Lancaster Farming •Staff • LANCASTER FARMING 49th Year of Publication P 0 Box 609 Ephrata, PA 17522 (717) 626-1164 Fax (717)733-6058 Andy Andrews, Editor (717) 721-4425 Lou Ann Good, Food and Family Features Editor (717) 721-4428 Charlene M. Shupp Espenshade, Staff (717) 721-4426 Dave Lefever, Staff (717)721-4427 Michelle Kunjappu, Sections Staff (717) 626-1164 Lynn Rossi, Market Staff Millie Bunting, Market Staff NEWS CORREI PONDENTS Joyce Bupp, York Co. Seven Valleys (717)428-1865 Carolyn Moyer, Bradford Co Tioga & Susquehanna Roaring Branch (570) 324-2482 Linda Williams, Bedford Co. and Blair Bedford (814)623-5745 Deanna Cunfer, Carbon Co. Lehighton (610) 377-3749 Sandra Lepley, Somerset Co. Meyersdale (814) 634-1427 Gay Brownlee, Harrisonburg, Virginia (540) 833-2675 Brian Snyder, Centre Co. Millheim (814) 349-9856 Beth Miller, Cumberland Co. Newville (717) 776-6571 SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION Subscription Price: $37.00 per year; $67.00- 2 years $4B 00 per year outside of PA, NJ, MD, DE, NY, OH, VA & WV $B9 00 - 2 Years Non-Refundable Lancaster Farming (ISSN 0023-7485) is published weekly for $37 00 per year, $67 00 - 2 years by Lancaster Farming, PO Box 609 1 E Mam Street, Ephrata, PA 17522 Periodicals postage paid at Ephrata, PA 17522 POSTMASTER Send address changes to LANCASTER FARMING, 1 East Mam Street, PO Box 609, Ephrata, PA 17522 Telephone Lititz (717) 626-1164 Ephrata (717) 733-6397 Lancaster (717) 394-3047 FAX 717-733-6058 (717) 721-4412 (717) 721-4411 For address change form or new subscription see near Mailbox Markets. Circulation Members of National Association Of Agricultural Journalists Pa Newspaper Publishers Association, and National Newspaper Association. National Advertising Representative J.L. Farmakis, Inc. Phone (203) 966-1746 PUBLISHER’S LIABILITY FOR ERROR Lancaster Farming is protected by federal copyright statute No part of this newspaper may be broadcast reproduced or republished in any form or by any means without the prior, written permission of our General Manager The advertiser agrees that Lancaster County Weeklies, Inc shall not be liable by reason of any error, omission and/or failure to insert an ad or any part of an ad, beyond liability for the value of actual space occupied by the ad or item in which the error, omission and/or failure to insert occurred Lancaster County Weeklies, Inc reserves the right to reject or cancel any advertisement at any time NON REFUNDABLE ❖ Poultry Markets ❖ Livestock Cooperative Auction Market Of North Jersey Poultry & Eggs llaikeltslimn, NJ. Report Supplied h> Vmlmn Tuesday, December 16,2003 HFAV Y KIWI 60 6S 1 F GHORN F OWI 70-100 MIXED FOWI 7S. 4 00-6 SO FA BROH FRS 40 PUI LFTS 1 00-4 00 FA GFFSF 4 00-4 SO FA BANTAMS 75-4 75 EA ROOSTFRS 60-1 2S DUCKS 60-1 60,1 00-6 50 FA RABBITS 120-1 55, 1 00 EA PIGEONS 1 75-6 00 FA GUINFAS 4 2S-S 7S FA GRADE A EGGS WHITE JUMBO, EX I RGF 1 25, LARGE 1 15-1 20, BROWN JUMBO, FX LGF 1 00-1 SO, lARGE 1 00-1 20, MFD 100 Belleville Poultry Belleville, Pa. Report Supplied In Auction Wednesday, Dec. 17.2003 GIFSF NONF TURKEYS S SO FA (iUINFAS NONF CHK KFNS 1 50-2 00 E A ROOSTERS 2 25-6 00 EA BANTAMS 2S-2 00EA SII KIES NONF MUSCOVY DRAKES 6 75 FA MUSCOVY HENS T 00 EA DUCKS 00 EA BARN BIRDS 1 60 EA WHITE BIRDS 3 00 EA FANCY BIRDS NONE PEACOCKS NONE PHEASANTS NONE DOVES 3 25 EA GUINEA PIGS 2 25-5 25 EA RABBITS RABBITS UNDER 4 LBS NONE, 4-6 lbs 1 50-4 50. over 6 lbs 5 00-8 00, RABBITS OVER 5 LBS 800 11 00 PER HEAD PI EASE PREBOX SMAI L ANIMALS I] s *-.e c w '( * w FEATURES Tree Farm Farmland Bill Scholarship Committee New York Dairyman Ag Education Organic Meeting Poultry Deaths A 34 Beef Council Meeting A 35 Dairy Stakeholders Progress ..A37 Lanchester Pork Council A3B Manure Haulers Debate A4O Grove Family Farm B 6 Christmas Craft Show B 7 Railroad Landmark Restored ...816 HOME & YOUTH Home On The Range. Homestead Notes Cook’s Question Kid’s Korner You Ask, You Answer 4-H, FFA News DAIRY Focus On Dairy Lancaster DJUA Graystone Small Animal Sale, LLC Root's, ¥ usi Petersburg Report Supplied By ~n luesduy, December 16. 2001 Muscovy Drakes 9S-1 (Ml Hens 90 1 00 Pekin Ducks 1 00 1 10 ta Red Fowl 4-S lbs IS SO S-6 SO 70 ( rossbicd f owl S 9 lbs SO 70 C rossbrtd Roosters 4-6 lbs 60- 90 7 11 lbs 60 70 (lUinca Fowl 1 4S-1 SS Banty Roosters 1 SO 4 10 ca (ianl\ Hens 2 (Ml 2 7S leghorn Hens 12-14 Roosters 10 2S each Silkies 2 2S 2 SO (icese 9 14 lbs SO 60 Pigeons 1 7S-2 00 ea White Pigeons 1 SO-4 00 ea Rabbits 4 6 lbs I 10-1 60. 6 9 lbs I 10-1 2S Bunnies I 00-1 (K) ea (iuinea Pigs 1 SO-6 00 ea Cioats 10 00-40 00 ea Kid Goats. not enough Doves, none Chukars. none Pullets, none Total sales 406 All out of-state poultry must be tested for AI Morrison’s Cove Poultry & Rabbit Martinsburg, Pa. Report Supplied by Auction December 15, 2003 ROOSTERS 4.00-5.00. HEAVY HENS 1.10. BANTY HENS .50-2.00. PIGFONS 1.90-2.80. GUINF \S 3.00. MUSCOVY HENS3.2S-4.25. MUSCOVY DRAhTS 6.00-8.25. BUNNII S 1.50-3.00. RABBITS 6.508.00. AUCTION I \ER\ M0N,,7:30 P.M. Delmarva Broiler/Fryer ATLANTA, GA. December 17,2003 Report Supplied B\ USDA Movement of ready-to-cook whole birds had slowed and was seasonally light Seiler offerings were at least adequate Live supplies were mod erate, weights were generally desirable Proces sor schedules were very light as some plants shut for the day Others curtailed operations in line with seasonally reduced needs, as buyers shifted interests to other items more commonly used during the upcoming holiday period Less than trucklot asking prices were unchanged at 61 to 71 cents Trade sentiment was at best steady In the parts complex, volumes available varied from plant to plant, however, supplies were generally noted as adequate ESTIMATED SLAUGHTER OF BROILER/FRYERS IN DELMARVA (000) ESTIMATED ACTUAI AVG WEIGHT ACTUAI AVG WEIGHT 12/17 12/11 12/11 12/10 12/08 1,691 2,180 5 61 2.041 5 53 BROILtR/FRYER CURRENT NEGOTI ATED PRICES FOR IMMEDIATE DELIV FRY INCLUDES MOSTLY MULTIPLE DROP SHIPMENTS OF BRANDED AND WING TAGGED TO NEW YORK CITY FROM DLLMARVA BRANDED U S GRADE A RANC.E 55-75 WEIGHTED AVERAGE 63 49 NO OF BOXES 7,730 INDEX Four Sections COLUMNS Now Is The Time AlO Farm Forum AlO Farm Show Spotlight A2l, A 24 Farm Shelf A2B Farm Management A3O Agriculture Counts A 39 On Being A Farm Wife B 4 Family Living Focus B 9 ...Al .A 26 .A 32 A 33 Ida's Notebook DEPA Editorial Farm Calendar Bible Speaks Futures Mailbox Markets ~.B2 ...B6 ...B8 .810 ,811 ,812 Antiques Center.., Antiques Register Antiques Reports Sale Reports Public Auction Register Business News .A3B ...02 CUsyfietl P 4 Weekly New York Egg Market Northeast Quotes Prices Supplied By Urner-Barry Ulllll IL’MBO I \ I AR(.F I AR(ih MI DILiM PL'I I 1 IS BROWN 1 \ 1 ARCiI I AR(iF MFDIUM UNDFRC.KADFS ANDCHFCKS Sft M S 4 HR! VKIN(. SIO( KS: FRi 42-44 IBS S 9 61. 4H SO IBS 69-70 SO IHS AND UP 70-71 MON 42-44 IHS S 7 S 9 48-SO IBS 67- 68 SO IBS AND UP 68- 69 New England Weekly Shell Egg Report Atlanta, Ga. Prices Supplied By USD A December 16.2003 PRICES PAID PER DOZEN GRADE A BROWN EGGS IN CARTONS DELIVERED STORE DOOR MAINE MOSTLY NEW HAMPSHIRE MOSTLY RHODE ISLAND MOSTIY VERMONT MOSTI Y National Egg Market At A Glance Atlanta, Ga. December 16, 2003 Report Supplied By USDA Prices were unchanged Trade sentiment was steady, however some caution was noted De mand improved in spot locations and ranged light to fairlv good Supplies were sufficient to available m the Northeast while supplies in all other regions were in balance to fully adequate Breaking stock demand was light for fully suffi cient to occasionally ample offerings The Na tional total shell egg inventory was 3% less than a week earlier Light type fowl were at least adequate for the fair to moderate demand Eastern Region Frozen Eggs ATLANTA, GA. December 12,2003 Report Supplied By USDA Mostly prices were unchanged on whites, and lower to sharply lower on balance of items when compared to the previous week's trading Trade sentiment remained unsettled to weak on yolks, about steady on whole and usually steady on whites Offerings were fully sufficient on yolks, adequate on whole, and short to barely ade quate on whites Interest improved but was still reported as slow to moderate I iquid and frozen eggs (ingredients included) processed under fed eral inspection in the Eastern region for the week ending 06 December 2003 were 17% more than the week, and 5% more than last year WHOLESALE SFI LING PRICES (CFNTS PFR POUND IN 30 LB CONTAINERS TRUCK.LOTS Whole 76-89, mostly 77-81 Blends(/) too few to report Whites 70-75 Sug ared Yolks (min 43 f V solids) 84-100 mostly 90-94 Sailed Yolks (mm 43 r c solids) 82*90 mostly 85 90 I ESS THAN TRUCK!OT (MIN 25 CONT) Whole 84-95 Blends(/) 89-157 Whites 78-83 Sugared Yolks (min 43% solids) 92-112 Salted Yolks (min 43ty solids) 88-100 (/) - Whole plus volk plus sweetener, gener ally 28-32 r £ egg solids 813 ~AlO ~AlO „AlO ,Al 6 ,814 816 821 821 825 826 ,C2,D4 I rom Dei. 12-IH. 21M13 I K 1 MON. FLI S. 11l 111 I 11 111 I II 111 I 09 1 09 I 09 90 90 90 7S 7S 7S 1 40 1 40 I 40 M 7 M 7 M 7 1 14 I 14 1 14 FXTRA LARGE LARGE MEDIUM SMALL 156 151 107 81 148-152 143-147 100-104 74-78 150-151 145-146 102-103 76-77 152-156 147-151 106-1 10 80-84 152 147 106 80 IS9 150-154 107-111 154 111 Cooperators estimate orders for the week ending December 19 will decrease by 10 per cent Present week purchases for the week end ing Dec 12 were 279,180 cases which was 13 percent above the prior week and 6 percent above estimates CASES PURCHASED CARTONED 239,823 down 15%, I OOSE 39,357 —up 2%, TOTAL 279.180 up 13% Comparison figures are compiled on a matched plant basis Purchases and estimates by 14 cooperators, 30 dozen cases or equivalent Eastern Region Miscellaneous Poultry Report Supplied By USDA EASTERN REGION MISCELI ANEOUS POUI TRY FOR CURRENT DELIVERY for week of Dec 8 DUCKLINGS Prices negotiated by first re- ceivers, US Grade A, 4-5 pounds, delivered m trucklot and pool trucklot quantities LONG IS- LAND—Frozen 140, Fresh 146 MIDWFST — Frozen 124-128, Fresh—l2s-130 ROASTERS Prices negotiated by first receiv ers, US (trade A and Plant Grade. 5 pounds and up, delivered IC F PAC KFD (12 per box) 72 00-74 SO mostly 72 00-71 50 VACUUM PACKED (6-9 per box) 67 00-85 50 mostly 69-7 S SO SQUABS New York Wholesale Prices, Fro- zen, Plant Grade, dollais per dozen, 1 to 10 boxes 12 o/ 60 48-69 66, 14 oz 66 96-76 14, 16 oz 71 44-83 41 The eastern region includes CT DF, FI GA, MA, MD, MF, NC, NH, NJ, NY, PA ¥ Layer Management Services • Feed Formulation • Flock Service Visits • Quality Assurance Programs • Risk Management Programs • Agreement Supervision Egg and Fowl Marketing • Accounting Services Joint Ownership Flocks • Flock Computer Records Financial and Performance Analysis HPMSiJnc. 2043 Horseshoe Pike • Annville, PA 17003 <* - • • ’ (717) H 6 7*8366* VVH). I 111 K in in in in 1 09 1 09 90 90 7S 7S 1 40 I 40 1 V 7 M 7 1 14 1 14 National Retail Egg Purchases Atlanta, Ga. December 12, 2003 Report Supplied By USDA Atlanta, GA. December 12,2003
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