of l & e ii,D Philadelphia jbaily Advertiser. V SUMiEB J330.1 fry The price of this Gazette is Eight Dollars per annum to Subscribers residing in the city of Philadelphia. Atl others pay one Dollar additional, for enclosing and di recting ; and unless some personjn this city will become answerable for the subscription, it must be paid tlx Months in Advance. *.* No Subscription will be received for a shorter term than six months. f>««nber 1 1799 GRASS SEEDS. Red Clover. ) White do. Timothy. S&int Foin, Trefoil } 5F.£ D X Burnett. Lutern. Herd Graft. Orchard do. Rye do Rape and Hem p. * - AL*O, SHEET} COPPER IRONMONGERY, and PATHN V PLOUGHS, which are said to be more durable than any heretofore invented, and icimd on experience to dinnnifh the labour both of iran and bead — FOR SAIK Br THOMAS HOWARD, No. 40 South Stcond Street % Philadelphia, February 13 PRATT fcf KINTZING, No 95. North Watet-ftreet, HAVE on hand the following GOODS, ENTITLED to drawback, which they oiUr for sals at moderate prices for cafti, or the usual credit ; or on.a crrdtt of n or 18 months upon Mortgages on Real Property, in or near the City of Philadelphia, or other fatisfaAory security. boxes ar.d bales Tick le n burghs 60 do. en limns. 50 do. brig?. 50 do Patterborncs. a 5 do. Bielfiekl Linens. 11 do. Creas and Cwas a la Moriaix. Brown Rolls. Do.Heflians. Poliih Rolls. Bed Ticks. Swmois. Arabia*. Empty Bag®. Oil Cloths Shoes and Slippers. Soal and upper Leather. Quills and Scaling Wax. A package Gold and Sil ver Watches. A few thefts Toys. and Pencils 70 hh is Havauna Mo laffcs February 15 13 pipes old Port Wine. 2S bcxes Tumblers as sorted. 200 boxes Hamburgh Wfndow Glass 8 by 10, &c. 1 chcli nfforted Looking GiaflVs. Several large elegant do. 1500 Ekmijohn*. 50 kegs Pearl Barley. A few tons Roll Brim dose. »o kegs Yellow Oehra. A few bbls. Rosin. 40 tons Russia Hemp. 80 hhds. Hogs Brifiles. 2 hhds. Dutch Glue. 20 casks Kails assorted from jd. to 2od. 16 casks Ironmongery. 8 eaflcs Hoes. German Steel. 6 hhd*. Coffee mills. Blocking Twine, Tapes, •tone Pickling Pots, &c See. do. Hemp- do. 0&11 A TO BE SOLD, THREE or fur lots ol about 10 or 40 acres each, more or less as may suit a On each of which there is a good firuation for a hotfe—viz. one on the river Delaware, suitable either lor a gentleman's feat, or for a person who might with to engage in the lumber business hav ing a 1 landing. One c mmanding a good wew of the river rom the highest ground bftw«en the Pennjrpack and Pogueflin creeks ; and ar:other on the Bristol Road Enquire »f Mr. Gilpin.near the 11 mile stone on the said road. ALSO FOUR LOTS, Of a'oo-ut 10 acres each with good fltuatiens for bnildmg ; one of which is suitable for a t-an.yard, and has" n small (tone hrwfo and a young bearing orchard f>n it, on the Newtawn road near Snider'* mill about 10 miles from Philadelphia, and one otker lot of about 30 acres on the Pttni-yp^clc.— £nquira of Jonathan Clik who Jives ow the promi ses or el Mr. Gilpin. Pollc T on will be given in the spring, but build ing n:atfr;als ::>ay be coMeited fosner, November 8 7 axes ef Lycoming County JOHN KIDD, Treasurer, BY D'reition of the of Lyco ming cou»ty, attends at Philadelphia to re serve the Taxes aflefl*d upon unseated Lands in that County, from the holders thereof, in this City. Those who have filed with the Com missioners, flatements of their Lands, are re queued to call upon him, to know the awoi&t of Taxes thereon, and pay them ; otherwise, be fore his leavir g the City, they will be put into the hands of the Sheriff for colleAion, agreea bly to the a<s\ for raising county rates and levies Thofi who have not filed ilatexnents of theii lands wifla the Commiflioners, and aredefirous of having it done, to prevent feks without pre viwus persona! Notice, may file with the above Treafur®-, their lifts, flaring the quantities re turned, number and dates of the warrants and aames of the warrantees, under which they scald their lands. He will attend at Mr. Joseph Hardy's No. 98, Market street for this purpofc until the 18th instant. November 9, Twenty Dollars Reward. RA.N-AWAY from Spring Forge, in York County, a negro man, named ISAAC, other wise GUDJO, about years »ld, the property of Robert Colemin; Esq. He is about 5 feet 8 inches high, has a blemilh in his eye*, more w»ite in them than common, by trade a F«rgsman; had en and took with him a drab coloured broad cloth coat, almost new, a sailors jacket and pantaloons printed fancy cord, a twanidown striped under acket; a rorum hat; one fine and one coarse ftiirt* one muslin handkerchief, fpriggsd, two ditto striped border, a blue Pcrfian under jacket and two peir cotton (lockings. Whoever takes up saW negro and lodges him in any jail in this or any of the neigabouring states (hall have the ward or reasonable expencesif brought home. JOHN BRIEN. Spring Forge, October ij, 1799. N. B. An f*id negro formerly lived in Chcllcr an tint y, it is probable be miy return litre. NOftaittf 5 ALL pcrfot,* indebted to the cffilc of Thomas Wilson, iacc of Sourhwark, deceased, arc are rcciudled to make iwmeiliate payment to the fubfcribci'», and thofs* who have any demands agair.it the said pftate are rcquufted to futaifh tiuir accounts for fettlcmenr. SARAH WILSON, Administratrix. JOEL W. WILSON, Administrator. No. 595, south Front street, frouthwark. A BRICK S.TABLE. Sufficiently large to contain ivi ]c Horfei. For Sale or to Let. A New FRAME CARRIAGE HOUSE. Nov t, <79,. dtf. LANCASTER STAGES. r PHE Proprietor® of the Philadelphia and Lan- JL carter line IDISPATCH,return their grateful thanks to their frfands and the public in general, tor the part. favors they have received,and inform them that in adrti'ion to the regular Line, th*y are p oviicd with Carriages, sober and careful drifrrs, to g-j through between City and two da) s. Thofa who prefer this mode (if travullirlg can be accommodated at the Stage Office, %n of United States JEagU, Market (Vreet, I Philidclt hia. Slough., Downing, Dunwoody Co. Nov. 30. zx—§ tnotf.Bw, CITY OF WA&HINGTON. THE POSSESSORS OF OSLIGATIONS ®r CERTIFICATES sign ed by the fuhferibar, tor undivided "Shares or Lots on his purchase within the ci-ty of Washing ton, who h*ve not yet applied for and received th«i£ Deeds, are hereby notified, that their several TitlesNvill be duly completed to the order of those who in conformity with the terms of the said Cer tificates, do make the Paymenti in full therafor, either to Thvnas M" Euen tf* €O. or to the fcriber at Philadelphia, on or at any time before tJio 31ft day of May next. December 17 BOONETON IRON WORKS. TO BM. SOLD, OR LEASED FOR OfTR YKA.R—TKAT Valuable Estate, KNOWN by the name of the Boonoton Iron Works, fttnate in the county of Morris in the flat* of New-Jersey, couftfling of a Forge with four fires, a Roiling and Slitting Mill, a Grill mill with two Run of ftene», and Saw mHI, all in good order and »«w in use, together with an eccelient, large, and convenient honfe, with oHt honfcs of every kind ; among which are an Ice house, and stone milk honfc, with a remarkable fine spring in it, a large Garden, and an e&cullent tolle&ion of Fruit, a large Orchard, and 2500 acre* of wood, pa*ure and arable land, and a great number of floras and workmen's houses. Immediate polleffion' will be given of houses and (lores Efficient for providing flock the present winter, aad possession of the whole in the Ipring. faro&f For terms inquire of David B Ogden it New: ark, mr Peter Mackie in New-York, mr. David Ford in Morrii I'own, or mefirs. Jacob and Rich ard Faefch on tbe preriitfcs. Januar" t i HTMIS is to give notice that the S«bforiber JL hath obtained from the Orphan's Court of Ccecil county in Ma r viar?d, letters of admiaif tration on the persona! tflate of Samuel Gilpin, late of the county aforefaid, ilaceafed ; all per sons having claims against the said deccafed, are hereby warned to exhibit the fame with the vouchers thereof to the fubferiber on or before the 14th day of August next —they may other *>vife by law be excluded Irora all benefit of the laid estate. Given under my hand this 17th of January, one thousand eight hundred. JOHN GILPIN, Adminijlralvr, January 30. sawtf. THE UNDERSIGNED, HIS Swcdifli Majesty's Consul General, and au »ltnri«ed to tranfa<sl the Copfular Bnfioefs, for his Majefiy the King of Denmaak iu the United States of America, refilling at Philadelphia, Hereby gives public Notice, Tlrat in obedience to recent inihuilions received from his government, it i« the duty of.all Makers of Swedish and Dani(h vefTels, befor® their failing from any port in the said States, to call upon him or the Vice Coaful iu ortier to he granted such Certificates for their Cargoes, which the exigency of the ilate of the Con mcrce and tne fe ver 1 Decruss of the Belligerent Power*, render indifperfably tiecetfary, and, that any Mailer of vefTeis belonging to the refpeilive nations, or na vigating up.der the protc&ion of their flags, in omitting to take such certificates, will pcrfoualljr stand rcipoufible for the consequences. RICHARD SODERSTROM Philadelphia, 18th December, 1799. Thirty Dtllars Reward. DESERTED FROM the Marine Barracks on the night of the 14th infl JOHN OSBORN, born in the town of Bedford, Weft Chester county and fl ate of New-York, aged a 2 years, 9 months, 5 feet 8 and a quarter inches high, grey ey«s (long qued) light hair, ruddy complexion, pock marked, by trade a Shoemaker- Enlifled by Lieutenant Rey nolds in Steph«n's Town, near Albaay the 15th of June last Had on and took with him a (hort round blue cloth coat with a red cape, a blue cloth coatee, a few white waistcoats, a long grey mixed clo*h coat and breeches, a pair of boots, a checolate coloured great coat trimmed with black hair plu(h, a fur r hat half worn, and two silver watches, owe a middle fise, the other fmali. He may impose him felt on fotae family or gentleman us * waiter, as ho has a&ed in that capacity Whoever apprehends said Deserter, andfecures him in-jail, fends him to Headquarters, or delivers him to any of the Marine officers, or any officer of the army of the United States (hall receive the above reward and all reasonable charges. January K&, PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY EVENING; MARCH 14, 1800. N O T I C E. WHO HAS TO LF.r, A LSO, Samuel Blodget. NOTICE. taw6w. J. S. LEWIS, Adjutant Marine Corps, AUTHENTIC LivE OF SUWOROW. JUS 7 PUBLISHED, AND EOR SALE, AT THIS OFFIG-E, A SKETCH OF THE %\it ana Character PR/XCE ALEXANDER SUWOROW RYM- NIKSKI, Field-Ma* fhal General in the service of His Impen al Majelly, the Emperor of all ihc Rufilas, with The History of his Campaigns. Translated from tbe German of Frederick Antitng, To which is addtd, A concise and comprehensive History of His Italian Campaign. tty Wil!;am Cobbctt. With an elegant Print-Portrait of that rt- n owned Warrior i i-a DolLrs.J Portrait of Marshal Suworow, Gentlemen desirous of poflefnu;; a capital like ness executed in the firft #yle,ot thU rliuftrious ChriAian Chieftain, may be hi mi ft cd with parti cular proof impreffious, at this ofibe, price on- Dollar. Fcbruarv la, TO THI PATRONAGE OF A liberal and enlightened Community IS SUBMITTED THE PROSPECTUS A New Daily Paper, TO BE PUBLISHES UNDER THE TITLE OE THE OBSERVER, AND Daily Repository of ufeful Information. IT will dotibtlefs be deemed a hazardous un dertaking; to present to the public eye propo sals for a new Gazette, when so many are al ready in poflcffion of the public patronage. News-papers so raucb more generally diffuf ed throughout America than perhaps any other portion of the globe, may become either en gines of mis hies or the implements of ufefulnefs —they difleminate good, or scatter poison, among thousands ; and although it may be pre sumptuous in the £ditor of that now proposed to expetfl that its utility will be great, yet fee may be admitted to declare, that it shall not willingly be made the means of doing evil His endeavors will be applied to render. 7be Observer in fume degree conducive to the at tainment of knowledge as wrli as to the com munication of news—to enlighten the under standing—to improve the morals—to beget, or to confirm, a reverence for thefacred principles of Christianity. For this purpose it is intended— To furnilh the moll recent foreign and dcmeHic intelligenee ; To give ufeful Prices Current at home and abroad, and othercommercial information j To feledl from literary productions such por- tions as may gratify taftcand intfuceirnprovt- raent; To unfold and enforce found and jtift views of government: To aid the great intereftsof piety and morality. To prefect occasionally Improvements in the arts an:! fciesces—in agri culture and domestic economy ; Proceedings of the General and State Leg'fla- tures Reportsof the Heads of Departments, and of interesting cases adjudged in the several courts of the United States, &c. Reviews of foreign and domestic literature ; Anecdotes and eharatflers of diftinguilhed pcr- fonapes; Statilfical tables ; Meteorological i*bfervations ; Appointments ; Marriage?, Births, Deaths. Withthefe j ropofals the subscriber diffident ly submits hirnfelf to the public He is well aware of the importance and magnitude of the undei taking Solicitous for the fate of his na tive land, and viewing with anxious fears and hopes the success of a government created by the joint exertions of uifdom and virtue, and conduced with found policy and genuine pa triotilm, he feels hioifelf sincerely interetlcd in promoting Hub me»fures and principle* as lie believes ('Hernial to public happiness and nation al profp«rity. COH D I 7* 1 Q U S, I. The Observer fbill be printed with a neat type, and on paper of equal size and quuhry with the present Philadelphia daily papers. 11. It (hall be p'ibiiflied every evening, and regularly lent to the houses of the city fabferib ers—-To others it will be forwarded accordii.g toth ir refpe&ivc inflru>ftions. 111. The price will be Eight Dollars per an num to those who rciide in the city —aid Awe Dollars to all others. The additional a!olLar is to defray the cxpence of enciofing and dire&- i»g their papers. IV- One half of the price to be paid at the time of subscribing, and the other half at the ex piration of twelve m«n v hs from the publication of the firft number. The succeeding payments to be half yearly. V. Advertifemeats that do wo|t> exceed in length the breadth of the column will be 67 cent* for the firft, and 33 cents for every addi tional infertioTi- Those of greater length will be charged in the fame proportion. ZACHARIAH POULbON, jun March 8, 1800. fmwf An adtive Boy, 14 or 15 years of age, of reputable cosnexions, may hear of a place in a ComjAing House—He is wanted to go on errandsTnd do out door buftnefs—apply to the printer. March 20. £t Law of the United States. 2lutf)orit?. Fifth Cvngrefs of the United States. At the Third Session, bepfun and l.cld at the City of Philadelphia, in the State of Petinfylvania, on Mm, ciay, ihe third of December, out: thousand I'even hundred and ninety-eight. AN ACT, For tbt b:tter organizing of the Troop; of the United States, and for other pur poses* Sedtion r X) E it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That the troops heretofore authorized, and which hereafter may be aathorized to be railed, shall be composed and organized as follows, to wit : A regiment of infantry (ball consist of one; lieutenant-colonel commandant, two majors, fn ft and second, one adjutant, ©ne quarter-matter,and one pay-mafter,each being a lieutenant, one surgeon, and two surgeon's mates, ten captains, tew firft and ten second lieutenants, be Tides the three lieutenants bt fore-mentioned, ten cadets, two ferjeant majers, two quarter-matter ferjeants, two chief musician?, firft and second, twenty ether musicians, forty fcrjeants, forty cor porals, and nine hundred and twenty pri vates, which, together, shall form two bat talions, each battalion of five companies : A regiment of cavalry (hall consist ot one lieutenant-colonel commandant, two majors, a firft and second, one adjutant one quarter matter, and one pay-roaster, each being a lieutenant ; one surgeon, and two surgeon's mates, ten captains, ten firft and ten second lieutenants, besides the three lieutenants be fore mentioned, ten cidets, two ferjeant majors, two quarter-matter ferjeants, two chief musicians, firft and fecond v ten other musicians, forty ferjeants, forty corporals, and nine hundred and twenty privates, inclu ding ten fadlers, ten blacksmiths, and ten boot makers ; which, together, shall form five squadrons, each squadron of two com -1 panies : A regiment t>f artillery {hall consist of one lieutenant-colonel commandant, four majors, one adjutant, one quarter-matter, and one pay-master, each being a lieutenant, one f;vrgeon, and two surgeon's mates, six teen captains, thirty-two lieutenants, besides the three lieutenants before mentioned, thirty-two cadets, four ferjeant-majors, four quarter-matter fcrjeants, sixty-sour ferjeants, lixty-four corporals, one chief musician, ten other musicians, eight hundred and ninety fix privates, including one hundred and twenty-eight artificers, which together shall form four b.ittalioßs, each battalion of four companies. Provided always, that the num ber of privates raised and to be raised for the regiment of cavalry and the regiments ©i in fantry heretofore authorized, shall not ex ceed the number refpeftivcly lor which pro vision hath been heretofore made by law ; nor shall the battaliort of riflemen, nor the two additional troops of cavalry authorized by this aft, be raised, until further provi sion {hall be so made, unless war (hall break out between thr United States and some European Prince, Potentate or State, in which cafe it shall be lawful for the President of the United States, at lis difcrction, to caule the said regiments »r any of them, to be severally completed to their full eftab lilhment. Set. 2. And be it further enacted, That every enfigD and cornet in :h* regiments heretofore appointed shall be denominated hereafter iecord lieutenants. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the officers, officers and privates hereinafter mentioned, who now are or at ;ny time hereafter may be in the so tual for vice of the United States, fhal 1 be entitled to, and shall receivr the following coirpcnfations, to wit : a Uiajor-general ooe hundred and sixty-six dollars per mouth afid •fifteen rations of provisions per day, or an equivalent in money, and when forage shall not be furniflied by the United States, the further sum of twenty dollars per month. A brigadier general, one hundred and four dollars per month, twelve rations per day, or an eouivalenc in money, and sixteen dol lars per month for forage when not furniflied as aforefaid A lirufnant-colonel comman dant, feventy-five dcpllai Bppr month, fix ra tions per day, or an equivalent in money, and twelve dollars for forage, when not fur niflied as aforefaid. A major of artillery or cavalry, each fifty-five dollars per month, four rations per day, or an equivalent in money, and ten dollars per month for forage when not furniflied as aforefaid. A major of infantry fifty dollar* per month, four ra tions per day, or an equivalent in money, and ten dollars per month for forage when not furniflied as aforefaid. A captain of cavalry forty dollar*per month, three rations per day, or an equivalent in and eight dollars per month for forage, when not fumifiied as aforefaid. A captain ps artillery and ini*ntr) forty drllars per montli and tine? rations per day. or an equivalent in money. A lirlV lieutenant of cavalry thirty dollars per month, two rations per day, or an equivalent in money, and fix dol lars per month for forage when not forfufli ed as atorefud. Lieutenaafs of artillery each thirty dollars per month, and two rations per day, or an equivalent in money. A iecond licut. of Cavalry twenty fivedoilai 3 per month, two ratjonsper day 01 an equivalent in mo ney, and fix dollars per month forforage when, not furnished as aforefaid. A firft lseute nant ot infantry thirty dollars per month and two rations per day or an equivalent in mo ney. A i'tcond lieutenant ot intantry twen ty-five dollars per month and two rations per pay, or an equivalent in money. A re gimental surgeon forty-five doHtfrs per moirth, three rations per day or an equiva lent in money, and ten dollars per month for fora,»e when not furnifhed as aforefaid. A lurgecn'o mate thirty dollars per month, two rations per day or an equivalent in mo ney, and fix dollars per month for forage wl>en net fnrniflied as it'orcfLid. A ivei niental paynafier, quarter-matter and adju* tant, iti addition to their pay in the line, dollars, and fix dcll«rs per month for Forage, when not furniHied as aforefaid. A cadet of cavalry ten dollars per month, two rations per day, or an equivalent in money, and fix dollars per month for .forage when not furnifiled as aforefaid. All other cadets ten dollars per month and two ration* per day, or an equivalent in money. A ier jeant-major and a quartermaster fevjeant each ten dollars per month. A chief musician eight dollars per month. A ft-rjsant eight dollars per month. A corporal seven dol- Urs per month* A musician fix dollars pir month. Au artificer to the infantry and artillery, a farrier, fadlerund boot-ma ker to the dragoons, each ten collars pjr month. A private soldier five dollars per month, and to each of the laid noij-com wiffioucd officers and privates one rati3n of provifiens per day. Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That all non-commissioned officers, artificers, pri vates and musicians, who are and who (hall be enlisted, and the non-commissioned offi cers, artificers, privates and mulicians of the militia or other corps, who at any time may be in the ailual service of the United States, (hall be, and they are hereby ex empted during their term of Tervice, from all personal arrelts, fofany debt or contrast. And whenever any non-commissioned offi cer, artificer, private or musician shall be arrefled whether by melne process, or in ex ecution, contrary to the intent hereof, it tliall be the duty of the judge of the diftriA court »f the United States and of any court or judge of a state, who by the laws of iucli Hate, are authorised to issue writs,of habeas corpus, refpefliyely, on application by an officer, to grant a writ of habeas corpus re turnable before himfelf : and upon due hear ing and examination in a summary manner, to 'lifcharge the non-commissioned officer, artificer, privata or musician from such ar rest, taking common bail, if required, in any cafe upon mefne process, and commit him to the applicant, or some other officer of the lame corps. Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That each non-commiffiontd officer, private, ar tificer and mußcian, who (hall hereafter be cnlifted for the army of the United States dial I be able bodied, aad of a size and age suitable for the public service, according to the direction's which the Piefidert of the United States (hall and may e(tabli(h ; and (hall be entitled to a bounty of twelve dol lars : but the payment of four dollars there of (hall be deferred until he (hall have joined the army : And each Oommiffioned officer, who fli <ll be employed in the recruiting ser vice, (hall be entitled to receive, for each such tion-cornmiffioned officer and private and artificer, and for each fufficient musi cian duly enlisted and muttered, the sum of two do'lais, the fame being in fuil coapen fntiott for his extra expences in the execu tion of this service. Sec. 6. And ie it further enacted. That when any officer (hall be detached from a re giment to serve as an aid t« a general offi cer, or as affiftaut or other infpeflor, or as au assistant to the quartcrmafter-geueral, by whatsoever name, or as an aflidant to the adjutant general, by whatsoever name, the place of such officer in his regiment lliall be supplied by promotion or new appointment, or both, as may be mquifite ; but the offi cer (ktacheJ (hall nevertlielefs retain his Na tion in his regiment, and (hall rank and rife therein, in the fame manner as if lie had not been detached. Sec. 7 And bt it further enacted, That no officer fliall be appointed as the infpeftor ps a division, who, when appointed, (hall he of a mrtk higher than that of major, or at the inspeCtor of a brigade, who when ap pointed /hall be of a rank h'rgher than that of captain, or as the aid of a major general, who when appointed (hall be of a rank high er than that of captain, or as tj*; aid of a brigadier general, who when appointed fljall be of a rank higher than that of-firft lieu* tenant, or as the quarter master of a diri. lion, who when fliall be of a rank higher than that of,captain, the quar ter brigade, who when appointed shall be of. a higher than that of firft lieutenant, or as ill alfitlant to the adjutant general, who appointed (hall be. of A rati k Richer than of a captain. / [ Vuiumf. XVII.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers