]jOca.l and -Personal. ;, t SJ.VRSK UIKKtTOKV. ■ wing Business Directory for the hor , Bedford and other places in the countr, > Eg ffti'cwriit* npprar in thr cxlnmin of' H , (T rh.) may he of service to our friends H ... in the county, and is commended to I f- I , : I -takXEYS AT LAW—(i. H. Spang; J. P. I \v Tate; John Palmer; E. F.Kerr;; I ,j Lutz; Espy M. Alsip; John T I A Points; Kiuimcll A Lingenfelter, I [ *•: i* H (—Reed A Schell; Rupp, Shauuon ,t I ; NURSERIES—T. M. Lynch. , vxr SHOES. VARIETIES, Ac —J. II i ' ]i. F Irvine, Bedford, Pa. ■ VET-WARE. CHAIRS, Ac.—Richard Leo, ,PS. GROCERIES. A. —l. 11 Far \ B. Cramer; J. M. Shoemaker; P. A. I .it'urd, Pa- I -TRY —C X. Hickok <t J. (5. Minnieb. I AI. Pa. I ■ j STORES—Mrs V B.Tate A Miss M ■E. V Mowry ; Mrs. M. R. Schafer A ~; f pr;tl. Bedford, Pa. J y-MITHIXti —David Defibaugh, Bedford, j ; WAKE, Ac.—Win. Hartley; Geo. Bly •;j - ; Bedfqrd. Pa. j rv' u ;—-Bedford Hotel. J J. Shoemaker; y ibs •• 1 Mengel; Union Hotel. V. Steek- j " if. rd. Pas Exchange Hotel, W. C. Mc- Huntingdon, Pa. ;-rj~.il —Daniel Border, Bedford, Pa. John Reiuiund, Jeweler, iIXTEKS —Meyers & Mengel. Bedford, ! kauis of Plain and Fancy Job Printing i promptly executed, ii's —Win. C. Snivolv, Sehellsburg. Pa. -ICIANS — Dr. J. L. Msrbourg. Bedford. \V. Jamison, Bloody Run. J'a. DELPHI A TRADE—W W . Paul .t Co.. . Shoes; Wartnian A Engleman. Tobacco. Felix Heyinan. Clothing; Charles - Hats, Caps, Furs, Ac. VKl'li'lNES—Shriner's Cough Syrup | Vermifuge; Pouts'a Mixture and Horse IVwdcr; Whenton's Ointment; Helm- 1 r, -t of Buchu; Dr. Tobias' Yenitian Lin- I file k'a Porous Plasters; Christadoro's | .CATIONS —TIIK Btinonn GA/.ETTK — ! 82.(Ml invariably in advance; the N. i The Standard History of the War; The Almanac The New York Observer. SAL PROPERTY SALES— ■.•art. Public Sale, Dec. 21, 1865, ESTATE SALES— S J. Lyons, Private Sale, alter. Private, es CiitVlt. do - . Public Sale, Dec. 16. 1865. ley. do Dec. 21. '• a. do Dec. 27, ** -lo do 23. " ; : O'Neal. do Jan. 10. 1866 ' V. Cessna. do Jan. 16, '• do Dec. 30, w i ,i v . private sale. , P. ul th'' "New Advertisements'' in this ' ■ .-sueof TUK GAZETTE. •l\,r AdminDtrator's, Executor's. Auditor's j i.it.. see "Legal Notices."' • f :U-ad the advertisements under the head of j ylttf, Ac." I: NEW POWER PRESS. —The lust •r live issues of our paper have printed upon one of Potter's Drum j . uter Power Presses, purchased es- I .diy for this office. Our readers will, tliss, have olv-erved the superior ; tyjiography exhibited by the ' i'E, since we have substituted machine for our old hand-press, i, ly the way, is an excellent one kind. The Potter press which • u-iitL r . cost us, ready for running, i-ash. It is, we think, the neat rettiest and liest machine of the iii use. We would like to jrive •;,(iiTs some idea of the manner in i it operates, hut we could not itirseives intelligible upon the ■i to any who are not practical men. We, therefore, will not at :at the task. In order, however, iur friends may have some notion •* machine, we herewith give its at the same time suggesting : they are subscribers to the GA and are in itrrears, they will have lliarities fully explained to them : rtsenting to the pressman a re- j i: lull for payment of sultscrip r, if they are not subscribers, by . two dollars to the editor, who "Pen f/nhir in a copy of the GA :i>r one year. All persons ol>- 'lu-e conditions, are heartily to a look at the "monster." him i N IST RATO us, EXECUTORS, V. - . —'i'o all whom it may we would -ay that the law re ;ii all Administrators', Exec !; i-tees', and other judicial klier notices, involving a sum ;i; si,oiK), niiijft hi' ptih/if/i-eil in jtrinti il in this jjtiici . \\ e make it a point to tell every • Hi hi'ings such advertisements 'fiicc, that this is the law; hut "vethata different policy seems nitho-c who take similar adver -- to the liti/nirer office. Now, >t it distinctly understood, that, sh party spite, or niggardly || we are to lie tabooed by "lle adininistrators, Ac., we will 'iher the law cannot be disre ' with equal impunity by Dem- No judicial sale of property l! 'rc ilaui SI,IXMI, is legal, if no •'••of IK* not given in both papers, • die law is to be treated as a dead 'Us have it repealed. Let ev "l.v Lang away at the printers, '• 3 in do it according to law. . . boons.—The tirm of T. H. '-. VI HIS, at the old "Lyons' corner," ■"'•litteii their store-nann, are ' Iviiing out a splendid assort 'mv winter gofxls, just pureha d"- eastern cities. Let every •' at tlicir store and give their '■Aaniination. We wish our - 1 ni-iids much success u{on their . EAGLE SHOT. —Mr. Adriel "i 1 ted ford township, shot a - one dav last week, measur ",? V " f,,, t nd one inch from the ,:: " vvi "gtothatof tlieother, and i;r "'k'lit and a half pounds, d'le bird, that! Who can l**at Kl'lsc * V': SERVICEB.— Itev. Mr. * ;•!...► l' iseo l J ßl i M ill officiate in the ' p on Sunday next, at BASE BALI MATCH.— On Tiiursday, tTiuinksglviiig Uiy,ra inotch g;<m at base ball, wasplaytvl between the"Hisi nine" oft lie "Mineral Spring" and the "first nine" of the "Juniata," baseball clubs ot this place, on the grounds ol" the former, immediately north of the town. The "Mineral Spring" nine were the victors, according to the de cision ui' the umpire. The "Juniata" gave an oyster supper at the Washing ton Hotel, in the evening, to the win ning party, the understanding between j the two clubs being that the losers should treat the winners to such an en tertainment. The manner in which the supper was gotten up, reflected much credit upon thecooksatthe Wash ington. The match caused considerable excitement in our goodly borough, and notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather, drew a large crowd of specta tors. The champions of the two clubs were uniformed, respectively, in red shirts and grey pants and blue shirts and black punts, the "Mineral Spring" wearing the red and grey and the "Ju niata" the blue and black. The "Min eral Spring" being the challenging par ty, had the choice of ground, and on a "toss," won the "first hats." We give below a statement of the innings, tak en from the table of the "scorer" of the "Juniata." Great complaint was made by the "Juniata" nine, concerning the decision of the umpire. During the first "innings" of the "Juniata," two of their nine occupied the first and sec ond Irascs, and a third one struck a ball which fell in front of him at his feet. The two on the bases, thinking it a 'fair I all,'started for the next bases, when I they heard the cry of "foul" from the umpire's stand and perceived that the striker did not run. They immediate ly returned to the bases they had vaca ted, when the umpire, after some dis puting with the captain of the "Miner al Spring" nine, called "fair," compell ing the striker and the two men on the base- to run. Meanwhile the ball had reached the hands of the "pitcher," and, of course, two of the men running for the bases were put "out." This gave a great advantage to the "Mineral Spring," as hut one more player of the "Juniata" nine needed to be put out to I give the former the "bats." On the | ninth innings, the "Juniata" claim j that they "skunked" the "Mineral ! Spring," having put out three of the ! latter's players while running the bases, j before they hail made an "ace," but that the umpire ruled them 'in,' which i virtually gave the "Mineral Spring" 10 | innings to the "Juniata's" 9. The latter ; therefore, submitted under protest, to the decision of the umpire, according i the victory to their opponents, and at ! once challenged them to a return game on Saturday next. The game as scored, stood as follows: : MINERAL SPRING, JUNIATA, o. R. o. R. j Kiser, c., 8 7 Fisher, c., 3 I I Huzzard, p., 110 Lyon, p., 0 0 Barn hart, s.s. 2 8 Lyons, s.s., 2 ■> Cook, lb., 3 0 Alsip, lb., 1 8 Gray, 2b., 2 7 Meyers, 2b., 1 4 Jordan, 3b., 8 0 Reamer,3b., 3 5 8. Diehl, e.f., 5 3 Fyan, c.f., 4 3 Defibaugh r.f.,0 4 Grove, r.f., U> 3 A. Diehl, 1.f., 3 5 King, 1.f., 1 4 Inning* 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Mineral Spr'g, 3 0 1 4 12 3 5 8 20—AG Juniata, 1 12 19 2!) 10 2-37 MAGNA EST VERITAS. —The Dela ware Republican , shortly after the oc currence of the Crouse tragedy, pub lished a letter from this place, written to the editor, Y. S. Walter, Esq., which gave an account of that affair similar to that which appeared in the columns of the GAZETTE. The abolition paper here at once took the lie/iuhlk-an to for telling the truth. It was too bad in the jaundiced eyes of men who feed upon misrepresentation and breathe an atmosphere of falsehood, that ajourn al of their own politics should stick to the facts in spite of their lying. But Mr. Walter quietly awaited what he knew would be his complete justifica tion, the production of the evidence upon the trial of Reed. Accordingly, in his issue of the first inst., we find the following reference to the matter, which wecommend to all abolition liars concerning the Reed case, whether here, at Lewistown, or any where else ; ACQUITTED. —The trial of John P. Reed for the murder of Jacob t rouse, took place at Bedford, last week, and resulted in the acquittal of the defend ant. It will be recollected that we no ticed briefly the occurrence in this pa- I>er on the lth of August last, and that subsequently we gave a more full ac count furnished by a correspondent.— We were severely censured by a Bed ford paperfor publishingthat statement of the affair, the allegations contained therein being pronounced utterly false. We preferred to await patiently a trial of the case, rather than turn upon our accusers, and now that the investiga tion has ended, and we have read care ful iy all the testimony adduced, wean gratified tosay that every material point in the ease, as given by the writer in this paper, lias been fully proved before the court by witnesses for and against the defendant. We make this notice in vindication of our correspondent, for whose truthfulness we vouched at the time. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS.— As Christ mas is drawing near we hear the ques tion asked, What shall 1 get as a pres ent for my (laughter, -ister, wife or friend? as the case may l>o. We would suggest to our readers that they, in pur chasing presents, select something that will he, not only beautiful, but also a perpetual source of enjoyment, andean think of nothing so good as a Piano or Cabinet < >rgan, its music makes a home attractive to all. The only Agent for Mason and Hamlin's Cabinet Organs and Steinwav & Son's Pianos in this county is 11. M. GREENE, Huntingdon, Pa., who keeps a full supply of < )rgans and Pianos on hand constantly. Send your orders to him soon, as the demand J for those instruments is very great. AT fashionable receptions, the only perfume considered en regie is Phalon's "Night Blooming Cereus." Two years ago it had almost entirely superseded the Paris Extracts, and, as nothing but miserable imitations of them can now be procured, it occupies the field with out a competitor. Sold everywhere. G DIED. I'liUL.—-In Friend'* Cove, ou the Sth of No vember last, after a lingering illtess of consuaip tiou, \t illiaui Harrison Diehl, sou of Henry Diohl, i Veil., aged t'f years. 8 mouths nto! 26 day* CKOI LE.—On the 7th instant. Rachel Alice, in fant daughter of Adam and Barbara Croyle. aged 6 years and 11 days. M EKTZ.—In Harrison township, on the 15th of : October, last, Peter Wertz. sen., aged 83 years, lie was tine of our oldest and most respected citi zens, and for many years a consistent member of i the Presbyterian church. Whilst in the tomb our father lies. His spirit rests above. In realms of bliss it never dies. But knows a Savior's love. Wew -Mvcrttecmcats. | AST N(>T 1 ( E.—Ail jicrson* io<leht | j ed to E. Statler A Son. by note, book account or otherwise, are notified to call and settle before j the first of March, 1806, as all claims not paid by ; that time, will he left in the hands of an officer ; for collection, without respect to persons E. STATLERA SON. Schellsburg, l>ec. 15. 'os—4t / I<)ME AND SETTLE.—Thinmilor \j signed is determined to haveall unsettled ac counts on his books closed by January Ist. 1806. either by cash or note. All interested will do well to attend to this. J. 11. FAKQUHAK. ! Dee 15. '65. 5) EDFOIlI) Oil. COMPANY.-All; ) persons who have subscribed to the BKDKOKD Cot'NTV OIL COXPANV. are requested to pay their first instalment forthwith, to George W. Kupp, Treasurer The Company are now ready to com- 1 meuce the work. JOHN MeVICKER, 1 JOHN S. STPCKEV, Sec'y. President. j Dee 15. 'OS. "V*"< )TIC'E TO COLLECTORS. —Th j l Collectors of the several districts of the eouu- ; ty for the year 1805, are hereby notified to be and j appear at the Commissioners' Office, in Bedford, on i Friday, December 29th. to pay off the Militia tax 1 with which they stand charged for said year. By order of the Commissioners. Dec 15. JOHN G. FISHER. Clerk. I in* X EC TUTOR'S NOTlCE*—Notice is 1 j hereby givefl that Letters testamentary to the estate of Sarah Pierce, late of Union township, de- j ceased, have been granted to the undersigned. i All persons knowing themselves indebted to said I estate will please mnke immediate payment, and , those having claims will present them properly au- , thenticated for settlement. MICHAEL \VERTZ, j Deo. 15, '6s—6t Executor. ! x E(' i T() US' X( )T I(• IXl>tice is F j hereby given that letters testamentary to the ; estate of Peter Wertz, late of Harrison township, j deceased, have been granted to the undersigned. , All persons knowing themselves indebted tosaid estate will make immediate payment, and those j having claims will present them properly authen- ] tieated for settlement. JOHN MOWER. VAL. B. WERTZ, Dec 15. '6s—tit Executors. 4 UDITOR'S NOTK'E. -Theunder- XA. signed appointed auditor by the Orphans" | Court of Bedford county, to settle exceptions with reference to, and report distribution of. the moneys arising from the estate of Christian Burnett, dee'd. | will meet all parties interested in said matters at his office in the borough of Bedford, on Wednesday, the 27th day of December, inst. at 2 o'clock p. m. Dec. 15. 65—2t J T KEAtiY, Auditor. \VALUABLE HEAL ESTATE AT > PRIVATE SALE —One lot of ground in the centre of Bloody Run. fronting on Main street about sixty-five feet. one of the very best business locations in Bloody Run Also, ten acres of wood land, adjacent to Bloody Run. lying on the Bed ford Rail Road, containing first rate iron ore and having thereon a never-failing spring of water. For particulars inquire at the store of Mrs. S. K. Mann. Bloody Run. or of Dr. Hickok, Bedford, Pa. Dec 15. '65. N'OTICE IN PARTITION.—The heirs and legal representatives of Richard j and William Jones, lateof South VVoodberryJown- : ship, Bedford county, deceased, arc hereby notified that by virtue ot a writ of partition or valuation issued out of the Orphans' Court and to me direct ed, I will proceed to the premises on the 25th day of January, next, to hold an inquest on the real estate of said deceased, situate in said township. , consisting of a tract of land adjoining lands of Ja- j cob Long, Benjamin Lyons, heirs anil others, and containing 28 acres and 107 perches nett measure, , at which time and place ail persons interested may attend if thev think proper. Dec 15, 65-ft JOHN ALDSTADT, Sh'ff. IyCBLIC SALE— By virtue of an £ orJerof thoOrphan?" Court, the undersigned 1 will sell at public outcry, on the premise*, on Wednesday, the 10th of January. 1866. a tract of land in Monroe township, adjoining John snider, l Lewis Gillnin. Reuben O Neal and others, contaiO i ing two hundred and sixty-one acres, one hundred : acres cleared and under fence. 12 acres of which are good meadow, having thereon a two story peb- I ble cast dwelling house, double log barn, spring I house, smoke house and other out-buildings, also. |an apple orchard thereon. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock of said dav. when terms will be made i known. BERNARD O'NEAL, Adm'r | I|.",—(t of John Hamilton, dec d. T)CBLIC SALE OF REAL ES -1 £ TATE.—By virtue of an order of the Orphans" ! Court of Bedford county, the undersigned admin ! istrator of the estate of I'. M Cessna, late of Cole rain township, decM, will offer at public sale upon i the premises, on TUESDAY, the 16th day of Jan uary. 1866, the following described real estate, viz : One tract of land situate in said township, ad i joining lands of Win. P. and B. F. Morgart. Win. and G. W. Cessna. A. C. James. Win. Kelly and others, containing about two hundred and thirteen acres, one half of which is cleared and under fence, with two dwelling bouses, largo double barn, wag on shed, spring house and other buildings thereon. TKXIIS :—One-third to remain in the property during the lifetime of the widow, the interest to !be paid to her annually. One-half of balance to '' be paid to the administratorat confirmation of sale i and the remainder in one year without interest. | Dec 15. '6s It GEO W. CESSNA, Ad'r. V ALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT | \ PUBLIC SALE.—By virtue of au order of ' the Orphans' Court of Bedford county, the undcr j signed, appointed bv the said Court. '1 rustee to sell | the real estate of Michael Reed, lateof Liberty i township, dee'd., wi!' expose to sale by public out- I cry. at the town of Lopewell, in said county, on ! SATURDAY. December 30, 1865. all that certain ! Tract of Land late the property of said Michael j Reed, dee'd.. situate in said township, and county j of Bedford aforesaid, containing about 140 acres, lof which about.6o acres are cleared, with a frame log dwelling house, bank barn, spring house and i other outbuildings thereon erected. Also, an apple | orchard. Adjoining lands of George Dillinger, ! Samuel Brumbaugh and Alexander McDonald, i Trims —Cash at the confirmation of Ihe sale at i February Court. Sale to commence at one o clock ■ P. .W. of said day. JOHN MAJOR, j Dec. 15—ts _ _ T ru-lec. 1 rjUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE j f REAL ESTATE —The undersigned will offer I at public sale at the house of Christian Siiell, in Bloody Run. on Saturday, December 23, 1865. the following described valuable real c-tate. viz : One tract of land situate in West Providence township, within 6 miles of Bloody Run depot, con taining 2411 acres more or less, having thereon erec t ed a house and barn, about 60 acres cleared and in good cultivation, the balance is well timbered with | white arid yellow pine and white oak. Shaffers I creek runs through this property affording an cx i eellent site for erecting a mill. Also, a tract of land in East Providence town ship, containing 81 acres, more or less, all good land and well timbered, adjoining lands of D. A. T. Black. John Nyeuni and others. Also, Lot No. 8, on Main street in Bloody Run, adjoining hotel of John C. Black, having a house and stable thereon erected. Also. House and Lot No. 7. on Main street, in Bloody Run. House and Lot N. 6. on Main street in Bloody Rum Loi No. 32, on Spring street, and | lot No. 46, on same street, and other lots in the i borough of Bloody Run. • I Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M.. ot said : dav. when the terms will be made known by { ' E. F. KERR, Surviving ex'rof E. Kerr, dec d. Dec 15, '65 "VT PAN' GOODS! NEW GOODS!!— Miss KATE DEAL .1 Mits. M. R. SCIIAFFER, are .constantly receiving AVw (Suoth. they keep on hand a fine assortment of Bonnets. Bonnet Silk, Hats, Velvets. Ribbons, Flowers, Zephyr goods, Of all descriptions. Breakfast Shawls, Head Comforts, Ladies' and Children."' Hose. Ladies' and Children's Gloves, Balmoral Skirts, Hoop Skirts, Dress Trimmings and Buttons of all kinds. Ladies' Silk Scarfs, Merino Scaris, Ladies' Collars and Cuffs. Ladies' and Gents Handkerchiefs, Veils. Skirt Braids, Embroidery Braids, Sewing Silk, Spool Cotton, Corsets. Head Nets, Belts and Buckles, Coats and Cloaks. They also keep a fine assortment ot Cloth, which they will make to order on the shortest notice. They also do all kinds of Sewing, Mantuawa king, Ac. Ladies who want a good tit will do well to give them a call, [Dee. 15, 65. Notices, Ac OCR BOOKS will be ready for s;*t dement JANI ARY Ist, ) The prompt adjustment of all amounts. then due j us. by CASH or NOTE, will be rquirert ot all in debted to ns. Dec. 8, '65-41- A. B. CIjAMEK A CO. i - T" . " ' I PERSONS desiring tlti-PHotograph Family Record for llolids< Presents will j please send in their orders at once Term?— Cloth binding. $1 -I") French Morocco, 5-25 ; Turkey " 16.011 Agents wanted —address K. W. BERKHI'RESSER. Dec. 8, "65-4t Sciplbburg, Pa. j rM> &]OI> C<LMMFTATI(]N MEN.— £ The undersigned has made arangemeuts tor the collection of moneys to berefuiied to men who ; paid the s:iiMl commutation, and wo being subse- i quently drafted, went into the servile or ]>ut in sub- j stitufes. Persons applying for sutft moneys mus' \ bring their discharges and reeeiptsof Receiver for j the payment, of commutation. It F. KERR. Doc 8-*-3t Itt'yatLaw. XTOTR K TO MILLERR— TIKVI'ooi Directors of Bedford county sill receivo pro- ; TMISIVIS for the renting of the Poor"Uiuse Mill, until | Saturday. December 16, 1865. the lighest and best j bidder to be the lessee; the Directors reserving the right to appoint a miller as betetofore, if the amount of rent or the character o! the bidder is : not satisfactory. All proposals to hs addressed to j K F KERR. Deo B—tit Att'vfor Directors. , C (ACTION, —All persons ato hereby i cautioned aguiust harboring (r trusting my ; wife, Rebecca Lape, who left my led and board I without any just cause or provocates. s I will pay j no debts of her contracting after this date. Dec X—.'lt PHILIP LAPS. j/v/v CORDS OF TAiN BARK —J-' f\f WANTED, for which the highest price will be paid by S. & W. SHUCK, t Nov. 17, 'GS-st* Bedford, Pa. j ri > A NN Kits, AT'TENTH >S! —A new _| Tannery, in good order, containing one pool, three limes, three baits, five leaches, thirty-four lay-a-way vats, with tbo necessary aunibcr of ban- i dlers, in as good a location as can he found in Bed- ; ford county, forrent. For further information call j at this office. N. 17. *4s—tf rauv E N T V TO W N LO'l'S FOR J SALE ! —The undersigned offerfor sale twenty j Lots situated in the Borough of Bedford, on Main and St. John streets, 60 feet front au4 24ti feet back j Terms easy. T. H. A N. J. LYONS. Nov. 10, '65-2 m. > -t VI J ANTED —A tirst dash Miller, no i y y other need apply. The mill has advanta ges that few mills have, havings goal water power j and surrounded with the best gnin growingcoun try in the county. With two pairs of first class I French Burrs and two pairs of Clipping Stones. ; For further particulars address JOHN NELSON, Nov. 24-6t Bedford. Pa. j riMUT M ALU INE.—ThejamleiHign- ; ed having engaged in the sale of S 1). Broad s 5 celebrated Smut Machine, is prepared to furnish J millers and mill owners at short notice. All ma chines warranted to give satisfaction. Nov. 24 —tf JOHN NELSON. Bedford, Pa. j rpAN-YARb FOR RENT.—'The un- j | dereigned offers to rent his Tannery, in Mor- j rison's Cove. Middle Woodberrv township. Bedford i county. The buildings are ail new. with a good t Tenant House attached, also, a good spring of wa ter on the preuiises if desired there will also be j some ground rented with it. It will be rented \ from one to three years to suit the renter. Bark j is convenient to the tannery. For further infer- . mation address DANIEL BARLEY. Nov. 24-6t* Woodberry, Bedford eo.. Pa. 4 UCTKINHERING. —The under-: /\ signed, thankful for past favors, offers his ser vices to the people of Cumberland Valley and Lon donderry townships, to cry sales of real estate, personal property. Ac. He will guarantee satis faction to all who employ him. Nov. 24. =6s—6nt* JOHN hit KEN. Musical ixstrilments.—d. M. GREENE has opened his Music Store, one door west of W. Lewis' Book Store, where he keeps constantly on hand STEINWAY A SONS and GAEIILE'S Piano Manufacturing Company's PIANOS, MASON A HAMLIN'S CABINET OR GANS and CARIIART, XEEDHAM A GO'S' ME LODEONS ; Guitars. Violins, F'ifes, Flutes : Gu tar and Violin Strings. MUSIC BOOKS —Golden Chain, Golden Shower, Golden Censor, Golden Trio, Ac . Ac. SHEET Ml SIC—He is constantly receiving from Philadelphia all the latest music, which persons at a distance wishing, can order, and have them sent by mail, at publisher's prices. and Organs warranted hrv<"" Those wishing to bay any of the articles arc invited to call and era mine mine before pur chasing elsewhere. My prices are the same as iti New York and Philadelphia. Circulars of instruments sent promptly upon ap plication with any additional information desired. B M. GREENE. Hill street, Huntingdon, Pa., One door west ot Lewis* Book &tore. Dec. I. '65-1y SJootsi, Alices anil Varieties. rail IE GREAT V A R I 11 T Y S T<) 11 E: ANDKRSOX's now. If. F. I R VIX F, REGILATOR OF PRICES IS BEDFORD. Having purchased the establishment of Joseph Alsip. Jr.. and added a fresh supply of ROOTS AXI) SHOES, I am determined to sell as cheap as the cheapest. Call and see my fine assortment of QUEENSWARE. GLASSWARE. Ac. Also, my largtftgtock of HOSIERY, GLOVES. NECK-TIES. COLLARS. Ac. Also, my articles in the Stationery line, such as Pencil*, Sled-Pen*, Penfio/tlers, Ac. Also, my VARIETIES, such as Spice* of all kind*, Table Salt, Essence of Coffee. Hambletou's Hair Stain, etc. In the BOOT and SHOE line, I keep every thing calculated for man, woman or child : BOOTS of all kinds; SHOES of every description ; GAITERS of all styles in the market. CALL AND SEE MY GOO DC. and examine for yourselves! No trouble to show goods. My prices will suit the times and the pockets of purchasers. N. 11. Orders from country merchants promptly filled at small advance upon eitv prices. ' lam also agent for the New England Family Sewing Machine, which should be in every family. An entire machine for the little- sum 0i $20.00. Call and hand in your orders soon. Oct. 20. '65. n. F. IRVINE. * XOTIIER ARRIVAL.—'The sub /-\ scriber would most respectfully inform the holies and gentlemen of Bedford and vicinity, that he has againjust returned from Philadelphia, with n well selected assortment of Ladies', Gentleman's, Mi IMPS and Children's Boobs. Shoes. Gaiters, and Balmorals, of various descriptions, to which he respectfully invite? their attention. FOR GENTLEMEN. BOYS AND YOUTHS, he has every thing in their line, together with a stock of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, consisting of collars (all styles), scarfs, scarf-pins, neck-ties, butterflies, suspenders, handkerchiefs. Ac., Ac. Also, the best brands TOBACCO AND CIGARS, all of which will be sold at a very small advance to CASH AND SHOUT-TIME BCYERS. As heretofore stated, we do oot boast that ours is the largest, cheapest, and best assortment of Boots and Shoes ever brought to Bedford, but we have bought according toour means, fueling assur ed that the best and decidedly the most lasting advertisement, is a trial of the goods. Hut whilst there may be larger, we feel confident thut there is none better. Having bceu in the shoe business all our life, we feel satisfied that we fully understand our business, and have purchased our goods accordingly-. \\ e have on hand a nice stock of plain and fine sta tio ner r , to which we invite attention. Repairing done with neatness and despatch, and all rips of <ntr own goods sowed free of charge. [ ifPlcase remember! All rips sewed or pegged free of charge. TO THE LADIES. Wc take pleasure in saying that we have an ex cellent stock of J. L. RITTKR'S PHILADELPHIA MAKE SHOES AND GAITERS, which we will guar antee to wear as LONG as any other make; and neatly repaired when necessary. We still have a separate apartment for their accommodation, have a ladv to wait upon them, and will be most happy to have them give us a call I jfDon't forget the place. Chaffer's Building, Juliana Ctreet , a few doors South of the Washing ton Hotel J- HENRY lIUTTON October 20, '65. MERCHANTS' SHOW BILLS, printed in superior style, and upon reasona ble terms, at THE BEDFORD GAZETTE office. Ho tires. l I'M! N ISTRAT' MI'S NOTU E.— i Notice is hereby given that Letter* of Ad ministration on the estate of John Wemmer. late of Monroe township. <Jfeeeaeil, have been granted to the undersigned All persons knowing themselves indebted to raid estate vill please make immediate payment, and those having claims wilt present them properly au thenticated for settlement. Dec. 1. 7.0.-tit. LEVEN WEIMER, Adm'r. i iiMINISTKA'TOR'S NOTICE.— u Notice is hereby given that lettersof admin istration on the estate of Matilda Fritz, lateof Ju niata township, dee'd. have been granted to the undersigned. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will p'ease make immediate payment, and those having claim- will present them properly au thenticated for settlement. JACOB FltlTZ, Nov. 114, '6s—fit Adm r. \1 ).M I X IST RATI >R'S NOTICE. — Notice is hereby given that letters of admin istration on the estate of EliasDichl, lateof fcnake Spring township, dee d, have been granted to the undersigned. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please matte immediate payment, and those having latins will pre* rt them properly au thenticated for settlement GEORGE SMOOSE. No*. 34, t|j—tit Adm'r. 4 J.)AIIXJSTItAT( )R'S NOTICE.— Notice is hereby given that letters of admin istration on the estate of Jesse McDonald, late ol tlie Army of the United States, formerly of Wells township. Fulton county, or Broad Top township, Bedford county, deceased, have been granted to the subscriber. All persons indebted tosaid estate will make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them properly authenticated for settlement. 1). A. T. BLACK. Adm'r , Nov. HI. "65—tit East Providence X'p OF INQUISITION.—By virtue of a writ of partition or valuation is sued out ot the Orphans' Court of Bedford county and to me directed, as Sheriff of said county, I will hold an inquest upon the real estate of Adam Gi'laiu. late of Monroe township, deceased, intes tate. on the premises, on Tuesday, the 9th day of January. 1866, said real estate consisting of a tract of land situate in Monroe township, Bedford coun ty. containing two hundred and seventy-four acres, more or less, with the appurtenances. That the children, heirs and all persons are notified to at tend if they think proper at the time and place before mentioned. JOHN ALDSTADT, Dec. B—ft Sheriff. ileal i? state Sales. ttaluable property at \ PUBLIC SALE.—The undersigned will of fer ! public sale, on the premises, on Saturday, December 10. 1865, the following valuable proper ty : A lot of ground situate in the centre of the borough of Sehellsburg. The improvements area commodious Dwelling House, (well calculated for a business stand,) a good Tenant House, Wood Shed and other necessary out-buildings. There is 011 this lot choice variety of fruit trees, aud several fine producing Grape Vines. This is one of the most desirable residences in the place, being the former residence of the subscriber. Nov. 21, '65-3t MARIA BCHELL. OKI V ATE BALE OF VALUABLE £ HEAL ESTATE.—The subscriber, residing fu Bedford township, Bedford county, offers for sale his farm situated in the township and county afore said, about 5J miles north-east of Bedford, contain ing 170 acres, about 100 acres of which are cleared and in good state of cultivation, the remainder is well timbered The soil is limestone gravel and very productive. The.farm is well watered. The improvements consist of a good NEW TWO STORY PLANK HOUSE, LOG BARN and out-buildings. There is an excellent apple orchard on the premises. Terms reasonable. Nov. JACOB W ALTER. 1 UO( )I >IX VESTM ENT.—'The uii-! /-\ dersigned offers his two valuable farms for sale,situated in Bedford township. Bedford county adjoining VV'm. Chcnoweth and others, about one mile from Bedford, near the turnpike, aud six miles from Mount Dallas Station. The improvement! on No. 1. arc a GOOD HOUSE AND A LARGE BANK BARN, Two Wagon Sheds, two Corn Cribs, Spring House, and other out-buildings; two apple orchards with other fruit trees; a sniall run passes the house and barn, that a large meadow can be watered there from; there are 2UO acres in this tract, about 150 of which are cleared, the balance well timbered, and plenty of Iron Ore, running water at house and ham. No. 2. contains about 210 acres, the improve ments arc a V,ir FRA HJS HOUSE and Sri'- FRAME RAXK EARN. a young apple orchard, and aa old orchard on the . Li jie Stone Ridge, in full bearing There are a- j bout 150 seres cleared and the balance is well tim bered. and plenty of Iron Ore. For further par tieulars address CHARLES COLFELT. Bedford. Pa RKSKUKNOES —HON JOB MANX, F Bedford O. E. SHANNON, j | Aug. 25—tf 17" ALU ABLE FAIOI ANI) TAN-1 * NERY FOR SALE. —The undersigned offer for sale, their valuable limestone farm situated in '< Bedford township. Bedford county, adjoining lands of Philip Zimmers Charles Smith and others, j containing 250 acres. 200 acres of which are clear- | ed and in a rich state of cultivation, balance well j timbered. This property lies about 1 miles North I of Bedford, on Dunning's Creek. near the Bedford j and Hollidaysburg Turnpike. There are upon the ] farm u LAB GK BR IC KD W E LLI N G-H OUS E. I A large Bank Baru andelber important buildings j There"is also a fine orchard of apple, peach and j other fruit tree- upon tlio premises. The farm is \ divided into ticlds off! acres each, enclosed with j post and rail fence. About 50 acres are in mead-j ow. There is an excellent spring of never failing j waterelose to the Dwelling-House. Also, upon the j Southwest corner of the farm, there is located, A LAR <; E TA N N ER Y, Containing 100 vats, with all the necessary build- j ings, the whole yard being under roof. The tan- j nery is now and has been for years, in successful I operation. Twenty-five acres of the farm will be sold with the tannery, if the latter be sold separ- j ately. Upon these twenty-five acres there are six j tenant houses. Forfurther particulars address T. 11. .t N. J. LYONS. March 17. 1865. HiMW fx. j 1 )ÜBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE | REAL ESTATE —By virtue of an order of J the Orphans' Court of Bedford county, the under- j signed, adininistratorof the estate of Levi McGrig or, deceased, will sell at public outcry, upon the premises, on Thursday, December 21, 1X65. the fol- j lowing described real estate, situated in St. Clair township, to wit - One Trnrt of hind, containing , One Hundred ami Thirty-two Acres, with a two] story log dwelling house, double log barn and oth- j er out buildings thereon, seventy-five acres cleared and under fence, about 12 acres of which are good meadow, also also uu apple orchard thereon. Ibis . farm is convenient to schools, churehe.-. post office, Ac., and is situated half a mile from Pleasantville. ] Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, when the terms j will he made known. Dec. 1, '65-4t JACOB ISKCKLEY. Adui'r. j |)UBLIU SALE OF VALUABLE; £ REAL ESTATE —The subscriber will sell at public sale, on the premises, on Wednesday, the 27th day of December, instant, the valuable tract ] of land situate in Coleratu township, Bedford ooan- j ty, bounded on ilie north by the Juniata river, on the east by land belonging to the heirs of Lawrence Jamison, on the west by Dunning's Mountain, on the south by land late of the heirs of Mrs. Scott. 1 containing 330 acres, net measure, one hundred j acres of which are cleared and undiy" fence, the j residue being covered with good timber ; the build ings consist of a log house, log ba ru. and other out buildings. This tract is composed principally of! limestone land, is well watered, itnd so situated that it can be conveniently divided into two farms. This property can he put in good repair at a small cost, and made one of the most valuable farms in the neighborhood. Terms of sale : One-third of the purchase money to he paid in hand, and the balance in two equal annual payments without interest, to he secured by judgment bonds, or bond and mortgage. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock A. M. Dec 1, 05-41 ELIZA WATSON. i CARD TO INVALIDS. —A l.'ler- gyman, while residing in South America as a missionary, discovered a safe aud simple remedy for the cure of Nervous Weakness, Early Decay. Diseases of the Urinary and Seminal Organs, and the whole train of disorders brought on by bane ful and vicious habits. Great numbers have been already cured by this noble remedy. Prompted by a desire to benefit the afflicted and unfortunate, I will send tho recipe for preparing and using this medicine, in a scaled envelope, to any one who needs it. FREE OF CHAROB. Please enclose a post-paid envelope, addressed to yourself Address. 3 JOSEPH T. INMAN, Station D, Bible House, New York. Feb. 10, '6s.—ly np<) SELL OR EXCHANGE.—The I subscriber has for sale 50,000 shares of stoek in Ihe Hoover A Marshall, Mouitor, Northwestern, Washington, Ynu Buron, Esonomite and Clarion River Oil Companies. Will exchange part stock and part cash for Farms Houses and Lots, umm provedlands, ore rights, stocks, judgments, notes, aud all other kind of claims. Nov 10, '65-6t* JOSEPH W TATE. .fancy Stores. BA ROATNS! BARGAINS! BARGAINS! ; Call at Mrs. V B. TATE AMU. RKA U j The handsomest assortment of BONNETS. HATS, CAPS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS. j Bonnets for s.'i.so. worth $5.00. Ribbon? for 25 eta t worth 45—best 75 ets. worth $1 00. Hats from 75 cents up. Elegant assortment of Velvet Flowers, all price? j COLLARS. CUFFS. ! NECKTIES, SCARFS. GLOVES. STOCKINGS. HANDKERCHIEFS DIIKSS TRIMMINGS. Cord and Tassels, Gilt Cord, Silk Button?, Bugle Buttons. Jet Buttons, Gilt Buttons, Steel Buttons, Velvet Ribbons and Bugle Gimp Laee. Edging, Tetting, ! French Work, Lace Veils, j Mourning Veils. Silk Tissue, Barage. The best make of Hoop Skirts. from 621 ets. to $4 CLOAK TRIMMINGS OF ALL STYLES. Handsome Assortment of CLOAKS, COATS, CIRCULARS, AND FURS Mrs. V. B. T. it M. E. K., would inform their lady friends, that they have employed a good Man tua maker, who will make dresses on the shortest notice. Ladies from the country wrll be provided with the NEWEST STYLE of DRESS PATTERNS always on hand. Customers wishing Cloaks and Coats cut out, will have them done free of: charge Nov. 10. '65. KW MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS.—Mrs. K. V. MOWBT takes this meth od of returning her thanks to the ladies of Bedford and of the county, for their past patronage, and hopes they will nut he DB< HIVED, but cull and EZ nmine her stock of goods just received from thu city, purchased by an experienced business lady resident there, who has all the advantages of know ing the latest styles, and also where to purchase them choaply. Her stock consists of a general assortment of FASHIONABLE MILLINERY GOODS, with the addition of u fine assortment of Cloaks. Coats, Balmoral Skirts, Hoop Skirts, Furs, Corsets, and Notions. ljj-~ All who have standing accounts, will please call and settle, as she desires to close her old books and do a cheap cash business. Oct. 27, 'Bs—2m E. V. MOWRY. (Trade. IM'IIS! FURS! FURS! I"* WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. CHARLES OAK FORD A SONS, CONTINENT A L HO TEL, PHILADELPHIA. Have now onen their large and splendid stock of LADIES' FUR CAPES, COLLARS, MUFFS CUFFS, GLOVES. AND HOODS Also the finest assortment of FANCY' FUR ROBES. CAPS. MUFFLERS, and GLOVES ever before of fered by them, all of which are warranted tebeas represented. SHIPPING FI'RS BOUGHT. Oct 20. 05.—4 m. [AELIX Hi:Y.MAN JP WITH ARNOLD, NUSBAUM A NIRDLINGER. Importers. Jobbers, and Wholesalo Dealers in CLOTHING, Cloths. C'ISSI meres. Vest in as. Tailors' Trim mings. iire. Nos. 3.23 Market Street, and 27 North Fourth St. P II TL AD E L I' HI A . OFFERS great inducements to Wholesale Deal ers from the Country, in quantity, quality, style, prices and terms. Merchants. Tailors and Dealers viiting Phila delphia. w ill find it to their advantage to call and examine stock and learn prices before purchasing elsewhere. Dec. 9. 1864 —ly. IM. EMI N G HOLE ID A Y ■ WITH PAIL GRAFF. VV'M. H. WBUIHR. ISAAC WATKIN, T. H. SAPPINOTOX. GRAFF, WATKIN A CO.. Wholesale Dealers in BOOT 8 A NT) BHO EB, No. 426 Market Street. PHILADELPHIA. January 13. 1865—lyr WM. W. PAUL, | I>. J. HOAR, HI,. HOOD , WITH WM. \Y . PAULA CO., Wholesale B 0 0 T A S H 0 K Warehouse, 623 Market St. A 614 Commerce St. above Sixth PHIL A D E LP H I A . December 16, 1864—y. ART MA N A EN (i ELM AN, y y S/ircfßiors to M ICHAKL W AKTMAN CO. TOBACCO SNUFF AND SKGAR MANUFACTORY No 313 North Third Street, Second door below Wood, FIfI L A DEL I' 111 A . J. W. WARTMAN. H. P. EXOLEMAX. March 25, 1864. 2totcls. {) K I) Ft) U D HOTEL.—The un } dersigucd having taken charge of the Bed- i ford Hotel, formerly kept by Col. John llafer. an- j 11. unices to the public that he will be able to af ford the best aecomiuodatious, both to the travel ilig public and home custom. The house will be improved ami re-tilted, and the Bar will always be i well supplied with choice liquors. IIi J table will j be suppiieit with the choicest edibles of the season. ; and he will spare no pains 10 make it suitable lor all. His stable is one'of the best in Bedford, and | a good hostler will alw ays be in attendance. j if boarders taken by the week, month or year. Terms reasonable. The public are respectfully in- i vited to give him a call. JOSHUA J. SHOEMAKKK. j Jan. 15, lid i rat HE MEX GE L HOES E, j Juliana Street. lied fori/. Pa. The subscriber respectfully begs leave to inform : the travelling public that be'has recently enlarged, improved and refitted his bouse, both for the ac commodation of travelers and boarders, as well a? country customers. Persons coming to this place for the purpose of visiting the Bedford Springs, will find this house pleasantly located. Ample and convenient Stabling is attached to this Hotel, which will always be attended by a careful hostler. Also a safe and convenient car riage house. All are invited to give hint a call ISAAC MENGEL, Proprietor. April 15,'64. TT X 1 O N H O T E L,! WEST PITT ST., BEDFORD. PA : V. STECKMAX, Proprietor. This excellent hotel is now prepared to accom modate the public in the best manner and on the most liberal terms. May 9, '62. In XVHA XG E HOT EL, HUNTINGDON, PA. WM. C. Mt XEETY, Proprietor. Terms moderate to suit the times. April 28, '6s—ly Mammoth bale bills, print ed at short notice. Large Bills make large sales. We know it to be so. TRY IT! It will much more than pay the extra e rye use of print ing. Call at THE GAZETTE JOB OFFICE. CJ LIP BILLS, PROGRAMMES, POSTERS, and all kinds of PLAIN AND FANCY JOB PRINTING, done with neatness and despatch, at THE GAXETTK office. sri!-<r>ooUs, fivpttxitS, If. luiri'w AR is ovisit, BCT F. A. REED ' mill carries on the oampatgu against high prises ! : For this purpose ho has just laid in a large supply j of FALL AND WINTER GOODS Come ami see our splenhid assortment of Cloths. Caesimeres, Satinetts, ' V as tings, At ; The fair sei are respectfully invited to examiaeoar extensive stork of LADIES 1 DRBSB GOODS, Such ae All Wool Delaines, French Merinoes, Coburg Cloths, Alpacas, j Cloakiug Cloths. Ac., Ac., Ae Geiitletneu. call and take a look at our I I Hat* and Caps. Boots and Shoes, Ready-made Clothing, ete., ste, tie., etc. • W'e also keep constantly on hand the host grooeriee in the market: | Coffees. Teas, Sugars'. Syraps, Tablo Salt, j and Spices of all kinds. Also, varieties of every description, the beet To bacco, Mishler's Bitters, and every thing usually kept in the Bedford stores. Give is a eall, and satisfy your taste and judgment befere buying. | | Oct. 27, 6J. 17ALL—1866. —The undersigned have just received a very large and elegant attort ! ment of FALL AND WIN'IER GOODS, suitable for the approaching season. Having pur- I chased our entire stook for CASH, we are enabled ! to offer our friends and customers many REAL BARGAINS. To be convinced of what we here assert, please | call and examine the best stock we have ever had j tho pleasure of offering to buyers. TERMS-CASH oh COUNTRY PRODUCB. Lp- Where credit is extended, in all eases, after six months, INTEREST will be added thereto. 29. ISO;.. A. B. CRAMER A CO. D. RE S S GOOD S.—Two hundred 'pieces LADIES DRESS GOODS. FRENCH MERINOES, all odors, i ALL WOOL DELAINES, " " 1 ALL WOOL REPS. 1 ALL M'OOl. PLAIDS, " BOMBAZINES. ALPACAS. MOHAIRS. CASHMERES. POPLINS, ire., ire., embracing the newest and most elegant styles we i have vet offered for sa!e in Bedford, Sept. 29, A. B. CRAMER A CO xj HAWLS.—Waterloo, Highland PLAID. LONG AND SQUARE BLACK \ WOOL and THIBET SHAWLS. Also, the new ZEPHYR SHAWLS '. \ Cheap at CRAMER'S. | Sept, 29. SUNDRIES. —Extra No, l Mackerel ,and Shad —superior quality Syrups, Sugars, Tea , Tobacco, Ac., Ac., cheap at Sep. 29. CRAMRP. . BOOTS A SHOES.—Great supply of BOOTS and SHOES, of the very beet qual ' ity, just opened at CRAMER S. Sept. 23. CILOTHING. —Overcoats, Drees and /SACK CO A TS. PA NTS AND VESTS- Also —Gents French Flannel Travelling Shirt*, for sale by A B. CRAMER A CO. Sept. 29. / \ A EPET I N G S.— All Wool lia^, I,'LIST, HEMP, and VENITIAN CARPKT -INGS. Also 3, 4, 5, 8 and 3-4 FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, of trtra quality. for sale by A. B CRAMER A CO Sept. 29. _ _ "WfEW GK >( > 1 )sS.— A new and full aup- ply of all kinds of fall and wiater goods just received and for sale cheap at Oct. 20. 63 J M SHOEMAKER'S itora "VTINETY Sacks of Ground Alum { Yj gait just received and for sale cheap at J.M. SHOEMAKER'S 4 LAEGE assortment of Men's and Boy's Clothing at J. M. SHOEMAKER S. IF vou want a cheap hat call at J. M SHOEMAKER'S A NKW supply of Coffee, Sugar, Syr % up N. 0 aud Sugar House Molasses Spices Jtcjust receiyed at J. M. SHOBMAKKK i A LARGE assortment of French Mtv j\_ rinoes. Coburgs, Thibet Cloths, Alpaeoas Calicoes. Muslin, all wool detains Ac., just receiv ed at J M. SHOEMAKER'S. I)OOTS AND SHOES all sites and prices at J. M. SHOEMAKBR S. A LARGE assortment of all kinds of f\ goods as usually kept in Country store* for sale cheap at J. M SHOEMAKHR'S BUCKETS, Brooms, and Tubs, just received and for sale at J. M. SHOEMAKER'S. Cheap corner No 1 Anderson's Raw. Oct. 20. 186 S. 1 A DIES' Cloaking Cloth, Shawl*, i Coats for sale cheap at J. M SnOBMAKHR'S. Tiai'duatf. iUtware, &t. fIEO. BLYMYER A SON, U , Dtal'r* tu HARDWARE. HOUSE-FURNISHINO HOODS, WOODEN-WARE, OILS, PA [NTS. NAILS. GLASS. BROOMS, BRUSHES, BASKUTS, Hop**, Twitit, fl-c. COAL OIL LAMPS,and COAL OIL, Pocket Books and Pipe#, Thr Finett TABLE AND POCKET CUTLERY ever brought to Bedford. Our stock of goods is large and complete, and we flatter ourselves that we can offer inducements to customers. Our goods generally have declined in price, excepting heavy Hardware, which ha* *4- vanced. but wr, pledge ourselvee to tell our custom ers goods at a very small advance on original ooet Wo have on hand 70 kegs of BURDEN'S GOVERNMENT HORSB 88083, which we will sell at a very small advance on ooet. Call and see us before purchasing. We pledge ourselves to sell to you at reasonable prices Persons ordering can rely upon their order* be ing filled at the lowest cash prices. Oct. 6,'65.-3m GEO. BLYMYKR k JOar. B. M C. BLYMVfcB. G0. BLTKTITB "VfEW FIRM.—B. McC. Blymyer A _|_N Co. have entered into partnertship in the STOVE, SHEET IRON AND TIN BUSINESS. at the old stand of Geo. Blymyer k Son. We intend to keep constantly on hand a large supply of all articles in our line, made of tho beet material and which we will sell, wholeealeor retail, at the lowest cash prices. HOUSE SPOUTING made to order on the shortest notice. We here now in store a large assortment of COOKING, PARLOR. COAL AND TEN PLATE STOVES, comprising the latest and most beautiful patterns Persons desiring these articles would do well to call. oet.s:lm t J VERY VARIETY AND STYLE J OF JOB PRINTING neatly executed at low rates at Tim Bedford Uaxittb office. Call and leave your orders. J)LANK CHECKS, NOTES AND JO RECEIPTS, and BLANK Printing of every description neatly and promptly exsMted at thk Gaxbtth office.
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