#a?ette of tfte Uttttet) • Philadelphia Daily Advertiser* NVH*I*: {£7" The price of this Gazette is Eight \ Qollaks frer annum to Subscribers residing, 1* the city' if Philadelphia. All others pay "one Dollar additional, for ■ enclosing and di ricting ; and unlessisome person in this city •afill become answerable for the subscription, it must be paid Six I'lonlbs in Advance. %* Kb Subscription -will be received far a thor.ter term titan six months. JOHN MILLER, Junr. No. 3o Dock, near Third street, HAS FOR SAI.H, CofTae."-, Mamoodies, TufT.-.tiss St: i;vd Dorcas, Tam-ibs, Piitna atvj Sawtipoor Hun Ikcvchitfs. The foregoing will be fold very low in order to *clole (ales. ALSO, A FEW PACKAGES OF German Goods, Suitable to the Weft India Market; deceived by the Fair American from Hamburgh. OAtobcr 25. THIS DAT IS PUBI.ISHED, AND SOLD By R. AITKEN, No. 12 . Market Street, By W. YOUNG, corner of Chefnut and Second Streets, Thermometrical Navigation, Being a Series of Ripper jaunts and Observations, tending Lo p/vtte. that 6y afccrlaming tie relative beat of the sea water, from time to time, The paflage of a (hip thro' the Gutpb Stream, and from deep water into foundings, t Miy be difcoverc4 in time to avoid danger; al though (owing to tempeftuovn weather) it may be impoffiblc 10 heave the lead, or observe the heavenly bodies. Exlra&cdfrom the Ameriean Phihfnphieal Tranfaftiint, Vol. 11 and HI. WITH ADDITIONS and improvements. " God helps them that help themselves." Ptor Richard. January x NEW LINE OF STAGES To New York., By the (borteft and most pleasant road—passing through Frankford, Buftleton, Newtown, Pennington, Millstone, Boundbrook, Union Camp, Scotch Plain*, Springfield and New ark. * THE SWIFTSURE starts from the Green Tree, No- 50 North Fourth Street, at 8 o'slock every morning, and arrives at New York eaiy the next evening. From New York it starts at 9 o'clock every day (Sctadays excepted) anil arrives at Phila delphia, eai'y the next evening. Fare for 6 centi per niilc. Each pafTtuiger allowed 14th of baggage. One hundred and fifty weight of baggage to pay the fame as a pail'enger. All baggr/e to be at the risk of the owntr, unlel's injured and receipted for by the clerks of the different offices. Rate of infuranre one per cent. *s* Apply to JOHN M'CALLA, No. 50 North Fourth Street, Philadelphia, and to WILLIAM VANDERVOOHT, No. 48 Courtland Street, N.E. corner of Greenwich Street, New York. January 3 To the Holders of MILITARY,LAND WARRANTS. ' rHIE Subscriber having lately returned from JL viewing the land, surveyed and appropri ated to fatisty the land warrants, issued by the Secretary at was to the officers and soldiers of the late continental army; and having made arrangements with Mr. James J iktil'on, erf Chester county, Penrifylvania, who he left an the land, and who with the assistance of an in telligent inhabitant of that county, will spend five months in exploring the different feofcona. Ke wil! take regular notes, descriptive of the foil, situation, and natural advantages attached to each feiiUon in the whole Surrey—which notes will be placed in the hands of the fubferiber pre vious to the period for locating, thercb) ena bling him to make the inoft advantageous lo cations the priority will admit. Hefflers hisfervice to the holders of land warrants of the above description, throughout the United Stftes, to receive their warrants, class them, (as no lets quantity than 4000 acres will be regillerd it the office of the treasury) have thetn rcgittered agreeable to law, ji.d attend to fluke the loc liion at the the time appointed in February next. For traufaiSir.g the business, one tenth part of the laud Specified in the warrants will be re quired, and no other charge, except the poffage of letters. All warrants forwarded and letters addressers to the fulifcriber, at No.3,Penn-ftreet, Philadelphia, witl receive immediate attention. JAMES E.SMITH. Septemer 2 rnwftf. NOTICE. 7o all persons tuba own unseated Lands in Frankhin County, State of Fenniyhan'a: ' 1 'HAT thcv come forward and pay their refpedive Taxes, (as there is a number of years now due) to PATRICK CAMP BELL, Elq. Treasurer for laid County—lt they do not, we wiil be obliged to' proceed to make .sale of them agreeably to law. James Irvin, "1 John Halliday, t Gom'rs. Nathan M'DowgLjJ Commissioner's office, fibamiersburgb, Jansi, 1800.3 i»w3m. * AMD eojw eodtf P MIL ADE\P HI A, SATURDAY «V*klKGv JANUART- 1800. NOTICE. X LL persons having Demands against the Ef XX tstJ of SAMUEL EMLEN, late of thi» city, deceafnd, are ('cCrcd to produce them for, fettlerofa*'; and thofs; indebted thereto to make immediate payment t!> SAMUEL EMLEN, ? Executo , s . THOMAS MORRIS, S Philadelphia, Ist mo. 13th, ißco chio NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to the Ellate of CAP TAIN- KEJRAN FITZ PATRICK, ma riner, decL'afed, are requelied te make immediate payment to the fubferihrrs; *nd thofc who have any demand? ajsinft the laid estate are requeued to furniDi their accounts lor fettlemtrnt to P. FERRALL, } ExeC utor*. THOMAS M'EUEN,S t " xecutor - Janunry 13, 1800. UNSEATED LANDS. THE owners of Unseated Lands in Allegheny County, Pennf/lvania, arc hereby notified, that unlefi the Taxes d«e on said Lands for the Years 2795, 7796, 1797. a»d 1798 are paid into the hands oi John WiLKIKi, County Tteafurer, ofi or beiore the loth day of February next, they wilt be advertised for fak as the law direfi.3. Ebenezer Denny, "1 IVilliam Dunning, > Commissioners. J<imes- Bokinson, J Pittsburgh, November 5, 1799., TAKE NOTICE, THAT application in.made to the Bank of the United States, for the rer.ewal of the following ewtifi»ate« of Bank lfoi.lt, wUk.h were loft in the brig Paggy, Captain Fluyer, on HerpafTage from America to London. No - J 959 p or Eight Shares of Bank Sto«k *9 11 f in favour of Samuel Ethridge. 1967 J WILLINGS t' FRANCIS, O&ober 15, NO'HCE. ALL persons indebted t« the Eft ate of Jacob Thomas, of Walhington in the- State of Kentucky, deceased, are requested .to make iinmcduite payment —All perfoiu having demands againfl said estate are de fned to fcrnifh their inxounts legally attril- JACOB REESE, Ed to Philadelphia, Ottober 31, 1799. N O T i C E. ALL persons indebted to the estate of Thom.w Wilson, late of Southw.uk, deceased, are ar-j rtquefted to make payment to the fubferibers, and thofi who have any demands against the fald »ftatc are tequalled to furnifti their accounts for fettiement. SARAH WILSON, Administratrix. JOEL W. WILSON. Administrator. No 195, funth Front-flrcet, Sonthwark. Wua has To LET, A BRICK STABLE, Sufficiently large to contain ni:ie Horfics. ALSO, For Sale or to Let, A New FRAME CARRIAGE HOUSE. Nov 1, 1791;. dtf. TO B? KXCKANCED For a PLANTATION in Neiv Jersej, A VIST VAL'J»BLE Grift Mill and Plantation, SITUATE in Salem county, Uyper Alloway's creek rownfhip, about fix mile, from thetown of 9alem, and about 011 c mile and a half liom a landing on Alloway's creek, where (hallops con flantly ply to Philadelphia The Mill has two water wheels, (over-shot) two p.iir of floncs, one of which are burr. The bolting and hoifling g««r eo by water, and attached to the Mill i» a large Kiln for drying corn, built upon th- mot ap proved plan j the whole mill work and bolting cloths, kc. have lately bean either made new or complitely repaired. The plantation conGlls of one hundred and fifty acres of land. Tl* build ings exdufive of the mill houle and kiln, arc a large dwelling house, a barn, flablea, corucrib, &c &c. For particular information apply to RICHARD WISTAR, December n A JOURNEYMAN PAPER MAKER, Wbo can work well at the Vc it, Will meet with good encouragement by applying »c N'o 104 North Fro«: fatreet. Dccemby ty dtf. GENTEEL ACCOMMODATIONS, For several Gentlemen, At No. 39, North Sixth Street. January 10. dtf. TWENTY DOLLARS REWARD. RAN AWAY on Saturday evening the 13th July instant, from Cciebrook Furnace, Lancaster county, a Negro Man named Cato, he is about 40 years of age, live feet fix or se ven inches high, tolerable black, with a down i!-l look, squints, he is a cunning artful fellow, a great liar, and very fond of strong liquor, has been brought up to the farming bufineis, it very handy at any kind of laboring work ; he took with him a number of clothing, amongst which were, one suit plain Nankeen ; (some money). It it expeded he has fiiaped his cotirfe for Philadelphia or New York. *t* ibove reward will be paid for se curing hrm in any gaol in the United States, with reasonable charges if brought home. SAMUEL JACOBS. Colebrosk Furnace, July 16, 1799: (OIBJ dtf 3 m * d<jm Administrator. No. 119 Mat let Street. tuth&l'a6w MADEIRA WINJE, Of aa excellent Quality and guc4 Age, TO BE SOLD* By tie j'ipe, quarter calk «r (eft quaifcjty» A'ff. 107 Smtb Second Strut. J December »i ' dim ENGRAVING, By TRENCHARD fc? WESTON, IN 'fHE FOLLOWING BKANCHE viz. r and Lar-Jfcxpe. Maps, tjflans, Bills JL of Exeharge anrt PromilTory Notes, Type aad Wood Suts, Seal Cattingi, Jewellery and Silver work,' dec. Every article in the al>ove line will be executed with neatness and olifpatch, and on the moil reafonahle terms by applying at the feuth wi/ft Cornar of Fourth and Spruce,!lr«ets. N. B —Orders from abroad will be thankfully received and punctually a*:.nded to. January io. BUILDING LOTS, TO Bit LET ON GROUND RENT. S£VE N LOTS, UPON Seventh ftrect, between Chefnut and Walnut streets. These lots are in a neighbor hood where Urge improvements arc carrying on, and Property confeq.er.tly much increafipg in value. There is aWa a large quantity of building materials likely to be ready for sale near the fp.it in a short time, which circumfUnces render th«fe Lots an obje.X well worth atttsntion. Also to let Three other Lots, upoj: Seventh street, betweeH Market and Arch flrects, and near the Mint of the United States, For larther particulars please to apply to the Subferibers at their Office, No, 114, South Fourth, near Spruce :lre»t. BONSALL U1 SHOEMAKER. January 10. THE FOLLOWING VALUABLE LANDS IV HI be offered for sale, at, tbe Merchants Coffee House in this city, betaken tbe hours of six and eight on tbe evening of SAruRDAT tbe twenty-second tf March next. In the Coun.ty of GLYNN and State of GEORGIA—aII patented in trails of 1000 acres. 7,000 Acros at the confluence of Frederica and Turtle rivers, and head of St. Si mon's found, near the town of Brunf u ick. *8»,ooo Acres on the of the trM aivd little Satilla rivers, and of JUCTaloc cr*ek. 4»,ooo Near the above described trails. 25,000 Near the above described tracts. 280,000 Acres on the waters of the great Sa tilla and Alatshama. 247,000 Acres on the fame waters. 50,000 Acres on the waters of the great Sa tilla. 50,000 Acres on the waters of litlle.Sa.t>Ha and Alatamaha rivejs and B>t£aW creek. <O,OOO Near the tracts. In the State of VIRGINIA—aII patented. 44,000 Acres in the c iintv of Bath, on both fides < f Green Briar river, subject to to 3000 acres of prior surveys, in cluded within the said 44,000 acres, but exclusive of that quantity. 41,000 Acres in the county of Bath, cn the east fide of the Cow Pallure rivtv and and on both fid« of the Waggon Road leading from the Warm Spridgs to Staunton, subject as af'orefaid to 5000 acres prior surveys 4-,ooc Acres in the county of Randolph, on Buchanan river, subject as aforefiid to 4588 acres prior surveys. 30,000 Acres in the county of Bath, on the east fide o| Calf Pasture river, subject as aforelaid 105000 acres priar fur #eys. In PENNSYLVANIA 60,000 Acres in Northumberland county, sur veyed and returned. 46,800 Acres fn county, fur" veyed and returnee.. 40,400 Acres in Bedford county, furveyedand ready to be returned. *s* For the greater part of the purchase money a liberal credit will be allowed the pur chasers, giving unquestionable security. Persons wishing particular information will pleafr to apply at No. 41 Arch flrtet, where the patents and drafts, and aifo certificates of the quality of the Georgia and Virginia Lands are deposited THOMAS FITZSIMONS, BENJAMIN R. MORGAN, JEREMIAH PARKER. Philadelphia, Jan. 7. aawtS Twenty Dollars Reward. RAN-AWAY from Spring Forge, in York County, a ncp-oman, named ISAAC, other wife CUD JO, about 21 years *ld, the property of Robert Coleman; Esq. He is about 5 feet 8 inches high, ha- a blemish in hi* eyes, wore in tht-m than common, by trade a Furge on and took with liiina drab coloured broad cloth coat, almost new, a sailors jacket and pantaloons printed fancy cord, a lwanfdown striped under .-cket; a rorurn hat; one fine and one coarse ftiirt 4 one niufun handkerchief, sprigged, two ditto striped border, a blue Persian under jacket and two psir cottow (lockings. Whoever takes up fai*! negro and lodges him iti any jail in this or any of the neighbouring ftatcs (hall have the above r«- ward or reasonable cxpencesif brought home. JOHN BRIEN. Spring Forge, o&ober23,1 799- N. B. As said negro formerly lived in Chester iounty, it is probable he may return there. November 5 Three Cents Reward. RUN away from the Subfcriher on the evening of the aßth infl. a bound Servant GIRL, named Efizabeth HowcUel, had on and took with her three different changes of garment and money, proud, bold and impudent, a noted lyar ; any psr fon apprehending her fhalllje entitled to the above reward—no cofis or charges will be paid. N. B, Sbehad » years and some months to serve DANIEL FITZPAJRICK. Gofhen Townlhip.Chefter County, July 19. august & 3awtf V i . PRATT fc? KINT2ING, No. M, Water Street, HAVE ON HAND, [\fasuary the ift, 1800.3 The following GOODS, er.ti'.led to Draw back, which the;' offer for file at mo derate Prices and liberal Credit-4 N 150 boxes and bales Ticklenburghs, Hempen Linens ind Oznabrigs, 50 boxes Patterbcrifes or white Rolls, 2J ditto Bislfield Li II ditto CreaS and Creas a la Morlaix* 2 ditto Britannia*, Brown Rolls, Ditto Heflans, Polish Rolls, Bed Ticks, Seamois, Arabias, Empty Bags, Oil Cloths, Shoes and Slippers, Soal and Upper Leather, Quills and Sealing Wax, A package Gold and Silver Watches, 8 calks Hoes, 20 Galks Nails, aflorted, from 3 to jo, t6 caflcs Ironmongery, aflorted, 13 pipes old Port Wine, 15 boxes Tumblers, assorted, joo boxes best Hamburg Window Glass, 8 by 'taw*w 10, &c. &c. 1 chest affortcd Looking Glides, Several large elegant Ditto, 50 kegs Pearl Barley, , A few tons Roll Vkimflone; jo kegs Yellow Ochre, A few barrels Naval Stores, 1500 empty Demijohns, 6 hogflieads Cuflee Mills, 10 hints. Hofjs Bristles, firft ami second quality, 40 tons Ruffian Hemp, Holland Steel, 2 hhds Dutch Glue r Toys, Lentilles, Slates and Pene-ils, Tapes, Blocking Twine, Stone Pickling Pots, &c. &e. January 4. * <u>&fi%v eod»w. MR. BECK having been solicited by many of his friends to engage in a Drawing School, takes the liberty of informing them and the pub lic that he intends opening one at his house in Fifth ilreet, opposite ths State house yard, on Monday the 4th of November, on the following terms: I.adics from three till fivf, per quarter, 9 Gentlamen, Irom half past 5 till half past 7, 9 Private Lessons, at home for oae hour, I From home, two hours, 3 PERSPECTIVE, The effcntial ground work of all kinds of draw ing, taught by a much more fisiple and (hort me thod than hitherto praflifed. WASTED, A pcrfon to do house work; also a boy to at tend the family and take care of a horse. November 17. jtawtf LANCASTER STAGES. THE Proprietors of the Philadelphia and Lan caster line of Stages DISPATCH, returji their grateful thanks to their friends and the public in general, for the part favors they have received,and inform them that in addition to the regular Line, thty are povided with Carriages, sober and careful drivers, to go through between the City and Borough in two days. Thofs who prefer this mode of travwlliDg can be accommodated at the Stage Office, Cpn of United States Eagle, Market street, Philaijcl) hia. Slougb, Downing) Dunwoody isf Ce. Nuv. 30. 2t—§ For Salt, or to Let, L A two story Brick Houfc, Situate 0n fluke Jlreet, or Artillery tant, in the Northern Liberties, HAVING two roonis on a floor, foe places in each, a kitchen and wafli houf« ; all in excel lent order and built of the best materials. For fur ther information inquire at No. 39, Areh street. Also, a HOUSE, No. 106, south Second ttreet, to let—enquire as'ubove. Dec. 30 DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, to wit : BE IT REMEMBERED, That on the e leventhday of January, in thetwenty-fourth year of the Independence of the United States of America, COL t INS ON READ and GEORGE DAVIS, of the said Diftritf, have deposited in this office, the title ofa Book, the right whereof thev claim as Proprietors, in the words following to wit « TEN BLANK DECLARATIONS, Elegantly engraved on Coppei 1 plate, viz. I. Debt on Bond 6. Quastum Meruit 4. by Affigne? 7. Valebant 3. on fingie bill 8. On Promiflory note 4. on penal bill 9. Saras by Indorsee 5. Indebitatus As- 10. Trefpals and E -6. fumpfit jeilment. For tie use of tbt Professors of the Lata, In conformity to the a<fl of the Congress of the United States, intituled " An a<£l for the encouragement of learning, by securing the co pies of Maps, Charts and Books to the Authors and Proprietors of fnch copies, during the time therein ine-uior.i'd." . (L. s.) D. CALDWELL, Clerk of the Distr• tof Pennsylvania. The above declaration/combining the fern* blance of fine writing with utility, and fettled aed approved by some of the firft and molt dif titguifced Law CluraAeri in the state, are now publifted, and for sale at GEORGE DAVIS's LAW-BOOK STORE, No. 319, High-Streft. Where always miy be had, every beok want ed in that line. January 14. s » Drawing School. McmJtjt-, and Fridtyt, DRAWN BY COLLIN SON READ." '-t ■ THE REST LIKENESS OJT THE Celebrated Was hi ngton, Which has ever been puVlifhed, IS now offere.i for sale at Dickim's Book<»ftore, oppofits Citfiu Church, at the moderate price of Or.e Dollar. January j i THIS DAY IS PUBLISHED, Dickins's Stationary & Book-Store, North St; ton J Strict, obpojfk Chri/t Churchy A SUPERB EDITION CF WASHINGTON'S ADDRESS To the Peopicof the United Slates, on retiring from Public Lib, Super Royal, Svo. ( Price Ttvo DfHars") Ornamented with a capital Portrait Ly one of the firft .Hrtifts, NO exertions or expence have been spared to render this publication complete, and altho' all the materials and workmanship are entirely American, the paper; printing and engraving have been al lowed by £ood judges to excel any thing ever at tempted i:i the United States. ' DICKIN s's Stationary and Bock Spore i) removed from No. 41 Market street, to* tie house lately occupied by W. Se cond street, oppyfite Chrifl church; where country store keepers and other* ihay be coiw flantly supplied with a coraplete ahd general affortifceiit of every article in the book *ni, ftatiouary line, on the raoft reafoMblc tern*. H. Maxwell's Printing Office IS RJL'MOVKD To a house adjoining the bick partrf Dickins's Book Store, where PRINTING, itvall its va riety, ii executed in a flyle of fwperior ele- gancc, January 14. Just Published, and for Salt By JOHN MORGAN, No. 3 Front St. BENJAMIN DA VIES, No. 68 High St. THE UNITED STATES COURT CALENDAR, AND GENTLEMAN'S Complete Pocket Companion, For the Year of our Lord 1800. * ". "V CONTAINING Every thing useful in other works of the kind, \ Befidei a great variety of articles » (Combining utility with entertainment), Not to be found is any publication whatsoever Amongfl theft are, Complete and authentic lifts of the Dols. ARMY and NAVY. (Carefully rrvifed at the refpefliue Offices ;) correct ftatemeats of the NATIONAL DEBT, atvil of the ANNUAL RECEIPTS & EXPENDITURES N, B. T'. e Calendar, notwitliftanding the vast variety of its contents, is very fraall in bulk. It i» bound in red morocco, in the neat est manner, and may be carried very conveni ently in the waiflcor.t pocket. December 31. BOONETON IRON WORKS. OR LEASED FOR ON K YEAR THAT Valuable Estate, KNOWN by the name oi ftftf'Booncton Iro» Work*, fitnats in the county ot Morris iu the Hate of New-Jersey, confiding ot a Forge with four fires, a Rolling and Slitting Mill, a Grill mill with two Run of Denes, and Saw mill, all in good order and new in use, together with an excellent, large, -ind tonvenient house, with out-houfes of every kind ; among which are an Ice house, and ftons milk house, with a remarkable fine spring in it, a large Garden, and an cxculknt colledion of Fruit, a large Orchard, and 1500 acres of wood, pa-.urc and arable land, and a great number of (tore and workmen's houfc.s Immediate pofTeffion will be given oPhoufes and (tores fufficient for providing dock the present winter, and pofleflion of the whole in the spring. aaw.6w. For terms enquire of David B. Ogden at New ark, mr Peter Mackie in New-York, mr. David Ford in Morris Town, or mefTrs. Jacob ap.J Rich ard Faelch on tic prcniifes. January 11 One Thousand Five Hundred WAS delivered to the POSTMAS TER liere, in the Post-Officb, on the evening of Tuesday the 27th ult. in a LETTER dire&ed to Mr. John Mills, Merchant, Baltimore, containing two ALEXANDRIA BANK NOTES, No. 43(80, in favour of William Taylor, and dated 30th April, 1798, for ONE THOU SAND DOLLARS, and No. 4522, in fa vour of John P. Pleasants, and dated the ' 19th of December, 1798, for FIVE HUNJ DRED DOLLARS ; which letter has been SUPPRESSED in a POST-OFFICE, and the BANK NOTES taken out aj the PUBLIC MAIL not STOPPED, MOLESTED, or ROBBED. Bankers and merchants are particularly requefled to watch the circulation, of fa;d notes, and flop them ; and any pcrfon giv ing such information as will lead us to our money, fliall have FIVE HUNDRED' DOLLARS reward. - WILSON & SWANN. Fredericklburg, (Virg.) Sept. 10. |C7= All ] 'rinters in the JrAed States, are requeftad to pHblifl) the shave, and we will pay tbenu tuthzm. r I" VoIMMI- XVII. AMD ALSO, of the United Statcf. TO BE SOLD, DOLLARS >4 'V'' ~ 'if-' ." , " -4 i ; ttfcftf eo3w 1 "■ * *b
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers