#a?ette m Philadelphia Daily Advertiser. THURSDAY EVENING, AUGUSTS, 179*- v JOZ.vmu T. Numb** 1230-,1 b— ~r:Z}T~ wlrWftet" I GEORGE Dobson, Forßofton, £ The brig Neptune > | ter. . Tames Tower. Miller, 3! WILL fell on Sunday W Ang..6 5 No- '76 South Front Kr ~f.t. r For HAMBURGH, . 1 THE 8HI? J Jul, Robert Jackson, Master, - WtQuS***. To fail in fifteen days, V twD _thirds of her cargo en ed and ready to go on board. For freight or pa '» 0 C yto the matter on board at Wain's wharf or to TJTA rp) John Donnaldfon, fit . J No. «4 Walnut-street. Merc«i * S6c«f he Wlll July 1%. —> -r- —- — JfihL, The brig Mary gj mmtA FOR SALE, Do AND may be seen at Abi*h and William Som Brown's wharf. She is about 800 barrels Ban, burth-n, strong built, and well but-bolted, has elegant Lon accommodations, is a e ood sailer, only io months old, Bog and may be sent to sea immediately. Apply to James Brown, No. 119 South Second-ftrect. Um Who has for sale, a few puncheons high proof I'rci Jamaica Spirits. AND A FEW BARRELS SHAD. Aug. u _ For Sale or Charter, ( {^, r BOSTON, about 1000 Bbls. of flour— she may be sent 1\ to sea at a small expence, her fails and rigging being lr. Mcffti wry good order—apply to ' 'James Campbeil, or Geerge Latimer. A»riU9, 1 Apt This Day commenced Landing, At \>ifflins wharf, the cargo of the Brig Lucy and Sloap St. J ago, from St. J ago Je Cuba—conumngot j . # White and Brown Box SUGAR. I MOLASSES, of an excellent quality. COFFEE. HIbES and HONEY. Also, For Sale or Charter. I The brig UG^, A stout, strong vessel, "will carry a y&S' /V bout moo barrels, and piay go to 1 with a very small expense. I , TheaboveCuTbe fold for calh or approved notes. . Samuel Emery, _ No. 64, foutli Second-street. ■ / * dtf. July *7,- 1790- [Thl " " " For Sale, _ 1 Or for Charter to she Weft-Indies, * C ER'iS S, I" a Philadelphia Built 9 I e and Red Cedar, burthen about bar- O rcls now discharging at Latimer s wharf, 'hisvrf , f M is in excellent rdpair, well fouud and will bear a tho sough exantadon, andas soon as discharged will be tea )« cty to take in a cargo. For terms apply to John Vaughan. July a 8 __ — — j Tclielold by pnblic sale, ON Wednesday, the 7th day of September next, on 1 the premises in Mount-Holly .Burlington county, by rh the Subscriber, it. I The Dwelling-House ana Lot Whereon it stands, having been in part occupied as a store £ for several years past, ar.d in a good stand lot business, to gether with the store-house, liable and buildings thereon L,fted, having two large pilars under them. Also. the A fliop goods and houkhold furniture. Aclear title will be riven to the purchaser on payment of the money or fuf ' ficiint bond therefor, and possession of the prem.fes will be given in the f ? «d month of September. I The sale is to continue 'till the whole is disposed of. Mount Holly having become rhe County Town makes thii property m»r= valuable than heretofore. The condi tions will be made known at the - N. B. All persons indebted to the fubfenber, are rcqueft- j , ed to discharge the fame immediately, as he intends soon to remove out of this state. Any perfofil having a -fuft d* mandagainftthefubferiber, is requested to Police the fame for settlement. IS I Mount Holly, 1796. | WANTED, A STORE and Cellar or Comptijig house and Cellar, for the Whslefale and Dry Geod business. Enquire at No. 129 Arch-street. For Sals at the above place, coo Boxes Window Glass, Bby 10, 7by 9, &c. I , coo Cream Cheeses in thebeft order, imported from \ HoUand, and entitled to drawback. Enquire of j 6 Peter Borger, c Aug-16 2aw * w Just Arrived, In the Snow Boston, James Kirkpatrick, master from Li- 1 verpool, cooo Bulhcls SALT ; 100 Crates QUEENS WARE ; and j 4in AfTortment of SHli' CHANDLERY ; FOR SALE On board, at Pine-street wharf.- Apply to "James Campbell, or George Latimer. ; " April 19- — L A middle-aged Woman. t.TTHO hai been used to the care of children, and can W give r-ference for her reputation, may hear of a place, as childynaid, by applying to the Printer. A " •• *5 — I Apprentice wanted ro carving a*d gilding. \ Yo'ith about 14, of refpe<?table patents and can be /? v..': recommended. None other need apply. Eaquire of th« Printer. Aug. ij 3' j ■ Landing From on the Nancy, William Belcher, mas- p; ter, from Bourdeanx, a cargo, confiftii-.jr of— lV 360 Hilda.' CHOICE CLARET, TAVI 2?2 Cases of 24 bottles each, Claret, clt L£ ! 286 do. of 24 do. WHITE WINE, d J h£ BRANDY, SWEET OIL, and ton ; B ' 1 TRUNK of RIBBONS, j mercia For Sate by ' and uc F. Coppinget July 23. ■ L ' l '' — ~ — Ger . Wm. HOLDERNESSE, e No. 76 High Street, Tbi HAS received, by the latest arrivals from Europe and produ the East Indies, a well fele&ed assortment of Silk Lar Mercsry, I.inen Drapery and Haberdalhery Goods; which accoir he will fell, Wholesale and Retail, on the lowest terms ; honrs AMONGST WMICH ARB, teglllj Some fine India muslins emoroidered with gold and (fiver at the- Superfine Book, Jaconet, and Mulmul ditto Th> Do do do do Handkerchiefs the ut n Some eitra black colored Persians reqm Is Bandano Handkerchiefs it Long and (hort Nankeens execu! j, English Mantuas of the firft quality large; Oamalk table linen and napkins, very nne himie SilkHofiery, an elegant assortment '' cr '-'' ' Thead and cotton do du Umbrellas—green silk, oil'd do. and do cloth ' French cambrics, very fine " Irilh Linens, do. &c. &c. June 14 § Wanted, - A Partner with a small capital to unite in the buGrrefs of a Mill and Diftillerj in Virginia. Inquire of the Printer. Aug. 9 § IW For Sale, A Three story BRICK HOUSE and Lot, in Chefnut street, between Front and Second ftrcets, m which in Messrs. James Calbraith & Co. have for many years (and now do) carried on business. Poffcflion will be given in one nronth, or sooner. For terms apply to WILLIAM BELL. or HECTOR CALBRAITH. April 21. 1 FOR SALE, "P WINE, London particular Madeira, 4 years old, in pipes and hoglheads : Claret, genuine old, in cases f etSj I Gin, in pipes, from Holland 1 Earthen Ware, in crates Balket Salt, in hoglheads y Shot, N05.,6, 7. 1 311(1 9 , Jt Bar Lead, Red and white dry lead aI > Steel, German and Rufiia, in barrels , to Anchor?, cables, junk, bunting, tarpohn canvas, Tin plates—An invoice Stationary, by THOMcVS & JOHN KE FLAND. JLJ J»'y __L wlie f. ELEPHANT. rZ — This Animal is to be seen in High-Street, between fion ■ —the 'I cn:h and ilx - ' TTE will positively leave Philadelphia the tenth of Sep R H tembcr,for Baltimore,. in his way to Charlellon, I where he will win'cr . ADMITTANCE Half a Dollar—-quarter ol a Dollar I for Children _ , , r v 1 The PANORAMA, or the VIEW of the CITIES of 1 LONDON and WESTMINSTER, , V , I Is to be open till the 10th of September, and the fub ieel will then be removed to Baltimore with the LLli- 11 ICa I PHANT. I ADMITTANCE for the PANORAMA, aac J One quarter of a Dollar. ant § Augufl 3. ; t> on Saies of India Goods. y,by j The Cirgo ef the Ihip Ganges, capt. Tingey, from Cal- fro cutta and Bengal, consisting OF a I A Laree and eeneral assortment of Bengal and Madras In "° t0 _ IJ\ COTTON and SILK GOODS. / ed j AMONG WHICH ARE £ s I A variety fine worked and plain Muslins, 'ill he I Uoreas, iffc. Also, r fu . f j A Quantity of Excellent Sugar, In boxes and bags—and BLACK PEPPER, 1 , r I - For Sale by In makes I Willings Francis, :ondi- I ' No. ai Penn Street. de, by 1 j ß nc 8 § qu est . - " For sale by the fubkribers, j soon I IN PfNN-STREET, aft de- I ijo quarter Chests t'refh Hyson Te2 ; v g ice the 1 100 ditto do. frefh Souchong Tea; ai Jiw I 3 00 Boxes China, containing small tea setts of 41 ,p I pieces; e I 400 pieces Banclanoes. J Cellar. Willings & Frdttcis. nquire 1 January 30 3 taw - India Goods at Audtiou. t kc. I y~\N Friday next, at'lo o'clock in the morning, will be d from I fold at auAion, ati No. 56 South Front-street, about - °f 16 0 bales of India white Goods, entitled to the drawback, IT, confiding of— t ,v« w 1 Long Cloths 1 I Baftas Gurrahs i om Li- 1 Emerties t Coflaes 1 Humhums 1 J Tanjibs I J Mull Mulls. Edward Fox, Au&'r. or — Sait Petre. '' j A few tons of excellent EAST-INDIA SALT-PETRE, Ll* 1 FOR SALE 3 Y »nd car I Samuel Breck, jun. ;ar of s Aug. 9- eo6 • Rofs's Wharf. —— Landing, From on board the Schooner Expedition, St. Croix Rum&Sugar, . Can ' j For Sale by F. COPPINGER, 3 t | Aug. 11 § 221 South Front-street. Samuel Richardet, RESPECTFULLY informs the Gentlemen gEG Merchant, tliat he has this dsy opened the CITY TAVERN and MERCHANTS COFFEE HOUSE in the city of Philad' Uhia: o , . / n . wh f re The Subscription Room will be furriifhed WJth all the uude^ra daily papers fuhlifhed in Philadelphia, New-York, Bos- "pe ton, Baltimore, together with tTrole of the principal ™ iik-rci-1 of i-uropc—They wijl be rc§ftbrly tile and none permitted ro be taken away on any account. Tea, Coflce, Soupes, JeJlie?, Ice Creams, and a variety of I sorj; together with the usual will at hUW(Js be procure Ist the bar. , . , Blut Gentlemen may depend on being; accommodatcd wit»i the choiccO; n f Win'ei, Spirituous Liquors, a;id the molt Lonj approved Malt Liquors fromLoudon and orhcr breweticv "4-4" The Larder will befupplied with thejsrime and earliefl . i produAions of Ahe Scafon. 4:4 c Large and fiyall.Parties, or single Gentlemen, may be 4.4 1 accommodated viirli Breakfafts, D'inn'rs, or Suppers, <vt 4-4 , honrs most convenient to themielves —a cold Collation is 6-4 regularly kept for ccnveniency, the Bill of Fare to be had 4-4 r at the-bar. ' The Lodging Rooms will be completely furnifhed, and aia the utmost attention paid po cleanliness, and every other s : requiflte. . q Ui 0'- SiMuel Richardet will be happy to receive, and execute the comm..nds of his t^ie at M er large; and with gratitude for their favours, he pledges himfeif that notlung on his part ftiall be wanting to pre fervethat patronage with which he has been so diftinguifh ingly Zionored. Philadelphia, April 19. eo rj Philip Nicklin & Co. HAVE FOR SALE, * W Souchong conta Hyfey; Skin ) alle y f • Young Hyson S FRESH TEAS and j Hyson and \ r S e } lt |n,na Ware, aflorted in Boxes and Chests f v a Bandamio Handkerchiefs of excellent quality in Cheft Lo»don Market 1 MADEIRA WIKE London particular >in pipei, hoglheads, & bricl New-York Market 3 quarter calks ing , Teneriffe Wine in pipes and hoglV.eads is at Sugar Candy by the Box part Sail Canv?.s No. I a B may . Lead in sheets dwel , 3 Caiks of Cutlery assorted and A few chests of Manchester Goods, aflorted thick- hft 1 sets, cords, striped Nankcqns, &c. bath 3 Small packages ps black ftrwing-filks houf 8 Tierces Virginia Snake-root. thc c . Nails aflorted in calks in T,. ,o mw&f gooc J"'y l!i — roon u Jsfloeton and James Humphreys, CONVEYANCERS, At tl HAVE removed their.office to No. 6 1, Walnut-street, next door btft two to the corner of Dsck-ftrett, _6t . where all INSTRUMENT IN WRITING are drawn at a moderate charge, with care, aqenracy and dilpatch.— , By They likewise buy and fell Real Estates upon commir •en fions, and proenre Money upon Loan on good security. .. TK. bt.uncfs of an. .ATTORNEY AT i.AW and NOTA- I RY VUELIC is also t ran failed at the Tail office as usual j ;P by AbSHiv lON HUMPHREYS. N.B. Good Notes discounted. liar July 5- ' eo6w V., — a — per of For Sale, u b- 'A Valuable Grift and Saw Mill, A -.E- TN New Jersey, near the Forks of Little Egg-Harbour. 1 The Grift Millis sixty by forty feet, two water wheels, and calculated for four run of Stones, with, screen, fans ! and boulting-cloths, &c. TheSaw-MillhastwoTaws,and bet •j capable ofcuttingfiveto'6 100 thoufaudfectof Boardsper Ur year. A valuable piece of Cedar Swamp, within a mile and a half of the Mill, and within three quarters of a mile of a Landing The Lumber, &c.may be taken by water is ; Cal- from the mill tail. ALSO FOR SALE, CO! Several Valuable Tracis of Land, ,dras In fennfylvahia, for all of which payment will be receiv ' ed in the notes of Messrs. Morris and Nicholfon, or in Q Calh. , _ . nc ins, For further information apply to the Printer. May 17- f u Plans of the city of Philadelphia, Including the Northern Liberties and drftridl of Southwark; ci , Published, and fold by N et - BENJAMIN DAVIES, R S , ' Ko- 68, High street, s (Price one dollar.) THIS plan is a 6 inche« square,' and has been en graved by one of the firft artiftc in the city, from a late and accurate survey. Purchasers are entitled to a pam- j )f 4 i phlet with each plan, giving " some account of the city, its population, trade, government, Ac. July 19 tu&ftf ft __ —————— " iw. Letters Patent, Granted to the Subscriber, for the Cure of Incurvations and Diflortions of the Spine, 'ill be By an improvement in Stays and an Apparatus. i about thing has been studied to render thi- applica rback, t|on f a f r ea fy j effedual, and gererally ufeful, and - that if ftecclfary, it may be accompanied with any other j mode. ' Thc fuceefs of the Patentee in the cure of distortions, . from Incurvations of the Spine, the Wry Neck, &c. in ( this city and in different parts of the United States, under the infpe&ion of eminent physicians, when every other , mode had.failed, will, it is hoped, afford the public fuf- ( ficient testimony of the utility of this application. I N B. He makes an apparatus for restoring distorted | feet in children —Bandages in general—-TrufTusof various j deicriptions, and one in particular on a plan entirely new, j . which in some cases is found to aafwrr better than any other. i He returns thanks to those medical gentlemen in differ ent parts of the United States who have honored him -with their patronage and cenfidence. The I.adics are rcfpe&fully informed, that he has an elegant assortment of St~ys and Corlets for Sale, which n. will be altered if necessary, free of extra charge. iarf. LUNDIN M-KECHNIE, Aug. 16 MW3W No. 17 Dock-street. A Book-Keeper, OR Clerk's place is wanted tyr aperfon properly qnali fisd, and whose ch.ira6tcr will be found uncxccption I, able. (Apply to the Printer. reet. Aug. n George Dobson, BF.GS leave to inform the Score Ivccpers in Town and Country, that he has rcrftoved from Market-Street to. N°* 25, south Third-ftrfeet, v/here he is opening a Large and Elegant Assortment of the undermentioned articles—viz. Superfine London Clo*hs and Kerfeytnere?, YorkHiire fccood I>o. Do. Elastic do. do. MixM and Blue Coatings Flannells, &.r. t JMancbcfte) Printed CaWcoes, r, London Ghi-s?z dftio f Bi'ueand ditto Furnitures, India ditto, Loog Clofchi, Ooflaes, Baffas, Batti)las& *4-4 5-8 *5-4 & 6-4 Superfine India Book Mlifiins, 4-4 and q-B India BoOse Handkefchiefs, 4-4 and 9-8 Scotch ditto, 4-4 & 6-4 plain do Muslins, 4-4 & 6-4 BTitifh Jaconets, 6-4 Biitilh Checks and Stripes, 4-4 India do. do, do. 4-4 ditto Chilloes, Madras Handkerchiefs. &c. A large affoitment qf figur'd a,id plain Mu flint ts, Ouilttngs, Dimities, and. Striped Nankeens, Fancy Waiftcoatings, Ginghams ot the firft Quality, fubje& to Drawback, India Nankeens, Men's White and coloured Silk (lockings. May 9 For Sale, A LARGE ELE9ANT AND WELL FINISHED Three-story Brick House, (The late reftdence of General Waltbr Stewart) WITH a LOT of GROUND thereunto belonging, the weft fide of Third-street, near Union-street containing in front 32 feet, and in depth too' fecit, to an alley leading into Union-flreet. The house is 32 feet Crone ahd 50 feet deep ; the several rooms contained in it are large, commodious, and completely finifhed; the two firft {lories are .each- 13 feet high; there are io mahogany nyTfsii7a'n al; J .. ar, which 15 spacious and convenient, and finifhed with an x -oven, stew-holes and pantries, a fervaots* hall and large wine-ccllar adjoining the kitchen, in front of which i*. an area in which there is a pump The yard is vaulted. Communicating with the said building is a neat three-story * brick house, on the north fide of Union-street, contain ing 30 feejt front by 20 feet deep; the lower part of which is at present occupied as a compting-houfe, and the upper part divided into well-fini(hed large chambers. This house may at a small expense be converted into a convenient dwelling : The street door is very handsome, and the front and back have Venetian window-shutters. Adjoining the last house, upon the lot belonging to the firft, are creeled bathing-rooms, &c. There arc likewifc very good coach house and ilables finilhed equal (or nearly so) with any in the city, on a lot containing on Union street* 30 feet, una in depth ou the weft fide o< said alldy 52 feet. There are good cellars unde. the whole of the buildings, and a wine room over part of theftable, with a hay-Joftover tlie re mainder. For further particulars enquire of EDWARD BONSaLL & Co. At their Office No. 64 Dock-street. between Walnut & Pear t, eo streets. t, ,6th month 24th, 1796, it PROPOSALS, ~ William Cobbett, opposite Christ Church, Pkila f" delphi.i, for publishing by fubfeription, t Ihe History of Jacobinism; Jl Its-TJRIMES, CRUELTIES .»ml PERFIDSTS, COMPRISING an Inquiry into the manner of diflemi n."iting, under the appearance of Philosophy and Virtuj, principles which are equally subversive of Or per, Virtue, Religion, Liberty and Happiness. By WILLIAM PLAYFAIR, Author of the Commercial and Political Atlas, &c. With an Appendix, "is, 81~ PETER PORCU PIN £, ins Shewing the close connexion which has c#er subsisted ,nd between the Jacobins at Paris and the Democrats in the jer United States of America. iile CONDITIONS. vile I. This .new, entertaining and iirftruflive work, which ter is at once a history of Jacobinism and a complete hillnry of tl c French revolution down to the end of 1795, will cenfiil of two volumes, odlavb, each containing, about 300 pages. 'It frail be well printed, on a new type and , fine paper. ;iv " 11. The price of each volume, bound in boards, will be 111 One Dollar and a Quarter, paid for on delivery ; and to non fubferibers, a Dollar and a Half lir. As soon as a fiifficient number of copies lhall be ' fubferibedfor, the work will bo put to the press, and fin ilhed as expeditioufly as a ftriiS attention to neatness and accuracy will admit of. of • * Subscriptions taken by the publisher, and the prin cipal Bookfcllers of Philadelphia; Messrs. Spotfwood and Nancredeof Boston ; Mr. Rivington of New-York ; Mr. Rice of Baltimore ; Messrs. Pritchard and Davidfon of Richmond, Virginia; and Mr. Young of Charleston, South Carolina. Aug. II H eo 3 ute Lottery Jm - TOLraifingfixthoufand fix hundred and sixty-seven ( i (1 e 1? dollars and fifty cents, by a deduition of fifteen per cent from the prizes, and not two blauks to a prize, viz. I Prize of "J 000 dollars is dollars 5000 x 1000 1000 I ' SOQ 500 5 aoo loco 10 100 acoo 99 jo 4950 me t aoo 25 5 000 2000 10 10,000 >lica- 5 Last drawn numbers of 1000 dollar* each, 5000 and ■ nther 1331 Prizes. 44>4J0 4018 Blanks. :ions, c. in 6350 Tickets at Seven Dollars each, 44.45° inder By order of the Directors ijf the Society for eftablifh other mg Ufcful Manufactures, the fuperintendants of the Pat : fuf- erfon Lottery have requefted\he Managers to off..- the foregoing S«heme to the public, and have directed them orted to refund the money to thtajje perfens who have purchased irioUs [j, the former Lottery, or exchange the tickets for tickets new > in this Lottery. 1 any I'he lottery hasa&ually commenced drawing, and will continue until finilhed. A lift of the Blanks and Prizes liffer- ma y be seen at the office ot William Blackburn, No. 64 with south Second street, who will give information where tick ets may be procured. • e has Dated this 17th day of June, *796. fvhich J. A* CUM Ail AC, } J ACQS P.. HARDENBERG, > Managers. •JONATHAN RHJiA, J :et- June 18 ec> CABLES, qnali- Fiona 16 to 9 i inches, for faje by P t,on jercmiah Warder, tf 11 5 No i» north Tluid-ftreet.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers