Pa. Grain Report December 15,2003 Report Supplied By PDA Compared with last Monday's market for Pastern and Central Pennsylvania Corn mostly OS higher Wheat steady to weak Barley steady lo OS higher Oats steady to firm Soybeans mostly 11 higher Far C orn steady to <OO high er All pnees paid delivered to dealers dock. All pi lees per bushel, eyeept Far Com per ton SOU FHF ASLEKN PENNSYLVANIA Com No 2-v 2 74-2 OS few 3 02. avg 286 eontrael lor hanesl 2 S 4-2 SS Wheat No 390 4 04, av g t 06. eontraet for harvest !6I 3 70 Barley No 3 1 80-2 05 few 2 20. avg >Ol eontrael for harvest 160 Oats No 2 I‘Bl 2 IK), avg 197 Soybeans 7 20-7 42, avg 7 ft, eontraet for barest 56 4-5 87 Gr Sorg hum 2 71 lar Corn 65 00-85 00, avg 74 67 SOUTHLFNLRAI PENNSYLVANIA ( orn No 2-v 2 70-2 85 few 2 95, avg 278 Wheat No 2 5 40-3 80, avg 354 Barley No 3 1 90 2 20, avg 206 Oats No 2 1 90-2 25. avg 198 Soybeans No 1 7 16-7 40, avg 721 Gr Sorghum none Ear Corn 65 00-80 00, avg 74 13 WI SITRN PENNSYLVANIA C orn No 2 2 3H-2 50, avg 2 47 Wheat No 2 t 30 1 SO. avg 342 Bariev No 3 1 7S Oats No 2 1651 75 avg 166 Soybeans No 1 7IS 7 avg 724 Far C orn 70 00-74 00, avg 72 (Ml (INTRAI PLNNSYI VANIA Corn No 2-y 2 70-2 84 few 2 9S. avg 276 \\ hcai No 2 34S SO avg »48 Barley No * 1001 os avg 19 7 Oat No 2 1 7S-2 10. avg J9] Sovbeans 7 10 7 40. avg 721 Gr Sorg hum none Far Corn 60 00-7 S 00, avg 66 67 I I HGH VALI EY ARf A Corn No 2-y 2 7S-2 88, avg 281 Wheat N<i 2 3 7S-4 00 avg 384 Barley No 3 170 200 avg 183 Oats No 2 16S-2 00. avg 190 Sovbeans No 1 7 20-7 35, avg 727 Gr Sorghum none Ear Corn 75 00-76 00. avg 7S 33 L-VSll RN \NI) CENTRAL PI NNSYLVANIA SUMMARY Corn No 2-y 2 70- 2 9S, avg 2 80, month ago 2 69. year ago 3 02 Wheat No 2 3 50-4 04, avg 3 70, month ago 3 84, year ago 3 58 Barley No 1 I 80-2 OS, avg 1 99. month ago I 92, year ago 2 IS Oats No 2 1 75-2 10, avg 194. month ago I 88 vear ago 1.90 Soybeans No 1 7 16-7 42, avg 7 26, month ago 7 19, year ago 581 Ear C orn 65 00-80 00, avg 73 35, month ago 69 67, year ago 89 51 NORTH CENTRAL OHIO Prices FOB Truck Corn 2 38-2 42. Wheat 3 81-3 87 Soybeans 7 48-7 66 Soybean Meal Bulk 44# 232 70-23 S 00, bulk 48# 242 70-244 00 GRO-PRO XL 100 N • 3 upper feed windows open to fill the pan completely during brood stage •14 diameter feed pan provides more feeding .... • 15 spoke grill & feed saver lip on plastic pan * • Easy installation & replacement on tube with cap retainer • Durable all-plastic construction nVAL~c W Mil SYSTEMS Ni pp LE drinkers FIBERGLASS j^j^i power m,ser *p(B INTHE 'lm business w • Chicks • Turkeys • Broiler Breeders Zeiset Equipment 2187 North Penryn Rd., Manheim, PA 17545 Phone (717) 665-4056 Fax (717) 665-2240 Daily National Grain Market Summary St. Joseph, IMO December 17, 2003 Report Supplied By USDA Wheat ended the dav mix due to concerns of world competition C orn continues lo lose ground due to lack of fresh news Soybeans saw gams as the market found support from the C hinese \isit today and thoughts of yesterdays selling yyas merdonc Traders are optimistic about ( hmese business Wheat was mi\ from 4 cents lower to » cents higher Corn was steady to 2 cents lower Sorghum was 1 cent lower Soybeans were *-7 cents higher EXPORT SAIFS PURCHASER COM MODITY TONNAGE DELIVERY DATE Egypt Soft White 60.000 Jan 11-20 Malta C orn 12.000 Feb CCC to Vietnam Soybean Meal 9,970 Jan 12-22 Total Wheat 60,000 tonnes Com 12,000 tonnes Soybean Meal 9,970 tonnes THESE MAY NOT BE THE ONLY EX PORT SAI ES THAT HAVE TRANSPIRED, BUT THEY ARE THE ONI Y SAI ES THAT COULD BE CONFIRMED BY USDA (.RAIN MARKET NEWS TRUCK BIDS 121*7/0* 12/16/01 12/18/02 Wheat Kansas City (HRW ORD) * 90-* 92 dn 24 21 Minneapolis (DNS) 4IS'A up 416 V Portland (SWW) * 97-4 00 up *-2 4 16-4 18 St I ouis (SRW>4 00dn * *B2 Corn US No 2 ellow Kansas C ity 2 52-2 54 unch-dn * 2 44-2 48 Minneapolis 233 up 209 So lowa 2 43-2 44 unch-dn 1 2 26-2 29 ' Omaha 2 41-2 43 dn 1-unch 2 26-2 29 Soybeans, US No I Yellow Kansas C ity 766 up 7-6 S S 9 Minneapolis No Bid N/A No Bid So lowa 7 SS-7 60 up 5-4 5 39 5 44 C ent II Proves sor 768■/-7 74 1 up 7 1 4 4 1 '4 5 SO G-5 64 ■/ Minneapolis truck - to arrive 20 days FUTURFS Kansas City (Mar) Wheat 3 90 G dn 1 'A 3 93 Minneapolis (Mar) Wheat 3 97 % up 'A 4 06 h Chicago (Mar) Wheat 3 86 dn 3 1 ’ 3 56 Chicago (Mar) Com 2 51 '6 dn '/. 2 40 Chi cago (Jan) Soybeans 7 68 '/* up 4 ] A (Mar) Soy beans 7 73 'A up 4 'A 5 55 % FXPORT BIDS Barge bids out of the Port of New Orleans, or Rail out of the North Texas Ciulf Bids per bushel, except sorghum per cwt US 1 HRW Wheat, Ord Protein Rail 445 »/ 4 - 447 Vi dn 1 V* 4 43-4 50 US 2 Soft Red Winter Wheat Barge 4 33 dn 3 V'-4 Vi 4 06 No 2 Yellow Com Barge 2 89 dn 1 '/i-2 2 72-2 73 US 2 Yel low Sorghum Rail 5 29-5 47 dn I 5 09-5 20 Barge 5 47-5 53 dn 1 5 27-5 32 US 2 Yellow Soybeans Barge 8 06 */’-8 07 ]/ 2 up 3 V* 6 01 V* It’s Quality Your Birds Expect! Pancake with Venturi Burner pre-mixes fuel and air for smoother and more efficient burning Space Heater warms air for whole house protection and comfort Corn Belt Feedstuff St. Joseph, Mo. December 16 2003 Report Supplied B) USOV Feedstuff prices were steady to lower for the week Demand moderate for ingredients Feed consumption is increasing as winter weather ap proached the Midwest Note Brewers Dried Gram prices w ill no longer be a\ ailable and w ill be discontinued from our report SCABFAN MFAI 48 percent rail was 6 00-8 00 lower from 226 00-229 00 48 percent truck was 6 00-7 50 lower from 230 00-236 00 per ton CORN BYPRODUCTS Gluten Feed 21 percent, Interior Points was steady to 9 00 lower from 80 00-115 00, Chicago was 5 00-9 00 lowei from 80 00-110 00 60 percent Gluten Meal. In terior Points was steady from 310 00-328 00, Chicago was steadv to 200 lower from 310 00-333 00 per ton Rail Hommv Feed. Cen tral Illinois Points rail was steady from 62 00-68 00, truck was steady from 64 00- 75 00 Crude Corn Oil was steady to 50 points lower from 28 00-29 50 cents per pound MU 1 FEFDS Northwest was steady to 600 lowei from 72 00-85 00, Buffalo was steady to 6 00 lower from 77 00-87 00 per ton ALIAIFA PFLLETS Toledo. Ohio 17 per cent dehydrated was steady from 143 00- 148 00, meal was steady from 148 50-153 50 15 percent pellets was steadv from 137 00-145 50 per ton, meal was steady from 142 50-151 00 DISTILLER S DRIED GRAINS Central Il linois was * 00 lower from I2S 00- I *5 00. C hi cago was steady from HSOO-14000, law reneeburg. II was steady at 128 00, Kansas was S 00 higher at 140 00, Nebraska was mostly sold out, Minnesota was steady at 1 IS 00 per ton The annual Penn State , , Hybrid Reports ( > are part and par- ' „ cel of the Jan 31 issue of Corn Talk in Lancaster Farming. Also scheduled is a feature from a Columbia County 5-Acre Corn Club winner, silage reports, meeting updates, and a calendar of crop growing and management events f Lapp’s Little Red Wagons T * BRAKES included on #630 •' #330 20"+40" $159 * | Model #630 24”+48” $179 ■* #5OO 22’'+40” $164 | Also a Urge selection of other Wagons Models Sizes and Options | 3-Different model Trikes & Mini Carts available. | I Lapp Welding Shop (717) 733-2117 . ■ Dealer Inquiries Welcome! • Pancake with Single Jet Burner uses simple con struction for low clearance < applications i 1 ' t « * The Jan. 24 Lancaster Farming Grower & Marketer has scheduled a wealth of information for the eastern fruit and vegetable and related industries, along with a special poster of farm markets in southeastern Pennsylvania. A preview of the Mid-Atlantic Fruit and Vegetable Convention, Jan. 27- 29 in Hershey, will include an exhibitor map and complete schedule. Included in Grower & Marketer will be a component, Lancaster Farming's Aqua Country. Scheduled: a feature on a fish hatch t . t ery in Lebanon County, information from the - , Aquaculture Association annual meeting, and -rt other information valuable to the industry. Pol) wood Bed As ailablc Lancaster fining. Saturday -December 20, 2003 A Five-Area Weekly Average Direct Slaughter Cattle Si Joseph. Mo . December 15, 2003 - USDA Maiket News Service Sales in Texas/Oklahoma; Kansas; Nebraska; Colorado; and lowa/Mmnesota Feedlots tor Week Ending Sunday, December 14, 2003 Continued Sales 171,053. Week Ago 155,403, Ycai Ago 160.746 LIVE FOB BASIS SAL SI ACGHTER STEERS Head Count Ovci 80'/ f Choice 1.138 65-80'* Choice 5 873 35-80'* Choice 3 3.741 0-35<v f Choice 7,083 TOTAL all grades 47,835 SLAUGHIER HEIFERS o\ei 80 °t Choice 624 64-8097 Choice 4 049 44-647, Choice 44 741 0-449 r Choice 2.847 TOTAL all grades 42.261 DELIVERED BASIS SALES - Beef Breeds SLAUGHTER STEERS Over 80% Choice 1.478 771-882 65-80% Choice 11.442 683-890 35-65% Choice 17.699 700-896 0- J 5% Choice 184 738 TOTAL all grades 30.803 683-896 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS 534 641-813 9.015 688-871 13 262 656-819 Ovei 80 Vc Choice 65-8()'/r Choice 35-6V/ f Choice 0-3S</ ( Choice TOTAL all grades WEEKLY WEIGHTED AVERAGES This Week: Live Sleci Live Heitei Diessed Steei Diessed Heitei Same Period Last Week I ive Steci Live Heifei Diessod Sleet Diesscd Hcdei ame Pe ist Ye; Lne Steci Li\c Heiter Dressed Sleer Diessed Heifci :s - Bi Weight Range 1225-1425 1 125-1440 1075-1440 1000-1425 1000-1440 1124- non 1070-1440 1000-1280 1000-1235 990-1440 641-871 22,811 Head Count Avjj. Weight 47 813 I 230 42 261 I 122 10 804 821 22X11 733 44,012 41 222 22 671 15,127 47 BIS 48,836 31.187 22,201 Orchard Pump & Supply Co. - Ephrata, PA Design - Consultation On-site Potable/Non-Potable Pumping Systems Variable Speed Water Systems for High Capacity Agricultural Applications For more information, call (717) 733-6151 or toll free at 1 (800) 728-7938 A\g. Avg. Weight Price I 250 ‘>6 49 J 226 97 15 1 242 96 92 1,201 96 27 1,250 96.87 Price Range 94 00- 98 00 95 00-102 00 94 00-100 00 94 00- 98 00 93.00-102.00 I 248 I 205 I 112 1,098 1.122 94 75- 99 00 94 00- 98 50 93 00- 98 00 94 00- 98 00 93.00- 99.00 154 00-157 00 150 00-158 00 148 00-158 00 155 00 148.00-158.00 846 819 825 7 48 823 727 760 754 155 00-156 50 150 00-158 00 148 00-158 00 755 148.00-158.00 \vg. Price 06 87 07 06 133 44 I 36 1 3 1.237 1,140 812 747 100 48 100 31 161 43 161 60 1,282 1.167 860 777 72 30 72 63 1 14 17 1 14 30 ,7 98 20 97 22 97 07 96 42 97.06 155 79 155 85 155 15 155 00 155.44 155 94 I 56 I 5 I 56 I 5 156.15
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