824-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 27, 2003 Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week's publication Internet Sale Register will be updated by Friday at 12 Noon 10AM Co Inc RY7IL WED DEC 31 Fresh cows, 15 head of SAT JAN 3 1 PM Ranch freesta'l small head, top home, 4BR, 3 bath on 2 pedigreed bulls, at New ac m Caernarvon Two Holland off Rt 23, by Lane Co , PA, by Tracey l' New Holland Sales Sta Jones AU-3607 L 610 bles Inc , 7">7-354-4341 286 7834 JANUARY .. mules, horses, tools, THI irq jam i rqoaiv/i 544 N Railroad Inn,,. JAN t t H OAM Ave, New Holland Paul Annual tractor/farm S nyder Auct equip sale at Rt 51, 4mi nr—; mn —=; north of Winchester, VA 7 SAM by Edgar A Bohrer Sr N ew/used farm equip, WV Lie #lB, 304-229 sh op/rnilkmg equip, 8354 crops & work horses at fu 11 dc lam 1 q a i\yi Creek Rd , Christiana, THURS JAN 1 SAM by Wolgemuth Auct Dicks Tractors New Years #2357, 717 656-2947 Day Sale 1 mi E of 1 JANUARY larkstown #AY 000236- L 1-570 546 8784 thTTrq —lA'jvi 1 dKXA WED JAN 7 9AM Farm THURw JAN 1 9AM & mtlkmg equip , heifers, Preliminary auction ** H K notice New Years Dr contractor's auction Cochran Auct Compi Hager town MD by j Cochran Auct 301 7 0538 THUPb JAN T 11 Allis Chalmers track combine, skid steer, fa equip, gram truck, la> tractors at 500 Killiru Rd Annville, Leb Co by Harry H Bachrr Auct 717-867 1809 THURS JAN 1 11 Farm equip auction Greg & Craig Miller, Pi nvilfe, IN, by Schrai Auct Co 800-451 2709 or 260 244 7606 THURS JAN 1 12PM 7th Annual New Year's Day Horse Sale, Lebanon Valley Livestock Market 1 mi E of Fredericks burg, PA Sale barn 717- 865 2881 FRI JAN 2 -830 AM Hol stein dairy cows, heifers, mules, milk equip , etc 261 Byerland Church Rd , Willow Street Snyder's Auction Service, 717-733 7052 FRI JAN 2 - 930 AM Horse sale work horses, mules, driving horses, New Holland Sales Sta bles Inc , David Kolb, 61L, 717-354-4341 FRI JAN 2 9 30AM New Holland Special Horse Sale, work horses, mules, etc, in New Holland, New Holland Sales Stables, Inc , 717-354-4341 SAT JAN 03 2004 Horse Sale at Mel's Stables, 834 Wallace Rd , New Hoi land, PA 17557 717-354- 8397 SAT JAN 3 9 30AM 6th Annual Farm Machinery Auction at TnCounty Implement, Waynesburg, OH by Mike Lozier, auc tioneer 330-866-3320 SAT JAN 3 9 30AM Antiques, turn adv signs, PA hunting hcens es, misc at Arthur Auc tion Gallery, Railroad and Water Sts , Hughesville, PA by Wayne Arthur AU 001752-L, 570-584-3697, 570-584-6434, 1-800 ARTHUR 3 SAT JAN 3 - 9 30AM Sandesky Contractors Inc auction at Eldersburg (Baltimore Metro area) MD, disperal of farm equip/trucks by JG Cochran Auct 301-719- 0538, 1-800-310-2814 SAT JAN 3 -10 AM Farm equipment auction & misc tools, etc , unlisted articles at 10317 Church Hill Rd , at Greencastle, PA by J Lester Egolf Auct AU000249-L, 717 328-2260 SAT JAN 3 - 10 30AM Clarence & Jim Hey Farm Retirement Auction 1108 E Swamp Rd , Penn Yan (Yates Co ) NY Pirrung Auctioneers, Inc SAT JAN 3 11AM Hoover complete machinery dispersal Mill mont, Pa 3 tractors, farm mach , dairy equip, etc Nathan & Mary Ella Hoover b' IDES JAN 6 8 30AM Public farm mach . PUBLIC AUCTION FRIDAY, JANUARY 2, 2004 8:30 AM HOLSTEIN DAIRY COWS, HEIFERS, MULES, MILK EQUIPMENT, FARM MACHINERY LOCATION: 261 Byerland Church Rd , Willow St, PA From Wdlow St lake 272 South to Byerland Church Rd Turn tight Ist (aim on left aftei budge Complete Herd Dispersal of Cows & Heifers 45 Cows in all stages of lactation. 4 liesh Oct, 3 due Nov , 7 due Dccembet, 5 due lanuary, balance throughout the yeat This is a young herd No BST good tcel legs, and good udders, and potential to milk 50 heifers, 4 spimgeis. I 1 shoitbicd, balance open 2 weeks to bteedmg age Most of these heiteis are vaccinated & wo'incd, hedcis have good dany type and come horn good bulls Bull with good records is the sire to half of the hellers to be sold Milk Equipment 300 lb Spuimck, stainless tubs, 4 Westlaha milkeis pulsalors like new 70 lb pails 1 extia pad, -alage cait, giam cait, lorks, shovel, brooms 7 Head Mules 16 to 17 Hands Jenny & Jule black mules 13 yi old Mike & Molly giey mules 5 & 6 yi old Pete giey mule 4 yr old Pel grey mule 13 yi old Maple giey smooth These Mules are all real good broke 7 set harnesses, bridles, collais, |ockey sticks, 4 sets check lines Farm Machinery 260 N H Balci just overhauled 25 hrs Rohn engine like new, N H mower with 4 cylinder VH Wisconsin engine, New Idea 206 manure spieader, 625 gallon ELS spicadei, McCormick corn binder with loader & hydraulic attachments with Honda engine. New Idea 323 cornpickei with rebuilt snap pci rolls and almost new rubber husking rolls, 600 Gehl recutter extia knives and gooseneck, 400 Gehl iccutter lor parts, 2 bottom hydraulic plow, 2 way Oliver plow, spnng harrow, High clearance spring harrow like new, disk blades like new, 9 It cultipackei, log rollci, auto turn torecaits. Black Rock field spiayei with new engine. New Idea wheel rake, Iva Mfg cultivator, 2 toller bar rakes rubbei teeth small drive wheels, 2 Hoover flat bed wagon one like new, Ohvci gtam dull, 500 gallon watei tank. New Idea tobacco planter, with racks for greenhouse trays, 3 compaitment tobacco bale box, 32 ft N H elevatoi & coin chute, corn drag, silage conveyor, 26 ft Smucker manure ele vator used 4 years, all farm machinery field ready, 1 wagon small items, Order of sale: small items on wagon, farm machinery, cows & heifers, cows & heifers sold approx. 12:00 Noon. No out of state checks, cash or PA checks, Service Paul (717)733-7052 Gideon D & Marv Lann 94-A Glen Brook Rd, g"' Leola, PA 17540 Mel r°7“ e 3'M Au 6 a, AU 003 ’ 1, f* Kempton * WED JAN 7 12PM, bliz £ 1 ?i da, 1. ,, ;r-,r £ Community Center I stocked pond, stream, at ET - RD#l Middleburg, PA, £ QJn 1 Kpmntnn PA /ITHIL Center Twp, SNyder Co S" ,ij* •'“iTipiDn, KA 50 mi N of Harrisburg, g, ftBKcS by Kenneth Smith AUB67 “ w mifiWlSrmJ * ,L, 570-837-3535 gs w W wed jan 7 6 30PM Season's Greetings To All !• Toys & Collectibles, 100 “ West Jackson St , New ks> Holland, Diffenbach Auc ST tion Inc AHOOOI4SL 717 •* -* I 355 7253 ffc ■»] THURS JAN 8 9AM te - Farm Eq & Cows, * «, Ephraim K & Rebecca Riehl, PO Box 471 Cecil- ■ ton Maryland 21913 by 1 Mel Hoover Auct AU 003111 I 717 354-6431 TH URS JAN 8 9AM Equip , farm mach , heavy constr equip, cars, trucks, etc at Rt 11 Cort land, NY off Rt 81 exit by Roy Teitsworth aucts , 585-243-1563 FRI JAN 9 9AM Equip ment Auction, 100 West Jackson St , New Hol land, Diffenbach Auction Inc AHOOOI4SL 717 355- 7253 Michael (717) 291-5749 AU-003489-L The Big 40 Annual Sale Saturday, March 20, 2004 Bth Annual CABIN FEVER EXPO January 17 & 18, 2004 & 2nd Annual IRON FEVER AUCTION Fri., Jan. 16, 2004 @ i : oo p.m. There is still lime to consign yotn merchandise Hundreds ot items aheady consigned MACHINERY, ENGINES, TOOLS, AND OTHER ITEMS OF INTEREST. C onlad us nov\ to consign items tor the gioatc-a adxertismg exposure Visit out uehsite loi pictuies ol some ol tin items aheady consigned hor more information, contact CABIN FEVER EXPOSITIONS 1-800-789-5068 or w w w.cabinfex erexpoxom Curvin Horning, Auctioneer License #3956L Terms by STEPHEN B. and ANNA Z. KING Reficshmciits Aafejfcja* *** RENTALS, RENTALS, RENTALS *** LATE MODEL YEAR END RENTAL RETURNS OF CONSTRUCTION & AGGREGATE EQUIPMENT, AERIAL LIFTS, TRUCK & TRAILER AUCTION SATURDAY, JANUARY 17@ 9:30 a m. FLORIDA (MIDDLETOWN). NEW YORK DIRECTIONS: From the New York City Area: Take the N Y S Thruway to Exit 16, West on Rt 17 to Exit 124. go South on Rt 17A approx 4 miles turn Right onto Industrial Drive - sale site at the end From Albany: Use N YS Thiuway to Exit 17 to 1-84 West to Exit 4E to Rt 17 East to Exit 124 From FA: Use 1-84 East to Exit 124 and pioceed as noted above Address 22 Industnal Drive, Flonda, NY 10921 EARLY HILITES: 25 HYDRAULIC EXCAVATORS: New 2001 Hitachi EX3SOH-5, Hitachi EX 120-111, Hitachi FXIOO-1, Hitachi EX6O-2, Hitachi EXSOURG. (2) 2000 JD 27ZTS, (2) 1998 ID 120 E, 1999 Bobcat 117, (2)1999 Bobcat 120, Cat 125 L, Cal 1128. Cat 112, Cat 311, Cat 107, Cal 107SSR, 2001 Cal 305 CR, 2001 Cat 304 3, Cat FI2OB, Cat E7OB, Kubota 170, Volvo EC23V, Yanmar 830, Yanmarß27, RUBBER TIRED EXCA VATORS: Badger 1085 C, 8 CRAWLER TRACTORS Cat DBK (Ripper), 1998 Cat D6MLGP, Cat D6MLGP, JD 630 G, JD 550GLT, 2000 JD 450HLGP, (2) JD 450 G, 2 RUBBER TIRED LOADER: ID 644 C. 1999 JD 344H-QC, 13 TRACTOR LOADER BACKHOES: Case 580 L (4x4), 1999 Komatsu WBI4O, Komatsu WBI4O, (2) 1999 JD 110 Supei E (4x4). (2) Cat 416 C (4x4), (2) Terramite T3C, (2) 1999 Kubota 821, VIBRATORY ROLLERS: IR SD4O, RUBBER TIRED SKID STEERS: New Positrack RCSO, New Positrack RC3O, New Postitrack RC3O, 8 SKID STEERS: 1999 Bobcat 863, Bobcat 763, Bobcat 753 G, 1998 Bobcat 753 F, 1998 Bobcat 753, (2) New 2003 Pro Tough 1700, Case 1840, NH LXBB3, 5 TELESCOPIC FORKLIFTS: Brand New Mamtou MT932, Bucket to fit Mamtou MT932, 1998 Lull 10K54, 1998 Lull 844 C-42, Lull 844 C-42, (2) Lull 6448-37, 4 BOOM LIFTS JLG 80HX+6, JLG 600 S, JLG 60H, JLG 40E, 18 SCISSOR LIFTS: (9) 1997 Genie G 52032, (3) 1997 Genie G 51330, JLG 2658 E, JLG 26MRT, JLG 1532 E, (3) Upright LX4I, AIR COMPRESSORS: 1999 IR P2SOWIR, 3 GENERATORS: New IR G 235, New IR Gl7O, New IR G 145, TRENCHERS: 1998 Ditch Witch 8020, COMPACT TRACTOR: Kioti LK3034 (4x4), 2 DUMP TRUCKS: (2) 1998 Ford FBOO, 1997 CMC C7H042, DUMP BODIES & CONTAIN ERS: (10) 40 Ft Containers, ATTACHMENTS: Excavators Dirt & Light Matenal Buckets, Grapples, 4-in-l Buckets, Pallet Folks, Post Hole Augers, Hydr Spreader, Blades, Mini & Mid-Size Thumbs, Backhoes Mini & Mid- Size Thumbs, SURVEY EQUIPMENT: (3) New 2004 Porter Cable Laser Levels with Laser Receivei, (3) New 2004 Robolasei Laser Levels with Remote, (2) New 2004 Gcotop Auto Levels with Adjustable Tripods, SUPPORT: Amida Concrete Power Buggies, SALE SITE PHONE: (845) 651-7765 Alex Lyon & Son iW * SALES MANAGERS & AUCTIONEERS, INC. Syracuse (Evenings) PO Pox 610, Bridgeport. NY 13030 (315) 637-0912 pA Uc _ # AU-0003051-E PUBLIC AUCTION #1 - 96 ACRE DAIRY FARM #2 - 25 ACRE TRACT OF LAND (PENN & MIDDLECREEK TWPS. SNYDER COUNTY) 75 HEAD HOLSTEIN DAIRY DISPERSAL FARM MACHINERY TRUCKS - CROPS FRI., JANUARY 23 9 A.M. - REAL ESTATE 12 NOON lOC AI ION: laU Rt 1 I A. I S Noi ih to Rt IS exit to blink l\ Imhl Turn tight S Mai kit St in Sclmsgimc Inin kit Ihmeisitv A\t Buu kit at stop sum A. tontinut Um\usit\ A\c ( mss mei Rt 5 22 sti tight on S tkm Rd 'Xppiox I mile luiii kit I oxboio Rd (at Sakm I uihtran Chinch) appiox I 7 milts to stop sign linn imhl Rock Hill Rd short distance to slop smn linn light Spoilsman Dr I aim on ugh! Iv ■■■■ l^^jjj i \ , »'yj * *in I 8 |W #1 - 96 ACRK I* VRM: 7s juis tillable balanee pasiuiL Ac some woodland 2-1/2 sty Maine dwl W/212551 (unshed uea w/eal in kitehe.ii living A lannK rm laundry 4 hdrms 2 baths 2 sU inasoni) A. Maine b ink bain 40 \ 76 \v/14 ' 76 addition attached 1 st\ misoniv tow stable >9 \ 74 40 tieVeomloit stalls ho\ stills A heikipeiis milk house 2 SS pipe hue svs Imjuip hldg./Heiler barn 16 x 76 Id \6O stive silo w unlo id. r 1000 mad Imntaee /oiled \e eonse i v.ilion #2 -2s \< Rl IR \( I (Middli ue - > Ivvp ) 20a< Ksdlhhle bill Uiee woodl Hid PoteUll ll home ni e tblh site PlopeO tins Io lam I ike Spmtsin m l) f pisi p m inm bleLs mm kill i k- 1 de 1 i d to I 0 Ri\\ I n 111 im< iai mehi 1 1 u I 111 be n!d ep aii hi'in 1 uni it I 2 00 noon 1 I Ii ms ol Ke il Is t in I \ Imm i i)! e i !h>li /e i Inspt ellon Ov IJ p 111111 )e 1 11 (I i ipe 11 1 1( 'I 1 eS ll I I>l 0k I / liom I ’n [ i>\i ( ~ <_o|oi Inuehmi 1 i d ploume oi im uu in ■ e ill \ lie 11 oile eI s 17 711 It <O6 LEON Z. & ERMA G. SHIRK 570-.174-(o04 Randal V Kline Roy E Good, Jr, /'Vff VV Keith Snyder Auctioneers Lie #499, #2116, #3433 AULJONC-ERS www khnekreidergood com www.lyonauction.com - r^. Bridgeport (315) 633-2944 (315)633-8010 FAX
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