?v. 'i ***' UttttEfc 9 Philadelphia Daily Nuhhes 2289.] mots* jfZJ* The price of this Gazette is Eight OoLLiKS per annum to Subscribers residing ,n the city jf Fiiiladelpbia. All others pay one. Dollar additional, for enclosing and di eting ; and uulesswOme person in ibis city t-jil! become answerable for the subscription, it must be paid Six itlonibs in Advance* *l* No Subscription will be received for j shorter term than six months* p 1 JOHN MILLER, Jonr. has ioa sAl.t, ") .i Co (til TafFar.t'?, Striped Doreas, I ■ I « r 'i'angi' s, and. S.intip"or H»iv}lcerch'iefc. Tfcs foregoing will fce fold very low In enter to v clcfe sales. , A TEW PACKAGES OF German Goods, Suitable to the Wefl Ebdia M«rkct; keccivert (>y the Amerkan from H.-.mburgh. OAob.T is. THIS DAI" IS PUBLISHED, AMD SOLD By R. AITKEN, No. 12 Market Street, I ' By W. YOtJNG, comer of Cliefnut and Srcor.d ?nrretf, Thermometrical Navigation, JUii g a Bt>ie or Expmn nU and Ohrrvjtloiv tmu'iiig to fr.vc tint if rtfcirUhing the rthtive heat of ibtfci ■water, from time to tint, Tilt pSTTi r ;c ufaHiTjTl hio 1 the Gutpb Strtam, and from deep water into found mts, May be diicov.red in time to avoid danjir; al though (owing to tenif>ifluoa» weather) it may 'ue itnjjofiib't- to heave the lead, or observe tUe heavenly fcoiiies. JLxlra&tdfrom the AtntrUm PtikftftftJ Tratfaftiom, Vol. II and Hi. V WITH ADDITIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS. «• God helps them that help themselves." fur Riibard. January ». eojw New line of stages To New Tork, By the Iborteft and most plcafant road—passing through Franktord, Bnftleton, Newtown, Pennington, Millftonc, Boundbrook, Union Camp, Scotch Plains, Springfidd and New aiK THE SWIFTSURE from ttc Green Tree,'No- j6 North feiariiftwt, «j_B o'alnck every morning, and *rri*e» at New York erfly tfiTnext evenroj. from New York it starts at 9 o'clock every Jhy (8 t»d*v» «*ceipted) and arrivet it Phila <riphia, «aily the wxt e»ening. Faia for p:fiengers 5 dolors, way piffcngert tfrtnts per tail*. Each paffAifter allowed i+lb of baggage- One hundred and fifty weight of baggage to pay the fame as a pafTcgrr. All baggage to be at the rifle of the owner, unlets inluicd ami receiptnl f..r by the clcrk« of the different office.. Kate of inforauce one prr cent. *§* Apply to JOHN M'CALLA, No. jo Ncrth . F»nrth Street, Philadelphia, and tn » WILLIAM VANDERVOOKT, No. 48 CnurtUnd Street, N.E. corner of Gieenwich Stree*, New York. January 3. _ To the Holders of MILITARY LAND WARRANTS. r-pyE Sulfctiber having lately returned from I viewing rfce land, surveyed and appropri ated to Citiwy »ie land warrants, iflued by the secretary at war, to the officers and foldierj of the late continental army; and having made arrangements with Mr. James Jokiifon, at chester <jeunty, Penr.fyivania, who he left en the land, and who with the afliftanre of an in telligent inhabitant of that county, will I'pctld five month.- in exploring th* differ* m i'eofcona. He' will tike regular notes, deftriptive of the foil, situation, antl natural advantages attached to each fe£Uonin the whole l'urvcy—w hich nqtes will be placed in thehands«.f the fiibfcriber pre vious to the period for locating, thercbj ena bling him to make the molt advantageous lo cations the priority wiil admit. He offers hisfe.vice to the holders of land warrants oi the above description, throughout the United States, to receive their warrants, class &>' $ NOTICE. to all persons tvbo ovm unseated Lands in Franklin County, State of Pennsylvania; npHAT they come forward and pay their rtfpeciive Taxes, (as there is a nufnber of years now due) to PATRICK CAMP BELL, Esq. Treasurer for said County—lt they do not, we wiil be obliged to proceed te make sale of them agreeably to. law. James Irvin, . John Halliday, yCom'rs. Nathan M'Dowel,J Commissioner's office, ? €bambersbnrgb, Jan. i, 1800. 5 iaw3m. them, (as no leU quantity than 4000 acres will ' be regiiterd it the office of the treafurv) have thein regiOered agreeable to law, and attend to make the loc.ition at the the time appointed in February next. For traufaAir.g the biifinefs, one tenth part of the land I'ptcified in the warrants will be re quired, and no other charge, except the postage of letters. All warrants forwarded and letters addr»(Ted to the subscriber, at No.3,Penn-itreet, Philadelphia, will receive immediate attention. Septemer 1 AND eojw codtf JAMES E.SMITH. mwftf. NOTICE. ALL pcrfons having Demand* the El tat, of SAMuEI. KM LBN, late of th;.- city, decwiVd. are tlefired to produce them lvr Xettleo'C K; and thofa indebted thereto to make immediate i»»me«ic ta SAMOEL F. ML F.N, ? Excc . ltors . THOMAS MORRIS,S Philadelphia, Ist mo. l ;,iA, i8"oo chrv NOTICE, AI L periods indebte ? » the at C.!P TAIN KEIRAX FI'TZPAT '(ICK, nu rilh-r, tfsceaftdi =rc retuislled t« n.akt: immediate payment to the (übfcribers; and tlii.le who hjve any den:a»d« against the (aid ortr.te »re to furmih their accents lor settlement to P. FERRALL, ? Execaton . THOMAS M'EUEN.S yantrrtrj 13, 1800. LANDS, •"fHE owner» »f Unfaausi Lauds io Allegheny A County v Jfmnl', Ivai.ia, aix hereby Qi.tifi._J, that, g«l(fc tk« Taxes -Uie on fii l I.auJ* for. the Ytu» <795. ir;6. 1797 a " a IJS>B prepaid it)<o tlic htuui ot Jott -i WlVKiwi. L.oW>:y Trwl'urcr, o» «r beiore th» toth cay ol February ni-ott. tticy be ativertifed for lalt-a» the .awr diri'JU. L'.benezer Denny, 1 William Dunning, V Cummksioners. J dines Rati ISOn, J Pittsburgh, Number 5, '709- TAKE NOTICE, THAT application >s tnadt to the Sank of the Unite ! Stales, for the renewal or the following certifiaate* of Bank lt<Hk> J**"* were loft in the fyjf Captain Fluyer, 00 her paflftge from America to Loudon. No. 5->J9> F<rv Shares of Bank Stock 4961 I in favour of Samuel Ethridge. 1967 J WJL LINGS Us FRANCIS. Oflober i 5, NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to the E(\ate of Jacob I'homas, of W*fli'>ngiou in the State of Kentucky, dtr«afed, are itqutttad to make immediate payment —All j.trloßs having demands against said uftate are de sired to foruifh their amount! lsgally atteU- JACOB REESE, Adnviniftritor. cd to Philadelphia, Oftober 31, 1799. notice. ALL ptrfoni indebted to the estate of Tuomas »ViLiow, late of South wark, deMafrd, are are'ri-qlicfted to make immediate payment to the fubferiDcra, and thole who have any dcinantU iildTfei-f »rc r-rWMtfie.l Kvtjiniih their accounts for fetticmenc. SARAH WILSOM, Administratrix. JOEL W. WILSON, Ai*iinistratar. No 195, fnuth front-ftreet, Southwark. IP HO HAS VO Lil7", A BRICK STABLE, Sufiicion'tly large Jo simtain niae Horfas. ALSO, For Sale or to L<*t, A New FRAME CARRIAGE HOUSE. Nov. i, 1799- dtf. TO BS KXCrUNGtD For a PLANTATION in iVt.u Jtrsej, A VERT VALUABLE Grift Mill and Plantation, SITUATE in Sakai eeunty, Upper Alloway\ cicek lownltiip, about ISi mile* frt-m the town of 9*!uin, and about or e mile and a half fjom a laming ou Alloway'i cr» where fhailops con stantly ply to Philadelphia The Mill lias two water wheels, (<<vtr-flio^two pair of (tones, one of which sue burr. Ibo bolting and hooting geur eo by watts, anil attached to the Mill i» a Urge Kiln for drying corn, built upon th- most ap proved plan ; the whole mill work and bolting cloths, So. Have lately bean either made ikw or completely repaired she pl*«tmtion ol oae hundred and fifty acre# ol laud. It* build irgs ekdufive of the mill houte and kiln, are a large dwelling house, a barn, ft able a, curncrifc, &c &c. For particular information apply :o RICHAKD WISTAR, K-j 119 J. t'trt. tuth&U6w Devember n A JOURNEYMAN PAPER MAKER Who can work zvall at ibe Vat, Will meet with good encour.igtment by applying »t No l<"4 North t'roo: Str«et. Dccembf.' 17 dtl. . «' ' . * GENTEEL ACCOMMODATIONS, For Jeveral Gtnlltmtn, At No. 39, North Sixth Street. January 10. dtf. TWENTY DOLLARS REWARD. RAN AWAY on Saturday evening the 13th July instant, from Cdebrook- Furnao«, Lancaster county, a Negro Man turned Cato, he it about 40 years of age, five feet fix or se ven inches high, tolerable black, with a down iM look, fquirfts, he is a cunning artful fellow. i great liar, and very fond of flrong liquor, has been brought up to the farming bulinefs, is very handy at any kind of laboring work ; he took with him a nurr.btr of clothing, amongst which were, one l'uit plain Nankeen ; (fomt money). It isexpefledhs has shaped his course for Philadelphia or New York. •■f-* The above reward will be paid for fe curihg him in any gaol in the United States, with reasonable charges if brought home. SAMUEL JACOBS. Colebrosk Furnace, July 16, 1799; (O18) d6m PHILADELPHIA, I' dtf 3*. djra. ■ ;AY EVENING, JANUARY' 24, i3oo. »e tL&j* MADEIRA WINE; Oj jb excellent Quality and Age, TO BE SOLD. By t'«e f'pe, quarter ca& »r left ijuiatity. A'». 107 South Second Strict. * ♦ Dtccmto'r n ENGRAVING, By TRENGHARD V WESTON IN THh fKLLOWING FaH.TB.MA' «wl> *»<if*spe-, ltl» ' uf'.fcsdwmp acrt Prouiift»ry Watts, Type and Wpovl tvu.t», fteai. Cutting!,' Jewellery «\pd Silvor work, &c. Every article i>i the above line will (M>' e«cc«tcd witS neatllcA and tSfpatch, atari on the n;o:!. rwftiaable titatt by applying srt'che fouih vnii corp«r of and nptace, tlroets. " N.. 3 —Oi iicrs trojn abroad wiU be thankfully and puu&ually attfjiUed to.. Jatwry BUILDING LOTS, TO US LET QN GKOVKB K^tlT. SIC/E.N LOTS, UPON Seventh direct, between Chpfnut and Waifcst iireeto. Thcfe lotsare in a neighbor hood where larg<? improvements arc carrying on, and i'roperty con!eq*.catly much ißcieafing in There it. also a large qu ci.tity of building inaturials Ukdy to be ready (or file ueur the (put 111 a fliort time, which circumstances lender tliele Lots an objtA well worth attention. Alio let Three other Lots, upon Seventh llrset, between Market and A rch streets, and near the Mint of the United Stares. For farther particulars plrafe to apply to the SubltrAers ax their Oltite, No. 114, South Fourth, Dear Spruce (lrc«. BONSALL er SHOEMAKER. January IC, 1H( »(/LL©WINO VALUABLE LANDS * WHI be offered for, sale, at tbt Merchants Coffee House in this city, between the hours of six and eight on the evening of SArvRDAT the twenty-second of March next. In the County of GLYNN aud State of GEORGIA —all patented in tra&s of ioco acres. 7,000 Acre* at the confluence of Frederica and Turtle ri»er>, aud head of 3t. Si mon's found, near the town of Bruuf- »i«k. »Ba,ooo Acre# on the waters of the great and little Satilla rivej-j, and of Utaffiloe creek. 4i,000 Near the lbove described trails. 25,000 Near the above described tracts. 180,000 Acres oti tie waters of the great Sa tilla and A'atahaiua. 247,000 Acres on the fame waters. 50,000 Acres on the waters of the gre%t Sa t ill jO,coo Acrw on the waters of little Satilla and Alatainaha river* and Buffaloe creek. 60,000 Near the above described tracts. la the Kuu ef VIRGINIA.*—aI! patentid. 44,£)0i Aucs 11. the c.'u: ;y of iSath, 011 both fide 6 f Green liriar river, subject to to 3000 acres of prior furvcys, in cllu ;J within the I'-id 44,cc0 acres, but cxclufivc of that quantity. 41,c00 Acreb in the county ot Batlv, on the call fide of tha Cow Paflure river and anu on both fides of the Waggon Road leading from the Warm Springs to Staunt'.ii, subject as ai'crefaid to jooc acres prior lui'vcvs 4'jOOC Acres in the county ot Randolph, on Buchanan rivet', subject as aforefaid to 4jBB acres prior fnrvey*. 301000 Acrcb in the coun'y ot 3a;h, o the call fide of Calf Failure rivet, subject as aforellid to jOOO ati e# priqt lur vey«. In PENNSYLVANIA. 60,000 Acres in N jrtbuaiberijud county, for veyed and returned. , 46,500 Acre»in Northumberland county, fur veycd and returned. 40,400 Acres in Bedfoid coumy, surveyed and ready to be returned. *s* For the greattr part of the purchase money a liberal credit will be allowed tke pur uhalert, giving unquestionable security. f'etfjrs wilh'uig particular information wiU plcaft- to apply at No. 41 Arch finer, where the patents and draft®, and also certificate# ot the quality of the Georgia and Viiginii Lauds are depofued THOMAS FITZSIMONS,, BENJAMIN R. MORGAN, JEREMIAH PARKER, Philadelphia, J4ll. 7. ia«itS Twenty Dollars Reward. "J) iN-AWAY from Spring Forge, in Yofk I.V. County,a negro man, named JSAAC, other wife CUDJO, about iI ytar» «M, the properly of Robert Cclamin; Esq. He i< about.? left 8 inches itiighr, hat aliemith in his <rye«, *iore ■»mtc in them than common, by trade a Purge man ; hod cn and took with him a drab .coloured broad cloth coat, almost new, a lailor» jacket and pantaloons printed fancy cord, a lwanfrfown ftripsd under elcet; a rorum hat; one fine and one coarse fhlrt' one muslin handkerchief, sprigged, two ditto striped border, a blue Per Can under jacket nd two peir cotton (lockings. Whoever takes up faiJ negro and lodges him in any jsil in this or any of the neighbouring dates fhali have the above re ward or reasonable cxpencesil brought heme. JOHN BRIEN. > Spring Forge, OtSloberaj, 1799.' N. B. As f«d negro formerly lived in Cheftcr county, it is probable he may return there. November , , r "' j The above declaration* combining the ft«n» 'three tents J>l.mce of fitft wrilhig witfa utitrty/'«nd faded Ru* iw*y Irom thc SwMc*ib« wr tfctewnfcg aßdjppr'ved btfofM of thia aStkii»ft.,a l U»ri i '«trtgt..O|||(i Chiracs in We ffate,«rt &w*. aanteA Efe&bcth Howckd.bad on and took with p U UlifceJ, andfor&lr«t r . - ;/ "*&- '* " "• ? The following GOODS, entitled ro Draw back, which they offer for file at mo derate Prieea and liberal Credir-: rtlpi rj® boxes and bales Tkklenburghs, Hempen Litie.-:s and Oznahrigs, 50 boxes Patterbornes or white Rolls, 15 ditto Bisilicld Li ten, . n ditto Creas 1 la Mojlaix, 1 itirto Iji.umiiis, Brofin Rclls, Ditto Hefians, < Polifo Rolls, lied Ticks, Seamois. Xrabias, Empty Bags, Oil Cloths, Shot;, and Slippers, Soal and Upper Leather, ■Quill* and Sealing Wax, \ package Gold and Silver Watches, 2 casks Hoes, 10 talks Nails, aflorted, from 3 to 10. 16 calk? Ironmongery, aflorted, 13 pipes old Part Wine, 15 Tumblers, aflorted, »oo boxes bill Hamburg Window Glass, 8 by 10, 4cc. &c. I cheil aflorted Looking Chiles, Several large elegant Ditto, je kegs fearl barley, A few tons Roll jrimftones vo kegs Yellow Ochre, A few barrels Naval Stores, 1500 empty Demijohns, 6 hog(he.-.ds Coffee Mills, io hhds. Ho>:s Unfiles, firft and second quality, 40 tons Ruffian Hemp, Holland Steel, 1 Mills Dutch Glue, Toy», Lentilles, Slates and Pencils, Tapes, Blocking Twine, Stone Pickling Pots, JfSntatrj 4. taw aw . ctxitw MR. BECK hawug been solicited !iy many of his Irieiids to engage in a Drawing 6chool, takes the liberty ps iaforrning them and the pub lic that he inticds opening »«ie at his house in Fifth street, opposite the State house yard, ou Monday the 4th of November, on the following terms; Ladies from three till five, p*r quarter, Gentlemen, (rora half pail 5 till hall pall 7, Private Loffon», at home for one hour, From home, two hours, The cffcotial grownd work of al.kinda of draw ing, taught by a nutf)i more fimpic and (hort me thod than hitherto praflifed. WASTED, A person t« do house work; also a at tend the family and take care of a horse. November 17. jtawtf LANCASTER STAGES. '"I~'KE Proprietors of the Philadelphia and Lan- X carter line of Stages DISPATCH, return their grateful thanks to their lriwids aud th« public in general, lor the past favor. tliuy have rcteived.and iufcrm them that in addition to the regular Line, thsy ara povided with Carriages,fbber ar,<l cartful drivers, to go through betweeA the City and Bore ugh in two dajs. Those who preferthis moJe of travelling can be accommodated at t.:e Stage Office, Ggn of United States EagU, Market street, Philadelphia. Sloi'.gb. Dawning, Dimu<oodj> W Co. NiV. 30. . Jt—§ For Sale, or to L.t't y A two story Brick Houfc, Situate on Duke firect, or Artillery lam, itt the Northern L iktrtm, HAVING two roonii Oil a floor, fire places in i-ich, a kitchen ami wafl> lioufa ; ail in tic«l lent order »»' built of tbe best materiils. For fur ther information inquire at N0..*59" Aroh street. Alio, a HOUSE, No. 106, south Second ISavt.t'* lrt—(.-nc'iii c as!above. Dec. 30. DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, TO wit : BE IT REMEM'i'ERKD, That on the e leventhday of January, in thetwenty-fourth ,rear of the Independence of the U«ir«( States if America. C t l l- 1- INS O N HK A O at.d GEORGE DAVIS, of the ftid Diitri<£i, hav« depofiteO (a this office, tlie tile r> 1 a Book, the rij-br whereof they claim as Proprietors, in •the words following to wit : <• TEN BLANK DECLARATIONS, Elegantly enpraved on Copper plate, viz. 1. Debt on Bond 6. Quavtum Meruit а. bv Affigne* 7. Valebant j. on single bill 8. On Promifl'ory note 4 . on penal bill 9. Sami by Isdorfee 5. indebitatus As- 10. Trefoils and E б. fumpfit jeament. For the use of tbt Professors of the Law, drawn BY COLLIN SON READ." In conformity to ti c ail if the Congress of the United States, intituled " An ail for the encouragement of learning, by feruring the co pies of Maps, Charts and Books to the Authors and Propraetors of focli copies, during the time therein u>enii>i'.e<i." (l. s.) D. CALDWELL, Clerk of/be Disti< tof Pdr.nsjUa.ni a. » PR ATT &? KINTZING, Nj. <55 N, Water Street, HAVE ON HAND, fjasuary the ift, i300.J Drawing School. Mondayt, IVcdnefdayi and friJayj, PERSPECTIVE, 1 r i - '■ - r '-9~>" •'": THE BEST Lljw Celebrated Washington, Wfcich has ever been puHilbed, IS bow offered for sale at Dic!tin»'» Book Sore, oppoGte Oh rift Church, at the moderate piki of Uae Dollar. January Ii ' r Q. % j^oyK of .. ,/ Sufcr PfitKS»e * Ornamented wltfc a capita Bocttait )tf oae^'A*- firfi. ArtilU, NO exertion? or expence have been feared to render iliis publication complete, and altho* all the materials and workmanship are t'otirely American, thtf paper, pricing and engraving have been al lowed by good }u.dge« to txctfl any tiling ever at tempted in the United State*. DICKIN i's Suiionaty and Book Store is removed /rolfl No. 41 Market itrect, to the house lately occupied bs- VV. Col-bitt, in Se cond street, oppuCte CbfiM. chun-h; where country (lure keepers and others may be con llantly supplied w' f th a complete and general afflivtmcnt ot every article in the hook aid llationary line, on the Hull reafjnabic teriu«. H. Maxwell's Printing Office IS RSMOVi. D To a house adjoining theMck parti f Dickins'i Book Store, where PRINTING, in all its va riety, it executed in a fiylc of iupcrior gvce. ' 14- ' Just Published, and for Sale By J OIIM MORGAN, No. 3 From St. AND BENJAMIN DAVIES, No. 68 High St. THE UM'TF.D STATES COURT CALENDAR, GENTU£MAN'i Complete Pocket Companion, For the Year of our Lord 1800. CONTAINING Every thing iLstful iu other »orks of the kinil, BeCdo 9 great variety of articles (Combining utility with entertainment), Not to be fouud iu any publication whatsoever Amoagft tbefe are. Complete and authentic lifts of the Dols. 9 9 I 3 ARMY and NAVY. ( Carefully rcviftd at the refpellive Offices ;] A L S O, correct ltatcme»u ot rhe NATIONAL DEBT, and us the ANNUAL RECEIPTS & EXPENDITURES ot the United States. N. B. The Calendar, notwiibftauding t : ie vast variety of iti content!, is very freall in bulk. It ii bound in red morocco, in the neat est manner, and may be carried very couveiiU eutly in th; wuilKojt pocket. December 31. eo3w BOONETON IRON WORKS. 7V BE SOLD, OB LEASED JfOB ONF. YEAR—.THAT Valuable Estate, KNOWN by the name ot the Rooneton Iron Works, fitnau in the county of Morris ia the fat* of Ncw-Jkrf.'y, confiOing ol a Foege with four fires, a Rolling aod Slitting Mill, a Grill mill with two Run of and 6aw mill al »" R° o<i pj-fLcr and new in use, together v.ith an excellent, large, nd convenient 1 omL*, with out Kojif s of every kind ; among which arc aa Ice house, and flone milk l.oufr, with a rtmarkablc fine spring in it, a large Garden, aud an cxc«ll 'nt «oll<;&iou of Fruit, a large Orckard, and 2500 a:re*> of wood, pasurc ai;d arable land, aud a gre.it number of fioVt s and workmen's houses Immediate pkmefliaJt wiil be given of houses and (lores liitTn icnr for providing Hock the present winter, and \ olfeflion of the whole in the ipring. For : ej*nis enquire of David B at New ark, rnr Peter Mackie in New-York, mr. David hord i.i Morris 1 own, or mefir«. Jacob and Rick* ard FaHch on tic prvmifcjk January if One Thousand Five Hundred DOLLARS WAS delivered to the POSTMAS TER here, in the Post-Office, j 011 the evening of Tuesday the 27th ult. in a LETTER directed to Mr. John Milts, Merchant, Baltimore, containing two I ALEXANDRIA BANK NOTES, No. I 4320, in favour of William 7aylor, and dated ;oth April, 1798, for ONE THOU SAND DOLLARS), and No. 4522, in fa vour cf John P. Pleasants, and dated the lpth of December, 1798, loi FIVE HUNj DRED DOLLARS , which letter h .slx-eB SUPPRESSED in a POST-OFFICE, and the BANK NOTES taken cut as the PUBLIC MAIL whs not STOPPED, MOLESTED, or ROBBED. Bankers and merchants are pjrticular'y requested to watch the circulation of laid nates, and stop them ; and any jxrLm giv. u>g such inforn atjop ;.s will lend us to our meney, lliall have FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS rew, 1 id. WILSON ec SWANN. Frederickfburg, (Virg.) Sept. 10. Scy Al! Plinters in the United States, arc"requefW to pttblifh the above, and we wiH pay them. aaw.6vr. , V-'" V-/.'/"' > - y * ESS ' ■*' »• »• ♦ •" Ac AND - i tfi *1 Hr * I ./.AH:' - fP\>* ■ ' L *'•?*< * *1 V--1 V i -4' y.~.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers