LAST WEEKS TERRIFIC STORMS IN THE WEST. Widespread Destruction in the Path of the Death-Dealing Cyclones —Havoc of the Wind, Rain and Hail. Pittsburg, May dispatches from points along the Conemaugh Val ley report several persons severely in jured by the tornado which passed over that section on Monday evening. Mrs- James Brett, who had just given "birth to a child about 3 hours before, was in bed at the time. She was carried oyer a fence into a field and was picked up more dead than alive. She is not ex pected to live. Ilertie Faust, a friend of Mrs. Brett, was carried some dis tance and had her face lacerated, be sides sustaining painful body bruises. Mrs. Taylor was thrown down and her ankle sprained. Mrs. Macltum and her aged mother were lifted off their feet and slightly injured. Mr John Foust's house was blown down, the bed clothing was carried li mile and lodged in the tree tops. The telegraph poles along the railroad were blown down, cows killed, and trees blown* ful ly 200 feet in the air, while fences and small buildings were nothing but straws in the way. At McConnells burg, the Methodist Church was struck by lightning, and the spire shattered and considerable damage done to the auditorium and lecture room. Two mtn, engaged in burniug lime, were prostrated by a bolt of lightuiug, and two horses were killed. Effects of the Storm at Leaven worth. Leavenworth, Kan., May 12.—About noou yesterday, a terrific tornado, ac companied with ram, struck Leaven worth from the northwest, lloofs, sidewalks, and everything movable went in its path. The first building in the city was the Morris Public School,a four-story and basement structure on the northern limit of the city, and where 900 children attended. A panic was raised among the children, and, before the teachers could realize the danger, 50 students ran into the storm. The remainder were quitted. No dam age was done further than unroofing the building. At Rain & Varney 's warehouse, in the centre of the city, the roof was blown off into the street below, killing three horses and fatally injuring the driver. The damage to crops in the surrounding vicinity is very heavy, whole fields of corn having been washed from the ground, Many Buildings Wrecked in Ev ansville. Eyansville, Ind.. May 12.—A very se vere stjrm, with yioler.t wind, rain and lightning, visited here last evening, doing damage amouuting to about SOO, 000. The African Baptist Church, a large brick building, was crushed in, and several persons preparing for a fes tival narrowly escaped with their lives. Fences, trees and chimneys were blown down by the hundreds. A colored man named Daniels was struck by lightning and will die. Two unknown men in a skiff on the river were lost. Joseph Eftinger, a farmer,driving along Water street in the storm, was struck by a falling tree and his skull fractured, which resulted in his death. Torrents in the Streets of Osag e City. Osage City, Mo., May 12.—The most ylolent storm that ever was witnessed here struck this place about 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon, lasting about an hour and a half, during which time the rain poured in torrents, so that within 10 minutes from the time it began the streets and fields were flooded and cov ered with water that drift wood floated oyer their surfaces. Fences were tor n down, trees were uprooted from the ground and blown in every direction. No loss of life has been reported, but the crop 3 in the surrounding country will prove a total loss, and a majority of the fields it will be necessary to re plant. Sedalia's Streets Flooded. Sedalia, Mo., May 12. —Shortly after noon yesterday Sedalia experienced the heayiest rain and hail storm it has known in years. It ."was accompanied by a heavy wind, but it was of short duration. Road-master Rock well received telegrams informing him that the bridges near Pleasant llill and Little Blue on the main line of the Mis souri Pacifiic had been seriously dam aged by the floods. In this city the principal streets resembled rivers, the small sewers proving wholly inade quate for the vast volume of water which fell. No loss of life has been re ported in this city or vicinity. Green Ridge Shaken Up. Green Ridge, Mo., May 12.—The vil lage of Green Ridge suffered severely by yesterday's storm. Houses were re moved from their foundations, out buildings were destroyed, fences were blown down,' and great damage done to fruit and shade trees. The glass in the windows of nearly every building in town exposed to the fury of the storm was shattered by hail. No lives were lost, and none of those who were injur ed are in a dangerous condition. Damage at Nortonville and Vicinity. Atchison, Kan., May 12—At about 1 o'clock yesterday morning a severe cy clone struck the town of Nortonville, seventeen miles southwest of this city, doing an immense amount of damage. Many dwelling houses were unroofed and almost totally destroyed. Reports from the surrounding country state that the damage to property is very great, many farmhouses, bams, &c., having been blown down. No lives were lost, but many were slightly and a few seriously injured. A Missouri Town Destroyed. Rollo, Mo., May 12 —The report conies from Vichy Springs, 12 miles north of Rollo, that the greater part of that town was destroyed by the storm of last night. A majority of the resi dences and many of the business blocks were unroofed and almost completely demolished, but no lives were lost, and only 4 persons were injured, and they not seriously. * " Hailstonoa Like Fumpkina. Mineal Point, Mo., May 12.—This section was visited bv a most to. rifle hail storm yesterday afternoon. There was no serious damage done at litis place, hut it is feared the country im mediately south of here suffered severe ly. Hailstones measuring 11 inches in circumference were picked up during the storm. A colt was killed bv being Struck by one of these masses of ice. ADVICE TO MOTIIKMtt. Are you ilfilurlunl at night ami broken by your rest I.V a sick child suffering ami crying with pain of cutting tooth ? It *>, send at once ami got a b*ttlo of Mu*. WIN-I.OW'S SoomiNti SYKI'I* FOK I'Hit.Duex TKETIIINO. IT* valm i inaileuhibie. It will relieve the poor little suf ferer immediately. Depend upon it. mothers, there is no mistake about it. It curesjysentcry and diarrhoea, regulates the stomach and bowels, cures wind colic, softens the gums, re duces Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. Xl n- WINSI.OW'S SOOTH ING JSVKCP roil om.mtKN Tt : HUM; is pleasant ao the taste, and is the proscription of one of the oldest and best female nurses and pliysiei tns in the United States, ami is for sale by all druggists throughout the world Price 23 cents a bottle. "TXKE-EEEE — SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ For all Diseases of the Liver, Kidneys, Stomach and Spleen. This purely vegetable pre paration, now so celebrated as a Family Medicine, originated in the South in 18*28. It acts gently on the Itowe Is and Kidneys and corrects the action of the Liver, and is, there fore, the best preparatory medicine, whatever the sick ness may prove to be. In all common diseases it will, un assisted by any other medi cine, effect a speedy cure. The Regulator is safe to administer in any condition of the system, and under no circum stances can It do harm. It will invigorate like a glass of wine, but is no intoxicating bever age to lead to intemperance; will promote di gestion, dissipate headache, and gener ally tone up the system. The dose is small, not unpleasant, and its virtues undoubted. No loss of time, no inter ruption or stoppage of business while taking the Regulator. Children complain in(; of Colic, Headache, or Sick Stomach, a teaspoonful or more will give relief. If taken occasionally by pa tients exposed to MAI.AKIA, will expel the poison and protect them from attack. A PnYSICIAVS OPINION. I have been practicing medicine for twenty years, and have never been able to put tip a vegetable compound that would, like Simmons Liver Regu lator, promptly and effectively move the Liver to action, and at the same time aid (instead of weak ening) the digestive and assimilative powers of the system. L. ftl. HINTON, M. D. .Washington, Ark. SEE THAT YOr GET THE GENUINE. PREPARED BY J. H. Zeilin & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. A T Mrs. Sarah A. Zsigler's BAKERY, on Penn street, south of race bridge, Milllieim, Pa. Bread, Pies & Cakes of superior quality can be bought at any time and in any quantity. ICE CREAM AND FAN CY CAKES for Weddings, Picnics and gatherings promptly made to order. Call at her place and get your sup plies at exceedingly low prices. 34-3 m PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE. Winter Teuu begins January 6,1*80. This institution i* located in one of tin most beautiful and healthful spots of the entire Alle gheny region. It is open to students of both sexes, and offers the following Course of Study: 1. A Full cientilic Course of Four Years. 2. A Latin cientil'm Course. 3. The following ADVANCED COURSES, of two years each, following the first two years of the Scientific Course: (a) AGRICULTI RF; (1>) NATUCAL HISTORY: (c) CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS; (d) CIVIL ENGINEERING. 4. A short SPECIAL COURSE in Agriculture. 5. A short SPECIAL COURSE in Chemistry. 6 A reorganized Course in MECHANIC ARTS, combining shop-work with study. 7. A new SPECIAL COURSE (two years) in Literature and science, for Young Ladies. 8. A Carefully graded Preparatory Course. 9. SPECIAL COURSES are arranged to meet the wants of individual students. Military drill is required. Expenses for board and incidentals very low. Tuition free. Young ladles under charge of a competent lady Prin cipal. For Catalogues, or other information address GEORGE W. ATHERTON, ! L. D., President, 27-29 State College, Centre Co., Pa. N. W. Eby, Woodward, Pa. Distiller of PURE RYE WHISKEY. The best article constantly kept on hand and guaranteed to be unadulterated. The best liquor for Medical Use. Sold at the lowest cash prices. 23 ly DO YOU KNOW TIIAT Lorillard's Climax PLUG TOBACCO withßedTin Tag; Rose leaf Fine Cut Chew ing- Navy Clipping's,and Black, Brow and Yellow SNUFF are the bestandcheapest quali ty considered. TUIC PAPER a° p' I VllO I fir KOWELL & Co's Newspaper Advertising "Bureau (10 Spruci Street), where adver-1| piftf If D|# DNSSWAITW IUKLI< WAN AND BEAST. | <9 THE BEST I mam EXTERNAL UI REMEDY! 2E EiEciunso 9 NEURALGIA,| S= CRAMPS, 9 — J Sprains, Bruises, Burns and Scalds, I! ■■mn Slflidifit, inH'fitCuC, m Frosted Feet and| JJJS9I Ears, and all of/u'rg Pains and Aches, ■ It is a safe, sure, andr effectual Remedy forfl Galls, Strains, Scratches, m Sores, &c.,~ on *33534 HORSES. One trial will prove itsgj merits. Its efiects arc inH most cases —— INSTANTANEOUS, g U Every Ixfftlo warranted. toll give snlidfacUon. Send nd-S iv fIBH dress fur pamphlet, free,glv-E G lug Bill directions for thoO £ treatment of nhovo diseases. X 1 Price2s eta.ami 60 eta. per A la bottle. Sold everywhere. I lknry, Johnson & Lord, ITopricton, ■ Eurlingflon, Yt. For salt by J>. S. Kaujl'man A Co.. and ,/. Sjnytlmytr, Mill/aim, /'<(. 8. li GUTELIUS, Dentist. • V • WJBFEFCFC S '' Mh.LIIF.IM, PA. offer* hi* professional services tojthe public, lie is prepared to perform all operations in the dental profession. He is now fully prepared to extract teeth absolutely without p.itn. Mussei* House. Milllteim, ------ l'emia. ssnnun p USDPT Two milt-* from Cobura Station on L. & i. S. K. ITline Trout l'i* and Uniting w i!bin sight * of town. Healthy locuh > and line inoun tain *cenerie*. The eelebrat•• 1 PENN S \ AL LEY CAY US but five mile* distant. Tin; finest drives in the slate FINE SADDLE HORDES, <' \RBIAGI"> AND BUGGIES for the use of summer boarders. DonWc ani Single Rooms. newly furnished, for familos with children, tut seconu and third floor*. Bus to all Trains. TERMS REASONAHLF.. W. S. Musser, Prop'r. •ly Milllieim.i'entrel o. Pa i P. H. MUSSER, WATUnUKEIUS; JEWEL!.it. Main Street, Millheim. Pa., —i-{OPPOSITE THE HAXK.++- BSTRepair Work a Specially. Sat isfaction puarantred. Your patronaue tespectfully solicited. 5-ly. MILLHEIM JOURNAL JOB Printing Office is now nit]i]> lied U'ilh Goon and a larye assortment of DISPLAY TYPE. LET! Ell HEADS, NOTE HEADS BILL HEADS STATEMENTS, ENVELOPES, CIRCULARS, POSTERS, and, in'short, neat and tasty Job Printing of all kinds PIANOS-ORCANB The demand for the improved MASON A* IIAMI.IN PIANOS is now so large that a second addition to tbo fuctory has become imperative. Do not require one quarter as much tuning' as l'ianos on the prevailing wTest-pin system. Consult Catalogue, free. 100 Styles of OUOANS, $22 to S'JOO. For Cash, Easy Payments, or Rented. Mason & Hamlin Organ and Piano Co., NEW YORK ; BOSTON ; CHICAGO. ~"'"3 CTVX f-V-'-ffit r'-1 Our Now Book, ju t. o -t. K'ti Vf* Ahr* 3 entitled, ♦ uit:*a ittrttitii I'UIC I,AI>tEB, cr Tim Absurdity '• * \j". ti fi3 f'J of the Custom of Tlstit J,r.<:lii ',' "55 R' 1 }:- '', l IM writ us its ctfert UJXIU tint ■/ >1 IlraltiiofHlaveslt. llsr ■M k"j ?' : 1 Illustrated. Sent FUEI2(t • (.1 !yl 5 < t/' Ladies only) ou receipt of 2 til Si kMO t cents in Staminto pry .. • RCHTFJJ3 A ( 0., Tti- . tdwrv. X>w York fP 2f~ fit - H3 nL! T 2 M kiASA t, 3£ SSS& HLUFS t HLL r'AI-NIID. No experience required. Four oi_ u-s per day Rive the Agent SI 3D ffluushly. Our Agents report from four to twenty sales daily. Send at terms and full particulars.. #3.00 Outfit LEWIS SCHIELE * CO., 1190 Broadway, New York. ST ss i: i: APETY y.. tocbiwo feV UPPOBTEB O . . Sri tf St I#,, w? v \t , V*? :/"*■' \ I - t T 3 . Im' L w |H I i %r si Hu> H U O □ P1 °9 I '■< ':• A ps ta y ' 5 V"' W / . - >-3 o /!*s' ■ hi 6 Stj Children's, Ito f. _>oars, • - - Re. a pair tlitu.. two attaelimente, • - 1 ()•. Blisses' " " " ' : > l '- Initios' " " • 1 '' Blisses', with a belt," • * iht. Storkimr, AM.miip; 1. pp< * .\i.wr* - ni:il r tu hilled, lith\ Health Skirl Support. !-, - - -12 #<*. Brighton Gent's Garb r, I oe. roll fcvt.K BY ALL I'TUST-t'LAS* STOKES. Samples sent post-paid to any uddrtMS upon receipt of price in U-ceut stumps. LEWIS STKBtf, Sole Owner and Manufacturer, ITB Centre Street. w n p H [A pJ | a §ft I fej L u !.. \ i-ai if® 7.3 -fclio I-JGS-b r fii LE SAUCE. T'i .far Pel. > a- o row manufactured that m former yeai i ha I t. I o imported, paying high nnmtrt thuyas it is lmw bciug il<>iioon Lea A Per i.!.s t.l ie sa; • ; tli l Qi'>' ;u Taule Sat . k takes i s \ ' -i- • >t >. ■ 1 >:i pro'.i nine. <1 l>\ compoteiit L ; t3 1,, t a better. The Qi: A libit • /... j |gj w ]y tint an rely gained great la e it.-mee .-.v. 1 is r pi air;? tho rry best imported ■aneo 11 the rV If f the grocer, tho tables itihor, U.'.tvc t ami tin tables of tho rich and t or i.k 'l, { r ..!v ) " . .1 i- l l dished by c.l on ; e ur.'.t <V r i ■ ". ; ma, tvie, strength and ■. 'i • irvei.ter has by years of * f tli-* i e ntained in tho aro matie •] ires o! il • I id • a l China, nek as m: ee.nuuu s ;.. in .. ' eJammieaginger, -ij t j„.) , ;s . i; ; tin unknown to most men and '. .• ng praetlco en v,-< d. dto combine tin ir < Mra" ts in u -It .■. 1 ;uid frmaswo n w . find it ablo ta i t • iuvigornti::;: a? t'„ l. tti'i i t :.•••■ t : r.i.. ! bl:t< rs. l'.> mart r.!.., . thu.ttco 1. '■ import tint.. * | freight* red, tad it is gold at a lower f . l!r ,. jo •' .. C lt wbo malting a Lett, r profit on Quaker Banco e n sell it t.> tho < onsnmer cbenprr than fl tl:oj . d article hardly oqnal iagoun. liyohr grocer dot cot keep It. writ* ualoriwlcos.eto. fi Idinhottlos or hythognUon. C'AWA KAMUFACTURING CO., £vle Proprietors and Manufacturers, 10U A 10b S. Sd ST., .St. L-uis, Ho. - *- r :z:L "-?a.: j i '-a* inrißinnrfir issai 25 YEARS 6M_ USE. Tho Greatest Medicni Triumph of tho \ SYMPTOMS UP A TORPED LIVER. Less ofay petite, 80-sals costive, Bitiu in tho hend, with a dull acT?r.a; ! in tho hack part, Fnin ttnilcv cbo sbculder- L-lade, Fullness after cruing, with adls. inclination to exertion of body or mind, Irritability of temper, I.onr eririts, with c feclingof having neglected some duty, Weariness, Dizziness, Fluttering at tho Heart, Dots bei'orolho eyes, Headache ctcv tho right eye, Kestlessceße, with fitful lireunus lllchly colored Urine, and CONSTIPATION,, •JFTT'S t'lt.r.s ara especially adapted to such cases, ono doso ctt'ccta suclt a chanp''of feelinf* as to astonish the. sutTerrr. They Increase tUo Appetite.and < uusc tho bodv to Take on Flesh,thus tho Fv-icm io r.oisrlfihe.l.and by th ir Tonic Action on the DigestiveOriranc.lCeKularStools proi.ucr.l. Price l£.,c. •! S 'At' b.A.BT. TUTTS HAIR DYE. GRAT HAIR or Wuiskkkq changed to a Glossv BLACK by a single application of this Dtb. It imparts a natural color, nets instantaneously. Sold by Druggists, or ' sent by express on receipt of • l. Office. 44 Murray St.. Now Yon. - A*D CVRE FOB Malaria, Fever nmt Ague, Scrofnla, rniicor, Erjvlpchu, lloilw, Flmplen, Flcorw, Sore Eyes, Seal.l Head, Tet ter, Salt It hen in, Mercurial and all Dr. SELLERS' LIVER PILLS For years havo been tbo standard retnody fur LIViR COMPLAINT, COSTIVENESS, SICK HEADACHE, PAIN IN SHOULDERS or BACK, DIZZINESS, COATED TONGUE, and nil .lis eases arising from tho LIVER or STOMACH. Thomas Adams, of I'ig Sandy, Ky.,says:"Sel lers' I'iils saved hundreds of dollars in doctors' bills in his county." Sold by Druggists. Sailers filciielad Co., Pittsburgh, N* -1 h ft g l kr g t ss 9 A / .*■• <)HUAZCW EJULHKktB ; \ JiTz Decay .and numert M £l~s. +'.£\leiid±vKi w Jobscurod^i'n:'".,bar- L,a §ijinffthe Bkiliodphy- PldOi 1 . V s ' b jf-ic 1 .',!'", pi;' 4 Xro:a i -/%■ r . S f youthful ir.di.,..'rction. U|?/109 frco Indulgence, or , V'W over brain work. Avoix Ve_ rxgtho linpositionot proton \£CV2lsA Jt >. r >, tious rctnedloa for thesa Vi 'Si it. J- J troubles. Get our Frca A RADICAL Cur;£ rOK .VB Circular and Trial Pork vu'rvrArc - learn hnportaol J.ijIvVOUS L?|§ facts before taking tieafr- T>"XTtvr _ fcllf SUltr: REMEDY that HAS DreaiicWeiiiiess^S'iS^S'asf^ CiXsyr^ lion to business, or causa PAJnuln or Inconvenience in JJEfJ A"yb B"Q any way. Founded oa Iv n n.,iuu4. KjM9 scientific metiical prinrl [nYqung & Dy dircctnpplication Man. By! to the acat of disease its ■■ Ef-Hrpociflc influence la fell TESTED FOR SEVEN E3without delay. Thenat- Vt:An3 OY USE IN ural functionßof the hu -1 Mnn<sAMn fitta M 1" orpr.ntsm tsrestoitd. . HCUSAHD UASE3. animating r.min /iimminn M t'ilof life, which have been jfRTjATM E.V7 I . KjS wasted ore v iven back,an>l One Month, - g.).ooß3,S!he|>uticiitbecomeechr-''T wo lilonthß. - B.ooS-jßfulend rupidl.vgainsbutta U'iu'eo Moutba, V.OO|fctStrcn);ili and sexuai vigor. r-tARSxJS RDY CO^TMTGCHcWI3TB QOOX N. Tenth St.. BT. LOUia. MO. H 63JTURED PERSONS! Not n TruCC, k®. U# ■ Ank for t*rins of our Aniilianco. &VXS GiIVM 3y*XtLJhJJiJ ■aPXUXyXXj. r " >Q JJ 5- • ■ , r • '. jit . j ... k t J J V OF MY 11FF. • , ' i ; '• itol '-to icy jca.<:K- V. on,: ~-a ... i: •• < 1 .• r Joo 63 ; : • .. i I v.'rke m • to ". KiHf Cinotnnatl, Q .' r M : 1 , f f. ;"fa it :j , " ' ••• •"'' Li SBMij ■ iv , i ! i! ■• ■. R ptd salessurprisa o MAKtN. CINCINNATI, O. cure for 2jcst Nervousness 'Weakness, Lack of Sti*engtli, Vigor or Developments . Caused by indiscretions, excesses, eto bone.its in n day; Cures usually within a month. No Deception nor Quackery, positive Proofs, full description and letter of advice In plain sealed envelope,^free. ERIE MEDICAL CO.. P.O. Drawer 17' J. buffalo, N.\. .. 0 pao |fi|w NEW IMPROVED HIGH ARM, NEW MECHANICAL PRINCIPLES and i- ' J Mov ments, Auto • */r rcH end Perfect fiction, Cifind r Efiiuid -, Self setting Nce dte, Positive Feed, Po tyring*, Fc;a Paris, Minimum Weight, No Friction, IToN No V/ear, No Fatigue, No "Tantrums," Capa city UrMmfcd, Always in Order, Richly Ornamented, Nickclplated, a?id drives Perfect Satisfaction. gcsiil for Circulars. AVERY MACHINE CO., 28 Union Squnrc, New York. Oit> •%. pf .v - n -r- r *."*• * f 5" Ofr • I bit'ii) t C ilitiilHc?>Jscu!c "CTb-® just Publlckcc.itltlcd Mfk. PS Y " ■ - I? IIA hftfl '[ \JN J v'fpK. IbAV 1 - • , mi J, i I/i i\ i \p) V'l .; > 1 if HpAJ. | \TT > { IftA \) n vi THIRTY YEftF.j A DETECTIVE BY ALLAH rrriLEBTO!!. Cwttftltflff ft tb t ■"'"* C"'.d < orY"r<-lr"n r i~c; rrpr-rj of < rlmiii..l I'.. J <"! f'dbc • 'al d Cl:s."-w% \. '., • [J ... ICO in tho yt'llm: il3, oovcrirg a J ,lr. v • 1 3 Activo X>etecUT Li.'tr- ir:: . ":-r. vsU J interesting and tlu Uling Detection Bwlwcfc An entirely nv7bock, y " " - ' : ;"" Vrcfc l, eud wl .i Tui'LUil c£ Li'ci.f l>ctecuve. IVAPaTBDI Tn r crx t -* * f her' r.rc tvir : o. >ef pAoplc if*7io J■- at id I > r ' Vl3 I ■ •.. It 9* lis to ?LT ,■ nt b-nlco. Fanners and ProfesskMM! I tttcm. • . '• : ".t r.;:i; :O ' '1I• '' I •' a: juto whjux 1.0 c .-i fee! cure of selling it to. VTa vrar.t Ono A'r"n' i ;i fcrnahip, or . i 1 ,'j ii, i*ron, y.'.'.i (bis 1 it, can p ' • i,r fu.l i ..ti.culara pud ton ts,Kldre s u. V . luLioil A CO., l'ublLhcrs, Lew >.orfc : - ; • '.a s>.iV/.yl I . [ : J The most popular Weekly newspaper devoted toscicnca. nieciianics.enaiiieering diaepveriea. in \ • us and patents c . puti'nlied. Krerynntn- I r nns-trat>-,i :h spic .did et cravintr*. Tiiis . .rati u (urn..'.ld sa i:iu-t valuable encyclopedia (ini rm • whiebnoncraonahoakibsvitMot. 'J ..<• ;•••.}>;;•:.rity rd the rViF.NTU lc AMKRK'AK is h t!;at its circulation rearly equal* that of all •• •: r t-ap rs of its claw c>nitiined. Price. s32oa v. .r. li • >unt to ("luba. Nold by all newsdealers. MI NN A CO.. Publishers. N0.361 Broadway, N. Y. rsT-w-v-v KVPkl*? A Blunn A Co. havo V V r 4 - :ieT, -r' ■! practice before ['■' l''2i".e Patent Offlee and have prepared UNj &•.. re than Ono Hundred Thou ra tclqard appii. ati>>n lor patents in tno r-.'J I'm?.} i fetates and foreipn countries. Cav. at*. Trade-Marks, Copy-rights. |.-v i ® r Assipr.ments. and all other papers for fckN-■■curns to ntors their ricbta in tho re Tinted St:,tes, Canada. England. J-rance. |.TiJ Germany and otlitr fnreicn countries, prc |,flj ir. t at short not ice and on reatonable terms. L i Information as t ohtainim: patents cheer rs?l fully irivra without charpr. liana-books of tUd informal ion sent free. Patents obtained Jhronch Mnnn A Co. are noticed in tlie Scientitic American Dec. The advantage of such notice is v '.I ii: derMood t.v all persons who todis t r t >f ? cir r r Mi A CO. EciXXTirtc A.."..;... is. 3-1 Droadway. New V>:k Mason I. Hamlin CRCANS: -T7^r—--** PIANOS: II • It.j-.v/fjlj New mod* of f l ' ■ ,V. ft R Stringing. I>- V, ' s I t.j- I ' r-"p not require i nc -1 i' ,<*" —-f-Y.""* t It i/jj. h | .j quarter as , yr--.*t ...-r ||| tnurb tuningr.s (i.i . V- —1 — ~ A - Vrtj Pianos tn ihe £ s • : I ■■ ;Lat ,nt >' '" ne '• ■Wtf'ard durability. ORGAN ASDPIANOCO. 154TrentsntSt..Boston. 43E.14th St. (UnionSq.), is. Y. 149 Wabash Ave., Chicago. c:la hi: :• su %' v ..s*:* r £ CMuAMtHMOTi'S COhOTi V £ C a* a" I£T.cmji' C i.s.> i £ C kj.illiij'ill.t'Bf COLDN - ; ( LA.H::•?o.T a' t c; .ay Y I CL.V.tE.'lbX'? CDLO.W I A new Ii .if ■ . yl id ijsin t •• i.i.-tfiyears. Or.r vlii.i o, oliiy 32 n.oiit i.i I.a> ."> eloic.-. 2 hotels, 3 cliU >,. school, in way ; v,, ; t bey, t iibdrr. t,D .i;ni> ii..iu>;t;.d 2 in.,, i, l.niid i tpi'i.y i Jvapdnk. Send, send, setnl by tucant, n - for circu .i.-a w iili t .; I imtoui rub ol booses, *U aboot the wonderful • w 11, of our col- Cdiy.lis soil.t liuiuty.iu.t! io is.lm-ii •• pi . .:titls •, health, 11 let s. terma, and Mother diailtict subj ct*. Farms for 1200 on monthly itnstalluirl i Uiom linviiig cinpbiyri'-nt .i! i. ■ 111 leaving lin ir si"iuii<qi. Address JL i-'. —I3SCBS .B.Clarcmoi.t,Surry Co.,Va. TIIs pnpor Im kept on file nt tlic ofilee of M.DVERTISING GENTS TIMES BUILDING PHILADELPHIA ForBED'SiWrr.R APVERTISHC rncr Ld I liflAi Lo at Lowest Cash Rates fritt sl.iia;,s for £YES £ SON'S MANUAL I WAIfT AGENTS TO SELL j STEAM Men and Women of Rood character and intelligence. Exclusive Territory Guaranteed. A weeks'trial of sample Washer to be returned at my expenso if not sat inflict ory. A thousand per cent, the best Washor in tho world, and pays capable aßents BIG money. In trinsic merit makes it. a phenominul success every where. For Illustrated circular and terms of agency uddross. J. WOR • H, St, Louis, Mo- RAINBOW RUPTURE -^!:* Biuiple, sate, reliable nnd a perfect retainer. !t la not a Truss. Worn Day nnd Niitht and its presenco forgotten. Bciul for circular with testi monials from grateful sufferers cured by this np pliunco. Address Central Medical and Surgical Institute 920 Locust St., St. Louis, Mo. Skillful treatment given all kinds of surgical and medical cases. Weakening diseases and pri vate troubles in male and femnle our specialty. Do 6ure to write us before taking treatment elsewhere. Consultation free and invited jj? Are perfectly bafe and always Fffeptual. Used to-day regularly by id,ooo American w Women. Cuai-anfiied superior to nil j 5*3 otherii, or t'awh refunded. Don't waste i 33 money on Horthlcu noitruius. Try > tills Kemedy first. Sold by all Druggists, or \ mailed to any address. Send 4 cents for particulars. { WILCOX SPECIFIC CO., Fbilada., Pa. Ftf 60TTI A beautiful work of 150 pages, Colored Plate, and tooo !1> * try JrT\ Vegetables, prices of Seeds and Plants, and how to grow them. Printed in English and Gcrauut. Price only 10 t rjl?'' -3* < cents, which may be deducted from first order. It tells what you want for the garden, and how to get it instead of running to jr.: the grocery at the last moment to buy whatever seeds happen to be left over, meeting { v?, with disappointment after weeks of waiting. • BUY ONLY VICK'S SEEDS AT HEADQUARTERS. 7 fj\ T VICK'S ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY MAGAZINE, 32 pages, a Colored Plate (y. m-- fI I in every number, and many fine engravings. Price, a year; Five Copies for |\Va f Specimen numbers 10 cents; 3 trial copies as cents. We will send to any address c' A ■i * Vick'.s Magazine and any one of the following publications at the prices named below t —really two magazines at the price of one—Century, $4.50 ; Harper's Monthly, 34-°° : 1 0 Nicholas, ft*.so; Good Cheer, #1.25; Illustrated Christian Weekly, $ 3.00; OX YuTj Wido Awake, Good Cheer, and Vick'i Magaxine for $3.00. ** VICK'S FLOWER AND VEGETABLE GARDEN, aio pages, Six Colored Plates, nearly wuu Lugraviiigg, 31.35, in elegant cloth covers. vV-3 v JAMES VICK, Rochester; N. Y. 11 - ■— l ■ ———— | 'Sip LEFT _ BEHIND Illurtr .0 "of a Bnggy rn do by T. T. H A ¥DOCK III'> v, with the Haydock Safety King Bolt and Fifth WheeL Life is insecure riding over any other. M.i (This picture will be furnUhod oo a Urge ca*4, printed la elegant style. to anyone whe wttl agree.toframe M-l t KM CLOSE STAMP.) T- T- 3S-A."STDOC®: o for Cor. Plus and Twelfth Sta., CWCINNATI. 0. AQEHTB WANTED WHERE WE HAVE HONE I HO INVESTMENT SO PROFITABLE. "W. Gr. ZBZRu^vTDXjIEI^Sr, 2s^exicLen. ? Ccnn^ BOLE MAKUFACTCttEB, E, H. BICE & CD'S,, Solid Conforlßuctads and Spindle Wagons, single and donUe sated. Riding qualities nnsnrpaaaed. No jar to the feet. able. Shipments singly or by carload to all Liat and descriptive- Catalogue. Responsible Agent wanted in every town. Send tor Price List ana aeaenpuve- c Correspondence earnestly solicited. • „ 01 h. T0 hi ß name with advertise- N. B. Every person acting as Agent for our Wagons. jrtU have ms name ment of Wagons advertised in the leading paper of the county or town where A b at gratis for six months. .4void tin: iitij.nitk-n =1 prctentlou* n ine c4 fl , TRIAL Packages mai Kdto rn- ft&T X*k dk ? for th T tr,,uble ." ')[£&**!*' u r ti,n'nalnrrntrov'or* ! JE>4y FxJt wW.i whose only a.m ito bleed tfceirvic . A £A£ IL.C of w horn t nfui 11 rc-.t' f W TPACEtt r '-"urn t.. ' * • ''JiL TlTtii - t..oura..'.f, <. *.* nut iu^inere nSS§f4' SEMidiiL A 11 Cure for h'crroaa Or,-an to WeaknemandPh-nieal l>ecny in Voting or UidlVVr 1 t v die Aged Men. Tested forp icnt Ytnra in °t f e -i t d ay. qhe nsturvl S rnd^Ten h drt^l a n^fl^Ua^^ l .n?S wa.uaanim.tingtlemettt. of I. ft. U.TmTp-J^t per fee 11m d? sTit r. eth and V i cSrou sIH oa! th. bcco"K, checrlui and rapkhy gain, both Mmngtha^'^Uii bTOu!*litnboiit* TF.EATMEWT.~fhs Mcatb, 33. TvoMci.33. TL-es, 37 Work, or too free Indulgence, wo a>kth<it you aend ns UADOiC DCMCnV r>rt Hrw PumuTii your nnirto with eletementof yourtronbie, and secure VtMtfPilO KCmCU ( C v. f mr L Lhtwlala, TUL\ LTAf KAG Ej; KI'E, with Illnst'd Pamnhfot to. 806*1 XT. Tenth Street. ST.IXIUia. KO. - Uarrrw Pragsat an Asgle of rcrty-fivs Lijfht. Streng acd BirakU. The Bast Harraw nr ~ J * 11 wat awarded First Premium at the Ohio St.ito Fair over forty-four competitors. Successful in all field trials. Wrought iron frame and steel teeth. Satisfaction guaranteed. Send for Cir culars. KIMBSRLIN MrO. CO H Indianapolis, Ind. JOHN K. PARKER'S Kte Upper, hate Hi M I <•-! / '.(' UMNM soir •}• \ \£fP I e j \V ►'/ Vi "*!*?[ I *• I • / A, Sals-Leather Oiter Cele; B, V7:ter-r:aef So!;; C, Sale-Leather Luc? Sal:; D, Sala-Laathe: Heel Warranted Absolutely Water proof, more healthy, comforta ble, genteel, ami will not drav/o; sweat the fo'.fc liko tho ordinary rubber boot. One pair will out wear two pair;: ■ f ordinary rubber 1 joots, an 1 can bo repaired by any shoemaker. Ask retail dealers for them or send §5.00 for sample pair of shoit boots to JOHN 11. PARKER, 103 Bedford Street, BOSTON, MASS. THE PERKINS WIND MILL. ijjjjj/Mlj wjwfjp Icbistx-en in constant URML *" op - 1 " 3 J' 0 " 1 " 3 , witii A record <ll Lprjj Ctp.ialod by iiono. WARRANTED gfjfjff' not lo l:Io\7 down, unless the b —-w T wcr poes wit hit; or etgainsc any wind that tines n >t disable Euls*Uutial farm buildings ;to be perfect: to outlast ami do better work than any otlmr mill made, Wo maunfiintfiro botli Pumping and Geared Mi'la and carry a full line of Wind Mill Supplies, AGENTS WANTED. Send for Circular nn.l Prices. Address PESSINS WIND HILL &AX CO., Misb.awaka, Ind. ! e 3>ssssyjgsffi * er. . Durable, perfect iu operation, and of r great domestic utility. Write for circular. ' FAMILY COFFEE ROASTER CO.. ST. LOUIS. Mo. HOTCHKI rs CARRIAGE WORKS. We manufacture Open and Top Bug apes, consisting of the Side Spring, End Spring, Brewster, Timken and Edward Storm Spring. Also various styles of Two-Seated Car* riages, Wagons, Cutters and Sleighs. liberal discount to tho trade. - Send for Catalogue and Prices before buying. HOTCHKIN CARRIAGE WORKS, SYRACUSE, If. Y. leffeksT IMPROVED gftfjiad "Wlxad. inUBl^3.©. ALL TEE PARTS MADS 01* MALLEABLE & WROUGHT IEOIT No Shrinking, Swelling or Warping. THE LICIITFRT P.UNNING, STRONGEST and EASIEST PEGCLATK!) WISH KNOINK in ibe WORLD. TH. REST is CHEAPEST. Send for Circulars to the SPRIIi6FIEID CO. Springfield. Ohio.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers