Exclusive to Lsns9§f§F PsFfflin| 9 m Farm Show l 2004 Exhibitor Spotlight J ®®® s H Kubota To Showcase New RTV At Farm Show LANCASTER (Lancaster Co.) Big or small, Kubota will have it all at the 2004 Farm Show. “We will have everything from the lawn tractor to the ag trac tor,” said Tom Burton, sales manager. “We will have almost the smallest tractor to almost the largest.” For more than 10 years, Kubo ta has taken advantage of the Farm Show to showcase their tractors to the public. This year’s exhibit will again showcase their diverse line of tractors and their newest vehicle, a rough terrain vehicle (RTV), the RTV 900. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 20, 2003-A2l This rough terrain vehicle has been four years in the making, and the Farm Show will be the first time most of the general public will be able to see it. Burton said that Farm Show visitors will be able to check out the new vehicles and able get a feel for what they can do. Burton states the focus of the Kubota at the Farm Show is edu cation. “When people see us with a tractor need (at the Farm Show), we will help them meet that need,” said Burton. “People come to our booth to get educated.” Burton noted that the Farm Show provides a great atmos phere for education because it is slow-paced and an easy discus sion. Five dealerships will be partici pating, working the booth and available for follow-up discus sions after the Farm Show. Kubota will not be participat ing in the demonstrations on “Farmer Days,” but encourages the farmers to stop by their booth. Burton views Farm Show as a company investment. He said, “We are more forward-thinking and investing into the future (by exhibiting at Farm Show).”
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