JUST RECEIVEp, From the BOSTGK Manufactory, A j%vANiirr OF WINDOW GLASS, Of different sizes, FOR SALE BY ISAAC HARVEY, JVN. N. B. Any file »r (izesthat maybe wan'eel cu: larger than 18 bv be had from said manuhcto iy, on being ordered; and attention given toforward on any orders that may be left For thatpurpofe Apply at No. 9, South Water-street, as above, july 8 dtf WAR DEPARTMENT, PROPOSALS WILL be recetved at this Office until the seventh day #f April next for rutting out cloathing for the Army of the United S»ates. — The pmpofaU must fpecify the price required for ct»»tirig out each of the fcveral articles, to wit, Horseman's cloaks, regimental coats, veils and overalls. PROPOSALS will a!fo be received until the seventh day of April next for the delivery of five thousand-Juts and twenty thousand shirts. The haw to be made of good wool to be well rna nufa&ured, full cocked, bound with narrow back binding, the fan ©r hind part eight inch es bread, fides and corners fix inches hroad.— The shirts to be of linen equal in quality with the pattern article, 4ntl to be as well made as he (aid pattern. Oct half of the. hats an<! shirts to be dslivev- on or before the srft day rrt June nexr, and the remainder on cr before the firft day of July next. Patterns of the fc vera I articles may be seen at the Military Stores Vept by John Harris, on. the wjiarr between Arch arid Kac^ftreets. Secuiuy wi!l be required. JAMES Mc. HENRY, of VVar. WATER-OFFICE. Centre Square, Fcieaaij j, 180 c. IN compliance with the inftruftions of the Committee for watt ring the city, and with my own inclinations, every poliible admit tance and information has be>i\ given to those citizens who have visited the Works during their progress. The Engines are now arrived, and are immediately to be put up* and it is hoped that it will Ibe thought rea- fonsbleaind just, both to the Public, and to the Contraftor-far the Engines,' that the workmen should not be interrupted. Ax a very few months '.viH fully gratify the cy riofity of the/Citizens, .by (hewing them the Enemas in fall operation, a temporary ex clusion of all vi'fitors front the Engine houl'es c:»»ot appear improper. * B. H. LATIIOBE, Engineer. x February 13. dtf. WILL BE EXPOSED TO SALE, (At Public Vendue) On Second Day, the of tbis I?istant y ON TUB PREMISES, SEVERAL LOTS OF LAND, PLEASANTLY fituat«d on the main road leading from Philadelphia to New York, in Lower Dublin townfliip, in the county o! Pkiladel-" flr.ia, hetweew the 10 and li mile stones, contain ing from one to five acres eacfr; one other Lot, containing about thirty acres, lying on the road leading from said road to Buftleton ; there arc on said lot a good stone dwelling house, a good apple orchard, about fix acres of well timbered land, the remainder cleared and in a good state of cul tivation. For further particulars, enquire of the owner, on the premiss. , JONATHAN PAUL. 18t 3d month, 13th. THE UNDERSIGNED, HIS Swediih Majefty'&Conful General, and au thorized to tranfa& the Consular Business, for his-Ma jelly the King of Denmaak in the United States of America, residing at Philadelphia, Hereby gives public Notice, That in obedience to recent irvftru&ions received fiV>m his government, it is the duty of all Matters of Swediih and Danifti veflcfe, befor« their failing from any port in the said Stages, to call upon him ©r the Vice Consul; in order to be granted luch Certificates for their Cargoes, which the exigency of the ft ate of the Neutral Commerce and the fe ver ,1 t)ecree9 of the Belligerent Powers, render indifperfably necessary, and, that any Mafler of veffeis belonging to the refpe&ive nations, or na vigating wader the prote&ion of their flags, in omitting to tike such certificate*, will personally stand rcfp'emfible for the 4onfequences. RICHARD SODEHSTROM Philadelphia, 18th December, 1799. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE About 25 acres of Land y L AYING on the east fide of the Falls Road.— Qq the F.aft it is bounded by property belong ing to Mr. Tench Francis, fen.—-on the south, by a road "f two perches, and on the north by a lane, which separates it from Mr. M'Cal). It is propo sed to divide this land into 3 equal parts in order to suit the purchafers-. Also, 31 acres, fit 11 a ted on the weft fide of Gerrrantawn roid, adjoining Mafters's estate, being part of the propsrty of the late Samuel Mifflin. Fpr terms apply to Samuel Mifflin, corn-r of Market and nth ilreet's. January 24. dtf. TWENTY DOLLARS REWARD. RAN A WAV on Saturday evening theVjtfe July instant, from €n.Je,brook Furnace, Lancaster c-ounty, a Negro Man named Cato> he k about 40 years of age, five feet fix or se ven inches high, tolerable black, with a down il-1 look, fqurnts, he is a cunning artful fellow, a grear liar, and very fond of strong liquor, has beert brought ijp to the farming bufmeis, i$ very aabdy at any kird of laboring work ; he to*>k with him a number of clothing, amongst which were, one suit plain Nankeen ; (some money). It is expetfed h« has ftraped hi; course for Philadelphia or New York. * The above reward will be paij /or fe curiuj: him i n any gjol in the United Stares, with reasonable charges if brought home. SAMUEL JACOBS. Cofebroek Furnace, Jaly 16, 1-99: NICKLIN ASD GRIFFITH HAVE FOR SALE small chests of on board 4 ditto of colored Muflinets, J the (hip 4 hales of St. Fernando Serges, ! Neitor,in 4 ditto of Catnblets, j the river lo ditto of colored and white ] from Cafliineres, J Liverpool 14 trunks of printed Callicoes, The above are in snball ajfartedpackages calculated either fur the IVeJI India or bor/ie trade, 30 ton 3 Lead, in pigs, 8 ton 9 of dr? WWt? Lead in bhds. 17 casks of line dry Yellow Paint, 6 ditto of Mineral Black, 1 ditto of ditto White, I o ditto of Colcothar, 3 ditto of Purple Brown, 10 cases Englill-j China Ware in fcits, 36 calks of Naits aflbrfed,. 300 barrels pickled Salmon, 80 half dittp ditto, 80 barrels Herrings, 20 ditf* Shad> 10 ditto Mackarel, 7 caiks of Pocier in v bott!es, 20 puncheons Rum, 190 pipes of Brandy, 4th proof, 15 pipes old Madeira Wine, II quarter cbefts Young Hyson Tea, 13 boxes of Imperial ditto, English Gunpowder, HI 1 ' Forged Copper Nails and Bolts, Sail CaAyafs, Empty Wine Bottles, Cork in (heets, Green Coffee in hhds. February .I^, March 6, 1800 UNSEATED LANDS. THE OWNERS OF Unseated Lands in WefcmorehfiG county, Pennsylvania, are hereby notified. that an left the Taxts due on said lands for a * c P a 'd into the hands of 'Juki Brandon, Kfq. trcafurer of said county, on or before the aoth of April next, they will be advettifed for sale, as the law directs JAMES M'GREW, ") HENRY ALLSHOUSE, iComm'rs. JEREMIAH MUURY, J January 13. d%m TREASURY DEPARTMENT. March nth t 1799. PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVSN, Pursuant to the ail of Ccngrrfs paiied on the 3ft day of juae, one tfcoi'fand, seven hun dred md ntnety Ox, entitled 44 an acfi rcgylat irtg the gram* of iand impropriated for mili tary services, a-nd for the focicty of United Brethren for propagating the gospel among the fleaihcn and the fuppleroentary to the laid redte4pafitd on the f ecrcnd day of. March, tine thouiand feveh hundred andnine lynine——to <u>it: I. THAT the trafl of Land herein after de* feriked, namely, " beginriing at the North Vl'efX, corner of the seven ranges of towhfhips, anil running thence fifty miles due fou;h, along trie wefttrn boundary ot the said ranges ; —theme due Wefl to the Main Branch of the Scioto ri ver ; thence up the Main Branch of the said ri ver to the place where the lndi?n boundary line croft*-s t-he fame ; —thence along, rhe lard boun dary hne to the Tufcarora3 branch of the Muf kingurri river at the eroding place alx ve Fort Lawrmce ; thence down the said river, tu the point where a line run due weft from the place of beginning, will interle<fl the said river ; thence along the line so run to the place or be ginning baa been divicistj.ic.to townfhrps of live mile® square, and fra&ionalparts of town ships ; and that plats and furvfys of the laid townships and fra&ional parts of lown(hips aic depefited in the aflices of the RegiAer of the Trcafury and Surveyor General, for the mfpec tion of all perfoßs concerned. The holders of ftich warrants as have been r»r shall be granted {qr military lervices perform ed, during the laie war, are required to preferu the fame to the Register of the TrKaftiry, at some time prior to the twelfth dsy of February in the year, one thoufond eight hundred, for the purpose of being re jittered ; No registry will however be made of any ess quant ty tha>i a quarter township, or four thousand acres. The priority of location of the warrants which may be presented and manner afore said, prior to the lith day of February in the year one thousand eight hundred, wiH immc .iiat*- 'y.after the said day, be determined by tot, in the mode diefcribed by the ait firft recited. The halders of regifleved warrants, shall on ' gecher with a coach ftnuTg and frabl*, firunte in Monday the 17H) day of February, in the year the flourishing village of .Fran.MFord. The 1800.l n the order of which the priority ef locati- which may be entered the firft of June next, will on shall be determined by lotas aforefaid, pefon- ' nniflicd in the ncateft stile with m::n/ cynveni ally,or fey their agents, defigaatc in irking at the ences, and will be well adanted to a large geotcei office of th£ Regifler of theTreafury, the particu- family whn may wiftj to refiJe in t{*e country du !ar quarter townfV.ipn ele&ed by them refpe«SMvely, ring the iumrner ityimi. In exchange, it will'ac and Vuch of the said holders as shall not deGgnate Valued low, if a vtffel off r may be luitable. thek locations on the said day, shall be poftponcd Further particulars will be maue known by ?.p ---ia locating such warrants to all other h -ldtr* of pl'taiion to ' regime red warrants The holders of warrants for military service* fufficient to cover one or more quarter townihips or traits of four thousand acres each ; (ball, at time after Monday the 17th day of February, hßpc and prior to the firftday oj January, t£oa, be al lowed to register the said warrants in manner a lorefaid, and forthwith to make l«cations therefor on any tract or tsa&s of land not before located. All warrants or cl&ims for lands on account of quiitary ii-rvices, which fliallnotbc rrgifter</d and locatsd before the firft day of January, ißoz, are by the fupplemrntary atfl of Congress herein br f ore recited, paficd on the second day of March, 1799, \icclared to be forever barred. Given under my hind at Philadelphia, th« day and year above mentioned. OLIVER WOLCQTf. Sec. cf the Treasury. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. May 29tb y 1799. proprietoraof certificates ifTned forfub- X fcriptions to the Loan bearing interest at eight per centum per annum, are notified, that at any time after payment ihall have beennriade of the sth inftaliijent, which will becomfc due during the firft ten days of the month cf July enluing, Certificates of Funded St- ck may at their option be obtained at the Treasury or Loan Offices, refpe&ively, for the amount of the four firft ipUalir.enU, or owe moiety of tfoefwm* <?* prefTedin the fubfeription certificate :—cer tificates of Funded Stock will however be iflued for less than one hundred dollars. Such fubfeription certificates as may he pre ented at the Treasury or Loan Offices in con equer.ee of the foregoing arrangement, will be ndorfed an& diftindtly marked so as to denste, that a moetv of the flock has been iflued. d6m MTVtjfJ OLIVER WOLCOTT, m Secretary of the Treasury. A A'EW MUSICAL REPOSITORY IS NOW OPENED At Chalk's Circulating library, J\ r o. 75 Ivortb Third 'Jtreet, WHERE may be had, all the Fujhtonihle Music composing the songs lately iold at the Rtpofitory in South Second Street. To wM:n, in a few days, will be added, some PIANO FOR ! FS of a very superior tope and quality, Flutes, Piks, Violin*. belt Rojnan Violin Strings, and every other article in the musical line, which will be (old in prime order, and oh the molt reafonablc terms. Sabfcriptides received for the Musical 'Journal for the Piano For* 1 , and the Flute or Violin, this firit fix numbers of which are already pub ifoed, and n-iav be purcfufed too ther or ivparatciy by npn fubfcribfcr* Mr.rch 6, l8:.c NOTICE. WHEREAS Vathew Irwin did on the Bth day of July J 797 make an affigtimtDt of his eft ate ana effe<fln, to us the fubferibers, lor the be nefit of such of his creditors, as should 011 Or before the aoth of September, t797, execute to him a full and final discharge-■ flow those his creditor who aj*e entitled to a under fcjid affign nient are lvquefted to furnifa th<fir to Samuel Meeker, with ihtereft calculated up so the Bth day of July, 17.97, as a dividend will-abfoiutc ly be struck cn the firll day of April next, and those who negletfl t© comply with this not ; cc will th re ■ after l»e excluded from the benefit ct the fame. Philip Nicktin Samuel Meeker Natb'l by his Ads. > Aflignees, Pearson Hunt John 31. Taylor Philadelphia, March 14 CAUTION. f ""HE IV:!-die ar ciuttoned receiving tbe } SuWuibers Notp in favor of, ana indor sed by Thomas W. Francis, dated ytfterdsy, at 6c day# a iter da|e for eight bundled dollars. The'no;e is in the hand writing of the Suhfcri her, aiyl at the bottom a memorandum by the indorfcf, to the credit of ihed.awer, Thomas W. FrancU. This note together with a con tract hetween Charles Williamfon, and Ha'te for lands in township, Wo. 4, in the tb range of St rubier county; of Newj Jersey, and other papers contained in a Pocket Book, were fifteen from, the Subfcriber9 d«jk taft evening.- As (he above can no use to the per fob xi-hr. has carried them < ff, (hhoiild they be returned, qvieitions shall Ue asked. SAMUEL MIFFLIN, February 6 NOTICE. A CERTIFIC ATE of one Share «f tin* Ban?; of the United Stages, No. io, in thensinW ol I ewis Peter Quirtyn, and a Certificate of twr> Shares «f the fai;! Bank, No 291 (9, in the name of George Ja&ics Ohclnjomlcly, Earl of Cbtdniou dely, were forw.,, Jed from Nesv York by she Chefterfieid British Packet tor Falmouth, which was captured hy the French, and the 'Certificate J 1 oil Or destroyed. aud for wl icfi application i> made at said Bank for the renewal thereof, of which afl persons concerned are tlefired to take potie's. CLEMENT BIDDLE February 21 10 BE SOLD FOR CASH, (."»« MrHAXGH), f r j.ro'frt in the City, or iv it bin tbirt mites of it. A PLANTATION or Jra<ft of Land in L X Mifflin County-end State of Pernfylva i.ia, within £x milts tKf. the river Juniata, con taining abort acres. There are fifty acres cleared, part of which is a rich bottom, watered by a ronflant ftrtam ihat is iUci>g euo'.igb to work an oil .or a griA roiW Any per'on inclining to deal for it, ma,y obtain fur ther information by applying at the offic • of this gazette. / N. ii. If fold, credit will' be givea for part of the money. o<9<>ber 17, 1799 FOR SALE Or to he exchanged for a gqod VefTei, A N elegant new two ftr,ry FRAME HOUSF, ii twenty seven deet front by thirty four in depth, with a commodious piazea and kitchen, t< MOORE WHARTON. FJ-.ruvry 24. ( United States( ) Pennsylvania District. J . BY ADJOURNMENT BY virtiw* of a writ 6f venditioni exponas, to me dnedied, jffoed out of the circuit court of.tHe United States* in and-fur the Pennsylva nia Diftudi, of the middle circuit, will be fold by public vendue it the city in Sgrond street, in the city of, Philadelphia on Satur day the sth day of April next*, at 7 o'clock in the evening, all that certain trait or parcel «t land, situate, lying and being en the nver or creek called Lackawaxeq, in the county of Wayne, containing Bocso acres and upwards ; on which are erected a ftahles arid lawmill, with the appurtenances. —The nam« of the original warrantees of the said tract or parcel of land were as follows. M-ordecai Robe rts y John Till, Stopbel Medcra. George Warton. Benjamin Hancock, Edward Welsted, Zacbariab Ferris, George Till, Thomas Wiggins, James Thompson. Joseph Whitehead, Patrick Connolly, George Morton, George Streetoii, T-br>mhs Grijfy, ? # William Halbert. $ Friend. St ret ton, John Olipbant, Seized and in execution as the property of Robert Lcttis Hooper, deceased.. JOHN HALL, Marshal, N. B. A reafon.ible credit will be given, MarfhaJ's Office, Philadelphia, March 17, * Tl'tft two trafts do not contain the full quantity of tbeorignal warrants ; part of them havi&g been conveyed avjay. Territory of the United States, Nvrth Wtfi of the river fibio. For the information of non refidrnts, proprietors of lands situate and lying within laid territory. By a taw passed in the general assembly of said territory, on the 19tb of December. A. L). 1799, entitled u Aw A& levying a Territorial Tax en Laivcfc," lands lyin'r within said territory, the projyerty of individuals, non-reildf its, as well as residants, arc subjected to {taxation to de defray territorial expencjs. EXTRACTS FROM SAID LAW. Publlfhed by Authority Sec. 8. And be it further enaßed> That there shall be paid within this territory, the following taxes, for every hundred acres of land, and so in proportion for a greater or smaller quantity ; the land fha'l be div-ded into three claffcs, according tothequlity, that is ro fay, firft second and third rat; the fir(t rate ihall be taxed at eighty five cents, second rate at sixty cents and the 3d ra>te at twenty-five cents, per hundred acres, which said taxes (hall be paid annually iu the manner rlefcribei by th>s aft ; and the f blowing rule shall be observed in rating any tradt us land to wit—when a greater part of a tras (hall be superior in point of quality to second rate land, it shall be deno. minated firft rate; when a greater part of a trafl shall b~ inferior to firft rate and fn | perior to third rate in point of quality, it ! shall b& denominated second rate ; and when the greater part of a traft of land shall be inferior to second rate, it shall be denomi nated third rate land—taking into view the furface of the earth as well as the quality of the foil. Provided always, That nothing herein contained shall b-* conttrued to fub je& to taxati n, at y lands lying within t ! e limits of the c<>ntra& made by John Cleves Symtr.es ane! h»s associates, with the 1 oard oftreafory, and without the boundaries ol their patent, u itil the fame shall have been granted by the United States : dndprovi ded alfoy That the. unimproved lauds in the Vinceunes and Minors country, shall not be lifted at higher than second rate. miScth.tf Sec. 10. And be it further enaded, That the territory shall have a perpetual Jieiv on every tra£t of land add every part thereof, for the amount of all taxes,, and 10 perveto turh in t ere It thereon, from Ihe firft day of September ; arod no alienation of lands be longing to any person, or neglect in enter ing or lifti g the fame, fiiall ess«& the claim or lieu of this.territory, until the taxes and interest thereof due from such perfen, are paid. Sec. 11. Ind be it further tnaftcd* That the te ritorial auditor and c e clerk of the peace of each couoty refpe&ively, {ha!! keep a book for the purpose ofentering lands of non refij3ents in manner artd form hcr-inaf ter dirked. AU-non residents shall enter their land 3 with the auditor, or with t l e clerk of the peace of the couirtry in w'n'ch the land lies, on or before the firit day of July, who shall administer an oath to the person deliveriw? such lift, or by any other means procurefatisfa&o< v information for the purpp eof afcertaini'g the quality oJ such land, placing it in its prc»per class, nn der the name of the county in which it hVs; and every non r fident shall enter t.is or her land, agreeably to the rules and regulation of this aft, 39 in cafe of residents All tax -1 e» on lands, lifted by the commiflioner, and returned to the clerk asafo efaid, shall be paid, with interest thereon, to the fheriff or ccUe&or, as the cafe may be. And the ttaxes on all lands, lifted by the audi tor (or by the clerks of the peace and cer tified to the auditor) with the interest: that may be due thereon, shall be paid to the territorial treasurer or to the fheriff or col lator of the proper county, but the treasu rer fhn.ll not cceive from the non resident, any taxes, unless such non resident pay the lame before the firtt day of Vuguft, annu ally, nor lintil such non resident shall pro. duce to him, a certificate from the auditor or the clerk of the peace refpe&ivcly, of the quality of the land, for which he or fh is about to pay the tax, with the amount due thereon, which certificate shall be, by the treasurer, filed in his office. The auditor of the territory andthe clerk of the peace of th* several counties refpe&ively, lhall keep of transfers ; and every nrn resident, who has entered his or her lands, in manner a fore fa id, may, on the transferring the fame or any part thereof to any other son or persons, have the alteration made with'he auditor or clerk of the pe ce ref peftrely, and charged to the person or per sons to whom transferred, and such person fhail be charjjable with the tax of such land orlmds r; a ,! d each person having the alterat on made, shall pay to the auditor or clerk of the peace rcfpeftivels', twenty five cents, to his own use. And it shall be the further duty of the auditor, in the mctath of Anglic, yearly and every year, to tranf mtt to the clerks of the peace of the feveraT counties refpetft'ively, a certified extract of all lands entered in l is office, or alterations therein made in the preceding year, » oting thereon the tra&s of land on which the tax eß have been paid into the territorial tieafu ry. Prwvid d aJrv ys, I hat it (hall be' the duty of thefevera! clerks of the peace, upotf receiving from tlie auditor, a lift: of the z on residents' lands entered in his office, to make diligent fearchand enquiry of the Don resi dent a' lands lying in each of their refpe£live counties ; and after comparing the said au dit -rial lift with the lift of non residents' lands entered in his office, shall proceed to lift all the tefidue of the lands belonging to n ->n-rcfidents not before lifted, noting the quantity and quality of the several trafts of land, so by bim discovered and not before entered, andfuch as hecannct with certainty ascertain the quality of, he /hall enter as eot^A fecondrate; at- d shall m; keoatand trar.f mit one copy to the territorial auditor, anrt a second copy of such lift the clerk (hall - liver to the (heriffor colleftor of the pro per county, to govern hicn in c Hefting the taxes due thereon, as in other cafss of non residents' lands. See. 13 /<-id be it further enabled, That the <heriff or colltftor (hall be authorised to fell so much of each (raft of land charged with taxes, as will discharge the amount thereof, with costs: P-ovided goods and chattels cannot be found thereon to the a mouat. And ?he (herifF o'rcolleftor >(i that cafe, shall advertise the time and place of faU one month, at the door of the court house, and :>lfo, at foftr other public places in his county ; and if the perlon claiming the land does not pay tfce amonnt on or be fore the,expiration of the t im<*, the flic■ ifFor colleflor shall proceed to fell ; after fucti file, thefhe'lFcr colleftor fftall deliver to the purchdfer a certiftcaie of she quan tity of land fold, describing tfierein the traft that was charged with the tax, and the end or fide from which the quantity fald was tskeh, which fliall always be laid off as nearly in s Square as the si nation will admit of : Ai<l the furv.-yor of the county,*on the receipt of such certificate, shall by him felf f>r deputy proceed tofurvey ihe quantity fold as as refaid, agreeably -to the said cer tificate, and charge purchafer with the expe; et of the fame. The furvtyor or his deputy ps the cafe may be, (hall-give notice to the former owner, if in the county, cr his.as'enr, if any he-has therein, of the day on which the furvsy is to be made: And upon the plat and certificate of survey being presented to the fhenff or colleftor, ir shall be his duty to convey the f me to the pur chaser fy deed, in due form of law cxecu. ted, whi< h conveyance (hall vefl in the pur c'naftr all the right, title and interest of the proprietor ; and in confidevation nf law shall also vest the posT fiion of the latft in the purchsfer ! Provided always, that nothing the cin contained (hall exter.d, or foe con (lr ed to rxte: d, to bar the right or equity of re emption, whifch any infant, person nonconvpos mentis, or in captivity, may have the land so fold, provided the taxes and charges 'hereon. will interest, and aa equitable competition fer improvements there >n made, be rendered within one year after luch disability be removed. ec. 14. /ml be rt further enaSed, That wh n any traft of land, or part thereof, is not fold upon b- ing x'pofed, a: d the tax O" the fame not paid, it (hail be the duty of the (heriff or colhilor to advertise and ex pose the fame to sale in like m£tnnsr, as to ;ime and place as aforefaid, at every court of quarter f, ffi ms. until Ihe land be fold or the tax be paid thereon ; at'd no fheriff or coll, dlor, or their deputies, shall direftly or indirectly purc'iafe any land that fliail be cxpofed to sale for the payment of taxes. Sec. 16. And be it further enaflc/1, That when any non rffident ftiils to pay to the treasurer the tax and intereil doe on anv trifl of land, on or before the fa d month of Augttll annually, the auditor (hall, at th# fame time when he transmits to the several c't rks of tl.ecrnrties the amount of lands e terrd ijt his office, certify to the several Sheriffs or celleflois, e% the cafe maybe, such failure of payment. Hating particular ly the amount of the taxes due thereon ; and also at the Tame time advertise the fame in one of the-Gszettesof this territory, for four weeks fuceeffively ; whereupon the (heriff or colkdor (hall, forthwith after re ceivingfuclt lift, proceed to advertise on the court houfedonr <>f his proper county, the said tradls fla ds on which the tax is due, fl.t'ng the amnu t ri-erc-f. and that he (hall proceed to makv? fate of the fame to fyisfy (aid taxes, unjefs th'- fame (hall be piia «n or before the firft Monday in No vrmbt-r, or so much thereof as w II pay the tsxts and cxpences attending (he fsle ; and the said (heriffor colie or (hall advertise 'he fame iu four different public places within the county, and if the amount of taxes is n it pa d. on or before the lime mentioned, the (heriff or co!lei3or Ihall proceed to fell each traifl, or so much therrmf as will a mount to the raxes and intereil, with legal colts : and when any tra&, or part thereof be fold, the (heriff orcclleftor (hall proceed in the fame manner to have tile fame con veyed 10 the pnrchafcr as is direfled in cafe of rrmWnts ■, and ii shall iint be lawful for the (heriff or colleQor, or their deputies, dt re&ly or indirectly, to-purchafe any land fold under this feflion. Stc. 17 /,ud ht it firtfor eHsSed, "ftiat it {hall be the duty of ths territoriahaudit'or to f«ch • xtradis from this law, as rebresto the lands of !.on-refid<;nts. in o; e liewfpaper wit' in this territory ; atnd also, in oge ntvvfpapur at the feat of tin* g.-ner=l government,' ar,d at the cuy of Riv-liinotfd in V'rj»iVia ; and the town of Botfon.in MafF.ichttf«n» ; anti the'eity of Hartford in Contfediicut, for the term of fix weeks, to commence on the fii ft week in February next, and the expenres thereof fhali be de fr 'ye.' out of the territorial tr.-afury. True extracts from faidlaw, RICE BULLOCK Auditor tf Public Accounts: N. IV. T, V 'j \ uditor of said Territory has opened his office at Cincinnati, north wu tern territory, where he i a at all tim?s ready to receive and enter the lands of non-refi denters in his office, lnbjefl to the payment of taxes under the above law. R. BULLOCK, Auditor of Public /lccountt, N. IV. T. Cincinnati, Fib. I, 1800. Printers are requeued t.j give the foregoing trads a place in their refpeciire papers for the be nefit c f POINTED BY J, fP, fWNfI iaw6w.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers