Lancaster Farming Saturday December 20, 2003 A3l Scholarship Committee Ready For Farm Show *T P “ L i ™ - JL SATURDAY SUNDAY | MONDAY { TUESDAY | WEDNESDAY | THURSDAY [ FRIDAY [ SATURDAY (Continued from Page A 1) the nonprofit Farm Show Schol- tion of the annual youth livestock —iosr~r~ E AREN r- 10 . m — . , ' . * , , , . rp tO 30am , 10« m „ 9*n . „ arship Foundation. sale in the Sales Arena on Tues- «aiuiiNa o»x ££ >«, PDC » “Our voung people are rea v . . ... j„.. n 0...., c -™"» ***<*** . . • 2 JL„. / y . Last year, the committee day, Jan. u, at v a.m. wh , al ° CVery oae of awarded $2,000 scholarships to For the scholarship event, “1 us, said iom Moyer, vice chair- 24 Pennsylvania youth that are know what’s in the bank account »™noon ““ JgL. SZZ hT.?L man of the youth scholarship pursuing post-secondary educa- and it’s pretty healthy,’’ said ™ committee. tion. Rudy. “Anybody can donate. We Roo T v . m Moyer supervisor of procure- Since its inception in 1993, 154 are A a 5 ™ C " .. f ’ 1~ ment logistics for Hatfield Quali- individuals have received Anybody can join for $3O per EVENING 1 spm j /pm I Hon« Pulng [ Pony PtAng 7pm Circiil J J ty Meats m Hatfield, is impressed $235,500 from the foundation, y ear - . , HSRM, ° l. s ” r, °* CT .I with the quality of applicants this money derived from membership Gary Dean, Purina Mills devel- - equine arena year. And those applicants can in the foundation and public and opment manager from Strasburg equine arena someday make a difference in the private fund-raising efforts an( * scholarship board member, «orm INO Mm F^°”in3 I ag industry. Fred Rud Da hjn Co unty n ° ted the committee is trying to ~ ===== Moyer noted that last year, the extension educator, noted a com- get more donatjons and naember- .S. .ZZL committee presented a schol- mittee meeting was conducted S^ A Memberships are $3O for ~ *-K“ -™ 'SZST arship award to each student by Monday to finalize the prepara- $5OO for —sa__.. corporations, though the founda- j [4pm Pr*a Wwm-I* Rook . . EVENING 4pmfFA Bpm Racng 0«m 5 JClpnvfl 30pm WatrrKß tion accepts donations in any in- C o^ crements for the fund. L [ L__J lc^..nD^.r 3l *^' l 3 Pennsylvania farm show 2004 demo schedule A benefit dinner is scheduled , 7- —— ™ . 1 ~ n . , SMALL/SALE ARENA large arena Mon, jan 12 Tues, jan 13 Wed jan 14 Thursday, Jan. 29 at the down- town Hilton m Harrisburg. The oJZZ, s** *3O -10 16 am Bmkl*y& Hurst Bros Brnklsy * Hurst Bros Bmklsy»Hurst Bros Scholarships will be presented - - G °**_ - 'mxZ amn*. cpm. oJZLk Skid Steer Scramble CASE & GEHL Skid Steer Loaders Have fun making short thprp m.* S^S2l! P work of chores around the farm * ° Qm j r uvMtxk sm The more ways we can 10 16-11*00 am Fisher A Thompson Fisher A Thompson Fisher A Thompson generate interest in yOllth proj- Milking Parlor Demonstration by West Falia Surge OCtS, mOfC Scholarships WC afternoon c £*j[ n s^n. 200 - 2.46 pm Hoober Equipment Hoober Equipment Hoober Equipment Can provide and the higher they Jf SMm Hooberwill demonstrate a Vertical Screw Feed Mixer/Processor handling big square Will be,” Said Dean. spm Toopm ~T _. bales ond other addod .ngrod.ents See a Vertical M,xer ,n acbon A foundation breakfast Will be EVt *"‘ C I I iTiSgr l OK 246-3 00 pm John Deere John Deere John Deere conducted before the livestock i banquet hall 1 increase your productivity (and have some fun) with John Deeres new line of Utility Sale The Sale and Scholarship an- PMIMUUc rtMLL Vehicles and ATVS , I J I • • 10 00 am , Gcvimrant nouncements are scheduled in uo.u.ko j™ the Sales (Small) Arena in the seminar schedule Farm Show Complex in Harris- 13 S vip lounge burg on Tuesday, Jan. 13. I” According to Tom Moyer, v,pnoom 10 00 am Nutnant Managamant and CAFOs rvymmittee chair the committee Mon,Jan 12 Tues,Jan. 13 Wed,Jan 14 cuilulllllcc Cllall 1 lIIC UJimiliUCC 1 00 cn 100 pm 1 00 pm j Oowrimnij Cednc Karper from the Department of Environmental Protection and Doug Goodlander TCVieWS applications CVCTy year. afternoon Si from the State Conservation Commission will discuss Pennsylvania’s Nutnent The applications look at fiV6 dif- ' ' ' ' ' ' 1 ' Management Program and CAFO regulations and what they are doing to help farmers „ **** evening a*c*iiro H#f*ord better manage resouces and protect the environment lefCnt 3fe2S! contesi oan»»i Right to Farm, Ag Security Areas and the Municipalities Planning Code Mon , Jan 12 Tues., Jan 13 Attorney Gary Heim from Mette Evans and Woodside and Dr Les Macßae from the Dickinson Law School Ag Law Center will lead a discussion on these important planning and agnculturat tools for local government officials 1 00 pm The Changing Face of Pennsylvania Agriculture Wed, Jan 14 Pennsylvania Department of Agnculture Executive Deputy Secretary Russell Redding will lead discussion on the past present and future of agnculture in Pennsylvania and how changes in the industry are being driven by changes in consumer preference and lifestyles of Pennsylvania families 1 00 pm Stainless Steel Sorter Scales C-Central Software The only system that ties everything together Northeast -lyway Business Park ’ ■■■■n 139 A West Airport Road HjTTTwt Lltltz, PA 17543 ■bayAl Phone (717)569-2702 I RgjjM 1-800-673-2580 1 HHHI me’s merit Hogs Cv' ngg 9 as^B 1. Academic information, in cluding high school and college of choice. 2. 4-H and FFA involvement, in addition to community leader ship. 3. Farm Show involvement, including contest participation. Interest in showing the four spe cies, including swine, sheep, beef, and goats, is important. 4. Applicants must sub mit a narrative essay about their involvement in 4-H, FFA, and community work. They must describe the benefits and experience they have received from livestock projects. They must explain their contri butions to the industry or society in general, and list their goals and aspirations. MjflfclKllr HEATMOR OUTDOOR WOOD FURNACES Wood-Oil & Corn-Burning Options Outback Heating Inc. 888-763-8617 800-743-5883 Stainless Steel Jamestown, NY Staunton,VA 5. Quality references. The ap plicants must have three people write reference letters. Those let ters can come from ag instruc tors, teachers, pastors, or even siblings. “An older brother or sis ter can write about the candi date’s involvement and what it means,” according to Moyer. The applications are reviewed early in December. This month, the committee met for two days in the boardroom at Capital As sociates, Harrisburg. Those involved include Fred Rudy, sale chairman; Paula Vitz, senior associate, Capital Associ ates, membership and funding chair; Mike Firestine, Fulton/ Lebanon Valley Bank, treasurer; Si:i s 19 Coloi s hon cd Diaft Wood 01 Coal Guilt s - Ash C h an Out COMPARISON WITH OTHER OUTDOOR UNITS • Burns up to 1/2 less wood • Emits up to 1/2 less smoke • Corrosion Warranty up to 10 times longer Joan Grim, Sysco Foods, chair of the special events committee; Bill Henning, Penn State, chair of the show committee; Charles Itle, Farm Show (retired), secretary; Dennis Wolff, secretary of agri culture, foundation board chair; and Moyer, vice chair, founda tion board. “Our young people give back to the community,” said Moyer. “If everybody did that, things would be just fine in this world,” Those who wish to be members or donate should contact Paula Vitz, Capital Associates, at (717) 234-5350. A lesson well learned... Lancaster Farming’s classified ads get results!
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