JLLUL Ml.-! TDE DAILY EVENING TELEGR A fll. PI 1 IL A I ) K LI J 1 1 A, SAT ijltf )XV7&ii'A ivMii nviribo C (Evening eclcgtapft BATCRPAT, SF.I'TKMnKn 10, W. SPIRIT OF TEE HEW YORK PRESS. ir.M,i, Mrri.f :i.i.4M'h i.r. ri:it or Atrr.iT mr.. From the Timet. Hie nrponro (if the C'lilmjro nominee hm liem awaited with a pood donl of tntrret. The nine days' grace lie ba.l titttrn liad shown the extreme: unpopularity of the platform on which lio w is nominated. VotiM he repudiate that platform and yet krrp the nomination ? Such nn Incon iisLnrv would dht!iist everybody. M'onld lie renounce the noml'intlon ? Xolnily who knew what lie hud lieen ro lontr in training for, believe J tliat. Would be ni c lit the platform s lu.irely ? It would ruin b in Hon then wan he to manure. ? Naturally the people were etirl"tis. Well, we sec at last General McClclUn prac tices his fuwirltc strategy with bold front bo fights shy. Ho makes a loud fnnfarronade about his devotion lo the I'nion, and nil that, but docs not put himself at all to the practical nutter In hand. The prime points In the platform those which give its distinctive character were these : The " failure to tcstoro the I'nl in by the ex periment of war, ' and a " demand tlmt imme diate elloits be made for n cessation of hostilities." The idea was as clearly put in it was compre hensive, and so was tho practical se'U"nco. A candidate of thorough manhood would have met both with downright assent or dissent. They arc points npon which the iwoplc have a ribt to know precisely whnt the nominee thinks and is Jirepurei' to do. This letter givo.s them no such mewled ge. Whether he considers the "experiment of war" a failure or not, it is imposMblo to determine. He gives an opinion that the war should havo been carried on in n ditlerent way; but upon the point whether rb conducted under the l.iettto-nam-Oeuernlshln of Ornrit, it is or is not a failure, he gives no opinion, l'.vcrv man of the least senso knows that the practical question is, not what some other kind of war would have done, but what the kind of war now actually existing has done and will do. Lieut-General Oram, in bis letter which we published yesterday, has given his opinion on this point with soldier-like direct ness, lie says; "All we want now to imure an early mtoration of the I nion Is a determined liaity of sentiment North," and "thedrnftquietly nefurccd." The Chicago Convention, in tho di rectcst manner, denied that the I'nion could lie restored in any inch w.ty. General MeUlellau neither atllrma nor denies it. His studv is sim ply how not lo say it ns it used to bo how nut to tlo it. Upon the other point of tho Chicago Platform, that there should be. "an immediate ctlort fur the cessation of hostilities," Uenorul MeClellau's sole reply is : "So soon as It Is clenr, or oven probable, that our present adversaries are ready for peace, npon the basis of tho Union, we should exhaust all the resources of statesmanship practised by nations, end taught by tbe traditions of tho American people, consistent with the honor and interests of the country, to secure such peace, re establish the Union, and guarantee for tho future, the Constitutional rights of every Nt.tte." The platform says "immediate," which Is ex plicit. The nomiuee says "so soon as it is clear or probable," which is saying just nothing at all. The practical question is, whether this is the time. Does or does not General MuClelUn be lieve that the present situation at the South is such as to call for imnwtiatt etforts for the cessa tion of hostilities? It is a plain question. Instead of boldly meeting It, he dodges under an unmean ing gcneinlity. Ilo has something elsewhere to sny about "a spir.t of conciliation and compromise" being necessary "to restore and preservo the Union," and this is nicely balanced in another part of tho letter by u little outgiving concerning "the re sponsibility of ulterior consequences," in cise nil pacific i Hurts should fail. As an ctlort to mount a iwace platform with (Junker guns, it is ridicu lous. The aim throughout is to glvo no oll'enso to any portion of his party ; but what is worse yet, to give no ollense even to tho Rebels themselves. There is not a syllabic from one end of the let ter to the other derogatory to the Confederates. 'J' hey are very respectfully styled "our presont adversaries," and not Hebels us if it were some foreign power at war with us. As in the plat form, so in the letter all tho opprobrium is reserved for our owh Government, in now admin istered. A stranger to our condition would j udge from this production that it was treason and usurpation In Washington, and nowhere else, that was producing our civil troubles. It is humiliating. What u pitiful exhibition this man, with the epaulottes of a Major-Ueiierul still on his shoulders, makes as a party posture master! What a contract between his little twisting and dodging, and tho solid, straight forward tread ot tho Lieutenant General. It were fortunate that the letters of the two should have chanced to come before tho public eyo simulta neously. The two productions woro life-like photographs of the two characters him they stylo Little Mac," and him they style "rncoutlitioiml Surrender" the one calculating, whiilling, mous ing, hopping here a little way, and there a little way, full of consequence and yet ever try ing to bide in his own little shadow ; ull ambition and no courage, all desire and no decision ; the other moved by a will that knows no wavering, of absolute singleness of purpose, above ull fear, ns direct as the torrent and yet as steadfast as the lulls, hatred of treason his master passion, tread ing upon every bait ol party, doing the Soulier's work he wits set to do, a true man every inch of him. We tell this nominoc of the Copperheads that his evasions cannot possibly deceive) the people, lie is' fatally mistaken If he imagines the presidency can be compassed by such littlo tricks at a time liko this. There never was a situation less adapted than this for his sort of character, and his siyle of act'on. The country needs posi tive nun, who are dominated by po-itivo princi ples, for it is positive ruin that threatens it. Bl'RNANKN IX KMOI.A3D AXD MOT J.A .N l. An official document Jusl published In Scotland lifts the following : "It would have been very Interesting, In compar ing some of the commoner urunruus of Kngland and Scotland, te h it shown how tbo language of each country has altered the name, so as to make, the familiti of each country whoso n tines are derived ln.uu the satnu occupation, similitude, or quality, perfectly dis inci. Thus, the common auroarne linker in P.ugland Is almost completely supplanted by the name liaxtor in Scotland, and all the Barkers may be considered us of Kngllsb origin. "The Engll-h surname Fox is quite superseded ty the Scottish form Tod, whl h is a very com mon name, having the same meaning. Tho Kng lish surname Bullock is known in Scotland by the common surname of Stott, which has the same meaning. The M iglish surnimeof Crow takes tbe form of Ciaw. The English surname Dove take the form of Dow, as docs the Hnglisli sur name Love, the Scottish form of Low, &c. Hut jveu one of the cosmopolitan and very common surnames receives its chitractui kstie niiHlilications In the two countries, mi oing H ihinsons in Eng land become converted into Itobcrtsons In Scot Jui.d. " By far the mi st common surname In Scotl ind is Smith. It is also the iu st common surname In Lngland, but not quiu so pruvaletit as in Scotland ; for while England only has one Smith In every sevcuty-tliree persons, Scotland hai one Smith in every sixty-eight. Alter the cosmo politan surname Smith, tho next most common in Scotlund is a purely Scottish one Macdonald. In this respect England agrees with Scotlund, that alter its commonest cosmopolitan name Smith comes a purely English and Welsh sur name Jones. The cosmopolitan name llrown is the third m st common surname in Scotlund, hut only the sixth in England, and ci instituted rather more than one per cent, of the total mines. "Kohertson aud T l.ouis on, with their varied spellings, constituted the fourth and tilth most common surname.-; the English loruisKobiiiMiu ur.l Thompson lieinu swamped by the great pre. pondeuince of the Scottish tonus ol' these names. These two surnames may be re,' ir led as equally prevalent in the population, and as c u-li c msti tutirg one it cent, of llie population. Stewart, with its rarer spelling of Smart, and Campbell, both purely Scottish names, lire the sixth anl seventh most common surnames in Scotland; uml they tire followed by W ilson, n mime equally common to the two countries. Theso names are followed iu succession by Anderson, .Maekay, Mackenzie, Scott, Johnston, Miller, Ueid, and itoss, nil of which may be regarded us purely hcottjsh 1. limes, for the English form of one of litem is Johnson, which is rare in Scotland, and these surnames nre succeeded by l'atcr.son. Eraser, Murray, Maclean, and Cameron, all of them also of Scottish origin. Of theso titty most common tmriiuiucs in Scotland, thirty-two in tho forms In which they occur in Scotland may be reckoned as having originated in tho country, and as being ticculiur to it a very large projHiilion, consider ing ull circumstances. The remain lor arc com man ilso to England." SPECIAL NOTICES. IAfsJ SIMETINO, OUK COUNTRY SHALL BE ONE COUNTRY. The supporters of tic Union and lh Conatltullnn, friends nl our prea.nt Nstlmel mil State Administra tion!, and sit tti favor of th. re-clci'tlon of the II INK ST , tin- AIILK, n. the PA 1'lt'oTKt ABRAHAM LINCOLN To tln Presidency, an) the nobis and self sai-rtn.-ln,- ANDREW JOHNSON 1 o Ihr Vlro .'rrnjilcn.-)- ; a -I who go fir their count rT, (I'l l tlirlr whole eountrj ; nil w ho gu lur an curly and l'KHMANENT I'KACK, Tn be Itrciiffht about by crushing the IMiclIt in of V'.e In. fttnoiift traitors now wftiMns an unholy Wat Hif.vnt our I nloli ami (.merniuenl ; ami all loynl fytrnJs coo I h'ovrrnmtnt and fro institutions, sro rc-ini-itM to m-"t at INItKl'MNDUNCK t-HJTTAUI On SATURDAY, the 10th Inst., AT S O'CLOCK I". M , Toiturttho mratball which li this full to roll vr an.l overthrow i'l who jj intnthlio with traitors, and wouM lie wtliitg to make a DISGRACEFUL ARMISTICE To diTlilo anil destroy our ittorioui National L'nton. The fnUnwInf distinguish! !entlraon will addrcsa tlie mtotititf Urn. AHnltEW 0. 'CtiTIN. Hon. HAN1EI. 8 lH'KllSiN,Hew Yoik, llon.r. B. FKNWISIAN.l-enniylTaola. Ilon.CHAKI.HN Sl'MNKlt, Maaiaohilnott., Hon. WILLIAM IlLMMK K, IVttn Iranla, Hon. WILLIAM II. JIASM, Hon. JAMKN M. HI'OVKL, Ni W Joraar, II. .D. CIIAKI.KM UII.I'IM, MOKTON M MII'IIAKI.. F.n , Hon.Cll AltLFS (illtllOMs). danikl noimiiKirrv, k.., 11KNJAMIN U llltKWSI BK. Ks.., Hon. JOHN HICKMAN, l'nii Ivama, Hun. JAM K4 POI.LOCtK , roniinylY.nila, lion. JOHN M. BUTLKIt, Hon. I'll Altl.KH O NKIL, Hon. IKONAltll, Hon. WILLIAM I). KKLI.KV. Hon. M kl'HHMX TIIATKU, Hon. JOHN C'KSHNA. Hon. WILLIAM K I.I.IIMAN. A. II. HI.OANAKKU, Ka , JKIIH K. I.ATT.l, Hn,,., WILLIAM 8 riPkCK, K.., Troleaior K W. DI'NIIAK. Ht order of the City Eseontl Committee of the fta Uonal Union Tarty. .JOHN O. UlITIil'.U, e7-4l Cbaiimnn of llie Comialtter)n Town Maettivfs. tf TI'.NTIl WAUD.-Tlll-: LOyTiTcITI-s-,y zi'iia ol the 'I'ent'i Wanl will ainittle oo SATt KIAV KVKMNil. ot T o . lo.k, At ItllDAl) and lt( K, to march to lha liratM Mas Mc-linij lo b held In Inde Holirtre.ln totor of LINCOLN. JiHINSilV. ANJI LlllKltTV. By ordvr of llie Waid Ass M-utlou, A. H. HtANCIisCL'8. I'naklent. Wm. It. I.eHl'S, Secretary. U TWKNTY-l'OUUTH wTltl). THK Loyal Clilan of the Twenty fourth Ward are earnestly reiiuesji'd ton tat the Hail of the National I'nion Assoolatlon. MAIIKKT Stnset. a'love Thlrtv-tlilrd, for the purposo ol proceeiinai In a Itod' to the lutlilcatlon Alri'tlnu In linliienlnee Square. THIS EVKNINll. at 7 o fleck punctually. UloMAS 8. Kl.l.t.S. Marshal. rrsjr "cuKDiTs von naval rkcruits," v-xy tiftlre ofthe City lloiintv Fund Comintusion. No. ill I'RIINK Street, Mepliraher !, The lloimtr ContlnUteea of the dlltiTeat Wards uro re.Ueted to aend to thli Otllce a .ststeiiu'iil of the claims whloh ttier have presented for ereiilta on Naeal Ktlllslmc nts prior to Kutiru ary tM, IstVI. IiuiueOiatu attention to this is desirable. elo '.'t Itnlil.UT M. MOOKK, Suerelary. DF.AFNKSS, NOISKS IX THK HEAD, TUltOAT 11IHEAHR8, CATABItH. TboM who auffer from theae maladtna hare now tho Tary host opimrtunity for niidinx relief. Ttio apparatus isonilrueteii by l"r. VON MOSi H.IHh tit la undoubtedly tlie nvit perfeotly effwtlve auriit over used for rwarlihi'4 the seat of Uiedlfeaso to which It li directed, and eradi cating M with wondert'o raptollr. The upiilicatien U palnkia. Oinco, Iso. Iiri7 WALNUT Hlreet. TF.Mi'lMiiNIAI.S. To tho Deaf. Tr. Von Moschiliker, Aurtst, No. I0JT Wniout street, operated mont succeMtullv an mrears, realorlnir uie to perfect tioarlnv. 1 an IN red from what tho phralolatia called a Uilckentn of the dmtn ot the ear. WILLIAM CltANH, lluilder, Krssldi'nee, No. 1K13 8. Second street. Philadelphia, Auiiust'J, Iskx. Fun Aiiki.rniA, ?.'ah Jihio, ls. This li to eorttty, that t hair yean 1 was tnmbled wnh an oTonwive diaoharKe, arcompanled with deafnoaa. 1 liave b.-n treated by nu nietoua phynlclaua without rei-elvlotr any beneilt. Soma months ano 1 applied 10 Hr. Voo Motihxlskar, who haa aooiupUlied a portuct euro. JOS8PII 8nfKftf AKKtt, Of the ttrm of Shoeuiaker .t Tlxlnl, Mi rehanta. No. till N. 11 rood a treat, rrlvotc rcaldeneo. No. Tfl Oreen atreut. BTS.-Ir. VON M08CH.ISKRR can b conmltedon atl mata.ltea of the Kye, The slll(iili;AL opiateiua to reatoro HltlHT akllfully iwrforuisl. Oitlce, No. lun WALNUT Streot, Ibere hundrodl of alaular teetiniOMiala tho above caa bo ejiaailued. auii-u Jj'LANELS! FLANNELS ! ! FLANNELS'!: NOW OI'KN I.AKIIB STOCK. Popular niakea Uallurdeulo Klunni 1. ', ',, and yard wide, ail itradee. Muparnne yard-wide Shaker FlatiDeta. auipttlor S4, 7C, aud yard-wlCe lioiuet Klanneta. Nuperdne t ,auze. Zephyr ana Anirola I launeli. All lao dealieble sbailee. plaju and lancy colon. lllilUiftHex Sauun Flannels lire gooda. I'lainand Kanoy Hlilrihik Flauneie. Scarlet. White, Blue and llray, 1'laiu and Twilled Flao nala,i..7a,and yard wldo. Bloarbad and I'ldib achi d ('niton Klannela all (radea. TarU ail I yard-and a-iuartef wide Mlu-oudlng Flmuaela. All wldtha and 'inallttea Nuraery Dlapori, by ptoco. LlLOn 'I abla llatiiask, Napklus, lioyllus, Towel. TowollnK aud Uusala Crash. 1 M bi-w alslea Mourning aud Furplu and Black llal asoral skirt Hue. 1 bit wldo loft-fl Dlahed Oomtirlts araris goods. 4 lwta tniall and ineilicut c'henk Cauibrlo. A1! ihu popular inakea Long clutiia, 1'uMow Cottotu, and Hla-c'tlDts. T. SIMPSON'S SONS, lelO 8ti risa Nos wj and :i.'4 Visa Street. OVRNING GOODS. htifceirrlne black Canton Cloths Very vtiolce goods lor mwurnlnK. All irradi'i black Alp-o-na. bunerliue real Mohair Black. Vine, suber and auportlne Lupin's Itomuiuini'i . Lupin'a liluck ail-nool livlaliii't. Buis rt)n blai k Sttoiuo I'laiiuels. Illack Cahmeres and Merlnoea. 'cw lot lianilaomc mourning Skirts, at T. SIMPSON'S SON'S, S' s. L'JJ and wl fl si; sir. et 51 1 IJSDHBIAKEKB' GOODS. Wll IT 12 1 'AHII.Mr.llKS, by yard or piece. Will i K MK.HINOKS, by jurd or piece. WliriK IT.A.VM.Lsl, 4 1,5 l,hy yard orp cce. lii.MI S, by erd or pleco. LI' I '1UNH, by ilozeu or fc'ross. i.n;il.i;s, by pintle or doin. T. SIMPSON 8 SON-i, sclO Xm, its;' and W4 PIN I: htrcct. J BLANKETS. 114 1ILANKKTS1. IS 4 I'.LANKK l 8. Il l llLANKLTS. I It AM. i; I1I.ANKKT8. ( 111 II 1II.ANKKT4. THOMAS SIMThO-N 8, SONS, K 10 hu.. ir.-J and tr.'t PINK Street rOUBTH AND AECII 8TBEETS, It. nc-'fnih e inaint tbolr r untrous Otroil ihM tlicy A KM NOW OPKNINO tust sin hwOOOS ai arnadap rd ttieirwami anJ ordori Foil TOWN TRADE. 6ciaea l UlTN ) FHKNni MKltlNOP".. 4e aSKLF.i.T COLORS SILK V 1PI.IN. Jra.ea At.lnilDI. T.F.P POPLIN'st. S r.e ALLWimL ft A I US . s ery choice tti'ef. lease PI l IIF.NI INF. IlilSH POPLINS. 1 ea-e IITSII Pnri.lNS, nnt Pttn 1 11 o la. C-i ! Nnviiltiea I'.r F.ill l)ciw--ia. J.'Vltll aV LANDELIi, rODKTLT AND AROLT tTREETS, Alisas s keep the be-t malios of STAPI.F. 10' Hisi, and now call the attettton -f hous-'Kecpfr to cur -t . k. PltF.MILM H1.ANKBT8. beat iiooJa made. BLANKETS of nllcttirr (rrsd.'s an.l n:i.. I'OI BLR 1'AMAsK 1 AIILK I.1SI.NH. ttikk II tin,!-. I'RI'lNAliY T.Ull.F. I .INF.N.s,w'iole'eai,dr,-til. I.' 1,11 I. in I LINKS SI II l; T I Si;s, nlti, ,nt si' .11111. 1". I'..:siatid 'i PII.I.'iW CAslNtiS and IIDI.STFIMN'.S. I ITtKF.V ItKIlFItt IT ( LOTUS and FKl 1 1' HOVLIKS. Iiamalk Nai'klni, Oorlti l, TowcU'iks, I'rasli, A '. Furniture Piliita, Che. ka, ijiillu, lMtnltiea. Ac. jvnitj aV iArvoioi.i, No. 400 ARCH STREET, Always keep tbo very la.l Brown anl P.lack PILKS known to tl.o DRY OOODS TRADE. BHOWN MILKS, ordered font. ItLAf'K SILKS, ordered for ui. Willi K SII.KS.ordcrod for ui. Mi 1 UK ANTIQUES, ordered for in. OHIXNAHY MI.KS aa low aa el.ewlier... ;V1U0 .V loVNDELIi HAVE This season, al usual, luado SHAWLS A LEADING ARTICLE, Select stylea Peace Dale Mttu. W'l do. Waterloo Mllll. !l d . Watery'l-t Mill. 716 do. Waterrillo MI'li. Il'.t do. Middlesex MUD. Gil do. Home Mills. Upon, Centre, Loudon style, llrocho, Long and S juare do. luosc Shawia arc offered love at rot all, ami a liberal aTowancc to country merchants. 4 N. ! AKUll hTllKl'','!', AHH 11VKINI) Bummer Shawls a Leading Article. ItllKAKKAST SHAWL"), 1JIXIXJ Nil JWM, all silk. TKA Nil AWLS, rich (irenailliies. PIIO.MKJIADK BllAWLS, ptiro white, 1IL.AI K SHAWLS), lor line trade. III. A K Nil AW 1.8, for country antes. THA VK.I.IMU SHAW LS, for OenUemoa and Ladlea. JVllIiS afc LANUELIi, rOURTn and AEOLT Streets, DISPLAY FOR FALL OF InO plccos MKItINO, oisl V-0 Msl s) Its) HO PAItAMATTA, I F.I.A1NKS, WOIU. SHAWLS, LAItK PltlWTS, BLACK HII.KS, tl)OI FI.ANNKLS, WIDF. SlU'.KTINilS, U.U NF.W BAI.5IOISAI.S. pVliJJ &, No. 400 ARCH STREET, Hare a Window for Silk Oooda. Window for llrces Oooda, Wludow for Black 1 io. ids, Window for Staple tlooils, Window for Cnluta and iiinK'hatua. Window forClothi and Cassluieroe, Shawia and Cloaks up stain, ihwr for Wholesale Itootas, ltoor I'orCaritaite Custom, laior for KtciSiit of Oooda, 1 KHira, two, for Ordinary Trade, jVltia .V LANIIGLIi, FOURTH AUD AROE. liava Maimlllcent BLACK SILKS, Manillleent BKOWN SILKS, MaKliltlceut MDIItK ANTIi'l.'F.S, Magnlhrcut OA UK MILKS, Mannill.ent Fli.t'llt H SILKS. PKH VAU ltICIIliT FRENCH C HINTZES. tl-W for Weawrtin; Prima. I 1 J s, 1 lllch Palm Btylei. 67.'a cents 4 4 Parph-s. KYliK .t LANDELU (UMSIKIl .OIH WALL LK'iUC'EI), TO C I.OKL', Beautiful Summer Silks, Faslilouatile Buuliuer Lawns, lltch Cieiiadlnes, ltedttced. BareKi-a, Hein.iuia, Tissues, Tbln Black Hoods, low, tlluclnaa liir Tourists, T'ouatsta' 1 llovca, Mllta. Veila, KYKK & LANUKIili. quo di: i:viiUa i.v mstaiu BEW BLACK BILKS, 73 IncliM wIUc, i-tro kIihi, wry Jiirahli, ?.'i. to urrauKii hoi cm, -10 ! ilo 1 f . H !-. .to .lo d.. ... t $1. ,1 U to t!. HI. bi.feu mc "f the ilrit i,r.ul' n,r uur . ity tuK f. 10, 11 AND I'M IIUtiUKNOT SHEETING MUSLINS. s. I Fruit Cloths for Until". Low und Fine Toilet t.nillta. f ruth lor lluth Towels. Intaak Tutile l.inena. Dauaak Na).kilib und Doylies. Hoed BiauketH, lurijo unk small. All lllull ol Housekeeping Hoods. JJVltlJ at LAN IlICLL, FOl ltTU and ABC'Il Sirect). HORTTI NINTH STREET, ABOVE Allf'll, HAVE JUST orr.XED BF.ST 0CALITY KIT tll.'lVF.S, Iinpirial, PJa'n.aud B'.tieiied Be la, at leu than 0 -al ot la.poitatlon. I.AIlir.s' ANI tlF.NTS I.INFM CVVBltIC IlCKFS. LAPIKS IIk;M-8IIT, UI'.O IIOKKS., 1 Itie ituallty. I.AMI 8 ANI tiFNTS' IIOSIFItV, Al the low, at u.iukct pilci a. BL(K VFIAET Rlt'HOss, Be-l iiuil.ty.aT nldtln. 1'KST gfALITV MKTIAMCAI. CuRsM.S, ts aristi e I W h ilt honr. A M'.W I.iT OF I AVIlHP' LI" iiVil, At .'' ents a i.srd. V Nl'.W LOT OF CAMI'.I.IC Fl dl'M INiiS. Nl.W NTU.FS AMI. UK AN I'F.LAINl'.S. NF.W SIAI.KS AM Lttll'A N CHINl.l.S. IT'.l 1:1:11 CAsllMEItFS, 1'.;, cctiis per yard. .ti'-t oj cti'sl fr. m A'iction one l"t of line SIIF RUN.; LI SINS, II per yon', cost fl .''. to Import. fim: i.'t Ai.nT coi.oitF.n tai i.f cloths at i. wmri: ASH 1 0101:1. I 1 AllLl. I.INI NS. IIK.AW AND tlKl.V TWII.LI'.Ii H.ANNI.I S ALL WOOL I LANNLLS, r,.",, ;, sC, ,, anl f I. HF.AVV Ml.KEIl F LANNLLS, I'Mr.T 1LANNF.I.9. r..s, (Vs. 7a, an.l To cents per yard. BEST MARIS OF NH V N lll.l. Aril til Mt'Sl.TNS AMI CANTON FLANXF.I.S. Onob.ita ofHFAVY Kl BST CltASII, '.V cents per yard, 01 th '.,r.. TRICE & WOOD, IN). 11:1 IN. NINTH Mtrt-st, ADOVK AJK'H. AN rAlllNOCIv'l- L.U HTAMI, E. R. LEE. SI CCESS0K TO WAI1NOCK, N. :i N. I '.I (S I I'M I STREET, II a now opon One cav CH-tU K M..VHKM Donbo Twlllo l TRENOH MERINOES. It piei es DAKK 1K I.AINES at .V) Cents. A full line of LADILS llKMSTt HUXFS, flora .Id to 1 '.'. LADIES' IU0N FRAME AND rATENr linOWN AM) WHITE HOSIERY, AT I.FSH THAU IMI'UIITLH'h PIIIl'Kri. C OI1S T S. (H) Its E T H. ritr.Ncn Mi.i HAsrc wiialkiionf. cokskt.s. A.MI.UICAN UAUK do. do. IIOOI HKIHTP, IKK)!' HICIUTH. '.'00 doneu HOOP SKI IITS. NP.W SH AI'F.S.warranted beat itiality, made enpteisly sr our aulea. 1'.. 1 1. I, EE, It No. Ill X. F.lilllTII STIM I I'. ri'Atitl ft URO., J PINK Streets. Ope l!Rf).( COKXKU TRXTll AND en Haruitlim tnm Au'ttnn. i ott I.Htlli'i' tllltt ih'Di-sliUh. a ill. Uirtlfr. lliikl'i.. ttO Hint '"iri'iitv -1 j. t Iiadti'n' rtno corded tiontcr lUKfn , 0i nm! '7r. 1 lot l.ti.n.v iinil.'iiln-(l nnc Cnttoii Stoi kiiK's.t.'ii-. 1 lot h iK ll'-tl ill. lit Allit Illici .ItTS'KllK'fi, 6 lot l'' Mtont lili'iichoil li.Ul H .', '1't ci'iiln. 1 lt if ti'M imtilom lift iiont h ill' !ln9' t; i ci nt.i, 1 lot H I itch Pllk, Hi-TV line. I til.-ves. .Vk, J l, hid flnl-ti, r.crlln i.vtn, $1, (I -y,. 1 lOlci No. 4 nd & ansrttitl colors, I rlnuutntt itiblruin, lr. to'.'V. ti Mi- Nos. to Boiim-t millions, all colon. 71 to r.'c. 1 lot Mii m' ullk. flrn y lined (Jiovi'S. -UK. I loi All wool Htrii?il Ntiiniru Klnmiuls, 7 'm. 1 lot liouieMic ,n intra Slililii if Kl.uiuch, Wc. 1 lut IIIkIi lu-ire IjIscK Aliu-n-t$l-i'-1 lot fry Hin nioi.rntfiK Aiiifccsis.! -. 1 lot ItiHi k, moih' and brmvn MtTinoH, $ . 1 lot lv-4 all liiH-n '1 at ie t 'li th-, onyt! .). 1 lot Ittd Lonitr, tinuink Table Napkin., $1 0 Pt do en. 1 lot very heavy twilled T.lncn Cra-h, rnts. iirw (.lxhIi una Itaiainii. dnllv In "in ainti'in. It UIKAl' PKY O O O O S, CAUrKTS, OIL J riothn nn. I Window V. K. AUt'H-VM-ItAri.r H, V. K. coimT KI-KV KNTII unit MAItKKT Hir.'t't, will 't n IIiIh inoriMiin, frmn am tlnn,InKiin Cut ma, ull wind, at 91 V: 517. l ".0. 91 $1 r t 2 : juTiiln I'lirct'lJi, wool ntlini:,7' and H7rentt: Kntrv und Hiiiir rnrpwtn. 7, 91.91 91 17 and 91-.'': lit-mp, urn and It at,- rariK-l. , and rciu.i ; lf'1-.or Oil floUm. 7.nM-nt to $1'.V; Gilt Bordrred Window Hludfi, 91 to 9'.'-.'0; Htulr 1 1 Cln'ti, and t rontn. ( HKA I' 1UY (HiOltH AND TKIMMIVflM. HMrtiriK, HlueMiiK and I'iMow C;me MubIIiim, yo, ;i'.. 4H feO.t.'at. and 7.'c. ; N'-w Fall Dt'luliU'S, .V and .'-tin.; Alpa's, allcnlorii. :i7r. to 91 ; Itlnnki'ti. 911 tt 910 : Ooiortai.les $'; All wool llcliiliu-s, ri7c; Chlntet, '.''no l"c. ; 'iitl tiH ren, iftr. to J ;Q; Munml-t. tVh:. to 91; Cnale' Hp ul otion, 17i- ; Tins, (ir. ; Braid Ilk: ; Cot't Hum, '2't to ;.'k: ; 8hawlv 9.'l to 91i. Whoif-ati- and K-uil Hloro, N. H , CoilUT KLEVKN Til Hid .M AliKKT Strut. soli) lit BLANKKTS. It. 1). k W. II. TKNNKLL, No. U MAltKK T strtot, arc now iflllnK' a g o1 all wcol B'ankat lor 9i'''o per pair; Huh UUnket tor $11 per pair: extra heavy, all wool, ver piod for vrtmr, 911; Tiry tin Blankets hi t-roat Ta-l-t ; Crndls IManketn tn com mon, aopd, flno and ntra rtne; Crlh Bliiiki-taof unenualed qnnlttT ; 4-r laJuankif ; BUnkatH 9ipr pair. OotuiortiiilisK wi-ll made ot food clean rotton, 9'! ea-h ; Ane Coiatortsiics ; our t'oinfo'-tuldA w-ru made up a year ako. To persons In want ol Itlntiktli wo say buy at oacfl bt lore the pnre Is ndvuiiced- ne alt still M.llr.fT Anr last vnr' Blanket, and on ome sttw.s w raft sa the purrtmner S per pair. MrtlM'itllS .Juittts, )llhtl Bollix). 91 eath; ltn"ie ijiillts would now Ost ft Hiaimsre. Hoad Marehles tuuti, $r :h micb. Lanraittaf tjuilu, ad 1os. It .t W II. PKNVKrX, It Ho. 1W1 MAKKEl' Streot, Oeiow Klerentl.. ( 1 RKAT BARGAINS FUOM Al'CTION in 1 Hr, tuii CfiriietH. Oil Cl-.ths. Window Hbadi'S. V K A lt( 'II AM BAL'I.r, N. K. roiner KLKVKNT1! and MAb K KT itt'eots. will open to-day, fiKratn ..irp.ts, all jMiaaai .1 ai i.-. ai ri7.91 H. Sl 'iV.! ".. to J'o; limrain Camets, wool ttllinn, 7 and h7 i-i-uU ; Kntr? aud HUlr ( arM4s,7:.H7,91.9l W,add9l 'HI ; Ht-mp, Kott and Yarn farnem .V,t..t, V and b7 cnt H.-or Oil rioih. HI, 91. 911a! and 912-; t.ilt Brdi're.. W lnw HumU. j, ! ht nd 9-i; Buff and tJraeii hhadln vie H:air Oil Cloths W"l':HBAPD.iY)-XlS AHU TBI .U MINIM. " MiisMiih In wreat yarletT. t 75 c ml ; Hheelmin fund Ptlluw MnUlDs.6c to 91 ; leUlia Hi t'laiHiels, 6oto 9"l.'i; Ua.iinerii, 7r to I-.A rancy rth'rtlnw BiankHts.9loto9IH; Bara'h.wu nl Alps, as, q 91 .-; Khawls. $.'.ulo: 'loth Tan'o n.,ver. ft. U $ 4; h-P ll.,alerv I'heao Hlilrt aud; Hpt.ol olion 1.:; K: WhXie and rt...l. X, A. c .rner ELKVK.NTII aud !1L p A H I S FASHIONS. To tiih I.AlMi:a. Tbe nulv .:atiiiltto Frem-b r liiT lri. now au i.ia.iiun iiie in Tutl., f ir H l.l..RTKa:KT, ANII KVKN- INla IlKESSKS, execu'i-d by baud, at KKS. H. Mul'LKLLAN S IlKfi.r Hilt llll.MII llKSIiiSis, ). F.1.F.VF.NT1I Strtset, V. l Side. All kinds of Uresa Materlu's Indiidnii Cloths atin Vki.vkts, fi.rttie Htri-ctiatid TILI.AS AiliTAal ainss. lor l.etuiu and Hall Preasrs, l'l.l'TKI) ANII (loFt l.ltEll IN THE F It F. N f 11 S T V I, E, In an Hi iu it's Nun. k. ictustiittif H V IV NO 11 I H It I J I It We refund tbe money, If desired, Tor every lot of Blurt avhk'b 'H ' "' respect. VI NK S111UTH, CI'T LFNijI'HvVISj: t)K MUSLIN. a'ade ot Kew Vnrk Wl'n Mualtn, and very tins Llnco Bosoiua. Only M il. Uatiul prkc it.'UU. WUllaiusvllle Mills Mtutln, and (In, Linen Buaonu, Only I1T0. laualprlta 3-3U. GLMXKMEN'8 rUR-NISHlNQ Q0OU8. HMITJI scfc JACOHH, By8.6ni Ko- st CUESNUT HtXMt, U.O lar.ufalll.i',-Nu.i Alt. II OO AlHie I s. 1 1 1 atreet. Plillaiii'loiiia, W)ii.lciile and Itetuil. TIiO li.ost ci.uiib li iisBoi tini nl ol' Ladies', Misses', an l CI llilien a Ilo' i .sSln. in llie ll , in i-very r.-M'ect tlrst tla.s, Mi l. li I.T sti le,, UULiLiillty, and eliea.nieaa, liavi-I'uiiiniil in ll.e ui.uSi't. t-kiru made to uidc.elierd, and n-nniri'd . "4 y WM. T.UOpKINS. JOHN KF.LLY, TAILOHW, No. 01 OHKSNITT 8TKKKT, Have recAlTed their VAl.t HTTLK, anl a lars stork of AI.I, and MOODS. Inr Indln rhol. e AMKRl CAH (OIfl, atl bo-ijrtil hefo the r'- In prlr, which Wioy wtJI make up In the bt It 7 Irs at moderate prices. TKHMR-JiKT I'AHU. aeT !in X'FAVANU DKSIKA1U.K STYJ.K3 OF FALL (.'MthtaiK New and d"1riH- tyleti of Vatl Clot'iln New .rd d Sir !vh uf t ;t i l.-lluiw hi w and ilf-tirah.e lvir ot Kail tioihnm -w iitol ilfiir.AMe HfTlri .f .ii CinfMn; New and .1-lii,l.l. fi vl. ..I 1- -ill riMOniiit Nfw atxl d1 ir..f'ie si of t . i i.itiinut New ami l".lrhle Htvlenoi' KaM Cl-ilh iof New 11. 1 iU r-tl'le t 1 i t ..f h nil r loiri n( N'W and de.-irahle Hi.ln f I nil :'oU,ri (vip.'nthfl this dar Openitnt INU .lay M'nit h thin dtv ori'tiinv tins iir 4'Ioiini( tln d.iy tip''mn trM d y (j'fflilU' this il.'iv Ojit'tniiif Ihi-t .lay upeninvt thii tiny 1 ipi'iiiinr this dav At ,liVVR', B. K. romer SV'-mh an t Mnk"t streets. At JONK.h , w. K. eortp-r iviMMh anl M.irk.'t s.trei-tsj. f Ai.'ONts.H.I-. comer Hevamh an.l M rki-t Mrn.r . At .loNKM', S K. t'..rner Sci-nth and arkit tr '. At .luNHS , M I. roirn-r Nevenil' and Mi'itri utrei'ti. At .li N Is, H , (timer Hrrenth nnd M nh'1 stn-i tn. At .It iNI'S", E. ,11 ner fe enth and l arket sfeets. At .M 'Ml H1, S. K. corner H.'v.nth and Mrkr-t sireeH. At J-iKS , H. K. Corner Meventh ami i .tr k . t itr'.ti. At JONK.S", f. K corner B.-vrn' .iml Mtrket itn-ets. Htrnn(cvr and nnens Htrain.t'm m, riti-n Htran'l s and clttei'S Hfraiikier and cilis ni istrniik'rs and citi'-ns Mraiikceri and cltlreus MrranuiTit ami eitli-ns Htraniters and rltlren Htralijer and cttUeno HininkiTu ami rltiens lnvitrd to rail and examine our stork Invited Id rail and rxrtinlin' olir Sto. k Inltel to rntl and examine -Mir .t k Invitrd to rail and examine our xtivk Inviti'd to r.ui and ex am me mir ii.u k Inviteit to call and ex annua our Mrk Invited to tiill and examine our it J' k ln tted to en! I and examine -Mir Mock lm tieo to call ard esNtnln our hU k In1ted to call and examine our st.Kk Bahre purehaitnt.' elf-cwtiere . Beiiirn piircfi itiw aluew liere . Itstore piirehantnn ei-trwhuri-. Betsirn pun lis-ainii elsewhere . I-pJore purchtinlnK eUewhere . Befnra pun hailmr eliewhere . Before purcti4iinu fliewhern . Bi't'oie iiuirhiisiiirf cluewlu-re . Brttire purrnaain eUewhert . Beioro purchattinr e'iewhero . .i'NHK' notlttiiK, H. K. Corner Hoventh and Market st. .'ONK.H t:i.nhinKl H . K. l orner Hsventh and Market Hi. JuM S rt-Hlnin:, H.T.. corn.-r Hevenih and Ma'ket sll. .I'N1 H' t'Kvhlnn, 8. E corner Heventh and Market S'S. .lONKS Clntldnit, M. K. crner Meventh and M irket nts. JONKN' (.'InihtiiH. H. K. roi ner Seven h and Market sis. JoNKH' t.'lotlilnif, 8. K. corner Haventti and Markotsts. .ItrS KH' C!ithliit(. H. E . omer Heventh and Market sti. JONKS" ( lothtmc. H. 1.. corner Sevenlli and Market ta. JON KM' Clot, nut, H K. mrner Seventh and Mai km st. N. B. Balainc of Stiinmer stock Kallinij low. seJ-iAw lm TJ HIIOEMAKKH V CO., OIIILDBEN'S CLOTHING EMPOSIUtf, No. 4 N. F.IGiITU STUKF.T, riIIl..ilK.Ll'niA. Xfe reipectfully luvit. spaclal attention to our elosanl fcitonroont of CIIII.DKI'.NK CT.OTIIINO, Conirttlng P.OV8 , dlltLfs', INFANTS', and MISSES' CTolblnu in every variety, Iu tbe lateat style, and or aupo rlor woikmansbip. Hierlal atKDth.n iald toMISHPS DHKSSM AK1NH. Tbe iubllc are Invited to call and exauilne. M. SMOE.MAKElt A: CO., oT-wsuiJm No. 4 N. F.K111 I'll STltF.ET. B OVW rji.OTIIIIVtil. F. A. HOYT & BROTHER, HAVE OS 1IABK A I.AU0E ASSOUTMENT OF BEADY-MADE PINE CLOTHING F08 II O V H . S. W. Oor. TENTH and OHESNUT Su., tsS tutlu 2vy AS.HF.M11I.Y Bltll.DIMtl. .T. VII-.IIA.TIH, No. 10 N. SIXTH STREET, Mauufaeturer of VKNKTIAN JIIINDS AM) AV I IN I) HIIADKH. Tba Urgit and Finest Assortment la the city, al tli LOWEST TRICKS. BFPAlltlNI) ATTKNDED TO PltOMPl'LV. BTOItE SHADES) MADE ANII I.KTTKRKII. " lm JUCH I3XCITUMUNT llaa bi en created in tba neljhborhoiil ' Ninth ani Cbeanul atreeta, by crowd, of well-;rcs.ed men DOnOINO IN ANU OUT Or a small SF.OAtl 8TOBE on tbo upper aldaof CUK.S NU1 Btrcol, below Ninth. It appaar. ttio proprbitor hsa been CUTTINd liUWK the prices ot bl. Seuara and To baoeo, r per cent, on all lila aloes, ssiii. b by tbe way Is rrara collection, thua atfJ-fa tf INFUINGING On bit piotlta for tbe benailt or his c.istoiiii;ra, wbo always (JO l'Olt IHM ! X' 1'- W HKA 8 11 A 1) . .1 J..7 lian.'la new Ef iiioiiiv 8. a Sli.ul, to arrive b stfi liter "Nniinan." For anl-by KKNNKUY. SI'MRSt A CO.. jepln M No. IDl'imil 11-' N. WIIAUVK3. 1 K W SALMON. 4. baritla No. 1 .Salmon. I .', l.arri-la No. i Siiltnotl. 1(4 . as.-a fiili cans hpu .-it Salmon. 'Jii i asea lotti cans -.pitad a.tiuion. Sow In atore and lor sab- by ..., KKNNEHY, STAlltts A CO., .0-.',t N... Mud ll N. WIIAIIVKS. -V" hV Ill.VK l-lsll, hCAI.K FISH, AND x Wlilt.- H-li. tinliantla new N. sxliiirvpnit I'.lne risli. :;r l.ui ! Is ii'ff .i S'.i d . uli- I i-h. fa. loin. Is M.i. .I'ar Whl-e I ).o hull h ini la Mm HMO Wll If I Ml. ".w ill st, re, anil I'.r kiM' l' M.NM'.liV. M Alllsl .t CO.. vTo.'t No,. I .0 audi 1N. tt II A lt 1: CA H 1 1 KTsTlATT I NOS , OILCLOTHS ANI) Window Hhadee, I'rnm ew York An.tiOil asa, (htltitly et.) Mii.nilt.ent ilrnsmls, .,' wit.', til;.'., 1 '". 1,, l'!s) and Kl'7'i; Imitation Urusaeli, (paiutial,) , wule, VO, Ko and uo cents ; h-1, P 4 and l'J 4 at propor tionate prtrcs; In. penal Carpets. i a; to l'7e per ynrdl Irom .1) .alit.U. tU'l.'Si V. neilan, Km, and llnnp, from :.7S to 7ft eents per i.r I ; Mailings, th. kirval aaaortnient ever oiler, it In pliiladi llitila, from .i7s; to 74 ems a yard, at tha .V w s.'iH Auction na'oa Ile pot. (lormerly Hull. low's,) lso. Ill Pi. hi:.'!.'. li tiuswt, ItrKt il,.r above Waluut, opis,ail Corn jitbu'e. J7-U1 (101'STY'S TKA WAUEIIOUSE. LSTA J bllaUtsl in IKS). 1'niwirt. r and llealer In l ine 'j'eaa, WLuea, and Liquor,, Choice Havana IHnara, Crow liiaokweil'i l'lckloa and Baucoa Relish und Bcotoh Aia and I'oiUir, Can, ied Meati, Frulta, nuup, Ao. Havy kloBiei put np with care, eYltto. Ill . KK.CONU Ktreet. i8 ly JU.-.UUA U. COLBl'T. AUCTION 8ALE8. MACK FY'S AUCTION ROOMS, No. 32 MARXCT Rtrssat. JJ . MAU1IAIVH HAL.12. 300 BALE3 AND 61 BAGS COTTON. SAMUEL C. COOK, AUCTIONEER. H ylrtuenf a writ of tale, by the firm. .lohn fadwalader, J.idireofthe Ivtitrlet i'rt of n utl,tM gt.t.a.m and tor the Fa.teni ni.trti t of Penn.yWanla. In admiralty, to m. dire. te l. will be sold at public sale, to the highest and beat bidder, for rash, at f 0. I 11 N. FltONT STHP.KT.nF.I.OW ItAfT., On MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1864, AT 13 O'CLOCK, 300 Bales and 61 Bags Cotton, Bein ('is of relict unknown. CutnlorfiiCsj now radj. WILLIAM MILLWAED, a.'d '.t M.S. MAKSIIAL.K I. of TESN A. SILK AND DRY GOODS JOBBERS. JNDIA EHAWLS AND BCAErS. GEORGE FRYER, No. .H, CMII .SNTTT STKI'.IOT, Has received li a FALL IMPOItTAlION of KKAL IM)1A SHAWLS, I.0NU AD BQIAKR. With a few Cliolce FALL UOOU14, to which the attention ofthe Ladles ia Invited. ae7-!2t J) i:lN JillM A 1IOUTON, . No. 322 CHESNUT STEEET, Now (let (o the tra-l fnitrn1fy a full lint of very 2cri;t.on of whiti: (loous, l.ACi: GOODS, i:muiu)iiiuiiks, AND REAL WELSH FLANNELS, ALL OF THEIR OWN 11IBF.CT IMPORTATIOS. ao7-l.t FALL, I HTOCK ( FALL, ih i. SXOW IS STORE.) iho4. EDMUND YARD & CO., Nos. 617 Oheenut and 614 Jajne Streets. IMPOltlEltS and jonrtF.BS or SILKS AUD FANCY DRY GOODS, SHAWLS, LINKNH, ANU W1IITH GOODS. LAKOF. AND HANDSOME 8TOCK OF DRESS GOODS. FULL LINE OF FORKION AND DOMESTIC IMCLttDlKO a'20-ni HRUNER'8 AND OTHER MAKES. 104-1 CMI'.SNUT KTItF.KT. I'OIl IlIOIDUUIKH, LACES, WIIITK GOODS, VEILS, lIANliltiaileillEaVrt. E. M. NEEDLES. IOl CHKSNUT HTHKKT. "i;leoant goods for ladies. just J J i erclvt'd, Ur nnl superior loi of Hut Kriiifh "tt orked lttd, J( tm-t K'IkIiikn a al liiKorllniti, ThrtHd Lme VflU,lnlnt W matl, Mih-ii Pfttti, An. Atno, an eipRHiit Mnortment of Ilkiidf-onin I.iu ('ndi'mlfevei, and Fn It.-. I HoiMom Jiint arrtil from Hrvr York,ly lntoht ImpnrUUona per kUumer, tid at enln-mflv Uw prtcfNi. Mr. K. A. HOVK. Nu Hurt AHCM Htret, Three Uuora abov ihtli tn'e4, acH-.'tt Houtli at ill IEDIOLNAL 00D LIVES OIL JOHN O. BAKKB & OO., No. 718 MARKET BIBKF.T, ara bow reeelvliiK their aupplle. fresh from tha flsheiias. Tba aup'rlorlly of their OIL luarer re.taact, baa italiM4 fur it a repatatlon and .ale bautid any other found lo tha market. To maintain It, thej are deteniilnssd to anpply an article that may be entirety relied on fur freahnea. and purity. Hee le.tiliioiilals of I'lofeaaora of MtsdtCAl CalleHea. null QnoiKJU mti'vuh, an., MAUUrAOTDEINQ MACHINIST AMD KNGINEEK, a?7-im No. Ull N. HKC'OND ST..'lphU. CTKAM IIKATINO FOU FACTOUIHS, iT Mills, At. Heated with director senate nteatn. Also, colls tor l.eulera,ciiiidi'iis..ra. evaiMiratora. ve. al-lm l ulth.M AN, No. jt N. HIM'll Strsset. CIOFFKF. AND 11 ASPREUUY. AI.KX. J .Ml IXKU A t'O , Proprietor, of tlia Old Ooveriimeut PIIKPAKKK J K A Cut tt.H, liave Itemoved tlielr pleee of liusliiuaa troua No 3IH N. h.eoiid sir. et to No. 'il l AK.'II Hir.'..t, wio-re tl.ey ara Dtepaieri to till all oriler. at the shortest notice whu h trio iiubjlc nine ta.orttieiM with. Their itoiree la, a. uatial,th Last in the luar kot. They a Uo have the heal IIASPIIIUIKY MY KL'P that I. manufacture d In Uie cliy.l Vll at iowoat price., the lilk'l. prices of mittunal. Ptenae vise lli'-ni a uull before purchasing claewhera, lio not lorkcl u.e liuuihtr, auln lu No. 211 AlK'Il Street. QVKKN OK BEAVTY. AVIIITE VIRGIN Wax of Antl'lea la the moat perrort propuraiion of P.e aje, for hi'Miitilylnii, whltenlnc, and preaerviiiK the complexion. It I- made from pure 'Vr hue Wax, h.'ioc It. extraor.uiiary oiiallli.s lor prea.!rlnx ttie .Lin, uinknK it .of', .imavtht toll, sod triinsji ireo'. I' .'ur s . ' hiimls or I1'a. r.'tnovfa l.lruiil.s, . c. Price aod ."si .'fiiu. M.tnul.'Uir. 0 o iv i.v in i . i .)., i eriuiuera. No. tl K. Kl.iUTll et: 1 door- aoove ( livsnol, nn& tll-lu No. l it 8. li.VLNTU 8Uettb i;hTA'lK OF KLIZ.V lltJWAUD BU1U), J i dec. I.... I. 'i he AioiitiT iippolfite.! tiyt tie Orphan s'foiirt for the! 'Ity and tvtint.' ol Plillnileipliia 10 amt'i. seltlo, anil ...loist tho seconiland Dual ii.'coniit i f Key. ti.W. til CA" UK I', l l Kl I K. I'ltlttK, JiiM.I'll II. NM:N.,and F.UWAItl) hltll'pi:N. F.s'ltliles, l'.. enters of ri o iiisl will und teste, -mini ol 1 I l.A lloWAUD l'.titt. ce rnvl and to nmke tllatiil.nti.'n of ttie haliincu ill the lian.l. of the HiCi'iii:t.ii Is, will niei't tlic p.irlt' s int.' r.--ti' 1 inr the pnr-iiot.-sol lii apiioiiiiiii. lit, on W KIsNLsiL.A Y. ett i.u-ujb.'r II. I-..I nt II ...I...S A. M , ul Ins ollice, lio. 717 WAI.M T Mruet, in UigCityol Phiia.l. tphla. JU11N CLAYTON. c3-stuth.'.t Au.litor. WAR CLAIMS, liOVMIKS, IKNSIONS, PAY, and ail dex rlptlon of claim, against tin. 1 nite.l htatea tlovcrniiicnl tuiiuate.l and coll.-cl. d. PKIr: LY Wu hase a full liat of luUea nun pay ulilu, aud ins- uioaiCf can ce roiiti't.-.i ai onco. Appi' or s. niu tu (..tUlti.ii CltAI.'l Ji II III. fll Kit. Army and Nat v t'lultn As'i nt., aiil;-ln. ' o. tvi V. Al.Kl 1 auret. j JUM. M. ti. UROWN'H GEEAT METAFHT15I0A1 ilSOOVESZ VOn DEAFNESS, NOISES IN THE HEAD, DISCHARGES FROM THK EAR, CATARRH, NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM, ASTHMA, BCROFUH, 1IKONCHIAL AFFECTIONS, THROAT DIFFICULTIES, Diaeaae.l Kvea. I.osa of Hair, Dyspepaie, Knlarjrenieat of the Lis er, M. ease of the Kidneys, Constipation, liiasel, Pile a, Insanity, Flla, Paralyalt, Rush in" lllood to the Head, f "NHUM l'TIOIV, With all and every 41.e.,e -.Mc, inf.,,. u,, hm "red ellectually by " MJIM. M. ti. IIIIUWN'H METAPIIT8I0 AL DISOOVESY. PRICE $. OFriCF.S S-No. 410 ARf'H 8trMli PhllKdr.phla N. M HON I) Street, M,w Yort, and at ho. H PtMnKKToK 8.,uare. Hoei.. No horlnrr with Instrumente. No I'lowine. in (he eara. No aniiltlnir tip the nnatrll. or Intmdwlnt wirei No poortiid medicine, down the throat. Ihe MKl APIIYlsu.AI. KIMOOVBBV trill reaeh ererf Pot Hint druita ami InatruineliU will reach, and tliea. .no.laoi plnrea licaldcs. T'r.itti i miKi.ty and mint prevail; error li Imoref tiated " tli .1. all- ouae iueutiy uiual aooner or later .ink Into oh.lvlon. In all the universe there Is notlilne ao completely .wal lowed up in error eathe facta, foroo., and con race "" ,,'-,'':' "J m""t conatltutloaoflhe Thi. sad slate of thlnaa I. Ihere.tilt of lunoranre and Min.lni a.on i the part of thoae wbo prof,'., to admlnl.tar health an. lite to th. people, while in feet, tho majority iKiiorct oil from the siateni altogether. All Phraica rind tlii lr exlatenee In l.letephyalc, and can nerer be undee trioil apert from the same. I her.- are men wbo make bualnees of treallne apn--i-lli i.imsH. Hi., prepare Inurnment., too Oaet.arooe lotliti.k ot, wlih which to eaperlment on poor allly rlo lima. who have strength, nellher phs.lcally nor mentally, to ni.d. riio audi .(enr ,euliiw rremmflili. v. He who creiiti d ilie human body alwaya apeak, of It a. miKhty whole, and the mm must be a knave or fool who would attempt to divide the ayalem Into aeetlona, and treat nny disease apeeltleally, Independent sf the narta or nilshty whole to which they beloinr. All inch pracli'lon era treat s riK. rs, but know nothli.K of the carse wbat evor. 1 ho I the world I. enthlna. leaa than a vaat hospital. T healaimlniicon.llUon of llie peop e phyalcally, espe cially the younu, who ureold with dlsea.e before they bama Ui hud Into llle.t..Ketherwllh..OT.adeperieneolnoavln been bereaved ol dear frteno., who havo paaaed lut untimely Braves by being oporated on. ' These clrcumataneea, with many other a whl Ob mlM bo mentioned, an. an Irresistible atlmulu. to the people to demand of every man who has the life and health of them .eHes and their loyed ones In hi. Iianda.and I. continually ailminlaterlUK me.ll. Inc. which the patient I. not alloweil to know the name or natureof, I .ay under theaeoircumateneeo the veople have a rtuht to d. mandof every ueh plirak-laa tolumlah them with a chart of hla character, that ther lunjr know hla quallncatlnna, Ae., He, ; Indeed every phyal clan ahnuld tie compelie.1 to have It hnnit up In kl. otneo nt all hours. It le only thromth this channel that tho public on bare any aately or xuarantee lor what u moss) dear to It-life and health; otherwise life may be In I no hand, of a man more tiuoluTed for blaokamlth than m lyslrlan. In tM. way Inherent nnallflcatlnna, which are In d linen -sable in a physician, are aure to he detee'ed and exhibited. Were llila universally done, thousand, would leave tliclpro lesalon which nature never .tnalllled Uiem for. if nature qutilltto. not there can tie no suitable .juiilitlcation, as. to order to detect the first cause of dl.ease. It I. reiiulaite enA In.lispenaahly ne.e.eary to Inherit C'aaualty. MeUphy ali al Power and I'onstriK'tlv.'iie-. muat alao ho Inherited l.y all who would be aucceaalul In flndlntan antldot .i.iii.viur.wiijiiiK cauiroi uiaeasc. Tneeavls .,, ,., ,,,,. ... t oauoereacneu wltueerU; but llie one I have dcaerlbcd. Iheretore 1 .ay wttti oonfidenee tntha wri ... i. t. throuuh liilierlliiix theae rare combinations of character tliat I liayo been enabled to detect the tlratoau.eof disease. Tho cause Is not, ua many wppou it te be. a dlanase t p la en Insulted law between soul nnd oody.whleh.the Apsat'e Paul tells us, I. alwaya warrliut xalnat each other. Thl. law senda forth stoppuea. theae stoppage produce dlseaae lu diverailled tonus, and if dlaeaae la experimented en or tampered with it laSe. a firmer grip of the constitution end multiplies In other firm a ana other locahtle. of tbo i stem, thua destroying the whole machinery of thehnnua body. liemember, tliePtomach and the Llrer heve aothlrurta do Willi ihe cauaeof llie disease. The treating of these .,.....,.. ... , .... .., ooiooua hi aa uattmely gra.e. Wlih confidence I .ay to the world that my Metaphysi cal lllicovery ia tho only remedy ever allured to the world which will thoroiiK'ily annihilate the root of dlaeaae Tho discovery conalsta ot three dlafinot preparation. : one for the scalp, one for the eye., and one for tho eara. These work In conjunction, and airlko at the root of all dlseaae. When I sa all, I mean every diaeuae that over lul'oated Uie human body. A LADY 1M THK LASTSTAOE OF COHrJUMPTlOSt From tins ILsston Journal. Jn.rV7,HM.-l,Mrs. Knncy Hloan, of No. HS Warrco do ceitify that I have been eltllcted tcrlo jeiira. My right .hie was ao pnralyied that I could not lie on II. During that time I .aiterad from ca tarrh, acre throat; would cough from on. to live huura at atlme; was very nervou. ; aoldom could alisgp at nlaht! I bad a lung fever two year, .luce, which reduced me to hkeleton. I had all the medical advice aud medicine, uioi ev could procure, but all to no purpose 1 wa. la.t .inking in the last staw of oonaumptlon. I wai condned to bed when Hrs. II. i. llrown'. Melnphyaical Dlscovorr waa sent f. I. 11 wa. applied according to direction 1 felt no better, but rnther worse Ux aoiuo time My frlenda wanted me to give up, laying It would kin me ; ll at 1 waa too far gone and too weak to try anything mote, lint my mother .aid I would die If I did not Und telle! In Ihe lilsoovery ; and a. It wa. the last trial to euro lue aiie would continue it. Wo aooo found that It waa tho circulation which wa. rushing lulo nir ay.tem which waa taking etrecu Aa the circulation kept Incieaalng my dla eaae l..-kan to break up. It waa alx week, ofter I began to apply the medicine before I could gather atrensth to u lira. M. II. llrown. aod than 1 nad to have help. The aecond time 1 ventnred I went without help, and Ihe third time I found my woy without any dif ficulty. I began the use of the Metaphysical Dtacoverv in M. iv, end llie result la on thi. 27th of July, that health and trength ia Inst returning to my emaciated frame. My paralyzed aide la reatored to vigor; lean now reat well on It. Jay catarrh In goue. My cough, my nervoua n.'sa. and acre Ihroat are gone. I aleep well. All invlr regularltle. have dl-appeared, and I mu.t acknowledge that, by thepn.vl.lenee ol K1, 1 was dlrocusd to Uie uae of Mia if . (I. llrown a Uetaphyalcal Dlsoovory. and by It laken from the mouth of the grave and reatored to mi family aod Inn. .la. I knew at. dlseaaee are gone and a general circulation ha. taken place, but exueot It will taka time to regain my loot tleehand atrougkn. REMAKKAU1E Cl'ItP. OF IIKAPNF.SS OF TWKNTr I, John A Newcomh, of iJalu. y, do certify that I have hfttn entirety deaf In my left ear ftir twenty years, and for the iwat Hi years my right oar ha. been eo deaf that I oould uot hear conveiaatlon or public apeaklng ot any kind. 1 could not hear the churoh bell, ilug while 1 wag .Itllug in It.e church. 1 have alao been troubled for a num. ber ol sear, with a very aoro throat, n that 1 wa. oiliged to glse up .Irgtng In church, for 1 had Inat my volceT 1 had great trouble In my head, lenihie noisea, almo.t to eraxinuaa. My head lelt numb and atupld, and waa a auurce ol oonstant trouble to uie. I tried every remedy that could be thought of I went to aariat.tbut a. they wanted to uae Instrument. I would have nothing to do with them. About one noutb alnce I obtained Mra.M. ( hrown'a Motaphyalcal lliaooyerv.and used it ncor.l'iig to I lie directions on the liottlee. And the result 1. that the healing of boih ear. 1. perfectly reatored ao thai 1 can hear aa wellaa any man. The greet tmuhae la my head ia entirely iinni'. My tiead feel, perlectly eaay and al reat. My ihroat, which was ao dlaeaaed, la entirely enrol, and I base re.-overed my olce again. I would take une thousand dollar, lor the renettl I have received iu the uae ol Mrs. Itrowu . Meiapblcel Lltaooverj. KKMARKAItl.E f't'lt OF UIS;11I Altl'.ES FROM TUB FA it. KISKAHKI) KYK8, ANII LOSM otp istlu" 1 HS'T. pun Al.Ki.i nia, Sen'eniber 7, lll.t. Henry Marrllle. J.-lteraon aiieet tne.r Mr. a coal yard), tlo." ' uiautown. do i-ei tin t tat my son -loatiua t'asx brain fever an.) citairn on the rreaa', which iett with diachargee Horn the ear an. dlai a-e.l eye. The clachargea eiasid Ilia esra I.. cune .ulte large and vunatural. cover, d with arab. 1 1 e pillowa liad to le changed durinr ttie ll:ol, so saturated w ere they with the dlscnargea ; It w mild lie luinoaslhi.. to deacrlbe llie o lilitlun of hfa eyea M s l.imily p!,ysn iii said he would go blind, lilt Intellect al.o heroine llopaireil. that he cared n't to be. or play wlih ilill.'r.n. He to. no notice ol anything around him. None but the parent i an tell what our sulTorma wero Ul look on our cliltd iu this condition. Moat providentially, about one year ago, I aaw Mr. M ... Iirowu s "lieiupliy.l. al Ills. ovcry advertlaed In the l nt.irr. I went to ti e Ottl.e, 410 Arch .treet, ana procured ihe medii'tne. M v wile applied It laltlitully ami BerseveriuglT. The medicine wo-ked .lowly at Ilia Iiegiiiiitng, but ttilist e persevered, and the result I. that our son la entirely cured of his oisi-asc. ilia lutellco. h.-enia to have anaVened out of tt.ealeep of death. Hoi considered now a till. lit and intelligent boy. Tho du eling.', from hlaear. have entirely ceased, and hi. cure Lave become small avid nutnral. Ilia eves are clear ami strong. My wife anil luj self uro w,-p Kattsiied vvi'h t'lo treat cure perlonin d on our chl'd by Mra. M 1 1 Hrotvu's Mi tai livslral Hlvcuvery.ttnd Uloat h. aitily commend It to all v. lio inner. Mis. M. .1. llrown'. (Vi bral.d V.-hatd-a r. ai. r. s.1 t er , amall kic J5 cents, xka p Ku.'iov'a .1 , (I 'VI L.OI11S. A ItVMATlH A1U.F CVKV. OF BUNDKKSa. rAM-i.HiA.C W.JulyiM.lfH..,. Mri. M. M. Ilrowv . ltt ur Mtidum 1 nwe bt-eu unite bluiti ka my riKltt -o m tew, nair., 1 Inive been to iit'wl dtt:tor, vhiu lu irl ei.uld rc-turf my fycNK-ht, tuit ttu'y nevT duuti io nny Piinil, 1 ppont Imi'mg bumtj ut' taionuy In trV4)lnu La wi.vif 1 lit-urd tlruru vert) dutuia who con'd Lnrni mu but none oi il.tia t t riM do me an ywod- 1 tii.Mitiiit my tunc ln-i-tU.!s, until told by a fri. ud u coulilit-Uave tue, 1 lit !) u tin m.I m id 'i ui-s-d y utr 4 Mcuiuhyf ii nl !). t-o. ij . " atu. In t ci!t -ti'iir .uri afti r tU ilmttrertt iiu iit. I . .'tiki ttie quilt dittucU. 1 Hiu my thtuiaviul lor Liy d it -I Hin'. 1 nuium urs.tiuiy, Ihe tekbra.d Poor klc'iard'o Eye Water, fl) twAsT zc. 'Jo ctnta. SUC, 'Jo cttita. So. 410 Allt'll !--- Ko. 410 ARtlH gcalp ltenovator, tl. clO f5& nt SIXTH ANU HiXS' READY-MADE CLOTHING AND FINE TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT, NOTll) i'OH HANaUSOMK SXYLKS, r.EASONAELK lTvICES, AND POLITENESS TO CUSTOMERS. B.E. COliKKB
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers