|l|e|)ttt(?im|ournat. THURSDAY, MAY 20TH, 1886. Published by R. A. BUMILLER. TO THE LADIES of Millheim & Vicinity. I wish to call your attention and Invito your insjvetion ot the elegantly trimmed and neatly made line of Hats, Bonnets, Lace Caps, etc- etc. just received at my place, next door to E. C. Campbell's residence, on Main Street, aaaauoyaaaouaaaaatajajaaa-i'j iB'iIjMEMBE'S] aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa that my styles and prices suit all and that 1 constantly keep on hand a full stock of Laces, Ribbons, Feathers, Flowers, Pin Orna ments, and everything necessary for trimmings Call on me if in need of any mill ineiy goods and you will not regret it. Respectfully, Itydiq G, Tk<nn^c\i<d. LOCAL NEWS. —SUBSCRIBE for the JOURNAL. —Nice spring weather since last week's rain. —First-class job work done at the JOURNAL office. —Oranges, Candies, Cigars and To bacco at Lose's grocery. Give him a call. —Take a look at Kauffraan's attract ive advertisement at the bottom of this page. —People who haye orchards are feel ing good over the prospect of a bounti ful crop of fruit. —FLAGS, FLAGS, FLAGS, large, me dium size, ai d email, at the Jourual Store on Penu street. —The bricklayers commenced work on Jfusser & Smith's new building on 3fain street on Tuesday. —Carpets—Carpets Carpets the best selection of Brussels, Ingrain and Rag at Kaufftnan's store. —Mr. Daniel Iloy's oldest son, who resided in the West,has arrived in towu to make nis home with his parents. —Regular services will l>e held in the U. B. church of this place next Su naay morning by the pastor, Rey. Wassou. TIIE STARS AND STRlPE3.—Persons In ueed of fl igs on Memorial Day will find a full stock at the Journal Store. —The front of J. W. Stover's new store building on Main street promises to present a very attractive appearance. SWEET SEED CORN.— Several quarts of Stowell's Evergreen Sweet Corn, for planting, for sale at the Journal Store. —C. M. Bower and J. L. Spangler, Esq?., two of Bellefonte's prom inent lawyers, were in town on Monday, on professional business. —John H. Maize has resigned the office of street commissioner of this borough, and the council appointed Jacob Saukey in bis place. —"A stitch in time" often saves consumption. Down's Elixir used in time saves life. For sale by J. Spigel myer and D. S. Kauffman & Co. —Before giving your printing to other establishments call on us for prices and samples of work. We are sure that we can suit you in both. —By reading John C. J/otz's notice in another column it will be seen that Cashier Walter has become a stock holder in the Jfillneitn Turnpike Co. —For burn 3, scalds, bruises and all pain and soreness of the flesh, the grand household remedy is Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil. Be sure you get the gen uine. —The pulpit of the M. E. church of this place will be filled on Sunday even ing by ODe of the ministers in attend ance at the Reformed classis atAaroDS burg. —Michael Eby, of Woodward,wishes to inform the public through these col umns that he his a lot of pigs for sale. Persons in waut of porkers should call on him. —Mrs. E. Bartholemew and daught er left for Nittanv Valley last week, where they will spend a few week's with the lady's parents, Mr. Joseph Shat'er's. NEW !— J. W. Lose is the new pro prietor of the grocery on MA in street and will sell as cheap as others, if not cheaper. Bead his new advertise ment in anothei place. HONEST DEALING TRUTHFUL SECURITY TO BUYERS 1 These are the inducements we offer IN CONNECTION WITH OUR MAGNIFICENT STOCK OF SPRING GOODS, Including all things useful, ornamental and indispensable in -rritD i"C3" A "IsrTT^TQTT 1 T G-H32STH3H/A.L G-ZEHsTIEIR/A L MERCH.-AJSTJJJ-to-li.. In wide range ot selection, in quantity and quality, in newest and most exclusive styles, in prices, we offer the best opportunity of the season. —■ THIS FACTS DECLARED IN THIS ADVERTISEMENT may be doubled by some. We ask but one visit to our store, Main Street, Millheim, Pa., to prove the truth of these statements. ™ I I M I I llt if* A "IVT Q D. S. KA U J r MAIN & GU. -D L.Zerby lias laid bis new board walk and it is the boss jab,and we sug gest to those who nvay want to build boardwalks in the near future to pat tern after his. —Ladies' Hose, full length,full width and guaranteed fast colors, 3 pair for 25 cents, formerly sold at from 1 to 20 cents per pair. Call on l>. N. KaulT man As Co. —We hear that many farmers in this vicinity who planted their corn several weeks ago, are obliged to plant it oyer, as most of it has rotted in the ground during the recent wet spells. —Miss Mary Manck, the daughter of our townsman, \\ m. Mauck, departed for Danville, Fa , last Thursday, where she is learning the millinery trade with her mother's aunt, Mrs. Probst. —HighConstablo Sankey was around last week, attending to otlHal duties, such as assessing dogs, not if\ ing prop erty holders to repair their bad board walks and keeping a sharp eye on nui sances. —Last week's Rebersburg communi cation was just one day too late for publication. Correspondents for this paper should make it a point to send their communications not later than Tuesday. ATTENTION LADIES !—A large lot of French Tissue Paper, all the mater ial necessary for making llowers, as well as complete llowvrs, with books of instruction, just received at the Jour nal store. —Costiveness is the primary cause of much disease. Dr. Henry Baxter's Mandrake Hitters will permanently cure costiyeness. Every bottle war ranted. Sold by J. Spigelmyer and D. S. Kauffman & Co. —Chassis of tne Reformed church convened at Aaronsbuvg last evening at 7.30. Rev. W. 11. Groh, of Boals burg, preached the opening sermon. Services every evening. Communion on Sunday morning. The Key. Win. Stout, Wiarton, Out, states : "After being ineffectual ly treated by seventeen different doc tors for Scrofula and blood diseases, I was cured by Burdock Blond Bitters," Write him for proof. —Notwithstanding the heavy rain on Saturday evening, the band gave their open air concert and quite a crowd of people, sheltered by the awn ings, enjoyed the music, which was accompanied by the patter of rain. —The macadamizing of the pike leading to Co*>uru is progressing very slowly. It can't be because the stones are scarce. The managers should leave no stone unturned, to have this much traveled road in the best possible con dition. Since J. Spigelmyer has made a be ginning in sodding his front yard ter race style, A. J. Harter follows suit by fixing up his yard in a similar manner. Iligbt, make your homes as attractive as possible, for there is "no place like home/' ln Ilenry Sc Johnson's Arnica and Oil Liniment is combined the curative properties of the different oils,with the healing qualities of Arnica. Good for man and animal. Every bottle guaran teed. For sale by J. Spigeluiver aud D. S. Kauffman & Co. —J. W. Adams, of this place, and Miss Annie E. Hull, of Aarousburg, were made one by matrimonial bonds last Sunday evening. Rev. Z. A. Yearick performed the ceremony. Since you have abandoned single life, Wesley, we wish you success doubly. —There will be regular services in the Lutheran church next Sunday eve ning. Also installation of the new church council members and reading ot the annual financial report. On ac count of this extra business the ser vices will begin half an hour earlier than usually. —THE only reliable catarrh remedy on the market to-day is Ely's Cream Balm, being free from poisonous drugs and other offensive odors. It has cured thousands of acute and chronic cases when all other lemedies have failed. It quickly cures cold in the head and ca tarral headache. Price 50 cents. 17-41. —We'are glad to learn that Miss Sadie Adams, who has been bedfast for nearly a j'ear now from the severe burns received at Lewisburg, shows a gradual change for the better. Her at tending physician expresses hopes of getting her out by harvest time,and we earnestly wish that his hopes may be realiz'd for the patient's sake. You will find McDonald's Improv ed Liver Pills so satisfactory as a cor rector of a topid liver, as a regulator of the bowels, as an eradicator of billious -11 ess, that you will regret not having tried them sooner* Money refunded to dissatisfied purchasers. JOHNS TON, 110LL OWA Y A CO., Philadelphia Agents. Sold by J. Eisenhuth, Millheiin, Pa. —We are reliably informed and sor ry to hear that the health of Ml. .T. O. Deininger, of Centre Hall, is somewhat impaired of late. We hope his caso may not bo set ions and that be will fully recover again. —Health is wealth. "All the health I enjoy, and even my life, 1 may say, is in consequence of Simmons Liver Beg ulator. I would not take SI.OiHi.OOO for my interests in that medicine." W. 11. Wilson, Welborn, Fla. —The entertainment given hy the Ladies' Mite Society of the Reformed church ol Aaionsbuig on Saturday evening was attended by a full house. The peiformers carried their parts through well. The proceeds of the evening from different sources amount ed to $22. SETTLEMENT NOTU'K -AS WO wi-di to close our books we i quest all per sons who have unsettled :ie*ounts with us to call at our place for settlement not later than June l 'uh, I>M' Tart les who fall to comply wiih this request, between this and the above date will bo compelled to do so by law. 11 AUTOES & BUO. Madisonburg, Pa., May 20, 'BO. at —The several assessors of Centre county have finished their laborious work of finding the wealth of their re spective districts and have filed their reports with thecounty commissioners, who publish the same in some of the count* papers, at the same time giving notice that the 21th.2.">th and 26thdays of May have been fixed upon at the Commissioners' office in Bellefonte, for appeals. —Mr. J. C. Blake, of the Monarch Fire Killer Company, New York, is in town sit present, and expects to give a test exhibition of the Monarch Fire Killer, that perfect and celebrated ex tinguisher of tire,this(Thursd ay] even ing at 01 o'clock, on the hill, east of town, for the inspection and benefit of our town council. All the citizens of Millheiin are invited to be on hand and witness the teat. —A new grocery store in town, or rather an old store with a new name. Aba. Barter's grocery on Main street, having been purchased by John W. Lose, will be replenished by a fresh and excellent stock. Mr. L. has had c uisiderable experience as a salesman and will, no doubt, have good success in his undertaking. John also knows that judicious advertising is essential to a lively trade. —Dr. Stain having applied to the town council for the privilege of mov ing the truck house back about ten feet, and which was granted by tfie council, he will .it once proceed with that work. The building was out too far from the first and obscured the up town view from the brickhouse. The fire company propose to petition the council to have the truck house painted after it occupies its new place. —All who can aff >rd it. and have any musical or literary taste will find the entertainment of the Ilarry Sisters next Monday evening in the M. E. church well worth attending. Where ever they have been they are highly spoken of and are generally greeted by large audiences. We can safely assure our readers that they will not regret going to near them. Their splendid performances are a treat to old and young, therefore come one, come all. ACCIDENT.— CharIes, the youngest son of Jacob Alter, of North street, broke his left arm,near the elbow joint, on Saturday afternoon, by falling down a flight of stairs. He and an older brother were playing around the ban ister at the head of the stairs, when it was proposed to have a race down the steps. Charley missed bis footing and landed at the bottom with his whole weight upon Ins arm. Tne fracture is of a precarious nature and causes the little fellow a great deal of pain. FARM FOR SALE.— The undersigned offer that certain tract nf land, situate about two mile 3 west of Madisonburg, and being part of the estate of Jeremi ah Hoy, deceased, at private sale. It contains about 100 acres ol cleared land, with a dwelling house and bank barn thereon erected ; also about 45 acres of timberlaiul. Altogether a very desirable farm. Apply to or address SAMUEL WISE, ISRAEL YON A DA, 19-4t Executors. CENTRE COUNTY'S PUOTIIONOTAUY DEAD.— O Friday morning, It >bert G. JJrett, prothonotary of this ounty, died at his residence in Bellefonte, of consumption, wit!) which disease lie had been suffering for nearly a year. Until the time of his election to a coun ty ollice, deceased was a resident of Ferguson township, near Pine Grove Mills, his birthplace, where his body was taken for interment on Sunday morning. lie had reached the age of 41 years and 2 mouthsand leaves a wife and six young children. For foot-wear go to KantTman's stoie, where you can buy a line Kid Shoe, with worked Button hole?, lor $2.00 Our pric< s on Walk ing Shoes and Men's fine shoes are to suit the times. llev. 1> Lenhart's Hitting coming from l>.dlasto\vu, York Co., passed through town on Tuesday afternoon, en route for liebersburg, where thai divine will enter upon his duties as pastor of the Lutheran charge. —The people of Spring el ills will have an opportunity to enjoy one of those fine entertainments of the Harry Sistois, on Tuesday evening, May 25th. We were ipquested to make an an nouncement of their coining to that tow n at that time. An interesting article,headed "The Dry Terms" and written for the Port land Enterprise by Mr. Joiv.u Et linger, a relative of Mrs. Win. Stover, of Aaronsburg, appears on our first page this week. AnotiieT" one will appear in our next issue. Head it. —ltev. Crittenden, of Rellcfontc,was in town on Tuesday and met with splendid success in disposing of the book entitled "The Host Thing*," of which he is the author. When he call ed at this ollico he had not a single copy left, lie expects to return to this place in a few weeks when he wili have a new supply of books. —By all appearances J/einarial Day will be creditably observed at Jfilllieim this year. At least the G. A. B.post, as well as the tire company are making preparations for a turn out and in next week's issue we will he able to pub'ish a full programme of the exercises. In the meantime it would be well for the ladies of town to hold a good supply of flowers in readiness. —Milllieiin looked quite lively on Monday evening. About half past 7 o'clock the land struck up some of their stirring airs, while the Grand Army men and the firemen awaited tho time for their meetings, and the streets were aliye with people. Besides that, it happened that a number of strangers were in town who naturally enjoyed and added to the general bustle. CULTIVATION AND REFINEMENT. — Hon. B. S. Hewitt, ex-Speaker House Representatives, writes: "J. A. McDonald. Hear Sir I have been buying my flavoring Extracts for years from a Fittsburg manufacturer. Recently we tiied a bottle of yours and found it very good indeed. Enclosed find five dol l.irs. Send me its value in your Vanilla Extract. Moral.—Always ask for McDonald's Flavoring Extracts. Sold by J. Eisenhuth, Milllieiin, Pa. Mu. EDITOR .-—Please inform the public through your columns that I have sold mj interest in the J/illheim Banking Company to J/essrs. John Stoner, of Jfillheim, John 11. J/usser of Aaronsburg and David Krape, of Fiedler. Also that I have sold my stock in the J/illheim Turnpike Com pany to A. Walter,cashier of said bank, and oblige Yours. JOHN C. MOT/.. Woodward, J/nr 18th, IS^G. —The Milllieiin 11. A L. company met in the town hall last Monday eve ning and held their annual election of ofiicers. The following were chosen : C. W. Ilartman. Pres., .T. F. Harter, Vice Pres., P. 11. Musser, Sec., and A. A. Frank. Treasurer. The rest of the ofiicers were continued tor another year. Several new members were also elected and a special meeting was called for next J/onday evening to make arrange ments for Decoration day, when a full attendance is desired. —IT IS now conceded on all sides that there is not and never has been a remedy of such remarkable etfieacy as Curtis' Carmelite Cordial, in curing cholera, dysentery, diarrhoea, cholera morbus, summer complaints, cramps, pains in the bowels, or any intestinal irritation whatever,a single dose brings remarkable relief and a single bottle is guaranteed to cure any case or money refunded. A remarkable pain killer and valuable household remedy. JOHNSTON, HOLLOW AY & CO., Philadelphia Agents. Sold by J. Eisenhuth, Millbeim, Pa. Of Interest to Ladies. The new treatment for ladies' dis eases discovered by Dr. Mary A.Gregg, the distinguished English Physician and nurse, which has revolutionized the entire mode of treating these com plaints in England is now being intro duced into the U. S., under a fair novel plan. Sufficient of (his remedy for one month's trial treatment is sent free to every lady who is suffering from any disease common to the sex who sends her address and 13 2;t stamps for ex pense, charges, etc. It is a posit in care for any form of female diseasa and tin 4 free trial pack age is many times sulli dent to effect a permanent cure. Full directions ac company the package (which is put lip in a plain wrapper) also price list for future reference. No trial pack-aye will be sent after Any. Ist, 1886. Address, GHEGO'REMEDY COMPANY, PALMY RA, N. Y. 19-3 m —The finest assortment of Ties and Gents Furnishing Goods in general at D. S. Kauffman & Go's popular store. (i. A. K. AT Mi 1.1. ii KlM.— The post poned transfer of Post 293, itebersburg, to Milllieiin. was accomplished last Monday evening. A good while before the time for meeting, the visiting vet erans gathered into town from all di rections and J/ain street was soon populate Iby uniformed veterans. At s o'clock they assembled in the Odd Fellows' hall on I'enn street, with P. Dept. Com. Austin Curtin, as muster ing officer, assisted by tin following members of the Sainl. Shannon Post, No. 252, of Centre Hall : Col. And. (Jiegg, W. P. Shoop, W. J.Thompson, Geo. M. Dual, (J. David Rankle, Geo. Koch, David Burrell, Daniel Kennedy, David Banee, J. N. Leitzell, Nathaniel Brown, J. I. Condo, James Kennedy, John Odenkirk. Post Maj. W. W. Dyers, No. 384, of Adamsburg, was represented by Com. J. F. Keller, at present teaching a se lect school in town. (Ji egg Post, No. 95, Bellefonte, had the following in attendance : Jesse Steward and John (liillith. The post was organized with a mem bership of thirty, of which the follow ing is a complete list . TRANSFERRED : Henry Meyer, liebersburg. 11. G. lloyer, 4 * C. Uierty. " John A.Miller. 44 Tims. C. lloyer, 44 .I esse bong, " s. u. cetlig. Coburn. .1. \Y. llalley, Auroiishurg. NEW : W. A. Tobias, Milllieiin. < Jeo. I'lrieli, " S. G. Uutelius, " (LW.Cuuiinings, " John M. Iload, " J. \Y. Snook. " S. I). Musser, ' \V. J. Springer, " F. F Wetzel, A brain I>. King, " L.J.Noll, M. M. Musser, Aaronsburg. Geo. M. Hupp. " Fred Llmlert, " Will, liurd, " David Wance, " Jacob Dunkle, *' O. W. Van Valln, Coburn. Win. It. Cassler, " Wilson Ynrnell, " Jacob A. Fisher, Woodward. L. D. Kreainer, Fiedler. The ofiicers of tlie post are : O. W. Van Valin, Commander; John A. Mil ler. Sen. V. Com. ; J. W. Snook, Jun. V. Com.; M. M. Musser, Q. M. ; W.A. Tobias, Adj.; S. D. Musser, Sergt. Maj. ; W. J. Springer, Chap. ; S. G. G utelius, Surg. ; S. R. Gettig, O. of Day ; Chas. Bierly, Old. Off. ; George Uupp, O. G. The meetings of the post will be semi monthly, every first and third Monday. A special meeting will be lit Id on next Monday eveniug for the purpose of making arrangements to pioperlv observe Memorial day. The organization ceremonies were attended by a largo number of com rades, all of whom took much interest in the matter. The post statts out with very encouraging prospects and may in a short time swell its numbers to about oor 45. — INCREASED buoyancy of spirits, perfect assimilation of food, improved appetite, gain in tlesh, sound refresh ing sleep,heightened color in the cheeks and lips, added brilliancy to the eyes, follows the use of McDonald's Great Blood Purifier or Sarsaparillian Altera tive. A bottle or two used in the fam ily would obviate the entire train of spring maladies. Dissatisfied purchas ers can have their money refunded. JOHNS TUX, HOLLOW AY & CO., Philadelphia Agents. Sold by J. Eiseubuth. Millbeim ,Pa. Neighboring News. AARONSBURG. Still a little too superfluous. Was it Sanford—well, I didn't know. Excuse me. Johnny Whipcracker went through town one day last week. 11. 11. and F. J. Weaver are selling ! their Ilolstein cattle to parties iu Penn's, Brush and Nittany Valleys. Haines township has more money on interest than any other township in the county, J/illheuu borough not excepted. L. D. Kurtz and wife from Jfitfiin burg, Pa., were in town on Saturday and Sunday to visit the lady's parents, Mr. Emanuel Ettinger's. Der deutsche John Volk, who had been living with Jas. P. Coburn for nearly seveu years,left here lastWedties day to make his home with Dr. Was son, of Lock Ilaven, Pa. No doubt the officiating clergyman will give due notice to the Journal of the marriage on last Sunday evening of Jfiss Annie Hull, of this place, to Mr. J. W. Adams, of Jfillheim.' No cards. Al. Stover is becoming vciy popular as an instructor of vocal music. Be sides having a very large class herein town, the people at and near Wolf's school house have raised a class for him there. We are not at all surprised tint some of the J/illheim boys have become so sweet on our girls. Look bacli into the past and see what Aaronsburg has already done for JMllieim in the way of good, first-class lady housekeepers. And so the same opinion still prevails. Come on boys, we have got them right here, but some of you had better keep your eye on a sliver, because some of the old dads are beginning to think you I mean business. ANOTHER. SMITH TOWN. ■ Our farmers cull this the wette9t ( corn planting season we have had for years. Miss Maggie Swartz, of Millheim, ■pent Sunday with J. 11. Frank's at this place. B. F. Frankeaberger greatly improv ed his home by painting his barn. He had a lively set of painters. They were not satisfied with painting .the barn uloi e, but put a coat of paint on one of his sheep. While everybody was eating dinner, the hogs were eat ing about $3.00 worth of paint, and no doubt the interior of the animals pre sents a new appearance. " Fresh paint." (leorge Itoyer left for Lowistowu who:e he expects to work at his trade— carpentering. Dr. I\T. Musser lias a force of hands at work digging a ditch, to lay water pipes from the spring, north of this place,to liis farm buildings on the hill. The water company's pipes aie nearly always out of order, so he lays his own pipes. Geo. Schuyler came home last week to stay. No more farm work fof him. Alfred K*eri moved from thp old house into the new one on IlenryKeen's farm. George Breoii,ono of our voung men, paid a visit to his natiye valley. Wdrner Bowertox, son of Frank Boweisox, of ltock Spring, is in our midst on a few week's visit. Mr. Moras Johnson, from Stone Val ley. was the guest of Miss Lizzie Keeu. A thief was trying to help himself at Jos. Grossman's. But if he ever han dled his long legs lively, it was when Mr. and Mrs. Grossman suddenly made their appearance on the scene. Boys, exercise your muscles, so they are in proper trim for the raising which is soon to take place. (Juite a number wondered what had become of Jumbo last week. Not dead, but sleeping. JUMBO. "When Baby waa nick, we pave her Caatoria, When he s Child, she cried for Caatoria, When she became Minn, she clung to Cftfttorift, When abo bad Children, she gave them Cajtoria, ■ilßlß* on the 19th Inst., by Rev. K. Slanibach, at Aaronsburg. E. B. McMuHcn and Mary C. Alexander, the former of Millheim, the latter of Spring Mills. On the 16th lust.hy the same.and at the same nlace. l'hilip Leister, of Snyder Co., and CUra Burns, of Centre Co. On the 16th Inst., at the home of the bride, Aaronsburg, by Rev. Z. A. Yearlck, Mr. John W. Adams, ot Millheim and Miss Annie E.Hull, of Aaronsburg. Groceries & Provisions. GOODS ! FRESH ARRIVALS EVERY DAY o o FINE FLORIDA ORANGES. BRIGHT NEW LEMONS. CHOICE WHITE GRAPES. NEW CROP FRENCH PRUNES. FIGS, DATES and PRUNELLBS. FINEST CLUSTER RAISINS. PRESERVED CITRON & LEMON PEEL CURRANTS and BAKING RAISINS. EVAPORATED PEACHES & PEARS. ALMONDS and ASSORTED NUTS. An exceptional!v fine line of PURE CON FECTION EltV at CITY PRICES. CLEAR CANDY TOYS. MOLASSES CANDY (or Taffy) MADEJ|BY OURSELVES, ALWAYS FRESH. CALIFORNIA FRUITL canned and Evap orated. PURE HONEY in pi i and quart jars. NEW BUCKWHEAT FLOUR. Roller pro cess. CRANBERRIES, Sound and Firm. PLAIN and FANCY CRACKERS FINEST FULL CREAM CHEESE. PURE SUGAR TABLE SYRUPS. A full line of NEW CANNED GOODS. PURE WHITE ROCK CANDY SYRUP in half gallon and one gallon cans. PURE MAPLE SYRUP ill quart and half gallon cans. FINE, FRAGRANT TEAS. PURE SPICES. You can depend on our ? round pepper for butchering purposes, t is strictly pure. FRESH SHELL OYSTERS opened to order, o o ALLOUUSTOOK IS NEW AND FBESH. fgrCALL ON US FOR ANYTHING YOU WANT IN OUR LINE. —SECIILER & CO.,— GROCERS, Bush House Block, BELLEFONTE, PA. SAFE POINTERS! * ? r , ' ? In buying goo Is it is always best to go to the I I I I I I I Right Place. Now, if you lay this paper in the 1 I I I I I Right Position, I I I | I I they will point exactly to the •Journal Store, No. 20, PENNHT., MILLHEIM, l'A., which is conceded to be the Best Piace in PennsVailey ibiiiititUiiiiUiiiiiiiii to buy youi Writing I'apeis and Envelopes, Tablets, Inks, Pens. Pencils and Stationery gen erally. Again, your children need I I I I. I I I I School Books & Supplies, and here too the Journal Store —i —i i—i is the right place to buy. Again it Is the I I I — I I I I I Right Place —i—i—i—i— i i i i— lor ail kinds of BIBLES, TOY BOOKS, SUNDAY SCHOOL SUPPLIES, all kiuds of CARDS, BEAUTI FUL ALBUMS,TELESCOPES, STEREO SCOPES and VIEWS.SCRAP BOOKS and PICTURES, FRENCH TIS SUE PAPER and all material for making ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, BEAUTI FUL FLORAL CHROMOS WALKING CANES, STAMP ED LIN EN and FELT GOODS for EMBROIDERY.FLOWEBTRELISEB LADIES' SATCHELS,ALPHABET and KINDER GARTEN BLOCKS, HARMO NICAS. FANCY MATCH BAFBB, VACES, and quite a large lot of articles generally lump ed together as AND-SO-PORfH. Call and See. B. 0. DEININGER. Tnis SPACE RESERVED FOR THE NEW ADVERTISEMENT —OF— MUSSER & ALEXANDER'S Millheim Marble Works. MWI %DEBILITI%fFEIALIJWP Mtkl A Life Experience. Remarkable and quick cures. Trial Packages. Send stamp for sealed particulars. Address Pr. WARD A CO. Louisiana, Mo. tf-i'MiVWANreU beautiful Electric iiliU ll t 1 Corsets. Sample tree to those be- Nid Lil I'll ( online: agents. No risk, quick sales. Territory given, satisfaction guaranteed. Address DR.SCOTT.B42 Broadway SL.N.Y. IfIDQIMIi CADHQ Mild Climate. Cheap home*. lflnblHlA IAHMW Northern Colony. Bend for W circular. A. O. BUM, Ceatnlia, Tfc
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers