Toi-mx of l'ultllciit iou. Tltll WAYXKklU'RU UH'I'llt.II'AK, Olllcg In Bayer' hiilliHiiu, it of Hie l.'mirl lluuw, Is puli llHhcHt everjr Weilmwlay moiiilni;, ni h-j jtf j DQiim, l.i ahvamik, ora no I.' not puM with In the v.'iir. All nl rlllin nrrouiilN Ml'si k(ilel annunlly. .Vo ;npnr n in Ihj ikiu out of tin1 Stale uiiIi-m jnlil for in Ativan- k, nml II iiui li mil.iTl!iiiiH will Ir.vnrlnlily be iliM'uii Uuuiil tit tlie ci'ltvtiim of the time for which lliey ar iiai.l. 'nniiiiunU-iit lotnon subl'Tfiof locnl or c.-nerul lnli'ri".l urn ivvi-.'tt"vtUv i'ili.-.-.l. ''o t-nsiiii-RttHiitton iMi'ors nt this knul nni-t liniuliil i I.,. nt'i'nlili!tnlr. l.y tin- irilm' if 1 1ti-mil hor, not for nlill(':ttoli, I 'lit l- i(ll:u.l,il V iV-il'ml i in ...,,( I i.,nt All lt-tt-rs iirrtultiintf tn i iMiirnl HiuotlKe must he ail'lti'is..! to the K' 1 1 tor t '. . . . . -r i'octiu IMKX A.l .Mill'. When I was a llttlo maM, I waited on myself j I washed my mollier'g teacups, -And set tliera on llio shelf. I bad a Utile garden t Jlost beautiful to sco ; I wished that I had somebody To play in it with inc. Nurso was In mamma's room, I knew h?r by her cap ; ) Blio held a lovely baby boy Asleep upon her lap. As soon as ho could loam to walk, I led him by my side Sly brother and my play fellow Until the day bodied ! Now I am an old maid, I wait ui)oti myself ; Ionly wipoonn teacup, And set it onio shelf. " ai n:it. Alter tlio shower, tlio tranquil sun ; After the snow, tin.1 cnnrald leaven ; Silver stars when tlio thy in done j After tho harvest, the the goMcrrVacavcs. After the cloud;, tlio violet fi'iy , After the tempest, the lull of waves ; (Juiet woods when tin winds go by ; After the battle, peaceful graves. After the knell, the welding bells ; Alter 111'! bud, tli'i rademt rosj ; Joyful sreetlivrH from sad fuewclljj A 'Vir our weeping, sweet ropoci'. After tho hunlrii, tlicb'iyful meed; AIVt fie fliubt, the ilowny rest, . After tlie furrow, tha walhin ; rod ; After the sb idowy river rest ! A viMii:i;i:. v tjcjjt i-i,.ui:. j uown-easier i:mh reiiues an an- ii ..ii, i vanturo he had while (raveling on foot in one of the Vc:,toru Slates : "Well, I u.e;aiier jaeKe.s nety eon u,e , U,.; yon see back here about a mile hovoud 'I'l" ,'l"'tl"i! f, lut the hlmml tho Xoekvernoseoir creek, I wur walk- ' I !l seen one there ing along as happy a a link, looking v l'"r.1 s:,',,a a thi'id i;i another about over the in-arics and thmkhv U!WVaK wh! lmllor of tho heou- bcautii'iil the All Seeim: hi'd ! i-tni.ip :.,t yalier Mlh em. J. couldn t m..,l,.?l, ,...d,l ub ,t ,,-t,i i ..... aie I av this sile would raise, when f fee n big drove ofcaille just o'io :-ide. wur adinii'in' heow iiit ant', hiiek t!.ev ... i t r .i i it...: i .,:..,. mw, ua loooni ill, uii'tr miii, i when an almighty great brindlo bull; iuini)cil up otit'n the tall gr n,,, begin to s! ins an' iill-lired ).' curl v heail an' heller paw tiie giou sw itch his 1: iver h's b.i. !: i( let f'l ,n' s.r b, .;, f '.!, lliinkin' ;..l eld ens: he t'i;i a u' J concluded if I wa'nt whislle, -1 it were I afraid, lake le-r chUiil in t.-, ou i I oilier i J'd siip .is! list as J ii'oL li'oW ; but llDl't ! sile few I: 't'l" an liegui to k with his lore fe i-h ill t'l ,1 a I Hi! i ml iI quick stops 'bout :h.!!, to run, cos I knowetl vas afeard did he'd lcet eneouragetl. I iitlysoeii tiotiegiu ' to come on a trot, an' then 1 let out in a kind of canter. Then he r'l. to a lope, nu' sein' it, wur no use wait in' for him to quit, I just leaned these ere loirs of mine an' come down to best time. Hooked 'beout for something! to climb, but thave I ware in the cuss ed prairie and not a pea stick to be seen nigher than a mile ahead heow I did want to stop right tliarc an' cuss tho blurted prairies. I gin a glance over my shoulder an' see tho everlas tin' cuss with his nose deown an' his tail up, com in' jist on the dead lay deown, and I let my legs count another notch. Tho chaso went ni)) an' tuck till I got near the creek, when I see that the bull were only "beout a hun dred yards lichind mo. JiOrd Jchossy fat, but I felt quoorisli when I was sartin he were gainin ; it gave me such a sktcr that my heart seemed to dissolve in dish-water, and my logs kinder lost their feelin', so I could see a lot of trees ahead a little ways, an' cf I could hold cout three niinils lon ger I'd be to cm. I looked back, and the snfforin' Moses, cftho bull warn't within twenty foot of me, his eyes all green and his nostrils lookin' like I '' mite a put my head in them, a' aa red "as a bolt of new flannil. I got almost 16ieTcfec1c'wlich I found the timber wur 011 thCoppcrsiie side from me, an' the. bull so close I could almost foel ' Mv breath- on my cheek. I thot of my fatncrlc'-in that ollel timejsozl, t'i'uiwell, - little Jed, an' you, Surer . Adji my gentle companions." Jist at ; this instant 1 boc a stump right on the lank of the creek, an' made a spring for it, espeotihg to get on top on't, but , it happened to bo holler an' I landed 1 jist had room to squeeze deown in it on' git my head below the .' . top, an' not a darn bit too soon wur I u-, in, 1 tot as. my topknot went deown, 'c1'" Mr." Boll's head came up whack agin y' stomp till every thing jingled. , i "You bet'er bcleve I felt thankful I "v"Wtuf 'housed 'At last; and the old cuss of ,V;;" bull, wasn't be disappointed ! Lord, ' hew he did ravo ground that stump, ' " " switch his tail, paw the sile, and bel yler; ., I peeped,, np at hirq, jist to see how bo-; were pettin' on but I kalker lak I'peepud down again ofl'ul suddent, '""'"(of I 'hadn't niofc'n got my bead up till his horiw comes a straddlo on it, n Uid hbv skull ."bit ' tho stump like a ;J Jniaul. The littlo incident oonyinccd ' nie tliat tlie best thing I could was, in " ,'tfe lanwiflu of AVh' lay low, J waHi tiio blaok lncks and chaw poke ' ""root.' Just as I'd made up niy mind i'V'aot to patup'iny head again, I felt the ofMctpain take mo in the leg. I uevef see, an at the same time it coni- J.IK R SAYEKS, XI. luctico to win', whiz, tlfowu in the Ixit'om of the hollow slump. I tried t ) 1 iok down to set; wliitt on nirth it could be, hut tlio holler was so narrer I couldn't got a ehanco to look, an at once it popped into my head that there were a rattlesnake in the stump. When I thot of that I made an ollel plunge to get out of tho horrid don ; but the cussed bull warn't morc'n six feet oil', an' tho minit ho seed my head caniQ at 1110 full chisel. The fust I kimwvd I had dodged back into the stump again, and hadn't morc'n touch cd bottom nl'ore I another offel Let n Lit ! in My lcr. T mado a rush to ;;. t out agin, but the cmsrrt, infernal bull drove at mo an' I was blccgcd to pop buck j-,jj:ilti. As 1 Mpieezcd down inter my stump again, bet'er barrel of rum that .irt Ann would beawid der in Kss'n ten hours. I tried to cipher out which would be tin; most bei 'it'iiii' fir a Christian, to bepizened to death by an odel giat snaik, or have my inards slung to tho four winds by a cussed briiullo bull. I thot of tlio marly m of Amos biled in ilo, Elizer smeared with honey, and Joseph tempted by I'oUif'cr's wife, and con cluded that I ott to profit by their ex ample, an' grin and bear it, no matter how much it went agin the grain. But 1 got jiM then an olIM Into or tew, an'ter save my soul couldn't help siickin up nip head, an' the bull bein' on had let drive an' lilled my eyes full of (Ki t an' bark, so doown ' I bobbed agin lor snaiks. I now begun to get bitle ,1 nU'el fro(ii!!Mtly, an' i squirmed an' iv. i.-ttd an' s recoiled at a litst rale, an' in grabbht' around kelehcd something an' got a bito in thehi.nd. 1 holt my hold on to it, and be hold, it proved lobe notion," but a yaller jacket. When I found I wasn't sua ik nit, 1 lelt siitlun hit ott stummiok like a bag of shot, (j my lorv to (iixl ! so J, I mav live to liertect I lie wit tier on to oi'.r-j i . . . , ; , . . . "," :l ' i w.i-rt i;oer tor nil :'"' i,: Jong mat way. lined to tiunk d some r tin! of waver suitable io the ! ot pray oecn.don, an' coininenci'd : "Xow I lay me down to sleep ;" but, by Jew das, ouuMn'l pray fir ctissin; I jist swore, bull or nut bull, I wur gwin to Cini;'.rate lor tiiat partickolar fpot ; but, every time I put my head above the sluini), (lie bull oil. 'lied at me, an' the . -t a .t.-. w't'i in.; ill ; he looked cy. s as green "0 !i' tnc nth. I l.t 11 so Cl;ll- Ir'h ! I't i' 1 ii'.in i'iy it-.. ' lime in tin1 eoul, an' .1! i ;.:';i,iiu' 10 i of the iu!;. j an' I swap ! cud. I made '.VI! U'cei.i; iii.:; tlie r-ICll' I'.n ual the lime last I Jtut til' i-'iinui be. ve '.ve.y unil.r I ho thumps old briii'lle iiertiien, my heart r!; straight on up mv mind to ;;it emit of that, somehow, purly ju!ck, but jist at the iiiinnit I raix'd up my head to jump cout an' run, the old cuss cams at me, with head doown an' tail up, at locomotive speed, an' as I dodged deown he struck tho stumn, tore it tin tll,f' rV.ts an shot me cout like a bunib.dn clear over the band into an' after me come stump, the creek bull an' all. The fore feet or some on 'em of the bull struck me right on the back and knockiu' 1110 clean deown inter the muddy bottom of the crook. When I riz the fus thing I seed wur the old feller's tail, on' as I couldn't swim a lick, I made a grab for it an' made him tow 1110 ashore. When wo got there, I let go an' run one way, while the bull run the other, an' that's tho long an' short on." no 11 Wtii. "What cveryou do, do it well. A job slighted, because it isapparcntly unim portant, leads to habitual neglect, so that men degenerate, insensible, into bad workmen. "That is a good rough job," said a foreman in our hearing, and ho meant that it was apiece of work, notelogant in itself, but strongly made, and well put together. Training the hand and eye to do work well, leads individuals to form correct habits in other respects, and a good workman is, in most cases, a good citizen. No onu need hope to rise above bis present situation, who suf fers small things to pass by unimprov ed, or who neglects metaphorically speaking, to pick up a cent because it is not a dollar. Some of tho wisest law makers, the best statesmen, the most gifted artists the most merciful judges, the most in genius mechanics rose from the great mass. A rival to a cctain lawyer sought to humiliate him publicly, by saying, "You blacked my father's boots once." "Yes," replied the lawyer unabashed "and I did it well." And by his habit of doing even mean things well, he rose to greater. Take heart, all who toil I all youths in humble situations, all in adverse circumstances. If it bo but to drive the plow, strive to do it well; if only to cut bolts, make good ones; or to blow tho bellow, keep the iron hot. It is attention to business that lifts the feet high up on the ladder. Says tho good book "seest thou a man diligent in Ids business? he shall stand before kings ; ho shall not stand before mean men." riliMNKSS IN THE It lit! Tlieltlisht ot I'olornt I'voplu (u Flila In I'Hn. Judge Agnow has just delivered nu opinion which settres 11 vexed qUi tion, and, in our judgment, kikes tho right ground on a 'subject involving nothing more than a social right. Tho npcal before the Court was mado as to tho right of colored people to use the street and railroad ours of the Commonwealth, on which Judge Ag new reversed the decision of tho loiver court on the subject of tho rights of colored passengers. Ilo says that if a railroad company provide scots equal in convenience, comfort and saltty lbr the colored pursongers, there ia no law which will enable them to refuse llto-e seats and demand others. This is Re publican doctrine enunciated by a Re publican .Tud;o m il sustained by a Republican colleague. It involves a principal which nlii'cls the It led ric l ls of all men, and we can favor this right without necessarily insisting that tho black man in entitled to equal so cial right;-. When a man navs Iu3 money for a public ri'eoinmodalion ho has a light to its fnil ciijovinent. nil . 1 . 1 . -r - ' 1 ' t -inat ritno genu ot .Juoge Aj'tiow 3 decision. When a company set uonrt seals in a cep for the use of the color ed people, which scats are equal in all respects to other.) in the same mode of eonveyaivo used by while people, the negro iias no legal right to question the regulation of the railroad compa ny making tho airangemeiit. On tho same principle, railroad companies have a right to set apart cars for ladies. The accommodations in such cars are not superior to other cars in the same train. 15ut gemlemen unaccompanied uy iiuti.s are not admit ted. Jliero aio seats for men in other cars equally a.i sort and ns clean as those 111 tho lathe. car. bo with the black man. beats can bo set apart for him, equal in all respects to those used by tho white man. Tho negro must occupy such seals. .11 a while man or woman choose to occupy those seats, it is their choice. So if a, ladv desires to enter a tretit'icinan'H ear. it is her choice. lint tho company reserves tiie ritd.tto -ay where men imi'eeomr.aniod by la thes, and colored jiooj le, shall ride, and there i.i no law to de'oar cornoi'a tions from these notions. Wo nro sat isfied with the decision. llarvixbw'j lelciriipli. iOI! 111 SIXDSH lll.X. To mo, one of tho most admirable things, in tho world :s In'nes'i puiic tilio. 1 thick it is iar:i io jit'.d very l.v.d n:ee. aii'ong thorough b'lsiiu.. iiU'ii. I do not i.iyihi'ta good busi ness man i.i'ily religious, or even rnve. arilv without vi''c:, n,iiu tHi't it ft : 11 . ... ily diilii til! to be ffriellv honest m liu-ine.-..', and sensitive in all matters portainino; to business en gagement: and thoroughly punctual in tho fulfillment of all business obli gations, and at the same time to be loose in morals and dissipated in per sonal babils. I have great respect for those rigid laws of the counting room which regulate dealings between man and man, and which make the coun ting room as exact in all matters of time and exchange ns a banking house which ignore friendship, affection, and all personal considerations what soever which place neighbors anil brothers on tho same platform with enemies and aliens, and which make an autocrat of an accountant, who is, at the same time, strictly an obedient subject of his own laws. 1 say it is hard for a man to enter as a perfectly harmonious element into this grand system of business, and sub mit himself to its rigid rules, ami to maintain his position with perfect integrity, and, at the same time, bo a very bad man. To a certain extent, he bows to ami obeys a high standard of life. lie mar not always recognize the moral clement which it embodies. He may take a selfish view of the whole matter, but ho cannot be entire ly insensible to the principle of per sonal honor which it involves, or fail to be influenced by the personal habits which it enforces. Some of the best business men I have ever known. Men who have acquired wealth by rigid adherence to business integrity, who havesnmetimes been deemed harsh, and hard by those with whom they have had business re lations, have shown a liberality and generosity towards objects of charity which have placed them among the world's benefactors. Men who have exacted the Lust fraction of a cent with one hand, in the way of business, have disbursed thousands of dollars with the other in tho way of charity. Dr. Hol land. The Italians of San Francisco held a meeting and passed resolutions con demning the action of Victor Eman uel and Louis Xnpoleon. A subscrip tion for the benfit of Garibaldi was opened ami some two thousand dollars collected to be forwarded to Italy to the United States Minister Marsh, to--gcther with a letter thanking him in in the name-of the Italian population there, for the sinipathy shown Garibal di. Kixd words arc the brightest flowers ofearth'sexistance; they niako a very paradise of the humblest homo that the world can show. Use them and espec ially around the fireside circle. They are jewels beyond price, and more prec ious to heal tho wounded heart, nnd make tho weighed down spirit glad than all the other blessings tho world can give. IT AS GOD (ilVivS US TO PEE THE KHJHT. Xmcon. lnon Htlrr. Nvlien Anion JsiTrr returned t3 New York city to practice law after Ida voluntary cxilo in Europe, he lountl tlie lute Iicv. Jruiuinh JJurch' ard, thou a celebrated revivalist, hold ing a serious ot protracted meetings in his family church. He attended from habit, ahVaya Trent late, and disturbed the services by altiacting to himself the attention ot tho audience on account of hit; ii'.li'mous notoriety as the man who shot Alexander j bouillon, and tvlio hr.d been tried ier treason. Mr Burclmrd resolved to rebuke him open ly. Tito pcxt .S'.bhath ho came in and got about half way up the i.isle, the clergyman paused in his dieourse, and pointing nt Colonel Lurr, said in the most fvalhir.'' manner. "You hotrry- heailed old sinner, I'll appear against you at tho dav 01 judgment ! The proud, defiant old man standing erct t as ever wuu that perfect com posure which never deserted him, and fixing his fine gra'v eyes on the occu pant of the pulpit, replied, "Mr. liuiehnrd, I have observed through a long course nt prole -stona! experience that tho very meanest elasi of crimnals arc those who turn Ridts civ'tfenee." All Ohio paper tell.1! ti 10 following novel story : "A young couple plan ned an elopement, the jjirl de-eentled from her room 011 tho traditional lad der, but at the gate they were met by the father of the girl ami a minister, by whom tho young couplo wore es corted to the parlor, where, to their surprise, they loiind all their relatives collected for tho marriage ceremonies, which took place at cnee. it was a neat paternal freak, but not near as neat as that of a "i'ond purieiit" wc know of. Ho heard his daughler and her fellow plan an elopement. The next day-the old mail widteil upon the young one, and addressed him thus: "You're n fine, brave youth, and I don't object to you as .. son-in-law. Hero's a hundred dollars to aid in the elopement. May you lire happily in tho same house, and. may l'o accident occur Io throw tho le: At shade on the suiithino of yoi'.P life. All I request is, ti'.iit you elopo with my daughter she's a mighty nice gi.l, you know, but somehow her inolhoi' and I could never travel sinoolldy with her, we don't know her good points elope with her to such a distance that she won't return to her loving father and mother any more. Good bye, sonny, and may you be happy." There was an elopement that even ing of one. The young man1 was 11 ti accompanied. 1 le thought everything couldn't be right, when I ho old cock was so anxious to got rid of tho girl. Tho father looks upon this net, a very neat bit of slrafegy for one who had never been on M'Ch llau's stall. - To Hit MmeliH. It was formerly the custom in Kn laiid to appoint certain persons to ex amine the liodies of tho dead, in order to ascertain and report the cause of 1.11.1 . 1 death, otien persons were termed "bodv-searehors." In the time of "the great plague," in lfiGo, which swept oil' upwards of one hundred and thirty thousand people this important and dangerous olliec was performed by the "ehirurgeons, or surgeons, who were allowed for each service twelve pence, to bo paid out of the estate of the de ceased person, or by the parish in case ho loft no property It is said that 0110 of these "searchers," w no rvjoiccd in the name of Snacks, found his busi ness' increase so much that he could not attend to it "alone. Ho agreed to share the profits equally with any one who would take an equal tharc in the laborand the danger. Those who join ed hi in were said to "go with Snacks," or, more briefly, "to go Snacks;" and hence the phrase came to mean, "to di vide the spoils in equal proportion," or "to go shares, in which it has become proverbial. Jox says that if a man feels much like getting married, yet imagines he ought not to, the best remedy he knows is to help one of his neighbors to move a house full of furniture borrow about nitic of his children and hear them or)'. If that fails, build up a fire of damp wood, when the smoke in tho room is thickest, hire a woman to scold him about four hours. If ho can stand all these, ho had better get mar ried the next day give L13 wife the pants and be the "silent partner" in the great firm of matrimony. The reme dy is severe, but as every man is lia ble to these things after he yokes him self, it would do no harm to try it be fore. Thkre is dignity about that going away alone, wc call dying that wrap ping the mantle of immortality nlxjut us ; that putting aside with a pale hand azure curtains that are drawn around this cradle of a world ; that venturing awav from home for the first time in our lives, for we arc not dead there is nothing dead to speak of, and we only go off seeking foreign countries not laid down on the map we know about. There must be lovely lands somewhere starward, for none ever return that go thither, ami wo very much doubt if any would if they could. At a school at Walljend, near Keircssllo, tho master asked a clasa of bova Iho meaning of Ihs wonl "appetite," After a ahort pause. one litllo boy aalJ. I know, lirj when I'm caflu' I'm "tippy, and when I'm done I'm light. " ti'irrcH of j ay iiitiui:, Jlr. Jny CooUe, about whoso personal uls tcy ami circumstances pilot lo tlio wur bo much has bcea said, an J who (9 again beforo tl:a public in his recently published defence Of tho national banking system, was born in 1823, In Sandusky, Ohio. Ilia father was Mr. Men t'ucrji Cooke, aa eminent lawyer and proml nrut tiliicn, one of the earliest settlers of that section of the Stato, who, for a; time, represent ed hla district m Congress. Jar CookJ, a self reliant and cnergcilo boy, commenced his busincFB life at the ago cf thirteen, and from that Umo succeeded. For four years he was employed In mercantile houses, first in Baa dusky and then In fit. Louis. At seventeen he banking house of H W. Clark & Co., Philadelphia, as a clerk, and at twenty-ono becams a partner lu that linn and its conectlouj, Clark. Dodgo & Co., Now York; Clurk lJrothers & Co., St, Louis 1 andJ. V7. Clark 05 Co., Doston, and eoon aft er ho became managing partner of the I'hlldelphia tirin. IIi3 connection with these houses rvsulltna; In a competency, and about 1 838 ho retired from business. In 18C0, in connection with Jlr. William 0. Moorhond, a wealthy capitalist, Jlr. Cooko established the blinking house of Jay Cooko & Co, Philadel phia, and in 1801, after tho breaking out of tho war tho negotiation of tho orlj'mnl seven thirty loan was the cecwdou ( f tliu lirst con nection ol Mr. J:iy Cooko and his house with tho lluanccH ol'iho government. Tho Wit'liinu'tii i house of Jny Cooke & Co, was opened lu and co-operntcd with tho rii'liuieipiilii lioil;:o itij popularizing tho live-twenty loan and tim three ccric3 of .'even thirties. Vho New York houso ot tho same was opened after the war, in March, ISli". till his government ncgolallons Jtr. Cooke liii.i nppcuitd directly to tl.o people, and, after his own itniiukiililo energy ttud enthusiasm in till his pursuits, bis great (success in tliesij matters has lain hi liia unwavering t'uitlt in tho good Si!U0 and patrot'3111 oi'tho masses. An exchange draws tho following vivid pic ture of 1111 cillior: An editor's tiuaiificalions aro various. It is to work harder, more hours in the day, with less recreation, on less sleep and poorer pay than any of your follow mortals; It lu to bo busy when your neighbors nro Idle, busier when they sleep, nud busiest when they ara enjoying a good tune, it is to be always In a hurry, always under a press of business, al ways "setting up" when others nrolyitigdown and always charitably "distributing" the re sults of dully labor. It is to have your opin ions nl ways put to "proof," and co'dorn Into practice. It is to advcrflso other people's waiils,wishi!8 and announco facilities for pleasure j to herald the approach of diseas es and tlie Inventions of cures for them ; to make known who has been robbed, how much where, who Is the robber, his personal history, his trial, sentence, and its execution. It Is to recclvo nice fruit and .notice it, to bo shown natural curiosities and descilbu them, to bo every where at all times, and to bo able to an swer till fl'.!U:.-tioilfl Oil till Hll'J'JCtS. It is to publish Ino much sentiment for 0110, too much politics for another, and to litllo news for all. Il is to niako a dozen enemies lo 0110 friend, and to he pili 'hid into by anybody who choos es lo consider himself nggrleved. It is to take complimentary tickets to everything and pny Fr them in complimentary notes. It is lo lie bored by friends suggesting how yon should carry on your business, and bullied by thoso whom you havo hit iu vulnerable spots. It Is a life of mingled good and ill, trial and triumph, never ending toll and never begin lng felicity, wherein you work out your allot lottcd timo with tlio "devil" always at your el bow, calling (jf tho sole cud in this life a little more copy. Tub Hope of Mas. Final suc cess the joy of life's ripe harvest, is the goal of our hojies. Xo wise or thoughtful man will livo merely fur to-day. The pilgrim who seeks a homo is not content to linger and loiter fiir tho more flowers beside his way. The sower looks onward to fields white , f .1 .,1 ,ir 1 anil ready lor tnc sickle. uisunra has regard to the grand issue. The triumph or pleasures of to-day is transitory. Wq want a hope that docs not sink with tho sotting sun. Tho true .success of life is that which dors not fail the evening of our days and leave them to blight or barrenness. We want the .shout of "harvest home," that will not die into silence with the falling breath, but makes tho passage to tho grave a whispering gallery where heaven ami earth talk together. A YtutuxtA letter writer says of Mosby: "lie looks tho lawyer even less than the warrior. I )ressed in care less, easy, irginia style, witii wnitc .slouch hut, a dust-stained, bob-tail coat, milk ami lnohuses colored pants and vest, (the latter minus two or three buttons,) a badly adjusted false front tooth, a ligure ot medium size, close shaven, sunburnt, youthful face, slouched shoulders, nuiet, taciturn, un demonstrative in manner, it was not quite easy to believe that he was tlie whose name ami uarc-uevil achievement figured in the papers al most daily during the war. Prediction- of Senatoii WrLsos. In his letter to the great meeting at the Cooper Institute in JNew York, on the 16th ult., the Hon. Horny Wilson, Senator from Massachusetts, said : "At the present moment, when the echoes of the Rebel cheers over victo ries more fleeting than their own, fill our ears, I say to my Republican com rades of ew York, the Republican party will give their Presidential can didate the electoral votes of thirty of the thirty-seven btatcs, more than 3,000,000 of the popular votes, and more than 500.000 popular majority. and a Congress with a two-thirds majority iu both Houses. A MissartsT life-squandering all your salary on a girl who docs not cars lbr you. EDITOR AS!) 1'UllLmiFAl. KO. ilrokfii Vow. Promises aro lightly r-poken Vows on whlcU we blindly bnlld (L'ttcrcd only to bo broken) (io forever unfuliillcd Oft betrayed but atdl believing Duped again and yet again All our hoping, all our grieving Warns us, but it warns in vain. From tho cradle to tho coral From tha suuny days of youth Yi'e are tnuU the simple moral, Still wo doubt tho mural's truth. "When a boy they found me rather Lo'h to d u aa I was bid. "I shall buy a birch," said father. Broken vows I lie never did. tlrowu extravagant, when youthful, In my tailor's debt I nm ; Ho appeared about as truthful In his talk as any rer.n. Let me tell how ho sold me ; "Look you, air. What's Your-Nama I shall summon you," he tylJ me But the summons never came. Through tho meadows, daisy laden, Cnco 15 was my lot to stray, Talking to a lovely maiden Iu a very spoony way j Aad I stolo a kiss nnotlior Then another then a lot. "Fiu !" she said, ' 'I'll tell my mother " Idlo words : iiho told her uot. Jtl! Discovery. Wmf Miniu.ESKX, Mkr'tr Co., Fksma,) November 13, 18tiT. i Tito workmen employed by Colonel James Hemphill, lu 6;nklng u shaft for ore or coal, struck a voiuof rock, strongly Intermixed with a at first supposed to bo Ftilpho: Upou the examination of the rock by Colonel Hemphill nud his superintendent, Jlr. Jlills, and tiller severe tests, they pronounce it to bo gold of superior quality, undc ip ihlo of ycald ng live thousand dollars to the tun. The reek lsuh iut tliu sauio as that in which the Greene county gold Is said to have been found, and lies about one hundred feet below the coa' Icvol in this basin. Bkveiial of tho newspapers having perpe trated jokes'on the travels and exploits "Sic Transit," whom 'luliiljil," aud "nociV"' head oiT, thaYulo Coumnt retotlsas follows 1 Oh, "niiiui" -sculls 1 "Sic Transit" drovo a "tu tone tantkm trmo Ver" from tho eastward, I In is visiting his "ante Jits, Din Term," in this city, and will stay till 'Ortrm." Dr. Dlgnios tho "Tcrris" (Terry's) likewise "et mxir" with us last evening. IIu "eta beta '." Tho pug allstsalso ' 'cum" with them and t,lnnbtia" man badly iu tho Btrect i ho "cutis m" off, and "noctumfuit urnii" flounder. Bhakcspcro is now credited with tho discov ery of the laws of gravitation, about which llioro das been somo lato dispute witli refer ence to Newton and Pascal, Tho following lines In "Troikis and Crcsslda" ate the basis of tho assertion : "IJutthe bfrong base and building of my love Is as the very center of tho earth, Pruning all things to it." Aud iu the sumo play we find tho express ion, "Tmo ns the earth to Its center. " So that it would really seem a;i if Shakrpcnrs had anticipated Newton by n hundred years or so in tlio discovery of one of the great', st of nat ural truths. A SrATB talr is a queen ; an agricultural fair Is a farmer's daughter, a church fair Is a par son's wife ; a soldier's fair Is the best looking girl ;ho can get a hold of ; 'a charity fair Is a female pauper ; and the lnott unpopular fair Is a car faro j and the most unpopular In tho universe is a boarding-house faro. The Memphis A valanchc advises the people to utterly disregard tlio President's Thanksgiv lug. The A vahnche tenders this advicco ot In disrespect for A. J., but because the people of the South, having been frustrated in establish ing a government of their choice, "have no rea son to be thankful to Clod or man," Tho Illinois Statttmnn (Democratic), pub lished at Lacon, 111., has placed at tho head of iu columns "For President of 1808 C'lo mentL. Yall.indighain, of Ohio." He Is our favorito caudidat3 fjr tho Democratic nom ination. In an article on drunkenness, Dr. Hall says: "Tobo a good orator, a pcciless beauty, or the star of the sociul circle, whether m&n or woma'i. Is next door to being lost. " Tee Virginia Conscrvutivoj are discharging their colored employees woo voted the Radi cal ticket, Ih liichmond, it is stated, six or seven hundred are already thrown out of em ployment. Tub Reading Di.'pntrh says: Reading has fifty-th.-ee physicians, fifty au'.es tad three females. Nuiu'ocr of persons lying dangerous ly ill with the typhoid fever estimated at two hundred and City. Death! from sane di.seaja 'ast week tKeutg. An exchange savs that tho democratic read. ing oi'tho well known Iiiblo verse is "Suffer little white children to coma unto mo and for- hid them not, for of ra. h is the Kingdom of Heaven." Tub greatest "home- run " ever mado by baso bal lists, was performed recently by a lot of young men at Houaibi, JiusourL Some wicked person put croton oil In their refresh ments. Pa5 Handle Rail Road Sold. The Pan Handle Railroad was sold on Wetlnesday of week before last, in 1'ittsburg, to the I'cnusylvania Central Railroad Compuny, for the sum of one million nino hundred and sixty thou sand dollars. The chief competitor was a Mr. Ellis, who, it is said, was an agent of the Baltimore & Ohio Kauroad. Would yon make men trustworthy f Trust them. "Would you make them true. Believe them. The Boston Comurdal Bulittin observes that many po'Itlrlans who itched for office were scratched last week. War is a loafer In a printng office like a shade tree I Dc cause we are glad when be tares Xeriua ot Alverttlu(p AND ion WORK. AnVFHTWRil FN'ffl l'IMM tl'll Hi 91 50 pr Sqt1r n.i ttirrA tnsi'ttions, anil 30 rent per aquar fif i-ftili uililltitiiiiil ItKfrlU.n ; (leu linen or It ''minted a Miimri). All tmuuletitailvtirUseuieuUI to be fmM fur In utl vaunt'. Ih siN'.-rtM NtntcfM Hi't muter llt bend of local news will Ihi elinrmxl luvarlalily lu eu Uu lor oni'h IriMTilon. A Itlirnil diili.i'tlon initio Hi persons BdTrtl liiif liy IIir iimirlHr, lutli-ynir or year. Hpevlal nniU s flunked one-halt luire than regular aU vi'rlln'ini'ins. Jon I'liisi'iMoof I'verykiml Inplalnand Knn ry ciiIm-n; llauil-btllia, maiiki, lards I'miiphlota, iVe ut' every turifty and Htvlfi, printed ut tlie :dioHit ni'tli e. Tim IlKPrnr.u'AN Ofkii-b linn Just iK'i'ii re-titteil, nud eveiy tiling in the Print. lux line i'n'1 lie exut ilti'it In the nioht artintl mainit run,! nt the luwi st lutei. ITS A.o iti:i:it Judy's atlvico to unmarried ladies with independent resources ia hus band them. Tub Ditchers do Chart es has added a boy baby to tho New Orleans fami ly. The N. Y. Ca-dte ealls the Blaok Crook, tho "bent" of tho play-going public. , Osf, of tho most disagrecablo ways of women to weight two hundred. Crukl scandal, says that Jenny Lind has a stewkh temper. Lola Moxtez's daughter is com ing out in l'aris ns nu actress. "The pleasuro of Chaso" trying Jell'. Davis. , There arc but threo manufactories of wire rope in tho United States, Josh Billings says first class vir tue is ulwnys anxious to avoid temp tation. Why is a woman who lias lost her lover like a whale? Beeauso she is a Bccreler of sighs, ' . The obstructions at Hell G'ate seem to negative Virgil's assertion Facilia ilcsccitsua mrrni. BitifntAM Youxo'a saiu(s want a charier for a Masonio Lodge, but they can't get it. (bind. Over 5,000 different articles of common ihc nro manufactured from" the basket willow. . .. A youno woman threw i herself from the top of the column in the L'laeo Veniltiiiic the other day. , A Nevada man recently gotdrnnk, killed a friend and was hung by Judgo Lynch, all within six hours. One manufactory in Lynn. . made and sold thirty thousand puirs of base ball shoes this year. A Wisconsin woman has a beard two inches long, while her husband has not a hair on his head. ' A max was arrested in Roino with a pistol in his pocket, and immediate ly it was supposed ho intended to as sassinate the l'opc. Weston says ho is walking for money to pay off his debts. Ho is not the lirst man who has taken to his legs to escape his creditors. A New Orleans gentleman offers a reward for a physician who will ne knowledgo that ho has lost more than half a dozen patients during tho epi demic. The oldest newspaper in tho world is published in l'ekin, China. It is printed on silk aud has appeared every week for at least one thousand years. 1'nrN'CE Humbert has gono to Munich to propose to Archduchess So phia, who was the other day engaged to tho King of Bavaria. Rather a poor show for tlio Prince j to bo too late, is dcitli sometimes. Cincinnati can no longer depend upon tho Ohio river for commercial purposes. So a committee reporta to the Chamber of Cem'.neroc, and urges a raihoadj South to supply the defi ciency. A Coroner's jury, after investiga ting tho death of a child in Buffalo, brought in a verdict of "death from the injudicious administration of Win- slow's Soothing tyrup, which caused convulsions anil congestion oi the hrain." The only way to form the habit of early rising is to jump out of bed the moment you awake, lhc man who hesitate? when called, ia lost. Tho mind should be r.iado up in a minute, for early rising is one of those subjects that admit of'no tvA-nirg ora Ayouno lady went out with a rather timid beau sleighing one even ing, complacently remarking tarhim that she seldom wont out slcrging but she got chaps ou tho lips The young man took tho hint aud chapped. Tug word "kaleidoocono" is derived from the Greek lancuatre. and sisni- fies "the sight of a beautiful form." The in;trumcu was invented by Dr. Brewster, ofEdinburg, not many years ago. CASir.r.vnr, a town of Campania endured 3ueh extreme famino during; its siege by Hannibal, that a mouse, it is saiJ. sold ibr two hundred denarii - thirty dollars of our money. What brought you to prison, my colored friend ? asked asyiopathising gentleman of an unfortunate darkey. "Two con.-;table8, sah," replied Sambo. "Yes, but I mean, bad intemperance) anything to do with it?" - "Yes, tab, dey was bofe of 'em drunk." A PrvrsFEiLD nastor astonished his audience last Sunday by remarking that most of his people wero asleep part of them in tlie house of God, and the rest at homo. . .. t Corn sells for 25 cents a bushel in Georgia. TI. TL Or. A FT.rN &. Co.. of New York, during 1866 sold $73,000,000 of dry good tho largest year's busi ness of any wholesale house in the world. The firm consists of Mr. Claflin and E. E. Eames and E. W. Bancroft. Niw Jebsey marshes, which were almost worthless a fow yean ago, now sell Cor f 1, 000 an acre lot cranberry purposes.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers