tof the States, Daily Advertiser. KVMBMM 1343.] WEDNESDAT^ENING, DECEMBER 28, 1796. . [VOLUME X. # A C A R D. If Monjieur G., H. S'oßLt, Who left Bordeaux the aoth June last, and arrived at Boston s.bout the middle of August, in the schooner Jane, it in Philadelphia, he is requested to call en Joseph Anthony & Co. No. 5, Chefnut-ftreet, who will give him fomt information of importance. December 24, 1796. § Clocks and Watches. LESLIE AND PRICE, No. 79, Market-strekt, Philadelphia, ~ HAVE IMPORTED, by the late arrivals from f London, 1 large assortment of WARRANTED | WA-l CHES, e:onfifting of horizontal, capp'd and jewel'd Gold Watches, with seconds, of superior workmanship and elegance ; also capp'd and jewel'd and plain Gold Watches ; capp'd & jewell'd, capp'd, seconds, day of the mouth, and plain Silver Watches; eigltt day & chamber Clocks; elegant French Clocks •with marble fra.mes j eight day and thirty hour, brass vorks, &c. Decembet it, 1796. dam Imported from London Es 9 Liverpool, EARTHEN WARE, in crates and hogsheads, well assorted j Wine Bottles in hampers Window Glass of all fi7ei Two cafet 0/ stationary One cbelt of yellow Jesuits Bark Two cases of Roll Arnotta A small consignment of Rdfe Blanket*, Flannels, Baizes, Broad-cloths, Coatings, Plain l !, &c. Paint, of various colors. Ba/ket fait ia hoglheads. Also on hand, Madeira wine, very aid, in pipes, hogsheads and quarter calks Holland gin in pipes, firft quality Anchors of different fisres A few trunks of ladies French fooes assorted Silk nankeen,&c. Likewise an assortment of Dutch goods, consisting of Ofnaberj'S, ticklanbergs, bed-ticks, stripes, checks. Morlaix linen, platillas, ra»ens duck, Britannias, &e. And for sale by the package only by Thomas & John Ketland. Walnut-street Wharf. Nor. if. eotf FOR SALE, The fnjl-failin^ schooner ORION} Seventy tons burthen ; fifteen months old ; her frame is of the bell of white oak : /he is a taithfnl built veflel, handsomely finiibed off and wull found in every partieular ; is ready to receive a ;■ eargo en board, and can be put to sea without any ex pence «n her hull, fails or rigging : Ihe stows fix hundred barrels; has a handsome cahin and lteerage, and a half dtcli which will flow from feverty-five to eighty barrels; kas been newly caulked, graved and painted. For terms apyly to BENJAMIN RHODES, At No. 170, eorfier of Market Fifth-ftreets, Or to the Captain on board said fchouner at Messrs. Willis and Yardfley's wharf, adjoining Clrefnut-ftreet wh.irf; where there is for sale Excellent pickled Salmon in barrels, tie best of American Mess Beef, and some very excellent Boston manufaiftured Chocolate. December 16 $ fjiSL For Sligo and Killibegs, JmWwH dmeriean Ship Nancy, Cuthbert Riggs, master. Will fail with all convenient speed, For freight or pafl'age apply to William Bell ; Who has for faje, 4 Trunks Printed Cottons, well assorted 3 Bales Irish Flannels, and 2 boxes Lineni a; Pipes Brandy Madeira Wine ; Indigo. Rnffia MatU, Also, A few barrels Prime IRISH BEEF, PORK, OATMEAL, &c. November 11, 1796, mwftf —L. 1 1 —■— —— " ■, FOR SALE, 7 HE SHIP MART, ' SAMUEL PARKER, Masti?, »3K t »S3' ! hundred tons burthen. Apply to JOSEPH ANTHONY, & Co. If the MARY is not fold in a few days, (he will take freight for Hamburg. Apply as above. October 31. d • For Sale, or Charter, The Ship DIANA, 6gY2§p£vj Samuel Pile, Master,' Burthen *oj 47*95 tons register, built in Philadelphia in the year 1792, of live oik and red cedaT, and was Ikeathed 13 months ago, fbe has just had a compleat out-fit, and may be Tent to sea at a very trifling expence. For terifts apply to Philip Nicklin & Co. Who have for sale en board said vejel, 1) calks of fine yellow paint. 9 boxes and ia bundles of writing slates. 1 box ink stands and note presses. 14 bales of fail eanvafs. And on hand, Imperial *) Hyson, and, > TEA S. Souchong J 40,000 pieces Nankeen* of the firft quality. 19 tuba Quicksilver. a chests Bandanno handkerchiefs. A few chsfts Manchester goodswell assorted in Cor duroys, thicksets, Ginghams, Muflinets, Dimities, 3 boxes black sewing silk. xBo crates Queens ware well assorted. 10 tons sheet lead. Nails assorted, flat and (harp points. ( London Particular, Madeira Wine in pipes ( London Market, r an{ j hogsheads. ( New-York Market, J 40 pipes an.d 10 hoglkeads Tenerific wine. i tierces Snake Rot>t. logs Mahogany. NOV 7. ' ' Bank of Pennsylvania, I $th Dee. 1796. The Stockholders are requested to meet At the BankonThnrfday, the twenty-ninth instant, at d 10 o'clock iH the morning. ■ r By order of the Board, n ROBERT RALSTON, Cafliier, 0 §ti9th Pro tem. Fashionable Waistcoating. GEORGE DOBSON, No. 25, SOUTH THIRD-STREET, Has received per the Diana, from London, Clouded and ftrfped Sptrtifh Swanfdown Clouded Erminats and Mqlelkms •j Striped do. and da. ♦ j Figured Manillas r Scarlet figured Erminets j Printed Do. Caflinets and Caflimeres | Superfine printed Quiltings, newest pattern* Also, per different arrivals, • s A large and general assortment of Dry Goods, Suitable to the present and approaching season. November ' dtf 1 Insurance Company of North-America. THF STOCKHOLDERS in this company are desired to take notice that the fccond Tuesday in January, (being the 10th day of the month) is the day fixed by charter for the elg<stion of tvre«ty-five Dire<stors for the enfaing year. The will- be held at their office, and commence o'clock, M. Th« fubj«£ the bye-laws of the Corporation will be submitted to their consideration at this meeting. , EBENEZER HAZARD, SecVy- Dec. I*. tthioj FOR SALE, 1 At Whitefides' Tea Ware-House, No. 99, North Second Street. Imperial r Hyson Skin. Hyson, C Fresh Teas. < Souchong, Young Hyson, J CBohea Dec. 9. 3taw;m. Insurance Company of the State of Pennsylvania. THE Stockholders are hereby notified, that an election for thirteen Directors to serve for one year, will b« held i at the Company's Office, ©n Monday th« 9th January next, j at II o'clock.—And agreeably to the as. of incorporation 1 a fkatement of the affairs of the company, will then be laid before them. SAMUEL W. FISHER, S«c'y. Philadelphia, December 19, 1796. dt 9th Jan. r Philadelphia and Lancaster Turnpike 1 Road Company. A Meeting of the Stockholder for the Election of * a President, Managers - , and 01* officers, will be f the Company's office on Monday the 9th Jan. ' next, at is o'clock. By the Borrd. WM. GOVETT,Sec'ry. ' December 8, 1796. uwtiftj.dt9 h Imported in the late urrh' lis from Europe end the lYcjl- Ijttiies, < Holland Gin, in pipes c Choice St. Croix Sugar and Kum Martinique MolafTis, in' hoglheads Choice old Lisbon Wine, in pipes and quarter-casks London Particular & London Market Madeira Wine, in pipes, half-pipes and quarter-ca&s r Malmsey Madeira Wing, in pipes and quarter-csfks TsnerifFa Wine/ in pipes Ruffla & Flemish Sheeting and Ravens Dut'k, in Cajfes Window Glass, 3 by to, in boxes , Coffee Mills and Straw Knives, in casks Mill Saws and Cross-cut Saws, in boxes Also, on hand, A few cherts of Bohea Tea ; Jefuit9 Bark ; Aftifos tida indTapiooa; and a few bales of Collies, Gnrrahs, Bandanna and Muslin Handker chiefs, and a complete assortment of 5-4 and 6-4 • Bjulting Cloths. For Sale by Pragers £9° Co. ftflober 10 d2wm&tham For Sale, By the Subfcribers—ln PENN-STREET, 65 Pipes Excellent Madeira Wine, Imported by the EagU. WILLI NGS & FRANCIS. Nov. 30 w&f Elegant Brufiels & Turkey Carpeting, For falc by George Dobfbn, No. 25, South Third-street. December 15. dtf Women's Cloaks. / GEORGE DOBSON, No. 15, South Third-street, Has just reeeived, per Eagle, Caps, Fofdick, Via J.on don, an assortment of Scarlet Drab ( Cloaks trimmed with lur and Purple and ( ermine. Pearl J December J5. § Just Arrived, Per fehoomr Daphne, Captain Morse, from Aux- Cayes, A Cargo of Sugar and Coffee. Aljo, per brig Betsey, Captain 'Vhite, from the Isle of trance, 11 Hogsheads, I puncheon, and 15 taniflers, of Batavla Sugar 45 Hogsheads Pepper of Malabar 65,000 lb. Coffee *3.000 Cotton ■' 4,000 Indigo For Sale by F. Coppinger, No. 421, South Front-llreet December 11 New-England Rum, Salmon, Beef, Chocolate, Rite, Boftofi mould and dipt Candles, a few quarter-caies of Sherry Wine, a few barrels of Cyder, and a few quintals of excellent Tible COD FISH—for sale by Ezekiel Hall, No. 44, North Water-flreet. December 14th, 1796.. A few hoglheads of choice N% E. Rum, it asd a quantity of LARD, forfale; at Enquire at No. 71, North Water-street. December 14 , dtw n Frejh Garden, Grass and Flower-Seeds, Reots, Isfc. SsV. This day landing from the ship Eagle, captain Fofdick, from London, And FOR SALE by ' GOLDTHWAIT & MOORE, Corner of Walnut and Second-streets, A rnojl capital and txtetijtve AJfortment of GARDEN, GRASS and FLOWER-SEEDS, ROOTS, &c. &c. . Among which are, iMVe kinds Asparagus Three kinds Oefles Four Berecole Twelve Onion Twenty-five Beans Thirteen Radiflt Six Beets Fifteen Turnip Eleven Brocoli Fifteea Peas y Twenty-fix Cabbage Six Savoy ' Six Carrest Four Parsnip Three Cauliflower Twenty-three . Melon Five Celery Twenty-one Lettuce Ten Cucumber Common and Thyme t, Curled leaf and sprigged Parsley d Marygold Pot Marjorum ~ Balln Thyme Mangel Wurtzel , r Leek Kail Shallots r< Rape Seed Rye Grass Saint Foin Lucerne :c Red and white plover Timothy, &c. &c. With a curious collection of-the roost esteemed ie FLOWERxSEEDS and ROOTS, Being the rtioft extensive ever imported into this city. The above are from a capital Seedsman ill London, and warranted frefli and good. Printed catalogues may be had by applying as above. Dec. 17. dtf. Just Landing, At South Jireet wharf, from on board the fliip Stdg- Ity, - Captain Hvdge, from St. Peterjhurg, The following Goods : f Riiflia Sail Duck, firft quality. Do. Sheeting do. Do. Diaper. n Do. Huckaback. Do. Crafli. ' Do. Mould Candles, 4, 5 and 6,' to the] lb. of the n Englifk fiae. e Do. White Candle Tallow. Do* White in small boxes* Do. Cordage of fine yarn. Ravens Duck. lfinglafs, ift and and fort. 2 Horse Hair uncutlcd. Ruflia Bar Iron. Do. Hoop Iron, ' Do. Nail Rods, ? 10 Tons Oakum and Junk. St. Petersburg Cle-in Hemp. For Sale by Philips, Cramond, & Go. OiUberia. « ; ■' — ■ . , Old Condon particular Madeira Wine, Landing from on board the barque Eagle, Capt. Bates, and for sale by ROBERT ANDREWS, No. 86', Ssuth Wharves. November 79. eodtf Cheap French China. THE fubferibers finding it impcfiible to supply their (lore with any more China from France, the prices j being too immoderate in the manufaileries, give no tice that they will fell at prime cost the remaining fteck on hand, confifiiijg of Deflert Setts, > Tea-Table Setts ' Separate Cups and Sauqeri Grouped and Figures [ Alabaster Vases Looking Glaflei, in gilt frames, Bcfides India Japan'd Toilet Delks, Chairs, Tablps nad Quadrille Boxes. PASQUJER & Co. No. 91, South becond-ftreet. December sth. ,tta - For Sale, By J. WARD Eli, PARKER & Co. An Invoice of Cordage, Confiding of different sizes, from i 2 inch cables down to rope of 1 inches, of different lengths: Imported in the fliip Swift, from Hull, and entitl.ed to drawback. Sept. 27, dtf ~ SW A N N's Riding Schooly Horse Academy & Infirmary. Adjoining the Public Square, Market Street. T. SWANN RETLRNS his sincere thanks to those gentlemen by whom he hat been employed, dui ing his residence ia thi* City, and flattershimfelf that the success of his etforts, in the numerous, ■ obflinate and dangerous diseases in Horses, iV» which he has been consulted, together with his moderate charges, will fe- ; ure their futurefavors and recemmendation. He now begs Jeave to inform them and the public at large I that his spacious and commodious premises, ere&ed -for the purposes above described arc open for the reecpiion of pupils of either lex, who wish to be inttrufted m the Art of Riding, \ and the light method of governing their horses, so as to ride j them with cafe, elegance, and lafety—their horses will be 1 cat dully and expeditiously broke, for every purpose, and 1 obedient to the will of the riders ; the natural powers which ere (hut up in them, will be unfolded by art, calling forth uniformity ot motion, and giving to that noble animal ali thole beauties of attion which providence has so bounti fully bellowed on them. -J Also, at his hospital, every disorder to which the horse is liable will be treated according to the rules of art, oonfirmed by long and repeated experience. The utility of the above inftirution has never been qncftion ed, that it has long been wanted in this city, every gentleman's Hud will manifeft* and T. Swans as the firffc eftablifher of the veterenary art, folieit* and reives upon the support of that public (which he is ever anxious in serving) to enable him to bung it to perfection. The idea of a fubfeription for fihat purpose has beeu hinted by feveial gentleman, who wish to promote the inftUution—the amount of each fubfeription to bereturned by services in any of the departments he profe(TeS| agreeable to the rate of charges slated in his hand bill. Such fubfeription imow open, and the fignaturesof many reli able gentlemen already obeained. He therefore informs his mends and furh Ladies and gentlemen to whom he has nqt the honor of being known, that he (hall iu a few days take [ he liberty of waiting upon them and folicking their support an d protc&ioD. N . B. Horses are properly prepared for those Ladies and Oemlewen who wish to be iaUiu&ed* , Nov - St tth&f. 1, Wm. Holdernesse, No. 76, HIGH-STREET, Has received by the late arrivals, A Well StleSed Assortment of Silk Mercery, Linen Drapery, and Haberdashery Goods, Which he will fell, wholesale and r«uil, en the very low eft terms ; Amvngjl Kvbtch are Some elegant 4-4 and 7-8 Chintzes and Cotton*, new patterns Ditto Frfrniture ditte \ A Ditto Dimity 1, Tamboured, Boot, and Jaconet Mttflia* Ditto in Gold and Silver Ditto Neckcloths, very fine Mantuas of the firft quality 8 Silk and Cotton Hoficry . 11 Umbrella* of the firft quality, aflortcd k lrifli Linens, very fine, and Table Linens p Marseilles and Cotton Counterpanes 8 Rose Blankets &c. Y October 26. P — n For Sale, e By George Defchamps, No. 91, NORTH SIXTH-STREET, Nova-Scotia Prime Salmon, in barrek and half barrels Ditto Herring and Mackarel. Smoaked Herring in barrels and kegs Ditto Salmon, by the dozen or single one Dry Codfifh, from one to fifty kentalt Fine and ooarfe Salt Nova-Scptia and French Plaster of Parrs, 111 the stone J and ground, for manure and stucco-work December 1. ftf For Sale, A capital fta*d for business—That Well kaown tavern, the F.we and Lambs, North Frost Street, No. 333, in the Northern Liberties; a brick house containing nine fire* places, and ten rooms well fiaiftied ; good stables and chair-house, with a frame-houfe on Water street ; the building stands on fonr lots, seventeen feet front each, ma king a front on front-ftreet, thirty-four feet, and nearly the fame on Water-ftteet, and is one hundred and forty feet deep from street o street, futjedt to £8. 10s. each lot per annum, ground rent, this property is near the hay. feales, and public docks, easy communication with the Delaware waters and advantageously situated for bufineA . of various kinds The above premiers are now rented until December next at £.IJS per annum.—Enquire of tee Printer. Dec, ia. §iwzaw6w. C'A U TION. WHEREAS very large and heavy debts are justly due and owing from messrs. Blair M'Clenachan arfd Patrick Msore, of the city of Philadelphlz, merchants, trading under the firm of Blair M'Slenackan and P. Moore, aftd from Blair M'Clenachan in his separate capacity ; to which, by the laws sf the land, all tb« joint as well as separate property of the said Gen'le men, is, and ought to be, liable. And whereat it is clearly and fatisfa&orily ascertained, that mr. Blair M'Cienachan, of the laid firm, has conveyed, away t« nar. John ?/. Huflon, hii fou-in law, to hi* daughter, miss M'Clenachan, and to his son, George M'Clenachan, several large and valuable real efhtej, as well as eonfidcrable personal property, in the city and county of Philadelphia, in the county of L&ncaf* ter, in the county of Ncw-Caftle on Delaware, and elsewhere, with a view, as it is apprehended, to de feat the Creditors in the recovery of their just debts.— This is, therefore, to forewarn all persons whenso ever, againlt the purchase from the said grantees, or - either of them, of any portiop of the said real or per sonal property, as the moll vigorous meafur'es will without delay be taken to render the fame liable to the ju2 demauds of the Creditors. By order of the Creditors. Thomas Fit-zjimoni, ") Philip Nicklin, / Isaac t r bar ton, J- Committee: William M'Murtrie, I ; Samuel W. Fijher, J Philadelphia, December 17th, 1796. aoth.J ■ - ' ■ • ■ ~ * TO THE PUBLIC. THE caption introduced int« the public prints, warning all persons againlt purchasing from the grantees of Blair M'Clenachan, any portion of the 1 large, real and petfonal eliatcs he conveyed away to 1 his fon-in law and to his children was the result of a deliberation had upon thefubjeft by a general and . numerous meeting of the erwlltors as well of Blair M'Clenachan and P Moore as of Blair M'Clena chan individually. It was no more than an execu* tion of that trust confided in the fubferibers bf those creditors ! a step which it would have been a , breach of duty and honor in them to have omitted. 1 The very ftatcoient of the fadt therefore rauft dif | pel the imputation that it was either " precipitate . or vindi£Hve." It originated in a defile to secure ; the property of the debtor as a fund for the pay • mentof his just debts. It was fan&ioned by the ; advice of council as a measure mcejary to the fafety i of the crfcditors. If (he advertisement has been : i injurious to Mr. M'Clenachan he owes that injury : ito his own unjuftiiiable eonduiS, not to the sub , fctibers who have merely published the truth in terms as mild as the fadi would admit, and vvh» mean to investigate in a high court of justice the validity of those purcbafes of whieh Mr. M'Cle nachan so confidently speaks. The fubferibers therefore are bound by a sense, of duty to the creditors in general to repeat their caution againlt purehafing of tbofe grantees or either of them, and to extend the terms of it to a purchase from'any other persons (if such there be) to wkom Mr. M'Clenachan may have made similar conveyances. (Signed) T..FITZSIMONS, P. NICKLIN, ISAAC WHARTON, WILLIAM M-MURTS.IE, SAMUEL W.riSHER. Philad. Dec. 21, 1796. Those printers who have been requested fa public the firft Cautivn, are desired to publish this «U«.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers