIC1 Street, (n.frrtfinr KSCKI.K k, the well known Vno-siro, t an Kiwsif at thm nonular pnc of retort, tin Inrt-ct r of a l-owiiiliil Ori'li'ilm, nm every veoiiiit clmlm neeriioii of rare mntic aro givon to tli auiticnoe gi utuituoity. aunt U K KNSlNfHON AA,. THIS rolMIT.Alt Tidfe of Kntertalmnent, ho lo-ryn-l M 1 1 M H 'I M Jl Avenue amlllul N. HK.t).N II htrt'H ernti)fhed i years auo fcf Mr. John l.lpi), h Unn enlarire. anl renm uleil. uml now iiiieta( atra tlni uqori eileJ by any ntlier eiatUhnient f the Kind In tha rllr. A In re antt otH' lnt On heilra, undur thn illreutlon of Trnt, K l.o'-ne, haj t"cn efiiffi fpi, mtil a i-li'il'-e prn -rainma of oral afwl lotrriimenta. Mtistr will lie protlnt e I t-m-.li pveitltiK. ff ot rpcne to the amllan -o. Th Concert liooiu U lurk'C. alty, and ciiiiinostloiMt I ho ri'lre'tinnii antM-rlor, and the atteii'ltnln pollle and arcnniiiiodrUlnff. au lm HKNItY liUKNUS". lrn,riet-ir. Y ;HKK CONCl'.UT SALOON. The siili.erlter has oasned th, large and commodious 8AI.UO.N, with est'n.lvs Ht.Mxr.lt GAKDK.N, attnetied, ti fc. CUltNKIt OK KKANKI.IN RTHKKT AND lilKARIS AY K.N UK. and has engage.) a full Orchestra, lirnler the leadership of I'ltor kssok a. iii-.mr.i, who will nlahtly perform a caolce prosrarame of National ami oilier airs. Asa pleasant place tn pass an esenlnrr free of charire, the prosrieior la dobTmliosl his eetal'lishmeut sball not b' sori.assed. auA'. lm CHnisiriAN IIF.HTHIllll.K.lt. MILITARY N0TICE3. I TUNTH AVA11I. 250 MEN WANTED TO FILL TUB (JI'Ol A OF THK TK.NTII WAItr. Highest lloun'r Fald. Apply ta A. II. FKA-SCISCITS, ,06 tf No. 513 MAIIKF.T STItKKT. fi II KAPQUAKTl'.KS HKSKKVK BRKiADR MrNt IMvlnttn, I'ennsrlvauia Milltt. Flilladelphla ,scirtml.) r ti. 1st;, I lie idllowlnu t oinDritiloi of tint ItricnJo will asem- rie ut tne Armory f f the Ut Keuim-ut, HK0AI Kirt-et, below Karf , to tt-retve. par tor nervirt during the HcMil- x ill txuuty riutu, to Mav, : riitni itr.t ii nr..i i , A ('omnanr, I.femniant .1. 1 Ke yner, ominantliiit', oa ThiirftC'it), reitenii-er h, at 7 o'rli.ik P. M. CiVmiiinr, Lteutefiant Atwcod Smith, c)tuii.iiiidliur. on ThnmdMV. Heutt'iiilier H. at H o'clock I. M. it t oinpHiiT. ui'iiieuriti i . k. ic, cnnimanaing, ou rrt- aaj, m-t'tt'iniier at i n c urn r. .n. K tNunpauv. Captain Jui M . riArmil.on Friday, Septen bvT'.t. at H o tliK a V. M. (h'lntiitny. Captain 1-at.r Httirr. Jr.,on r r.dai'.nciitom- oer:', hi v o i'ii m a i ti . It ('oiiipativ, l..iMiit3nant w. Hart, dr., Rotniirwidin?. ou Hattirdar. NetmmlN-r KMtt 7 o'elo. k P. M . K ('onuanv, t'Hpialn .laeoo LandouNlAKer, on Saturda. riepti-irieur iu, at , o clock r. m . tl Coraiai.T. Ciluln U. Vf. Wood. on Saturday. 8DtCM- ber K, at 7 o'clock I M. It ('uuiD.uiv.t '.ntalu K. r. Nicholson, on Saturday. Set- tPintier In, at o clock I'. M. (pnii'i.ny.r.iptnln ;.V. HrtKK,on SatnrtJay.Septem-b.-rlo.Ht Ko'clck P.M. K Compan. captain c. P. warnnr, oa Huturday, ?- tumU-r lu, at n o cmm-h r. ,m . A roinnanv.Ciipinln K, II. l)aTln,uii Monday. Scntcm twr li, at 7 o'clock I'. M. I HIKH KKiii.iir.m r. A ('(tmpiny. Captain tlolm A. Murphy, on 1'aoiday. tfi pti-min r at o cioik r. m. KCfimpanv. Cantiiin It. t . Harvey, on TiiCMday, Sep tcmh. r l;i. at 7 n' lo a IV M. ( ( ompHiiy. Lieutenant O. Went Ml.iXn, Oniuiandin. OB Tui'hla, b' plniii'i r 11, in 7 o clock r. M. roiiKiii nri'inir.n i, At their reHini tive ComiMtav Armorlrs. Aroniiuttiv. Cautnln W. K. (Inltltli. lu MAMATaSK, Oft wcoiH'MiHV, Hcptonuiur 14, at u o cum ai. 11 Hrinpiiiiv, (Hptaln It. If. Van Tyke, In OK KM AN TOWN, on Wdnefdav. Hontember II. at o'clock I. M. 1 Ccinjiiiiiy, Lieutenant Thomas 1. ttrovat. In It I SI SO r,nn v t'UDeiiay, ncptesioer n at n o cioca i . .n. CCompanv.Capmln John It.WMIIaui In HOLMES llUIH,. on Thnrndiiy. Hrntember !', at o'clock P. M. ununanders ol Companlea will issno tneir onieri in acconiAiieowitnt.it aJovn. juu.i a. aiih t-7-it Pay itlniter. fi DUAl-T! PR AFT! DRAFT ! TKNTII Ward Hhll the liral'i tnko plai;ev It win take anont TWKNTY-KIVK TMOUHA.M) lOIJ,. HA t clear tho ward Irom draft. We are Miorl fiTfc: TtlousNl 101.I.AHH. ThoisA who liave not ointrll)tittl will pJe.ii come forward with their nnmey, ir the draft mutt take place. Tho men can be had if tUe nwner li rneil. iScni j.iur monc to A. 11. t-K.i?IHO(M, TrrafciirerTcnUi Ward Bounty Ir'uml, Bcifit 15S AR'il Hi; eel, and a lit M AKKKT Stmst. fi KIGHTH WARD BOUNTY FUND. THE citleiui 01' tho KU'htli Ward, who desirn f anttclnate ihe rtipilreiDuntM ot the tliart, are ixitiited tUat Uie tuoo l last nahsiiiB away In whl:h men can hu Hot. Kvry rlilr.n ot the Ward In urgently calloil ou to ruUn uh scrip 1 1 on n aiuoim hU ui'i(ihl)or,flnd to forward all rollociiuui at 0111 e to J. O. JtKShNliAltTKS, Traturur, 8i.j2 1w S. K corner Bl.XTH aud WA1,N T .St. fi 109th REGIMENT PA. VOLS., COL. A. A. LKCIILKR. $53S MOUNTY. Men Musterod and Paid llio Immediately, $;lj-3:t mora bidbre leaving camp, halauee In Instalment,. Pay $16 Per Month Clothing and Subsistence. The Roglm.nt Is encamped at CAMP CAmVALADBR, In conifortalil, quarters. DON'T WAIT TO UK 1)11 AFTKD, but )oln this Eagl raent, and leuvo your lamllles woti nrovldcd for. HO DKLAY IN PAYING TUB BOUNTY I au'-4-lf VKTEKAN OKKICKKS. IIKADQIIAKTKRS, Vo. fill CIIKSNUT gT. fi blUNEY'S SUAUPfiUOOTEUS. AVOID THK UltAKT, and enlist In a I'una of some standing, AntlKrl.ed bi the (leneral aud Htate Qovernmecit. MAJtllt J. VT. MOOKK, (IK TIIK IKfM T-NINTH I'KNNSrLVA.NIA VOLU N rUKItg, Is reorulUtil to All up Ave Coninanh-a In this citv. TIIK llllillKST nutNTIEK OIVKt For One, Two, ur Throe Years' Men. (all at onee, ut ,1o. ,V!3 OlllflU I' ttlli'i.t, below .SIXTH, ll'you want to Knllst. ItA IIIR J. W. .VOOUB la iri'pairsl to pajr proinntly THH CI'I'Y AMI VTAItl) nOIIKTY luiuiedlaislyon the miisteriiiir of any man ta his Kt'slmont. UIII.I.OCK lutois., ... . I 'At in JUS. F. 'llMIIArl, JN . V. KVKItMAX. II. . WINKHItKNNK.il, 1 ( AltKY l.l.U, Al t' II. JKS.HI'P, A. 1. IIDAl MIX, Comtaitlea. air.':i-tf 1- UliAIHjUAnrj'.RS l'KOVOST MAR- hsl.rii.t lilstrlct. I'a .No. Jls 8. TI1IKU Slraet, Philadelilila, Ainoist II. 104. i n in. in e prom in re iii. s to an qireuitons onoruinary hUl.'l'tA eoiinecte'i vvliu tin' h.itroi lii.-lj t , Draft, Ktionp tion. i.lalilli'ieb to lir.ilt, Creilils anil Acmuint, of tuea niriilslieil, i'ltiai-us are reinti.lod to uiaau appln'iMi'ii to tlie I'nivii.t Mar.hal of the ('..imressloiial lilstnut for such lii:oriaaliou, and not to tl.e Piovost MarsUal-Uotiat al at rYahliiiigli.n. liy order of the I'rovoit Marsfial-Oen ral. WILLIAM E. LKIIMAH, ,llo.tf Taotam and I'rovosl Alaislial. JLr IJlto ia.an BOUNTY FOR M AKIN KS. WANTKD for tlie I'Dllcd ftlate, itariite Corps, abtc-lmdied men to perform tlie duties of a soldur at our Navy Yar'li, HU OO VOajU l-iuicu Diu.va .i.i'.-ui-nn. v. .v. lutmni. Tartu of ervlcs, Four Years, ltettcreompen.allon than the irmr. ALL T111C LOCAL HOl'-N I IKS paid upon eilHstnu-nU Alarluei r.'t. ll, I'1'l.e .Mi. lis)'. lor all fiirtlur lnionuatl'.n j..ly at tl.a li'.':riiliin lteiideaious, hu. M . FltOST Street, b. low 8.rncc Stieot, between Uaihours oi V and J o nioi s, I', fi. M. CAWI.KY, an.'-tf Major and Uitrultlug umcef. r U KLO IM! H S-Fl'ltLOUGllS, I I Itl.OI IHIS 1'l'ltl.illHlllS. i Llll.Ut GI1S 1 I' KLUt'tiliEl. OiVeer. and soldiers vlsllhue ihe t Itvon fiirlousli. 'ling SWUKI S AMI OTIII It Sill. I I AltY T. (I U'MKMS, KWOI1U8 AND OTIIKIl .MII.IT.VKY K'L ll'.MLN I li, Am lii vii rd te t tie esli iisli e M VNI 1'Al I I IIINii Ks'l'.III.IMlMBNT MAM tAC'l 'I 'KINO LsTAIILisllMliNr up SlEdltHK. Y. SIMONS BIM'TIIFR, l.i.01H.K W. tslMilN.S & l.linl Iitll, SASMIM Kllll.KI' IIAI.L, ISANNOM STHKI-T II ALL, e.VNHllM btiuet, aoove Hlxtli UU'Oct. I'l.'I'.BKNTAI'loN 8WOHHS l'Kl:.-r.N'IAlloN riWOKIISl Mad, In enlorat thn shortcut nottre.w hu h for rletinoss and uiai:llltleellre clialleune oi mpetltion . no otaer Iiioisi- 111 tlie mnuiry i'..mliniua the Al A Ml I AO I Ulll Ml tl.l.ll VHIll T1IL 1'ttAI T1CAL hWOliil ilAKI K- aii QEE.M CENTRAL CLOTUINO HOUSE, WANTS. C WANTKD. A KURPIMHED KOOM j for nn otTW on ti flrit H.ifir, of nii-jr urcwti, nr ArrNatrvtrt KTi.lvf utti.or hnvTwiiflti rwmr (Hrnr4 AHrna. Atiilif K. W., tt :!. fnt rT- . 1) 1i CW A NTKD TO KKNT, ON OH JtKKOKK fh flntl of orf4ifr, n mt'-limn f. 't.ir, wth a rohI ili cmllflr, RiiMn'i.T fur a h"lnl wnrch-niif ; mil of Mr ih itrf't, uml north ot rhUMi trTt jTct' rrtJ. ll'-nt 1 1 to thru to m huni.rr l ilwilnri. a1iii wh n. n., H t Kvptitmr Tternpli (tffl". "V"ANT1 I WANTK1K 1 WORK KOU Cilt'.tlLAR AM) .11.1 8 i1M At V ANTM'SK V UAVMtN A O " 1'ff n l rfa'v Murine Kntlwrtv it rid ililp Yftnl, ItKACH, nhov.- II A. SUV I. 4 Strt, K iif)nirtrt, tf Hi I'hlK l- ,iiti:. 'lUCLTAU AND .MO SAWING V ; KXK' i l f.l WITH IIF.MI'A ICH. un rcanoiinriie iff un. At v Nirsr.N, iAViimoN co. h, PennTnft'v Vi n H.r!w.y a-id iti Yard, ItKACH a'..v. II tNitVKIt Mrr-et, i-! Kenn.Kt-in, rTitlad"iyi,a. On WANTKD TO KKNT. A Fi:RNlsiIKI hi- hy i I.OH a el- pnata uunly. ,ddrcii J.H l . t'nt FOR SALE AND TO LET. a a g g g a jii.Ai. r.ii a i-r,. ItKAI. KSTA1IC. kK.sl. KM A IK. a-..inr.ixs. IA'nt:1 II K"lt RA1 V. a...iolvsi Wold II FOR HAI.K. .,SMHI MOinil lull NAI F.. MW MiiMlll V f'AI AUHll K. .M M' OI'T. M W MOM III r ( A I AI.OI.I K JUSf ot 1 . KW MON I III V (! 1'Al.Oi II ' K .HIST OUT. Kill IIHATHITollH I iH VKI HI '1 ION . Hill (IHATtil I Ol B MSI lillllJIT'lS. I un ik a ii Tim; i ill-1 Kiittirio.N. IIKISil THK'NK I'l.H I'LIKA. HUSO THK NK I'l. I H L'i.TKA. KKIMI TIIK NK I'LI S (ILIHA. NO l'KI.'SON MMOl Ll FAIL TO CM.I. OV ME UltST, IF Till I AltK IN (JI'FHr OF am iiesi'hiption or C. II Y i iiiii'i i.n , F.I.KdANT HtIP. YAHIl IHs'K.I,LIm. Hi. aid frank lin sliect lot i'' ti) III; twclTi' riKuns. Price 111,1 si. NF.AT NII'K YAltli liWF.I.I.INO, rsst aide ol I rank lln ctreel, nonh of l'oilar. I'rice $ll,issl NKAT HWF.LLIMi, No. !I.O N. H.vcnlh stnel, Trlco .'.nn. MAilNIKIf'F.NT I.AllliF. MfKLLIN'OH, on Bpruca sir est ; V0.(Ssi . ach ; possession Klv li. KA'f liWKLLINO, on (Tieinut street, east of flix tcenll, . lot lr 1.".. I'Mre Sll.oisl, lleslde, nrar'lT TWO 1 Hill SAlIll 0TI1KR I'lTOPKB TIKH, lis-aied in all pi.rtt' Us of th.- city. I'urtiea h IsImioi to pnrolia.e sliould Vatl at once, as pro tn-rty Is ed anr ma every day. (IROItOE fi. MILI.KK, Practical Kcal Kslate Bruker. No. l;. N . HIXTII (Street. FOR 8A1.K OR KXCII ANfJK. A MAU- aLnlflcriiit ( titry rlcat anil Karmol tlilrty- three acres IU Unci. comity. I'rice fia.isii. first cla.H Oil m of sixty acres, ten mile, from on Hie I'uiiusiltiwila Central kailroad. Frlc Also, the chy 9JU.i". Neat fViantry Heat, with eighteen acres of land. S1. miles ircan Market street KriilKc. on thu llaierroril road. Price til 11 eracr. .MII.LK.lt, No. IM N. MIX TH Street aft FOR SAI.F.. NF.AT I.AROF, MANSION, Ktl at Imy'i Lane station (Ocrmantoern), contains 1 si Ive noliis,1l e on nrsttloor; slalilc, coach lionsu, ele aanl iianli'ti, Ac. Lot 14.' feet ftntit li 8IH loot Keep to a trecl. tlo."0. illLLKKNii. l'Att. SI X I II (Street. FOR SALK. LAHOF. FACTO RY, N V. A R jLii. Oi-rmantoo n. on Hi, Hallroad. with which It coa liccts; larae lot, shisldllia, Ac; stream of water runs tlin uxh tlio premises! stcsnt cnulne. shaMtnn, Ac, aU comp ete. MILI.F.K, Nol 4 N. HIXTIIj(tr.aM;. Gl FOR SALE, WITH l'OSSF.SSION-N K AT IlwellliiK. No .'JOotiVlne strict. Isit IS feel Inches lis 1 IS feet to a street i twell n rooms. Price $ VaSI. Neat , do yard DwelUna. No. 4ai N.Tweirth street; 21 feetlront; ten rooms. Price $t'OS). Mir.LKK, No. IM X. SIXTH Street, f THKKE SUTKKIOR SIDH YAK1) BLiaIwWiln. on Mount eriiDTi Btreitt. eait of Tw'-ntr- flrnt ti'Kt. t'liilstit d oxgu ut'lj ihruutfhuul i'rice 97101) f TWO UKAUTIFUL DWKLLINO.S OX JtiWallarft ntrtt, wt-it ol Twentieth ir-ot. tweiTe lou ins. Luth 'ju by leet tu a tr't, l'ilct'f'0 Oeach, mili.v;k. No. t K.HI.VTH Htroot. FOR SA1.K. WITH IMMKDIATE No- 1'ilO Hummer inostr-Bion, m at larn llwelllui?, t : Itftn n rHms. Lot and building n ti-et tront :deuth Ol lt. Ill I, ft to STllil Mrti'l. I'llt" fll.OfO. Neat iirno loiir-torv Itweilinu, No. i;ok Kace street; llitei-n v.iiin; li t A' I. v ri, $;i;nx). Kieai.t four itrr Itwrlllnic. north Ride Arch, west of Twenty ilrst airtot. Lot (it 1 Prt'-e Lot and llmUm!. Nn. Arvh aireet IM tO Iit 1W to a aiienl; a bjiMidld i.eiKliliirhoid lor a residence, rrlce fKT.OII Hph ndld nwelllnw, north si le Mount V mon. we.it of HKtieiith; t el e roomi! J.utioln lot. Price $;..0). Ntiut DwillinK, north uhle Mount Vernon, west of flni teeiilb ntreet. Lot ifO l y PM. Twelc rooms. I'rice '.'4W. Nfat Dwelling, hoiii!. side Mount Vernon, emt of Six teenth. I.otlHbyW. Twelve rooms. I'riee I vo. Three new Dwellings. Thtrtoenth street, north of Mas ter; finished adtntrablv throntrhout. $t-'oM. Well-built, marly now lwelllti(r, !.v North Seventh I street; twelve riKUim Lot 1h by !(. 9r:iVt. Neat DwelliiiM. Teltth Htrett. north of Uace, Lot 19 br W); eleven rooiui. juaffiiinoent ii-ur-Hiorv jiweuiiiff. norm siae or urcea. went of Tenth: fifteen rooms. Lot '20 by tun. Neat Dw 111 iik', wotl sido of itteiitn. north ot Fine stnet. ttoa. Ke.it new liwe.Uiiu.-i'iOi nne strevt; ten rooms. Lot 1H by'M. fltOO Solei nid neaiiy nw Dwelling, nouiti shin or ire?n. we.ot Hide 01 iv enty -third; twelve rouuis. Lot ltf by 11 foet dei p. $V,ou lieaMirn irorex 01 oineri ui vi men punavasiuo oan oe nuu luiiui.llsteJy, or In a ey short time. liKOKUK C. MltaLKIt, PrautJcnl Heil Knititc Uruavvr, . M N. HJXTU Str. '-t. Cut ih'nout for fiitu e ref-rei ce. uel1) FOHSALK.TOCLO.SK ANKSTATK. HaTlia oiii-estsiiiisin a uesiaurant and v aru iiouo, is l. comer KI KVKN I'll anil FII.HKIIT Street,, of K II. NIXON. N.BBVKNTIl Sir.,'. Iuriiir, it" gj FOR KALK. S''0,(XH) WORTH IN GOOD fiLiaflouse,, larsieaiid small, on terms to suit purchasers, either Willi or without iueuiiitirauea, for cash and good trade. Iho,ii(ti' of, from 10 to Vi o elock A. M., TIlOa.M. PL0V7MAN.No. J 8. FOUBTI1 Street. J OOKINd-OilsAWrfl AND riCTUHF. FRAME MANUFACTORY, NVM. H. MO HO AN, No. mn N. NIHTH STItKKT, Oilt Ovul 1 'lioloyji-rtpH l'rain.rt selO 3ra CONSTANTLY ON HANI). it. Having bought most of my material, before the lata great ri, I am enahlad tu oil r my sloi-k of FIKST-CLASS FUUMTURE At a snail advance on old pries. I. IaUTZ, selO iita N 11 S.KI.KVKST1I STKKKT. I)1; tK.LAFOKTfcs'S Llt'K KL1X1U UKSTORKS to miui ly iKtTuH huru suin'riux fn n Imp si re J Hi'tftal Kiu rnj . Nervoiu IU lulity, Litwnes ot Suirlts, Loss uf Mmory, Ac, whoiiior riiim iroiu the oitcts of a iiHHialis vlo, orfh!in' ittmlr, or iniitrulur iff"rt, I'rifo, $'J. Hfnt poMt t'H'il lo Any suMrusii, by 8. C. Lf HM, Ni. Jb 8. KHlHTli Mtii'i't. Clrculsrs snil liwi. 1?KVKH U AO UK CUUKD. LTHAM'S X Kever and Aui Speclilc ts warranted to euro may esse of raills mmI 'vtr 1 rr It himI t c .iivlcii Hrti sj, fi. hont pout pp. id io 'ir Hu.ir.-s. nj . u, univu, aio, S. KlUllTU .-Mre- l. Cl'riiUrs sent frt; 4 STHMA CCRKI). UKLIKF GUAR AN- j tcd In tin Qiiiiitei, and a piiiiKiieut euro (1t0td by the usm of (iil ttiii h Ahthiua ("unO Cims of irotu On In twrtilT Vt-ui i' luiidlliat I nM ai OIK 6 to it InM ik-iktv. Trlci', $-. Hfiit pM loan midn m. hy ti. t:. I'fllAM, Ho 'J'' M. r.M.iu ii hitch-i. ;iruiunri saiu iroo n AIR V V HOOT K D From low llri'lii ads, ami all (artsoi tneDiuiy.m Ilia miisu'.es, sdilioiit in arv to the skin, ny ( pnam a liepllatorv I'owdi-r.'' Frvl. Maled to any aildrass lor el'V'.bj H. ('. I I'll AM, No. ii A KH.I1I U Ktreut. Circulars ,eut tree, .0 YOU COLOR VOVR WHISKKU3 AND So hair dyt) lu the world equal to it. Only mi .irepar.! tiou ; nilurs a natural black or brin. 1 HU AM, No. M S. KHiHTll Btrtot, soli Knt. 60 nt a ho. s-thi.liii "I31U-NI A. vHiUIlllfce0.t COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND SHIP AND STEAMBOAT AGENTS, DOCK BTltKKT WIIAUK, PlIILADKLl'UlA. fcUVMi A. HOVI'KT., A I : IHHAl.l' 1. 1.1 I . , M J UII.N I. I''--'. vo y o:rri')N. no in'krioh coal pLu-r n-xy.t to .ii'er h(-luw the cort iri uf a superior le. HAM I LI. W. HKh?, l;KAI .Mi -el. above lUre. side, seils mi' nimue r si.ui s i i . u.i pui.at uiucil auJ bime sUe,,U Ui(( Mut.tlO fC'oi'i"limers aticnitd malt their jurchases at once, pra Tlous to auotuit ailsaaiia. l.'- OLD'S 1MVH0VKD STF AM AND WATEB- If 1IKAT1NII Al'I'.MIMI'S. lor -arnilnguilVmiiatlii riihilo IiullJlnss sod Prl- ai, iiclilaiicvs, C'uK WATFR HKATIN-0 C0MPAS1 (.jsivn o tliU.AUtl.rill. JA1IK1P.WOOD, II S t otJIt'l tl Street. SDhSti-Oni B. U. rilXTVYtXL. ButurlnteDilent rXr- UKAKNK8S AND L1N1)NKS8. 1. VXi i.aiic,, M U., ITofrssorof tin Eye anil Bar, tree J aU disease, aMiartallllliK tn Uiaakdva-liaiuidiuauijer, with tlie utmost .til-cess, 'lesllmiiulal, Iruia U.e must rellaoi. niirees In the city and country cau be ,iJil at Ills (l.lloa. No. 611 FIlK.ls'.ra.'t. Artltliial Kyas lusei tasl without paia. ho al.arae, made for eaaialnatlnn. OiBce houra irom S to U A.M." kl I. M. e. all rUtB t. au7-lsj THE LA110EST AND BEST j GREAT I1I8T0RIC-VL NOVEL 'I I 1 1 DKVO TEI) DUIDK. Till'. IiKVOTKI) lllllDK, Tin-: i)F,vo'i'i:i) 1 1 m Din. ar 8". (IKOIIlH; TIH'KK.R. Price l"ii In paticr; in f loth IV TIIK. M WliKIi liltlDK. Hy St. (leorn. Tucker Ihs Is a story of several lives In tlie "Old liomlnion." Toe In mine Is oi that II imucnoMiVe, cavalier hlood wtileli coursed lliron,n tlie eelns of tlie noble early setllara ry Fa'lern Vlralnla. The tale Is admlraldy narrated, an here and there we observe historical catches, which tak ns hack tn our hovhood on ttie Peninsula. Itlsastor: ot love among those who fed th, flame with etilvalrl. ardor ami the nohlest principles. This Is a novel which in peru.al, will remind us of the day of Virginia', prlmr In adcliuhtfiil narrative of real ttto. and make us forget for a little while,' at least, this civil war of oars. VT hoartllr commend tlie bosik In evory war, and hops I may ho well received. A Nl:W AMLIIICA.N NOVEL. Tin: kival iji:i.l.i;s. THK ltlVAI, IIKI.I.KH, Till': IlIVyVL. JHU.LIt'.Jrl, j n. jonf.4, Author of ''Wild Western .icenes." "WtTl Soothsrj rcencs. - lajve anu aioney o r. rtriiocr..; . In the Quaker (tty," "ins nil l'atli." Ac, Ac. Price tl 50 In paper; Sllnoloth. THK KIVAL IlELI.KS. Ilv author of "Wild VTestei: Hcenos. " The author has bora given us an Amsrlcr novel of real merit, and considerable dramatte powri The Irenes are laid Id tlie National Capital, la PhP dolphla. Now York and Ilaltlmora, and the delln.l tlons or real life, manners, principles, aleratl'l and defectlva morals, are drawn with a mast1 hand In a very pleasing style. Plot and Pasalo are Interwoven so delicately and naturally as to car the Interest of tho reader through the work, and enabl the true thinker to wolgh and appreciate It, teaod lnga. Tho falsa pride of some of our peopls recalvl truthful depletion In this work, and at almost every tu( aathlng robuka. The frivolities of tha period causa, 1 some of our Internecine heartburnings are also satcasij eally disposed of. This novel la well written, and la g'l ten ud in the usaal excellent stvle that characterlzaa t)4J pntillshers, and we have no doubt It will meat with I very large sale. Hooks sent froe of postage on receipt of retail prlca. Address, sslth orders. T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS, No. :iOO CIIHHNUT HtroetV It NIlLADK.LPlllA, PA Hend for Catalogue and Oanvaasers' Circular. POS BALE BY ALL E00KSELLE&3. IS JKW HOOKS, 9 & COi KLLAX. y FHUM TIIK I1KS1 Ol' a. It, LUTINCOTT I. IIILLAKD'S LUK OF MKLKLL1X. LIFE AVT) CAMPAIGNS OF GKORQE li. M.OLELLAN, Majif Oenoral U. 8. Army. 15 Y G. S. II ILL AUD. aUroo., with Portrait on Rtcel. I'rlci tl'oO- Alhorouhly bloaidiiral and hUtorical worki an ut count ol the i-arlv mluuiitiun ol tii n- ral Mi't'IulH his ear-, r ut West l'oint hi .Hervkwt In tne Mcxirnn his ii. I inn to the Crimea, and nutKe,unt rwtlrem' fruiii i he arni- hln rvapix iiitineni in lt)I me cami' In WfHioni li kIiiIu on.anl7.ttiion of thu Ann? ul ! toiiiiic the I'eniiisiilar Camnaimi ol 1J tnem-M lalile -Soea Iav9 lUttle" nls retirement from c l mund ot the Armv and his reapitointineiit the battli t houih iloimdilu aud Antiftaui, aud liU hnal removal. I'HKKACF. "Thr pur)ose of this work it to exhibit ieneral Mcf J Inn's tiLlu to the liratltiK'e ai d admiration of his Cjuuq l. ..I,,... .. tuilitiir (t-sm whit lm Imi Hutm Thn trt? mtnt ho hut. received has made it Indeed necessary S' times to tnktj the attitude of controrersy, and tu a1 1 otliers In order to do him luatice. lint this has beeu tiy uo mere tlmn in intt renu ui tmui reiiuuou. u. a. BoeioN, Autfiist, lyH. II. 3KW WO UK BY KOUKRT DALE OWEat. Tllli AVHONGOF HLAVEU TIIK HIOIIT ef EM.ANCIPAT10H. THE FUTURE OF THE AFRICAN HACK THE UNITED STATES. IIY THK IIOX. ROBKUT DALE OWEN. I& one roU XJmo, Prlos)91'29. M(0M TBB PBEKACB. "My task hm led me over a rati held. In briefly Injr irom Its Inception In this hemiaphe o, the rim lirok'ress ot the ureiit wronif whiuh still threateus the of ihe uutlou, I have followed the fortunes of a vast mil tude, eiuel in number to the population, loyal and dlsl b ack, and while, of theee United Htaies. 1 haveskwt by the HkuI of authentic dor iinnnts. the dismal h la tot Uml mttlitindo ttuoutfh three centuries and a half; set out thfir repinsentailvea, ana lngulrr Into Uie uuui n.iirf tuiiiilhliiii of ibt'ttu ut the Drvtnt dav. In mo doi have arrived at conclusions whtuh, to tboe who & villous forb.-U.'t'. .'i -hv afttor hiivlnii tracetl thn eolinnntlon of tlie race lu the psst. aud set loriu medut ofono raes to iTi" oilier in nv iiufuia a " w-ukm ' twi n lmiulre hnwthcysrt llkoly, whin both slmll be ire -live tfagether in the fuiuro; whethtr we ihail have a , anionic US unwmiot; r uunuia iu ihiimm. iiaii-ii , miija admixture ot the iace, both betn lie, Is protMble oM siiublo; whether, without aumuture, uie reciprocal s Il fluom cot the racfC on cacn ntner pronusns chmi or promlsns hthmI or Sj luemdwe of raoe if y, wheiher, iu cas4 it dice, dUracenii i3 what are ih cloture tiiatabs.se M: Jiuiioisb ft nd di-anu'ar; una itiy col r-d mmi Blia!ljutllve that ureitidl rind Js'prtifs.lnHSVDim, and nht.ll he clothed bylaw Ult' staine rlKlUH HUAicn oi n iiicu ouk" ion " ' World, thfio vrtf. bo any tiling luotjiiuectloii with his f In those I ulted rttai s tv excim vrgret or Hup ire heiifeioi)." 111. MILITAUY, MK1HCAI.. AMI Hl'KtllCaL KhSAVH. ! I f t ( LEtPAItKl rOH TIIK I SIHA STATES 8AN1I l DM V ISSlllS. Kdlted hv WILLIAM IlAMMtiVD, M. D., ISufgeou- Jciirral l'nlt d Hutes Army lnevul.,bvo IV. CHIMASIA, A rpl,v to LONt.r PLLuw is TllF.01.04 a AN, AND OlUKIt I'Obftlls 1H' t'Hl llOti. MEMOIR OFim. 'WILSON'. A Memorial m ill, ltev. Iliid IVlls in. H U , L I.. D I inn Mils I'l i. fe. Bur ul M sleiilB' e l)l I .lis In II e ('.' Tlu i.luiiii al .Seminal t nl th'' I'rot.ala .t Kpitcujial li W. White llloilii.n.A. M. l'.'m '. l -o. I. MISS llRIDtiKs' 1'OKMS. MAiiiu.i: isi.i. 1 FliFM.S OF THE lti'FM. 1 Alll E, ASI Oil ruKHs ilV BAI.I.Il. Ill:lllk.8. 1 vol., lhuio, IS I'llKSis. I. KTIlATllMOllE, (a. W'liOl'fllll' I' V 1111 OWH.VSD. Mle Kiitusiiee. I iv "(it I l A," f" Aulhor (f "lleia iu lluu.laiiei or, oianvtlla do liS 1 I fsOUTHEUN 'SLAVERY ITS rilEHKM' ABl'Ef'l'Si I'uiuaiiiioi a ltei'iy .iKllIll' i to a Lit c w.nk ol Hlll'KINH 1 S KI.WEHY. II Kl'. li. K u o I) Ii W I Ji , I. D. .&.,.x.i..ii e. .s J. J. L,ll'l'IIN--.A X (V s.s; Ftmi.lNIIKlJ aelostnthtt No,. 715nd7l7 MAHK1.I Hi 8, E. CORKER SIXTH AKD MUICET
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers