Lands of the United States. Treasury Department, | v Augyjl 8, 1796. & Public Notice is hereby given, IN pursuance of an ajSt of Congfefs pafied on the 18th cj day of May. 1796, entitled M an a& providing "for the sale of the Lands of the United States, in the territory north-weft of the river Ohio, and above " the mouth of Kentucky river," that the Quarter Townfoips of land delcribed in the annexed schedule, lyihg 1" the seven rang es ot tewnfhips whieh were surveyed in pilrfuance of an ordinance of Congress, pal Ted oil the twentieth day of May, in the year one thousand seven hundred and eighty frve, will be exposed for sale at PUBLIC VENDUE, at the Merchants'Coffee-Houfe in Philadelphia, on the 4th day of January next, and thenceforward from day today. until the tenth day of February ensuing unleft the fait. ' quarter townlhips {haII be sooner fold, in the manner and on the terms and conditions hereinafter mentioned : viz. ift. The said quarter townlhips (hall be fold to the highest bidder, but no sale can be made for less thin two ( dollar? per acre of the quantity of land contained in such quarter townfljip. id. The highest bidder as before mentioned, must de poGt a* the time of sale, one twentieth part of the pur chase money, in the hands of the Treafurcr of the United States, which will be forfeited if a moiety of the fuih bid, including the said twentieth part, (hall notbt paid within thirty days from the time of fa'e. 3d Upon payment of a moiety of the purchafe-me ney in the manner beforrmentioned, the purchaler will be entitledto one year's credit for the remaining moiety ; and (llall receive a certificate defcribiiig the quarter town- Ihip purchased, and dedaring the futn paid on account, the balance remaining due, the time when such balance becomes payable, and that the whole Land therein men tioned will be forfeited, if the said balance is not then paid ; but if the said balance shall be duly dtfeharged, by paying the fame to the Treasurer of the United States, the purchaler or his-afiignee or other legil reprefentativa, (hall be entitled to a patent for the said land, On his pro ducing to the Secretary of State a receipt for such balance, etido/fedupon the certificate. But if any purchaser (hall make payment of the whole of the purchase-money at the '' time when the payment of the firft moiety is directed to be made, he will be entitled to a deduction of ten per centum on the part for which a credit is authorised to be given ; and his patent (hall be immediately issued. GIVEN under my hand Philadelphia, the day and year akovementi»ned. OLIVER WOLCOTT, Secretary of the Treasury, v / SCHE D U L E Of Quarter-Townftilps to be fold at Philadelphia. in pur suance of the 6th fe&ion of an a& of Congress pafled on the 18th day of May, 1796 j5 "oi d. .9- t £ M £ '«S ra 0 % % % ■ - h ' O ° i_ -C h H t js a o t. <-> ■% u do~ a c * £ o) 9 |i E -2 6 South East 5120 North East 5120 South Weft 5120 North Weft 5120 20,480 3 5 South East 5120 No-th East Jt2o South Weft 5120 North Weft 5120 20,480 7 South East 51 20 \ > North East 5120 South Weft 5120 North Weft 5120 20,48b 9 South East 5120 North East 5120 South Weft 5120 North Weft j'i 20 20,480 11 South East 5120 North Eafi 5120 South Welt 5120 North Weft 5 1 2° I I I 20,480 4. 4 Ssuth East 5120 so North East 5120 Seuth Weft c 120 r ? North Weft $120 " j 20,450 6 South East 5120 1 North East 5:120 ' South Weft j 120 r North Weft 5120 — 20,480 p< 8 South East 5120 C North East 5120 South Weft j 120 P 1 North Weft. 5120 , "j |' — 20,480 tl 10 South East. j 120 o! North East 5120 Sonth Weft 5120 North Weft 5120 | 20,480 tl 12 South East 5120 " ai North East 5120 South Weft 51 20 North Welt 5120 J 20,480 a c ' 3 South East 4602 n North East 4654 F South Welt 5 120 North Weft 5120 p 19,496 t! J South Enft 5120 a North East 5 120 South Weft 5120 VorthWeft 5120 20,480 7, South East 5120' North. East 5120 r South Weft 5120 North Weft 5120 c 20,480 9 South East 5120 f Nortli East 51,2,0 ' South Weft 5120 1 North Weft 5120 J ——— 20,480 \ •diUjuMOjL i u ?ifj ioj jo asquinu •93.13 V J « •sdiiyuMojL JSUeiT?) i. • i •dliyUMOJ^ •JSue-JI J* *O^J 5 11 'South EaftkY2o iNorth E?ft 5 120 , .South Weft 5120 North Weft 5 120 -I 20,480 J 13 South EaU 5120 " North Eafi 5 12® South Weft Jl2O North Weft Jl2O <_ 20,480 6 4 South East 4630 North East 4620 South Weftjj 120 a North Weft 5 12o • 19,490 4 6 Soilth Eafi 4730 " 4 North East 4715. South Weft j 12o ! ' North Weft 51 "20! | »9V«5 8 South East j 120 f North East j 120 t South Weft 5 120 !' Jtforth Weli 5120 , " I 20,480 c ' 1 10 ;Sou*Ji East 5120 « ' North Eait ji2o f South Weft 1 j 120 e 1 North Weft j 120 :, .20,480 ' 12 South East 5120 , North East 51 20 Sotith Weft 5120 r North Weft 5 120 20,480 14 South Esfi 5120 < Nbrth Eiift 5*1 20 South Weft 5120 North Weft 5 iics i 20,480 *7 3 South East j 120 Notth East 5120 ' South Weft 5 1 20 North Weft J I 20 20,480 5 South East 5120 North Eall 5120 South Weft 5 120 North Weft 5120 20,480 7 South East 5120 North Eafi 5120 South Weft JI2O North Weft 5 £2°; — 20,480 9 South East 5:20 North Ealt y1 20 ~ I ■;* ' - f " \t to jpS — J _ North Weft 5120 20,480 11 East j 120 Norvh Ealt 5120 South Weft 51 20 North Wfcft 5 120 20,486 13 South East 5120 North East 5 1 20 South Weft 5 1 20 North Weft 5120 » . 20,480 South East y 120 North Eall 512® South Weft 5 120 North Weft 5 120] t 20,480 NOTE. THE quantities of Lands in the several townlhips be fore 'Kent iwnetl, arc ejvclu£ve of the Sect ons reserved by the Uii.ted Statfis. The aggregate quantities in the seve ral townfliips, have been afcertainad by adtual survey; bj)t the quantities in the quarter tewnfhips, have been no otherwise ascertained than by calculation. - ' ' 1 1 ii War-Office of the United States, May 4th, 1796'. THE follbwing'Rules, explanatory of tho.; publiftied the Ijth February f 1785, are to beobferved by all persons entitled to Lands, in pursuance of resolves of Congress. Every certitlcate of the acknowledgment ef a deed or power of attorney, either before a notary public tir other magistrate, must, in addition to what is usual, set forth that the pilrfen makings the acknowledgment is known to the nqlary or other magistrate ; for wnich purpose words of the following import must be inserted in the certificate. " And I do moreover certify that the said A B making this acknowledgment has been for perfonaliy known to me." If the notary or other magistrate has reason to believe that he is th. person he represents himfelf to be, he wil also certify it. Andifthe proof be made by a witnefsorwitnefies,h«* or tfieymuft fweartofome general ffateof theirknowledge of him, which matter must be set forth in the certificite ; and the notary public, or other magistrate before whom t j acknowledgment is made, must also set forth that the wit nelsor witneffeshas or have been for upwards of perionally known to him. If a jAllicc of the peace is employed, the clerk of the court of the corporation or county must certify that such perfuu u »jnftice of the peace, of the county or corpora tion ai tl\e cafe may be, and that full faith is due to hi; ads as such. ' /AMES .M'HENRY, Secretary ef War. larjjyn Mr, FRANCIS, (Of the New Tktaln) 'T'AJCES this opportunity of returning thanks to his A Scholars and to the public. Mr. Francis intends, on his return from Maryland, to open a public aca demy for darling, upon a plan entirely new. He flatters himfelf that his attention to his pupils hi therto renders any premises of conducing his future Schemes o« the molt liberal and Itri&eft terms, of pro priety, totally unneceflary. N, B. Private tuition as usual. J une 3 „ w To BE Soi.d, At No. IIS, North Second-Street, fid by federal oj the Apothecaries, in 1/jJs City. TRANSFERS of the rfHin« paihsand inflamma tions'from the human b»dy, asfecured to D'. LLISHA PERKINS" byt patent, with ifllViUfbefirs aifd directions ne ceffaiy for the piafctice. Tbis mode of treatment is particu larly ufeful in relieving pains in the head face, leetli, Dreait, fide, stomach, back, rheumatisms, recent gouts, & c ; «c. Notwiihlbndilig the utility of ihis pr»ftlce r it is not pte fumed but there are cases in which this and every otner _ remedy may iometimes fail. , ' r. law June 10, Lottery ] FOR railing fix thousand fix hunAed and sixty-seven p a dolhrs and fifty cents, by p deduction of fifteen per cent from the prizes, and not two blanks to a prize, viz. I Prize df 5000 dollars is dollars 5000 ai s I loop ' 1000 f u 1 job joo pl ■5 200 loco pa 20 , xoo a°°c « 99 50 495° " ZOO 25 JOCO ,1 2000 10 10,000 tc 5 Last drawn numbers of 10OC dollars each, 5000 i< . . . ■ U 2331 Prize's. 44/43© « 40:8 Blanks. « it 6350 Tickets at Seven Dollars each, 44,45° " By order of the Directors of the-Society for eftabiilh- « ing Ufeful Manufactures, the ftfperintenSints of the Pat- «i erfon Lottery have requested the Managers to offer the u foregoing S«heme to the public, andhave directed them u to refund the money to those persons who have pur chafed « in the former Lottery, or exchange the tickets for tickets in this Lottery. /„ * I"he lottery has aihially commenced drawing, and will m continue until finiflied. A lift of the Blanks- and Prizes j c seen at the office of William Blackburn, No. 64 p ( south Second flreet, who will give information where tick- ct ets may be procured. ; s Dated this 17th diy of June, g, J. N GUMMING, ~) JACOB R. HzIRDENBEKG, > Managers. / JONATHAN RHEA, ) June 18 eo to or City * cf Waftiingjton,. £ SCHEME of the LOTTERY, No. 11, » FOR THE IMPROVEMENT Of THE 1 FEDERAL CITY. * A magnificent } 20,000 dollars, & ) r 0 000 ld dwcHifig-houfe, J cash 30,000, are J> a I ditto 15,000 & cacti 15,009. - 40,000 ty 1 ditto 15,000 & cash 15,000 3p,0e0 x ditto 10,000 & cash 10,000 io,oeo 1 ditto 5,000 & cash 5,000 10,000 x ditto SjOOQ & cash 5,000 10,606 1 cash prize of 10,000 » do. s>ooo each, are, • 10,000 10 do. x,opo - - lojooo- '' 10 do. 500 - - lo»ooo 00 do. 100 - - IB,QOO 100 do. 50 - - 10,000 400 do. 45 - 10,000 1,000 do. 10 - 20,060 15,000 do. 10 - • jj«,ooO 16,739 Prizes. 33,261 Blanks. 50,000 Tickets, at Eight Dollars, 400,000 N. B. To favour those who may taJrc a quantity of j Tickets, the prize of 40,000 dollars will be the last drawn ticket, and the 30,000 the last but one-: And approved notes, fecurliijr payment in either money c er prizes, in ten days after drawing, will be received for any number not less than 30 tickets. This Lottery will afford an elegant fjiecimen of thie pri- 1 vatb buildings to be ereited ill the City of Washington— n Two beautiful designs are already fele&ed for the entire a fronts on two of the public squares; from these prawihgs it isjiropofed to erect two centre and four corner buildings, 0 as soon as polfible after this lottery is fold, and to convey v | them, when complete, to the fortunate adventurers, in the manner described in the scheme for the Hotel Lottery. ' A nett deduction of five per cent, will be made to defray a the necessary expenses of &c, and the surplus will be made a part of the fund intended fotr the National I Ufiiverfity, to be erected within the city of Washington. The Drawing will commence as' soon as the tickets are a fold off.—The inoffty prizes will be payable in thirty days ' after it is finifhsd ; and-any pr ze« for which fortunate r e _ numbers aie not produced within twelve mqnths after the. a } y drawing is closed, are to be considered as given towards e_ the funi for the Univcrfity ;it being determined to fettle f tb? whole business in a year from the ending of the draw- 1 10 in g> an< J t0 take up the bonds given as security. The. real fecuritjes given for the payment of the Prizes, e _ are held by the President and two Directors of the Bank ' of Columbia, and are valued at more than half the a mount ol thy. lottery. f The twenty tour gentlemen who by appointment of ' :d the late Comruiflipners assisted in the managemetre of the 11 Hotel Lottery are requested to undertake this arduous task of a second time on behalf of the public ; a fufficient num ber of these having kindly accepted, it is hoped that the J Dr friends to a National Univcrfity and the other federal ob- 3 er jeits may continue to favor the design. :h By accounts received from the different parts of the to Continent as, well as from Europe, where the tickets Js ; have been sept for sale, the public are allured that th® e. drawing will fpeedily.compien»e,.and that the care and ig caution unavoidably necefTary to insure a fafe difpolal of iy the tickets, has rendered the inor: fufpeufion indispensable. 1 SAMUEL BLODGET. e fe •§* Tjekets may be had at the Bank of Columbia ;of F il James vv eft ,& Co. Baltimore .; of P'eter Gilman, Boston ; . v of John Hopkins, Richmond ; and of Richard Wells, ' J r Cooper's Ferry. eo of 1 FOR SALE, I t- A very Valuable Estate, CALLED TWITTENHA M, situate in the I ic townihip of Upper Derby, andcounty of Delaware, t j. 7 1-2 miles from Philadelphia, and half a mile from the c " a _ new road: containing 230 acres of excellent land, £ 45 °f which are good watered mnadow, 90 of prime wood- ' land, a»d the reft arable of th« firft quality. There are ' on the premises a good two llory btickhoufe, v/ith 4 rooms 1 on a floor, and cellars under the whole, with a pump-well of excellent water in front; a large frame bain, stables, : and other convenient buildings ; a smoke-house and ltone, spring-house ; twe good apple orchards, and one of peach es. The fields are all in clover, except those immediately under tillage, and are so laid out as to have the advantage , lis of water in aacli of them, whicU renders it peculiarly con- 1 Is, venient for grazing. :a- The situation is pleafantajd healthy, and.from the high :le cultivation of the land, the good neighbourhood, and the h,i- vicinity to the city, it is very suitable far a gentleman's ire country feat. ■o- Tlle foregoing is part of the estate of Jacob Hartnan, dcceafed, and offered for sale by Mo*decai Lewis, Oft. 9, eo.] Surviving Exesutor. For sale by th.e fubfcriberi, IN P t NM-STRTETj ' 130 quarter Chofts i'reth Tl-ylVm Tea ; 100 ditto do. frclli Sgucb'Jiig'Tei>; 300 IJoxes Chica, containing fituJl tea lctts of 4- pieces; 400 pieces Bandanoes. Willingj & Francis. January 30 Treasury of the United States; NOTICE is hereby given to all perfcjns who are' or may be Creditors of the United States, forany funis' of the Funded Heit, or (ttck f baring.a prefer mUnft of j, x per centum per annum. I ft, That pursuant to an Ail of Congress pajfed on the 28 th day of April, 1796, in titled an a£t in addition ttl an a«sl, intituled " An ad making further pr»vi(ian tor tW support of public credit, 1 and for the-redemption of the public debt," the faiddebt or Sock will be reimhurfcj andi paid in manner following, to wit. " First; by dividends, " to be made-en the lait days of March, JuncandiSeptcm " ber for the present year, and from the year one tboufsnii " seven hundred and nincty-feven, to t'ho year one thou " sand eight?hundred & eighteen in lufive,at'thi rate u fi H one and one half per centum upon the original capital. « Secondly, by dividends to be made o» the last day 0 f " December for the present year, asd from the year one " thousand seven hundred and ninety-seven, to the year "• one thousand eight hundred and seventeen inqjufive, at " the rate of three and one half per centum upon tlteori* « ginal capital; and by a dividend to be nia e on the last « day of 1 December, in the year ono. thousand eight htm^ " dred and eighteen, of such sum, as will be then ade " quate, according to the contrail, for the final rcaer.ip, " tion of th said stock." 1 sd. All distinction' between payments on acconnt-qf Intereff and Principal being thus afcoliihac! by the' elhbiilh mefit of the permanent rule of reiraburfement abovs de -1 scribed, it has become neceflary to vary accordingly th» powers of attorney for- receiving, dividends; th public creditors will therefore observe mat tlie following Jorta is established for all powers of attorney which may bo granted alter the due. promulgation ofthis notice, viz. KNOW ALL MEN Br THESE RRB&BNftt, that ■ I of in do make, covjlitiite and appoint of my true and lawful At- my name, to receive sßi'aft/:atid<u ■w£!t6!ure t or flail he payable according to law, on tbt (here defcribingthe ftook)_/faW«jj in mynamiin the.beofavf: (here defcribjßg the books of the Treasury or the Commissioner-os Loans, , where the flock, is credited) from (here insert the com mencement and expiration of time for which the power of attorney is to continue) with pother atfo an attofr.ey or attor nies under him, for that purpofctit jrwkt and do aU lawful Ms rtyuijitefor-ej/eeiutg. hereby rxlifyhg and confirming all thi. faHI Attorney or ly do, by virtue arrfof. In IVitnefi hereof.', I Lave hereunto set my Hand and Seal the day of in tire year Sealed and Delivered ■ iapttfevee of, BE IT KNOJVN,thafm tbt day/if before meperfonally come within named arid acknowledged the above letter of attorney to ie bis aS and died. In tejl'tmony whereof I havrbetvunio set my Hand-arid ajjix* ed\ Seal the day undiear lafl aforefaid. Given under my Hand at Philadelphia, this twen tieth day of July. 1796, pursuant ta dire£ti»ns from the Secretary of the Treasury. SAMTJEIi MEREDITH, '/ reafurcr of ibe United'Sfrrtfi. July 43« zvt:l J, Samuel Richardet, j j) ESPECTFTJLL.Y informs iHe Utntlemhi AX. Merchants, that he has this day opened the CITY TAVERN and MERCHANTS COFFEE HOUSE in the „ city of Philadelphia* r The Subscription Room will be furnished with'aft the daily papers pnbliihed in Philadelphia, New-York, Bea ton, Baltimore, together with.those of the princfp?l com mercial cities of Europe—Tfcey will be reguiacly filed c and none permitted to be taken away on any account. s Tea, Coffee, Soupes, Ifce Creams, and a variety . of French Liquors; together with the ufeal refrefhments, ' will at aU times be procured at the bar. n Gentlemen may depend 011 being accommodated with the choicest of Wines, Spirituous liquors, and the most y approved lyialt LiquorsfromLondon and otliej* breweries. , s The Larder will be supplied with the prime and eariieft j produ<stions of the Seafonk Large and small Parties, or single Gentlemen, may be e accommodated with Breakfafts, Dinners, or Supper#, at s hours most convenient to themlftlves—a cold Collahon e regularly kept fgr conveniency, the Billof Farfeto be had at the bar. s The Lodging Rooms will be completely furnilhed, and e the utmost attention paid to and every oti a" | .. requilite. Richalidbt will be happy to receive, and 5 execute the commands of his ,Frionds, and the Public at Jarge; afcd with gratitude for their favours, he a himfelf that nothing on his part fhali be wanting to pre serve that patronage with which he hasbeen so diftingjuih ingly /lonored. c Philadelphia, April t 1- Nov Puhlifh'ng ly the Printer, e At No. 3, Lsetitia Court, delivering to Subscribers, and to be had at the different Book-Stores in this City, Berriman & Go's g CHEAP AND ELEGANT EDITION OF 5 The HOLY BIBLE. t f Containing the Old and Naw . Tcftaments and the Apocrypha, with marginal notes a«dn erences. An Index ;or an account of the most remarkable ,f passages in the old and new Testament, pointing to the wherein they happened, and to the places of scripture w ere-. 'in they are recorded. —A 1 able of Time. laWeso crip 5 ' ture meal ures, weights and coins : with an appendix, contain ing the method of calculating its measures cf suRFACM hitherto wanting in Treatises on this A Table o Jr and Conditions of men. CONDITIONS 1. The size of this Edition will be a LARGE FO»- IO > e printed on a beautiful new type, and good paper, maoe par • ticularly tor it, It will be publilhed in Numbers, notto ei. ,e ceed 90, one of which will be delivered wtekly to fu.>(cnC>- 1 ers, at a quarter ol a dollar. 1 hose fubicribers who Pf 6 . c i.' receiving the work complete, willbe atunded to bv the fame on any ot the subscription papers in rhe BOOKUO in this citv. , ~ s. There willbe an advance in the price, on fubft"°' n S after the iiift of Ausuft next, s > 3 J n the course of the Work willbe. given aoel«„ e ' Frontifpiecc— From an Engraving of the eelebratW "■ • G&ICNION„ . tlkrtil 'y Berriman & Co. gratefuUyacknowledgethe "«y ,e encouragement they havemet with; and bavcreatoiito that the execution of their edition will > taiion, and fpeakits own pmifc. ;h May 16 n, PRINTED BY JOHN —No. x 19— C H E S N U T-ST-RS E I. fPrico Eight VoVitt per»l
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers