JUST RECEIVED, from tbe BOSTON Manufactory, A QUAHTItr OF WINDOW GLASS, Ofy different si%ei, FOR SALE By ISAAC HARVEY, J*v. B. Anyftzeor fi*e»that maybe waived oil larger than 18 by 1 a.can be had from said manuta&o ry, on being ordered; and attention given to tor ward on any orders that may be left for that purpote Applv at No. 9, South Water-ftrcet, as above. July 8 dlf WAR DEPARTMENT, PROPOSALS WILL be reeled at this Office until the feve.ith day of April next for cutting: out cloathißg for the Army of the United States. The propol'als mult fpccify the price required for cutting out each of the several articles, to wii, Horseman's cloaks, regimental coats, veils and overalls. PROPOSALS will also !»e received until the fcvuith «Uy of Apri* »cxt for the delivery of five thousand bats and twenty thotfand ftiirts. The hits to be madfeof good wool to he well raa r.oTifturecJ, Tail cocked, bound with narrow t>'.acfi binding, the fan ©r hin<4 part eight inch en brcai, fides and corners fix inches broad.— The (birls to be of linen equal in quality with the pattern article, and to as well made as he (aid pattern. One hair of the hats and shirts tobif d«liver f>n or before the Qrft day of RCXt » an< * the remainder on or before the firll day of July next- Patterns of the several articles be seen at the Milit ry Stores kept by John Harris,on the wharf between Arch and Race streets. Security will be reqiired. JAMES Mc. HENRY, Secretary of War. dts A. Marrli 7 WATER-OFFICE. Centre Square, Pebeuaij 5, 180 c. IN compliance with the inftru&ions of the Committee forwatering the city, and with my own inclinations, every possible 'admit tance and information has bacn given to those citizens who have visited the Works during their prcgrefs. The Engines are now arrived, and are immediately to be put up, and it is hoped that it will he thought rea fonableond just, both to the Public, and to the Contractor for the Etii'ines, that the workmen ftiotild not he interrupted. As a very few months will fully gratify the cu riolity of the citizens, by (hewing them the F.tjginf! in full operation, a temporary ex rlufiou of all vifitorsfrom the Engine houles Cannot appear improper. B. H. LATROBE, Engineer. February 13. dtf. WILL BE EXPOSED TO SALE, (At Public Vendue) On Scaoiid Day, the 24-ti of t'cis Instant, ON THE MEVISES, SEVERAL LOTS OF LAND, PLEASANTLY fituatad on the main road leading from Philadelphia to New York, in Lower Dublin townfoip, ifi th« ccunty of PliiUdel pVie, between the 10 and il reiie stones, contain ing from one to five acres each; one othtr Lot, containing about thirty acres, lying on the road leading from said road to Buflieton ' there arc »n fai£ lot a good Hone dwelling houfc, a good apple oi chard, ahout fix acres of "well timbered land, the remainder cleared and in a good state of cul tivation. for further particulars, enquire of the owner, on the prrmifes. JONATHAN PAUL. j«3 month, 13th. I[Bt TIIE UNDERSIGNED, HIS Majefty's CenJul Oeneral, and au thorized to the Consular Business, for his Majefly the King of Denmaak in the United States of America, residing at Philadelphia, Hereby gives public Notice, That in obedience to recent received from hi* government, it is the duty of all Makers of Swedilh and Danifli veflels, before thcin failing from iiiy port iu the said States, to call upor him or the Vice Consul, in order to he granted such Certificates for their Cargoes, which the exigency of the slate of the Neutral Commerce ani the fe ver 1 Decrees at the Belligerent Power?, render indlfperfably ncceffary, and, that any Matter of veJTeJs belonging to the rcfpe&ive nations, or na vigating aader the protection of thair flags, in omitting to taks such certificate#, will personally stand re'povfible for the consequences. RICHARD SODERSTROM Philadelphia, iSth DecemHer, 1799- VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE About 25 acres of Ldnd, LAYING on the east fide of the Falls Road.— On tha F.alt it is bounded by property belong ing to Mr. Tench Francis, fen.—on the south, by a road two perches, and on the north by a lane, which separates it from Mr. M'Call. It is propo sed to divide this land into 3 equal part* in order to fait the purchafers> Also, 31 acres, fituatcd on the waft fide of Germantown road, adjoining Mafters'a estate, being part of the property of the lata Samuel Mifflin. For terms apply to Samuel MilHin, corner orf Market ind nth itreets. January 24. dtf. TWENTY DOLLARS REWARD. RAN AWAY on Saturday evening the 13th July instant, from Ccdebrook Furnace, Lancaster county, a Negro Man named Opto, he is about 40, years cf age, five feet fix or se ven inches hign, tolerable black, with a down itt look, fquinti, lie is a cunning artful fellow, a great liar, and very fond of strong liquor, has been brought up to the farming buftneis, is very handy at any kind of laboring work ; he .toek with him a number of clothing, amongfl which were, one fwit plairt Nankeeii ; (forne money). It is expe<Sed he has shaped his course fcr Philadelphia or New York. *+ * The above reward will lie pai'l for fc curiae him i n any gaol in the United Statei, with reasonable charges if brought home. s SAMUfiL 'JACOBS. Coltbroek Furnace, Jaly iC, 1799: (OH) NICKLIN and GRIFFITH HAVE FOR SALIi fmal! chests of Ginghams, on board 4 ditto ot colored Muflinets, the ship 4 hales of St. Fernando Serges, \^Neftor,in 4 ditto of Camblets, j the liver 10 ditto of colored and white from Caftimeres, J Liverpool 14 trunks of printed Cal'icoes, The above are im small a [forte J packages calculated either for the IVeJI India or bcn.e trade. 30 tons Lead, in pigs, 8 t«nsof dr> White Lead in hhds. 17 calks of fine dry Yellow Paint, 6 ditto of Mineral Black, I ditto of dirto White* 10 ditto of Colcothar, 3 ditto of Purple Brown, 10 cases Engiifn China Ware in ft»u9, 36 calks of Nails aflbrted, 300 barrels pickled Salmon, 80 half ditto ditto, 80 barrels Herrings, a© ditto Shad, 10 ditto Mackare!, 7 calks of Porter ia bottles* to puncheons Rum, 190 pipes of Brandy, 4th proof, 15 pipes old Madeira Wine, 27 quarter chests Young HyfonTea, 13 boxes of Imperial flitto, Englifli Gunpowder, HF Forged Copper Nails aud Bolts, SailCanvafs, En»pty WineßottUf, Cork in (heets, Green Ceffie in hhds. February 13 March 6, i&oo, UNSEATED LANDS. THE OWNERS OF Unseated Lan<is in Wefcmoreknn county, Pennfylvaria, arc hereby notified, that an left the Taxis due on (aid lands for 1798, are paid into the hands of Join Brandon. Esq. tredfmer of said county, on or before the aotn of April next, they will l>e advertised for fzle, as the law diredU JAMES M'GREW, HENRY ALLSHOUSE, I Cmm'rs. JEREMIAH MURRY, J January 18. m TREASURY DEPARTMENT. Marsh U 1799. PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, Purfuailt to the a<s> >-f O.'njTrfr pafied cn the ill day of jWt, one : hofl'jr.d, ft veil hun dred and niftety fix, enti'ted i( iSi regutot* ingthe grants impropriated for mili tary ft?rvices» a/ul for tiie y of Utjiied Brethren for propagatm. the golpd the Heathen and fupplerne»taiy to tlie faiil recited a& pafledun I'he iVt<»i»d ii.»y oj M»rch, uKetboufand seven hundred aadniuC' lyuine ■ —•to ivtt, t. THAT the trad! of Lj.nd herein afwr u;- (cribed, nan>.eiy, " beginning at the North Weft corner of t!>e fcveß ranges of townftups, and running thence fifty OiiLs due fomh, along the western boundary ©t the laid ranges thence due Weft to the Main Branch o* tIK Scipto ci vtr ; thence up the Main Branch of the said ri ver to the place whire the Indian boundary line crofl"«s riie iamt ; —whence along the •aid boun dary Ijne to the Tufcarora* branch of the Muf kin glim river at. the crofting place ab. v c Fort Lawrence; thence down ihefa id rive;- r to the point whore a line .run djw* weft from t;be place of b©cifr*i»g» wil interfc(fl the said nvcr ; thence along the hne so run to tha place of be f> inning"■?" has been divided into town (hip? of hvc miles fquarc, and fra^ibiialparts of town ships ; and that plats and furvfcys of tbff !aid townships and fra&ional ports of townlhips are deposited in the offices of the Remitter of tlie Treasury and Surveyor General, for the inflec tion of all perfop.s concerned. The holders of Puch warrants as havr been or fhaU-be granted for military lcrvicesperform ed during the late war, are required to present the farr.e to the KegiJler of the Tre-afwry, at some tin.e prior to the tweHth day of February in the year, one thousand eight hundred, for the purpose of being rrg-iftered ; No registry will however be made of any els quantity thaa a quarter umnlhip, or foi»t thou land acre*. 111. Tha priority of locawon of the warrants which may be prefegtcd and R manner afore• foid, prior to the illhday of February in the year on<* tboufand tight Uun-U'ed, wiM immediate ly after the said day, be d-c**rmined hy k)t, in the mode dreferibed by the act firft recited. !V The holders of raftered warrants, shall on g ec,icr ™} fV \ a coach hottfe and Oabla, finite in Monday the 17th day of February, In the year , the flcuriftwng; vtfiage of Frankford. Ihe houf-, 1800,1 n the order ot which the priority as locati* j which may be entered the firft cf June next, will on (hall be determined by lotas aforefaid, pefon- fioiflicd in the neatest stile with m: ny conven:- ally.or Uy thsw* agents, defigaate in wrkingat tht finces, and will l»« welt adapted t> a largfc gentce. oifice of the Register of the Treasury, the partiou- ! famil y wh ° nil 7 wi<l) to rtf, ' ie 1,1 thc du !ar quarter townikips ele&ed by thsm ring the fumnaer fcafon. In exchartjfC, jt will be and such of the said holders as lhall not designate valued low, if a vcflel offer that may be luitsble. their locations on the said day, (ball be postponed further particulars will be made known by ap iw locating such warrants to all othar holders of plication to: • rcgiftercd warrant®. The holders of warrants for military ferviccs fufficient to cover one or more quarter townilip; ifuitrJ Statej, ? a or trails of four thousand acreseach ; iliall. at aj y | Pennsylvania District. > time after Monday the 17th day of Ft'uruiry, >B®c \ ' v>/tt-vt and prior to the firft day o) January, 1802, be al- BY ADj()UKN.-lr.N i lowfcl to regitler »hc said in mnnncr .1- forefaid, andforthwitn tomakc legations therefor T> Y virtu? of a writ of venditioni exponas,so on »ny trad or tradts of land not before located, jJj me ditedtrd, ifii.ed o«t of the circuit co;trt AH warrants or claims for lands on account of n ; a Diftj-tfl, of the middle circuit, wHI be fold military services, which (hall not be regifterzd and vendue a: the cirv tavern, in Second located l>;fore the firfttlay of January, ,Boa, arei , y ft i(| tl ,. r .; ty of Philadelphia on Satur the fupplenicncary aflof Cougrefs l«rc. n W<W d the (h d u | A _j, Dafl at 7 o'clock in r /TV a w° D v """] day " fM " ch .'?99. tkc ereuing, all that certain tract or parcel of declared to be forever barred. , . „ , , » • i • Glveß under my hand at Ph.ladelphia, th« lir,d i S " d C " ~ be r " ef *""■ day and year abo« "« k called, I ackJM-axen, m the county or OLIVER WOLCOTT. Wayae, contawmg Kooc acre. and upward. , « f j on which an- erected a metiuage, liable* and • ec. <f jf idiMtry. j durn j]| j with the appurtenances. —The names TREASURY DEPARTMENT, '"' r proprietors of certificates iliiied iorfvf)- bbel Afedcru A fcriptions to the Loan bearing interest at .<7 ? ■/, !• eight per per annum, are notified, thp.t ' /lJ ' at any time after payment fnall have been made Georgd Titi, of the sth inftalcjent, which will become due ' Thomas J> during the firft ten days of the month of July George Morton, enfning, Certificates of Funded Stock may at ' (7 eerg? Strecton y ' their option be obtained at the Treasury or Loan ]7, ,; €Kl l Srreetvn Offices, refpe&ively, for the amount of the four j Q/^baut firft or orc moiety of the stum e* ' v -_ Q prefTeclin the fwbfctiption certificate?: —ISV cer- Seized and tificates of Funded Stock will hfoweverbe :flued J Robert Let $»3 Hoopen, deceased. for less than one hundred dollars. I JOHN HALL* Marshal, Such Ascription certificate. a. may fee pre- j NB _ A ~[ af(, n abU, u . cdit w ;|) be ented at the ireaiury or Loan Unices in con- . ~ f ' cqneoce of the foregoin;; arrnngement, will be , " a ' s ,ce ' ndoH'cd ard diftindlly marked so as to denete, Philadelphia, March 17. eots A tbatinsoety of the Hock rhas!beer, issued. . rU/e two trails do not aM«i„ tb t full ULlVbli rVUL.L.J 1 1, quantity of th\c orignal war rant { J fait of them Secretary of the Treasury. haiin% been conveyed away. d6m A NW MUSICAL REPOSITORY IS NOW OPEKKD At Chalk's Circulating Library. No. 75 North Third Street, WHERE may be had, all the Fajbiontble Mtsti compofiug the songs &c. lately fold at tte RcpoOtory in South Second Street. To which, /n a few days, will be added, some PIANO FOtt. of a very superior tone and quality, Flutes, Fifes, Violins, licit Roman Violin Strings, and every other article in the mufic.il line, which will be lold in prinie order, and on the mo ft reafona'jls tsrihs. Subfcriptioni received for the Mnjteal "Journal (or the Piano Forae, and the Flute or Violin, thw fir ft lix numbers oi which are already pub lifted, and way be purchifed tog. ther or f.parately by nun luqfiprilicr«- March 6,1800 Mathcw Irwin «fid on tTit Bth V V day of July J797 make an alignment ot'fcis ell ate to us the fubferibtrs, for the be nefit of fiich of liis creditors, as should on or before the aoth of September, 1797, execute to him a full and finaj discharge—Now chafe Jfhi- creditors who are entitled to a dividend under laid aflign ment are rtquefted to furnifti their founts to Samuel Mcekosr, with interefi calculated t<p to the Bth day oi July. 1797, as a dividend will abfolutc ly be struck on the firft day of April next, and those who neglect to comply with this notice will there after be excluded ffonv the benefit ot the fame. Philip Nicklin I Nutb'l lewis, by bis Ads. j* pnvlsfj Pearson Hunt fohn M. Taylor Philadelphia, Public ar cautioned against receiving the * Subfcrrbcrt Note in favor of, and ir.dor fed by Thomas VV. Francis, dated veftertlay, at 6oihyi attei* rlate for eight hundred "dollars. The riot»is in the Uand writing of the Snbfcri ber, and at the hottf m a memorandum by ihe indoiler, to the credit of the drawer, Thomas W. Francis M his note together with a con* trt.tfl between Charles WilKamfon, and Charles Hale for ianus in township, No. 4, fti the <l)> 'r.vnge o¥ Skrn&er county, fltte o? Nev/ijerfey, andTiffK'iy either popees c- ntsined m 2 Pocket BOOV w#-re taken from the Subfcrihcrs >!*fk I aft evening. As 'he kbove can be erf no use t*> ti c perfen has carried them V ff, fhhculd the v b;. ritwUieiL no questions.(hall be asked. rebri'ivv j A CERTIFICATE o( one i-hsre «tf the cf the United States, No. zp,i iq, in the name ot Lewis Pi ter'Qni'tyn, a Certificate oi'two Shares«f the faiil oar.k, No it; the name o! ]«'">< s l 1 loi Oh> <2ch', ▼'cru Che'.U'rtichi Brio'b VVickti tor Fd-r.ouih »v!- c!i was captured hy the Ft\ ' ti.c t.\ vt lo'l or destroyed, and fcr which application i* nV.ide at said l>ant for the renewal thereof, of winch aii pvrfoiu concerned arc v!clij ed to take hotise. CLEMENT BIDDLE, February 11 'i O BE bOlA) FOlt CASH, «) K }■ > I'HANOKU, For property Hi tbc- City, vr wit bin thirty f\ PLANTATION or trad! of Land in Jl\. Miffliri County 2nd State of Pennfylva r.ia, within £x miles of the river Juniata, con taining aboet 3-0 acres. There are about fifty acres cleared, part ot which is a rich battels* watered' by a conliant flu am that is strong ettonph to work an oil or a gritt mill. Any person inclining to deal for it, may obtain fur ther lr. tarnation by applying at-the-oific * or this ;u» N. b. If fold, crtd't wik be gives fcr pan of the money. FOR HALE Or lo 1 c exchanged for a g "o<3 Vcflei, A N elegant new two-story FRAME HOUSE, JCm. twenty fev.-n feet front by th»rty-four in depth, with a commodious piazza and kitchen,to*-' MOORE WHARTON, 1 FeSruj-ry 14, NOTICE. m&th.tf CAUTION. SAMUEL MIFFLIN, NOTICE. G.^tO vales of it y TV/, IT £:'isr., Bffijamh Hancock, Edw.ird Wefsted, James Thompson, Joseph Whitehead, Patrick Coniiolly. 7% oi)} at Grijfy, ) William lialbert. y "Territory of the United States, North IVeJI of the river Ohio. For the information of non residents, proprietors of lands situate and lying within said territory By a law ftassed in the general assembly of said territory, on the 19tb of December, A. J). 1799, entitled "Ah Ad levying a Territorial Tax on Ltnd," alt lands within said territory, the property of individuals, non-residcits, as well as\ residents 5 are subjected to taxation to de defrjiy territorial expences. EXTRACTS FROM SAID LAW Published by '\>Khor;t See. 8. And Is it further evaded, li ar there shall be paid within this territory, the following taxes, for every hundred acres of land, and so in proportion for a grealer or frailer quantity : the land (hail be divided into three clafles, according to tHequ lity, that is to fay, firft, second and third rate—. the firft ratie (hall be taxed at eighty-five cerfU, second rate at fnu'y cents and the 3d rate at twenty-five cents, per hundred acres, whteh fa-d taxv.s (hall be paid annually in the-manner b f th.s a<ft ; and the" f llowing rule (hail be observed in rating any traft of land to wit—when a greater part of a traC* lhatt foe fupcrior in point of quality to second rate hand, it ihali be deno firft rate; when a greater part of a tractlhali be inferior to periot to third rate in point of quality, it shall be denominated second rate ; and when the greater part of a tra& of land shall be inferior to second rate, it shall be denomi nated third rate land—taking into view the furface of the earth as well as the quality of the foil. Provided always, That nothing herein contained shall b - eonftrued to fab je& to taxation, any lands lyincr within the limits of the enntraft made by John Cl'eves Symmes and his associates, with the hoard oftrcafury, and without the boundaries of 4 their patent, until the fame shall have been granted by the United States : /'*ndprovi ded alfby That the unimproved lands in the Vinctanes &nd Tllino.s country, shall not be lifted at higher than second rate. Sec. 10. And'be it further enadecU That the teriitary Mall have a perpetual lieu on every tra& of land add every pari thereof, jfor the amount of ail tajiks, and 10 per cen turn interert thereon, from ihe firft day of Sep en,bet ; longing to a y perfen, ornefflert in enter ing or lifting Uie fame, Oiall ess«& ihe claim or lieu of this territory, until the taxes 3nd interest thereof due fmm such per fun, are paid Sec l'l. 4W be it further enaffed, Thai the tectorial auditor and clerk of the peace of«ach county refpe&ively, shall keep a book for the purpose of entering land® of njn refidVntt in tftan'ner and form hercinaf ter dirked. All non rflidents (hall enter their iar.da with the auditor, e>r with tie clerk of the peace of the country in which the land lies, on or before the frrft day of July, who shall adminiftef an oath to the perfen delivering such lift, or by any other means procure fatisfa&ory information for the purpose of ascertaining the quality o! such land, placing it in its proper clafe, un der the name of the county in which it lirs ; and every non r fideut shall enter his or her land, agreeably to the rules and regulation of this a&, a" in < afe of resident* All tax es on lands, lifted by the commifiioner, and reurned to the clerk as aforefaid, shall be paid, with inureft thereon, to the (heriff or c llcftor, as the cafe may be. And the taxes on all lands, lifted by the audi tor (or by the clerks < f th* peace and cer tified to the auditor) with the interest that may he due thereon, shall be paid to the territorial treafurcr or to the fbci iff or col le&or of the proper court y, but the treafu ;er shall not 'eceive from the nop refideftt, any taxes, unl?fs such non reside. t pay the fame before the firft day of .August, annu ally, nor until luch non resident shall pro duce to him, a certificate from the auditor or the clerk of the peace rc-fpedively, of the quality of the land, fcr which he or lb' is about to pay il* tax, wiih the amount due thereon, which certificate shall be, by the treasurer, filed in his office. The auditor of the territory and the clerk of the peace of tjif several counties refpeitjyely,. shall keep booki of transfers ; and every non resident, who Iras entered bis or her lands, in manner aforefaid, may, on the transferring the fame or any part thereof to any other per fen or person?, have the alteration madjc with'he auditor or clerk of the pence ref pe£li\e!y, ?nd charged to the perion or pcr fons to wl.om transferred-, and such person shall wi'.h the rax of such land or lands hereafter; and each ptrfon having the alterat on made, fhail pay to the auditor or clerk of the peace twenty five cents, to his own use. And jtj flvall be the fnrther duty ofthe auditor, in the month of August. yearly and every year, to trans mit to the clerks of tht peace >f the several counties refpe<sVively, a certified extra& of all lands entered in his offirce, r alterations therein made in the preceding year, noting thereon the tra&sof land on which the tax es nave been paid into the territorial treasu ry. Provid:aaalwayss f 7 hat it shall be the, duty of the -several clerks f the peace, upon receiving from the auditor, a lift of the non residents* lands entered in his office, to make diligent search and enquiry of the non reli dents' lands lying each of their refpeftire counties; and after comparing the said au* ditorial lift with the iift of non residents' lands entered in his office, shall proceed to lift all the residue of 'he lands belonging to n>n n fidcnts not before lilted* noting the quantity an" quality of the frveral tra&s of iand, so fey him uifcovered and not bef.ire entered, andfuch as 'hecahnot with certainty afccrtain the quality of, he shall enter as ftcond rate ; ai d 8-. aH make out and trstT mit one copy to the territorial auditor, an i a fecoud copy of such Utt the clerk dial! rir liver to the fheriff or colleAor of the pw per county, to govern him in c He&ing the taxes due thereon, as in other cases of nou refideßts' lands. Sec. 13 And be il further enaSed, That the fheriff or colleflor shall be auihorifed tu fell so much of each tra<ft of land charged with taxes, »3 will discharge the amount thereof, with colls: Provided goods and chattels cannot be found there >n to the a mount. And the fheriff or collector in that cafe, advertife the time and place of fa'c one month, at tlie door of the court house, and *!fo, at four other public places in liia county ; and if the perloo claiming the land does niit pay t!se amount on or be fore the expiiaion of the tirji?., the jhetiffor colleftor shall proceed to {>.ll Rafter, fyclit sale, the fheriff or collc&ur shall deliver to the purchaser a certificate of the quan tity of land fold, deferibing therein the traS that was charged with the tax, and the end or fide from which the quantity fold was taken, which Aiall always oe laid off as nearly in a square as the C uation will admit of : And tiie fur»eyor of the county, on the receipt of such certificate, fhali by him. fclf or deputyprocced tofurvcy the quantity fold as aforefaid, 'agreeably lo the said orr tificatt, ard charge the purchaser with the ex-ierce of th- fame. The surveyor or hij deputy t.s the cafe may be, shall give notice to the former owner, if in the county, or "tut aprrrr-, he.has therein, of the day on which the furv<fy is t&W inade : And upon the plat and certificate of furVMtJjeingf presented to the fheriff or collector, ii fJij'f be his duty to convey the f mt to the pur chaser l - y deed, in due form of law execu ted. which conveyance shall vefl in the pur chaser all the right, title and interefl of the proprietor ; and in confederation of law fhali also vest the noffifiion of iheland in the purchaser : Provided always, that nothing the ei contained shall. e'xter.d, or toe con llr >ed to extend, to bar the right or equity of re eruption, which any infant, person non compos mentis, or in ctptivity, may have the land so f >IJ, provided the taxes and charges 'hereon, wi'h interefl, and an equitaole comprftfatiou for improvement* thereon made, be rendered within one year after luch difabfiity l>c removed. Sec. 14 v.W ie it further enaiJtJ, That ivli. n *;-,y tra& of land, or part thereof, is not fold upon Irii'g ' xpofed, and the tax o the fame not piii, it (hall be the duty of ■the fnetiff or collector to advertise and ex jjufe tiie fame to sale in like rnannsr, as to time and place as aforefaid, at every court of quarter f flions, until the land be fold or th?tax be paid thereyn j and no flicrifFor colKftor, or their deputies, fliall direftly or indirectly purchase any land that (hall be exposed to sale for the payment of taxes. Sec. 16. And he it further enaßei, That whe ' any i on resident fails to pay to the trcalurer the t:'.x and intercfl due on any trafi of land, on or before the fad month of Augufl a nun ally, the auditor shall, at the fame time when he transmits to the fcveral clerks of tl.c countits the amount of landa entered in his office, certify to the fcveral (litrifTs or collector;,, as the cafe may be, such failure of payment, dating particular ly the nm -unt of the taxes due thereon 5 and also at the fame time advertise the fame in one of the Gazettes of this Territory, for four vceks fuceefiively ; whereupon the fhiriff or oolleftor (hull, forthwith after re ceiving Tuch lift, pi- cesd to advertise on the court lioufe door of his proper county, the laid mils . f la d« on which the tax is due, fisting the amnu t tWectf. and that he fliall proceed to make sale of the fame to fatisfy said taxes, unless the fame shall be p lid on or before the firfl Monday in No vember, or so irnch thereof at w II pay the taxes and expences attending the sale : and the said fheriff or colle lor fliall advertise the fame in &ur different public places within the county, and if the amount of taxes il not paid, on or before the rime the (heritf or coliettor shall proceed to fell each liafl, or so much theresf as will a maunt 19 the taxes and interefl, with legal costs : and when any trad, or part thereof be fold, the (heriff or colle&ur (hall proceed in the fame manner to have the fame con veyed to the porchafcr as is direfled in cafe of refidcnl* ; audit (hall not t>e lawful for the fherilf or colledtor, or their deputies, di redtly or indirectly, to purcrijfe any land fold under this feftion. St c. I 7 Snd he it further Tliat ii lliall b:- the duly of th<- territorial suditor to pub'ifii fwrh exiraflj from this law, p.« relates to tin- landa of non-refideuts, in one newspaper witl'in tin's territory ; and in one newfyapcr at the seal »f the general g-ovi.rnmrn:, and at the city of Kic'hmomi in Virflinia ; aid lb-? town o," bo'-ion i:i Miiff.chnfctts ; and the city of Hartford in Conm£i;cu;, for the term of fix weeks, t i commence on the fir ft week in February next, and the expenceo thereof shall be de fr.iyi i out of the territorial treasury. True extrafls from said law, RfCE BULLOCK Auditor of Put lie Accounts. N. W. T. fcV The Auditor of said Territory has opened his office at Cincinnati, north-wtf tern territory, where he is at all times ready to receive and enter the lands of non-refi denters in his office, lubjeft to the payment of taxes under the above law. R. BULLOCK, Auditor of Public Accounts, N. IV. T. Cincinnati, Feb. t, 1800. Printers are requeftert to give ihe foregoing ex trail- a place in th?irrefpeftive papers for the be nefit of those concerned. March 2i. PRINTEB BY J. W. MNNQ. isrwfiw.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers