A3O-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 20, 2003 RFAI FTATF TRANSFER CHECKLIST Roland P. Freund Regional Farm Management Agent Penn State Cooperative Extension Real estate ownership is im portant for every type of busi ness, but it is most important for farmers because the land is the primary unit of agricultural pro duction. Farmers aspire to own land, but every farmer will expire and then own no land. So transferring real estate, planned or un planned, is a periodically recur ring event in a farm family’s life. Whether we are transferring into our ownership or out from us to others, there are some things we need to think about in the process. The list discussed here will not be complete, but it may. I hope, help you to think about some important issues as you plan for changes in real es tate ownership. How You View Real Estate To some, land may be nothing more than a place to grow crops until it can be sold to the highest bidder. Others might view it as a heritage which has been in the family for centuries that should be passed on to the next generation ot the family lineage. Perhaps some view it as something they hold in sacred trust to cultivate as good stew ards and preserve for the long-term benefit of all of humanity. Each viewpoint will have a big impact upon how individuals will acquire and dis pose of their real prop erty, and how they will care for it while it is in their possession Valuation A business should place a value on every deeded property every 3 Questions to Ask Before Installing Your New Headlocks #1 Will large cows be willing to enter my new headlocks? #2 Will my cows strangle if they lose footing? #3 Can I retain specific animals while releasing the others? 'S-' 255 Holtzman Road Remholds, PA 17569 T«U 7} 7*484.-223i, year for the purpose of analysis. The accountant needs to be tracking “cost basis” annually. This is also called “Tax Basis” or “Basis.” It is what is reported to the IRS as the cost of a capital asset plus cost of improvements minus depreciation claimed. The accountant may also periodically update the fair market valuation of the property. The dollar values so derived may not be adequate to arrive at an asking or selling price in a potential real estate transfer. A fair market value (FMV) for a property can only be estab lished definitively when a willing buyer with money in hand makes a genuine offer for that particular tract. Appraisers will look at “comparable sales” in the same locality, adjusting for differences between those and the subject property, to arrive at their esti mate of the FMV. Lending agen cies will do their own appraisal to ensure that they have sufficient collateral to protect their loan. Buyers should be particularly cautious, because the asking price is not necessarily the FMV. Evaluate the soil classes and types, the crop production poten- We do the work. You get paid. CREP - the Farm Service Agency s Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program - pays agricultural landowners rental fees to convert acreage from crops to conservation features, such as forested stream buffers, wildlife food plots, and filter strips. Land Studies, Inc. provides and installs native trees and shrubs at no cost to you l Earn money and help improve water quality, wildlife habitat, and erosion control on your land. Sign up for CREP. “S? Land Studies 315 North Street (717)627-4440 I Uitz PA 1 7541 Someone has the ANSWERS! Call Sturdy Built Today tial, and the water-holding ca pacity of the soils. All this in formation is available from the Natural Resource Conservation Service in each county. Farm buildings and structures may be an asset, but obsolete technology and antiquated struc tures are more likely to be a lia bility and should be valued accordingly. Livestock or poultry housing should be carefully ex amined by an agricultural engi neer or a production specialist to determine what the remaining useful life might be. Also have them prepare an estimate of re pairs and upgrades necessary to operate it commercially for that remaining life. Both buyer and seller must al locate the total sale price for a farm between business structures and improvements farm resi dence, and land. The tax treat ment of each of these is different, so it is important that at the time of transfer a new “Tax Basis’’ is established for each class of prop erty. IRS auditors will see flags if there is a significant difference MARTIN’S TIRE & ALIGNMENT Ttaction Field & Road 13 6x28 6 ply $205.00 Gatorshield® is a regis tered trademark of Allied • Tube l> GonduK 00, * We’re Your Firestone Farm Tire Dealer! Count on us year-round for: • A complete line of Firestone farm tires • In the field emergency repair service • Implement and light truck tires in stock too' Many Other Tires In Stock - Call For Prices FARM TIRES 18 4x30 6 ply $350.00 18 4x38 6 ply $370.00 20 8x 38 8 ply $530.00 Visit or call us today! MARTIN’S TIRE & ALIGNMENT Located in Churchtown 119 Water St., Narvon, PA 17555 717-445-4993 SAVE 15% through December 31,2003 JAGUAR PELLETS 12 lb. pail $45 RAMPAGE PLACE PACKS HAWK BLOX 18 lb. pail/block $63.50 TRACKING POWDERS Tracking Powders are RESTRICTED USE - license required ZP TRACKING POWDER $ 112 DITREX TRACKING POWDER 25 lb. pail AVITROL BAIT - lor bird control 5 lb. pail QUICK BAYT Order any of the above items by Dec. 31,2003 and receive an additional 15 % off the listed price between the buyer’s and seller’s allocations. Liability Farm real estate ownership can also bring liability for things that happened years ago. Explore the history of the property care fully, lest some day you find that your farm is a toxic polluter of the local aquifers, or requires costly cleanup of other waste. Deed Restrictions Explore early by engaging legal counsel to search the deed records in the local courthouse for any recorded deed restrictions which might have been placed upon the property. These would include the transfer or sale of the development rights to the land. These might prevent you from doing some things which you plan for the property. Also be on the lookout for any potential lia bility issues. Deed Title Before going to settlement, make sure that the property will be titled to the right person(s). It does not matter who pays for the property or how many wills you Firestone Radial 23° 18 4R34 1* $540.00 18 4R38 1* $550.00 20 BR3B 1 ★ $695.00 18 4R42 2 ★ $685.00 C&M “Unique Farm Services " RONI CLARK • Licensed & Insured Phone: 717.361.6065 • Fax: 717.361.0867 _ e-mail: cnofiies@paonline.com * FREE delivery within a 50 mile area * write giving that farm to your son, it will be owned by the per sons) listed on the deed and will, upon death of one party, transfer to the ownership of those other persons with rights of survivor ship listed on the deed. If parents already own a farm or two and are in partnership with a son or daughter, it makes little sense to title a new property in parents’ names. The partner ship operation will pay for it, but from an estate planning perspec tive, it might be better to title it in son’s name to ensure that he will not have to share even a part of the property with siblings who contributed no effort to pay for it. The deed title, as we have seen, may be a means to transfer prop erty at death. Just make sure that you make the titles of new acqui sitions (and rearrange the titles of other deeds) to fit with your over all farm transfer and estate plan ning goals. Sales are the normal means of Firestone Ail Inaction 23° 18 4R34 $550.00 18 4R38 $570.00 20 BR3B $730.00 20 8R42 $850.00 " 9 fireotone ■ FARM TIRES THF LEADFR IN THE FIEID Farm Services iJ*» Elizabethtown * Pennsylvania 100 count 25 lb. poll 45 lb. pail Transfer Vehicles (Turn to Page A 32) $B5 $lOO Call lor pricing $145
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