National Turkey Market At A Glance Dcs Moines, lowa December 16,2003 Report Supplied By USDA DOMESTIC MARKET HIGHLIGHTS The market tone on frozen 8-16 lb hens and 16-24 lb toms was steady No sales reported Demand lor fresh and frozen whole body turkey was slow Offerings of whole turkey was mixed with loins the most ayailable Bulk parts and meats activity was light to moderate Inquiry light Of ferings readily av ailabk I \POR f MARKET HIGHLIGHTS 1 milled trading reported Demand mixed Sup plies generally adequate New York Broilers/Fryers ATI ANT A, GA. December 15, 2003 Report Supplied By USDA Trueklot buying activity on ready-to eook whole broiler/fryers was mostly fair entering the week Offerings of I pound and lighter sizes were available, 3 5 pound sizes were clearing satisfactorily Movement through retail and dis tributive channels was fair The market tone was barely steady on 8 pound and lighter sizes, hear icr sizes were generally steady Tmal Report of Pnces Negotiated for Truck lot Sales of Ready-to-Cook Ice-Packed Broiler/ frvers. to Be Delivered to First Receivers, New y ork for Delivery the Week of 15-Dec-2003 US (iRADF A 60-62, wtd avg 61 36, 28 Ids ( OMPOSITF wtd avg 62 93,63 Ids New York Eggs ATLANTA, GA. December 16, 2003 Report Supplied By USDA Prices were unchanged The market tone was at best steady Demand ranged light to moder ate The New York shell egg inventory in ti eased 4G when compared to last Monday's Supplies were generally adequate for current trade needs Prices to Retilers, Sales to Volume Buyers, USDA Grade A and Grade A, White Eggs in Cartons, Delivered Store Door, Cents per Dozen Extra Large 101-107, Large 101-105. Medium 82-86 Generator Systems Diesel or Propane, 10-500 KW, Agricultural and Industrial. New, Used or Reconditioned Martin Diesel Services Shop (570) 658-5303 Office (570) 922-4494 HAY. STRAW & GRAIN SALE Every Thursday at 12 NOON Vintage Sales Stables, Inc. (Rt. 30, Paradise, PA) For more information 717/442-4181 717/768-8204 HUBER’S REPUvTiPN/ n v'enioDLsA|» Eastern Region Whole Young Turkeys Dos Moines, lowa December 12,2003 Report Supplied By USDA WHOIF YOUNG TURKEYS. FROZEN. Consumer Sizes, Commodity Pack or Equiva lent, US Grade A, cents per lb, delivered (min imum of 10,000 lb lots) for Dec 8 CURRENT SHIPMENTS Fastern Region HFNS, 8-16 lb FROZEN Offers 63-70, Sales 65. 65,000 lbs TOMS, 16-24 lb FROZEN Offers 59-61. Sales 59. 59,000 lbs TURKEYS, FRESH with timers or equiva lent, US Grade A delivered first receivers. Fast ern Region, cents per lb, week of Dec 15 SAI FS (Promotions Included) HFNS (8-16 lbs) Sales, promotions included 80 33 5.270,000 lbs TOMS (16-24 lbs) Sales, promo tions included 77 08,5,070,000 lbs Virginia Broilers And Fryers Harrisonburg, Va. December 16.2003 Report Supplied By USDA Movement of readv-to-cook whole birds was moderate Demand was moderate Live supplies were moderate for plant needs with an estimat ed slaughter of 1.288,000 compared to 1,297.000 last Tuesday Weights were desirable Process ing schedules were moderate Supply and de mand of wings were moderate Negotiated FOB dock pnces, 2 pounds and heavier ice-packed broilers and fryers, trueklot sales of US Grade A or equivalent were steady at 59 - 71 per pound, less than trueklot sales 58 - 72 per pound Virginia Eggs Harrisonburg, Va. December 16, 2003 Report Supplied By USDA Prices were unchanged on all three sues today Supplies are moderate for plant needs Prices to retailers, in small lots, USDA Grade A and Grade A, dozen cases, white eggs in car ton, dehsered store door, cents per dozen Large 119, Medium 96. Small 79 Tmcklot prices to retailers, sales to volume buyers. USDA Grade A and Grade A, dozen cases, white eggs in car- 10% OFF FOR CASH & CARRY! * ‘Baler Twine, 50 Lb. Feed Additives, Implants, Wormers And Sale Items Not Included ton, delivered store door, cents per dozen Large 101-111 mostly 111, Medi um 79-90 mostly 90, Small 65-74 mostly 74 We are now buying 2003 crop -.rtleaf 717 / 351-9221 Northeast Broiler Fryer Parts Parti ATLANTA. GA. December 10,2003 Report Supplied by USDA Trucklot buying activity was seasonally quite as traders work hand-to-mouth to balance floor stocks Boneless-skinless breast were at least sufficient, bone-in breasts were available and discounted at some locations Dark meat cuts were slightly more available but generally ade quate and clearing Wings were sufficient for most trade needs Retail and distributive inter est was lackluster as interest for other holiday items picked up and midweek movement was somewhat slow The market tone was steady to weak on bone m-breasts, mostly steady with caution noted on boneless/skinless breast and generally steady on the balance ICF PACKED BROIL ER/FRYER PARTS, DFLIVFRFD TO FIRST RECEIVERS IN POOL TRUCKIOT AND TRUCK! OT QUANTITIES. CFNTS PER POUND ITFM CURRENT NEGOTIATED TRADING BREAST -B 145 TCNDERIOINS 145 BREAST - WITH RIBS 76-77 BREAST - LINE RUN 76 I EOS 38-39 lEG QUARTERS (BULK) 29-30 DRUMSTICKS 36-37 THIGHS 35-36 B'S THIGHS 85-86 WINGS (WHOI E) 93-94 BACKS AND NECKS (STRIPPED) 10-12 I IVERS (5 POUND TUBS) 35-40 GIZZARDS (HEARTS) 60-65 INC! UDFS NFW YORK CITY METRO POLITAN AREA, NORTHERN NEW lER SEY. MASSACHUSETTS, CONNFCTK UT. RHODE ISI AND, AND PENNSYLVANIA (NORTHEAST OF HARRISBURC,) National Canner Fowl Market Atlanta, Ga. December 12, 2003 Report Supplied By USDA NATIONAL CANNER‘FOWL MAR KET Majortiv of prices were unchanged on both light and heavy canner when compared to a week earlier Demand was mostly moderate Trading was light to no better than fair Avail able offerings were clearing satisfactorily Pro cessing schedules were mostly normal The un dertone was steady Cents per pound, current negotiations with out freight cost LIGHT CANNFR HENS Line run without necks 21-25 5 majority 23 5-24 5 HEAVY CANNER HENS Without necks 30-36, majority 34-35 Cents per pound, current negotiations freight cost included LIGHT CANNER HENS I me run without necks 23-27, majority 26 HEAVY CANNER HENS Without necks 31 5-38, ma jority 35 5-37 5 Young Turkey Parts And Bulk Meat Dcs Moines, lowa December 16, 2003 Report Supplied By USDA NATIONAI YOUNG TURKF\ PARTS AND BULK MEAT, Frozen, unless specified cents per lb, delivered first receivers, part and full trucklots, as of Dec 16 The white meat un dertone was steady to barely steady at best De mand and trading was seasonally slow for cur rent shipments Offerings adequate to ample The undertone on tom bulk parts was fullv steady on necks, drums mostly steady and wings steady to weak Demand light to in stances fair best on necks Trading slow Offer ings of tom necks were tight, tom drums light and tom wings adequate to instances burden some Some tom 2-jomt wings traded at 35 cents delivered export for February, 2004 ship ments DOMESTIC TRADING BREASTS 4-8 lbs Grade A - avg 95 00. Fresh 145 17 Plant Grade avg 8100 DRUMSTICKS TOM-avg 41 55, HEN - ayg 43 00 WINGS. FULL CUT FOM avg 42 00, HEN - none WINGS, V TYPI TOM - avg 42 00. HEN - none NECKS TOM - avg 25 00. HEN - none BREASTS. B/S TOM avg 112 00, Fresh - avg 143 00 THIGH MEAT avg 8600, Fresh - avg 89(H) BREAST TRIM MEAT avg 8000 SCAPULA MEAT avg 72 00 TENDERLOINS none DF STRAPPED TENDERS avg 81 00, Fresh - avg 112 53 WING MEAT WITH SKIN none MECHANIC A! IY SEPARATED avg 14 67, Fresh-avg 17 00 EXPORT TRADING DRUMSTICKS TOMS 42 20 WINGS, FULL-CUT TOMS - none WINGS, V-TYPT, TOMS none TAILS none MECHANICALLY SFPARATFD a\g 14 70 THIGH MEAT avg 79 00 National Broiler Market At A Glance Atlanta, <>a. December 16, 2003 Report Supplied By USDA Trade sentiment was mixed, but overall no better than stead) Retail demand was light to fair with other holiday items and limited fea tures receiving best movement Food service was fair to moderate, best into fast food and catering services Supplies of all sizes were more than sufficient with some discounting noted to help clear For the next two weeks, processing schedules will be reduced due to limited needs and light seasonal interest In the parts struc ture, trading was light Wings were moving sat isfactorily, and the remaining items were at least adequate or available In production areas live supplies were moderate at mixed, but most ly desirable weights The Composite Weighted Average Price for 12/15/03 was 65 77, compared to 66 01 last week, and 53 89 a year ago Hay And Straw Sales Will Start At 10 A.M. Every Wed. WOLGEMUTH’S AUCTION formerly Good’s Auction 109 North Maple Ave. Leola.PA 17540 717-656-2947 -=r t r 5 £>4yo HUBER’S ANIMAL HEALTH SUPPLIES 810 TULPEHOCKEN RD, 11/2 Ml. EAST OF MYERSTOWN AT MILLARDSVILLE OFF RT. 422 PHONE: 717-866-2246 Mon 730AMto 6 PM Thors & Fn 730 AM to 8 PM Tues & Wed 7 30 AM to 5 PM Sat 7 30 to Noon Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 20, 2003-A5 Close at 4 PM New year’s Eve Northeast Eggs Atlanta, Georgia Report Supplied by USDA December 18, 2003 Prices continued unchanged on all si/cs 1 he market tone was steady Demand ranged mod erate to good as retail outlets prepared for up coming holiday shoppers Dirge dozen eggs were on special for 1 29 Supplies were adequate to instances asailablc Breaking stock supplies were adequate to fully adequate for (he light de mand Offerings of spent fowl were at least ade quate for the fair to moderate demand PRICFSTO Rf I All 1 RS SAILS I() VOI - LMF BLURS. USDA GRADE A AND GRADE A WHITE K.GS IN CARTONS WAREHOUSE CENTS PER DOZEN RANGE MOSTIV EXTRA 1 ARGE 9S 109 98-102 I ARGE 91-106 % UK) MEDIUM 72 87 77 79 NORTHEAST AREA CT, IX DF, MA. MD, ME. NH. eastern NJ eastern N>. PA. Rl, Northern V A, and V f Carlisle Graded Feeder Pig Sale Endav, December 12.2003 Sale Reported hv PD X. Results on 1620 pigs Compared with last sale, pigs under SO lbs were 2S 00 *0 00 higher while o\er SO Ihs were IS (MI-2000 lower All pigs were weighed on arrival and sold b\ the hundredweight LS+NI and 2 27 head 21 lbs 192 SO 91 head 22-29 lbs 129 00-198 00. 68 head 12-19 lbs in 00-122 00, S 6 head 4S-49 lbs 72 00-102 00 104 head SO-S 9 lbs 47 00-70 00 121 head 60 69 lbs 46 00-61 00 199 head 70 79 lbs 41 (MI-SI 00 78 head 90 99 lbs 46 00, 142 head 90 99 lbs 46 00-S7 00, 14 head 112 lbs S 6 00 US+N2 41 head 22 29 lbs 118 00 ISO 00 80 head 11 19 lbs 10000-11200 68 head 4S 49 lbs 68 00-81 00. 42 head S2-S9 lbs 69 (HI 79 (Ml 20 head 6S-69 lbs 44 00 46 00. 84 head 71 79 lbs 48(H) S6OO, 70 head 81-89 lbs IS 00 SI 00 S head 96 lbs SI 00 70 head 10S-118 lbs SlOO-S6 00 US+N2 127 head 16-11 lbs 109 00-112 00 As Is 14 head 10-2 S lbs 10000 I6S 00 61 head 16-SI lbs 59 00 1(H) 00, 48 head 77-94 lbs I 00 IS 00. 24 head 100-128 lbs 20 00 40(H) Boars 1 head 160 lbs 800 Next state graded feeder pig sale Fndav, lan 16 Receiving from 7 10-10 10 a m Sale I p m sharp' BUY, SELL, TRADE OR RENT THROUGH THE CLASSIFIED ADS IN Lancaster Farming PHONE: 717-626-1164 OR 717-394-3047 FAX: 717-733-6058 Mon., Tues., Wed., Fri. 8 AM to 5 PM Thurs. 7 AM to 5 PM
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