new line of stages <Jo New Tork, By the ftorteft and ft P 1 "!" 1 •kroueh FranktonU ' Pennington, Miltfton e , I Bo«n<lhrook.o...on Camp, Scotch Plains, SpnngfieU New "k' THE SWIFTSURE ftjrti from the Green Tree, N»- 5° North Fourth Street, »t i o'clock every morning, and jrrltes at New York ea. ly the next evening. From Ne* York it darts at 9 o'clock overy 4av ( Saadavs excepted) and arrives it Phi a delphu, ea'ly the «« eie '" n S' Fa,„ for paffewgers 5 P l^:' 6 cent* per mile. E»ch paffi*«« »"<u"; of Wjsg«ge.' One hundred and fifty vre. b ht 0. baasJge to pay the fame as a pa.Teneer. All biS'-ice to be at the-rifle of the owner, ulllf Is nU'i-ed snrt rccrip'.sd for bv the clerks ef the .'iflertnt offices. Kate of inlurance one ptr cent; *4* Apply to JOHN M'CALLA, No. 50 N>i"ih i S'Uftli Street. PbiUrtrtphtlc J" d WILF'.AM VANDERVOOKT, No. 4* Coi:ri!and Str*tt, N.E. corner of Grtenwich Street, New York, January 3, PETER LOHRA JAMES HUMPHREYS, Junior, Notaries Public, No. 54, South Second Street, ~T% E6 PEC TFULLY inform their refpeAive IV friends and the public, that th(, *™ Md tutUMkaU according to the m.JI cpprov.dforvs, and withti.z Letters of Prcsytlou, At. t„.<V <"' d Suipution of wcry kind, b, m, aiiJ Pol's to tejbsfftato P'- ni-n Ports. "<*>«* S "'"" '? l "j th? C.jk* '4< °f IV& J Miriitim; Charter Parties, Bcttomne, i,ftmi.nt,a Motile Bends, an 1 Sfcn wens Salo, and all oth.r Injtruments of IVrltL■ Csrtk -'t,, and At<fi*tlin. relative toth. .*>d Cemmereeand Ra- EiScr Utters of Attorney, f« It.-recovery ./ Mis, aj Well as all «b«r frummU, «Wh "sordid in tne office of Notaries. —They alio draw />«*, Bonds, Mortgage*, IVills, tifrr- LADiFi hiving occ:)bn to eseeW Litters of At torney For th' Sals and Transfer of Stxk, for tne re eeJ s of lnlcrtfl and DiMnis,cr tor other nurpole. will, fey ftViiliDg their addref* to the-o.nee, wh,re enniiant j'teiici.nce dniiiiß the ufusl of fice hours, he oo at their houfe.. „ , „ o tu&ffm Fchru.ry 6. 'just Received, By the Liv.-rp: el Packet, a of tite Ccrdial Balm of Gilead, 56 iultly re!e',r t-d for the Relief and Cure o r Nervous Dilordcrs Bi i(>us Cases Icnuk Complain ti Bciiility Weakr.ifles (lion Loft of .ipnrtite Cough« »oi Cold' • f 1»J - - « Impurity of Mood C»nTumptiol» Head *che L»« nest of Spirit! Relaxation &• & c * Prepared (only) by S. SOLOMON, M. D. F. B- H. s. Of the University and College of PhyficiM>s, and Author of 14 The Guide to Health, &c. THE CORDIAL BALM OF GILEAQ, Is an immediate restorative aud corroborant, a molt powerful remedy iu female obHradlions and fuprrdEons, and in cases of retention at maturity; alio in weaki.ef., morbid dilcksrgei, and irregu arities about the turn of life. Youth of either k.t who have praSifed a iecrct and deuruSive vie ,and thereby relaxed, weak til ed and debilitated the whole ncivous fyifem, will fad the Cordial Balm , f Gilea 1 the most power ful, certain and cffv^lu d restorative. Thism-dicine jjoflVffe* wonderful efficacy 111 all nervous disorders, t'.ts hsad aches vreiknrfs.liea wnefi and lowiiels of ipiri *. dimness of fight, con fufed thoughts and wanderiv gs ot the mind, va pours and mela: choly, and all k nds ol hytleric complaii ts, gradually go off by the use of this fa lub-ious Cordial. In fickntft of the stomach, 111 fluul. nci S and ob.trufiioos, it is a fafe, powerful »nd riS »ciou> u-oedy. The tirjl fymptcnis of its grodeff '-"is are fcrenity aud chratfultiefs. Vri-.e three dollars each bottle. ALSO, A A'«w Edition, being toc 42d, of that in- Work, entitled A GUIDE TO HEALTH, Em'-.cllUhcd with the Author's portrait. V* i-ich fully explains, in a concise, piain man ner ;*« tnoft fimjile methods of treatment, with proper . fficacious remedies lor the following Di seases tis. ..... ... X'', lof-. of appeutc, bilious complaint", coniwmptijns fcmaW diseases, si*«, flatulence or wine'., hypochondriac or melancholy complaints, i«i<li«itioii. juwnile indifcretioin, lownefs oMpi- dife-ties, rlieumatifm, ruptures, ftur vy, &c. &c &c. To which is added, AN ESSAY On the Venerea'. Disease, Gleets, and Semi nal IVeakuess ; —and ati ADDRESS To Far«ots, "Tutors and Guardians of Youth, by S. SOLOMON, M. D. t. R. H. s. Every person, youtig and old, ihoald purchr.fe this book, there being fcarccly an who is not interested m some part of it—ln particular it is rcccmmended to young men and boy?; as nr. early attention to the latter may serve to snide them against a fatal rock on which thousands hare fpiit, and he the means of prcferving their bodies from disease, and si Co their fouls, their minds, and all their faculties from deilruaion. This truly intsreding work has been the labour of many years experience and observation on the ealan icous eonfrquencesof a feciet and deftruil've vice, to obtain a remedy against which, the Di c tor has devoted a principal part of his life. Wo proprietorsof Boarding Schools or Academiesfhould be without it—(Price one Dollar.) THE ABOVR Are sold Wholesale and Retail, By JOHN J. MALCOLM, DRUGGISTS, (only agents for Philadelphia) At the sign of FatkergiHis sroldsn head, No. 26 South Second Street, Nearly oppolite Black Horse Alley. jhirwq l> f nw 'f REAL ESTATE, FOR hale. WILL BF. SOLD, Vendue, on Saturday, 15tb oj 'lt Fubiic March next, A three itory Brick House, AND large Kitchen, w th :»oorthrei-buil ing Ir-ts. the lainc, situate on the corner of King ami High Streets, Wilmington Also, a two ftorv brick house, &c. ktuate on tV e north fide ot the upfer market hwufc. IV i ming ton. Likewise a lot of excdl»r v t rnarfti in lirat.- dywine, of abut two acres and a half. It s thought unnecelTary to particularize this pr< . perly, as it is prelttraed thepurchjfer Will iucline to vi'«w it. THe conditions will be made known en the day of sale. SAMUEL «c JOHN ADAMS. Wilmington, (Del.) Jan. 17 FOR I) IIM 3 0 SA L, The Time Of two Dutch indented Servants, (a man and his wife) Who have two years and eight months to farve For further particulars enquire of February 28 VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. About 25 acres of Land, LAYING ' n the fide of the FalU On the liaft it ii bonnd.-d by property belong ingr to Mr. Tench Francis, the south. by a road-f two perc-hc*, and o-the r.nth by * lane, which icparatet it from Mr. lv* l Call. It ii propo sed to divide this land into 3 P ;ut * or^.t: to fult the purchafcr* Also, 31 acres, situated < n the weft Title cf Gerfl.antown road, adj i' ing Mafiers's cftate. hem* part of the of lilt- late Samuci Mifflin. eodtf For terms apply to Samuel Mifflin, corner ol Market md 11th llreet#. January 24. A SEASONABLE ARTIf.LE, JUST RECEIVED, AND sOS HALU By WILLIAM Y. BIRCH, STATIONER, No. 17 Souti Second Street, HAMILTON'S ELIXIR, a y.ovi'.i.ti«j nr.X'ci.r Tor Colds, obltinate Coughs, Catarn.s, Afih mas, Sore-throats, and approaching Co.\ itirnpti<Mu ' THOUSANDS art too Well acquainted with the natur» and efietSs of empirical medicines tidily "fFered for "he cute of the above cum pl a 1 r.ts ; dear bought experience has taughi them that oily and liei ing joined with Itreng opiatss (or fleecy drugs) ted doses of which, flatter ?n<l deceive the ;>stietu for the prefect. by procuring rouroentfliy cife; experience, I fay, has taught thouianda that the common opiates and balsams, as they are called, finally aggravate every diforderof the bread and lungs in their most dillreflir.g lym])- toim j that tlisty load the flotnach and iinpai, the tligefiios, infiame the wh«iefyf!em mercan tile difficulty of breathing, and evcite fever.— But the qualities of this valuable discovery art evinced bv perfeAly opposite eft'efls. A SIN GLE TIUAL WILL PROVE that it reftorcs the deterraiiiation of the fluids to the furfacc of the body, and b ings on the common, healthful perspiration ; that it dillodges and evacuates the tough, viscid phlegm, or mucus, ftreo L;th ens the weakened veflels of th;: lungs, lhtathe: the acrimonious humours which irritate the lungs, and finally discharges thcrn. Thus firi king at the root of the dilorder, the fyniptoms are cf course, eflVa a ally and permanently con quered, the rev«rfe of common medicines, which weaken the confutation and give strength to the disorder, for the fake of moderating for the present, some of it* painful effe<£ls. TO PARENTS Who vic.y have Cv:!th\n afflicted tv:.'.? 1 i.l'C HOOPING COUGH. This difcowry is of the firit magnitude, as it afpirds immediate relief, checks the progrel's, arid in a flv rt time entirely removes the most cruel difmderto which children arc liable ; the Elixir is f\) perfeftly agreeable and the dole so small, that no difficulty aiifis in taking it. Dj. HAMILTON'S Genuine Efl'ence and Ext raft oj j MUSTARD. For Rl.eumatifinj, Gout.Palfey, Sprains, for. a great number of atte td cure# may be seen »t the place of fjlc Dr. Hamilton'* Grand Reftcraiive for eonftitutioiis debilitated by in temperance of any kind ; and tor the cure ol Nervous Complaints, Inward Weaknel's, Ob stinate Gleets, Fluor Albus in women, &c. Hamilton's juflly celebrated Worm Lozen ges, the infallible Itcii Ointment, Dr. Leroux's Indian Vegetable Specific fur Venereal Com plaints, Ague and Fever Drops which had ne ver failed cffeSing a cure, Dr. Hahn's Anti bilious Pill, ditto Corn Phifter, the Persian Lotion tor the face and skin, Gotland's Lo tion, Church's Cough Drops, Anderfon's Pills THE DAMASK LIP SALVE Is recommended (particularly to the La diet) a*! an elegant and Bleifsnt preparation for chop ped anil fore lips, and every blemiih and incon afil>M<l'jy cold>. fevers, &c. fpee ddy r«ftc.ring a beautiful rosy colour and deli cate fofttref6 to the lips. THE RESTORATIVE POWDER ros van tertii aKd cuius This excellent preparation comforts and ilrenptheiis the gums, prelerrcs the cr.2rr.el from decay, and cleanses and whitens the teetb, absorbing all that acrimonious (lime ai:d foul tiefs, which fuffered to accumulate, never fails to injure end Eually ruin them. .£/• Thole who wife to procure the medicines genuine, must apply only as above; Whclefale purchafcrs will receive a liberal allowance by application to L£E & Co. Balti roo.e, who have obtained the general agency for the United StatCx fcb. i<j- Tiw t a JOHN UEDINGER, Ni.. noKaccttreet rOK SALE toiw aawtP. IJNSEATED LANDS. THE OWNERS OF Urfented Lamt, in \ u elimorel«*ci county j PtnnfylvanU, »rc hsreHy notified. that an , left the I axe, due on (aid Ur is for .798, »« P lu l into the hand, of 7.1n SrMk. £/ r treafu<er of f.ild county, on or before the loth of Apn next, they will be advertised for falc, a« the law dire<st» TAMES M'GREW, ~) HENRY AI.LSHOUSE, VComm'ri. TEREMIAH MURRY, J J.nujry iS. d 3** United States, ) ff Pennsylvania District. 5 BY virtue of a writ of venditioni exponas, to mt? directed, ifl'Jtd out ot the circuit court of the United States, in and for the Pcnnlyi/a nia Diftrnfl, of the middle circuit, will be tpld by public vendue at the city tavern, in Secp«ui Greet, in the oity of. Philadelphia on Monday the 17th day of March next, at 6 o'clock in tbe evening, all that certain tract or parcel of land, situate, lying and being en the river or creek called Lackawaxen, in the county of Wayne, containing 800 c acres and I'pwardi? on which are erected a meiiuage, ftabies anti f'awmll!, with the appurtenance*.—- I he names of the original warrantees of the i'aid tract or parcel of land were as follows. M. rdZcai John Tills Stopbel MtcUra, Geo-gc Wartm, Zaebariab Ferris, Benjamin Hancock, George Tili, EdwjrJ Welsted, Thomas Wiggins, 'James Thompson* George Morton, Joseph Whitehead, George Streeton, Patrick Connolly, Friend Streeton, Toomas Grify, ? . John Oiipbm, William Halbert. $ Seized and taken in execution as the property of Robert Letiii Hooper, decealed. JOHN HALL, Marshal. N. B. A reasonable credit will be given. Marshal's Office, ) Philadelphia, Jan. 4- 5 eotl '®® * Tbe/e tiuo tratis do not contain the full quantity of the orignul warrants ) pait of tbetn having been conveyed avjay. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. March nib, f 799* PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, Purfui-ti'. tf tU- «» of paflM on il.r il'to.y ' jione ihiifjr.d, Isrvcn )i 111 ■ - <ir a i'r.-l a'.ticiy fix, r.iiUicd " »a "■'! reg.jU ir. r Ihi • rsiv.s of land jp;;fopr'uttd for inili ta'y wul for tht foiiely of United HiJinr. i. n.r propagating the pci'pd among i' l ;- HcvVt.," and the ;■£ fupplcnituraiy to pilled>r. the lVcotid day i\f Mi.xi . 1 c i..u..fa jd ftvco huadrtd M.Vi t'.c iraSi of Lau~ hci\-iii ai'ur dr ftriLril, lu- >, *< bc a* Ihe North WJ! C'Tiicr of iii.r i<ft I''t tow J rui-mini: tbeiv-c inty ;m!"s (iue toutri, along 1..i ---v.'eiicri) l.'u'jnkry of the l~ni 'V" - .*' 111 :: '' e ch!c WeJi ;« li.c Maiu £»'<> .en o;' thv S< ' vcr ; thcficc up the Wain Knack of the said ri \er to the place wherethe Indian boundary line croflW the I'arue ; —thence a!or.y.the laid boun dary the Tufcarora. branch of the Miil' kitjjium river at the oiofltng place abrve Fort Lawrence ; thence damn the said river, to the point n litre a line ruu due weft from lU- pUce of begißMicg, wiU interftiJl the said river; thence along the line ib run to the place of be pijiiiinx hsabtcii divided into townfhipl of five mites fqiiarc, and fradlionalparts of town inlps ; JKti* that plats and of the laid town&ips lad lra.2iouai parts of townlhips are depofitcd in the offices of the Rejji&er of the Treaflivy and Surveyor Cieneral, tor the inspec tion of a" perfom concerned. 11. The holders of fach v.arrantsaj hive been nr I!.all be granted tc*r military lervices perform ed during die late war, are required to pfrtfcnt the fame to the of the Treasury, at fonte time prior to the t* eltth day of February in the year, one thoufar.d eight hundred., for the purpose of being registered ; No regiltry U ill however be made of any els quantity than i quarter townibip, or four thoul'and ai res. 111. Tho priority of location of the warranto which m;iy he prtfented and manner afort faid, prior to the lith day of February in die year one theufand eight hundred, wiU ir.imcdiate ly after the said day, be detirmined by tot, in the mode dtefcribed by the ad fir ft; recited. IV. The holders of regiftercd warrants, Aral! on Monday the 17th day of February, in the yea,r 1800, i n the order of which the priority »f lecati- on Dull be determined by li aferelau-., peion- j Those, who in advanced lite, feel the canfe ally.orky their agent., deflate in writmg.t the I e . o[ thf .j excaJ . m unfortunate youth, office of the Rtgiller ol the ireafury, tK&)>ar:w-u- 9 „ hlv / blo £ tWdve. a numerou. >-< "ill by the i M > "heirtcHttnaonthe laid day, (hall be joftpored «ve. refWed to health and ftMgtb, and all in locating such warrant, to all other MJer» of tkfir.elanchnlv symptom. removed, i lb »ie regiflwirt warrant,. the general effects of luch canfes. V. j; r whether the fyftetn has received a (hock, The holder* ot warrants for siiVi-ary f k i-vLc» 4n ,i ; s debiika'cd from imprudence or inattcnti fuificiem to cover one or more town.:n;i. nll (.n-lirft part oflife, 01 is finking mi or tra,'H of tour 'fcoulan-f acme-ch; VjU. at M>y <!fr th( . ,i,t v jt>ce of years, a few doses of this time »f«r Monday the ijth <Uy of I'»'l»a.,,r;- .803 nicdicirc wl! | afford immediate a&rurc of rt i,.d pri.-r ta the day 01 January, i<Soj, be al- • | ca! th 5 ,, a «reiv;h, hv givin* tone IcwMtr. rcgilicr -Jte laid warrants ui a- | br fte(n< ttr g' a „» „t digefti..!;, iorefr.!ii, .ud Wat,or,, tacr.for - , , mn T:iiog ,b» whole cu.iUn.ion oil any trad or tracts o! land i.ot oefore located. Ml 1 1" b VI. !T'J ATIiD at the nor: h call corner of Wate r 2) and M.'.i kit I'.recr, thirty feet trout on Wa ter, - nil nl.v < u M.i.ket-Street, having w . To ill.- vooi»k It afford ''Oiri; h.ahU, four r on f?c ! i Ho ir, two good vaults nn- Ail warrantor claim? lor land* on account of {lr-ngih and I'pir.ts, in yUcc rl 1 ftitude *.ul ,i e r Water iti (Yt, wlrch may contain ten cord nhitary I'iivk«», which Ciall not be and duV.ilTty : and tothe 3eej an.'ins.'m, it as- of wood ; is one : 1 the bell ffands in this city tocmd btforc the firft day of January, ißc», arc by f um ;'y furnifh great relief ai.:l comfort, by t'or bulineli. I'ot U-rm. enquire of the supplementary »« ©I Congreis hsreiu b.' r orc and fa ley invigeratin : the I'yftem ; but TOSF.FM DONALDSON, recited, passed on th« fecund d*y of March, 1799, :f j t i> t the power of roedioitie in pild the at - - . . .. declared to be Jorcvertar.-e*. ,„!!<„ o( declminff years, and calmly and fe- . ho w.U let on lcale the be now live, Givca under xuy lund at. Pwiluaelpma, tiu rfnt j v prr,tr.'i\ the clo'ii: of life beyond it*. njr- « r .s\ooi thice )eais. day and year abo.-.- aiontiopcd. row fnaii, this Heftorative is capable of tffedl- ! it ■ jug >l)ii jirand dcfideratbin? 'f tM c on (|i t utions relaxed, weak or decayed, i TREASURY DEPARTMENT. ° r f tw?" ,he imraediate influ snay *s:&, 1793- 1 old coughs, soon relieved and fpetdily cured '-j-'HE proprietors of certificates iffiied forfub- , d jnd c , ltcd !imhs> w .j] 1 to the Loan bwring .ntere t« ■ «- h rt , ; ,, c; the clli , eight per centum per annum, are notified, that {{ w htcon , e an<! t,ali',m.c, and th. at any time alter payment .hall nave be.n made »* J wi , h fle(b , firils and healthful of the sth mUalfaicnt, whicti will become due , . during the I'irft ten days of the month cf July : It will no doubt be acceptable to the re.der ensuing, Certificates of funded Rt,ck may at ' to fee account, of ome of the remarkable cafe, their omion he obtained at the Treasury or Loan . and cures which have been .performed bj tin. Offices' refpedtiveiy, for the amount of the four ; truly medicine, in t e onor ers . f ir it inftateUs, or one moiety of the fmns ex- | which i»»» invented ;he lias the.e.ore feled -1 prefledir. the f'ublbiptinn certificatesN.eer- ed a few ofjbcl. cahs as have corjie witb'nh" tificates of Funded Si.<ek will however be iliiied own immediate knowledge, a.f pi.bhfh for less than one hundred dollar,. Ed and may be had (gratis) at any or the places Such fuMcriptioti certificates as may be pre- v.hare the mcdu ine is .old ented at the Treasury or Loan Officer, in con- Prepared (only) by the Inventor and lole eqienceoi' the foregoing arrangement, will be . Proprietor, Dr. J; n;fs Church, *t his Dilpen ndorfed and diftiniilv marked lo as tr. denstr, ; lary, is?, front llreet, near thei Fiy-market, that aireetvof the ilcck has been iilaed. New-York— <n«> 1-td by fcefT- H. & P. Rice, CLIVLR Y/OLCOT7, il» South Second Street, Philadelphia. Secretary cf tkc Trees:,ry. February i 4. TOR Tk'l cure of corks* Infallible German Corn Plaister. This Plaiiler (the invention of a German Phy sician, who administered it in Germany wpvards of 30 years with the greateA lucccCs) is infallible (or the ewe of corns. It will effectual!y eradicate them, root andbrauch in a fliort tiuie. [Piice 50 cents.] Prrp.trs'l Vj Dodtor James Church, at .11s Oif" ptitfary, No. 137, Front ftrttt, iwar the Fly mar ket, New York. Sold !*y MefTrs- H.and?.Ric«i 16 ioufh Second (In tt, P!i la ifi^hia, F biuary 13 H'JMOU 1!S ON Tic «»:» bKIN, Partu iiiir'y h!i -it he., U". te« •'=« i w; !;!,?, UM, i<v. k'.cs- fun burns, Cn.iv gles, rodfiefs-tif the noi'-, neck or arm?, and prickly heat, Are effectually cured by the application of The genuine Vegetable Lotion This excellent rcmet'fi ha» been administered by the inventor, for faverai while iu England, with the greatest success By the iiniple applica tion of this fluid for a (hort time, it will remove the most rancorou» a*d alarming i'curvy in the face, which h?.s foiled every other remedy. It poiTefTes all the good qualities ot the moil cele brated cosmetic*. without any ot their doubtful He therefore recnftiuiend# it with confi dence to every per ion so afiliiled, as an ctHcacious and certain cure. Prepared only by the mventor an< ! . sole proprie tor, Dr. James Chur«h, at his difpcnfary, 137 Front flreec, near the Fly market, N;w York; and fold by MeiTrs. li.and P. Rice, 16 louth Second llrtet, Philadelphia. February ia HEAD ACHE. Persons aiHivfled with tire head ache, proceeJing from whatever cause, will find iaftant relief in the application of Church's Anodoyne Effcnce. In rheumatic, nervous, and billion* head aches its has not its equal. It not only alleviates thii tormenting pain, but removes it aim oft inftaii tanroufly. The head xebe occuf.oucd by hard drinking, and any local paius in any other part* of Yhs body or extremities, are by application, «i ---fe«slually r«mov L -d. [Price 50 cetits.] Prepared only by the invantor and sole propri etor, Dr. Jaroes Church, at his dispensary, 13 f Front flreet, Hear the Fly market, New \ oik; and fold by Messrs H. and I*. Rice, 16 fcutk Second street. Philadelphia, February 15 For Nervous Dilorders, Female Compliints, G'»ut in the Stomach, Melancholy, Seminal Weakness, loss of Appetite, UiiiouS Difc-r ---dc-s, Inward! WeaVneiTes, Indigestion, iliuate Gleets, Juveniie fndifcretionsand Pre mature Old Age, and every other symptom of extreme debility, which are the confe quer.ces of a Diffipited Life—excels of Plea sure or Grief —Heat or change of Climate— Immoderate use of Tea, Spirituous liquor?, or any Intemperance—Bad Lyines-in —Di- IcuiV's incident to Ynunn Girls and Women at a certain period ot life — The Cordial Restorative Balsam is recommended a» a Medicine of ipecific and uuparalleled virtues for the immediate relief and fpcedy and permanent cure of the above divi ders, having fUod a trial of many fuccrfsful years, during which peiiod many thowfands of both fcA«s have been restored from the brink of the grave. This Haifam is p:./ticwlarly adapted to weak female contentions, as well as to phlegmatic habits in geseral ; it a<3s pow4,« willy as a ner vine, not only to the weak ftotnaeh, bnt to the whole uei'vons fyftena ! corrects a vitiated appe tite and digestion in the firft piffages, and assists wonderfully n recovering the to;.e of the uri nary and genital orpans : —Hence its efficacy in the most obflinate feniinal gleets in men, and carrefponding weaknefiesin women j and hence i it will contribute more fafely, fu<ely and ho nourably towards conjugal happiness, than any of those irritating, diabolical completions, which are so flumefully zdmir.iftered to the un wary. It i" earnefily recommended to those ladies, | who from repeated and difficult labours are af filed with veakne(Tes and infirmities; in which 1 cases it is highly ufeful, ftrength«ning it the fame time the Abroach, the back, the weaken . Ed organs, and the whole constitution. i , 11 Vajhisnable Millin'e ry. ELIZA M'DOUGAI.L, A'O. 134, MJRKET'STRkET, HAS just received per (hip Tlnonraa Chalkic/ and London, an elegant uilbrtmwiiC of the n:uft fashionable A!ri nut rt, vui. Gk'eciillc rofctte fEATHEK.3 Fancy Cower* Black tiffany flowers Wreaths l ink, yellow nnd blue crape, full dr-cfs caci Do. <Jo. anil do. Nelson's bonn«t> Inlands pips ftrnw bonn«r> N'Uid's 'arret do. Womcu's do. i-n j xv f uiCy bugle fttoe rofcs IJO. «10. ttißimings B'.uk, iiic-r, biu?; yt-l!ow, pink aoc orange ttrapc Bi-'-'it, a bite 'd.'-i gauze veils i).). jf.'.UJ' •|c«k3 N. E. And per Harmony, jirft arrived*a further •Tortment of M:)Liocry. June 26 JUST RECEIVED, J-'rom :bc BOSTON Manufactory, A fnjAsufr OF WINDOW GLASS, Of different sizes, FOX SAL!'. y BY ISAAC HARVEY, Jwn. N. B. /* ny Gzc or sizes that may be wanted cut larger than i!i bv 1 ft.can be had from said manufacto ry, oa being ordered; and attention given tolorward on any orders that may be left for that purpote—— Apply at No. 9, South Water-llreet, as above, july 8 dtf eoiw A CERTIFICATE of one Share ©f the Bank of the United States* No. £9llO, in the name ot Lewis Peter Quirtyn, aHd a Certificate of two Shares »f the said Bai.k, No 29119, in the name of Gcorjjc James Ch'iajoiidcly, L.arl of Cholmor.- dely, were lorwanled from New York by the Chofterfield British Packet fee Falmouth, which was captured by the French, a;id the Certificates 101 l or deftreyed, aud for which application i« made at fairl Bank for the renewal thereof, of which ail ptfrfor.* concerned arc Jclired t» take notiee. CLEMEN! BIDDLE. d^m. F«'Srunry il Or to be exchanged lor a good Veflel, \N ckgaßt new two (lory FRAME twenty i'evtn icct front by thirty-four in depth, with a commodious piuaiia and kitchen, to gether with -a ana itable, situate in the village oi Frunkford. Hie house, which may be entered the firl't of June next, will !*e fS&ifotd in the pcateft liile with ni ny conveni ences, and vvill be welt adapted to a large genteel family who may wi!h to rtfide in the country du ring the fun,met- season. In it will be valued lew, if a vessel off 1 that may be l'ukable. eoaw hurriicr particulars will he made known by ap* plication to MOORE WHARTON. fchru.. ry 7.4. TO BE SOLD FOR CASH, For property in the City, or within thirty A PLANTATION or trail of Land in Mifflin County and Srate of Pennfylva r>b, within sex miles of the river Juniata, con taining about 3 o acres. There *re about fifty acres cleared, pave of which is a rich bottom* vuure<i by z eonitans iiream that is strong «nougb to work an oil or a griil mill. Any prrfon inclining to deal for it, may obtain fur ther information by applying at the ©f&c • of thU gazette. N. B. If fold, credit wiH l»e givch for part cf ihc money. 'Prober 17, 1799 "T HE Public ar cautioned against receiving the .y Sublcribers Not<rin favor of, ana in dor fcdby Thomas W. Francis, dated yesterday, at 6c days after date for eight huiitired dollars. The note is 111 the hand writing of the Subscri ber, and at the bottom a memorandum by the indorfcr, to the credit of the drawer, Thomas W. Francis This note together with <1 con tract between Charles Williamfon, and Charlea Hale for hods in township, No. 4, \a the ah. range of Striker county, state of Newjerfey, and fHodry other papers contained in a Poiiket Book, were taken from the Sublcribers delk last evening. As the above can be r-f no use to the person who has carcied them off, (h'nould they be returned, no questions shall be asked. February 6 FOR SALE A good three story Brick lioufe, LOT OF GROUND, February 17. TWENTY DOU.ARS REWARD. AN AWAY op Saturday evening the ijth i\. July -lnftan", from Coisbrook Furnace, Lan.alitr county, a Negro Man named Cato, he is about 40 years U" t.'s, five feet fix or se ven incites high, tolerable black, with a down iU look, squints, he is a cunning artful fellow, a great liar, and very fond of ftro'ng liquor, has been brought up to the farming bufineis, is very handy at any kind of lab ring work ; he toak with him a number of clothing, amongst which were, one i'uit plain Nankeen ; (feme mo,.ey). It is expected ht has shaped his course for Philadelphia or New \ork. *f* The above reward will be paul for fe curi'.it him i n any giol in the United Stately willi reasonable charges if brought home. Colcbroek furnace, July 16, 1799 (OiK) POINTED BY J. W. FENNQ. coaw do. do. do. do. {hades do huta cots. NOTICE. FOR 6ALE ,)U LXOiANGI'-U, milts of its CAUTION. SAMUEL MIFFLIN. m w f ? w SAMUEL JACOBS. dim
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers