iPI * - , ' Lands of the United States ""Treafury Department, Auoujl 8, 1796. Public Notice is hereby givers, IN puj-fuance of an a«st of Congress palled on the 18th day of May, 1796, entitled " an a& providing " fc(r thefalcof the Lands of the United States, in the territory north-weft of the <iver Ohio, and above " the mouth of Kentucky river," that the Quarter Townships of land ddcribcd in the annexed schedule, lying in the seven rang es of townships whieh were surveyed in pursuance of an ordinance of Congress, passed on the twentieth day of r*£ay, in the year one tfeoufand seven hundred and eighty five, will be exposed for sale at PUBLIC VENDUE, at the Merchants'Coffee-Houfe in Philadelphia, on the 4th day of January next, and thenceforward from day today, 'until the tenth day of February ensuing, unless the said Quarter townships fba.ll be sooner fold, in the manner and on the terms and conditions hereinafter mentioned : viz. 'Ift. The said quartet townships fliall be fold to the hrgheft bidder, but no sale can be made for less than two •jiollars per acre of the quantity of land contained in such quarter township. dd. The hi'gheft bidder as before mentioned, must de posit a l, the time of sale, one, t ventieth part of the pur chase money, in the hands of the Treasurer of the United States, which will be ferfcited if a moiety of the sum bid, including the said twentieth part, shall not be paid within thirty days from the time of sale. 3d. Upon payment of a moiety of the purchase-mo ney in the manner beforementioned, the purchaier will be entitled to one year's credit for the remaining mo.'ety \ and shall receive a certificate describing the quarter town ship purchased, and declaring the sum paid on account, the balance remaining due, the time when such balance "becomes payable, and that the whole Land therein men tioned will be forfeited, if the said balance is not then paid ; but if the said balance shall be duly by paying the fame to the Treasurer df the United States, tjie purchaser or his aflignee or other legal representative, shall be entitled to a patent for the said land, on 1m pro ducing to the Secretary of State a receipt for such balance, endorfedupon the certificate. But if any purchaser shall make payment of the whole of the purch&fe-money at the time when the payment of the firft moiety is dire&ed to be made, he will be entitled to a deduction of ten per centum on the part for which a credit is authorized to be giveti; and hi* patent shall be immediately ifTued. - -€HVISM -trader my hand nt -Philadelphia-, the day and year aboyementioned. OLIVER WOLCOTT, Secretary of the Treasury. SCHE* DULE Of Quarter-Townships to be fold at Philadelphia, in pur suance of the 6th feiSion of an l a& of Congress palled on the 18th day of May, 1796. * £ Uh • — 6 ■ A .S. S 1 £I= < a j j i £ H / o o -2 <u * <1 6 ►5 it / 2 .5 tZ •' K , a 6 & la -I. „ 2 South East 5120 North East 5120 South Weft 5120 North Weft 5120 20,480 3 5 South East 5120 North East 5120 South Weft 5120 North Weft 5120 20,480 7 South East 5120 North East j 120 South Weft 5120 North Weft 5120 20,480 V 9 South East 5120 Nqrth East 51 20 South Weft 5120 North Wefi 5120 ; 20,480 11 South East' y 120 North East 5 120 ; South Weft 5120 North Weft 5 120 j 20,480 -4 4 South East j 120 North East, y 120 South Weft 5120 North Weft 5120 I 20,480 6 South East 5120 North East 5120 SputhWeft j 120 North Weft 5 120 I 20,480 8 South East 5129 North East 5120 5120 . North' Weft 512° 20,480 > 10 South Eaftj 5120 North Eaftj 5120 Sonth WeftJ 5120 North Weft j 5120 \ ! 20,480 12 South East ! 5120 North East; 5120 South Weft y 120 j North Wed 5120 20,480 5 3 South East 4602 North East 4654 South Weft 5120 North Weft 5120 '9>49 6 5 South East 5120 North East 5120 South Weft 5120 North Weft 5120 20,480 7 South East 5120 North East 5120 South Weft 5120 North Weft: .5120 ; — ; 20,480 6 9 South Eaftj 5120 North East] 5120 South Weft; 5120 North Welt 5120 1 1 20,480, m oi • — .2- <u O £3 seC . £ i .9» j> «g'j° v; S 4j "S I £ 2 < I s O L* i- J- <- K . ~ -5 r* o 5 11 South East 15 120: I ; North Eifftjy 1201 iSottth Wefi yl2oj Nortli Weft 5120 , 20,480 13 South East 5120 North East 5120 South Weft y I 20 North Weft 51 20 20,480 | 6 4 Sooth East 4630 j North East 4620 , South Weft j 120 1 North Weft 51 20 19,490 j 6 South East 4730 North East 47 1 £ Sonth Weft 5 120 North Weft y I 2g| 19,63 J 8 South East 5120 ;North East 5r 20 South Weft 5120 >North Weft 5120 | 20,480 10 South East 5120 North Eallj 120 1 South-Weftiy 120 North Wcll:5120 20,480 1 12 South East 5 120 : • North East 5120 South Weft j 120 North Weft 5 12° 1 h — 20,480 1 14 South East y 120 North East y 120 South Weft 5120 * North Weft 5 120 1 I ' 20,480 7 3 South East y 120 North Eaftsl2o South Weft y 120 North Weft 5 120, , it 20,480 : 5 South East y 120 ' North Eafl yi2o South Weft y 120 North Weft y I 20| 20,480 7 South Eaft|yi2o North Eaft|yi2o South Wefi y 1 20 North Weft y 120 20,480 9 South East y 120 North East y 120 South Wefi y 120 North Weft y 120 5 20,480 11 South East y 120 North East y 120 South Weft y 120 North Weft yi 20 20,480 13 South Eafty;i2o North East y 120 South Weft y 120 , North Wefi y 120 20,480 i iy South fiafl yi2o North Eafl 5120 South Wefi y 1 2G jNorth Wefi 5 120 j 20,480 ! NOTE. THE quantities Lands in the several townships be fore mentioned^ arc excluf;ve of the Sections reserved by the United States. The aggregate quantities in the fcvc ral townships, have been afcei taired survey ; but the quantities in the quarter townships, have been no otherwise afcertalned than by calculation. No. 134. ; Diftr;£fc of to wit. BE it Remembered that on the 23d day of May, in the twentieth year of the Independence of the Uni.ed States of America, Francis Shallus, of the said diftrift h th , depolited in this office, thetitle of a book, the whcrt#f 1 be claims as propi ietor in tne words following to wit * i THE DISAPPOINTMENT, or THE FORCE Or CRtDU'LI TY, a new Comic Opera in three a&s, by Andrew Barton, ETq, 2d edition reviled and corretled with large additions by the author." " Enchanting gold ! that doll conspire to blind, " Mans* erring judgment and misguide the mind, tl In search of thee, the wretched worldling goes, " Nor dangers fears, tho' fiends of night oppose." In conformity to the aft of the Congress of the United States, entitled " Anotlfor the encouragement of learning, , by securing the copies of maps,charts and Hooks to the authors and proprietor* of such copies during the times therein men tioned. .Samuel Caldwell, Clk Dift Penn. The above Optra will be publified in the conrfe of two or three axels. July 22 FOR SALE, A very Valuable Eft ate, Galled rivit re n ham, ; n the townfnip of Upper Derby, andcountyof Delaware, 7 t-l miles from Philadelphia, and half a mile from the new Wcfternroadf containing 230 acres of excellent llmd, 45 of which are good watered mesdov/, 90 of prime wood land, and the reft arable of the firft quality. There are on the premilts a good two story brick house, with 4 rooms on a floor, and cellare under the whole, ; with a pump-well of excellent water in front; a lirgc frame barn, flablcs, and other convenient buildings; a i'moke-hoafe and ftanej good apple orchards, and one of peach es. The Marc allin clover, except thofc immediately under t"d!agi, and are so laid out as to have the advantage of water in each of them, which renders it peculiarly con- for grazing. The ttuaiion is pleafcnt and healthy, and from the high cj.tivßlioacf the land, the good neighbourhood, and the v. mjtv to the c lt y, it is very suitable for a gentleman's country feat. parr of the cftate of Jacob Karman, decealtdj and offered for laic bv Mordecai Lewis, Oil. 9. eo.] Surviving Executor. ! Philadelphia, We r uChe'ier, % ,/(burgh, Lancafler, Tork and Frcdcrich-toiun 'STAGES. THE proprietors of the above Stage*, return their best thanks to their friends and the punli: in general, for the encouragement received in this hnc of bufinefs,and beg leave to inform the public, that they are determined to run their stages through from Philadelphia to Lancafler in one day, commencing on Tuesday, the I4tn July instant, in the following manner, —viz. A Stage will set out on that day at 4 6V!ock in the morning from the house ol George Weed, Market-flreet,* Philadelphia, and run by the way of WeftcAeftcr and Strafburgh, arrive in Lancaf- fame evening, 011 Friday morning run to right s ferry and exchange paftehgers with the York and Fredcj ick-toWn stage, return and arrive in Philadelphia on Sat urday, and on Monday mornu g following, at 4 o clock, said ii&ge will set ou: from the fnid Gscygc Weed's, Phila delphia, and arrive at J/ancafler the Tame evening, on Tuesday morning at 4 o'clack will set out from the hoiife of Mrs. Edwards, Lancaster, and arrive in Philadelphia the fame evening, and will commence again on 1 hurfday morning following, and conu'nuc'every week—The price for each pallcngrr front Philadelphia to Lancaster is three dollars and a half, to York, four dollars and three quar ters, to Frederick town eight dollars, the like funis for 150 weight baggage, with the usual allowance of 14 lb. gratis to each passenger, and 5 pence a mile for all way paflengers. 3 0— '§4 W John Reilly, George Weed. TAKE NOTICE, THAT application will be maiW'or the renewal of the following certificates, ifiueifby Joseph Nourfe, ; Rcgifler of the Treasury, in the name of Roger Grif ' wold, E.fq. of Norwich, Conneflidut — I certificate, fix per cent domeflic flock, No. 13,907 —dated the 17thDecember, 1795, bearing interest from thefir'ft day of January, 1791, for 1,597 6J-100 dol- ! J 1 ditto, three per cent, domestic flock, No. 10,682 j , —dited December 16, 1795, bearing interest from the , firftdayof January, 1791, for 994 30-100 dollars. 1 ditto, deferred stock, No. 9,166 —dated the 17th j December, 1795, bearing inler-eft from the firft Jann- : ary, 1801, for 798 83-106 dollars. ! Said certificates are fugpofgd ta l»a»o Uegtt laflLor < [lolen in this citv forne time in December or Janua:y 1 last. ' 1 JOSEPH THOMAS, i No. 59, North Front-street. Philadelphia, July 21, 1796. d6w. i Washington Canal Lottery, N°. I. I WHERFAS the State of Maryland has authorifad . the underwritten, to raise twenty-fix thousand, | two hundred, and fifty dollars, for the purpose of cutting j a Canal through the City of Wafhingtpn, from th Po : tomacto theEaftern Branch Harbour. The following is the SCHEME of No. I. ( Viz -l Prize of 20,000 dollars, 20,000 I ditto 10,000 10,000 7 last drawn 7 Tickets, each j *> ooa 3J,°00 J 6 ditto 1,000 6,000 10 ditto 400 4,000 20 ditto ioo 2,000 55 'ditto jo 2,750 ; 5 7jo ditto 12 69,008 I To be raised for the Canal, 26,150 jßjo Prizes, 175,000 11 Blanks, not two to a prize. 4 17 joo Tickets, at Ten Dollars, - 175,000 s£s° The Commiflioners have taken the Securities re 1 quired by the aforefaid a<st for the pundtual payment ef ' the prizes. ' The drawing ef this Lottery will commence, without ' delay, as soon a$ the Tickets are'fold, of which timely ' notice will be given, ' Such prizes as are not .demanded in fix months after the drawing is finiftied, (hall be considered as relinquilhed for th« bsnefitof the Canal, and appropriated accordingly. (Signed J NOTLEY YOUNG, DANIEL CARROLL, e/D LEWIS DEBLOJS, GEORGE WALKER, WM. M.DUNCANSON, THOMAS LAW, 1 JAMES BARRY. 1 City of WafhingtoH, Feb. 11. 5 ■- " ' ( DUTY ON CARRIAGES. ! Notice is hereby Given, THAT agreeably to an a£l of Congress of the United ] Slates ot America, pa {Ted at Philadelphia, the 28th day of May, 1796 ;1 laying duties on Carnages, for the convey ance of persons, and repealing tht- former for that pur- 1 pose.—'{"hat there be levied, colle&ed arid paid, upon 1 ail carriages for the conveyance of persons, which shall be kept by or for any person, for his 01 her own use, or to let out to hire, or for the conveying of paUcngers, the several du ties and rates folio wing, to wit. For and upon every Coach, 15 dols. upon every Chariot, I 2 dolt. ! upon every Post Chariot, 12 dols* upon every Poit Chaise, 12 dols. upoa every Phaeton, with or without top, g dols upon every Coachee, 9 dols. upon other Carriages, having panne i work above, with blinds, glafles or curtains, 9 dols. upon four wheel carriages, having framed posts and topi withJfteel fpsings, 6 dols. upon four wheel top Carriages, with wooden or iron 1 fpiings or jacks, 3 dols. upop curricles with tops, 3 dols. uponchaifes with tops, 3 dols. upon chairs with tops, 3 dols. upon sulkies with tops, 3 dols. upon other two wheel top carriages, 3 dols. upon two wheel carriages, with steel or iron springs, 3 dols. For and upon all other two wheel carnages, 2 dols. upon every four wheel carriage, having framed posts and tops, and refliug upon wooden spars, 2 dols. Golleflors of the Revenue of the firft survey of the Diftriftof Pennsylvania, yill attend dailfyurtil the 30th day of September next, tor the purpose of receiving the duties on Carriages, at No. 117, in Race or Saffafras street, in the City, of Philadelphia, at the house of Daniel S. Clair, Efq in the County of Montgomery; and at the houfe : of Abraham Du bois, Efq, in the County of Burks; of which all perfonspof fefied of such Carriages are desired to take notiee. Notice is also given, TO all retail dealers in Wines, and foreign distilled fpiii tuous liquors, that licences will be granted to them ; one li cence for carrying on the bufihefs of retailing of Wines, in a lefsquantity, or in less quantities than 30 gallons—and one licence for carrying on the bufincfs of retailing Spirituous li quors in less quantities than 20 gallons, at the fame time and at the fame places, by t-he officers legally authorized to grant fuck licences. WILLIAM NICHOLS, Infpeftor of the Revenue of the firft survey of the dittri&of Pennsylvania. Office of Infpeftion,at ) 3'© Philadelphia, 21ft July, 1736. 5 City of Wafhmgton. SCHEME Vthe LOTTERY, No.II, FOR THE ;wm vr r/i'£ L FEDERAL CITY. A magnificent > 20,000 dollars, 3c > dwelling-house, 5 cacti 3p ; tjpO, are j ' <io ° 1 ditto 15,000 & caiio 25,000 40,009 I ditto 15,000 & cash 15,000 30,000 I ditto 10,000 & cash 10,000 20,000 I ditto 5, oo» & cash 5,000 lo,ooa I ditto 5,000 & cash 5,000 10,000 1 cash prize of io,oo& 2 do. 5,000 each, are, * io,o(jo 10 do. 1,000 - - 10,000 20 do. 500 - - 10,000 00 do. 100 - - 10,000 200 do. 50 10,000 400 do. 25 - 10,000 1,000 do. 20 - 2*o,ftoo 15,000 do. 10 * « 150,00 a 16,739 Prizes. 33,261 Blanks. 50,000 Tickets, at Eijht Dollars, 400,000 N. B. To favour those who may take a quantify 0 f Tickets;the pri-zt of4o,ooo'dollarswillbethe last drawn ticket, and the last but one : And approved notes, seCuring payment ih either money or prizes, in ten days alter drawing, will be received for any number not lei's than 30 tickets. This Lottery will' afford ah elepit specimen of the pri vate buildings to-be ereiStcd in th * cy of Waffiington—- Two beautiful designs are already lelesiSfcd for the entire front? on two of the public squares ; from these prawings it is proposed to ereel two centre and four corner buildin< s, as f®oh as possible after this lottery is fold, and to contey thetn, when compile, to the fortunate adventurers, in the manner described in the fcherne for the Hotel Lottery. ! A nctt dedu<3ion'of 1 five per ceht. will be made to difray the neccfiary expenses of printing, &c. and the surplus will be made a part of' the fund intended for the National Uuiverfity, to be erected within the city of Wafliineton. The Drawing will cdntimence as soon as the tickets are fold off.—The money prizes Will bepayablein thirty days after it is finifhad ; and any priz&s for which fortunate numbers ate not produced within twelve-months aftef ths drawing is closed. -',rr to be conftdered as triyen the fund for the University ; it being determined to fettle the whole business in a year frorii the ending of the draw ing, and to take up the bohds given as Security. The real securities given for the payment of the Prizes, are held by the President and two Directors of the Bank of Columbia, and are valued at more than half the a i mount ot the lottery. The twenty four gentlemen who by appointment of the late Commiffibners alfiflc'd'in the management of the Hotel Lottery are requeftcd to undertake this ardudus'tafk a second time on behalf of the public ; tl fufficient num ber of thefc having kindly accepted, it is hoped that the friends ta a National University and the other federal ob jeiftsmay continue to favor the design. By .accounts received from the different parts of the Continent as well as from Europe, where the tickets have been sent for sale, the public are assured that the drawing will speedily commenee, and that the care and caution unavoidably necessary to insure a fafe disposal of • til* tickets, lias rendered the Itior: suspension i«)difpcnfable a SAMUEL BLODGET. „§ t Tickets may be had at the Bank of Columbia ; of» James Weft & Co. Baltimore ; of Peter Gilmah, Boston ; of John Hopkins, Richmond ; and of Richard Welli, Cooper's Ferry. co FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD. "O AN away from the fableriber living near Church i\ Hilly Qu-ep Ara>»-C<ata.aty: in jjsad*. about the fir it of January last, a black negro m?.n, named Sam, about thirty years of agie, 5 feet 8 or 9 inches high, has a crooked finger oh one hand, and one leg and f coif (mailer than the other, somewhat round-fliouldered, his> cloathirig unknown. Any person who wfl! fecitfc er bring said fellow home,{jt> that 1 itiay get'him again Ibali have the above reward with reaionable charges. WILLIAM JACOBS. June 4. , « *iaw2ra, Diftrift of Petrnfy ivaiiia : to wit : BE it remembered, that on the sth day of Aujjuft, ii the twentieth year of the independence of the Unit ed States of America, William Cjb4ett, of the said diftruSl, hath depofite j in this office the title of a book, the right whereof he clainjs as proprietor, in the words following: to wit. " The life and adventures of Pdter PorcHpine ; with a " full and fair account of all his authoring tranfa'ctions: " ,being a sure and gaide for all enterprifiif? " young men who wish- to make a fartune by writing " pamphlets, by Peter Porcupine himfelf. " Now, you lying varlets, you flva.ll fee hoiv a plain f tale will put you down." Shakespeare. in conformity to theadl of the Congress of the United States, entitled " an ail for the encouragement of learn ing, by securing the copies of maps, charts and books to the authors and proprietors, during the times therein mentioned. Samuel 'Caldwell. Clerk of the Dift'i i£l of Pennsylvania. AUg. 8 "Now Publijhtvg by the Printer, At No. 3, Lsetitia Court, delivering to Subscribers, and to be had atfhe different Book-Stores in this City, Berriman & Co's CHEAP AND ELEGANT EDITION OF The HOLY BIBLE. Containing the Old and Naw Testaments and the Apocrypha, with marginal notes and re erences. An Index ;or an account of the mod remarkable paffagesin the old and new Tcftament, pointing to the places wherein they happened, and to the places of scripture where in they are recorded. —A Table of Time.—Tables of scrip ture mealures, weightfcand coins : with an ing the method of calculating its measures©! surfaces hitherto wanting in Treatises on this futjtd. A Table of Ojues and Conditions of men. condition s l* The size of this Edition will be a LARGE FOLIO, printed on a beautiful new type, and good paper, made part icularly for it, It will'be ptfblifhed in Numbers, not to ex ceed 3c, one of which will be delivered weekly to sub fori ti ers, at a quarter of a dollar. Those fubferibers who prefer t receiving the work cornptcte, will be attended to by Ggni/ying the fame on any of the fubfeription papers in rhe Bookstore* ■ in this city. 2» There will be an advance in the prtcc» on Xabfcfibiog after the fnft of August next. 3. In the Work will be given an elegant Frontifpiecc—From an Engraving of the celebrated jartilt* Grignion. Be r r 1 man & Co. gratefully acknowledge the very liberal encouragement they havemet with; and havereaf6nto believe , that the execution of their edition will anlwer every expec tation, and Jpcakits own praift. May 26 goi&Mt' * -♦ — ; PRINTED BY JOHN FENNO, —No. 119 — CHFSN V T-S TtIEET. [Pricc Dollars per
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers