AB-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 20, 2003 December 22-28 DECEMBER 23 \uv Moon DECEMBER 25 ( Innimds On the language ol dossers South 01 not them /ones Cuttings ol boxwood ilhixin niii/x n m ini the boxwood plant ate traditional lor denoteseonstanes 1 hou; sxsk'tn is shallow it is or csc'imccns that show stood louses its as lorn; as sou don 1 plant it in a c I imatc pi one to ex Heines such as the' l)i 1 cup butter 1 cup brown sugar 1 egg yolk 1/2 tsp. vanilla extract 2 cups flour 1 tsp. ground cinnamon 1 egg white 3/4 cup chopped walnuts r,” ;wti UtW* ll I) . WIT AND WISDOM FROM THE OLD FARMER’S ALMANAC ■ If C huswuh Day on Thwsdny In a luudy wmtei ye shallut ■ On Boxing Da\ (Dec 26) leniembei postal caineis dehv ci\ pusons and olheis who make d.nl\ life a little easiei ■ foi good luck pngle siKci coins when\ou glimpse \KDI \ I \ O (IPS AM) NX tAf H h K fOR Y ( AS ! S \|S I 7 KKiUl’lN ( Mercer Livestock Auction Mercer, Pa. December 16,2003 Report Supplied B> PDA C AFTLF 476 (PDA) si steers Here 3 00 to S 00 lower si tows were actne steady to 1 00 lower STtfcRS Choice 1-3 IKKM47S lbs 9200-9900, one 101 SO. Select 1-2 74 00 9100, Standard 1 2 S 7 00-73 00 HOISTFIN STFFRS few High Choice and Prime 2-3 1265-1490 lbs 85 00-91 00, Choice 2-3 1060-1505 lbs 72 00 82 50 Select 1-2 63 00-70 50, few Standard 1-2 52(H) 60 00 HFIFFRS Choice 1-3 1000-1400 lbs 88 50-100 00, Se lect 1 2 65 00-80 50, few Stan dard 1-2 57 00-65 00 C OWS Breakers 75-805* lean 52 00-63 50 one 66 50, Boners 80-85<V lean 44 00 55 00, Lean 85-90'r lean 40 00-48 50 Shells 39 50 and down BUI IS \ leld Grade 1 1050-2000 lbs 58 00-63 25, \ield Grade 2 1250-2080 lbs 52 00-72 50 FELDFH CATTLL STFFRS few Medium 1 300-400 lbs 91 00-95 00. 400-600 lbs 80 50 90(H) 700 1000 lbs 71 00 72 50 Medium 2 400-650 lbs 60 00-66 00 HFIFFRS Me dium I 400-600 lbs 70(H) 80 00 600 850 lbs 70 00-76 00, Medium 2 200-300 lbs 59 00-70 00 400-600 lbs 51 00 66 00. BUI I S one Medium 1 395 lbs 96 00, Medium 2 350 600 lbs 56 00-71 00 CAIVFS 88 VFALFRS Standard and Good 65 90 lbs 45 00-77 50, few UtiliU 50-75 lbs 30 00-40 (H) FARM CAI VES No 1 Holstein bulls 90 130 lbs 125 00 165 00, No 2 80-135 lbs 62 50 120 00 couple No 1 Hol stein heifers 95 &. 100 lbs 400 00 few No 2 60 100 lbs 60 00-130 00 Few beef cross bulls and heif ers 80-90 lbs 60 00-125 00 Lancaster Farming's Classified Ads Get Results! Old Farmer’s Almanac □ reheat oven to 350°F. Cream butter and brown sugar heat in egg yolk and vanilla Stn to gelhei flout anti < innanion and add loti canted miv luie Bat into an ungicased Io\ I S-inth baking pan Brush with egg white Sprinkle w ith and piess them lightly into the lop Bake toi 18 to \ - 20 minutes Cut into diamonds while still wal lit MAKES 2 DOZEN. a ucscenl Moon www.almanae.eom HOGS 49 BARROWS AND GILTS 45-50% lean 235-275 lbs 35 00-40 25, couple to 42 50 BOARS couple 230 &. 240 lbs 12 00 &. 22 00 FEEDER PIGS 4 Few 1-3 50-65 lbs 10 00-16 00 per head SHFFP2 NO MARKET TEST 1 GOATS I NO MARKET IFST 1 Rogers Community Auction, Inc. 3l wheic huyu and sdlci gel logclhei r —— KEN, BILL BAER AUCTIONEERS One halt mile west ot Rogeis, Ohio on St Rt 154 330-227-1213 Tri State Area’s Largest Open Air Market open every Friday FREE PARKING • NO ADMISSION FEE CONSIGNMENT AUCTIONS Every Friday Furniture & misc Ipm Produce & Eggs 5 p m Poultry Barn 6pm FIRST TUESDAY OF EACH MONTH FARM EQUIPMENT CONSIGNMENT AUCTION 1p m Miscellaneous auction 4p m Gulden tiaeloi auction spm Fncwood 6pm Farm Machmeiy EVERY Wednesday 1 p.m. Flay & Gram Auction FAMILY OWNED AND MANAGED SINCE 1955 - WJSSF MARKET LFESPORT, BERKS COUNTY, PA 19533 (610) 926-1307 LIVESTOCK AUCTION EVERY WEDNESDAY - 1:OOP.M. LEESPORT •' tp- s Farmers Market 8:00 AM to 7:00 PM Flea Market 7:00 AM to ?? NOTE: NQ LIVESTOCK AUCTION Christmas Eve - Dec. 24* There will be a Livestock Auction Wednesday, Dec 31* | visit our website: www.leesportmarket.com 2003 DECEMBER 23. 24 Best day* to begw DECEMBER 24. 25 Bi r/ days to stiDt m w pto/uts ;aths. lopiais. and othe't in loot gieeneis such as rope's and sssatts —another stood le'asontoeultivale-pie'itls ol injoiii outdooi lam.lsi.apo ixwood is slow -glowing but kos to ho pi unod Eighty-Four Livestock Auction Fights-Four, Pa. Monda>, December 15,2003 Report Supplied K> Auction CATTLE IS2 (SUPPIIFD B't THF AUC TION) COWS Breakers 7S-80G loan 48 00-S6 00 Boners 80-BSG lean 41 00 48 00 lean 85-90 G lean M) 00-41 00 BUMS >icld Grade 1 162 S 2155 lbs SO SO SO 00 FfFDFRCATTIF STFFRS Medium and Urge I 300-4 SS lbs 92 00 107 00 SOO-700 lbs 82 00 89 00. Medium and Large 2 2SO-40S lbs 76 00-92 00. 600-990 lbs 68 00 8* (HI, HFIFFRS Medium and large 1 270 43S lbs 76 00-89 00 SOO-700 lbs 74 00-82 50, Medium and Urge 2 MO-4 SO lbs 67 00-77 00 CAIVTS IS} (All tabes sold per ewt) VFAI FRS Standard and Good 7S 100 lbs 37 00-80 00. Utility SS-90 lbs 24 00-40 00 FARM C M VFS No I Holstein bulls 90-1 IS lbs no 00 ns 00. 80-8 S lbs 110 00-120 00, No 2 BS-12S lbs 7S 00-110 00. No 1 Holstein heilers BS-120 lbs 2SO 00-400 00, No 2 8S 9S lbs lIS 00-180(K) Beef cross bulls and heifers 80 IIS lbs 90 (Ml-ISO 00. 140-300 lbs 72 00-89 00 HOGS 22 BARROWS AND GUIS 40-4SG lean 220-280 lbs *8 00-4} 00 FFFDFRPIGSO no market test' SHFFP SI AUGHTER lAMBS High Uioiu- and Prime 105-I*s lbs 7S 00-110 00, C hoice 40-45 lbs 150 00-180 00. SS-75 ibs 100 00-115 00, 80 100 Ibs 9500-105 00, Good and C hmce 65-95 lbs 90 00-110 00 SI AUGHTER SHFFP 45 00-60 00. > ear lings 60 00-85 00 GOATS 54 (All goats sold b> the head with weights estimated) Kids Selection 1 20-40 Ibs 10 00-50 00. 40-60 Ibs 55 00-70 00, 60-80 Ibs 68 00-80 00 Selection 2 20-40 Ibs 15 00-25 00 Nannies 70-100 Ibs 45 00-60 00 Billies 70 100 Ibs 60 00-77 00, 100 Ibs and over 80 00-92 00 NEW! Bobcat® 430 ZHS Compact Excavator Improve your swing. i With Zero House Swing, both the front and rear ends of the Bobcat 430 stay within the machine's width, so there's less chance of striking objects during operation. The Fast Track" drive system is hydrostatic, like a skid-steer-twice as fast as any other excavator brand! The 430 gives you unmatched travel speed, smooth maneuverability and faster cycle times. Why didn't anybody think of this before? 5 mph travel speed • Zero House Swing • Zero Tail Swing 10 ft. digging depth •Maneuverable in tight spaces* Easy serviceability Best Line Leasing, Inc. Bobcat of Lancaster Bobcat of Reading BS & B Repair Muncy, PA Ephrata, PA Reading, PA Miffhnburg, PA 570-546-8422 717-859-4646 610-926-2441 717-966-3756 800-321-2378 Burchfields Inc. Clugston Ag & Turf Inc. Cumberland Bobcat Grumelli’s Farm Service Martmsburg PA Chambersburg, PA Mechamcsburg, PA Quarryville, PA 814-793-2194 717-263-4103 717-790-9810 717-786-7318 Morrison’s Cove Livestock Marfmshiirg, Pa. Report Supplied by Auction December 15,‘201)3 (Alii F 128 HEAD STFFRS CHOICE 86 00-90 00. GOOD 78 00-82 00 HFIFFRS CHOKF BSOO-8800 GOOD 72 00-80 00 COWS UTIIITY AND COMMFRCIAI 46 00-S7 00. CANNFR AND I OW CUITFR 20 00-44 00 BUI I OCRS CiOOD & CHOKf SS 00-68 00 BUMS \ Ci+N I S 2 00 62 SO FFFDFR C ATTI F STFFRS S2OO-7S(KI. BUI 1 S SS 00 68 00. HFIFFRS 5} 00-80 00 CAi\FS 112 HFAD C HOICT 75 00-8 S 00 GOOD 65 00-80 00 STANDARD 2000-SO 00 HOI SI FIN BUI 1 S 90-MO LBS 80 00-140 00. HOISTFIN HCIFTRS 90 130 IBS ISO 00-440 00 HOGS 80 US+NI-2, 42 00-4} 00, US +N I } }2 00 38 (X) SOWS US+NI } 20 00-3} 00 BOARS 8 00-21 00 FFFDFR PIGS 18 HFAD US +NI-3 20 SO LBS 10 00-30 00 SHFFP 14 HFAD CHOICI lAMBS 110 00-120 00, GOOD lAMBS 1(H) 00-110 00. SI FWFS 3S 00-110 00 GOATS 40 (HM 20 00 FAC H Dewart Livestock Depart, Pa. Report Supplied B> Auction MiimLn. December 15. 2003 STEERS 64 00-95 50 HEIFERS T(X) FEW TO QUOTE GOOD COWS 40 00-51 50 ( ANNFRS AND CUTTERS 30 00-40 00 BULI S 50 00-59 00 VEAI 90-190 LBS 10000-490 00, 70-90 1 BS 60 00-100 00 HOGS NONE SOWS H 00 FEEDER PIGS 22 00-25 00 FA Your Bobcat Headquarters: Lebanon Valley Livestock Fredericksburg, Pa. Report Supplied By PDA December 16.2003 CATII E lo7...(PDA)...Comparcd with lasi week's sale.a»l. steers and heifers not tested, si tows were 1.00 to 2.50 lower. ID 111 RS: one Select 2 78.50, COWS: Breakers 75-80% lean 54.00-60.00. average 57.06, Boners 80-85% lean 47.00-53.75, average 50.58, Lean 85-90% lean 37.75-46.25, average 41.47. Shells 35.25 ami down. BOLI S: one Yield Grade 1 1580 lbs 58.75 V icld Grade 2 1090-1235 lbs 50.00-57.50 n V DER C\nir: BUI I S: one I arge 3 635 lbs Holsteins 42.50. CALVFS I27...VLALE RS: Standard and Good 75-120 lbs 40.tN1-65.00, Utility 60-100 lbs 10.00- FARM CALVFS: Holstein bulls sold 10.00 higher with better demand for No 2 quality calves, Holstein heifers active and flrm...No 1 Holstein bulls 95-120 lbs 120.00- lew to 172.00. average 143.22 85-90 lbs 115.00-122.00, No 2 80-120 lbs 80.00- weaker calves to 60.00, average 90.62: No 1 Holstein heifers 85-100 lbs 330.00- average 376.67. No 2 80-90 lbs 100.00- average 154.00. HOGS 18...Sovvs were steady. SOWS: 1-3 415-500 lbs 25.00-28.00, couple to 33.00, 500-695 lbs 29.50-32.00, Medium 325-465 lbs 14.1M1-20.00. FFLDLR PIGSU...NH MARKIT ILST! SHLtP 5...51 AUGHT t R lAMBS: (.out) and Choice 85-100 Ibc 8(MKI. GOA ESIL.NO MARKET IF SI!
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