PHILADELPHIA^ niDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 3 0, 1796. Autuum at Votas " 1 m : =s -3 8 J St PRISIDENT f| c |.II 8 1 | VTCE-P RESIDENT »s a, >» Q K N^TFT ampftiire,' 1- 6| > 1 j j Tj Massachusetts, I6'li , . Khode-ffUnd, 4! 4 ConneAient, f' 4 s Vermont, 41 4 New-York', 12 it New Jersey, 7 ? < Peanfylvauia, i ; 2i 4 ij Delaware, i i\ I I Maryland, , -j 44! j' Vn-ginii, I not 115 31 Kentucky, 1 I'Bnefiee, 1 North-Carolina, I I II 6 , South-Carolina, 8 S | Georgia, 4 | 4 Total » hi S9 6 ' I *3 *5 ts 7 2 111 North-Carolina, one vote was given for Charles Piackney, an 4 three for Judge Iredell. Married, on Sunday last, it the honfe of Da •iel St. Clair, Efq, ia Montgomery County, Mr. Samuel W. Jertis, to Mis» Jani St. Clair, daughter of the ban. Arthur Si. Clair, Govcraor •f the Western Territory. AUTHENTIC. XxtreS »f a letter from Captain Henry De Butts ta the Secretary •/ War, dated Pre/fue-IJe, 1 itk Dec. " It is with extreme concern I difebarge the me* laneholy duty ©f announcing to you the death of Major-General Anthony Wayni, who, after an exceedingly painful vifitatiom of the goat, expired this moaning between the hours of 1 and 3 o'clock. '' This difordei attacked him abont th« i;th ultimo, during a very favorable pafTage irom Detroit hither, where we arrived on the evening of the fucjeeding d*y—it by turns his feet, knees and Hands, with ceafiderable inflammation and a great degree of pain, unti. about the 30th ; when the violence of both beginning gradually to abate, inspired flattering hopes ©t" his fpcedy recovery:—but alas! these were of ihort duration j for on the morning of the 3d intt it appeared that the gout had taken poffeflion of his ftomaeh, where it remained with unconquerable ob llinacy and extreme torture, until it put a period to his His remains w.U be interred to-morrow within this fort with military honors." PITTSBURGH, December 14. DIED, on Wedneiriay night, the 14th infl. at Prefqu' Isle, fan excellency ANTHONY WAYNE, commander in chief of the Federal army, ■ The birth of some great man, or death, Gives a celebrity to 1 pets of earth ; We fay that Montcalm fell on Akram's plain : That Butler presses the Miami bank ; And that the Promoatory of SigtHm Has Achillas' tomb.— saw W*r»« expire ; and there, , The traveller (hall fee hi 5 monument ; At least his grave'. For this, Corroding jealousy will not detract j But will allow a mound— Borne little fwclling of th« earth, \ To mark the interment of his bones. Brave, honest Soldier, flutp—— And let the dewi weep over ttiee, t And gales that iigh acroft the Lake ; 'fill men ikall rcoognixc thy worth. And, coming to the {hall aft, "Is this where Watn* is buried ?" C A U riON. The inhabitant* of this city would de well to cenfidcr the importance »f carefully attending to" 1 ♦xtinguifh their fires when they go 10 bed. The hint is suggested from information that some of the patrolcs, lall night had oteafion to call up a family who left their Hrc burning in a cellar. A dated meeting of the Pennsylvania Society for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery, fcc will be held at the usual place on the ad of lit mo. (Jan.) J79 jr, at 6 o'clock m the evening. BENJAMIN KITE, Sce'ry. nth mo- 30th, 1796. BY THIS DAY's MAILS. & SALEM, December ao. A,gentleman of this town hat receiv«d a letter from his friend at Liverpool, Neva Seotia, wherein ia mentioned the arrival «t Halifax of a packet from England—which bring! an account of the dif ferences with Spain being accommodated,and a hap py profpeft of the negotiation with France bring favorably terminated. The letter is dated the 22d vlt. Thepaffageof the packet is not mentioned. The above letter mentions, that a division of RicheTy's fleet destroyed property »ri the Labra doie (here Hrlhe amount of £ 25,090 sterling, belonging to one house, and burnt a 20 gnu Ihip, loaded eniirely with 6(h. The defirudlion on the whole coast by the French fleet under admiral Ri->. chery has been very great, and mast be fevetely felt the lower class of citizens—the property destroy ed confining of filh, provision* and articles of the 6ri ncccfity. BOSTON, December jj. Letter from Nantucket, December 16. These will inform yon, that last night the ftiip Alliance, Capt. Pease, arrived here from Wool wich Bay, last from St. Helena, which he left Sepiember 28, in company with five other whale fr.ips for this port. Capt. Pease informs, that a Dutch fleet of two 74*s, two frigates and a sloop of war, were at Saldanna Bay, and that the En glifli fleet lying at the Cape-os-Good-Hope, got information and immediately proceeded against tliem, and captured the whole squadron without difficulty. Capt. P. also informs, that Mr. Leaeh, a meichant of St. Helena, told him, a (hip belong ing to Boston (her name and the cap ain's he had forgotten, but certainly neither Sigonrney nor Do ble) fro Ti India, with a freight for Europe, had been c<.Lt away to the northward"aati eallwaid ol the Cape-os G»t>(i -H>»pe, vefTe! and 6argo loft ; the people were roughly treated by the natives, but no lives were 101 l j the crew had taken i» the fleet for Europe. Capt. P. on his paiffage, lat. 21, long. 58, spoke brig Ann, fiem Surinam for Boston, had loft her foretopmaft. Alfs, spoke W* Ann, Coffin, from Hifpaniola for Philadel phia. In lat. 4r, 35, 67, spoke brig , Brown, 39 days from Surinam for Providence^— (hort of proviiiens ; Capt. P. being also short of provifiond, could afford no relief. Left the Janus, wkaleftiip, Folger, matter, for New Bedford, in lat. 2, S. long. 28, W. No other news than here detailed. NEW-YORK, December 29. Several of the vefielt reported below ia yefter day't Argm came up to toWo yesterday—vide Ma rine lift. Capt. Black, of the Niagara, failed from Hull j on the 13d O&ober, and brings no Ister London I accounts than before receivsd. | Capt. B!a k, on the 27th October, being about 30 leagues from Bred, fell in,with a fleet of Britilh : men of war, 18 ia namber, who fremed unwilling ta speak him—and next Hay, lat. 46, was board ed by the French frigate Felicity, one of Admiral , Richery'j'mn of three 74 gun (hips, one 80, and three frigates. liounH from Newfoundland to j France. Capt. Black informed them, that he had just left a British fleet ; from which circmnttance | wc conclude, that he did not jnmp into the Lion's | mouth, but altered bis course to avoid them. Capt. Bia. k gave his latest papers to the captain of the Felicity. Yesterday the brij Poll Cary, Captain Prince,, got under way from this port for St. Croix ; when being in the bay, die went down so suddenly, that the people had hardly time to save their lives—her ■Bafts arejult discoverable. ARRIVED. Days. Ship Niagara, Black, Hull 60 Planter, , Bristol Barque Neptuae, O'Connor, Martha Brae 20 S*.w Ceres, , Cork 70 Brig Malabar, Kenyon, Cape Francois 45 Schooner Minerva, , Port-au Prince 45 Sloop Fox, Brooks, Baltimore ——, Watson, St. Thomas 25 BUONAPARTE. Extrafl of a letter from a gentleman of in Paris to his friend in this city, dated 9th Ther midor 4th year ; Dear friend, , " The hkenefs of General Buonaparte being just come out, I fend you two copies; oue for yourftlf, the other for my friend R—. I am sure it v. iil p!ea l e you so much the mor<, at a Angular dif.overy has lately been made the place of his origin. He happens to be a countryman of yours, and even one of -your friends, inftezd < f beu'.g a Corfwan, as firft re ported, Buonaparte is an afiumed name ; his family name is Shaler, from Mid Jletown in # Coiineilicut. You will, ao douht l>e able to judge of the Wt>th di rectly ; and not fail to ascertain the fact in, cafe the people of Vmerica may have any doubts about it. I expect they will rejoice at an evtnt which has afforded mt and procures me the advantage of receiv ing from him at this very mutuant every mark of friendfhip, in consequence of our form*, acquaintance in America. " Salut and Fraternity. - " C—— KINGSTON, (Jamaica*) November 12. The Royal Edward, on ker passage, spoke an American veilel from Cayeuse, and was informed, that a lirjng French squadron had arrived there, and was to cruile on the coast of Brazil. The captain of the Thetis, of London, bound to the Welt-Indies, bnt captured and carried into Cay enne, was on board the Americau veffcl. The In dian Queen, Englifti Eatt-Indiamen, was captwr ed and carried into that place, a fkort time before the American left it. The Ftench brig Cetf Volant, prize to his ma j'-fty's (hips Magicirnne and Quebec, was sent into Port-Royal on Wednesday. She was taken on the firft of this month, oft Altavela ; said to be bound to Plymouth as a car tel, but from circumstances lufpeAed to be a&ual ly on her way to Old France with three deputies, carrying dispatches from Rigaud for ihe exeeutive dtre&ory. To rover their deigns, they had on board a few Englilh prifonert, with some French officers of the Renommee frigate, formerly brought in here and exchanged. After a ftrid fearck the difpatchee weie found, with which capt. Ricketts immediately proceeded to tke Mole. The brig was frcm the Barradiere, where oar - 1 people had been put on board with the aflurante 1 that (he was bound to Aux-Cayes, from which they : ' were to be dirtdly feat in a cartel, to Port , Royal. - | November 19. ; ] A Spaniftt fchroiier, with a quan -1 | tity of fpeeie on board, came in on Sunday from | the Havannah, which (he left fix days aj;o. Twelve f , (hips of the line were in the harbour when (he fail " I ed , A merchant veflel had arrived at Martinique, , which fell in with a homeward bound Eaft-lndia e fleet, and learnt that admiral Pringle had taken, - without firing a gun, and carried into the Cape of t Good Hope, the Dutch fleet, going out to tke - East-Indies, confiding of three fail of the line, one : fifty, three frigates, and a sloop of war. Capt. Glegg, has feixed and carried into Mo rant-hay, a Spanilh veflel, said to have upwards of 2»,ooo'dollars on board. His own ve(Tel, crnifing for the prote&ioaof the trade of this iflaad, has > been stripped of her handt by the Diligence, and - (he i* not able to proceed to sea. t November 16. t The Penelope Cartel, capt. Spinks, from Cape a Nichola Mole, arrived on Satqrday, having carried * from Aax-Cayes to the Mole, 135 officers and Seamen, mostly belonging to the Salisbury. t Certain information is said to be received, that I general Abercrombie may bt daily expeAed in St. 1 Domingo; with 4.000 men from the windward if 1, lands, where general Stewart succeeds to the com ;- mand. d , Shortly after general Aberctombie's arrival at >• St. Domingo, general Bowycr may be expeAtd s here with 12at) infantry, and a cempauy of actil il lery. The 3ifp Hape, Harier, 60 days from Green- with a valuable carg® of dry goods, cordagf, herringi, & c . was wrecked on the Pallifadocs, near Plumb Paint, en Monday night. She was endea vouring to get into Port-Royal, but being taken back hy the wind, and very near the shore, was overpowered by the (urge. All the people on board escaped : but as there is a fcaman miffing, belong iog to his majesty's ship Success, which sent a beat to her assistance, it it feared he is drowned. We ltarn from St Domingo, that the vicompte de Burges, with a- very considerable force, has pe netrated so fuccefsfully into the republican tcrrit© ry, that he is now encamped at Donnon and La lanueric, about iz miles from Cape Francois. A Dominica paper, containing an account of tbe captttreof the Dutch fleet by admiral Pringle, w.ts biought in the Cuiacaman, but was detained by an officer belonging to one of the ftiips at Port- Royal. The Henry failed from Liverpool the 22d of September, la lat. 13.45. 'O"K*0 "K* 35'45- 1»e fclr in with aad took the Aip Abigail, a chartered vef fcl from Batavia, nearly fire meriths out, loaded with sugar, coffee, pepper, tea, See. bound to Am ftcrdain. A Dutch gentleman was pafTenger in her. The Abigail is arrived with the Henry. FALMOUTH, Not. 22. Friday moraing arrived at this port, from the Grand Caymanas, the schooner Pally and Betsey, Capt. Bordon. The Sampson with 14 fail of merchantmen. pafTcd the Caymaaas en Sunday morning the 23d inttant. Capt. Bordon saw a brig to the northward of that island, half full of water, her fails torn to pieces in a gale, and no hands on board ; name on her stern, the Sally of New-York MONTEGO-BAY, November 19. Tnefday arrived at Falmouth, the barque Nep tune, C ft. O'Conner, from New York in 13 days. COMMUNICATIONS. Mr. Fekno, The following article appeared in the Aurora yeflerday. Such an open avownl of the wijiei of those da rr.eflic traitors whether native or foreign, whose ma chinations threaten to involve out country in war and bluod, has scarcely before appeared. On the principles heie advanced, it is the duty of our ci ti*«ns to invite a foreign power to take the United States into keeping. What panders of prostitution would the Jacobin faction prove, could they but once debauvn the people of this country, and de fttoy their •' sslf respf.ct." ' C. ExtraS from tie Aurora, ■ " Attempts are made te fprcad alarms refpeft ing Louisiana, as if the possession of that country iiy Fiance would sot be of the utmost advantage considered in every relation ; firft as an exemplary warning agaicft the growing spirit of arifltcracy among us; fecoudly as an aid agaiaft the wicked arts of Britain to entrap us into an ejffeujivc and difcnfive alliance ; and third as a fafe and >ec afy lum trom tyranny in the event of the majority •{ ourMlow cni«en» being betrayed inta fa diabolical ••n alliance, in so a tame a futTender of republican freedom at the feet ot arijltcracy and kingly pa f; eantry !" WastverMiy country, Poland excepted, so abo minibly ini'ulted at our own ? A foreign miaifter cotnifs here and levies war, while the government and the na ton pcoelaim neutrality. Another tarns his back on the cunftituted authorities and his impudent face to the people j yet while he pretends to coax he dare« to threaten and on* voicc as indigattian is raised against him. Heedless of that voice, the hired press of the rainifter audatiouily declares that the French will afford an asylum in Louisiana for perfccutcd patriots— such no doubt as David Bradford. Aad that a French army marching through .the United States would not do much mifchicf. In the Aurora we read, with pro per edification, the threats of an American citizen, commander of two French (hips, against his country, if we ehufe Adams Prefidcnt. The Boils* Chronicle, to cover the whole, ealls our difpofitien towards France rebellious. What kind of malleable ijuff do theft infulters imagine the American nation are made of h Every American who laves hit country well, readil* acknowledges that aur very Dear Allies for four years past, and at the present time, give undeniable proofs of their being our very dear al ,lie«, if the fpaliations M our Cemaurcc- to the amount of 4 ir. illions of dollars are any evidence— yet this is the nation, that talks of tieing the bands of Friendship more clafely, this is the nation which the Genetifed, mongrelifed amerieans fay ought te be laved better than our awn—A very clear sample of Love—but a piratical way of (hewing it, this is like a lover eourting his mistress to ileal her Jew els —If the French King loved us well enough to lend us Eiyht millions aad the Directory well enough to difpoil by their ardeis our merchants of foui millions—to which ought our Gratitude to ilahdf the King or llie terrible reputlit— Gratitude as per Favour. In a paragraph in the Aurota of WednefSay, which contains as many falsehoods as could well be conpreflcd within its limits, it is said, that " the JirJl French art'ijls arc employed in the trahfportation of the statues and pi&ures front Italy and this is almoß the only palliative offeted to foften the criminality of the plunder. How abundant soever auiils may have been in France, the revolution has operated as an ostracism ta them, which few have escaped. But if they have the firft artifls, that is te fay, packers, waggon-drivers, See. to emplay for this puvpofe, their conduct, with regard to-the whole tranfaihon, will remain the fame i. and (in the opinion of the be& men in France) wherever the trophies arc exhibited, they will be regarded as monuments of disgrace arid infamy—They will pr*ve a beacan to warn the nations of the earth from any connexion or intercourse with the French ; till at length, tired and finking under the intolera ble load of infamy, they will, as' the only means left to retrieve the honor of the Ftench-name, tranfpovt back again, their ill gotten plunder ; and instead «f korfcrwr mules, they will cause the pic | tures an(? ftatwej to be li-trmfpoMed by tbe base I inlhuments of their deportation.—And God fend, ■ 'hat citizen Buonaparte may live to be one of the ! train. Mas. Gif AT TAN Refpe&fully informs the Ladies and Gentlemen of the City, that the second LADIES' CONCERT Will be on TUESDAY NEXT, the 3d of January at Mr. Oellers's Hotel, Act I. Grand Sinfonio, Haydn. Holy Lord, Mr*. Grattan, Handel, Concerto Violia, Mr. G"illin»ham Trio and Chorus, Siege of Belgrade, Storace. dCT 11. Concerto in Bb. Mr». Gratta», Dlflek. Ah non fai, Mrs. Grattan, Sarti. Quartett, Pleyel. Grand Chorus Pirate, Storace. *4"* The Concert to begin at half pafl Gx j and at half past eight, the music will attend for the Ball. Mrs. Grattan bigs leave to inform the Ladies and Gentlemen, th t the fubfeription-book i» at her iaoufe No 39, North Sixth-street, for the reception of those names who wifli to honor her with their commands.-— A fubfcriptiou for eight nights 16 dollars, including & Gentleman and Lady's ticket, both nansferrable— Half fubferiptions 8 dollars, including one ticket.— Single ticket 1 dollars. Mrs. Grattan takes the liberty of requeuing the fubferibers to fend for their tickets any day after Tharfday, the i;th of December, at No. 39, NorA Sixth-street. 0? Single tiekets to be had the day of the Coaeert only, at the Bar of Mr. Oellcri's Hotel. December 30. Bank of Pennsylvania. AT a Meeting of the Stockholders of the Bank of Pennsylvania, at the Bank, December 29th, 1796, ' It was unanimoafly resolved, That, fro* the informa tion this Jay given by the Beard of Directors, and the Do cuments exhibited, the Stockholders do fully approve the oondmft of the DireAors; and that the thanks of this meeting be returned to th« said Directors for their activi ty, zeal, and fuccefsful exertions in tho discharge of their daties in relation to the abuses Utelj pra&ifed upon, thia Institution. Rdolved, That the foregoing Resolution bejpubiifced in the Newfpaptis of this city EDWARD SHIPPEN, Chairman. BFNJAMIN CHEW, Jr.' Scc.etary. Dec. 30. § s t A Ball. J. DOZOI.'a Ball will be held on Friday next, the 30th December, at Mr. Oellers's hotel, and continue every fortnight during the season. Gentlemen's tickets at one dollar each, to be had at the hotel, where ladies who choose to honour hina withtheircompany may also be supplied with ticket*. J. Dozol refpeitfully informs the ladies and gentlemen, that he still continues his daneing lihool at the abovte hotel, and the hours of attendance for 1 dies are from ten to one in the morning, and for gentlemen from fix to nine in the evening, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, during the season. N. B. Private lessons will be given, either at hi» school, or at the houses of those who may chcofe to fa vor him. " ' , Dec. i». fit. Women's Cloaks. GEO R. G E D © ON, No. ts< South Third-street, Has just received, per Eagle, Capt. Fufiick, don, as affortnaent of Scarlet Drab f Cloaks trimmed with tur and Purple and f ermine. Pearl J D ccn t' v 15. ' § A Gold Watch was Found A few days ago, in the lower part of Second-ftrees. The owner, en calling at No. 117 in said iircet, and proving it to be his or hers by a description in writing* may aeeeive it on paying for this advancement. December 29 3 For Sale, By the Subfcribers—ln PENN-STREET, 65 Pipes Excellent Madeira Wine, Imported by the Eagle. WILLI NGS & FRANCIS. Nov. 3» w&f - — " u ■■ ■ ■ .... Elegant Brufiels & Turkey Carpeting, For sale Jiy George Dobfen, No. 25.South Third-street. December Ij. « dtf » FOR SALE, About 1,600 acres of Land, WELL situated, laying on and between Marsh and Beech Creeks, Miffliu county, Pennsylvania, in, fonr faparate Patents. For terms ot sale 'apply to Wm. Blackburn, No. 64, South S<*cond-llreet. Oflober 31. mwftf To be Rented, A Large Vault and Cellar, That will contain tco pipes, Gtuate in Walnut between Fourth aad Pifth-flreets. Also a COACH HOUSE and STABLE, with Stalls for five horfcs, N. B. Goods Stored by the month. Enquire of Benjamin W. Morris. November 30. towftt Just Arrived, Per fchotnir Define, Captain Marfe, frtm dux* Cayet, A Cargo of Sugar and Coffeb. Also, per brig Sttfcy, Captain IVbite, from the Isle of France, 12 Hogfceads, 1 puncheon, and 13 canisters, of Batavia Sugar 45 Hogsheads Pepper of Malabar 63,900 lb. Coffee 13.000 Cotton 4,000 Indigo For Sale by F. Ceppinger, No. 211, Sonth Front-street December at $ New-England Rum, Salmon, Beef, Chocolate, Rice, Boflon mould and dipt Candles, a few quarter-casks of Sherry Wine, a few barrels of Cyder, and a few quintals of excellent T ible COD FISH —for sale by Ezekiel Hall, No. 42, Ner.h W?ter-ftrs*t. December 14th, 1796.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers