The moral dispensary. Quid fnira interest, utrusi ex honiioc fc qels eonferac in bolluam, an hpdbcis figura immamta tcm gerat belluat ? " Cic. If a man ivtll djfume the savage infenjibility of a brute, be might as well take the form liiexoife. NO part of the human constitution so ur gently demands th<r unremitted care of the Moral Physician as the p iflione. To re train, to temper, to clireft them to suitable objecls, conftitur.e the whole of human hap piness, as well as the fuwi of moral duty. On the contrary ; to give the reins, with out controul, or to fuller tftem to Aagnate in total inaction, with equal certainty, in duces wpcthednefs and ruin. I cnn(hler the foul of man, eiicompafled by its af&cVions and paiTmns, as refeniblihg a grave, judicious, affettiouate father, fui rounded «»y a family of dillolute and ungo vcrned daughters. Their pleasantry makes him cheetfol, their vivacity gives him Ani mation. their heceflities ftirunlate his labors,- and their" filial obedience inspires him with complacency and love : but, on the other fcand ; their wainpn indifcrctions, their in ordinate ;/eihJH-s, t,heir firqaent diibb.di tiite, and tJu-ir refradiory tn jna^kiKy are the grief and torment: of his hfe. In like manner, theic ireakiOi daughter* of the foul, it trained and difcipttned to the ruksof mo cieft decorum, and confined within ilie bounds of rational iupordinaiion, at once afford a fti minus to_ vigorous exertions, and accom pany thofc eX'efi&ons with the hig'heft en joyment : nut, if iefrtn puHue"the devious Tom f their owii lui fettled &ntSjjs like the tire ( f night', t!ky isu-.i, u:iheed- ed. to ruinous civi.-.Acr In order to prevent the more vio'eift and frnifchievous pfrom predominating in the iSind, every one should be c refill lb '-place intj»!eif in rirt urn/lances I'uited to in- c< ntii iji, by exerele, those be nevolent -emotions, whith' conftitut* the fonrc.e of every rational pic* fare. As with the rays of the fun, so with the afTe&ions of 'the heart : it is by reflection alone that they "are rendered perceptible. In open (pace, they wander »nperceived : in njfting at their fourc.e, they adV without efFeft : but when they tall and center up"*n some external ob ject, then -firft is dilluvcred the beauty and genial w.irnvth of the bosom whence they emanate : then it Is, that the foul partici pates the hapoinrf* of its creator, and feel th&t the ptrfedion of felf love confifK in that which comes, by reflection, from the •objefts about it. Does any one dotmt the cerreftnefs of theie remarks ? Let him enquiic for a fond lover, who alks to Be freed from the real evils of solicitude, doubt and fufpcnce, which accompany his paifioit, if, with t'hele Ire is t-4 Le robbed of the Complicated and i»de- Icribable pleasure wl\ich he 4£tfvc!sYroni the exercise of that a flection. L*t him leek for a mother, who desires relief from the anx ieties, the cares, the ]<;btfrs and the appre nenfions which (he undergoes for the love of her children, if cold indifference towards them offer to miniftcr that relief. Let him make a ft:!! tyfore serious appeal, and enquire Fpl* » meek and puAis cin;»nan, who, feeling" the love of hi* Go<l his warm ut h.s he -.rt, would, aside from all future CQUiiderations, allow the crown of thorrts to be pjpdktfi' frcm his bead, if, at the fame t me, cblivion were to ei tfe from his heart tliofe gran-ful, those Jiviiic emotion* which he feels to be t fTtsitial h;ippi r>efs- Can he' find such ? It one were found ; v6<tH he hot pronouncy him brute orfiehd, i;nd he diipofed, with a righteous Lndigni- tiou, to To'blh :he r.aktd thtough i!f« world Tu the honci- of humanity, it will be found, with very rare exception, thatevery peH'cn, who has felt the genial glow of such difeftions, wilt agree that love, in all theft farms, is a gwflf too welcome at the heaj-t t) be ; u'iely I jlted o*t for the paltry re.i ft*i, that be is, at times, attended by a few unp\af-lit »r less agreeable companions. Whether he assumes the enchanting form of Conjugal love the milder, though not toss iniearing afpeft of filial or parental affec tion ;—a-f the more grave and dignified mien of friend/Hip, piety and benevolence ; he, ajike in aH, potUefles the magic power of li.ioptbing the rugged roads, through which lie leads, anil of so veiling and difguifiijg tfee evils which follow in his train,-at to render them, on his account, easy and even jleafant to be borne. It is not. then, cor tedt to fay, that these tmc-.'mnsprotiuce Imp pine ft.: they are happtr.efs ; and thole, who feel tbern not, arc (lungers to the true feli city of life. l"h«fe -who would tafle theft fruits, mud tmtuau* the foil in which they grow. They will not f|;,ontuiiesully present th:mfeKcs to the lifts of the fiilt li - l.cljorite, ivfio can fee in this world "no beauty or comelincfs wherefore he Ihould ilefue it. The teiil'o rious niifanthrope may find, in the depr.ivi tv of hmnart nature, abundant vent for all, his envenomed spleen : but wisdom would check its flow, for it cannot fail to recur lipon himfelf, with twofold virulence. Tile i)i|n who secludes hiinfelf from society, and suspiciously withholds from man and wo man, his confidence and nfleilion, merely froru the appiehenfton of their being abused, -would ait with perfeit coiifirtency, IhoUld he procure his head to be taken off for fear that ir might ake. If his own wrctcbednefs be his object, he has chosen the ready course ts be fatisfied to the lull, and will doubtless enjoy, .the miserable fatisfaflion of finding mankind precisely such as he had depifted them ; so unkind and hard hearted as net even to pity his unhappinefs. Sush is, doubtless, the wife constitution of things, that no surer method can be adopted to pro duce either good or ill will, in others, than to inanifeft a belief of its adtnal exigence. Every person, therefore, who thinks, by (Contempt and feorn, to bring the world to a fenfeof his duty Vnuft 'b ■ wretchedly disap pointed to Hnd that this lame world is always ready to turti up a more formidable nose than his, and will far out-fcorn the fcarner. The voluntary old bachelor, who has spent his youthful vigor in riot and debaLch ry, and rendered bimfelf like the muddy dregs of vapid beer, nauseous and destitute Gf every natural oua'itv except its bitterness, to whole ear the converUtron of women is idle lioiifenle, an J tie prattle bf children irk lb me jargon, is tylW entitled to be tree from;evils, iiut lei him aik no more. Let him not grow lour and repine at the happintU of his neighbor who enjoys, an: -v, the pleasures of youth, in the Iriatenuitg gaity of a filing and hopeful family. He will look in vu;n tor vhofi? transports winch P.t tui> felt, when, in the hands cf an enemy, lie <iw tfc>e weeping Ai< ri a entreating, as a tavor, to be allowed 10 accompmy her captive hit {baud, to Walt jit his meal*, and put on h.. (hoc*, in the Voom of a icrvaat. t<* whom, by his rank, P.Etus was entitled : or when, after t denial of this favor, he saw her, in an open boat, braving the dangers of the Tea, to follow him aerofs the Adria tic. Let hiru content ii.mfr'f to fore, ofu ch, and innumerable other kind offices \vhich fprin.* dpiy from v'n ttmus attachments, which enliven the plealu re, an&. alley iate the sorrows of life. These are " joys which the ih;anger intermeddleth not wit's." They are right?, which belong to the father and the kufband, who mu(l not he defrauded. Thofc, then, who would leek a fliield ag«tir.(i the ingratitude, the di (appointments and the disasters of the world, wit! find it, not in theexertifc of malevolence, which it lelf is misery ; not in and solitary re tirement, the aoode of consciOus infignin cance and reft lcls discontent ; but iri those aomrftio relations anc! friendly connexions, which dsmand the exercise of unremitted epre, attention and kindwefs. These are prpduftive ciufes of attachment «nd love to the objects towards whom they arc exerted, and conflitute the fame species of felicity which the Deity himfelf enjoys in consult ing and the welfare of his crea. tion. SALOMON SIMPLE, p. m. d. QUERIES Respeff fully effe en to the eonjideration of the Academy of Medicine, and other learned Injlitut'tons. IS it not proper to petition the Assem bly for a law, to forbid the inhabitants of Philadelphia to keep Sour Krout in their iiouftb, and the farmers to fell beans* in the market, during the warm months of film mer and autumn ; as both thete vegetables are known, dire&ly or indirectly, to have a peculiar tendency to generate a mephitis gas, and to corrupt the atmosphere ? Which is thegreatelt pelt to society, the ignorant mountebank wbovends his nostrums from a Itall, whom every body defpifesand avoids, or the Medicinse Do&or who, in pursuit of discoveries and a great name, pro ceeds year after year t© make experiments on the human frame, at the .expeuce of thoufauda of lives ? If you denominate any disorder by the name «{yellow Fever, no matter what it is and treat it as such, will (t not become as alarming amtonorial, jn a month or fix weeks as the real yellow fever if the Weil-Indies ; and will it not produce rffetts equally bane ful to the prosperity of the ci>y ? If Vcfffls failing from Phladetphia and New. York in the months of August, Sep tember, and Oftober, are obliged to per form quarantine in,Great-Britain and Ire land, as was the tale lad year, although veflels direftly fr<im the Weil-India islands, the i ative feat of the yellow fever, were exempt, it it not an alarming circumtUnce ? and are we not indtbted fur.this injurious dillin&ion to the infinite pains foma men have taken, to fpj-ead an opinion chat aa/w and malignant disorder, winch they denomi nate an " autumnal pejtilt. ee" has made its appearance in the United States j owing to fume change in the atmofphereof the coun. try, which they can neither describe nor account for ? I with to know whether the Oleum taccu linum applied warm to the pericianeum of a patient, or the lex Hbellorum to hiscrumena, is like to be the moll efficacious medicine in subduing the lanceto colamelo-phobiajacon tumacious malady which if not fpecdily checked, threatens to bring the ptaiiice of some learned p yficiaus into Uoiveifal dis credit ? How many patienrs may a phyfieian kill by the free and indiscriminate prefcripti#n ot a ritu medicine, btfyrea man may ven ture to call him a £>uacL ? In this disastrous age of the world, when the rabies innovandi prevails so univerfaliy, is it not possible, even, for a lunatic to make converts to a new opinion ? Brothers, one of the crazicfl, chough perhaps the most in nocent, of the modern illuminati, had patrons and difcipies even in the Britilh Houfc of Commons 1 May not a man be very f-nfible and intel ligent on common topics, and yet rav« like a lunatic, whenever yellow fever is brought into convcrfation ? We know there are patients i» Bedlam, who talk very ration ally on every fubje&, except those which were tha immediate cause of i heir derange ment. One of this unhappy defenption conceited that he was Neptune, the God of the Ocean, and on his proper element he was omnipotent ; he could even estin guilh the fire» of Tartarus, or quench the thunder-bolts ot Jupiter. On all other to pics he was rational and entertaining, but as soon asyou touched on this awful theme, you put hit intellectual machine into the wildest disorder. AN ENQUIRER. * " Aljiain from leant,' was one <»f the fa?a apho rifms of Pythagaras: the meaning, though too re condite for the vulgar, mult be well knewn to your learned academy. A STATEMENT OF FACTS, By which the public may Jorm sopie judg ment 'of the intrepid valour of master John Rush. Last evening three females, two of whom art married, thojjrht proper to enjoy the ple ifure which the united powers of a Merry and Cooper the the atre. During the two firfl aits, fcveral gein.l;men Ipoketo them, but in a style not to „'ive offence. It remained for this daring {tripling and his companion (who is unknown) to o'er leap the bounds of decency, and to insult them in the grofiett manner. They condescended to uie language that would have a flue boy, and by the repetition of " Damme / know you—l know your voice, 'tis damn'd ajfectijn to me—throw up your veil—and don't be so shy—l tell you I smoak you."— This, and much more in the fame fubliffie style, obliged one.of them to lift her veil, wiv n /he begged him to delill, and requeued t,i know his name—he answered her by a m .1 in ieceijt exprellion, at which himfelf .companion were the only ones to l.tli-rh. The hdies attempted to retire.—To walk was impollible, as they had every tiling ta dread from his indecent behaviour, and no carriage was to be had To early. Corporal puriiflisneht is Deft fu:t"d to bis time of life, but tlie rod ou lit to be.placed in the hands of his reipeiitable father, who, no d.yiibt, will be much hurt by the coudujt of his i'pn, so unlike a gentleman. Shout ! this forward youth add. to'"'is unmanly Can, duct, that of, t*. the psrl'ons concerned beg leave to reltr him to Mr. J. Be Bond, who was present part of the time ; or lieut. M. Reynolds,— to the polifrnc{'3 of the hit ler gentlemen the ladies are much obliged. He did that which would have Srfgraced no, and ought ever to diflinjuilh the sol dier—vi protect the uriprcrteftffd,. Tliis {latenirnt is not meant to draw an apolorry from Kulh, no;, they wauld disdain to accept of in apology frr-rtj a person caoa ble of acting as h.- has done. They will otter one for him-: he aTtyteared to afl under tfce effldt of foreign influence, and from ths effiuvia it was supposed to be Nantz. CONGRESS. MOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Monday, March 24, Mr. Parker, from the Naval Committee, reported the foM6>wing resolution : Resolved, By the Senate and Iluufc of Bdprelenratives of the United States of America, .in Congref* allembled, that the President of the United-Mates be requdted to present to Captain Thomas TrHxtun, a Golden Medal, embleniatka.l of late adtion between the United States frigate Cgnfkllation, of 38 guns, and the French fhip*of*w;>r L.a Vengeance, of 54 guns, in testimony of the high fenle entertained by Congrefs,"of hr« galla.itry and good conduct in the above engagement; wherein an exam- pk was exhibited, bv the Captain,, Officers, Sailors, and Marines', honorable to the American name, and inftruitive to its rising navy. Tiyjt the conduct of James jarvis, a o*vdfbjpn>3fA;tn fa id frigate, who gloriaufty preferred death to the abandonment of his pofK i$ cilleryitftg of the highest praise. and that thr loss of io pro vmfinp; a;i officer is a fufojeCt. of national recrret MefiYs. Randolph and l,v<m -.ppi'fed i!i<- H1 iefoliitioii. 'l'ht: quc'lhon u-jon ;■> it was taken by nvt- nd n;.yi .'.n-J Carried ,;yef, 87— noes 4. 'I hole who voted in the negative are Mr. Jackson, ?vlr. ){.l nd.- io'i, Lyon, The second refolutkm whs agreed to nn?.- nimoufiy 1 . The WV fupplemenbry <0 the to regu late trade and ihtcrcouric with the Indian tube's, and to preserve peace on the frontiers was read a third time, auiipaffed. Mr. A. Foller prefta;e(j a petition ot Sitas Dinfmoor, late an agent of the United States to the Cherokee nation of Indians, praying compenfati'on lor (ervices rendered tin that capacity. 'Referred to the Commi- tee of Claims, Mr. Gallatin pre fen ted the reraonftrance of a number of the inhabitants of Fayette county, Penfilylvanfa, agaipft Benjamin Wells, collector rf extile in th?t county ; which was referred to the Secretary of the Tre a fury. Mr. 1). Fofler, from the Committer of Claims, mad-} a report on the petition of Robert Yates, who prayd tor commutation to which he fuppofedhe was in titled as heir to his late brother. The Committee report. that the petitioner never had thr right to which he tnalcs -lalm, :>od that the petition fllc 11 Idbe rejeilcd. i:, this ivpou tjif House coin* u rred, Mr, Harpt'r brought in a bill to amend the a4t intitl;d «n a<ft tp provide for tbe Second Ce»fu.s, or eaumrtian of the inh?.* bi?:uits' of tiie Uniu'd States ; which was ordered to be rt-ad a third time to-morrow. The Hoi:f i;j I'linu'il the t onfideration. ot' the quellion 011 palling the b ; ll for the relief of the Corporation "of Rootle lilind College. MclTis.' Matfon tind G*. Ha tin nppsfed it, and Messrs. Gtiatrplnv, Otis, and J. Brown, in favor of it, when the qticftioi. was taken. Yeas 4*. Nays 41. Mr. Speaker declare him fell in the affir mative, and the bill was pa (fed Mr. Harper brought in a bill to make further provilion for tbe removal and ac commodation rf the Gover«ment of the United States, which was read and commit ted for Wednesday. The house went into committee of the whole on the bill to provide for the better regulation and ertablifhment of the courts of the United States, when the bill hating been read by the clerk, the committee rose, and ok the question, (hall tbe committee have feavetu fit again, it pafled in the u*gi tive—ayes 38—noet 40. Mr. Harper moved the following resolu tion, which was agreed to by the house, viz. Resolved, That the committee of ways and means have leave to repare and rsport a bill or kills, . for making appropriations for the various branches of the public ler viee during (he present year. Adjourned, SENATE. William Duane, who was commanded by the Sei.ate of rtie United States, to appear at their, bar oh the 24th inft. in compliance with that 1 rder appeared in the senate cham ber yefterdsy forenoon—and upon the Pre sident's rtquettisg him to state, what he had to lay in answer to the charge alledged against him, replied, that not being versed io the law, from an unacquaintatice with which he might poflibly criminate himfeii iu anfweriig all the queftinr.s which proba bly might be put to him, he wished to be heard by counlel. He was then ordered to withdraw—when a motion was made that counfcl should be allowed ; but an obje&i on being made to Mr. Duane's substituting the appearance of counlel in his behalf, and of absenting himfelf hi was again called f ii» and defiled to Hate, whether if cnunfel was allowed, he meant to attend himfelf—His answer being evalive, a refolation then was agreed to—ayu 21—noes 8, allowing him coui'fel provided he attended 10 answer such quetliori6 as might be judged proper to be put to him. Anoiher lefolu ionwasalfo adopted, com manding his attendance in the Senate cham« ber on Wtdnefday, at 12 o'cluck. gparitu flift. Port of Philadelphia. Ship Eclipse, Jones, for Calcutta, left New Gallic yefierday. An inward bound brig, laid to be the Charlotte, Eagbefon, from St Kitts. Captain Meany, of the brig Rose, informs that he filled trom Mountevideo, in the river La Plata, on the 6th of>January last, and arrived at New-Castle the 17th of March. Left at Mountevideo the ship Sally for Philadelphia, to fail in 20 days ; the brig Pennsylvania, Knox, to fail in 4.0 days; two Americans from Hamburg, admitted to fend their cargoes to the C'uftom-houfe until they repaired, and obliged to take their cargoes away, owing to the royal order ar riving and being made known some days be fore their arrival, prohibiting all neutral velTels from entry in the Spanish colonies : —also a Hamburg thip, ordered out in 20 days. The cargo of the Rose confifb of the fol lowing article :—Tallow, hides, fras skins, elephants teeth, oflrich feathers, beaver, bed feathers, horse hair, leopard skins, horse skins, deer Ik ins, and furs of different forts A Liverpool paper of the 23d December la(l, contains advertisements of the following veflel9 for the United States : For New-York, Ship Nancy*, Warden ; Barque Pallas*, Bowden ; Ship Supply, Pittigrcw, mounting- 24 guns, 9 and iff pounders. For Norfolk, Ship Adventure, Vardell, 400 tons burtbeh, to fail the beginning of February, and join conVoy at Cork. For Savannah, Brig (Jnion, Youug to join convoy at Cork about the end of JaE. Ship Three Friends, Trumbull, mounting I 6 £'JhS. * American vessels. NEW THEATRE- To-morrow evening* March 26. Will be prefanted a TrageOy, (not a&ed thftfeafoni calU'd ROMEO and JULIET. To which will be added, (not acted this fcalon) a Farce, in two ail*;, called THE DEAF LOVER. Box. one Dol ar, l ; it, three quarters* ©f a dollar, awl Gallery half a dollar. & The doors of the Theatre will open at a quiver pa&s, and the certain rife at a quarter past si*, VI VAT RESPUBLICA. MRS. BECK, BEGS leave to inform (he' es of Pliila delphia-, that fbe opens her 'MORNING SCHOOL for Geography and HilWy on the 4th of' April, from 6to 8 o'clock. Any young Ladies may attend, as well as thole already un der tuition'. Fifth Street, oppos'te State House Yard. N. B.—A FEW LOTS"to be let at FranK* iord. Enquire As above. March 25 jfvst /'rrsvsd) In the (lap Mary, Th«mas Webb, Master, front I.aguira, 40,00 a wt. Qarracas Cocoa. 30,000 lb. Priiise Prime Coffee. 5,000 wt. Flora Indigo. THOMAS "ALLI&ONE, March 2- A Summer Retreat. A convenient and Genteel House. ftrui erl in Trentcn, to be let or fold. Pnfleflion will be gi»; 11 the Ift of June Best. Enquire of the Fk.mßf. March i; Last PMic Ball far tbe present Season* Mr. FRANCIS Respectfully informs Lis Scholars and the Public in generaft, that his last PußliC Hall will he" on Tfrefday, April ift, at the Room in South Fourth Street. Jn which wtfi be introduced an entire; new set of CotillioHi* Cimpafed hy Mr. Francis, called ' Les Delices D'Amerique. ift The FaOiior^ ad, The Military, The Bath C Strathlpey 4th. The Rage { Heel Compcfed entirely of the favourite Scotch P.epss. Also, Two New Country Dances For the present Scalon, called The Muhc bf the Medley is fcle&ed from the moil admired Country Dances. * J* At- addition 3 i is engaged to play the New Dane e*. • $y Children that are not Pupils cannot be admitted. Mr. F. infpnr.s his Pupils that a Pra&ifing will take place on Saturday evening, at which he requcfU [heir punctual attendance, in order to be perfect in the new dances for the BaH. N B. —Mr F. begs leave i„> remind his Scholars ;nd the public -in general, that after the iQ, or April fie *ilf remove his Acadeir.ytO Harmony Court where he will attend to five inftru&ion In the an of dajjdfeg, at his ufuall rave of 5 dollar* per month. March #5. d 6% RUSH-LIGHT Will br published next Wednesday gjp At a rr.bft tyrannical attempt has been made to iuppreis the i'alc and put a *? ep- to the circula tion of this Werk,*« Philadelphia ; and,as it it ap prehended that those, in the city, who "hatethe light, because their deeds are evil." will Aicceed in intimidating the bookfellcr# so far to prevent tjhtm Item leiling ; this is to give notice, that a«y Pbilaielphiariy who still wishes to fee the truth,'(hall b« fupt'licd with the RUSH LIGHT rcguiarly by pest, and that I will pay the postage. The money mud be paid in adiiana; but this may be very easily managed. Five gentlemen. for instance, may join together, and fend on a five dollar rote, upon the receipt of which credit will be given to each of them fer four Numbers which will be regularly lent on, the moment they are pnbliPied. This puts one in mind of the means formerly made uie otto Ileal books fr mfree states intodef* potic ones. What (Irange things come about in his world ! March 24 THE AXTI-JAC.QBIN REVIEW AND MAGAZINE; A few copies of the above work are receiv* ed and for sale at Dickina't Bookfccrc, opposite *Chrift Church. March *4. (U JOSEPH ANTHONY, & £o. At their Store No. 5 Cbesnut Street, have Mar A 44. ALL nerfons indebted to the eftatc of JOHN RHQADS, late of this city, deccafed, are requested to make immediate pay ment and tho/b having accounts against the lame, to bring them in, duly attested, for payment to March 24, TWO STORY BRICK HOUSE, With a Lot thereunto belonging, SITUATE in Duck Creek, Cross Roads Kent County, State or Dtlaware, fronting on the M-in Street i there'are on the , er Floor, £ve Raoms and an Entry, with a number at well fini*hod Rooms up Stairs, a Cellar under the whole Building, a Brick kitch en, a tump of good Water, with a Stable, Car riage House and Sheds, the whole Improvements are in good repair. The Seat is well calculated for either a Store or Tavern, the latter of which it "has been occupied for z number of years with considerable fuqeefs. The tituation is dry and the Country around being very healthy and a plice of considerable Trade, it will he well worth the attention of any person wishing to purcluie or rent. £5" For further particulars apply to the Sub fctiber at the aiorefaid place. January 8 feri 3 t. AN attachment was lately iftued out of the in terior Gsurt of common pleas of the county of lifl'ex, in the state of New Jerfcy, directed to the IherifF of the said county, againfl the rights, credits, monies anu cffecfls, goods and chattel*, lands and tenements of John Cten>es Symmes at the suit of William Wells, in a plea of trespass on the cafe to hrs damage threethoufand dollars; — And iultereas, the said Iheriff did, at ths term of June laftpaic, return to the laid court that he had attached the defendant by a certain bbnd given by Matthias Denman and Samuel Mcelter to the laid defendant, to the amount of near two thoul'and dollars, a;, d alfoby sixty land warrants Race Strut Wharf \ dst..' A'iev/ therefore, nnlefs rhc faijl John Clevcs Symmt'B (ha:l appear give special bail, and receive a declaration at the suit of the plaintiff, judgment will be entered against. him, and his property herein attached, will be fold agreeably to the llatute in such cafe made a*d prov : dcd. Aaron Ogden, Clerk, Elizabeth-town, July 8,1799 e«6w, i\Tr. FRANCIS'S The First of April, AND The Philadelphia Medley, No. 11l OF THE OK, Monthly Political and Literary CENSOR. FOR' SALE, The following Articles, viz. Fir ft quality Rulfia, Hemp Ruflia Duck Brandy in pipes, firft and fourth proof Madeira Wibein pipes and half pipe# Claret in cases Winter and Summer prriTei, Spermaceti Oil Spermaceti Candeis, and Hyson Tea, latefc importation NOTICE. HACHEL UHOADS, Admin'tx. No. 19 North Third street. TO BE SOLD, Or Rented for a term of Tears, A LARGE JOHN CUMMINGS. WHEREAS, •f mwfjm iiW'3ni.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers