6th Annual Farm Machinery Auction TriCounty Implement, Waynesburg, OH January 3, 2004 9:30 AM www.Tricountyimp.com (330) 866-3320 Tractors: JD 4420 cab heat & an. Foul *5610 4WD cab w/Faimhand loadei - nice. Case 2290 w/duals & quick hitch 4WO his. Case IH 895 2WD, Case 111 "SB5 4WD w/loadei, IH 1456 w/cab IH 1086 w/cab heat and an, IH 1066, IH 856, IH 826 IH 786 Open Station, IH 706 D WF, IH 706 G new paint, IH 544 liytlm. Fat mall 560 G WF, I aiinall 560 D new paint, IH 424 D w/loadei, Faimall M, Fat mall C w/FH. Faimall Cub w/cultivatois and plow. IH Cub Lo-Boy vs /side mount sickle bai mowci Case IH 485-iough, IH 250 utility lorkhlt. Foul 7740 SI F 2WD cab-an w/num turn side mowei 2840 his. Ford 7600 w/loadei -nice, Ford 4610. Foul 3000. Foul 8N completely lestoied, Ford 8N w/Iront blade original - nice. Sevcial Foul BN, Foul 9N w/tracks. Ford 9N, Foul Jubilee, Agco Allis 6680 2WD cab an & loader. AC 190 XT w/cab, JD 4010 G NF. JD LA, David Brown 990, MF 245, MF 165 D. MF 165 D original - nice. MF 135 D. MF 35. Salvage Tractors: Fold 4500 utility, MF6SD, IH 1466 D w/cab, IH 766 w/cab, IH 656 G WF Construction: Case 580 L tiactoi-loader-backhoe 506 hrs, NH 2120 tiactor loader-backhoe 239 hrs, 1990 Ford 8000 D single axle truck w/goose neck & pintle hitch VGC, 1970 Ford 610 boom truck, Prairie Dog 7 5' 3pt backhoc, Sheiman 3pt backhoc. Pallet forks, Degelman flotation Rock King rock picket Hay Equipment: Krone KRI6O D round baler w/nct wrap, Krone KR 151 mund baler w/net wiap. Hesslon 5530 round baler, Claas Reliant 44s tound balei, IH 8430 square baler w/thrower, New Pequea 646 bale transport wagon. Home-made round bale transport wagon, new IMC front loader bale speai. Sure/ 17’ hay tedder, NH 56 rake, IH take, N 1 404 wheel take, Ford rake, /weegeis CZ34O rake/tedder, IH fast hitch sicklebar mowei, NI pull type sicklebai mower, MC rotary scythe Tillage: JD 710 5 shank disc chisel, AC 5 shank disc chisel, Landoll 5 shank weather piooter, Glencoe 5 shank disc chisel, IH 7 shank disc chisel w/new blades and shovels Landoll 7 shank soil mastci. Glencoe 7 shank slietch fiame disc chisel, Glencoe 9 shank disc chisel, Kcwanee 1020 21' flat told disc, Kewance 740 manual fold 18’ wing disc, Kewancc 750 16’ wing disc, IH 470 16' manual lold disc, Piltsbuigh 10’ disc new blades, Pittsbuigh 10’ transport disc reconditioned, IH otlset 8" disc, IH 37 12" disc. Case 10’ trans poit disc, JD 3200 4X on land plow, JD 145 3X semi-mount plow, White ASR 6X plow, IH 720 5X ASR plow, IH 710 5X plow, IH 4X plow, IH 3X14 last hitch plow, Ford 3pt 4X plow, MF 82 3X plow 3 pt, Dearborn 2X plow 3 pt, 10’-14’ single & double packers, NiemeyerTE4so rotary harrow, 2-MF 33 gram drills (1) with grass seed, Massy Harris EZ Flow lime spieader, Stollzfus CUS6I lime spreader - like new, Nl 324 2X picker, JD 7100 4X 3 pt planter, JD 7000 6X planter w/dry lertilizei Misc. Equipment: Vicon LSI9IO boom sprayer. Badger ensilage wagon, JD 3300 combine w/gram platform, Knight 252 manure spreader, NH 679 tan dem manure spreader, JD 450 manure spreader, IH loader w/foik bucket, 16’ gram elevatoi on wheels, 250 G stainless steel bulk tank w/compressor & lines, Head stanchions. Various 3pt Brush Hogs, 20 Bx3B duals w/hardware, 18 4X38 duals 9 bolt rims, 23 1x26 combine wheels, Calf hutch, Misc hang-on & wheel weights. Tractor cabs, Rolled wire fencing Lawn & Garden: 92 Yamaha Timberwolf 4 Wheeler-VGC; (2) JD 4x2 gators. Woods RM3O6 finish mower, JD 317 riding mowei, Cub Cadet 580 ndmg mowei, (2) Cub Cadet - original belt drive 7HP Kohler (1) w/tenders; Sand Box, Bxl2 vinyl sided storage building, Bxlo utility bam. Wall retain ing block. Patio stone, Edgcrs, 4xB sheets insulation 3” thick New: 6-7’ 3pt blades, 5-6’ rotary cutters. Boom poles. Little Leroy land lev clei, sxlo trailei with landscape gate, 6 sxl6’ trailer with landscape gate Consignments being taken until Januaiy 2, 2004 until noon Call early to take advantage of advertising Trucking available Loader tractors and dock on site Reasonable commission lates Call for more details This is a partial listing Equipment listing and photos can be viewed on line at www tncountyimp com Terms: Cash, Check, Visa or Master Card with positive ID on auction day 3% Buyer’s premium waived for cash or check Equipment listing may change due to daily sales Neither the auctioneers nor their agents assume any responsibility or liability for accidents, items after purchase or no shows Announcements made sale day take precedence over printed material Hope to see you as a buyer, seller or spectator Lunch provided by Donnie Williams Looking for a specific place or need more information, call Ron or Mike at (330) 866-3320, M-F 8 00 to 5 00, Sat 8-12 Directions: Located 15 miles south of Canton, OH on Rte 43/183 between Waynesbuig, OH and Malvern, OH Call foi additional directions il needed Pre-appioved financing available thru Consumeis National Bank Call Rona (330) 866-3320 lor application materials and Kites Appioval must be done no later than Friday, Jan 2, 2004 Auctioneers Michael Lozier & Associates, Who is your advisor? Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week's publication Internet Sale Register will be updated by Friday at 12 Noon & SAT JAN °ap, PA 17527 FRI JAN 10 9AM both days, real SAT JAN 10 - 9AM estate, antiques, car, trac Plumbers Supply Co tors, toys, Wmross trucks, mventory/supphes coins, tools, (brick ranch access , fixtures, tubs, type dwelling), misc at sinks, misc at 376 S Gen -31 Chestnut Hill Rd , tre St, Pottsville, PA by Stevens, E CocalicoTwp Doug/Tim Houser Aucts PA by Art Pannebecker AU000446L, 610-799- Auct Serv AU001476-L, 2396 or 570-386-2191 ZJZ"- 336 6983 ' 717 ' 336 ‘ SAT JAN 10 - 9AM Auc -2' tion of ponies, carriages, FRI JAN 9 -11 AM saddles, leather tools, Monthly Dairy Sale, Mid harnesses, antiques, dleburg Livestock Auc- 2700 W Rt 897, Denver, tion, 570-837-2222 PA, Snyder's Auction Ser- FRI JAN 9 SPM Tack, e , AU- 00348 9-L, 717- 6PM Horses, at Penns 733-/052 Valley Livedstock m Cen SAT JAN 10 - 9 30AM tre Hall by Mel Hoover, Liquidation Retirement AUOO3IIIL, 814-364- Auction trucks, trailers, 2012 dump trucks, misc at Al SAT JAN 10 TO 17 - PA Hamilton T j;uck Sales, Farm Show Collectibles Manheim, PA by Alex Series Crawlers, Trucks, etc 717-768-3066 or write 633-2944, 315-637-8912 Show Items, PO Box 553, SAT JAN 10 10AM Hit N A Public Auction Q For Paradise Equipment 9:ooA.M.J ues> D ec> 30th, 2003 at 9am 9:00A.M. At: Paradise Sales Barn, Paradise, PA Directions; Approximately 8 miles east of Lancaster, PA on mute 30 turn on Meadow Lane to sale on right FORKLIFTS (TO BK SOLD AT 11 AM) MEC Model 220 AMHT Scissor Lift, BMC 17,0001 b Ciane, Champ Rough Terrain 80001 b, Gas, 1999 Mitsubishi 50001 b, cushion tues, 3 stage, LPG, 1999 Mitsubishi 50001 b cushion tires, 2-stage. LPG, 2000 Toyota Pneumatic Tires, 2-stage, LPG, Hysler 13 5001 b cushion tires, 2- stage, LPG, Hyster 12,0001 b, 3-stage, cushion tires, LPG, Hyster 10,0001 b 2- cushion tnes, LPG, 2000 Yale 30001 b 3-stagc, s/s, cushion tires, LPG, A/C 50001 b 2-slage, cushion tnes, LPG, Yale 50001 b 2-stage with rotor, LPG. Yale 50001 b 2-stage 36-volt eleclnc, Nissan 30001 b 2-stage, 36-voll electric, TCM 50001 b 2-slage, cushion tires, LPG, Clark 40001 b, 3- S/S, Cushion tires, LPG, Yale 30001 b cushion tires, S/S, 3-slage, LPG, Claik Order Picker, Crown Older Picker, Crown Reach Truck, Big Joe Lifts, Manuel and electric pallet jacks, forks, tanks, masts, attach ments, and accessories. Chicago 6' 35 ton press break, Acron Welding table, Bridgeport 2-hp Milling Machine, Bndgeport 1-HP Milling Machine, Supermax 2-HP Milling Machine. Fintz-Werne Milling Machine, Leblond 14 x 24 Lathe, Monarch IOEE Lathe, Leblond 16 x 48 Lathe, Leblond 12 x 54 Lathe, Anco Welder with aluminum Spool Gun, 3' Power Shear, Spot Welder, 8’ Hand Break, Linde Model PCM-121 welder, SCMI 552 Planei, 12" H D Table Saw, 10" Tilling Arboi Saw, Crescent 24”twm Head Disc Sander, 16” Disc Sander, Nlume Redeckmu Wood Lathe, Grizzly Disc/Bclt Sandci, Tile Saw, HD Buffers, 36" Wood Band Saws, Delta Shaper, Walker Turner radial Arm saw, Delta 12" table Saw, Balemastcr Horizontal Bailei, Brown & Sharpe #2 Auto Screw Machine, Buss 30" Planer, Foot-Burt Radial Drill, Cailton 3’s 9” Radial Drill, Ramco Model RSIOOP Honzonlal Metal Bandsaw, Continental 14” wood Bandsaw, Grinders, Belt Sanders, Powermatic Wood Lathes, Parts Tumbler, Dake Model 7 Hydraulic Piess, V&O 18 ton punch press, V&O 25 ton punch press, V&O 55 ton punch press; Bliss #4 Punch Press, Warner & Swasey #2A Turret Lathe, tapping Machines, Tocco Induction Furnace, Warner Swasey #4 Turret Lathe; Hossfield Bender, Index Vert Mill 2x PF, American lan dust Collector, Superior V Band Saw, Hitachi Seiki CNC Lathe, Tool & Cutter Grinder, Dewalt Radial Arm Saw; Walker Turner drill Piess, Jet Vertical Mill P.F, Rockwell Drill Press, TOS Lathe 3-jaw chuck. Delta 12" vertical bandsaw, Monarch Lathe 19-800 RPM 15 x 50, Hammond Grinder, Pedestal Tool Grinder, Bndgewood 15” Planer, Powermatic Model 90 Wood Lathe, Delta single phase disc/belt sander, (New) 65 Ton Edwards Iron Worker Miscellaneous Quincy 25-HP Compressor with hydraulic controls, Quincy 10-HP Compressor, Quincy 7-1/2 HP Compressor; DeVilbiss 2-HP Compressor, New & Used Stanley Vidmar Cabinets, Lombardmi Model 6Lo 200 Engine, Hydraulic Motors and Fittings, Dust Collector Blowers, Satty- Kleen Model SC Parts Washer W/Solvent, Pneumatic Grease Pump, New & Used DC Motors, Flammable Cabinets, Pallet Racking, Cantilever racking, Shelving, Warehouse carts. Roller Conveyer, Tooling, Plumbing, Electrical, Hardware, Totes, Chine Hoist, Air System Air Drier, Schram 80 Gallon Air Compressor, Electrical Buss Duct, Translomeis, 30-HP Rotary Screw Air Compressor, Garner-Denver Air Compressoi, Wood Working Clamps and tools, Dewalt air compiessor, Stihl Model T-S4OO concrete saw, Milwaukee hammer drill, Honda 5-hp water pump, Dewalt compound miter saw, Pagolode drill system, Marquette spot welder, Rigid tn stand, Fieezcr lockers, OFFICE EQUIPMENT Desk, Chairs, File Cabinets, Tables, Cabinets, 5% Buyers Premium Visit our Web Site www paradiseequipment net For sales inquiries contact us at sales@paradiseequipment net or call 717 6X7 6646 Terms By Paradise Equipment, Larry Goolsby @ 717-687-5645 Auctioneer Mel Hoover AU-005111-L All Announcements Sale Day Take Precedence Over All Advertising. SIA. Not Responsible tor Accidents JtaA mtm* Food on Premises dwQlt Tfn Auctioneer: Mel Hoover AU-003111-L —MV* y 717-354-8397 Home or 717-354-6431 Barn Q Lancaster METAL AND WOODWORKING Cash or Honorable PA Check Only Farming, Saturday, December 27, 2003-825 Miss engines, parts, tools, at Haar's Auct, 185 Logan Rd , Dillsburg, PA by’ Hardy's Auction Ser .vice AHIOL, 717 432 '3779, or 717-432-8246 SAT JAN 10 10AM Faun Show Bred Gilt Sale, small arena at Farm Show Complex, [Cameron & McClay Sts, [Harrisburg, PA by Bach man Auct 717 787-4160 ISATJAN'IO 11AM Pub lic firearms auction of shotguns, rifles, swords, handguns, military, etc at Long Green Vol Fue Co , Long Green Galto Co MD by Isennock Auct 410-557-8052 SAT JAN 10 11AM 695 acre bldg lot 26 Golf Rd Reinholds, PA South Hei delberg Twp Berks Co Terms by Tommy J & Ann M Kashatus, Horn ing Farm Agency Inc AU2417 L 610-286-5183 SAT JAN 10 11AM Skid loader, tractors, farm equip at Kutztown Pro duce Auct , 209 Oak Haven Rd , Fleetwood, Berks Co , PA by Kenneth P Leiby Auct AU00541-L, 610-562 3929 SAT JAN 10 12 Noon 60 ac Juniata Co dairy farm Owners Henry L & Lydia E Swarey Bryan D Imes, Auct 717 527-2449 SAT JAN 10 IPM Mobile home w/garage, horse barn & 5 5 acres M/L at 580 Mohns Hill Rd , Remholds, PA by Funk Auct AU3I4 L, 7 17- 442-4279 SAT JAN' 10' “'2PM Antiques, glassware tools, coins, turn & col lect at Gibney's Auct Ctr Rt 1 at PA/MD line, Ris ing Sun, MD by Gibney Auct 410 658 5649 SAT JAN'IO 3PM Resi dential real estate at 1357 Mane Ave , Ephrata, PA, brick ranch style dwelling, 1250 sq ft, 800 sq ft basement, by Horst Aucts AU43BL, 717-859- 1331, 717-738-3080 TUES JAN 13 9AM Rest/deli equip, sports cards, Nascar cars, gro ceries, misc collect at Sadsbury Avenue, near Strasburg, PA by Ben jamm K Stoltzfus, AU005104 610-593-4922 TUES JAN 13 -10 AM & WED JAN 14 - 9AM 2 day sale, Jonas King's Mule Sale, at Mel's Sta bles, 834 Wallace Rd , New Holland, PA by Mel Hoover Auct AUOO3III-L, 717-354 6431 WED JAN 14 9AM Farm machinery, Holstein heifers, draft horses, etc , Emanuel, Katie Fisher, 2 miles east of Strasburg, PA by Petersheim Auct 610 857 5200 WED JAN 14 2004 'Horse Sale at Mel's Sta bles, 834 Wallace Rd , New Holland, PA 17557 717-354-8397 THURS JAN 15 9AM Farm Eq & Cows, David S & Elizabeth Click, 2019- A Edisonville Rd , Stras burg, Pa 17579 by Mel Hoover Auct AU 003111- L 717-354-6431 THURS JAN 15 -10 AM Farm mach , 6 work hors es & 1 mule at 160 N Birdell Rd , Honey Brook, PA by Roy Good, #3433, 717-4454-4309 FRI JAN 16 -10 AM Real estate 1 sty dwl, shop, garage on 3 6 acre tract, pers prop at 144 Fair mont Rd , Farmersville, PA By Roy E Good Jr #499, 717-445-4309 FRI JAN 16 - IPM 2nd annual Iron Fever Auc tion, machinery, engines, tools, etc Curvin Horn mg, Auctioneer #39561, 1 800-789-5068 SAT JAN 17 & SUN JAN 18 - Bth annual Cabin Fever Auction, machinery, engines, tools, etc Curvin Horn ing, Auctioneer #3956L, 1 800 789-5068 SAT JAN 17 - 9 30AM Late model year end rental returns of equip , trucks etc Middletown, N Y Alex Lyon & Son, 315-633-2944 SAT JAN 17 -11 AM 100 Acre dairy farm at 324 Rt 230, Dundee, NY, 100 acres tillable farmland/pond/dairy barn, other misc bldgs by Century 21 Sbarra & Wells, 800-724-8093 SAT JAN 17 -12 Noon 127 ac in Delaware Twp , Juniata Co Owner Han nah Burns Trust Bryan D Imes, Auct 717-527-2449 TUES JAN 20 9AM Quilt, Craft & Buggy Auc tion, 100 West Jackson St, New Holland, Diffen bach Auction Inc AHOOOI4SL 717-355-7253 THURS JAN 22 -11 AM Farm equip auction at Figgs Landing Rd , Snow Hill, MD by Pete Richard son Auct 1-800-408-9384 or 410-546-2425 THURS JAN 22 - 2PM Stone rancher, 4 6 acres at 399 Jacobs Rd , Nar von, Rt 322 E of Blue Ball, PA by Randal V Kline #499, 717-445-4256 FRI JAN 23 - 9AM 2 auc tions 1) Dairy dispersal, farm mach & trucks at RRI Selingsgrove, Sny der Co for Leon Z & Erma G Shirk 2) 96 acre farm + 25 acre tract of land RRI Selinsgrove (Penn & Middlecreek Twps), Snyder Co , owner Emma Oberholtzer By Kline Auct
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