/wis made *«td, and t«e pledge ef national faith in which they placed the highest confi dence' anils tbem nothing: At the fame time intered is regular ly paid upon inferior ■securities to other creditors, and even tipon millions of tssumed State debts,; and to the very States that loaned these lecurities to the Union, and charged them as specie ! The long endured injury, is imbitfred to some of your memorialists, by the reflcQion that these securities contains all tlieir pay for many years lervices and fufferings in the ar my that defended the .Independence of this ceuntrv; and are the means for their sup port during- trje decline of life, rendered in-, firm by the hardfliips endured for the public good ! Your memoria'ills, with sentiments of high fonfltttratio.ti and refpeft, mod earnrfUy rrqiiffl that Congress would be pleased, with out tardier delay, to c.iufe payment, to be jnade ibly, to the engagement of the United States. If a doubt- rxi(H w'nethcr obliga tiens are legally and constitutionally bindings your mwnorialifts pray, that the cufe may' be ret. it: J to the SujJime Judicial Court •if the Un'teil States, f»r a legal decision. ,Vud il triis tribunal fkail decide that these fecoritics do nat contain .1 pledg- of the faith ct th>' L jiu J to .pay them,—they will Silently fufer out the ver,;wnder of life. But as st the i.aw is tire citizen's right," and '• wlirre law ends, dtfpetifm begins," they wauUlput £s|r from the-r, the idea that they may be deprived of the fortm-r, snd fur fur the latter, ojid.rr this pTfrrn—rtt ' Yuur as m duty bound, Sec. I*tz*V.ier 2, 17991 CONGRESS. MOUSE OF REPRESS NT ATI YES. Tuesday, March 25. Mr. S. Smith from the committee of com merce and manufactures, reported, that it would be inexpedient to authorise the Se cretary of the Treasury to remit any forfei tures that may have, or (hall occur uuder the aft prohibiting the exportation of arms and ammunition, under the proyifions au thoring remittance in the revenue laws. 111 thia report the concurred, Mr, Speaker laid before the heufe a letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, inclo sing a report oa the petitions of Obadiah i>cott, G.and J. Gilbert, and Oavid [ones, which were rcfpe&ively referred to him by tlie lionfe of rcprefnitarives. Ordered to be printed. A message was received from the Senate, by Mr.:Q*is. their Secretary, informing the heufe-, that the Senate had passed the bill for the relief of Campbjjl Smith, with an amcr.ament. Thehoufe took up the amendment of the Senate, and concurred. The bill to amend the aft palled tie pre fect ft flion Relative to the feqond census, was read a tlitrdf time, and passed s and the title declared to be '' An aft to ?lt,cr the form of certain oaths and affirrcationsdirtft ed to be wkettby the aft intituled An aft providing for the ft' ond ctnfus; or enume ration of the inhabitants of the United States. Mr. Wain preftutcl a petition ef Jane Lynch, widow of johi R. Lynch, furgeun, in the service dftjie United States during the rav. lutionaiy war. Referred to the committee of claims, Mr. Claiborne prcfented a petition of Stephen B. Simonds, a Lieutenant of Ca ' valry in the fcrvice of the United Stales, praying dompenfation for two horfea worn out in the service. Refmeii to the committee of claims. Mr. Speaker obftrved, that the fooufe having yesterday refufed leave to the ccin mitee who reported progress rn the bill for the better establishment and regulation of the courts of the United States, to fit again, it was now in ord<r to move that the bill be recommitted or engrofled for a third reading. A trr fotr.e obfervatior<« from Mi". Galla in, Mr. Harper moved, that it be recom mitted to the fekft committee who report ed it. Mr. Nicholas made a motion which fu perctded thdt of Mr. Harper'j, viz. that the further consideration, of the bill be poll poned till the firft Monday in December tiext. Yeas 44 —Kays 50, Mr. Nicholas then moved that the bill be recommit tcihto a committee of the whole house, which was carried ; and the house having resolved into a committee; vf the whole on said hill Mr. Rutlcdgein the chair; Mr. Gallatin moved to flrikc o«t the sth fc&ion. which give# any State, body poli tic or corporate, company or person, the right prcfecutiiyg the United States in the Supreme Court. Mcflfrs. Marshall and Harper opposed this motion, and MefTrs. Gallatin, Jones and Nicholas, (poke in favour of it, after which the committee rose, and obtained leave to fit again. Mr. D. Foster from the committee of taints made a report on the petition of SfctH Nelson, attorney to a fbWiir of the burth MaflTachufetu regiment djirinjj the lad war, who had not obtained his final fct tletncrit certificates from the regimental agint, and now praying that provifioa might be made by law f: r the payment. % report contains a full statement of the Cafe as heretofore submitted to the conside ration of Coogrefsj and fugged 8 that the only important circumstance distinguishing tbi«' fremthe general class of claims of this nature is, that the books and paper of the regimental agent, are withia the cotitroul of the government, and, t* guard against frauds, might be placed in the haods of t'tich perfom as Congress flionld direst. But iliis circumftaacc the committee rtport, den { tiot create fucli a (liTi'nfiiiin as flioitld fetrn an exception in the general principle heret< j fore adoptcd- by nthe -hittife, and therefori. that the petitioner fkou ! d have leave to' withdraw his petition. On motion of M. F- this report was re ferred to a committe of the whole hoafe, and made the order for Mouday nextT*"** — Adjourned. The following refolutioni were adopted/ in the Senate, on Monday, v z. Res:lveJ, I hat William Duane having appeared at the bar of the Senate, and re queued to be heard by coiiufel oil the-rfiargi against him for a breath cf priviledges of the Senate, he he allowed the afiiftance of ecun fel, while personally attending at the bar of the Senate, who may be heard in denial of any fifts charged aga'init said Duane, or in excuse an extcrtu.ition of his offence. Resolved, That a copy of the forejrding refohition be sent to William Duane, arid that at the fame time he be ordered to attend at the bar of this house, at tv/clvc o'clock on Wednesday ne*t. Atteil, SAMUEL A. OTIS, Secretary. In a literary: article, publilbed in the Gazette.of Saturday, some notice was taken of a projefted American edition, of The Pursuits of Lituature." as every ope, con* cerned in the publication of h excell-HX.* byt'i W ftifltnßlT Snd honorably mentioned, it is proper to add to the aboie artirle that the.[.refctit edition is the joint undertaking of Mr. Ormrqd of this city, Mr. N.aiVr.rfde of Bodm, and Mr. Dickins ; that it is printed folly for theni ; and thjit no other impression is attempted, in any part of the United States. NEW THEATRE This evening, March "i&i. Will he predated a Tragedy, (not a&ediJiiafeafon, called ROMEO ami JULIET. To whifrh will be aided, (not adted this fca'ou) a Farce, in two ails, called THE DEAF LOVER, Rox. one Dnl ar, Pit, thre* quarUrs ©£ a dollar, aad Gallery hilf a dollar. The d.»ors of the Theatre will opc*n at a quarter past 5, and the curtain nie at a quarter past fix. VI VAT RES PUBLIC A. JUST COME TO HAND, And for file it. W, YpVNG, 'T, & J. CRUItSHA.N.K,, A NJI Thomas Dob.son's Bookstores, A "POEM, * Sacred to (be memory of GEORGE WASHINGTON, Late Prefictaut jof the United States, *nd Coninianderiu Chief of the Armlti of the Uiii ceo States. AJapted to the 21! Jcb'ruary 1300. By R'icKAgn ALSO'P. mardr«a6. r MAP'OF NFW-JERSE'' HPHE appointed for'.tlie riirpof-', ■* of circulating fubfefciptioo paper*, to f fie pro pefed plan of procuring an accurate Map jji /New- J-rfcy , inioi'cfilatirfly aftar their appoint m : fit trmi ir.i.ted printed copies of the plafi to various paribus in tfe fe-veral cocuties of 'bis ft ate, and in the citie« of" New York and. Philadelphia; ;nd fir.ee that tim?, through the medium of the pa 1 l'c pritit 4 , have requt,flcd t|:c.g:ntieuien entrufte/l with tfoofr papers, to return the number of fuSfcrv trs hy tfe.'m fpedivcfy*|>r«jcnred, to James Sailer, .fq\ at Trenton, on-or before fhe'6th day art Fi>V.ru".<y lift.- The number of l'urfcriptioni nor am' unting to two thouland, the cumnvfnoners did not conceive themfoiyes authorized to si* a day for the meeting of the company; nevcrtheleffc be. irg- of opinion from rafj-e&able information, that the adtual fubferiptions are nearly, If not fully, adequate to the complete organization of the com pany, if they coaid be afccvtained by regular re« turns, and being convinced that a traflinjj degree of exertion, on tbe part of the persons balding the fui'fcription lifts, would enabb them r«a carry the intention of tKs jftibferibers into effidt, tluyhavc by the unanimous advice and cor fen t of the ftib fribers, whom they have been al>!e to confulr, fixed on the 14th day nf May next, btipg the ad day of the fitting of the supreme coart, for a meet irg of the fubferibef# at 1 £ o'clock.in the forenoon, nt the Srate Hciife j,n Trenton, for the. purpdfe of ciediing five Truftees-and a Treafwrer, if the num ber ol fubferiptioni should be fufficirwt. or in any event to determine on the measures oeceffiry to se cure the attainment of an object to ulcful to the state. Frcm the univrrfal -approbation exhibited by their lellow citizen*, at the oithis undertaking, it wa j to be exp*3t<iil that tl«e fu! - fsriptions returned Would have er>f#led its imme diate • xiiution, and the commifllorrers a'repurfua ded if proper attention is paid; to the procuring of fityfcriptions, to their fug&uaj return dt the time fixed for the meeting. and to the attendance of the jubferibor?, either in prrioh or by proxy, tha' no Carthi r 4elay will take -rlaceip commencing th'* operations of the company,-in time f«r their exe cu:ion during the courfc of the eufuing summer. WILI lAM PEARSON, } MMKF.L KWING, £ Commrs. THOMAS M POTTER. J Trenton, March a», 1800. N. B. Subkiption papers • are left with the fol lowing (arriong other) gentlemen, in their refptc live counties, to whom those perfc.ss di'firous of promoting the obje& of the company are r*qiiefttd to apply.- V/m Carnpfi ld, Ffq. Mvrrit- Gtvihom F.lq M'sddletex Arri" S<*agrav>:, Esq. Salem. Silas Dickerfon, Elq. Sussex Gc. rge Rurgin, Ffq. Cumberland, V.'»n M'Eowen, Ffq. Somerset. William Lloyd, Esq. Monmovtb. Joseph Hankinf -n, lifq H inter don. Peter Ward, Ffq. Charlea Clark.Efq The above gentlemen, with all others holding fubfeription paper?, arc particularly requeued to forward the original fubfeription papers, to Janes Salter, Esq. Treasurer on or before the 14th day of May next. March 26, "PROPOSALS, 'T&kr The Mails of ifce tlni/ed Sfates, On t,l»e following Port Roads, Wiil be tec jive J ai the General Post Philadelphia, Until the 1 ofb day. of July Partfauuijli, by Hamptonfalls, -T /fewburyponr Ipswich, Beverley, Salem and ta-B*>rton, three times a week". "From April 15 to October 15. Leave Portsmouth every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 4 A. M. and arrive at Boston the fawe day®- by -6 P. M. 'Returning, leave UttfioH every. Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 4 A.. M, arrive at Portsmouth the fame days by 6.i\ M. From October 15 to April 15. Leave Portsmouth every Tuesday, Thurflav and Saturday at. 1 p M. and arrive at Boflon oti the fotloveing days, Wednesday, Frida/ and Sunday l»t G P. M. Returning, leave Hof ton every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 a. m and IrriVe ai Portsmouth the next days, Tncifday, 'thurfday and Saturday at 10 am. I 2. From liofloH by Wfcrcefter, Brookfield, Springfield, Suflpeld, Hartford, Wethersfield, i Middletown, Durham, Wallingford, New-! Haven, Milltbrd, Stratford, Fairfield, Nor- , walk, Stamford, New Ro'.hejle, East Chester , and Haerlem to New York, threetimes a week, i From slpril ? <; t'j October 15 Leave Bolton every Monday, Wcdnefday I and Friday at ham. arrive at Worcester by !f<p m. l^a<*l? Worcester every Tuesday, Thurf- I nay and Saturday at 3 A M. Arrive at Breck | fit id by 10 a M.at Springfield by a P m. at Suf ! field by 5 PM. and at Hartford by 9 p *♦. the ! lame days. L#?.Ve Hartford every .Monday, j Wednrld.ay and Frid-y at 3 a m. aniveat New ijnveh uy noon ; leave New-Haven at 1 Pm. ind''.arrive at Stamford by 9 p m. lime days. Leave Stamford every Tuesday, Thud-ay and Saturday <it 3 a m. and arrive a: New York fame days by iz o'clock* Returning, leave New-York eve/y Mortfty, Wednesday afcp Friday itn am. arrive at Stamford in the evening leave Stamford eve-y Tuesday, Thurf4.iV and Saturday hy 3, a m ; arrive at ■-Ne\V*Haven by noon ; leave New-Haven at 1 p m. a-wd arrive at Hartford by 9PM; J«a.*e • HaPtford.br> Wedne'fday, Friday and Monday by j.A'M' 1 ; arrive at Springfield by 10 A m, and at WoretileT by 9 ? m ; leave .Worcester every Thursday, Situ day and Tuesday by 3 A m, *nd arrive at Bolton lame day a by 1 P m. From October 15 to April 15 Leave fioOon every Tueiday, Xk ur fday and Satu day by 8 A m j arrive at Worcester by 8 p m ; leave Worcester on Wednefciay, Friday and Monday at 4 a m ; arrived at Suffield fame 1 days hy 8 pm. Leave Suffield Thursday, Sa tur 'ay and Tuesday at 4 AM. and arrive at New Haven by 8 P to. Leave' New Haven ev ery Eeiday,M6ftd ay* and Wednesday at 4 a m, a-sd arrive at New next, days Vaitifdlty, Tfctufday by ium RetavVN'l^-'Yqr^eyery Monday, "Friday at 1 j a m : arrive at New Haven or, TpeYclay, Thursday "turfljy 8j t,'f. .m. fceave Ne.w-H£ven every Monday, WcflueTday'and by 4 A rive r at Suffield by 8...P M. Leave Suffield Tues day," Thui Itiay .in L by 4 A. M and arrive at Worcester by 8 PM. Leave Wor ceiter i-viry K1 owWyWednefday,and Fritiay at 4 A M. and, arrive as Boston the fame days by 4. P v M. • From New-York .|)vNew^rk fc ElizaVjeth* t-..\v:i, Ratiw'av, U r aodluidge, Princtfo-jj-TreuPon, 'ftrifl l and ,Frardcford to Siihday-excepttd. Leave Nev/- Yotlc evci y day, Sunday exctfpi - ed, at 1 P M: ai'id ?n «ve in next riayat 7 A'M iSli'our*r ning, Prs a «-XMrv djy, fmcUv excepted ar 1 P> VJ. i'\i a-rivg-.af N'-%-Voik <he r.ext day hy 7 VM. F>ik>.rn November 1 to May 1 : the *>■■nr «.f arriv.il. _.at Pi: ii \ *r!phi* and at New- Vi>= ic <ha!i be : '. to t» AM. ' F.rt<i; iU'tiro-rr hv tc Wa ihi.iy-t'-n < ; .vcvy da\i j-'irday .vxcepicd- • te.ive- evc-ty day 2: it A M. <;f ■] t-Ivc «n c-n tv f- P M. Rcti.r mnr ? W.!ftnri;Aofj d yat \ A M. ?nd ar rive at lU : l'.itT>o"r(' by T r A M. Lnave Baltimore «v<ry day at 4 a m end arrive at Waihiagion by 1» m. Rettrnhg, leave Walt- ington every day at 10 a m. afi*i arrive at Bait note by 7 P M. 5. From Washington city by George 'town, Alexandria, Cokhei'ct*. Dumfries. Aq-ilca, I'aliTiiiiith, Frcderiikfburg. Boiling Green ami Hanover court boi.fe tu Richmond, c. h. every day, Sundays excepted. From April 1 to' November 1 Leave Washington every day at 8 A. M. and arrive at Fre-ierickibnrg; bv 7 PM. Leave Fredi ricfcfburg every day at 3 A M and arrive at Richmond by 6 P M. Returning, leave Richmond every day.by 3A M. and arrive at Frederickiburg by 6 V M. Leave Frederick?'- burg every day hy j'AM. and arrive at Wash ington by 4 P M. * Leave Washington every day at 4 P M. and arrive at Alexandria by 7 P M. and arrive at Frederickfiaurg the next days hy 7 P M. Leave F red ericklbnrg every day at 4 A. M. and arrive at Richmond the ir,.»ct days by 10 AM. Re turning, leave Rir.hmond every day at a P M> and arrive it Fwderickflmrg the next days by 7 PM. Leave Fre-dericklbJig every day at 4 A M, and arrive at Washington the next days by 8 A.M. 6- From T.iclvracnd to Peterfonrg every day, Sundays excepted- Leavt Richmond every day st 4 A M. a-nd arrive at peterfourg by 10 o'clotk, AM. Returning leav« Peterfbursr ev ery day at a P 'VL, and arrive at Richmond the famediysby ? P M. 7. From Richmond by New Kent court honfe, Williamfburg, York-town and Hampton to Norfo'k, 3 times a week. Leave Richmond every Tuesday, Thurfdav and Saturday at 3A M. Arrive at Ne« York by 6 P M. and arrive at Norfolk ;he next days, Wednefday#, Friday* and Sundays by r P M Returning, leave Norfolk every Tuesday, 1 1 urf day and Saturday, at nA'M ; arrive at York in the evening Leave York every Wedneiday, Friday and Sunday by 3 A M, and arrive at Richmond the fame day» by 6 P M. Essex, Ijcave Richmond every Monday, Wedr.eftay ?rd Ftiday at IPM; ,m»Vf at Norfolk in two day* on VednefrLv, Friday and Monday by 10 AM. Rftur/rwg, tear? Norfolk every/- M>r. - next, 'Ah til t to November 1 * Af.ril r November 1 to April 1 April 1 to November I November l. to April- !. . day, Wednesday and Friday at 2 P M- ind art jive it two days on Wednesday, ! Friday and Monday hy io A M. | 8. From Peterlburg by Cabbis Point Surry court houfr, Snliithfield, Suffolk and Ports- I mouth to Norfolk three times a week. Leave Peterlburg every Monday, Wednes day and Friday at ia o'clock, noon, arrive at Suffolk the next days by 1 P M\ leave Suffoik at 1 P M, and arrive at Norfolk by 8 P M. Returning, leave Norfolk every Monday, Wed nesday and Friday at 4 A M\ arrive at Suffolk fame days by 10A M, Leave Suffolk at 11 A M, and arrive at Peterlburg every Tuesday, Thftrfday and Saturday by noon. Peterlburg by Harrtfville, Ooldfonville and Warrentou to Louijburg three times a week. Leave Fcierfburg every Monday, Wednes day and burg in two day? on Wednesday, Friday and Sunday at 10 A M. Returning, leave Louif burg every M ndiy, Wednesday and Friday at 1 PM ? and arrive at Peterlburg in two days on Wednesday, Friday and Monday at to A. M. 10. From Louilburg by Raleigh, Averylbo ro' and Fayetteville ta Mc. Fails, three times a week. « Leave Louilburg every Sunday, Wednesday and Friday 3t a P M, arrive at Mc, Fills on Tuesday, Friday and Sunday by 9 A M. Returning, leave Af'Falls on Monday, Wed nesday and Friday at 3 F M s and arrive at Louijburg on Wednesday, Friday and Monday at 10 A M. 11. From M'Fallsby Chereau court house to Camden three time* a week. Leave M*Fai!s every Sunday, fuefday and Friday at r P M, and arrive at Camden on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday at to A M Returning, Cam den every Tuesday, Thursday and Satur ay at a P My and arrive at M'Falls on Thuriday, Sa turday and .Monday at 10 A M. 11. From Camden by Statefburg and James viJle to Charleflon, three times a week. When the river is so higK as to make long Ferries, the mail ihall be carried from Camden on the fotith fide of Sautee river Leave Camden ev?ry Suuday, Tuesday and Thursday at 1 P M t arrive at Charleston o;j fueiday, Thursday & Saturday at 10 A M. leave Charleston every Sunday, Tucloay and Thurlday at 3 P M, and arrive at Ca.r.dcn t&e next Tuesday, Thursday and Sa turday at 10 A M. 13. From Camden by Columbia, Edgefield court house, and Campbell town to Augusta, three times a week. Leave Candenevery, Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday at 11? M, apd airive at Augulta on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 10 A M. 'Retutnirig) leave Augusta! every Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday at 3 P M, and arrive at Camden on Tuesday, Thurta?ay, and Saturday at 10 A M. 14. From Cfcarle&on by Jackfonfborough and (Eoofawhatehy to Savannah twice a weik. Leave Charleston every Tuesday and Thursday at 6 9 m arrive at JackfonflkoroMgh onWednefday and Friday at 1 p m. arrive at Coofawhatchy on Thursday and Saturday by 5 am. and arrive at Sava*nah.oaJ?ricUy and -Sunday by 8-a m. Return* iwj. Leave Savannah every Sa'urday and Tuesday by 4 a m. arrive atCeofawhatchy by 8 p m. and ar rive at Charleston .on Tuesday and Thursday by IO A M. jy From Augusta by Luuifville to Savannah orice a week. Leave Augusta every Saturday at 3 p m. arrive Lopifville on Sunday-by $f ft kaVe l.eufviile ok Man day at Bam and artive ar Savannah on Tucklayat 5. p. m. leave Savannah on W'einefday at 8 a.m, and arrive at L« u»lvii)e on Thursday by j p. ra. leave Loqifville on Friday at 6 a. m. and 'arrive at on Saturday nt joa m. 16 Prem by Wayccftcrough to Sa vannah'.once a wcelc Leave every Tuefiay at a p. m arrive at "Wayjiefborough on vVedncfday by 8 a. m. and arrive at Savannah on Friday by 3p. m. Return* ing k&ve Savannah every Saturday at 9 a m. arrive at; Wayr(borough on Monday by 3 p m. and'ar riv.- at /lugufta on I uefday by 9 a m. 17. Fivm Wtt)jiffbori>ugh to Louisville, I.eavr Wayne(borough every Wedueiday at 9 am. ani arrive at i .ouilv lie by J pm. Returning, leave i oufviHe every Thuri'day at 5 a M.and ar rive at Wayikiljorotigh by i r u. 18. From Savannah by ounbury, Riccborough, Darien and '-'ruufwick to Stary's once a week. Leave Savannah every Wednesday at 9 a m . ar rive at Riceborough on fhurfday by 10 am. and arrive-at titarys. on Saturday by 9a m. Return ing, leave St. Matys every Satnrday at 3 f m. ar i.ve at Rictborough the next Monday : by 3 9 m. and arrive at Savannah the nc*t Tuesday by 5 t m. NOT tS Note 1. The mailon the route No. 9, 10, and 12 is to be carried in a whe«J carri age or hy a led borfe. A penalty,at ther ate of 12 cents a milr will be incurred by the for each time and mile that lie shall carry the lame without making ule of either a carriage or led horse. No altera tion will be made in th£ times fixed for the arrival and departure o{f the mail* in these •outs, Note 2. -The Poftmafler-General may al ter the times of arrival and departure at any time during the continuance of the contracts, he previously ftipu»ating;an adequate com pensation for any extra expense tnat may be occasioned thereby. Note 3, Fifteen minutes Aral I be allowed fpr 'opening. and clofi .ig the mail at all offices where tio particular time is fpecified. Note 4. For every fifteen minuter delay (unavoidable: accidents excepted) in arriving after the tifnes j preicribed in any contract, the contradict [hall forfeit one d®llar ; ana if the dcl«y continue until tlie departure ol' any depending mail, whereby the mails def tiued for fucb depending mail lose a trip, an additional forfeiture of five dollars (tall be incurred Nate 5. Newfpnpers as well as letters are to te fcnt in tlte mails : ana if any person, making proposals, to carry newspa pers, other than tnot'e conveyed in the mai!> for Ins owir emolument, he must state in his' propofuls for what fiym he will carry it with' that 'cmot.OHKrnt, and for what sum without that .-emolument. jVcte 6. Sheuli any person, making pro posals, deiire an alteration of the times of arrival and departure above fpecified, he must Rate irt" his proposals, the alterations desired, adid the difference, they will make in the terms pi. his cvotr.tct. This note does not •upply-to the routs No. 9, 10, 11 and 12. No-altrrittioYi will be made intliofe times. N-cU 7. Perfot.s'mafcinß proposals fired to ftaw their pricesby in? who contract will cceive their pay quarter ly, in the month ofjacmry; April, July and.O&ib^r* tTtfj P. The contrafl? fcr tfc routs numb-red 1 to 13, are to be in operation on the ill day of October next, an ! are to con tinue in force until the lit of Oflober 1804. Contra&s for the rcuts numbr 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18, are alio to be in operation on the tit day of O&ober next, and are co continue in force until the ifl of April 1803. JOS HABERSHAM, Postmaster-General. Ger.tral Post Office, ) Philadelphia, March 20, 1800. j cotjv* To be Sold or Rented, THAT large three (lory HOUSE, No. 44, Pine street, occupied by John Nixon, Esq.—For terms'apjity at No. 42, next dt>or. March 26. THE JtN>TI-J ACQ BIM REVIEW AND MAGAZINE; Monthly Political and Literary CENSOR. . £j" A few copii't of the above w«rk are receiv ed and for (ale at Dickiut's Bookstore, oppoftte Christ Church March 24, JOSEPH ANTHONY & Co. At tkeir Store Ko. 5 Cbtsnut Street, have FOR SALE, The following Articles, viz. Fir!* quality Huflia Hemp P.T.fHa Duck Brandy in pipes, fiift and fourth proof vvii.t in pipts and J alf pipes Claret in Winter an a Summer pr fleii, Spermaceti Gil Sptrrt• ce.i Car,dels, an i Hyson Tea, latest importation March a 4, MRS. BECK, BEGS leave to inform the Ladies of Phila delphia, that (he opens her MORNING SCHOOL for Geography 2nd Hilfory on the nth of Affil, fiom 6to 8 o'clock. Any young Ladies may attend, as » ell ai those already wa der tuition Fifth Street, opposite State Home Yard• N. B.—A FEW LOTS to be let at Frank ford. Enquire a 9 above March 25 Just Arrived, In the ship Mary, Thomas Webb, Matter, , from I.aguirj, 40,000 wt. Carracas Cocoa. 30,000 lb. Prime Prime Coffee. 5,000 wt. Flora Indigo. THOMAS ALLIBONE, Race Street Wharfs djt. March 15. A Summer Retreat. A convenient and Genteel House, fitua'ed in Trenton, to be let or fold Peffeflion will be given the ift of June next. Enquire of the Printer. March 1$ T0 BE f.E't, THE LOT, At the north-east corner of Arch end Ninth struts, Now occupied by-Mr. Benjamin Bulby, a! a Board Yard, %CJ a ' Enquire at No. 218 Arch street* Match 17. 7 axes of Lycoming County. JOHN KIDD, Trcafcrer, BY Dire&ioo of the Ccmmhfaptrs of Ljco* ming county, attends at Philadelphia to re ceive the Taxes afTJTfd upon uufeated Lands in chat County, from the holders thereof, in this City. Thole who have filed wfth the Com mifljoncrs, statements of their Lands, are re queued to call upon him, to know the amount of Taxes tl.ereon, and pay them ; otherwise, be fore leaving the City, they will be put into the hands cf the Sheriff for collection, agreea bly to tfec a<sl for railing ucunty utes and levies Tnof* who have not filed lVatesn«nts of theii lands with the Commissioners, and aredeGrous of having it done, to prevent fafes without pre vis»u» personal Notice. may file with the above Treafui«r, their lifts, ftatieg the quantities re turned, number and dates of the warrants and names of the warrantees, under which they h*ld theirlands. He will attend at Mr. Joseph Hardy's $0 98, Market Rreet tor this purpose iintiKhe cßth instant. November 9. TO BE SOLD, HPHRF.E or four lots of abouc 30 or 40 acres L each, more or less as may suit a pupchafcr. On each of which there is a good fituatiin for a houffc—viz. one on the river Delaware, suitable either for a gentleman's feat, or for a peifon who might with to engage in. the lumber business hav ing a g % ®d landing. One commanding a good viiew of the river from ih« highest ground between the Fcr.nypack and Pogueffio creeks ; and another on the BriQol Road. Enquire »f Mr. Grilpin near the 11 mile (lone on the said road. ALSO FOUR LOTS, Of ibout 10 acres eaoh with good situations for bnildjng ; one of which is fuitaVle for a tan.yard, and has n {"mall stone house and a young bearing orchard on it, on the Newfewa road near Snider** mill abouc 10 milt# from Philadelphia, and one other lot of about y> tke P«n»ypack.- Knquire of Jonathan Clitt who lives on the proroi fe- or of Mr. Gilpin. Poffc&on will be given in thp spring, but build ing ntaurta's may be collected fosner. November 8 FQ'fi DISPOSAL, The Time Of too Dutch indented Servants, (a man and his wife) Who have two years and right monrh* to fervc. For further particulars euquire of JOHN No. us Riot ftre«t. dif February a3 mwfim ferjt. eo6w« 3 tc-atf. *nwtf.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers